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November 22, 2022



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter. 

You can read the top story on my website here: Four fake narratives that boosted Democrats - Latest Stories - Mike Huckabee



12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 12:1 KJV

Mr. & Mrs. Smith -- One MORE reason to distrust special counsel

On Monday, we reported that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s newly-appointed special counsel, Jack Smith, had quite a history of targeting conservative Republicans. Today, there’s even more to suggest a strongly partisan Democrat slant.

Smith’s wife, Katy Chevigny, gave thousands of dollars to Joe Biden’s campaign in 2020 and also was a producer on the Michelle Obama documentary, BECOMING (which, not surprisingly, received four Emmy nominations). Chevigny also contributed to the Friends of Rashida Tlaib committee in 2008.

That in itself doesn’t necessarily create a conflict for her husband, but taking everything we know into consideration, I’d say Mollie Hemingway got it right Monday evening when she told Laura Ingraham, “This is someone who, if you were trying to make it seem like this was above-board, you really could not have done a worse job...There’s no reason why anybody should have any modicum of trust in what they’re doing, and they don’t seem to care. They’re just flaunting it at this point.”

Stephen Miller agreed, saying, “We are witnessing the demise of the rule of law in this country.”


Revealing "laptop" book by repair shop owner hits today

So much that’s in the news right now was timed for release immediately AFTER the midterm elections.

Yesterday, in fact, we had a list of these. But for the moment, let’s focus just on stories relating to the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop, the cover-up of that story, and the significance of what was found on it. We’re hearing a lot about the laptop just now because John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer repair shop owner who came into possession of the abandoned laptop, is doing interviews to promote the book he’s written about his experience, “AMERICAN INJUSTICE: My Battle to Expose the Truth.” The book becomes available from the publisher today, November 22.

After, it should be noted, the midterm elections.

On Monday, Mac Isaac went on FOX News for an interview with Bill Hemmer in which he said he’s been working with members of Congress on their investigation into the laptop that's planned for early next year. He said he’s provided them with clean copies of the laptop’s hard drive and told them about every interaction he’s had with the FBI.

Of course, it’s essential to get to the bottom of what the Biden family was doing with China, Ukraine and other foreign entities. But also, Mac Isaac said, Republicans should hold “the FBI accountable for colluding with our mainstream and social media to block a story, a real story with real consequences.” He expressed optimism about the Republicans who will be running the committees in January and the “resources and tools” they have for investigating this. Just last week, Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who’s expected to chair the GOP-led House Oversight and Reform Committee, said they’ll be investigating not just Hunter but in particular President Biden.

“This committee will evaluate the status of Joe Biden’s relationship with his family’s foreign partners and whether he is a President who is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars and influence,” Comer said. The White House responded as one might expect, by accusing the GOP of trafficking in “long-debunked conspiracy theories” (huh?) and engaging in partisan attacks against the President’s family.

Mac Isaac’s life has forever been changed, simply because an apparently inebriated Hunter Biden dropped off his water-damaged laptop and failed to return to the store for it. The repair technician was afraid for his safety and turned to the FBI. But then, when he saw that they failed to turn over the laptop as exculpatory evidence in President Trump’s impeachment trial, he went to Republicans in Congress and to Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani --- who, incidentally, just got a big “never mind” from investigators who’d tried in vain to find something to charge him with.

No doubt you’ve heard the story Mac Isaac tells about the chilling conclusion to the first visit he received the FBI, an exchange that was probably his first hint that he shouldn’t trust them. He says he joked as they were leaving his shop that he’d change their names when he finally wrote his book about this. “Agent Mike” turned around as they were headed out the door to comment that “in their experience, nothing ever happened to people that don’t talk about these things.”

“I’ve been dealing with retaliation on multiple fronts for the past two years when what I did was leaked to the country,” Mac Isaac said on FOX NEWS. “I’m expecting it, and I’m going to expect it to continue.”

Recall that when Miranda Devine at the NEW YORK POST broke the laptop story just a couple of weeks before the 2020 presidential election, it was suppressed as “Russian disinformation.” Mac Isaac was falsely implicated as a criminal and an agent of Russia and had to close his shop and flee the state.

Last year, Mac Isaac gave an interview to The Lindell Report (yes, the platform run by the MyPillow guy) on how his life had changed. As testament to the magnitude of that change, this was a remote interview from somewhere outside the U.S. The interview starts about 15 minutes in.

CBS NEWS waited until after the midterm elections were over to even admit that the laptop is real. This ridiculously late-to-the-party report is reminiscent of SNL’s old “Weekend Update” joke that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

What a waste of the great Catherine Herridge’s strong journalistic talents to keep that story under wraps for so long. It seems they held her off covering it for TWO YEARS. But on Monday, they spent nearly six whole minutes on the story. Herridge had (finally?) commissioned an independent forensic review of a copy of Hunter’s hard drive given to them by Mac Isaac, and they’d concluded there was no evidence of any tampering.

This was a big turnaround, as CBS, in October 2020, claimed without evidence that the contents of the hard drive had been stolen by Russia. They scoffed at Miranda Devine’s NYP reporting, dismissing it as “suspicious” and saying the “story’s sourcing has also raised questions about its authenticity,” and they praised social media’s censorship of the story because it “contained hacked and private information.”

But even in this new report, Herridge added this disclaimer: “After two years of scrutiny, the laptop has not produced evidence President Biden directly benefited from his son’s business deals.” Really, Catherine, has that aspect of this story been seriously scrutinized? Don’t worry, it certainly is going to be, no matter how many years it takes for CBS NEWS to report on the findings.

The NEW YORK POST's headline writer had some fun with this story.

As reported Thursday, leftist activist David Brock is leaving the Soros-funded anti-free speech organizations Media Matters, American Bridge and other operations to concentrate on fortifying President Biden against the upcoming congressional investigation. To that end, he’ll be serving as president of Facts First USA, which will attack Republicans involved in the oversight.

Hunter's attorney, Chris Clark, told CBS NEWS that Mac Isaac did not have Hunter’s “consent to access his computer data or share it with others.” Good luck with that argument; there’s boilerplate legal copy on the paper he signed to drop the laptop off that, from what Mac Isaac says, covers him. And, of course, the laptop had been abandoned by Hunter for over 90 days; he hadn’t come for it or paid his bill.

Oh, by the way, if the name Chris Clark sounds familiar, perhaps you're recalling a story we did about his eyebrow-raising connection to the 'Justice' Department. Clark's with Latham & Watkins, a firm that apparently works full-time defending Democrats. The current head of the DOJ's Criminal Division (appointed the day Biden was inaugurated), Nicholas McQuaid, used to be a partner with Clark there, and they worked on cases together.

Anyway, CBS co-host Gayle King mused, “Hmm...could be a lesson to pay your bills. $85 could have changed everything had the bill been paid.” And I’ll bet she and just about every other Democrat wishes he’d paid it so everything on the laptop would’ve remained secret. But that to me is the most thought-provoking part of this story, as it suggests that what we happen to learn about what goes on in Washington DC is surely just the tip of the iceberg. If Hunter had just thought to drop by the shop, pay the $85 and pick up his laptop, we never would’ve known about anything that was on it. How much else don’t we know?

Not surprisingly, Glenn Greenwald has the perfect take on the media’s cover-up of the laptop story. It would be well worth your time to follow his long thread, presented here…

Greenwald notes that not one media outlet that spread the CIA pre-election lie about the laptop being “Russian disinformation” has retracted it. (You’d think some of them might, now that even the midterms are safely over.) Talk about election interference –- did you ever see this short video spreading that lie?

Greenwald has other examples of unrepentant media bias; I hope you'll check out his entire thread. As he says, “Watch one lie after the next from liberal media corporations --- liberal pundits who always claim they need to censor the internet to stop disinformation when ‘they’ are its most destructive purveyors of it. Not one of these scumbags acknowledged their lie.”

Finally, legal professor Jonathan Turley has an excellent piece about the Associated Press’s ludicrous denial of any evidence that Joe Biden discussed Hunter’s business dealings. The AP is trying so hard to insulate the President from this multi-million-dollar influence peddling operation, it’s just embarrassing.

Pro-choice when it comes to cars and trucks

I’ve passed along a lot of negative articles about the electric vehicles Democrats like President Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom are trying to force everyone to drive. But please understand, I’m not anti-EV. I’m just pro-choice when it comes to cars and trucks.

If you are one of those rare individuals who lives in a city filled with charging stations, in a state where electricity reliably comes out of outlets (so not California), and you have a large auto-buying budget and a very short commute or otherwise don’t drive long distances, if you don’t carry heavy loads or haul a trailer, and never get stuck in long traffic jams where you have to run the heat or A/C for an extended period, plus you don’t mind being that close to a very large lithium battery…then an EV might be fine for you.

For everyone else, an EV is, to use the left’s favorite word, “problematic.” John Stossel has a great article at filled with inconvenient numbers and facts about physics that explain why having everyone drive an EV would require an incredibly powerful magic wand.

Sample quote from a physicist on the idea that batteries can replace fossil fuels: "It's been an extraordinary accomplishment of propaganda…almost infantile...distressing because it's so silly."



In a surprise move Sunday, Disney’s board fired CEO Bob Chapek (last seen groveling to his radical LGBTQ+++ activist employees for not doing enough to push their agenda) and replaced him with former CEO Bob Iger.

It shouldn’t be that shocking, given how Disney’s stock price has become the textbook example of “Get woke, go broke.” It's been spiraling downhill faster than the Space Mountain roller coaster. Disney's stock jumped on word of Iger’s return. Still, insiders warn not to expect a major change of course, since Iger is a liberal Democrat with political ambitions himself, and much of the “woke Disney” not-so-secret gay and trans agenda started under him. But at least maybe he’ll make the theme parks clean again.

"Set-backs" are coming

Last week, I had a list of things that people who don’t read this newsletter were surprised to learn about after the election was safely past, such as that Trump had no classified nuclear documents at Mar-A-Lago and that Biden’s student loan payoff scheme is unconstitutional. Well, add this: after hearing for months about how great the Biden economy is, the President now warns of “set-backs” coming in the economy (these will likely be blamed on the GOP House that hasn’t even taken office yet.)

Biden pointed out that GDP in the last quarter was up from two quarters of negative growth to 2.6% growth, which he claimed proves his policies were successful in turning around the economy, and he encouraged Americans to be patient until his policies could go into effect.

Fact-check: His policies have been in effect for close to two years. The final quarterly growth number under Trump for the pandemic-rebounding economy Biden inherited was 6.5%, which his policies managed to take to less than zero. Also, while he didn’t mention it this time, it’s always worth repeating: Gasoline was NOT over $5 a gallon when he took office.

The good news: Things don’t have to be as bad as Biden portrays them, if we just stop instituting his policies.

Professional journalist shortage at the Associated Press

Once again, the Associated Press proves they’re suffering a supply chain shortage of professional journalists. Saturday, the A.P. tried to shield President Biden from upcoming GOP House investigations by claiming that the Republicans had not put forward any evidence that Biden and his son Hunter had spoken about the Biden family’s foreign business deals.

As Wendell Husebo at reminds them, there’s “no evidence” other than Hunter’s laptop full of it, whistleblower testimony, the testimony of Hunter’s former business partner, and a voice mail recording that Joe left for Hunter. Frankly, before the investigation even starts, I’ve already seen more evidence of Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s business deals than I have that Trump deliberately fired up an insurrection after months of being promised it by the January 6th Kommittee.



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Comments 1-5 of 5

  • Jerry

    11/22/2022 06:35 PM

    The big bad Red Wave was stopped by a half filled sand bag. Oz got beat by a malfunctioning robot dressed as a newly washed hobo. Oz might as well tried to explain to the state population that adored Penn State Football and its pedophile abusing college coaches the difference between right and wrong the difference between law abiding ad lawlessness abortion and the right to live all of the messaging of an intelligent human being was a waste of time and money on a population that thrives on criminal behavior the entire government is as corroded as the shower stalls at Penn State. And one wonders about the people in Pennsylvania. Fetterman; and the states population a perfect match. Live long and miserable Pennsylvania you got what you deserve. Do you have all the Natural gas and oil you need for this winter? oh John will get you a mild winter no worries.

  • Bruce Obermeyer

    11/22/2022 05:36 PM

    Bob Iger has said he will support Disney child grooming…well, not using those words, but the meaning is the same.

  • Jerry

    11/22/2022 01:41 PM

    As I have said before being around people from the Greatest Generation I view the people today on the TV as a wasteland a forbidden zone I can NOT watch a local propaganda outlet as the people make me sick not every person from the Greatest Generation were perfect however the insane infected ones like we have today the ones that mutilate children in hospitals or allow boys in the girls restrooms or allow men to play in girls sports they were lets say were not a person one would associate with or allow in a civil society. Lets just say people like biden would not be President in days from the past. Men would simply not allow a coward like biden ascend they knew corruption when they saw it. Biden is full of revenge, one, he was never really a man of honor something the Greatest Generation had, biden ascended because of a powerful Deep State and is just being used as the imbecile he is, the perfect fit for a Socialist take over while using the most powerful office in the US. Biden does know he is a shitie person but he no longer cares revenge is all he has.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    11/22/2022 10:55 AM

    Too bad Democrats are not as loyal to their crummy Presidents as we are to our brilliant ones.

  • stephen russell

    11/22/2022 10:40 AM

    EV Issues leftists wont touch, talk about:
    Battery fires
    State electric rates
    Lack charging centers
    Charging times
    Crowded charging centers
    No Roadside Service IE Tow
    Cant Tow EVs

    Need 2 remedy