
Latest News

February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021   

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • It's A Supreme Court Crack-Up: The Election, Trump's finances
  • Poll: Most Trump Supporters Have Never Heard Of QAnon
  • Message to Voters: Choose More Carefully
  • New Study: Long-term Social Isolation Increases Mortality Risk
  • "Unity"Oregon Education Department Sees White Supremacy In Math (I kid you not)
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee




It's a Supreme Court crack-up: the election, Trump's finances

By Mike Huckabee

It’s understandable that the Supreme Court doesn’t want to touch the 2020 election with a 10-foot pole. But that's not good enough. Let's at least hope future historians will look at the dissenting opinions --- especially those from Justice Clarence Thomas --- when they study how in 2021 we were hit with wave after wave of avoidance from the Court. I'll play armchair psychiatrist and call it passive-aggressiveness.

The Court announced on Monday that they would not be taking up a case challenging the election results in Pennsylvania, where ballot-integrity measures were relaxed by going through a Pennsylvania state court, not the state legislature as required by the U.S. Constitution. Justice Thomas issued a dissenting opinion:

"This is not a prescription for confidence,” he wrote, adding that “changing the rules in the middle of the game is bad enough.”

"That decision to rewrite the rules seems to have affected too few ballots to change the outcome of any federal election,” he said. (Of course, we don’t know one way or the other.) “But that may not be the case in the future. These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority non-legislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle. The refusal to do so is inexplicable.”

He continued: “If state officials have the authority they have claimed, we need to make it clear. If not, we need to put an end to this practice now before the consequences become catastrophic.”

Still more words of wisdom: “We are fortunate that many of the cases we have seen only alleged improper rule changes, not fraud. But that observation provides only small comfort. An election free from strong evidence of systemic fraud is not alone sufficient for election confidence. Also important is the assurance that fraud will not go undetected.”

Finally, this: “One wonders what this Court waits for. We failed to settle this dispute before the election, and thus provide clear rules. Now we again fail to provide clear rules for future elections. The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us. I respectfully dissent.”

That decision wasn’t the only disappointment we received from the Supreme Court on Monday. They also declined to review a bid by Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly asking the court to strike down an expansion of mail-in balloting in his state. So it looks as though we’ll be seeing a lot more of that. As in, fraud---I mean, mail-in balloting.

Roger L. Simon has a scathing opinion piece about the Supreme Court’s choice not to look into the various state challenges to the 2020 election.

Because Donald Trump has conceded to Joe Biden, the Court rules, these issues are moot. Simon has plenty to say about that.

"In other words,” he says, “a stolen Presidential election --- if it happens, we really don’t know in this case --- has an almost immediate statute of limitations, although the results of that election can affect hundreds of millions, if not, as in the case of the United States, nearly the entirety of humanity.”

He examines the legal principle of “standing” as well, saying that one person’s standing can be another person’s closed door.

"If I sound cynical about the Supreme Court, I have to admit I am,” he says. “It’s even true of the law in general, which I want to believe in and admire, but increasingly no longer do.”

Simon is not a lawyer, but a keen observer and now the CEO of PJ MEDIA. And he’s feeling mighty pessimistic at the moment. (I’m sorry not to be giving you the happy-talk news today, but this is where we are. Not that it will necessarily stay this way, just that it is right now.)

"We want lady justice to be blind,” Simon writes, “but in actuality she’s a cyborg with all-seeing, rotating night vision similar to the kind you might find on many street corners today from Beijing to Chicago, using the latest algorithms to isolate presumed enemies of the state.”

He sees the Supreme Court as, he says, “the last place to look for justice in a Presidential election –- or anything, really, that tilts against the prevailing wind. They wouldn’t even, as Clarence Thomas requested, explore the blatantly unconstitutional malfeasances in various states where unelected officials clearly and unlawfully superceded the legislatures in changing election law by fiat, something we would think would only happen in totalitarian countries.”

But back to Monday. To cap off their day, they also denied former President Trump’s request for a stay on the release of his tax and other financial records from the accounting firm Mazars USA to longtime political adversary Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance.

Vance has been conducting what absolutely can be construed as a “witch hunt” for some time, getting hold of whatever financial records he could by whatever means he could, purportedly to investigate Trump for tax fraud, insurance fraud and falsification of business records. The prospect of this is what the left have been salivating over for years (while censoring talk of the Biden “family business” and Hunter Biden’s laptop).

As reported in ZERO HEDGE, the High Court deferred acting on this for three months, until Trump was again a private citizen. BLOOMBERG reported that “the exact parameters are unclear.” Well, of course they are unclear --- that’s what a witch hunt is!

So now, Vance’s office will be combing through every last email and scrap of paper to "find" something, anything, to use to go after Trump in court and to try to squelch any further political aspirations he might have. The documents are supposed to be under grand-jury secrecy, but you know how that goes in the real world. Damage to Trump is what this is really about.

Poll: most Trump supporters have never heard of QAnon

By Mike Huckabee

On the heels of the January 6 security breach at the Capitol Building, ostensibly led by right-wing white supremacists/consipracy theorists such as QAnon, I wrote that neither I nor my research staff even knew what “QAnon” was. As it turns out, we had lots of company.

I have to say, my research/writing staff is pretty well plugged in, so if they hadn’t heard of QAnon, I tend to think that the same could be said of many, if not most, Trump supporters. Sure enough, a new poll of Trump supporters by Suffolk University found that only 4 percent held favorable views of QAnon and that nearly half had “never heard of the group.” The poll was taken this month.

The responses to this question, one part of a lengthier, 39-question poll, showed that a plurality of 43.33 percent had “never heard” of QAnon, another 31.4 percent held “unfavorable” views of the group, and 21.3 percent were “undecided.” (It would seem to me that these “undecided” might BE undecided because they either haven’t heard of them or haven’t heard enough to form an opinion.)

It’s just too bad for those on the left that Trump supporters can’t do more to cooperate with their efforts to further the narrative that we’re right-wing conspiracy theory nuts. But that would be really difficult, because we’re NOT right-wing conspiracy theory nuts. They can say we are, over and over, all they want, because we can't stop them, but we’re just not. Period.

As I’ve said, the false narrative created by the Democrats is now being misapplied to Trump supporters across the board, to tar them as violent crazies. It’s also being used as a pretext to surround the Capitol with barbed wire and armed members of the National Guard. We don’t expect anything to come of Speaker Pelosi’s so-called “investigation” into what really happened on January 6, for reasons I went into yesterday. But we and others who care about the truth will continue to find out as much about it as we can, as we have a lot of unanswered questions and there is much that doesn’t make sense.

Thanks to Suffolk University for adding just a little more to our growing stack of knowledge about it.

Message to Voters: Choose More Carefully

By Mike Huckabee

UPDATE! All the members of that California school board who were caught in an online chat insulting parents, bragging about threatening them and saying they just want their “babysitters” back so they can stay home and smoke pot have resigned. To the voters who will select their replacements, I offer the same advice that I will offer to voters in the 2024 Presidential election: Choose more carefully this time.

In other “Stop the Insanity!” school board news, the San Francisco School Board has decided to “pause” its decision to spend a ton of money it doesn’t have renaming schools that are named after people who aren’t “woke” enough, like Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. Instead, they will focus on the trivial side issue of actually getting the schools reopened.


New Study: Long-term Social Isolation Increases Mortality Risk

By Mike Huckabee

Finally, a new study in Perspectives in Psychological Science found that the effects of longterm social isolation may be even more detrimental to people’s health than we thought, increasing mortality risk as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It’s obviously had a severe effect on the mental health of a lot of people, including certain school boards I could name.

Oregon Education Department Sees White Supremacy In Math (I kid you not)

By Mike Huckabee 

The Oregon Department of Education issued an 82-page training manual for educators titled, “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction: Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction.” In their pursuit of making math more “woke,” the leftist educrats claim that “white supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms” when students are required to “show their work.” Also, “requiring students to show their work reinforces worship of the written word, as well as paternalism.” Instead, they should be allowed to show their understanding of math concepts by creating Tik-Tok videos or cartoons.

Other “toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture” in math include a focus on getting the “right” answer.

(I'm betting that the people who wrote this all made D's in math.)

What I learn from this is that nobody should ever get on a plane designed by anyone who graduated school in Oregon after 2020.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Big Bend National Park, visit its website here.


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Comments 26-34 of 34


    02/23/2021 12:57 PM


  • Sidney Patin

    02/23/2021 12:55 PM

    The Supreme Court has failed the people of the United States. By refusing to docket the cases that challenge the election results on various grounds, the Supreme Court is implicitly condoning the illicit behavior of the states and the criminal acts of the vote counters and the fraud that occurred. Even Justice Thomas said "That decision to rewrite the rules seems to have affected too few ballots to change the outcome of any federal election,” but he is not counting the fraudulent votes correctly. There are considerably more votes than needed to reverse the election and to send a lot of vote counters to jail. They just don't want to touch it because it is inflammatory. Because of the USSC's refusal to consider the hard questions, the people of this country may have to endure four years of destructive democrat liberal legislation and executive orders from a fraudulent government. It would be nothing but beneficial to have the votes audited and recounted, and the democrats should be in full agreement - unless they have something to hide, which they do. Shame on the democrats for stealing the election, and shame on the USSC for refusing to even look at the evidence of the fraud.

  • Kim Yochum

    02/23/2021 12:40 PM

    Hi. I have followed Q for almost two years. It is very interesting! It is Christian, not a cult, trying to cause trouble. It talks about peace and overcoming evil. Calling out crooked politicians, child trafficking, devil worshippers. Defending the Constitution!! Not sure what the big deal is?


    02/23/2021 12:39 PM

    what is wrong the people in washington why cant everybody get on the same sheet of music and get on with the things that need to be done to keep america great and get some commom sense

  • Kathleen Moore

    02/23/2021 12:34 PM

    I certainly could be wrong but saying that getting the right answer in math and showing your work is discriminating against all those who are not white is an insult! Are THEY actually saying that minorities CAN'T get the right answer or SHOW their work?

  • Jj

    02/23/2021 12:23 PM

    The Supreme Court is packed with cowards with Christian backgrounds the members will not stand up to the lions while having weapons to defeat the lion. With Thomas people have a man willing to challenge the lion while the others stay in a locked up room safe and sound it becomes a bit clear that the Christians on the court do not have courage they are like Peter that denied Jesus 3 times how many more denials does this court have left before it let’s Americans be crucified

  • William Fuhrer

    02/23/2021 11:38 AM

    Your researchers might want to look at the Cardinal Mindszenty web site at Minszenty magazine and CRISIS Magazine because BLACK LIVES MATTER admit to being a marxist organization ans sports owners have already given them over a million dollars no wonder owners do not want their players standing for the NATIONAL ANTHEM. oWNERS LOVE THE COMMUNIST CHINA GREEN

  • Lawrence Foster

    02/23/2021 11:12 AM

    Most voters have traditionally looked on the election of the school board as slightly less important than choosing the Home-owners Association board; and significantly less important than choosing the town dog-catcher.

    Now we have more proof of the wisdom of that great political philosopher B. H. Obama - elections do indeed have consequences. The school board you elected can start requiring your children to learn racist dogma like "critical Race Theory". (Yes, it's racist! If you have a dogma that says "Black people can only succeed if Whites quit trying", then you are saying Black people are inherently inferior to whites. I doubt if Herman Caan or Dr. Ben Carson would agree with that). The District Attorney you voted for after two seconds of thought can decide not to prosecute rioters and looters, but instead use the law to harass people who tried to protect their property from looters. So, ALL elections have consequences, and you need to make sure you know who is running - and in many cases, who is funding their campaign.

  • Stephen Russell

    02/23/2021 10:46 AM

    Nursing home reuses:

    For those to be Closed?
    o Condoes
    o Apts
    o Parkspace
    o Homeless housing?
    o Storage
    o Services
    o Med Services
    o School.
    o Arts Center
    Nationwide by local Zip code need.
    Then Expand Home Care services nationwide.