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October 6, 2021

When the president of the National School Board Association sent a letter to President Biden, urging him to use federal law enforcement to deal with the “imminent threat” of parents showing up at school board meetings to protest their kids being forced into draconian COVID restrictions and indoctrinated with pornographic sexual content and racist “Critical Race Theory,” many Americans rightly reacted with fury and dismay. Public school bureaucrats have no divine right to decide how they will treat other people’s children or what they’ll teach them, especially if it’s controversial leftist propaganda that parents don’t want polluting their children’s minds.

In fact, in Virginia, Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s campaign took a big stumble when he sided with these educrats in a debate, declaring, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Problem: that right is actually codified into state law, which he should know, having been Governor before (State code section 1-240.1: “A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.”) Even Democrat ex-Gov. Doug Wilder slapped him down, saying, “If parents don’t have a say-so in terms of their kids’ education, then who does?”

We all know the left’s answer to that question: they believe the government owns your kids, the same way it owns every penny you earn but is generous enough to let you keep a few of them.

Anyway, do you know who didn’t give that outrageous letter the quick trip to the circular file that it deserved? Attorney General Merrick Garland, who announced that the FBI and the Biden “Justice” Department will begin holding meetings with federal, state and local law enforcement to discuss ways to combat this “disturbing trend” of parents refusing to let their children be brainwashed with leftist garbage. He didn’t exactly put it that way, of course, but I cut to the chase.

Garland said in a statement, "Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values. Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety."

That’s funny, I thought the term “public servant” meant they serve the public, not the other way around. Also, America’s greatest core value is freedom of speech.

To be clear: it’s important to remain civil even when you’re justifiably angry. Nobody should express their anger at school boards with threats and intimidation. FYI to AG Garland: that also applies to BLM and Antifa protesters. But it’s reasonable to assume that with this massive effort to start “policing” and monitoring parental speech, the goal is not to prevent real threats and violence but to intimidate parents into being afraid to speak up at public meetings. It’s the same method that’s been used to intimidate Trump supporters into being afraid of expressing their honest opinions on social media. They know “Big Brother is watching you.”

So keep showing up at public meetings to express your opposition, but do it civilly. And most importantly, show up to all local elections and VOTE THESE BUMS OUT. The left has figured out that the way to destroy America is from the bottom up. So they show up for local elections, where voters have gotten complacent and assume it doesn't matter whether they vote or not. This is how you get city councils that defund the police and Soros-funded district attorneys who release criminals the prosecute people who defend themselves from criminals, and yes, school boards that push anti-Americanism, critical race theory and radical sexual politics. If you want to get rid of them, show up at the meetings, but better yet, show up at your local election polls.

Meanwhile, with every new action taken by Merrick Garland, we see what a debt of gratitude America owes to Sen. Mitch McConnell for blocking Obama from putting him onto the Supreme Court. Far from the moderate, centrist jurist he was touted as being, he’s proving daily that he has no qualms about treating the Bill of Rights like toilet paper and abusing his powers to impose the will of the authoritarian left. I am counting the minutes until 2024, when a new Republican President has him escorted from the DOJ, hopefully never to hold any position of public trust again.

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Comments 11-15 of 15

  • Janet Snyder

    10/10/2021 04:08 PM

    My device changed the word Saudi to Saudi


    10/10/2021 03:21 PM

    Sorry Governor, as far as the 0bamatollah is concerned, the damage he has done to America utterly negates any incidental good that he may have inadvertently and unknowingly generated. The 0bamatollah is a traitor.

  • Dawnena Key

    10/10/2021 02:37 PM

    I read your newsletters to make sure I’m not insane for believing our country has gone to the pits. I used to be passionate with politics, freedom and God. I read Tim LaHaye book - Mind Siege in 2000. He is describing the events we are actually living in right now. It is considered hate speech for believing in the truth in the Bible. We are now in birthing stage of One World Order. The party that I grew to love after switching parties in 2001 has become a party that I do not recognize. They are actually democrats in sheeps clothing. I would know, I was raised to believe that Democrats are only helping my people the Pawnees and Dakotas. What a farce. Everyone in DC besides you and trump believe in deep state doesn’t exist. These are scary times. I’m praying for my children not to have any children. Who wants to be here anymore? Jesus, come take us home now!

  • Michael A Wait

    10/10/2021 01:49 PM

    Perhaps it's time to remove the US DOE out of existence. It was a Jimmy Carter administration addition, and it's only progressed to a full scale attack on parental rights, a Biden-Garland DOJ syncophant yes-dog on criminalizing parental behavior at a school board meeting: something the DOJ has no legal right to do. Regardless, local school boards and states DOE can easily handle educating the kids and respecting parental rights.

  • Laura Killen

    10/06/2021 04:57 PM

    Ironic how rhetoric about “necessary policing” was not held to the same standard during the Trump years. Even longstanding “standard definitions” were changed by the left to fit their narrative (i.e. peaceful protests, insurrection, girl/boy, human etc.). Every idea/policy was subject to intense immediate scrutiny/debate despite its merits and regardless of the left’s illogical, irrational, counterintuitive, anti-science, divisive, degrading, violent and infinite/prohibitive/costly wish list designed to corrode the American family and society as a whole.