
Latest News

September 16, 2021

Wednesday, four female Olympic gymnasts – Simone Biles, McKayla Maroney, Maggie Nichols and Aly Raisman – came out from behind official anonymity to testify to the Senate about the horrific sexual abuse they suffered from former USA Gymnastics team physician Larry Nassar (now serving a sentence of up to 360 years in prison - yes, you read that correctly.) Much of that was already known, but what also was revealed was the shocking way in which the FBI, then under our self-appointed national conscience James Comey, turned a blind eye to their accusations against Nassar and attempted to cover it all up so the public would never learn about it.

As Stephen Kruiser reminds us at the link, this was the same FBI leadership that busied itself with trying to manufacture accusations of Russian collusion against innocent political opponents while at the same time refusing to investigate “a serial predator who was attacking the most vulnerable among us.” He quite rightly calls for us to “start casting a wide net for people within the Bureau who need to be locked up.”

There’s a lot more at the link, including a video of Sen. Marsha Blackburn’s statement (sample quote: “Every single person in authority who turned a blind eye to these young athletes’ allegations is complicit in Nassar’s crime, and each one of them should be considered a predator.”) There’s also video of Ms Maroney’s testimony, which I warn you is disturbing and graphic.

Here’s more on this story from Matt Vespa at

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Comments 1-8 of 8

  • Mike Russell

    09/20/2021 08:06 PM

    The selfish ego is at the root of life's problems.
    Big government, lots of selfish egos vying for control.
    Small government, a lesser amount of selfish egos in our lives.
    Less is better.

  • Ronald Renken

    09/20/2021 01:25 AM

    We have no choice, the entire executive floor of the Hoover Building should be fired from the Director down to the lowliest assistant, they are up to their ears in the swamp.
    Then every Special Agent in Charge should be fired, maybe that would get rid of the swamp dwellers!

  • Sandra Spellman

    09/19/2021 08:44 PM

    NO on HR 3590 title IV concerning implanted health records.

  • Lyn tanner

    09/19/2021 08:36 PM

    Good 4 them, but...never should have happened 2 any of them. So very sad

  • Mark Higgs

    09/19/2021 06:57 PM

    It hasn't been a good week for the FBI! It seems the FBI either ignored or dropped the ball on the sexual abuse of the Olympian gymnasts. And now we learn that there were more FBI agents and news people at the rally to support those arrested Jan 6 protesters/rioters Saturday than there were attendees! Are we living in a police state? Have the FBI become Biden's Brownshirts?

  • John E. Truitt

    09/19/2021 06:35 PM

    We have one of the most outstanding Gymnastics programs in the world. To hear that these gymnasts have been treated so poorly by the USOC and not safeguarded from pedophiles or sexual predators is not acceptable. To hear our own FBI is still stuck in the good ol` boy network of covering up for these would-be sexual predators makes it even worse. Reparations need to be made to these young ladies in the form of free psychological and counseling help as long as they need it courtesy of the USOC and the FBI, and both need to clean their houses at once.

  • Marny Koch

    09/19/2021 05:26 PM

    I may be off base here, but is "investigating" sports issues really the best use of Congress' time and, more importantly, our taxpayer money?

  • George Richman

    09/17/2021 04:23 AM

    This story was so disturbing to me that I did something I very rarely do; I watched the entire Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that addressed it. My major takeaways were these:

    * The courage of the young women, each of them an American hero, was both disturbing and compelling. Aly Raisman, in particular, was both amazingly composed and particularly articulate in her prepared opening statement, as well as in her responses to all questions.
    * Nearly all of the Senators were on point, and clearly bi-partisan. The obvious exception was Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who was disgracefully political during his time with FBI Director Christopher Wray. He completely ignored the purpose this hearing, and used all of his time to asking if Wray would open an investigation into the closed and debunked accusations of Christine Blasey Ford. She, of course, was the primary "witness" against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh back in 2018. SHAME on you, Whitehouse. You don't deserve to be addressed by your title, you political hack!
    * FBI Director Wray, while many question his motivations, came across very well throughout his time before the committee. Both his opening statement and his responses to questions were articulate, professional, and convincingly sincere. The same was true of IG.
    * Sen Ted Cruz's opening remarks were the most powerful of any of the Senators.
    * Much more remains to be done about this disturbing story. The imprisonment of the pedophile, Nasser; and the firing of ONE FBI agent should be only the beginning of a long list of people who should be punished with, at a minimum, dismissal from their jobs in the FBI, the USAG (Why the hell isn't there a requirement for a nurse of the opposite sex to be in the office for all interactions between a doctor and a patient?!!), and the USOC; and, in many cases, criminal prosecution.
    * I was disturbed by the early exit of most of the Senators, including the Committee Chairperson, Sen Durbin (who did a good job while he was there). They most definitely should have had 4 hours set into their schedules for this extremely important hearing. What did they have to do that was more important than this?!
    * I hope and request that you keep your readers updated on this story, Mike. It is at least as important as anything else going on in Congress right now; and I'm sure that many would put it at the top!