
Latest News

June 27, 2022

Most of the news outlets are leading with outraged mobs of leftists throwing fits and screaming about the end of Roe v. Wade. As usual, their reporting reflects an incorrect view that aside from a handful of fringe crazies, everyone agrees with the left’s viewpoint. In fact, there are tens of millions of Americans, the majority of them women, who have worked for years to overturn Roe and who see the loss of over 60 million babies to abortion as an unspeakable national tragedy. For them, Friday wasn’t a “dark day for women,” it was a long-hoped and prayed-for miracle. Let’s take a look at their victory celebrations first before getting into the really ugly stuff.

Last night, pro-abortion activists (I’m not going to call them “pro-choice” because they have no interest in women having any choice other than abortion) held their threatened “Night of Rage.” This might have been more effective if the left didn’t react to every election, court decision or stand-up comedian’s joke that doesn’t go exactly the way they want by flying into a quivering rage. Fox News has a continually-updated roundup of stories about the giant national tantrum following the SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood.

Breitbart also has a running account of the left’s meltdown…

Protesters at the Arizona State Capitol gave January 6th Committee viewers a helpful demonstration of what a violent insurrection attempt looks like.

Great quote at that link from Arizona state legislator Warren Peterson: “Feeling safe at the Capitol as I sit by 3 of my fellow senators who are armed."

Of course, the Night of Rage was preceded by a Morning of Mindlessness, a Midday of Hypocrisy and an Afternoon of Incitement. To listen to the insane ranting, from unhinged Twitter warriors urging violence (and of course, not being suspended by Twitter)…

…to allegedly responsible Democratic Party office holders, you could safely assume that they didn’t even read the decision, or for that matter, know anything at all about the original Roe ruling. I wonder if they know that Roe originally legalized abortion fully only in the first trimester? If it still held, abortion laws in many blue states would be much stricter than they are now. 

The cluelessness wasn’t limited to American liberals. French President Macron took to Twitter to denounce the SCOTUS and declare abortion a “fundamental right of women.” The Mississippi law the Court upheld bars abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. In France, it’s barred after only 12 weeks.

I’ve also never seen so many hard leftists morph instantaneously into hardcore Libertarians. They’re now railing against unelected judges making decisions about something that should be determined by the people. They apparently don’t comprehend that that’s what Roe was, as the pro-life side has been pointing out for half a century. By overturning Roe, the Court voided the judicial overreach and sent decisions about abortion back to the people’s elected representatives in the states.

It’s mind-boggling to see so many leftists denouncing judicial activism when this is actually the opposite of that. Particularly since judicial activism has been the left’s favorite way of sidestepping legislatures and imposing their will on the people for decades. It’s how they forced abortion on America with Roe because they couldn't convince the voters. But what the Courts do, the Courts can undo. It’s tempting to tell them the same thing parents often say to children who are throwing tantrums: “You brought this on yourself.”


Sadly, the Democrats once again proved themselves unworthy of holding any position of responsibility, from the President on down. Biden could have reacted to the decision in a statesmanlike fashion and attempted to calm the fury and urge Americans to come together and respect our Constitutional system. He could have at least denounced the illegal protests at Justices’ homes and the threats against them and churches and pro-life pregnancy centers. Instead, he chose to demagogue, throw more gas on the fire (I’m amazed he could afford it), and exploit the rage to shill for votes for Democrats.

I don’t believe this will be the turning point issue they think it will be. Most Americans are at least somewhat pro-life. The number of abortions has been falling in recent years. And acting like violent lunatics, threatening people who disagree with you and calling for burning down the Supreme Court when you don't get your way is not a good way to convince voters to give you more power. Besides, a new McLaughlin poll found that only 5% of voters call abortion a “top concern” to them.

FYI: Joe Biden used to be pro-life himself. In fact, in 1982, he proposed a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the states. Sound familiar?

It was only as recently as 2019, when he had to pander to the far left to win the Democratic Presidential nomination, that he dropped his support for the Hyde Amendment barring federal funding of abortions.


Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has yet to do his duty and arrest people protesting at SCOTUS Justices’ homes, again proved that he either doesn’t grasp or doesn’t care that his job requires him to enforce laws objectively and not display political prejudice. He issued a statement condemning the Court ruling and declaring that the “Justice” Department will “work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom.” Not only was this wildly inappropriate (it’s described at the link as the “most overtly political moment in DOJ history"), it also contained elements that could easily be taken as racist. As if the incoming GOP Congress didn’t have enough reasons to impeach and remove Garland, this alone is more than enough.

Over in Congress, Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi took a break from accusing Republicans of violent insurrection against a branch of the government to rush into the streets and demand violent insurrection against a branch of the government.


Naturally, AOC joined in the irresponsible, insurrection-y rhetoric, with a side order of her specialty: clueless ignorance about the Constitution and how our government works. And just one day before, this woman was complaining about how underpaid she is at only $174,000 a year. 

You didn’t think Maxine Waters was going to act like a responsible adult, did you?

Far-left Rep. Cori Bush joined in the loon squad by telling a crowd that called abortion an “act of love” and was chanting, "Free abortion on demand, the people hate abortion bans!" that these “unelected” Justices (at least she knows that much) made a decision that will affect people “whose children and children’s children they will never know.” I doubt that’s going to be an issue to the people she was talking to.

Law professor Jonathan Turley tried to correct some of the Democrats’ spit-flecked hysteria, but it will probably be as effective as trying to reason with a bobcat.


In the meantime, leave it to the Babylon Bee to sum up the day’s news perfectly:



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  • Paul Kern

    06/27/2022 02:30 PM

    All I can say is this. The Left has been pushing for a civil war and now it may be coming as the president is only saying what his Marxist sjws write out for him.