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September 10, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Genesis 1:1
  • Important follow-up: Maricopa County "discrepancies"
  • Biden's Vaccine Speech
  • America The Beautiful
  • Where The Blame For Vaccine Hesitancy Really Lies
  • Note on President Biden’s Vaccine Speech


Mike Huckabee


1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

Important follow-up: Maricopa County "discrepancies"

By Mike Huckabee

A reader of our newsletter, to be identified for our purpose here merely as Carl, left us a phone message after reading Thursday’s story, “Maricopa County canvassing uncovers huge discrepancies.” This reader had called with firsthand knowledge of the same type of ballot “discrepancies” in Maricopa County that canvassers had found.

To set the scene for what he told us, we’d first like to call attention to an interview on Stephen Colbert’s late-night “comedy” show –- not so much what Colbert had to say (no surprises there) as what guest Chris Wallace contributed to the discussion. The interview was part of the promotion for Chris’ new book on 9/11, which I’m sure is a great read. To be clear, I bring attention to this not to single out Chris Wallace specifically, but rather to highlight the dismissal with which legitimate concerns about the election are typically received.

Let's start with how Colbert phrases his question: “I’m wondering whether you and your fellow Sunday morning guys out there who are doin’ the Sunday shows, talkin’ about the week, if you ever feel like you shouldn’t have on people who have the irrational belief that the last election...” (Pause for predictable applause from Colbert’s audience.) “...the people who are cynically –- and I know you’ve held these guys’ feet to the fire; I don’t want to suggest that you haven’t pushed back; you have, quite famously –- but have you ever seen anything so cynical in Washington, DC, than...people saying things they know aren’t true, uh, that they KNOW has to have lasting damage on our democracy, coming on TV and saying these things with a straight face?”

This is where Perry Mason would rise and say “Objection, leading the witness.” But leading questions ARE asked in court, at least whenever opposing counsel is asleep and they can be gotten away with, because they work. The same holds true in TV studios, and this one worked here, setting the tone for the whole exchange. If you have a strong stomach, hear it all at the link.

I debated whether or not to provide a full transcript of the conversation, since the video is available, but I think it’s instructive to see at least a part of it in print. So here’s a condensed version, starting where Chris answers the above question from Colbert:

“I have never seen this...I’ve been in Washington 40 years, so I’ve seen a lot of bad stuff [chuckle], but nothing like this, where --- and, you know, someone would say to me, ‘Well, are they delusional?’ No --- well, maybe some of them are --- but what’s worse, I think some of them have cynically decided, because of the Trump base, because they don’t want to get crosswise with the former President, they’re gonna say something they know is not true. Now, I don’t believe you’re just gonna sit there and say, ‘I’m not gonna have them on. But if I’m gonna have them on, I’m gonna hold them to account, over and over, about, you know, ‘what about, you know, this election, what about --- I’ve said this to many of them, ‘Is Joe Biden the duly-elected President of the United States, and they’ll say ‘Well, he’s the President,’ and I’ll say ‘No, no, was he elected fair and square?’ So, we go back on this, and I don’t let it pass...”

More: “There are plenty of people who were the leaders in the Congress who were challenging [the election] that I just have not had on the show ever since then, and have purposefully not had on the show, because I frankly don’t wanna hear their crap. But having said that, there are some leaders that you have to ask them questions. There are people in leadership and the Senate and I won’t let them come on without putting them through the wringer.”

Colbert interjects at this point, referring to such concerns as ‘garbage.” Wallace segues into January 6, “one of the worst days,” as he watched “this mob coming to the cathedral of our democracy.” “I was sickened,” he says, to applause. Colbert goes on to say that anyone who isn’t “wiling to stand up for that truth” –- I guess he means the “truth” that Biden was duly elected –- should be “DISQUALIFIED to be in the public sphere.” (!!!) He says that appearing on those Sunday shows is of value to such people because it helps them “promulgate that lie.”

“Does it worry you,” he asks Chris, “that you have given legitimacy to people who have abdicated all public responsibility?” (Again, where's Perry Mason when you need him?)

Chris responds that there are members of Congress who have been the leaders on that argument whom he just has deliberately not had on the show, “ever since then.” He says it was because he “frankly, didn’t want to hear their crap.” (This is followed by predictable audience cheers and applause.)

He goes on to say there are certain ones you have to have on, “but I won’t let ‘em come on without putting ‘em through the wringer.” That was pretty much the end of the interview, except for a book plug, and then on to the commercial break, which should have been for Pepto-Bismol.

So, Chris Wallace said he essentially gives his guests a litmus test, and it’s not enough for them to say, “Biden is the President.” It SHOULD be enough, but no –- the guest has to say that, yes, Biden was elected “fair and square,” even though it’s not known for sure that he was. We do not have definitive proof that the election was “stolen,” either, but after known problems with mass mail-in balloting in 2020, we have good reason to call for audits, and this does not make us “cynical,” "irrational" or “delusional.” It certainly does not mean that we "lie." Likewise, fact-based observations that there were problems with the last election that need to be fixed or that elections need to be more transparent are not “garbage” or “crap,” and to suggest this is offensive and insulting to millions of intelligent and informed people.

Such observations are not made to stay in good with “Trump’s base.” They are made because there are valid reasons for concern. Concerned Americans want to make sure we can TRUST the system, and maintaining that trust is PRO-democracy --- much more pro-democracy than pulling the curtain over the election and saying, “You have to talk about this in a certain way or you can’t participate in public life.”

Indeed, though I strongly and repeatedly condemned the breach of the Capitol Building, it's easy to understand why it happened. People were fed up because no one, not even the courts, would take their concerns seriously, saying that whatever the truth, the issue was "moot."

So, back to Carl. (Remember Carl?) Our commentary on Maricopa County sparked him to call and tell us about his niece, who moved from Maricopa County to Florida ten years ago. She found out something very interesting this year when a jury summons from Maricopa County was forwarded to her. She received this because they still had her on the Maricopa County voter rolls.

And the records showed her as having “voted” in the 2020 election.

Biden's Vaccine Speech

By Mike Huckabee

Thursday, President Biden gave what many commentators are describing as the most disturbing, dictatorial speech ever given by an American President. I’m so angry about this speech that I’m glad I don’t have to describe it in detail, since the writer Bonchie at did it so well for me:

Stacey Lennox at PJ Media also has a good rundown…

And Lincoln Brown has some pointed questions about it…

The President who didn’t dare say “boo” to the Taliban attacked the “freedom and personal choice” of tens of millions of Americans who are hesitant to get vaccinated for COVID, darkly warning that his “patience is wearing thin” with them. The man who, as a candidate and as recently as six weeks ago, rejected vaccine mandates…

declared that he would impose a draconian mandate on both government and private sector employees, including every business with more than 100 workers, forcing them to force their workers to be vaccinated or be tested weekly. Considering businesses are already having trouble finding workers, what would it do to the economy if millions of workers simply refused to show up and comply? Particularly since that includes a large percentage of healthcare workers.

Biden also spat on the entire idea of federalism by warning that if any state Governors opposed him, he would use his powers to “get them out of the way.”

I know he’s been acting more and more like King Lear lately, but someone needs to tell him he’s not a king, and he doesn’t rule by Divine Right. He’s also not Tony Soprano. And of this writing, 14 Governors have already announced plans to sue the second he tries to impose this.

Bear in mind, I’m only talking about the parts that blatantly overstepped his powers, and not even the parts that defied logic, like saying, “We’re going to protect the vaccinated from unvaccinated co-workers” (if vaccines work, why would the vaccinated be threatened? It sounds as if he’s saying vaccination is useless while attacking anyone who thinks that.) Or claiming that GOP officials are actively working to undermine the fight against COVID and not encouraging people to get vaccinated. That’s not merely a lie, it’s a slanderous lie. The Governors he attacks most often, DeSantis in Florida and Abbott in Texas, are both vaccinated, both strongly encourage vaccination, and they’ve both done a far better job of distributing vaccines than just about any blue state.

I’m stunned by the openly authoritarian tone of this speech. For four years, the left railed that Trump was a dictator, he was “literally Hitler,” just for using his Constitutional authority to enact his agenda. And yet they’re cheering this insane power grab, with Biden angrily dictating to private businesses, state officials and individual citizens that they will do what he says and inject something into their bodies that they don’t want injected, or else.

If Afghanistan didn’t convince Americans, this should: he needs to resign, NOW. I’m sure a lot of Republicans would agree, as both GOP Governors and Congress members are already declaring Biden’s threats and mandates to be blatantly unconstitutional, calling him the wannabe dictator that the left falsely accused Trump of being, and prepping to fight him in court and Congress.

That rising spirit of resistance to government overreach may be the only silver lining to this toxic cloud. To be clear: I’ve been quite open that I’m vaccinated myself, and I think people should be vaccinated, but it’s not the government’s place to force it on anyone (the “My body, my choice” crowd thinks that only applies to abortion, which actually destroys someone else’s body.) And this is such an unprecedented abuse of power that there’s no way it will stand.

But Brandon Morse argues that it will serve the left’s political aims because when the Supreme Court inevitably throws it out, that will give Democrats the opening to fire up their crazy base by claiming the conservative court wants people to DIE and the only solution is to expand and pack the Court, and so we’re back to that end-run around the Constitution.

If Biden and his cohorts spent as much time and effort figuring out how to get around the Taliban as they do trying to get around the Constitution, all our people would be out of Afghanistan by now.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Grand Canyon National Park, visit its website here.

Where The Blame For Vaccine Hesitancy Really Lies

By Mike Huckabee

Thanks to Instapundit for directing readers to this article by George Korda of the Knoxville News Sentinel, who shows where much of the blame for vaccine hesitancy really lies. Maybe Biden doesn’t remember 2020 (and I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t), but he, his running mate, other top Democrats, their lackeys in the media from CNN to Newsweek, and even their godhead Dr. Fauci, all spent last year casting doubt on the safety and effectiveness of any vaccine developed under President Trump. Mr. Korda went through the archives and dug up some of their scare quotes about the unlikelihood of a vaccine being developed that quickly, and the safety risks if it were.

Biden seems to have forgotten that he was at the forefront of a Democratic Party/liberal media PR push to convince Americans that any vaccine that didn’t take years to test and wasn’t fully FDA-approved might be dangerous. Biden would like us to forget, too, since he and Harris got themselves jabbed with the Trump vaccine before they even took office, and then promptly started taking credit for it. Now, they’re demonizing anyone who might have the same doubts they were promoting less than a year ago.

Instead of attacking people who are skeptical of the vaccines, Biden might be more effective, and certainly more believable, if he’d come clean and say, “Look, I was just playing a cynical political game with the lives of 320 million Americans. So don’t distrust the vaccines. Just distrust anything I say.”

Note on President Biden’s Vaccine Speech

By Mike Huckabee

In threatening to crush the freedoms of any unvaccinated America, Biden still never acknowledged that an estimated 140 million Americans have already been exposed to COVID and should have natural immunity. The left has tried to paint natural immunity as an anti-vaxxer hoax or dangerous misinformation, but that’s become much harder with the rising number of studies showing natural immunity to be as good as or possibly better than vaccination.

A recent study out of Israel that’s getting a lot of attention found that people who’d had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID-19 and eight times more likely to be hospitalized than people who were previously infected (FYI: both were very rare, but natural immunity re-infection was rarer.) The results were so overwhelming that a writer for the Washington Post who’d previously claimed that vaccines were more effective than natural immunity from prior infection actually admitted, “I was wrong, and stand corrected.”

Our President might actually convince more people to get vaccinated if he could say those words instead of threatening everyone.

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Comments 21-30 of 47

  • Jerry

    09/10/2021 04:01 PM

    Instead of paying the Taliban ransom in cash and weapons let's make some trades for our American hostages. We give the taliban our Democratic Congress members, the Oval Office personal. and the MSM members and the cabinet members don't let the taliban see them personally and maybe we get a hostage back make that part of the deal the Taliban has to keep them for 8 months with no return the taliban will in turn offer all hostages all weapons and a plane load of cash if America takes the congress members oval office personal and its cabinet members back and forget the pollution fee for the toxic clean up they left behind no one wants these miserable people even in the most miserable places on earth reopen the gates of Hell and put these people where they feel more comfortable.

  • Floyd A Unger

    09/10/2021 03:49 PM

    Thank you. I do remember Governor Cuomo stating during one of his Emmy Awards winning sessions that…”I’ll never allow New York to use the Trump vaccine until MY people check it out”. Hmmmm…..??

  • Alan Rossi

    09/10/2021 03:46 PM

    Wallace would never have been invited to plug his book on the Leftist Colbert"s show were it not for the fact that he has consistently stated that the claims the election was fixed are without merit.
    I saw the beginning of the show and I immediately changed the channel. Colbert is a gutless individual who would never stand up to the left wig mob or cancel culture much less pledge his allegiance to the flag. They { the 3 night shows at 11.30} have their live audience of compliant fools who cheer on this hate America dialogue as if to say to those watching that you can't think for yourself if you disagree with these host. Money makes cowards of them all and they don't care about the truth if it disagrees with there positions. Just note that Greg Gutfeld on Fox has better ratings then all of them. But that fact does not stop them from their lust to marginalize conservatives.

  • Thomas Saneford

    09/10/2021 03:37 PM

    Afternoon Governor, Over the last eight months President Biden has had one monumental screwup after another. When, as rational and accountable people, are we going to take action against Major Mumble? Not everyone can take the vaccine, those that have had COVID are far better off without the jab since they have natural immunity, as my brother in law has an immune disorder, he was advised by his primary care physician not to take. I have had the 2 shot Moderna one because I have under lying conditions. POTUS is not capable to lead our country but neither are those down the chain of command if he is removed. What do we do, our country appears to be screwed!!!

  • Peter Larsen

    09/10/2021 03:34 PM

    Dear Mike,

    You were foolish and dangerously reckless to get vaccinated with the unproven and potentially lethal experimental medical device being pushed as a “vaccine”. Nobody has any long term follow up of this device which has been pushed through the EUA process by systematically denying the existence of effective treatment. Wake up and realize the con job being pulled off by big pharma!

    Don’t get a booster and pray you survive your foolish decision to get the clot shot jab!

    We’d like to see you again at the One Shot in Lander, WY again. Next week is the annual event (always the third Saturday in September).

    All the Best,

    Peter LarsenMD
    Shikar Sharpshooters 2006

    Israel Tour 2018

  • Jim Norvell

    09/10/2021 03:13 PM

    Okay . . . DISAPPOINTED!

    You give more publicity to Colbert and that Fish Called Chris than they would ever deserve. Colbert humorlessly flounces on the screen begging for progressive kudos while Wallace opens his mouth and flips his father over in the grave. Neither has any redeeming virtues.

    Wallace is Fox’s bow to the liberal audience they will never have (but sucked up to for four months after the election). Colbert and Wallace both endlessly parrot the progressive delusion that 1/6 rates higher than 9/11 or 12/7 in assaults on our way of life. What juvenile ignorance — the unending deflection from real American tragedies like the BLM/Antifa arson, looting and homicide of 2020.

    It is fitting that Wallace willfully ignores the fraud, theft, coercion and sedition of the last election. He is the only person who has been more consistently wrong than Joe Biden. He pompously holds himself as the champion of journalistic integrity while proudly proclaiming only the opinions that match his bias. Daddy Mike would spank the living daylights out of him.

  • Ann Holland

    09/10/2021 03:09 PM

    I look forward to reading both your morning and evening newsletters and daily scripture everyday and appreciate your dedication to sharing truth with your readers. I share your thinking and sentiments about pretty much everything. Of course Biden’s most recent overreach is unconstitutional and will be proven so when he tries to implement his mandates. The democrats know that. They don’t even believe in what the speech dictated as VP Harris was giving a speech on the same day telling woman that health care should not be determined by the government and your body / your choice. But all today’s news contains is outraged response to his speech. I get a sickening feeling when I think of Biden and his handlers relaxing at the WH and laughing about how well they diverted American”s attention and were able to move on from the Afghanistan fiasco and discussing how they can use the upcoming Supreme Court shutdown of their mandates as political fodder against the republicans. They are patting each other on the back for adding more divisiveness to their CRT/ racism agenda pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. They’ve also been successful at diverting attention from the election inconsistencies, open border chaos and releasing unvetted and sick migrants across the US, inflation, reversal of energy independence, Biden’s cognitive decline, just to name a few. They are evil but they are not stupid. We are being manipulated and played.

  • Helen Nees

    09/10/2021 03:08 PM

    Does this vaccine mandate also apply to the illegals at the southern border and the Afghan refugees who escaped? How is he going to enforce those people? Many of them have brought covid to us. Please explain how that is going to work or not.

  • Joseph E HoffmanPresi

    09/10/2021 02:35 PM

    President Biden has threatened every unvaccinated American to get vaccinated or else I will come after you!! What about all of the unvaccinated immigrants that have come across our wide open southern border -is President Biden going after them to force them to be vaccinated also!!!

  • Susan P

    09/10/2021 02:33 PM

    Apologies in advance—this comment is sort of a venting more than anything; not sure my statements are anything new… BUT,

    I am concerned that the vaccine mandate fiasco will detract lawmakers from doing something about those left behind in Afghanistan. And why aren’t they doing anything about actually impeaching Biden?? If it were Trump (not that it ever would be), he would be impeached and out the door by now. I’m very confused about who is still stuck there—I’d heard the chartered planes were allowed out, but I am not understanding whether that is all the rest of the Americans or not.

    Also, on another topic, I live in Florida and almost all of the people I know are vaccinated including all the republicans I’m acquainted with. Those I know who are not vaccinated fall into the following categories: 1) They already had—and survived—Covid. (2) They are children (3) They have another medical issue that makes them wary of getting ANY vaccine. Without exception, each one of the adults I know who have not been vaccinated are Democrats!! My Democrat friend who is diabetic is fearful the shot will kill him—I told him I didn’t care if he wore a mask around me, because I got vaccinated so I wouldn’t have to worry about those who did not get it. He not only agreed with my logic, he thanked me for it.

    I not only heard anything in Biden’s tyrannical executive order that talks about natural immunity, I also didn’t hear anything that allows for people with existing health issues. I am sure that would cover all political parties.

    Thank you for your coverage of the news. It is so hard to find news that is unbiased, but I depend on your newsletters, because they usually hit the topics I’m most concerned about…