
Latest News

February 22, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Celebrate George Washington's Birthday 
  • Is Pork Spending The Cure For The Coronavirus?
  • Biden Reverses Trump
  • An Intriguing Conjecture
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee




Celebrate George Washington's Birthday

By Mike Huckabee

Happy George Washington’s Birthday! Our first President and the “Father of His Country” was born on February 22, 1732. Of course, most people these days only celebrate “Presidents’ Day” in honor of all US Presidents. Pardon me, but at the moment, I feel like celebrating George Washington’s Birthday.

Washington has been called the “Indispensable Man” and the “Essential Man” in American history, because without him, the Presidency as we know it would not exist, and there might not even be a United States of America. It’s doubtful that any other general could have led an army of undersupplied volunteers to victory over the greatest military in the world at the time. He guided the Constitutional Convention, helping to assure that the Presidency was a leader of limited powers chosen by the people, not a de facto king. And when he became the first President, he established the tradition of stepping down after two terms. It was unheard of in those days for leaders to voluntarily relinquish power.

Michael McKenna at the Washington Times offers some more history and reasons why all Americans owe a huge debt to George Washington (who is not responsible for the huge debt that Washington has run up on our credit card.)

I especially recommend that students at the University of Washington read this column. They’re demanding that a statue of Washington be removed because slaveholders shouldn’t be honored. As the column notes, this is a statue of Washington on the campus of the University of Washington in the state of Washington.

Enjoy your Washington’s Birthday celebration, and let’s make sure it isn’t the last.

Is Pork Spending The Cure For The Coronavirus?

By Mike Huckabee

If you listen to President Biden and the Democrats, in order for America to recover from the months-long virus shutdown caused by Biden’s pals in China and the Democrats, we need to spend a mountain of borrowed money, at least $1.9 trillion. According to Biden, “In order to grow the economy a year or two, three, and four down the line, we can’t spend too much. Now is the time we should be spending. Now is the time to go big.”

(Note: the economy was booming big before China unleashed a virus on the world and Democrats responded to it by quarantining healthy people and shutting down entire states. It was booming because of lower taxes, deregulation, border security and other policies that Biden has been frantically reversing. Obama tried massive spending on “shovel-ready jobs” to stimulate the economy, and it was virtually useless. But I digress.)

The bill allocates $1400 each to Americans earning less than $75,000 a year, plus a $3600 tax credit for children six and under and $3000 for children age seven to 17. But I guess if we are going to spend a pile of our grandkids’ money, at least it should be going only to people who really need help, right? Well, about that…

It seems that after years of banning “earmarks,” or personal pork projects, they are back with a vengeance now that Democrats control Congress. Here’s some of what must be spent big in order to fight COVID-19, according to the latest version of the House bill:

$100 million for an over-budget, behind-schedule boondoggle of a subway extension project in Silicon Valley, one of the wealthiest communities in America.

Tens of millions for “Title X family planning clinics,” which likely means more government funding of Planned Parenthood.

And more, including…

$128.5 billion for teachers’ unions, many members of which refuse to go back to work.

$40 billion for universities, which have done a whiz-bang job of turning out well-educated, well-adjusted, patriotic and mature young adults lately.

$91 million for “outreach to student loan borrowers.”

Paying off 120% of the debt of “socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.” No, those aren’t farmers who have no access to a “date a farmer” app. It means giving more money to some farmers than others based on their races, or as that used to be known, “racism.” Plus a billion dollars for “outreach programs” to said socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.

$10 million for the preservation of Native American languages. That'll stop the virus in its tracks!

$135 million each for the NEA and the NEH.

$150 million for OSHA and other government regulatory agencies (I thought this bill was supposed to help business owners, not put a boot back on their necks.)

A raise in both the federal minimum wage and the wage for tipped employees (see above.)

$15 billion for Child Care and Development block grants.

$750 million for “global health,” or money we’ll borrow to send to other countries.

$100 million for the EPA to study “health outcome disparities,” or whether COVID and pollution harm black people more than white people.

$50 million for “environmental justice” and “tackling the climate crisis.”

Well, I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Steve Kelly, spokesman for the Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee, said that “congressional Democrats view the reconciliation process as a means to push through their wish list,” regardless of whether the spending is related to vaccines or other actual virus relief.

I wish Dr. Fauci had told us that the cure for the coronavirus was pork. I would’ve eaten more barbecue over the past year.


Biden Reverses Trump

By Mike Huckabee

Among the many good things Trump did that Biden is reversing is the Fair Access Rule, which ordered banks to deal with potential customers on an individual risk assessment basis, not as groups. Obama had used that tactic to block legal businesses that he didn’t like, like gun dealers or payday loan companies, from having access to necessary financial services. It was called “Operation Choke Point,” and it was an un-American abomination. Now, Biden’s apparently laying the groundwork to bring it back.

I hope that the industries that might be affected by this and any conservative legal organizations are already making plans to go to court to fight this. You have been warned.

An Intriguing Conjecture

By Mike Huckabee

Law professor/blogger Ann Althouse floats an intriguing conjecture: What if Donald Trump decides to run for the House in 2022? He could easily win in Florida, and with a red tide taking back the House, Trump could be elected Speaker, and then in charge of Biden’s legislative agenda and any impeachment trials. Think it couldn’t happen? John Quincy Adams lost the Presidency, then came back to serve nine terms in the House.

Personally, I think it would be worth it just to see Nancy Pelosi have to hand Trump her Speaker’s gavel. He might need a crowbar to pry it out of her fingers.

America The Beautiful

By Mike Huckabee

God's creation is all around us.


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Comments 26-29 of 29

  • William Fuhrer

    02/22/2021 06:41 PM

    Why are some of these people who attack famous history persons when they have such a superficial knowledge of history. There still is a PSAT and SAT isn't there? I don't know how some lawyers passed bar exams

  • Bruce Vanderhoef

    02/22/2021 06:32 PM

    Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard at your comment about prying the gavel from Nancy pelosi's hands.....I almost broke wind. What a sight that would be! Go Trump!

  • Stephen Russell

    02/22/2021 06:23 PM

    for more Dem waste through the years see, add to register alone

  • Carol MacMillan Godsey

    02/22/2021 06:17 PM

    Trump for House in 2020? I'll vote for that!!!!!