
Latest News

August 27, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Philippians 4:7
  • Supreme Court strikes down moratorium
  • Support For Taiwan reaches a historic high
  • Harvard news that will make you question the educational value of a Harvard degree
  • Capitol Police Officer Identified


Mike Huckabee


7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7

Supreme Court strikes down moratorium

By Mike Huckabee

In a 6-3 decision Thursday (the three liberals dissenting because feelings trump the Constitution with them), the Supreme Court struck down President Biden’s extension of the moratorium on paying rent.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise. In a heavily-criticized decision, Justice Kavanaugh allowed the previous moratorium to stay in place but said it could only be extended by Congress. Biden ignored that and extended it anyway. Now, the full Court has slapped him down, saying that it “strains credulity” for the CDC to claim that a decades-old statute giving it the power to order things like fumigation or pest control also gives it the sweeping authority to declare that renters don’t have to pay their rent.

A government that actually works wouldn’t even need to deal with this because Congress already authorized $46.6 billion to assist low-income renters during the pandemic, but 89% of that has yet to be distributed by the states. That left landlords holding the bag. And despite the cartoon images of greedy landlords that many Democrats in DC may imagine, many of them are small investors or retirees who depend on their rental income to survive, and they are barely hanging on. This SCOTUS ruling should come as a great relief to them, provided this Administration actually obeys it, which is hardly a sure bet.

In more evidence of what’s bad news for Biden in court is good news for America, the “pause” he put on all new oil and gas drilling leases on federal land is quietly being lifted after the Administration lost in court and is nearly out of appeals. But what appears to have forced them to give in is that the judge threatened contempt charges if they failed to comply with the previous order. I guess that’s what it takes to make this White House acknowledge the existence of the Constitution.

One of Biden’s many mindless “reverse everything Trump did!” executive orders, the pause on energy leases was a sop to his radical environmentalist base. The problem is, whether we create our own energy or not, we still need it. All that these assaults on domestic oil and gas production accomplished was to reduce the Administration to having to beg OPEC to produce more oil (they said, “No,” by the way.) Let’s hope this will go a little way toward repairing the damage Biden caused to our energy independence and national security, and to bringing down skyrocketing gas prices. If so, I’m sure Biden will take credit.

Support For Taiwan reaches a historic high

By Mike Huckabee

A poll by the Chicago Council for Global Affairs found that Americans’ support for Taiwan is at historic highs.

53% support a formal US-Taiwan alliance and 52% would support sending US troops if China attacked Taiwan. That’s the highest support since this poll began in 1982. China has been threatening Taiwan and pointing to President Biden’s abandonment and betrayal of our allies in Afghanistan as a warning to Taiwan not to depend on the US for support. That might have helped increase Americans’ support of Taiwan. The poll takers say that public support “may itself bolster US credibility in a crisis scenario."

The problem, of course, is that America is stuck with a President who has proven he has zero credibility and doesn’t care what Americans think. He’s stubbornly standing by his catastrophic bungling of Afghanistan even as polls show massive public disapproval. So while I’m glad to see Americans are waking up to the dangers of the world and realizing how fast things can fall apart when you elect the wrong person, there’s not much that can be done about it until he’s gone. Until then, pray for Taiwan. And for the Afghan people, the US and the entire free world, or what’s left of it.

Harvard news that will make you question the educational value of a Harvard degree

By Mike Huckabee

In case you needed one more reason not to blow a king’s ransom indoctrinating your kids with an Ivy League education, add this one to the pile: Harvard’s organization of chaplains just hired a new president, Greg Epstein, who is an atheist.

Epstein, who also wrote the book “Good Without God,” told the New York Times, “There is a rising group of people who no longer identify with any religious tradition but still experience a real need for conversation and support around what it means to be a good human and live an ethical life…We don’t look to a god for answers. We are each other’s answers.”

So if you want to go bankrupt sending your kids to a university where the head chaplain is an atheist who believes that answers to questions about ethics, morality and the spirit can be found not in the Word of God but by consulting the kind of people who are on Harvard’s faculty, go for it. But don’t say you weren’t warned.

Capitol Police Officer Identified

By Mike Huckabee

Thursday, NBC News aired an interview with Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, who has now been identified as the cop who shot and killed pro-Trump protester Ashli Babbitt on January 6th. In a disgustingly self-serving appearance, Byrd declared that he acted “with the utmost courage” and saved lives in shooting Babbitt, who was unarmed and didn’t appear to be threatening him at the time.

While this was surely intended to shore up Nancy Pelosi’s unraveling “insurrection” narrative, a lot of viewers didn’t buy it. Podcaster Matt Walsh summed it up this way on Twitter: “An utterly grotesque interview. Make this a white cop shooting a BLM rioter and the whole country would be on fire right now.”

But for the sharpest reaction, you need to read what Babbitt’s husband Aaron had to say about it.

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Comments 11-20 of 29

  • Stephen Lentz

    08/28/2021 08:43 AM

    Just curious. What happened to all those election "audits" that were supposed to be going on. I thought Arizona was finished but we hear NOTHING!!! And Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin never happened!! HOW MUCH did you rinos get stuffed into your pockets to drop this whole "audit" thing????

  • Jerry

    08/28/2021 08:21 AM

    If conservatives take back the congress next year what can be repaired with while an anti American president is Occupying like an Obama Biden Harris or possibly pelosi America will be failing more by this time next year I have predicted the failure of this president to this point one didn’t have to be Nostradamus to predict the complete disaster Biden and probably Obama are doing to this country

  • Jerry

    08/28/2021 08:05 AM

    As Biden paints America jnto so many corners America is becoming weaker every day on the world stage America is becoming weaker internally with Biden’s country killing policies America is crumbling day by day not only are we mourning the loss of life in Afghanistan the life of America needs a vaccination against the Biden administration Biden is a virus. maga

  • Mike Manoogian

    08/28/2021 07:02 AM

    The secularization of some of our most Christian schools seems epidemic. Even the Jesuit order has done back-flips to embrace the anti-racism movement even though Dr. Kendi describes "savior theology" as incompatible.

  • Helen

    08/27/2021 11:32 PM

    So no charges against this police officer who murdered an unarmed citizen? Doesn't matter what nationality you are. Murder is murder plain and simple. I'm praying that justice will be served. She did not deserve to die.

  • PAUL Schaber

    08/27/2021 10:46 PM

    IF you live in the Waashington DC area, I wouldbe careful with all those Afghan refugees coming to the area. Now the State Department states there are numerous ISIS and people on the terrorost watch list and where is the FBI , they are chasing people involved with the 6 january 2021 demonstration. What is Wray going to say when the Nation's Capital and theWhite Houseand Penagon desroyed due to his ignorance and Nancy Pelosi and other are eith dead ot being held hostage. I know what he will sY THOSE are trumps BACKERS DESTROYED LIKE TALIBAN OR ISIS-K OR SOME OTHER GROUP

  • Paul Kern

    08/27/2021 08:26 PM

    A crazy and dangerous week
    I would not be surprised if Joe's premature withdrawal was a quid pro quo. He owes his CCP masters plenty. Blackmail is one effective tool of the Communists. Now they can rebuild their military with our equipment. They also have access to the rare Earth's our industry need that are in Afghanistan. Their Belt initiative will encompass Afghanistan.
    Our military is very weak at this time. It will get worse as the DOD is mandating a dangerous gene therapy on all it's members. I believe at least 40 percent of Marines don't have it and will likely refuse
    BTW: After some digging I found the CDC approval is for a totally different vaccine. MSM has again manipulated the "facts" for their own purpose .
    I found a group of special ops personnel that have successfully evacuated several thousand, including many of our allies. At least some good news.
    Let us continue praying that more people wake up. Many still have TDS and full of hatred!

  • William Fuhrer

    08/27/2021 08:14 PM

    Mandate Democrates DOUBLE MASK everytime Democrats pass a spending bill

  • Jerry

    08/27/2021 07:46 PM

    We can listen to all the outrage on tv by the congress members on the propaganda outlets as they sat and did nothing about this moronic Biden and that will back and say we have to do something so this never happens again I hope Biden doesn’t offer his thoughts or prayers I’m sure he doesn’t have a decent and his god may not be America’s God

  • Jerry

    08/27/2021 07:20 PM

    Can someone remind biden was the president on May 1 Donald Trump was a civilian and still is only by hook and many crooks.