
Latest News

March 5, 2023

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The Overseas Elections

Very Fine People

Raked over the coals

Plan for action after AG Garland’s contempt of Congress

Comments 1-6 of 6

  • Helen Nees

    03/05/2023 10:47 PM

    Since Biden laughed at the mom who lost 2 sons to Fentanyl and blamed Trump for it maybe we should laugh at Biden when he mentions his son Beau who died of brain cancer. And where do we think he got the brain cancer? More than likely he inherited it as a big majority of cancers are because of family history of the disease.

  • Jerry

    03/05/2023 08:45 PM

    I read a poll asking would I want to see joe biden impeached or resign I could not respond unless the poll had another option and that would be convicted then in prisoned.

  • LaDonna Ryan

    03/05/2023 06:10 PM

    When I get unsure and down about our country I go back and listen to Sarah's speech and I pray to the Lord almighty and I feel strengthened and renewed all over again.

  • Michele Tierman

    03/05/2023 01:44 PM

    Thank you so much for sharing the link for Mike Huckabee show first week in March!
    An awesome uplifting show!

  • Stuart Parkinson

    03/05/2023 09:21 AM

    This is what a whole lot of people are missing

  • Ross Pittman

    03/05/2023 09:18 AM

    Another excellent show, the governor was great Enjoy your showa each week.