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May 5, 2022

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

I have a new podcast out that brings listeners up to speed on the cataclysmic leak of a Supreme Court majority opinion that could be the end of Roe v. Wade as we know it. I break down the nitty-gritty of what we know about this momentous opinion and the harrowing ramifications of this tremendous breach at SCOTUS. Next, I sit down with veteran broadcaster and bestselling author Bill O'Reilly to chat about his latest book Killing the Killers. Listen here.

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Durham scores some big pre-trial wins
  • Hunter laptop whistleblower suing Adam Schiff, major media
  • And much more.


Mike Huckabee


Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Acts 4:12

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

2. Durham scores some big pre-trial wins

Between now and the May 16 start of the Michael Sussmann trial, there will no doubt be a flurry of motions and decisions, and we’ll keep you up to date.

On Wednesday, Durham won the big battle we recently outlined, in which the attorneys for Hillary For America and the DNC were trying to exclude evidence on the basis of attorney-client privilege. Their argument was ridiculous on its face, as Sussmann has been charged with lying because he told the FBI he WASN’T working as their attorney. Lawyers wanted it both ways: to say he wasn’t their attorney, but also that he was. So now that Durham’s motion to have the so-called “privileged” materials submitted to the court for an in camera review has been granted, he’s virtually assured to get them.

In the words of Bonchie at RedState, “Pretty soon, we’ll know all about who was paid what and exactly how coordinated the effort to frame Donald Trump and weaponize the FBI was.”

For once, he’s optimistic that at least “a sliver of justice” will be done.

Durham had started the week by alerting the presiding judge in the case, U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper, about fines levied by the Federal Election Commission on Hillary For America and the DNC for violating election laws when they hid the true purpose of payments to law firm Perkins Coie. As you know, they were really paying “oppo” research company Fusion GPS for the creation of the salacious (and fake) Trump-Russia “dossier.” So now the fact that they broke election law is part of the record for this case.

The Epoch Times report is by subscription only, but we also found details here.

In another major victory for Durham, Judge Cooper granted his motion to compel Fusion GPS “tech maven” Laura Seago to testify. Durham had argued that she has “unique insight” into how her company, the Clinton campaign and law firm Perkins Coie orchestrated the “opposition research” into the Trump campaign that sparked the FBI’s “Russiagate” investigation. Here’s an excellent summary of both the Durham wins, from Just the News.

Seago’s lawyer informed the court that, absent immunity from prosecution, she plans to invoke her Fifth Amendment rights. In response, the judge has ruled that “no testimony or other information compelled under this Order…may be used against Laura Seago in any criminal case, except a prosecution for perjury, giving a false statement, or otherwise failing to comply with this Order.” In effect, that’s a grant of immunity --- as long as she tells the truth. Maybe, at long last, we're going to hear some.

3. Hunter laptop whistleblower suing Adam Schiff, major media

The left does not care about collateral damage to American citizens in its quest to shape the political narrative of this country and destroy its adversaries. A case is point is John Paul Mac Isaac, who came to possess Hunter Biden’s laptop after it was abandoned at his computer repair shop, lost his livelihood and reputation, and is now suing for $1 million, plus punitive damages. These, according to his attorney Brian Della Rocca, “will be the much bigger number and will be determined at trial.”

Mac Issac has also written a book coming out November 22 of this year, called “AMERICAN INJUSTICE: My Battle to Expose the Truth.” It would be nice to see this before Election Day, but that’s the breaks.

“After fighting to reveal the truth,” Mac Isaac told the New York Post, “all I want now is for the rest of the country to know that there was a collective and orchestrated effort by social and mainstream media to block a real story with real consequences for the nation. This was collusion led by 51 former pillars in the intelligence committee and backed by the words and actions of politically motivated DOJ and FBI. I want this lawsuit to reveal that collusion and, more importantly, who gave the marching orders.”

We wish him the best in that endeavor. Especially the part about who gave the marching orders.

He has previously tried to sue Twitter for defamation but didn’t get anywhere that time, ending up on the hook for Twitter’s legal fees of roughly $175,000. But this time, he’s got the backing of a nonprofit, The America Project, founded by retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, his brother Joe Flynn, and businessman Patrick Byrne, who has also been attacked for looking into the 2020 election. Flynn, as you know, has been through an enormous legal and personal hell of his own, due to the intel community and media relentlessly lying about him.

The group said this: “’[We’re] honored to sponsor John Paul Mac Isaac in his fight against the injustice that has been done to him when the political elite coordinated with the leftist news media claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation --- which was a blatant lie.”

As reported by the New York Post --- also a victim of the left’s attempt to keep the subject quiet until after the 2020 election --- Mac Isaac was forced to shutter his business near the Biden family homes in Greenville, Delaware, “after people started throwing vegetables, eggs, and dog excrement at his store.” He left the state, exiling himself in Colorado for a year. He contends that this happened because of the lies told about him by CNN, Politico and other news outlets.

Della Rocca said his client “has suffered immensely at the false statements spread about those who brought the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop to everyone’s attention. He has lost his business, friendships, and his honorable standing in the community. This lawsuit is an attempt to repair a small portion of that damage caused by the defendants in the suit...We intend to show that their actions were intentionally malicious.”

The suit names…

1) California Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Schiff, as we now know, lied his head off about this. As Mac Isaac said, “Without any intel, the head of the intel committee decided to share with CNN and its viewers a complete and utter lie --- a lie uttered in the protection of a preferred presidential candidate.”

2) CNN. Mac Isaac says they knowingly broadcast the “false and defamatory statement” that the laptop was Russian disinformation. This statement “accuses the Plaintiff of committing an infamous crime; i.e., treason, by working with Russians to commit a crime against the United States of America by attempting to undermine American democracy and the 2020 presidential election,” according to the suit.

3) The Daily Beast. Mac Isaac says that in an article called “FBI Examining Hunter Biden’s Laptop as Foreign Op, Contradicting Trump’s Intel Czar,” they lied and said the laptop had been “purloined,” which was an accusation that he stole it.

4) Politico. An article by Natasha Bertrand reported that dozens of former intel officials thought that the laptop was “Russian disinfo.” (Just a thought; maybe this is the article that convinced Nina Jankowicz, head of the new HHS 'Ministry of Truth,' that the laptop was fake. Well, no, come to think of it, she said she thought it was a product of the Trump campaign.)

Newsmax has details as well.

John Nolte for Breitbart News interviewed Mac Isaac in March (shortly after the NY Times finally admitted the laptop was real), and the full transcript appears here. This is highly recommended reading for anyone who wants to know the details about how he came into possession of the laptop in April 2019 and what happened to change his life from that day forward.

Mac Isaac appeared briefly on Tucker Carlson’s FOX News show Wednesday night to announce that he was going to court. (The clips in the lead-in do make one wonder why MSNBC wasn’t included in the lawsuit!) “The collusion that took place in mid-October of 2020 just astonished me when it happened,” he said.

“...It was just a unilateral decision to call this ‘Russian disinformation’ without even deciding if there was going to be any collateral damage, which, there was.”

He said that from these false reports, people just assumed he was a hacker or a thief, mainly because Twitter labeled the material as hacked and banned the story. After the now-infamous letter from 51 former intel officials and the condemnation from Adam Schiff on CNN , he was labeled “a stooge of Putin,” someone whom Putin thanked for his service.

His life was essentially ruined. “I had to get out of town before the election,” he told Tucker. “I had to close the shop and leave Delaware.”

4. Russia-Ukraine War Update - May 5

Here’s today’s Fox News link to the latest Russia-Ukraine bulletins:

The latest: in the face of nuclear threats from Russia if it joins NATO, Sweden’s foreign minister said her country has received security assurances from the US if it goes ahead. Ukrainian President Zelesnkyy said an extended ceasefire is necessary in Mariupol to allow civilians to be dug out of the bunkers in the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, which remains under Russian attack. And Maiupol’s advisor to the mayor said that the filtration camps set up by Russian forces outside the city have become "ghettos" where men face torture and forced labor.

5. Time to audit the CDC budget

According to CDC documents obtained by, the federal health agency paid $420,000 of our money to a controversial data broker called SafeGraph, to supply it with the location tracking data from tens of millions of Americans’ cell phones.

This data was reportedly used to gauge our compliance with lockdown orders and vaccination efforts. According to the New York Post, “The CDC specifically monitored Americans’ visits to churches and schools, as well as “detailed counts of visits to participating pharmacies for vaccine monitoring…The CDC also reportedly tracked peoples’ movement during curfews and visits between neighbors.”

SafeGraph gave the CDC free access to the data for a year when the pandemic started, but the agency paid to extend it for another year. SafeGraph claims they provide only data about groups, not individual users. But that’s questionable: for instance, a Catholic news site was able to de-anonymize the data and allegedly link a priest’s cell phone to the Grindr app and visits to gay bars.

Some critics have compared this to the government leaning on social media sites to monitor and censor speech, in that they’re supposed to be Constitutionally barred from violating our civil rights and spying on us, so they’re just farming out the job to private tech companies. Again, we’re paying for this.

When Republicans take back Congress and control of the federal purse strings, they should make it a priority to audit the budget of the CDC. Let’s make sure that money we spend on public health is spent to improve the public’s health, not to spy on the public.

6. The Federal Reserve Board steps in

Wednesday, the Federal Reserve Board raised its benchmark short-term interest rate by a half-percentage point to try to rein in the worst inflation in 40 years. It will also start reducing the $9 trillion it holds, mostly in Treasury and mortgage bonds, that the Fed took on after the pandemic hit.

What this means for the average American is higher loan rates on things like mortgages, auto loans and credit cards. That will be extra tough because rising prices are forcing many people to increase their credit card debt.

Will it work to bring down inflation? Let’s hope so. The last time we were in such a spot, President Reagan had to allow interest rates to rise far higher to end stagflation. We can’t do that now because the federal government has run up such a staggering debt of $30 trillion that raising rates that high would mean spending all tax revenues just to service the interest on the debt.

Let’s hope this isn’t too little, too late. But one thing that might help is for our fearless leaders to stop proposing blowing even more trillions of borrowed dollars. And yes, even Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admits that Biden’s spending contributed to inflation.

7. Leftwing groups show utter contempt for the Constitution

Leftwing activist groups are continuing to show their utter contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law by calling for protests at the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices in an attempt to bully them into changing their votes on the Constitutionality of Roe v. Wade (I put it that way because all they could change is their votes: it’s been clearly unconstitutional for 49 years, no matter how anyone voted on it.)

Police have had to put fencing around the Supreme Court to protect it from the mob. I’ll be sure and let you know when Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats condemn these blatantly thuggish threats of violence to disrupt the institutions of our government as insurrection and demand that the people instigating them be jailed for as long as it takes to charge them.

Related: Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy explains why the leaker must be identified and prosecuted, and why the SCOTUS should go ahead and release the decision now. Any changes will only be seen as evidence that intimidation tactics work. Ironically, if any Justices might have wanted to change their votes before the final decision was scheduled to be released, all these ranting hotheads have made that nearly impossible for them to do without destroying respect for the independence and integrity of the Court. Good job, leftists!

8. Common Ground

At last, some common ground for agreement between Republicans and some Democrats: The Biden DHS “Disinformation Board” headed by that leftist karaoke singer and disinformation expert/spreader is a terrible, unconstitutional idea that needs to be canceled before it even gets its name painted on the office door.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

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Comments 1-7 of 7

  • Benjamin Paul marcoux

    05/06/2022 08:35 AM

    I just completed reading Proverbs 8 :22-31 !
    It concerns , "Wisdom "! 1 Cor. 1 : 24 , and Col . 2 : 3
    Christ is the" Revalation "of God's Wisdom
    Wisdom Proverbs 8 :22 __"_The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works ,
    before His deeds of old ,-----
    I was appointed from eternity "

    the ole' man
    KJV , Ryrie Study Bible ,NIV 1986 canon

  • Gary Stilwell

    05/05/2022 09:38 PM

    Prob the third response for the links to Fox new articles--I can't read them because Fox blocks the view--I have a cookie blocker so I can't read their "fair and balanced" news--fox=cnn---you promote this garbage?

  • John Johnston

    05/05/2022 07:17 PM

    Why is it so hard to get my subscription? Am I being blocked ?

  • Elaine M Liming

    05/05/2022 04:32 PM


  • Sharon Faulkner

    05/05/2022 03:34 PM

    Great idea : take all those leftover wall parts and build a wall around D.C. Problem solved !!

  • Vernon Thompson

    05/05/2022 03:15 PM

    It is hell to wake up and find out we are being governed by Diversity Obsessed (Except thought) ideological morons!

  • Anne Turner

    05/05/2022 01:25 PM

    I an almost guarantee that If I mentioned the protection from sanctions of the Russian oligarch to my Dem friends the would say they never heard anything about that. Amazingly they never hear anything negative about this administration. I often hear things like ‘well Biden had to clean up Trump’s mess”.

    Individuals lives are being ruined for telling the truth. No one can trust any of the Federal agencies, not the CDC, FBI, CIA, Fed Reserve, DHS, IRS, DOJ, DOD, just to name a few. I imagine we will need to spend more on security for SCOTUS judges and their families. Where did the accusations of making mixed marriages in legal or bringing back segregated schools, or any of the other items that I have never heard mentioned by any conservative I know. These things would never have occurred to them.

    Again, I fear for next years election. The cheating will be the worst ever. If Dems win Congress, we will know it was through cheating. There is no other way. My guess is that .Dems will stay home and hide their heads under a sack. There will be enormous amounts of money spent on buying votes. In states without IDs all kinds of illegals will vote. The money will be too attractive. There will be all kinds of people rising from the graves. That is if there is another election with Putin threatening nukes.