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August 3, 2021

One thing that really stands out about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s attempted smackdown of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is how much Garland cares about PROTECTING people, as long as they're here illegally.

In case you didn’t see yesterday’s commentary about the legal fight between President Biden’s “Justice” Department and the Lone Star State, it’s here at the link. The case boils down to whether or not the federal government always has supremacy over a state, even when it causes harm to that state.

Garland argues that Gov. Abbott’s order to stop contractors hired by the federal government to transport “noncitizens” (their word for illegals) causes injury to those the government is charged to protect,”jeopardizing the health and safety of noncitizens in federal custody...”

Sarcasm alert: Ah, I see that I’ve been looking at this all wrong! For some reason, I had it in my head that the government’s priority was to look after the health and safety of its own citizens. But obviously, my view is outdated. The most important consideration in 2021 is not to cause injury to our country's honored guests. That means citizens and legal residents will just have to deal with any injury THEY receive as a result, because we are a compassionate nation.

While many citizens face renewed requirements to mask up to go to work or school, as the pandemic reportedly rages on, the ”noncitizens” get to hop a bus or plane –- chartered for them by Uncle Sam at taxpayer expense –- and head from border towns to big cities within Texas and far beyond, many spreading COVID-19 across the land.

Gov. Abbott made the mistake of being concerned about Texans who might get exposed to the virus. The AG is just trying to show him the truth: that government is there not to protect Texans but to make sure everything possible is being done for hundreds of thousands of new Democrat voters---I mean, our new guests.

To that end, Biden’s newly proposed immigration plan says Congress should make available $15 million to cover the cost of private lawyers for “families and vulnerable individuals” who have entered our country illegally (though he doesn’t use the word “illegally”). It also calls for $23 million more to cover “legal orientation programs” administered by the Justice Department.

This is the first time an administration has proposed covering such an expense.

These lawyers would be making an estimated $150 to $300 per hour. We learn from this that the Biden administration is looking out for not only the “noncitizens” crossing the Rio Grande but also the immigration lawyers who will guide them through the legal territory that still must be crossed. That initial $15 million really won’t go very far, though, as it’s only enough to cover several thousand people. But since taking good care of “non-citizens” and the immigration lawyers representing them is so very important, that amount is sure to be just the starting point.

The WASHINGTON EXAMINER did some math and says that in the past four months alone, 190,000 people illegally crossed our southern border with a family member and 64,000 unaccompanied children also arrived. Just how the Biden administration plans to apply the money is vague, but the EXAMINER estimates the cost of providing lawyers for all of these people at $500 million. Again, that’s for four months.

I’d like to ask Merrick Garland about Section 292 of the Immigration Nationality Act, which specifies that the government is not supposed to pay for legal representation in immigration proceedings. Immigrants have the option of paying for their own representation, or they can receive help from one of the many pro bono and advocacy organizations that are there to assist in such cases. In other words, the American taxpayer is not supposed to be on the hook for this. These are civil cases, and since American citizens and legal permanent residents don’t get taxpayer-funded representation when they’re involved in civil litigation, then “noncitizens” certainly should not.

Obviously, the Biden administration doesn’t view it that way. “Noncitizens” get special privileges that we citizens don’t have. And the attorney general, as we have seen, takes it as his responsibility to keep them safe from harm as they pour into the Lone Star State.

But if the AG really feels that way, he might want to rethink his support of Biden’s border policy. We found a must-read article in the NEW YORK POST from April that would surely change his mind, as it details the nightmare that waits for many children, particularly young girls, who are brought across the border by the drug cartels.

Many have already been raped and beaten by the time they get here, if they do manage to get here alive. The cartels exploit them in child pornography and as drug mules. Because they’re indebted to the cartels for the cost of bringing them here, they become indentured servants working as prostitutes. One homeland security agent describes the “direct human pipeline” from Tenancingo, Mexico, to New York City, saying his office has prosecuted cases involving girls as young as 14.

The girls are held against their will in apartments in Queens and driven around to be made to have sex with men, typically 15-20 men in one evening. All the money is handed over to the trafficker, to pay the girls’ “debt.”

As for the situation in Texas, here’s more of the reality: So many are crossing the border that they have overflowed the facilities and are being massed under bridges to await being processed. The attorney general’s solution is to keep those buses rolling, throughout the State of Texas and to points north, east and west! And the governor had better not “interfere.” The VICTORY GIRLS BLOG has an outstanding report from South Texas, complete with unbelievable photos of this catastrophe.

Finally, a legal immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen who also happens to work as a health care policy analyst tells us just what is wrong with the current border policy and why. She sees the policy of allowing illegal immigrants to pour into America as “a slap in the face” to legal immigrants. She notes that while the administration is using the threat of COVID-19 to restrict Americans’ freedom, Biden has allowed over a million illegal immigrants, many infected with COVID and other serious diseases, to come here.

Op-Ed: I'm a Legal Immigrant - Here's Why Biden's Border Crisis Angers Me

So this is the reality of illegal immigration. Not only is it spreading COVID and crime, but we can’t “protect” the many thousands of young people who are brought over. Some on the left support this open-border policy because they are naive and think they’re being compassionate, but those at the highest levels of government such as Merrick Garland and Joe Biden, as well as those who promote open borders with their billions, know good and well the damage it causes but don’t care, because, you know, politics.

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Comments 21-27 of 27

  • Sandra Blanz

    08/03/2021 10:17 PM

    The head of Homeland Security said on TV the border was closed. So what would the state's be doing if it was actually closed? Returning the illegals? If so, then tell them to do so.

  • Patricia Ruffin

    08/03/2021 09:56 PM

    Thank you Governor for continuing to reveal and expose truth. I thank God for your ability to dig through the dirt and help us less gifted understand what in the world is going on. I pray He give you continued strength and boldness and protection to do His calling. God bless you. BTW, I love your sarcasm, also a gift??

  • SuzanneGibbs

    08/03/2021 09:17 PM

    The Dems have short memories. Aren’t these the same people who claimed they didn’t have to abide by Federal laws and became Sanctuary Cities and states? Now they’re saying States must follow Federal rules. I’m sick to death over the hypocrisy. The Supreme Court should have insisted that the Constitution be followed a long time ago. Now look at this mess.

  • Simmons Charles

    08/03/2021 09:14 PM

    Ever since the appearance of the senator from chappaquiddick in 1969, it has been clear that democrat elites can commit any crime, commit any infraction, commit any subversion, commit any harm to USA, all with impunity.
    Biden’s doj merely continues the long-established democrat tradition of “destroy USA now!”

  • Lynette Saunders

    08/03/2021 09:09 PM

    The problems that come up from this is proving it to a democrat. I have two adult daughters that support open borders, and try as I might to get any proof from a source that they won't call conspiracy theory nuts papers... and the yelling begins. So nothing is going to change until (the right, patriot or Republicans whatever you want to call us) reach across the span to (the left, democrat etc...) and mend fences and get back sanity in this nation. There is more than just words in that phrase: United we stand divided we fall. Our enemies knew this all too well.

  • Melinda Smith

    08/03/2021 09:00 PM

    The President has initiated a war on the United States by declaring all manors of trafficking and crime are freely invited. This seems to fit the definition of a treasonous act and he and his administration should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

  • W Martin

    08/03/2021 08:27 PM

    Sarcasm alert: Ah, I see that I’ve been looking at this all wrong! For some reason, I had it in my head that the government’s priority was to look after the health and safety of its own citizens. But obviously, my view is outdated. The most important consideration in 2021 is not to cause injury to our country's honored guests. That means citizens and legal residents will just have to deal with any injury THEY receive as a result, because we are a compassionate nation. -MH

    Reply: See the Preamble to the Constitution.