
Latest News

May 20, 2021

The New York Post posed a question that I addressed a couple of days ago, about the AP’s claims that it was unaware Hamas was sharing their building in Gaza that Israel leveled (the AP ridiculously called that a “war crime” to “silence the media,” even though Israel gave them advance warning to clear out of the building.) The Post asked, "If the A.P. didn't know it was sharing space with terrorists, how can we trust its reporting?”

I’ll point out that I already answered that question: we can’t trust its reporting, at least not from Gaza. That branch of the A.P. has a long history of covering up for Hamas, including not reporting when Hamas threatened them or that missiles were being fired from right outside their own building, and turning off their cameras at hospitals when wounded militant fighters arrived, to give the illusion that only civilians were being injured by IDF retaliatory strikes.

One of their own reporters slipped up and accidentally reported the truth in 2014, that Hamas regularly operated in and around the A.P.’s building.

So if it’s any conciliation, the answer to the Post’s question isn’t “No, we can’t trust them because they’re too stupid to be competent reporters." It’s “No, we can’t trust them because they’re lying propagandists for Hamas terrorists." Is that really any better?

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Comments 1-2 of 2

  • Larry Anderson

    05/27/2021 08:46 PM

    We need to allow others to defend themselves against unprovoked attack! The problem with Israel is that they are white and the Palestinians are “of color” in the eyes of the political left in America!

  • Julie Ruengert

    05/20/2021 04:04 PM

    They should just learn to get along. They did for 4 years while Trump was President. Someone should just go over and give a get along party.