
Latest News

July 28, 2021

This story was so absurd that I held off from commenting on it until I was fairly certain it wasn't a hoax or a prank. But apparently, the leftist BLM group Dallas Justice Now really did circulate a letter to parents in the wealthy neighborhoods of Highland Park and University Park, telling them that if they wanted to prove they’re allies of BLM and not racists, they should pledge not to send their kids to Ivy League schools to leave more spots open for minority students.

My writers live in Dallas, and they assure me that’s about as likely to happen as them being able to afford a house in Highland Park. This came about because, even though those neighborhoods are heavily old-money Republican, their kids have been indoctrinated and were virtue-signaling their BLM support. That gave the DJN group an opening to accuse them of being racist hypocrites if they don’t really make sacrifices to atone for the wealth they’ve accumulated by oppressing minorities (they seem to think that’s how wealth is accumulated; not by providing goods and services that people want to pay for – sounds like they’ve been indoctrinated with dumb ideas, too.)

While everyone is having a good laugh over this, I think the parents should take it seriously. Look at how your kids are already acting. Can you imagine what insufferable, useless little socialists they’ll become if you send them to an Ivy League university? This group may have done you the biggest favor imaginable by scaring you into sending them to Liberty University or military school before it’s too late.

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  • Manfred Kramer

    08/06/2021 06:18 AM

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