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February 11, 2021

Glenn Greenwald, one of the last of a dying breed of brave, honest, liberal journalists, writes about the growing plague of spies, snitches and tattletales from big corporate media outlets like CNN, NBC and the New York Times who are so offended by the concept of free speech that they’re obsessed with ensuring nobody anywhere on the Internet is able to speak freely without being publicly shamed and having their reputations and careers destroyed.

He offers a number of ignominious examples of these professional wokescolds ruining people, including a New York Times reporter who spent months infiltrating a free speech app discussion group before “exposing” that a Silicon Valley entrepreneur said a politically-incorrect word. Problem: he never said that word. Someone else did, but that person was clearly just quoting a Reddit group that used it. When called on her malicious false reporting, the Times snitch just said thanks for the “clarification” and reiterated how hurtful it is to use that word. When that weasel move didn’t work, she deleted the tweet and locked her account.

To quote Greenwald:

“But this is now the prevailing ethos in corporate journalism. They have insufficient talent or skill, and even less desire, to take on real power centers: the military-industrial complex, the CIA and FBI, the clandestine security state, Wall Street, Silicon Valley monopolies, the corrupted and lying corporate media outlets they serve. So settling on this penny-ante, trivial bull(bleep) — tattling, hall monitoring, speech policing: all in the most anti-intellectual, adolescent and primitive ways — is all they have. It’s all they are. It’s why they have fully earned the contempt and distrust in which the public holds them.”

I’ll bet you want to read it all now, don’t you?


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