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June 27, 2023

Last week, we told you about someone else who has come forward about the Bidens, Delaware beer baron and ex-Biden donor Chris Tigani, who went to prison for two years for illegal campaign donations to Joe Biden.  The campaign had come to him asking for a high-dollar donation and allegedly suggested he could skirt the legal limit by getting his employees to “donate” and then pay them back.

On Monday, he appeared with FOX NEWS’ Jesse Watters to give more details.

He said the Bidens had invited him to the third Democrat primary debate in 2007, and at the after-party, Beau and Hunter suggested that he might come up with $100,000 for billboards in Iowa.  “I agreed to raise them the money,” he said, settling on $75,000.  Then he spoke with campaign finance director Dennis Toner, asking how he could get around the legal limit of $2,600.  Toner asked, “How many people do you have that you can trust?”  Tigani said, “All of them.”  And Toner allegedly said, “Well, have ‘em write a check and reimburse ‘em.”

Tigani said, “I knew it was how you got around the limit; I didn’t know it was illegal.”  He said he was a law-abiding citizen:  “I mean, the last interaction with law enforcement I’ve had outside of this...was a traffic ticket, a speeding ticket, in 1997.”

Tigani’s later encounter with the FBI was “at a gas station, on a Wednesday morning, at 8:30 in the morning; they followed me from my house.”  When they came up to him, he says, he willingly talked with them, sitting down for four hours and telling them everything, including that this was a request from Dennis Toner, the campaign finance manager.  “They wouldn’t have it,” he says of the FBI.  They did have him wear a wire around some people, but “once it got to Dennis and to Joe, the entire investigation was called off, and [Tigani’s] indictment was unsealed.”

He says he believes in law enforcement and told them everything he knew.  “And now,” he says, “seeing what has happened with Hunter, and having the inside look into the evidence, thanks to and Miranda Devine…I know that I got a raw deal, unfortunately, and so did...[he names numerous people]...other people who have been charged in the district with tax crimes.  All were charged with felonies, all had no say, and [in contrast]...Hunter is the only person ever in the district to be charged as a misdemeanor under 26 U.S. Code, Sec. 7203 --- no one else in 30 years has ever been charged with that as a stand-alone charge as a misdemeanor.  He’s the first.”

“That’s not right,” he says, “and I think U.S. Attorney David Weiss has some explaining to do…”  He points out that Hunter is a LAWYER (who should know better) whose passport was revoked by the State Department because of his tax liens in 2015 and 2016, and yet “he gets misdemeanors for not filing.”  According to Tigani, Hunter had had tax issues going back to 2009, even tax liens against his and his wife’s homes.

“It’s not that I want anything bad to happen to Hunter,” he says.  “My issue is with the U.S. attorney and not playing fair with citizens.”  Mr. Tigani, I think that’s what’s known as “the Delaware way.”

More details on Tigani’s story from Miranda Devine…

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, in a follow-up commentary, said his committee certainly does want to talk to David Weiss --- also to other U.S. attorneys and, in particular, assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, the one who told IRS Supervisory Agent (and now whistleblower) Gary Shapley they couldn’t follow what would normally be protocol --- or even dare to bring up “the big guy.”  He said the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, led by Kentucky Rep. James Comer, would be focused on the details of the Bidens’ business (phone records, business records, etc.), while Jordan’s committee would look at the ‘Justice’ Department and its failure to investigate.

Accordingly, FBI Director Christopher Wray is scheduled to testify before the Judiciary Committee on July 12.  But don’t expect much from his testimony; he has a legendary history of non-answers and even abruptly leaving during an interview last August to catch a flight (via private jet) to go on a fishing trip in the Adirondacks.  We would note that this was just a couple of days before the Mar-A-Lago raid, which he never even hinted that the FBI was getting ready to do.  He just seemed to be in a hurry to get out of town.

Another U.S. attorney Jordan will surely want to talk to is Matthew Graves, in DC, whom Shapley has testified would not allow him to charge Hunter in his district.

The NEW YORK POST mentions this as well, along with new details about the other five witnesses who, along with Shapley, heard Weiss say he didn’t have authority to charge Hunter in other districts.  That contradicts what Attorney General Garland said under oath before Congress.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is quite interested in these discrepancies and is talking about an “impeachment inquiry” for Garland, as part of a larger inquiry about the weaponization of the DOJ.  Weiss could be in trouble, too.

For even more examples --- yes, they keep coming --- of the DOJ’s two-tier ‘justice’ system applied to Trump and Biden,  John Solomon has an excellent new report.  The difference could not be more stark.

Solomon also appeared on HANNITY Monday night to offer his conclusions, and to break some news:  that Rob Walker, a close Biden friend, admitted to the FBI (it’s in their “302” notes) that Joe Biden “absolutely met with the Chinese business partners of Hunter Biden in 2017, right around the time of that [WhatsApp] message.”  But even with all this, the FBI can’t bring itself to bring more serious charges.

In more breaking news from Solomon, according to a just-released House Judiciary report (the Weaponization committee), the Homeland Security Department “extended its authority” to start surveilling Americans’ opinions on social media and then outsourced the job of getting them censored to third party groups,” just as we saw happening through the “Twitter Files.”  They tried to cover it up, too.  Shocker!

Legal analyst Margot Cleveland has another great column, this one about David Weiss telling the House Judiciary Committee in a June 7 letter obtained by THE FEDERALIST that he had “ultimate authority” over prosecutorial decisions related to the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden.  Both this letter and AG Garland’s statements before Congress are at odds with what Weiss allegedly told senior members of the team investigating Hunter.

“Sources familiar with the letter,” Cleveland writes, “have suggested it reads as if drafted by someone connected to the Department of Justice’s Office of Legislative Affairs, telling THE FEDERALIST a U.S. attorney would be unlikely to know about the so-called Linder letter referenced in a footnote.  That possibility raises the further question of whether the DOJ and Garland induced or pressured Weiss to sign the letter.”  Ruh-roh.

NOTE:  We looked up the “Linder letter” and found in a POLITICO article that it was written by the DOJ in 2000 in response to Congressional inquiries, outlining their “staunch opposition against sharing information related to ongoing criminal matters,” saying congressional investigations about pending matters “pose an inherent threat to the integrity of the Department’s law enforcement and litigation functions.”  Integrity; haha, that’s rich.  But expect to hear a lot of that same argument now.

Now that you know the details --- and serious implications --- of IRS Supervisory Agent Gary Shapley’s whistleblower testimony to Congress about the Hunter Biden case, it’s even better to read the chronological account put together by THE POST MILLENNIAL Editor-in-Chief Libby Emmons.  The piece also includes her six-minute video interview with Charlie Kirk, in which she ties what the FBI knew about the laptop with what the “Twitter Files” show they were doing at the time to influence social media.

This is pure corruption, no way around it.  Also, election interference in 2020, just as the Russia Hoax was election interference in 2016.

Daniel Greenfield at FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE has a comment on the story we reported yesterday, about Joe Biden being supplied with a $300/mo. “global access” phone, separate from his White House and personal phones and paid for by Hunter’s company.  It’s evidence like this, he says, that points us away from the less corrupt explanation and towards the most corrupt one, what he calls the “Big Guy” theory.  Not that they aren’t both corrupt.  (Note to headline writers:  please stop writing that “the walls are closing in,” although we hope they are.)

“Either interpretation,” he writes, “...ends in the same place with Joe Biden being involved, directly or indirectly, in ties with foreign governments, illegal transactions, tax violations, violation of the foreign agent registration act [FARA], and likely worse things once you dig into the details of the deals which the FBI made certain not to do.”


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