
Latest News

June 28, 2022

Democrats are irresponsibly demagoging to fire up their far-left base that’s already violently unhinged, in hopes that abortion will save them from oblivion in the midterm elections. I think they’re making the same mistake that many liberals in the media make: thinking that Twitter is America.

A new CBS poll taken after the SCOTUS decision ending Roe found that Americans opposed overturning Roe by 52-31%. Also that 50% of Democrats said this will make them more likely to vote, up from 40% last month. That's obviously giving Democrats motivation to fan the flames.

But will that bump be enough to make a big difference? And will it hold once all the hysteria dies down and people start to figure out that they’ve been misled about what the ruling really means (the SCOTUS didn’t ban abortion, it just sent the issue back to the states)? Besides, most of the voters most likely to be motivated by this are in blue states, where abortion laws will remain unchanged and possibly get even more liberal.

More to the point, for all the 24/7 focus on abortion, it’s just not that big an issue for most people. CBS also reports that the highest priority issue with voters is inflation, followed by the economy and crime. None of that is good news for Democrats. Abortion came in 6th, with 42% calling it high priority, but of those, many are doubtless pro-life. By comparison, 82% named inflation as high priority. And as the RNC’s Tyler Bowyer points out at this link, the issues that got the least votes for “high priority” were January 6th, climate change, COVID and abortion, or as he puts it, “the entire Democratic platform for 2022.”

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