
Latest News

November 13, 2023


Once again, why is wealthy Hollywood entertainment lawyer/producer Kevin Morris playing the role of Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother,” paying off Hunter’s roughly $2 million tax bill, footing his $20,000/month rent on a Malibu beach house, and covering his reported $1 million-a-month legal bills to feed a team of hungry attorneys?

Not surprisingly, that same mystery has been messing with Jim Jordan’s mind as well.  The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee brought up Morris’ name this weekend on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES with Maria Bartiromo.

“I want to talk to Kevin Morris,” Jordan said.  “I want to talk to the guy who paid Hunter Biden’s taxes, just to come out of nowhere, pay all this tax burden that Hunter Biden had.”  He didn’t mention all the other astronomical bills that continue mounting in the wake of this human money pit.

So, why hasn’t a subpoena been issued for Morris?  Our guess would be that the committee is still awaiting bank records having to do with his payments.  After all, the drawn-out procedure for obtaining bank records is what had held up the subpoenas finally issued for Hunter, James Biden and business associate Rob Walker (for starters).

Jordan said there are a number of additional people they’ll need to talk to.  “We will continue to do we look at this case and gather the facts.”

When Maria asked Jordan if the “Justice” Department might be able to interfere with subpoenas and keep those people from coming in and talking on the record, he said he didn’t think so.  “I mean, everyone else has come forward...In the Judiciary Committee, we’ve deposed seven different people who were involved in the investigation of Hunter Biden.  I think they will come forward, and we will get that information.”  He said that even Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell has acknowledged that Hunter “is eager to discuss these matters.”  (Note:  Sure, he is.  Lowell did qualify this by saying “at the right time,” which I’d guess is sometime in 2035.  Rich Lowry said on FOX NEWS SUNDAY that Hunter would have to be “a moron” to testify. Well…)

Hunter can’t discuss these matters AND plead the Fifth, so we’ll see.  Hunter calls this investigation “another political stunt.”  Karine Jean-Pierre furthers that impression by continuing to lie, saying no evidence has been turned up.  In case you need a quick refresher, here’s the real story of the real evidence, as outlined by Ted Cruz on Sunday…

If Hunter plays on his addiction --- get ready for that --- and claims he can’t remember anything from that time, his story will still be told by financial records and other people’s testimony.

Jordan said the “crux of the matter” is going to be the Burisma income to Hunter.  The importance of that really just boils down to “four central facts”:

1.  Hunter gets put on the board of Burisma Holdings (and is paid about $83,000 a month).

2.  He has no qualifications at all to be on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

3.  He’s asked by Burisma executives to weigh in with “DC” to take pressure off the investigation they’re under.

4.  Five days later, VP Biden flies to Ukraine and “starts the process” to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired, using our tax money for leverage, threatening to withhold money that had already been approved by Congress.

A related scandal implicates our own “Justice” Department in its effort to sweep this under the rug, Jordan said.  When the IRS and FBI were investigating Hunter’s taxes, they let the statute of limitations run out for the key tax years (2014, 2015) when Hunter received his Burisma income, because, as Jordan said, “they didn’t want to get back into this issue and Joe Biden’s actions that benefited his family.”  As Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer told the committee, Joe’s family had been “making money off the ‘brand.  The brand is what they were selling.”’

We would add that this is what a quid pro quo looks like (remember that term from when Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump just for questioning Biden’s actions in Ukraine?) It’s what bribery looks like.  There may have been other quid pro quos as well, such as Joe’s action on his first day in office to end the China Initiative, which had been intended as a crackdown on China’s spying and theft of intellectual property, but money connections are very difficult to prove in court, even if they seem obvious.  There might have been multiple quid pro quos, but all Congress needs for their impeachment inquiry is ONE.  So expect the Judiciary Committee to focus on Ukraine, as Joe’s actions to quash the Burisma Holdings investigation while his son was raking in money from them seems relatively easy to put together.

Jordan said they expect to get the depositions done during November and December, and then decide early next year “whether the actual evidence warrants going to articles of impeachment.”

But what about China and those other potential quid pro quos?  “Given China’s goal of overtaking the United States as the number one superpower,” Maria asked, “is [the President] compromised in terms of making the right decisions for America’s national security, based on money he’s taken from Chinese Communist Party members?”

(It’s shocking, isn’t it, that Americans should ever have to be asking a question like that?)

Jordan said that regarding the money from Chinese energy company CEFC, “we’re digging into that as well,” as Congress has the constitutional duty of oversight.  “We’re driven by the facts, not the politics as the Democrats are as they attack President Trump,” he added, mentioning the obviously political hit job currently going on in a Manhattan courtroom.

He seconded what Trump had said concerning what this is really about:  They’re coming after him because he’s fighting for us.

Speaking of Biden and China, the President is meeting with China’s President Xi AGAIN this Wednesday, this time in San Francisco, and Miranda Devine said Sunday that he’s supposedly going to “mention something about Iran.”  (By the way, this is why San Francisco has temporarily hidden away the homeless camps and given the city a spit-and-polish, where mostly there had just been spit.) Devine asserted that Xi “has the measure of Joe Biden.  He knows that he’s a bought-and-paid-for asset according to all the evidence we’ve seen.”  She’s apparently had no trouble seeing the China Initiative as a quid pro quo.

Devine, who broke the original Hunter laptop story in the NEW YORK POST ahead of the 2020 election but got her story suppressed, also appeared with Bartiromo to report that Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer’s issuance of subpoenas in the Biden financial case has gone to a “very aggressive level.”  They’re in “the next phase” of the investigation.  She said the Bidens know Comer has the goods on them.

“And this is why you see Hunter Biden’s lawyer panicking, writing to the Speaker, Mike Johnson, and saying, ‘Call your dogs off.’”  (Yes, he did that.)  She also pointed to “hit jobs” against Comer in the so-called prestige media.

Devine also said Comer has also set his sights on one of the President’s donors.  No, she’s not talking about Kevin Morris, but about a wealthy Delaware car dealer who happens to be a Ukrainian and “has a lot of interests in Ukraine that are being protected by American weapons.”  She said she’s been told “by people in Delaware who are frightened to speak out” that this man will have some very interesting things to say.

She explained that the Democrats’ persistent denial of the Bidens’ wrongdoing is because there were a lot of people “compromised by the fact that they’ve covered up for the Biden family.”  That includes officials in the DOJ, FBI and CIA, who ignored, buried and suppressed the evidence.  She should know.



RELATED:  Now that you’ve read about the “Justice” Department working so hard to protect the Bidens for as long as possible, here’s a story, reminiscent of IRS official Lois Lerner investigating Tea Party groups, about the IRS opening an investigation into the tax-exempt status of the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), an organization that dared to release information on some of Biden’s nominees and issue calls for them to be withdrawn from consideration.

AAF President Tom Jones said, “This sudden request by the IRS is not random.  The IRS is demanding ‘correspondence files, emails and information posted on a website that relates to current public elected officials’ – clearly a sign that they are targeting our research and education activities.  It’s a deliberate attempt to punish and suppress AAF’s activities.  It is surely no coincidence that AAF – the very organization that exposed the weaponization of the IRS – is now a target of it.”

The DAILY CALLER has more…

ALSO RELATED: As mentioned above, when San Francisco officials knew that the President of China was coming, they somehow managed to remove all the homeless people from the streets and clean them up in just a couple of days. Which has a lot of people, including liberals at the New York Times, asking the obvious question: If they could clean up the city and restore law and order that fast for a communist dictator, how come they couldn’t do it for their own residents who’ve been suffering this lawless, filthy nightmare for years?

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