
Latest News

March 31, 2022

We’ve waited a while to say much about Hunter Biden’s alleged financial connection to biolabs in Ukraine, simply because it’s much more important to be right than to be first out of the gate. The U.K. Daily Mail ran an exclusive story on March 25, and we’ve linked to their updated report of March 27.

NOTE: since Russia has made this latest accusation against Hunter, simply talking about it invites accusations from the brain-dead left of being “an agent of Putin.” The fact that this story is such a hot potato just shows how concerning it is to have a “First Family” so fraught with conflict and illegality. It clouds national security issues that need to be seen clearly. Again, if there is some truth to what the Russians are saying about these labs researching bioweapons (we don’t know) and/or Hunter’s role in financing them, that is absolutely no justification for Putin’s aggression against the people of Ukraine. He’s using this story on the world stage as an excuse for his evil.

We found a very good essay from February about the damage caused by Hunter’s involvement in Ukraine, whether it includes the biolabs or not.

So, let’s get our trusty oven mitts and grab this hot potato with both hands. According to emails from Hunter’s laptop, Hunter apparently did help secure millions of dollars in funding from companies such as Goldman Sachs for a company called Metabiota, a Defense Department contractor “specializing in research on pandemic diseases that could be used as bioweapons,” as the Daily Mail words it. Hunter also appears to have introduced Metabiota to Burisma, the corrupt energy company that had hired him to be on their board, for a “science project” involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine.

Hunter and his partners, through their company Rosemont Seneca, also invested $500,000 in Metabiota.

Included in the Daily Mail story is an odd letter from a Metabiota VP to Hunter in 2014 that refers to helping “assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society.” Why would a goal like that be stated in a letter from a bioresearch company?

The story also includes an intriguing letter from a Burisma executive to Hunter’s then-partner Devon Archer, asking questions about what they’re calling the “Science Ukraine” project. (“B&V” refers to Black & Veatch, described by the Daily Mail as “a US defense contractor with deep ties to military intelligence agencies, which build secure labs in Ukraine that analyze killer diseases and bioweapons.”)

Former senior CIA officer Sam Faddis, whom we said Wednesday is conducting an investigation of the emails on Hunter’s laptop, is puzzled by the discussion of asserting Ukraine’s independence from Russia. “It raises the question, what is the real purpose of this venture,” he told the Daily Mail. “It’s very odd.”

Most likely, the real purpose of this venture for Hunter and his business partners was to make lots of money --- they weren't thinking of gain-of-function so much as gain-of-fortune. But Faddis went on to say that the attempt to form a partnership between Burisma and Metabiota was worrisome. “[Hunter’s] father was the Vice President of the United States and in charge of relations with Ukraine,” he said. “So why was Hunter not only on the board of a suspect Ukrainian gas firm, but also hooked them up with a company working on bioweapons research?” (Again, those are Faddis’ words. If anyone has confirmed that this was bio-WEAPONS research, as opposed to other disease research, we haven’t see in.)

Faddis recognized the “obvious Russian propaganda attempt to take advantage of this.” But recall that it’s Faddis who said that in examining the hard drive from Hunter’s laptop, he’s found a number of encryption keys that aren’t supposed to be on a personal computer. If this is true, what was Hunter talking about that required such a sophisticated level of encryption?

The Department of Defense has said the research going in Ukraine is just for early pandemic warning, nothing more. But it can be hard to believe the government when the stories keep changing. Here’s Laura Hollis in Townhall from earlier this month...

B&V has apparently worked on similar projects for the Defense Department before; in 2010, they were commissioned to build a Level 3 lab in Odessa, Ukraine. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, such labs are used to study “infectious agents or toxins that may be transmitted through the air and cause potentially lethal infections.”

According to the Daily Mail, Metabiota also has ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where we now know WIV scientists, working with EcoHealth Alliance, conducted gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. Metabiota has been an official partner with EcoHealth since 2014. Researchers from the WIV, Metabiota and EcoHealth published a paper together in 2014 on infectious diseased from bats in China. Research for that paper took place at the Wuhan Institute.

Daniel Horowitz wrote in The Blaze about the serious questions posed by this story, about gain-of-function research in Ukraine.

We’ll leave you with a link to the great Margot Cleveland, making the most important points of all: that Hunter Biden and his family pose a serious national security risk, and that Russia appears to have access to the same emails just reported on by the Daily Mail. Or did they actually steal the first one that went missing, as Hunter suspected? Whichever explanation is true, there’s no telling what compromising information Putin has.

There’s plenty of blame to go around for suppressing information, doing whatever it took to get Biden into office, and putting our country into an extremely dangerous position.

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Comments 1-2 of 2

  • Carmen L

    04/05/2022 10:06 AM

    Probably, you wont read this long article from a former colonel in the Swiss army; but in case you want to be free from the MSM narrative.
    Its in French, but to the upper right corner is a translation option

    "So the Lord commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light." Luke 16:8

  • Lori Chase

    04/02/2022 08:16 PM

    Thank you Gov. Huckabee. God is missing in our Gov't. It's so refreshing to watch your show and listen to you speak. Much needed in today's world. God bless you.