
Latest News

January 15, 2021

While other issues have been dominating the headlines, the Supreme Court has quietly been making some welcome news. In a case involving privacy, free speech and freedom of association, the SCOTUS has agreed to hear an appeal by two conservative nonprofits of a 2015 case involving then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Harris threatened the groups with hefty fines if they didn’t give their confidential IRS list of donors to her office, which has a history of leaking such information. They argue that in this atmosphere, that would expose their donors to threats and harassment, and that the state has no legitimate interest in demanding to know the donors of a nonprofit organization that has not been accused of doing anything illegal.

The most frightening thing about this: the person who launched the case is about to become Vice President, and the person who took it over from her is Biden’s pick to run the HHS and be in charge of all our health records.


The SCOTUS will also decide whether public universities can be held accountable for infringing students’ First Amendment free speech rights…

…and the SCOTUS has ordered Nevada’s Democrat Governor to respond to a lawsuit by a church that his restrictions on in-person worship violate their Constitutional rights.

Let’s hope that the Supreme Court will ensure that a little good news will occasionally be coming out of Washington over the next couple of years.


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Comments 1-21 of 21

  • Marianne Wilson

    01/19/2021 07:43 AM

    This is frightening! I am so concerned about our country, if we still have one next year. I see that the radical left would vote for these people but, surely, the Democrat party has members who are more middle-of-the-road.

  • Robert Wohlfeil

    01/18/2021 06:55 PM

    As usual,, Kammie, is Blowing It again... She is a disgusting human...

  • Judy Anderson

    01/17/2021 03:50 PM

    Positively new law and order in our lives..

  • Darlene F. Donston

    01/17/2021 11:32 AM

    We have little use for the Supreme Court now after they refused to look into the FRAUD of an ELECTION! That should have been a Priority for LAW AND ORDER! Roberts is Worthless and has been since the Odummer years, but was put there for that reason as a Rino by Bushie the Globalist! The 2 women have no business being on the Court and the new ones by President Trump have now shown their colors! We are still all out for Trump and always will be as he was a good President and was Railroaded for 4 years by the Radical who rather have the Chinese Money than a Great Country!

  • Gary Martin

    01/17/2021 12:40 AM

    As the saying goes, "I'll believe that when I see it. After the number they did on our President, I'm not likely to believe much of anything that comes out of there.

  • Adele

    01/16/2021 09:41 PM

    The Supreme Court is their duty to take over these cases.

  • Peggy Holder

    01/16/2021 08:43 PM

    It is imperative that they act on this promptly. I will pray they make a decision that will support the American, true American people.

  • Bill Vann

    01/16/2021 05:40 PM

    I'm extremely skeptical that anything good can come from SCOTUS as long as Traitor John Roberts sits as Chief Supreme Court Justice. He has to be removed ASAP. IMO.

  • Carol Thompson

    01/16/2021 03:11 PM


  • Kelly Whelihan

    01/16/2021 01:14 PM

    Thank you!

  • Alice Brown

    01/16/2021 01:09 PM

    Still upset with the Supreme Court over their failure to address the constitutional issue of the fact that anyone except the Republican legislators in the contested election states were making the rules for harvesting ballots in those states.

  • c

    01/16/2021 11:57 AM

    Where are the lawsuits against the fraud in our elections!

    Where are the lawsuits about the fraud in our elections!

  • Linda Bresette

    01/16/2021 04:20 AM

    Thank God, we need the Supreme Court to be more active right now. They should have listened and looked at the voter fraud claims and maybe we would not be in this mess. But I am hopeful that their rulings on these cases will have some teeth.

  • Robert Lydon

    01/15/2021 11:03 PM

    Thank Yoi

  • Alice Pushee

    01/15/2021 10:01 PM

    Keep me updated.

  • Cathy Cain

    01/15/2021 03:21 PM

    Go get em. We need clean shoes running our government as we have the past 4 years.

  • Jim Gawith

    01/15/2021 03:20 PM

    Not holding my breath

  • Linda Finke

    01/15/2021 03:12 PM

    I need to join some grassroots movement of common sense people to win our Democracy back.
    Any suggestions?

  • robert vernon collins

    01/15/2021 02:49 PM

    sounds great keep up the good work

  • Janice lundberg

    01/15/2021 02:26 PM


  • Wilma Jones

    01/15/2021 02:12 PM
