
Latest News

June 10, 2021

For those who despair that America is lost and it’s too late to save her, some proof that you can fight back and win…

After Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced that she would not grant interviews to white reporters, the Daily Caller and Judicial Watch sued her for unconstitutional racial discrimination. A federal judge has now ordered Lightfoot to file a sworn declaration clarifying her interview policy. I’d say she’d better make it good, because the policy already seems pretty clear, and pretty clearly racist.

Her attorneys argued that the document isn’t necessary because the policy is no longer in effect. Wait, so if you declare you’ve now stopped acting like a racist, everything’s copacetic and we can just move on from there? I don’t think that argument would fly with Mayor Lightfoot’s fellow liberals these days.

Tuesday, a judge ordered the reinstatement of a Leesburg, Virginia, high school PE teacher who was suspended for refusing to use students’ “preferred pronouns.” He told a school board meeting that he is a committed Christian who believes you cannot change the sex you were born into and that transgender treatments for minors are child abuse. He said forcing him to endorse transgenderism not only violates his religious conscience but forces him to lie to his students.

The judge ruled that his statement was protected free speech and the school couldn’t prove it caused any significant disruption to school operations. The school’s attorney claimed they had to suspend him because they feared backlash from parents. I’m curious to know if they actually polled the parents to find out how many agree with him.

Eight Minneapolis residents are suing the City Council for causing a spike in violent crime by defunding the police and failing to do their duty to provide a minimal level of policing to guarantee public safety. With the city’s leftist alleged leaders refusing to lead, citizens had no choice but to step up and do it themselves.

On their behalf, community activist Cathy Spann said, “We are here, together in unison, to say enough is enough. I am here today to say it is about all of us coming together to make a difference to stop the gun violence that is in our city -- downtown, south, north. We are stopping it. We are no longer asking for a plan. We are the plan."

Meanwhile, business owners in Baltimore have their own plan for dealing with the destruction wrought by their leftist, anti-police City Council. Since the government refuses to do its job of ensuring public safety, the businesses are refusing to pay their taxes to fund the useless government. It's being described as the "Baltimore Tea Party," only the "T" they're throwing overboard stands for "taxes."

The San Antonio city council member who spearheaded the attempt to block Chick-fil-A from the city airport, accusing them of being a “symbol of hate” for donating to Christian charities, lost his seat in Saturday’s run-off. It’s not clear whether the winner will be any better or if that issue played a major role, but either way, he’s off the city council. And thanks to him, Texas now has a new state law barring religious discrimination in government contracts, and the state Supreme Court is reviewing a lawsuit against San Antonio filed under it. So his term on the City Council actually did accomplish something good, even if it was completely inadvertent.

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