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December 26, 2022

We all knew a kid in school who just had to run everything. Remember the classmate who insisted on picking the games you’d all play at recess, where you’d go after school, even who was “in” or “out” of your group? In high school, that kid had a compulsive need to be the leader of every student organization. You just wanted to say, “Hey! You’re not the boss of me!” Whatever happened to those kids? I wouldn’t be surprised if most ended up in government. We certainly have no shortage of people there who think they know how to live your life and spend your paycheck better than you do.

I’m convinced the world is divided into people who just want to live their own lives and those who, for some reason, have an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone else how to live. Unfortunately, to that latter group, government seems like the ideal place to work, and at the moment, they are getting 99.9% of all the attention from the media. As more of them gravitated toward government, Congress abdicated much of its legislating authority to unelected bureaucrats. Their bureaus grew like kudzu, and so did their regulations with the force of law (but no input from the people.) Then one day, we looked up and discovered we had a crushing national debt and were paying huge salaries to an army of people who enforce how big your soda should be and who couldn’t be fired and who is allowed to come into your daughter’s locker room. That’s when sane people realized that government is the LAST place these out-of-control control freaks needed to be.

The temptation for government to overreach is hardly new. In fact, it stretches back to the beginning of recorded history, and I bet even earlier than that. There’s a story in the ninth chapter of the book of Judges in the Old Testament about Gideon’s son Abimelech, who craved leadership and stature - not to serve the people but to control them and make them serve him. He said, “Give me dominion over your lives, and I will simplify your existence.” Wow, does that sound familiar? It’s basically the entire Democratic platform. Our government has taken us pretty far down that same road, but does your life seem any simpler -- or just a lot less free?

Anyway, back to Abimelech. He had a very smart younger brother, Jotham, who came up with a clever tale about three trees: an olive tree, a fig tree, and a vine tree. All three were fine trees that produced lots of fruit. All were offered the exalted position of “King Of All Trees,” but all three turned it down. The plant that wanted to be “King Of All Trees” was the bramble bush, a weak plant that produces no fruit at all. Jotham’s point was that only the weak and nonproductive have the desire to rule everyone else. Does that lesson not resonate like a gong right now?

When anyone aspires to a position of power, take a long, hard look. If that person seemingly crawled out of the cradle with an ambition to be President, then beware! Anytime someone talks about “running the country,” alarm bells should sound. No one – not the President, not Congress, no one person – “runs the country” or should aspire to.

That’s why the Founders took such pains to divide and limit federal power, and why we need to reinstate those limits that have been trampled in recent years, whether by Presidents ruling via executive order or out-of-control judges legislating from the bench or unelected bureaucrats abusing their power to try to influence the results of elections. If we allow any one person or entity to ignore those limits and assume the power to run everything, we won’t be able to stop them when they run America into the ground.

We should pick leaders who resemble the trees in the Bible story that don’t need or crave power but that have shown they bear good fruit. As it is said, by their fruits ye shall know them. Government has more than enough nuts already.

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The problem with Socialism

Comments 31-40 of 142

  • Raymond Lengel

    11/28/2022 12:53 PM

    Love your concluding comment.

  • Brian Sherman

    11/28/2022 12:52 PM

    The people of the United States of America are so in the dark about how their federal government is being run. The intelligence agencies, who are unelected, wield tremendous influence in shaping policy. So do thousands of unelected bureaucrats---they have power they do not deserve. And even our government officials often cannot write legislation, so the lobbyists write it for them in exchange for funds for reelection. Our republic has been corrupted. By both Republicans and Democrats. Throw in the massive amount of cheating discovered in the 2020 election, and it's easy to see why our government is no longer a government by the people and for the people. Our politicians these days are captured and corrupted.

  • Rodney Dixon

    11/28/2022 12:43 PM

    Wonderful message. How true it is.

  • Ronda Shallow

    11/28/2022 12:14 PM

    That would be President Trump!!! He is the one who showed courage and ‘Stand Up’, kind of values that the Republicans are just catching onto. Let’s face it… the Truth hurts. That’s probably why marijuana has become so imbedded in the people who love LaLa land.

  • james Brian scanlon

    11/28/2022 10:08 AM

    Great article!

  • David W George

    11/28/2022 07:16 AM

    Excellent piece. Thank you.

  • Catherine Haenze

    11/27/2022 09:38 PM

    Your last statement tells it all. It should not be "a let's all get comfortable and cozy in for until I can retire.

  • Robert Martynowski

    11/27/2022 07:31 PM

    Great observation and essay that I was glad to read again. Gideon's son's words and actions are as relevant today as then and prove what David's son Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, 'Look! This is something new'? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time."

  • William P Appelt

    11/27/2022 07:22 PM

    Considering leadership, we only need to go and look at our "greatest leaders. Lincoln for example, born in the backwoods of the "west at the time", raised almost by himself, self taught and became a lawyer. Even as a lawyer he ran the chance of ruin simply because he insisted on being honest about everything, thus the name Honest Abe. Somehow by his wits and speaking ability he gained the favor of the people and eventually won the Presidency. Then he led the country through our horrendous Civil War and the country survived by laying down their arms and went back home to rebuild. His assassination was the source of binding of the people once they realized his gift leadership. Thanks to him the slavery issue was abolished, a very real personal and economic evil for the people.
    Today we need leadership to abolish the next horrendous evil, abortion. It is not slavery but murder, so worse and shameful. Justification is not acceptable.

  • Norma holmes

    11/27/2022 01:01 PM

    Sharing your Biblical story with son confronting bramble bushes around him. Thank you for insight!??