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June 27, 2021

Good evening! My Evening Edition for today contains the following:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Chauvin Sentenced
  • Little-Reported Story
  • Logically Consistent
  • New Rasmussen Survey
  • Defund The Police Impact
  • Our "New Ellis Island"


Mike Huckabee


“in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:6


Chauvin Sentenced

By Mike Huckabee

Friday, a judge sentenced former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin to 22-1/2 years in prison for the murder of George Floyd, which was on the high end of the suggested sentencing scale. Floyd’s brother, Philonise Floyd, had an intriguing response:

“I just want to reiterate: not just black lives matter, all lives matter.”

This was provocative because simply stating the obvious truth that “all lives matter” has become verboten, with leftists claiming it’s an attempt to dismiss the Black Lives Matter movement’s point that black lives have been historically and systemically graded as less important. This article quotes Prospect magazine as saying, “Note that nobody was saying ‘All Lives Matter’ before 2013. Rather, it’s a direct response to BLM, and has no life outside that.”

With all due respect, they’re either wrong or just flat lying. Millions of us have been arguing that all lives matter for many years. Look back over my newsletters and radio shows. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve argued that all lives are sacred and worthy of protection. There’s a reason why those of us who feel that way are called “pro-life.”

And please don’t fall for the lie that pro-life people only care about saving white babies. I’ve also pointed out for years the disgusting way that Planned Parenthood, which was founded by a known racist and eugenicist, targets black women and black neighborhoods, and how abortion has been the equivalent of a black genocide in America.

Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973, 62 million babies have been killed in the womb. Blacks make up only 13% of the population and have 36% of all abortions. According to the latest available data, in 2019, 259 black people were killed by police. In 2018, 117,626 black babies were killed in the womb by abortion.

If black lives really matter, why do liberals want to defund the police but fight like wildcats to keep from defunding Planned Parenthood?

Little-Reported Story

By Mike Huckabee

This is a little-reported story that could have huge repercussions down the road:

The House Judiciary Committee just passed, with bipartisan support, six antitrust bills, four of them specifically aimed at Big Tech, that are intended to break up and rein in the monopolistic practices of Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook. Many more details at the link.

As Matt Stoller notes in the linked article, the bills aren’t perfect and will likely go through a lot of changes. But the very fact that they got written and passed with bipartisan support is major. Let’s hope it serves as a loud warning shot to Big Tech that they’ve gotten too big for their britches, and a smackdown is brewing.

Logically Consistent

By Mike Huckabee

Ever since January 6th, I’ve made it clear that I condemned the people who committed violence in the Capitol and thought they should be prosecuted, but that should not apply to peaceful protesters. I’ve also said during the BLM protests that peaceful protesters were protected by the First Amendment, but those who rioted, looted, or attacked police officers, civilians or property should be prosecuted. It’s a quaint, antiquated way of thinking known as being “logically consistent.”

The Democrats, on the other hand (and unfortunately, the law enforcement agencies that have been politicized and corrupted by them) see things differently. To them, it’s not the actions that deserve prosecution, but the political views. Don’t believe me? Check out this round-up of the past week’s stories:

An investigation by NBC New York found that 73 of the 118 alleged rioters and looters arrested in the Bronx last year (that’s 60% of them) had the charges dropped. Another 19 were convicted on lesser counts like trespassing that carried no jail time. The spokeswoman for a local merchants’ association who had her shop looted called the news “disgusting” and “a total shock.”

Meanwhile in DC, anyone who even stepped inside the Capitol on January 6th has been pursued like Jack the Ripper and is being threatened with years of jail time and pressured to denounce their conservative beliefs like inmates in a Chinese communist reeducation camp. That includes such dangers to the republic as a 72-year-old pastor and his son and a 69-year-old parishioner. The feds went to extraordinary lengths to track them down and hit them with all possible charges: “knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building without lawful authority, disorderly conduct in a restricted building, and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.”

Notice what’s missing? Anything that suggests they were part of a violent riot. It sounds as if they’re facing multiple federal charges for stepping inside a public building, while actual rioters on the left were turned loose after smashing, burning and looting buildings. In New York, rioting isn't even considered disorderly conduct.

And then there’s the Indiana grandmother who was apparently told by her attorney to give a statement denouncing her white privilege and listing “woke” books she’s been reading to reprogram her ignorant beliefs. The self-imposed struggle session worked: she was sentenced to only three years’ probation.

And what was her heinous crime? She saw the Capitol door open, stepped inside and looked around for five or 10 minutes. Since that wouldn’t sound like a crime to anybody lucid, she was charged with “parading.” She didn’t even have a marching band with her.

But while politicized prosecutors are overcharging Republicans like Neiman Marcus, don’t think that even former President Trump himself is immune. In New York City (which apparently is fortunate enough to have no real crime to prosecute), rabidly partisan Manhattan D.A. Cyrus Vance claimed to be investigating the Trump Organization on criminal charges. Now, we’ve gotten a hint as to what those nefarious crimes might be.

Unless there’s more than this, he has, to quote Aesop, labored mightily and brought forth a mouse. Word is that they’re threatening charges against Trump’s company for not paying taxes on some fringe benefits he and his family received. One of Trump’s attorneys called it “ridiculous and outrageous.” Even the New York Times talked to several tax attorneys who couldn’t think of a single recent example of a company being indicted for failing to pay taxes on employee fringe benefits, like company cars.

The prosecutors bringing these nakedly political indictments might think they’re striking a blow against their political opponents, but all they’re really doing is indicting themselves and their corrupted agencies. The only case they’re making is for Republicans to turn out en masse and either vote them out of office, or vote in people who can tell them “You’re fired” and end the biased, un-American, two-tiered injustice system they’ve created.

New Rasmussen Survey

By Mike Huckabee

A new Rasmussen survey finds that majorities of Americans, including majorities of men, women, black people, white people, Democrats and Republicans, are opposed to letting men who identify as women compete in women’s Olympic events.

Nineteen percent of respondents “aren’t sure” if it’s fair. I suggest that they look at the photo of “transgender female weightlifter” Laurel Hubbard at the link and see if that clears it up for them.

Defund The Police Impact

By Mike Huckabee

An analysis of data by the Daily Caller News Foundation revealed that since the George Floyd/BLM protests and the “defund the police” movement started, homicide rates have skyrocketed in six Democrat-run cities (Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, and Indianapolis), and black people are disproportionately the victims of it.

For instance, from 2020 to 2021, the percentage of murder victims who are black rose from 70 to 81% in Chicago, and from 60 to 90% in Philadelphia. The National Fraternal Order of Police says some politicians are trying to gaslight the public into believing that the police are the problem, when it’s actually a reduction in police budgets and presence, a refusal to prosecute criminals and sowing distrust of the police among the public, which reduces cooperation in preventing crime and arresting criminals.

Of course, since hardly anyone is dumb enough to believe that the crime wave caused by dumb Democrat policies is the fault of the police, the Dems are trying a new tactic, tested this week by White House spokesperson Jen Psaki: try to blame the Republicans for defunding the police. I think she’s confused the words “defunding” and “defending.”

Just for reference, here are the last years in which any of those cities had a Republican mayor: Chicago (1931), Baltimore (1967), Milwaukee (1908 – they’ve actually had three socialist mayors since they last had a Republican), Pittsburgh (1933), Los Angeles (2001 – Wow, actually in this millennium, although still 20 years ago), and Indianapolis (2016 – again, relatively recent compared to the others, but still well before anyone got the insane idea that you could fight crime by slashing the police budget.)

Our "New Ellis Island"

By Mike Huckabee

Vice President Kamala Harris was pressed on why, when she finally visited the border, it was a visit to El Paso, 1,000 miles away from the worst crisis area. She claimed this was where Trump started separating families, so it was the site of his “discredited” border policies. She also called El Paso the “new Ellis Island” for immigrants.

Wow, so much hooey, so little space to untangle it. First, the “cages for children” the Democrats blamed Trump for were detention facilities built under Obama and vastly overcrowded under Biden. Separating children from adults in illegal border crosser detention facilities is for the safety of children; we don’t put them in with potential gang members, drug dealers and sex offenders for the same reason that we don’t let people who are apprehended while committing any other crime take their kids to jail with them. Ellis Island is where we processed applicants for legal immigration who went through the required process to enter the US. People didn’t just swim to it from Europe and enter New York illegally. Trump’s “discredited” policies were actually working great until Biden reversed them and caused the mess she was put in charge of fixing.

Finally, remember that in most cases, when you hear a liberal use the words “discredited” or “debunked,” that’s a synonym for “something that’s likely or definitely true, but very inconvenient for our political policies and/or electoral fortunes.”

Here’s more on the very weird week that our President and Vice President gave America and that the media had to work overtime to ignore…

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Comments 21-24 of 24

  • Jerry L Womack

    06/27/2021 09:24 PM

    There are people out there willing to bend over backwards till their spine (if they got one!) snaps and go MILES out of their way to "understand", "empathize", "acknowledge" or rationalize the motives, etc. of antifa, BLM, etc. but has ANYBODY asked why all those people on 06January were even there? That rally was being planned WEEKS before Trump made his speech. Does it even matter to anybody in a position of power that that many people are that upset that they would make the trip and go to the trouble that they did that day! I agree that federal property should not have been destroyed or stolen. I agree that violence was not necessary BUT, the one and only death attributable to actual conflict that day was an unarmed protestor shot by a so far, UNNAMED capitol police officer. The silence on that matter is deafening. The fact that some umpteen THOUSAND hours of security camera footage has not been made available to the public only adds to the speculation and conspiracy theorizing! Finally, the report(s) that FBI agents or FBI connected persons were involved IN ANY WAY should be very concerning but nobody would even know about it if Tucker Carlson wasn't on the air! Can we get some answers to any of these matters? Or will an outraged populace have to storm the Bastille again?!

  • Sharon Faulkner

    06/27/2021 09:10 PM

    Comments on the two stories.
    First of all Derek Chauvin will have a retrial. He was not guilty of racism and he certainly did not commit murder .
    The jury and the judge are clearly guilty of allowing themselves to be intimidated like cowards .
    As for the other story about the grandma allegedly denouncing her " white privilege "and reading some idiot Woke book, obviously she is not MAGA or she would have told them to shove it like Donald Trump does.
    I hope the victims (and that is what they are) of this Blue Reich Witch Hunt sue the hell out of them and by them I mean the DNC .

  • Charles D Summitt

    06/27/2021 09:04 PM

    Mr America's Governor:

    Thank you and your team for your excellent work.

    I am not concerned about Joe Biden's frequent naps. I remember the old saying: "It is best to let a lying dog sleep."

    Best Regards to you and your family.

    Dan Summitt

  • Carl T Smith

    06/27/2021 08:49 PM

    Good commentary as usual! The PROBLEM is the SWAMP/SEPTIC TANK is much deeper than imagined. If Trump selects to put his reputation and personal fortune on the line( I'm reminded of the Founders and hope the same outcome is not Trumps fate) I would suggest having his TEAM ready to hit the ground Running by replacing ALL heads of ALL Department/ Agencies. Then move ALL except Dof Defense to various parts of the nation with R Governors and legislatures. Fire ALL the JOINT Chiefs who have supported CRT. Dismantle the Department of Education Completely and immediately issue vouchers for every family in America to CHOOSE a school of their choice. I have a few more options for a later date!