Latest News

March 30, 2021

Real Clear Investigations has been a valuable, trusted source for the Huckabee team, and it looks as though they've come through again, this time with an important story out of Missoula County, Montana, that could bring to light how pervasive voting irregularities really are.

Though many might not be aware, so-called “audits” that have been done in other counties –- for example, Cobb County in Georgia and Maricopa County in Arizona –- have been of relatively small random samples that wouldn’t necessarily turn up election fraud in one concentrated area. But in Missoula County, a Democrat-leaning county with only 119,600 residents, they recently audited ALL the mail-in ballots for the 2020 election and found “irregularities characteristic of large urban centers –- on a level that could have easily swung local elections in 2020, and statewide elections in cycles past.”

As John Lott, Jr., writes, “Political leaders and prominent media outlets have dismissed concerns raised by critics that such measures invite voter fraud. But could the election in small-county Missoula call all that into question?”

Last summer, then-Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat, issued a directive allowing counties to have full mail-in voting if they wanted, and Missoula opted in. Also, a court struck down Montana’s law –- the “Ballot Interference Protection Act,” which sounds like a mighty good idea –- designed to prevent ballot harvesting. Several Native American groups had argued that they depend on “ballot collection efforts” to vote. The ACLU had helped them with their case.

Apparently, all you have to do is say a given policy will “suppress votes” and you can get it abolished with the snap of a finger, no matter how easy that makes it to cheat. That's what happened here. There should have been some way besides striking down this statewide law to make sure the votes from Native American reservations were picked up, officially accounted for and counted.

The article explains how, on January 4, 2021, a team of volunteers came to be auditing all the county’s ballots and envelopes, with assistance from the Missoula County Election Office. “The audit consisted of both a count and a review of all ballot envelopes and comparing that to the number of officially recorded votes during the Nov. 3, 2020, election,” it says.

Details are in the article, but boiling their findings down, about 7 percent of the ballots cast --- more than 5,000 --- had “unexplained irregularities.” That doesn’t even include the ballots with yet another problem: “Dozens of ballot envelopes bore strikingly similar, distinctive handwriting styles in the signatures, suggesting that one or several persons may have filled out and submitted multiple ballots, an act of fraud.”

According to one auditor, of 28 envelopes reviewed from the same address, a nursing home, all 23 signatures looked “exactly the same” stylistically. Another auditor said that two “very unique” signatures appeared dozens of times.

Auditors had wanted to take pictures of the signatures, but Missoula County officials wouldn’t let them. Among still other concerns, the officials would not grant them access to video footage it claimed to have recorded to document vote-counting activities.

State authorities have expressed concern and plan to take these findings up at a joint hearing of the Montana Senate and House Judiciary Committees. State legislators are also going to try to get their ballot harvesting restrictions reinstated.

This story has nothing to do with Dominion Voting Systems, foreign hacking or any other so-called conspiracy theory, the truth (or untruth) of which will emerge in time. It’s about the ease of committing good, old-fashioned election fraud, pure and simple, through forged signatures and mail-in ballot harvesting. Good old cheating. If "irregularities" could happen on this level in Missoula County, Montana, that doesn't speak well of the results obtained throughout the country, particularly in key urban centers where motivation to cheat in the national election ran high. The Democrats’ “election reform package,” HR 1, actually makes all these things even easier, and that is by design. It absolutely cannot be allowed.

Coming soon: The DNC's Marc Elias is now trying to unseat Republicans.

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Comments 26-50 of 76

  • Ranger Michael Vick

    03/30/2021 05:14 PM

    Governor Mike,
    I am a Vietnam veteran an army ranger, special forces qualified, 18 months in combat, then decided to become a police officer and a paramedic. I’m also a pilot and I flew EMS for years. Your newsletter is the highlight of my day and evening I can’t wait to wade through all of the garbage that you’re getting emails these days to read your newsletters! I followed you since you became the governor of Arkansas and your daughter was the press secretary for my President Trump! I live in Texas and I wish I could vote for in Arkansas. We won’t go into that kind of voter fraud. Thank you and your staff for all you do every day for all of us! You guys are awesome! Very respectfully. Mike.

  • Kathleen M Milligan

    03/30/2021 05:10 PM

    Please G-d show the massive voter fraud. And with voter I'D hold a re-election for November 3rd 2020 Amen ????????

  • Laura Tesburg

    03/30/2021 04:51 PM

    I appreciate your emails amd all of the information. Keep up the good fight for Liberty and Freedom. We need a more organized effort to save our great country. We needed the whitehouse 4 more years. So while these rich politicians get richer selling us out it will be too late. They will leave a prison sentence of communism for our kids and grandkids. How selfish and greedy are they!!!!

  • Jan vick

    03/30/2021 04:21 PM

    Mike I loved being informed with honesty and truth from your newsletters. You do the great job of informing us but nothing ever changes! It been that way forever it seems. The other side is ever ever held accountable. Look at Benghazi, look at a false investigation, ballot fraud, so now I feel
    Like we will just accept that they are destroying our country because the republicans never stick together and stand up for what’s right! Thank you

  • Gretchen

    03/30/2021 03:54 PM

    I’ve been voting since 1965, and was so excited my first time at the polls. I have ALWAYS used my middle name with my first name initial. When I stepped up to collect my ballot for 11-2020 the name on the ballot read my middle name first middle initial and last name. I told the election judge that was wrong. She said, just take it and vote anyway. I filled out a card with corrections and when I received my new voter registration it was still my middle name first initial last name. Wonder if I could have voted twice for President Trump under the circumstances? I’m going to go to the county and let them know I do not appreciate someone taking it upon themselves to change my name after all these years. BTW. I live in IL.,but in a small town that is predominantly Republican.

  • Nancy Wilson

    03/30/2021 03:43 PM

    Dear Governor,
    I love your newsletter. Please never stop writing it. We need the truth and it is hard to find these days.
    I have a question on HR-1. I thought Biden signed it into law, but I am reading and hearing things about what can be changed on it, especially the voting laws. What is the story on this?

  • Ken Lawyer

    03/30/2021 03:29 PM

    Thank you to you and your team for doing the research that is so needed to impede voter fraud in this country. Your being a political figure from Arkansas, who too, was discriminated against by the previous administration when you were elected governor, what would you propose can be done before the next election that will change the present state of our election process? It appears that in every investigation there are people in governmental positions all across our country who impede those of us who are concerned about what happened in the 2020 election for president. There seems to be only a handful of elected Republican officials who are focusing on this problem. The rest are just sitting idly by whining but doing nothing to change the present condition of the voting process. Any solutions that you would endorse to start the process of stopping the steal?

  • James L Hoppe

    03/30/2021 03:27 PM

    It is rumored that Diane Feinstein...87?...has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
    How then can she be allowed to VOTE on Senate Bills that come up??? If that
    is the case, she should be relieved of her duties as a senator....and get retired and sent home. It's bad enough to have 18 plus 80 or will be before their terms in the Senate expire! There should be NOOO running for another or single tern in the Senate if you've reached the age of 75.

  • Thaila M Robertson

    03/30/2021 03:19 PM

    Someone must organize a campaign like no other to get the full attention of the folks who are voting for liberals. I think inundating the country with billboards with two or more factual statements of what the libs have done or want to do is a good idea.

  • Jesse sumrall

    03/30/2021 03:03 PM

    What the heck does ICYMI stand for? Are you people too lazy to type words, like you were taught in school, or you in with the in crowd? I see this more and more all the time. If this keeps up people won’t talk in sentences any more just letters.
    Also what is it with this Captcha thing I am a human not some robot, if I were, I would know what you’re talking about or not care.

  • Margaret Afonso

    03/30/2021 02:56 PM

    Mike I love how you start off with the scripture first. I puts my mind in the right frame of mind to read what comes next. Than you end with a beautiful picture from out parks. I appreciate your article on election "fraud", which according to Democrats does not occur. A few votes here and a few votes there and pretty soon you have a sizeable amount. The Democrats would have use believe that election fraud does not occur on any level, but you have concisely pointed out that it can occur on any level. Keep up the good work.

  • Kathleen Amanti

    03/30/2021 02:56 PM

    I believe that Sydney Powell, and Linn Wood, are honest people!! I believe their claims!! They both said that there was election fraud, AND that Trump won by a landslide!! Our judicial system and MSM are corrupt and side with the democrats and would not even investigate the voter fraud!! We clearly, need voter registration laws that ONLY allow American Citizens to vote!!!
    We need transparency and honest elections!! Why do the cheaters get away with it?? Why is our Judiciary so corrupt?? Why are dishonest leaders NOT held accountable?? There is something very, very, wrong in this country!!
    The media lies!! I have stopped watching the news almost altogether!! I don't watch FOX and I don't watch NewsMax either!! The only thing that is reliable is the bible, God's Word!!

  • Janice Foster

    03/30/2021 02:49 PM

    Thank you for your daily newsletters and Bible scriptures. Your truthfulness is greatly appreciated.

  • Tom Qualman

    03/30/2021 02:46 PM

    Read: Deep Rig by Patrick Byrne. That will illustrate the election fraud in 2020.

  • John T Trotter

    03/30/2021 02:33 PM

    As Blue State legislatures begin to enact Election reforms while Dems support HR1, the REAL solution comes with BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. ALL forms of voting: in-person, early voting, mail-in voting, internet voting can be secured by Blockchain. Sort of puts the Dems on the spot!

  • Diane Friedrick

    03/30/2021 02:28 PM

    Mike , What is happening to this country? How in just a matter of 2 months this country is going down the toilet at alarming speed. WHAT is happening to the people of this country? Has all reason left our government? There is an evil over the democrats and their blindness to right. What is going on?

  • Kelley McQueen

    03/30/2021 02:23 PM

    I LOVE reading your articles! I'm sad to say that I'm a conservative living in California, which has become a major source of embarrassment. As I'm sure you know, California has implemented all the failed policies of the blue some. It has gotten to the point here that illegal immigrants receive all the benefits and citizens get very few. (And "No", I'm not a racist!) I am 73 years old and a native Californian and no longer recognize the State (or country) where I was born. This makes me VERY sad!

  • Pamela Farmer

    03/30/2021 02:09 PM

    This gives credence to my hesitancy to trust the mail in ballots we have been using in Oregon for so long. What if, all these years we have been kept against our will by a corrupt system in this otherwise beautiful state. Serving the people, I think not.

  • J R Biggs

    03/30/2021 01:57 PM

    Hope this site actually represents the thinking of Mr. Huckabee.

  • Wanda Magdalen

    03/30/2021 01:46 PM

    Governor, if this HR-1 is allowed to go through, our country is lost! My husband and I have never seen or heard such lies, deceit, immoral, just overall Anti-God plans being put in place throughout our country! We pray fervently every day for God’s intervention! He is our only hope! I do believe that He is calling upon all of us Christians to keep praying daily and let our voices be heard, to take a stand for our Country! We must stay United and not give in to the ugliness! Stay strong and Pray without Ceasing! May God continue to Bless you and your family and for all you do for us! ??????????????????

  • Cathy Wilkerson

    03/30/2021 01:35 PM

    Thank you Governor for the dedication not only to your readers but to America. I read your newsletter every morning and evening. I can always trust what you report. And your bible verses help me get through all the negativity that’s all over the news. Again, thanks for loving America

  • Christine Battaglio

    03/30/2021 01:33 PM

    Unless something is done nation wide about voter fraud 2022 will be another fiasco. How do we know that people in NY, Baltimore, or California actually voted for democrats? We just assume they are still Democrat.

  • Jim

    03/30/2021 01:33 PM

    I'm Hispanic, but for the life of me I don't understand how "white" people are letting this white privilege and anti white everything go unchecked. How ugly it sounds if you put any other race instead of "white" in anything anti white... Example, we are not going to a basketball game because there's to many black players, or can't hire you because you're to black... etc... It's time to stop this nonsense and the whites need to put their foot down.... It's the federal law and their federal rights!!!!

  • Janet Rush

    03/30/2021 01:24 PM

    Thank you for your , awesome, accurate reporting. I count on you for the truth!

  • Herbster Jim

    03/30/2021 01:23 PM

    Don’t forget the Duval County election in1948 that Johnson stolen