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Read The News You Don't Want To Miss

New Heights of Hysterical Insanity

Truth, Lies & Dezinformatsiya

Surviving two hurricanes and the coming election storm


In case you missed it

Trump is gaining on Harris

FEMA and Harris are in denial

A Virtual Tie

Some good news

Israel launches new strikes

A professional persuader/hypnotist analyzes Tuesday’s VP debate

Of Wars & Hurricanes

Hold on to your hats:

Democrats run to the Right

“Kamala Joy”

So, just to be clear: Biden gets a pass, Trump gets impeachment

Blinken, Winkin’ and Utterly Clueless

Harris spins up a police endorsement from a recently-formed organization called “Police Leaders for Community Safety”

Approaching the anniversary of Hamas’ Oct. 7th attack

Mike Lindell Update