
August 2020

Date Title
8/10/20 Further Thoughts On John Lewis' Funeral
8/10/20 Self-Censoring Skyrockets
8/10/20 Omar Loses Hometown Paper Endorsement
8/10/20 Morning Edition - August 10
8/10/20 MUST-READ: New info on smear of Flynn and Carter Page
8/9/20 From Our "Stop the World, I Wanna Get Off" Desk
8/9/20 Trump's Comments Reviewed
8/9/20 Evening Edition - August 9
8/9/20 Morning Edition - August 9
8/9/20 Political Advantage Over Protecting Life
8/8/20 Morning Edition - August 8
8/8/20 President Trump issues two executive orders
8/8/20 No Police Force? There Will Be Consequences
8/8/20 Michelle O: wealth distribution should be part of "broader policy"
8/8/20 The Worms Are Turning
8/8/20 Evening Edition - August 8
8/7/20 The Gov. replies: How to deal with all the lies from the left
8/7/20 Presidential endorsement time
8/7/20 Important Education Story
8/7/20 Morning Edition - August 7
8/7/20 Stellar comment on in-person voting, and another one
8/7/20 Not the narrative we are being fed
8/7/20 Deadly inaction
8/7/20 Blue cities adopt strict Covid policies while ignoring crime
8/7/20 Back to school (or not) news
8/7/20 Evening Edition -August 7
8/7/20 Andrew Weissmann urges non-cooperation with Barr
8/7/20 Staggering number of Americans see bias in the media
8/7/20 "Fact-Checkers"
8/6/20 Another Musician Ticks Off His Real Fans
8/6/20 Evening Edition - August 6
8/6/20 Media Worship Of Christopher Steele Like A Bad Joke Now
8/6/20 Recommendation for Seattle Residents
8/6/20 Thursday Fake News
8/6/20 Morning Edition - August 6
8/6/20 Consequences Are Back
8/6/20 "Mask-up," keep a distance, and VOTE IN PERSON
8/6/20 Paranoia Is Spreading Among The Anti-Trumpers
8/6/20 Sally Yates prevaricates before Sen. Judiciary Committee
8/6/20 A Better Way To Respond To The Media
8/6/20 Tuesday's Elections
8/5/20 Evening Edition - August 5
8/5/20 Weird Fake News Wednesday
8/5/20 Morning Edition - August 5
8/4/20 Evening Edition - August 4
8/4/20 No, Susan Rice will NOT be Joe Biden's VP pick
8/4/20 Morning Edition - August 4
8/3/20 Ainsworth: An Open Letter to Miss Manners
8/3/20 Morning Edition - August 3
8/3/20 Huckabee: Shooting Down the Anti-Trump Narratives
8/3/20 Evening Edition - August 3
8/3/20 The Truth About GOP Swamp Gators
8/2/20 Morning Edition - August 2
8/2/20 Evening Edition - August 2

July 2020

Date Title
7/31/20 Morning Edition - August 1
7/31/20 Evening Edition - July 31
7/31/20 Mr. Obama, what is it about Democrats, politics and funerals?
7/31/20 Morning Edition - July 31
7/30/20 A follow-up on the AG Barr "hearing": The Gov. answers readers
7/30/20 Herman Cain
7/30/20 Evening Edition - July 30
7/30/20 Morning Edition - July 30
7/29/20 Nadler and Democrats embarrass themselves in AG Barr "hearing"
7/29/20 Morning Edition - July 29
7/29/20 Evening Edition - July 29
7/28/20 What happens when the mob gets its wish
7/28/20 Moderate Democrats, WALK AWAY from your radical, hate-filled party
7/28/20 Violence in "Blue" cities continues
7/28/20 Evening Edition - July 28
7/28/20 Morning Edition - July 28
7/27/20 Chief Justice Roberts sides with the liberals
7/27/20 Evening Edition - July 27
7/27/20 More bad smell: Brookings Institute associated with Steele, "dossier"
7/27/20 Morning Edition - July 27
7/27/20 Vigilante justice is spreading
7/27/20 Farewell to Five Longtime Celebrities
7/26/20 Morning Edition - July 26
7/26/20 Evening Edition - July 26
7/25/20 Morning Edition - July 25
7/25/20 Evening Edition - July 25
7/24/20 Evening Edition - July 24
7/24/20 Yes, FBI used "briefings" to spy on candidate AND President Trump
7/24/20 Morning Edition - July 24
7/23/20 Biden and "reassembled" Obama team won't restore law and order
7/23/20 Evening Edition - July 23
7/23/20 Morning Edition - July 23
7/22/20 "Politically-Motivated Prosecution" in Missouri
7/22/20 Evening Edition - July 22
7/22/20 Uranium One: Russians mocked Obama for being a pushover
7/22/20 Morning Edition - July 22
7/22/20 MORE: Stzrok wanted to use Trump briefing to spy on him
7/21/20 Morning Edition - July 21
7/21/20 Evening Edition - July 21
7/20/20 Democrat Raccoons
7/20/20 Morning Edition - July 20
7/20/20 Evening Edition - July 20
7/20/20 With so much evidence, delay in indictments is ABSURD
7/20/20 In some states, churches are fighting to stay open
7/20/20 The state of the presidential race
7/19/20 The Truth About Black Lives Matter