
April 2020

Date Title
4/14/20 Speaking of nasty bugs, how are things with the FBI?
4/14/20 Morning Edition - April 14
4/13/20 Death toll climbs after deadly storms tear through the South
4/13/20 Morning Edition - April 13
4/13/20 Ainsworth: In Dallas, how much "emergency" control is too much?
4/13/20 Doesn't everybody want a quick end to the pandemic?
4/13/20 Evening Edition - April 13
4/11/20 Evening Edition - April 11
4/11/20 Morning Edition - April 11
4/10/20 Breaking: Great results with follow-up hydroxychloroquine study
4/10/20 Drive-in churchgoers ticketed
4/10/20 Evening Edition - April 10
4/10/20 Morning Edition - April 10
4/9/20 Afternoon Edition - April 9
4/9/20 LYING about the pandemic, Part 2
4/9/20 Evening Edition - April 9
4/9/20 Reader Comment of the Day, and a Limerick
4/8/20 Morning Edition - April 8
4/8/20 Along with Wuhan pandemic, there's a huge outbreak of LYING
4/8/20 Evening Edition - April 8
4/7/20 Big non-virus news: Why Michael Atkinson was kicked to the curb
4/7/20 Here's an idea: send China the bill
4/7/20 Morning Edition - April 7
4/7/20 Evening Edition - April 7
4/6/20 Morning Edition - April 6
4/6/20 On virus and politics, don't buy media's "truth" of the moment
4/6/20 Evening Edition - April 6
4/5/20 Evening Edition - April 5
4/5/20 Today's Newsletter April 5 Edition
4/5/20 A Pastor was arrested this week, we all need to be concerned
4/5/20 Sunday is coming!
4/4/20 What if we had listened to the Trump-hating media?
4/4/20 Evening Edition - April 4
4/4/20 Morning Edition - April 4
4/4/20 Readers sound off on the response to COVID-19
4/3/20 More of the "data" we need to decide how to fight this
4/3/20 Evening Edition - April 3
4/3/20 Coronavirus Deaths
4/3/20 Coronavirus Tracker - April 3
4/3/20 Morning Edition - April 3
4/2/20 Historical Perspective on Viral Pandemic from Reader Bonnie
4/2/20 Evening Edition - April 2
4/2/20 Coronavirus Tracker - April 2
4/2/20 Morning Edition - April 2
4/2/20 We see data emerging NOW, and it may be a "game-changer"
4/2/20 Share your thoughts on President Trump's handling of this crisis
4/1/20 Evening Edition - April 1
4/1/20 Hume: TDS Media can't be trusted
4/1/20 Trampling Rights
4/1/20 Australian media take deadly Chinese lies seriously
4/1/20 Cancel the conventions?
4/1/20 Morning Edition - April 1

March 2020

Date Title
3/31/20 Switching gears
3/31/20 Fake News, COVID-19 Edition, Part 1
3/31/20 Morning Edition - March 31
3/31/20 "Truth from China," Part II, answers to reader comments
3/31/20 Evening Edition - March 31
3/31/20 Fake News, COVID-19 Edition, Part 2
3/30/20 Morning Edition - March 30
3/30/20 God is with us
3/30/20 The challenge of getting truth on origin of Chinese virus
3/30/20 Evening Edition - March 30
3/29/20 Afternoon Edition - March 29
3/29/20 When human institutions fail, God never does
3/29/20 Evening Edition - March 29
3/28/20 Morning Edition - March 28
3/28/20 Coronavirus response puts spotlight on Michigan Governor
3/28/20 Evening Edition - March 28
3/27/20 Morning Edition - March 27
3/27/20 Going Rogue
3/27/20 Evening Edition - March 27
3/26/20 Evening Edition - March 26
3/26/20 Ainsworth: Dr. Perricone, MD, urges use of hydroxycloroquine
3/26/20 The most difficult decision for President Trump
3/26/20 Senate passes $2 trillion stimulus bill
3/26/20 Joe Biden is struggling
3/26/20 Morning Edition - March 26
3/25/20 Morning Edition - March 25
3/25/20 Senate reaches deal
3/25/20 "Reopening America"
3/25/20 Evening Edition - March 25
3/24/20 Evening Edition - March 24
3/24/20 Morning Edition - March 24
3/24/20 "Fear of the unknown," Part 2
3/23/20 Joe Biden recedes into the background
3/23/20 My Show Monologue - March 21
3/23/20 Fake News, Coronavirus Edition
3/23/20 Evening Edition - March 23
3/23/20 “One of the scariest things in the world is called ‘the unknown.’”
3/23/20 Morning Edition - March 23
3/22/20 Necessary response to reader comment
3/22/20 Evening Edition - March 22
3/22/20 The real effects of the Wuhan Virus
3/22/20 Morning Edition - March 22
3/22/20 A Close-Up Look At The Toilet Paper Shortage
3/22/20 Politicizing the Coronavirus Pandemic
3/22/20 Huck's Hero Kurt Kruczek
3/21/20 Evening Edition - March 21
3/21/20 Friday's "Wuhan virus" developments
3/21/20 Morning Edition - March 21