
April 2018

Date Title
4/13/18 London council moves to ban prayer near abortion clinics
4/13/18 Roasting Mark Zuckerberg
4/12/18 Today's "must-read" op-ed
4/12/18 Holocaust Remembrance Day
4/12/18 Lots of breaking news on Mueller overreach
4/12/18 Today's Newsletter April 12 Edition
4/12/18 Facebook is a utility!
4/11/18 News roundup for April 11 - Evening Edition
4/11/18 Zuckerberg struggles
4/11/18 Paul Ryan steps down
4/11/18 Today's Newsletter April 11 Edition
4/10/18 London Mayor sets new standard for stupidity
4/10/18 Are the rich paying their fair share?
4/10/18 President Trump tweets barrage against FBI
4/10/18 Serious business: Robert Mueller goes too far
4/10/18 News roundup for April 10
4/10/18 Have decency and civility become obsolete?
4/10/18 Bill Maher defends Laura Ingraham
4/10/18 Unemployment dropping
4/10/18 Today's Newsletter April 10 Edition
4/10/18 The new censorship at Facebook
4/10/18 George Washington University's Christian Privilege Training Program
4/9/18 One man speaks out for the majority on the Second Amendment
4/9/18 Michelle Obama takes a swipe at President Trump
4/9/18 McCabe GoFundMe (No, go fund yourself!)
4/9/18 "Fake news" is getting even faker
4/9/18 Today's Newsletter April 9 Edition
4/9/18 President Trump ditches boring script
4/7/18 Today's Newsletter April 7 Edition
4/7/18 The truth about mass shooting deaths
4/6/18 Illinois town disarming citizens
4/6/18 Today's Newsletter April 6 Edition
4/5/18 Today's Newsletter April 5 Edition
4/5/18 Dan Rather attacks bad journalism...
4/5/18 California hikes tuition for citizens not illegals
4/5/18 President Trump sends National Guard to the border
4/5/18 Wasserman Schultz and Pakistani IT family back in news
4/4/18 The YouTube Shooter
4/4/18 Today's Newsletter April 4 Edition
4/3/18 Mueller team in lockdown, forbidding FOIA requests
4/3/18 Victims denied justice in Florida
4/3/18 The "Roseanne" reboot
4/3/18 Today's Newsletter April 3 Edition
4/2/18 Infuriating spending
4/2/18 Only in Hollywood would this come as a shock
4/2/18 The Left cannot leave children alone
4/2/18 Go away Hillary
4/2/18 Today's Newsletter April 2 Edition
4/2/18 Alan Dershowitz on equal justice and special counsels

March 2018

Date Title
3/30/18 "The fruits of his reconstruction"
3/30/18 Collusion at the RNC?
3/30/18 VA Secretary fired
3/30/18 Today's Newsletter March 30 Edition
3/30/18 Not a Children's Crusade
3/30/18 Who is John Huber?
3/29/18 Today's Newsletter March 29 Edition
3/29/18 "Roseanne" returns
3/29/18 FBI Inspector General keeps going: investigates FISA abuse
3/29/18 "Huckabee" preview for March 31st
3/28/18 Zell Miller RIP
3/28/18 Author admits to using unverified rumors as basis of book
3/28/18 Today's Newsletter March 28 Edition
3/28/18 Census fury
3/28/18 Know the facts about guns BEFORE you open your mouth
3/28/18 This is what the "blue wave" will mean if it comes...
3/27/18 Dow sets record again
3/27/18 Media bias on display
3/27/18 Stunning Uranium One deal overlaps with other stories
3/27/18 Today's Newsletter March 27 Edition
3/27/18 One final idiotic opinion from John Paul Stevens
3/27/18 Genocide
3/26/18 Today's Newsletter March 26 Edition
3/26/18 Facebook apologizes
3/26/18 Hillary's excuses continue
3/26/18 At least SOME lawyers avoid conflicts of interest
3/26/18 The Stormy Daniels interview
3/26/18 The 3 Things Americans Can't Live With - My weekend monologue
3/25/18 Today's Newsletter March 25 Edition
3/25/18 A good guy with a gun
3/24/18 Today's Newsletter March 24 Edition
3/24/18 I don't envy Republicans come Election Day
3/23/18 2200 pages of frustration
3/23/18 John Bolton returns
3/23/18 Today's Newsletter March 23 Edition
3/23/18 Trump condemns system, signs spending bill to protect military
3/22/18 Today's Newsletter March 22 Edition
3/21/18 More reason to doubt integrity of Mueller and friends
3/21/18 What the media won't tell you about the Maryland school shooting
3/21/18 Today's Newsletter March 21 Edition
3/21/18 Another shady Clinton connection may explain more
3/20/18 Robert Mueller "shreds" DOJ guidelines
3/20/18 Self-identification makes ICE's job easier
3/20/18 Today's Newsletter March 20 Edition
3/20/18 Hillary's apology
3/20/18 Hope for Hollywood?
3/20/18 The Facebook data story
3/20/18 Pro-Iran state department?
3/19/18 Today's Newsletter March 19 Edition
3/17/18 An internal affair: Andrew McCabe fired from FBI
3/17/18 Today's Newsletter St. Patrick's Day Edition