
Saturday, former Vice President Mike Pence announced that “after much prayer and deliberation,” he is suspending his presidential campaign. He said, “It's become clear to me this is not my time," adding, “I urge you to hold fast to what matters: faith, family, and the Constitution of the United States of America. I'm proud that our campaign stood firm on America's role as leader of the free world." He didn’t endorse any other candidate and it's an open question whether he would endorse Trump, considering the bad blood between them over the 2020 election. In his farewell, he urged the GOP to return to its conservative roots and resist the "siren song of populism," represented by Trump.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on some of that, but I wish him well. It’s never easy to have to accept that a campaign you’ve put so much into has fallen short and it’s time to call it quits. But to be honest, I’m surprised we haven’t seen more of this already.

It might start ramping up if polls show what I suspect they might, and that’s an even bigger boost for Trump in the wake of the world starting to fall apart all around us. Usually during a crisis like the war in Israel, there’s a “rallying around” effect that boosts the incumbent President, but in Biden’s case, something is causing his approval rating to fall instead. And that something is the anti-Semitism of his fellow Democrats.

(Apparently, that even includes some Democratic Congress members beyond the “Squad,” 15 of whom voted against a resolution supporting Israel and condemning Hamas, and one of whom is willing to threaten a Jewish colleague for criticizing him over it.)

In the latest Gallup poll, Biden’s approval rating since his speech on Israel has dropped four points to an all-time low of 37%. That’s largely because of fellow Democrats, whom polls show support the Palestinians to a shocking degree, particularly the young Democrats he’s been pandering to with “student loan forgiveness.”

Among Americans who aren’t angry at Biden for not sympathizing with terrorists, there’s more of a “This is your fault” feeling. They’re longing for the good old days of five years ago, when America had secure borders, a strong economy, low inflation and peace deals in the Middle East; we pumped our own oil instead of buying from our enemies; other nations feared and respected us; and we were killing terrorists instead of vice versa. More people are starting to wake up and recognize the politicized lawfare against Trump and how they’ve been lied to by the media about Trump and his supporters (turns out there really are Nazis in America, but they’re not wearing MAGA caps, they’re on Ivy League campuses.)

Those who think that Trump is a goner because of all the bad press and all the lawsuits and indictments should remember the words of a great Republican President: You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6

Give Cori Bush credit

It must be hard to stand out as the dumbest member of “The Squad,” but give Rep. Cori Bush credit for giving it the old, anti-Semitic Ivy League college try.

After Israel waited for weeks to give innocent Palestinians time to get out of Gaza before they came in to kill murderous Hamas terrorists, Bush sent out this tweet. Brace yourself, just reading it might make your IQ plummet:

"We can’t be silent about Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign. Babies, dead. Pregnant women, dead. Elderly, dead. Generations of families, dead. Millions of people in Gaza with nowhere to go being slaughtered. The U.S. must stop funding these atrocities against Palestinians."

Wow, where to start? First, since even Hamas is claiming that 8,000 Palestinians have died, I don’t think you can say “millions” are being slaughtered. And if they have “nowhere to go,” it’s because her pals in Hamas are blocking the escape routes and forcing them to go back and be human shields. She’s right that babies, pregnant women, the elderly and entire generations of families have been slaughtered in an ethnic cleansing atrocity, but those were Israeli Jews slaughtered by her Hamas buddies. Any non-terrorist Palestinian killed by Israel isn’t being “ethnically cleansed,” but is an inadvertent casualty of a war Hamas started because Hamas is using them as - one more time for the slow learners - HUMAN SHIELDS.

I almost feel sorry for the other members of the Squad for having to come up with something to say that’s even more braindead than that. But I have full faith that they are up to the challenge.

Related: Speaking of “Squad” members, is anyone really surprised by a report that Rep. Rashida Tlaib has extensive fundraising ties to pro-Hamas activists and that she hired the founder of a pro-terror Facebook page as the chairman of her campaign finance committee?

A Chicago Brawl

During a big pro-Palestinian rally in Chicago, a brawl broke out between the Hamas sympathizers and a group of Black Hebrew Israelites, with video of it going viral.

As satisfying as that clip might be, in case you’re wondering who the Black Hebrew Israelites are, no, they’re not Israelis. You might recall that they were the troublemakers who started taunting the Catholic students in DC and that led to Nick Sandmann being smeared and suing CNN. Flashback:


Hamas = A Terrorist Organization

A new Rasmussen poll found that 78% of US voters think Hamas should be declared a terrorist organization, and 60% believe that groups that support Hamas should be investigated by federal authorities. Sorry, they’re too busy investigating the biggest terrorist threat to America: Trump voters.

And while Biden has actually been pretty good thus far in supporting Israel, I think Trump is closer to what most Americans feel about this issue.




Attention, female athletes:

This is what you need to do when biological men claim to “identify” as female and demand to compete in your sports.

The Georgia Grappling Championship, a jiu-jitsu tournament supposedly for women, surprised female competitors by not telling them that the people they’d have to fight included “trans-identifying” males who towered over them and outweighed them by 65 pounds. The women simply refused to go along with this insanity and walked out. So the podium had an all-male roster of winners.

Women’s sports defender Riley Gaines tweeted, “In the name of inclusivity and feminism, males are brutally beating up on women and being awarded for it. Think about the message this sends."

This was such an embarrassment (and rightly so) that the North American Grappling Association (NAGA) officially changed its policy. From now on “cisgender females” (a stupid term; it should just be “females”) will compete in the women’s division, and “transgender females” (i.e., biological males) will compete in the men’s division. There, was that so hard to figure out?

All female athletes should take a lesson from these women. If you’re asked to risk your health and give up your sport by being forced to compete against larger, stronger male athletes, just say “no” and walk out. News flash: the organizers can’t sell tickets and TV rights to their “women’s sports league” without women. Refuse to play along and force them, if they want to stay in business, to stop letting males cheat by stealing your trophies, titles, prizes and scholarships.

All you have to do is not care what leftist idiots call you on the Internet. Trust me, it’s not that hard. I’ve done it for years.


“Transparency and accountability” for Biden? FOIA is a joke

As bad as Hillary’s email scandal was --- thousands of official State Department documents kept secret on a private server --- President Biden’s looks to be potentially much worse, at least in terms of scale.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), finally responding to a lawsuit by the nonprofit public interest law firm the Southeast Legal Foundation, said in a federal court filing in Atlanta on Monday that it has found 82,000 pages (!) of emails that Joe Biden sent or received under one of three pseudonyms he was using while serving as Vice President.  According to the filing, they will be producing “non-exempt” portions of this material on a “monthly rolling basis.”

The foundation sought these emails after JUST THE NEWS reported a year ago that Joe Biden had been using three email accounts with fake names:  Robert L. Peters, JRBWare, and Robinware456.

So, what’s in the many thousands of emails Biden wrote or received while he was VP?  We have no idea.  As John Solomon writes, “NARA has completed a search for potentially responsive documents and is currently processing those documents for the purpose of producing non-exempt portions of any responsive records on a monthly rolling basis,” the status report stated. “Given the scope of Plaintiff’s FOIA request, which seeks copies of all emails in three separate accounts over an eight-year period, the volume of potentially responsive records is necessarily large.”

We would word that a little differently:  that it’s “necessarily large” because of Biden’s attempt to hide his communications from FOIA requests in THREE SEPARATE ACCOUNTS.  In other words, don’t blame the plaintiff’s request, which he has every right under the law to make.  Blame Biden.

According to the court filing, NARA and the legal foundation are working together, “discussing ways to narrow the request for records to get copies of the emails out in a more expeditious manner.”

As we learned with Hillary’s email scandal, government officials’ use of private email for official government business is “discouraged under law.”  Under the Federal Records Act, officials such as then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-VP Joe Biden are required to preserve all government-related emails conducted on their private email accounts.  Hillary’s had actually been under subpoena, and yet she and her aides deleted over 22,000 more that she had deemed “personal.”  (You know, the ones about yoga classes and Chelsea’s wedding.)  It turned out that some of the material was classified, including 22 emails that were “top secret.”  It didn’t matter; then-FBI Director James Comey, unbelievably, let Hillary off the hook in his infamous speech on July 5, 2016, saving her presidential candidacy ahead of the Democratic National Convention when she had done something that would put regular people --- and certainly Donald Trump --- in the slammer.

Hillary apparently wasn’t using made-up names for herself, although it might be fun to think of some she could have used.

We don’t yet know if any of these Biden-pseudonym emails were classified, but he’s currently under investigation, or so they tell us, by Special Counsel Robert Hur for having classified documents from his time as senator and VP and keeping them, well, in a variety of non-secure places.  Were any of these places raided Mar-A-Lago style?  Don’t be silly; of course not.

As the DAILY CALLER reports, another group, Stephen Miller’s America First Legal, also received a status report from the National Archives on its own FOIA lawsuit in early October identifying nearly 20,000 emails with Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca and over 4,000 with Hunter himself.  Others were with Joe’s brother Jim and Jim’s company.  But AFL still hasn’t seen the actual documents.  I’m sure they were all about the weather.

The Southeastern Law Foundation suit is what turned up the Biden pseudonyms Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters and JRB Ware.  While he was Vice President, Biden was apparently using these names for government business, as there was one from “Robert L. Peters” setting up a meeting with Ukraine’s then-president Petro Porochenko ON HUNTER’S LAPTOP.

The House Oversight Committee wrote a letter to NARA in August demanding that they be given “unrestricted access” to the Biden pseudonym documents under the Presidential Records Act.  NARA has only partially complied so far, allowing the committee to review the Ukraine-related email and a small number of others in September.

The committee has also requested that NARA turn over records related to Hunter Biden’s rides on Air Force Two, plus the communications between Joe’s White House office and/or Hunter and Hunter’s business associates.  From the State Department, they’re asking for records surrounding Biden’s administration and the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin.


EPOCH TIMES investigative reporter Mark Tapscott posted yesterday about what a joke the Freedom Of Information Act is.  He says that every day, bureaucrats at every level of government “thumb their noses” at it.  This is a law with absolutely no teeth that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1966.

It can take years for the “responsive” records to be produced, and we have to take their word that it’s all there.  Often entire pages are obscured with black bars.  As Tapscott says, “They redact, ignore, delete, overlook, wait, misconstrue, etc. etc., whatever it takes to avoid providing the transparency and accountability the law requires.”  And why not?  There are no penalties.  Nobody’s going to jail for failing to comply.

Have you ever tried to get documents released via a FOIA request?  Tapscott links to an article detailing the bureaucratic road traveled by Hans Bader when he had to sue the Department of Education under FOIA to get thousands of pages of documents concerning proposed regulation of charter schools.  Bader, who worked in the Department of Education under Trump, submitted his request on behalf of Liberty Unyielding and the Bader Family Foundation.  He’s sued federal agencies over unfulfilled FOIA requests 13 times since 2021.

When the Department of Education did not comply or offer any response at all within the proscribed 20-day period, he filed suit.  So now it’s releasing pages at the rate of about 500 per month, and many of the pages are entirely redacted.  In the documents produced this October, only 4 of the 574 pages released were NOT totally redacted.  You’d think this was classified material about our nuclear arsenal, not proposed rules for charter schools.

The Education Department says the redacted material is “exempt” but hasn’t explained why.  “Courts have said that agencies generally do not even have to justify their redactions until they file for summary judgment, Bader writes, “which occurs months or years after a FOIA lawsuit is filed.”  In other words, delay, delay, delay.  We have to hand it to heroic organizations like Judicial Watch, which stays on every lawsuit like a dog with a bone, no matter how long it takes to get the information.

“Agencies usually withhold the lion’s share of interesting communications,” says Bader, “the ones that describe what the agency is up to, under the deliberative process privilege,” which is interpreted very expansively by the courts.  “Deliberative process privilege has become the exception that devours the rule of transparency created by the FOIA.”

The whole purpose of the Freedom Of Information Act was, according to the Supreme Court, to “ensure an informed citizenry, vital to the functioning of a democratic society, needed to check against corruption and hold the government accountable to the governed.”  (I’ll pause while you laugh helplessly.)  The law in its current form, as interpreted by the courts, can’t possibly do that.

Israel update

Here is today’s page of continuously-updated stories on the war in Israel from Fox News:

In the latest news, IDF forces safely liberated a female Israeli soldier, 19-year-old Private Ori Megidish, who was being held hostage by Hamas. Israel’s military also announced that another 300 Hamas targets had been attacked in Gaza over the last 24 hours. A spokesman said, "We are hunting their commanders. We are attacking their infrastructure and whenever there is any potent target that is related to Hamas, we strike it. Now we do so with professionalism. Hamas is the enemy, not the civilian population." It's also reported that the Hamas commander who directed the October 7th attack has been killed in an airstrike.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a strong speech rejecting calls for a ceasefire.  He said, “Just as the US would not agree to a ceasefire after the bombing of Pearl Harbor or after the terrorist attack of 9/11, Israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities with Hamas after the horrific attacks of 7 October. Calls for a ceasefire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terrorism. The Bible says ‘there is a time for peace, and a time for war,’” and “This is a time for a war. A war for our common future. Today, we draw a line between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism.”

Netanyahu said Israel is giving Hamas just two choices: “Die or surrender.” Anyone who thinks that’s too harsh should consider that it’s one more choice than Hamas gave their victims.

Surprisingly, even Hillary Clinton agrees. To her fellow Democrats who are crying for a ceasefire, Hillary said they “don’t understand Hamas.” She said, "It would be such a gift to Hamas because they would spend whatever time there was a ceasefire in effect rebuilding their armaments, creating stronger positions to be able to fend off an eventual assault by the Israelis."

To give Hillary credit, she’s absolutely right about this. And as Nick Arama at points out, among those who don’t (or to be kind, didn’t) understand how Hamas exploits ceasefires was Joe Biden, who in May of 2021 bragged about negotiating a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. He promised aid to Gaza and not to let Hamas restock their weapons. And then there was another “ceasefire” in May of this year. They really worked out great, didn’t they?

Shani Louk

Israeli officials report that they have identified the body of Shani Louk, the young German-Israeli woman abducted at the music festival, tortured and paraded unconscious around Gaza on the back of a truck by Hamas barbarians. Her body was discovered beheaded.

As horrifying as this is, also horrifying in a different way are the efforts by some in the West to downplay and deny the brutality of these terrorists. Like the editors of the Yale Daily student newspaper, who put a “correction” on a story saying that claims that Hamas raped women and beheaded men are “unsubstantiated.” They got some blunt lessons on Twitter about what that word means, and how it doesn’t apply to acts of animalistic savagery that are live streamed online by the people committing them.

If these young ignoramuses would like some “substantiation” of Hamas’ brutality, the IDF has discovered some, but I will warn you in advance, this is disturbing and sickening.

Banning Halloween?!?

I hope your family has a safe and fun Halloween, that is, if you aren’t afraid to put on any costume for fear it will offend somebody. It’s funny, I remember when liberals used to mock Christians for opposing Halloween parties in schools. Now, it’s liberals who are banning Halloween, like these school officials in New Jersey:

They claimed that canceling Halloween would somehow “encourage diversity, equity and inclusion.” Which is ridiculous, because dressing up as a DEI consultant makes you much scarier than a werewolf or vampire, and far more dangerous to society. They rescinded the ban after parents revolted and even the Democrat Governor slammed it, saying, “Give me a break!”

Of course, there’s always the possibility that Democrats will cancel Halloween just by making candy so expensive that nobody can afford to give it out anymore.

Some good news

A new report by the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on government weaponization reveals that due to pressure from them, the IRS agreed to end unannounced surprise visits to taxpayers’ homes as of July 2023. The report assured Americans that the subcommittee’s “oversight revealed, and led to the swift end of, the IRS’s weaponization of unannounced field visits to harass, intimidate, and target taxpayers.”

Here’s why that was necessary. The report includes an account of an IRS agent showing up at the door of a Marion County, Ohio, woman and lying about why he was there. She had received no notice of any tax problems, but she let him in and he began harassing and intimidating her.  She told him to leave, and he replied, “I am an IRS agent. I can be at and go into anyone’s house at any time I want to be.” She finally called the police, and the agent filed a complaint against the police department! The IRS later admitted that the woman owed no taxes and the situation “never should have gotten this far.”

If you know anyone who actually believes their vote doesn’t matter and there’s no difference between the two parties, tell them that the Republicans took action to rein in the abuse of power by the IRS while the Democrats want to hire 87,000 more IRS agents. Maybe that will slap some reality into them.


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RIP Matthew Perry

October 31, 2023

I am truly sad to have to report that on Saturday, “Friends” star Matthew Perry was found dead at his home in Los Angeles at 54. Police said there were no illegal drugs on the scene (although there are reports that he had prescription medications), and foul play is not suspected. It was initially reported that he had drowned in his hot tub; but it was later learned that he had earlier played pickleball for two hours, and many commenters mentioned that for someone with his serious health issues, strenuous exercise followed by the high heat of a hot tub can lead to heart failure. FYI, here’s more information on that:

The coroner deferred releasing a cause of death pending further tests, but said Perry’s body was “ready for release,” with “other significant conditions” contributing to his death. In short, he had been lucky to still be alive, which he was well aware of.

Perry recently opened up in a best-selling memoir about his years of substance abuse and the toll it took on his body, with doctors at one point giving him only a 2% chance of survival. It started with alcohol, then a skiing accident led to a painkiller addiction. He was also a heavy smoker. You can see the effects on reruns of “Friends,” where at one point, he was taking 55 Vicodin a day and weighed only 128 pounds at six feet tall.

Having finally conquered his addictions and miraculously survived, Perry said, "The best thing about me, bar none, is if somebody comes up to me and says, 'I can't stop drinking. Can you help me?' I can say yes and follow up and do it. And I've said this for a long time: when I die, I don't want ‘Friends’ to be the first thing that's mentioned — I want that to be the first thing that's mentioned. And I'm going to live the rest of my life proving that." Perry then stressed that he hopes what people say about him after his death is that “his paramount thing is that he wants to help people. That's what I want."

At this writing, Perry’s closest castmates on “Friends” were reportedly in “total shock” and had yet to say anything. But there’s an outpouring of grief from countless celebrities who worked with Perry and who all describe him as incredibly sweet, kind and funny, despite the terrible addictions he fought for so many years. RIP, Matt.

As bad as Hillary’s email scandal was --- thousands of official State Department documents kept secret on a private server --- President Biden’s looks to be potentially much worse, at least in terms of scale.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), finally responding to a lawsuit by the nonprofit public interest law firm the Southeast Legal Foundation, said in a federal court filing in Atlanta on Monday that it has found 82,000 pages (!) of emails that Joe Biden sent or received under one of three pseudonyms he was using while serving as Vice President.  According to the filing, they will be producing “non-exempt” portions of this material on a “monthly rolling basis.”

The foundation sought these emails after JUST THE NEWS reported a year ago that Joe Biden had been using three email accounts with fake names:  Robert L. Peters, JRBWare, and Robinware456.

So, what’s in the many thousands of emails Biden wrote or received while he was VP?  We have no idea.  As John Solomon writes, “NARA has completed a search for potentially responsive documents and is currently processing those documents for the purpose of producing non-exempt portions of any responsive records on a monthly rolling basis,” the status report stated. “Given the scope of Plaintiff’s FOIA request, which seeks copies of all emails in three separate accounts over an eight-year period, the volume of potentially responsive records is necessarily large.”

We would word that a little differently:  that it’s “necessarily large” because of Biden’s attempt to hide his communications from FOIA requests in THREE SEPARATE ACCOUNTS.  In other words, don’t blame the plaintiff’s request, which he has every right under the law to make.  Blame Biden.

According to the court filing, NARA and the legal foundation are working together, “discussing ways to narrow the request for records to get copies of the emails out in a more expeditious manner.”

As we learned with Hillary’s email scandal, government officials’ use of private email for official government business is “discouraged under law.”  Under the Federal Records Act, officials such as then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-VP Joe Biden are required to preserve all government-related emails conducted on their private email accounts.  Hillary’s had actually been under subpoena, and yet she and her aides deleted over 22,000 more that she had deemed “personal.”  (You know, the ones about yoga classes and Chelsea’s wedding.)  It turned out that some of the material was classified, including 22 emails that were “top secret.”  It didn’t matter; then-FBI Director James Comey, unbelievably, let Hillary off the hook in his infamous speech on July 5, 2016, saving her presidential candidacy ahead of the Democratic National Convention when she had done something that would put regular people --- and certainly Donald Trump --- in the slammer.

Hillary apparently wasn’t using made-up names for herself, although it might be fun to think of some she could have used.

We don’t yet know if any of these Biden-pseudonym emails were classified, but he’s currently under investigation, or so they tell us, by Special Counsel Robert Hur for having classified documents from his time as senator and VP and keeping them, well, in a variety of non-secure places.  Were any of these places raided Mar-A-Lago style?  Don’t be silly; of course not.

As the DAILY CALLER reports, another group, Stephen Miller’s America First Legal, also received a status report from the National Archives on its own FOIA lawsuit in early October identifying nearly 20,000 emails with Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca and over 4,000 with Hunter himself.  Others were with Joe’s brother Jim and Jim’s company.  But AFL still hasn’t seen the actual documents.  I’m sure they were all about the weather.

The Southeastern Law Foundation suit is what turned up the Biden pseudonyms Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters and JRB Ware.  While he was Vice President, Biden was apparently using these names for government business, as there was one from “Robert L. Peters” setting up a meeting with Ukraine’s then-president Petro Porochenko ON HUNTER’S LAPTOP.

The House Oversight Committee wrote a letter to NARA in August demanding that they be given “unrestricted access” to the Biden pseudonym documents under the Presidential Records Act.  NARA has only partially complied so far, allowing the committee to review the Ukraine-related email and a small number of others in September.

The committee has also requested that NARA turn over records related to Hunter Biden’s rides on Air Force Two, plus the communications between Joe’s White House office and/or Hunter and Hunter’s business associates.  From the State Department, they’re asking for records surrounding Biden’s administration and the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin.


EPOCH TIMES investigative reporter Mark Tapscott posted yesterday about what a joke the Freedom Of Information Act is.  He says that every day, bureaucrats at every level of government “thumb their noses” at it.  This is a law with absolutely no teeth that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1966.

It can take years for the “responsive” records to be produced, and we have to take their word that it’s all there.  Often entire pages are obscured with black bars.  As Tapscott says, “They redact, ignore, delete, overlook, wait, misconstrue, etc. etc., whatever it takes to avoid providing the transparency and accountability the law requires.”  And why not?  There are no penalties.  Nobody’s going to jail for failing to comply.

Have you ever tried to get documents released via a FOIA request?  Tapscott links to an article detailing the bureaucratic road traveled by Hans Bader when he had to sue the Department of Education under FOIA to get thousands of pages of documents concerning proposed regulation of charter schools.  Bader, who worked in the Department of Education under Trump, submitted his request on behalf of Liberty Unyielding and the Bader Family Foundation.  He’s sued federal agencies over unfulfilled FOIA requests 13 times since 2021.

When the Department of Education did not comply or offer any response at all within the proscribed 20-day period, he filed suit.  So now it’s releasing pages at the rate of about 500 per month, and many of the pages are entirely redacted.  In the documents produced this October, only 4 of the 574 pages released were NOT totally redacted.  You’d think this was classified material about our nuclear arsenal, not proposed rules for charter schools.

The Education Department says the redacted material is “exempt” but hasn’t explained why.  “Courts have said that agencies generally do not even have to justify their redactions until they file for summary judgment, Bader writes, “which occurs months or years after a FOIA lawsuit is filed.”  In other words, delay, delay, delay.  We have to hand it to heroic organizations like Judicial Watch, which stays on every lawsuit like a dog with a bone, no matter how long it takes to get the information.

“Agencies usually withhold the lion’s share of interesting communications,” says Bader, “the ones that describe what the agency is up to, under the deliberative process privilege,” which is interpreted very expansively by the courts.  “Deliberative process privilege has become the exception that devours the rule of transparency created by the FOIA.”

The whole purpose of the Freedom Of Information Act was, according to the Supreme Court, to “ensure an informed citizenry, vital to the functioning of a democratic society, needed to check against corruption and hold the government accountable to the governed.”  (I’ll pause while you laugh helplessly.)  The law in its current form, as interpreted by the courts, can’t possibly do that.

Last week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who chairs the Senate committee protecting whistleblowers, wrote to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, advising them that the House Committees have found that they disregarded evidence from at least 40 confidential human sources about Biden family corruption, dating from when Joe Biden was Vice President.

This week, legal analyst Margot Cleveland at THE FEDERALIST examines the role played in this by the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, which was to falsely label this evidence “foreign disinformation.”

Thanks to Sen. Grassley, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, congressional testimony from IRS and FBI whistleblowers, and the subpoenaing of financial records by the House Committees, we know now that the FBI and DOJ’s “Biden-family protection program” involved numerous players in various positions in offices from coast to coast.  “But it’s the involvement of the Foreign Influence Task Force that demands an immediate response by the House,” Cleveland says, “namely the launching of an impeachment inquiry of FBI Director Christopher Wray, under whose watch this task force abused its power --- and interfered in a presidential election.”

Again, it can’t be said more clearly:  THIS WAS ELECTION INTERFERENCE BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.  Shutting down the investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop and the information it held about Biden family corruption effectively kept Joe Biden and his Democrat regime in the running for 2020.  (And this was just one way in which they’ve interfered; we’re not even talking about the “Trump-Russia” Hoax that was started before the 2016 election.)  And now, with the passage of four years, we’re seeing the same intel community interfering in yet another presidential election, this time focusing mostly on relentless lawfare against Trump and his supporters. 

But you knew all that was going on.  What we’ve now learned from the House committees is specifically how the Biden investigation got shut down.  As Grassley wrote last week, “the basis for shutting the investigative activity down was an August 2020 assessment created by FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten,” which an FBI headquarters team used “to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused the investigative activity to cease.”

Auten had no evidence that this information was coming from Russian sources, but that didn’t matter.  And it was Auten’s phony assessment of the case that led the Foreign Influence Task Force to seek out confidential human source (CHS) materials at FBI field offices and “falsely discredit them as foreign disinformation.”

As Cleveland points out, Auten wrote his assessment one month AFTER a CHS told the FBI that Burisma founder Mykola Zolochevsky had said he’d paid $5 million to one Biden and $5 million to another Biden.  That interview, from June 30, 2020, had come about only after Western Pennsylvania U.S. Attorney Scott Brady had asked the FBI to search for documents relating to Ukraine; that search had turned up earlier “1023” interview notes from March 2017 from the same CHS that referred to Hunter being on Burisma’s board.

We can thank Scott Brady for requesting the follow-up interview with that CHS that turned up the Zolochevsky comment on Biden bribery.  As Cleveland tells it, the FBI fought his request for that follow-up interview for a month.

She says it “cannot be a coincidence” that just one month after that interview was done, Auten did an assessment that the Foreign Influence Task Force then used, in Grassley’s words, “to seek out CHS holdings at FBI Field Offices across the country relating to the Biden family and falsely discredit them as foreign disinformation.”

Brady did some independent vetting of the CHS’s interview to corroborate some of the details, and he also coordinated with the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York to assess for themselves whether or not this was foreign disinformation.  They “found no hits to known sources of Russian information.”  Auten had apparently made it up.

We don’t know how many of the confidential human sources (there were at least 40 in all) or how many of their reports were categorized and dismissed as foreign disinformation by the Foreign Influence Task Force in the wake of Auten’s fake assessment, but according to whistleblower testimony, the improper branding of them as disinformation “caused investigative activity to cease.”

Brady had planned to brief the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office --- that’s David Weiss, who has since been appointed special counsel --- on this “1023” and the need for further investigation, but the Foreign Influence Task Force got out ahead of him and on September 14, 2020, communicated with the CHS’s handling agent and, according to the whistleblower, “attempted to shut down” the CHS’s reporting “by falsely saying it was subject to foreign disinformation.”

As Grassley said in his letter, “It should be emphasized that the basis for trying to shut down the Biden family 1023 has been described to my office as highly suspect and is contradicted by other documents my office has been told exist within the Foreign Influence Task Force, FBI Seattle Field Office, FBI Baltimore Field Office, and FBI HQ [headquarters] holdings.”

And in case Brady, from his Pittsburgh office, might have been getting anywhere with his independent checking, Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who was overseeing the Hunter Biden investigation, had, according to IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, “already written off any evidence coming out of Pittsburgh as disinformation.”    

Cleveland also reviewed the transcribed interview by the House Judiciary Committee, taken two weeks ago, of Tim Thibault, former FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington field office.  According to Thibault, the FBI headquarters’ Public Corruption Unit chief called him out of the blue to discuss this CHS and set up a meeting between him and the Foreign Influence Task Force to discuss their “concerns” about him.  Thibault subsequently closed the association with that CHS.

Grassley is moving forward, with a list of about 25 DOJ and FBI personnel who need to be interviewed.  But, as Cleveland says, that is not enough.  Because FBI Director Wray “cannot control his swamp creatures,” the House must open a “long-overdue” impeachment inquiry into Wray.

Wray certainly should be responsible for what the Foreign Influence Task Force is doing, having personally set it up in the fall of 2017.  Here’s the FBI’s webpage that tells what they’re supposed to be doing to target foreign influence operations.  We read through it very carefully, and nowhere does it say anything about protecting a corrupt presidential candidate and his family by falsely labeling a laptop and a CHS’s interview as “foreign disinformation.”  Funny how they ended up getting involved in that anyway.

Here’s more information at the FBI website about how they handle foreign threats.  Much of this has to do with “election security” (we’ll pause while you laugh helplessly).  Their way of dealing with foreign influence takes a “three-pronged approach.”  Watch out for #3, “Private Sector Partnerships:  The FBI considers strategic engagement with U.S. technology companies, including threat indicator sharing, to be important in combatting foreign influence actors.”

Ah, that must be why they went to Twitter and Facebook and falsely alerted them to “foreign disinformation” about Hunter Biden before the laptop story broke.  Just doing their job.  You know, to safeguard our election.


RELATED READING:  For when you have time, this piece should raise alarm bells.  Last May, in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Director of National Intelligence and Obama Holdover Avril Haines first mentioned the FBI’s next step, the creation of the Foreign Malign Influence Center, or FMIC.  It had actually been created the previous fall.  According to THE INTERCEPT, it was formed “in response to concerns about the impact of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.”  Oh, no.

The article reads, “The FMIC is authorized to counter foreign disinformation targeting not just U.S. elections, but also ‘the public opinion within the United States’ generally (!!!), according to the law.”

Here’s something else in the article to send a chill up your back:  The Pentagon has very quietly opened something called their “Influence and Perception Management Office” (!!!).  No details are given on this Orwellian-named office, because none whatsoever have been released.  “As is often the case,” the article reads, “no press release accompanied the office’s creation or any reference by the administration aside from this year’s budget request, which appears to be the only publicly available U.S. government reference to the office.”



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful.

Colossians 4:2

11 to go

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 81 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Vice President Mike Pence suspends his presidential campaign

Saturday, former Vice President Mike Pence announced that “after much prayer and deliberation,” he is suspending his presidential campaign. He said, “It's become clear to me this is not my time," adding, “I urge you to hold fast to what matters: faith, family, and the Constitution of the United States of America. I'm proud that our campaign stood firm on America's role as leader of the free world." He didn’t endorse any other candidate and it's an open question whether he would endorse Trump, considering the bad blood between them over the 2020 election. In his farewell, he urged the GOP to return to its conservative roots and resist the "siren song of populism," represented by Trump.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on some of that, but I wish him well. It’s never easy to have to accept that a campaign you’ve put so much into has fallen short and it’s time to call it quits. But to be honest, I’m surprised we haven’t seen more of this already.

It might start ramping up if polls show what I suspect they might, and that’s an even bigger boost for Trump in the wake of the world starting to fall apart all around us. Usually during a crisis like the war in Israel, there’s a “rallying around” effect that boosts the incumbent President, but in Biden’s case, something is causing his approval rating to fall instead. And that something is the anti-Semitism of his fellow Democrats.

(Apparently, that even includes some Democratic Congress members beyond the “Squad,” 15 of whom voted against a resolution supporting Israel and condemning Hamas, and one of whom is willing to threaten a Jewish colleague for criticizing him over it.)

In the latest Gallup poll, Biden’s approval rating since his speech on Israel has dropped four points to an all-time low of 37%. That’s largely because of fellow Democrats, whom polls show support the Palestinians to a shocking degree, particularly the young Democrats he’s been pandering to with “student loan forgiveness.”

Among Americans who aren’t angry at Biden for not sympathizing with terrorists, there’s more of a “This is your fault” feeling. They’re longing for the good old days of five years ago, when America had secure borders, a strong economy, low inflation and peace deals in the Middle East; we pumped our own oil instead of buying from our enemies; other nations feared and respected us; and we were killing terrorists instead of vice versa. More people are starting to wake up and recognize the politicized lawfare against Trump and how they’ve been lied to by the media about Trump and his supporters (turns out there really are Nazis in America, but they’re not wearing MAGA caps, they’re on Ivy League campuses.)

Those who think that Trump is a goner because of all the bad press and all the lawsuits and indictments should remember the words of a great Republican President: You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

The latest news regarding Israel

Here is today’s link to Fox News’ continually updated reports on the war in Israel…

Latest developments: The IDF said it is expanding its ground operation in Gaza, and overnight, they "eliminated multiple terrorists barricaded within civilian buildings and terrorist tunnels who attempted to attack the forces." This includes killing four senior Hamas commanders. They’re also reportedly using bunker buster bombs to destroy Hamas’ network of tunnels.

The US Navy stated that the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is on its way to join the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its entourage of vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean "in support of the defense of Israel and to deter aggression throughout the region."

But some of the most unsettling news is happening outside of the Middle East, where anti-Semitic threats and violence are suddenly erupting all over. I told you about the pro-Palestinian protesters who shut down Grand Center Terminal at rush hour (about 300 were arrested, but this being New York City, I assume they were immediately released.) And it hasn’t calmed down since.

A Russian airport in a mostly Muslim region was shut down after rioters flooded the runway, shouting “Allahu Akbar” and anti-Semitic slogans and looking for a plane from Israel so they could attack Jews. More than 20 people were wounded. Many Twitter users criticized a White House spokeswoman for calling this a “protest,” when the correct term would be "pogrom," which is an attack on particular ethnic groups, particularly Jews.

Things aren’t much better in the US, where protesters are now openly threatening Jews, including on our liberal college campuses, where “words are violence” if it’s Republicans expressing political opinions, but terrorizing and assaulting Jewish students is apparently free speech. At Cornell University, home of that professor who found Hamas’ brutal slaughter of Israeli civilians “energizing” and “exhilarating,” the FBI is investigating after someone posted death threats against Jewish students and a Jewish student center online. The President of Cornell, at first having tried to soft-pedal the anti-Semitism on her campus, now unequivocally condemns the outright death threats against Jews. I hope that isn’t a testament to how slow people are to learn at Cornell.

Fox has compiled a list of some of the most extreme anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas incidents on college campuses.

But if you follow the money, you’ll hardly be surprised.

And as Twitter commentator Iowahawk (David Burge) noted, schools that have been hiring and giving tenure to anti-Semitic radical professors for 40 years can’t suddenly claim to be shocked to learn that they’ve turned out a bunch of brainwashed, anti-Semitic students.

Iowahawk also had the perfect response to an arrogant, pro-Hamas Harvard student who thinks nobody can touch her because “you can’t fire 700 Harvard students. It would be a scandal. That’s a privilege we have.” Iowahawk replied, “Harvard gets 60,000 applicants every year, and if Harvard came to its senses and expelled your genocide-loving a***s, 59,300 would happily run over their own grandmothers to fill your spot.”

Trump’s response about NY AG is worth reading

If you want to know why all these liberal prosecutors and judges are so desperate to put gag orders on Donald Trump, just read what he posted online about the New York Attorney General and the judge who are trying to force his daughter Ivanka to testify against him even though an appeals court dismissed her as a defendant and she doesn’t even live in New York. Warning, this might scorch your monitor.

Dumpster Dive

How hard is the liberal media having to work to try to dig up dirt on new House Speaker Mike Johnson? Try this shocking scoop from the Atlantic magazine: Johnson’s great-great-great-grandfather was a Confederate soldier!

If you’ve recovered from your fainting spell, brace yourself: he also questioned the validity of a presidential election…just like countless Democrats do for every presidential election they lose, and for far less reason.

At the link, Nick Arama describes the people pushing these stories as “pond scum.” I don’t think I can do better than that.

The New York Times reports actual news

Congratulations to the New York Times for reporting some actual true news. Amid all the criticism and pressure on Israel for cutting off food, fuel and water to Gaza, the Times reported that Hamas (which is supposedly the government of Gaza) has stockpiled huge supplies of fuel, ammunition, explosives, food, water and medicine. But they’re hoarding it for their war on Israel and not sharing any of it with the Palestinian people.

The Times quoted Samir Gattas, “an Egyptian strategic analyst who closely monitors Gaza,” as saying, “The Hamas movement cares only about the Hamas movement. The public of Gaza mean absolutely nothing for Hamas.”

That article also quotes Commentary magazine editor Seth Mandel, who notes that Gaza gets its water from a desalination plant that could be running if Hamas would share its gas for the generators, but they don’t. They’d rather save it to attack Israel and kill Jews than save their own people. As Mandel points out, this is yet another humanitarian crisis caused by Hamas, not Israel.

The FBI Foreign Influence Task Force and how it covered for the Bidens

Last week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who chairs the Senate committee protecting whistleblowers, wrote to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, advising them that the House Committees have found that they disregarded evidence from at least 40 confidential human sources about Biden family corruption, dating from when Joe Biden was Vice President.

This week, legal analyst Margot Cleveland at THE FEDERALIST examines the role played in this by the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, which was to falsely label this evidence “foreign disinformation.”

Thanks to Sen. Grassley, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, congressional testimony from IRS and FBI whistleblowers, and the subpoenaing of financial records by the House Committees, we know now that the FBI and DOJ’s “Biden-family protection program” involved numerous players in various positions in offices from coast to coast.  “But it’s the involvement of the Foreign Influence Task Force that demands an immediate response by the House,” Cleveland says, “namely the launching of an impeachment inquiry of FBI Director Christopher Wray, under whose watch this task force abused its power --- and interfered in a presidential election.”

Again, it can’t be said more clearly:  THIS WAS ELECTION INTERFERENCE BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.  Shutting down the investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop and the information it held about Biden family corruption effectively kept Joe Biden and his Democrat regime in the running for 2020.  (And this was just one way in which they’ve interfered; we’re not even talking about the “Trump-Russia” Hoax that was started before the 2016 election.)  And now, with the passage of four years, we’re seeing the same intel community interfering in yet another presidential election, this time focusing mostly on relentless lawfare against Trump and his supporters. 

But you knew all that was going on.  What we’ve now learned from the House committees is specifically how the Biden investigation got shut down.  As Grassley wrote last week, “the basis for shutting the investigative activity down was an August 2020 assessment created by FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten,” which an FBI headquarters team used “to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused the investigative activity to cease.”

Auten had no evidence that this information was coming from Russian sources, but that didn’t matter.  And it was Auten’s phony assessment of the case that led the Foreign Influence Task Force to seek out confidential human source (CHS) materials at FBI field offices and “falsely discredit them as foreign disinformation.”

As Cleveland points out, Auten wrote his assessment one month AFTER a CHS told the FBI that Burisma founder Mykola Zolochevsky had said he’d paid $5 million to one Biden and $5 million to another Biden.  That interview, from June 30, 2020, had come about only after Western Pennsylvania U.S. Attorney Scott Brady had asked the FBI to search for documents relating to Ukraine; that search had turned up earlier “1023” interview notes from March 2017 from the same CHS that referred to Hunter being on Burisma’s board.

We can thank Scott Brady for requesting the follow-up interview with that CHS that turned up the Zolochevsky comment on Biden bribery.  As Cleveland tells it, the FBI fought his request for that follow-up interview for a month.

She says it “cannot be a coincidence” that just one month after that interview was done, Auten did an assessment that the Foreign Influence Task Force then used, in Grassley’s words, “to seek out CHS holdings at FBI Field Offices across the country relating to the Biden family and falsely discredit them as foreign disinformation.”

Brady did some independent vetting of the CHS’s interview to corroborate some of the details, and he also coordinated with the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York to assess for themselves whether or not this was foreign disinformation.  They “found no hits to known sources of Russian information.”  Auten had apparently made it up.

We don’t know how many of the confidential human sources (there were at least 40 in all) or how many of their reports were categorized and dismissed as foreign disinformation by the Foreign Influence Task Force in the wake of Auten’s fake assessment, but according to whistleblower testimony, the improper branding of them as disinformation “caused investigative activity to cease.”

Brady had planned to brief the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office --- that’s David Weiss, who has since been appointed special counsel --- on this “1023” and the need for further investigation, but the Foreign Influence Task Force got out ahead of him and on September 14, 2020, communicated with the CHS’s handling agent and, according to the whistleblower, “attempted to shut down” the CHS’s reporting “by falsely saying it was subject to foreign disinformation.”

As Grassley said in his letter, “It should be emphasized that the basis for trying to shut down the Biden family 1023 has been described to my office as highly suspect and is contradicted by other documents my office has been told exist within the Foreign Influence Task Force, FBI Seattle Field Office, FBI Baltimore Field Office, and FBI HQ [headquarters] holdings.”

And in case Brady, from his Pittsburgh office, might have been getting anywhere with his independent checking, Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who was overseeing the Hunter Biden investigation, had, according to IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, “already written off any evidence coming out of Pittsburgh as disinformation.”    

Cleveland also reviewed the transcribed interview by the House Judiciary Committee, taken two weeks ago, of Tim Thibault, former FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington field office.  According to Thibault, the FBI headquarters’ Public Corruption Unit chief called him out of the blue to discuss this CHS and set up a meeting between him and the Foreign Influence Task Force to discuss their “concerns” about him.  Thibault subsequently closed the association with that CHS.

Grassley is moving forward, with a list of about 25 DOJ and FBI personnel who need to be interviewed.  But, as Cleveland says, that is not enough.  Because FBI Director Wray “cannot control his swamp creatures,” the House must open a “long-overdue” impeachment inquiry into Wray.

Wray certainly should be responsible for what the Foreign Influence Task Force is doing, having personally set it up in the fall of 2017.  Here’s the FBI’s webpage that tells what they’re supposed to be doing to target foreign influence operations.  We read through it very carefully, and nowhere does it say anything about protecting a corrupt presidential candidate and his family by falsely labeling a laptop and a CHS’s interview as “foreign disinformation.”  Funny how they ended up getting involved in that anyway.

Here’s more information at the FBI website about how they handle foreign threats.  Much of this has to do with “election security” (we’ll pause while you laugh helplessly).  Their way of dealing with foreign influence takes a “three-pronged approach.”  Watch out for #3, “Private Sector Partnerships:  The FBI considers strategic engagement with U.S. technology companies, including threat indicator sharing, to be important in combatting foreign influence actors.”

Ah, that must be why they went to Twitter and Facebook and falsely alerted them to “foreign disinformation” about Hunter Biden before the laptop story broke.  Just doing their job.  You know, to safeguard our election.

RELATED READING:  For when you have time, this piece should raise alarm bells.  Last May, in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Director of National Intelligence and Obama Holdover Avril Haines first mentioned the FBI’s next step, the creation of the Foreign Malign Influence Center, or FMIC.  It had actually been created the previous fall.  According to THE INTERCEPT, it was formed “in response to concerns about the impact of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.”  Oh, no.

The article reads, “The FMIC is authorized to counter foreign disinformation targeting not just U.S. elections, but also ‘the public opinion within the United States’ generally (!!!), according to the law.”

Here’s something else in the article to send a chill up your back:  The Pentagon has very quietly opened something called their “Influence and Perception Management Office” (!!!).  No details are given on this Orwellian-named office, because none whatsoever have been released.  “As is often the case,” the article reads, “no press release accompanied the office’s creation or any reference by the administration aside from this year’s budget request, which appears to be the only publicly available U.S. government reference to the office.”

RIP Matthew Perry and Richard Roundtree

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru, Pat Reeder (

I am truly sad to have to report that on Saturday, “Friends” star Matthew Perry was found dead at his home in Los Angeles at 54. Police said there were no illegal drugs on the scene (although there are reports that he had prescription medications), and foul play is not suspected. It was initially reported that he had drowned in his hot tub; but it was later learned that he had earlier played pickleball for two hours, and many commenters mentioned that for someone with his serious health issues, strenuous exercise followed by the high heat of a hot tub can lead to heart failure. FYI, here’s more information on that:

The coroner deferred releasing a cause of death pending further tests, but said Perry’s body was “ready for release,” with “other significant conditions” contributing to his death. In short, he had been lucky to still be alive, which he was well aware of.

Perry recently opened up in a best-selling memoir about his years of substance abuse and the toll it took on his body, with doctors at one point giving him only a 2% chance of survival. It started with alcohol, then a skiing accident led to a painkiller addiction. He was also a heavy smoker. You can see the effects on reruns of “Friends,” where at one point, he was taking 55 Vicodin a day and weighed only 128 pounds at six feet tall.

Having finally conquered his addictions and miraculously survived, Perry said, "The best thing about me, bar none, is if somebody comes up to me and says, 'I can't stop drinking. Can you help me?' I can say yes and follow up and do it. And I've said this for a long time: when I die, I don't want ‘Friends’ to be the first thing that's mentioned — I want that to be the first thing that's mentioned. And I'm going to live the rest of my life proving that." Perry then stressed that he hopes what people say about him after his death is that “his paramount thing is that he wants to help people. That's what I want."

At this writing, Perry’s closest castmates on “Friends” were reportedly in “total shock” and had yet to say anything. But there’s an outpouring of grief from countless celebrities who worked with Perry and who all describe him as incredibly sweet, kind and funny, despite the terrible addictions he fought for so many years. RIP, Matt.

Also, while we were away last week in Nashville, actor Richard Roundtree died at home on October 24th after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 81. He had previously survived a double mastectomy and become a spokesperson to inform people that breast cancer could also strike men.

Roundtree played many roles, from the landmark miniseries “Roots” to Burt Reynolds’ partner in “City Heat,” and his favorite, "Once Upon A Time… When We Were Colored” (1996), which he said was his first film that his father didn’t refuse to watch. But he will forever be remembered as the first black action hero, detective John Shaft in 1971’s “Shaft.” “Shaft” spawned several sequels (“Shaft’s Big Score,” “Shaft in Africa” and a 1973 TV series) and two reboots with Samuel L. Jackson taking over as Shaft’s nephew.

As the co-author of “Hollywood Hi-Fi,” I’m known as an expert on celebrity singers, so I’d also like to mention that aside from Isaac Hayes’ classic “Shaft” soundtrack album, Roundtree released an LP called “The Man From Shaft” in 1972 and a few singles that showed off his pretty good R&B crooning skills.

Here’s the funky LP title track…

And a ballad, “Goodnight My Love,” arranged by Sinatra arranger Don Costa!

And something I’ll bet nobody else will mention: his singing was good enough to allow him to star in 1976 as Sky Masterson in a national tour of an all-black production of “Guys and Dolls,” with Leslie Uggams as Sister Sarah Brown. RIP.


Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

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Welcome to Consequences

October 29, 2023

A female alderman in the Chicago neighborhood of Brighton Park was assaulted by an angry mob protesting a plan to build a housing camp for 2,000 illegal immigrants. As this story notes, these people not only elected the local Democrats who boasted of making Chicago a “sanctuary city,” but they voted for Joe "Open Border" Biden for President by over 80%.

Related: Remember when Democrats like New York Mayor Eric Adams were denouncing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott as “inhumane” for busing to blue states some of the millions of illegal aliens that Biden let pour into Texas? Well, once those blue states and cities got a taste of what Biden’s policies were inflicting on border states, it’s been noted that suddenly, they’re sounding a lot like red border states. And here’s just the latest example:

With each and every illegal immigrant costing New York City about $380 a day, not to mention all the drugs and violence they’ve brought, Mayor Adams has set up a “reticketing center for migrants.” That means he’s offering a free plane ticket to illegal immigrants to fly to anywhere they want that isn’t New York City. I thought that was “inhumane,” but then, who can say that about helping anyone leave New York City?

But as Kevin Downey Jr. at PJ Media points out, this could also be read as, “If you can just get to New York City, they’ll give you a free plane ticket to anywhere!” Fortunately, it’s easy to get there: just walk across the border and Texas will give you a free bus ride there.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15 NIV

81 to go

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 81 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

“Huckabee” Preview

Please join me tonight for a great new episode of “Huckabee” on TBN. I’ll talk to former US Senator Scott Brown, and to Eli Beer, founder of United Hatzalah of Israel, about providing first response medical care to victims of terrorism. The Rev. Franklin Graham will tell us about Samaritan’s Purse’s aid effort in Israel, as well as their annual Christmas gift box program for needy children. I’ll have plenty of fun entertainment, too, including laughs from comedian/musician Gary Mule Deer and the return of one of our favorite musical groups, the Katinas.

It all starts rolling at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page

Maine shooting update

Here are the latest updates on the mass shooting in Maine that left 18 people dead.

The big news is that after an intensive manhunt, suspect Robert Card was found dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot, near a dumpster by a recycling plant where he used to work. It’s a great relief to residents who had been told to stay in their homes for safety as long as he was on the loose and his whereabouts unknown. I hope you will join me in praying for the victims and their families, and for the recovery of those who were injured. Go to that link and scroll down to find an article that tells about the victims. Mourning them and recognizing their lives and accomplishments is what we should be doing now.

I’m not going to respond in detail to all the people who are trying to exploit this tragedy to push gun control agendas. They’re hoping that the immense shock and grief will prevent people from asking questions like, “Would this proposal have made any difference, or even made matters worse?” For instance, we’ve since learned that Card was already prohibited by law from owning a firearm but obtained one anyway. And at least one and possibly both of the places he targeted were “gun-free zones” where he knew there would be no armed law-abiding citizens to stop him.

Israel Update

Here is the link to today’s Fox News page of continuously-updated war news from Israel.

In the most recent developments: Israel struck back at Hezbollah targets in Lebanon after they fired rockets into Israel. Overnight on Friday, Israel started its ground offensive in Gaza, attacking about 150 underground targets such as the tunnels Hamas has built to hide out in and facilitate its attacks and escapes. Relatives of some of the hostages are demanding to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu to lobby for him to hold off on attacking the tunnels because they believe hostages are being held there.

But Israel has already rejected calls for a “humanitarian pause” in its Gaza offensive to bring supplies to Palestinians, saying that any pause in the assault gives more time to Hamas to fortify its positions. Critics also say they want more time to negotiate for the release of hostages. Personally, I would think that letting Hamas know that holding on to the hostages is buying them a ceasefire and more time to regroup would only give them more reason not to release the hostages.

And just to hammer home exactly what Israel is dealing with: Before the nouveau Holocaust deniers have time to get any fools to believe their narratives, here is (warning: very disturbing) video of an IDF commander confirming that, yes, they found bodies of people who were burned to death and babies beheaded by Hamas.

Here in the US, hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters converged on Grand Central Terminal in New York City, forcing it to shut down at rush hour. Incredibly, the protest was organized by a leftwing Jewish group called “Jewish Voice for Peace.” And nothing says “I love peace” like giving aid and comfort to Hamas.

Billionaire investor Leon Cooperman, who has given about $50 million to his alma mater Columbia University over the years, says his donations will now go elsewhere because of the rabid, pro-Hamas demonstrations by Columbia students. Cooperman said, “These kids at the colleges have (BLEEP) for brains,” adding, "We have one reliable ally in the Middle East. That's Israel. We only have one democracy in the Middle East. That's Israel. And we have one economy tolerant of different people, gays, lesbians, etc. That's Israel. So they have no idea what these young kids are doing."

Actually, I believe these college administrators and professors know exactly what the students are doing, and where they got these insane, anti-Semitic ideas. They’re just worried that they’ve become so obvious all of a sudden. They were supposed to graduate, then go out into society and quietly infect America with these rotten ideas, not expose them all at once in broad daylight.

Watching all these so-called liberals fly their anti-Semitism flags so proudly makes one wonder why most members of the Democratic Party – famous for loudly calling people racists and anti-Semites when it’s to their advantage – are keeping so quiet. Maybe because just this week, their House members unanimously voted to make their leader, Hakeem Jeffries, Speaker, and he has a written record of wildly racist and anti-Semitic opinions that has recently resurfaced.

And as long as we’re digging up long-buried evidence of what today’s Democratic leaders really are, here’s a video from 2018 of Trump-hating New York Attorney General Letitia James whipping up a racist crowd with an anti-white, anti-male chant.

Echo of the past

I mentioned yesterday the story of the pro-Palestinian protesters at the Cooper Union, a private college in New York City’s East Village, threatening Jewish students. In a frightening echo of the 1930s and Anne Frank, they were advised to hide in the attic of the library. Well, here’s more on that story, including video. Anyone who says we should allow this in America forever loses the right to ask why Germans didn’t stand up to the Nazis.

Clueless Idiot of the Day:

Newsmax shared video of a pro-Palestinian protester demanding through a bullhorn that companies such as Nike that do business with Israel be boycotted. She apparently wasn’t aware that she was wearing Nike Air Forces sneakers.

Ironically, this was probably the least important thing that she’s obviously not aware of.

Clueless Idiot of the Day, Celebrity Division:

You have to hand it to Joy Behar, it can’t be easy to come up with a statement that’s being described as the dumbest thing ever said on “The View,” but she’s definitely in the running with this one.

A Bad Day of Court Decisions for President Trump

Former President Trump had a bad day for court decisions Friday, with a Colorado judge ruling that a lawsuit that’s trying to keep him off the ballot in 2024 using the ludicrous 14th Amendment argument can go forward. There are other such cases around the country receiving various and contradictory rulings. So far, the Supreme Court has refused to step and do its job. But they eventually will have to rule on this, so it would be nice if they’d speak up and protect the Constitution and “our democracy” by putting the kibosh on this nonsense before we actually hold the election.

Also, the judge in Trump’s kangaroo court fraud trial in New York ruled that his daughter Ivanka will have to testify against her own father, I guess because this trial just didn’t seem low enough. The prosecutors claim Ivanka has relevant information, and the judge said, “Ms. Trump has clearly availed herself of the privilege of doing business in New York." After seeing this attempt at twisting the law to destroy a man’s business out of political animosity, I don’t think I would call that a “privilege.”

I hope Trump’s attorneys will ask her to state under oath and into the court record for posterity exactly what she thinks of both the judge and New York’s Attorney General Letitia James.

Welcome to Consequences:

A female alderman in the Chicago neighborhood of Brighton Park was assaulted by an angry mob protesting a plan to build a housing camp for 2,000 illegal immigrants. As this story notes, these people not only elected the local Democrats who boasted of making Chicago a “sanctuary city,” but they voted for Joe "Open Border" Biden for President by over 80%.

Related: Remember when Democrats like New York Mayor Eric Adams were denouncing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott as “inhumane” for busing to blue states some of the millions of illegal aliens that Biden let pour into Texas? Well, once those blue states and cities got a taste of what Biden’s policies were inflicting on border states, it’s been noted that suddenly, they’re sounding a lot like red border states. And here’s just the latest example:

With each and every illegal immigrant costing New York City about $380 a day, not to mention all the drugs and violence they’ve brought, Mayor Adams has set up a “reticketing center for migrants.” That means he’s offering a free plane ticket to illegal immigrants to fly to anywhere they want that isn’t New York City. I thought that was “inhumane,” but then, who can say that about helping anyone leave New York City?

But as Kevin Downey Jr. at PJ Media points out, this could also be read as, “If you can just get to New York City, they’ll give you a free plane ticket to anywhere!” Fortunately, it’s easy to get there: just walk across the border and Texas will give you a free bus ride there.

Congratulations are in order

Congratulations to England’s University of Exeter, which has somehow managed to come up with a degree program that’s an even bigger waste of money than getting a gender studies degree.


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Former President Trump had a bad day for court decisions Friday, with a Colorado judge ruling that a lawsuit that’s trying to keep him off the ballot in 2024 using the ludicrous 14th Amendment argument can go forward. There are other such cases around the country receiving various and contradictory rulings. So far, the Supreme Court has refused to step and do its job. But they eventually will have to rule on this, so it would be nice if they’d speak up and protect the Constitution and “our democracy” by putting the kibosh on this nonsense before we actually hold the election.

Also, the judge in Trump’s kangaroo court fraud trial in New York ruled that his daughter Ivanka will have to testify against her own father, I guess because this trial just didn’t seem low enough. The prosecutors claim Ivanka has relevant information, and the judge said, “Ms. Trump has clearly availed herself of the privilege of doing business in New York." After seeing this attempt at twisting the law to destroy a man’s business out of political animosity, I don’t think I would call that a “privilege.”

I hope Trump’s attorneys will ask her to state under oath and into the court record for posterity exactly what she thinks of both the judge and New York’s Attorney General Letitia James.

Israel Update

October 29, 2023

Here is the link to today’s Fox News page of continuously-updated war news from Israel.

In the most recent developments: Israel struck back at Hezbollah targets in Lebanon after they fired rockets into Israel. Overnight on Friday, Israel started its ground offensive in Gaza, attacking about 150 underground targets such as the tunnels Hamas has built to hide out in and facilitate its attacks and escapes. Relatives of some of the hostages are demanding to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu to lobby for him to hold off on attacking the tunnels because they believe hostages are being held there.

But Israel has already rejected calls for a “humanitarian pause” in its Gaza offensive to bring supplies to Palestinians, saying that any pause in the assault gives more time to Hamas to fortify its positions. Critics also say they want more time to negotiate for the release of hostages. Personally, I would think that letting Hamas know that holding on to the hostages is buying them a ceasefire and more time to regroup would only give them more reason not to release the hostages.

And just to hammer home exactly what Israel is dealing with: Before the nouveau Holocaust deniers have time to get any fools to believe their narratives, here is (warning: very disturbing) video of an IDF commander confirming that, yes, they found bodies of people who were burned to death and babies beheaded by Hamas.

Here in the US, hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters converged on Grand Central Terminal in New York City, forcing it to shut down at rush hour. Incredibly, the protest was organized by a leftwing Jewish group called “Jewish Voice for Peace.” And nothing says “I love peace” like giving aid and comfort to Hamas.

Billionaire investor Leon Cooperman, who has given about $50 million to his alma mater Columbia University over the years, says his donations will now go elsewhere because of the rabid, pro-Hamas demonstrations by Columbia students. Cooperman said, “These kids at the colleges have (BLEEP) for brains,” adding, "We have one reliable ally in the Middle East. That's Israel. We only have one democracy in the Middle East. That's Israel. And we have one economy tolerant of different people, gays, lesbians, etc. That's Israel. So they have no idea what these young kids are doing."

Actually, I believe these college administrators and professors know exactly what the students are doing, and where they got these insane, anti-Semitic ideas. They’re just worried that they’ve become so obvious all of a sudden. They were supposed to graduate, then go out into society and quietly infect America with these rotten ideas, not expose them all at once in broad daylight.

Watching all these so-called liberals fly their anti-Semitism flags so proudly makes one wonder why most members of the Democratic Party – famous for loudly calling people racists and anti-Semites when it’s to their advantage – are keeping so quiet. Maybe because just this week, their House members unanimously voted to make their leader, Hakeem Jeffries, Speaker, and he has a written record of wildly racist and anti-Semitic opinions that has recently resurfaced.

And as long as we’re digging up long-buried evidence of what today’s Democratic leaders really are, here’s a video from 2018 of Trump-hating New York Attorney General Letitia James whipping up a racist crowd with an anti-white, anti-male chant.

How are we supposed to know that the $200,000 personal check sent from James Biden’s bank account to Joe Biden’s in 2018 was a loan repayment?

According to White House spokesman Ian Sams, who responded to this question in a tweet Friday, it’s easy!  “It’s right there on the check!” he said.

And, by golly, it DOES say that.  That little blank in the lower left-hand corner of the check has actually been filled in with the words “loan repayment.”  In pen.  Well, hey, that’s good enough for me, and I’m sure if my source of hundreds of thousands of dollars in income were questioned by, say, the IRS, it would be good enough for them, too.

So we should just stop asking the Bidens about this and move forward on issues that matter to the American people, things that President Biden is doing such a remarkable job with such as inflation, crime, border security, and leading us merrily into World War III, mostly from his official post on a Delaware beach.

Pardon the sarcasm, but with all the dodging we’ve seen from this Administration --- check out any press briefing from Karine Jean-Pierre --- surely, they don’t expect us now to be buying THIS.

Sams, who’s becoming famous for his lame talking-point responses, also accused Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who had written Thursday to White House Counsel Edward Siskel advising him that nothing in James and Sara Biden’s bank records show that brother Joe had loaned them $200,000, of trying “to distract from Republicans’ Speaker mess.”

Um, WHAT “Speaker mess”?  By Friday, that was over and we had in place a new Speaker who’d received 100 percent Republican support.  Now it’s Comer who is trying to move on, to do the job that has fallen to his committee --- also to Judiciary and Ways and Means --- since the weaponized DOJ has shown itself to be, shall-we-say, unwilling to follow the Biden money.

Here’s the background:  After the House Oversight and Accountability Committee held its first impeachment inquiry hearing, they subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank accounts.  That was about a month ago, and the check for $200,000 made out to Joe was part of what was turned up.  In his letter to White House counsel, Rep. Comer pointed out that James Biden sent Joe Biden a direct payment of $200,000 in March 2018, on the same day now-defunct healthcare company Americore Health LLC, a bankruptcy-bound rural hospital operator, wired $200,000 to James.   

As Comer explained it on video, in 2018, James Biden had received $600,000 in loans from financially-strapped Americore.  Quoting from documents from bankruptcy court, James received these loans “based upon representations that his last name, Biden, could open doors, and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

On the same day that Americore wired $200,000 of this into James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account, James wrote out a personal check for the same amount to his brother.

“Even if this is a personal loan repayment,” Comer said in the video, “it’s still troubling that Joe Biden’s ability to be paid back by his brother depended on the success of his family’s shady financial dealings.”  And yet there’s still no evidence that this WAS a personal loan repayment.

Does Joe Biden “have documents proving he loaned such a large sum of money to his brother, and what were the terms of such a financial agreement?  Did he have similar financial agreements with other family members that led them to make similar large payments?”  Also, was he aware that James Biden had received the $200,000 check from a failing company on the same day?

What it looks like is easy money for Joe.

In his letter to White House counsel, Comer noted that James and Sara Biden did receive payments from “various entities,” and some of these might have involved obscuring the true payer’s identity, but that “no records in the Committee’s possession state that Joe Biden made a large loan payment to his brother.”

So he made this request: “If Joe Biden did personally loan James Biden an amount that was later repaid by the $200,000 check, please provide the loan documents, including loan payment, the loan agreement, and any other supporting loan documentation.”  There apparently were no interest payments made on this so-called loan, and for loans made as gifts, the documentation Comer is requesting is nothing more than what the IRS would call for.

Comer wrote, “The current lack of documentation leaves reason to doubt claims that this transaction was repayment for a legal loan.  We request documentation clarifying the nature of this payment and whether all applicable documentation and IRS filings were properly made.”

As AMERICAN GREATNESS reports, the White House told the committee last week that Joe Biden, as a private citizen, had loaned brother James his own money “when he needed it,” and claimed there is a record that he was repaid.  Well, let’s see it.  If they meant the canceled check with “loan repayment” written in the corner, that’s not enough to show that this was a real loan.

AG also has information on the nature of Americore’s financial woes.  They cite POLITICO’s report from March 2020 that the company was even raided by the FBI and that “there were concerns at the time that James Biden had fraudulently transferred Americore funds “outside of the normal course of business.”

RELATED:  In an update to the story about Western Pennsylvania U.S. attorney Scott Brady’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee --- he’s the one whose testimony Rep. Jamie Raskin has been lying about --- Brady also testified that regarding the Hunter Biden case, there was a “communication breakdown” between his office and that of Delaware U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss.  He found it so challenging to communicate with Weiss that he took an unusual step, enlisting the help “on a regular basis” of the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General’s Office (PADAG), Jeffrey Rosen, to facilitate this when all else failed.

Investigative reporter James Lynch at the DAILY CALLER says that Weiss was “restricting information-sharing” with Brady, whose testimony, as it is released, is getting more interesting by the day.

“Speaking generally,” Brady testified, “from a process perspective, I think there was both a skepticism of the information that we were developing, that we had received, and skepticism and then weariness of that information.  I think they were very concerned about any information sharing with our office.”

Brady described the communication they had as “constricted” and said he’d resorted to providing a list of 20 written questions to Weiss’s investigative team in Delaware.

Weiss is scheduled to testify in early November about his role in the Hunter Biden investigation and will surely be asked about this.  In the meantime, the DAILY CALLER has more information on the significance of Brady’s testimony.  Read this, and see if Brady doesn’t strike you as the kind of methodical, professional, by-the-book prosecutor that we need a lot more of in the “Justice” Department.

The expression “to gaslight” comes from the 1944 movie in which a mentally sound woman is deliberately driven to doubt her own sanity by the lies told to her over and over. We hear the term often these days, simply because we’re subjected to gaslighting all the time, typically by the agenda-driven: advertisers, politicians, bureaucrats. Washington DC truly is the home of the whopper. No wonder so many people just tune out all politicians and don’t even bother to vote. (Note: that’s a reason, not an excuse. There’s no excuse for not voting.)

Yesterday’s example of a politician’s lie coming to light was Jamaal Bowman’s insistence, even as he was pleading guilty to setting off an emergency-exit alarm in the Capitol building, that he didn’t mean to disrupt anything, that he made a mistake because he was in a rush to get to the floor of Congress for the Speaker’s vote and the doors that were normally open wouldn’t open. For some reason, he claimed he thought the plainly-labeled fire alarm was the emergency unlocking mechanism for the doors. Yes, Bowman had DISRUPTED CONGRESS during OFFICIAL BUSINESS, which has been the pretext for sentencing numerous January 6 defendants to many years in prison.

But the same day he made this claim --- avoiding any prison time at all, or even having a misdemeanor charge on his record --- video footage was released showing Rep. Bowman quickly and nonchalantly removing the warning signs on the exit doors without even attempting to open them, then quickly triggering the alarm and leaving. Thanks to the existence of that video, we may conclude that Bowman has been lying to us.

Now he’s just avoiding us, hoping this incident will die down. And it probably will (with help from the “news” media, which largely ignored this story), as another lie rises to take its place in the public consciousness. In the meantime, this will be his clever avoidance technique...

Without that video, the public might have grudgingly given him the benefit of the doubt. After all, that’s what the law is supposed to do: presume him innocent until proven guilty. Fortunately for Charles Boyer’s character in GASLIGHT, he’s going about his business in the late 1800s, when no video could possibly exist of him turning the gaslight down. As long as there are no eyewitnesses, he’s free to do as he pleases.

Bowman might not even have to use his avoidance strategy for long, because the very next day, there was a new lie exposed. Our newest Lie Of The Day, concerning the “Justice” Department’s assessment of evidence against the Biden family, was told in the form of public statements by serial liar Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, just now being brought to light.

Recall that yesterday in our commentary about Sen. Chuck Grassley’s letter to the DOJ/FBI, we linked to a story in JUST THE NEWS about U.S. Attorney Scott Brady’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, telling them his investigative team had found enough evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the Biden family to refer criminal matters to three separate U.S. attorneys’ offices: Manhattan, Brooklyn and Delaware. He testified that he thought “there was reluctance on the part of the FBI to really do any tasking relative to our assignment from DAG [Deputy Attorney General] Rosen and looking into allegations of Ukrainian corruption broadly and then specifically anything that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role in Burisma. It was very challenging.”

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler had given similar testimony. Anyway, that story sets the scene for Raskin’s lie, so here it is again.

Here’s the telling excerpt from JUST THE NEWS:

“Brady also directly contradicted claims by Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, alleging that his office had not found the FD-1023 informant report credible and shut down that line of inquiry.”

“‘My understanding of Mr. Raskin's public statements is that, based on the determination that I and my team found the allegations in the 1023 not credible or other information not credible, we did not escalate the assessment to a limited or full investigation,’ Brady said. ‘That's not true.’”

(ASIDE: If Democrats controlled Congress, Jamie Raskin and not Jim Jordan would chair the House Judiciary Committee. Something to tell your friends who might not think elections make any difference.)

This observation by Brady, placed at the very end of the story, did not escape notice by such analysts as Bonchie at, who reports that the House Oversight Committee is accusing Raskin of lying. “Former U.S. Attorney Scott Brady’s testimony CONFIRMS Ranking Member Raskin LIED about the FBI’s Biden Bribery Record. The U.S. Attorney’s Office uncovered enough indicia of credibility of the evidence and recommended further investigative steps to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware…”

Here’s their full tweet (“X”?). The comments are pretty entertaining as well, along the lines of, “Jamie Raskin lied; so what else is new?” But the best comments are the ones asking some version of, “What are you going to do about it?”

The question remains: what ARE they going to do? Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who chairs Oversight, has written to Raskin demanding an apology and correction. The DAILY CALLER prints his letter, unintentionally hilarious for its inside address to “The Honorable Jamie Raskin.”

The rest of the letter is great, too, especially this paragraph:

“Additionally, we ask, Mr. Raskin, that you take seriously your position as Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability and its incumbent responsibility to be honest regarding facts learned in the course of investigations—even those that are inconvenient to your own political views. While we appreciate your role up to this point has been to play defense counsel for the Biden family, it is time to follow the evidence and speak the truth.”

Brady had also said in his testimony that the FBI never told his office about Hunter Biden’s laptop, let alone that they had confirmed it was real.

“I would have thought that would be something, especially as has been publicly reported, there’s information relating to Hunter Biden’s activities on the board of Burisma in Ukraine, that might have been helpful in our assessment of the information that we were receiving about him,” Brady testified. “I would have expected that to be shared.”

As for Raskin, Bonchie likens him to renowned liar California Rep. Adam Schiff, who will forever be remembered for his lies perpetuating the fake Trump-Russia connection. “On more than one occasion,” Bonchie says, “Schiff claimed to have seen direct evidence that collusion occurred. He has never produced it to this day.” Jamie Raskin just might be in his league.

Breitbart News has a good write-up on the story as well. Wendell Husebo notes that back in June, former Attorney General Bill Barr discounted what Raskin had said.

From their archives:

Bill Barr Dispels Democrat Jamie Raskin's Claim DOJ Ended Bribery Probe (

So, will this most recently uncovered incidence of gaslighting reap any serious consequences for Raskin and his party? It should, but almost certainly will not. We can hope enough people are sick of being lied to by the most conniving serial liars like Schiff and Raskin (Schumer also comes to mind) that it will make a difference on Election Day. (In our own party, we’ve been heartened by the choice of Rep. Mike Johnson as Speaker, as he seems extremely candid and well-spoken.) In the meantime, whenever somebody tries to turn down the gas, we just do our best to turn the light back up.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Jeremiah 29:12

89 to go

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With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Cornell professor takes a leave of absence

That Cornell history professor who called the slaughter of Jewish civilians by Hamas terrorists “exhilarating” and “energizing” has taken a leave of absence amid demands for his firing.

In a letter, he apologized for his “horrible choice of words,” writing, “I recognize that some of the language I used was reprehensible and did not reflect my values.”

Excuse me, but you’re a college professor, yet it took all this time and the widespread outrage of millions to make you realize that celebrating the vicious slaughter of innocent Jewish civilians is “reprehensible”? That doesn’t speak very well for whoever allegedly educated you.

A modest proposal

Ed Morrissey at offers a modest proposal for transforming our universities that have become Stalinist/anti-Semitic indoctrination camps in a way that won’t infringe on anyone’s First Amendment rights or establish a precedent that can be used to suppress conservative groups. It’s a simple solution, but it just might work, and it’s one that I’ve been urging GOP state legislatures to consider for years: Turn off the fire hose of taxpayer money and “defund the fleece.”

And I’m glad to see that the private sector is leading the way on this crusade.


Intruder arrested twice

Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. reports that an intruder climbed the fence at his home, was arrested, released later the same day, and immediately came right back and did it again. And he still hadn’t been granted Secret Service protection by the Biden White Administration.

“Science deniers” win a big court case

So all the crazy “science deniers” were right? The New York Supreme Court found this week that being vaccinated does not prevent a person from contracting or spreading COVID, and it ordered all New York City workers fired for refusing vaccination to be reinstated and given back pay. There are about 1700 of them. Mayor Eric Adams had said he would not rehire them, but considering many of them are cops and firefighters, maybe this Court ruling will give him cover to do something the city desperately needs to do anyway.

Doubling down

The New York University student law leader who had a prestigious job offer rescinded after participating in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel rhetoric has learned nothing and is doubling down on the anti-Jewish, pro-terrorism activism. The story notes that this woman (sorry!) “identifies” as “non-binary” and uses “they/them” pronouns. Try doing that in any nation in the Middle East other than Israel and see how long they/them lives.

Elder endorses Trump

Larry Elder announced that he is ending his campaign for President and endorsing Donald Trump.  I know how difficult that decision can be, so I wish him the best and congratulate him on a good effort that, as he noted, helped to shine a light on issues of importance to him, including fatherlessness, crime and the false notion that America is a racist country.

Elder said Trump’s leadership was “instrumental in advancing conservative America-first principles and policies that have benefited our great nation,” and that it’s time for Republicans to unite behind him and beat Joe Biden.

Meet Speaker Mike Johnson

New House Speaker Mike Johnson was a relative unknown to most people, and had a reputation as a nice, quiet guy. This means the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are having to scramble to figure out how to smear and demonize him.

They seem to have settled for the moment on “election denier” because he had questions about the 2020 election of Joe Biden. Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media reminds of why those questions were extremely understandable, but also that his chief accusers on this front were bigger election deniers than Johnson ever was.

For those wanting to learn more actual information about Johnson, here are a few stories worth checking out:

Finally, I look forward to hearing how Democrats will smear Johnson as a racist, considering his adopted son is black.

RNC roasted over debate plan

The RNC is getting blasted after announcing plans for its next primary debate. They chose to partner with NBC News, which will let the debate be “moderated” by reliably leftwing anchors Lester Holt and Kirsten Welker. You know, there’s a reason why the Democrats don’t hold their debates on Fox News with moderators Greg Gutfeld and me, although that would be the greatest Democrat debate in history.

Former CEO of Toyota slams EV mandates

Granted, the former CEO of Toyota and current head of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association couldn’t possibly know as much about cars as Joe Biden does, but he’s slamming electric vehicle mandates. With unsold EVs piling up at dealerships, Akio Toyoda says auto makers should hedge their bets by continuing to develop other (better) technologies, like hybrids and hydrogen fuel cells cars. He warned that if “regulations are created based on ideals” instead of reality, “it is regular users who are the ones who suffer.” Also, “The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets. When politicians are out there saying, ‘Let’s get rid of all cars using gasoline,’ do they understand this?”

No, I don’t think they understand one thing about automotive technology, other than that they pass a law they yanked out of the air and expect car engineers to make it a reality. Government shouldn’t work that way, markets certainly shouldn’t work that way, and physics definitely doesn’t work that way.

Comer:  no evidence that $200,000 from James to Joe Biden was “loan repayment”

How are we supposed to know that the $200,000 personal check sent from James Biden’s bank account to Joe Biden’s in 2018 was a loan repayment?

According to White House spokesman Ian Sams, who responded to this question in a tweet Friday, it’s easy!  “It’s right there on the check!” he said.

And, by golly, it DOES say that.  That little blank in the lower left-hand corner of the check has actually been filled in with the words “loan repayment.”  In pen.  Well, hey, that’s good enough for me, and I’m sure if my source of hundreds of thousands of dollars in income were questioned by, say, the IRS, it would be good enough for them, too.

So we should just stop asking the Bidens about this and move forward on issues that matter to the American people, things that President Biden is doing such a remarkable job with such as inflation, crime, border security, and leading us merrily into World War III, mostly from his official post on a Delaware beach.

Pardon the sarcasm, but with all the dodging we’ve seen from this Administration --- check out any press briefing from Karine Jean-Pierre --- surely, they don’t expect us now to be buying THIS.

Sams, who’s becoming famous for his lame talking-point responses, also accused Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who had written Thursday to White House Counsel Edward Siskel advising him that nothing in James and Sara Biden’s bank records show that brother Joe had loaned them $200,000, of trying “to distract from Republicans’ Speaker mess.”

Um, WHAT “Speaker mess”?  By Friday, that was over and we had in place a new Speaker who’d received 100 percent Republican support.  Now it’s Comer who is trying to move on, to do the job that has fallen to his committee --- also to Judiciary and Ways and Means --- since the weaponized DOJ has shown itself to be, shall-we-say, unwilling to follow the Biden money.

Here’s the background:  After the House Oversight and Accountability Committee held its first impeachment inquiry hearing, they subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank accounts.  That was about a month ago, and the check for $200,000 made out to Joe was part of what was turned up.  In his letter to White House counsel, Rep. Comer pointed out that James Biden sent Joe Biden a direct payment of $200,000 in March 2018, on the same day now-defunct healthcare company Americore Health LLC, a bankruptcy-bound rural hospital operator, wired $200,000 to James.   

As Comer explained it on video, in 2018, James Biden had received $600,000 in loans from financially-strapped Americore.  Quoting from documents from bankruptcy court, James received these loans “based upon representations that his last name, Biden, could open doors, and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

On the same day that Americore wired $200,000 of this into James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account, James wrote out a personal check for the same amount to his brother.

“Even if this is a personal loan repayment,” Comer said in the video, “it’s still troubling that Joe Biden’s ability to be paid back by his brother depended on the success of his family’s shady financial dealings.”  And yet there’s still no evidence that this WAS a personal loan repayment.

Does Joe Biden “have documents proving he loaned such a large sum of money to his brother, and what were the terms of such a financial agreement?  Did he have similar financial agreements with other family members that led them to make similar large payments?”  Also, was he aware that James Biden had received the $200,000 check from a failing company on the same day?

What it looks like is easy money for Joe.

In his letter to White House counsel, Comer noted that James and Sara Biden did receive payments from “various entities,” and some of these might have involved obscuring the true payer’s identity, but that “no records in the Committee’s possession state that Joe Biden made a large loan payment to his brother.”

So he made this request: “If Joe Biden did personally loan James Biden an amount that was later repaid by the $200,000 check, please provide the loan documents, including loan payment, the loan agreement, and any other supporting loan documentation.”  There apparently were no interest payments made on this so-called loan, and for loans made as gifts, the documentation Comer is requesting is nothing more than what the IRS would call for.

Comer wrote, “The current lack of documentation leaves reason to doubt claims that this transaction was repayment for a legal loan.  We request documentation clarifying the nature of this payment and whether all applicable documentation and IRS filings were properly made.”

As AMERICAN GREATNESS reports, the White House told the committee last week that Joe Biden, as a private citizen, had loaned brother James his own money “when he needed it,” and claimed there is a record that he was repaid.  Well, let’s see it.  If they meant the canceled check with “loan repayment” written in the corner, that’s not enough to show that this was a real loan.

AG also has information on the nature of Americore’s financial woes.  They cite POLITICO’s report from March 2020 that the company was even raided by the FBI and that “there were concerns at the time that James Biden had fraudulently transferred Americore funds “outside of the normal course of business.”

RELATED:  In an update to the story about Western Pennsylvania U.S. attorney Scott Brady’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee --- he’s the one whose testimony Rep. Jamie Raskin has been lying about --- Brady also testified that regarding the Hunter Biden case, there was a “communication breakdown” between his office and that of Delaware U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss.  He found it so challenging to communicate with Weiss that he took an unusual step, enlisting the help “on a regular basis” of the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General’s Office (PADAG), Jeffrey Rosen, to facilitate this when all else failed.

Investigative reporter James Lynch at the DAILY CALLER says that Weiss was “restricting information-sharing” with Brady, whose testimony, as it is released, is getting more interesting by the day.

“Speaking generally,” Brady testified, “from a process perspective, I think there was both a skepticism of the information that we were developing, that we had received, and skepticism and then weariness of that information.  I think they were very concerned about any information sharing with our office.”

Brady described the communication they had as “constricted” and said he’d resorted to providing a list of 20 written questions to Weiss’s investigative team in Delaware.

Weiss is scheduled to testify in early November about his role in the Hunter Biden investigation and will surely be asked about this.  In the meantime, the DAILY CALLER has more information on the significance of Brady’s testimony.  Read this, and see if Brady doesn’t strike you as the kind of methodical, professional, by-the-book prosecutor that we need a lot more of in the “Justice” Department.


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This week, rightwing journalist Owen Shroyer began a 60-day sentence in federal prison for a speech crime. Because of outdated COVID protocols, he’ll have to spend the first few days in solitary confinement. The same judge who gave a Proud Boys leader who wasn’t even in DC on January 6th, 2021, a 22-year prison sentence also sentenced Shroyer, who never even entered the Capitol. He was accused of inciting others by chanting “1776” outside the building.

The prosecutors were seeking twice as long a sentence, claiming Shroyer "spread election disinformation paired with violent rhetoric" prior to the January 6 Capitol riot, and that while "Shroyer did not step foot inside the Capitol, he did not need to; many of those who listened to him did instead. In the aftermath, he has blamed 'Antifa' and told his followers: 'We should have been proud of what happened.'"

You can certainly disagree with that and claim he was wrong, but I fail to see how his speech wasn’t protected by the First Amendment. There should be no laws against speech in the US other than speech that directly harms others, such as making death threats or false advertising claims or shouting “Fire” in a crowded theater. If someone claims to have committed a crime because you chanted “1776,” then the consequences should fall on the person who actually committed the crime. You can’t blame the actions of an unhinged person on another person’s speech. If so, then why didn’t they arrest the Beatles for inspiring the Charles Manson murders?

Meanwhile, in the other “justice” system that prevails in DC, Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman was charged with a misdemeanor for pulling a fire alarm that caused an evacuation of a Congressional office building, allegedly to prevent a vote on a GOP budget bill to prevent a government shutdown. He could have faced six months in jail. But Bowman – who by his own Party’s definition, committed insurrection by attempting to block official House business – was given a sweetheart deal to have the charges dropped in three months if he pays a $1,000 fine and writes a formal apology.

Say, do you know a really good, quiet place to write a formal apology? In solitary confinement at a federal prison.

By the way, the same networks that gave wall-to-wall coverage to the January 6th prosecutions somehow couldn’t find 10 seconds to report on a Democrat politician being charged with committing a crime to disrupt government business.

Trump fraud case update

October 27, 2023

In the New York fraud case that accuses Donald Trump of overvaluing his assets on loan contracts, Trump’s attorneys ripped the prosecution’s only witness to microscopic shreds this week.

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohan had to face cross examination, and it demonstrated why Nancy Pelosi banned the right to cross examine from her January 6th Kangaroo Kommittee.  Trump’s lawyers forced Cohen to admit that he used to praise Trump, then turned on him and started vilifying him on CNN when that became more profitable; that he has significant animosity toward Trump; and that he is a convicted perjurer who spent three years in prison for lying numerous times under oath. They even got him to admit that Trump never explicitly told him to inflate the value of his properties.

You’d think this would devastate the prosecution’s case to any fair minder juror. Luckily for the New York Democrat authorities, they didn’t allow Trump to have a jury. He just got a judge who decided he was guilty before the trial even started.

The judge’s attitude has been clear from the get-go, including putting a gag order on Trump against criticizing his staff and fining him $5,000 for violating it, then fining him another $10,000 this week. Trump had tweeted that the judge was biased and “a person who is very partisan” was sitting “alongside” the judge. The judge called Trump to the stand and asked to whom he was referring. Trump said he meant his former lawyer, Michael Cohen. The judge declared, “I find the witness is not credible” and that he was really referring to the judge’s law clerk, so he fined Trump another $10,000.

Later, after the judge refused to toss the case even after Cohen admitted that Trump never directed him to inflate his property values, Trump surprised the court and his own attorneys by saying, “Unbelievable,” and standing up and walking out, as Secret Service agents rushed to catch up with him.

I’m not an attorney or a legal scholar, but it seems to me that an already highly-questionable gag order like this becomes even more indefensible when it’s so vague that even the judge can’t say for sure whether the defendant violated it or not, but then fines him anyway.

On the other hand, the ACLU has a lot of lawyers, and although they despise Trump, even they think this gag order business stinks to high heaven.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

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Maine shooting update

As of this writing early on Friday morning, a massive manhunt joined by the FBI and even a Border Patrol unit is under way to find Robert Card, the suspect in the deadly mass shooting in Maine. The victim numbers have been revised, and it’s now reported that at least 18 people are dead and 13 injured. Authorities believe Card might have spent a long time planning this attack and had an escape/hideout plan in place. Here’s a page with regular updates on the story:

I mentioned yesterday that many Democrats couldn’t wait for any facts to surface before leaping to use this unspeakable tragedy to push their one-size-fits-all solution for all crime: more gun control laws. The Biden White House is calling for an “assault weapons” ban and lawsuits against gun manufacturers for…manufacturing guns, I guess.

As usual, these proposals overlook the obvious: Card was known to the police to be a threat; he’d been institutionalized, heard voices in his head, and had threatened to shoot up a National Guard post. Yet he was still walking around loose. Do you really think even more red flag laws would’ve stopped him?

And as for attacking gun makers or gun ads or a particular type of weapon that’s actually seldom used in shootings like this, the people pushing those ideas can’t even be bothered to get their basic facts straight:

The cold facts are that the causes of most gun violence are gangs and drugs, both of which have been exacerbated by Democrat policies like zero bail release of criminals and open borders. Most gun violence is committed with small arms, not semi-automatic rifles, and takes place in blue cities. When we have a mass shooting like this, in the vast majority of cases, it’s either someone who mentally snapped and had no history that would have come up on a background check; or someone known to the police to be a threat, but nobody did anything about it – which tells you how well even more gun laws would have worked, when they don’t even enforce the laws we already have.

One Maine resident cut through all the political exploitation with a bolt of truth. When asked by a reporter how he felt, having to hunker down in his home and protect his family from a mass shooter, he replied that in a “situation like this, I wish I had a firearm.” I hope he remembers that Democrats are working overtime to make it next to impossible for law-abiding people like him to get one for self-defense.



Israel Update

Here is today’s Fox News page of continually-updated news on the war in Israel:

Among the latest developments: Israel’s Defense Minister said the ground invasion of Gaza is close, and it won’t be brief. He said it will be a question not of weeks but of months. Iran is threatening the US if we get involved in the war, but that didn’t prevent US forces from striking Iranian proxies in Syria that have been attacking US military personnel in Iraq and Syria over the past week. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the strikes were in self-defense. When asked if Iran will retaliate, he replied, “It’s not uncommon for them to strike back. If they do, we’ll absolutely do what we have to do to protect our troops and our facilities. We’ll be ready for that.”

We’re seeing way too much of this garbage: Campus Reform has video of a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Florida State University where people declared solidarity with the “Palestinian resistance” and called for the eradication of Israel and Zionism. This was organized by Students for a Democratic Society, Tallahassee Community Action Committee and Freedom Road Socialist Organization-Tallahassee (nothing screams “freedom” like a bunch of anti-Semitic socialists.)

The IDF released footage of interrogations of some Hamas terrorists who admitted they deliberately acted in barbaric fashion and were no different from ISIS, so if anyone at those rallies cares to learn about what kind of scum they’re embracing, they can watch it here:

This is from MIT, but it’s just one example of how Jewish students are being terrorized by violent rhetoric from anti-Israel leftist radicals on campus, the same people who a month ago were screaming that “words are violence” and even “microaggressions” were unacceptable if they made anyone feel unsafe.

This post from Instapundit contains excerpts and links to several articles that together draw a chilling picture of how being a Jewish student on campus today has suddenly started resembling being a Jew in 1930s Germany, with alleged liberal Democrats acting the role of the Nazi brownshirts. Jewish students are being told to hide out and keep quiet for their own safety.

One Twitter user posted, “’Librarians bolted the doors and approached the identifiable Jewish students and told them they could hide in the attic if they wanted to.’ ‘In the attic’...hide the Jews in the 2023.”

But wait: I thought colleges were spending millions on “diversity, equity and inclusion” departments whose officers were trained to sniff out and snuff out even the slightest hints of discrimination against marginalized groups? With Jewish students facing the worst wave of threatening anti-Semitism in decades, shouldn’t this be their moment to step up? As Tablet magazine reports, don’t hold your breath…

A Tale of Two Justice Systems:

This week, rightwing journalist Owen Shroyer began a 60-day sentence in federal prison for a speech crime. Because of outdated COVID protocols, he’ll have to spend the first few days in solitary confinement. The same judge who gave a Proud Boys leader who wasn’t even in DC on January 6th, 2021, a 22-year prison sentence also sentenced Shroyer, who never even entered the Capitol. He was accused of inciting others by chanting “1776” outside the building.

The prosecutors were seeking twice as long a sentence, claiming Shroyer "spread election disinformation paired with violent rhetoric" prior to the January 6 Capitol riot, and that while "Shroyer did not step foot inside the Capitol, he did not need to; many of those who listened to him did instead. In the aftermath, he has blamed 'Antifa' and told his followers: 'We should have been proud of what happened.'"

You can certainly disagree with that and claim he was wrong, but I fail to see how his speech wasn’t protected by the First Amendment. There should be no laws against speech in the US other than speech that directly harms others, such as making death threats or false advertising claims or shouting “Fire” in a crowded theater. If someone claims to have committed a crime because you chanted “1776,” then the consequences should fall on the person who actually committed the crime. You can’t blame the actions of an unhinged person on another person’s speech. If so, then why didn’t they arrest the Beatles for inspiring the Charles Manson murders?

Meanwhile, in the other “justice” system that prevails in DC, Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman was charged with a misdemeanor for pulling a fire alarm that caused an evacuation of a Congressional office building, allegedly to prevent a vote on a GOP budget bill to prevent a government shutdown. He could have faced six months in jail. But Bowman – who by his own Party’s definition, committed insurrection by attempting to block official House business – was given a sweetheart deal to have the charges dropped in three months if he pays a $1,000 fine and writes a formal apology.

Say, do you know a really good, quiet place to write a formal apology? In solitary confinement at a federal prison.

By the way, the same networks that gave wall-to-wall coverage to the January 6th prosecutions somehow couldn’t find 10 seconds to report on a Democrat politician being charged with committing a crime to disrupt government business.


Big Salute

A big salute to Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, who was confronted by a reporter pushing the tired, false accusation that Republicans are “banning books” because they’re passing laws to keep books with wildly inappropriate sexual content and LGBTQ propaganda out of elementary schools. Her answer should be studied and emulated by every Republican faced with that nonsense.

First, she pointed out that when she read one of those books allowed, the very same media outlets pushing for them to be given to kids censored her because the content wasn’t even appropriate for their adult audience. Then she hammered the big lie of the left by noting that these books are not “banned.” Anyone can buy them. Parents can even buy them and read them to their children on their own time, if they’re really terrible parents. But it shouldn’t be the place of schools to expose children to porn.

People used to have no problem understanding basic concepts like that material that’s inappropriate for kids shouldn’t be in elementary schools. If people have gotten so dumb that they can’t grasp that anymore, then schools really need to get back to basics and stop wasting time pushing gay porn.

Related: Scholastic Books, the venerable organizers of school book fairs for kids, might want to talk to Gov. Reynolds for a reminder of how to do their job. Again, it isn’t that hard: Keep porn out of school book fairs.

Trump fraud case update

In the New York fraud case that accuses Donald Trump of overvaluing his assets on loan contracts, Trump’s attorneys ripped the prosecution’s only witness to microscopic shreds this week.

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohan had to face cross examination, and it demonstrated why Nancy Pelosi banned the right to cross examine from her January 6th Kangaroo Kommittee. Trump’s lawyers forced Cohen to admit that he used to praise Trump, then turned on him and started vilifying him on CNN when that became more profitable; that he has significant animosity toward Trump; and that he is a convicted perjurer who spent three years in prison for lying numerous times under oath. They even got him to admit that Trump never explicitly told him to inflate the value of his properties.

You’d think this would devastate the prosecution’s case to any fair minder juror. Luckily for the New York Democrat authorities, they didn’t allow Trump to have a jury. He just got a judge who decided he was guilty before the trial even started.

The judge’s attitude has been clear from the get-go, including putting a gag order on Trump against criticizing his staff and fining him $5,000 for violating it, then fining him another $10,000 this week. Trump had tweeted that the judge was biased and “a person who is very partisan” was sitting “alongside” the judge. The judge called Trump to the stand and asked to whom he was referring. Trump said he meant his former lawyer, Michael Cohen. The judge declared, “I find the witness is not credible” and that he was really referring to the judge’s law clerk, so he fined Trump another $10,000.

Later, after the judge refused to toss the case even after Cohen admitted that Trump never directed him to inflate his property values, Trump surprised the court and his own attorneys by saying, “Unbelievable,” and standing up and walking out, as Secret Service agents rushed to catch up with him.

I’m not an attorney or a legal scholar, but it seems to me that an already highly-questionable gag order like this becomes even more indefensible when it’s so vague that even the judge can’t say for sure whether the defendant violated it or not, but then fines him anyway.

On the other hand, the ACLU has a lot of lawyers, and although they despise Trump, even they think this gag order business stinks to high heaven.


Dissing the University

Nearly three weeks have passed since the Hamas massacres of unarmed Israelis propelled us into a new and troubling future. With naval and air forces still being deployed around Israel, it is too early to tell if the existing regional conflict will metastasize into World War III.

Almost as nerve-wracking as the potential for Armageddon has been the sudden emergence of an overdue certainty: The vaunted American educational system has produced a generation of moral and spiritual illiterates, pampered know-nothings unable to think apart from the comforting electronic hum of online everything. But wait, those are just the professors and administrators! Hey, let me tell you about the students, those proud, SAT-sanctified denizens of Harvard, Columbia, Stanford and Penn, to cite only the most notorious examples. Men or women, mis-gendered or still deciding, those exemplars of critical thinking are unable to distinguish right from wrong, victim from oppressor, Anne Frank from her Waffen SS execution squad. As the young cretins recently tore down posters of kidnapped Israeli children, Candace Kahn made a horrific discovery while watching an obscenity-laden Instagram post: “And that’s when my heart dropped: I know her. Sarah—who I’ve since learned from the internet seems to go by the name Lucky and prefers they/them pronouns—and I went to college together at Northwestern.”

Then there were those George Washington University students who projected anti-Israeli slogans (“Glory to our martyrs”) on the walls of the Gelman Library (seriously, folks?). There was also the UC Berkeley teacher who tried to give extra credit for attending a pro-Palestine walkout. From coast-to-coast, it truly seemed as if academe had lost its marbles. .

Even England’s prestigious Cambridge University seemed oblivious to irony when it recently began “blacklisting books in a ‘sinister’ new decolonizing drive.” University librarians began asking “lecturers to flag ‘problematic’ books that might be ‘offensive or harmful.’” Fortunately, both Cambridge and Oxford Universities are run by dons, not by PC librarians questing for self-importance. Marion the Woke Librarian must have winced at the acerbic riposte by Prof David Abulafia, an eminent Cambridge historian: “Identifying books because they are seen as problematic itself has a very problematic history – witness bibliographies in the Nazi period where books by Jewish authors are marked with a star…It is absolutely not the task of librarians to sit in judgment, least of all in a university where they don’t do any of the teaching and where it is vital to promote free debate.” Any questions, Marion?

Meanwhile, other Americans were beginning to see the outlines of a larger problem. On October 13, Marc Cowan, CEO of Appollo Global Management, wrote a scathing denunciation. “At the University of Pennsylvania, where I sit on the Wharton School’s Board of Overseers, leaders have for too long allowed this kind of anti-Jewish hate, which sanitizes Hamas’s atrocities, to infect their campuses. There must be consequences. I call on all UPenn alumni and supporters who believe we are heading in the wrong direction to close their checkbooks until President Liz Magill and Chairman Scott Bok resign.” And just this week, billionaire investor Leon Cooperman, son of Polish-Jewish immigrants, announced on FBN’s Liz Claman Countdown that he was suspending all donations to Columbia’s business school. “I think these kids at the colleges have **** for brains. (Hereafter) I’m giving my money to other organizations.”

Americans believe deeply in sending their off-spring to college, often making tough sacrifices to pay for a privilege that now seems horribly over-priced. At worst, it also appears to justify the familiar criticism that these sky-high tuition payments actually purchase little more than leftist indoctrination. Until very recently, there was no way to prove that allegation except by canceled check stubs where your tuition savings used to be. Nowadays, however, the perfidy of American academe dominates every news broadcast, university administrators finding inventive new ways to do even less. At Harvard, for example, President Gay formed a new task force for “doxxed students” on both sides of the controversy, an easy ‘solution’ when you have no idea what you’re doing. Her Dean of Students proudly gushed, “we appreciate the collaborative spirit in which students, faculty, and staff have come together to repel this repugnant assault on our community,”

Hogwash! But until we can figure out the best way to De-Fund the University, write your congressman about why we even need that so-called Department of Education.

Colonel (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former member of the West Point faculty, Dean of the National War College and on-air military analyst for NBC News.

Rep. Jamie Raskin lied big about Biden bribery evidence

The expression “to gaslight” comes from the 1944 movie in which a mentally sound woman is deliberately driven to doubt her own sanity by the lies told to her over and over. We hear the term often these days, simply because we’re subjected to gaslighting all the time, typically by the agenda-driven: advertisers, politicians, bureaucrats. Washington DC truly is the home of the whopper. No wonder so many people just tune out all politicians and don’t even bother to vote. (Note: that’s a reason, not an excuse. There’s no excuse for not voting.)

Yesterday’s example of a politician’s lie coming to light was Jamaal Bowman’s insistence, even as he was pleading guilty to setting off an emergency-exit alarm in the Capitol building, that he didn’t mean to disrupt anything, that he made a mistake because he was in a rush to get to the floor of Congress for the Speaker’s vote and the doors that were normally open wouldn’t open. For some reason, he claimed he thought the plainly-labeled fire alarm was the emergency unlocking mechanism for the doors. Yes, Bowman had DISRUPTED CONGRESS during OFFICIAL BUSINESS, which has been the pretext for sentencing numerous January 6 defendants to many years in prison.

But the same day he made this claim --- avoiding any prison time at all, or even having a misdemeanor charge on his record --- video footage was released showing Rep. Bowman quickly and nonchalantly removing the warning signs on the exit doors without even attempting to open them, then quickly triggering the alarm and leaving. Thanks to the existence of that video, we may conclude that Bowman has been lying to us.

Now he’s just avoiding us, hoping this incident will die down. And it probably will (with help from the “news” media, which largely ignored this story), as another lie rises to take its place in the public consciousness. In the meantime, this will be his clever avoidance technique...

Without that video, the public might have grudgingly given him the benefit of the doubt. After all, that’s what the law is supposed to do: presume him innocent until proven guilty. Fortunately for Charles Boyer’s character in GASLIGHT, he’s going about his business in the late 1800s, when no video could possibly exist of him turning the gaslight down. As long as there are no eyewitnesses, he’s free to do as he pleases.

Bowman might not even have to use his avoidance strategy for long, because the very next day, there was a new lie exposed. Our newest Lie Of The Day, concerning the “Justice” Department’s assessment of evidence against the Biden family, was told in the form of public statements by serial liar Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, just now being brought to light.

Recall that yesterday in our commentary about Sen. Chuck Grassley’s letter to the DOJ/FBI, we linked to a story in JUST THE NEWS about U.S. Attorney Scott Brady’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, telling them his investigative team had found enough evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the Biden family to refer criminal matters to three separate U.S. attorneys’ offices: Manhattan, Brooklyn and Delaware. He testified that he thought “there was reluctance on the part of the FBI to really do any tasking relative to our assignment from DAG [Deputy Attorney General] Rosen and looking into allegations of Ukrainian corruption broadly and then specifically anything that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role in Burisma. It was very challenging.”

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler had given similar testimony. Anyway, that story sets the scene for Raskin’s lie, so here it is again.

Here’s the telling excerpt from JUST THE NEWS:

“Brady also directly contradicted claims by Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, alleging that his office had not found the FD-1023 informant report credible and shut down that line of inquiry.”

“‘My understanding of Mr. Raskin's public statements is that, based on the determination that I and my team found the allegations in the 1023 not credible or other information not credible, we did not escalate the assessment to a limited or full investigation,’ Brady said. ‘That's not true.’”

(ASIDE: If Democrats controlled Congress, Jamie Raskin and not Jim Jordan would chair the House Judiciary Committee. Something to tell your friends who might not think elections make any difference.)

This observation by Brady, placed at the very end of the story, did not escape notice by such analysts as Bonchie at, who reports that the House Oversight Committee is accusing Raskin of lying. “Former U.S. Attorney Scott Brady’s testimony CONFIRMS Ranking Member Raskin LIED about the FBI’s Biden Bribery Record. The U.S. Attorney’s Office uncovered enough indicia of credibility of the evidence and recommended further investigative steps to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware…”

Here’s their full tweet (“X”?). The comments are pretty entertaining as well, along the lines of, “Jamie Raskin lied; so what else is new?” But the best comments are the ones asking some version of, “What are you going to do about it?”

The question remains: what ARE they going to do? Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who chairs Oversight, has written to Raskin demanding an apology and correction. The DAILY CALLER prints his letter, unintentionally hilarious for its inside address to “The Honorable Jamie Raskin.”

The rest of the letter is great, too, especially this paragraph:

“Additionally, we ask, Mr. Raskin, that you take seriously your position as Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability and its incumbent responsibility to be honest regarding facts learned in the course of investigations—even those that are inconvenient to your own political views. While we appreciate your role up to this point has been to play defense counsel for the Biden family, it is time to follow the evidence and speak the truth.”

Brady had also said in his testimony that the FBI never told his office about Hunter Biden’s laptop, let alone that they had confirmed it was real.

“I would have thought that would be something, especially as has been publicly reported, there’s information relating to Hunter Biden’s activities on the board of Burisma in Ukraine, that might have been helpful in our assessment of the information that we were receiving about him,” Brady testified. “I would have expected that to be shared.”

As for Raskin, Bonchie likens him to renowned liar California Rep. Adam Schiff, who will forever be remembered for his lies perpetuating the fake Trump-Russia connection. “On more than one occasion,” Bonchie says, “Schiff claimed to have seen direct evidence that collusion occurred. He has never produced it to this day.” Jamie Raskin just might be in his league.

Breitbart News has a good write-up on the story as well. Wendell Husebo notes that back in June, former Attorney General Bill Barr discounted what Raskin had said.

From their archives:

Bill Barr Dispels Democrat Jamie Raskin's Claim DOJ Ended Bribery Probe (

So, will this most recently uncovered incidence of gaslighting reap any serious consequences for Raskin and his party? It should, but almost certainly will not. We can hope enough people are sick of being lied to by the most conniving serial liars like Schiff and Raskin (Schumer also comes to mind) that it will make a difference on Election Day. (In our own party, we’ve been heartened by the choice of Rep. Mike Johnson as Speaker, as he seems extremely candid and well-spoken.) In the meantime, whenever somebody tries to turn down the gas, we just do our best to turn the light back up.


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These days, the federal bureaucracy is so corrupted with partisanship and the two-tiered system of justice is so obvious that polls show most Americans no longer have any trust in our institutions to apply laws and regulations fairly and impartially. Even more shocking, a Rassmussen survey found that 46% of Americans believe “there is a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI…as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” That includes 64% of Republicans and even 30% of Democrats.

When a federal agency once revered as heroic crime fighters is now viewed by many Americans as the equivalent of Hitler’s goon squad, you know something has seriously gone off the rails. How did this happen?

I would argue that you could trace it back to the IRS scandal during the Obama Administration, famously painted as “scandal-free” by a fawning media that spent eight years studiously ignoring its many scandals. After Obama began raising taxes and increasing debt, grassroots opposition started forming under the name of the “Tea Party” movement, inspired by the patriots who launched the Boston Tea Party.

These groups were very effective in helping the Republicans win back control of the House in 2010 and were increasing and expanding their efforts in the lead-up to Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012. Obviously, Democrats believed they were TOO effective. But they didn’t fully trust their usual tactic of having their lapdogs in the media mock Tea Party members as dumb rubes and smear them as racists (no matter how many black people you could see at Tea Party rallies.) They needed to undermine the movement more effectively.

Enter the Obama IRS.

With their numbers growing, many of these Tea Party groups applied to the IRS for tax-exempt nonprofit status. This should have been a relatively quick paperwork-shuffling task, yet the application process stretched on for month after month. Tea Party group leaders were subjected to outrageous demands for unrelated financial records and lists of their donors, which was none of the government’s business.

This warfare-by-government-paperwork dragged on until after the election, preventing many of these groups from engaging in legitimate democratic activities such as voter registration drives. When Democrats cry about how opposed they are to “election interference” and making it harder to vote, remember that they are pioneers in the field.

The IRS official in charge of this process was Lois Lerner, who was called before a House Committee to explain herself. She issued a long statement declaring her innocence of any wrongdoing, then immediately took the Fifth and refused to answer questions. One could argue that by making that statement, she forfeited her right to invoke the Fifth Amendment, but we’ve learned only too well in recent years that laws don’t apply to well-connected Democrats. This was when we were just learning that and people were still surprised.

When Obama was pressed on this scandal by Bill O’Reilly, he insisted that there was “not even a smidgeon of corruption” at the IRS. It took the election of Trump and new Attorney General Jeff Sessions to perform a real investigation. In 2017, Sessions issued a statement finding that the IRS’ use of political criteria “was wrong and should never have occurred. It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based on their names or ideological positions. Any entitlement to tax exemption should be based on the activities of the organization and whether they fulfill requirements of the law, not the policy positions adopted by members or the name chosen to reflect those views. There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS.”

In fact, these groups deserved far more than an apology. Their fundamental right to engage in a political campaign to help determine their own leaders had been undermined for partisan reasons by a federal agency that was supposed to remain impartial. The people responsible for that outrage also deserved punishment, but did they get it? Are you kidding?

Obama was reelected, nobody from the IRS was indicted, and Lois Lerner retired with her full pension. The fact that the people whose rights she helped deny have to pay taxes to fund her pension only added insult to injury.

The IRS scandal was a major example of the corruption of a federal agency, but Obama’s opponents were prevented from exercising their right to participate in the election, so it worked. As former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said when questioned about spreading the lie that Mitt Romney didn’t pay his income taxes for 10 years, “I don’t regret that at all. Romney didn’t win, did he?” At the time, that was so shameless that even the Huffington Post ran an article condemning him.

But the Democrats at the top shared Reid’s “values,” and to them, the IRS scandal wasn’t something to be ashamed of, it was a future blueprint for every federal agency under their control. Today, the Biden DOJ and FBI still proclaim their impartiality, but they no longer even bother hiding their biases or corruption. Democrats who disrupt government proceedings are hailed as heroes who speak truth to power, while Republicans who do the same are thrown in federal prison for years, sometimes after enduring horrific conditions while waiting to find out what they’re going to be charged with.

And if you dare disagree with this Administration’s radical policies, you’re a “domestic terrorist” and a target, and that includes traditional Catholics, concerned parents who speak up at school board meetings, grandmothers praying outside abortion clinics and your great-uncle who likes to wear his red MAGA cap. All “threats to our democracy.”

And all this thick tangle of corruption grew from letting them get away with the IRS scandal during the “scandal-free” Obama Administration. This is why you need to yank weeds out by the roots when they first appear, and not let them grow long enough to spread their seeds.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:

Acts, 13:38

Blocked for my views on President Trump, the COVID-19 response, Joe Biden, etc.

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 125 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Maine Shooting

Last night, a man committed a mass shooting at two locations in Lewiston, Maine. At this writing, at least 22 people are dead and 30 injured. Police have launched an intense manhunt. They named as a “person of interest” a man named Robert Card, who is known to have had mental health issues and recently been committed. He has reportedly heard voices in his head and threatened to shoot up a National Guard post. Locals have been advised to shelter in place until he’s captured. This is a breaking story, and you can find updates here:

Naturally, before we even know any details about what happened, some people immediately began calling for Maine to pass more gun control laws. Since this is likely to be an issue that will be talked about a lot, here is information on the gun laws in Maine, which is very pro-gun rights and allows permitless concealed and open carry.

And just for reference, here's how violent crime rates were affected in Ohio after permitless carry was adopted.

Israel Update

Here is today’s Fox News page of continuously-updated news on the war in Israel.

Among the latest developments: Israel staged a raid in the West Bank this morning and arrested 60 people, 46 of them being Hamas members. They also released footage of an airstrike that reportedly killed senior Hamas commander Hassan Al-Abdullah, commander of Hamas' Northern Khan Yunis Rockets Array.

For all the anti-Semites around the world who are blaming Israel for injuries and deaths of Palestinians in Gaza, Israel released footage of an IDF intelligence officer urging a Gaza resident to flee to the south because they’re trying to protect the safety of innocents. The man replies that they can’t flee because Hamas is blocking the roads to force them to stay and be human shields. He says, "All the roads are blocked. They're just sending people back home...they are shooting at people."

So one more time, for the reeeeally dimwitted: HAMAS is shooting at innocent Palestinians to FORCE them to stay and be harmed by Israeli attacks aimed at HAMAS TERRORISTS. Does that make the situation clear enough?

In case it still isn’t clear to some people just what Israel is dealing with and that this isn’t over some land dispute, they should check out the notes found on a slain Hamas terrorist from their leaders. It instructs them in the religious importance of slaughtering Jews, saying, “You must sharpen the blades of your swords and be pure in your intentions before Allah. Know that the enemy is a disease that has no cure, except beheading and removing the hearts and livers. Attack them!”



WSJ Report: Iran Helped

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Iran helped plan Hamas’ attack on Israel and that 500 Hamas militants trained for the mission in Iran. But the US government claims to have intelligence that Iran’s leaders were surprised by the attack. The full WSJ article is behind a paywall, but Instapundit has an excerpt that gives you the gist.

Even UC-Berkeley can get one right, given enough loud coaching:

The university has reversed a graduate student instructor’s attempt to give extra credit to students who engage in pro-Palestinian activism.


Speaker Mike Johnson

The House finally has a Speaker, with the election Wednesday of Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson. Johnson appears to be a good, solidly conservative choice, which is lucky considering how close we came to getting a “compromise” Speaker chosen by a handful of “moderate” Republicans plus the Democrats. Some encouraging signs: Johnson’s first act was to introduce a bill to support Israel and condemn Hamas for its October 7th attack.

Johnson also gave an excellent acceptance speech inspired by Ronald Reagan and listing seven core principles: “individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets and human dignity.”

But perhaps most encouraging of all, his election was greeted with a thermonuclear meltdown by leftist media figures and politicians like AOC. They called him everything from an “insurrectionist” to a “MAGA extremist” (imagine being extremely in favor of making America great again! The horror!)

Anytime a Republican can make these people scream in anguish, he knows he’s on the right track. But as Sister Toldjah at notes, a CNN political analyst may have inadvertently revealed the left's real problem with Johnson: he seems too nice for them to demonize.

"Trans Age"

If you thought the “trans” insanity of letting men who “identify” as women compete in women’s sports was delusional, then brace yourself for the next drop down the rabbit hole: “Trans age.” That’s someone who “identifies” as a different age, like this 50-year-old man who “identifies” as an adolescent girl so that he can compete against 13-year-old girls in swimming competitions.

You know, I enjoy identifying as a 21-year-old rock bassist, but I don’t expect everyone else in the world to pretend that it’s actually true.  

Grassley to DOJ/FBI: You got info on Bidens for 15 years, from 40 sources, but shut investigation down

While attention was focused on stories related to Hamas’ attack on Israel and the quest for a new Speaker, House committees (along with Republicans on Senate committees) have been plugging away at their investigations, doing the work the DOJ won’t do.  Yesterday, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley made news with a letter sent Tuesday to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

We so enjoy going to the NEW YORK POST for updates on the Biden family financial scandal, vindicated as they have been on their truthful Hunter laptop story that was smeared as “Russian disinformation.”  (The POST is the one that deserves a Pulitzer, not THE NEW YORK TIMES.)  As the POST reported, Sen. Grassley’s letter said that according to material turned up by congressional investigators, more than 40 FBI confidential sources, managed by several different FBI field offices, supplied the Bureau with information about potential crimes by Hunter Biden, James Biden and Joe Biden dating back to Joe’s time as Vice President.

“This letter is based on years of investigation, including the provision of information, records and allegations from multiple Justice Department whistleblowers that indicate there is --- and has been --- an effort among certain Justice Department and FBI officials to improperly delay and stop full and complete investigative activity into the Biden family,” he told them.

“Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

He singled out FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten for creating the “disinformation” assessment of Hunter’s laptop.  This designation was used by a team at FBI headquarters “to discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and cause investigative activity to cease.”

Then there is FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault, the Bureau’s “point man” on Hunter’s business partner Tony Bobulinski, who as you recall publicly verified the information on the laptop (to crickets in the mainstream media) shortly before the 2020 election.  Thibault, Sen. Grassley wrote, ordered that another 2020 probe into the first son’s alleged “criminal financial and related activity” be closed after being pressured by an element from FBI headquarters and the Baltimore office.

Oh, and apparently it wasn’t just Ukraine’s own investigation into Burisma and founder Mykola Zlochevky that was effectively shut down.  At the same time Hunter’s seat on Burisma’s board was facing scrutiny because of Trump’s first impeachment over his phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act squad based out of the FBI Washington Field Office closed their own “205B” kleptocracy case against Zlochevsky (the man whose dog Hunter Biden is dumber than).  So the $80,000 a month he had paid Hunter Biden ended up paying off in more ways than one.

Recall that Trump, during that phone call, had asked Zelenskyy to look into Joe Biden’s role in the firing of prosecutor Viktor Slokin.  Of course, what we know today about Biden’s role makes a joke of Trump’s first impeachment, as Biden’s the one who committed the impeachable offense.  Victoria Taft at PJ MEDIA makes the case that it was Trump’s impeachment that motivated the FBI to keep the Biden-Burisma scandal quiet.

The FBI’s Pittsburgh field office was involved as well, opening what they call a “guardian assessment” after the kleptocracy case against Zlochevsky was closed.  During that assessment, a “1023” document turned up that led to a re-interview of that confidential human source (CHS), generating another “1023.”  That’s the document containing bribery allegations against the Bidens --- quoting Zlochevsky as saying “I paid $5 million to one Biden and $5 million to another Biden” --- but the investigators, according to Grassley, were limited in their ability to investigate because it was always just an “assessment.”

Grassley claims that Auten and the Foreign Influence Task Force falsely discredited the bribery allegations as “foreign disinformation” and continued working to shut the investigation down.  They did this even though the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania, working with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, found “no hits to known sources of Russian disinformation.”  The NY POST lays all this out in greater detail.

“It should be emphasized,” Grassley wrote, “that the basis for trying to shut down the Biden family ‘1023’ has been described to my office as highly suspect and is contradicted by other documents my office has been told exist within the Foreign Influence Task Force, FBI Seattle Field Office, FBI Baltimore Field Office, and FBI HQ [headquarters] holdings.”

Grassley is demanding an answer from the DOJ and FBI by November 17.  Now we get to watch them dodge and weave once again, if they respond at all.  The real nature of our laughably-named ‘Justice’ Department is so obvious now that only the most shameless, hard-core partisan Democrats deny it.

As satisfying as it is to quote the NEW YORK POST on anything related to the Hunter Biden laptop, some other news outlets are doing solid reporting as well.  For the transcript of the Grassley letter, go to James Lynch at the DAILY CALLER.

John Solomon at JUST THE NEWS focuses on Grassley’s mention of the testimony of U.S. Attorney Scott Brady, who’d told the Judiciary Committee his office uncovered enough evidence of Biden family corruption to refer the case to field offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Delaware.

And in an interview with Alex Marlow, author of the new book BREAKING BIDEN, investigative reporter Peter Schweizer is blunt about the Bidens having run “a very sophisticated and, [he] would argue, criminal enterprise that is designed to leverage Joe’s power, but to keep him at arm’s length so that it is harder to connect him to it.”  See the podcast here...

In summary, the FBI gathered criminal information on the Biden clan for 15 years, from 40 sources, and with all they found, were still made to discredit it and shut their investigation down.  (This, of course, would have included the time of Trump’s first run for office and also his first impeachment, for which the material on the laptop and other information obtained by the FBI would have been exculpatory.)  In the words of former FBI agent Stuart Kaplan, appearing Wednesday on Jesse Watters’ FOX NEWS show, “Now they know they can influence the election by smearing [Trump’s] reputation, trying to indict him in every state throughout the United States.  That wasn’t the case with Joe Biden.  And so there’s two tiers of justice here.  It’s blatant, it’s obvious, and I just can’t understand why the American people don’t all see the same thing.  It’s clear, it’s crystal clear.”

Kaplan said, “...There’s a lot of politicians that are in office right now [who are] being looked at by the FBI.  But quite frankly, because the assessment, the threshold, to open up a full-blown investigation takes probable cause and takes the approval of the attorney general, if you have an attorney general who’s not willing to do what is required to pursue justice and pursue the truth, it’s never gonna get off anybody’s desk and it’s gonna go nowhere.”

Kaplan claims he knows firsthand that while Biden was VP, “no subpoenas were issued, no warrants were executed, no investigative interviews were conducted, because it was shut down by FBI headquarters.”

“That is not how we conduct an investigation if we’re all playing on the same playing field.”

Replacement theory

Joe Biden likes to describe himself as the most pro-union President in history. That may come as news to striking Los Angeles union hotel workers, who are reportedly being replaced by illegal border crossers, who must represent the largest supply of scab workers in history.


Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

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Another guilty plea

October 26, 2023

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis agreed to plead guilty to one count of "aiding and abetting false statements/writings” in the ridiculous Georgia RICO case aimed at Donald Trump. In exchange, she has to do 100 hours of community service and five years’ probation, pay $5,000 restitution and agree to testify truthfully, if called.

In a tearful statement, Ellis said, “In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way."She claimed she was relying on more senior lawyers working on the challenge “to provide [her] with true and reliable information” but “In the frenetic place of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence." She said she would not have represented Trump “if I knew then what I know now.”

Okay, let’s unpack that. If she was merely repeating information she got from trusted legal sources and didn’t know it was wrong at the time, with no intent to mislead, how is that a crime? She was just wrong (if you accept the premise that the election was clean.) People say things that are wrong every day and aren’t prosecuted for it, including about elections (I could name hundreds of Democrats here.)

This sounds like the kind of deal you take when you know you aren't really guilty of a crime but you have to make a prosecutor who’s abusing her power back off and quit trying to destroy and bankrupt you. We’ve seen a LOT of those plea deals lately. 

For those who say, “You call this a frivolous case, so why are all these people pleading guilty?” I’d respond, “And what are they pleading guilty to?” If DA Fani Willis had any actual evidence of a felony-level RICO conspiracy, how come all these people are being let off the hook with penny-ante pleas to make her go away, and none of them involve conspiracy? She got what she wanted: smearing Trump associates, getting them to plead guilty to something, and in Ellis’ case, making it harder for Trump to find legal representation, which has been a major goal of the left for quite a while. Despite all these guilty pleas, the only conspiracy Ms Willis has been able to demonstrate is a conspiracy of dunces in her office.

Dissing the University

October 26, 2023

Nearly three weeks have passed since the Hamas massacres of unarmed Israelis propelled us into a new and troubling future. With naval and air forces still being deployed around Israel, it is too early to tell if the existing regional conflict will metastasize into World War III.

Almost as nerve-wracking as the potential for Armageddon has been the sudden emergence of an overdue certainty: The vaunted American educational system has produced a generation of moral and spiritual illiterates, pampered know-nothings unable to think apart from the comforting electronic hum of online everything. But wait, those are just the professors and administrators! Hey, let me tell you about the students, those proud, SAT-sanctified denizens of Harvard, Columbia, Stanford and Penn, to cite only the most notorious examples. Men or women, mis-gendered or still deciding, those exemplars of critical thinking are unable to distinguish right from wrong, victim from oppressor, Anne Frank from her Waffen SS execution squad. As the young cretins recently tore down posters of kidnapped Israeli children, Candace Kahn made a horrific discovery while watching an obscenity-laden Instagram post: “And that’s when my heart dropped: I know her. Sarah—who I’ve since learned from the internet seems to go by the name Lucky and prefers they/them pronouns—and I went to college together at Northwestern.”

Then there were those George Washington University students who projected anti-Israeli slogans (“Glory to our martyrs”) on the walls of the Gelman Library (seriously, folks?). There was also the UC Berkeley teacher who tried to give extra credit for attending a pro-Palestine walkout. From coast-to-coast, it truly seemed as if academe had lost its marbles. .

Even England’s prestigious Cambridge University seemed oblivious to irony when it recently began “blacklisting books in a ‘sinister’ new decolonizing drive.” University librarians began asking “lecturers to flag ‘problematic’ books that might be ‘offensive or harmful.’” Fortunately, both Cambridge and Oxford Universities are run by dons, not by PC librarians questing for self-importance. Marion the Woke Librarian must have winced at the acerbic riposte by Prof David Abulafia, an eminent Cambridge historian: “Identifying books because they are seen as problematic itself has a very problematic history – witness bibliographies in the Nazi period where books by Jewish authors are marked with a star…It is absolutely not the task of librarians to sit in judgment, least of all in a university where they don’t do any of the teaching and where it is vital to promote free debate.” Any questions, Marion?

Meanwhile, other Americans were beginning to see the outlines of a larger problem. On October 13, Marc Cowan, CEO of Appollo Global Management, wrote a scathing denunciation. “At the University of Pennsylvania, where I sit on the Wharton School’s Board of Overseers, leaders have for too long allowed this kind of anti-Jewish hate, which sanitizes Hamas’s atrocities, to infect their campuses. There must be consequences. I call on all UPenn alumni and supporters who believe we are heading in the wrong direction to close their checkbooks until President Liz Magill and Chairman Scott Bok resign.” And just this week, billionaire investor Leon Cooperman, son of Polish-Jewish immigrants, announced on FBN's Liz Claman Countdown that he was suspending all donations to Columbia’s business school. “I think these kids at the colleges have **** for brains. (Hereafter) I’m giving my money to other organizations.”

Americans believe deeply in sending their off-spring to college, often making tough sacrifices to pay for a privilege that now seems horribly over-priced. At worst, it also appears to justify the familiar criticism that these sky-high tuition payments actually purchase little more than leftist indoctrination. Until very recently, there was no way to prove that allegation except by canceled check stubs where your tuition savings used to be. Nowadays, however, the perfidy of American academe dominates every news broadcast, university administrators finding inventive new ways to do even less. At Harvard, for example, President Gay formed a new task force for “doxxed students” on both sides of the controversy, an easy ‘solution’ when you have no idea what you’re doing. Her Dean of Students proudly gushed, “we appreciate the collaborative spirit in which students, faculty, and staff have come together to repel this repugnant assault on our community,”

Hogwash! But until we can figure out the best way to De-Fund the University, write your congressman about why we even need that so-called Department of Education.


Colonel (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former member of the West Point faculty, Dean of the National War College and on-air military analyst for NBC News.



While attention was focused on stories related to Hamas’ attack on Israel and the quest for a new Speaker, House committees (along with Republicans on Senate committees) have been plugging away at their investigations, doing the work the DOJ won’t do.  Yesterday, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley made news with a letter sent Tuesday to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

We so enjoy going to the NEW YORK POST for updates on the Biden family financial scandal, vindicated as they have been on their truthful Hunter laptop story that was smeared as “Russian disinformation.”  (The POST is the one that deserves a Pulitzer, not THE NEW YORK TIMES.)  As the POST reported, Sen. Grassley’s letter said that according to material turned up by congressional investigators, more than 40 FBI confidential sources, managed by several different FBI field offices, supplied the Bureau with information about potential crimes by Hunter Biden, James Biden and Joe Biden dating back to Joe’s time as Vice President.

“This letter is based on years of investigation, including the provision of information, records and allegations from multiple Justice Department whistleblowers that indicate there is --- and has been --- an effort among certain Justice Department and FBI officials to improperly delay and stop full and complete investigative activity into the Biden family,” he told them.

“Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

He singled out FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten for creating the “disinformation” assessment of Hunter’s laptop.  This designation was used by a team at FBI headquarters “to discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and cause investigative activity to cease.”

Then there is FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault, the Bureau’s “point man” on Hunter’s business partner Tony Bobulinski, who as you recall publicly verified the information on the laptop (to crickets in the mainstream media) shortly before the 2020 election.  Thibault, Sen. Grassley wrote, ordered that another 2020 probe into the first son’s alleged “criminal financial and related activity” be closed after being pressured by an element from FBI headquarters and the Baltimore office.

Oh, and apparently it wasn’t just Ukraine’s own investigation into Burisma and founder Mykola Zlochevky that was effectively shut down.  At the same time Hunter’s seat on Burisma’s board was facing scrutiny because of Trump’s first impeachment over his phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act squad based out of the FBI Washington Field Office closed their own “205B” kleptocracy case against Zlochevsky (the man whose dog Hunter Biden is dumber than).  So the $80,000 a month he had paid Hunter Biden ended up paying off in more ways than one.

Recall that Trump, during that phone call, had asked Zelenskyy to look into Joe Biden’s role in the firing of prosecutor Viktor Slokin.  Of course, what we know today about Biden’s role makes a joke of Trump’s first impeachment, as Biden’s the one who committed the impeachable offense.  Victoria Taft at PJ MEDIA makes the case that it was Trump’s impeachment that motivated the FBI to keep the Biden-Burisma scandal quiet.

The FBI’s Pittsburgh field office was involved as well, opening what they call a “guardian assessment” after the kleptocracy case against Zlochevsky was closed.  During that assessment, a “1023” document turned up that led to a re-interview of that confidential human source (CHS), generating another “1023.”  That’s the document containing bribery allegations against the Bidens --- quoting Zlochevsky as saying “I paid $5 million to one Biden and $5 million to another Biden” --- but the investigators, according to Grassley, were limited in their ability to investigate because it was always just an “assessment.”

Grassley claims that Auten and the Foreign Influence Task Force falsely discredited the bribery allegations as “foreign disinformation” and continued working to shut the investigation down.  They did this even though the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania, working with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, found “no hits to known sources of Russian disinformation.”  The NY POST lays all this out in greater detail.

“It should be emphasized,” Grassley wrote, “that the basis for trying to shut down the Biden family ‘1023’ has been described to my office as highly suspect and is contradicted by other documents my office has been told exist within the Foreign Influence Task Force, FBI Seattle Field Office, FBI Baltimore Field Office, and FBI HQ [headquarters] holdings.”

Grassley is demanding an answer from the DOJ and FBI by November 17.  Now we get to watch them dodge and weave once again, if they respond at all.  The real nature of our laughably-named ‘Justice’ Department is so obvious now that only the most shameless, hard-core partisan Democrats deny it.

As satisfying as it is to quote the NEW YORK POST on anything related to the Hunter Biden laptop, some other news outlets are doing solid reporting as well.  For the transcript of the Grassley letter, go to James Lynch at the DAILY CALLER.

John Solomon at JUST THE NEWS focuses on Grassley’s mention of the testimony of U.S. Attorney Scott Brady, who’d told the Judiciary Committee his office uncovered enough evidence of Biden family corruption to refer the case to field offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Delaware.

And in an interview with Alex Marlow, author of the new book BREAKING BIDEN, investigative reporter Peter Schweizer is blunt about the Bidens having run “a very sophisticated and, [he] would argue, criminal enterprise that is designed to leverage Joe’s power, but to keep him at arm’s length so that it is harder to connect him to it.”  See the podcast here...

In summary, the FBI gathered criminal information on the Biden clan for 15 years, from 40 sources, and with all they found, were still made to discredit it and shut their investigation down.  (This, of course, would have included the time of Trump’s first run for office and also his first impeachment, for which the material on the laptop and other information obtained by the FBI would have been exculpatory.)  In the words of former FBI agent Stuart Kaplan, appearing Wednesday on Jesse Watters’ FOX NEWS show, “Now they know they can influence the election by smearing [Trump’s] reputation, trying to indict him in every state throughout the United States.  That wasn’t the case with Joe Biden.  And so there’s two tiers of justice here.  It’s blatant, it’s obvious, and I just can’t understand why the American people don’t all see the same thing.  It’s clear, it’s crystal clear.”

Kaplan said, “...There’s a lot of politicians that are in office right now [who are] being looked at by the FBI.  But quite frankly, because the assessment, the threshold, to open up a full-blown investigation takes probable cause and takes the approval of the attorney general, if you have an attorney general who’s not willing to do what is required to pursue justice and pursue the truth, it’s never gonna get off anybody’s desk and it’s gonna go nowhere.”

Kaplan claims he knows firsthand that while Biden was VP, “no subpoenas were issued, no warrants were executed, no investigative interviews were conducted, because it was shut down by FBI headquarters.”

“That is not how we conduct an investigation if we’re all playing on the same playing field.”



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

James 3:17 KJV

Blocked for my views on President Trump, the COVID-19 response, Joe Biden, etc.

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 134 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Israel Update

Here is today’s continually updated page of Israel war news from Fox News:

Among the major developments since yesterday: Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that at least 33 Americans have been killed in the war, and it’s estimated that 222 hostages, including foreigners from a number of nations, are being held captive by Hamas.

Blinken also made the case to the UN to support Israel, noting that there were hostages from a number of member nations, and that Hamas’ actions are identical to those of other brutal terrorist organizations that have attacked innocents in their countries. But I don’t hold out much hope for the UN taking a strong stand on the right side, and not just because I never do. A draft resolution on the war that was to have been voted on by the US Security Council originally contained language calling on Iran to stop funding terrorism. But any mention of Iran was removed, reportedly at the insistence of Russia. Any organization where Russia is allowed to dictate the terms of morality is about as useless as an electric car in the Indy 500.

Israel continued air strikes against Hamas targets, but the ground invasion has still yet to begin. Some analysts are worried that if it doesn’t start soon, it never will. Hamas has already had weeks to fortify its hideouts, set booby traps and utilize their most potent weapon, playing on the misguided sympathies of useful idiots in the media, politics and academia who want to draw false equivalences and blame Israel for any harm that comes to people Hamas uses as human shields.

Last weekend, I had a must-see interview on TBN with Alan Dershowitz, and he shared a simple illustration from something he published years ago. That one graphic explains why blaming Israel for harm that befalls Hamas’ hostages would be morally illiterate rubbish. 

It shows two men with rifles, pointing them at each other. One is an Israeli soldier, the other a Hamas terrorist. There’s a baby behind the Israeli soldier because he’s using his body to shield it from harm. There’s a baby in front of the Hamas terrorist, because he’s using it to shield himself. If any harm should come to that child the terrorist is hiding behind, nobody with a functioning brain should have any trouble assessing who is responsible for it. Unfortunately, that leaves a lot of people out, including several Congress members.

House Republicans have a message for President Biden: If Egypt, Syria, Qatar and other Arab Muslim nations refuse to take in Palestinian refugees, we should consider why that is and not be importing them and settling them into American communities coast-to-coast. If that’s not reason enough, then the fact that AOC thinks it’s a great idea should be enough to raise a dozen red flags.

House disfunction

Tuesday, House Republicans nominated Majority Whip Tom Emmer as their third nominee for Speaker. But that choice raised outrage among conservatives. Despite his claims to be a Trump supporter, critics on the right called him a RINO and an anti-Trumper, and Trump himself put a post on Truth Social blasting him. When conservatives ousted Kevin McCarthy without a plan for what comes next, they likely didn’t envision that it would be him, but that’s what happens when you blow things sky high with no idea where they’ll land.

Still, Emmer was in the top spot for only a couple of hours. He couldn’t get the votes for Speaker, so he dropped out. Now, the next man at bat is Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson. During a closed door conference, it was reportedly confirmed that he has the 217 votes needed to become Speaker. Pardon me, but I think I’ll wait until I see it to believe it.

Check out my thoughts on leadership and how to fix government below.

The Leaders We Need

We all knew a kid in school who just had to run everything. Remember the classmate who insisted on picking the games you’d all play at recess, where you’d go after school, even who was “in” or “out” of your group? In high school, that kid had a compulsive need to be the leader of every student organization. You just wanted to say, “Hey! You’re not the boss of me!” Whatever happened to those kids? I wouldn’t be surprised if most ended up in government. We certainly have no shortage of people there who think they know how to live your life and spend your paycheck better than you do.

I’m convinced the world is divided into people who just want to live their own lives and those who, for some reason, have an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone else how to live. Unfortunately, to that latter group, government seems like the ideal place to work, and at the moment, they are getting 99.9% of all the attention from the media. As more of them gravitated toward government, Congress abdicated much of its legislating authority to unelected bureaucrats. Their bureaus grew like kudzu, and so did their regulations with the force of law (but no input from the people.) Then one day, we looked up and discovered we had a crushing national debt and were paying huge salaries to an army of people who enforce how big your soda should be and who couldn’t be fired and who is allowed to come into your daughter’s locker room. That’s when sane people realized that government is the LAST place these out-of-control control freaks needed to be.

The temptation for government to overreach is hardly new. In fact, it stretches back to the beginning of recorded history, and I bet even earlier than that. There’s a story in the ninth chapter of the book of Judges in the Old Testament about Gideon’s son Abimelech, who craved leadership and stature - not to serve the people but to control them and make them serve him. He said, “Give me dominion over your lives, and I will simplify your existence.” Wow, does that sound familiar? It’s basically the entire Democratic platform. Our government has taken us pretty far down that same road, but does your life seem any simpler -- or just a lot less free?

Anyway, back to Abimelech. He had a very smart younger brother, Jotham, who came up with a clever tale about three trees: an olive tree, a fig tree, and a vine tree. All three were fine trees that produced lots of fruit. All were offered the exalted position of “King Of All Trees,” but all three turned it down. The plant that wanted to be “King Of All Trees” was the bramble bush, a weak plant that produces no fruit at all. Jotham’s point was that only the weak and nonproductive have the desire to rule everyone else. Does that lesson not resonate like a gong right now?

When anyone aspires to a position of power, take a long, hard look. If that person seemingly crawled out of the cradle with an ambition to be President, then beware! Anytime someone talks about “running the country,” alarm bells should sound. No one – not the President, not Congress, no one person – “runs the country” or should aspire to.

That’s why the Founders took such pains to divide and limit federal power, and why we need to reinstate those limits that have been trampled in recent years, whether by Presidents ruling via executive order or out-of-control judges legislating from the bench or unelected bureaucrats abusing their power to try to influence the results of elections. If we allow any one person or entity to ignore those limits and assume the power to run everything, we won’t be able to stop them when they run America into the ground.

We should pick leaders who resemble the trees in the Bible story that don’t need or crave power but that have shown they bear good fruit. As it is said, by their fruits ye shall know them. Government has more than enough nuts already.

Why We Need Term Limits

You’ve heard the saying, "Two things you should never watch being made -- a law and sausage." I don't agree with half of that. I've been involved in lawmaking as a Lieutenant Governor presiding over the State Senate and as a Governor negotiating every step of the process with a legislature that was 90 percent Democrat. I've also seen sausage made.

I still eat sausage.

For the faint of heart and those without a strong stomach, seeing the process of politics become the process of governing can result in serious reactions. It's not a pretty process. It can be tedious, exasperating, and embarrassing. But let me let you in on a little secret: it’s supposed to be!

Recently, some Congressional Democrats have been publicly ranting over what an offense to “our democracy” it is that they can’t ram through their agenda with a one-vote majority. Some are pushing to blow up the system that slows down their efforts to enact what they claim “the people” (i.e., “them”) want, from eliminating the Senate filibuster to stacking the Supreme Court with partisan political appointees.

POLL: Do you support term limits? Vote here.

This is what John Adams called “the tyranny of the majority.” It’s not only poison to the American system, it’s also a really stupid political tactic. Apparently, Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were the only Democrats who understood how dumb it is to strip all power from the minority when you’re just one election and one seat away from being the minority yourself (see the 2022 House elections.)

As hard as it may be to believe, making a law was never designed by our Founding Fathers to be quick and simple. When they wrote and approved the Constitution, they intended for the passage of a bill into law to be a hard slog. They feared that passion would overwhelm reason and thoughtfulness, and so they built in plenty of speed bumps to make sure that a bill never whizzed through Congress and got signed by the President as hurriedly as some celebrities go through rounds of rehab.

Now, I'm pretty sure that the Founding Fathers didn't want total gridlock in Congress, but as much as it may surprise you, they would prefer gridlock to haste. Why? Because they feared government in the same way I fear snakes, spiders, and sharks. They knew that the sheer power of it is an intoxicant and that most of the people who enter government will be like sixteen-year-old boys with keys to the liquor cabinet whose parents are gone for the weekend.Watching Congress make laws and oversee regulation is a lot like watching sixteen-year-olds with booze and a BMW. You get the distinct impression that they have no business with either one, and a crash is inevitable.

This is why I have long been a proponent of term limits, which are hardly a new idea. The concept dates back to ancient Rome and Greece, with the great Greek philosopher Aristotle observing, “It is not so easy to do wrong in a short as in a long tenure of office.”

This idea was most famously summed up many years later by English historian, politician and author Lord Acton, who said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” The current DC bureaucracy seems to be trying their best to become a living illustration that absolute power corrupts absolutely and turns you into a bad person.

In 1807, half-way through his own second term, President Thomas Jefferson warned that "if some termination to the services of the chief Magistrate be not fixed by the Constitution, or supplied by practice, his office, nominally four years, will in fact become for life."

The popular novelist James Fenimore Cooper summed up the prevailing American attitude in 1838 when he said that "contact with the affairs of state is one of the most corrupting of the influences to which men are exposed." This might explain why so many of them retire (if they ever do retire) as multi-millionaires after a life selflessly devoted to “public service.”

Historian Robert Struble notes that the American preference for turnover in leadership was so deeply ingrained that it took until the twentieth century for the concept of “career politicians” to take hold. Unfortunately, among the many bad ideas that arose in the twentieth century, like Nazism, socialism, and letting movie actors talk, came the argument that a lifetime of "experience" in government was a far more valuable asset than a fresh perspective or a knowledge of business, farming, or other fields in which the vast majority of Americans work. Not everyone swallowed that argument, including twentieth-century Presidents of both parties.

In 1953, after deciding not to run for a third term, Democrat President Harry Truman said:

“In my opinion, eight years as President is enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in that capacity. There is a lure in power. It can get into a man's blood just as gambling and lust for money have been known to do.”

Interesting quote, considering that he became President only because he was Franklin Roosevelt's Vice President when FDR died in office shortly after being reelected to his fourth term.

Republican Calvin Coolidge, who was President in the 1920s, said:

“When a man begins to feel that he is the only one who can lead in this republic, he is guilty of treason to the spirit of our institutions...It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshipers. They are constantly, and for the most part sincerely, assured of their greatness. They live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment. They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.”

Old “Silent Cal” must have been truly passionate about this subject because I believe those are the most words he ever said in one sitting.

Another guilty plea

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis agreed to plead guilty to one count of "aiding and abetting false statements/writings” in the ridiculous Georgia RICO case aimed at Donald Trump. In exchange, she has to do 100 hours of community service and five years’ probation, pay $5,000 restitution and agree to testify truthfully, if called.

In a tearful statement, Ellis said, “In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way."She claimed she was relying on more senior lawyers working on the challenge “to provide [her] with true and reliable information” but “In the frenetic place of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence." She said she would not have represented Trump “if I knew then what I know now.”

Okay, let’s unpack that. If she was merely repeating information she got from trusted legal sources and didn’t know it was wrong at the time, with no intent to mislead, how is that a crime? She was just wrong (if you accept the premise that the election was clean.) People say things that are wrong every day and aren’t prosecuted for it, including about elections (I could name hundreds of Democrats here.)

This sounds like the kind of deal you take when you know you aren't really guilty of a crime but you have to make a prosecutor who’s abusing her power back off and quit trying to destroy and bankrupt you. We’ve seen a LOT of those plea deals lately. 

For those who say, “You call this a frivolous case, so why are all these people pleading guilty?” I’d respond, “And what are they pleading guilty to?” If DA Fani Willis had any actual evidence of a felony-level RICO conspiracy, how come all these people are being let off the hook with penny-ante pleas to make her go away, and none of them involve conspiracy? She got what she wanted: smearing Trump associates, getting them to plead guilty to something, and in Ellis’ case, making it harder for Trump to find legal representation, which has been a major goal of the left for quite a while. Despite all these guilty pleas, the only conspiracy Ms Willis has been able to demonstrate is a conspiracy of dunces in her office.

Use a “72 Hour Rule” for stories like this one

ABC News reported that former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was granted immunity in the January 6th trial, and that his testimony suggests that Trump was “dishonest.” But the story had no sooner been trumpeted about than reporter Catherine Herridge tweeted that it was “largely inaccurate,” but ABC decided to run it anyway.

I’m going to apply our 72-hour rule on Trump stories to this one and see if anything about it turns out to be true. Considering the whole case hangs on Trump allegedly knowing he lost the election and challenging it anyway, while Meadows reportedly told investigators that he never heard Trump say that, I don’t see what the bombshell here is.

Great Ad

The Trump campaign released a great ad based on Hillary Clinton’s characteristically arrogant comment that Trump supporters need to be “deprogrammed” This is a perfect depiction of the kind of society we would have if it were run by people who believe their opinions are so unassailably correct that people shouldn’t be allowed to question them.  Oh wait: it already is...

New documentary

Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary “Police State,” about politicized government agencies trampling on the rights of Americans, is playing in theaters on only two dates. It drew good crowds on Sunday, and today is your last chance to see it unless its run is extended. Here’s some information and the trailer.

A Judeo-Christian nation

One of the big hot button issues on the left these days is any suggestion that America is a Judeo-Christian nation built on Biblical principles. To them, America is all about “diversity,” which means any religion is welcome except that of the majority of Americans since the beginning of our history. They will also argue that the Founders were not Christians, even if it means grabbing the thinnest reed of circumstantial evidence and waving it like a baseball bat. I think this is evidence that they learned even less in history class than they did in economics class.

In my book “The Three C’s That Made America Great,” my co-author Steve Feazel and I compiled a mountain of evidence of the importance of the Bible and Christianity to America’s heritage. Not just in the many Christian sects that came here in the early days seeking religious freedom, but deeply rooted in the culture and the foundations of our government and school system. Here are just a few examples. See if this sounds like the thinking of a group of closet atheists…

Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote that “The Bible…should be read in our schools in preference to all other books from its containing the greatest portion of that kind of knowledge which is calculated to produce private and public temporal happiness.”

Fellow signer Samuel Adams wrote of the importance of “inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity…In short of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system.”

The “Father of American Scholarship and Education,” Noah Webster, wrote, “In my view, the Christian Religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed…No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian Religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”

While the Revolutionary War was raging, it was nearly impossible to import Bibles. Philadelphia Magazine publisher Robert Aitken requested that Bibles be printed in America to be used in schools. So in 1782, the Continental Congress approved the printing of what became known as the Aitken Bible, the first English Bible printed in America. That’s right: CONGRESS…printed the BIBLE…so it could be used in SCHOOLS! I can already hear liberals’ heads exploding at that revelation. The Bibles even included a statement that the US Congress “recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.”

In 1787, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, laying the groundwork for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin to become states. It includes this statement on education: “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

Today’s leftists and atheists would dismiss these as the opinions of some early American figures that were somehow swept away by the Constitution and its nonexistent “separation of church and state” clause. However, even after the Constitution was ratified, none of that was rescinded and the Bible continued to be used in public schools.

Among those outside of government, there was little disagreement about the importance of religion, the Bible and Judeo-Christian morality as the bedrock of American culture. In 1831, French historian Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in the US to write his landmark work, “Democracy in America.” He declared that the first thing that struck him was “the religious aspect of the country,” and the longer he stayed, the more he perceived “the great political consequences” resulting from it.

De Tocqueville wrote that “there is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America,” and it “must be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions,” “for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it.” He said he was certain that Americans “hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a class of citizens or a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to every rank of society.”

He further noted the unique importance of Christianity in making freedom the foundation of America’s government: “In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country.”

Maybe that’s why, throughout the 1800s, no legal challenge to the Bible or morality being taught in public schools was ever raised. It took nearly 200 years for liberals to “discover” that the Founders weren’t really Christians, the nation wasn’t really built on Biblical principles of morality and justice, and the writers of the Constitution actually meant to ban Bibles from public schools.

I’ve shown my evidence for my argument. What’s theirs, other than “We feel that’s how it should be, and we found some activist liberal judges who agreed with us”?

(Partially adapted from “The Three C’s That Made America Great” by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel:

Buy our book: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee


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The Regressives

October 25, 2023


Thanks to President Biden, more Americans than ever, in both parties, now favor setting a maximum retirement age for politicians (although to be fair, Joe’s retirement age from politics should have been 30.) But there are certain advantages to getting older. For instance, those of us of a certain age have learned that leftists can’t point to any successes of their policies, so they can only win debates by constantly changing the terms. When you get to my age, you’ve lived through enough of their terminology switcheroos to recognize them and remember only too well what they’re really talking about.

For instance, liberals used to be proud to call themselves “liberals.” They even used those exact words: “I’m a proud liberal!” But somewhere around the time when Jimmy Carter and the Iran hostages and gas lines were replaced by Ronald Reagan, the world “liberal” became so toxic that they simply stopped using it.

 Whenever this happens (and it happens pretty often), the media try to blame it on conservatives for tarnishing “liberalism” or whatever term by saying bad things about it. But they say much worse things about us, and we still call ourselves conservatives. The truth is, we didn’t give them a bad name. We don’t hold enough sway over the media to poison someone’s name the way they have with Trump. Liberalism gained its toxic reputation through their lousy policies that create division and hardship for everyone they touch. We couldn’t have convinced Americans to start using “liberal” as a curse word; they had to earn it, and they did.

And that’s how “liberals” suddenly became “progressives!” It sounds so much more positive. Everyone likes progress. But don’t be fooled: “progress” is another term that’s been redefined by the left. The late comedian Gallagher once said, “If pro is the opposite of con, then the opposite of progress must be Congress.” That’s true, but it could also be said that progressivism is the opposite of progress. If you think about it, what do they stand for that could actually be considered progress? Everything they promote is a retread of old, failed policies of bygone days that they keep trotting out again and again. I guess they never heard Einstein’s definition of “insanity” as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

They want our economy to consist of an elite ruling class and a large underclass denied opportunities for advancement and wealth creation. That’s similar to the old feudal system, and certainly not progress.

The founding documents represented a revolution for human rights by asserting a right to life, while “progressives” demand a barbaric right to kill innocent babies in the womb up to the moment of birth. That’s not progress.

While conservatives believe in free markets that create tech breakthroughs like clean nuclear energy and hydrogen fuel cells, “progressives” want to ground planes, rely on windmills for power and make people shiver at home in the dark. How is any of that “progress?”

Having the government decide what everyone will be paid regardless of skills, seniority, education level or work ethic used to be called communism. The new “progressive” term: “Equity.”

Did you know that electric cars were tried in the 1890s, but rejected in favor of gas-powered cars because of their short battery ranges and high cost, among other problems? All those things are still true, but “progressives” want to bring them back anyway and force us to buy them.

“Progressives” believe that the failed economic system known as socialism that imposed oppression, starvation and misery on countless people can work, if you just fumigate it by renaming it “Democratic Socialism.” Some of them even dress in dark clothes and physically assault those who disagree with them politically, while others join in rallies celebrating the murder of Jews. These “progressives” ironically call themselves “Anti-fascists.”

By the same token, working to keep candidates they hate but that people might want to vote for off the ballot is called “protecting democracy.” So is fighting laws that make our elections trustworthy, because those laws are now called “racist,” despite large majorities of all races supporting them.

Old school liberals fought for a colorblind society where people were judged by their character, not their skin color. Today’s “progressives” want to divide people by race and judge everyone on nothing but their skin color. They’re even bringing back segregated campuses and white- and black- only graduation ceremonies. That’s not progress; it’s a throwback to the abhorrent racism of the days of Jim Crow, only “progressives” have a new term for it: “anti-racism.” Similarly, “anti-Semitic” is now called “pro-Palestinian.” And Jim Crow laws, invented by Democrats, have somehow been redefined as Republican inventions.  

Even the term “progressive” itself was plucked out of the early 20th century, when it was a movement of people who foolishly believed big government could change basic human nature by the “enlightened application” of regulations, incentives, and punishments. It also came with a heaping side order of racism, xenophobia and eugenics, particularly from the founder of Planned Parenthood. The left had to wait decades for the stench from the term “progressive” to air out enough to recycle it again.  

I could go on, but I think I’ve made it clear that leftists should be prosecuted under Truth In Advertising laws for calling themselves “progressive.” It’s why I always put the term in quotation marks. The terminology is as deceptive as calling abortion “women’s health care” or “reproductive justice;” calling taxes “revenues” and government spending “investments;” calling confiscatory 90% tax rates “paying your fair share;” or calling the proven failed system of socialism “economic justice” – all of which “progressives” do! See what I mean when I say they have to keep constantly changing the terms to keep from losing arguments?

This is why I prefer to call them what they are: Leftists. Or if I’m feeling generous enough to call them something that sounds kind of like “progressive” but is much more accurate, I call them “regressives.”



Washington Math

October 25, 2023

There’s only one form of accounting shadier than Hollywood math, and that’s Washington math. The deficit is one of the most fertile fields for financial finagling, for instance, when Biden claimed he cut the deficit by a trillion dollars when all that actually happened was that we didn’t spend an extra trillion on pandemic relief that year because the pandemic was over the year before.

For those of you who enjoy shady math, here’s an example of how the government is hiding our ballooning federal deficit that Biden claims his policies are reducing. Like claiming that this year’s deficit is $400 million lower by subtracting the $400 million that the Supreme Court wouldn’t let Biden spend on paying off his constituents’ student loans.

Only in Washington can money you wanted to spend but were never going to be allowed to spend be counted as a “budget cut.” I think I’ll tell my wife that I’ve decided to cut our expenses by $50,000 by not buying a fancy new fishing boat this year and see how that goes over.

Aside from DC’s mathemagician act, that article also contains some actual math that should scare anyone who cares about America’s fiscal health. Not only are deficits out of sight, each one adds to our national debt, which recently topped $33 trillion. In a vicious circle of fiscal incompetence, high inflation is forcing higher spending (like last year’s 8.7% COLA for Social Security recipients) while higher interest rates to curb inflation are raising the interest payments on the national debt. Interest payments on the debt will soon be more than we spend on national defense.

The government has run up a debt on our national credit card that averages out to about $100,000 for each and every American. And nobody asked me if I wanted any of that spending. Personally, I’d rather have two new $50,000 fishing boats.

How this happened

October 25, 2023

Ever since World War II, the world has asked, “How could the rise of Hitler and the Nazis have happened? Why did good Germans who opposed the Nazis not see it coming and do something to stop it?” Well, it might be time to stop asking that question of Germany, and for other so-called enlightened liberal nations around the world to start asking it of themselves.

For the past decade or so, these nations have allowed unfettered immigration of people with known violent, anti-Semitic values, while they allowed radical left professors who hate Israel, America and freedom to take over our universities and shut down any opposing views, in the name of “diversity,” of course. Now, they see their own children rallying in the streets in support of the slaughter of Israeli innocents and are stunned as they wonder, “When did this happen?” Well, some of us have been sounding alarm bells about it for years as they refused to listen. And we’ve been telling them the answer to that question: “It happened when you weren’t paying attention!”

We’ve also heard for years about the phenomenon of Holocaust-deniers, conspiracy theorists who refuse to believe the concentration camps were real. At least they have the feeble excuse of it all happening in the past, before they were born. But what to make of our new wave of Holocaust deniers, who refuse to believe the mass slaughter of innocent Jewish civilians by Hamas that happened just two weeks ago?

Israel didn’t want to have to show the world the horrific evidence, but the nouveau Holocaust deniers left them no choice. On Monday, they allowed reporters to view uncensored footage of the murders, rapes, beheadings and other unspeakable carnage that was shared live on the Telegram app among the Hamas monsters even as they were committing it. As this report notes, it left even seasoned war reporters visibly shaken by its unthinkable brutality. (Warning: contains disturbing images that still don’t even begin to convey the full horror.)

It also includes a statement from a Hamas terrorist (sorry, deniers at the A.P., but that’s what they are) who was captured. He admitted that they were told by their leaders that they were on a suicide mission and they were “to step on the heads of civilians, to behead them and do whatever they felt like.” When asked about how Hamas is being compared to ISIS, he agreed, saying, “We burned, we slaughtered, and beheaded people” and “We became animals — [we did] things humans do not do.”

So now, the world has been allowed to see the unedited footage that nobody should ever have had to see, and heard the confession of one of the perpetrators in his own words. Will that fill the deniers with shame and make them come to their senses?

I pray that it will, but I’m not hopeful. I’ve stood in the gas chambers at Auschwitz, and yet some people continue to deny they exist. Some people just have an infinite capacity for denying reality until reality refuses to be denied any longer.

Note: In case you missed my weekend TBN monologue and the transcript in Sunday’s newsletter, please watch it here. The following piece builds on what I said, once again asking the question of why the White House --- under Obama and Biden, NOT Trump --- has been so protective of Iran.


First, some history. Did you know the October 7 attack wasn’t really about Israel? Such barbarism against Jews and other non-Muslims has been going on for many centuries, with the same kind of depraved inhumanity-to-man we saw from Hamas just two weeks ago. As Milt Harris writes for PJ MEDIA, Israel and the politics surrounding Gaza are “excuses for a bloodletting that, in the eyes of extremists, is not only justified but obligatory.”

Harris explains that the Ottoman Empire based its authority on religion. It follows that they would use religion to expand that authority, and they surely did, furiously conquering other lands with a seething blood lust.

The 1529 siege of Vienna was just one such example, and Hamas’ butchery of two weeks ago is reminiscent of those tactics. (Yes, Harris describes some of the worst atrocities.) Harris has questions for today’s “anti-colonialist” defenders of Hamas: Was that (horrible atrocity) an expression against colonialism or capitalism? Was this (other horrible atrocity) a response to globalism or Zionism? “Perhaps this was simply Islam,” he ventured, qualifying that later to read “Islam in this form.”

Other grisly attacks continued into the 20th and 21st centuries. Harris describes two that took place in 1929, one in the Jewish city of Safed and the other in Hebron, the “Hebron Massacre” --- noting that some Jews survived the latter attack after being hidden by Arab families. These two attacks shocked the Jewish community and led to the development of Israel Defense Forces.

Harris describes another attack near an archeological site in Egypt in 1997, during which machete-wielding attackers systematically killed and mutilated the bodies of 58 tourists, mostly from neutral Switzerland (they don’t care), and 4 Egyptians.

In the 21st century, of course, there have been numerous other vicious attacks, and Harris goes into detail. He makes the point that every time they commit some gruesome attack, there is some “paper thin” excuse for it. Two weeks ago, it was that the border wall suppresses them and makes them feel as if they’re in an “open-air prison.”

All this attack demonstrated to thinking people is that this wall wasn’t nearly secure enough! Israel doesn’t keep Hamas behind a fence because they’re oppressors; they do it for the same reason that zoos keep crocodiles behind a fence.

In Harris’ words, “The truth is that each attack manifests itself out of Islam. No one wants to admit that fact, lest they are called Islamophobic. Instead, we allow the weak excuses that are offered to justify their barbarism. When Muslims gang raped and sawed in half a Hindu schoolteacher in Kashmir, it was about India’s treatment of Muslims. When they rampaged through the Bataclan theater in Paris, killing everyone within reach, they were protesting France’s treatment of ISIS. When they rape a woman at a music concert in Israel next to the bodies of her murdered friends, they’re protesting for Gaza.”

As if ANY excuse could’ve justified such barbaric onslaughts against innocents.

And if the more recent attacks were actually motivated by such excuses, they wouldn’t bear such uncanny resemblance to the slaughters that took place many centuries before.

Harris writes, “Islam in this form cannot be reasoned or co-existed with. Its violence is a religious duty written into its scripture and its laws. Its atrocities, murder, torture, mutilation and rape are all acts of sacred religious devotion. The Islamic kingdom of heaven can only be achieved when the entire world submits to Islam.”

As Harris explains it, “This is not about politics, Israel, the United States or anything else. It’s a thousand plus year crusade to subjugate all of mankind.”

We’d like to introduce you to someone who just doesn’t get this at all. He’s Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff of Germany, until recently the foreign European Union envoy to Gaza. Get a load of what he did in July, several months before Hamas carried out their paraglider attack. He actually got into his own paraglider and demonstrated to people in Gaza what they could do when they “are free.”

Oh, and Mr. Sven Kuhn von Clueless has since blamed Israel completely for any retaliation against Hamas. “It doesn’t matter what Hamas did,” he said. Israel’s foreign ministry says this man is being used as a propaganda tool by Hamas. They’re right --- he’s the ultimate useful idiot.

Now let’s go from the most clueless to the most clued-in. Investigative reporter Lee Smith, whom you know from such books as THE PLOT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, also has a great deal of experience covering the Middle East, and Jan Jekielek interviewed him this weekend for AMERICAN THOUGHT LEADERS on EPOCH TV.

Smith spoke first about willing American media being tools for spreading terrorist propaganda. Example: THE NEW YORK TIMES printed a picture of supposed Israeli “war crimes” that turned out to have been completely posed. (Surprised they didn’t get a Pulitzer for it, ha.) Israeli activists have a name for fake video, he said: “Pally-wood,” with “pal” meaning “Palestine.” He praised Elon Musk for coming out against it on his platform, “X” (formerly Twitter).

“There’s a very large part of Gazan society, unfortunately, that’s devoted to sustaining Hamas operations,” Smith explained. In other words, many more people are involved than, say, a fighting force of a few thousand. Some dig tunnels, some are responsible for creating and spreading propaganda.

In speaking of the terrorists’ use of human shields, Smith began to sound very much like Milt Harris in the article we linked to above. “What does this tell you about...the nature of regimes like Hezbollah, like Hamas?” he asked. “It’s not just that they’re non-Western, right? We’re not just talking about a clash of civilizations or a clash of cultures. We’re talking about a particular type of regime. It’s a ‘pathocratic’ regime...rule of the pathological. We’re not talking about an oligarchy, we’re not talking about a democracy, a tyranny, a monarchy. We’re talking about rule of the pathologically evil.”

Of course, his words immediately remind us of Nazi Germany and THEIR twisted plan to exterminate all Jews. Smith brought up Saddam Hussein and the current Iranian regime as other examples.

We have to understand the nature of these regimes. These are people “who would put their own neighbors, their own families” in front of themselves as they waged war. They’d “risk the lives of their own families in order to kill others.” They are SICK.

Concepts like “proportionality” don’t work, because we’re talking about powers that “don’t operate in the same way.”

He noted that many Arab countries --- Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, to name three --- hope Israel will destroy Hamas. “But this is something that you’re not gonna hear in public.”

About ten minutes in, Smith brought the discussion home to America, saying the Biden administration is lying when they say they’ve found no evidence that the Iranians weren’t involved in the attack on October 7. We have records of meetings between high-ranking Iranian officials and the top leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, “training operatives specifically for this assault,” he said.

Biden lies about this, he said, because his administration is still trying to restore Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. Hand to his forehead, he asked, “Why does American and European leadership want to legalize the nuclear weapons program of a pathocratic state?” Why are they normalizing twisted regimes like Hamas and Iran? And that IS the big question, isn’t it?

It was Obama’s “communications infrastructure” that allowed him to misrepresent the Iran deal as one that would work against Iran getting nuclear weapons. That deal is actually just the opposite.

Trump withdrew from the deal in May 2018. Also under Trump, the head of Iran’s “terror master” was assassinated. Critics said these actions would bring more chaos, even war, to the region, but it didn’t. In fact, while Trump was President, there was a period of relative stability there. They knew he meant business.

Trump also deserves credit for the very important Abraham Accords, Smith said. These were “the Trump administration’s recognition that the Obama administration, through the nuclear deal, and through other initiatives, wanted to rearrange the Middle East to prioritize relationships with Iran.”

To do this, Obama had downgraded relationships with traditional U.S. allies, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Trump reversed this as well, going around Iran while firming up relationships with those allies and building a structure “counter to the Iran deal.”

So, there’s one more thing Trump was right about. If anyone has the strength and resolve to deal with “pathocracies” like Iran, he has shown that he does.

If you have a subscription to EPOCH TV, Smith offers more detail in this interview.

But his recent article in TABLET covers the same topic, in much greater detail. Highly recommended...



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Mark 11:25 KJV

Blocked for my views on President Trump, the COVID-19 response, Joe Biden, etc.

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 164 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Updated news on the war in Israel

Here’s today’s link to continuously updated news on the war in Israel from Fox News:

Over the past 24 hours, Israel has continued its air strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza, but the expected ground invasion has yet to begin. There have been conflicting reports about whether the Biden White House was pressuring Israel to hold off or declare a ceasefire, but the Administration denies that.

Monday, Hamas released two elderly Israeli women who were being held hostage.

The Associated Press ordered its reporters not to refer to Hamas terrorists as “terrorists,” but to call them “militants, fighters, attackers or combatants.” Coincidentally, we will no longer call the Associated Press a “news outlet” but a “terrorist sympathizer mouthpiece.”

Israeli students at MIT say they are terrified to be on campus after some students held a pro-Hamas rally and chanted "one solution, intifada, revolution!" One Israeli student explained, "Intifada is not a call for resistance. Intifada is the name of acts of bombing and killing civilians in Israel in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It's the name of taking civilian lives in terrorist attacks in Israel. That is what intifada means.” It’s remarkable how quickly our universities switched from “conservative speech is violence” to “open threats against Jews are free speech.”

Alison Leigh Cowan, a former longtime reporter and editor at the New York Times, wrote a scathing editorial in Commentary magazine, blasting the Times for its “modern-day blood libel” of credulously taking the word of Hamas that Israel was responsible for attacking a hospital in Gaza and killing hundreds of people. She accuses the paper of "brazen self-assuredness and moral blindness” that “is breaking my heart."

Meanwhile, possibly the most anti-Semitic member of the Squad (and that’s really saying something), Rashiida Tlaib, is doubling down on blaming Israel for the now-debunked hospital attack story and demanding an independent investigation. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene plans to introduce a resolution today to censure Tlaib. She says the Democratic Party is doing nothing about her “anti-Semitic activity” and “sympathizing with terrorist organizations,” and it’s not even something new: “This is exactly who she is.”

But while this might literally be a case of acting as devil’s advocate, the writer Duke at argues that Tlaib should be allowed to speak freely and the solution isn’t to try to silence or censure her but to work to get her unelected from Congress. That might have been impossible before, given her district, but who knows? Maybe this horror has actually convinced even some of her constituents to stop supporting terrorist supporters.

But I find that unlikely: here’s a story about a pro-Palestinian protest in Ilhan Omar’s district in Minneapolis where people were opening waving the flag of Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization.

Besides, Tlaib and Omar are, sadly, only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to terrorist sympathizers infiltrating the US government. This story shows that. It’s about a Department of Homeland Security official who was finally put on administrative leave due to complaints that she was a former spokesperson for the PLO.

How This Happened

Ever since World War II, the world has asked, “How could the rise of Hitler and the Nazis have happened? Why did good Germans who opposed the Nazis not see it coming and do something to stop it?” Well, it might be time to stop asking that question of Germany, and for other so-called enlightened liberal nations around the world to start asking it of themselves.

For the past decade or so, these nations have allowed unfettered immigration of people with known violent, anti-Semitic values, while they allowed radical left professors who hate Israel, America and freedom to take over our universities and shut down any opposing views, in the name of “diversity,” of course. Now, they see their own children rallying in the streets in support of the slaughter of Israeli innocents and are stunned as they wonder, “When did this happen?” Well, some of us have been sounding alarm bells about it for years as they refused to listen. And we’ve been telling them the answer to that question: “It happened when you weren’t paying attention!”

We’ve also heard for years about the phenomenon of Holocaust-deniers, conspiracy theorists who refuse to believe the concentration camps were real. At least they have the feeble excuse of it all happening in the past, before they were born. But what to make of our new wave of Holocaust deniers, who refuse to believe the mass slaughter of innocent Jewish civilians by Hamas that happened just two weeks ago?

Israel didn’t want to have to show the world the horrific evidence, but the nouveau Holocaust deniers left them no choice. On Monday, they allowed reporters to view uncensored footage of the murders, rapes, beheadings and other unspeakable carnage that was shared live on the Telegram app among the Hamas monsters even as they were committing it. As this report notes, it left even seasoned war reporters visibly shaken by its unthinkable brutality. (Warning: contains disturbing images that still don’t even begin to convey the full horror.)

It also includes a statement from a Hamas terrorist (sorry, deniers at the A.P., but that’s what they are) who was captured. He admitted that they were told by their leaders that they were on a suicide mission and they were “to step on the heads of civilians, to behead them and do whatever they felt like.” When asked about how Hamas is being compared to ISIS, he agreed, saying, “We burned, we slaughtered, and beheaded people” and “We became animals — [we did] things humans do not do.”

So now, the world has been allowed to see the unedited footage that nobody should ever have had to see, and heard the confession of one of the perpetrators in his own words. Will that fill the deniers with shame and make them come to their senses?

I pray that it will, but I’m not hopeful. I’ve stood in the gas chambers at Auschwitz, and yet some people continue to deny they exist. Some people just have an infinite capacity for denying reality until reality refuses to be denied any longer.

Not running for Senate in 2024

Laphonza Butler, who was appointed to the Senate by California Gov. Gavin Newsom to fill the late Diane Feinstein’s term, announced that she will not run for a full term in 2024.

Being a black, LGBTQ, radically pro-abortion woman, she ticked off all of Newsom’s qualification boxes for the Senate, so I guess actually being from California wasn’t important. But she decided this isn’t what she wants to do with her life (I commend her on that), plus there’s already a crowded field of well-funded Democrats vying for the job. They include Adam Schiff, who has a $32 million war chest donated to him by suckers and influence-seekers, which could put him in the Senate rather than where he belongs, which is in jail for falsifying evidence.

That story also mentions that Dodgers legend Steve Garvey is running on the Republican side. That could keep Democrats from grabbing the top two positions in California’s jungle primary, which was instituted specifically to prevent the Democrats from having to face a Republican challenger. California actually electing a Republican Senator again? That would be a bigger miracle than the Cubs winning the World Series...but it happened.

Reputation deserved

Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has a reputation for being one of the hardest Congress members to work for (in a yearly survey of Congressional staffers by Washingtonian magazine, she’s routinely voted the meanest boss), as well as saying some of the dumbest and most outrageous things ever to come out of the mouth of anyone with an allegedly responsible government job. But this latest story may outdo them all.

Someone leaked an (alleged) audio clip of Lee berating her office staff in vicious, incredibly foul-mouthed and profane fashion (warning: do NOT play the uncensored audio unless you are alone and not easily offended.)

Remember, this is the political party that gave us the concept of firing people for “microagressions.”

While the audio has not been verified, you can draw your own implications from the fact that Lee’s office reacted by blaming her leading Democratic opponent in the Houston mayor’s race for trying to distract from her front-running campaign rather than denying that it’s her voice. A spokesperson for her opponent, state Sen. John Whitmire, denied any involvement and said Lee “is just trying to take attention away from what is in the recording.”

Personally, I can’t believe she’s the frontrunner for mayor of Houston. I’ve long assumed that the only reason she kept getting reelected to Congress was because Texans in her district wanted to keep her as far away from them as possible. Do they really want this crazy person running the city they actually have to live in?

A hallmark of Joe Biden's re-election campaign

Making a mockery of the truth having become a hallmark of the Joe Biden reelection campaign, his organization opened an account on Donald Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social. They claimed they thought it would be “very funny” to go on there to point out the hypocrisy of Republicans.

I don’t think they were prepared for the welcome they got, with numerous users taking the opportunity to point out Biden’s countless lies, hypocrisies and acts of incompetence. But at least they did get a personal welcome to the platform from Trump himself.

This isn’t working out to be as funny as they thought it would be. To quote Jack Nicholson, “They can’t handle the truth.”

Maybe we are waking up

Maybe the horrifying Hamas attack on Israel and the threats from Iran have finally awakened some Americans to the danger of having a wide-open border and millions of unvetted illegal entrants swarming into the US. But just in case the scope of the invasion hasn’t yet hit home, check out this report from

Just during the last October to September fiscal year, more than 4 million people crossed our Southern border. During the same time period, 3.67 million babies were born in America, and that number includes 400,000 born to illegal immigrants. There were also only 3 million American high school graduates who now have to compete for jobs with 4 million illegal immigrants.

So if you’re wondering why the streets are filled with homeless people, many of them Americans evicted due to housing shortages, and why the social services net has been stretched beyond its limits, it’s because, thanks entirely to Joe Biden, illegal alien arrivals now outnumber the arrival rate of natural-born Americans.


Proud Dad News:

Here’s the latest executive order from the Governor of Arkansas, banning idiotic “woke,” anti-woman and anti-science terms like “pregnant person,” “chestfeeding” and “birthing person” from official government business.

Yes, it’s even happening in Texas:

Accuracy in Media gave Fox News hidden camera video of a Texas Association of School Boards conference in Dallas at which a law firm gave them tips on how to get around the state’s ban on pushing Critical Race Theory onto students.

Sad to report

I’m sad to have to report that Bobi, the holder of the Guinness World Record for the Oldest Dog, has passed away in Portugal at the age of 31 years and five months. Our condolences to Bobi’s master, and I hope that all our dogs someday manage to break his record.


The rattiest cities

Orkin exterminators released its annual list of America’s 50 cities with the worst rat infestations, and take a wild guess what the rattiest cities all have in common.


The Regressives

Thanks to President Biden, more Americans than ever, in both parties, now favor setting a maximum retirement age for politicians (although to be fair, Joe’s retirement age from politics should have been 30.) But there are certain advantages to getting older. For instance, those of us of a certain age have learned that leftists can’t point to any successes of their policies, so they can only win debates by constantly changing the terms. When you get to my age, you’ve lived through enough of their terminology switcheroos to recognize them and remember only too well what they’re really talking about.

For instance, liberals used to be proud to call themselves “liberals.” They even used those exact words: “I’m a proud liberal!” But somewhere around the time when Jimmy Carter and the Iran hostages and gas lines were replaced by Ronald Reagan, the world “liberal” became so toxic that they simply stopped using it.

 Whenever this happens (and it happens pretty often), the media try to blame it on conservatives for tarnishing “liberalism” or whatever term by saying bad things about it. But they say much worse things about us, and we still call ourselves conservatives. The truth is, we didn’t give them a bad name. We don’t hold enough sway over the media to poison someone’s name the way they have with Trump. Liberalism gained its toxic reputation through their lousy policies that create division and hardship for everyone they touch. We couldn’t have convinced Americans to start using “liberal” as a curse word; they had to earn it, and they did.

And that’s how “liberals” suddenly became “progressives!” It sounds so much more positive. Everyone likes progress. But don’t be fooled: “progress” is another term that’s been redefined by the left. The late comedian Gallagher once said, “If pro is the opposite of con, then the opposite of progress must be Congress.” That’s true, but it could also be said that progressivism is the opposite of progress. If you think about it, what do they stand for that could actually be considered progress? Everything they promote is a retread of old, failed policies of bygone days that they keep trotting out again and again. I guess they never heard Einstein’s definition of “insanity” as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

They want our economy to consist of an elite ruling class and a large underclass denied opportunities for advancement and wealth creation. That’s similar to the old feudal system, and certainly not progress.

The founding documents represented a revolution for human rights by asserting a right to life, while “progressives” demand a barbaric right to kill innocent babies in the womb up to the moment of birth. That’s not progress.

While conservatives believe in free markets that create tech breakthroughs like clean nuclear energy and hydrogen fuel cells, “progressives” want to ground planes, rely on windmills for power and make people shiver at home in the dark. How is any of that “progress?”

Having the government decide what everyone will be paid regardless of skills, seniority, education level or work ethic used to be called communism. The new “progressive” term: “Equity.”

Did you know that electric cars were tried in the 1890s, but rejected in favor of gas-powered cars because of their short battery ranges and high cost, among other problems? All those things are still true, but “progressives” want to bring them back anyway and force us to buy them.

“Progressives” believe that the failed economic system known as socialism that imposed oppression, starvation and misery on countless people can work, if you just fumigate it by renaming it “Democratic Socialism.” Some of them even dress in dark clothes and physically assault those who disagree with them politically, while others join in rallies celebrating the murder of Jews. These “progressives” ironically call themselves “Anti-fascists.”

By the same token, working to keep candidates they hate but that people might want to vote for off the ballot is called “protecting democracy.” So is fighting laws that make our elections trustworthy, because those laws are now called “racist,” despite large majorities of all races supporting them.

Old school liberals fought for a colorblind society where people were judged by their character, not their skin color. Today’s “progressives” want to divide people by race and judge everyone on nothing but their skin color. They’re even bringing back segregated campuses and white- and black- only graduation ceremonies. That’s not progress; it’s a throwback to the abhorrent racism of the days of Jim Crow, only “progressives” have a new term for it: “anti-racism.” Similarly, “anti-Semitic” is now called “pro-Palestinian.” And Jim Crow laws, invented by Democrats, have somehow been redefined as Republican inventions.  

Even the term “progressive” itself was plucked out of the early 20th century, when it was a movement of people who foolishly believed big government could change basic human nature by the “enlightened application” of regulations, incentives, and punishments. It also came with a heaping side order of racism, xenophobia and eugenics, particularly from the founder of Planned Parenthood. The left had to wait decades for the stench from the term “progressive” to air out enough to recycle it again.  

I could go on, but I think I’ve made it clear that leftists should be prosecuted under Truth In Advertising laws for calling themselves “progressive.” It’s why I always put the term in quotation marks. The terminology is as deceptive as calling abortion “women’s health care” or “reproductive justice;” calling taxes “revenues” and government spending “investments;” calling confiscatory 90% tax rates “paying your fair share;” or calling the proven failed system of socialism “economic justice” – all of which “progressives” do! See what I mean when I say they have to keep constantly changing the terms to keep from losing arguments?

This is why I prefer to call them what they are: Leftists. Or if I’m feeling generous enough to call them something that sounds kind of like “progressive” but is much more accurate, I call them “regressives.”



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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:3

Blocked for my views on President Trump, the COVID-19 response, Joe Biden, etc.

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 176 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Tragic death in Detroit

Samantha Woll, the president of a Detroit synagogue, was found stabbed to death outside her home Saturday morning. Police say that so far, they’ve found no evidence that it was motivated by anti-Semitism. There are more details at this link, but this is a developing story. We extend our prayers and condolences to her family.

News on the War in Israel/Gaza

Here is today’s page of continually-updated news on the war in Israel from Fox News:

Among the latest developments: Israel is continuing airstrikes and hit over 320 Hamas military targets in Gaza over the past 24 hours. But the expected ground invasion has yet to begin. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to threats from the Iran-based terrorist group Hezbollah that an attack on Israel from Lebanon would be “the mistake of its life. We will cripple it with a force it cannot even imagine, and the consequences for it and the Lebanese state will be devastating."

Here in the US, with Americans being held hostage by Hamas terrorists and our embassies having to be evacuated under attack, President Biden boldly took action and went on another weekend beach vacation in Delaware.

The shocking attack on Israel and the equally shocking support for Hamas’ obscenely brutal terrorism against innocents by so-called liberals could have a major effect on politics here and around the world. Jewish Americans tend to support Democrats over Republicans by about 64-26%, but political analysts are predicting a historic shift next year, thanks to the exposure of the open anti-Semitism on the left, including from elected Democrat officials like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

Going hand-in-hand with that trend, a number of Jewish-Americans are also suddenly developing a new respect for the Second Amendment.

Switzerland is the latest of several nations that have turned to the right, rejecting open borders leftists who preached diversity while letting in many migrants from the Middle East who are now making it clear that they do not share their host nations’ values. One of the few that held the line was Poland, and like the US, they got too complacent and just elected a leftwing government. Let’s hope that even their leftists are now able to realize the dangers of welcoming in large foreign populations that refuse to assimilate.

The pro-Hamas rallies by students at “elite” universities like Harvard are causing some of their biggest donors to slam their checkbooks shut and demand reform of what have devolved from universities into radical indoctrination camps.

And that’s just the tip of the problems these institutions have created for themselves.

These universities have even lost Bill Maher, who declared that “if ignorance is a disease, Harvard yard is the Wuhan wet market.”

Although Wellesley has decided to give Harvard a run for its money in the anti-Semitism department.

A revolution on campuses can’t come a moment too soon, if we are to believe a shocking new Harvard-Harris Poll. It found that among 18-24-year-old Americans, a majority (51-49%) think Hamas’ slaughter of 1200 innocent Israeli civilians was justified. Overall, Americans disagree by 76-24%, with those over 65 (the ones furthest away from exposure to a modern university) disagreeing by 91-9%.

A Cygnal Poll also found that 75% of Americans believe Hamas was not justified in attacking Israel (that should be 100%), but a majority of Muslim-Americans back Hamas’ attack, by 58-42%.

Related: Courtesy of Instapundit, some wise comments from Richard Fernandez on how the “best and brightest” who run our political and “educational” institutions were somehow taken completely by surprise by the hatred and brutality of Hamas and Iran, despite some of us warning about it for years.

Back underway: The House Speaker’s race

The House Speaker’s race will get back underway today, and here’s some info on the NINE candidates who are now vying for the position after all of the party’s top leaders were rejected. I think some of them are pretty good, but sadly, they may be hamstrung by the fact that none of them are perfect.

Washington Math

There’s only one form of accounting shadier than Hollywood math, and that’s Washington math. The deficit is one of the most fertile fields for financial finagling, for instance, when Biden claimed he cut the deficit by a trillion dollars when all that actually happened was that we didn’t spend an extra trillion on pandemic relief that year because the pandemic was over the year before.

For those of you who enjoy shady math, here’s an example of how the government is hiding our ballooning federal deficit that Biden claims his policies are reducing. Like claiming that this year’s deficit is $400 million lower by subtracting the $400 million that the Supreme Court wouldn’t let Biden spend on paying off his constituents’ student loans.

Only in Washington can money you wanted to spend but were never going to be allowed to spend be counted as a “budget cut.” I think I’ll tell my wife that I’ve decided to cut our expenses by $50,000 by not buying a fancy new fishing boat this year and see how that goes over.

Aside from DC’s mathemagician act, that article also contains some actual math that should scare anyone who cares about America’s fiscal health. Not only are deficits out of sight, each one adds to our national debt, which recently topped $33 trillion. In a vicious circle of fiscal incompetence, high inflation is forcing higher spending (like last year’s 8.7% COLA for Social Security recipients) while higher interest rates to curb inflation are raising the interest payments on the national debt. Interest payments on the debt will soon be more than we spend on national defense.

The government has run up a debt on our national credit card that averages out to about $100,000 for each and every American. And nobody asked me if I wanted any of that spending. Personally, I’d rather have two new $50,000 fishing boats.

Apple users: Something to think about

Jon Stewart’s show on Apple+ is reportedly ending because he was planning to do an episode critical of China and China is a big market for Apple. Something to think about when you’re standing in line at the Apple store.

From our “You Can’t Fool All of the People All of the Time” file:

It seems that black voters are starting to realize that false accusations of racism against Republicans aren’t a good enough reason to keep voting for Democrats who have made their lives miserable for generations.

Spiritual darkness of Hamas and its defenders: a follow-up

Note: In case you missed my weekend TBN monologue and the transcript in Sunday’s newsletter, please watch it here. The following piece builds on what I said, once again asking the question of why the White House --- under Obama and Biden, NOT Trump --- has been so protective of Iran.

First, some history. Did you know the October 7 attack wasn’t really about Israel? Such barbarism against Jews and other non-Muslims has been going on for many centuries, with the same kind of depraved inhumanity-to-man we saw from Hamas just two weeks ago. As Milt Harris writes for PJ MEDIA, Israel and the politics surrounding Gaza are “excuses for a bloodletting that, in the eyes of extremists, is not only justified but obligatory.”

Harris explains that the Ottoman Empire based its authority on religion. It follows that they would use religion to expand that authority, and they surely did, furiously conquering other lands with a seething blood lust.

The 1529 siege of Vienna was just one such example, and Hamas’ butchery of two weeks ago is reminiscent of those tactics. (Yes, Harris describes some of the worst atrocities.) Harris has questions for today’s “anti-colonialist” defenders of Hamas: Was that (horrible atrocity) an expression against colonialism or capitalism? Was this (other horrible atrocity) a response to globalism or Zionism? “Perhaps this was simply Islam,” he ventured, qualifying that later to read “Islam in this form.”

Other grisly attacks continued into the 20th and 21st centuries. Harris describes two that took place in 1929, one in the Jewish city of Safed and the other in Hebron, the “Hebron Massacre” --- noting that some Jews survived the latter attack after being hidden by Arab families. These two attacks shocked the Jewish community and led to the development of Israel Defense Forces.

Harris describes another attack near an archeological site in Egypt in 1997, during which machete-wielding attackers systematically killed and mutilated the bodies of 58 tourists, mostly from neutral Switzerland (they don’t care), and 4 Egyptians.

In the 21st century, of course, there have been numerous other vicious attacks, and Harris goes into detail. He makes the point that every time they commit some gruesome attack, there is some “paper thin” excuse for it. Two weeks ago, it was that the border wall suppresses them and makes them feel as if they’re in an “open-air prison.”

All this attack demonstrated to thinking people is that this wall wasn’t nearly secure enough! Israel doesn’t keep Hamas behind a fence because they’re oppressors; they do it for the same reason that zoos keep crocodiles behind a fence.

In Harris’ words, “The truth is that each attack manifests itself out of Islam. No one wants to admit that fact, lest they are called Islamophobic. Instead, we allow the weak excuses that are offered to justify their barbarism. When Muslims gang raped and sawed in half a Hindu schoolteacher in Kashmir, it was about India’s treatment of Muslims. When they rampaged through the Bataclan theater in Paris, killing everyone within reach, they were protesting France’s treatment of ISIS. When they rape a woman at a music concert in Israel next to the bodies of her murdered friends, they’re protesting for Gaza.”

As if ANY excuse could’ve justified such barbaric onslaughts against innocents.

And if the more recent attacks were actually motivated by such excuses, they wouldn’t bear such uncanny resemblance to the slaughters that took place many centuries before.

Harris writes, “Islam in this form cannot be reasoned or co-existed with. Its violence is a religious duty written into its scripture and its laws. Its atrocities, murder, torture, mutilation and rape are all acts of sacred religious devotion. The Islamic kingdom of heaven can only be achieved when the entire world submits to Islam.”

As Harris explains it, “This is not about politics, Israel, the United States or anything else. It’s a thousand plus year crusade to subjugate all of mankind.”

We’d like to introduce you to someone who just doesn’t get this at all. He’s Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff of Germany, until recently the foreign European Union envoy to Gaza. Get a load of what he did in July, several months before Hamas carried out their paraglider attack. He actually got into his own paraglider and demonstrated to people in Gaza what they could do when they “are free.”

Oh, and Mr. Sven Kuhn von Clueless has since blamed Israel completely for any retaliation against Hamas. “It doesn’t matter what Hamas did,” he said. Israel’s foreign ministry says this man is being used as a propaganda tool by Hamas. They’re right --- he’s the ultimate useful idiot.

Now let’s go from the most clueless to the most clued-in. Investigative reporter Lee Smith, whom you know from such books as THE PLOT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, also has a great deal of experience covering the Middle East, and Jan Jekielek interviewed him this weekend for AMERICAN THOUGHT LEADERS on EPOCH TV.

Smith spoke first about willing American media being tools for spreading terrorist propaganda. Example: THE NEW YORK TIMES printed a picture of supposed Israeli “war crimes” that turned out to have been completely posed. (Surprised they didn’t get a Pulitzer for it, ha.) Israeli activists have a name for fake video, he said: “Pally-wood,” with “pal” meaning “Palestine.” He praised Elon Musk for coming out against it on his platform, “X” (formerly Twitter).

“There’s a very large part of Gazan society, unfortunately, that’s devoted to sustaining Hamas operations,” Smith explained. In other words, many more people are involved than, say, a fighting force of a few thousand. Some dig tunnels, some are responsible for creating and spreading propaganda.

In speaking of the terrorists’ use of human shields, Smith began to sound very much like Milt Harris in the article we linked to above. “What does this tell you about...the nature of regimes like Hezbollah, like Hamas?” he asked. “It’s not just that they’re non-Western, right? We’re not just talking about a clash of civilizations or a clash of cultures. We’re talking about a particular type of regime. It’s a ‘pathocratic’ regime...rule of the pathological. We’re not talking about an oligarchy, we’re not talking about a democracy, a tyranny, a monarchy. We’re talking about rule of the pathologically evil.”

Of course, his words immediately remind us of Nazi Germany and THEIR twisted plan to exterminate all Jews. Smith brought up Saddam Hussein and the current Iranian regime as other examples.

We have to understand the nature of these regimes. These are people “who would put their own neighbors, their own families” in front of themselves as they waged war. They’d “risk the lives of their own families in order to kill others.” They are SICK.

Concepts like “proportionality” don’t work, because we’re talking about powers that “don’t operate in the same way.”

He noted that many Arab countries --- Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, to name three --- hope Israel will destroy Hamas. “But this is something that you’re not gonna hear in public.”

About ten minutes in, Smith brought the discussion home to America, saying the Biden administration is lying when they say they’ve found no evidence that the Iranians weren’t involved in the attack on October 7. We have records of meetings between high-ranking Iranian officials and the top leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, “training operatives specifically for this assault,” he said.

Biden lies about this, he said, because his administration is still trying to restore Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. Hand to his forehead, he asked, “Why does American and European leadership want to legalize the nuclear weapons program of a pathocratic state?” Why are they normalizing twisted regimes like Hamas and Iran? And that IS the big question, isn’t it?

It was Obama’s “communications infrastructure” that allowed him to misrepresent the Iran deal as one that would work against Iran getting nuclear weapons. That deal is actually just the opposite.

Trump withdrew from the deal in May 2018. Also under Trump, the head of Iran’s “terror master” was assassinated. Critics said these actions would bring more chaos, even war, to the region, but it didn’t. In fact, while Trump was President, there was a period of relative stability there. They knew he meant business.

Trump also deserves credit for the very important Abraham Accords, Smith said. These were “the Trump administration’s recognition that the Obama administration, through the nuclear deal, and through other initiatives, wanted to rearrange the Middle East to prioritize relationships with Iran.”

To do this, Obama had downgraded relationships with traditional U.S. allies, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Trump reversed this as well, going around Iran while firming up relationships with those allies and building a structure “counter to the Iran deal.”

So, there’s one more thing Trump was right about. If anyone has the strength and resolve to deal with “pathocracies” like Iran, he has shown that he does.

If you have a subscription to EPOCH TV, Smith offers more detail in this interview.

But his recent article in TABLET covers the same topic, in much greater detail. Highly recommended...

Laura Ainsworth update

Our writer/researcher Laura Ainsworth, who moonlights as an award-winning retro jazz singer, attended the Josie Music Awards last night at the Grand Ole Opry Theater in Nashville, where she was nominated for both Artist and Vocalist of the Year (Jazz/Blues) for her fantastic new album of requested standards, “You Asked For It.” Unfortunately, she didn’t win, but she says she never expected to. Her form of classic old school jazz a la Julie London and Peggy Lee is a niche-within-a-niche these days.

Still, it was a huge honor to be nominated. The JMAs are an international indie music organization and this year, they received over 59,000 submissions. So you can imagine how talented she is to be chosen as one of the nominees in two major categories. We’re not surprised, since she’s already won awards from three other organizations. Keep your fingers crossed for a Grammy nod.

In the meantime, if you’d like to see her gown on the red carpet, here’s a photo:

And to buy her music and follow her on social media, visit


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The more we learn about the cowardly surprise attack by the terrorist group Hamas on the innocent civilians of Israel, the more gut-wrenching we find it to be.  The carefully planned assault on babies, young women who were targeted for rape, and elderly women is a stark reminder for honest observers that Hamas was never interested in a better life for so-called Palestinians.  They simply want to kill as many Jews as possible and inflict as much pain as can be directed toward Israeli non-combatants. 

As shocking as is the evidence of babies being beheaded and burned alive or women being repeatedly and violently raped is that people around the world, including those in high dollar institutions of higher education have defended Hamas and blamed Israel for the entire war.  This irrational view is underpinned by a combination of willful ignorance and spiritual darkness. 

Yet in the midst of the inexplicable horrors played out in real time are the obvious questions demanding an answer:

1.       If the so-called Palestinians are so loved by the Muslim nations of the world, why won’t any of those nations at least offer to give temporary refuge to their brothers and sisters from Gaza?  Egypt won’t take any of them.  Not one.  Neither will Jordan.  Or Syria.  Or Saudi Arabia.  Or Qatar.  If their cause is just and their suffering so real, then surely those who are ethnic and religious family would be expected to gladly receive at least some of those suffering from the murderous reign of Hamas.  But none of them will.  Why not?  Is it because they know what most distant observers don’t know—that the people claiming to be a Palestinian people are the fruit of a fabricated ethnic group created by another terrorist, Yassar Arafat in the early 1960’s that have never had a real claim to a capital, a history of government, or a ethnic unity?  While there have most certainly been Arab people, many of them Christian, who could link their history to the land we know as Israel, they actually lived under the governments of the Brits, Turks, and others prior to yet another re-apportionment of land that gave the Jews a homeland in the exact area to which they had an indigenous connection for 3500 years.  Some of the other Arab/Muslim nations don’t want to welcome an influx of Palestinian people because they have watched those who lead that movement focus on disruptive terror activities, corrupt government, and no quality of life progress for their people. 

2.      Why has the White House been so very protective of Iran and its regime, responsible for funding 93% of Hamas and Hezbollah and failed to put public pressure on Iran to distance itself from Hamas and push Iran to get the over 100 hostages freed?  Some of those murdered and currently being held hostage are Americans, and shouldn’t the Biden administration be issuing ultimatums to Iran instead of trying to get Israel to slow down its purge of the Hamas military?  The leaders of Hamas are currently sitting in 5 Star hotels in Qatar and directing the mayhem from the lap of luxury.  Why haven’t we demanded that Qatar turn them over to the US for their murder and kidnapping of Americans?  Why have we not pressured for at least their expulsion from their hidey holes in Qatar?

3.      Why did Hamas act when they did?  They didn’t unleash this massacre while Donald Trump was President.  What weakness in this current administration did Hamas see?  Was it the slip-shod manner in which we exited Afghanistan and left behind billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment, but also thousands of Americans and allies who desperately wanted to get out but were abandoned and left behind?  Did they sense weakness in this administration as well in our uneven and often mixed response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? 

One thing is clear.  While President Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have thankfully said publicly the right things and said them strongly about our absolute support of Israel, we must pray that they are not giving a different private message to Israel’s leaders and giving Hamas and Iran a reason to think that the murder and kidnapping of Americans or Israelis will be taken lightly.  There needs to be word and deed unity in what we say publicly and privately.  And we need to stand without flinching with Israel as they fight for their existence in the face of sheer evil.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

Blocked for my views on President Trump, the COVID-19 response, Joe Biden, etc.

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 325 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

The corruption and politicization of our government

These days, the federal bureaucracy is so corrupted with partisanship and the two-tiered system of justice is so obvious that polls show most Americans no longer have any trust in our institutions to apply laws and regulations fairly and impartially. Even more shocking, a Rassmussen survey found that 46% of Americans believe “there is a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI…as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” That includes 64% of Republicans and even 30% of Democrats.

When a federal agency once revered as heroic crime fighters is now viewed by many Americans as the equivalent of Hitler’s goon squad, you know something has seriously gone off the rails. How did this happen?

I would argue that you could trace it back to the IRS scandal during the Obama Administration, famously painted as “scandal-free” by a fawning media that spent eight years studiously ignoring its many scandals. After Obama began raising taxes and increasing debt, grassroots opposition started forming under the name of the “Tea Party” movement, inspired by the patriots who launched the Boston Tea Party.

These groups were very effective in helping the Republicans win back control of the House in 2010 and were increasing and expanding their efforts in the lead-up to Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012. Obviously, Democrats believed they were TOO effective. But they didn’t fully trust their usual tactic of having their lapdogs in the media mock Tea Party members as dumb rubes and smear them as racists (no matter how many black people you could see at Tea Party rallies.) They needed to undermine the movement more effectively.

Enter the Obama IRS.

With their numbers growing, many of these Tea Party groups applied to the IRS for tax-exempt nonprofit status. This should have been a relatively quick paperwork-shuffling task, yet the application process stretched on for month after month. Tea Party group leaders were subjected to outrageous demands for unrelated financial records and lists of their donors, which was none of the government’s business.

This warfare-by-government-paperwork dragged on until after the election, preventing many of these groups from engaging in legitimate democratic activities such as voter registration drives. When Democrats cry about how opposed they are to “election interference” and making it harder to vote, remember that they are pioneers in the field.

The IRS official in charge of this process was Lois Lerner, who was called before a House Committee to explain herself. She issued a long statement declaring her innocence of any wrongdoing, then immediately took the Fifth and refused to answer questions. One could argue that by making that statement, she forfeited her right to invoke the Fifth Amendment, but we’ve learned only too well in recent years that laws don’t apply to well-connected Democrats. This was when we were just learning that and people were still surprised.

When Obama was pressed on this scandal by Bill O’Reilly, he insisted that there was “not even a smidgeon of corruption” at the IRS. It took the election of Trump and new Attorney General Jeff Sessions to perform a real investigation. In 2017, Sessions issued a statement finding that the IRS’ use of political criteria “was wrong and should never have occurred. It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based on their names or ideological positions. Any entitlement to tax exemption should be based on the activities of the organization and whether they fulfill requirements of the law, not the policy positions adopted by members or the name chosen to reflect those views. There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS.”

In fact, these groups deserved far more than an apology. Their fundamental right to engage in a political campaign to help determine their own leaders had been undermined for partisan reasons by a federal agency that was supposed to remain impartial. The people responsible for that outrage also deserved punishment, but did they get it? Are you kidding?

Obama was reelected, nobody from the IRS was indicted, and Lois Lerner retired with her full pension. The fact that the people whose rights she helped deny have to pay taxes to fund her pension only added insult to injury.

The IRS scandal was a major example of the corruption of a federal agency, but Obama’s opponents were prevented from exercising their right to participate in the election, so it worked. As former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said when questioned about spreading the lie that Mitt Romney didn’t pay his income taxes for 10 years, “I don’t regret that at all. Romney didn’t win, did he?” At the time, that was so shameless that even the Huffington Post ran an article condemning him.

But the Democrats at the top shared Reid’s “values,” and to them, the IRS scandal wasn’t something to be ashamed of, it was a future blueprint for every federal agency under their control. Today, the Biden DOJ and FBI still proclaim their impartiality, but they no longer even bother hiding their biases or corruption. Democrats who disrupt government proceedings are hailed as heroes who speak truth to power, while Republicans who do the same are thrown in federal prison for years, sometimes after enduring horrific conditions while waiting to find out what they’re going to be charged with.

And if you dare disagree with this Administration’s radical policies, you’re a “domestic terrorist” and a target, and that includes traditional Catholics, concerned parents who speak up at school board meetings, grandmothers praying outside abortion clinics and your great-uncle who likes to wear his red MAGA cap. All “threats to our democracy.”

And all this thick tangle of corruption grew from letting them get away with the IRS scandal during the “scandal-free” Obama Administration. This is why you need to yank weeds out by the roots when they first appear, and not let them grow long enough to spread their seeds.

The spiritual darkness of Hamas and its defenders

The more we learn about the cowardly surprise attack by the terrorist group Hamas on the innocent civilians of Israel, the more gut-wrenching we find it to be.  The carefully planned assault on babies, young women who were targeted for rape, and elderly women is a stark reminder for honest observers that Hamas was never interested in a better life for so-called Palestinians.  They simply want to kill as many Jews as possible and inflict as much pain as can be directed toward Israeli non-combatants. 

As shocking as is the evidence of babies being beheaded and burned alive or women being repeatedly and violently raped is that people around the world, including those in high dollar institutions of higher education have defended Hamas and blamed Israel for the entire war.  This irrational view is underpinned by a combination of willful ignorance and spiritual darkness. 

Yet in the midst of the inexplicable horrors played out in real time are the obvious questions demanding an answer:

1.       If the so-called Palestinians are so loved by the Muslim nations of the world, why won’t any of those nations at least offer to give temporary refuge to their brothers and sisters from Gaza?  Egypt won’t take any of them.  Not one.  Neither will Jordan.  Or Syria.  Or Saudi Arabia.  Or Qatar.  If their cause is just and their suffering so real, then surely those who are ethnic and religious family would be expected to gladly receive at least some of those suffering from the murderous reign of Hamas.  But none of them will.  Why not?  Is it because they know what most distant observers don’t know—that the people claiming to be a Palestinian people are the fruit of a fabricated ethnic group created by another terrorist, Yassar Arafat in the early 1960’s that have never had a real claim to a capital, a history of government, or a ethnic unity?  While there have most certainly been Arab people, many of them Christian, who could link their history to the land we know as Israel, they actually lived under the governments of the Brits, Turks, and others prior to yet another re-apportionment of land that gave the Jews a homeland in the exact area to which they had an indigenous connection for 3500 years.  Some of the other Arab/Muslim nations don’t want to welcome an influx of Palestinian people because they have watched those who lead that movement focus on disruptive terror activities, corrupt government, and no quality of life progress for their people. 

2.      Why has the White House been so very protective of Iran and its regime, responsible for funding 93% of Hamas and Hezbollah and failed to put public pressure on Iran to distance itself from Hamas and push Iran to get the over 100 hostages freed?  Some of those murdered and currently being held hostage are Americans, and shouldn’t the Biden administration be issuing ultimatums to Iran instead of trying to get Israel to slow down its purge of the Hamas military?  The leaders of Hamas are currently sitting in 5 Star hotels in Qatar and directing the mayhem from the lap of luxury.  Why haven’t we demanded that Qatar turn them over to the US for their murder and kidnapping of Americans?  Why have we not pressured for at least their expulsion from their hidey holes in Qatar?

3.      Why did Hamas act when they did?  They didn’t unleash this massacre while Donald Trump was President.  What weakness in this current administration did Hamas see?  Was it the slip-shod manner in which we exited Afghanistan and left behind billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment, but also thousands of Americans and allies who desperately wanted to get out but were abandoned and left behind?  Did they sense weakness in this administration as well in our uneven and often mixed response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? 

One thing is clear.  While President Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have thankfully said publicly the right things and said them strongly about our absolute support of Israel, we must pray that they are not giving a different private message to Israel’s leaders and giving Hamas and Iran a reason to think that the murder and kidnapping of Americans or Israelis will be taken lightly.  There needs to be word and deed unity in what we say publicly and privately.  And we need to stand without flinching with Israel as they fight for their existence in the face of sheer evil.

You can buy my book here:  The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee

Former Trump Lawyer Alan Dershowitz on the INJUSTICES Against Trump | FULL EPISODE | Huckabee

WATCH MY TELEVISION SHOW HERE: Former Trump Lawyer Alan Dershowitz on the INJUSTICES Against Trump | FULL EPISODE | Huckabee - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Mark 11:25

Blocked for my views on President Trump, the COVID-19 response, Joe Biden, etc.

Let me be clear: Government and Big Tech are working together to censor conservative views, and because they are I moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 380 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly as a paid subscriber, so please consider subscribing today.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Israel update

Here's the link to today’s continually-updated page of news on the war in Israel against Hamas, and now, Hezbollah.

Among the latest developments: Israel announced a three-phase plan to destroy Hamas, eliminate pockets of resistance, then impose a new security regime in Gaza that will prevent future terrorism without Israel having to be responsible for day-to-day life in the Gaza Strip. Why, that’s strange: I’d been assured by some of our most vocal Congress members and leading academics that Israel is a brutal oppressor of people living in Gaza.

Last night, President Biden gave a brief televised address on the wars in Israel and Ukraine. While some pundits praised him for taking a strong stand and saying that America would not be on the sidelines of either conflict, many top Republicans blasted the speech as a miscalculation and a blown opportunity.

They accused Biden of using the slaughter of Israelis to justify demanding more money for Ukraine than for Israel, and for implying a moral equivalence between the two when Israel is our longtime friend and trusted democratic ally. There shouldn’t be any connection, like refusing to back a plan to aid Israel if it doesn’t include billions more for Ukraine. Some even suggested that it sounded like a speech his staff had already written to promote aid to Ukraine and they just added the Israel issue to it.

Reminder: And as all this goes on, in the one half of one branch of government Republicans control, we still don’t even have a Speaker.

Blatant election interference

Between all the prosecutions of former President Trump that required Democrat prosecutors to stretch the law like a saltwater taffy machine, and the latest gag order by his Obama-appointed January 6th judge that claims he has no absolute right to free speech, Democrats are no longer even trying to hide their blatant election interference. For years, many have openly longed for the chance to put him in prison for the crime of beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 (speaking of people who actually did things that would put most of us in prison), and now think they’ve at long last got Trump where they want him: he either has to stop talking or go to jail.

Trump’s response:  “But what they don’t understand is that I am willing to go to jail if that’s what it takes for our country to win and become a democracy again.”

Yeah, I don’t think this whole “weaponizing the justice system to get Trump” thing is working out the way they thought it would. They seemed to think that threatening him with jail would end his political career rather than just exposing what they actually are. I guess nobody told them that the current President of Brazil was also jailed when his opponents’ party was in power. Or that the guy whose photo they put on their dorm walls, Nelson Mandela, spent years in prison before becoming President of South Africa (and yes, I know that comparing Trump to Mandela will make Democrats’ heads explode, which is why I love doing it.)

It’s funny how Democrats seem to believe that threatening to jail Trump on charges that any thinking person can see are selectively enforced, politically-motivated hogwash will end his political career. Democrats can’t even end criminals’ criminal careers by putting them in jail.

Related: It’s always been worrisome to me to see the power of a one-sided, politicized media to shape public perceptions. Many people who lived through the Trump Administration, an era with no wars, border security, low unemployment, rising real wages for all demographic groups, negligible inflation, the crushing of terrorist groups, and the return of American leadership have somehow been convinced that it was a national nightmare, and that Biden’s regime of crippling inflation, open borders, rampant crime, and wars and terrorist threats snowballing represents the “competent” people being back in charge.

It’s the same feeling of the media being too powerful that I got when I realized that tens of millions of Americans actually voted for Al Gore and Hillary Clinton to be President.

But I am glad to see that monolithic liberal media power may finally be starting to crumble. Here are two reasons for hope on that front:

1. A new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows Trump now leading Biden in multiple swing states that he lost in 2020.

2. Some major Democrat donors are starting to take off their blinders, like billionaire venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya. He admits that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” caused a lot of damage by convincing people to hate the man and not notice that his policies like the Abraham Accords worked almost miraculously. As I’ve been reporting for three years now, Biden mindlessly reversed Trump’s successful policies with catastrophic results that have gotten so bad, even people blinded by TDS are finally starting to wake up and realize they were bamboozled.

People like Palihapitiya, who admits that "Every other president found a way to, frankly, make our situation a little bit worse, specifically around wars. He did not do that. And that is a huge accomplishment that I think needs to be acknowledged."

So it’s now official: even big Democrat donors admit that Biden has been so bad that not only are they reassessing how wrong they were about Trump, but that all Trump had to do to be better than Biden was not actively make things worse.

Speaking of double standards

Speaking of legal double standards for Trump and for Democrats, I thought that the alleged mishandling of sensitive information was a heinous crime worthy of multiple felony charges, but only when Trump is accused of doing it with years-old documents inside his own highly-secured home. But if the Biden White House inadvertently exposes on social media the faces of Delta Force members who are on a highly-classified mission to aid Israel, hey, everybody makes mistakes, just delete it and “move on…”

President Biden is being blasted by Senate Republicans by trying to “unilaterally and arbitrarily” place his acting Labor Secretary Julie Su into the presidential line of succession when she can’t even garner enough support from his own party to confirm her as Labor Secretary.

Still, you’ve got to hand it to him: it’s amazing that a man who can’t even walk across a stage without tripping and falling over is able to do so many end-runs around the Constitution.

Wait, what?!

Many parents dream of seeing their kids grow up to go to a top law school. Imagine your child getting an impressive degree from an elite American university, then landing a secure, lucrative job defending anti-Semitic terrorist organizations…

Wait, what?!…

Let me get this straight:

So, they’re saying that when the government opens up a money hydrant and spews out billions of dollars for vague “green energy” projects with no clear, rigorous oversight, the result can be widespread fraud and abuse? Well, knock over with a feather!

Bring it on

For the education of young people who don’t appreciate their Constitutional rights like free speech: the UK doesn’t have a First Amendment, so the Labour Party wants to make it a “hate crime” punishable by up to two years in prison to use someone’s non-preferred pronouns. That is, if a man claims to be a woman and you dare call him “he,” then off to jail with you. So finally, liberals have discovered something that they think people should actually be jailed for, aside from the crime of being Donald Trump.

“Harry Potter” author and defender of women’s (you remember those?) rights J.K. Rowling replied, “I’ll happily do two years if the alternative is compelled speech and forced denial of the reality and importance of sex. Bring on the court case, I say. It’ll be more fun than I’ve ever had on a red carpet.”

Only a liberal politician could have enough hubris to tell a woman who’s made billions of dollars from writing that she doesn’t know how to use pronouns correctly.

A new Guinness World Record for Irony

In a story that may set a new Guinness World Record for Irony, leftist late night host Stephen Colbert, infamous for his stomach-churning pro-vaxx propaganda that including dancing hypodermic needles, was barely back to work following the writers’ strike when he had to stay home due to contracting COVID...again.

This news came just one month after fellow late-night non-comedian Jimmy Kimmel, who infamously suggested that non-vaccinated people be denied hospital care, had to cancel a show due to contracting COVID.

To be clear, I certainly don’t wish ill health on them just because I disagree with their politics (after all, I’m not a leftist), and I hope they are both fully recovered. But surely they can see how, to some people, this news might be funnier than anything either one of them has ever done on late night TV.

The Bleat Goes On:

In our bottom story of the day, Cher announced that if Trump is elected President again next year, she will leave the country.

She can join all the celebrities who announced that they would leave the country if Trump was elected in 2016. Oh, wait, none of them did. And they include Cher, who claimed in 2015 that she would move to Jupiter if Trump won. But I’m sure she really means it this time. She’ll leave as soon as she finishes the “farewell tour” she started in 2002.

UPDATE on Starbucks baristas’ union expressing solidarity with Palestine

As you know if you read this newsletter, it was Starbucks Workers United, not Starbucks the company, that expressed solidarity with Palestine in a now-deleted tweet (X?). Workers United represents about 9,000 Starbucks baristas and is an affiliate of the huge leftist union SEIU.

Starbucks came out right away with a statement distancing itself from that union and denouncing its message.

Their next step, after receiving what they said were over a thousand complaints as a results of Workers United’s messaging, was to threaten the union with a lawsuit.

On Wednesday, they made good on their threat. The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa. They’re accusing the union of trademark infringement for using the name “Starbucks Workers United” and using a circular green logo similar to Starbucks’.

So what did “Starbucks Workers United” do? Why, countersue, of course, in a Pennsylvania federal court. They accuse Starbucks of defamation. We’d say they did enough to damage their image all by themselves. Here’s the update...

“The Separation of Church and State”

“The Separation of Church and State” is one of the biggest rallying cries among the left in the US. It’s like the Easter Bunny of Constitutional principles: Everybody’s heard of it, but it doesn’t really exist.

Everything said in the Constitution about religion is contained in the First Amendment, which protects five different fundamental rights in one sentence. Here’s what the Constitution says about religious rights, in its entirety:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Note that it doesn’t say you can’t bring your Bible to school, or say a prayer on public property or put Christmas decorations in a public park. In fact, all those things would fall under NOT prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

As for banning the establishment of religion, that doesn’t mean banning any expression of faith on government property. Leftists have cited that fallacy to demand that prayers be removed from public meetings, chaplains removed from the military, and even barring Christians from holding federal office. But what that “establishment” clause means is that there can be no official state religion, like the Church of England. It doesn’t mean all religious expression must be banished (or “separated”) from government, it just means the government can’t say, “This is the one true religion” and favor it above others.

Back before they “canceled” him for being a slaveowner, liberals loved to claim that Thomas Jefferson himself coined the phrase “a wall of separation between church and state.” That’s true, but he wasn’t talking about barring people of faith from government or expressions of faith from the public square. That phrase came in his 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, affirming to them that “religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God,” and the First Amendment’s “wall of separation” barred the government from making any laws establishing a state religion or interfering with the free exercise of religious expression.

This was made clear by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1853, when it explained that the phrase “establishment of religion” “referred, without doubt, to that establishment which existed in the mother-country…endowment at the public expense, peculiar privileges to its members, or disadvantages or penalties upon those who should reject its doctrines or belong to other communities…They intended, by this amendment, to prohibit an ‘establishment of religion’ such as the English Church presented, or anything like it. But they had no fear or jealousy of religion itself, nor did they wish to see us as an irreligious people.”

Can you even imagine that a people who risked everything to take the dangerous journey to America to seek religious freedom, or their second-generation descendants, would create a government that banned people of faith?

Yet since the 1960s, we’ve seen liberal Supreme Courts ridiculously declare it unconstitutional for a student to pray aloud over his school lunch (that violates both freedom of religion and speech); or to erect a war memorial in the shape of a cross; or to display religious-themed artwork in schools even if it’s classic art; or to ask a kindergarten class whose birthday Christmas celebrates; or for a public cemetery to have a planter in the shape of a cross because if a non-Christian sees it, it might cause “emotional distress” and constitute an “injury-in-fact.”

If you can’t have religious-inspired art or books about religion in public schools, then you’ve just eliminated basic education about vast swaths of the entire history of humankind, as well as one of the most important influences on modern society. Students who attend such schools will come out of them as ignorant of art, history and civilization as anti-religion activists are about the Constitution.

You can buy my book here: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee

Staging A War By Misadventure

By Colonel Ken Allard

Factoring in the significant advantages of low expectations, how did President Biden’s speech go on Thursday night?  Despite his recent jet-setting schedule to the Middle East, Mr. Biden looked and sounded presidential, never once drooling on his tie, blurting out secret codewords or disclosing where Hunter’s get-out-of-town Secret Stash might be buried. Instead, in just 15 minutes, the president managed to underline the strategic linkage between Israel and Ukraine, pledging over $105 billion or so to both countries (estimates vary) as well as to Palestinian relief. He repeatedly wrapped these initiatives in the flag, underlining American greatness, “It’s who we are,” even invoking Madeleine Albright’s famous formulation of America as “the indispensable nation.”

However, he also reminded me of one of my last MBA students, struggling through an exam, despite being repeatedly warned about diligent study. Afterwards, I asked how it had gone. “Well, sir, it probably would have gone better if I had just bought the textbook.” Indeed!

In exactly that same way, parts of the Biden speech individually made sense: But overall, it lacked the passion, purpose and panache of a confident president challenging his countrymen, even daring them onward to their greatest efforts. While his rationale for supporting Ukraine was easily his best, it came nearly two years into the conflict, amidst weakening support across a deeply confused Congress. Missing and badly needed was the over-arching vision posed by former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in the current Foreign Affairs: “The United States now confronts graver threats to its security than it has in decades, perhaps ever. Never before has it faced four allied antagonists at the same time – Russia, China, North Korea and Iran…”

At least Secretary Gates had the fortitude to bring up Iran, notably missing from President Biden’s remarks while in Israel. Meanwhile his White House staff members gave their best Sergeant Schulz impressions, hilariously insisting that they had heard “nuh-zing” about Iranian involvement in the recent massacres. Nonsense: From the president on down, those lies caught in their teeth, provoking disbelief as well as contempt. How can you deter anything you refuse to name, much less call out or denounce? It is especially significant that Egypt and Jordan, two of America’s best regional allies, as well as the Palestinian governing authority (such as it is) refused to meet with Mr. Biden. Although blaming their refusal on that errant missile striking a Palestinian hospital, these meetings-that-weren’t were actually a Middle Eastern cultural norm of using absence to convey contempt.

While President Biden belatedly mentioned Iran in his speech, he has yet to go beyond using the word “Don’t” as a kind of catch-all, apparently meant to terrify Teheran and deter them from escalating hostilities. That lack of specificity was the greatest defect of President Biden’s speech, one that may well come back to haunt him - probably sooner than later. Had the president somehow found the courage to reverse the appeasement cultures of the Biden and Obama White Houses, it still could be discounted by the Persians. “So, has Trump returned yet?” they might ask themselves with a wink and a smile. Since he has not and since Mr. Biden studiously avoids any action that might be interpreted as antagonism, the stage is being meticulously prepared for war by misadventure. For good or ill, US naval combatants, fighter aircraft and cruise missiles are now massing ever closer to the Israeli engagement zone, where a shooting incident becomes a daily possibility. Well, what then, Mr. President? With five thousand sailors and marines on each of those major combatants, what will you say to their families when push comes to shove?

While Joe Biden last night flubbed his best chance to leave an unmistakable impression, he never even hinted at anything regarding our wide-open southern border. As a former intelligence officer, I contend that the 8 million (at least!) undocumented, unidentified and unknown aliens from 150 countries are now and will likely remain our greatest strategic vulnerability. Even worse: Should we get into a shooting war or anything close to it, the ayatollahs would be derelict in their duties by failing to exploit that vulnerability. As you may have noticed: The current conflict began when the Israelis were attacked, overwhelmed and slaughtered at their border with Gaza, despite its fortifications and surveillance equipment. Care to compare theirs with ours?   

Colonel (Ret.) Kenneth Allard is a former West Point faculty member, Dean of the National War College and NBC News military analyst.


Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

For more news, visit my website.

Factoring in the significant advantages of low expectations, how did President Biden’s speech go on Thursday night?  Despite his recent jet-setting schedule to the Middle East, Mr. Biden looked and sounded presidential, never once drooling on his tie, blurting out secret codewords or disclosing where Hunter’s get-out-of-town Secret Stash might be buried. Instead, in just 15 minutes, the president managed to underline the strategic linkage between Israel and Ukraine, pledging over $105 billion or so to both countries (estimates vary) as well as to Palestinian relief. He repeatedly wrapped these initiatives in the flag, underlining American greatness, “It’s who we are,” even invoking Madeleine Albright’s famous formulation of America as “the indispensable nation.”

However, he also reminded me of one of my last MBA students, struggling through an exam, despite being repeatedly warned about diligent study. Afterwards, I asked how it had gone. “Well, sir, it probably would have gone better if I had just bought the textbook.” Indeed!

In exactly that same way, parts of the Biden speech individually made sense: But overall, it lacked the passion, purpose and panache of a confident president challenging his countrymen, even daring them onward to their greatest efforts. While his rationale for supporting Ukraine was easily his best, it came nearly two years into the conflict, amidst weakening support across a deeply confused Congress. Missing and badly needed was the over-arching vision posed by former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in the current Foreign Affairs: “The United States now confronts graver threats to its security than it has in decades, perhaps ever. Never before has it faced four allied antagonists at the same time – Russia, China, North Korea and Iran…”

At least Secretary Gates had the fortitude to bring up Iran, notably missing from President Biden’s remarks while in Israel. Meanwhile his White House staff members gave their best Sergeant Schulz impressions, hilariously insisting that they had heard “nuh-zing” about Iranian involvement in the recent massacres. Nonsense: From the president on down, those lies caught in their teeth, provoking disbelief as well as contempt. How can you deter anything you refuse to name, much less call out or denounce? It is especially significant that Egypt and Jordan, two of America’s best regional allies, as well as the Palestinian governing authority (such as it is) refused to meet with Mr. Biden. Although blaming their refusal on that errant missile striking a Palestinian hospital, these meetings-that-weren’t were actually a Middle Eastern cultural norm of using absence to convey contempt.

While President Biden belatedly mentioned Iran in his speech, he has yet to go beyond using the word “Don’t” as a kind of catch-all, apparently meant to terrify Teheran and deter them from escalating hostilities. That lack of specificity was the greatest defect of President Biden’s speech, one that may well come back to haunt him - probably sooner than later. Had the president somehow found the courage to reverse the appeasement cultures of the Biden and Obama White Houses, it still could be discounted by the Persians. “So, has Trump returned yet?” they might ask themselves with a wink and a smile. Since he has not and since Mr. Biden studiously avoids any action that might be interpreted as antagonism, the stage is being meticulously prepared for war by misadventure. For good or ill, US naval combatants, fighter aircraft and cruise missiles are now massing ever closer to the Israeli engagement zone, where a shooting incident becomes a daily possibility. Well, what then, Mr. President? With five thousand sailors and marines on each of those major combatants, what will you say to their families when push comes to shove?

While Joe Biden last night flubbed his best chance to leave an unmistakable impression, he never even hinted at anything regarding our wide-open southern border. As a former intelligence officer, I contend that the 8 million (at least!) undocumented, unidentified and unknown aliens from 150 countries are now and will likely remain our greatest strategic vulnerability. Even worse: Should we get into a shooting war or anything close to it, the ayatollahs would be derelict in their duties by failing to exploit that vulnerability. As you may have noticed: The current conflict began when the Israelis were attacked, overwhelmed and slaughtered at their border with Gaza, despite its fortifications and surveillance equipment. Care to compare theirs with ours?   


Colonel (Ret.) Kenneth Allard is a former West Point faculty member, Dean of the National War College and NBC News military analyst.


Huckabee Post: Short again

October 19, 2023



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto Him my covenant of peace:

Numbers 25:12

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Mike Huckabee

Hospital missile update

I told you yesterday about a report that a missile had struck a Christian hospital in Gaza, killing 500 people, and that Hamas was blaming it on Israel. The story was reported worldwide by major media outlets. My initial reaction was skepticism, as it should have been to anyone whose brain isn’t infected with anti-Semitism. Oh, I could believe that a Palestinian missile had inadvertently killed hundreds of innocent people on its way to deliberately killing hundreds of innocent people, because that’s what Hamas does. But the very idea of Israel targeting a hospital was obviously horse manure on its very surface.

Indeed, by the time I wrote about it, evidence had already surfaced that it was a Hamas missile that went off course and hit the hospital. Nevertheless, the initial, obviously slanderous accusation about Israel continued being repeated by people who should have known better, sparking violent demonstrations from Lebanon to the US Capitol.

And now, we learn that the story was an even bigger hoax than it first appeared to be. At this writing, it looks as if the missile mostly damaged the parking lot, burning some cars and causing some shrapnel injuries, but the number of deaths has been a very fluid number. Apparently, the only damage to the hospital was some broken windows.

However, there was major damage to Western news outlets that credulously spread transparent anti-Israel propaganda without vetting it first (where were all their allegedly diligent “fact-checkers”?) and that incited violent protests. Their reputations were set ablaze and may never be rebuilt.

Also among those who incited violent “insurrection” by promoting this “Big Lie” were virulently anti-Semitic Squad members, Reps. Ilham Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Tlaib even tearfully and hysterically accused Israel of committing genocide.

As of the writing of the article above, they had yet to delete their social media posts blaming this nonexistent “war crime” on Israel. Tlaib is refusing to apologize, but Omar at least issued a jaw-dropping post reminding us of the importance of making sure you get information from credible sources - not realizing this was an admission that she wasn’t one, since she was quick to believe and repeat an obvious slander of Israel, but now is talking about getting your facts straight first before reporting negative news about the terrorists of Hamas.

“Inciting insurrection”

I use that term “inciting insurrection” in the sense that the Party of Omar and Tlaib have defined it themselves. Thanks to their hysterical spreading of this false story, hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters first mobbed a Congressional office building, then infiltrated the Capitol itself (the sacred citadel of our democracy, I believe the Democrats called it when they were wailing about January 6th), vandalizing it with pro-Palestinian graffiti and impeding the vital House business of electing a new Speaker. They refused to leave until Congress demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the “liberation of Palestine.” When police began arresting them, some violently resisted. Sounds like an “insurrection” to me.

Now, some Republicans such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene are demanding an investigation and equal prosecutorial treatment (to the full extent of the law and then some) of these violent insurrectionists to that of the January 6th protesters, many of whom were hounded into prison for no more than walking in and taking a selfie. Greene is demanding that all surveillance video footage be preserved as evidence. She even has some herself: screen caps of the phones of the protesters, showing text chats suggesting Tlaib was one of their inspirations.

A lawyer for the SPLC was also allegedly an inspiration.

So far, Capitol Police have arrested about 300 protesters and charged THREE of them with assaulting an officer. 

Greene will introduce a resolution to censure Tlaib for allegedly helping incite this insurrection (the exact same thing the Democrats accused Trump of doing, except in this case, there’s actual evidence.) Greene said, "After what she did today, I expect even Democrats will join in. She is an Israel hating, America hating woman who does not represent anything America stands for."

I wish her luck with that resolution, but it will be an uphill battle getting any Democrats to abide by the rules they impose on their political opponents. Already, media outlets are flipping the rules they’ve followed for the past two-plus years, focusing on those who are “slamming” Greene for criticizing the Squad members instead of the Squad members. And note how, suddenly, the word “insurrection” gets put into quotation marks when it’s a Democrat-incited insurrection.

PJ Media reports that the Washington Post, as of this writing, is still standing by the false story, while they say Google demonetized their story about the pro-Palestinian insurrection, deeming such terminology “dangerous” – but I guess only when conservatives use it accurately.

Powell pleads guilty

Attorney Sydney Powell has agreed to plead guilty in her Georgia RICO trial.

I strongly suspect this doesn’t mean she seriously believes the charges are legitimate and not a perversion of the law for political purposes. But it means that she can trade testifying against Trump for probation and a clean record instead of being bankrupted by lawfare. This is the same tactic used by January 6th prosecutors and those in New York targeting Trump’s businesses: lean hard on the little fish and overcharge them to force them to help with the prosecution of Trump, which was their goal all along.

Short again

On Wednesday, in a second vote, Jim Jordan fell 22 votes short of becoming House Speaker, so a third vote has been scheduled for Thursday.

This has gone beyond ridiculous and is keeping the House from voting on urgent issues like aid to Israel in the midst of the war against Hamas. There’s even talk of whether Kevin McCarthy might still have enough support to come back, even though he previously said he would not seek the job again, and gee, I wonder why?

Last night on “Hannity,” I made a suggestion that Americans take a tip from Israel’s Gaza policy and shut off Congress’ water, food and power until they elect a Speaker and get back to work. Maybe that would focus their attention on what’s most important and how the process is supposed to work. News flash: it’s not like Burger King, where you get to “have it your way.” It’s like McDonald’s: There’s a limited menu, so pick the best available option and get on with it!

Here’s a link to a Fox News page that will update continuously on developments in this story.

Remember the “Axis of Evil”? Well, it appears to be back.

Unequal justice

While liberal media outlets are circling the wagons to try to re-redefine “insurrection” to let their side off the hook, here’s another example of the unequal justice doled out to conservatives: a meme maker who posted joke memes in 2016 telling Hillary Clinton supporters to vote on Wednesday instead of Tuesday was sentenced to 7 months in prison. Let me repeat that: SEVEN MONTHS IN PRISON for posting jokes on the Internet.

This was described as “dangerous disinformation” that might have disenfranchised women and “black and brown people” who believed it. Which I think tells you not only what Democrats think about the First Amendment right to free speech, but also what they think about the intelligence of their own supporters.

A new poll worth noting

According to a new NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll, Trump is leading Biden 49-46 percent, but if Robert Kennedy Jr. is added in as a third party choice, Biden beats Trump 44-37 percent. I always warn people not to believe polls taken so far in advance (and some polls, never), but it is concerning. Let’s hope that once more people start paying attention, they’ll realize that while they might like RFK Jr. on a few issues, he’s still basically a liberal Democrat, and voting for more of that and expecting a different result is still the definition of insanity.

Someone needs to make sure President Biden always has THIS when he travels….

This is why Joe Biden should never be allowed out of the White House without a teleprompter.

Bringing it back

Victoria’s Secret is “bringing sexy back,” literally. The company once famous for skimpy lingerie and beautiful supermodels decided to “go woke” and renounce the sexist idea of women wanting to look attractive to men. They dumped their Victoria’s Secret Angels and started carrying sensible underwear modeled by avatars of “representation,” like plus-sized models, a “trans” influencer and America-hating, lesbian soccer crank Megan Rapinoe. Surprisingly, their sales plummeted. Who could have predicted it?

So the company is trying something that’s crazy, but it just might work: they’re bringing back “conventionally attractive,” feminine models and lingerie that doesn’t look like something you could buy at a Soviet garage sale. This will be a good test of whether “bringing sexy back” can actually counteract “Get woke, go broke.”

Thank you for the Constitution

One of the biggest complaints of leftists today is how hard it is to enact their agenda because the Constitution keeps getting in their way. They could turn America into Utopia if only they could repeal the Second Amendment, severely curtail the First Amendment, get rid of the Electoral College and turn the Supreme Court into a partisan political branch under one-party control. This is precisely why the Founders created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights: to restrain the power and reach of a strong centralized government. They had just defeated a tyrant, and they knew human nature well enough to know that that threat never goes away.

All Americans should thank God every day for the Constitution. That thin piece of parchment acts as a powerful shield protecting your rights and freedoms from people who want to plow them under and build a new socialist version of America on top of their graves.

If you think I’m exaggerating, a recent Real Clear Politics poll found that a third of today’s Democrat voters think Americans have “too much freedom,” a phrase I can’t even comprehend.

The Founders wisely made it very difficult to amend the Constitution, a process that requires overwhelming approval. So the left takes aim at it in two main ways: Either by ignoring it completely or by appointing judges and Supreme Court Justices who misinterpret it though their rulings. They justify this by claiming the Constitution is a “living document.” But if it doesn’t mean what it says but whatever any random judge feels that it should say, then it means nothing.

For a long time, we didn’t hear much about the Tenth Amendment. Liberal judges had ignored it so completely that many courts, politicians and bureaucrats acted as if it had been repealed. But it’s still right there in the Bill of Rights, and I’m glad to see that conservative Justices have recently been restoring its force.

The Tenth Amendment clearly states that powers not specifically granted to the federal government belong to the states. There was intense debate during the Constitutional Convention and the ratification process about which limited powers should be with the federal government and which should remain with the states. They didn’t leave that open to interpretation, but it’s been “interpreted” to death anyway as proponents of big government have forged ahead slowly, and sometimes rapidly, to usurp as much power as possible in areas where it has no business being. Here is just one of endless examples of how ignoring the Tenth Amendment “for a good cause” leads to the unconstitutional expansion of federal power:

The federal government decided to get involved in public school cafeterias with the passage of the heart-touchingly-titled “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.”

This federal power grab started seemingly innocently. The bill provided school lunches (later growing to include breakfasts) to poor students (later growing to include all students.) How could anyone object to healthy, non-hungry children? Well, it might have had noble intentions, and filled a real need, but schools are supposed to be the province of state and local governments. Still, feeding hungry children is so important that we can make an exception to the 10th Amendment, just this ONE time (as if state and local leaders didn’t care if their own children went hungry.)  

Liberals love a bill like this because it gives them the chance to expand federal power while milking it for political gain and posturing about how much more they care about, say, hungry children than their flint-hearted opponents who care only about the Constitution. But we must remember that the government lives by the Golden Rule: “He who has the gold makes the rules.” As soon as schools began taking that federal school lunch money, they learned it was like being a fish that swallowed the bait on a hook.

From that little seed, federal control of schools began growing like wild weeds. Soon, Washington was using the leverage of school lunch funds to impose more and more federal mandates, from dictating school curriculums to forcing boys into girls’ bathrooms. They don’t belong there any more than DC bureaucrats belong in your local classrooms. This is how making exceptions to the 10th Amendment for “one urgent/important/good cause” has led to federal government interference in every aspect of our lives.

This is also why campaigners for parents’ rights should be just as concerned about restoring the 10th Amendment as they are about voting out their leftwing activist school boards.

You can buy my book here: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee

Ainsworth: a flashback to a time before I was born, World War II

By Laura Ainsworth

If the newsletter seems a bit shorter over the next few days, it’s because both of the Gov.’s two staff writer/researchers, myself and husband Pat Reeder, are on the road from Dallas to Nashville, still working to keep up with all the breaking news. On Wednesday, the night before we left our home in Texas, I was sitting on the sofa with my sister Julie, who was there to house-sit while we were away, and we were watching the horrific news out of Israel.

Seeing this with my sister, I was reminded of a recording from 1941 by one of my favorite singers from that era, Bea Wain, called “My Sister and I.” The lyrics are from the point of view of someone who as a child, with a sister, was evacuated from a war zone. To me, these words have long been evocative of siblings who managed to survive the horrors of the Holocaust together, but now I think of children in the Middle East (and other countries) whose lives might be in upheaval because of the resurgence of hatred against Jews...

“The warm and lovely world we knew

Has been struck by a bitter frost

But my sister and I recall with a sigh

The world we knew and loved and lost

“My sister and I remember still

A tulip garden by an old Dutch mill

And the home that was all our own until….

But we don’t talk about that

“My sister and I recall once more

The fishing schooners pulling into shore

And the dog-cart we drove in days before….

But we don’t talk about that

“We’re learning to forget the fear

That came from a troubled sky

We’re almost happy over here

But sometimes we wake at night and cry

My sister and I recall the day

We said goodbye, then we sailed away

And we think of our friends who had to stay

But we don’t talk about that.”

Here’s the original recording if you’d like to hear it…

The children who “sailed away” in those days were Jews leaving to escape the coming Nazi horrors. Today, that hatred of Jews has shockingly metastasized to many places around the world, including, I’m sorry to say, America. My own sister is Jewish, and I know there are people who would automatically hate her for that and wish her dead if they knew. I’ve even gotten the impression the past few days that a few of them are in Congress.

My sister converted to Judaism a number of years ago and recently recalled to me a particular experience she had when she walked up to a checkout counter wearing her inconspicuous Star of David necklace. The look of pure hatred she got from the cashier when he noticed it was something she had never seen before and will never forget. It will haunt her for the rest of her life.

It might also be noted that her synagogue is the one whose rabbi and three congregants were taken hostage just last year and held in a standoff for many hours.

In recent days I’ve also been reminded of another song called “Laughing Into 1939,” by Al Stewart. It’s set at a New Year’s Eve party, where happy celebrants are eagerly welcoming in the year that they don’t know will turn out to mark Hitler’s invasion of Poland and the start of a world war...

“For tonight is New Year’s Eve

Uncork your spirits and welcome it in

Who knows what it’s got up its sleeve

Can’t wait for it all to begin….”

I will say this: For the people welcoming in the year 1939, the stage had been set, and their fate was inevitable. They were naively partying with no hint of what was lurking just around the corner. In 2023, we have the advantage of having seen all this before, and that’s why we can see it coming again, so obviously. For those who will learn from history, it’s right in front of our faces. No excuses this time. We have to stop it.


Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

For more news, visit my website.

One of the biggest complaints of leftists today is how hard it is to enact their agenda because the Constitution keeps getting in their way. They could turn America into Utopia if only they could repeal the Second Amendment, severely curtail the First Amendment, get rid of the Electoral College and turn the Supreme Court into a partisan political branch under one-party control. This is precisely why the Founders created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights: to restrain the power and reach of a strong centralized government. They had just defeated a tyrant, and they knew human nature well enough to know that that threat never goes away.

All Americans should thank God every day for the Constitution. That thin piece of parchment acts as a powerful shield protecting your rights and freedoms from people who want to plow them under and build a new socialist version of America on top of their graves.

If you think I’m exaggerating, a recent Real Clear Politics poll found that a third of today’s Democrat voters think Americans have “too much freedom,” a phrase I can’t even comprehend.

The Founders wisely made it very difficult to amend the Constitution, a process that requires overwhelming approval. So the left takes aim at it in two main ways: Either by ignoring it completely or by appointing judges and Supreme Court Justices who misinterpret it though their rulings. They justify this by claiming the Constitution is a “living document.” But if it doesn’t mean what it says but whatever any random judge feels that it should say, then it means nothing.

For a long time, we didn’t hear much about the Tenth Amendment. Liberal judges had ignored it so completely that many courts, politicians and bureaucrats acted as if it had been repealed. But it’s still right there in the Bill of Rights, and I’m glad to see that conservative Justices have recently been restoring its force.

The Tenth Amendment clearly states that powers not specifically granted to the federal government belong to the states. There was intense debate during the Constitutional Convention and the ratification process about which limited powers should be with the federal government and which should remain with the states. They didn’t leave that open to interpretation, but it’s been “interpreted” to death anyway as proponents of big government have forged ahead slowly, and sometimes rapidly, to usurp as much power as possible in areas where it has no business being. Here is just one of endless examples of how ignoring the Tenth Amendment “for a good cause” leads to the unconstitutional expansion of federal power:

The federal government decided to get involved in public school cafeterias with the passage of the heart-touchingly-titled “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.”

This federal power grab started seemingly innocently. The bill provided school lunches (later growing to include breakfasts) to poor students (later growing to include all students.) How could anyone object to healthy, non-hungry children? Well, it might have had noble intentions, and filled a real need, but schools are supposed to be the province of state and local governments. Still, feeding hungry children is so important that we can make an exception to the 10th Amendment, just this ONE time (as if state and local leaders didn’t care if their own children went hungry.)  

Liberals love a bill like this because it gives them the chance to expand federal power while milking it for political gain and posturing about how much more they care about, say, hungry children than their flint-hearted opponents who care only about the Constitution. But we must remember that the government lives by the Golden Rule: “He who has the gold makes the rules.” As soon as schools began taking that federal school lunch money, they learned it was like being a fish that swallowed the bait on a hook.

From that little seed, federal control of schools began growing like wild weeds. Soon, Washington was using the leverage of school lunch funds to impose more and more federal mandates, from dictating school curriculums to forcing boys into girls’ bathrooms. They don’t belong there any more than DC bureaucrats belong in your local classrooms. This is how making exceptions to the 10th Amendment for “one urgent/important/good cause” has led to federal government interference in every aspect of our lives.

This is also why campaigners for parents’ rights should be just as concerned about restoring the 10th Amendment as they are about voting out their leftwing activist school boards.


You can buy my book here: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:1-2

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Mike Huckabee

Biden goes to Israel

Here is today’s link to Fox News’ latest updates on Israel’s strike back against Hamas:

Among the latest developments: The death toll is now at least 4,200 people, including at least 1,400 Israeli civilians and soldiers, 2,808 Palestinians and 31 Americans. Thirteen American citizens are still unaccounted for.

President Biden is in Israel where he met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog and issued a statement of solidarity with Israel, saying, “You are not alone.” While I have my differences with President Biden, he got it right in condemning Hamas by saying, "Scores of innocents from infants to elderly grandparents, Israelis and Americans taken hostage, children slaughtered, babies slaughtered, entire families massacred, raped, beheaded, bodies burned alive. Most committed atrocities that recall the worst ravages of ISIS, unleashing pure, unadulterated evil upon the world. There's no rationalizing it, no excusing, period.”

Riot police had to use tear gas in Lebanon to disperse a violent crowd of protesters outside the US Embassy. They were fired up by the claims from Hamas and Iran that Israel was to blame for an airstrike on a hospital in Gaza that killed 500 people. Israel denied that and produced audio evidence of Hamas radicals talking about how their Palestinian Islamic Jihad missile misfired and hit the hospital. 

Fact-checkers were quick to debunk a viral video that showed an errant Hamas missile hitting a building as actually being from 2022. But that wasn’t the evidence Israel provided, and it just shows this wouldn’t be the first time Hamas misfired a missile and killed their own innocent civilians instead of Israel’s innocent civilians.

Besides, anyone trying to blame Israel should apply Occam’s Razor, the rule that the simplest explanation is most likely true. And which is more likely: that Israel, which has spent a week warning civilians to leave the area before attacking, would deliberately target civilians…or that the missile was fired by Hamas, who started this war by murdering hundreds of innocent civilians?

House Republicans shoot themselves in the foot, AGAIN

House Republicans continued using their own feet for target practice Tuesday, and we still have no Speaker after 20 Republicans refused to back Jim Jordan, despite having no other candidate. He had been facing a deficit of over 60 votes, so he did make quite a bit of headway. They’ll meet again today, and he has to win over 16 of those 20 to become Speaker.

Meanwhile, with the House in limbo for two weeks and counting as the Middle East melts down and the next government shutdown deadline looms, there’s increasing talk about empowering Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry with enough powers to become acting Speaker.

Just curious, is that what the members who forced the ouster of Kevin McCarthy wanted? Or did they think about what might come next?

Excellent question

Missouri Republican Rep. Jason Smith of the House Ways and Means Committee is asking why high profile universities should retain their tax-exempt status when, as we’ve recently learned, they’ve become breeding grounds for violent, terrorism-supporting anti-Semites?

It’s an excellent question, but why did it have to reach this crisis point before it was brought up? For decades, the takeover of our university system by totalitarian leftists has been proceeding steadily, and for the past several years, we’ve seen conservative students and speakers stripped of their rights, shouted down, threatened and physically assaulted.

Yet throughout all that, the universities continued enjoying their tax breaks, not to mention billions of dollars in funding from both federal and state governments, even in states with Republican Governors and legislatures. Maybe they were just afraid to use their power of the purse strings to curtail the radical indoctrination, fearing Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) would smear them as “anti-education.”

But to use a phrase they don’t use at Harvard, that dog don’t hunt. The entire world has now gotten a shocking look at the results of allowing our universities to become radical brainwashing camps, and it’s the perfect opportunity for Republicans to use their budgetary power to clean house. Anyone who claims that fumigating our infected campuses is “attacking education” can be answered with five minutes of video of Harvard students chanting support for Hamas’ mass murder of Israeli children, and then politely told to sit down and shut up.

Worth looking into

You know Letitia James, the New York Attorney General who ran for office on a promise to abuse her power to “get Trump,” and is now doing just that? She’s the one who justifies her creative legal interpretations and unprecedented lawfare assault on a former President and leading presidential candidate by claiming that “nobody is above the law.”

Well, if that’s true, then James needs to read investigative journalist Laura Loomer’s Substack page. She’s amassed a trove of documents suggesting chicanery involving a mortgage contract for a four-story Brooklyn brownstone and a possible $770,000 hidden illegal loan from a mysterious source that might be a dark money provider. It smells funkier than Trump taking out loans from banks and paying them back in full. But it might be hard to get Ms. James to investigate this, since the person at the center of this alleged financial and political web is…New York Attorney General Letitia James.

EXCLUSIVE: NY AG Letitia James Failed To Disclose Six- Figure, Dark Money Loan Possibly Tied To Anti-Trump Media Operatives (

Reexamining a crime stat the Left likes to use

One of the favorite talking points on the left when people complain about the historic crime waves their criminal-coddling policies have created is to claim that murder rates are actually 34% higher in red states than in blue states. But like all the left's claims, that’s highly misleading and based on cherry-picked data.

The Heritage Foundation looked into the study they’re citing and found that it was based on “flawed methodology.” Researcher Kevin Dayaratna said that while red states have higher murder rates, that means nothing because crime rates are a local matter influenced by local policing and prosecution practices. This won’t be a surprise to my readers, but the crime in red states that Democrats love to highlight is actually happening almost exclusively in those states' blue cities and counties.

The study found that if you look at homicide rates on a county level, they are a whopping 64% higher in blue counties than in red counties.

In short, blue counties are giving red states a bad name, then blaming it on the Republicans who don’t run the crime-ridden blue counties.

I don’t know whether this will change anyone’s perceptions on the left, since I suspect that anyone who would ever believe crime is lower in Democrat-run cities would be too dumb to know what “percent” means.

Related: A new study of violent crime ranked the most dangerous cities in the world. All of the top 10 are in either Mexico, Brazil or Venezuela. Only two American cities made the top 30. At number 13 was St. Louis, Missouri. Coincidentally, Missouri is a solidly red state, while St. Louis is so blue that they sent Cori Bush to Congress. The only other US city on the list is #25, Baltimore. ‘Nuff said.

Video of the Day!

Watch as a green protester trying to block the building of a chapel in France gets taken down with a flying tackle by a nun.

For crying out loud, can’t we vet our own Defense Department?

In normal times, Americans would look to the Defense Department and numerous intel agencies to vet foreign nationals in America for their ties to terrorist nations and organizations.

But today, our intel agencies are much more interested in investigating “MAGA Republicans.”  And the Defense Department can’t even vet itself.

We recently reported on a DoD employee named Ariane Tabatabai who for all appearances was secretly promoting the Iranian agenda within the Defense Department while maintaining a “relationship” with the Iranian government.  She holds the distinction of being recruited by Iranian envoy Robert Malley, who is currently under investigation for leading an alleged “spy ring” to further Iranian interests, and she still holds the impressive title of Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict.  That, of course, comes with its own high-level security clearance.

Now, as reported by Daniel Greenfield in FRONT PAGE Magazine, Rep. Jack Bergman of Michigan is demanding answers about another current Pentagon official, Yousra Fazili, who previously worked for the brother of the dictator of Qatar and whose duties reportedly included devising messages to attack American critics.  As shown on her Linked In page, her accomplishments during this time include “Developed strategy and legal frameworks for the U.S.-Iran nuclear agreements” and “assisted in strategies for the negotiation of U.S.-Russian bilateral agreements.”

(For the record, that page also says she worked on the “Biden/Harris Campaign Voter Protection” in 2020, the “Obama/Biden Campaign Voter Protection” in 2012, and “GOTV Obama for America, Vermont and Massachusetts,” 2008.)

In 2022, she became the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs at the DoD.

Now, she’s the Chief of Staff for the Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer for the Pentagon.  How thoroughly was she ever vetted?  Did anybody notice the red flags?

On October 12, Rep. Bergman sent a letter --- actually a follow-up letter --- to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin pointing out that for three years, Fazili served as “strategic” advisor to the Qatari ambassador to the U.S.  Soon after that, she rejoined the Pentagon in a senior staff position and then was promoted twice, to her current role.

“This matter is even more urgent now in light of the unprecedented terrorist Hamas’ leadership who are currently overseeing the slaughter of men, women and children from inside luxury residences provided by Ms. Fazili’s former client, the State of Qatar,” the letter says.

The DoD “provides little comfort that the Pentagon has properly vetted Ms. Fazili’s openly acknowledged relationship with one of the two sponsors of Hamas, or that Ms. Fazili will be firewalled from involvement in the U.S. handling of Israel’s necessary self-defense against Hamas’ current terrorist campaign.”

Rep. Bergman respectfully requests the following:

1.  the results of the Pentagon’s due diligence regarding Ms. Fazili’s work for and relationship with the State of Qatar.

2.  the safeguards that have been put in place to prevent her from influencing decisions or policies related to any decisions related to the Persian Gulf region.

Here’s the full letter and J. Michael Waller’s eye-opening tweets (X’s?)...

So, is Rep. Jack Bergman just some capricious politician trying to drum up attention or make a partisan political statement?  Short answer:  NO.  After being elected to Congress in 2016, Bergman was the highest-ranking military veteran ever elected to Congress.  He’s a 40-year veteran of the Marine Corps, retiring in 2009 with the rank of Lieutenant General, a helicopter pilot in Vietnam who ultimately became Commander of Marine Forces North/Marine Forces Reserve.

In his role on the House Armed Services Committee, Bergman serves as chairman of the Intelligence and Special Operations Subcommittee and also as a member of the Military Personnel Subcommittee.

Here’s Rep. Bergman’s own press release about this.  Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers, who chairs the Armed Services Committee, is teaming with Bergman to get answers on vetting at the Pentagon.

“We must deliver transparency to the American people on the relationship of Ms. Tabatabai and to the Iranian regime,” he said.  “As the number one state sponsor of terrorism, Iran poses a distinct threat to our national security and, therefore, must not be allowed to infiltrate our government.”

But as the following article makes clear, Qatar excels in playing both sides of the fence when it comes to their messaging.  To quote: “To some, the Qataris are regional arsonists; to others, they are the fire department.”

They didn’t sound to us much like the fire department when they released this statement soon after the Hamas attack on Israel, holding Israel responsible for the “ongoing military escalation.”

RELATED:  Here’s something else from Rep. Bergman, a press release from just a few days after Hamas’ massacre of Israelis, detailing the failure of the Biden administration leading up to that attack.

And on October 11, he also dared to call out Rep. Rashida Tlaib for her anti-Semitism and, together with Texas Rep. Morgan Luttrell, introduced a House resolution to censure her.

We would ask this:  why on earth would the Pentagon hire people with the background of these two women for any position at the Pentagon let alone such sensitive ones?  “We have been infiltrated in plain sight,” Daniel Greenfield wrote.  “Our national security has become a joke.   This will take more than just a housecleaning to fix.”

As evidence of that, Rep. Bergman got a three-paragraph response last month to his first letter from the DoD’s Rheanne Wirkkala.  She said that Fazili was hired and vetted “with all appropriate laws and policies.”


It’s not just in our government but in the halls of academia that pro-Palestinian rage has been cultivated.  As Daniel Horowitz asks, “How did every major college campus turn into the Third Reich overnight, with large crowds of belligerent rally-goers chanting genocidal slogans against Jews?”

Horowitz says it happened over a generation, and that as we were importing Muslims, “we also imported some of the slogans, chants and values undergirding it.”

Horowitz doesn’t think the solution is banning First Amendment-protected speech.  But “we have turned our universities into foreign countries,” he says, at least 100,000 students coming from predominantly Muslim countries, including sponsors of terrorism such as Iran.  He compiled some statistics, and it’s pretty stunning.

“It’s hard not to see how aspiring young radical Islamists could come to America on student visas and form cells of terrorists on our soil,” he said.  This also helped speed the decline of Americanism.  So the next administration has to reverse that, he advised, by dramatically curtailing foreign visas and prohibiting countries such as Qatar, Iran and Turkey from sponsoring activities on American college campuses.  They have no right to that kind of sponsorship now, and states can stop it.

If this isn’t done, he said, “our college campuses are the canary in the coal mine of what our cities will look like in a few years.”

Horowitz would be glad to know that Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton has called on the Department of Homeland Security to deport those foreign nationals, including those in the U.S. on student visas, who have expressed support for Hamas’ horrifying attack on Israel.  He wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, saying, “These fifth-columnists have no place in the United States.”  We’re sure Mayorkas will get right on that.

They should start with this professor:

The story doesn’t say whether Prof. Rickford is an American citizen or not, but we hope he’s not, because he doesn’t deserve to be.  He would feel much more at home in Iran, don’t you think?

Speaking of taking action against hostile foreign nations trying to undermine America on our own soil, have I mentioned lately how proud I am of my daughter Sarah?

And before anyone pipes up in the comments to say, “How can conservatives approve of government interfering in free markets?” I’ll point out that free markets require equal rules on both sides. If you have an American-owned business, just try buying land in China. The Chinese communist government isn’t stupid enough to sell their homeland to another nation that they consider their enemy. If that’s how they think of us, why should we be stupid enough to sell America to them?

The power of capitalism

One of the dumbest traps that Republican candidates fall into is taking seriously the question, “What will you do about income inequity?” The answer should be, “Celebrate it! Income inequality is one of the best features of capitalism. It means that people are rewarded with monetary incentives if they work hard, are innovative and create products and services a lot of people like, and all of those traits are good for everyone in society.”

You know where you’ll find income equality? In communist nations like Cuba, where everyone has nothing. That is, unless you count the leaders, who always seem to live like kings. No wonder the people who whine the most about income inequality tend to be socialists. They want us to institute an unjust economic system that’s failed miserably everywhere it’s been tried because they picture themselves being the power brokers who prosper under that corrupt system. Ask any regular working person who fled to America from a socialist nation if they want to import that garbage here.

There are three factors that make capitalism such a powerful force in creating wealth and growing the economy: incentive, innovation and competition. Profit isn’t a factor; it’s the very purpose of all three of those factors. Profit provides the incentive that makes everyone who engages in capitalism believe their efforts can pay off in gaining wealth and improving their lives.

Leftists may see colleges as socialism indoctrination centers, but the only reason most people take on the time, effort and debt of getting a degree is because they assume it will result in a bigger paycheck (gender studies majors are in for a rude awakening.) People take risks that benefit us all, whether going to college, opening a business or patenting new inventions, not just because they’re following their passion but in hopes of making money.

 All this creative energy that powers capitalism is generated by people motivated by the knowledge that the system can and will reward their success. This opportunity didn’t exist under the feudal system, it’s severely hampered by socialism, and it’s nonexistent under communism. That’s why those systems are so economically stagnant and far behind capitalist nations in innovation. Capitalism is the true “economic justice;” it’s lifted more people out of poverty worldwide than any other system.

If you want to see the perfect A-B comparison of communism and capitalism, look at a nighttime satellite photo of Korea. Capitalist South Korea is so prosperous that its lights shine brightly enough to be seen from the moon. Communist North Korea is in the dark, figuratively and literally. 

 That’s also a perfect illustration of how the “unequal income” generated by encouraging incentive, innovation and competition helps the entire society. Innovation that responds quickly to market demand brings us new and better products and services that improve everyone’s lives. Young people today who claim to hate capitalism couldn’t imagine a world without Amazon, Uber, smart phones, streaming entertainment and other innovations of capitalism that didn’t even exist when I was their age. Competition improves services, keeps prices lower and provides choice (Russians in the USSR used to wait in long lines for everything because the government was the only supplier.)

Capitalism can even be better for the environment. When consumers began demanding cleaner processes, greener products and more fuel-efficient cars, industry quickly responded. You can now find countless organic products available at Walmart, and the air and water are far cleaner than they were 50 years ago. Capitalism is so much more efficient than government planning that while President Biden is trying to mandate that everyone drive electric cars by 2030, I would bet that long before then, private industry will have developed new auto technologies that make today’s lithium battery EVs look as obsolete as Model T’s. That is, if the government will quit thinking it can predict the future and pick winners and losers with subsidies, and just get out of the way.   

 When you hear someone ranting about “income inequality,” remember that you’re hearing someone so lacking in brains, skills and ambition that the only way they could ever get rich is by being a socialist politician (see Bernie “three houses” Sanders.)

 (Partially adapted from “The Three C’s That Made America Great” by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel:

You can buy my book here: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee


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A new song for Democrats

October 18, 2023

The 1929 song “Happy Days Are Here Again” has been the unofficial theme song of the Democratic Party since FDR used it as a campaign song in 1932. But looking around at the filth-covered, crime-plagued dystopias that have been created in various cities and states by decades of Democratic rule, I think we can all agree that “Happy Days” are hardly the result of Democratic governance. In short, the party needs a new theme song.

“The Internationale” is a little too on-the-nose, so judging by the Party’s recent descent into widespread denial of reality and brutally-enforced self-delusion, I would like to suggest the 1939 tune recorded by everyone from Vera Lynn and Glenn Miller to Connee Boswell: “Wishing Will Make It So.”

Here’s a sample of the lyrics. Tell me if this doesn’t sound like the current “woke” DNC platform:

“Wishing will make it so…Just keep on wishing and care will go…Dreamers tell us dreams come true, It’s no mistake…And wishes are the dreams we dream when we're awake…”

Are you a man who wants to be a woman? Well, just say you’re a woman, and you ARE! Wishing will make it so! Don’t like the police? Fire them all, and crime will magically go down by itself! Are people being robbed, raped and murdered every day? Claim that’s all in your political opponents’ imaginations, and it miraculously goes away! Are there inconvenient facts about sleazy deals or dishonest and disastrous national health policies that might harm your electoral chances? Bully social media platforms into silencing any talk about them and they disappear! Is the economy struggling and hamstrung by inflation? Then declare inflation over and the economy booming, and they are! Were only 10,000 jobs created during the last quarter? Say a million jobs were created…and they were!  Suffering horrific problems caused by an open border? Then insist that the border isn’t open, and abracadabra! It’s secure!

I could easily fill up the rest of this essay by just continuing with that last paragraph. The Democrats have become the denial of reality party. They make up new jaw-dropping fantasies faster than President Biden invents new jobs that he used to hold. The question is, how have they brainwashed so many people into actually believing this tripe?

The answer is that they really haven’t. They’ve managed to take over a number of cities and states by driving the reality-based community out, leaving behind almost nothing but their natural constituency: self-deluded radicals and people dependent on government. That’s now become obvious with the year-end release of the latest Census data showing the continued exodus of population from blue to red states.

Texas and Florida make up about 15% of the US population, but accounted for 70% of population growth. From July 2021-2022, the US population grew by about 1.2 million, but California lost over 343,000 residents to other states, and New York nearly 300,000. Blue states that are still showing population growth, like Washington, mostly owe it to foreign immigrants.

The new term for this is the “Texodus,” since so many are heading to Texas, but Scott McKay at also adds “Flexodus” to cover the huge migration to Florida. As he notes, those who were disappointed that New York voters kept reality-denier Kathy Hochul as their Governor when they could have saved the state by electing Lee Zeldin must understand that the rational voters he needed to win had already moved to Florida and gave Ron DeSantis a landslide victory.

But how long can this continual downward spiral continue? You’d think the people would revolt at some point, or the politicians would do something to head off the crash. But they won’t because, as McKay points out, this is planned. It even has a name: “Weaponized Governmental Failure.” Terrible leftist leaders like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer and Lori Lightfoot want the productive, middle class people to move out because they actually expect results for their tax dollars and accountability from politicians. When they call 911, they think cops should show up. That’s not the Democrats’ model anymore. They hate normal Americans like that. They’re all in on maintaining power through identity politics, divisiveness, chaos, demonization and government dependence.

And if productive people leave and take their tax dollars with them? Who cares, as long as Democrats in DC keep taxing the productivity of red states and sending billions to failed blue states and cities?

The best thing that could happen to those blue states and the people in them might be forcing them to go through bankruptcy and get their houses in order, but that will never happen as long as Washington keeps refilling their troughs with other people’s money. There’s a way to stop that, but it will take a major change at the federal level, and not just of Democrats, but also some Congressional Republicans who are reliably complicit in the scam, as we’ve just seen.  

Read McKay’s entire article. It’s a bracing blast of cold reality in a political world that’s been obscured by a fog of fantasy.

Monday, DC federal Judge Tanya Chutkan went along with special counsel Jack Smith’s request for a partial gag order on former President Trump in his trial over the January 6th riot. She answered his attorneys’ objections by saying that it doesn’t restrict him from criticizing the DOJ or claiming the charges are politically motivated. But he can’t specifically attack the prosecutors or court staff, which Smith claims might spark threats against them. (But it’s okay for Biden to paint Trump supporters as domestic terrorists and threats to democracy.)

Chutkan chillingly told Trump’s attorneys that Trump “does not have a right to say and do exactly as he pleases.” She said, “You keep talking about censorship like the defendant has unfettered First Amendment rights. He doesn’t. We’re not talking about censorship here. We’re talking restrictions to ensure there is a fair administration of justice on this case.” Yes, she’s not talking about censorship. She’s just telling a former President what he’s allowed to say during an election campaign, with the threat of jail looming if he happens to guess wrong about what speech is and isn’t allowed under the First Amendment.

That explanation had all the calming effect of hitting a beehive with a claw hammer. Trump immediately tweeted, "WILL APPEAL THE GAG ORDER RULING. WITCH HUNT!" (You know, that comes dangerously close to criticizing the judge.) He also said it’s not just an attempt to gag him but to silence his supporters during an election campaign.

Indeed, this could go all the way to the Supreme Court, and it should, if need be. Jeff Charles at has a good analysis of the repercussions.

Trump’s political opponents love to accuse him of “smashing norms” and posture as if they are the great defenders of “our democracy.” But they’ve destroyed faith in the justice system by politicizing and weaponizing it to the level of a Third World banana republic and are “defending democracy” by abusing the legal system to try to silence a particular candidate and keep him off the ballot.

Want to talk about “smashing norms?” First, they launched felony charges against a former President on ridiculous grounds, like possessing his own presidential documents. Then they insisted on holding the trials all at once, during the height of a presidential election campaign where he’s the leading candidate against their boss. Now, we have an unelected judge appointed by another Trump political enemy (Barack Obama) lecturing him that he doesn’t have a First Amendment right to say whatever he wants. They’re smashing norms down to the sub-atomic level.

If she really cared about ensuring the fair administration of justice, she would have thrown this garbage case out of court and sanctioned Smith for wasting the taxpayers’ time and money with it. And if she doesn’t like me saying that, too bad. It’s my First Amendment right.

The power of capitalism

October 18, 2023

One of the dumbest traps that Republican candidates fall into is taking seriously the question, “What will you do about income inequity?” The answer should be, “Celebrate it! Income inequality is one of the best features of capitalism. It means that people are rewarded with monetary incentives if they work hard, are innovative and create products and services a lot of people like, and all of those traits are good for everyone in society.”

You know where you’ll find income equality? In communist nations like Cuba, where everyone has nothing. That is, unless you count the leaders, who always seem to live like kings. No wonder the people who whine the most about income inequality tend to be socialists. They want us to institute an unjust economic system that’s failed miserably everywhere it’s been tried because they picture themselves being the power brokers who prosper under that corrupt system. Ask any regular working person who fled to America from a socialist nation if they want to import that garbage here.

There are three factors that make capitalism such a powerful force in creating wealth and growing the economy: incentive, innovation and competition. Profit isn’t a factor; it’s the very purpose of all three of those factors. Profit provides the incentive that makes everyone who engages in capitalism believe their efforts can pay off in gaining wealth and improving their lives.

Leftists may see colleges as socialism indoctrination centers, but the only reason most people take on the time, effort and debt of getting a degree is because they assume it will result in a bigger paycheck (gender studies majors are in for a rude awakening.) People take risks that benefit us all, whether going to college, opening a business or patenting new inventions, not just because they’re following their passion but in hopes of making money.

 All this creative energy that powers capitalism is generated by people motivated by the knowledge that the system can and will reward their success. This opportunity didn’t exist under the feudal system, it’s severely hampered by socialism, and it’s nonexistent under communism. That’s why those systems are so economically stagnant and far behind capitalist nations in innovation. Capitalism is the true “economic justice;” it’s lifted more people out of poverty worldwide than any other system.

If you want to see the perfect A-B comparison of communism and capitalism, look at a nighttime satellite photo of Korea. Capitalist South Korea is so prosperous that its lights shine brightly enough to be seen from the moon. Communist North Korea is in the dark, figuratively and literally. 

 That’s also a perfect illustration of how the “unequal income” generated by encouraging incentive, innovation and competition helps the entire society. Innovation that responds quickly to market demand brings us new and better products and services that improve everyone’s lives. Young people today who claim to hate capitalism couldn’t imagine a world without Amazon, Uber, smart phones, streaming entertainment and other innovations of capitalism that didn’t even exist when I was their age. Competition improves services, keeps prices lower and provides choice (Russians in the USSR used to wait in long lines for everything because the government was the only supplier.)

Capitalism can even be better for the environment. When consumers began demanding cleaner processes, greener products and more fuel-efficient cars, industry quickly responded. You can now find countless organic products available at Walmart, and the air and water are far cleaner than they were 50 years ago. Capitalism is so much more efficient than government planning that while President Biden is trying to mandate that everyone drive electric cars by 2030, I would bet that long before then, private industry will have developed new auto technologies that make today’s lithium battery EVs look as obsolete as Model T’s. That is, if the government will quit thinking it can predict the future and pick winners and losers with subsidies, and just get out of the way.   

 When you hear someone ranting about “income inequality,” remember that you’re hearing someone so lacking in brains, skills and ambition that the only way they could ever get rich is by being a socialist politician (see Bernie “three houses” Sanders.)

 (Partially adapted from “The Three C’s That Made America Great” by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel:

The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee

Please elect a Speaker

October 17, 2023

With the world lighting on fire in the Middle East, America needs a Congress that’s ready to take swift action to help Israel if need be. Unfortunately, what we have is a GOP House that is still hamstrung by having no Speaker. The latest candidate, Jim Jordan, is having trouble rounding up the necessary 217 votes, so the election has been put off until Tuesday. He has to flip 55 Republicans who are playing Goldilocks (“This one is too liberal, and this one is too conservative, and I demand someone who’s juuuuuust right!”)

Meanwhile, there are rumors that some moderate Republicans are considering joining with all the Democrats to elect a “bipartisan” Speaker. That could mean that a handful of purist Republicans kicked out Kevin McCarthy and rejected Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan for not being conservative enough, and paved the way for losing control of their own House to a Democrat-backed Speaker. It’s like a circular firing squad with bazookas.

That’s not likely, but the fact that we’ve even talking about the possibility shows what a short-sighted and poorly-thought-out maneuver the ouster of McCarthy was. Maybe he didn’t deliver everything some wanted, but he was doing what he could (committee investigations, major fundraising) with a Democrat Senate and White House that would block any real conservative bills he might have gotten passed. Unfortunately, too many still don’t get that. I've seen a lot of comments from Republicans who call everyone who falls short in any way a “RINO” claiming there’s no difference between the parties and we might as well give the Democrats the House and they just won’t vote again, and I can’t repeat any more of this self-defeating nonsense.

I ran for President twice and didn’t make it. Since then, there has never been a candidate who was more completely in agreement with my views than myself. But that didn’t keep me from working hard to elect other Republicans and voting for them, even if they couldn’t meet the impossibly high standard of being me.

Now, as Derek Hunter of points out in this brutal assessment, the talk about Biden being too old and incompetent that was boosting the Republicans’ poll numbers has been replaced by a self-created crisis that makes it look as if the GOP is incapable of leading, or even behaving like adults. I’ll warn you in advance: the word “idiots” pops up more than once.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

3 John 1:2

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Mike Huckabee

Israel is poised to launch a ground offensive to obliterate Hamas

Here is the link to Fox News’ continually-updated page on Israel’s strike back against Hamas:

With Israel poised to launch a ground offensive to obliterate Hamas, we’re hearing the usual cries that they must declare an immediate ceasefire. It’s what the terrorists count on: they inflict maximum damage, then useful idiots cry that it’s inhumane for Israel to strike back with deadly force. The terrorists hide out for a while, then they do it again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Well, let’s hope Israel doesn’t go along with that again.

These defenders of terrorists always couch their pleas as compassion for the cause of the oppressed Palestinians. But as I mentioned recently, much of what is popularly believed about the “Palestinians” was fabricated, and pretty recently. If you’ve been led to believe that there is a group of people called Palestinians with an ancient historic claim to a homeland that just happens to be right where Israel is, then read this fascinating history by Rabbi Michael Barclay and see how you’ve been bamboozled. The ancient history of the Palestinian homeland dates all the way back to 1964, when it was dreamed up by a PR agency.

Federal judge issues partial gag order on President Trump

Monday, DC federal Judge Tanya Chutkan went along with special counsel Jack Smith’s request for a partial gag order on former President Trump in his trial over the January 6th riot. She answered his attorneys’ objections by saying that it doesn’t restrict him from criticizing the DOJ or claiming the charges are politically motivated. But he can’t specifically attack the prosecutors or court staff, which Smith claims might spark threats against them. (But it’s okay for Biden to paint Trump supporters as domestic terrorists and threats to democracy.)

Chutkan chillingly told Trump’s attorneys that Trump “does not have a right to say and do exactly as he pleases.” She said, “You keep talking about censorship like the defendant has unfettered First Amendment rights. He doesn’t. We’re not talking about censorship here. We’re talking restrictions to ensure there is a fair administration of justice on this case.” Yes, she’s not talking about censorship. She’s just telling a former President what he’s allowed to say during an election campaign, with the threat of jail looming if he happens to guess wrong about what speech is and isn’t allowed under the First Amendment.

That explanation had all the calming effect of hitting a beehive with a claw hammer. Trump immediately tweeted, "WILL APPEAL THE GAG ORDER RULING. WITCH HUNT!" (You know, that comes dangerously close to criticizing the judge.) He also said it’s not just an attempt to gag him but to silence his supporters during an election campaign.

Indeed, this could go all the way to the Supreme Court, and it should, if need be. Jeff Charles at has a good analysis of the repercussions.

Trump’s political opponents love to accuse him of “smashing norms” and posture as if they are the great defenders of “our democracy.” But they’ve destroyed faith in the justice system by politicizing and weaponizing it to the level of a Third World banana republic and are “defending democracy” by abusing the legal system to try to silence a particular candidate and keep him off the ballot.

Want to talk about “smashing norms?” First, they launched felony charges against a former President on ridiculous grounds, like possessing his own presidential documents. Then they insisted on holding the trials all at once, during the height of a presidential election campaign where he’s the leading candidate against their boss. Now, we have an unelected judge appointed by another Trump political enemy (Barack Obama) lecturing him that he doesn’t have a First Amendment right to say whatever he wants. They’re smashing norms down to the sub-atomic level.

If she really cared about ensuring the fair administration of justice, she would have thrown this garbage case out of court and sanctioned Smith for wasting the taxpayers’ time and money with it. And if she doesn’t like me saying that, too bad. It’s my First Amendment right.

Trump reviews Biden interview

In case there was any doubt, former President Trump has responded to the “60 Minutes” “interview” of President Biden, and it wasn’t a rave review. His full comments are here, but the gist of it is that the media relentlessly attack him while ignoring Biden’s many, many failures and leading him along in interviews “like a lost child.” Trump also noticed that every question to Biden contained the answer, to make it easy by giving him a big hint about what to reply.

I noticed that, too. At times, I wondered if I was watching “60 Minutes,” or “Politicians Week” on “Celebrity Jeopardy.”

Related: Another careful listening to Biden’s interview revealed that when he describes his goals for a second term, he’s inadvertently describing the situation he inherited from Trump and deliberately destroyed.


Stay tuned: Afternoon vote for Speaker

This afternoon, Rep. Jim Jordan will attempt to compile enough votes to become House Speaker. And while he was facing a lot of dissension, he seems to be gaining the votes he needs.

Rep. Mike Rogers also backed Jordan, upending that plot to use all the Democrat votes to elect a “bipartisan” speaker.

This is partly because Jordan has a very good staff and knows how to organize and win, and it’s partly because the conservative base is fed up with this embarrassing infighting and is “melting the phone lines” of GOP Congress members, telling them to vote for Jordan and get back to governing already.

I also suspect that the AP inadvertently helped Jordan by getting extremely former Representative Liz Cheney to provide a negative quote about what a danger he (yes…“he”) would be to the Constitution. The AP certainly knows the conservative audience. There’s nobody Republicans respect more than Liz Cheney. Well, maybe Joy Behar.

It’s so much bigger: Here’s how Chinese money funds Hamas, Hezbollah

What sanctions?  As the saying goes, Iran has more money now than it knows what to do with.  Sadly, the main thing Iran knows to do with money is fund terrorism.

New figures show the greatest flow of Iranian oil to China in at least a decade, and as the DAILY CALLER reports, “overall Iranian oil sales are rebounding as the Biden administration has adopted a more conciliatory approach to dealing with Iran than the Trump administration.”

Here it is in diplomat-speak, from ClearView Energy Partners:  “We have suggested that this recent surge in Iranian crude and condensate export volumes could be ascribed to rapprochement between Washington and Tehran via discretionary enforcement of U.S. sanctions.”

We’d boil all that fancy phrasing down to two words:  “Sanctions, schmanctions.”

Jason Brodsky of United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) put it almost as bluntly:  “Iran has generated about $80 billion in revenue from oil sales, defying U.S. sanctions under the Biden administration because of lax enforcement.  That is a policy chosen by the Biden administration.”  China helps fund terrorist aggression, he said, when this money goes to fund “Tehran’s proxies and partners.”  Like Hamas.  The intermediary for this is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which, like Hamas, is a State Department-designated terrorist organization.

The Chinese are happy to buy sanctioned Iranian oil because they’re able to get it at a discount.  With the price of oil so high now, that makes the purportedly forbidden fruit very attractive.

BLOOMBERG reports that as of August, China was purchasing about 1.5 million barrels of sanctioned Iranian oil a day.

According to Robert Greenway, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense (who also helped design Trump’s Iran sanctions), “The facts are indisputable, China is the principal customer of Iranian oil.  It’s in contravention to sanctions we are enforcing.  {Editorial aside:  enforcing??]  I have studied the IRGC people for 35 years, I have fought them, I have seen every bit of U.S. intelligence produced over the last 35 years pertaining to them --- I can tell you that the IRGC benefits directly from oil sales in about 10 different ways.”

A spokesperson for the National Security Council insists that this is false, that the Biden policy on sanctions “to ensure that (Iran) is unable to sell oil to new purchasers is a complete success, and there are no plans to lift, waive or provide any new sanctions relief for Iran.”

Sounds like yet more gaslighting from the administration, as China is clearly buying the oil.  The White House also continues to deny any knowledge that Iran was involved in the Palestinian attack on Israel.  Anyone care to wager that the #1 state sponsor of terrorism didn’t have anything to do with THIS?

As for China, the Biden administration has also --- let’s see, how was that put? --- “adopted a more conciliatory approach” in dealing with the CCP.  And here’s something else to keep in mind about China.  (If you don’t have a subscription to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, just read the headline.)

Both Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Biden’s Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby maintain that sanctions have not been weakened.  (Kirby has also said, ridiculously, that although Iran has “of course” been “broadly” aware of Hamas’ terrorist activities, there is “no evidence” that Iran was “directly” involved in this PARTICULAR attack or that they “specifically cut checks to support this.”  Good grief. It sounds like the same convoluted rationale they use to claim Joe wasn’t involved in Hunter’s business deals.)  But Richard Goldberg, senior adviser for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (also with the National Security Council during the Trump administration), said that there’s currently “no appetite to sanction China or to enforce sanctions on Iran.  The idea that Kirby can say with a straight face that we are enforcing our sanctions, it’s simply not true, not rational and not possible.”

Continuing: “We are not doing any sanctions enforcement right now, quite intentionally, because it is part of the give to Iran to entice them to stop short of developing a nuclear weapon.  The Iranians think they have the White House where they want them.”   

If Kirby is telling the truth (pause for helpless laughter) and has no evidence that Iran was involved, Iran sure was ready to jump in and start issuing threats.  On Sunday --- after meeting on Saturday with the leader of Hamas in Qatar --- the Iran foreign minister posted on social media: “If the Zionist aggressions do not stop, the hands of all parties in the region are on the trigger.  The responsibility for the possible opening of new fronts of resistance in the region and any escalation of today’s war directly falls on the United States and the Zionist regime.”  Ah, they attack, and it’s our fault when it escalates.

One of these “parties” is Lebanon, home to the Iran-backed Hezbollah group, which has already been clashing with Israelis at their border.  At the time of this writing late Monday, tensions were building there.  Hezbollah’s heavily armed presence is no doubt another example of Iranian oil money being distributed to terrorists.

Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Stephen Moore sees Biden’s war on fossil fuels at home, which started on Day One of his presidency, as financing our enemies.  “This was so predictable and avoidable,” he says.  “The systematic reversal of former President Donald Trump’s pro-America energy policies has gotten worse month after month.”

He goes into detail about the specific policies and how they have led to $4-5 per gallon gas at the pump, going on to say the consequences are much more serious than that.  “This isn’t just an economic self-inflicted wound but a deepening national security threat as well.”

For the past 50 years, terrorist organizations such as Hamas have been financed with petrodollars.  “The nation that has control of oil markets has a commanding height of geopolitical influence around the world.”  Moore cites a number of policy examples and notes that the depletion of our strategic petroleum reserve under Biden puts us “behind the 8 ball” in responding to terrorist attacks in Israel.

So we must regain the energy dominance we had under Trump.  (Chalk this up as one more thing Trump had right.)  “That means producing ALL our energy,” Moore says.  Until then, we’ll keep making “America weaker and our enemies stronger, and the world will be a much more dangerous place in the years to come.”

Finally, financial analyst Larry Kudlow at FOX BUSINESS NEWS explains very clearly how we know the White House is gaslighting us about sanctions being in place on Iran.  In just a few years, Iran has gone from producing about 400,000 barrels of oil per day to about 3.5 million and are on their way to 4 million.  Where’s all that oil going?  Kudlow points out the obvious: “Iran has a favorite customer.  China.”

The numbers are staggering.  In 2020, Iran sold China about $6.5 billion in oil.  In 2021, Biden’s first year in office, that number skyrocketed to $23 billion.  In 2022, it leaped again, to $30 billion.  So, we’re talking about $60 billion flowing to the world’s #1 sponsor of terrorism in just a few years.  (Compared to this, Kudlow calls the $6 billion we paid for those five hostages “small beer.”)

“If we didn’t lift the sanctions, how come they’re producing and selling all that oil?” he asks.

Not surprisingly, Kudlow doesn’t buy the administration’s claim that Iran didn’t know and even help plan the massacre in Israel.  He quotes Elliott Abrams at NATIONAL REVIEW from the day of the attack: “Hamas depends heavily on Iranian funding.  Iran was broke when Donald Trump left office, but is now pretty flush in cash.  That’s not just because of the recent deal for U.S. hostages...but because the Biden administration has not been enforcing oil sanctions…”

The full Abrams piece is at the link.  (NATIONAL REVIEW does offer a limited number of articles for free.)

Kudlow also brings up Iranian Foreign Exchange Reserves, which were about $4 billion three years ago.  They are now at $70 billion.  How did a sanctioned nation rack up that much foreign currency?

In case you’d like to know more about how these reserves work…

Kudlow explains that sanctions against other countries are passed by Congress and are THE LAW.  There are primary sanctions, “which prohibit citizens and companies of the sanctioning country from engaging with any sanctioned country.”  (Example:  U.S. and Russia.)  Then there are secondary sanctions, which “stop third parties from banking or engaging in commerce with the sanctioned country.”  (Example:  say, France and Iran.)  In the case of Iran, these gave banks around the world a choice: “Either stop dealing with Iranian banks or you’ll lose access to the entire U.S. dollar financial system [which includes over 90 percent of the world’s transactions].”

The execution of these sanctions, he explains, is monitored by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC).  If Biden were enforcing both primary and secondary sanctions on Iran, then the Iranians would not be producing and selling all that oil to China.  In other words, Janet Yellen is lying.  And terrorists are using Chinese money to kill Jews.


Here’s yet another surprising effect of forcing northern blue states to deal with some of the open border/illegal immigration problems their Party inflicted on red border states: Suddenly, the New York Times is sounding like a newspaper in a southern border state and talking about how this is a “real problem!”

Tragic Example

In the latest tragic example of Democrats suffering the consequences of their own policies, in blue Lansing, Michigan, county Democratic Party secretary Theodore Lawson is dead after a 15-year-old male panhandler demanded a dollar from him, then shot him in the head on the street. We extend our deepest condolences and prayers for his family.

The story notes that despite strict gun control laws, Lansing has seen a rising wave of youth offenders carrying guns and committing gun violence. Yes, that’s happening in spite of disarming law-abiding citizens. It’s a real mystery.

Music Note

If you’re in the Nashville area next Sunday, the Josie Music Awards will be held at the Grand Ole Opry Theater. It’s a major indie artist awards show featuring lots of performances by the nominees in a variety of genres. Our own Laura Ainsworth is up for Artist and Vocalist of the Year (jazz/blues categories) for her terrific new album of standards, “You Asked For It.” (

Laura won’t be performing, but if you’d like to see the show, cheer her on and maybe spot her and husband/co-writer Pat Reeder in the audience and say hello, you can buy tickets here:

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice weighs in on Hamas’ attack on Israel

Some of our current generation of mutton-headed liberal college students seem convinced that Israel “had it coming,” a notion that can only be born from the combination of leftist political indoctrination and refusal to teach critical thinking that’s characteristic of today’s “higher education.” Not that they’ll pay any attention to people who actually know what they’re talking about, but former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice weighed in on the ridiculous assertion that the attack was due to Israel oppressing Palestinians in Gaza and refusing to give up anything.

Here’s what she said to’s Guy Benson:

“[Former Israeli Prime Minister] Ariel Sharon, by the way, who was no powderpuff when it came to the defense of Israel, believed that (giving up Israeli settlements in Gaza) was the right thing to do. I don't think they wanted to govern Gaza any longer. It was in Israel's interest to get out. And they not only gave up Gaza, they gave up four settlements around Gaza at the time...That shows what the Israelis went through to actually evacuate Gaza. And you're right, what they got in return was Hamas, which continued its terrorist activities...And so, the idea that the Israelis didn't want to achieve peace -- and you're going to hear a lot of that this next week, that this is Israel's fault, that the Israelis never really tried for peace. The Israelis tried for peace...the Israelis tried everything."

I would hope that’s clear enough even for a Harvard student to understand, but then, I also mistakenly thought they could understand that mass murder was bad.

ACT scores fall

High school students’ scores on the ACT college entrance test have fallen to their lowest level in 30 years, and the media rushed to blame it on the COVID-19 pandemic.

As Mike Miller at notes, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with schools deemphasizing “white supremacist” subjects like math, science and English to focus on LGBTQ and CRT propaganda while lowering standards and cutting advanced classes to promote “equity.”

A new song for Democrats

The 1929 song “Happy Days Are Here Again” has been the unofficial theme song of the Democratic Party since FDR used it as a campaign song in 1932. But looking around at the filth-covered, crime-plagued dystopias that have been created in various cities and states by decades of Democratic rule, I think we can all agree that “Happy Days” are hardly the result of Democratic governance. In short, the party needs a new theme song.

“The Internationale” is a little too on-the-nose, so judging by the Party’s recent descent into widespread denial of reality and brutally-enforced self-delusion, I would like to suggest the 1939 tune recorded by everyone from Vera Lynn and Glenn Miller to Connee Boswell: “Wishing Will Make It So.”

Here’s a sample of the lyrics. Tell me if this doesn’t sound like the current “woke” DNC platform:

“Wishing will make it so…Just keep on wishing and care will go…Dreamers tell us dreams come true, It’s no mistake…And wishes are the dreams we dream when we're awake…”

Are you a man who wants to be a woman? Well, just say you’re a woman, and you ARE! Wishing will make it so! Don’t like the police? Fire them all, and crime will magically go down by itself! Are people being robbed, raped and murdered every day? Claim that’s all in your political opponents’ imaginations, and it miraculously goes away! Are there inconvenient facts about sleazy deals or dishonest and disastrous national health policies that might harm your electoral chances? Bully social media platforms into silencing any talk about them and they disappear! Is the economy struggling and hamstrung by inflation? Then declare inflation over and the economy booming, and they are! Were only 10,000 jobs created during the last quarter? Say a million jobs were created…and they were!  Suffering horrific problems caused by an open border? Then insist that the border isn’t open, and abracadabra! It’s secure!

I could easily fill up the rest of this essay by just continuing with that last paragraph. The Democrats have become the denial of reality party. They make up new jaw-dropping fantasies faster than President Biden invents new jobs that he used to hold. The question is, how have they brainwashed so many people into actually believing this tripe?

The answer is that they really haven’t. They’ve managed to take over a number of cities and states by driving the reality-based community out, leaving behind almost nothing but their natural constituency: self-deluded radicals and people dependent on government. That’s now become obvious with the year-end release of the latest Census data showing the continued exodus of population from blue to red states.

Texas and Florida make up about 15% of the US population, but accounted for 70% of population growth. From July 2021-2022, the US population grew by about 1.2 million, but California lost over 343,000 residents to other states, and New York nearly 300,000. Blue states that are still showing population growth, like Washington, mostly owe it to foreign immigrants.

The new term for this is the “Texodus,” since so many are heading to Texas, but Scott McKay at also adds “Flexodus” to cover the huge migration to Florida. As he notes, those who were disappointed that New York voters kept reality-denier Kathy Hochul as their Governor when they could have saved the state by electing Lee Zeldin must understand that the rational voters he needed to win had already moved to Florida and gave Ron DeSantis a landslide victory.

But how long can this continual downward spiral continue? You’d think the people would revolt at some point, or the politicians would do something to head off the crash. But they won’t because, as McKay points out, this is planned. It even has a name: “Weaponized Governmental Failure.” Terrible leftist leaders like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer and Lori Lightfoot want the productive, middle class people to move out because they actually expect results for their tax dollars and accountability from politicians. When they call 911, they think cops should show up. That’s not the Democrats’ model anymore. They hate normal Americans like that. They’re all in on maintaining power through identity politics, divisiveness, chaos, demonization and government dependence.

And if productive people leave and take their tax dollars with them? Who cares, as long as Democrats in DC keep taxing the productivity of red states and sending billions to failed blue states and cities?

The best thing that could happen to those blue states and the people in them might be forcing them to go through bankruptcy and get their houses in order, but that will never happen as long as Washington keeps refilling their troughs with other people’s money. There’s a way to stop that, but it will take a major change at the federal level, and not just of Democrats, but also some Congressional Republicans who are reliably complicit in the scam, as we’ve just seen.  

Read McKay’s entire article. It’s a bracing blast of cold reality in a political world that’s been obscured by a fog of fantasy.


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Elections, elections

October 17, 2023

There were several elections around the world over the weekend, and I hope they are an indicator that sanity is about to make a long-overdue comeback.

Closest to home, there was a shock result in Saturday’s jungle primary vote for Governor in Louisiana. The top two candidates were to face off in a runoff in November, and it was expected that they would be Democrat Shawn Wilson and Trump-backed Republican Jeff Landry. Instead, Landry won a landslide of nearly 52% with Wilson a distant second at 26%. Having won over 50%, Landry will become the Governor with no run-off.

That means the GOP flipped the Governor’s office away from Democrat John Bel Edwards. Let’s hope this is a good omen for another Southern race, where Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is hoping to unseat incumbent Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear.

In other races across Louisiana, not only did Republicans win, but conservative Republicans trounced moderate Republicans. Also noteworthy: in heavily Democratic, largely black districts like Orleans Parish, voters barely bothered to show up, even though Wilson is a black Democrat. Turnout was only 27%. That’s not just an “enthusiasm gap,” it’s a canyon.

Elsewhere in today’s newsletter, you’ll find news about Australian voters rejecting a virtue-signaling scheme to turn most of their land back to “indigenous peoples” which would actually put it under the control of leftist globalists. Australian voters rightly smelled a rat and applied rat poison at the polls.

In nearby New Zealand, voters signaled their disgust with the freedom-crushing leftist Labor Party of former Prime Minister Jacinda Adern, who locked down the nation over COVID, giving a decisive victory to the center-right National Party. They will form a coalition government with the libertarian Act Party, leading to what the New York Times wailed will be “the country’s most right-wing government in a generation.”

But don’t worry about Adern: she’s got a new gig as the international face of censorship, having recently lectured at the UN about how free speech is a “weapon of war” and we must criminalize non-government-approved speech to protect society. I’ve heard that New Zealand has a lot of sheep; I assume that’s who voted for her.

Finally, in Ecuador, where a conservative presidential candidate was recently assassinated, another conservative, Daniel Noboa, stepped up to run. On Sunday, he was elected by nearly a five-point margin. Man, leftists have stunk up the place so much, nobody wants them anywhere anymore!

What sanctions?  As the saying goes, Iran has more money now than it knows what to do with.  Sadly, the main thing Iran knows to do with money is fund terrorism.

New figures show the greatest flow of Iranian oil to China in at least a decade, and as the DAILY CALLER reports, “overall Iranian oil sales are rebounding as the Biden administration has adopted a more conciliatory approach to dealing with Iran than the Trump administration.”

Here it is in diplomat-speak, from ClearView Energy Partners:  “We have suggested that this recent surge in Iranian crude and condensate export volumes could be ascribed to rapprochement between Washington and Tehran via discretionary enforcement of U.S. sanctions.”

We’d boil all that fancy phrasing down to two words:  “Sanctions, schmanctions.”

Jason Brodsky of United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) put it almost as bluntly:  “Iran has generated about $80 billion in revenue from oil sales, defying U.S. sanctions under the Biden administration because of lax enforcement.  That is a policy chosen by the Biden administration.”  China helps fund terrorist aggression, he said, when this money goes to fund “Tehran’s proxies and partners.”  Like Hamas.  The intermediary for this is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which, like Hamas, is a State Department-designated terrorist organization.

The Chinese are happy to buy sanctioned Iranian oil because they’re able to get it at a discount.  With the price of oil so high now, that makes the purportedly forbidden fruit very attractive.

BLOOMBERG reports that as of August, China was purchasing about 1.5 million barrels of sanctioned Iranian oil a day.

According to Robert Greenway, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense (who also helped design Trump’s Iran sanctions), “The facts are indisputable, China is the principal customer of Iranian oil.  It’s in contravention to sanctions we are enforcing.  {Editorial aside:  enforcing??]  I have studied the IRGC people for 35 years, I have fought them, I have seen every bit of U.S. intelligence produced over the last 35 years pertaining to them --- I can tell you that the IRGC benefits directly from oil sales in about 10 different ways.”

A spokesperson for the National Security Council insists that this is false, that the Biden policy on sanctions “to ensure that (Iran) is unable to sell oil to new purchasers is a complete success, and there are no plans to lift, waive or provide any new sanctions relief for Iran.”

Sounds like yet more gaslighting from the administration, as China is clearly buying the oil.  The White House also continues to deny any knowledge that Iran was involved in the Palestinian attack on Israel.  Anyone care to wager that the #1 state sponsor of terrorism didn’t have anything to do with THIS?

As for China, the Biden administration has also --- let’s see, how was that put? --- “adopted a more conciliatory approach” in dealing with the CCP.  And here’s something else to keep in mind about China.  (If you don’t have a subscription to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, just read the headline.)

Both Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Biden’s Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby maintain that sanctions have not been weakened.  (Kirby has also said, ridiculously, that although Iran has “of course” been “broadly” aware of Hamas’ terrorist activities, there is “no evidence” that Iran was “directly” involved in this PARTICULAR attack or that they “specifically cut checks to support this.”  Good grief. It sounds like the same convoluted rationale they use to claim Joe wasn’t involved in Hunter’s business deals.)  But Richard Goldberg, senior adviser for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (also with the National Security Council during the Trump administration), said that there’s currently “no appetite to sanction China or to enforce sanctions on Iran.  The idea that Kirby can say with a straight face that we are enforcing our sanctions, it’s simply not true, not rational and not possible.”

Continuing: “We are not doing any sanctions enforcement right now, quite intentionally, because it is part of the give to Iran to entice them to stop short of developing a nuclear weapon.  The Iranians think they have the White House where they want them.”   

If Kirby is telling the truth (pause for helpless laughter) and has no evidence that Iran was involved, Iran sure was ready to jump in and start issuing threats.  On Sunday --- after meeting on Saturday with the leader of Hamas in Qatar --- the Iran foreign minister posted on social media: “If the Zionist aggressions do not stop, the hands of all parties in the region are on the trigger.  The responsibility for the possible opening of new fronts of resistance in the region and any escalation of today’s war directly falls on the United States and the Zionist regime.”  Ah, they attack, and it’s our fault when it escalates.

One of these “parties” is Lebanon, home to the Iran-backed Hezbollah group, which has already been clashing with Israelis at their border.  At the time of this writing late Monday, tensions were building there.  Hezbollah’s heavily armed presence is no doubt another example of Iranian oil money being distributed to terrorists.

Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Stephen Moore sees Biden’s war on fossil fuels at home, which started on Day One of his presidency, as financing our enemies.  “This was so predictable and avoidable,” he says.  “The systematic reversal of former President Donald Trump’s pro-America energy policies has gotten worse month after month.”

He goes into detail about the specific policies and how they have led to $4-5 per gallon gas at the pump, going on to say the consequences are much more serious than that.  “This isn’t just an economic self-inflicted wound but a deepening national security threat as well.”

For the past 50 years, terrorist organizations such as Hamas have been financed with petrodollars.  “The nation that has control of oil markets has a commanding height of geopolitical influence around the world.”  Moore cites a number of policy examples and notes that the depletion of our strategic petroleum reserve under Biden puts us “behind the 8 ball” in responding to terrorist attacks in Israel.

So we must regain the energy dominance we had under Trump.  (Chalk this up as one more thing Trump had right.)  “That means producing ALL our energy,” Moore says.  Until then, we’ll keep making “America weaker and our enemies stronger, and the world will be a much more dangerous place in the years to come.”

Finally, financial analyst Larry Kudlow at FOX BUSINESS NEWS explains very clearly how we know the White House is gaslighting us about sanctions being in place on Iran.  In just a few years, Iran has gone from producing about 400,000 barrels of oil per day to about 3.5 million and are on their way to 4 million.  Where’s all that oil going?  Kudlow points out the obvious: “Iran has a favorite customer.  China.”

The numbers are staggering.  In 2020, Iran sold China about $6.5 billion in oil.  In 2021, Biden’s first year in office, that number skyrocketed to $23 billion.  In 2022, it leaped again, to $30 billion.  So, we’re talking about $60 billion flowing to the world’s #1 sponsor of terrorism in just a few years.  (Compared to this, Kudlow calls the $6 billion we paid for those five hostages “small beer.”)

“If we didn’t lift the sanctions, how come they’re producing and selling all that oil?” he asks.

Not surprisingly, Kudlow doesn’t buy the administration’s claim that Iran didn’t know and even help plan the massacre in Israel.  He quotes Elliott Abrams at NATIONAL REVIEW from the day of the attack: “Hamas depends heavily on Iranian funding.  Iran was broke when Donald Trump left office, but is now pretty flush in cash.  That’s not just because of the recent deal for U.S. hostages...but because the Biden administration has not been enforcing oil sanctions…”

The full Abrams piece is at the link.  (NATIONAL REVIEW does offer a limited number of articles for free.)

Kudlow also brings up Iranian Foreign Exchange Reserves, which were about $4 billion three years ago.  They are now at $70 billion.  How did a sanctioned nation rack up that much foreign currency?

In case you’d like to know more about how these reserves work…

Kudlow explains that sanctions against other countries are passed by Congress and are THE LAW.  There are primary sanctions, “which prohibit citizens and companies of the sanctioning country from engaging with any sanctioned country.”  (Example:  U.S. and Russia.)  Then there are secondary sanctions, which “stop third parties from banking or engaging in commerce with the sanctioned country.”  (Example:  say, France and Iran.)  In the case of Iran, these gave banks around the world a choice: “Either stop dealing with Iranian banks or you’ll lose access to the entire U.S. dollar financial system [which includes over 90 percent of the world’s transactions].”

The execution of these sanctions, he explains, is monitored by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC).  If Biden were enforcing both primary and secondary sanctions on Iran, then the Iranians would not be producing and selling all that oil to China.  In other words, Janet Yellen is lying.  And terrorists are using Chinese money to kill Jews.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Luke, 6:31

Censored again

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 468 to go.

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Mike Huckabee

No, Starbucks did not express solidarity with Palestine, but the baristas’ union DID

A Substack reader wrote in over the weekend to ask if what she’d heard about Starbucks --- that they publicly had come out on the side of the Palestinians --- was true.  Here’s what we found:

No, it’s not Starbucks that did this, but the union representing about 9,000 of their baristas, Workers United, which is an affiliate of the huge, left-wing union SEIU, the Service Employees International Union.  On the SEIU website, they’re described as “a union of about 2 million diverse members in healthcare, the public sector and property services who believe in and fight for our Vision for a Just Society:  where all workers are valued and all people respected --- no matter where we come from or what color we are; where all families and communities can thrive; and where we leave a better and more equitable world for generations to come.”  This is them…

It’s impossible to reconcile their stated mission with their stated support for Palestine, as Palestine certainly does not value and respect all people, nor does it want all of them to thrive.  In fact, when it comes to Jewish people, the leaders of Palestine have made it clear that they do not value them at all and, in fact, want them all dead.  A “better and more equitable world,” according to the attackers, is one in which there are no Jews.  Do the “progressive” leaders of SEIU realize this?  Is a world without Jews part of SEIU’s “Vision for a Just Society”?

Our ideal vision for a just society would include the Palestinians learning to co-exist with Jews and stop attacking them.  If only that would happen, there would be peace, and all of Israel would thrive.  But we would be dreaming, as they’ve made it clear that this is not what they want and that they will never stop attacking Jews.

At the website for Workers United, they say their union is “built on a foundation of social justice.”  They list the various industries they serve, including “coffee shops” but also “apparel...distribution, fitness, food service, hospitality, industrial laundry, manufacturing, non-profit [and] textiles.”

“Join our movement,” they say, which includes speaking out for “social and economic justice.”  Also,  “we believe in empowerment through education, to promote the economic, social and political environments [aside:  oh, yes, political] of our communities.  And this:  “We are a community of people across borders, boundaries and creed, bound by a pursuit of a better life for every individual.”  Not EVERY individual, it seems.

There’s currently nothing about solidarity with Palestine on the Workers United home page, but, as the NEW YORK POST reported a few days ago, they had tweeted (X’d?) “Solidarity with Palestine!” to their nearly 100,000 followers on Tuesday.  That message was deleted, but their account later “liked” a tweet from one of its members saying, “Once again, free Palestine.”

Florida Senator Rick Scott blasted the union and said, “This is disgusting.  Every American should condemn the atrocities that Iran-backed Hamas terrorists committed in Israel.  He called for a boycott of Starbucks “until its leadership strongly denounces and takes action against this horrific support of terrorism.”

But Starbucks, the Seattle-based company, quickly did that. 

“We unequivocally condemn acts of terrorism, hate and violence, and disagree with the statements and views expressed by Workers United and its members. Workers United’s words and actions belong to them, and them alone,” the company said.

SWU and SEIU “do not represent the company’s views, positions or beliefs,” it added.

The POST reached out to Workers United for comment, and they passed the buck, pointing to a statement from the president of SEIU saying, “The violence in Israel and Palestine is unconscionable.  SEIU stands with all who are suffering, while strongly condemning anti-Semitism, Islamophobia & hate in all forms.  I pray for a swift resolution and a future where all in the region can be happy, safe & live with dignity.”

Again, it is not possible to reconcile the condemnation of anti-Semitism with support of Palestine.  They will never co-exist with Jews in a happy, safe and dignified future.  The only way such a future could be realized would be for Jews to be able to trust them never to attack again.  Not happening.

It’s important to note that Starbucks is not affiliated with this union, Workers United, at all.  And many Starbucks employees in a number of states are pursuing decertification petitions to extricate themselves from the union.  National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix says that “as Starbucks and other coffee employees across the country continue to flee the union’s power, it’s becoming clearer that the SBWU’s campaign is rooted more in generating political buzz and expanding union power than actually standing up for workers’ interests.”

On October 10 in Oklahoma, a right-to-work state, Starbucks employee Amy Smith submitted a petition to the National Labor Relations Board asking them to hold a vote among her colleagues to remove Starbucks Workers United union from the workplace.  She’s being represented pro bono by staff attorneys at the National Right to Work foundation.  From the story:

“Smith’s petition contains signatures from enough of her coworkers to prompt a union decertification election under the NLRB’s rules. While Oklahoma is a Right to Work state, meaning SBWU bosses cannot compel Smith or her coworkers to pay union dues or fees as a condition of staying employed, SBWU is still empowered by federal law to impose a union contract on all employees of the coffee shop, including those who oppose the union. A successful decertification vote would strip union officials of that power.”

Amen!  We wish Ms. Smith luck in her pursuit.  Full story here…

Monologue: Israel attacked

As we were all waking up last Saturday morning, we were shaken by the news of a sneak attack by the terrorist group Hamas from Gaza as they invaded the State of Israel.  It occurred on one of the high holy days for Israel and on Shabbat.  As the facts began to be known, it was evident that this was not another terrorist act by a single individual or even a group of terrorists.  This carefully planned attack on civilians in Israel marked the worst act of war toward the people of the Jewish state in 50 years—50 years almost to the day in fact when the 1973 Yom Kippur war was launched by Egypt and Syria to annihilate Israel.  But the 1973 invasion by hostile governments didn’t intentionally target children, women, and the elderly.  The barbarian actions of Hamas last week were the most vicious, irrational, and heinous attack on Jews since the Holocaust.  Babies were beheaded while sleeping in their cribs.  A grandmother in a wheelchair was set on fire as she sat in her wheelchair.  Young women were abducted and violently raped and abused in the most despicable manner.  Entire families were savagely slaughtered.  Hundreds were taken hostage and transported to Gaza to be used as human shields and bargaining chips later. 

The stunned Israeli government and its people had been caught completely off guard, its typically stellar intelligence operation having completely failed to know about or warn about the impending attack.

Hamas, a proxy of Iran who fully funds them, have governed Gaza since 2007, just 2 years after Israel forcibly moved all Jews out of Gaza in order to give Gaza over to the Palestinian Authority in what was supposed to be a land for peace deal.  Israel gave up the land.  The Palestinians gave up nothing except their  worthless word, and have spent the past 15 years regularly firing rockets into the civilian communities of southern Israel.  But the thousands of rockets over many years were unexpectedly matched last week by thousands fired at once throughout Israel. Simultaneously, thousands of Hamas terrorists came pouring into Israel on motorcycles, pickup trucks, gliders, and boats.  The carefully orchestrated attack focused on overpowering the border, killing policemen and soldiers or whoever came to fight.  But the Israelis were unprepared and within hours, Hamas had brought the tiny nation of Israel to its knees, both figuratively and literally. 

Initial shock gave way to outrage and promise of retaliation to avenge the sadistic and intentional torture of innocent Israeli children, women, and the elderly.  Most civilized governments soundly condemned the actions of Hamas not only for their cowardly nature, but for the evil manner of their atrocities.  Of course there were the predictable disgusting words from the so-called “Squad” in Congress, made up of Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who blamed Israel for the slaughter of their own people and defended the indescribable assaults on the innocent civilians.  Their remarks were so revolting that even the White House, who normally defends the Squad, called their comments “repugnant and disgraceful.”

Naturally, we can depend on elitist well-educated, but ignorant students from high-priced schools like Harvard to take the most ridiculous stance and they didn’t disappoint.  Over 20 student groups issued a statement of support for what Hamas had done and of course blame Israel for it all.  Any parent spending a dime or a dollar to send money to that once great, but now disgraceful institution should get their money and their child back. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has been in the crosshairs of a protracted political fight for the past few years, has been able to unite all factions of the country in a concerted effort to end Hamas once and for all.  In the past, Hamas terror attacks were met with limited retaliation that resulted in temporary calm, but Hamas simply waited for the checks from Iran to clear and rebooted their weapons.  This time is different.  The massacre of innocent civilians in a wholesale slaughter has lit the fire of justice.  Israel has declared war, and mobilized all of its reserves and active duty forces for the fight.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem as we’re instructed to do.  Pray for the Israeli people to be safe again in their God-given homeland.  Pray for the thousands whose loved ones were murdered or kidnapped.  And yes, pray for those who identify as Palestinians but who do NOT support the butchering of Israelis.  50 years ago, Golda Meir, then Prime Minister of Israel said “We will have peace in the Middle East when Arab mothers love their own children more than they hate ours.”

We are still waiting for that day to come.  

The latest from Israel

Here is the link to Fox News’ continually-updated page on Israel’s strike back against Hamas:

Among the developments over the last 24 hours: The death toll since Hamas first attacked has risen to 4200, including 1400 Israeli citizens and soldiers and now 30 Americans. The deadline for evacuating Gaza has passed, and Israel is massing forces for a huge ground offensive to wipe out Hamas once and for all. So cue the left to attack Israel and call for a ceasefire.

In a move that might've prevented the Hamas slaughter if it had been standard operating procedure, Israel is distributing roughly 10,000 rifles to citizens on the southern and northern borders and is expediting the process for hundreds of thousands of citizens to get approval to carry firearms.

FBI Director Christopher Wray says the agency has seen a spike in reported domestic terror threats related to the Hamas attack, and he warned Americans to be vigilant about spotting “lone actors” inspired by Hamas. If it helps to narrow them down, I would bet none of them will be MAGA voters, traditional Catholics or concerned parents – you know, all the people the FBI were focusing on because they told us those were the biggest terrorist threats.

And while I don’t wish to downplay any terrorist threat, it appears that the Global Day of Jihad was less fearsome than Hamas hoped.


While we were paying attention to other things, globalists were trying to steal Australia

Were you even aware of Australia’s “Voice to Parliament” resolution?  It was apparently brought to them courtesy of the UN, the World Economic Forum and their own “woke” prime minister and fortunately was defeated, by a large margin that still should have been 100-0 percent.  Yes, PM Anthony Albanese supported this resolution as a way to bring about “reconciliation” with the indigenous people of the Australian continent, though it actually would have changed the Australian constitution to “steal the land” for globalists by:

1.  Instigating a token “return of land” of 80 percent of Australia to the Indigenous (aboriginal people) by way of the Native Title Act.  (This is already at 50 percent.)

2.  Changing the Australian constitution to establish a controlled parallel Parliament represented by a token executive “Indigenous Voice” (that the Globalists would really control).

3. (Here’s the diabolical part.)  Use this controlled “Voice” literally to divide-and-conquer by ratifying a treaty confiscating “stolen” and “sacred” land and then re-allocating all this land and its assets (via a “Truth” tribunal and the Native title) to the exclusive ownership of Transnational Globalists --- “a vast multinational network of megacorporations and their interests.”

Thank God this didn’t happen.  Substack writer Stephen Reason says this:

“The UN perpetrators had hoped to reap the harvest of generations who have been academically and culturally groomed by the Left’s sense of virtue. Indeed, many of the well-meaning white folk were predictably duped, but, fortunately, many more were not. They tried to divide us, and to weaken all successful resistance to their Progressive-Left pseudo-virtue cult — but a majority are now awake to the hysterical Woke. All manipulative appeals to “love,” “the right thing,” “atonement for guilt,” “white shame,” etcetera, failed to mask the general mistrust of the motives underpinning this proposed constitutional change.”

Reason explained that the UN Globalists “were coming for our farmlands, rural regions, forests, coastlines, river-ways, resources, livestock, harvests, precious minerals and metals [aside:  we would think especially those!] --- and they would eventually abolish our private land rights by repatriating all our land to themselves by the decoy of the ‘Indigenous.’”

What he describes sounds suspiciously like the communist “woke” movement in America: “Rather than raising up the living standards of the underprivileged, these Globalists are striving to impose a pathological sense of ‘egalitarianism.’  They envision a world in which all Global citizens are rendered ‘equal’ --- that is, equally impoverished, and equally enslaved, as the First World is collapsed to replicate the abysmal conditions of the Third World:  hence, EQUAL.”  He didn’t mention the name George Soros and the wide-open southern border in America, but then, he didn’t really have to.

Reason (who writes beautifully but rather in the style of Frasier Crane, which might frustrate those who are just trying to get the story), calls this “Albanese’s Folly” and suggests hopefully that this loss will bring on his political demise.  May it be so, and may the pushback be so strong that the globalists don’t dare try this again for a long, long time.

Pulling back the curtain on Palestine and its supporters

The bodies of Israeli children weren’t even cold yet when we started hearing the predictable cries of “moral equivalence” and that the Israelis are the oppressive aggressors against the poor Palestinians. In a must-read article, Stephen Kruiser of PJ Media pulls back the curtain on some well-worn myths that keep the left’s “poor, oppressed Palestinians and apartheid Israel” narrative alive.

For example, you might be surprised to learn that the historical “Palestinian cause” is a fiction dreamed up by a PR firm. And the argument that Hamas doesn’t represent most peaceful Palestinians is undercut by the fact that when given the chance to elect their own leaders, the Palestinians voted by over 90% to put Hamas in charge.

No longer hypothetical

When America has a strong leader, as we did with President Trump, other nations respect us and follow our lead. That’s how Trump was able to craft the historic Abraham Accords to normalize relations between Israel and Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia.

But when America has a weak leader, our enemies feel emboldened. They don’t fear America, so they take steps to interfere with progress like the normalization of Arab relations with Israel, steps like deadly terrorist attacks that prompt necessary retaliation by Israel that gives all the anti-Semites ammunition to attack Israel for defending itself. And sensing weakness from America and strength from our enemies, those Arab nations may be likely to pause the normalization of relations with Israel and start talking to our enemies like Iran instead.

Oh, look: that’s no longer hypothetical:

Related: “60 Minutes” aired an interview last night with President Biden, and despite some obvious editing and prompting from interviewer Scott Pelley, Biden was less than confidence-inspiring. Nick Arama at chose the term, “disastrous.”

Sometimes, Biden struggled to say anything, other times he said things that made little sense, and even when he was coherent, he was saying the wrong things, like denying there’s any evidence that Iran was involved in Hamas’ attack on Israeli or saying it would be a “big mistake” for Israel to occupy Gaza. And considering he’s the man who thought Iran could be trusted with $6 billion, he’s an expert on big mistakes.

Nothing new

As BLM tries to bury its immediate response of celebrating the Hamas mass murder of unarmed Jewish men, women and children, some people on social media, like actor James Woods, reminded us that this is nothing new. Like, for instance, this 2015 video of BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors saying, "Palestine is our generation’s South Africa…If we don’t step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project called Israel, we’re doomed." article has more, including wondering what, if anything, the many liberals and liberal groups who plastered “BLM” all over their social media pages and shamed anyone who didn’t are going to do now that it’s finally clear that they’ve been supporting defenders of anti-Semitic terrorism.

Please elect a Speaker

With the world lighting on fire in the Middle East, America needs a Congress that’s ready to take swift action to help Israel if need be. Unfortunately, what we have is a GOP House that is still hamstrung by having no Speaker. The latest candidate, Jim Jordan, is having trouble rounding up the necessary 217 votes, so the election has been put off until Tuesday. He has to flip 55 Republicans who are playing Goldilocks (“This one is too liberal, and this one is too conservative, and I demand someone who’s juuuuuust right!”)

Meanwhile, there are rumors that some moderate Republicans are considering joining with all the Democrats to elect a “bipartisan” Speaker. That could mean that a handful of purist Republicans kicked out Kevin McCarthy and rejected Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan for not being conservative enough, and paved the way for losing control of their own House to a Democrat-backed Speaker. It’s like a circular firing squad with bazookas.

That’s not likely, but the fact that we’ve even talking about the possibility shows what a short-sighted and poorly-thought-out maneuver the ouster of McCarthy was. Maybe he didn’t deliver everything some wanted, but he was doing what he could (committee investigations, major fundraising) with a Democrat Senate and White House that would block any real conservative bills he might have gotten passed. Unfortunately, too many still don’t get that. I've seen a lot of comments from Republicans who call everyone who falls short in any way a “RINO” claiming there’s no difference between the parties and we might as well give the Democrats the House and they just won’t vote again, and I can’t repeat any more of this self-defeating nonsense.

I ran for President twice and didn’t make it. Since then, there has never been a candidate who was more completely in agreement with my views than myself. But that didn’t keep me from working hard to elect other Republicans and voting for them, even if they couldn’t meet the impossibly high standard of being me.

Now, as Derek Hunter of points out in this brutal assessment, the talk about Biden being too old and incompetent that was boosting the Republicans’ poll numbers has been replaced by a self-created crisis that makes it look as if the GOP is incapable of leading, or even behaving like adults. I’ll warn you in advance: the word “idiots” pops up more than once.

Elections, elections

There were several elections around the world over the weekend, and I hope they are an indicator that sanity is about to make a long-overdue comeback.

Closest to home, there was a shock result in Saturday’s jungle primary vote for Governor in Louisiana. The top two candidates were to face off in a runoff in November, and it was expected that they would be Democrat Shawn Wilson and Trump-backed Republican Jeff Landry. Instead, Landry won a landslide of nearly 52% with Wilson a distant second at 26%. Having won over 50%, Landry will become the Governor with no run-off.

That means the GOP flipped the Governor’s office away from Democrat John Bel Edwards. Let’s hope this is a good omen for another Southern race, where Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is hoping to unseat incumbent Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear.

In other races across Louisiana, not only did Republicans win, but conservative Republicans trounced moderate Republicans. Also noteworthy: in heavily Democratic, largely black districts like Orleans Parish, voters barely bothered to show up, even though Wilson is a black Democrat. Turnout was only 27%. That’s not just an “enthusiasm gap,” it’s a canyon.

Elsewhere in today’s newsletter, you’ll find news about Australian voters rejecting a virtue-signaling scheme to turn most of their land back to “indigenous peoples” which would actually put it under the control of leftist globalists. Australian voters rightly smelled a rat and applied rat poison at the polls.

In nearby New Zealand, voters signaled their disgust with the freedom-crushing leftist Labor Party of former Prime Minister Jacinda Adern, who locked down the nation over COVID, giving a decisive victory to the center-right National Party. They will form a coalition government with the libertarian Act Party, leading to what the New York Times wailed will be “the country’s most right-wing government in a generation.”

But don’t worry about Adern: she’s got a new gig as the international face of censorship, having recently lectured at the UN about how free speech is a “weapon of war” and we must criminalize non-government-approved speech to protect society. I’ve heard that New Zealand has a lot of sheep; I assume that’s who voted for her.

Finally, in Ecuador, where a conservative presidential candidate was recently assassinated, another conservative, Daniel Noboa, stepped up to run. On Sunday, he was elected by nearly a five-point margin. Man, leftists have stunk up the place so much, nobody wants them anywhere anymore!


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Israel Attacked

October 16, 2023

As we were all waking up last Saturday morning, we were shaken by the news of a sneak attack by the terrorist group Hamas from Gaza as they invaded the State of Israel.  It occurred on one of the high holy days for Israel and on Shabbat.  As the facts began to be known, it was evident that this was not another terrorist act by a single individual or even a group of terrorists.  This carefully planned attack on civilians in Israel marked the worst act of war toward the people of the Jewish state in 50 years—50 years almost to the day in fact when the 1973 Yom Kippur war was launched by Egypt and Syria to annihilate Israel.  But the 1973 invasion by hostile governments didn’t intentionally target children, women, and the elderly.  The barbarian actions of Hamas last week were the most vicious, irrational, and heinous attack on Jews since the Holocaust.  Babies were beheaded while sleeping in their cribs.  A grandmother in a wheelchair was set on fire as she sat in her wheelchair.  Young women were abducted and violently raped and abused in the most despicable manner.  Entire families were savagely slaughtered.  Hundreds were taken hostage and transported to Gaza to be used as human shields and bargaining chips later. 

The stunned Israeli government and its people had been caught completely off guard, its typically stellar intelligence operation having completely failed to know about or warn about the impending attack.

Hamas, a proxy of Iran who fully funds them, have governed Gaza since 2007, just 2 years after Israel forcibly moved all Jews out of Gaza in order to give Gaza over to the Palestinian Authority in what was supposed to be a land for peace deal.  Israel gave up the land.  The Palestinians gave up nothing except their  worthless word, and have spent the past 15 years regularly firing rockets into the civilian communities of southern Israel.  But the thousands of rockets over many years were unexpectedly matched last week by thousands fired at once throughout Israel. Simultaneously, thousands of Hamas terrorists came pouring into Israel on motorcycles, pickup trucks, gliders, and boats.  The carefully orchestrated attack focused on overpowering the border, killing policemen and soldiers or whoever came to fight.  But the Israelis were unprepared and within hours, Hamas had brought the tiny nation of Israel to its knees, both figuratively and literally. 

Initial shock gave way to outrage and promise of retaliation to avenge the sadistic and intentional torture of innocent Israeli children, women, and the elderly.  Most civilized governments soundly condemned the actions of Hamas not only for their cowardly nature, but for the evil manner of their atrocities.  Of course there were the predictable disgusting words from the so-called “Squad” in Congress, made up of Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who blamed Israel for the slaughter of their own people and defended the indescribable assaults on the innocent civilians.  Their remarks were so revolting that even the White House, who normally defends the Squad, called their comments “repugnant and disgraceful.”

Naturally, we can depend on elitist well-educated, but ignorant students from high-priced schools like Harvard to take the most ridiculous stance and they didn’t disappoint.  Over 20 student groups issued a statement of support for what Hamas had done and of course blame Israel for it all.  Any parent spending a dime or a dollar to send money to that once great, but now disgraceful institution should get their money and their child back. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has been in the crosshairs of a protracted political fight for the past few years, has been able to unite all factions of the country in a concerted effort to end Hamas once and for all.  In the past, Hamas terror attacks were met with limited retaliation that resulted in temporary calm, but Hamas simply waited for the checks from Iran to clear and rebooted their weapons.  This time is different.  The massacre of innocent civilians in a wholesale slaughter has lit the fire of justice.  Israel has declared war, and mobilized all of its reserves and active duty forces for the fight.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem as we’re instructed to do.  Pray for the Israeli people to be safe again in their God-given homeland.  Pray for the thousands whose loved ones were murdered or kidnapped.  And yes, pray for those who identify as Palestinians but who do NOT support the butchering of Israelis.  50 years ago, Golda Meir, then Prime Minister of Israel said “We will have peace in the Middle East when Arab mothers love their own children more than they hate ours.”

We are still waiting for that day to come.  

A Substack reader wrote in over the weekend to ask if what she’d heard about Starbucks --- that they publicly had come out on the side of the Palestinians --- was true.  Here’s what we found:

No, it’s not Starbucks that did this, but the union representing about 9,000 of their baristas, Workers United, which is an affiliate of the huge, left-wing union SEIU, the Service Employees International Union.  On the SEIU website, they’re described as “a union of about 2 million diverse members in healthcare, the public sector and property services who believe in and fight for our Vision for a Just Society:  where all workers are valued and all people respected --- no matter where we come from or what color we are; where all families and communities can thrive; and where we leave a better and more equitable world for generations to come.”  This is them…

It’s impossible to reconcile their stated mission with their stated support for Palestine, as Palestine certainly does not value and respect all people, nor does it want all of them to thrive.  In fact, when it comes to Jewish people, the leaders of Palestine have made it clear that they do not value them at all and, in fact, want them all dead.  A “better and more equitable world,” according to the attackers, is one in which there are no Jews.  Do the “progressive” leaders of SEIU realize this?  Is a world without Jews part of SEIU’s “Vision for a Just Society”?

Our ideal vision for a just society would include the Palestinians learning to co-exist with Jews and stop attacking them.  If only that would happen, there would be peace, and all of Israel would thrive.  But we would be dreaming, as they’ve made it clear that this is not what they want and that they will never stop attacking Jews.

At the website for Workers United, they say their union is “built on a foundation of social justice.”  They list the various industries they serve, including “coffee shops” but also “apparel...distribution, fitness, food service, hospitality, industrial laundry, manufacturing, non-profit [and] textiles.”

“Join our movement,” they say, which includes speaking out for “social and economic justice.”  Also,  “we believe in empowerment through education, to promote the economic, social and political environments [aside:  oh, yes, political] of our communities.  And this:  “We are a community of people across borders, boundaries and creed, bound by a pursuit of a better life for every individual.”  Not EVERY individual, it seems.

There’s currently nothing about solidarity with Palestine on the Workers United home page, but, as the NEW YORK POST reported a few days ago, they had tweeted (X’d?) “Solidarity with Palestine!” to their nearly 100,000 followers on Tuesday.  That message was deleted, but their account later “liked” a tweet from one of its members saying, “Once again, free Palestine.”

Florida Senator Rick Scott blasted the union and said, “This is disgusting.  Every American should condemn the atrocities that Iran-backed Hamas terrorists committed in Israel.  He called for a boycott of Starbucks “until its leadership strongly denounces and takes action against this horrific support of terrorism.”

But Starbucks, the Seattle-based company, quickly did that. 

“We unequivocally condemn acts of terrorism, hate and violence, and disagree with the statements and views expressed by Workers United and its members. Workers United’s words and actions belong to them, and them alone,” the company said.

SWU and SEIU “do not represent the company’s views, positions or beliefs,” it added.

The POST reached out to Workers United for comment, and they passed the buck, pointing to a statement from the president of SEIU saying, “The violence in Israel and Palestine is unconscionable.  SEIU stands with all who are suffering, while strongly condemning anti-Semitism, Islamophobia & hate in all forms.  I pray for a swift resolution and a future where all in the region can be happy, safe & live with dignity.”

Again, it is not possible to reconcile the condemnation of anti-Semitism with support of Palestine.  They will never co-exist with Jews in a happy, safe and dignified future.  The only way such a future could be realized would be for Jews to be able to trust them never to attack again.  Not happening.

It’s important to note that Starbucks is not affiliated with this union, Workers United, at all.  And many Starbucks employees in a number of states are pursuing decertification petitions to extricate themselves from the union.  National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix says that “as Starbucks and other coffee employees across the country continue to flee the union’s power, it’s becoming clearer that the SBWU’s campaign is rooted more in generating political buzz and expanding union power than actually standing up for workers’ interests.”

On October 10 in Oklahoma, a right-to-work state, Starbucks employee Amy Smith submitted a petition to the National Labor Relations Board asking them to hold a vote among her colleagues to remove Starbucks Workers United union from the workplace.  She’s being represented pro bono by staff attorneys at the National Right to Work foundation.  From the story:

“Smith’s petition contains signatures from enough of her coworkers to prompt a union decertification election under the NLRB’s rules. While Oklahoma is a Right to Work state, meaning SBWU bosses cannot compel Smith or her coworkers to pay union dues or fees as a condition of staying employed, SBWU is still empowered by federal law to impose a union contract on all employees of the coffee shop, including those who oppose the union. A successful decertification vote would strip union officials of that power.”

Amen!  We wish Ms. Smith luck in her pursuit.  Full story here…


Were you even aware of Australia’s “Voice to Parliament” resolution?  It was apparently brought to them courtesy of the UN, the World Economic Forum and their own “woke” prime minister and fortunately was defeated, by a large margin that still should have been 100-0 percent.  Yes, PM Anthony Albanese supported this resolution as a way to bring about “reconciliation” with the indigenous people of the Australian continent, though it actually would have changed the Australian constitution to “steal the land” for globalists by:

1.  Instigating a token “return of land” of 80 percent of Australia to the Indigenous (aboriginal people) by way of the Native Title Act.  (This is already at 50 percent.)

2.  Changing the Australian constitution to establish a controlled parallel Parliament represented by a token executive “Indigenous Voice” (that the Globalists would really control).

3. (Here’s the diabolical part.)  Use this controlled “Voice” literally to divide-and-conquer by ratifying a treaty confiscating “stolen” and “sacred” land and then re-allocating all this land and its assets (via a “Truth” tribunal and the Native title) to the exclusive ownership of Transnational Globalists --- “a vast multinational network of megacorporations and their interests.”

Thank God this didn’t happen.  Substack writer Stephen Reason says this:

“The UN perpetrators had hoped to reap the harvest of generations who have been academically and culturally groomed by the Left’s sense of virtue. Indeed, many of the well-meaning white folk were predictably duped, but, fortunately, many more were not. They tried to divide us, and to weaken all successful resistance to their Progressive-Left pseudo-virtue cult — but a majority are now awake to the hysterical Woke. All manipulative appeals to “love,” “the right thing,” “atonement for guilt,” “white shame,” etcetera, failed to mask the general mistrust of the motives underpinning this proposed constitutional change.”

Reason explained that the UN Globalists “were coming for our farmlands, rural regions, forests, coastlines, river-ways, resources, livestock, harvests, precious minerals and metals [aside:  we would think especially those!] --- and they would eventually abolish our private land rights by repatriating all our land to themselves by the decoy of the ‘Indigenous.’”

What he describes sounds suspiciously like the communist “woke” movement in America: “Rather than raising up the living standards of the underprivileged, these Globalists are striving to impose a pathological sense of ‘egalitarianism.’  They envision a world in which all Global citizens are rendered ‘equal’ --- that is, equally impoverished, and equally enslaved, as the First World is collapsed to replicate the abysmal conditions of the Third World:  hence, EQUAL.”  He didn’t mention the name George Soros and the wide-open southern border in America, but then, he didn’t really have to.

Reason (who writes beautifully but rather in the style of Frasier Crane, which might frustrate those who are just trying to get the story), calls this “Albanese’s Folly” and suggests hopefully that this loss will bring on his political demise.  May it be so, and may the pushback be so strong that the globalists don’t dare try this again for a long, long time.

Leftist students at Harvard are learning a lesson in one subject they’ve apparently never encountered: “Consequences.” After taking to the streets to celebrate the horrific terrorist attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas, they’re finding out that, just as Twitter doesn’t reflect real life, so their coddled existence on an Ivy League campus doesn’t reflect the real world, where decent Americans are repulsed by self-righteous supporters of anti-Semitic violence.

Job offers and internships for some of the leaders of this appalling demonstration are being rescinded (as I noted before, why would employers who are now expected to fire people for “microaggressions” hire someone who endorses the murder of Jewish children?) Others who only participated but realized their faces were captured on video are rushing to delete their social media profiles (I’d like to think it’s because they realized how horrible their actions and words were, but it’s more likely because they realized they just killed their career prospects and may never become Disney employees now.)

Well, they can run from their terrorist-supporting anti-Semitism, but they can’t hide. Accuracy in Media hired a truck with big LED screens to drive around the Harvard campus, showing the faces and names of the pro-Hamas demonstrators under the caption, “Harvard’s Biggest Anti-Semites.”

It’s amusing to hear the school officials decrying this by claiming it’s “doxing” students and making them feel “unsafe.” First of all, do you know who really feels unsafe? Israel children facing armed Hamas terrorists. Also, doxing people and making them feel unsafe is precisely what campus leftists have been doing to conservative students and speakers for years. They even physically assaulted swimmer Riley Gaines and held her for ransom just for speaking out against men taking over women’s sports. That story at the link quite appropriately quotes Bruce Willis: “Welcome to the party, pal.”

Related: The Babylon Bee nails our current silver spoon radical college set:



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Censored again

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 492 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

New claim

Originally published October 9th

The media is making much of a new claim that former President Trump verbally shared classified information about US nuclear submarines with an Australian billionaire. But there seems to be less to it than meets the eye, as this story at explains.

Another aspect of it that’s not getting much attention is that these alleged conversations took place when Trump was President and had absolute authority to declassify anything he wanted. This should have nothing to do with the documents case Jack Smith is pressing. So why is it suddenly appearing now, if not for the purpose of tainting the jury pool against Trump, as if that’s even necessary in a DC court?

To me, the bigger issue is: why was this information leaked, and who on the prosecutor’s staff is going to be indicted for it? After all, I thought illegal sharing of confidential information was the most serious offense possible, and should result in multiple felony charges. I’m eagerly waiting to see those charges filed against Smith and his team for leaking evidence to the media.

Code Pink demonstrators arrested

Originally published October 9th

About a dozen leftwing protesters from the feminist group Code Pink were arrested for trespassing in Sen. Bernie Sanders’ office and holding up signs quoting his own previous statements expressing reservations about funding Ukraine’s defense against Russia.

I assume that their intrusion into this sacred citadel of “our democracy” in an attempt to distract Sanders from conducting government business will be branded “insurrection,” and the Biden DOJ will throw them into solitary until it decides what to charge them with that will put them in prison for 20 years. No?...

FYI: Code Pink pointed out that one of the protesters who was arrested was an 89-year-old woman. Normally, people might find that outrageous, but tell it to the pro-life grandmothers who are facing 11 years in federal prison for praying outside of an abortion clinic.

Federal judge allows ban to go into effect

Originally published October 10th

A federal judge in Oklahoma allowed the new law banning so-called “gender-affirming medical care” (actually, hormones, puberty blockers and surgery that attempt to alter a child’s true gender, not “affirm” it) to go into effect. More details at the link.

As noted, there are various federal court rulings either allowing or blocking similar laws, so this will probably have to be settled by the Supreme Court. Let’s hope this isn’t one of those times when they’ll pull a new right out of thin air, like the right to disfigure children with unnecessary elective surgery because 13-year-olds always know what’s best for them. You’d think this entire argument would be settled by the physicians’ rule of “First, do no harm,” but no.  

More Good Court News:

Originally published October 10th

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has expanded an injunction on the Biden Administration that blocked it from colluding with big tech platforms to censor free speech.

The court added CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) to the list of agencies previously blocked, including the White House, FBI, CDC and Surgeon General’s office. The court found that prior to the 2020 election, CISA actively worked to brand some political opinions as “misinformation” and try to get them censored or banned from social media in violation of the First Amendment.

A CISA spokesman responded that the agency “does not and has never censored speech or facilitated censorship.” I’d say that sounds like a big fat lie, but I don’t want them throwing me off of Facebook.


Inflation is up again

Originally published October 12th

The Labor Department reported Wednesday that wholesale inflation rose 2.2% in September from a year prior. Despite 18 months of interest rate hikes to reduce inflation, that’s still the highest rate of increase since April. That’s on top of a 2% hike from August to September.

The only scrap of positive news in this is that the government will use this week’s inflation numbers to assess next year’s cost of living adjustment for Social Security. So it might help seniors get a few bucks more per month. They’re going to need them.

Overboard in California

Originally published October 12th

Warning: Both the subject matter and the photo illustrating this story might be offensive to some readers:

But I think it’s important to share it because it’s such a perfect example of how leftists like the current “leaders” (more like misleaders) of California can see a law that might need a little tweak and stupidly go so far overboard that they make matters 100 times worse. (Previous example: statistics show racial disparities in arrests. Their response: Defund the police, empty the jails and stop enforcing any laws!)

It's like having a government run by hyperactive two-years-olds on a sugar high.

My faith has been shaken

Originally published October 12th

I must admit, my faith has been shaken. I was assured by the “best and brightest” in the Biden Administration that the future of energy was windmills...

Guilty plea

Originally published October 13th

An IRS contractor pleaded guilty to leaking private tax information on wealthy Americans, including Donald Trump, to the media. While it’s good to see someone at the IRS finally held accountable, sentencing won’t come until January. I think I’ll wait until then to see how seriously this Administration takes the violation of citizens’ rights when those citizens include Trump.

COLA bump

Originally published October 13th

The anxiously-awaited COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for Social Security in 2024 was announced yesterday. Seniors will get a bump of 3.2%, which is about $58 a month for the average Social Security recipient.

Of course, Medicare payments will go up, too, and that’s automatically deducted from Social Security checks, so for many seniors, the raise will be closer to $48 a month. This is far less than this year’s 8.7% COLA, but the government says that’s because inflation is considerably lower.

Really? The government’s stats might say that, but are you really paying only $58 a month more for food, rent, electricity, etc. than you were a year ago? I find that hard to swallow.

In better news, there will also be a 5.2% increase in the maximum earnings subject to Social Security taxes, which will be cut off at $168,600.

Considering how few people are able to survive on Social Security, another welcome idea would be doing away entirely with income taxes on Social Security, which you have to pay if the government decides you’re earning “too much” while spending your “retirement” working to survive. Social Security payments were never taxed until the ‘80s, and they shouldn’t be now. That’s NOT income, it’s your own money that the government already taxed away from you years ago on a promise that they’d give it back when you got older. Counting it as income now is double taxation, and it should be abolished.

The 13th Year of Persecution

Originally published October 14th

Christian cake artist Jack Phillips is now in his 13th year of being persecuted with nuisance lawsuits and prosecutions by leftist Colorado bureaucrats and LGBTQ activists trying to force him to violate his religious beliefs.

This all started when the Supreme Court yanked a right to same-sex marriage out of the air and failed to make clear that this did not trump the First Amendment right to freedom of religion. This endless nightmare is the result of the SCOTUS failing to do its duty. He's won there before, but their ruling was still so vague that they just keep coming after him. It’s long past time that the SCOTUS took his case and ended this lawfare ordeal for Phillips and everyone else who’s been the target of these activist bullies.


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs, 2:6

Censored again

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 524 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

News coverage of the Israel-Hamas war

Major news events like the war in Israel usually boost ratings for cable news channels, and viewership is sharply up for both Fox News (by 47%) and CNN (by 17%.) However, since the Hamas attack, primetime ratings for MSNBC have plummeted by 33%.

News analysts say the ratings reflect the fact that Fox is providing excellent coverage with reports from on the scene, CNN is being reasonably objective although focusing more on tragic personal stories, and MSNBC is doing ridiculous commentaries and trying to shoehorn the war into their leftist political narratives by blaming it on US and Israeli policies. They should have taken a lesson from the Israeli mom who tried to slap some sense and decency into Andrea Mitchell, but apparently, they’re too far gone.

Related: Seven hundred Hollywood celebrities and executives signed an open letter condemning the “barbaric acts of terrorism” against Israel by Hamas. See, MSNBC, is it THAT hard to get basic humanity right if all those celebrities can do it?

The 13th Year of Persecution

Christian cake artist Jack Phillips is now in his 13th year of being persecuted with nuisance lawsuits and prosecutions by leftist Colorado bureaucrats and LGBTQ activists trying to force him to violate his religious beliefs.

This all started when the Supreme Court yanked a right to same-sex marriage out of the air and failed to make clear that this did not trump the First Amendment right to freedom of religion. This endless nightmare is the result of the SCOTUS failing to do its duty. He's won there before, but their ruling was still so vague that they just keep coming after him. It’s long past time that the SCOTUS took his case and ended this lawfare ordeal for Phillips and everyone else who’s been the target of these activist bullies.

New indictments

Thursday, a Manhattan grand jury issued more indictments of New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez. In addition to the previous accusations of bribery involving cash and gold bars, Menendez is accused of being an unregistered foreign agent of Egypt and accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to use his power and influence as a Senator to help Egypt’s government. Or as I’d call that, a “pyramid scheme.”

Menendez denied the charges and insisted he has always been "loyal to only one country — the United States of America." After all, where else can a poor boy grow up to become a Senator, and become fabulously wealthy on a Senator’s salary?

Bring back Trump

According to President Biden, Donald Trump was such a terrible, awful, no good, very bad President that he must be hounded into prison, his name never mentioned and all his policies reversed. Also, because Biden’s approval ratings are so far down the toilet after nearly three years of historically massive failure, he’s trying to rescue his reelection chances by bringing back Trump’s policies.

I have a better idea: just bring back Trump.


An IRS contractor pleaded guilty to leaking private tax information on wealthy Americans, including Donald Trump, to the media. While it’s good to see someone at the IRS finally held accountable, sentencing won’t come until January. I think I’ll wait until then to see how seriously this Administration takes the violation of citizens’ rights when those citizens include Trump.


Attention, Illinois residents:

Your Democrat Governor, J.B. Pritzker, announced that taxpayer-funded programs originally meant for Illinois residents will be “diverted” to take care of all the illegal immigrants that are pouring in.

Naturally, he doesn’t blame this on the President from his own party who threw open the border and let in about 4 million illegal entrants thus far. No, this is the fault of Texans for busing just a small part of the problem Biden caused to the blue states who voted for this insanity. Pritzer said, “Someone needs to work in Texas with these border politicians to have them stop sending people only to blue cities and blue states.”

Pardon me, but didn’t politicians like him piously proclaim their blue cities and blue states to be “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants (oops, sorry, I forgot: “There’s no such thing as an ‘illegal’ human being”)? That went out the window once they actually started showing up.

The truly sad part of this is that no matter how much these insane Democrat policies cost their cities and states, and no matter how much all the illegal immigrants drain their budgets and take services away from needy Americans, you can bet that come November, their voters will say, “Please, sir, may I have another?” and reelect them. The illegal immigration problem could be fixed with a wall and some real border security, but you can’t fix stupid.

Cool story

Cool story of how a wealthy Miami man got fed up with car thieves, and after his wife’s rare purple Rolls Royce was stolen, he resorted to extreme measures. That and a call from an honest citizen got the Rolls back and the thieves arrested.

Here’s some advice from YouTube car guru Scotty Kilmer: The best anti-theft device in America is a standard transmission. Almost nobody knows how to drive one anymore, and that includes car thieves.

“Huckabee” Preview

Join me tonight for a great new episode of “Huckabee” on TBN. We’ll discuss the latest news on the war in Israel with former Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and TBN host and author, Rabbi Jason Sobel. On the lighter side, you’ll be amazed by world-record-holding sword swallower Dan Meyer, and we’ll share some laughs and some terrific music from rising country/gospel/bluegrass group, the Flat River Band.

It all starts rolling at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

Israel - Hamas War Updates

Here is the link to Fox News’ continually updated page on Israel’s strike back against Hamas:

Among the developments over the last 24 hours:

According to Israeli sources, at least 1500 Hamas terrorists have been killed. During a swearing-in ceremony of an emergency government at the Knesset, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to “wipe them off the face of the Earth.”

The Israeli Air Force announced that a drone strike had killed Ali Qadhi, a senior Hamas commander who reportedly planned and helped lead last weekend’s attack. Qadhi was previously arrested in 2005 for the kidnapping and murder of Israeli citizens, but was released to the Gaza Strip as part of a prisoner swap in 2011. 

At this writing early on Saturday morning, a massive Israeli military offensive has gathered on the edge of Gaza City and is beginning localized raids as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are fleeing to the South. Israel warned civilians to evacuate by a deadline that passed this morning. The UN is protesting that the evacuation is inhumane. But at least Israel warns civilians to leave the area for their own safety, unlike Hamas, which deliberately attacks civilians and even now continues to hold hostages in tunnels, threatening to kill them while urging Palestinian civilians not to leave (they really love having human shields.)

Hamas is trying to deny that it killed children, despite the horrific evidence (they even released a video allegedly showing a child killed in an Israeli strike that turned out to be a doll.)

But Israel reportedly captured documents off a slain Hamas terrorist that were detailed plans to target elementary schools and a youth center, “kill as many people as possible,” and seize hostages to take into the Gaza Strip.

This is one of the most hopeful stories of the day: Despite the Iranian government’s threats against Israel and their funding and support for terrorist groups like Hamas, many Iranian citizens are risking a lot to stand up in support of Israel. Israeli-American journalist Emily Schrader told Fox News Digital, “It’s just been incredible to see that these people who have been told that they're our enemies are, in fact, not at all. They're our greatest defenders and their greatest allies. I have nothing but love for the people of Iran and I think I can speak for the majority, if not all of Israeli citizens as well."

That’s an important point to remember: the problem is mostly with Iran’s hardline Islamic government, which many oppressed Iranian citizens hate even more than we do but don’t have the power to change it. In considering any retaliation or sanctions on Iran, we should be careful to target the real enemy and not our allies.

A global “Day of Jihad”

Hamas’ call for a global “Day of Jihad” on Friday didn’t result in the worldwide mayhem they must’ve hoped for, maybe because of the heightened security, or because their sympathizers realized this wasn’t a wise time to self-identify. There were scattered reports of violence, but no mass attacks as some feared. The worst came in France, where a teacher was knifed to death and two others injured by a man shouting “Allahu Akbar,” and a suspected second attack was thwarted.

As always, the Babylon Bee used satire to provide more truth in its account of this day than most mainstream news outlets did.

Leftist students meet that scary monster: “Consequences”

Leftist students at Harvard are learning a lesson in one subject they’ve apparently never encountered: “Consequences.” After taking to the streets to celebrate the horrific terrorist attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas, they’re finding out that, just as Twitter doesn’t reflect real life, so their coddled existence on an Ivy League campus doesn’t reflect the real world, where decent Americans are repulsed by self-righteous supporters of anti-Semitic violence.

Job offers and internships for some of the leaders of this appalling demonstration are being rescinded (as I noted before, why would employers who are now expected to fire people for “microaggressions” hire someone who endorses the murder of Jewish children?) Others who only participated but realized their faces were captured on video are rushing to delete their social media profiles (I’d like to think it’s because they realized how horrible their actions and words were, but it’s more likely because they realized they just killed their career prospects and may never become Disney employees now.)

Well, they can run from their terrorist-supporting anti-Semitism, but they can’t hide. Accuracy in Media hired a truck with big LED screens to drive around the Harvard campus, showing the faces and names of the pro-Hamas demonstrators under the caption, “Harvard’s Biggest Anti-Semites.”

It’s amusing to hear the school officials decrying this by claiming it’s “doxing” students and making them feel “unsafe.” First of all, do you know who really feels unsafe? Israel children facing armed Hamas terrorists. Also, doxing people and making them feel unsafe is precisely what campus leftists have been doing to conservative students and speakers for years. They even physically assaulted swimmer Riley Gaines and held her for ransom just for speaking out against men taking over women’s sports. That story at the link quite appropriately quotes Bruce Willis: “Welcome to the party, pal.”

Related: The Babylon Bee nails our current silver spoon radical college set:

Jordan chosen

House Republicans chose Jim Jordan as their latest Speaker candidate after Steve Scalise dropped out for lack of support. But with some Republicans refusing to back Jordan, the House adjourned for the weekend, so we’re still without a Speaker.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer said he isn’t interested in the job, and who can blame him?

At this point, nobody knows who will end up with the gavel. All I know is that if I had it, I’d be beaning some people with it right now.

Protests outside of Senate Majority Leader’s home

Friday night, some pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested outside the apartment of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Schumer was reportedly having Shabbat dinner with his family before leaving for Israel this weekend.

I extend my sympathies to Sen. Schumer. I’m sure it must be very unsettling to have your family feel threatened by crazy protesters who gather right outside your home. I’m sure he would never want to see that happen to anyone else.

Oh, wait!...

The GAZA Act

Two House Republicans have introduced the “Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission” Act, or GAZA Act, to ban President Biden from importing Palestinian refugees from Gaza and settling them into American communities.

If they want to come here, they’ll have to do it like everyone else: by flying to Mexico and walking across the border.

Related: Before liberals start screaming “racism” and “xenophobia,” Egypt doesn’t want the Palestinians coming into their country, either.

Work harder?!?

Two “transgender” (i.e., male) cyclists continued their dominance of female cycling events by winning both the gold and silver medals at the Chicago CycloCross Cup.

For women who are upset about this, Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Dave Considine of the “Party of Women’s Rights” has some advice: they just “need to work harder.”

Yeah, women: work harder at becoming biologically male. Who knows, maybe becoming male is as easy as becoming female, if you just wish hard enough.

If anyone still cares, here’s what an actual woman had to say about that…


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Dear President Gay:

As a Harvard alum, I add my voice to those troubled by your recent comments on Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorist group. Your predecessor, Dr. Larry Summers, spoke for many when he wrote, “Why can’t we give reassurance that the University stands squarely against Hamas terror to frightened students when…(other) students appear to be blaming all the violence on Israel?” I also question your exquisitely nuanced response: “We will all be well served in such a difficult moment by rhetoric that aims to illuminate and not inflame.”

During an exquisitely teachable moment – and with the whole world watching – you chose political correctness rather than fortitude, standing in solidarity with self-described justice warriors while real warriors were already delivering the first body-blows to Hamas. With an office located only yards from where General George Washington first commanded a nascent American Army, you might have called in the leaders of those student groups officially sympathizing with Hamas. And demanded: “What sort of education are we providing you within these walls when you cannot even distinguish latter-day Nazis from their hapless victims? Why are you even here?”

I was able to study at Harvard only because the Army selected me (a former draftee) for advanced studies before joining the West Point faculty. Combined with my early training as an ordinary soldier, those hard-won lessons served me well during my military service and subsequent career as an on-air military analyst with NBC News. But four decades later, even the atmosphere of Cambridge seems changed, tough-minded critical thinking replaced by your statements excusing the inexcusable.

Your academic career, like mine, began with degrees in political science and government. Can you see that the bedrock paradigms that arose during World War II have finally expired? Today, the land wars in Europe and the Middle East, as well as the likelihood of a naval conflict in the Pacific, are creating new realities that will fundamentally transform our future. In this defining moment for our critical institutions, what do Americans see when contemplating where their children and grandkids might receive a worthwhile education? Sadly, our educational establishment is a bureaucratic monstrosity, layered with multiple Departments of Silly Walks, slavishly dependent on government handouts and managed by consensus-builders terrified of enraging academe’s all-powerful pharisees.

But the day of reckoning is fast approaching, from Harvard to your state university counterparts, all dependent on government largesse. When financially strapped American parents finally understand that their tax dollars are essentially funding the left-wing indoctrination of their children, how long before the rebellion now sweeping the nation’s high schools also affects colleges? While President Biden might still entertain the fantasy of cancelling student debts, it is only a matter of time before profligate college presidents get their come-uppance.

In the interim, Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus of Harvard Law, has a fine idea about placing on the record the names of your Hamas-sympathizing students so that future employers can more easily avoid hiring them. While the faculty pharisees will surely have much to say about coddling those fighting oppression, I would be grateful if you would simply tell them to shut up. It’s a tough world out there and many people are already convinced that a Harvard degree is at best a mixed blessing.

To illustrate my point: While teaching at West Point, Army’s quarter-back was one of my students, a hard-working cadet from the classroom to the field. But one morning, I pulled him aside. “Rob, I didn’t graduate from West Point so Army-Navy leaves me a bit cold. But I did graduate from Harvard and you’re playing them here on Saturday. Need I say more?” The next day, Army triumphed over Harvard 44-6 and Rob later graduated with distinction!

Colonel (Ret.) Kenneth Allard is a former member of the West Point faculty, Dean of the National War College and military analyst with NBC News.


If the atrocities in Israel weren’t justifiably pulling all the focus on the world stage, a normal news cycle would include developments in President Biden’s classified documents investigation and the Biden family foreign business deals.  Of course, those developments continue whether or not they receive much attention in the press.  So it’s time to catch up.

Legal analyst Margot Cleveland is one who has kept her focus on the hearing room.  Most recently, she compared the statements of Delaware U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss and DC U.S. Attorney Michael Graves.  Graves was interviewed by the House Judiciary Committee last Tuesday.  (While the full House cannot conduct business on the floor without a Speaker, the committees are continuing to do their work.)  Cleveland is trying to figure out why Hunter was not charged in Graves’ DC District Court.

Earlier this year, in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Weiss said that Attorney General Merrick Garland had given him ultimate authority over the Hunter Biden investigation and that if the need arose, he could be made a “special attorney” under federal statute Section 515. This would allow him to charge Hunter outside of Delaware, including California and DC.

But when Graves testified before Judiciary, he said Section 515 wasn’t usually involved in the way the different offices worked together.  He said that the coordination of prosecutions between offices was more informal.  He also said that when Weiss approached him, in a 10-minute phone call,  about bringing charges in DC, he committed to providing Weiss “any and all logistical support” needed to do that.  Graves also told Congress that following their call, he tasked the “Criminal Division chief with immediately taking steps to provide the logistical support…,” which from other testimony appeared to mean reserving time for Weiss’s team before the grand jury.

This is completely at odds with what actually happened.  Weiss did not pursue charges in DC.  Yet he also spoke to Department officials about obtaining “special attorney” authority under Section 515.  Why would he have done that if it wasn’t necessary?

“Those questions should be the focus after Graves’ transcribed interview last Tuesday,” Cleveland said.  “The clarity with which Graves testified about his conversation with Weiss just cannot be squared with Weiss’s subsequent actions unless SOMETHING substantial happened --- or Weiss was misled.”

 Another possibility we would add:  Congress was misled.

Graves also told Congress that he had directed his top prosecutors to review the case to decide whether or not to partner with Weiss’s office.  He said THEY refused to partner with Weiss’s Delaware office but, according to Cleveland, “refused to explain his office’s reasoning.”  (What??)  He went on to say that even though his office had decided not to partner with Delaware, this did not alter his commitment to assist Weiss in any way he needed.  This makes no sense.

If Weiss didn’t need 515 authority to prosecute Hunter in DC, and Graves had conveyed to Weiss that he would assist Weiss in bringing charges there, why then did Weiss not file the charges there?  In Weiss’s letter to Jordan, he said he’d “had discussions with departmental offices regarding potential appointment under 28 U.S.C. 515, which would have allowed me to file charges in a district outside my own without the partnership of a local U.S. attorney.”  Why didn’t they just grant him that?

It’s possible there was some miscommunication about this between Weiss’s office and Graves’ office.  “Or,” Cleveland speculates, “someone at Main Justice, either in the deputy attorney general’s office [that’s Lisa Monaco] or in the tax division, led Weiss to believe he needed Graves to partner on the case.”  We would speculate that with the latter possibility, Cleveland is likely over the target.  Also, why would Graves defer to his top prosecutors when he’d already assured Weiss that they’d work together on the case?  Something doesn’t feel right about that.

Cleveland got the impression that it would’ve been entirely appropriate for Weiss to work informally with Graves to charge Hunter in the DC District.  “That Weiss didn’t --- and, in fact, appeared to believe he couldn’t --- suggests something else transpired or someone misled him.”

Julie Kelly has read through Graves’ testimony, and she has some observations as well.  Additional details she mentions:  Not only did he refuse to name his colleagues who didn’t want to take the case, he also didn’t read the underlying evidence against Hunter.  He never followed up directly with Weiss.  He said his courthouse was very busy at that time because of all the January 6 defendants they were prosecuting.  He “played dumb” when asked about potential conflict of interest (he’s a Biden appointee, so maybe he wasn’t playing.)  He tried to discredit the IRS whistleblowers without reading their testimony.  Excellent summary…

Here’s something else newsworthy that almost got by:  Weiss broke with ‘Justice’ Department policy to send a letter to the House Judiciary Committee in response to their letter sent directly to Merrick Garland.  In it, he made the claim that he had been granted “complete authority” over the Hunter Biden investigation, as AG Garland had testified, but, as you will see, he later shaded that statement somewhat.  (These attorneys are so crafty!)

He started his letter to Chairman Jordan unusually: “Your May 25th letter to Attorney General Garland was forwarded to me, with a request that I respond on behalf of the Department.”

The normal protocol would have been for only the Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) to respond to congressional inquiries.  In fact, they had previously directed Weiss, in an email, not to answer them himself, and this directive is what had kept him from personally responding to questions posed to him by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson.

As Margot Cleveland wrote, “The DOJ’s disregard of its own policy provides further proof that both Garland and Weiss intended to obfuscate the reality that Weiss never held the reins of the Hunter Biden investigation.”

It seems obvious that Weiss was enlisted to write back to Judiciary, in violation of policy, in order to verify what Garland had testified to them --- that Weiss had full authority to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he felt that was necessary.

But then the IRS whistleblowers came forward to say Weiss claimed he did NOT have ultimate authority.  Weiss penned a second, follow-up letter.

And here’s where the craftiness --- the obfuscation --- comes in:  Weiss softened the earlier claim that he had been “granted ultimate authority,” saying instead that he had “been assured” that “if necessary,” he would be granted the authority to charge Hunter in any other district.

Cleveland picks this wording apart as only someone who “thinks like a lawyer” can: “HAVING ultimate authority and being assured that you WOULD BE GIVEN ultimate authority IF necessary are clearly two different things,” yet Weiss managed to give cover for Garland with these letters.  “Now we have proof that the DOJ was behind those letters --- otherwise, Weiss would be in violation of the department’s policy.”

And in more news from THE FEDERALIST, this time from Evita Duffy-Alfonso, we’ve learned that it took a whole crew of White House personnel and others to deal with the cache of Joe Biden’s classified documents at the Penn Biden Center --- and that its existence was covered up for more than a year.

This crew consisted of at least five White House employees, President Biden’s personal attorneys, a Department of Defense employee, and more.

The President’s attorneys lied when they said the materials were discovered on November 2, 2022, when the National Archives was notified.  Wrong!  The House Oversight Committee has compiled evidence showing that the timeline for this began in March 2021.

Chairman James Comer’s very enlightening (and entertaining) letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel is here.  Don’t miss; there’s stunning information in this letter that has appeared nowhere else...

Considering he interviewed President Biden just a few days ago, Special Counsel Robert Hur is likely almost finished with his so-called investigation of this “other” classified documents case --- the one we never hear about --- but Comer’s committee is hard at work with the real investigation, as is evidenced by the long list of requests for documents and transcribed interviews in this letter.

Matt Margolis at PJ MEDIA wrote about this as well…

Note that Trump is being mercilessly prosecuted for his possession of allegedly classified documents at Mar-A-Lago, a much more secure location than the variety of places Biden used for his multiple stashes.  Also, Biden’s documents date from his time as Vice President and U.S. Senator, when he would have had no power to declassify them, as Trump did have as President with his presidential documents.  Biden has yet to be charged.

Jonathan Turley has a new column outlining what looks particularly serious about the Biden case.  What will Hur do if he has evidence against a sitting President?


The internet is forever

October 13, 2023

I mentioned yesterday that the Chicago chapter of BLM tried to cover their tracks after sparking outrage by deleting a graphic celebrating the Hamas terrorists paragliding into Israel to slaughter innocent men, women and children. Well, as I said then, the Internet is forever. That graphic was captured, and here’s their disgusting initial reaction that they’re trying to hide.

I caught Brit Hume on Fox News yesterday, making the observation that watching the revolting cheering of the anti-Semitic carnage in Israel has been clarifying, like turning over a rock and discovering all kinds of disgusting moral equivalencies. He said we’re learning that some people we thought just had slightly unusual or “exotic” views actually have quite astonishing views.

That’s a good point, except the insane and violent extremism of the modern left wasn’t a shock to some of us, who’ve been warning about it for years.

For people who haven’t been raised right, who have been failed by the education system and don’t know what morality is, here’s a clue: There is no “moral equivalency” between terrorists who murder, torture and rape innocent people and their victims.

Related: Some of our current generation of mutton-headed liberal college students seem convinced that Israel “had it coming,” a notion that can only be born from the combination of leftist political indoctrination and refusal to teach critical thinking that’s characteristic of today’s “higher education.” Not that they’ll pay any attention to people who actually know what they’re talking about, but former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice weighed in on the ridiculous assertion that the attack was due to Israel oppressing Palestinians in Gaza and refusing to give up anything.

Here’s what she said to’s Guy Benson:

“[Former Israeli Prime Minister] Ariel Sharon, by the way, who was no powderpuff when it came to the defense of Israel, believed that (giving up Israeli settlements in Gaza) was the right thing to do. I don't think they wanted to govern Gaza any longer. It was in Israel's interest to get out. And they not only gave up Gaza, they gave up four settlements around Gaza at the time...That shows what the Israelis went through to actually evacuate Gaza. And you're right, what they got in return was Hamas, which continued its terrorist activities...And so, the idea that the Israelis didn't want to achieve peace -- and you're going to hear a lot of that this next week, that this is Israel's fault, that the Israelis never really tried for peace. The Israelis tried for peace...the Israelis tried everything."

I would hope that’s clear enough even for a Harvard student to understand, but then, I also mistakenly thought they could understand that mass murder was bad.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans, 12:18

We've been demonetized and effectively censored again

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 900 new paying subscribers for the month of October and we have 538 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Catching up on the Biden finance/classified documents scandals

If the atrocities in Israel weren’t justifiably pulling all the focus on the world stage, a normal news cycle would include developments in President Biden’s classified documents investigation and the Biden family foreign business deals.  Of course, those developments continue whether or not they receive much attention in the press.  So it’s time to catch up.

Legal analyst Margot Cleveland is one who has kept her focus on the hearing room.  Most recently, she compared the statements of Delaware U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss and DC U.S. Attorney Michael Graves.  Graves was interviewed by the House Judiciary Committee last Tuesday.  (While the full House cannot conduct business on the floor without a Speaker, the committees are continuing to do their work.)  Cleveland is trying to figure out why Hunter was not charged in Graves’ DC District Court.

Earlier this year, in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Weiss said that Attorney General Merrick Garland had given him ultimate authority over the Hunter Biden investigation and that if the need arose, he could be made a “special attorney” under federal statute Section 515. This would allow him to charge Hunter outside of Delaware, including California and DC.

But when Graves testified before Judiciary, he said Section 515 wasn’t usually involved in the way the different offices worked together.  He said that the coordination of prosecutions between offices was more informal.  He also said that when Weiss approached him, in a 10-minute phone call,  about bringing charges in DC, he committed to providing Weiss “any and all logistical support” needed to do that.  Graves also told Congress that following their call, he tasked the “Criminal Division chief with immediately taking steps to provide the logistical support…,” which from other testimony appeared to mean reserving time for Weiss’s team before the grand jury.

This is completely at odds with what actually happened.  Weiss did not pursue charges in DC.  Yet he also spoke to Department officials about obtaining “special attorney” authority under Section 515.  Why would he have done that if it wasn’t necessary?

“Those questions should be the focus after Graves’ transcribed interview last Tuesday,” Cleveland said.  “The clarity with which Graves testified about his conversation with Weiss just cannot be squared with Weiss’s subsequent actions unless SOMETHING substantial happened --- or Weiss was misled.”

 Another possibility we would add:  Congress was misled.

Graves also told Congress that he had directed his top prosecutors to review the case to decide whether or not to partner with Weiss’s office.  He said THEY refused to partner with Weiss’s Delaware office but, according to Cleveland, “refused to explain his office’s reasoning.”  (What??)  He went on to say that even though his office had decided not to partner with Delaware, this did not alter his commitment to assist Weiss in any way he needed.  This makes no sense.

If Weiss didn’t need 515 authority to prosecute Hunter in DC, and Graves had conveyed to Weiss that he would assist Weiss in bringing charges there, why then did Weiss not file the charges there?  In Weiss’s letter to Jordan, he said he’d “had discussions with departmental offices regarding potential appointment under 28 U.S.C. 515, which would have allowed me to file charges in a district outside my own without the partnership of a local U.S. attorney.”  Why didn’t they just grant him that?

It’s possible there was some miscommunication about this between Weiss’s office and Graves’ office.  “Or,” Cleveland speculates, “someone at Main Justice, either in the deputy attorney general’s office [that’s Lisa Monaco] or in the tax division, led Weiss to believe he needed Graves to partner on the case.”  We would speculate that with the latter possibility, Cleveland is likely over the target.  Also, why would Graves defer to his top prosecutors when he’d already assured Weiss that they’d work together on the case?  Something doesn’t feel right about that.

Cleveland got the impression that it would’ve been entirely appropriate for Weiss to work informally with Graves to charge Hunter in the DC District.  “That Weiss didn’t --- and, in fact, appeared to believe he couldn’t --- suggests something else transpired or someone misled him.”

Julie Kelly has read through Graves’ testimony, and she has some observations as well.  Additional details she mentions:  Not only did he refuse to name his colleagues who didn’t want to take the case, he also didn’t read the underlying evidence against Hunter.  He never followed up directly with Weiss.  He said his courthouse was very busy at that time because of all the January 6 defendants they were prosecuting.  He “played dumb” when asked about potential conflict of interest (he’s a Biden appointee, so maybe he wasn’t playing.)  He tried to discredit the IRS whistleblowers without reading their testimony.  Excellent summary…

Here’s something else newsworthy that almost got by:  Weiss broke with ‘Justice’ Department policy to send a letter to the House Judiciary Committee in response to their letter sent directly to Merrick Garland.  In it, he made the claim that he had been granted “complete authority” over the Hunter Biden investigation, as AG Garland had testified, but, as you will see, he later shaded that statement somewhat.  (These attorneys are so crafty!)

He started his letter to Chairman Jordan unusually: “Your May 25th letter to Attorney General Garland was forwarded to me, with a request that I respond on behalf of the Department.”

The normal protocol would have been for only the Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) to respond to congressional inquiries.  In fact, they had previously directed Weiss, in an email, not to answer them himself, and this directive is what had kept him from personally responding to questions posed to him by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson.

As Margot Cleveland wrote, “The DOJ’s disregard of its own policy provides further proof that both Garland and Weiss intended to obfuscate the reality that Weiss never held the reins of the Hunter Biden investigation.”

It seems obvious that Weiss was enlisted to write back to Judiciary, in violation of policy, in order to verify what Garland had testified to them --- that Weiss had full authority to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he felt that was necessary.

But then the IRS whistleblowers came forward to say Weiss claimed he did NOT have ultimate authority.  Weiss penned a second, follow-up letter.

And here’s where the craftiness --- the obfuscation --- comes in:  Weiss softened the earlier claim that he had been “granted ultimate authority,” saying instead that he had “been assured” that “if necessary,” he would be granted the authority to charge Hunter in any other district.

Cleveland picks this wording apart as only someone who “thinks like a lawyer” can: “HAVING ultimate authority and being assured that you WOULD BE GIVEN ultimate authority IF necessary are clearly two different things,” yet Weiss managed to give cover for Garland with these letters.  “Now we have proof that the DOJ was behind those letters --- otherwise, Weiss would be in violation of the department’s policy.”

And in more news from THE FEDERALIST, this time from Evita Duffy-Alfonso, we’ve learned that it took a whole crew of White House personnel and others to deal with the cache of Joe Biden’s classified documents at the Penn Biden Center --- and that its existence was covered up for more than a year.

This crew consisted of at least five White House employees, President Biden’s personal attorneys, a Department of Defense employee, and more.

The President’s attorneys lied when they said the materials were discovered on November 2, 2022, when the National Archives was notified.  Wrong!  The House Oversight Committee has compiled evidence showing that the timeline for this began in March 2021.

Chairman James Comer’s very enlightening (and entertaining) letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel is here.  Don’t miss; there’s stunning information in this letter that has appeared nowhere else...

Considering he interviewed President Biden just a few days ago, Special Counsel Robert Hur is likely almost finished with his so-called investigation of this “other” classified documents case --- the one we never hear about --- but Comer’s committee is hard at work with the real investigation, as is evidenced by the long list of requests for documents and transcribed interviews in this letter.

Matt Margolis at PJ MEDIA wrote about this as well…

Note that Trump is being mercilessly prosecuted for his possession of allegedly classified documents at Mar-A-Lago, a much more secure location than the variety of places Biden used for his multiple stashes.  Also, Biden’s documents date from his time as Vice President and U.S. Senator, when he would have had no power to declassify them, as Trump did have as President with his presidential documents.  Biden has yet to be charged.

Jonathan Turley has a new column outlining what looks particularly serious about the Biden case.  What will Hur do if he has evidence against a sitting President?


New indictments

Thursday, a Manhattan grand jury issued more indictments of New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez. In addition to the previous accusations of bribery involving cash and gold bars, Menendez is accused of being an unregistered foreign agent of Egypt and accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to use his power and influence as a Senator to help Egypt’s government. Or as I’d call that, a “pyramid scheme.”

Menendez denied the charges and insisted he has always been "loyal to only one country — the United States of America." After all, where else can a poor boy grow up to become a Senator, and become fabulously wealthy on a Senator’s salary?

An Open Letter to Claudine Gay,

President of Harvard

By Kenneth Allard

Dear President Gay:

As a Harvard alum, I add my voice to those troubled by your recent comments on Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorist group. Your predecessor, Dr. Larry Summers, spoke for many when he wrote, “Why can’t we give reassurance that the University stands squarely against Hamas terror to frightened students when…(other) students appear to be blaming all the violence on Israel?” I also question your exquisitely nuanced response: “We will all be well served in such a difficult moment by rhetoric that aims to illuminate and not inflame.”

During an exquisitely teachable moment – and with the whole world watching – you chose political correctness rather than fortitude, standing in solidarity with self-described justice warriors while real warriors were already delivering the first body-blows to Hamas. With an office located only yards from where General George Washington first commanded a nascent American Army, you might have called in the leaders of those student groups officially sympathizing with Hamas. And demanded: “What sort of education are we providing you within these walls when you cannot even distinguish latter-day Nazis from their hapless victims? Why are you even here?”

I was able to study at Harvard only because the Army selected me (a former draftee) for advanced studies before joining the West Point faculty. Combined with my early training as an ordinary soldier, those hard-won lessons served me well during my military service and subsequent career as an on-air military analyst with NBC News. But four decades later, even the atmosphere of Cambridge seems changed, tough-minded critical thinking replaced by your statements excusing the inexcusable.

Your academic career, like mine, began with degrees in political science and government. Can you see that the bedrock paradigms that arose during World War II have finally expired? Today, the land wars in Europe and the Middle East, as well as the likelihood of a naval conflict in the Pacific, are creating new realities that will fundamentally transform our future. In this defining moment for our critical institutions, what do Americans see when contemplating where their children and grandkids might receive a worthwhile education? Sadly, our educational establishment is a bureaucratic monstrosity, layered with multiple Departments of Silly Walks, slavishly dependent on government handouts and managed by consensus-builders terrified of enraging academe’s all-powerful pharisees.

But the day of reckoning is fast approaching, from Harvard to your state university counterparts, all dependent on government largesse. When financially strapped American parents finally understand that their tax dollars are essentially funding the left-wing indoctrination of their children, how long before the rebellion now sweeping the nation’s high schools also affects colleges? While President Biden might still entertain the fantasy of cancelling student debts, it is only a matter of time before profligate college presidents get their come-uppance.

In the interim, Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus of Harvard Law, has a fine idea about placing on the record the names of your Hamas-sympathizing students so that future employers can more easily avoid hiring them. While the faculty pharisees will surely have much to say about coddling those fighting oppression, I would be grateful if you would simply tell them to shut up. It’s a tough world out there and many people are already convinced that a Harvard degree is at best a mixed blessing.

To illustrate my point: While teaching at West Point, Army’s quarter-back was one of my students, a hard-working cadet from the classroom to the field. But one morning, I pulled him aside. “Rob, I didn’t graduate from West Point so Army-Navy leaves me a bit cold. But I did graduate from Harvard and you’re playing them here on Saturday. Need I say more?” The next day, Army triumphed over Harvard 44-6 and Rob later graduated with distinction!

Colonel (Ret.) Kenneth Allard is a former member of the West Point faculty, Dean of the National War College and military analyst with NBC News.


Here is the Fox News page for continually updated bulletins on Israel’s war against Hamas.

The latest developments: The number of Americans known dead in the Hamas attack has risen to 27. More than 1300 Israeli civilians have been killed and about 3200 injured. According to Palestinian sources, at least 1799 Palestinians are dead and more than 6,300 wounded in the Gaza Strip, with 44 dead and more than 700 injured on the West Bank. 

Israel is targeting drone strikes on residential houses in Gaza because Hamas is launching missiles from the roofs. The Israeli military says it’s further proof that Hamas deliberately uses civilian buildings for military purposes.

Israel issued an evacuation order to 1.1 million people living in the northern part of the Gaza Strip as a "humanitarian step in order to minimize civilian casualties" ahead of an expected ground invasion. Anyone trying to draw moral equivalencies between Israel and Hamas should just read that and stop right there.

Tens of thousands of anti-Israel protesters are in the streets across the Middle East, doing their impression of Harvard undergrads in response to Hamas’ call for Friday to be a “Day of Rage” (and how does that make it different from any other day for Hamas?) Here’s how the “Global Day of Jihad” is going in places like France, which has barred pro-Palestinian rallies and vowed to deport “trouble-makers”…

Henry Kissinger, who as recently as 2015 was arguing for European borders to be open to Syrian and Iraqi migrants, has now had a revelation. All these pro-Hamas demonstrations in Europe have convinced him that “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.” Well, don’t feel bad, Henry. I’m sure nobody could have predicted that opening your borders to Islamic radicals who refuse to assimilate would end badly.

Police around the nation are on high alert today for any violence or attempted terrorist attacks related to Hamas’ call for a Jihad Friday. This is especially true in blue cities, where there are apparently a lot of leftist terrorist sympathizers and the terrorists’ best friend, “gun-free zones.” I would remind them for their own safety that in red states and cities, every day is Second Amendment Day.

Laura Ingraham on Fox News posed a question in passing yesterday that I think is worth examining. Many people have been shocked (not me) to hear so-called “liberals,” the kind of people who cry over “microaggressions” and accuse everyone else of being “-phobes” and “-ists,” openly take the side of murderous, anti-Semitic terrorists and celebrate the slaughter of innocent Jewish men, women and children. She wondered if they really believe these things, or are they just afraid to stand up to the people who do?

That is an excellent question. I’ve long believed that much of the support we see from the left for radical Islamists who would kill them first if they ever took over here (see the baffling recent protest by “Gays for Palestine”) is rooted more in fear and hypocrisy than any real principle. It’s easy to mock and criticize Christians who worship the Prince of Peace and believe in turning the other cheek. But I’ve noticed they never criticize the religion of people who’ll behead you for drawing a picture of their spiritual leader.

At the same time, when conservatives speak of the violent threat of “radical Islam,” leftists call that “Islamophobia” and claim it’s anti-Muslim prejudice, even though peaceful Muslims are the largest group of victims of radical Islamists.

So as to whether they really believe this stuff or are just afraid to stand up to it, I think the answer is: “Both.” They started out as hypocritical cowards who were just afraid to stand up to it, but now they’ve rationalized their cowardice in their minds for so long that they can repeat the same vile, anti-Semitic garbage without the slightest self-awareness. At least now, the entire world can see what monsters they’ve become. I just hope and pray that one day, they’ll see it, too.

Scalise withdraws from Speaker race

Despite getting the support of Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz, Rep. Steve Scalise failed to garner the 217 votes needed to become House Speaker. So he dropped out of the race, and the House is still without a Speaker. This article lists a few of the possible candidates. Unfortunately, they do not include Jesus, since I’m beginning to suspect that some Republicans won’t settle for anyone who is less than perfect.

Republican Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles is calling on the House GOP to “lock the door” and work through the weekend if that’s what it takes to select a Speaker. I’m about ready to lock all the doors from the outside and not unlock them at all until they select a Speaker.

FYI: Here are some amendments being floated to make sure this kind of embarrassing spectacle never happens again.

COLA bump

The anxiously-awaited COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for Social Security in 2024 was announced yesterday. Seniors will get a bump of 3.2%, which is about $58 a month for the average Social Security recipient.

Of course, Medicare payments will go up, too, and that’s automatically deducted from Social Security checks, so for many seniors, the raise will be closer to $48 a month. This is far less than this year’s 8.7% COLA, but the government says that’s because inflation is considerably lower.

Really? The government’s stats might say that, but are you really paying only $58 a month more for food, rent, electricity, etc. than you were a year ago? I find that hard to swallow.

In better news, there will also be a 5.2% increase in the maximum earnings subject to Social Security taxes, which will be cut off at $168,600.

Considering how few people are able to survive on Social Security, another welcome idea would be doing away entirely with income taxes on Social Security, which you have to pay if the government decides you’re earning “too much” while spending your “retirement” working to survive. Social Security payments were never taxed until the ‘80s, and they shouldn’t be now. That’s NOT income, it’s your own money that the government already taxed away from you years ago on a promise that they’d give it back when you got older. Counting it as income now is double taxation, and it should be abolished.

Red (State) Alert!

Virginia is about to have a very important off-year election next month, and Bonchie at is sounding the alarm that Republicans are in danger of taking another devastating loss, but the national RNC doesn’t seem to know or care.

Guilty plea

An IRS contractor pleaded guilty to leaking private tax information on wealthy Americans, including Donald Trump, to the media. While it’s good to see someone at the IRS finally held accountable, sentencing won’t come until January. I think I’ll wait until then to see how seriously this Administration takes the violation of citizens’ rights when those citizens include Trump.

Biden brings back Trump’s policies

According to President Biden, Donald Trump was such a terrible, awful, no good, very bad President that he must be hounded into prison, his name never mentioned and all his policies reversed. Also, because Biden’s approval ratings are so far down the toilet after nearly three years of historically massive failure, he’s trying to rescue his reelection chances by bringing back Trump’s policies.

I have a better idea: just bring back Trump.


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More Huck's Heroes

October 13, 2023

Today’s Huck’s Heroes include a Congress member, so this is a rare occasion indeed. Before he became a first-term Republican Representative from Florida, Rep. Cory Mills was a Bronze Star recipient and a wounded veteran of the Army 82nd Airborne. When he heard that Americans were stranded in Israel with commercial flights grounded, he flew to Israel on Wednesday and helped evacuate 32 of them himself on a private plane. He says he’s going back for more and won’t stop until he becomes an impediment or just can’t get any more out.

And another big Huck’s Hero salute to 22-year-old Noah Nierenberg of Long Island, New York. After graduating high school, he became an Israeli citizen and served in the IDF for a year and a half. He was back in New York studying Talmud at Yeshiva University when the Hamas attack came. Days later, he was at JFK Airport, bidding his family goodbye as he cut his studies short to fly back to Israel to help the fight in any way he can.

Noah said, “That’s the Jewish idea…God gave us the gift of Israel, and we have the ability to be part of it and protect it.” He has my prayers for his safety and success. I also pray that he will soon return safely to the US and become the new president of Harvard University.

Not like it used to be

October 13, 2023

When liberal media outlets like the New York Times want to quote the thinking of Evangelicals, they reflexively turn to Christianity Today magazine, which was founded by Billy Graham in 1956. But ask any actual Evangelical who reads it, and they’ll likely tell you that it no longer bears much resemblance to its Biblical origins and often takes a decidedly liberal stance on issues like gun control and LGBTQ activism. In an exclusive report, the Daily Wire may have found the reason for that.

They discovered that between 2015 and 2022, nine top Christianity Today staffers made 73 political donations, and 100% of them went to Democrats. President and CEO Timothy Dalrymple donated to a failed Georgia Senate candidate who described herself as a “staunch LGBTQ ally” and a defender of abortion “without exception.” One news editor made eight donations to five pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ candidates, including Elizabeth Warren.  Daily Wire also found that FEC records show no donations by CT executives to Republicans since 1991.

The link has much more detail, and examples of how this internal political bias has affected the magazine’s news coverage, such as questioning the sincerity of Trump’s religious faith while praising Biden’s oddly pro-abortion Catholicism.  A Trump campaign spokeswoman replied, “I would like to know if Christianity Today is pleased with the policies of the Biden Administration, [like] advocating for birth-day abortions, erasing women, silence on Israel, and using his Department of Justice to target concerned parents, pro-life dads, and Latin Catholic Churches.”

This might finally explain why so many Christians who used to read that magazine have asked themselves, “What would Jesus do?” and arrived at the answer: “Unsubscribe.”

Making it official

October 12, 2023

Kari Lake announced that she will run for Democrat Krysten Sinema’s Arizona Senate seat.

And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he’s leaving the Democratic Party (even more than Reagan, he could say, “The Party left me!”) to run as an independent, Third Party campaign for President.

This has both sides worried, since it isn’t clear whether he would take more votes away from Biden or Trump. I suspect his effect on the race might be less than expected by the time the actual election arrives. But liberals are having meltdowns (even his own family is attacking him, their loyalties obviously being to the Party first.) They're also accusing Fox News of propping RFK Jr. up until he made this announcement, then having Sean Hannity confront him on his long history of leftwing positions, like opposing fracking and fossil fuels and supporting Obama, Kerry and Biden.

Seems to me that Hannity was just doing his job, which is to ask tough questions and make politicians explain themselves. The liberal outlets should try that with Biden sometime. 

I had RFK Jr. on my TBN show, but not to promote his candidacy. I made it clear that he’s a liberal, and we disagree on most issues, but at least he had the guts to come on my show and have a civil discussion, which is something most Democrats refuse to do, despite the standing invitation. I respect him, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for him. Why is that so hard for some people to understand? I guess if you’re obsessed with nothing but maintaining political power at all costs, it’s hard to focus on nuances.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


For from him and through him and for him are all things.

To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Romans 11:36

Personal note from Mike

I wrote last month about an investigation into all the liberal groups that fund and feed “information” to the A.P., and how that helps to explain why so many “news stories” on subjects like “climate change” read like activist group press releases. From those stories, you’d think there is no other viewpoint other than turned-up-to-11 hysteria. 

Unfortunately, if I summarize the stories for you, it would possibly result in my newsletter being demonetized or blocked or having our ads removed by certain Internet “gatekeepers” who have decided that their views are the only objective truths allowed to be aired in public. This is why, if you’d like to help pay my staffers so that we can keep bringing you the real stories every American needs to know, you should subscribe to the Substack version. Just click here:


You’ll find subscription plans as low as $3 a month for the full newsletter with exclusive subscriber-only content, no gatekeeper censorship, and no ads. Plus, you get a 20% discount on “Huckabee” merchandise, so unlike an electric car, it really does pay for itself! But sorry, no government subsidies.

I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictments. I don’t think you will regret supporting a reporting of the facts, not the liberal bias the mainstream media gives you these days!

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

How did we (and Israel) not know? Part III

Today we have an update on the fate of the monster who goes by the name “Mohammed Deif,” the one-armed, one-legged, one-eyed bomb maker-turned-terrorist-leader reportedly responsible for the planning of Saturday’s grisly massacre in Israel.  He’s been one of the Israeli military’s “Most Wanted” since 1995.  We heard a tentative report earlier Wednesday that he might have been killed along with some accomplices, but it appears now that he is still out of reach.  Here’s more about him…

As Brian Killmeade reported on Jesse Watters’ FOX NEWS show Wednesday night, the military has caught up with some of his family members.  Retired Marine Corps. Col. Chris Douglas, whose background includes investigating the explosion in Afghanistan that killed 13 Americans, appeared on the show to discuss the current manhunt.

He said it’s challenging to find this terrorist because the population in that region obviously isn’t turning him in.  This could mean either that they uniformly support him or that they are too afraid of him to make a move.  He’ll be “very tough to find,” as he’s “just hiding among the populace.”  There’s also an extensive tunnel network, he said, but one would think Israeli intelligence would’ve had that figured out.

When Kilmeade asked Col. Douglas if our abandonment of $4 billion worth of fighting equipment in Afghanistan might be related to this, he answered, “I mean, it’s hard to say that it isn’t.”

“The Middle East is the most complicated region in the world,” he said.  “And although security wasn’t perfect in Afghanistan, it was more secure than it is now, with the Taliban in charge and all of the weaponry that we left behind and the manner in which we left.  That said, the allies and partners within the region and around the globe definitely weren’t convinced that we were the force of choice in the future for incidents such as this.”

He put that about as delicately as it can be stated.  Suggested translation:  it made us look pathetically weak around the world.  Tragically, in many circles --- Harvard University comes to mind --- Hamas is being seen as strong and heroic right now, and even justified in what they have done (as if anything could ever justify THAT).  So, what has to happen to change that twisted perception?

“Speed, surprise, and violence in action” is what they [the Israelis] need now, Col. Douglas said.  “They’ve got to respond swiftly, violently, and then, what’s gonna have to follow after that, though, is once they’ve defeated Hamas, any remaining need to be held to account.  And they need to rapidly establish some sort of assistance package to Gaza; that’s gonna be the next.  Because otherwise, it’s gonna be just this continuing problem, without providing some sort of stability.”

And what about the security of our own border?  Kilmeade brought up the 6,000-plus “alien apprehensions” of Afghanis crossing into the U.S.; the 164 from Lebanon; the 659 from Iran; the 30,000 from Turkey (and of course these are just the apprehended ones), and asked, “Should we think that all these people want to be part of the American Dream?”

With an uncomfortable chuckle, Col. Douglas said, “You’d be naive to think that.  The manner in which this happened in Israel should be a call to our elected officials, our President, to establish some sort of border security and to determine who here at home may wish us harm.”

That obviously makes too much sense for our current leadership to do.




One Democrat talking point the past few days has been that “this isn’t the time to talk about the security failures.  We’ll work on that later.”  Certainly, they don’t want to dwell on a topic that brings up our own border security, but that consideration in the coming months is one huge reason why we have to determine the cause of this intelligence failure NOW and make sure it doesn’t happen here.

Bonchie at REDSTATE was right out of the gate with at least a preliminary look at how this could happen.  “Clearly, intelligence resources were involved,” he said on Sunday of the attack, “and the multitude of weaponry, including thousands of rockets, was not produced by the Palestinians.”

“At this point, anyone denying Iran’s involvement might as well proclaim that the sky is not blue,” he said.  “Iran’s own Supreme Leader came out and praised Hamas’ attack as it was occurring.  Now, we have further confirmation, including from Hezbollah, Iran’s chief anti-Israel terror militia, that Iran was directly behind planning and pulling the trigger on the invasion.”

He pointed out that Biden’s Iran policy saved them when their economy --- and possibly their Islamist regime --- was on the verge of collapse, with renewed oil sales and unfrozen assets that are enriching them by tens of billions of dollars.  We would add that the Biden administration has dispersed other questionable funds, more than $730 million to a UN agency that the State Department said in 2021 has assisted Hamas.  (Unbelievably, the UN doesn’t categorize Hamas as a terrorist group.)

Hamas and Hezbollah are also reportedly rolling in cryptocurrency, and Iran funds Hamas to the tune of about $100 million a year. 

Bonchie also noted that this approach to Iran policy dates back to Obama and that many of the players today are his holdovers.  Jake Sullivan is one of those, a chief architect of Obama’s all-important “Iran deal.”  (We were saying in those days that Obama seemed more like the president of Iran than of the United States.  His administration was all about that deal, remember?)  And recall our recent story about this official, Ariane Tabatabai, in light of what just transpired with Iran’s help.  This is a must-read now in case you didn’t see it the first time...

Tabatabai, an Iranian immigrant working in the Obama administration, recommended sharing intelligence with Iran in 2016, among other suggestions (the article has startling details) for working with them --- as an ally.  In 2021, after Biden’s State Department brought her in as a senior adviser, a congressional letter suggested her security clearance be pulled because she obviously had a “relationship” with Iran.  The letter said that Tabatabai “has echoed Iranian regime talking points and has made excuses for Iran’s oppressive government.”

But that congressional letter was taken about as seriously as most other congressional letters are these days.  State Department spokesman Ned Price defended Tabatabai, saying that any security-related concerns about her were “baseless and illegitimate.”  He called expressions of these concerns “smears and slander.”  And today, Tabatabai is still in the Biden administration, with the impressive title of Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. 

This is true even though Iran envoy Robert Malley --- now under investigation for mishandling classified documents and suspected of being part of a spy ring for Iran --- personally brought her onto his team of negotiators.  “Even in the face of serious evidence that the State Department and the Department of Defense are employing an enemy government agent, the Biden administration is not backing down,” Daniel Greenfield writes for FRONT PAGE Magazine.  “The speed with which Tabatabai...has been able to fully penetrate the highest echelons of our national defense in a little over a decade is a testament to the national security collapse within a disloyal bureaucracy.”

There are other stunning examples as well, as guest Brooke Goldstein, CEO of The Lawfare Project, laid out on Wednesday’s HANNITY.  (See full show, about 15 minutes in; the interview isn’t broken out as a clip. This requires a cable subscription; the show should be free on YouTube in a day or so.)

We still don’t know exactly what contributed to this stunning security failure, both here and in Israel.  But after reading about such pro-Iranian people in our own government, it starts to seem possible that our government MIGHT have, um, “missed” an operation largely planned by Iran.  If anyone in our State Department or Pentagon had any hint of this impending vicious attack and Israel was not warned, that would make our government complicit in the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.

New Israel developments

Here is Fox News’ link to continually-updated news on the ongoing war in Israel against Hamas.

Some of the major developments of the past 24 hours: At least 25 Americans are among the known dead. At least 2400 people have been killed, including 1200 in Israel. They include 222 Israeli soldiers. According to Israeli news reports, around 1,500 Hamas terrorists were killed in Israel and it’s estimated that hundreds of militants are among the dead in Gaza.

Israeli airstrikes have destroyed a number of Hamas operational centers, and in one attack, they reportedly killed Muhammad Abu Shamla, a senior Hamas naval operative.

It was reported earlier that Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned trip to the Middle East had been postponed, but he flew to Israel on Wednesday to appear beside Prime Minister Netanyahu in a show of solidity. He tweeted, "I’m in Israel today to make one thing clear: The United States stands with Israel and its people, and we will always stand — resolutely — against terrorism.” also has a good round-up of news from Israel that covers more stories, including Israel’s shut down of water, power and fuel to Gaza. Authorities say they will not restore these basic supplies until the hostages being held are released. To those demanding they give humanitarian aid to Gaza, Israel’s energy minister said they will provide humanitarianism when they see humanitarianism from Gaza.

Breitbart also reports that an ISIS flag was found on a Hamas militant who participated in the mass murders at a kibbutz in Israel, lending evidence to the claim that Hamas is part of ISIS.

And one more note for the “It can’t happen here” crowd: The Federalist reminds us that last month, the DHS admitted that thanks to the ongoing open border crisis created by Joe Biden, “individuals with potential terrorism connections” are actively attempting to enter the US amid the huge throng of unvetted illegal entrants.

Funds for Iran

We’re getting a lot of excuses and doubletalk from the White House in response to bipartisan demands that the $6 billion in “unfrozen” Iranian funds be refrozen. We’ve been told that “not a dollar” of it has been spent yet (irrelevant: just knowing it was coming freed up Iranian money for other things, like funding terrorists.) We’re also hearing that Qatar controls it, not us. And that it can only be spent on humanitarian expenses like food and medicine (Iran already made it clear that they’ll spend it any way they want.)

I hate to be obtuse, but I need to ask a clarification question: If the Biden White House doesn’t have control over those funds and can’t refreeze them, then what power did they ever have to force Iran to spend them only on humanitarian expenses? Or was that just a lot of hot gas? I’ll be waiting for an answer…

Speaker Scalise?

Wednesday, House Republicans voted in a secret ballot for a new Speaker. Steve Scalise won the nomination over Jim Jordan by 113-99. Next comes the floor vote, and you’d think Scalise would easily become Speaker, but hold the phone. Some who backed Jordan now say they refuse to change their votes.

With the world on fire all around us, the House needs a Speaker, and I suspect these grandstanding tactics are wearing thin with the public. Both Jordan and Scalise are good conservatives and would make fine Speakers, but Jordan lost the initial round by 14 votes. That means that to put Jordan over the top, they’d need to pick up a lot of Democrat votes for Jordan, which isn’t going to happen. They would press for a more liberal compromise candidate or a lot of unpalatable concessions. Do Republicans who back Jim Jordan really think Steve Scalise isn’t pure enough, so they’ll make a deal with the devil? Talk about letting the perfect be the enemy of the near-perfect.

I hate having to say this to fellow Republicans, but stop the gamesmanship, grow up and get on with doing your jobs!

And as Benny Johnson tweeted, take pride in knowing you’re marking an important milestone for “representation” by electing history's first House Speaker who survived an assassination attempt by an anti-Trump Bernie Sanders supporter.

Inflation is up again

The Labor Department reported Wednesday that wholesale inflation rose 2.2% in September from a year prior. Despite 18 months of interest rate hikes to reduce inflation, that’s still the highest rate of increase since April. That’s on top of a 2% hike from August to September.

The only scrap of positive news in this is that the government will use this week’s inflation numbers to assess next year’s cost of living adjustment for Social Security. So it might help seniors get a few bucks more per month. They’re going to need them.

Not like it used to be

When liberal media outlets like the New York Times want to quote the thinking of Evangelicals, they reflexively turn to Christianity Today magazine, which was founded by Billy Graham in 1956. But ask any actual Evangelical who reads it, and they’ll likely tell you that it no longer bears much resemblance to its Biblical origins and often takes a decidedly liberal stance on issues like gun control and LGBTQ activism. In an exclusive report, the Daily Wire may have found the reason for that.

They discovered that between 2015 and 2022, nine top Christianity Today staffers made 73 political donations, and 100% of them went to Democrats. President and CEO Timothy Dalrymple donated to a failed Georgia Senate candidate who described herself as a “staunch LGBTQ ally” and a defender of abortion “without exception.” One news editor made eight donations to five pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ candidates, including Elizabeth Warren.  Daily Wire also found that FEC records show no donations by CT executives to Republicans since 1991.

The link has much more detail, and examples of how this internal political bias has affected the magazine’s news coverage, such as questioning the sincerity of Trump’s religious faith while praising Biden’s oddly pro-abortion Catholicism.  A Trump campaign spokeswoman replied, “I would like to know if Christianity Today is pleased with the policies of the Biden Administration, [like] advocating for birth-day abortions, erasing women, silence on Israel, and using his Department of Justice to target concerned parents, pro-life dads, and Latin Catholic Churches.”

This might finally explain why so many Christians who used to read that magazine have asked themselves, “What would Jesus do?” and arrived at the answer: “Unsubscribe.”

The Internet is forever

I mentioned yesterday that the Chicago chapter of BLM tried to cover their tracks after sparking outrage by deleting a graphic celebrating the Hamas terrorists paragliding into Israel to slaughter innocent men, women and children. Well, as I said then, the Internet is forever. That graphic was captured, and here’s their disgusting initial reaction that they’re trying to hide.

I caught Brit Hume on Fox News yesterday, making the observation that watching the revolting cheering of the anti-Semitic carnage in Israel has been clarifying, like turning over a rock and discovering all kinds of disgusting moral equivalencies. He said we’re learning that some people we thought just had slightly unusual or “exotic” views actually have quite astonishing views.

That’s a good point, except the insane and violent extremism of the modern left wasn’t a shock to some of us, who’ve been warning about it for years.

For people who haven’t been raised right, who have been failed by the education system and don’t know what morality is, here’s a clue: There is no “moral equivalency” between terrorists who murder, torture and rape innocent people and their victims.

Related: Some of our current generation of mutton-headed liberal college students seem convinced that Israel “had it coming,” a notion that can only be born from the combination of leftist political indoctrination and refusal to teach critical thinking that’s characteristic of today’s “higher education.” Not that they’ll pay any attention to people who actually know what they’re talking about, but former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice weighed in on the ridiculous assertion that the attack was due to Israel oppressing Palestinians in Gaza and refusing to give up anything.

Here’s what she said to’s Guy Benson:

“[Former Israeli Prime Minister] Ariel Sharon, by the way, who was no powderpuff when it came to the defense of Israel, believed that (giving up Israeli settlements in Gaza) was the right thing to do. I don't think they wanted to govern Gaza any longer. It was in Israel's interest to get out. And they not only gave up Gaza, they gave up four settlements around Gaza at the time...That shows what the Israelis went through to actually evacuate Gaza. And you're right, what they got in return was Hamas, which continued its terrorist activities...And so, the idea that the Israelis didn't want to achieve peace -- and you're going to hear a lot of that this next week, that this is Israel's fault, that the Israelis never really tried for peace. The Israelis tried for peace...the Israelis tried everything."

I would hope that’s clear enough even for a Harvard student to understand, but then, I also mistakenly thought they could understand that mass murder was bad.

Murder suspect is identified

A suspect has been identified in the murder of Philadelphia gay leftist reporter Josh Kruger, who eerily mocked “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams for tweeting, “If Biden is elected, there’s a good chance you will be dead within the year.”

I’ll let you read the details, but it appears that Kruger didn’t merely know his alleged killer, but had a sexual relationship with him starting when he was 15 that also involved drugs and blackmail, and…well, let’s just say that Kruger’s murder may have been easier to predict than he let on.

Overboard in California

Warning: Both the subject matter and the photo illustrating this story might be offensive to some readers:

But I think it’s important to share it because it’s such a perfect example of how leftists like the current “leaders” (more like misleaders) of California can see a law that might need a little tweak and stupidly go so far overboard that they make matters 100 times worse. (Previous example: statistics show racial disparities in arrests. Their response: Defund the police, empty the jails and stop enforcing any laws!)

It's like having a government run by hyperactive two-years-olds on a sugar high.

More Huck’s Heroes

Today’s Huck’s Heroes include a Congress member, so this is a rare occasion indeed. Before he became a first-term Republican Representative from Florida, Rep. Cory Mills was a Bronze Star recipient and a wounded veteran of the Army 82nd Airborne. When he heard that Americans were stranded in Israel with commercial flights grounded, he flew to Israel on Wednesday and helped evacuate 32 of them himself on a private plane. He says he’s going back for more and won’t stop until he becomes an impediment or just can’t get any more out.

And another big Huck’s Hero salute to 22-year-old Noah Nierenberg of Long Island, New York. After graduating high school, he became an Israeli citizen and served in the IDF for a year and a half. He was back in New York studying Talmud at Yeshiva University when the Hamas attack came. Days later, he was at JFK Airport, bidding his family goodbye as he cut his studies short to fly back to Israel to help the fight in any way he can.

Noah said, “That’s the Jewish idea…God gave us the gift of Israel, and we have the ability to be part of it and protect it.” He has my prayers for his safety and success. I also pray that he will soon return safely to the US and become the new president of Harvard University.

Interesting article about the fight to ban “high-capacity magazines”

This is an interesting article on the latest legal wrangling over California’s attempt to ban so-called “high-capacity magazines,” which are actually standard for many firearms now. As this makes clear, the law will have to get all the way to the Supreme Court, which will likely throw it out as unconstitutional, but until then, Californians have to keep dealing with the consequences of their bad electoral decisions.

What makes this especially interesting is that it’s not just about the legal arguments, but it’s written by a Marine combat veteran who, I assume unlike the liberals who wrote this law, actually knows about guns and what it’s like to be in a firefight where your life's on the line and there’s no 20/20 hindsight or pauses to stop and think things over.

Kurt Schlichter on why some leftists want to see the same kind of massacre happen in America that happened in Israel.


High school students’ scores on the ACT college entrance test have fallen to their lowest level in 30 years, and the media rushed to blame it on the COVID-19 pandemic.

As Mike Miller at notes, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with schools deemphasizing “white supremacist” subjects like math, science and English to focus on LGBTQ and CRT propaganda while lowering standards and cutting advanced classes to promote “equity.”

As rough as the needless COVID school shutdowns and Zoom classes were on parents, I’d argue that they were a good thing overall. They let parents see what their kids were actually being “taught” in school, and that set off a concerned parents’ revolution.

Besides, if having to stay home from school lowers ACT scores, how come homeschooled kids get such high ACT scores?

Related: Real Clear Investigations looked into how politicians and teachers’ unions are trying to block parents from sending their kids to charter schools to get decent educations.

My faith has been shaken

I must admit, my faith has been shaken. I was assured by the “best and brightest” in the Biden Administration that the future of energy was windmills...

The actual Columbus Day

Today is actual Columbus Day, the date when Christopher Columbus first made landfall in what is now the Bahamas in 1492. The Columbus Day celebrated on Monday was so that a lot of federal workers, many of them Democrats who badmouth Columbus, could take a day off work in his honor. I’m convinced many liberals backed creating “Indigenous Peoples Day” on Columbus Day just so they could still take a day off without admitting they owed it to Columbus.

This wouldn’t be the only hypocritical thing they do related to this subject. How many meetings and college events have you seen start with a pious acknowledgement that they are on “land stolen from Native Americans”? Now, how many of them have ever signed the deeds to that land over to the local tribe?


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Harvard’s speech problems

October 12, 2023

Kudos to Harvard President Claudine Gay. It only took her a couple of days and two tries to arrive at the almost correct response to over 30 Harvard student groups signing a letter supporting Hamas’ murder, rape and torture of innocent Israelis as legitimate and justifiable forms of protest. 

After the university first issued a wishy-washy statement condemning vague violence and endorsing compassion, which was greeted with legitimate and justifiable fury and outrage, Gay finally stated that while the groups have a right to speak, they don’t speak for Harvard, and that the terrorist atrocities perpetrated by Hamas are “abhorrent, whatever one’s individual views of the origins of longstanding conflicts in the region.” There, was that so hard?

Now, as for the claim that they have a “right to speak” these abhorrent thoughts, I will throw back at her the same argument that leftist university groups have made for several years while threatening, canceling and shouting down conservative speakers: that they don’t have a right to be free of consequences for their “hate speech.” I think I can make a pretty good case that voicing support for the wholesale slaughter of Jews is more “hate speech” than calling for separate sports teams for men and women. Alan Dershowitz, who was a distinguished Harvard law professor for decades, told Sean Hannity that he’s not allowed to speak on campus in support of Israel anymore, but leftist professors who back Palestinian terrorists are allowed to speak there. Maybe that's why the students are so painfully ignorant, immoral and uninformed. 

For that reason, many people are calling for the names of the students who signed this letter to be made public, so that future employers or companies offering them internships can rescind those offers. If you can’t have someone in your company who wrote a non-PC tweet ten years ago, then why would you hire someone who openly endorses anti-Semitic genocide?

After all, in their own words: Hate speech should have consequences.

Related: has already started ferreting out the identities and backgrounds of some of the student leaders of these groups, and I’m not at all surprised by some of the other people and groups they’re associated with.


Yesterday, we mentioned that THE NEW YORK TIMES had written an editorial actually blaming Trump --- it never fails --- for the weekend massacre in Gaza, and that the piece had failed even to mention Presidents Biden or Obama, or the nation of Iran.  Similarly, when Biden spoke briefly on Tuesday, he didn’t mention Iran, either.

There was not a word of condemnation for the #1 state sponsor of terrorism around the world, the state we know was helping Hamas and Hezbollah.  And when John Kirby was asked about the relative importance of this threat on Tuesday by FOX NEWS’ Martha MacCallum, he agreed with Biden’s statement that “The only existential threat humanity faces, even more frightening than a nuclear war, is global warming going above 1.5 degrees in the next 20, 10 years.”  He said Biden stands by that statement, and that “climate change IS an existential threat; it actually threatens and is capable of wiping out all human life on Earth, over time.  I mean, that’s --- I don’t know how [much] more existential you can get...”

Really??  As if that much warming were even happening (it’s not --- and 1600 climate scientists and scholars have said the climate is not an emergency:  In contrast, according to “Scientific Aspects of Nuclear Explosion Phenomena” by Samuel Glasstone and Philip J. Dolan, if a nuclear bomb goes off, “immediately after the explosion time, the temperature of the weapon material is several tens of million degrees and the pressures are estimated to be many million atmospheres.”  In “Physics:  Its Methods and Meanings” by Alexander Taffel, it says the explosion “reaches a temperature of millions of degrees Celsius.”

Presumably this might cause a wee bit of environmental damage.  Now there’s some global warming we all ought to be more concerned about, on a scale we can’t even comprehend.  Why, it might even be capable of wiping out all human life on Earth, over not very much time at all.  Isn’t that the very definition of an existential threat?

It’s time to push back against having our intelligence insulted by politicians and their henchmen, over and over again.

Biden did manage to acknowledge that Americans have been taken hostage.  (Sean Hannity reported Tuesday night that the family of one presumed hostage hadn’t received any communication at all from the White House.)  As for the Americans who are alive and haven’t been taken hostage, they’re apparently stuck for now if they want to fly out, as commercial planes are not flying in.

(Actually, there was one airline out, at least at first, but you probably didn’t hear about it because it came thanks to former President Trump. Here’s the story of a man and his wife who were able to fly to Dubai then home to DC via Emirates Airlines, due to the historic Abraham Accords normalizing relations between Israel and the UAE. He credits Trump, thanks him profusely and calls their departure “miraculous.” So that’s why you’ll never hear this story in the mainstream media.)

Let’s hope these Americans don’t have to stay there as long as the ones who were left in Afghanistan after our shamefully haphazard pull-out in August 2021.  As of this March, there were about 175 Americans still left behind, some of them being held captive by the Taliban.  That’s from Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s testimony before Congress…

Accounts differ as to whether the $6 billion (!!!) of frozen assets Biden has promised Iran access to in return for five American hostages can be re-frozen at this time.  Apparently, it can be, though, because this move is being seriously discussed.  That money should never have been part of any hostage deal in the first place and should stay FROZEN colder than a terrorist’s heart.

But let’s get back to the question of how these monsters were able to slip up on Israeli and, it seems, American intel agencies for this slaughter of Jews.  The NEW YORK POST reports that the mastermind was a man named Mohammed Deif; their headline offers some welcome unintentional humor (our favorite kind) on a day when we can really use some.  Just read the POST’s headline…

“Palestinian militant behind Israeli attack is slippery, one-armed, one-legged former bomb maker,” it reads.  Okay, we take our laughs where we can find them.  Presumably this guy got out of bomb-making because after the first two attempts, he realized he just wasn’t very good at it.

He’s obviously better at planning.  He’s got a reputation as a “psycho” and a “cat with nine lives” because he’s survived so many assassination attempts.  We know he’s responsible for this massacre because he posted a video on Saturday announcing the start of the people’s “revolution.”

The name “Deif” means “guest” in Arabic and apparently refers to his habit of moving around a lot and staying with a variety of other operatives to avoid detection.  As the POST reports, “Deif has remained in the shadows for decades despite Israel’s best efforts to take him out at least five times in assassination attempts.”  Now this wheelchair-bound savage will be deified by Hamas, Hezbollah and their contemptible fans.

Col. Eyal Rosen of the Israeli army reserves said his “main goal is to destroy Israel.  This is one of the first steps --- this is just the beginning.”

So, apparently this guy is so slippery that Israeli intelligence hasn’t been able to find him or know what he’s up to, even with the many people, including Iranians, who must have been helping him.  One would think, though, that even if they didn’t know of his plan, they (and we) would have been extra-cautious around the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, with tensions rising and other factors that made the day significant.  We hope to bring you more about the cause of this deadly intel failure very soon, but in the meantime, let’s look at the situation in our own country and the likelihood of a similar failure.  JUST THE NEWS has done that.

Does the fact that the U.S. has 18 intelligence gathering agencies give you any peace of mind?  Me, neither.  Those agencies have been busying themselves targeting Trump supporters as dangerous domestic terrorists and didn’t pick up on the threat in Israel --- or didn’t move on that threat --- and probably don’t have a clue what thousands of potential terrorists, mostly young men, coming across our southern border are doing here.

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy spoke about this on Monday, saying, “Looking at our own intelligence failures, we have to look at our border....[This year] in my own state [California], we caught two from Yemen on the terror watchlist; [also some] from China and others.  Why are they coming to America?  What do they have planned and who are they communicating with?”

The NEW YORK POST has a good summary of the large number being apprehended.

Of course, these are just the ones we apprehended.  Do you think any terrorist working for a slippery eel like Mohammed Deif would let himself get caught?

Israel has (well, had) a border fence, but as part of their carefully plotted attack, Hamas broke it down to come through.  Here, it’s been so much easier for young men from all over the world to slip in gradually, as the Biden administration has installed handy turnstiles in areas that have any barrier at all.  Come right in!  Feel free to mix in with the people pouring in from this hemisphere, and then go wherever you like.  We won’t stop you.

The Senate Intelligence Committee released a redacted threat assessment just a few weeks ago, on September 20, warning about Hamas and Hezbollah in the context of the Iranian regime.  “Iran has growing intelligence and CI [aside:  as in “confidential informant,” such as American Robert Malley and his associates] capabilities to advance its geopolitical objectives,” it says.

No kidding.  We would add the phrase, “in large part because of this administration’s Iran policy

Personal Note

October 12, 2023

I’ve received word that Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor, a former adviser to Trump’s Secretary of Defense, gave an interview lumping me in with those who want to go to war against Iran because I allegedly said that an attack on Israel is an attack on America. I don’t know where he got that idea, but it’s incorrect. What I actually said is that an attack on US citizens should be met with strong action, and these Hamas terrorists have killed Americans and taken them hostage.

To that end, I endorse giving Israel all the support it needs to eradicate Hamas once and for all. That includes sending special forces to advise and help with rescuing American hostages, but not as part of a boots-on-the-ground fighting force, and not to invade Iran.

I also support strong action against Iran for supporting these terrorists, but I have been saying that for years. It doesn’t mean sending in the Marines or bombing Tehran.

There are all kinds of ways to take action to contain Iran, like not lifting sanctions on them, keeping the US energy independent and an exporter of fossil fuels so that Iran doesn't have lots of oil money to fund terrorists, supporting the many brave Iranian dissidents who dare to stand up against the mullahs, preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and of course, NOT HANDING THEM $6 BILLION! In short, by doing the exact opposite of everything the Obama and Biden Administrations have done.

That doesn’t take going to war, it just takes not being an idiot.

It was the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War --- actually the day after, so it would fall on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath and also Simchat Torah, the day when Jews celebrate reading the Torah.  We’d just seen President Biden preside over a prisoner swap in exchange for $6 billion in freed-up money to Iran.  (And it doesn’t matter which Iranian “pocket” that money goes into; leftist media need to stop insulting our intelligence trying to split that hair.)  This was also after Biden’s 2021 delivery of nearly $400 million to the Palestinian Authority (!!), which experts have been warning would help Hamas and cause them to organize more terrorist attacks.  Tensions had reportedly been escalating.  Yet Israel was caught off guard, and so, it seems, were we.

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, “Hamas is ISIS.”  We would go further to say that in helping Hamas, however indirectly, by telling Iran it was about to be $6 billion richer, we gave aid and comfort to our own (and Israel’s) enemy.

Now, AFTER the worst attack on Israel since the Holocaust, we know that Iran, the #1 state sponsor of terrorism, spent weeks --- months, more likely --- plotting it with Hamas.

On Monday, Biden “put a lid on the day” early and attended a barbeque that night.  He must not have been overcome with curiosity about how this huge, well-orchestrated attack could’ve happened without the knowledge of either America or Israel, the countries with arguably the best intelligence agencies in the world.  Have we perhaps been spending too much time trying to ferret out those dangerous Trump supporters, maybe at church or bingo?  How on earth could the U.S. not have known that Iran was working with Palestinian terrorists on this attack?

According to THE GUARDIAN, “it is a mystery why Israeli intelligence appears to have had no idea it was coming.”  They explained that “Israel’s surveillance of Gaza is intense.  It monitors activity, communications and daily life via state-of-the-art surveillance equipment, including drones flying over the strip.  It also relies on human intelligence via informants, many of whom are blackmailed or otherwise coerced into assisting Israel.”  Sadly, that’s the way covert operations work here, too.

“The intelligence failure is monumental,” they went on to report, “and will shake the Israeli public’s faith in their government and army’s ability to protect civilians.”  As Eli Maron, a former head of the Israeli navy, said, “All of Israel is asking itself, where is the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces], where are the police, where is the security?”

THE GUARDIAN reports that many people in Gaza just want to live their lives, free from repeated wars and conflicts.  “They resent the fears imposed on them and the fear instilled in them by Hamas rulers.”  And, “the apparent lack of knowledge of Hamas’ plot will likely be seen as a prime culprit in the chain of events that led to the deadliest attack against Israelis in decades...The ferocious attack, which likely took months of planning and involved coordination among multiple militia groups, appeared to have gone under Israel’s intelligence radar.”

Retired Israeli Gen. Amir Avivi said that without a foothold in Gaza, Israeli security forces have relied on technological means to gather intelligence, and Gaza militants have found ways to evade these.  “They’ve gone back to the Stone Age,” he said.

(Scary sidenote: while our intelligence agencies have been laser-focused on the “threat” of Trump supporters, concerned parents and traditional Catholics, they’ve assured us we have little to worry about from foreign terrorists because there are now “electronic fences,” social media surveillance and other high tech security, just like what Israel relied on in Gaza.)  

Avivi also said that Israeli security services were wrong about Hamas’ intentions:  “Israel’s security establishment has in recent years increasingly seen Hamas as an actor interested in governing, seeking to develop Gaza’s economy and improving the standard of living for Gaza’s 2.3 million people.”  He and others say the truth is that Hamas, which calls for Israel’s destruction, “still sees that aim as its priority.”  And now we’ve seen which one of those views turned out to be right.  They’re really just dirty terrorists.

But that still doesn’t explain how such a devastating, multifaceted attack could have been planned without the knowledge of Israeli and American intelligence.

“...The weekend’s assault, which caught Israel off guard on a major Jewish holiday, plunges [their intelligence] reputation into doubt and raises questions about the country’s readiness in the face of a weaker but determined foe,” reported the Associated Press.  “This is a major failure,” said Yaakov Amidror, former national security adviser to Netanyahu.  “This operation actually proves that the [intelligence] abilities in Gaza were no good.”

Amidror had no explanation, either, saying lessons must be learned “when the dust settles.”

Chief military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said the army owes an explanation, but for now, “First we fight, then we investigate.”



As reported in THE HILL, U.S. intelligence officials refused to call this an intelligence failure.

On Sunday, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken sidestepped the question.  “We will have plenty --- we will have plenty of time to --- the Israelis will have plenty of time to look into that,” he stammered.

He told FOX NEWS SUNDAY host Shannon Bream that “there will be a time and place to look back on exactly how this happened, who knew what when, but that moment is not now when we’re still in the throes of the attack, as your reporting just showed this is still ongoing.”

Wrong, Mr. Secretary of State.  This IS the time and place.  Blinken is stalling for time until he and his people can devise the story they want us to swallow, and Americans are sick of that.  It doesn’t make sense that our government wouldn’t have been able to foresee anything about this.

(Maybe our patience is just running thin and our trust is gone after January 6, now that we know our FBI had quite a bit of information on, and involvement with, activities leading up to Trump’s rally.  Benghazi comes to mind as well.  They’ve lied to us so much that their old playbook really doesn’t work any longer.)

As for the Iranians, they’ve certainly had their own spies in place.  Recall the story we ran last week from Matt Taibbi in TABLET, about Biden’s chief envoy to Iran Robert Malley being involved in a high-level Iranian spy ring busted in DC.  Sean Hannity addressed this on Monday with guests former CIA station chief Dan Hoffman and Florida Rep. Mike Waltz, who called this “an absolute intelligence failure.”

Waltz expressed concern that “actually, we WERE picking things up, and then you’ve got so many Iran sympathizers in the Biden administration that they were simply looking away.”

Ah, at last, somebody said it!

Waltz continued:  “Not only do you have Robert Malley, who was the chief negotiator for the Iran deal under Biden and Obama, essentially running a spy ring, you have the chief of staff in the Pentagon, of our Special Operations on to all kinds of departmental programs; she’s still on the job.  She still has access to all kind of classified systems, yet she was calling the Iranian foreign ministry before and after briefings to Congress about their nuclear program.”  (We assume he’s talking about Wendy Sherman, whose only defense of human rights in Iran was “saying things forcefully”…)

By the way, in light of the attack on Israel, the Robert Malley story may turn out to be, in the words of California Rep. Darrell Issa, the “worst State Department scandal since Alger Hiss.”  Incredible details here, in this must-read piece… 

Also, from the archives, here’s another must-read, about Joe Biden’s role as “Tehran’s favorite senator” thanks to his “political games.”  It’s from August 2008, just after Obama chose him as his running mate.  Here’s who is in the White House now...

So, this intelligence failure is one more thing congressional Republicans have to look into.  “How far did this go, how much influence, how deep were these tentacles?,” Waltz asked.  “And was it really a failure of collection, or was it people turning a blind eye at the most senior levels?”

Similarly, after working for many years with Israeli intelligence, Hoffman was “shocked” by this failure.  But he did note that Israel needs to keep information about it close to the vest right now, so they don’t expose vulnerabilities.




Just a few days ago, critics were expressing concern about the Army cutting its Special Ops budget, with 10 percent fewer personnel, and shifting its focus away from counterintelligence in the Middle East.  (WHAT counterintelligence?)  Rep. Waltz was one of them, saying he was “stunned and appalled.”  The idea sounds even crazier now…

We’ll end by quoting what retired Green Beret Lt. Scott Mann said very presciently just days before the attack:  “You know, they are regenerating in Afghanistan and there is very good chance that we could see a resurgence of them.  And you can’t mass produce Special OPS after an emergency occurs; that is a Special Operations point.”  Also, “al-Qaida and ISIS have an enduring desire to strike the homeland.  They’ve proven that they can and they will.  And they now have a new unfettered safe haven in Afghanistan.  And they’re gonna make that happen.”



 RELATED READING:  For when you have time, Alex Marlow, author of the new book BREAKING BIDEN, has an unsparing explanation of why Biden bears responsibility for Hamas’ attack on Israel.  Our hope would be that editorial writers at THE NEW YORK TIMES who actually blamed Trump for this --- not kidding, and they never mentioned Obama or Biden or their Iran policy --- would read it, but of course, they won’t.


A Huck's Heroine

October 12, 2023

Here’s a Huck’s Heroine salute to Inbal Lieberman, a 25-year-old Israeli woman who is the security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am. She immediately realized that the sounds she was hearing were different from “the usual rocket attacks” on the kibbutz. She ran from home to home, opened the armory and passed out guns, and placed 12 men on the kibbutz fence. When the terrorists arrived to attack, all 25 of them were killed.

This article explains why Israel has distributed 10,000 “assault rifles” to civilian security teams since the attack.

But it doesn’t explain why the initial victims were unarmed and unable to fight back. Many people don’t realize that Israel, despite its reputation for self-defense, has strict gun control. The horrifying numbers of victims could be ascribed to the same idea as that behind the saying of Second Amendment defenders: “When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.” They had to wait for security forces to arrive and save them. 

Those forces acted with stunning bravery, even making themselves human shields to protect civilians, but the terrorists were still able to kill hundreds of people because, unlike the residents at the kibbutz, they were unarmed.

This thought-provoking article from a gun rights website argues that this attack should put an end to all demands for more gun control, but of course, it won’t. The left will just keep saying, “It can’t happen here,” even as they open up the border and allow unvetted people from who-knows-where to come streaming in.

And by the way, the argument that “it can’t happen here” is moronic rubbish. News flash: 9/11 happened HERE.


Today we have an update on the fate of the monster who goes by the name “Mohammed Deif,” the one-armed, one-legged, one-eyed bomb maker-turned-terrorist-leader reportedly responsible for the planning of Saturday’s grisly massacre in Israel.  He’s been one of the Israeli military’s “Most Wanted” since 1995.  We heard a tentative report earlier Wednesday that he might have been killed along with some accomplices, but it appears now that he is still out of reach.  Here’s more about him…

As Brian Killmeade reported on Jesse Watters’ FOX NEWS show Wednesday night, the military has caught up with some of his family members.  Retired Marine Corps. Col. Chris Douglas, whose background includes investigating the explosion in Afghanistan that killed 13 Americans, appeared on the show to discuss the current manhunt.

He said it’s challenging to find this terrorist because the population in that region obviously isn’t turning him in.  This could mean either that they uniformly support him or that they are too afraid of him to make a move.  He’ll be “very tough to find,” as he’s “just hiding among the populace.”  There’s also an extensive tunnel network, he said, but one would think Israeli intelligence would’ve had that figured out.

When Kilmeade asked Col. Douglas if our abandonment of $4 billion worth of fighting equipment in Afghanistan might be related to this, he answered, “I mean, it’s hard to say that it isn’t.”

“The Middle East is the most complicated region in the world,” he said.  “And although security wasn’t perfect in Afghanistan, it was more secure than it is now, with the Taliban in charge and all of the weaponry that we left behind and the manner in which we left.  That said, the allies and partners within the region and around the globe definitely weren’t convinced that we were the force of choice in the future for incidents such as this.”

He put that about as delicately as it can be stated.  Suggested translation:  it made us look pathetically weak around the world.  Tragically, in many circles --- Harvard University comes to mind --- Hamas is being seen as strong and heroic right now, and even justified in what they have done (as if anything could ever justify THAT).  So, what has to happen to change that twisted perception?

“Speed, surprise, and violence in action” is what they [the Israelis] need now, Col. Douglas said.  “They’ve got to respond swiftly, violently, and then, what’s gonna have to follow after that, though, is once they’ve defeated Hamas, any remaining need to be held to account.  And they need to rapidly establish some sort of assistance package to Gaza; that’s gonna be the next.  Because otherwise, it’s gonna be just this continuing problem, without providing some sort of stability.”

And what about the security of our own border?  Kilmeade brought up the 6,000-plus “alien apprehensions” of Afghanis crossing into the U.S.; the 164 from Lebanon; the 659 from Iran; the 30,000 from Turkey (and of course these are just the apprehended ones), and asked, “Should we think that all these people want to be part of the American Dream?”

With an uncomfortable chuckle, Col. Douglas said, “You’d be naive to think that.  The manner in which this happened in Israel should be a call to our elected officials, our President, to establish some sort of border security and to determine who here at home may wish us harm.”

That obviously makes too much sense for our current leadership to do.




One Democrat talking point the past few days has been that “this isn’t the time to talk about the security failures.  We’ll work on that later.”  Certainly, they don’t want to dwell on a topic that brings up our own border security, but that consideration in the coming months is one huge reason why we have to determine the cause of this intelligence failure NOW and make sure it doesn’t happen here.

Bonchie at REDSTATE was right out of the gate with at least a preliminary look at how this could happen.  “Clearly, intelligence resources were involved,” he said on Sunday of the attack, “and the multitude of weaponry, including thousands of rockets, was not produced by the Palestinians.”

“At this point, anyone denying Iran’s involvement might as well proclaim that the sky is not blue,” he said.  “Iran’s own Supreme Leader came out and praised Hamas’ attack as it was occurring.  Now, we have further confirmation, including from Hezbollah, Iran’s chief anti-Israel terror militia, that Iran was directly behind planning and pulling the trigger on the invasion.”

He pointed out that Biden’s Iran policy saved them when their economy --- and possibly their Islamist regime --- was on the verge of collapse, with renewed oil sales and unfrozen assets that are enriching them by tens of billions of dollars.  We would add that the Biden administration has dispersed other questionable funds, more than $730 million to a UN agency that the State Department said in 2021 has assisted Hamas.  (Unbelievably, the UN doesn’t categorize Hamas as a terrorist group.)

Hamas and Hezbollah are also reportedly rolling in cryptocurrency, and Iran funds Hamas to the tune of about $100 million a year. 

Bonchie also noted that this approach to Iran policy dates back to Obama and that many of the players today are his holdovers.  Jake Sullivan is one of those, a chief architect of Obama’s all-important “Iran deal.”  (We were saying in those days that Obama seemed more like the president of Iran than of the United States.  His administration was all about that deal, remember?)  And recall our recent story about this official, Ariane Tabatabai, in light of what just transpired with Iran’s help.  This is a must-read now in case you didn’t see it the first time...

Tabatabai, an Iranian immigrant working in the Obama administration, recommended sharing intelligence with Iran in 2016, among other suggestions (the article has startling details) for working with them --- as an ally.  In 2021, after Biden’s State Department brought her in as a senior adviser, a congressional letter suggested her security clearance be pulled because she obviously had a “relationship” with Iran.  The letter said that Tabatabai “has echoed Iranian regime talking points and has made excuses for Iran’s oppressive government.”

But that congressional letter was taken about as seriously as most other congressional letters are these days.  State Department spokesman Ned Price defended Tabatabai, saying that any security-related concerns about her were “baseless and illegitimate.”  He called expressions of these concerns “smears and slander.”  And today, Tabatabai is still in the Biden administration, with the impressive title of Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. 

This is true even though Iran envoy Robert Malley --- now under investigation for mishandling classified documents and suspected of being part of a spy ring for Iran --- personally brought her onto his team of negotiators.  “Even in the face of serious evidence that the State Department and the Department of Defense are employing an enemy government agent, the Biden administration is not backing down,” Daniel Greenfield writes for FRONT PAGE Magazine.  “The speed with which Tabatabai...has been able to fully penetrate the highest echelons of our national defense in a little over a decade is a testament to the national security collapse within a disloyal bureaucracy.”

There are other stunning examples as well, as guest Brooke Goldstein, CEO of The Lawfare Project, laid out on Wednesday’s HANNITY.  (See full show, about 15 minutes in; the interview isn’t broken out as a clip. This requires a cable subscription; the show should be free on YouTube in a day or so.)

We still don’t know exactly what contributed to this stunning security failure, both here and in Israel.  But after reading about such pro-Iranian people in our own government, it starts to seem possible that our government MIGHT have, um, “missed” an operation largely planned by Iran.  If anyone in our State Department or Pentagon had any hint of this impending vicious attack and Israel was not warned, that would make our government complicit in the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.




Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9

Message to Readers: I wish things were different

I wrote last month about an investigation into all the liberal groups that fund and feed “information” to the A.P., and how that helps to explain why so many “news stories” on subjects like “climate change” read like activist group press releases. From those stories, you’d think there is no other viewpoint other than turned-up-to-11 hysteria. 

Unfortunately, if I summarize the stories for you, it will possibly result in my newsletter being demonetized or blocked or having our ads removed by certain Internet “gatekeepers” who have decided that their views are the only objective truths allowed to be aired in public. This is why, if you’d like to help pay my staffers so that we can keep bringing you the real stories every American needs to know, you should subscribe to the Substack version. Just click here:

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I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictments. I don’t think you will regret supporting a reporting of the facts, not the liberal bias the mainstream media gives you these days!

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

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How did we (and Israel) not know?  Part II

Yesterday, we mentioned that THE NEW YORK TIMES had written an editorial actually blaming Trump --- it never fails --- for the weekend massacre in Gaza, and that the piece had failed even to mention Presidents Biden or Obama, or the nation of Iran.  Similarly, when Biden spoke briefly on Tuesday, he didn’t mention Iran, either.

There was not a word of condemnation for the #1 state sponsor of terrorism around the world, the state we know was helping Hamas and Hezbollah.  And when John Kirby was asked about the relative importance of this threat on Tuesday by FOX NEWS’ Martha MacCallum, he agreed with Biden’s statement that “The only existential threat humanity faces, even more frightening than a nuclear war, is global warming going above 1.5 degrees in the next 20, 10 years.”  He said Biden stands by that statement, and that “climate change IS an existential threat; it actually threatens and is capable of wiping out all human life on Earth, over time.  I mean, that’s --- I don’t know how [much] more existential you can get...”

Really??  As if that much warming were even happening (it’s not --- and 1600 climate scientists and scholars have said the climate is not an emergency:  In contrast, according to “Scientific Aspects of Nuclear Explosion Phenomena” by Samuel Glasstone and Philip J. Dolan, if a nuclear bomb goes off, “immediately after the explosion time, the temperature of the weapon material is several tens of million degrees and the pressures are estimated to be many million atmospheres.”  In “Physics:  Its Methods and Meanings” by Alexander Taffel, it says the explosion “reaches a temperature of millions of degrees Celsius.”

Presumably this might cause a wee bit of environmental damage.  Now there’s some global warming we all ought to be more concerned about, on a scale we can’t even comprehend.  Why, it might even be capable of wiping out all human life on Earth, over not very much time at all.  Isn’t that the very definition of an existential threat?

It’s time to push back against having our intelligence insulted by politicians and their henchmen, over and over again.

Biden did manage to acknowledge that Americans have been taken hostage.  (Sean Hannity reported Tuesday night that the family of one presumed hostage hadn’t received any communication at all from the White House.)  As for the Americans who are alive and haven’t been taken hostage, they’re apparently stuck for now if they want to fly out, as commercial planes are not flying in.

(Actually, there was one airline out, at least at first, but you probably didn’t hear about it because it came thanks to former President Trump. Here’s the story of a man and his wife who were able to fly to Dubai then home to DC via Emirates Airlines, due to the historic Abraham Accords normalizing relations between Israel and the UAE. He credits Trump, thanks him profusely and calls their departure “miraculous.” So that’s why you’ll never hear this story in the mainstream media.)

Let’s hope these Americans don’t have to stay there as long as the ones who were left in Afghanistan after our shamefully haphazard pull-out in August 2021.  As of this March, there were about 175 Americans still left behind, some of them being held captive by the Taliban.  That’s from Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s testimony before Congress…

Accounts differ as to whether the $6 billion (!!!) of frozen assets Biden has promised Iran access to in return for five American hostages can be re-frozen at this time.  Apparently, it can be, though, because this move is being seriously discussed.  That money should never have been part of any hostage deal in the first place and should stay FROZEN colder than a terrorist’s heart.

But let’s get back to the question of how these monsters were able to slip up on Israeli and, it seems, American intel agencies for this slaughter of Jews.  The NEW YORK POST reports that the mastermind was a man named Mohammed Deif; their headline offers some welcome unintentional humor (our favorite kind) on a day when we can really use some.  Just read the POST’s headline…

“Palestinian militant behind Israeli attack is slippery, one-armed, one-legged former bomb maker,” it reads.  Okay, we take our laughs where we can find them.  Presumably this guy got out of bomb-making because after the first two attempts, he realized he just wasn’t very good at it.

He’s obviously better at planning.  He’s got a reputation as a “psycho” and a “cat with nine lives” because he’s survived so many assassination attempts.  We know he’s responsible for this massacre because he posted a video on Saturday announcing the start of the people’s “revolution.”

The name “Deif” means “guest” in Arabic and apparently refers to his habit of moving around a lot and staying with a variety of other operatives to avoid detection.  As the POST reports, “Deif has remained in the shadows for decades despite Israel’s best efforts to take him out at least five times in assassination attempts.”  Now this wheelchair-bound savage will be deified by Hamas, Hezbollah and their contemptible fans.

Col. Eyal Rosen of the Israeli army reserves said his “main goal is to destroy Israel.  This is one of the first steps --- this is just the beginning.”

So, apparently this guy is so slippery that Israeli intelligence hasn’t been able to find him or know what he’s up to, even with the many people, including Iranians, who must have been helping him.  One would think, though, that even if they didn’t know of his plan, they (and we) would have been extra-cautious around the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, with tensions rising and other factors that made the day significant.  We hope to bring you more about the cause of this deadly intel failure very soon, but in the meantime, let’s look at the situation in our own country and the likelihood of a similar failure.  JUST THE NEWS has done that.

Does the fact that the U.S. has 18 intelligence gathering agencies give you any peace of mind?  Me, neither.  Those agencies have been busying themselves targeting Trump supporters as dangerous domestic terrorists and didn’t pick up on the threat in Israel --- or didn’t move on that threat --- and probably don’t have a clue what thousands of potential terrorists, mostly young men, coming across our southern border are doing here.

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy spoke about this on Monday, saying, “Looking at our own intelligence failures, we have to look at our border....[This year] in my own state [California], we caught two from Yemen on the terror watchlist; [also some] from China and others.  Why are they coming to America?  What do they have planned and who are they communicating with?”

The NEW YORK POST has a good summary of the large number being apprehended.

Of course, these are just the ones we apprehended.  Do you think any terrorist working for a slippery eel like Mohammed Deif would let himself get caught?

Israel has (well, had) a border fence, but as part of their carefully plotted attack, Hamas broke it down to come through.  Here, it’s been so much easier for young men from all over the world to slip in gradually, as the Biden administration has installed handy turnstiles in areas that have any barrier at all.  Come right in!  Feel free to mix in with the people pouring in from this hemisphere, and then go wherever you like.  We won’t stop you.

The Senate Intelligence Committee released a redacted threat assessment just a few weeks ago, on September 20, warning about Hamas and Hezbollah in the context of the Iranian regime.  “Iran has growing intelligence and CI [aside:  as in “confidential informant,” such as American Robert Malley and his associates] capabilities to advance its geopolitical objectives,” it says.

No kidding.  We would add the phrase, “in large part because of this administration’s Iran policy.”

Update on the Biden financial scandal

 Of course, no matter what else is happening in the world, information about this scandal continues to drip out.  Thanks to an August 2022 Freedom Of Information Act request by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller’s organization America First Legal, we finally know that then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office exchanged nearly 20,000 emails with Hunter Biden’s investment firm Rosemont Seneca.  (Of course, Joe Biden knew NOTHING about his son’s business affairs.)  Details here…

Israel update

Once again, here is the link to Fox News’ continually-updated page of the latest news on the war in Israel.

The major developments over the past 24 hours are that the death toll has risen to at least 2100 people, including about 1200 killed in Israel. Israel is continuing its pounding of the Gaza Strip by air in preparation for a ground invasion of Hamas-controlled territory. The defense minister said he’s “eliminated every restriction” on the IDF and “we will eliminate anyone who fights us.”

President Biden said it’s been confirmed that Americans are among those who have been taken hostage by Hamas, but it’s not certain yet how many.

Another Iran-backed terrorist group, Hezbollah,1` launched an attack from the north from Lebanon, but Israel was prepared for it. There were also reports of rockets being fired at Israel from Syria, but Israeli troops reportedly destroyed the source.

With politicians from both parties demanding that the Biden Administration refreeze that $6 billion they unfroze for Iran, White House spokespeople are spinning like drunken ballet dancers as they try to deny and deflect. Here’s a round-up of several ways in which they’ve tried to insult our intelligence, including:

Insisting that the money could only be used for “humanitarian” purposes (but it frees up $6 billion elsewhere in their budget to fund terrorism)…Claiming that there’s no direct evidence that Iran used the money to fund this attack (So it can’t be true if we don’t have video of a mullah handing a big bag of money marked “$6 billion from Biden” to a Hamas terrorist? That’s the same argument they’re using to insist there’s no direct evidence that Joe got any of Hunter’s corrupt deal money)…And when all else fails, try to blame it on Trump. I’m not kidding, and you’ll never guess why they try to claim this is Trump’s fault.

You see, Trump withheld that money from Iran and let so much of it accrue. Well, in that case, I guess they had no choice but to free it up for the world’s #1 supporter of terrorism. There was just so much of it!


Personal note

I’ve received word that Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor, a former adviser to Trump’s Secretary of Defense, gave an interview lumping me in with those who want to go to war against Iran because I allegedly said that an attack on Israel is an attack on America. I don’t know where he got that idea, but it’s incorrect. What I actually said is that an attack on US citizens should be met with strong action, and these Hamas terrorists have killed Americans and taken them hostage.

To that end, I endorse giving Israel all the support it needs to eradicate Hamas once and for all. That includes sending special forces to advise and help with rescuing American hostages, but not as part of a boots-on-the-ground fighting force, and not to invade Iran.

I also support strong action against Iran for supporting these terrorists, but I have been saying that for years. It doesn’t mean sending in the Marines or bombing Tehran.

There are all kinds of ways to take action to contain Iran, like not lifting sanctions on them, keeping the US energy independent and an exporter of fossil fuels so that Iran doesn't have lots of oil money to fund terrorists, supporting the many brave Iranian dissidents who dare to stand up against the mullahs, preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and of course, NOT HANDING THEM $6 BILLION! In short, by doing the exact opposite of everything the Obama and Biden Administrations have done.

That doesn’t take going to war, it just takes not being an idiot.

A Much-Needed Lesson

Watch an Israeli mom give MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell a much-needed lesson in the difference between Israel defending its homeland and its people and vicious Hamas terrorists murdering innocent people, including children.

Former New York Times editor Bari Weiss had to perform the same basic service for Joe Scarborough and crew.

As Scott Johnson notes at that link, “Current events have flushed out the many Nazis in our midst.” It’s genuinely disturbing to see how many people in allegedly civilized nations, from Europe to Australia to the US, are loudly siding with the anti-Semitic, genocidal terrorists of Hamas.

They’re even in our own Congress...

Some claim to be merely expressing sympathy for the oppressed Palestinians, but many don’t even bother to hide their sick hatred anymore and are openly cheering murder, rape and brutal torture of innocent Jews, even babies and children, as if it were a justifiable form of protest.

For instance, I find it hard to believe that BLM has any credibility left to lose at this point, but if so, they burned it to the ground with their public statements that were clearly in support of brutal terrorism.

The Chicago BLM chapter deleted its tweet celebrating Hamas by showing a sick graphic of terrorists paragliding into Israel, but the Internet is forever, and we will not forget.

Related: None of the ten top celebrities on Instagram have shown support for Israel, but many of them bent over backwards to genuflect before BLM.

Some commentators have also asked why we aren’t hearing a peep out of Antifa. That radical group claims to have taken its name from being “anti-fascist.” They call everyone Nazis and fascists, from Trump voters to police to people who don’t want men in girls’ bathrooms, but they say nothing about the return of actual, 1930s-style anti-Semitic thugs who want to kill Jews?

I’m not surprised, nor am I surprised at any of these far-left extremists taking the side of genocidal anti-Semites. It’s long been established that the left attacks the right by falsely accusing them of what the left is actually doing. Ever since “Antifa” appeared, I’ve been pointing out that they are in reality the biggest fascist threat in America. They didn’t even try to disguise it. How much more obvious can they get about being fascists than dressing in dark clothes, hoods and masks and physically assaulting anyone who dares to voice a political opinion they disagree with?

Well, they finally found a way: not saying a word about fellow violent radicals who are trying to exterminate the Jews. As so many people are suddenly saying these days, “When someone tells you what they are, believe them.”

A Huck’s Heroine

Here’s a Huck’s Heroine salute to Inbal Lieberman, a 25-year-old Israeli woman who is the security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am. She immediately realized that the sounds she was hearing were different from “the usual rocket attacks” on the kibbutz. She ran from home to home, opened the armory and passed out guns, and placed 12 men on the kibbutz fence. When the terrorists arrived to attack, all 25 of them were killed.

This article explains why Israel has distributed 10,000 “assault rifles” to civilian security teams since the attack.

But it doesn’t explain why the initial victims were unarmed and unable to fight back. Many people don’t realize that Israel, despite its reputation for self-defense, has strict gun control. The horrifying numbers of victims could be ascribed to the same idea as that behind the saying of Second Amendment defenders: “When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.” They had to wait for security forces to arrive and save them. 

Those forces acted with stunning bravery, even making themselves human shields to protect civilians, but the terrorists were still able to kill hundreds of people because, unlike the residents at the kibbutz, they were unarmed.

This thought-provoking article from a gun rights website argues that this attack should put an end to all demands for more gun control, but of course, it won’t. The left will just keep saying, “It can’t happen here,” even as they open up the border and allow unvetted people from who-knows-where to come streaming in.

And by the way, the argument that “it can’t happen here” is moronic rubbish. News flash: 9/11 happened HERE.


Harvard’s speech problems

Kudos to Harvard President Claudine Gay. It only took her a couple of days and two tries to arrive at the almost correct response to over 30 Harvard student groups signing a letter supporting Hamas’ murder, rape and torture of innocent Israelis as legitimate and justifiable forms of protest. 

After the university first issued a wishy-washy statement condemning vague violence and endorsing compassion, which was greeted with legitimate and justifiable fury and outrage, Gay finally stated that while the groups have a right to speak, they don’t speak for Harvard, and that the terrorist atrocities perpetrated by Hamas are “abhorrent, whatever one’s individual views of the origins of longstanding conflicts in the region.” There, was that so hard?

Now, as for the claim that they have a “right to speak” these abhorrent thoughts, I will throw back at her the same argument that leftist university groups have made for several years while threatening, canceling and shouting down conservative speakers: that they don’t have a right to be free of consequences for their “hate speech.” I think I can make a pretty good case that voicing support for the wholesale slaughter of Jews is more “hate speech” than calling for separate sports teams for men and women. Alan Dershowitz, who was a distinguished Harvard law professor for decades, told Sean Hannity that he’s not allowed to speak on campus in support of Israel anymore, but leftist professors who back Palestinian terrorists are allowed to speak there. Maybe that's why the students are so painfully ignorant, immoral and uninformed. 

For that reason, many people are calling for the names of the students who signed this letter to be made public, so that future employers or companies offering them internships can rescind those offers. If you can’t have someone in your company who wrote a non-PC tweet ten years ago, then why would you hire someone who openly endorses anti-Semitic genocide?

After all, in their own words: Hate speech should have consequences.

Related: has already started ferreting out the identities and backgrounds of some of the student leaders of these groups, and I’m not at all surprised by some of the other people and groups they’re associated with.


Making it official

Kari Lake announced that she will run for Democrat Krysten Sinema’s Arizona Senate seat.

And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he’s leaving the Democratic Party (even more than Reagan, he could say, “The Party left me!”) to run as an independent, Third Party campaign for President.

This has both sides worried, since it isn’t clear whether he would take more votes away from Biden or Trump. I suspect his effect on the race might be less than expected by the time the actual election arrives. But liberals are having meltdowns (even his own family is attacking him, their loyalties obviously being to the Party first.) They're also accusing Fox News of propping RFK Jr. up until he made this announcement, then having Sean Hannity confront him on his long history of leftwing positions, like opposing fracking and fossil fuels and supporting Obama, Kerry and Biden.

Seems to me that Hannity was just doing his job, which is to ask tough questions and make politicians explain themselves. The liberal outlets should try that with Biden sometime. 

I had RFK Jr. on my TBN show, but not to promote his candidacy. I made it clear that he’s a liberal, and we disagree on most issues, but at least he had the guts to come on my show and have a civil discussion, which is something most Democrats refuse to do, despite the standing invitation. I respect him, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for him. Why is that so hard for some people to understand? I guess if you’re obsessed with nothing but maintaining political power at all costs, it’s hard to focus on nuances.

New Santos indictments

Tuesday, the US Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York filed a 23-count indictment against Republican Rep. George Santos, adding 10 more counts to a previous indictment. The new charges include wire fraud, falsifying FEC records and aggravated identity theft.

As tempting as it might be to put this into the “two-tiered justice” story bin, the charges aren’t the kind of stuff other prosecutors have had to torture torts and strain credulity to come up with. They include actual crimes, like allegedly inflating his fundraising numbers with fabricated or stolen contributions and charging expenses on his donors’ credit cards without authorization. I’ll defend anyone’s right to the presumption of innocence, but the fact that his campaign treasurer pleaded guilty to related charges last week might make that problematic.

It's a shame that when New Yorkers finally elected a Republican, it turned out to be this guy. But on the bright side, between him and Sen. Bob Menendez, we finally know just how corrupt a Congress member has to be before someone finally arrests them.

Economy update

I don’t want to be constantly negative about the economy, so I’ll share this story from a conservative site, Breitbart Business Digest, that argues that the high jobs numbers in recent months are actually solid and not just part time jobs replacing fulltime jobs, as some commentators suggest.

Unfortunately, I also have to note that our politicians have screwed things up so badly that even good news is bad news, and strong hiring could convince the Fed to raise interest rates again to try to bring down inflation.

And before the Democrats try to give Biden credit for the good jobs numbers, I’ll repeat something I’ve been saying since Obama was in: The US economy is like an Olympic swimmer: so strong that he can stay afloat even with a concrete block tied around his neck. But giving Obama or Biden’s policies credit for that feat is like giving credit to the concrete block instead of the swimmer.

4 Million

Not that anyone else in DC is keeping count, but a report by Congressional Republicans found that from the time Biden took office in January 2021 to March 2023, roughly four million illegal migrants were allowed to cross the border, and at least 2,148,738 were released into the US. Add to that another 205,473 aliens released “through illegal categorical parole programs,” plus more than 1.7 million known “gotaways” that evaded Border Patrol entirely and escaped into the US.

Altogether, that’s about 4 million illegal immigrants coming in over 26 months. So New York, Chicago and LA, you’d better start building more public housing.

Good to see

It's always good to see a state pass laws to protect election integrity, even if they have to override a Democrat Governor’s veto to do it.

I love the Gov’s argument that by establishing bipartisan local election boards instead of boards packed with appointees from the Governor’s party, this law poses a “threat to democracy.” Once again, that’s the new definition of “Democracy,” meaning, “Anything that keeps Democrats in power.”

Update on the Biden financial scandal

Of course, no matter what else is happening in the world, information about this scandal continues to drip out.  Thanks to an August 2022 Freedom Of Information Act request by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller’s organization America First Legal, we finally know that then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office exchanged nearly 20,000 emails with Hunter Biden’s investment firm Rosemont Seneca.  (Of course, Joe Biden knew NOTHING about his son’s business affairs.)  Details here…


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

James, 3:17-18

Message to Readers: I wish things were different

I wrote last month about an investigation into all the liberal groups that fund and feed “information” to the A.P., and how that helps to explain why so many “news stories” on subjects like “climate change” read like activist group press releases. From those stories, you’d think there is no other viewpoint other than turned-up-to-11 hysteria. 

Unfortunately, if I summarize the stories for you, it will possibly result in my newsletter being demonetized or blocked or having our ads removed by certain Internet “gatekeepers” who have decided that their views are the only objective truths allowed to be aired in public. This is why, if you’d like to help pay my staffers so that we can keep bringing you the real stories every American needs to know, you should subscribe to the Substack version. Just click here:

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You’ll find subscription plans as low as $3 a month for the full newsletter with exclusive subscriber-only content, no gatekeeper censorship, and no ads. Plus, you get a 20% discount on “Huckabee” merchandise, so unlike an electric car, it really does pay for itself! But sorry, no government subsidies.

I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictments. I don’t think you will regret supporting a reporting of the facts, not the liberal bias the mainstream media gives you these days!

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

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Israel's 9/11

Just as we were going to press on Saturday, word came of the horrific terrorist attack/invasion of southern Israel by Hamas. Since then, the news has turned more tragic with each passing hour. Naturally, in a newsletter like this, we can’t possibly provide you with up-to-the-minute news on such a fast-breaking story. But if you will bookmark this link, it will take you to Fox News’ page of the latest stories, continually updated:

All we can do, aside from urging you to pray for Israel and the victims of this unconscionable terrorist assault (those who were killed, injured or taken hostage), is give you a brief recap of the major news thus far, point you to some of the most important commentary, and add some of my own.

To bring you up to speed: On Saturday, Hamas staged the biggest attack on Israel in years from the Gaza Strip, launching a barrage of thousands of rockets in an attempt to overwhelm Israels’ Iron Dome missile defense. The militants also infiltrated Israel and attacked unarmed men, women and children, even slaughtering at least 260 people who were gathered for a music festival. Depending on the source, the current death toll is reportedly between 800 and 1100, including nine Americans, with more than 2,000 wounded, and an unknown number taken hostage, which might include Americans, but that’s not yet verified at this writing. Many are calling this Israel’s 9/11, and I don’t think that’s an overstatement. Here is just one example of Hamas’ savagery, and I don’t even want to describe it here.

Israel has declared itself to be in a state of war for the first time in 50 years, and Prime Minister Netayahu has deployed tens of thousands of troops to the Gaza Strip. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said he has ordered a “complete siege” of Gaza, cutting off water, electricity and food, adding, "We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly." Netanyahu predicted that this war will be long and difficult, but military officials vowed to “kill every terrorist in Israel.”

Of course, the big question looming over this atrocity was how such a massive attack could have been planned and executed without Israeli intelligence getting a whiff of it? That question might have been answered by Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, who revealed that the attack was planned with help from Iranian security officials and greenlit by Iran at a meeting last week in Beirut. Judging from the military equipment the terrorists are using, including sophisticated drones, it’s likely Iran also helped supply the weaponry. Iran’s “Supreme Leader” even praised the barbaric attack as it was happening.

This shouldn’t have been a surprise. Some of us have been warning of the dangers of Iran for years, even as the Obama and now Biden Administrations have done everything possible to lift sanctions, release frozen assets and claim that Iran’s leaders can somehow be bribed or schmoozed into giving up their rabid hatred of America, Israel, Jews and any non-radical Muslims who dare question them. Here’s your answer for how well that idiotic notion works out in reality. Now, imagine them with nuclear weapons.

Donald Trump saw this coming last month, when Biden unfroze $6 billion in Iranian cash to get some US hostages released (reportedly really $16 billion; the other $10 billion didn’t get as much press.)

Trump predicted it would be used to fund terrorism, but the Biden White House insisted that, oh no, it could only be used for “humanitarian” purposes. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is desperately trying to spin that, still insisting that none of that money was used for this attack, and it wasn’t US taxpayer money but “Iranian resources that Iran has accumulated from the sales of oil.”

What an impressive string of irrelevant points. Who cares if the money that funded this atrocity came out of that particular Iranian bank account or another one? It came from IRAN, which is why we shouldn’t be freeing up funds, lifting sanctions and letting them build nuclear reactors. And thanks for inadvertently admitting the truth that Iran has accumulated a lot of resources from selling oil. That’s billions of dollars they wouldn’t have accumulated if Joe Biden hadn’t declared war on the US fossil fuel industry and driven up the price of oil while making other nations more dependent on sources like Iran.

And just to be abundantly clear, here’s a former State Department advisor on Iran explaining precisely why the Biden crew’s frantic spin about that $6 billion is garbage, and it actually “freed up huge reserves” that Iran could use to continue funding terrorism through groups like Hamas.

There is also a claim by a high-ranking Israeli Defense Forces commander that some of the equipment left behind in Afghanistan during Biden’s botched pullout was used to attack Israel.

If you think this Administration has the slightest idea of what it’s talking about when it comes to Iran, here’s a reminder that just eight days before the attack, Biden’s “National Security Adviser” Jake Sullivan was boasting of all their accomplishments in the Middle East and declared, “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”

Another very disturbing aspect of this attack has been watching the attempts by people in the US and Europe to put the blame for it on Israel, Republicans, Donald Trump or anywhere other than where it belongs: on the vicious, barbaric, hate-filled Hamas terrorists who committed it.

I am fed up to my eyeballs with the moronic moral equivalencies and immediate calls for a cease-fire dished out by far-left, anti-Semitic “Squad” members in Congress, MSNBC commentators and other useful idiots of radical Islamic terrorists.

We even had an official government agency, the US Office of Palestinian Affairs, tweet out, “We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.” That was quickly deleted with the State Department saying it was not authorized and doesn’t reflect US policy, which is to unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself.

Good. I don’t want to hear any balloon juice from liberal bureaucrats urging Israel to show restraint and end the violence, which can be translated as “let their people be slaughtered and do nothing to stop it.” We had something like that in the 1930s and ‘40s, and Jews and all other decent people all over the world vowed, “Never again.” “Never” means “NEVER.”

The “Democratic Socialists of America” held a rally in Times Square on Sunday to cheer the Hamas attack on Israel and the slaughter of innocent civilians. So the next time some “Democratic Socialist” tries to convince you that they’re not REALLY your dad’s America-hating socialists, remember this and realize that you can call a scorpion a butterfly, but it’s still a scorpion.

Here’s something that I sincerely hope will make people rethink sending their kids to an Ivy League school: 57 student groups at Harvard signed a statement holding Israel “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” Yes, they think it’s Israel’s fault that Hamas terrorists murdered hundreds of innocent people and injured thousands more. I wonder if they’d blame Israel or Trump if some of the millions of unvetted illegal entrants allowed into the US under Biden turned out to be terrorists and attacked a music festival they were attending?

On that subject, look at how many people inside both the US and European nations are celebrating this barbarism and ask yourself how they got there and if they might do it, too.

And here’s more blinkered stupidity from Human Rights Watch, who previously slammed Israel for having too much security on the barrier between Gaza and Israel.

But the biggest morons on the planet had to be the pro-Palestinian protesters from a group called “Queers for Palestine.” One commentator asked if they were aware that the only place in the Middle East where they could be openly gay and not be executed is Israel?

Finally, I will urge you again to pray for Israel and for the victims of this horrific attack, and end with this thought-provoking commentary from Victor Davis Hanson:

Hanson also posted this on Twitter (X)…

“Here we are 78 years after the end of the Holocaust and once again, thuggish killers dressed in black are pulling Jewish elderly, women, and children out of their homes and executing them, and then throwing their bodies into the street. But in 1945, we were fighting the SS murderers, now we are sending millions in subsidies to their modern Hamas killer squad counterparts. We the American people should demand not one more American cent to these Gestapo and SS killers.”

Hurry Up

The attack on Israel has some people calling this the worst possible time for the House to be without a Speaker. It appears that this might light a fire under Congress to hurry up and elect a new House leader.

Federal judge allows ban to go into effect

A federal judge in Oklahoma allowed the new law banning so-called “gender-affirming medical care” (actually, hormones, puberty blockers and surgery that attempt to alter a child’s true gender, not “affirm” it) to go into effect. More details at the link.

As noted, there are various federal court rulings either allowing or blocking similar laws, so this will probably have to be settled by the Supreme Court. Let’s hope this isn’t one of those times when they’ll pull a new right out of thin air, like the right to disfigure children with unnecessary elective surgery because 13-year-olds always know what’s best for them. You’d think this entire argument would be settled by the physicians’ rule of “First, do no harm,” but no.  


More Good Court News:

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has expanded an injunction on the Biden Administration that blocked it from colluding with big tech platforms to censor free speech.

The court added CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) to the list of agencies previously blocked, including the White House, FBI, CDC and Surgeon General’s office. The court found that prior to the 2020 election, CISA actively worked to brand some political opinions as “misinformation” and try to get them censored or banned from social media in violation of the First Amendment.

A CISA spokesman responded that the agency “does not and has never censored speech or facilitated censorship.” I’d say that sounds like a big fat lie, but I don’t want them throwing me off of Facebook.


Not making this up...

Apparently, allowing the US to be overrun with unvetted illegal aliens, fentanyl, Mexican drug gangs and unincarcerated criminals wasn’t making life dangerous enough for the average American. So now, President Biden is going to release grizzly bears on us.

As Dave Barry says, I am not making this up…

Hypocritical Democrats

As you all know, I love dogs. So this story makes my blood boil so much that I will have to restrain myself while relaying it.

After the Bidens' German shepherd Commander was removed from the White House for repeatedly biting staffers and Secret Service agents (it was just revealed that there were more incidents and some more severe than previously reported), Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request for all files related to the First Family’s dogs.

Since this is the second time this has happened (the Bidens’ previous dog Major was also removed for attacking people), Judicial Watch suspects a pattern that might have more to do with the owners than the dogs. They also claim that an unnamed source told them that Joe Biden mistreats his dogs and he has punched and kicked them.

Okay, that was where I had to stop writing and count slowly to 10. To me, that is such an unconscionable, beyond-the-pale thing to do that I’m going to try not to believe it until there’s more evidence. Although it is hard to believe that Joe Biden just happened to get two vicious dogs in a row by random chance. I will try to wait until this is confirmed or debunked before saying more, other than I’m glad Commander is out of the White House and that he will hopefully be placed in a loving home and the biting will cease.

But I will say this: Biden’s record is horrible on everything from energy to border security to freedom to taxes to foreign policy to the economy. Still, that might not prevent him from being reelected. But if it’s proven that he’s one of those stereotypical liberals who “weeps for the masses and kicks the dog,” then he’s toast. Americans will put up with a lot from politicians, but mistreating dogs is the ultimate deal-killer.


New Kurt Schlichter column on why it’s pointless to feel sympathy for residents of blue cities for all the hellish pain they’re enduring when they just keep voting for more of it. I especially enjoy his description of his neighborhood, which is filled with wealthy liberals who would never tolerate the crime, filth, homelessness and lousy schools they’re fine with inflicting on inner city poor people.

Related: For all the female voters who think only the Democrats will protect women’s rights, that might be true only if it’s your right to go to an ER. A New York Post report found that under the Democrats’ criminal-releasing, anti-police policies, felony assaults on women have jumped by 41% over the last four years.


Another Newsom veto

California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would have decriminalized the possession and use of hallucinogenic mushrooms. He probably looked at who’s in power in California and decided that voters aren’t obeying the anti-‘shroom laws anyway.


How did we (and Israel) NOT KNOW IT WAS COMING?

It was the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War --- actually the day after, so it would fall on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath and also Simchat Torah, the day when Jews celebrate reading the Torah.  We’d just seen President Biden preside over a prisoner swap in exchange for $6 billion in freed-up money to Iran.  (And it doesn’t matter which Iranian “pocket” that money goes into; leftist media need to stop insulting our intelligence trying to split that hair.)  This was also after Biden’s 2021 delivery of nearly $400 million to the Palestinian Authority (!!), which experts have been warning would help Hamas and cause them to organize more terrorist attacks.  Tensions had reportedly been escalating.  Yet Israel was caught off guard, and so, it seems, were we.

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, “Hamas is ISIS.”  We would go further to say that in helping Hamas, however indirectly, by telling Iran it was about to be $6 billion richer, we gave aid and comfort to our own (and Israel’s) enemy.

Now, AFTER the worst attack on Israel since the Holocaust, we know that Iran, the #1 state sponsor of terrorism, spent weeks --- months, more likely --- plotting it with Hamas.

On Monday, Biden “put a lid on the day” early and attended a barbeque that night.  He must not have been overcome with curiosity about how this huge, well-orchestrated attack could’ve happened without the knowledge of either America or Israel, the countries with arguably the best intelligence agencies in the world.  Have we perhaps been spending too much time trying to ferret out those dangerous Trump supporters, maybe at church or bingo?  How on earth could the U.S. not have known that Iran was working with Palestinian terrorists on this attack?

According to THE GUARDIAN, “it is a mystery why Israeli intelligence appears to have had no idea it was coming.”  They explained that “Israel’s surveillance of Gaza is intense.  It monitors activity, communications and daily life via state-of-the-art surveillance equipment, including drones flying over the strip.  It also relies on human intelligence via informants, many of whom are blackmailed or otherwise coerced into assisting Israel.”  Sadly, that’s the way covert operations work here, too.

“The intelligence failure is monumental,” they went on to report, “and will shake the Israeli public’s faith in their government and army’s ability to protect civilians.”  As Eli Maron, a former head of the Israeli navy, said, “All of Israel is asking itself, where is the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces], where are the police, where is the security?”

THE GUARDIAN reports that many people in Gaza just want to live their lives, free from repeated wars and conflicts.  “They resent the fears imposed on them and the fear instilled in them by Hamas rulers.”  And, “the apparent lack of knowledge of Hamas’ plot will likely be seen as a prime culprit in the chain of events that led to the deadliest attack against Israelis in decades...The ferocious attack, which likely took months of planning and involved coordination among multiple militia groups, appeared to have gone under Israel’s intelligence radar.”

Retired Israeli Gen. Amir Avivi said that without a foothold in Gaza, Israeli security forces have relied on technological means to gather intelligence, and Gaza militants have found ways to evade these.  “They’ve gone back to the Stone Age,” he said.

(Scary sidenote: while our intelligence agencies have been laser-focused on the “threat” of Trump supporters, concerned parents and traditional Catholics, they’ve assured us we have little to worry about from foreign terrorists because there are now “electronic fences,” social media surveillance and other high tech security, just like what Israel relied on in Gaza.)  

Avivi also said that Israeli security services were wrong about Hamas’ intentions:  “Israel’s security establishment has in recent years increasingly seen Hamas as an actor interested in governing, seeking to develop Gaza’s economy and improving the standard of living for Gaza’s 2.3 million people.”  He and others say the truth is that Hamas, which calls for Israel’s destruction, “still sees that aim as its priority.”  And now we’ve seen which one of those views turned out to be right.  They’re really just dirty terrorists.

But that still doesn’t explain how such a devastating, multifaceted attack could have been planned without the knowledge of Israeli and American intelligence.

“...The weekend’s assault, which caught Israel off guard on a major Jewish holiday, plunges [their intelligence] reputation into doubt and raises questions about the country’s readiness in the face of a weaker but determined foe,” reported the Associated Press.  “This is a major failure,” said Yaakov Amidror, former national security adviser to Netanyahu.  “This operation actually proves that the [intelligence] abilities in Gaza were no good.”

Amidror had no explanation, either, saying lessons must be learned “when the dust settles.”

Chief military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said the army owes an explanation, but for now, “First we fight, then we investigate.”



As reported in THE HILL, U.S. intelligence officials refused to call this an intelligence failure.

On Sunday, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken sidestepped the question.  “We will have plenty --- we will have plenty of time to --- the Israelis will have plenty of time to look into that,” he stammered.

He told FOX NEWS SUNDAY host Shannon Bream that “there will be a time and place to look back on exactly how this happened, who knew what when, but that moment is not now when we’re still in the throes of the attack, as your reporting just showed this is still ongoing.”

Wrong, Mr. Secretary of State.  This IS the time and place.  Blinken is stalling for time until he and his people can devise the story they want us to swallow, and Americans are sick of that.  It doesn’t make sense that our government wouldn’t have been able to foresee anything about this.

(Maybe our patience is just running thin and our trust is gone after January 6, now that we know our FBI had quite a bit of information on, and involvement with, activities leading up to Trump’s rally.  Benghazi comes to mind as well.  They’ve lied to us so much that their old playbook really doesn’t work any longer.)

As for the Iranians, they’ve certainly had their own spies in place.  Recall the story we ran last week from Matt Taibbi in TABLET, about Biden’s chief envoy to Iran Robert Malley being involved in a high-level Iranian spy ring busted in DC.  Sean Hannity addressed this on Monday with guests former CIA station chief Dan Hoffman and Florida Rep. Mike Waltz, who called this “an absolute intelligence failure.”

Waltz expressed concern that “actually, we WERE picking things up, and then you’ve got so many Iran sympathizers in the Biden administration that they were simply looking away.”

Ah, at last, somebody said it!

Waltz continued:  “Not only do you have Robert Malley, who was the chief negotiator for the Iran deal under Biden and Obama, essentially running a spy ring, you have the chief of staff in the Pentagon, of our Special Operations on to all kinds of departmental programs; she’s still on the job.  She still has access to all kind of classified systems, yet she was calling the Iranian foreign ministry before and after briefings to Congress about their nuclear program.”  (We assume he’s talking about Wendy Sherman, whose only defense of human rights in Iran was “saying things forcefully”…)

By the way, in light of the attack on Israel, the Robert Malley story may turn out to be, in the words of California Rep. Darrell Issa, the “worst State Department scandal since Alger Hiss.”  Incredible details here, in this must-read piece… 

Also, from the archives, here’s another must-read, about Joe Biden’s role as “Tehran’s favorite senator” thanks to his “political games.”  It’s from August 2008, just after Obama chose him as his running mate.  Here’s who is in the White House now...

So, this intelligence failure is one more thing congressional Republicans have to look into.  “How far did this go, how much influence, how deep were these tentacles?,” Waltz asked.  “And was it really a failure of collection, or was it people turning a blind eye at the most senior levels?”

Similarly, after working for many years with Israeli intelligence, Hoffman was “shocked” by this failure.  But he did note that Israel needs to keep information about it close to the vest right now, so they don’t expose vulnerabilities.




Just a few days ago, critics were expressing concern about the Army cutting its Special Ops budget, with 10 percent fewer personnel, and shifting its focus away from counterintelligence in the Middle East.  (WHAT counterintelligence?)  Rep. Waltz was one of them, saying he was “stunned and appalled.”  The idea sounds even crazier now…

We’ll end by quoting what retired Green Beret Lt. Scott Mann said very presciently just days before the attack:  “You know, they are regenerating in Afghanistan and there is very good chance that we could see a resurgence of them.  And you can’t mass produce Special OPS after an emergency occurs; that is a Special Operations point.”  Also, “al-Qaida and ISIS have an enduring desire to strike the homeland.  They’ve proven that they can and they will.  And they now have a new unfettered safe haven in Afghanistan.  And they’re gonna make that happen.”



 RELATED READING:  For when you have time, Alex Marlow, author of the new book BREAKING BIDEN, has an unsparing explanation of why Biden bears responsibility for Hamas’ attack on Israel.  Our hope would be that editorial writers at THE NEW YORK TIMES who actually blamed Trump for this --- not kidding, and they never mentioned Obama or Biden or their Iran policy --- would read it, but of course, they won’t.


President Biden interviewed in classified documents case

In news that was almost buried under the deluge of horrific stories out of Israel, President Biden was interviewed on Sunday and Monday by Special Counsel Robert Hur (remember him?) in HIS classified documents case.

Recall that Biden is alleged to have kept classified documents in his office at Penn Biden Center, at a storage warehouse in Chinatown, in his home library, in his attorney’s office in Boston, in his garage near his Corvette, and probably someplace I’m forgetting because there are so many locations.  THE NEW YORK TIMES had details on who else has been interviewed…

“Among [those interviewed] are Steve Ricchetti, a top White House aide, and Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, people familiar with the case said.

“Prosecutors have also spoken to Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, who has been a key Biden foreign policy adviser for decades; Ron Klain, who served as White House chief of staff until earlier this year; and Michael R. Carpenter, the former managing director of the Penn Biden Center, who is currently ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.”

One would assume that with Biden being called in, the special counsel is just about to conclude the investigation.  While another special counsel, Jack Smith, is putting the screws to President Trump over his alleged possession of classified documents (that he, as President, had the authority to declassify) at his heavily-secure home with both Secret Service and armed private security protection, we’ve heard not a peep about the investigation of Biden over something similar and arguably much worse.

More to come.



More on Israel

A reminder: We can’t provide breaking news on the attack on Israel, but this link will take you to a Fox News page that continually updates with all the latest bulletins and a summary of current major headlines:

To recap some of the developments of the past 24 hours: Following a relentless airstrike pounding of Hamas targets in Gaza, Israel says it has reclaimed control of the Gaza border. The known death toll now stands at around 1600, including 900 Israelis and 700 Gazans. Rocket sirens went off in Tel Aviv as another barrage of rockets were fired from Gaza, but there were no reports of injuries thanks to Israel’s advanced missile defenses.

Fox News reports that IDF airstrikes reportedly killed two senior Hamas officials: Joad Abu Shmalah, the Hamas Minister of Economy in the Gaza Strip who oversaw the funding of terrorism and led a number of operations targeting Israeli civilians, and Zachariah Abu Ma'amar, a senior member of the Hamas' political bureau and head of its office for internal relations. He was a senior Hamas decision-maker and coordinator between terror groups in the Gaza Strip.

Here's a report on the hundreds of foreign nationals from around the world who were visiting Israel and were killed, taken hostage or are still missing.

The Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah is reportedly mobilizing forces on Israel’s northern border in Lebanon and Syria with the possible intention of launching a second front attack. But they will not have the benefit of surprise that Hamas had. If they want to volunteer to be obliterated by Israel, that will be the first good thing they’ve ever done for humanity.

Back in the US, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has postponed a planned trip to the Middle East scheduled for later this month. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said the US sent a strong warning to Iran “not to get involved” (a bit late for that, don’t you think?)

Four Israeli-American families whose relatives were killed or taken hostage will hold a press conference later today to demand immediate action from President Biden. Hamas claimed that they have been acting within Islamic instructions by keeping hostages safe, but warned that they would begin killing Israeli hostages for every Israeli bombing of civilians’ homes without warning (if that were true, the hostages would remain safe because Israel doesn’t bomb civilians without warning, Hamas does.)

This is a developing story, and it’s such a horrifying, heartbreaking atrocity, I don’t even want to describe it. I will link to it, but I warn you, it’s extremely disturbing.

Meanwhile, the cheering of murderous, anti-Semitic terrorists by spoiled Western useful idiots continues around the world. Some social media influencers are celebrating the slaughter of innocent Israelis, proving that they should not be influencing anyone.

Harvard reacted to 57 student groups signing a statement blaming Israel for the carnage by putting out a stunningly mealy-mouthed letter (you can read it at the link; I don’t want to quote it and get pablum on my keyboard) which doesn’t even mention their own sadly miseducated students’ support of murderous terrorists.

Here’s some reaction to that, including former Harvard President Larry Summers showing what the current school leaders should have said.

Shockingly, some of the moral equivalence, “blame Israel” mentality and calls for an immediate ceasefire right after Hamas murdered 900 Israelis are coming from inside the House. And I mean our House of Representatives. The sympathy for the devil from “Squad” members was too much even for some Democrats to stomach. New York Rep. Ritchie Torres, who calls himself a pro-Israel progressive, told Jewish Insider, “U.S. aid to Israel is and should be unconditional, and never more so than in this moment of critical need. Shame on anyone who glorifies as ‘resistance’ the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. It is reprehensible and repulsive.”

On the Republican side, Rep. Lindsay Graham was even more blunt. He told Fox News, "Hamas is a bunch of animals who deserve to be treated like animals." He added, “To the ‘Squad’: Shut the hell up. You're emboldening the enemy. You're a disgrace to the United States Congress. You're siding with terrorists over a democracy called Israel."

As shocking as these reactions are, they shouldn’t come as a surprise. In March of this year, a Gallup poll found that Democrats supported Palestinians in Gaza more than Israel by 49-38%, with 13% saying they didn’t support either side over the other. Republicans supported Israel by 78-11%. This article notes that “the 38% support for Israel was a historic low for the Democratic Party.” I couldn’t have put it better myself.

I will just repeat what I said to Sean Hannity last night, and to all the leftists like the Squad members who constantly claim, with zero evidence, that they’re on “the right side of history.” The Bible tells us in Numbers 24:9, “Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”

I’ll also share with all the sick and twisted people celebrating this terrorist atrocity Proverbs 17:5: “The one who mocks the poor insults his Maker, and one who rejoices over calamity will not go unpunished.”

Some good news

Amid so much tragedy this week, I’m glad to be able to report some good news. As I mentioned on this weekend’s episode of “Huckabee” on TBN, your protests on behalf of the Romeike family were heard loud and clear.

This wonderful Christian family came to America to escape persecution in Germany for the crime of homeschooling their children. Since then, they’ve been model residents in Tennessee and haven’t sought a penny of taxpayer aid. But despite all the illegal aliens pouring into our borders, the feds decided that the Romeikes were the only non-citizens worthy of deportation. They were about to be sent back to Germany to face persecution and punishment, and being separated from their children.

But after Tennessee lawmakers sent a letter to ICE protesting the action, the Romeikes have been granted a one-year stay of deportation. That’s not the permanent solution that should have been offered, but at least it buys them 12 months to fight any future attempts at deportation. And hopefully, those will be harder now that the whole nation knows about this and the feds know that any actions taken against them will not go unnoticed.

For stepping up to help the Romeike family and block this outrage, I give a Huck’s Hero salute to those Tennessee legislators and to all of you!

Will Hurd drops out of presidential race

Former CIA agent and Texas Rep. Will Hurd announced that he’s ending his GOP presidential bid. He said Monday, "It has become clear to me and my team that the time has come to suspend our campaign." Since I assume that's the first time most of you heard he was running for President, that’s probably a good call.

Hurd is a vocal anti-Trumper, and he threw his support to Nikki Haley. Considering that the most recent poll I could find that mentioned him was a Sept. 29 Morning Consult poll that had him at 0%, I don’t think that’s going to boost Haley much.

News You Can Use:

A new study of over 12 years of health data found that climbing five flights of stairs (about 50 steps) every day may reduce the risk of some types of heart disease by up to 20 percent.

Democrat Paranoia

I hope that all the Democrats who are launching baseless partisan prosecutions of former President Trump read this story and start feeling very paranoid.

Retired USAF General comes under fire for tweet

Former CIA and NSA Director and retired Air Force general Michael Hayden, who pushed the Russia collusion hoax and signed the letter falsely branding Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian disinformation” to influence the 2020 election, is under fire for using his Twitter account to call for the assassination of Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville. When called out, he doubled down and stood by it.

So let me get this straight: THIS GUY still has a Twitter account?! And people who just said Hunter’s laptop was real were censored?

Reason #10,314 Why The Internet Was A Bad Idea:

Another naked photo of a member of the Biden family has popped up online, and this time, it wasn’t Hunter.


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The Wars of Yom Kippur

October 9, 2023

Our minister began the service this morning this morning by leading the congregation in an emotional prayer for “the peace of Jerusalem,” exactly as Psalm 122 mandates. “May all who love this city prosper. O Jerusalem may there be peace within your walls.” Wh