
"To Stop Clinton"

May 6, 2016

Trump has won passionate supporters and vitriolic detractors for his blunt talk and hardline proposals, including his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, his vow to force Mexico to pay for a border wall, and his promise to renegotiate international trade deals.


May 6, 2016

An Israeli man petitioned a court in Haifa to put out a restraining order against God. He claims that over the past three years, God has been particularly unkind to him, and he wants the Almighty to leave him alone. The judge rejected his request, calling it ludicrous.

My prayers and condolences today for the family of former Utah Sen. Bob Bennett, who passed away Wednesday at 82 from complications of pancreatic cancer and a stroke. Praise is flooding in from virtually every political figure who ever worked with Bennett. He’s being remembered as wise, kind, a fighter for his constituents and small businesses, a pro-life and pro-family conservative and a true gentlemen, even to his opponents. His votes for the bank bailout and immigration reform made him one of the first Senators to fall to a Tea Party challenger, but even the man who replaced him, Sen. Mike Lee, expressed his condolences and respect for Bennett for his courage in fighting cancer and for spending his life “in service to others.”

In an age when politics has become blood sport and debate has degenerated into character assassination, let’s hope more politicians will be inspired by Bob Bennett’s example. He showed us that it is possible to be an effective politician and still be a fine and decent human being.

Click here to read this Washington Times story about Senator Bennett.

Donald Trump’s opponents flooded Indiana with negative ads about him, and Hillary Clinton is already gearing up to go full-bore negative against him. But negative ads were shockingly ineffective against Trump in Indiana, and it’s possible they’ll be equally useless nationwide.

The data analysis firm Evolving Strategies tested four anti-Trump ads focusing on four themes, on a cross-section of Indiana voters. They found that one ad (accusing him of not being a real conservative) had zero effect on both men and women. The other three had a marginal effect, slightly swaying women against him, but no impact at all on the men.

Read the full story for the fascinating details. If Trump proves impervious to negative ads nationwide, it could spell Hillary’s worst nightmare: she’ll actually have to run on her record.

Click here to read more at Conservative Tribune.

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Donald Trump broke the code, owned the media, and inspired the masses. I will be all in to help him defeat Hillary Clinton and I call upon all fellow Republicans to unite in defeating Hillary and abandoning and repudiating the hapless “Never Trump” nonsense.

Communism, Cuba…And America

Welcome to Obama’s "fundamentally transformed" America.

May 3, 2016

We can soften it with non-threatening words such as “liberal,” “progressive,” and “concerned citizens,” but those euphemisms are being used to mask a radical shift towards communism and the increased government control of American lives.
In case you weren’t keeping up with the outrageous behavior of anti-Trump protesters in California, here is a handy blow-by-blow recap in photos of their actions outside the state convention, complete with burning American flag. This followed the rioting outside a Trump rally in Orange County Thursday, where protesters blocked streets, smashed police cars and waved Mexican flags. Nobody is trying to deny their right to protest, but this was not “peaceful assembly,” it was violent confrontation in an attempt to suppress their opposition’s right to free speech.
Even after nearly eight years of trying, President Obama has not been able to enact the strict gun control laws he’s wanted, largely because Americans kept asking the question gun control advocates have never been able to answer: “How, exactly, would this law actually prevent violent crime?” We know that most criminals obtain guns illegally, so gun laws mostly just disarm the law-abiding.

Give Kasich A Break

April 26, 2016

The Cruz-Kasich alliance to deny delegates to Trump lasted all of one weekend. Who would’ve imagined these two would have trouble getting along with others? Comic Jimmy Kimmel said, “It’s a crazy plan, but as long as they did it three months ago, it just might work.”

Donald Trump not only blasted Cruz and Kasich for “colluding” against him, he also riffed on the “disgusting” way John Kasich eats food on the campaign trail. This is the type of both-barrels bluster his fans love, but that critics call vulgar and unpresidential. Personally, I think the Donald should get back to talking about the pocketbook issues that got his base fired up in the first place and cool the personal mockery. With the poll and delegate lead he has over Kasich, it just looks like he’s punching down.

Besides that, I feel a little sympathy for Kasich. When you’re campaigning, people hand you all kinds of foods they expect you to eat, and it can be awkward to try to oblige, especially when you’re in a hurry and it’s some messy and unfamiliar dish. For instance, this year marks the 40th anniversary of then-President Gerald Ford visiting the Alamo, being handed a tamale, and trying to eat it with the corn husk still on. It wasn’t his fault that nobody told him you have to take the wrapper off. Yet it’s 40 years later, and here we are still talking about it. I wonder which one we’ll remember longer: the Alamo or the Great Tamale Blunder?

Read this Fox News story for more. CLICK HERE

Obama and Veterans

April 25, 2016

Maybe a better solution would be to concentrate on getting the private sector economy revved back up and once again creating good-paying jobs. Then veterans wouldn’t need to land government jobs. They could work in the private sector, where being efficient and goal-oriented are actually considered positives.

Let’s all offer a big Huck’s Hero salute to Cumberland County, North Carolina District Court Judge Lou Olivera. Judge Olivera stepped up to help a fellow vet even when standing by his side meant spending a night in jail with him. In a time when so many government officials whose job is to help our wounded warriors have shamefully let them down and really deserve to see the inside of a jail, Judge Olivera showed them what “leaving no soldier behind” looks like.