

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee

Certain Internet “gatekeepers” have decided my newsletter's fate...

I wrote recently about an investigation into all the liberal groups that fund and feed “information” to the A.P., and how that helps to explain why so many “news stories” on subjects like “climate change” read like activist group press releases. From those stories, you’d think there is no other viewpoint other than turned-up-to-11 hysteria. But that’s not at all true, as this story shows.

Unfortunately, if I summarize that story for you, it would possibly result in this newsletter being demonetized or blocked or having our ads removed by certain Internet “gatekeepers” who have decided that their views are the only objective truths allowed to be aired in public. This is why, if you’d like to help pay my staffers so that we can keep bringing you the real stories every American needs to know, you should subscribe to the Substack version. Just click here:


You’ll find subscription plans as low as $3 a month for the full newsletter with exclusive subscriber-only content, no gatekeeper censorship, and no ads. Plus, you get a 20% discount on “Huckabee” merchandise, so unlike an electric car, it really does pay for itself! But sorry, no government subsidies.

I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictments. I don’t think you will regret supporting a reporting of the facts, not the liberal bias the mainstream media gives you these days!

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


Menendez press conference

Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez will hold his first press conference today after being charged Friday by the FBI with accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in the form of cash, gold bars, etc. He’s expected to announce that he’s running for reelection.

I have a suggested campaign slogan: “Menendez: The gold standard of Senators.”  

In other news, Menendez has hired Hunter Biden’s attorneys to represent him. That might be the most predictable news of the day.

Unprecedented move

In an unprecedented move for a sitting President, Joe Biden will go to Michigan Tuesday and walk in the picket line of striking UAW auto workers. If you’re looking for the union label, you’ll find it tattooed on Joe’s backside, and it reads, “Property of the UAW.”

For the record, I think the striking workers have legitimate beefs. I also think that the union bosses are making ridiculous demands, like a 40% raise and a 32-hour work week at a time when new cars already cost more than houses used to and most Americans can’t afford one. Both sides need to compromise, and it doesn't help to have the President of the United States taking sides in the name of political theater.

That linked story includes reaction from the Trump campaign, which claims Biden is only coming there because Trump plans to visit the striking workers on Wednesday, and Democrats are terrified that union workers will realize Biden’s push to force everyone into EVs is costing them jobs. Oh, I'd be surprised if they didn't know that already.

Trump poll gains, cause Biden White House to panic, Part II

I always urge people not to put stock in early polls, which can change on a dime. But this one might explain why Democrats are suddenly looking as panicky about Joe Biden being their 2024 presidential candidate as they would be about him being their Uber driver.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll (so not a rightwing outfit) shows that despite years of constant media attacks and all those unprecedented indictments, Donald Trump now has a 10-point lead over Biden. Trump leads 52-42%, and by 13 points among Independents. Other polls show the race much closer, so this is an outlier, but for a party that seems to care about nothing but retaining power (see John Fetterman), it must be setting off alarms at DNC headquarters.

Beyond the Trump lead, which some might be skeptical of, the poll also shows Biden’s approval/disapproval number at 37/56% and his ratings for handling the economy and immigration at all-time lows. Over 70% say the economy is poor or not-so-good, 87% say the same about gas and energy prices, and 91% say the same about food prices. Asked to assess how Trump did the job of President, 48% approved. That sounds low, but it’s 10 points higher than when he left office, and higher than at any point during his presidency, when the media relentlessly bashed everything he said and did while pushing fake anti-Trump news like Russian collusion.

It all goes to prove what I always say: Nothing makes Republicans look good like just a few years of Democrats being in charge.

But while Biden may be in the dog house, neither party is free of that wet dog smell as far as voters are concerned. Another new poll by the Pew Research Center found that Americans are fed up with both parties and like their government about as much as they’d like a sleazy used car salesman selling them a Yugo filled with cockroaches that are carrying COVID.

Just 16% trust the government “at least most of the time,” which is near a 70-year low. The top two words they think of to describe politics are “divisive” and “corrupt.” Four times as many Americans have unfavorable views of both parties as in 2002, an all-time high, and that includes 37% of 18- to 29-year-olds. 87% of Republicans and 85% of Democrats believe both parties are more focused on fighting each other than on solving problems. 87% support term limits and 79% want age limits on politicians. And when asked to describe the biggest problem with politics, 37% said “politicians.” I’m surprised it was that low.

This may be the first poll where “Pew!” is both the name of the poll taker and the reaction of most of the respondents. 

As a further reminder not to take these polls too seriously, here’s a piece by Jon Gabriel of, reminding us that political conditions can change in a day, the race might not be between Trump and Biden at all, and the vast majority of Americans don’t even start thinking about politics until after Labor Day of the election year, if they can possibly help it.

Backing away

It’s interesting to see how quickly Democrat politicians in New York City and State are backing away from being “sanctuaries” and passing “right to shelter” laws, once the illegal immigrants Biden is letting in by the millions actually started showing up and expecting shelter.

Seems they forgot to explain this before, but the “right to shelter” is only a temporary right, good for 60 days at most. I thought rights were God-given, but apparently, with this right, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

Fact-Check Fails 

Memo to Ukrainian President Zelinskyy and Canada’s Parliament and Prime Minister: If you don’t want people thinking you’re anti-Semites, do a background check to make sure you’re not giving a standing ovation to a former Nazi soldier.

Also, memo to CNN: Before you accuse Rep. Matt Gaetz of twice voting against a defense appropriations bill during a live TV interview, you might want to check twice...or even make sure that’s true. It isn’t.

Joe Biden gaffe of the day (but the day is young yet)…

Nothing but the facts for Rev. Al

In calling for more gun bans, Al Sharpton declared on MSNBC that he’s shocked by people who won’t give up their AR-15 rifles, saying, “People cannot do mass killings unless they have mass instruments.” fact-checked that claim and ruled it false. In fact, mass killers are almost twice as likely to use handguns as long guns of any kind, a category that includes shotguns and all rifles. They also noted that mass killers don’t even require a gun of any kind, like Darryl Brooks Jr., who ran down multiple people and killed six with a car during a parade in Milwaukee; the terrorist in France who killed 86 people with a truck; and the September 11th terrorists, who killed nearly 3,000 people with airplanes.

To be fair, people who watch MSNBC might not be aware of those stories since they’ve been 24/7 anti-Trump news since 2015.

Life In A Blue City:

In Houston, Texas, prosecutors released a man accused of drugging, raping and impregnating a 16-year-old girl on $1 bail because they missed the deadline for indicting him by two days.

A tentative deal is reached

After a 146-day strike, the longest since 1988, the Hollywood writers’ union WGA reached a tentative deal with producers for a three-year contract extension. The bad news: writers will soon be back to ruining entertainment with wokeism, leftist political pandering, anti-Americanism, and racial and LGBTQ+++ propaganda. The good news: The actors are still on strike, so at least nobody will be producing it for a while. Also, there are still plenty of great old TV shows and movies to stream from the era when Hollywood hired writers who knew how to write and actors who only played politicians when the script called for it.

Inside the mind of AOC...scary place

Take a scary peek inside the mind of AOC, where Marco Rubio is responsible for all the illegal immigrants from Venezuela and COVID is the reason she’s still driving that Tesla she swore she’d get rid of when Elon Musk bought Twitter.


Wayne Allyn Root suggests a “giveaway” program that Trump could promise that would win the election for him and the GOP in a landslide. The best part is that it’s not really a giveaway program at all. It’s a reversal of an unconscionable policy that never should have been passed in the first place and that members of both parties should be opposing. It punishes some of the most vulnerable Americans by taxing away their money that’s already been taxed.

Fake News Alert:

No, Sen. Rand Paul didn’t come to work in his bathrobe. That was just a joke meme created with AI. But under the new John Fetterman Senate dress code, he could have.

One by one, Shapley’s team come forward to allege DOJ roadblocks

First, there was Gary Shapley, the lead IRS investigator in the Hunter Biden tax/finance case, who testified in April before the House Ways and Means Committee about political interference in the Hunter Biden case.  He was followed by someone who at first chose to remain anonymous but was later identified as Joseph Ziegler, his top assistant (with absolutely no question about his non-partisanship).  Next, there was IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf, who told the House Ways and Means Committee this month that the DOJ’s Tax Division opposed charging Hunter Biden.  And now, Darrell Waldon, the former IRS agent in charge of the agency’s Washington Field Office (above Shapley in command), has gone before the committee in a closed-door interview to confirm that both the DC and Central California federal prosecutors blocked David Weiss from charging Hunter in their jurisdictions.  He was a more recent addition to the team, on it for two years.

How many agents have to blow the whistle on the handling of this case before the noise finally wakes some people up?  Maybe we’ll end up seeing the entire team of investigators who were removed from the case coming forward to confirm what we already should acknowledge: that our corrupt ‘Justice’ Department is hiding the financial misconduct of the corrupt Biden family.  Would that be enough?

(Aside: Someone blow some steam whistles in the direction of South Carolina Democrat Rep. James Clyburn, who claimed on “Meet the Press” Sunday that Republicans want to impeach Joe Biden for “being a father to his son.”)

“Mr. Weiss went to the U.S. Attorney’s Office --- I can’t recall the dates --- and they did not agree to prosecute the case in DC,” Waldon told the committee.  “I’m aware that it was presented to the District of Columbia and, at some point, the Central District of California, I believe.”

So, instead of filing charges in DC or California, Weiss and Hunter’s defense team came to that “sweetheart” plea deal that, thanks to sharp-eyed Judge Maryellen Noreika, ended up being discarded, though Hunter’s attorneys ridiculously continue to claim it’s still in force.

Recall that in his testimony last Wednesday, Attorney General Merrick Garland played word games in speaking of this, saying that the district prosecutors couldn’t block Weiss from charging Hunter.  No, no, they weren’t “turning him down.”  Rather, they were “refusing to partner with him.”  Garland tried to insist that these were “not the same under a well-known Justice Department practice,” when the result, in actual practice, is EXACTLY the same.

And certainly, Shapley saw no such distinction.  In an email to Waldon, Shapley said, “Weiss stated he is not the deciding person of whether charges are filed.  I believe this is a huge problem --- inconsistent with DOJ public position and Merrick Garland testimony.”

Waldon attended that same October meeting in which Shapley said a “red line” was crossed, although his recollection was somewhat different.  He didn’t remember Weiss talking about requesting to be made special counsel.  Also, he didn’t agree that the meeting was “contentious,” as Shapley had said.  Waldon just saw it as the airing of differing points of view.

He testified that Shapley had come to him with his concerns --- steps in the investigation that the ‘Justice’ Department or certain prosecutors had prevented him from taking, such as asking witnesses about other members of the Biden family (there’s that cover-up) and executing at least one search warrant.

Shapley had wanted to blame these roadblocks on political bias.  Waldon had told him that allegation was “unsubstantiated.”  Considering he has since come forward, I wonder what he says about that now.

But Waldon did believe at that time in the strength of the case that would’ve gone to the Central District of California.  “Generally, speaking, if at that time, the case went [there], I would’ve agreed with it.”

These other U.S. attorneys putting up roadblocks, Michael Graves in DC and E. Martin Estrada in California, were both appointed by President Biden himself.

Ironically, Waldon was actually the one who suggested that Shapley be dropped from the investigative team.  Shapley and Weiss were at odds, and, Waldon testified, “the U.S. Attorney’s Office was no longer working or talking with Mr. Shapley.”  In the interest of the investigation, to keep it moving forward, he thought it best.  The third whistleblower, Batdorf, who was Waldon’s supervisor, agreed at the time.

Yet both Batdorf and Ziegler testified glowingly of Shapley, saying he was a “top-performing” investigator and a “fantastic agent.”

According to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, “Both said Weiss’s tensions with Shapley reached a boiling point after [Weiss’s office] demanded all of the emails and records written by the IRS investigative team that could be relevant in court.”  As Shapley told Congress, he thought this was a fishing expedition to uncover complaints about the case that he had been documenting.

Last week, a reader asked about the tax implications for Hunter of “sugar brother”/friend Kevin Morris’s generosity in paying off his huge tax bill.  Wouldn’t Hunter owe taxes on the gift from this politically-connected lawyer?  Well, John Solomon reports that the IRS and FBI were looking into that very issue, not just about taxes on the gift but about possible “campaign finance criminal violations,” considering this clean-up was happening while Joe Biden was running for President.  Agents wanted to investigate this but were, they said, blocked by federal prosecutors from further action.

The evidence includes a memo written by Shapley about interference by Lesley Wolf, top prosecutor in David Weiss’s office.  This must have been one of the complaints Shapley was documenting, as reported in the EXAMINER article above.

“This investigation has been hampered and slowed by claims of potential election meddling,” Shapley wrote in the memo and read to the House Ways and Means Committee in his testimony.  “Through interviews and review of evidence obtained, it appears there may be campaign finance criminal violations.”  Whistleblower Ziegler testified a similar concern to the Ways and Means Committee, adding that anything related to the campaign was “off limits.”

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan of Ohio told Solomon last week that the campaign finance inquiry is “a newer matter under investigation.”  So we’ll be hearing more about this.  “We’re just getting into this issue and the concerns,” he said.  “But it wouldn’t surprise me if they were told to stand down because, remember, this investigation over a five-year time frame was slow-walked.”

In an update, Solomon reported that Jason Smith of Missouri, who chairs House Ways and Means, plans to make public new testimony that corroborates the first two IRS whistleblowers’ testimony.  He presumably was referring to the testimony of Batdorf and Waldon.   

A committee panel has to vote on the release of these materials; that vote could come as early as Wednesday, which would allow the evidence to be made public before House Republicans hold their first hearing in the Biden impeachment inquiry.  Chairman Smith sees that first hearing primarily as a “primer” on what is now known of the Biden family’s foreign business dealings and the alleged cover-up.

“I don’t think any reasonable person, when they look at these facts, they don’t see that there’s a huge issue,” he said.  “...And just based on the testimony of Devon Archer, it shows that Joe Biden was the critical player, that critical person considered to be the brand.”

He also said he won’t let Hunter’s attorneys, who have sued the IRS for releasing his private records, intimidate the IRS whistleblowers, saying their evidence was made public by a vote of his committee, in compliance with the law.

We wouldn’t want this additional reporting from John Solomon to get lost amidst all the rest.  Remember those 51 signatories of that bogus letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”?  Solomon has found that some of them got “plum jobs” after doing that, including with the federal government.  (We reported on two of these last week:  John Brennan and James Clapper, who got appointed to that special new “Experts Board.”  A third who is also on the board is former CIA Operations Officer Paul Kolbe.)

More details here…

The DAILY CALLER has more on Michael Batdorf’s testimony before Ways and Means.  He told them that Hunter Biden’s defense team met with DOJ Tax Division attorneys an “unusually high” number of times.  Shapley and Ziegler have testified that they were kept out of those meetings.

Maria Bartiromo on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES has an update on the case with investigators Miranda Devine and Peter Schweizer…


RELATED READING:  Here’s a curious tie-in between Hunter’s firm and just-indicted Congressman Bob Menendez.  We’re not sure of the significance at this point, but it does make interesting reading, just to see the sort of “work” (?) Hunter did.  (It appears to be mostly Eric Schwerin who worked.)

Also related: Some Republican lawmakers are predicting that the “Biden family business” might have taken in over $50 million, or $30 million more is show by bank records uncovered thus far.


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I speak of Elvis Chan, the FBI agent who was scheduled to speak before the House Judiciary Committee on September 15.  Actually, we don’t know if he even got to the building.  That interview reportedly “fell through.”

(NOTE:  News writers tend to use vague expressions such as “fell through” when they can’t or don’t want to give the pertinent details.  Phrases like this are easy for other news outlets to pick up and run with.  Another example:  Hunter Biden’s “sweetheart” plea deal “fell apart.”  That deal didn’t just “fall apart” on its own.  The same goes for Elvis Chan’s interview “falling through.”  We’ll get to the details of what happened.)

You might remember Chan from the “Twitter Files” stories as the assistant special agent in charge at the San Francisco field office who was particularly involved in social media censorship ahead of the 2020 election.  The Judiciary Committee wanted to depose him about his role on the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), which pressured social media companies to censor online speech.  Even without his testimony, though, we can still understand a lot about the role he played from his emails and texts.

The September 15 interview was derailed because of a dispute between Judiciary Committee investigators and the DOJ.  So here’s the quick explanation of why the interview “fell apart,” according to the DAILY CALLER:  The DOJ had informed Chan that he had the option of being represented by either his personal counsel or an attorney for the DOJ.  But the DOJ brought a staff attorney for him, and that’s when the interview “fell apart.”

The DOJ, it may be presumed, did NOT want Chan testifying before the committee, because that’s the way they’ve behaved in stonewalling the committee’s requests.  The committee says now, on X, that “No amount of lies and excuses will stop the Committee from deposing FBI Agent Elvis Chan.  The American people deserve to know the full truth about the Biden censorship regime.  And they will.”

Chan has testified before, in November 2022 in the censorship lawsuit brought by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, Missouri v. Biden.  That important lawsuit has been equal to the “Twitter Files” in unearthing deep state misconduct regarding the censorship of private companies.  We’ve learned that the FBI had weekly meetings with social media companies, demanded takedowns of specific accounts, and facilitated the suppression of stories they wanted out of the public conversation.

As described in AMERICAN GREATNESS, “Chan testified that the platforms became far more aggressive in removing alleged ‘misinformation’ during the 2020 election cycle than in previous election cycles, and they have remained so.”  With an election coming up in next year, the need to free-up the flow of information is urgent and under massive threat.

But Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan of Ohio said that Chan appeared to have lied, as internal Facebook documents show that he’d had more meetings with Facebook than he’d let on.  Jordan had the Facebook messages to prove that.  And apparently, when he was asked whether or not the Hunter Biden laptop was real, he told them “No comment,” when the FBI has known good and well that the laptop is real since at least early 2020, probably late 2019. 

When Chan failed to appear for his scheduled hearing on September 15, the House Judiciary Committee immediately fired off a subpoena compelling him to testify before the committee next month.  Jordan went public with some of what the committee already knew, such as the fact that Chan and Laura Dehmlow, section chief of the Foreign Influence Task Force, met with Facebook reps on October 14, 2020, which happened to be the SAME DAY Miranda Devine’s Hunter Biden laptop story appeared in the NEW YORK POST.  (What are the odds?)  Dehmlow and other FBI agents also spoke with Twitter executives by phone.

Dehmlow has been deposed, and she testified that when someone at Twitter asked if the laptop was authentic, one of the FBI agents on the call confirmed that it was, but another agent jumped in to cut him off and say, “no further comment.”  And from then on, the FBI’s standard answer was “no comment,” even though they’d known for about a year that it was real.

In his Missouri v. Biden testimony, Chan answered “no” when asked if he knew about any other communications between Facebook and the FBI regarding the laptop story.  But this contradicts an internal Facebook document that shows Chan took part in a follow-up phone call the very next day.  “COMPLETELY FALSE,” Jordan wrote on Twitter of his testimony.

The Judiciary Committee has been trying to interview Chan and other agents since this Congress convened in January 2021, when they sent a letter to the FBI instructing them to make these individuals available for interviews.  They got no response.  They wrote another letter in November 2022 and got no response, and another in January 2023 and got no response.  The FBI claims they didn’t know about their request until March of 2023.  In case there’s anyone left who still believes anything the FBI says, the committee has copies of the letters they sent.

The AMERICAN GREATNESS story explains in more detail how the meeting with Chan “fell apart.”  Witnesses who don’t already have personal counsel are allowed to appear before the Judiciary Committee with agency counsel to avoid the financial burden of hiring a lawyer.  But according to agency protocol, the witness may appear with either personal counsel OR agency counsel --- not both.

Chan had his own personal counsel to be inside the hearing room with him.  The FBI knew about the protocol for two weeks before Chan’s hearing but said nothing.  Then, “65 hours before the scheduled deposition,” the FBI demanded that an exception be made so Chan could appear with both personal and agency attorneys in the room.  (Obviously, they wanted their own attorneys in the room and Chan wasn’t going to give up his.)  They were back and forth on this for two days, and less than 90 minutes before the deposition was to begin, the FBI and DOJ tried to force the Committee’s hand and enter the hearing room with their own attorneys but the Committee would not allow it.  As for Chan, he did not show up.

So, with his deposition coming up next month, where is Elvis Chan now?

“Elvis...has...left the country!”



RELATED READING:  And now, a third IRS official says the ‘Justice’ Department blocked U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s authority to charge Hunter Biden in his tax/finance case.  This new whistleblower has come forward by name:  IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf.  He went to the House Ways and Means Committee on September 12.

Details and a link to the transcript of his interview are here…

When Borders Fall

September 22, 2023

Comrades, you have asked me to tell you how America lost control of its own borders, ushering in possibilities only dreamt of by previous generations of revolutionaries. In his masterwork Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky and his leading disciples – Cesar Chavez, Tom Hayden and Barack Obama – demonstrated that community organization could transform cultural Marxism from airy-fairy theory into hard-edged reality. Of course, none of that would have been possible without the willing cooperation of the American media and their academic accomplices – fed, fattened and nurtured by tenure and elite privilege! How wonderfully ironic that these national megaphones grew louder and ever more powerful once freed from traditional opiates like “spiritual values” or “academic objectivity.” Neither parents nor state legislatures complained about increased tuition as newly hired legions of academic administrators created campus reserves of political correctness.

Career advancement in either profession simply became a matter of racial or ethnic credentialing - combined of course with the aggressive use of opportunities. For example, when poor George Floyd met his untimely end, radicals from coast to coast instantly seized upon the priceless openings gifted them by a corrupt and racist system. So great was popular outrage that target lists exceeded even the wildest expectations. It was easy enough to persuade former Southern capitals to remove statues of Confederate generals that had long fueled resentment: But American youth had been taught such paltry amounts of actual history that their outrage came to include Union heroes like General Ulysses Grant! It was thus a small step to conclude that the real underlying culprit was American history itself: So why not include the Founding Fathers and even racist explorers/exploiters like Christopher Coumbus? On July 4th 2020, hard by Baltimore’s Little Italy, a revered statue of the Great Navigator was reduced to fragments, which were promptly thrown into the filthy waters of the Inner Harbor!

So what, you might ask? How could a little overdue civic redecoration possibly affect the larger revolutionary agenda?  Forgive my bluntness, comrades, if I suggest that maybe you aren’t up-to-date in your readings of Saul Alinsky! Or possibly you have never even realized that cultural Marxism is still Marxism! Haven’t you noticed that a country which turns against its own history and destroys once-cherished statues will also ignore its own borders? While occasionally commemorating border-driven events like the 911 attacks, these sentimental outcroppings were far less significant than the studied indifference with which most Americans typically regard their own security. As card-carrying historical illiterates, hardly anyone remembers that Rome fell primarily because young Romans were no longer dispatched to defend their borders against foreign incursion.

But so much the better for us because our disciples quickly seized opportunities that patient preparation has a way of providing. With Machiavellian smoothness, Barack Obama set up Joe Biden as his overt “successor” while he quietly continued to rule from the shadows. On his first day in office, President Biden suspended virtually all the border policies of the imperious Donald Trump – to nearly universal applause. The news media featured photographs of immigrants sporting signs pleading for Biden-Harris to let them enter the country. When they did, the Border Patrol and ICE were instantly transformed into travel agencies, a neon welcome sign the entire Third World understood.

This initial conditioning period lasted for the first two years of the alleged Biden administration while the new immigrants infiltrated virtually every American community with astoundingly small opposition. Who cared if Texans complained or made empty gestures instantly dismissed by the media elites as “political stunts?” Our side now knew everything: the borders were irretrievably open; and Americans had lost their will to fight. When we knew beyond any doubt that the few remaining thousands of American border agents were mere speed bumps compared to the millions we had ready and waiting, orders were quickly given. As the immigrant trains headed north, any conductors or Federales unwise enough to slow down were instantly dealt with.

We saw only the immigrant armies of the proletariat heading inevitably toward the new manifest destiny Marx, Alinsky and their latter-day apostles foresaw long ago. You see, gringo, that ancient history from the Old West to the Book of Joshua feels entirely different when someone else applies it to you. So why are you complaining: Don’t you like it when the little guy turns the tables and wins one for a change? Si, nosotros tambien! (Yeah, us too!)

Colonel (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point professor, Dean of the National War College and NBC News on-air military analyst. He still treasures his Cold War roots.


Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there prepare a place for you?

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back to take you with me that you also may be where I am.

John 14:2-3

No newsletter in October?

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 9 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

The Poverty Rate increases

It’s ironically appropriate that the Biden Administration’s plan to gaslight Americans into believing that Bidenomics is working is running out of gas. Along with all the other economic hardships that they’re trying to convince us we’re not really feeling comes this devastating new report from ABC News:

According to the SPM (Supplemental Poverty Measure), in 2022, the poverty rate in America was 12.4%, a leap of 4.6% from 2021. In that same period, the poverty rate among children more than doubled, from 5.2% to 12.4%. Those are not only huge increases, they’re the first increases in the poverty rate in the US in 13 years.

As Matt Margolis writes at PJ Media, this is because of several factors, including inflation, but especially because all the expensive government pandemic relief programs ran out. And while Biden will try to blame Republicans for not renewing them, Democrats controlled both Congress and the White House in 2021. In short, the only thing keeping Americans out of poverty was massive government handouts that have now ballooned the national debt to over $33 trillion.

Besides, if Bidenomics, which could most accurately be described as open borders, high taxes, massive regulations and insane levels of federal spending, actually created all those “good-paying jobs” that Biden claims it does, Americans wouldn’t need massive government handouts to stay above the poverty line.

Margolis sums it up perfectly when he writes, “Joe Biden appears determined to take credit for a good economy that doesn’t exist while blaming Republicans for the bad economy he created.”

Missing fighter is found

The Pentagon finally found that missing F-35 stealth jet. After the pilot ejected safely, it eventually crashed in rural Williamsburg County, South Carolina.

There are still many questions to be answered, but at least the taxpayers did get something for the $100 million that this embarrassing crash cost them. That’s the solid gold entertainment and endless meme material provided by 72-year-old Randolph White, who was shaving when the crash shook his house. He described it to the media in star-making fashion, complete with sound effects. If this man were Biden’s Press Secretary, White House press conferences might actually be worth watching.

Kurt Schlichter also weighed in on that missing stealth fighter, along with a lot of other things that have turned America into a laughing stock. Only Kurt could be this funny while describing a situation that he admits is absolutely not funny.

Unprecedented Trump gains, cause Biden White House to panic

Some new polls show that Donald Trump is making unprecedented gains with minority voters, who might remember when he was President, and their wages were rising above inflation while the border was secure and millions of illegal immigrants weren’t pouring in to take their jobs. This reportedly has the Democrats in panic mode, so the Biden campaign, the DNC and various leftist PACs are pouring millions into advertising to try to convince Latino voters that Biden has made their lives better.

Yes, if you’re a family-oriented Catholic (i.e., a “domestic terrorist”) who is pro-life (i.e., a “domestic terrorist”) and who is from a family that followed the rules to come to America legally (i.e., a “sucker”), I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to support Joe Biden’s reelection.

Fighting back

Over the past couple of years, there has been a once-unthinkable rise in acceptance of using our children as lab rats, pumping them full of dangerous hormones to stop their natural body processes and disfiguring them with unnecessary surgery, all under the misnomer of “gender affirming care.” The four legs of the platform that this quackery is built upon are radical “trans” activists; intimidated medical organizations; pandering leftist politicians, school officials and media figures; and greedy medical providers who smell a lifetime of lucrative follow-up care because the human body will forever keep trying to reject these unnatural alterations.

Well, there’s finally some good news: that fourth leg, the greedy medical providers, might be about to get kicked out from under the platform. Let's hope it makes the whole thing come a-tumbling down.

As Stephen Green of PJ Media writes, some of these children who were given drugs and surgery instead of the counseling they needed are getting old enough to file lawsuits against the adults who had a responsibility to protect them from their immature, uninformed decisions based on misleading propaganda. A young woman who was given a “gender-affirming” double mastectomy in 2018 and years of testosterone treatments that may have left her unable to have children is suing the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Nebraska Medicine, and three doctors for “negligence and lack of informed consent.”

She claims that due to her troubled background as a child of divorce, she suffered depression and anxiety disorder that left her vulnerable to grooming and being “swept up in a social contagion” of transgenderism. Her parents were given the usual banana oil about how this was an easy solution to her emotional problems and that she’d commit suicide if they didn’t let her be drugged and disfigured, while she wasn’t informed of the potential negative side effects.

She was only 15 and incapable of understanding the ramifications. As I like to remind people, even the blue state of New York bans tattoos for minors because they’re not capable of understanding the consequences of permanently altering their bodies, but somehow, it’s okay to castrate them and chop off their breasts. The doctors she’s suing failed in their primary duty to protect a child from her own poor decisions. Remember that archaic Hippocratic Oath stuff about “First, do no harm”? It’s literally the FIRST duty of doctors.

I wish her the best of luck with her lawsuit, and I hope she wins big and it’s followed by many more. It’s sad to think, but maybe taking the profit out of child abuse will be the one thing that will stop it.

Related: About those puberty-blockers that we’ve been told were life-savers that are completely safe and reversible with no negative side effects… That extremely influential claim was based on a 2011 UK study by the University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the Tavistock Centre’s Gender Identity Development Service. However, a new analysis of that study found that in reality, only 29% of children saw improvements in mental health after being put on them. 36% saw no difference, while the mental health of 34% of recipients deteriorated. That’s the problem with this whole issue: reality keeps getting in the way.

A Democrat DA sues a Democrat-led city government

I never thought I’d be rooting for lawsuits, but now, I’m cheering on two in one day. Maybe because the courts seem to be the only government spaces left where citizens can still get any protection of their rights (if they draw the right judges and courts, at least.)

In another case that I hope is the harbinger of a trend, Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho, who is a Democrat, is suing the Democrat-led city government for allowing, creating and enabling a homelessness public safety crisis that has created “Third World” conditions and put the community at a “breaking point.” Ho says that over the last seven years, the homeless population has increased by 250%, worse than in San Francisco, while the government has refused to enforce laws against unlawful camping, sidewalk obstruction and storage. Well, except at City Hall: they don’t allow camping there during the daytime. Ho said, “I ask the city to extend the same protection they give to themselves to the rest of us." Ha! Good luck with that!

Naturally, expecting Democrat city leaders to put up with the same horrors they force on the citizenry isn’t going over too keenly with them. They called Ho’s lawsuit “frivolous” and “a distraction,” and said he should be working with them (although, obviously, working with them hasn’t worked out too well.) And naturally, homeless advocates are accusing him of attacking the homeless for wanting the laws enforced.

Again, I wish him well with the lawsuit. I’d love to see a huge wave of lawsuits for dereliction of duty filed by citizens against blue city leaders across America who have turned our once-great cities into crime-ridden sewers. Although ideally, it would be cheaper, easier and more effective if they’d just stop reelecting them.

Roger Whittaker RIP

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

I’m sad to have to report that internationally-known folk singer Roger Whittaker has died at 81. A statement appeared on his website saying that on September 13th, “he left us in peace in the presence of his family.” They requested privacy while they grieve and wrote that “Roger was an iconic artist, a wonderful husband and father. He touched so many hearts with his music during his lifetime and will always live on in our memories.”

Whittaker’s deep, smooth croon, comparable to Don Williams or Jim Reeves, and (unusual for an artist past the pre-swing era) expert whistling ability led to a long, successful recording career and so many albums that he released 25 in German alone (when he first started, he couldn’t speak German and had to sing them phonetically.) He landed six albums on the Billboard US Top 200. His best-known singles included “Durham Town (The Leaving),” “New World in the Morning” and “I Don’t Believe in If Anymore.” His biggest hit, “The Last Farewell” topped the A/C charts, reached #19 on the Hot 100 and sold 11 million copies worldwide.

Many Americans first became aware of him when his music appeared on one of those compilation albums that was advertised constantly on late night TV, a sales tactic that also boosted the careers of such unlikely stars as Slim Whitman, whose singing voice sometimes sounded as if he were whistling. Whittaker’s music was successful all over the world (he even had a hit in Finland called “The Finnish Whistler”), but I assume most Americans must’ve thought he was British or Canadian. He was actually born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya. He retired to France with his wife in 2012. RIP.

Ophelia warning

As of this writing early on Friday morning, a tropical storm is about 300 miles off the coast of the Carolinas and could bring high winds, heavy rain and life-threatening storm surges to the East Coast. If you are in its path, please prepare, keep yourself and your animals safe, and watch the weather news closely.

Senator Bob Menendez is indicted

New Jersey Democrat Senator and Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez and his wife Nadine were indicted Friday morning on federal bribery charges in the Southern District of New York. And unlike a lot of indictments against political figures we've heard lately, this one involves actual crimes.

The indictment alleges that they took hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for Menendez using his influence to enrich several New Jersey businessmen and help the Egyptian government. The bribes allegedly came in the form of cash, jewelry, pay for a no-show job, use of a luxury apartment and a Mercedes-Benz, and the part I bet you’ll find most intriguing, up to $400,000 worth of gold bars. I can’t think of a better illustration of a corrupt Senator than someone literally weighed down by having his pockets full of bars of gold.

Some commentators don’t know how seriously to take this. Menendez is famous for being able to wriggle out of scandals, and this is his second indictment since he took office in 2006. Some critics say it’s just AG Merrick Garland trying to reduce the heat over his agency’s partisan prosecutions by indicting a low-hanging-fruit Democrat. Then again, the grand jury has supposedly been investigating these allegations for over a year. I look forward to learning more when the details are released. I wonder if they have receipts that show he paid for lunch in the Senate cafeteria with gold bars?

Incidentally, for those who think the indictments against Trump mean he’ll be convicted and never be elected again, this write-up of the Menendez story from ends with a recounting of 13 Senators who were indicted, many of whom got acquitted or had hung juries, or had their convictions overturned and ended up serving out their full terms and even getting reelected. Menendez is one of those.

When Borders Fall

By Colonel Ken Allard

Comrades, you have asked me to tell you how America lost control of its own borders, ushering in possibilities only dreamed of by previous generations of revolutionaries. In his masterwork Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky and his leading disciples – Cesar Chavez, Tom Hayden and Barack Obama – demonstrated that community organization could transform cultural Marxism from airy-fairy theory into hard-edged reality. Of course, none of that would have been possible without the willing cooperation of the American media and their academic accomplices – fed, fattened and nurtured by tenure and non-white privilege! How wonderfully ironic that these national megaphones grew louder and ever more powerful once freed from traditional opiates like “spiritual values” or “academic objectivity.” Neither parents nor state legislatures complained about increased tuition as newly hired legions of academic administrators created campus reserves of political correctness.

Career advancement in either profession simply became a matter of racial or ethnic credentialing - combined of course with the aggressive use of opportunities. For example, when poor George Floyd met his untimely end, radicals from coast to coast instantly seized upon the priceless openings gifted them by a corrupt and racist system. So great was popular outrage that target lists exceeded even the wildest expectations. It was easy enough to persuade former Southern capitals to remove statues of Confederate generals that had long fueled resentment: But American youth had been taught such paltry amounts of actual history that their outrage came to include Union heroes like General Ulysses Grant! It was thus a small step to conclude that the real underlying culprit was American history itself: So why not include the Founding Fathers and even racist explorers/exploiters like Christopher Coumbus? On July 4th 2020, hard by Baltimore’s Little Italy, a revered statue of the Great Navigator was reduced to fragments, which were promptly thrown into the filthy waters of the Inner Harbor!

So what, you might ask? How could a little overdue civic redecoration possibly affect the larger revolutionary agenda?  Forgive my bluntness, comrades, if I suggest that maybe you aren’t up-to-date in your readings of Saul Alinsky! Or possibly you have never even realized that cultural Marxism is still Marxism! Haven’t you noticed that a country which turns against its own history and destroys once-cherished statues will also ignore its own borders? While occasionally commemorating border-driven events like the 911 attacks, these sentimental outcroppings were far less significant than the studied indifference with which most Americans typically regard their own security. As card-carrying historical illiterates, hardly anyone remembers that Rome fell primarily because young Romans were no longer dispatched to defend their borders against foreign incursion.

But so much the better for us because our disciples quickly seized opportunities that patient preparation has a way of providing. The evidence: Barack Obama is finally receiving his long overdue recognition as “America’s Lenin,” setting up Joe Biden as his overt “successor” while he quietly continued to rule from the shadows. On his first day in office, Comrade Joe suspended virtually all the border policies of the imperious Donald Trump – to nearly universal applause. The news media featured photographs of immigrants sporting signs pleading for Biden-Harris to let them enter the country. When they did, the Border Patrol and ICE were instantly transformed into travel agencies, a neon welcome sign the entire Third World understood.

This initial conditioning period lasted for the first two years of the alleged Biden administration while the new immigrants infiltrated virtually every American community with astoundingly small opposition. Who cared if Texans complained or made empty gestures instantly dismissed by the media elites as “political stunts?” Our side now knew everything: the borders were irretrievably open; and Americans had lost their will to fight. When we knew beyond any doubt that the few remaining thousands of American border agents were mere speed bumps to the millions we had ready and waiting, orders were quickly given. As the immigrant trains headed north, any conductors or Federales unwise enough to slow down were instantly dealt with.

We saw only the immigrant armies of the proletariat heading inevitably toward the new manifest destiny Marx, Alinsky and their latter-day apostles foresaw long ago. You see, gringo, that ancient history from the Old West to the Book of Joshua feels entirely different when someone else applies it to you. So why are you complaining: Don’t you like it when the little guy turns the tables and wins one for a change? Si, nosotros tambien! (Yeah, us too!)

Colonel (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point professor, Dean of the National War College and NBC News on-air military analyst. He still treasures his Cold War roots.

“Elvis...has...left the building!”

I speak of Elvis Chan, the FBI agent who was scheduled to speak before the House Judiciary Committee on September 15.  Actually, we don’t know if he even got to the building.  That interview reportedly “fell through.”

(NOTE:  News writers tend to use vague expressions such as “fell through” when they can’t or don’t want to give the pertinent details.  Phrases like this are easy for other news outlets to pick up and run with.  Another example:  Hunter Biden’s “sweetheart” plea deal “fell apart.”  That deal didn’t just “fall apart” on its own.  The same goes for Elvis Chan’s interview “falling through.”  We’ll get to the details of what happened.)

You might remember Chan from the “Twitter Files” stories as the assistant special agent in charge at the San Francisco field office who was particularly involved in social media censorship ahead of the 2020 election.  The Judiciary Committee wanted to depose him about his role on the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), which pressured social media companies to censor online speech.  Even without his testimony, though, we can still understand a lot about the role he played from his emails and texts.

The September 15 interview was derailed because of a dispute between Judiciary Committee investigators and the DOJ.  So here’s the quick explanation of why the interview “fell apart,” according to the DAILY CALLER:  The DOJ had informed Chan that he had the option of being represented by either his personal counsel or an attorney for the DOJ.  But the DOJ brought a staff attorney for him, and that’s when the interview “fell apart.”

The DOJ, it may be presumed, did NOT want Chan testifying before the committee, because that’s the way they’ve behaved in stonewalling the committee’s requests.  The committee says now, on X, that “No amount of lies and excuses will stop the Committee from deposing FBI Agent Elvis Chan.  The American people deserve to know the full truth about the Biden censorship regime.  And they will.”

Chan has testified before, in November 2022 in the censorship lawsuit brought by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, Missouri v. Biden.  That important lawsuit has been equal to the “Twitter Files” in unearthing deep state misconduct regarding the censorship of private companies.  We’ve learned that the FBI had weekly meetings with social media companies, demanded takedowns of specific accounts, and facilitated the suppression of stories they wanted out of the public conversation.

As described in AMERICAN GREATNESS, “Chan testified that the platforms became far more aggressive in removing alleged ‘misinformation’ during the 2020 election cycle than in previous election cycles, and they have remained so.”  With an election coming up in next year, the need to free-up the flow of information is urgent and under massive threat.

But Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan of Ohio said that Chan appeared to have lied, as internal Facebook documents show that he’d had more meetings with Facebook than he’d let on.  Jordan had the Facebook messages to prove that.  And apparently, when he was asked whether or not the Hunter Biden laptop was real, he told them “No comment,” when the FBI has known good and well that the laptop is real since at least early 2020, probably late 2019. 

When Chan failed to appear for his scheduled hearing on September 15, the House Judiciary Committee immediately fired off a subpoena compelling him to testify before the committee next month.  Jordan went public with some of what the committee already knew, such as the fact that Chan and Laura Dehmlow, section chief of the Foreign Influence Task Force, met with Facebook reps on October 14, 2020, which happened to be the SAME DAY Miranda Devine’s Hunter Biden laptop story appeared in the NEW YORK POST.  (What are the odds?)  Dehmlow and other FBI agents also spoke with Twitter executives by phone.

Dehmlow has been deposed, and she testified that when someone at Twitter asked if the laptop was authentic, one of the FBI agents on the call confirmed that it was, but another agent jumped in to cut him off and say, “no further comment.”  And from then on, the FBI’s standard answer was “no comment,” even though they’d known for about a year that it was real.

In his Missouri v. Biden testimony, Chan answered “no” when asked if he knew about any other communications between Facebook and the FBI regarding the laptop story.  But this contradicts an internal Facebook document that shows Chan took part in a follow-up phone call the very next day.  “COMPLETELY FALSE,” Jordan wrote on Twitter of his testimony.

The Judiciary Committee has been trying to interview Chan and other agents since this Congress convened in January 2021, when they sent a letter to the FBI instructing them to make these individuals available for interviews.  They got no response.  They wrote another letter in November 2022 and got no response, and another in January 2023 and got no response.  The FBI claims they didn’t know about their request until March of 2023.  In case there’s anyone left who still believes anything the FBI says, the committee has copies of the letters they sent.

The AMERICAN GREATNESS story explains in more detail how the meeting with Chan “fell apart.”  Witnesses who don’t already have personal counsel are allowed to appear before the Judiciary Committee with agency counsel to avoid the financial burden of hiring a lawyer.  But according to agency protocol, the witness may appear with either personal counsel OR agency counsel --- not both.

Chan had his own personal counsel to be inside the hearing room with him.  The FBI knew about the protocol for two weeks before Chan’s hearing but said nothing.  Then, “65 hours before the scheduled deposition,” the FBI demanded that an exception be made so Chan could appear with both personal and agency attorneys in the room.  (Obviously, they wanted their own attorneys in the room and Chan wasn’t going to give up his.)  They were back and forth on this for two days, and less than 90 minutes before the deposition was to begin, the FBI and DOJ tried to force the Committee’s hand and enter the hearing room with their own attorneys but the Committee would not allow it.  As for Chan, he did not show up.

So, with his deposition coming up next month, where is Elvis Chan now?

“Elvis...has...left the country!”

RELATED READING:  And now, a third IRS official says the ‘Justice’ Department blocked U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s authority to charge Hunter Biden in his tax/finance case.  This new whistleblower has come forward by name:  IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf.  He went to the House Ways and Means Committee on September 12.

Details and a link to the transcript of his interview are here…


I’m not even going to describe the latest gender insanity that the elite liberal arts college Colgate University is inflicting on students. I’d rather you go here and read it than that I have to recap it.

But I will add that tuition, room and board at that school runs about $84,000 per year. As a parent and grandparent, I can think of better uses for $84,000, like using it to light my barbecue grill.


The Russell Brand Story

British comedian-turned-anti-establishment podcaster Russell Brand has quickly become the center of a rising pushback against cancel culture. Brand was hit by disturbing allegations of sexual misconduct, including rape, from over a decade ago, when he’s admitted he was promiscuous and struggling with addiction. To be clear, the charges should be treated seriously, and if proven, should carry harsh consequences. But he adamantly denies that he ever did anything that wasn’t consensual. The allegations are mostly anonymous and were brought by a British TV show. Despite there so far being no charges filed, no evidence presented and no convictions, Brand was immediately dropped by his agent, demonetized by YouTube and had his publishing and comedy tour contracts canceled.

But there are welcome signs that people are finally starting to fight back against cancel culture, trial-by-Internet and guilty-until-proven-innocent. The TV show got over 130 complaint calls from viewers about the show’s unfairness. One former girlfriend of Brand’s claimed she was contacted but when she said only positive things about him, she was cut out of the show and told her story didn’t fit their narrative. Even MeToo founder Rose McGowen spoke out against the "concerted effort" to destroy Brand based on anonymous allegations and questioned whether justice for the victims was the true motive.

A few of us, including Greg Gutfeld, are speaking up, not to defend Brand’s behavior because we don’t know if he’s guilty or not, but to defend his right to the presumption of innocence and not having his career destroyed by as-yet unproven allegations. 

But perhaps the biggest shot across the bow of the SS Cancel Culture was fired by the free speech video platform Rumble. They received a letter from British Parliament Member Dame Caroline Dinenage, reading, “We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetize his content, including his videos relating to the serious accusations against him. If so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr. Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform. We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behaviour.” The “or else” was implied.

As to what business it is of a government official to ensure that someone is demonetized by a private video platform due to unproven allegations that have nothing to do with any of the content of his videos, I cannot say. But this inflamed suspicions that the sudden blasting of Brand over anonymous allegations from a decade ago might have more to do with his current status as a leading critic of the government and Big Pharma than his alleged sex crimes.

I won't quote the letter that Rumble sent back to her because I want you to go to that link above and read it in its entirety. It might be the best American response to a British tyrant since the Declaration of Independence.

A Joke

“Homeland Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced that 472,000 Venezuelans who are in the US illegally will be granted temporary protected status and work authorization. This is in addition to 242,700 Venezuelans who are already benefiting from TPS. That makes a total of about three-quarters of a million illegal aliens from one country alone who are now immune from deportation and allowed to compete with Americans for jobs.

In the worst impression of a tough immigration enforcer in history, Mayorkas added that it is “critical that Venezuelans understand that those who have arrived here after July 31, 2023, are not eligible for such protection, and instead will be removed when they are found to not have a legal basis to stay.”

Reminds me of the old joke about drawing a line in the sand, and warning that if anyone steps over it, you’ll draw another line. The Border Patrol doesn’t find it funny: they’re bracing for a fresh onslaught of illegal entrants from Venezuela, anticipating that if they get into the US, the rule will just be expanded next year to include them. It’s amazing how Venezuelan illegal immigrants understand this Administration so much better than the American media companies that cover it every day.

And if you think that story is bad, it’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Related: Brian Kilmeade of Fox News has a perfect description of Biden Press Secretary Katrine Jean-Pierre’s claims about Biden’s border security policies: “The most worthless series of sentences I could imagine.”

Struck down

A federal court in Louisiana struck down the Biden Administration’s attempt to put last-minute restrictions on an offshore oil and gas lease.

The judge found that not only would the restrictions cause substantial costs to the oil companies, but he slammed the Biden Administration for attempting to "provide scientific justification to a political reassessment of offshore drilling." He also ruled that the Administration's process looked "more like a weaponization of the Endangered Species Act than the collaborative, reasoned approach prescribed by the applicable laws and regulations."

The Biden Administration claimed it was following the law when it was really just playing politics? Why, it’s unprecedented!


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Psalm 119:105 KJV

No newsletter in October?

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 34 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Supreme Court News

The Supreme Court will be hearing several major cases in its next term, and the Epoch Times has a good round-up of these cases and the ramifications of them.

They include a gun rights case; a case challenging a Trump-era tax passed by the GOP Congress (see, I hit my own side when they deserve it) that taxes Americans on potential investment income they never even received; and the one I’ll be watching most closely, a challenge to the power of unelected regulators.

It’s an attempt to kill the Chevron Doctrine, a previous court ruling that judges should give deference to federal regulators’ interpretation of a law if Congress didn’t specifically say anything forbidding it. I think it’s asking far too much of Congress members to expect them to be psychic enough to think of all the creative ways that today’s unelected bureaucrats can invent to twist, pervert and exploit laws to increase their own power and trample on citizens' rights. As long as unelected bureaucrats are allowed to create regulations with the force of law and interpret and enforce them without the express consent of Congress, government of the people, by the people and for the people no longer exists.

More on Ray Epps

The mysterious story of Ray Epps took another baffling turn Tuesday when, more than two years after the January 6th Capitol riot, he was charged with a single misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct. This despite the feds throwing not just the book but the entire bookmobile at everyone else who even walked near the Capitol that day. For instance, a Proud Boys leader who wasn’t even in DC at the time got 22 years in federal prison, longer than the average murder sentence.

Yet Epps, who is on video seemingly inciting protesters to enter the Capitol has never been arrested up until this tiny tap on the wrist. He’s also adamantly denied being an undercover fed plant sent to provoke the riot. But if not, why did he get the kid glove treatment when everyone else got the boxing glove treatment? If the DOJ thinks this latest charge will make the suspicions go away, all it’s done is inflame them even more.

Victoria Taft at PJ Media has more on this story, along with a recap of the long, strange tale of Ray Epps.

Congressman, you might want to be more careful…

I’m going to resist the urge to do the obvious jokes about a leak being discovered on a baby-changing table, and just suggest that Rep. Matt Gaetz be more careful about where he leaves draft resolutions demanding the removal of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.


As you know, I don’t put much stock in horse race polls taken long before the first actual votes are cast. But this latest GOP primary poll from Fox News is interesting, not so much for the candidate standings (those can change on a dime), but for its definition of and polling findings on the differences between so-called “populism” and so-called “conservativism” and the relative voter support for each.

I don’t agree exactly with the definitions, and I think that too many people these days are using “populism” as a negative term to try to dismiss what I would call “the will of the people.” For instance, I don’t think there’s anything “traditionally conservative” about continuing to drain our own Treasury and military resources to support an endless war in Ukraine. Or thinking that we just need to tinker around the edges to reform thoroughly corrupted agencies like the FBI.

When you look at the levels of support for what this poll defines as “populism” vs. “conservatism,” it’s obvious which one is preferred by most people. I’ll bet if you asked the same questions of Independents and even Democrats, you might get pretty similar results. That’s why the political elites have to demonize the word “populism”: because they can’t admit that what they really want is to keep governing against the will of the people.


Three years ago, in the wake of the George Floyd/BLM riots, Seattle allowed radical protesters to take over a portion of downtown and evict the police. After rampant lawlessness, several murders and a threat by President Trump to send in federal troops, they finally cleared that out, but the city council overrode a mayoral veto and slashed the police budget by 50%. That was followed by more rampant crime, violence, open drug dealing and fentanyl deaths. I know what you’re thinking: “Who could’ve predicted this?!”

Finally, voters elected a Republican city attorney. Now, in another sign of how massively “progressive” policies fail and how truly fed up citizens are with them, the Seattle city council just voted by a two-thirds majority to allow the city attorney to once again start prosecuting drug possession and dealing.

I guess I should congratulate Seattle for at least coming out of its insane embrace of leftism faster than other blue cities. I wonder how many more decades of Democrat rule will keep destroying cities like Chicago, New York and Baltimore before the citizens finally wise up and stop committing the voting equivalent of hitting themselves in the head with a hammer and wondering why their headache keeps getting worse?

Pushing the narrative

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is the latest Biden Administration official to push the new gaslighting narrative that the economy is doing great, but Americans are just too gloomy-minded to see it. It seems that you are suffering from a “disconnect with reality.” Yes, you…YOU…are the ones who are disconnected from reality. Not the people who want to reelect Joe Biden, whose brilliant leadership has made everything FANTASTIC!

Just FYI: Last Friday, the national debt rose above $33 trillion for the first time in history. It topped $32 trillion for the first time in June, meaning that under Biden, we’re now adding a trillion dollars in debt every three months. At a time when federal revenues are down, spending is out of control, with Biden and Congress spending over $527 billion in August alone.

A warning for Maine voters:

An organization with the innocuous-sounding name The National Trust for Local News has purchased about two dozen local newspapers in Maine prior to the upcoming elections. This article reveals how the funding behind that is connected to an organization owned by socialist billionaire George Soros.

It also has some chilling information about much money Soros has pumped into media organizations from NPR on down and into journalism schools to train a whole new generation of leftwing propagandists, and how many people they reach around the word who think they’re actually hearing news.

True crime stories…

The Washington Airport police confirmed that a search of “non-binary” former Biden Administration official Sam Brinton’s home turned up women’s clothing stolen from a Tanzanian designer whose bags disappeared from the airport. They’ve now been returned to her. The case is still under investigation. The story at the link lists the felony theft charges Brinton faced, only to have judges decide twice that “jail wasn’t necessary.” At least the designer has filed a civil suit against them, so let’s hope he’ll face some consequences. (WARNING!) This story includes photos of Sam Brinton in drag, so have your eye bleach handy.

Also, a salute to the commenters on this story who pointed out that it’s impossible to be “non-binary,” not only because of basic biology, but when you declare yourself to be “non-binary,” you’re implying that everyone else who isn’t is binary, and now it’s a binary system again.

Related: It apparently was necessary to sentence former Indiana Republican Congress member Stephen Buyer to 22 months in prison for twice profiting through insider trading. The judge rejected a request by prosecutors to make him pay $1.4 million in legal fees due to the fact that his family has been wiped out financially by having to defend himself in court.

The US Attorney who prosecuted Buyer said, “No insider trader is above the law, and we will continue to bring those who undermine the fairness and integrity of our markets to justice." To which I reply, “Good! Now do Nancy Pelosi.”


It’s said that one picture is worth a thousand words. Since those words about New Jersey Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy’s anti-parent school sex ed mandates would be unprintable in this newsletter, I’ll just share an editorial cartoon that depicted it so well, it’s gone viral and is spreading as uncontrollably as a California wildfire.

Who is running the country?

If you really think Joe Biden is running his Administration and not his staff full of far-left activists, then just imagine an elderly man who can’t seem to stay awake past noon having the energy to, all within three days, create a national office of gun control…

…Circumvent Congress by creating a New Deal-style “American Climate Corps”…

…And shut down all oil, gas and mining activity on thousands of acres of New Mexico land for the next 50 years...

Do you really think all those were Joe’s doing? He can’t even work up the energy to face New York Mayor Eric Adams to discuss the illegal immigrant crisis that was created when he reversed all of Trump’s border security policies on Day One.

One question: He does know that “he” did that, right?

Wise move

A salute to the leaders of Brookhaven, New York, who say they will gladly take the monuments to Washington, Jefferson and Columbus that the woke leftists running New York City are removing. Showing a wisdom sadly lacking in the Big Rotten Apple’s leaders, Brookhaven’s town supervisor said, "We look at their accomplishments, what they did for their time and how they contributed to the long arc of history. And we would welcome having those statues."

Incidentally, do you recall how Donald Trump was tarred as a racist for saying he would not remove Confederate monuments because if you gave into that, the same radicals would next demand that we remove statues of Washington and Jefferson and other Founders for not living up to their contemporary woke standards? Maybe it’s time to build a monument to all the things that Trump turned out to be right about.



As the Hollywood writers and actors strike drags on, union leaders have invented a new tactic: they’re accusing the producers of preventing the writers from promoting diversity and inclusion. They claim the writers are just “bursting” with “worldview-changing stories” about LGBT characters and scenarios that they’re being prevented from inflicting on…sorry, sharing with the public.

Oh, no! You mean the strike is preventing them from annoying and boring us with more woke propaganda and identity politics in place of entertainment? That sounds like a good reason to pray the strike never ends. Also, if they’re “bursting with stories,” how come we’ve seen almost no movies or TV shows with original stories in about 10 years?

Poor Merrick Garland;  what else could it be but cognitive decline?

If you watched Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearings and the testimony of Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland, you must have realized with horror that President Biden is not the only one in a position of high leadership who is cognitively challenged.

Biden increasingly shows signs of dementia, as all can see, and then we have Sen. John Fetterman, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, due to the unfortunate ravages of age and health, but maybe there’s something in the water in DC, too, perhaps some brain-eating protozoa.  Garland is only 70 --- young in DC --- but his brain is apparently disappearing, too.  Why, he can’t seem to recall ANYTHING.

And he seems to be suffering from delusions.  He actually said under oath, “Our job is not to take orders from the President, from Congress, or from anyone else about who or what to criminally investigate.”  To say that truthfully, he must have forgotten that prosecutors from the Special Counsel’s Office visited the White House on a number of occasions, both before and after indicting President Trump.  (If we heard about this, he surely must have.)  As even THE NEW YORK TIMES reported, Biden made it clear he wanted Garland to act like a prosecutor and arrest Trump.

Another delusion was apparent when he said this:

"Our job is to uphold the rule of the law. That means we apply the same laws to everyone. There is not one set of laws for the powerful and another for the powerless, one for the rich and another for the poor, one for Democrats, and another for Republicans; or different rules depending upon one’s race, or ethnicity or religion."

Anyone whose brain is not impaired can see that this statement is completely absurd, wildly at odds with reality.  He denied any politicization of the DOJ at all, which anyone of normal cognitive function knows is impossible with Obama proxy Lisa Monaco serving as the AG’s top assistant.

Still, the memory loss was the most striking revelation.  When asked by Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson if he’d had contact with anyone at FBI headquarters about the Hunter Biden investigation, he stammered (after a long, uncomfortable pause), “I--I don’t recollect the answer to that question.”  And then, from the dim recesses of his brain, “But the FBI works for the Justice Department.”

When asked again, “You don’t recollect whether you talked to anybody at FBI headquarters about an investigation involving the President’s son,” Garland said, “I don’t believe that I did.”

Naturally, anyone with normal cognitive function would be able to remember clearly whether or not he’d had “contact” with his subordinates on a felony case involving the son of the President.  The fact that he couldn’t remember should be a red flag, suggesting that his loved ones should seek medical attention for him right away.  Perhaps there’s some cutting-edge drug that could help with blood flow to the brain.  (It doesn’t seem to be helping on Biden, but...)

There’s one other possible explanation:  Garland’s brain functions normally and he was lying his head off.  But surely it’s not that!  Why, our ‘Justice’ Department is the heart and soul of what America stands for.  The United States Attorney General couldn’t possibly be that dishonest.  No, it must be dementia.

Garland also inappropriately smiled and chuckled when confronted with serious accusations of inaction on the case.  I’m not a physician, but I’ve read that inappropriate displays of emotion can be a sign of dementia.

As Jesse Watters pointed out Wednesday evening, “The attorney general puts everybody under investigation, and then refuses to answer any questions because there’s an ongoing investigation.”  I would think that if the poor man could better organize his thoughts, he wouldn’t have mindlessly opened cases on everyone and could now speak more freely to the committee.  Surely that would’ve been his intention.

The investigation into Hunter’s taxes has been going on for five years.  The attorney general can’t seem to remember anything from this entire period.  So, both short-term and long-term memory appear to have been affected.  So sad.

The poor fellow couldn’t handle the most basic questions that someone in his position should know.  When asked how many FBI confidential informants entered the Capitol on January 6, he was unable to answer.  Sadly, he’s not the only official in DC whose brain perhaps has been affected by something in the water...

When confronted with that leaked memo from the Richmond, Virginia, field office about “radical traditionalist Catholics” and asked if he thought traditional Catholics were violent extremists, Garland couldn’t answer, expressing uncertainty about the meaning of the word “traditional.”

He suddenly became extremely indignant, changing the focus of the question with his strong emotional reaction.  “The idea that someone of my family background [Jewish] would discriminate against any religion is so outrageous, so absurd!”  He did go on to say that both he and FBI Director Wray were “appalled” by the memo.  But he did not reply to the question on whether or not they are extremists.  Of course, all the Democrats in Washington have forgotten what a real extremist is, thinking it’s everyone who wears a Trump hat and/or an American flag pin, further strengthening our “something in the water” theory.

Garland does have one clear memory, but it’s nonsensical.  He said under oath that he couldn’t talk about internal department deliberations “because I promised the Senate I wouldn’t.” 

As if all this weren’t enough, I’m reminded that Garland appointed David Weiss as special counsel when Weiss was already handling the case as U.S. attorney and supposedly had had free reign to conduct an independent investigation.  This duplication of effort is symptomatic of memory loss consistent with dementia and/or infection with brain-eating protozoa from drinking water from the Potomac River.

Hey, this would even explain why the statute of limitations for Hunter’s 2014-2015 tax returns was allowed to expire.  They just forgot!

Anyway, that would be my diagnosis because, gosh, what else could it be?




Rudy Giuliani told NEWSMAX that the attorney general has “dishonored” the DOJ and made some solid points about both him and Weiss…

Also, don’t miss House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio, on HANNITY last night.  No cognitive impairment there!




RELATED:  Yesterday, we told you about Homeland Security’s new ‘working group’ to address threats both foreign and domestic (mostly domestic, as we all know), called the “Experts Group” and including former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Director of Intelligence James Clapper, two major perpetrators of the Russia Hoax who actively worked to frame Trump as a Russian asset.  They’re experts, all right, but not in the areas they should be.  Former senior adviser to the Senate Judiciary Committee Garrett Ventry and investigative reporter/author Lee Smith (one of our favorite sources) appeared with Jesse Watters last night to discuss it.

We’ve discussed most of this same information but if you missed the segment, you might want to see it when the full Jesse Watters show is posted.  An additional point made by Lee Smith is that “John Brennan was Barack Obama’s intelligence guy.”  This is from the beginning, from before Obama went to the White House.  Smith reads this as an endorsement and a signal to Washington elites from Barack Obama, as in, “Don’t worry, Joe, we’ve got your back.”  We see it as getting the chess pieces on the board for whoever turns out to be the candidate, and that person might be someone with VERY close ties to Obama.

Smith sees Biden as Obama’s “avatar.”  Of course, that works for another term only if Biden is electable.  With his mental decline and his poll numbers, Biden can’t be on the ticket unless his running mate is the one Obama’s really backing for next President.

The NEW YORK POST had a scathing editorial on this “Experts Group”…

Rupert Murdoch to step down

Rupert Murdoch, 92, announced Thursday morning that he’s stepping down as Chair of Fox Corporation and Executive Chairman of News Corp in November, with his son Lachlan becoming chair of both companies. Most media outlets described this as “retirement,” but the senior Murdoch said he’s transitioning to Chairman Emeritus at Fox and News. He said, "For my entire professional life, I have been engaged daily with news and ideas, and that will not change.”

Many conservatives are worried that with Lachlan taking over the CEO reins, Fox News will move more to the left. But Rupert Murdoch said the battle over freedom of speech and freedom of thought has never been more intense, and his family remains firmly committed to that cause. That linked story reports that he criticized both contemptuous elites and the media in "cahoots" with them for pushing narratives rather than seeking the truth and said, “In my new role, I can guarantee you that I will be involved every day in the contest of ideas." He added, “We have every reason to be optimistic about the coming years - I certainly am, and plan to be here to participate in them." 

Before you ask, I have no inside information on this, but will keep my fingers crossed, just like you probably will.


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When AOC and other Democrats were booed and shouted down by fellow New Yorkers furious over their city being inundated with illegal aliens thanks to Biden’s open border, she dismissed that as just “conservatives” pretending to be angry New Yorkers. But when thousands of reality-denying protesters jammed New York streets with a “March to End Fossil Fuels” for “New York Climate Week,” well, those people we should take seriously.

Warning that Biden is not acting fast enough to ban oil and gas, AOC urged the crowd to make their protests ““too big and too radical to ignore.” She shouted, “We need urgency on this issue right now, right now.  And the way we create urgency on the issue of climate is that we have people all across the world in the streets…demanding a cessation of what is killing us. We demand change! It will happen now!” She was accompanied by a number of leftist Hollywood celebrities, including Ethan Hawke, Edward Norton and Kevin Bacon.

Question: How did all those people get into New York City and home again? We know the celebrities came from Hollywood, and that’s an awfully long walk or bike ride. I don’t believe they drove all across the country in electric cars because that would be nuts. Even if they did, EVs don’t reduce pollution; they create even more environmental destruction in their production than regular cars, and charging them just outsources the burning of fossil fuels to power plants that are out of sight, so I guess they don’t count.

Unsurprisingly, the DC Communist Party (speaking of things that really have killed a lot of people) hailed the protest to end fossil fuels, boasting that the crowd was over 75,000 people. Unless all of them walked, biked or skated there and back, they can go pound sand.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalms, 23:1

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Mike Huckabee

Protection please

Saturday in Los Angeles, a man carrying loaded pistols and ammunition and impersonating a US Marshal was arrested at a public event for Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

You’d think that would convince the Biden Administration to stop denying RFK Jr. Secret Service protection, considering that both his father and uncle were assassinated and now, they’ve arrested someone for trying to approach him with a loaded gun. Kennedy said he’s still “entertaining a hope” that he will be granted protection, after being the first Presidential candidate in history for whom the White House denied a request for protection. The White House's excuse was that protection is never provided until much later in the campaign year, but that’s not true: Obama got it much earlier.

On the other hand, considering that a new Rasmussen poll found that a third of voters would be open to supporting a third-party candidate in 2024 rather than reelect Biden, RFK Jr. should be grateful Biden hasn’t given him 24/7 armed security by indicting and jailing him. Yet.

Everything is peaches and cream…

California Gov. Gavin Newsom went on CNN Monday to test-drive the Democrats’ 2024 Biden reelection narrative: Joe’s actually doing a fantastic job, it’s just that Americans have been so “traumatized” over the past five or six years that we’re in Debby Downer mode and simply can’t see how peachy everything is.

I wonder how the Democrats’ anti-fossil fuel wing is going to react to them trying to gaslight half the country. I also wonder if they really think Americans are dumb enough to believe that just because they're working three jobs to pay for groceries, rent and gas, they should congratulate Joe Biden for creating full employment.


The big problem with all liberal plans is that sooner or later, they have to leave the fantasy worlds of the liberal media or the Ivy League faculty lounge and be tested in the harsh lab of reality, and that’s when they melt down like a cake left in the rain. For instance, we were all going to be driving electric cars – until enough people bought them and described their experiences, and now they’re gathering dust on car lots. Well, here are a couple more examples, courtesy of (naturally) California:

California legislators passed State Bill 2098, or the “Medical Misinformation Law,” that barred doctors from spreading “misinformation” or “disinformation” about COVID-19. What it did in reality was attempt to repeal both the First Amendment and the scientific method by punishing doctors for questioning official government narratives, as if having medical bureaucrats declare something true made it both objectively correct and legally unquestionable. It went into effect on January 1st, was blocked by a federal judge one month later in response to a lawsuit, and has just been quietly repealed by the Assembly before the Courts could toss it out as the unconstitutional garbage that it clearly is.

Also last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law repealing the ban on state employees traveling to states that “discriminate” against the LGBTQ+ community. Since they passed it in 2017, they'd added more than half of US states to the list, as those evil, intolerant haters passed such unconscionable and un-California-like laws as banning men from going into women’s bathrooms. As you might imagine, this virtue-signaling became rather inconvenient, particularly with Newsom himself making so many politically-motivated visits to red states.

Newsom said he hopes the repeal "helps California’s message of acceptance, equality and hope reach the places where it is most needed."  Which begs the question, if LGBTQ people are treated so badly in red states and so well in California, why aren’t they all moving there? So few people are doing that these days that you’d think the rest of America had a travel ban on going to California.

…And a new California gun control bill banning ads for firearms that “reasonably appear to be attractive to minors” was struck down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for being so broadly written that it infringes on both the First and Second Amendments. The court’s ruling is a must-read, particularly for reality-denying leftist legislators:

“California cannot straitjacket the First Amendment by, on the one hand, allowing minors to possess and use firearms and then, on the other hand, banning truthful advertisements about that lawful use of firearms. There is no evidence in the record that a minor in California has ever unlawfully bought a gun, let alone because of an ad. Nor has the state produced any evidence that truthful ads about lawful uses of guns—like an ad about hunting rifles in Junior Sports Magazines’ Junior Shooters—encourage illegal or violent gun use among minors. Simply put, California cannot lean on gossamers of speculation to weave an evidence-free narrative that its law curbing the First Amendment ‘significantly’ decreases unlawful gun use among minors. The First Amendment demands more than good intentions and wishful thinking to warrant the government’s muzzling of speech.”

But has California learned anything from having to backtrack from so many fuzzy-headed, unconstitutional laws passed to appease a small minority at the expense of the rights of the majority? I’ll let you read this and decide that…

Related: San Francisco also banned travel to red states. But the city has become such a crime-ridden basket case under leftist rule that they’re now desperate to find people who are willing to join the city’s beleaguered police department. And guess where they’re looking for recruits: in Texas! Good luck with that!

Message to Illinois Democrats: Give yourselves a hand!

Illinois Democrats decided that it wasn’t fair that violent criminals were running amok in Chicago. So they just became the first state to do away with cash bail, so that violent criminals can now run amok statewide.


I’ve noticed that suddenly, we’re hearing accusations of sexual misconduct against a number of prominent conservatives and even moderates who are known for standing up against the radical left. Some are attacks on personal behavior or alleged private conduct which would not only be ignored but defended and even celebrated if the target were on the left (if you don’t believe me, look at the full-throated defense of the Virginia Democratic Congressional candidate who sold porn videos of herself and her husband on the Internet.) And some stories, sadly, involve accusations of possibly criminal misconduct.

Comedian/podcaster Russell Brand was suddenly struck with multiple accusations of sexual assault, including rape, from a decade or so ago, which he denies. He admitted going through a period of addiction and promiscuity, but insists all his sexual conduct was consensual. Nevertheless, he was immediately dumped by his agent and publisher, his comedy tour was canceled and YouTube demonetized his popular channel. All this based on anonymous allegations with no charges even being filed (at least not yet), much less a conviction. Some of his fans believe this may be motivated by his recent prominence as a critic of government narratives on COVID and other hot button issues. Whether it is or not, there’s no question that it’s a prime example of our modern culture of “guilty until proven innocent.”

And speaking of oddly coincidental accusations, Tim Ballard, the inspiration for “Sound of Freedom,” the movie about fighting child sex trafficking that Hollywood and the media couldn’t kill, has suddenly been accused of sexual misconduct involving seven women. Ballard, who was considering a Senate run in Utah, said, “It’s not true, nothing you hear is true.” The report came from Vice, a leftwing site with a reputation for bad biased reporting, and cites “an anonymous letter” that repeats the allegations.

While I hope these accusations are all false, I don’t know, but I do find the sudden flurry of them and their anonymous origins to be awfully coincidental. I can’t make a defense of these accused people because I have no idea what really happened. But I will once again make the same lonely, unpopular stand that I made when both Brett Kavanaugh on the right and Andrew Cuomo on the left were accused of sexual misconduct. That is to defend their right to due process and to remind everyone that in America – in fact, anywhere where people believe in justice and fairness – everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence until they are proven guilty, and not the other way around.

As for some of the other stories that don’t involve criminality but are just ugly whispering campaigns, I’d remind everyone that people who spread nasty gossip about others are really telling you more about themselves than about those they gossip about.

Related: Lauren Boebert’s estranged husband issued a statement strongly defending her and taking responsibility for the collapse of their marriage and for putting her under the tremendous strain of a devastating divorce.

How can we take AOC and her friends seriously?!?

When AOC and other Democrats were booed and shouted down by fellow New Yorkers furious over their city being inundated with illegal aliens thanks to Biden’s open border, she dismissed that as just “conservatives” pretending to be angry New Yorkers. But when thousands of reality-denying protesters jammed New York streets with a “March to End Fossil Fuels” for “New York Climate Week,” well, those people we should take seriously.

Warning that Biden is not acting fast enough to ban oil and gas, AOC urged the crowd to make their protests ““too big and too radical to ignore.” She shouted, “We need urgency on this issue right now, right now.  And the way we create urgency on the issue of climate is that we have people all across the world in the streets…demanding a cessation of what is killing us. We demand change! It will happen now!” She was accompanied by a number of leftist Hollywood celebrities, including Ethan Hawke, Edward Norton and Kevin Bacon.

Question: How did all those people get into New York City and home again? We know the celebrities came from Hollywood, and that’s an awfully long walk or bike ride. I don’t believe they drove all across the country in electric cars because that would be nuts. Even if they did, EVs don’t reduce pollution; they create even more environmental destruction in their production than regular cars, and charging them just outsources the burning of fossil fuels to power plants that are out of sight, so I guess they don’t count.

Unsurprisingly, the DC Communist Party (speaking of things that really have killed a lot of people) hailed the protest to end fossil fuels, boasting that the crowd was over 75,000 people. Unless all of them walked, biked or skated there and back, they can go pound sand.

Big Business

This story not only reports that Colombia’s leftist president plans to send another 1 million migrants to the US in 2024 from Colombia alone, but it also has a good description of how Joe Biden and his DHS head Alejandro Majorkas are facilitating the cartels’ incredibly lucrative new industry of smuggling migrants to the border so they can enter the US illegally.

And how big a business has the transport of illegal entrants to the US become? The buses couldn’t hold enough of them, so now they’re coming by the trainload.

Senate update

Chuck Schumer’s decision not to enforce the unofficial Senate dress code (unspoken: most likely because John Fetterman refuses to dress like an adult and keeps showing up in hoodies and basketball shorts) is not going over well with colleagues. Maine Sen. Susan Collins slammed it, saying it “debases the institution,” and joked that she might come to work in a bikini. She quickly made it clear that she wouldn’t, but said that under the new rules, she could. Let’s pray this doesn’t spread to the House, at least while Nancy Pelosi is still in office.

Meanwhile, Fetterman continues to prove that he is unfit for the Senate, both sartorially and cognitively.

I don’t hold it against Fetterman that he isn’t showing the proper respect for the Senate, since I don’t know if he’s capable of that. I do hold it against Schumer for enabling it. And I hold it against the entire Democratic Party apparatus of Pennsylvania who didn’t care about Fetterman’s health or even his life after he suffered a debilitating stroke. They just kept pushing him because nothing was more important than keeping that seat, even if the stress killed him, or best-case scenario that I can see, he was mentally unable to be a functioning representative for the people of Pennsylvania. All that mattered to them was keeping someone with a D by his name in a seat of power.

So if Fetterman is simply unable to show respect for the United States Senate, then he is at least representing the attitude of his Party perfectly.

Ominous Warning Sign:

In a special election for a state House seat in New Hampshire Tuesday, the Democrat won a landslide victory in a district that the Republican Governor won by 22 points. Bonchie at warns that the GOP needs to make changes and pick better candidates or it may be heading for another drubbing in 2024. See if you agree with his assessment, and if not, how would you explain this lopsided loss in a heavily-Republican district?

FBI shot down yet another informant who had too much on “Biden Bucks”

Yesterday, we told you that yet another FBI informant with information about the Biden family business had been “shut down” by the FBI, in October 2020, just prior to the election.  “Follow-the-money” author Peter Schweizer had determined that this information came from retired FBI Special Agent Tim Thibault, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee last week.

(Just a thought:  Schweizer wrote the bestseller CLINTON CASH, and we wonder if he might want to call his next one BIDEN BUCKS.  You’re welcome!)

According to Schweizer, Thibault told the committee that his main contribution to the Hunter probe was “to shut down the use of a confidential source whom he discovered was actually a right-wing author whose information he feared would taint the legitimacy of the investigation.”

Recall that Thibault resigned from the FBI in the wake of allegations that he helped shield Hunter Biden from criminal investigations.  Here’s that story from July of last year.  Kind of fun to look back at it now, in light of what we’ve since learned.  Read the letter it includes from Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley to AG Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray.  In it, Grassley says Thibault “allegedly ordered the matter [the Hunter investigation] closed without providing a valid reason as required by FBI guidelines…it’s alleged that FBI officials, including ASAC Thibault, subsequently attempted to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future.”

Somebody wanted it “disappeared.”

As it turns out, the FBI’s additional confidential human source, the one Thibault got “shut down,” apparently was...(drum roll)...Peter Schweizer (cymbal crash)!  He didn’t name Schweizer in last week’s testimony but did to THE NEW YORK TIMES back in May.

It all started when the the Public Corruption Unit of the FBI contacted Schweizer’s organization, a non-profit called the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) for information the GAI had gathered on Hunter Biden’s business dealings for Schweizer’s books SECRET EMPIRES and PROFILES IN CORRUPTION.  The GAI had pieced together the story of Hunter’s involvement in the Ukrainian energy company Burisma and the CCP-connected firm CEFC.  All the information they had was already in the public record, nothing from sketchy sources.

Schweizer isn’t buying that the reason Thibault shut him down as a source was because he was “concerned about the integrity” of the FBI investigation.  “Nobody has ever challenged any of the facts that we discovered and wrote about,” he said.

Schweizer is co-host of the podcast DRILL DOWN, and we’ve included a link to his latest episode, in which he discusses this, starting at about 10:45.  You’ll see that Thibault, in his fiery opening statement, testified that the allegations of political interference were “baseless,” but in the next breath told them his main job in the investigation was to shut down a confidential human source because the fact that he was a right-wing author might taint the investigation!  (The FBI has done enough to taint this investigation, all by themselves.)

Schweizer calls this Thibault’s “shoot the messenger” tactic, reminding us that Thibault is the FBI agent who originally interviewed former Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski in the fall of 2020, but DID NOT SHARE THAT INTERVIEW WITH ANYONE, such as the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware.  And Bobulinski was no “far-right” anything --- he was not a political figure at all.

Also, there are more fishy numbers that tie Joe himself with the Biden businesses.  The U.K. DAILY MAIL reported last year that there was a discrepancy between income Joe Biden reported to the IRS in 2017 and 2018 and what he declared on the financial disclosure form he had to complete when he entered the 2020 presidential race.  Tax returns showed $12.6 million; the financial disclosure form showed $7.4 million.

How to explain this $5.2 million discrepancy?  (Coincidentally, $5 million is the amount of the bribe Burisma founder Mykolo Zlochevsky is said to have claimed to have paid to each of two Bidens.)  Schweizer theorizes that by 2019, Biden was getting a lot of scrutiny over Hunter’s foreign deals, “and he just wanted some of that money to disappear.”

Here’s a little trip down memory lane.

Isn’t it amazing how this news has been out there for a year, sometimes two or three years, and you and I know it but most of America still has no clue?  At least that’s finally starting to change.  Now that the mainstream media have dutifully played their assigned role in hiding it, they’re dutifully playing their assigned role in slowly letting it out.

In impeachment inquiry news --- and remember, it’s an impeachment INQUIRY into allegations of corruption by the President, not an actual impeachment --- the House will hold its first impeachment inquiry hearing next Thursday.  This is the evidence-gathering stage.  The House Oversight Committee, chaired by Kentucky Rep. James Comer, will likely subpoena bank records for Hunter and James Biden, the President’s brother, to continue in their quest to “follow the money.”  That’s what he told Sean Hannity last night.

Comer also will seek additional transcribed interviews with Hunter business partners, particularly Eric Schwerin and Rob Walker.  But this first day of hearings isn’t likely to tread new ground, according to sources for FOX NEWS.  It will review the existing evidence --- there’s a lot, and those who say differently are deliberately lying or in deep denial --- and “explain the status of the inquiry.”


RELATED:  Finally, here’s a story worthy of the BABYLON BEE.  Did you know Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has put together a team of experts, called the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, to provide “unique perspectives on the federal government’s intelligence enterprise” to DHS’s [Intelligence and Analysis] and the Office of the Counterterrorism Coordinator?  The group will meet periodically to analyze threats posed by both “foreign nation-state adversaries” and “domestic violent extremists.”  Like those violent, racist “MAGA Republicans” I’ve heard so much about?

This is so important to our national security that he’s put former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Director of Intelligence James Clapper on it.  Myorkas has succeeded in one thing:  insulting OUR intelligence.

So, aren’t you glad they’re on the job?  Although, as BREITBART reports, “It is unclear how Brennan will advise the Department of Homeland Security, given that President Trump revoked his security clearance in 2018, in reaction to Brennan’s increasingly unhinged political attacks on the President.”

These are the same intelligence “experts” who falsely tried to discredit the NEW YORK POST’s Hunter Biden laptop story, so the POST has plenty to say about their appointment...


FURTHER READING:  Tristan Leavitt, head of the Empower Whistleblower Center, has expressed fresh concerns that the Biden White House is applying pressure to the ‘Justice’ Department to prosecute IRS special-agents-turned-whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.  As you know, the White House sent a memo to news media imploring them to attack efforts to investigate the Bidens.  But there’s much more; here’s John Solomon’s take...

Pro tip

We’ll have more on this tomorrow, but as we were “going to press,” the House questioning of alleged Attorney General Merrick Garland was just starting. You can watch the video feed at the link, or wait until tomorrow and we’ll tell you what he said without you having to inflict his inevitable denials and evasions on yourself.


A disturbing video

Last weekend, a disturbing video hit the news, taken by two Las Vegas teenagers in a stolen Hyundai Elantra laughing as they deliberately struck and killed a bicyclist just for fun. The victim was 64-year-old retired police chief Andreas Probst. Police thought it was a hit-and-run accident until they saw the video, which was obtained by a high school resource officer.  Both teenagers have been arrested and will be charged with murder.

And as this article explains, in Nevada, any teenager charged with murder is automatically tried as an adult.

The video was so horrifying that it sparked debate about the teenagers’ motivations and how they could have become so amoral and depraved as to think of running over a stranger with a car as a joke. Probst’s daughter said her father was robbed of his life by “two individuals who did not believe lives of others matter," and said she doesn’t believe racism or her father’s police background played a role. She attributed his killing to social media and "decayed family values," and urged people to “please do not politicize his death or use it for culture wars.” 

While I certainly respect her opinion and offer her my deepest condolences and prayers, I don’t see how it’s possible to separate this heinous act from the culture wars. It used to be so rare for someone to reach that age with zero respect for the the sanctity of human life that we had a clinical term for it: sociopath. While social media has definitely amplified the problem by allowing the worst impulses of human behavior to be reinforced by others and protected by distance and anonymity, there are many other negative factors at work as well, from movies and video games that depict gory violence as repercussion-free entertainment to banning God and Christian morality from schools to a political culture that regards killing children in the womb as the only “right” worth protecting.

When we see stories like this now, they’re still shocking but sadly, no longer surprising. If we were setting out to deliberately raise a generation of sociopaths, I don’t know what we’d be doing any differently.




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Yesterday, we told you that yet another FBI informant with information about the Biden family business had been “shut down” by the FBI, in October 2020, just prior to the election.  “Follow-the-money” author Peter Schweizer had determined that this information came from retired FBI Special Agent Tim Thibault, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee last week.

(Just a thought:  Schweizer wrote the bestseller CLINTON CASH, and we wonder if he might want to call his next one BIDEN BUCKS.  You’re welcome!)

According to Schweizer, Thibault told the committee that his main contribution to the Hunter probe was “to shut down the use of a confidential source whom he discovered was actually a right-wing author whose information he feared would taint the legitimacy of the investigation.”

Recall that Thibault resigned from the FBI in the wake of allegations that he helped shield Hunter Biden from criminal investigations.  Here’s that story from July of last year.  Kind of fun to look back at it now, in light of what we’ve since learned.  Read the letter it includes from Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley to AG Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray.  In it, Grassley says Thibault “allegedly ordered the matter [the Hunter investigation] closed without providing a valid reason as required by FBI guidelines…it’s alleged that FBI officials, including ASAC Thibault, subsequently attempted to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future.”

Somebody wanted it “disappeared.”

As it turns out, the FBI’s additional confidential human source, the one Thibault got “shut down,” apparently was...(drum roll)...Peter Schweizer (cymbal crash)!  He didn’t name Schweizer in last week’s testimony but did to THE NEW YORK TIMES back in May.

It all started when the the Public Corruption Unit of the FBI contacted Schweizer’s organization, a non-profit called the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) for information the GAI had gathered on Hunter Biden’s business dealings for Schweizer’s books SECRET EMPIRES and PROFILES IN CORRUPTION.  The GAI had pieced together the story of Hunter’s involvement in the Ukrainian energy company Burisma and the CCP-connected firm CEFC.  All the information they had was already in the public record, nothing from sketchy sources.

Schweizer isn’t buying that the reason Thibault shut him down as a source was because he was “concerned about the integrity” of the FBI investigation.  “Nobody has ever challenged any of the facts that we discovered and wrote about,” he said.

Schweizer is co-host of the podcast DRILL DOWN, and we’ve included a link to his latest episode, in which he discusses this, starting at about 10:45.  You’ll see that Thibault, in his fiery opening statement, testified that the allegations of political interference were “baseless,” but in the next breath told them his main job in the investigation was to shut down a confidential human source because the fact that he was a right-wing author might taint the investigation!  (The FBI has done enough to taint this investigation, all by themselves.)

Schweizer calls this Thibault’s “shoot the messenger” tactic, reminding us that Thibault is the FBI agent who originally interviewed former Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski in the fall of 2020, but DID NOT SHARE THAT INTERVIEW WITH ANYONE, such as the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware.  And Bobulinski was no “far-right” anything --- he was not a political figure at all.

Also, there are more fishy numbers that tie Joe himself with the Biden businesses.  The U.K. DAILY MAIL reported last year that there was a discrepancy between income Joe Biden reported to the IRS in 2017 and 2018 and what he declared on the financial disclosure form he had to complete when he entered the 2020 presidential race.  Tax returns showed $12.6 million; the financial disclosure form showed $7.4 million.

How to explain this $5.2 million discrepancy?  (Coincidentally, $5 million is the amount of the bribe Burisma founder Mykolo Zlochevsky is said to have claimed to have paid to each of two Bidens.)  Schweizer theorizes that by 2019, Biden was getting a lot of scrutiny over Hunter’s foreign deals, “and he just wanted some of that money to disappear.”

Here’s a little trip down memory lane.

Isn’t it amazing how this news has been out there for a year, sometimes two or three years, and you and I know it but most of America still has no clue?  At least that’s finally starting to change.  Now that the mainstream media have dutifully played their assigned role in hiding it, they’re dutifully playing their assigned role in slowly letting it out.

In impeachment inquiry news --- and remember, it’s an impeachment INQUIRY into allegations of corruption by the President, not an actual impeachment --- the House will hold its first impeachment inquiry hearing next Thursday.  This is the evidence-gathering stage.  The House Oversight Committee, chaired by Kentucky Rep. James Comer, will likely subpoena bank records for Hunter and James Biden, the President’s brother, to continue in their quest to “follow the money.”  That’s what he told Sean Hannity last night.

Comer also will seek additional transcribed interviews with Hunter business partners, particularly Eric Schwerin and Rob Walker.  But this first day of hearings isn’t likely to tread new ground, according to sources for FOX NEWS.  It will review the existing evidence --- there’s a lot, and those who say differently are deliberately lying or in deep denial --- and “explain the status of the inquiry.”


RELATED:  Finally, here’s a story worthy of the BABYLON BEE.  Did you know Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has put together a team of experts, called the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, to provide “unique perspectives on the federal government’s intelligence enterprise” to DHS’s [Intelligence and Analysis] and the Office of the Counterterrorism Coordinator?  The group will meet periodically to analyze threats posed by both “foreign nation-state adversaries” and “domestic violent extremists.”  Like those violent, racist “MAGA Republicans” I’ve heard so much about?

This is so important to our national security that he’s put former CIA Director John Brennan and former National Director of Intelligence James Clapper on it.  Myorkas has succeeded in one thing:  insulting OUR intelligence.

So, aren’t you glad they’re on the job?  Although, as BREITBART reports, “It is unclear how Brennan will advise the Department of Homeland Security, given that President Trump revoked his security clearance in 2018, in reaction to Brennan’s increasingly unhinged political attacks on the President.”

These are the same intelligence “experts” who falsely tried to discredit the NEW YORK POST’s Hunter Biden laptop story, so the POST has plenty to say about their appointment...


FURTHER READING:  Tristan Leavitt, head of the Empower Whistleblower Center, has expressed fresh concerns that the Biden White House is applying pressure to the ‘Justice’ Department to prosecute IRS special-agents-turned-whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.  As you know, the White House sent a memo to news media imploring them to attack efforts to investigate the Bidens.  But there’s much more; here’s John Solomon’s take...

Reality hits California

September 20, 2023

The big problem with all liberal plans is that sooner or later, they have to leave the fantasy worlds of the liberal media or the Ivy League faculty lounge and be tested in the harsh lab of reality, and that’s when they melt down like a cake left in the rain. For instance, we were all going to be driving electric cars – until enough people bought them and described their experiences, and now they’re gathering dust on car lots. Well, here are a couple more examples, courtesy of (naturally) California:

California legislators passed State Bill 2098, or the “Medical Misinformation Law,” that barred doctors from spreading “misinformation” or “disinformation” about COVID-19. What it did in reality was attempt to repeal both the First Amendment and the scientific method by punishing doctors for questioning official government narratives, as if having medical bureaucrats declare something true made it both objectively correct and legally unquestionable. It went into effect on January 1st, was blocked by a federal judge one month later in response to a lawsuit, and has just been quietly repealed by the Assembly before the Courts could toss it out as the unconstitutional garbage that it clearly is.

Also last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law repealing the ban on state employees traveling to states that “discriminate” against the LGBTQ+ community. Since they passed it in 2017, they'd added more than half of US states to the list, as those evil, intolerant haters passed such unconscionable and un-California-like laws as banning men from going into women’s bathrooms. As you might imagine, this virtue-signaling became rather inconvenient, particularly with Newsom himself making so many politically-motivated visits to red states.

Newsom said he hopes the repeal "helps California’s message of acceptance, equality and hope reach the places where it is most needed."  Which begs the question, if LGBTQ people are treated so badly in red states and so well in California, why aren’t they all moving there? So few people are doing that these days that you’d think the rest of America had a travel ban on going to California.

…And a new California gun control bill banning ads for firearms that “reasonably appear to be attractive to minors” was struck down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for being so broadly written that it infringes on both the First and Second Amendments. The court’s ruling is a must-read, particularly for reality-denying leftist legislators:

“California cannot straitjacket the First Amendment by, on the one hand, allowing minors to possess and use firearms and then, on the other hand, banning truthful advertisements about that lawful use of firearms. There is no evidence in the record that a minor in California has ever unlawfully bought a gun, let alone because of an ad. Nor has the state produced any evidence that truthful ads about lawful uses of guns—like an ad about hunting rifles in Junior Sports Magazines’ Junior Shooters—encourage illegal or violent gun use among minors. Simply put, California cannot lean on gossamers of speculation to weave an evidence-free narrative that its law curbing the First Amendment ‘significantly’ decreases unlawful gun use among minors. The First Amendment demands more than good intentions and wishful thinking to warrant the government’s muzzling of speech.”

But has California learned anything from having to backtrack from so many fuzzy-headed, unconstitutional laws passed to appease a small minority at the expense of the rights of the majority? I’ll let you read this and decide that…

Related: San Francisco also banned travel to red states. But the city has become such a crime-ridden basket case under leftist rule that they’re now desperate to find people who are willing to join the city’s beleaguered police department. And guess where they’re looking for recruits: in Texas! Good luck with that!

“This case seems to be almost like a tantrum that Abbe Lowell’s having...”

That’s the observation of former federal prosecutor Jonathan Fahey, in an interview Monday night with FOX NEWS’ Trace Gallagher, speaking of Hunter Biden’s lead attorney suing the IRS and the former agents who came forward with their concerns about his case. The whistleblowers “did everything under the law in revealing this information,” Fahey said. The suit, he said, is apparently not about their testimony but what they’ve said since going to the House Ways and Means Committee.

(As you know, they went to Ways and Means in the first place because they were dealing with someone’s personal tax records, and this committee, behind closed doors, was the only place they could legally divulge that. The committee then had the authority to allow a public hearing before the Oversight Committee.)

“...I don’t really see the merits of this lawsuit,” he said, “and I’m not really seeing the point of the lawsuit, either, as far as the big picture for his client, how it benefits him.”

In his original plea deal, which was scrapped --- no matter what Abbe Lowell says --- Hunter was originally charged with misdemeanors for crimes that normally would be considered felonies. According to Fahey, the judge in California could come back and charge him with felony tax offenses, if he is so inclined (I wouldn’t hold my breath), along with felony gun crimes. “So, really, things are going in a bad direction for Hunter…this current legal strategy doesn’t seem to be helping him that much, from what I’m seeing.”

That’s in line with a report from the WASHINGTON POST that David Weiss may soon file a new indictment against Hunter on tax charges in a California federal court. ABC NEWS got specific about this --- WAPO, ABC...see, the memo really has gone out! --- saying Hunter will likely face charges of failure to pay taxes after allegations made by IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler about money from Burisma channeled through a Chinese firm run by the Biden family business.

Fahey predicted Hunter won’t go to trial on the gun charges, and that his attorneys would try to work out a deal and “keep the option open” of appealing on a constitutional issue with those. He also predicted no jail time, surprise!

Mark Lytle, the attorney for former IRS lead investigator Gary Shapley, had weighed in earlier in the day, saying, “Congress wrote the law so that whistleblowers could come forward in a protected manner and shine the light on government misconduct. And that’s what happened here. And as a result, the ‘sweetheart’ plea deal was revealed...and the judge rejected it. And they’re mad about that, and they’re coming after the whistleblowers.”

Oh, they’re mad, of course, but going on the offensive in a blind fury is also their legal strategy. Very deliberate.

The lawsuit itself is extremely tenuous. It alleges that Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler sought to “publicly smear” Hunter Biden by releasing information about his taxes to congressional investigators. This, his attorneys say, adds up to a violation of his “privacy rights.”

(Aside: I thought that with the release of President Trump’s tax returns under the Biden administration, the idea of financial privacy was a thing of the past! Why, it must be back again.)

In suing the IRS, Hunter is, in effect, suing his father’s administration, claiming that IRS agents “targeted and sought to embarrass” him. His attorneys also allege that the whistleblowers released information that Congress had not yet released. That includes allegations of his failure to pay $2.2 million in taxes --- hey, we already knew about that; it’s the bill his “sugar brother” Kevin Morris paid --- and possible tax fraud over claiming expenses for prostitutes and sex clubs on his returns.

They told about the prostitutes and sex clubs?? Why, Hunter’s squeaky-clean reputation is RUINED!!

Attorney Lytle released a statement: “Neither IRS SSA Gary Shapley nor his attorneys have ever released any confidential tax information except through whistleblower disclosures authorized by statute. Once Congress released that testimony, like every American citizen, he has a right to discuss that information.” He called the lawsuit “just another frivolous smear by Biden family attorneys trying to turn people’s attention away from Hunter Biden’s own legal problems and intimidate any current and future whistleblowers.” I don’t think the IRS is losing any sleep over it.

By the way, did you know that there was another FBI informant in the Biden case who was “shut down” before the 2020 election? Retired Special Agent Timothy Thibault, a 25-year employee who was second in command at the Washington field office, testified before the House Judiciary Committee last week, and said he’d been told by the lead agent in the Hunter tax case to shut down their confidential human source (CHS).

Thibault wasn’t identified in the transcript, but investigative reporter Peter Schweizer believes he has identified him based on previous comments he’s made and other clues. More on this will undoubtedly be coming out soon; in the meantime, here’s what we know…

House Oversight Committee Chair Jim Jordan no doubt has many questions for Special Counsel David Weiss on his handling of the Hunter case, and Weiss is now scheduled to testify before the committee on October 11. Jordan is also calling for documents relating to whistleblowers Shapley and Ziegler. His full list of demands is here...

Allen West has a great editorial on the “Hunter Biden Hustle,” going through the reasons why it’s just not gonna play with the American people and pointing out the ironies of “Mr. Gun Control” having a son who’s guilty of three felony gun charges. You’ll enjoy this…

Well, let’s move on to see how this scandal is currently affecting the Big Guy. The mainstream media are pretending he’s doing great --- that, cognitively, he’s superior to Trump (I am not kidding). “Which begs the question,” David Strom said, “if they [Democrats] know the MSM will lie on something so obvious, why do they believe these shills on anything else?”

Poll-wise, Biden is cratering. According to a new survey from Harvard-CAPS-Harris, Biden is trailing Trump. But even worse, he’s also trailing Nikki Haley and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott. You might say he’s got three strikes against him.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has a theory for how the election is going to go, and we think he must have been reading the Huckabee newsletter. He predicts the Democrats will push Biden aside, and who else will parachute in at the last minute to “save” the party and take the nomination but...Michelle Obama. She’ll be portrayed as “the adult in the room.” (One of my writers has only been saying this for the past three years, only she used the term “healer.”) Cruz talks about the various scenarios that might replace Biden with Michelle --- as we did years ago --- in this podcast…

Bonchie at REDSTATE doesn’t think it would be all that easy for the Democrats to accomplish this, though, because of other candidates, such as Kamala, who won’t cooperate and will cause a floor fight. Perhaps he’s underestimating the power of the Obamas. He’s always heard Michelle hated being in the White House. Perhaps he’s underestimating the amount of time she could spend “vacationing.” He thinks Biden will still be the candidate, that Democrats “will have to ride or die with Joe Biden.”

Perhaps he’s forgotten: They’re Democrats. They don’t intend to lose. But here’s what he says...

Duke, also at REDSTATE, doesn’t see Biden getting to the finish line. He talks about Cruz’s prediction as well, and relates a story about Biden’s biographer Franklin Foer saying it “wouldn’t be a total shock” to him if Biden gave up running again, “much earlier than August of next year.”




Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee

No newsletter in October?

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 101 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

A gag order on Donald Trump?!?

Special Counsel Jack Smith is trying to get the judge in his bogus election interference case to put a gag order on Donald Trump to keep him from talking about it. If you had any doubt that these charges are all about election interference, imagine lodging unprecedented indictments against your chief political opponent during an election season, then threatening to jail him if he defends himself.

Dick Morris believes this is all about the left’s desperate attempts to find a way to jail Trump. Law Professor Jonathan Turley goes into more legal detail, but also makes the great point that Smith’s insincere nine-word description of what he wants as “a narrowly tailored order that imposes modest, permissible restrictions” should be added to Ronald Reagan’s nine most terrifying words in the English language: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

Brutally hilarious

Here’s the article I’m sure many of you have been waiting for (and shame on you): Kurt Schlichter’s farewell tribute to retiring Senator Mitt Romney. Brutally hilarious.

No surprise

Watch VP Kamala Harris tell a university crowd that the government should enforce “equal outcomes,” not equal opportunity. Why am I not surprised that Kamala Harris doesn’t believe in advancement based on merit?

Pray with me for Rep. Wexton and her family

Virginia Democratic Rep. Jennifer Wexton announced that she will not be running for reelection after being diagnosed with a rare and incurable neurological disease known as Progressive Supra-nuclear Palsy. She described it as being like “Parkinson’s on steroids.” Wexton said she’s always believed in honesty, so she has to concede that “there’s no getting better,” and “I’m going to die, which isn’t fair.” But after struggling for a long time, “I’ll be able to relax and enjoy the time I have left and the time I have left in Congress.” I hope you will join me in sending prayers and good wishes to her and her family.

Bye-bye Senate dress code

Chuck Schumer has decided to no longer enforce the Senate dress code. No reason was given for this, but everyone knows what it is: Sen. John Fetterman (D-Slobsylvania) seems incapable of dressing himself like a professional adult.

GOP strategist Andrew Clark put it well, tweeting, “I’m all for more casual dress codes in general but to not enforce **any dress code** on the floor of the **United States Senate** because one guy wants to hear a hoodie and basketball shorts is just crass.”

A thought I had…

I’m thinking of sending President Biden a T-shirt that reads, “I gave Iran $6 billion and all I got was a broken promise to spend it on humanitarian stuff and a refusal to let the UN inspect Iranian nuclear sites.” Or if that’s too long to fit, I’ll just send Jill Biden an “I’m with stupid” T-shirt.

A ridiculous nuisance lawsuit

Despite all the talk about electric cars, here’s the surest sign that oil companies still have plenty of money. California’s leftist politicians have launched a ridiculous nuisance lawsuit against them, blaming them for the “climate emergency” and demanding billions to fund their pet eco projects. It’s like an alcoholic suing a brewery for making him a drunk.

Since all these alleged problems (including wildfires caused by decades of leftist government mismanagement of forests and waterways) are entirely the fault of oil companies for unconscionably selling gasoline to Californians, the solution is obvious: the oil companies should show repentance by immediately cutting off all sales of oil and gas inside California. Let the politicians explain to stranded Californians why this is really for their own good because they’re saving the planet.

Biden team moves to protect the incompetent

The Biden White House must be really afraid that Donald Trump will become President again because Biden is already moving to institute a new rule to make it harder to get rid of entrenched, incompetent and biased federal bureaucrats. He wants our border gates welded open and the drain on the swamp welded shut.

I confess, I nearly spit my coffee on my keyboard laughing at the Biden official who claimed they have to defend this system of being unable to remove Deep State termites and incompetents because it’s a “system that has been in place for 140 years to ensure we have a dedicated nonpartisan civil service.”

And anyone who dares suggest that they might not be nonpartisan had better brace for being silenced on social media and having the FBI raid their homes at dawn.


Here’s a new term to add to your vocabulary: “grade-grubbing.” Turns out it’s the shockingly common practice by today’s high school and college students of begging or threatening their instructors to give them higher grades than they earned.

Here’s the most frightening sentence in the story: “…In a study of undergraduate students preparing for careers in medicine, ‘over a quarter of the respondents self-reported engaging in grade-focused interactions.'" I don’t know about you, but I don’t want doctors who only passed biology by begging not to be flunked or by threatening to reveal that they slept with the professor.

Nothing To See Here!!

In Bridgeport, Connecticut, where the incumbent mayor eked out a narrow, come-from-behind victory of 251 votes over a Democratic primary challenger, surveillance video has surfaced of a local Democratic official and supporter of the mayor apparently stuffing stacks of absentee ballots into a drop box. If so, that's illegal: only the voter or an immediate relative of an absentee voter can cast those ballots, which usually means only one ballot. The challenger calls this an “undeniable act of voter suppression and a huge civil rights violation” and is demanding an investigation.

Meanwhile, the Bridgeport police say they are investigating the actions in the video, but also investigating how the video was obtained and released to the public, and if there was a breach in the security video management system. Yes, that’s obviously the biggest concern here: the public wasn’t authorized to see the proof of election chicanery. Better track down the person who exposed it. There’s your real criminal!

Hunter’s attorneys suing the IRS: legal strategy or tantrum?

“This case seems to be almost like a tantrum that Abbe Lowell’s having...”

That’s the observation of former federal prosecutor Jonathan Fahey, in an interview Monday night with FOX NEWS’ Trace Gallagher, speaking of Hunter Biden’s lead attorney suing the IRS and the former agents who came forward with their concerns about his case. The whistleblowers “did everything under the law in revealing this information,” Fahey said. The suit, he said, is apparently not about their testimony but what they’ve said since going to the House Ways and Means Committee.

(As you know, they went to Ways and Means in the first place because they were dealing with someone’s personal tax records, and this committee, behind closed doors, was the only place they could legally divulge that. The committee then had the authority to allow a public hearing before the Oversight Committee.)

“...I don’t really see the merits of this lawsuit,” he said, “and I’m not really seeing the point of the lawsuit, either, as far as the big picture for his client, how it benefits him.”

In his original plea deal, which was scrapped --- no matter what Abbe Lowell says --- Hunter was originally charged with misdemeanors for crimes that normally would be considered felonies. According to Fahey, the judge in California could come back and charge him with felony tax offenses, if he is so inclined (I wouldn’t hold my breath), along with felony gun crimes. “So, really, things are going in a bad direction for Hunter…this current legal strategy doesn’t seem to be helping him that much, from what I’m seeing.”

That’s in line with a report from the WASHINGTON POST that David Weiss may soon file a new indictment against Hunter on tax charges in a California federal court. ABC NEWS got specific about this --- WAPO, ABC...see, the memo really has gone out! --- saying Hunter will likely face charges of failure to pay taxes after allegations made by IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler about money from Burisma channeled through a Chinese firm run by the Biden family business.

Fahey predicted Hunter won’t go to trial on the gun charges, and that his attorneys would try to work out a deal and “keep the option open” of appealing on a constitutional issue with those. He also predicted no jail time, surprise!

Mark Lytle, the attorney for former IRS lead investigator Gary Shapley, had weighed in earlier in the day, saying, “Congress wrote the law so that whistleblowers could come forward in a protected manner and shine the light on government misconduct. And that’s what happened here. And as a result, the ‘sweetheart’ plea deal was revealed...and the judge rejected it. And they’re mad about that, and they’re coming after the whistleblowers.”

Oh, they’re mad, of course, but going on the offensive in a blind fury is also their legal strategy. Very deliberate.

The lawsuit itself is extremely tenuous. It alleges that Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler sought to “publicly smear” Hunter Biden by releasing information about his taxes to congressional investigators. This, his attorneys say, adds up to a violation of his “privacy rights.”

(Aside: I thought that with the release of President Trump’s tax returns under the Biden administration, the idea of financial privacy was a thing of the past! Why, it must be back again.)

In suing the IRS, Hunter is, in effect, suing his father’s administration, claiming that IRS agents “targeted and sought to embarrass” him. His attorneys also allege that the whistleblowers released information that Congress had not yet released. That includes allegations of his failure to pay $2.2 million in taxes --- hey, we already knew about that; it’s the bill his “sugar brother” Kevin Morris paid --- and possible tax fraud over claiming expenses for prostitutes and sex clubs on his returns.

They told about the prostitutes and sex clubs?? Why, Hunter’s squeaky-clean reputation is RUINED!!

Attorney Lytle released a statement: “Neither IRS SSA Gary Shapley nor his attorneys have ever released any confidential tax information except through whistleblower disclosures authorized by statute. Once Congress released that testimony, like every American citizen, he has a right to discuss that information.” He called the lawsuit “just another frivolous smear by Biden family attorneys trying to turn people’s attention away from Hunter Biden’s own legal problems and intimidate any current and future whistleblowers.” I don’t think the IRS is losing any sleep over it.

By the way, did you know that there was another FBI informant in the Biden case who was “shut down” before the 2020 election? Retired Special Agent Timothy Thibault, a 25-year employee who was second in command at the Washington field office, testified before the House Judiciary Committee last week, and said he’d been told by the lead agent in the Hunter tax case to shut down their confidential human source (CHS).

Thibault wasn’t identified in the transcript, but investigative reporter Peter Schweizer believes he has identified him based on previous comments he’s made and other clues. More on this will undoubtedly be coming out soon; in the meantime, here’s what we know…

House Oversight Committee Chair Jim Jordan no doubt has many questions for Special Counsel David Weiss on his handling of the Hunter case, and Weiss is now scheduled to testify before the committee on October 11. Jordan is also calling for documents relating to whistleblowers Shapley and Ziegler. His full list of demands is here...

Allen West has a great editorial on the “Hunter Biden Hustle,” going through the reasons why it’s just not gonna play with the American people and pointing out the ironies of “Mr. Gun Control” having a son who’s guilty of three felony gun charges. You’ll enjoy this…

Well, let’s move on to see how this scandal is currently affecting the Big Guy. The mainstream media are pretending he’s doing great --- that, cognitively, he’s superior to Trump (I am not kidding). “Which begs the question,” David Strom said, “if they [Democrats] know the MSM will lie on something so obvious, why do they believe these shills on anything else?”

Poll-wise, Biden is cratering. According to a new survey from Harvard-CAPS-Harris, Biden is trailing Trump. But even worse, he’s also trailing Nikki Haley and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott. You might say he’s got three strikes against him.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has a theory for how the election is going to go, and we think he must have been reading the Huckabee newsletter. He predicts the Democrats will push Biden aside, and who else will parachute in at the last minute to “save” the party and take the nomination but...Michelle Obama. She’ll be portrayed as “the adult in the room.” (One of my writers has only been saying this for the past three years, only she used the term “healer.”) Cruz talks about the various scenarios that might replace Biden with Michelle --- as we did years ago --- in this podcast…

Bonchie at REDSTATE doesn’t think it would be all that easy for the Democrats to accomplish this, though, because of other candidates, such as Kamala, who won’t cooperate and will cause a floor fight. Perhaps he’s underestimating the power of the Obamas. He’s always heard Michelle hated being in the White House. Perhaps he’s underestimating the amount of time she could spend “vacationing.” He thinks Biden will still be the candidate, that Democrats “will have to ride or die with Joe Biden.”

Perhaps he’s forgotten: They’re Democrats. They don’t intend to lose. But here’s what he says...

Duke, also at REDSTATE, doesn’t see Biden getting to the finish line. He talks about Cruz’s prediction as well, and relates a story about Biden’s biographer Franklin Foer saying it “wouldn’t be a total shock” to him if Biden gave up running again, “much earlier than August of next year.”


AG Merrick Garland to appear before House Judiciary Committee Wednesday

Does anyone think Attorney General Merrick Garland will give straight answers when he testifies before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday? He’ll be there to answer questions about disputed aspects of the Hunter Biden investigation. James Lynch at the DAILY CALLER has even provided a helpful list of questions for him to dodge. As your grandma might have said, “Askin’ ain’t gettin’.”

Excellent questions, though! And he goes into detail about what they involve. When you have some time, check them out…


Ken Paxton's impeachment

I held off commenting on the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton because he’s a friend and I didn’t want to be accused of personal bias. But now, I think it’s safe to say, without fear of contradiction, that this is the end of a long-running, politically-motivated smear job and an attempt to “attack our democracy” by having a handful of Senators overturn the will of over four million Texas voters.

For years, the liberal media in Texas have accused Ken Paxton of bribery, corruption and other abuses. He’s also been the target of federal SEC prosecutions that were thrown out of court. Unlike the case of Joe Biden, where powerful forces conspired to keep negative news hidden from voters, Texas voters in the last election heard endlessly about these claims and rejected them. He beat George P. Bush in the GOP primary by 2-1 and won the general election with over 53% of the vote.

But that didn’t silence his political opponents, whom I suspect were more upset by Paxton’s vigorous defense of conservative values and willingness to challenge the feds in court than any alleged corruption. There’s also bad blood between him and the House Speaker because Paxton called for his resignation after allegations of him appearing on the dais apparently drunk.

The House passed 16 impeachment counts in a process that Paxton’s attorney claims is illegal because the managers failed to take witness testimony under oath (a mistake that would come back to bite them in his Senate trial) and they rushed through the vote without fully informing members of the case’s flaws or giving them time to question it (to quote Nancy Pelosi, they were pressured to pass it now and find out what was in it later.)

It seemed Paxton couldn’t possibly survive, but then a funny thing happened: he finally got a chance to defend himself. His excellent attorneys made mincemeat of the charges, proving over and over that the so-called “witnesses” had no real evidence and hadn’t actually seen or heard anything incriminating first hand. When the final vote came, not only did none of the counts reach a two-thirds majority, they didn’t even reach a simple majority. He was overwhelmingly acquitted on all counts. It makes one ponder how the January 6th Kangaroo Kommittee might have gone had Republicans or Trump lawyers actually been allowed to cross-examine the “witnesses” or introduce their own witnesses and evidence.

In a statement, Paxton said, “Today, the truth prevailed. The truth could not be buried by mudslinging politicians or their powerful benefactors… The weaponization of the impeachment process to settle political differences is not only wrong, it is immoral and corrupt… Now that this shameful process is over, my work to defend our constitutional rights will resume.” He was reinstated as Attorney General, and he warned that he will come after the Biden Administration for its many illegal and unconstitutional actions that are harming the state of Texas.

I know this is more of a state-level news item, but I wanted to cover it because it carries national implications, and not just because it sets up future legal battles against our open borders President. There’s a larger lesson that can be taken from it. I see polls showing that many Americans believe Donald Trump must’ve committed some crimes because he’s facing so many indictments. Well, as they say, you can indict a ham sandwich. It’s easy when you have a partisan DA with no professional ethics and a grand jury that isn’t allowed to hear the target’s defense, question the witnesses or see any exculpatory evidence.

But when the trial starts, it’s a different matter. That’s when the accusers actually have to prove their claims, and if they’ve got nothin’, it soon becomes pretty obvious. Many Texans were convinced Paxton must be guilty and couldn’t possibly survive: after all, he was facing SIXTEEN counts of impeachment!  But what happens if every last one of them is bogus? Well, now we know: he’s Attorney General again.

 Possibly Related: Could somebody at ABC News be reading the writing on the wall about Georgia DA Fani Willis’ nutso RICO case against Trump and his associates? They seem to be trying to prepare their regular viewers so they won’t be too shocked when it implodes by actually admitting that it’s a bad case and she’s just “throwing things against the wall.”



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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians, 4:6


No newsletter in October?

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 127 to go.

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

FBI embarrassments

In yet another black eye for the FBI, a jury in Michigan Friday acquitted three men accused in a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. This came after nine men were convicted (two of them frightened into taking a plea deal) and three who were acquitted were retried and convicted. But in the process, it was revealed that the “kidnapping plot” was an entrapment scheme in which undercover FBI agents played all the key roles, duping their marks into going along with a kidnapping plot they never would have conceived on their own, and hiding exculpatory evidence.

Victoria Taft at PJ Media has more on the latest trial and the whole sorry history of this most blatant example of what’s become an all-too-common story: the FBI prosecution of people whose “crimes” wouldn’t have existed if not for the FBI’s investigation.

I’m not certain whether the jury reached its verdict based purely on the evidence or if the FBI squandering the public’s trust played a role. Either way, it’s another blow to the credibility of this agency that was once respected by all Americans but is now so rotted that it needs to be stripped down to the ground and rebuilt from scratch.

And speaking of FBI embarrassments, disgraced agent turned (of course) MSNBC contributor Peter Strzok says the FBI needs to create a special unit to protect agents from the “threat” of Republicans who accuse the FBI and DOJ of conspiring to subvert justice by targeting Trump and other Republicans while letting Hunter Biden skate.

As noted by Nick Arama at, he’s saying taxpayers should fund a special unit to go after Americans who dare criticize them for subverting justice, and that apparently includes the Congressional Republicans whose duty it is to oversee their agencies. But then, I can understand why Peter Strzok would feel threatened by anyone looking into how he did his job.

Life In A Blue Mental Ward:

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has an innovative solution for providing groceries to residents after rampant crime and theft has driven all the grocery stores out of their neighborhoods. He wants to open government-run grocery stores (because this idea worked so well in the Soviet Union.) That way, thieves can steal directly from the taxpayers and eliminate the middleman. He said it would be comparable to the post office. So if you think supermarket lines are long NOW…

Chicago restaurateur Sam Sanchez offered an alternative suggestion: Control crime and the businesses will come back. Nah, that’s just crazy talk!

Kim Davis and the Supreme Court

I’m old enough to remember when gay activists pushing for same-sex marriage argued that there was no reason for Christians to oppose it because they would never have to participate in one. It wasn’t long after the Supreme Court pulled a right to same sex marriage out of the air that they were filing endless harassment lawsuits seeking to drive Christian business owners into bankruptcy for declining to participate in same-sex weddings.

There was also the case of Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses. She was and still is tarred as a homophobic bigot and was even jailed for contempt of court. All the news stories about her claimed she refused based on her Biblical belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. They seldom reported her argument that the state legislature was the only body with the power to change the language on marriage license applications, and if she or her clerks did it, they would be liable for lawsuits by the license recipients if the legislature changed them in ways contrary to what the clerks had written.

But logic has nothing to do with this issue, so Davis has still been the target of lawsuits for refusing to violate the law. This week, a jury ordered her to pay an outrageous penalty of $50,000 each to two men who sued her for not giving them a marriage license. Another gay couple who also sued were awarded no damages. The judge declared that Davis “cannot use her own constitutional rights as a shield to violate the constitutional rights of others while performing her duties as an elected official.” This was the very same judge who previously sentenced her to jail, so no bias there.  Her lawyers intend to appeal, but the SCOTUS has already turned her down once before.

Considering this entire wave of nuisance lawsuits exists only because the SCOTUS invented a constitutional right and failed to make clear that it does not trump First Amendment rights, it seems that the least they could do is take her appeal and clean up their mess before it ruins any more lives. Or else the Justices who voted to create this right could pay her $100,000 judgement out of their own pockets.


Washington Post Headline: Ron DeSantis took at least six trips on private jets and accepted food and lodging that he didn’t disclose!

Inconvenient Footnote: He wasn’t Governor at the time and didn’t have to disclose them.

Further proof that California Gov. Gavin Newsom is angling to move into the presidential race if Biden is eased out:

He got legislators to agree to call for a constitutional convention to pass a 28th Amendment that would be a laundry list of Democrat gun control laws. Most of them are already in effect in California, where they’re doing no good whatsoever at lowering crime.

You can’t have an amendment that conflicts with the Bill of Rights, and two-thirds of states would have to ratify it, which would never happen. But he’s getting people to talk about his championing of gun control laws, which is a big issue for deluded Democrat voters who may soon be looking for another disastrous candidate to back if Biden drops out, so score one for Newsom.

First, President Biden told us he grew up attending black churches, then that he was raised in the Puerto Rican community, despite there being few Puerto Ricans in Delaware at the time. Now, he’s told a conference call of rabbis that he was raised in synagogues. I suspect he was actually raised by demagogues.

An “evidence-free impeachment proceeding”

Adam Schiff claims that the House inquiry into President Biden is an “evidence-free impeachment proceeding.” Well, if anyone should know one of those…

To be fair, Adam Schiff would never call for an impeachment with no evidence. If need be, he’ll manufacture the evidence himself.

A Favor For A Friend…

By “Huckabee” pop culture Pat Reeder (

Many of you know my wife and co-writer Laura Ainsworth, who is also an award-winning retro jazz vocalist. All her music can be found here: And here:

We’ve never been big fans of social media, but her PR person tells us we need to raise her profile there. So if you like what she does, we’d greatly appreciate it if you could follow/like/subscribe and add her to your Spotify playlists. Here are all the links. You might get a kick out of some of her posts about our adventures or family photos of her dad from his big band days with icons like Tommy Dorsey and Freddy Martin. And I guarantee you’ll love the music. Thanks from us both!






The following piece is from a friend of mine who saw things in Vietnam that look eerily like things we are seeing in America right now.  I urge you to read it in its entirety!

Lessons from a Vietnam Veteran on How an Enemy Attacks

By Mike Grayson

In recent years, we’ve seen a strategy shift among those who hate America.

Open the borders, legalize low-level drugs, back off drug enforcement – and watch our cities fall into decay within one generation. I saw it happen on the battlefield in Vietnam.

An article on 9/11 written by Governor Mike Huckabee caused me to reflect on how the destruction we see in America today has an eerie similarity to what happened in Vietnam.

In the fall of 1970, our battalion had its first drug fatality from heroin overdose. Our battalion commander took it hard and was ready to assign whatever resources were necessary to engage and destroy the problem.

A few days later, I had the opportunity to serve in a special operation involving ARVN Special Forces, also known as "Luc Luong Dac Biet," and the South Vietnamese National Police known as the “Canh Sat Quoc Gia” (CSQG). Both played a crucial role in attempting to curb the flow of drugs during the late ‘60s and early ‘70s amidst the chaos of the Vietnam War, and both were known for their specialized training in counterinsurgency and unconventional warfare. They had been fighting drug trafficking since the late ‘60s.

In 1970, the government of South Vietnam, working with the CIA, enlisted the aid of Sir Robert Thompson to develop a counterinsurgency program. Sir Robert had been knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his work in Southeast Asia during and after WWII. He developed a strategy[1] for a joint operation, declassified by the CIA on 12/28/2007. An intelligence network of men and women living in local villages reported enemy activity through the CSQG. Our team of two Americans, two senior ARVN Special Forces operators recruited by CSQG, and a squad of seasoned ARVN soldiers were responsible for responding to the reports.

The problem wasn’t isolated to American soldiers; drugs were also a problem for the South Vietnamese Army.

After TET of 1968, many Viet Cong who lived in the villages of South Vietnam were either captured or killed, which dealt a significant blow to the communists. Shortly thereafter, North Vietnam changed its strategy and began running hard drugs into the South. The idea was part of a deliberate strategy to weaken the morale and combat effectiveness of American and South Vietnamese forces.

And it worked. Why shoot a soldier when you can disable him with addiction?

The addiction level among U.S. soldiers in Vietnam, according to a 1971 New York Times report, was as much as 25%. Many were draftees who didn’t want to be there. They were scared and turned to heroin as a form of escape.

The North made it cheap and readily available. A report in the Special Action Office Monograph, US Gov Print Office 1974 claimed that “approximately 42% of U.S. military personnel in Vietnam in 1971 had used opioids at least once, and half of these individuals were reported to be physically dependent at some time.” [2]

The problem was exacerbated by U.S. soldiers re-entering the civilian world. Drug usage by military personnel had a significant impact on our society and was portrayed in movies like The Deer HunterApocalypse Now and Platoon. It was the enemy hiding in plain sight.

The anti-American strategies I witnessed on the battlefield fifty-three years ago have morphed into what I am seeing in our society today. Instead of crumbling Twin Towers, we are seeing the crumbling of human beings. Today, men and women are under stress and fear due to debt, pandemic fears, and the never-ending woke assault. This makes them vulnerable to experimentation with drugs.

In 1970, the impact drug use had on military operations was obvious. But many commanders didn’t know how to deal with addicted soldiers within their ranks. The New York Times reported that as many as 37,000 who had served in Vietnam had experimented with drugs. A later DoD report said the problem was even worse than the NYT had reported.

I saw, firsthand, the impact of soldiers risking their lives and freedom just to get the next fix. It destroys a person mentally and physically. Look no further than the streets of Philadelphia, San Francisco and Austin to see the devastating effects. Addiction was, and is, a serious threat.

North Vietnam obtained drugs from the "Golden Triangle," a region encompassing parts of Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar, known for its opium production. The drugs were primarily packaged in small plastic containers of an ounce or less. I saw thousands of these containers when our team raided the various distribution centers scattered in the jungles and along rivers. They were hidden in small villages and strategically located from the Ho Chi Minh Trail by Cambodia to areas near large military populations.

The North Vietnamese communists found it easier to enlist their soldiers in the drug war because the recruits didn’t have to sacrifice themselves for a political dogma, and they were financially rewarded for selling drugs to unwitting American soldiers. They didn’t even have to carry weapons to defeat their enemies. Americans were willing to hand over their money and their lives for the next fix.

During the Vietnam War, North Vietnam was backed by the Soviet Union and China. Today, we see the same players involved in the drug epidemic sweeping America. An epidemic that has destroyed once-vibrant cities in less than a generation.

Communist China has been a major source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances that have contributed to the opioid crisis in the United States. The drugs are shipped in small quantities, making them difficult to detect, not unlike what was done during the Vietnam War.

However, opioid addiction is not a widespread problem in China, despite China being a source of the drug epidemic in America. Why? Because the Chinese government is vigilant in their efforts to prevent opioid abuse in their own country. But they see opioid exportation as an opportunity to weaken their greatest opponent.

And it’s working.

The tragedy of 9/11 resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people; however, a quick walk through the homeless camps of Philadelphia, San Francisco and other cities will reveal another tragedy, perhaps one of much greater magnitude.

We are losing the war, and it’s time to wake up.

Mike Grayson is a Bronze Star combat veteran and tech entrepreneur with decades of experience in military and commercial technologies. His pioneering work in expert-based systems and data analytics has earned him national recognition by Networld Interop, Communications Week, and others. He has also provided trailblazing solutions in cybersecurity, financial, and education systems. After serving in the Vietnam War, he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal by the U.S. Army and the Civic Action Medal by the Republic of Vietnam for his contributions to counterinsurgency operations in 1970.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss the topics covered in this article further, feel free to reach out to Mike at [email protected]

[1] CIA. Report on the National Police Republic of Vietnam. March 1971.

[2] DoD. Drug Policy History. Military Drug Program Historical Timeline.

Arthel reporting on the Biden inquiry…“bless your heart” once again

As we descend into today’s “Biden Inc.” update, it’s necessary to ask again, “What is up with FOX NEWS host Arthel Neville?”  Not meaning to pick on her, but on FOX NEWS LIVE this weekend, during an interview with South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman, a member of both the House Financial Services and House Budget Committees, she interrupted him, right out of the gate, when he said one of the “facts” the public deserves to know is that “20 million went to somebody in the Biden family, according to a 2020 witness from the FBI.  Now, we don’t know whether---”

Instead of letting him complete his sentence, which did sound like it was going to be some sort of qualification, Arthel began repeatedly interrupting him and finally stopped him from proceeding so she could ‘correct’ him.  “I’m gonna interject with you,” she said, “hang on one second, Congressman, forgive me, I have to interject, because that number’s now a third less of that, which is 7 million, and there’s no proof that any of that money went to the---Mr. Biden himself, the elder.  It went to OTHER members of the Biden family.  [Big smile.]  Continue, sir?”

“Okay,” he responded, “let’s say 7, $7 million,” setting the amount aside to make his larger point.  “Does the public deserve to know exactly who it went to?  The facts will determine that.  The 20 LLCs that were set up --- the public deserves to know where---why those were set up.  That just didn’t appear out of air.  Look at the---”

“Absolutely,” she interrupted again, “and you can note to that the other counterpoint to that, sir, is that when President Trump was President, his daughter received multiple patents from China.  So, just pointing out...[making the “balance” sign with her hands]...both ways.  But continue, sir, thank you.”

“I agree it goes both ways, Arthel,” the congressman said, “but all this is doing is uncovering all of the facts.  All an impeachment inquiry does is let the committees have subpoena power.  And let’s gain the evidence.  And you know who the jury is?  It’s the American people…”

They went on to look at a FOX NEWS poll suggesting the country was evenly split on whether the impeachment of Biden was “legitimate” (47 percent) or “bogus” (48 percent).  The idea, of course, was to use this poll to suggest to Rep. Norman that the Republicans weren’t making the case to the American public.  But he said he thought they were.  “And I think as it goes on,” he continued, “depending on what’s uncovered, Arthel, this is just a fact-finding mission.  Now, if people don’t want the facts to come out, they sure wanted it to come out on President Trump…”

Arthel interrupted him again, showing an apparent lack of understanding of what an impeachment INQUIRY is.  “I just have a question --- do you conduct impeachment on question or actually proof?” she asked, adding that proof hasn’t been shown.

“Let’s see where it goes from here on,” Rep. Norman said.  “If it’s worthy of going over to the Senate, they will decide that.  But why are they more scared of having more facts out there?  This President promised to be the most honest President, and transparent President, in history.  And why doesn’t he want to clear his name?”

She moved on to a related issue.  “Former President Trump said that had they not done it to him, perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them.  Do you disagree with Mr. Trump?...The former President is implying revenge.”

Ah, the R-word, another talking point.  And this is one of those “when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife” questions.  Whichever way he answers it, it’s designed to make Trump look bad. 

“I think [Trump] is upset,” replied Rep. Norman, “over a January 6 hearing that Nancy Pelosi would not be called or would not be subpoenaed to appear...they were after President Trump.  He was upset about THAT.  I guess if he wants revenge for THAT, he’s justified.  But as far as President Biden goes, there’s enough smoke there to see where the fire is.  And what’s wrong?  This ought to be done regardless of who is in office, Democrat or Republican...”

They went on to another topic.

So, let’s go back and look at Arthel’s initial quibble, that the over-$20 million is ‘only’ $7 million --- as if $7 million wouldn’t be such a bad thing.  She’s chosen to use the figure not from the Oversight Committee but, as far as we can tell, from a WASHINGTON POST analysis.  In fact, the Oversight Committee has said that the $20 million is likely much higher, over $30 million.  They’re awaiting subpoenaed bank records, so everyone needs to understand that all these numbers are preliminary.  We’re in an impeachment INQUIRY, not an impeachment.

The statement that there is no evidence Joe Biden received money is another talking point, as it suits the Democrats’ narrative but depends on what you decide to call “evidence.”  There’s definitely a growing pile of circumstantial evidence.  So for Arthel to gratuitously toss in such a remark is not the best look.  Again, she’s disregarding what an impeachment inquiry is, as opposed to an impeachment.

If she’s saying we don’t have incontrovertible evidence of powerful foreign interests personally handing Joe Biden a big suitcase with flashing dollar signs on it, no, we don’t have that.  But to anyone who knows how this sort of thing works, what we have now suggests highly suspicious activity.

We looked at a few so-called “fact check” sites, such as, in preparation for this commentary, but they struck us as working way too hard as advocates for President Biden to be taken seriously.  If we’d linked to them, we would’ve had to add another layer of fact-checking (especially on the firing of Viktor Shokin, good heavens).  As much satisfaction as we sometimes get fact-checking the fact checkers, there are only so many hours in the day.

And regarding the comparison of Ivanka Trump’s patent applications granted in China to the Bidens’ foreign deals, that’s not apples to oranges; that’s grapes to watermelons.  Both Trump and Ivanka applied for numerous patents in China in 2016, but, as FOX BUSINESS NEWS reported in November 2018, Ivanka’s approvals came three months after she announced she was dissolving her namesake brand to focus on government work.  A spokesperson for Ivanka said the trademarks she applied for in 2017 were “filed defensively to prevent counterfeiters or squatters from using her name.”

This issue might be something to look into, but it’s very different from the Biden family being paid millions of dollars for essentially nothing except access to the Vice President.  So why would this, of all things, be brought up in an interview about the Bidens, except just to muddy the water?

(Incidentally, one of my writers says she has a dress she bought in New York in 2016, with an “Ivanka Trump” label that also says “Made In China.”  This writer no longer buys clothing made in China, and Ivanka no longer makes clothing in China.  Or anywhere else.  That dress is a collector’s item!)

Anyway, the $20 million figure cited by Rep. Norman did come from a 2020 FBI witness, just as he said.  He was on the show only to stress the importance of an impeachment inquiry, and he didn’t need to be interrupted and “corrected,” however pleasantly, when everything he said was measured and truthful.  If he wants to do that, he can always go on MSNBC.

Arthel, you’re from the South, so you know what we mean when we say...bless your heart.  Perhaps everyone at FOX NEWS should bone up on the indicators of Joe Biden’s likely involvement in his family corruption and the need for inquiry.  Those who read this newsletter regularly already know it...

Neville has used this technique before, and we weren’t the only ones to notice it.

This also wasn’t the first time Neville has compared the Bidens’ “business” in China with Ivanka’s legitimate business selling actual products.  Again, her business was worthy of examination (and as far as we know, she was transparent), but not comparable to influence peddling and money laundering.


RELATED:  Alan Dershowitz says Hunter won’t stand trial on the gun charges.  He also says David Weiss shouldn’t have been appointed special counsel.  “He’s a Delaware guy,” Dershowitz said.  “People say he was appointed by Donald Trump.  [Aside:  fact checkers point that out a lot.]  It’s nonsense.  He was appointed essentially by the two Democratic senators in Delaware.”

Recall that IRS lead investigator Gary Shapley and his entire team were removed from the Hunter Biden tax/finance case before he went public with his allegations.  Testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee now tells us why.

Apparently, Shapley was removed after a recommendation from Darrell Waldon, the IRS special agent in charge of the criminal inquiry at that time.  Waldon, according to his own testimony, suggested that he be removed “primarily due to what I perceived to be unsubstantiated allegations about motive, bias, intent.”

He said he was trying to “protect” the investigation.  From what --- unsubstantiated allegations???  And these were from whom???   Sounds like the DOJ.  Must-read details here…

Hey Blue Cities! You voted for this!

Democrat-run cities are out of space for all the illegal aliens Biden has let in, so now they’re just releasing them into the streets. Video from San Diego shows a bus load of illegal entrants from China and Pakistan, and a Border Patrol officer telling one of them, “You’re free to go on and do wherever you want. You’re free." I wonder if it was taken on September 11th?

Even Democrat voters are out of patience with the flood of illegal immigration. When AOC and other Democrat politicians held a press conference on the issue outside the Roosevelt Hotel, they were shouted down and heckled by furious New Yorkers chanting, “Close the border” and “Send them back!”

You must click that link to read the fatuous drivel that Rep. Adriano Espaillat offered in response, and which writer Ward Clark accurately describes as horse manure.

But a friendly reminder to all the furious New Yorkers who are yelling at the Democrats responsible for making their city unlivable: you voted for them. New York was in the toilet before, and you saved it by finally electing a Republican mayor, Rudy Giuliani. Then you went right back to voting for decay again. If you wonder why so few of your fellow Americans are sympathetic to your plight, it’s because it’s hard to have a lot of patience with people who simply refuse to learn.

Meanwhile, Mayor Eric Adams blames all the illegal immigrants filling his streets on a “madman” down in Texas, referring to Gov. Greg Abbott, who has been busing a small fraction of the problem Biden inflicted on Texas to cities and states that actually voted to make him President. Adams and other blue state Democrats never imagined that the problems they wanted to inflict on red border states would affect them. By forcing Democrats to deal with the consequences of their policies and admit that all their sanctimonious “sanctuary city” virtue signaling was just a lot of balloon juice, this busing program became the most brilliant political move of the millennium thus far.

And, Eric, if you want to find the madman who’s to blame for all the illegal immigrants bankrupting your city, try 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in DC.


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Kash Patel spent 4 years in Donald Trump's administration, as Deputy Assistant to the President, and Senior Director for Counterterrorism on the National Security Council. He went on to serve as Principal Deputy to the Acting Director of National Intelligence-- that's where he oversaw the operations of all 17 intelligence agencies and provided the President’s Daily Briefing. Now, he says he wants to pull back the curtain on the Deep State, who continue to secretly pull the levers of power -- without any accountability to the American people. Don't miss his insightful interview on Huckabee!

As we descend into today’s “Biden Inc.” update, it’s necessary to ask again, “What is up with FOX NEWS host Arthel Neville?”  Not meaning to pick on her, but on FOX NEWS LIVE this weekend, during an interview with South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman, a member of both the House Financial Services and House Budget Committees, she interrupted him, right out of the gate, when he said one of the “facts” the public deserves to know is that “20 million went to somebody in the Biden family, according to a 2020 witness from the FBI.  Now, we don’t know whether---”

Instead of letting him complete his sentence, which did sound like it was going to be some sort of qualification, Arthel began repeatedly interrupting him and finally stopped him from proceeding so she could ‘correct’ him.  “I’m gonna interject with you,” she said, “hang on one second, Congressman, forgive me, I have to interject, because that number’s now a third less of that, which is 7 million, and there’s no proof that any of that money went to the---Mr. Biden himself, the elder.  It went to OTHER members of the Biden family.  [Big smile.]  Continue, sir?”

“Okay,” he responded, “let’s say 7, $7 million,” setting the amount aside to make his larger point.  “Does the public deserve to know exactly who it went to?  The facts will determine that.  The 20 LLCs that were set up --- the public deserves to know where---why those were set up.  That just didn’t appear out of air.  Look at the---”

“Absolutely,” she interrupted again, “and you can note to that the other counterpoint to that, sir, is that when President Trump was President, his daughter received multiple patents from China.  So, just pointing out...[making the “balance” sign with her hands]...both ways.  But continue, sir, thank you.”

“I agree it goes both ways, Arthel,” the congressman said, “but all this is doing is uncovering all of the facts.  All an impeachment inquiry does is let the committees have subpoena power.  And let’s gain the evidence.  And you know who the jury is?  It’s the American people…”

They went on to look at a FOX NEWS poll suggesting the country was evenly split on whether the impeachment of Biden was “legitimate” (47 percent) or “bogus” (48 percent).  The idea, of course, was to use this poll to suggest to Rep. Norman that the Republicans weren’t making the case to the American public.  But he said he thought they were.  “And I think as it goes on,” he continued, “depending on what’s uncovered, Arthel, this is just a fact-finding mission.  Now, if people don’t want the facts to come out, they sure wanted it to come out on President Trump…”

Arthel interrupted him again, showing an apparent lack of understanding of what an impeachment INQUIRY is.  “I just have a question --- do you conduct impeachment on question or actually proof?” she asked, adding that proof hasn’t been shown.

“Let’s see where it goes from here on,” Rep. Norman said.  “If it’s worthy of going over to the Senate, they will decide that.  But why are they more scared of having more facts out there?  This President promised to be the most honest President, and transparent President, in history.  And why doesn’t he want to clear his name?”

She moved on to a related issue.  “Former President Trump said that had they not done it to him, perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them.  Do you disagree with Mr. Trump?...The former President is implying revenge.”

Ah, the R-word, another talking point.  And this is one of those “when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife” questions.  Whichever way he answers it, it’s designed to make Trump look bad. 

“I think [Trump] is upset,” replied Rep. Norman, “over a January 6 hearing that Nancy Pelosi would not be called or would not be subpoenaed to appear...they were after President Trump.  He was upset about THAT.  I guess if he wants revenge for THAT, he’s justified.  But as far as President Biden goes, there’s enough smoke there to see where the fire is.  And what’s wrong?  This ought to be done regardless of who is in office, Democrat or Republican...”

They went on to another topic.

So, let’s go back and look at Arthel’s initial quibble, that the over-$20 million is ‘only’ $7 million --- as if $7 million wouldn’t be such a bad thing.  She’s chosen to use the figure not from the Oversight Committee but, as far as we can tell, from a WASHINGTON POST analysis.  In fact, the Oversight Committee has said that the $20 million is likely much higher, over $30 million.  They’re awaiting subpoenaed bank records, so everyone needs to understand that all these numbers are preliminary.  We’re in an impeachment INQUIRY, not an impeachment.

The statement that there is no evidence Joe Biden received money is another talking point, as it suits the Democrats’ narrative but depends on what you decide to call “evidence.”  There’s definitely a growing pile of circumstantial evidence.  So for Arthel to gratuitously toss in such a remark is not the best look.  Again, she’s disregarding what an impeachment inquiry is, as opposed to an impeachment.

If she’s saying we don’t have incontrovertible evidence of powerful foreign interests personally handing Joe Biden a big suitcase with flashing dollar signs on it, no, we don’t have that.  But to anyone who knows how this sort of thing works, what we have now suggests highly suspicious activity.

We looked at a few so-called “fact check” sites, such as, in preparation for this commentary, but they struck us as working way too hard as advocates for President Biden to be taken seriously.  If we’d linked to them, we would’ve had to add another layer of fact-checking (especially on the firing of Viktor Shokin, good heavens).  As much satisfaction as we sometimes get fact-checking the fact checkers, there are only so many hours in the day.

And regarding the comparison of Ivanka Trump’s patent applications granted in China to the Bidens’ foreign deals, that’s not apples to oranges; that’s grapes to watermelons.  Both Trump and Ivanka applied for numerous patents in China in 2016, but, as FOX BUSINESS NEWS reported in November 2018, Ivanka’s approvals came three months after she announced she was dissolving her namesake brand to focus on government work.  A spokesperson for Ivanka said the trademarks she applied for in 2017 were “filed defensively to prevent counterfeiters or squatters from using her name.”

This issue might be something to look into, but it’s very different from the Biden family being paid millions of dollars for essentially nothing except access to the Vice President.  So why would this, of all things, be brought up in an interview about the Bidens, except just to muddy the water?

(Incidentally, one of my writers says she has a dress she bought in New York in 2016, with an “Ivanka Trump” label that also says “Made In China.”  This writer no longer buys clothing made in China, and Ivanka no longer makes clothing in China.  Or anywhere else.  That dress is a collector’s item!)

Anyway, the $20 million figure cited by Rep. Norman did come from a 2020 FBI witness, just as he said.  He was on the show only to stress the importance of an impeachment inquiry, and he didn’t need to be interrupted and “corrected,” however pleasantly, when everything he said was measured and truthful.  If he wants to do that, he can always go on MSNBC.

Arthel, you’re from the South, so you know what we mean when we say...bless your heart.  Perhaps everyone at FOX NEWS should bone up on the indicators of Joe Biden’s likely involvement in his family corruption and the need for inquiry.  Those who read this newsletter regularly already know it...

Neville has used this technique before, and we weren’t the only ones to notice it.

This also wasn’t the first time Neville has compared the Bidens’ “business” in China with Ivanka’s legitimate business selling actual products.  Again, her business was worthy of examination (and as far as we know, she was transparent), but not comparable to influence peddling and money laundering.


RELATED:  Alan Dershowitz says Hunter won’t stand trial on the gun charges.  He also says David Weiss shouldn’t have been appointed special counsel.  “He’s a Delaware guy,” Dershowitz said.  “People say he was appointed by Donald Trump.  [Aside:  fact checkers point that out a lot.]  It’s nonsense.  He was appointed essentially by the two Democratic senators in Delaware.”

Recall that IRS lead investigator Gary Shapley and his entire team were removed from the Hunter Biden tax/finance case before he went public with his allegations.  Testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee now tells us why.

Apparently, Shapley was removed after a recommendation from Darrell Waldon, the IRS special agent in charge of the criminal inquiry at that time.  Waldon, according to his own testimony, suggested that he be removed “primarily due to what I perceived to be unsubstantiated allegations about motive, bias, intent.”

He said he was trying to “protect” the investigation.  From what --- unsubstantiated allegations???  And these were from whom???   Sounds like the DOJ.  Must-read details here…


In recent years, we’ve seen a strategy shift among those who hate America.

Open the borders, legalize low-level drugs, back off drug enforcement – and watch our cities fall into decay within one generation. I saw it happen on the battlefield in Vietnam.

An article on 9/11 written by Governor Mike Huckabee caused me to reflect on how the destruction we see in America today has an eerie similarity to what happened in Vietnam.

In the fall of 1970, our battalion had its first drug fatality from heroin overdose. Our battalion commander took it hard and was ready to assign whatever resources were necessary to engage and destroy the problem.

A few days later, I had the opportunity to serve in a special operation involving ARVN Special Forces, also known as "Luc Luong Dac Biet," and the South Vietnamese National Police known as the “Canh Sat Quoc Gia” (CSQG). Both played a crucial role in attempting to curb the flow of drugs during the late ‘60s and early ‘70s amidst the chaos of the Vietnam War, and both were known for their specialized training in counterinsurgency and unconventional warfare. They had been fighting drug trafficking since the late ‘60s.

In 1970, the government of South Vietnam, working with the CIA, enlisted the aid of Sir Robert Thompson to develop a counterinsurgency program. Sir Robert had been knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his work in Southeast Asia during and after WWII. He developed a strategy[1] for a joint operation, declassified by the CIA on 12/28/2007. An intelligence network of men and women living in local villages reported enemy activity through the CSQG. Our team of two Americans, two senior ARVN Special Forces operators recruited by CSQG, and a squad of seasoned ARVN soldiers were responsible for responding to the reports.

The problem wasn’t isolated to American soldiers; drugs were also a problem for the South Vietnamese Army.

After TET of 1968, many Viet Cong who lived in the villages of South Vietnam were either captured or killed, which dealt a significant blow to the communists. Shortly thereafter, North Vietnam changed its strategy and began running hard drugs into the South. The idea was part of a deliberate strategy to weaken the morale and combat effectiveness of American and South Vietnamese forces.

And it worked. Why shoot a soldier when you can disable him with addiction?

The addiction level among U.S. soldiers in Vietnam, according to a 1971 New York Times report, was as much as 25%. Many were draftees who didn’t want to be there. They were scared and turned to heroin as a form of escape.

The North made it cheap and readily available. A report in the Special Action Office Monograph, US Gov Print Office 1974 claimed that “approximately 42% of U.S. military personnel in Vietnam in 1971 had used opioids at least once, and half of these individuals were reported to be physically dependent at some time.” [2]

The problem was exacerbated by U.S. soldiers re-entering the civilian world. Drug usage by military personnel had a significant impact on our society and was portrayed in movies like The Deer HunterApocalypse Now and Platoon. It was the enemy hiding in plain sight.

The anti-American strategies I witnessed on the battlefield fifty-three years ago have morphed into what I am seeing in our society today. Instead of crumbling Twin Towers, we are seeing the crumbling of human beings. Today, men and women are under stress and fear due to debt, pandemic fears, and the never-ending woke assault. This makes them vulnerable to experimentation with drugs.

In 1970, the impact drug use had on military operations was obvious. But many commanders didn’t know how to deal with addicted soldiers within their ranks. The New York Times reported that as many as 37,000 who had served in Vietnam had experimented with drugs. A later DoD report said the problem was even worse than the NYT had reported.

I saw, firsthand, the impact of soldiers risking their lives and freedom just to get the next fix. It destroys a person mentally and physically. Look no further than the streets of Philadelphia, San Francisco and Austin to see the devastating effects. Addiction was, and is, a serious threat.

North Vietnam obtained drugs from the "Golden Triangle," a region encompassing parts of Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar, known for its opium production. The drugs were primarily packaged in small plastic containers of an ounce or less. I saw thousands of these containers when our team raided the various distribution centers scattered in the jungles and along rivers. They were hidden in small villages and strategically located from the Ho Chi Minh Trail by Cambodia to areas near large military populations.

The North Vietnamese communists found it easier to enlist their soldiers in the drug war because the recruits didn’t have to sacrifice themselves for a political dogma, and they were financially rewarded for selling drugs to unwitting American soldiers. They didn’t even have to carry weapons to defeat their enemies. Americans were willing to hand over their money and their lives for the next fix.

During the Vietnam War, North Vietnam was backed by the Soviet Union and China. Today, we see the same players involved in the drug epidemic sweeping America. An epidemic that has destroyed once-vibrant cities in less than a generation.

Communist China has been a major source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances that have contributed to the opioid crisis in the United States. The drugs are shipped in small quantities, making them difficult to detect, not unlike what was done during the Vietnam War.

However, opioid addiction is not a widespread problem in China, despite China being a source of the drug epidemic in America. Why? Because the Chinese government is vigilant in their efforts to prevent opioid abuse in their own country. But they see opioid exportation as an opportunity to weaken their greatest opponent.

And it’s working.

The tragedy of 9/11 resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people; however, a quick walk through the homeless camps of Philadelphia, San Francisco and other cities will reveal another tragedy, perhaps one of much greater magnitude.

We are losing the war, and it’s time to wake up.

Mike Grayson is a Bronze Star combat veteran and tech entrepreneur with decades of experience in military and commercial technologies. His pioneering work in expert-based systems and data analytics has earned him national recognition by Networld Interop, Communications Week, and others. He has also provided trailblazing solutions in cybersecurity, financial, and education systems. After serving in the Vietnam War, he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal by the U.S. Army and the Civic Action Medal by the Republic of Vietnam for his contributions to counterinsurgency operations in 1970.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss the topics covered in this article further, feel free to reach out to Mike at [email protected]

[1] CIA. Report on the National Police Republic of Vietnam. March 1971.

[2] DoD. Drug Policy History. Military Drug Program Historical Timeline.

Sydney Powell 2, Fani Willis 0

September 15, 2023

Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis had wanted to try all 19 co-defendants in her monster “RICO” election interference case in the same courtroom at the same time, starting on October 23 (yes, of THIS YEAR).  Sydney Powell and Ken Chesebro had asked the court to sever their cases from the larger group, and Judge Scott McAfee did that on Thursday, saying this was “a procedural and logistical inevitability.”

He said “additional divisions” may be required.  After all, how can 17 co-defendants, plus all their attorneys, the court officials, a jury and (for Trump) Secret Service even FIT in one courtroom?  Imagine how it would’ve been if she’d tried all 39 on her grand jury’s list.  They’d have to rent Mercedes-Benz Stadium!

And score another point for Sydney Powell, whose attorneys accused prosecutors Thursday of withholding exculpatory evidence in violation of law.

DA Willis accuses Powell of breaking the law by breaching voting machines used in Coffee County while seeking evidence that the machines had been manipulated.  But Coffee County officials had invited her to examine them, and her attorney was able to confirm there had been a letter of invitation for her, sent not to Powell but to another attorney.  He has reason to believe Willis’ office has this letter, which would exonerate Powell, and Willis has not turned it over.  (This is the second such accusation of illegally withholding exculpatory evidence so far.)  Not a good look for the DA.

The Trump Interview

September 15, 2023

On Thursday, former President Trump sat down for a lengthy interview for Megyn Kelly’s podcast. You can see the entire interview here:

The subjects ranged from Trump’s famous response to a “nasty” question Kelly asked him during a 2016 debate to the classified documents case against him to his opinion of Biden’s mental capabilities (he wouldn’t say Biden is too old for the job because some people are very sharp in their 80s while some people lose acuity in their 40s, but he did say that Biden is incompetent. That seems like an uncontroversial choice of words.)

While Democrats are ripping Trump's answers, as expected, he’s also getting some criticism from the right for his response to Kelly’s questions about his handling of COVID and whether he regrets some of those decisions, like putting Dr. Fauci in charge and letting him have too much power. His denials suggested that he still doesn’t grasp the problem. It has some conservatives expressing concerns that he might make the same mistakes again if he gets back into office. Paula Bolyard at PJ Media sums up those concerns well.

I’m not as inclined as some to blame Trump for the wrongheaded, heavy-handed and freedom-crushing power grabs that the pandemic inspired, or for overreacting to the threat and making bad decisions early on. From the start, I understood that this was a new, potentially deadly disease, we didn’t know much about it, and I’m sure most medical experts were acting in good faith and trying to protect the public with very limited knowledge (remember when we were told to disinfect our groceries? I miss disinfectant-flavored oatmeal.)

But it soon became apparent that much of what we were being told was nonsense (churches shut down while liquor stores stayed open, people arrested for walking alone on the beach without a face mask, the government pressuring social media to silence any doctors who questioned their extremely questionable dictates.) Once it became obvious that people were exploiting pandemic fear to increase government power, then common sense criticism was fair game (even though it got a lot of our newsletter articles banned by Internet gatekeepers – and I stand by all of them.)

In short, it’s not a sin to say you did your best, but you got some things wrong. Mistakes can be positive, if you learn from them. But first, you have to admit they were mistakes. I think admitting he got some things wrong then, knows better now and will never let it happen again would help Trump much more than denial and braggadocio. And I think we’d all like to hear him say he’s very sorry he never said, “You’re fired” to Dr. Fauci.

In the most predictable story of the day, Hunter Biden was finally indicted by U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss, but only on gun charges, which should be called the “safe” charges because they have nothing to do with the financial case against Hunter that can be tied to the rest of his family, including dad.  This tactic is pretty easy to see through…

Of course, there has to be some sympathy for dad…

Specifically, here are the charges:

There are three counts.  Counts I and II allege that Hunter knowingly made and certified a false statement when he indicated he was not an unlawful user of or addicted to any stimulant, narcotic drug, or controlled substance in the process of obtaining a gun.  Count III alleges that he knowingly possessed the gun (a Colt Cobra revolver), knowing he was an unlawful user or addicted to a stimulant, narcotic drug or controlled substance.  These actions date from October 2018.

REDSTATE released an overview of the case yesterday.  An update last night included the unsealed indictment from Delaware state court.

The headline at AMERICAN GREATNESS reads, “Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges, Faces 25 Years in Prison.”  It really should read, “Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges, Technically Faces the Nonexistent Possibility of 25 Years In Prison.”  Hunter Biden, now 53, is not going to prison for 25 years.  He’s probably not going to prison for 25 minutes, at least not for this.

Though Hunter lied on Form 4473 to get the gun, he was much more forthcoming in his memoir, stating that he was “smoking crack every 15 minutes.”

Hunter’s attorneys are insisting that their “sweetheart” deal for Hunter, which not only kept him out of jail but also protected him from future charges stemming from more investigation of his past actions, is still in force.  As the NEW YORK POST reports, Cornell law professor Randy Zelin, who specializes in white-collar criminal defense, said he expects them to file a “Santebello motion,” arguing this.

One really has to wonder, with all the Democrats’ talk of “privilege,” especially “white privilege,” how they can stomach this.  The NY POST quotes an attorney for rapper Kodak Black, who was sentenced in 2019 to 46 months in prison after pleading guilty for giving a false Social Security number on a federal gun purchase form in order to buy three guns from a Miami-area shop.  “2 tiers of justice:’ the attorney wrote.  “Kodak was charged for the same crime.  Got over 3 years.  Mr. Biden will not serve a day.  Feels right?”

Kodak is just fortunate that he wasn’t wearing a MAGA hat when he was buying those guns.  He might  have gotten 20 years for domestic terrorism.

Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, told reporters outside the Capitol, “That’s one of about a dozen crimes that Hunter Biden’s committed, and ironically that’s the one crime that he committed that you cannot tie Joe Biden into.”

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said that “getting Hunter on the gun charge is like getting Jeffrey Dahmer on littering.”  (Okay, slight exaggeration, but one does have to wonder what any member of the First Family, with a supportive-enough media and ‘justice’ system, might be able to get away with.)

For those Democrats who keep repeating the mantra “there’s no evidence there’s no evidence,” here’s a compilation of the evidence.  You might want to save this for when you have time, as it’s long.

The charges against Hunter come one month after Attorney General Merrick Garland “promoted” Weiss to special counsel and gave him full authority --- which he may or may not have already had, depending on whom you talk to --- to charge Hunter.  You’ve no doubt heard the argument that since Weiss was a Trump appointee, Republicans shouldn’t complain about his possible bias.  As far as we know, Trump didn’t know him from Adam, and he was recommended for the job of U.S. attorney by Delaware’s two Democrat senators, both of them close Biden allies, and previously was acting U.S. attorney under President Obama.

Marjorie Taylor-Greene tweeted (X’d?), “BREAKING:  Hunter Biden has been indicted for three counts of federal gun charges.  But where are the indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex trafficking???”

Of course, absent incontrovertible, “without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt” proof --- and likely even then --- those charges are not going to come from the DOJ, because they can’t take the chance that any of them involving money will end up being tied to the enrichment of his family, including his dad.  Even so, Rep. Comer happened to answer her question yesterday, saying these charges would “absolutely not” cause House Republicans to change course on their impeachment inquiry.  He did urge Weiss to bring indictments for “money laundering, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act [FARA], tax evasion, the list goes on and on.”

In case you think Republicans in Congress are slacking off, the Judiciary Committee has been holding behind-closed-doors hearings, and on Monday, a second FBI official from the Baltimore field office testified that Weiss’ authority to charge Hunter was indeed blocked, by U.S. attorneys in California and DC who refused to let him bring charges against Hunter in their districts last year.

She told the committee that Weiss had to pursue other Department of Justice “processes” after those offices refused to “partner” with his investigation.  Her testimony was in line with that of Thomas Sobocinski last week.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio wrote on Thursday, “It’s obvious DOJ hasn’t been square with us.”

Hunter’s highly aggressive DC attorneys are still on the offensive, not just trying to force that outrageous “sweetheart” deal but also suing Garrett Zieglar, a former assistant to Trump’s trade adviser Peter Navarro, alleging that Zieglar violated laws against fraud and hacking with the material on the laptop and that his team “manipulated and altered some of the data,” as BUSINESS INSIDER reports.  (Translation:  they pixilated some of the images in which Hunter appears nude. Did he really want those unpixilated? I sure don’t!)

The suit seeks relief for alleged violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the California Data Access and Fraud Act, and demands a jury trial.

And, of course, it labels him a right-wing “extremist” (which seems to be the only real crime these days): “While Defendant Zieglar is entitled to his extremist and counterfactual opinions, he has no right to engage in illegal activities to advance his right-wing agenda...”

Note that Hunter, with essentially unlimited funds provided by friends, can use the system to bankrupt various “little people” caught up in this story.  His team has already sued John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of the computer shop where Hunter abandoned his laptop.  Never mind that for a long time, Hunter would not even claim the laptop or the material on it as his.  So now it belongs to him after all?  Well, legally, it doesn’t.

Zieglar said no hacking had occurred and also denied manipulating the images except for modifying their explicitness.  He told BUSINESS INSIDER that the lawsuit is “not worth the paper it’s printed on.”

RELATED COMMENTARY from Huckabee staff writer/researcher Laura Ainsworth:

Longtime readers of this newsletter will remember that over two years ago, I predicted that Biden and Harris would both be edged aside by the DNC --- that they definitely would not be the candidates in ‘24.  My prediction then was that Michelle Obama would be the late-in-the-game nominee, to continue the Obama Machine (which never really went away), and I still believe that’s what is being orchestrated now.  (Hope I’m wrong.)

Joe’s rapid decline, both in approval ratings and cognitive ability, now makes it a virtual certainty he won’t run again, whether he knows it or not.  This is why we’re suddenly seeing, in mainstream media, discussions of Biden’s age and even (within careful bounds) the Biden family business.  CNN even points out things Biden says that aren’t true.  Certain media influencers got the memo, it seems.  Nothing is accidental; it’s all deliberate.

In a way, everyone who circulates these newly unflattering stories about President Biden that we’re suddenly seeing is playing along with their master plan.  Not that we wouldn’t report them, of course, but keep this context in mind.  And to the Trump campaign:  you’d better be ready to run against a candidate who ISN’T Joe Biden and who will be immediately coronated by the media.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

Psalms, 23:4


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Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 274 to go.

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Cases Severed

The judge in the Georgia RICO case against Donald Trump and everyone he's met in the past three years ruled against DA Fani Willis and severed the cases of Sidney Powell and Ken Chesebro from the other defendants'.

The two had requested a speedy trial, and the judge ruled there was no way to provide due process by making all 19 defendants go to trial together in October. The judge also said that “additional divisions” may be required. Five defendants have requested that their cases be moved to federal court, including Mark Meadows, whose rejected request is under appeal.

The judge also noted the logistical nightmare of trying 19 people at once, such as that the Fulton County Courthouse “simply contains no courtroom adequately large enough to hold all 19 defendants, their multiple attorneys and support staff, the sheriff’s deputies, court personnel, and the State’s prosecutorial team.”

This is what happens when TDS-afflicted Democrats collide with reality.

This all bodes badly for Willis, since only by baffling a jury with a giant ball of confusion can she convince anyone that this case is anything more than a tale told by an idiot, full of conspiratorial sounds and partisan fury, signifying nothing.

A UAW Strike

The United Auto Workers failed to reach a new contract agreement with GM, Ford and Stellantis (maker of 16 brands, including Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Peugeot and Fiat), so the union will go on strike against all three big US car makers for the first time in history.

Ironically, when you consider the union bosses’ tied-at-the-hip relationship with the Democratic Party, most of the workers’ woes are due to Democrat policies. Here’s a good history lesson that explains it:

Obama wanted credit for saving the auto industry from the Great Recession, so he pressured the union to accept a deal that didn’t adjust wages for inflation. Now, the workers are getting killed by Bidenflation and his mass immigration policies that depress American wages, making new cars unaffordable for many Americans. On top of that, Biden’s wrongheaded and bullheaded crusade to force everyone to buy not-ready-for-prime-time electric cars is enriching auto CEOs with huge government subsidies while costing auto workers their jobs (it takes fewer workers to build an EV.) The UAW accuses Biden of giving billion dollar loans for clean energy to auto makers “with no consideration for wages, working conditions, union rights or retirement security.”

It's a perfect storm of horrible Democrat policies by the very people the union bosses helped put in office. They’ll order their workers to go on strike and lose their paychecks entirely to protest the results, but will they consider changing their political affiliations? Fat chance!

The best hope for union workers is the rising public resistance to being forced into battery-powered cars, which are starting to gather dust on dealer lots. Most of the early tech adopters, trend chasers and green activists have bought them already, and car makers are pulling back on EV production to focus on hybrids. Word is finally getting around that EV’s are not better for the environment, cost more than we were led to believe, take forever to energize and poop out quickly, have all sorts of issues that make going a long distance an ordeal, and they have this little quirk of self-immolating while belching toxic gas. As I previously observed, they’re the Joe Biden of cars.

Political opposition to EV mandates is also rising, with the House passing the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act by 222-190. It would block the EPA from allowing states like California to impose stricter emissions standards than the federal government to force residents to buy EVs. Eight Democrats joined 214 Republicans in voting that Americans should have the right to buy whatever vehicle they want. Eight Democrats doesn’t sound like much support, but it could be the first crack in the dam that's holding back the flood of reality.

Here's the latest of many Scotty Kilmer videos about the problems with EVs, this one focusing on battery fires (yes, EVs are less likely than other cars to catch on fire, but Heaven help you and the firefighters if they do – and what happens when we have to start disposing of all those old batteries?)

John Stossel has also debunked EV propaganda. In this video, a physicist sums it up well in a point I made recently about having politicians make tech decisions that they know nothing about:

“What we’ve done now is had our energy systems designed by bureaucrats instead of by engineers. And what we’re getting is worse energy, more expensive energy and higher environmental impacts.”

He’s right: we’re having the future of automotive technology dictated to us by a President who I’m sure was once amazed by the invention of the TV remote.

Ironically, the best news for EV owners who are being told the grid can’t handle their needs is that some states are finally recognizing reality and dropping unreliable wind turbines that might last 15 years at most for reliable nuclear power plants that can last over half a century. Georgia has launched America’s first new scratch-built nuclear power plant in decades (don’t be put off by the cost overruns; how much of that was due to having to fight green activists and their lawyers for years just to build it?)…

…And Michigan is trying to reopen a nuke plant that was shut down.

Please don’t tell me you’re terrified of a nuclear meltdown if you’re willing to drive 70 mph while sitting on top of a thousand-pound lithium-ion battery.

Baffling assertions on the Left

Many leftist pundits claim President Biden should be reelected based on his amazing accomplishments. I admit, I’m baffled as to what those might be. But politicians often say, “Let’s look at the record,” so author Michael Snyder compiled a list of some of the many crazy things that have set records just this year. Unfortunately for the Democrats, from school shootings to public debt to credit card debt to interest payments to abortions to car insurance premium increases, they aren’t exactly things you want to see setting new records.

In fairness, he did leave out all the astounding new records that are being set in women’s sports, possibly because they’re being set by men.

Related: Breitbart Business Digest also compiled a lot of grim numbers about the economic plight of working Americans from the Census Bureau and discovered that we haven’t seen this big a decline in real median household income since 2010. Coincidentally, do you remember who was in the White House in 2010? That would be Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

The opposite of the truth

The Democrats, with the help of their monolithic media, have been tragically successful in convincing single women that Democrats protect women’s rights while Republicans want to take them away. This is actually the opposite of the truth. Pro-life Republicans (I would include pro-life Democrats, but the Party has deliberately driven them all out) are motivated not by taking away women’s rights, but by protecting the life of the unborn child, which they believe to be a separate, innocent person from the mother, deserving of the “right to life” guaranteed to everyone in the Declaration of Independence. Democrats have managed to convince their female voters that caring about the lives of preborn children is an assault on the mother’s rights, and to redefine “women’s rights” solely as “the right to kill your own child at any stage of pregnancy.”

But when it comes to any other women’s rights, those are facing extinction under Democrat rule. Want the right to privacy in women’s lockers and bathrooms? Too bad. The same “exposing your male genitals” sex crime that got Harvey Weinstein jailed and Louis CK canceled is now a right, and women who dare complain about it are canceled. Want the right to earn trophies and scholarships and set records in women’s sports? Sorry, men who couldn’t cut it competing against other men now have the right to grow their hair out and take all that away from you. Want the right to be safe from predators in your own home, city or even women’s prison? Tough noogies: “progressive” DAs, politicians and “legal reformers” have ensured that no matter where you turn, you could come face to face with a violent criminal or sexual predator who should have been in prison, and not a women’s prison.

All of these things that are crushing women’s rights and making their lives riskier and scarier are brought to you by the Democratic Party, whose one and only concern regarding women’s rights is to preserve the right to kill babies up until the moment of birth.

Before you fall for this scam and vote for Democrats again, undermining your own rights and making your life more dangerous and difficult, ask yourself this: “Which should really be a bigger concern to me? The virtually nonexistent need to get a late-term abortion, or the freedom to step outside my house without being robbed, raped or killed?” If the latter is your answer, you’d better start voting Republican.

By the way, this is nothing new. Women can thank Republicans for having the right to vote. It was Republicans who championed the 19th Amendment, just as it was Republicans who forced Democrats to give up slavery. A Senate Republican introduced the 19th Amendment way back in 1878. It was voted down four times by Democrat Senates until Republicans finally won control of Congress in 1919 and passed it.

The modern Democratic Party’s attitude toward babies

In a subscriber-only article at, Sarah Arnold points out that former Biden press secretary-turned-MSNBC host (naturally) Jen Psaki revealed something genuinely disturbing about the modern Democratic Party’s attitude toward babies.

Psaki was commenting on an NBC report that the Democrats and their media sock monkeys have poisoned the public’s perception of the term “pro-life” so much that it’s harming Republicans’ electoral chances (imagine being repelled by the idea of protecting babies’ lives.) Some political consultants want to start saying “pro-baby” instead. But top Democrats claim that won’t help because what’s hurting Republicans is moves to restrict abortion, which the Democrats have successfully misrepresented as an attack on women’s rights (including false claims that Republicans want to ban contraceptives) and not as a defense of innocent life in the womb.

Here’s Psaki’s shockingly cynical comment: “Pro-baby. I hate to break it to you, but if you call broccoli candy, it's still just broccoli. If you tie a really nice bow around a lump of coal, it is still coal under there…The branding isn't the problem here. The policy is the problem. It is hard to roll out an effective rebrand for a product that customers hate."

So Democrats now have so little regard for the lives of babies in the womb that they compare them to broccoli and lumps of coal and dismiss the opposition to murdering babies in the womb as something that Americans “hate.” For the record, polls still show that while there is widespread support for allowing early term abortion, the majority of Americans oppose the kind of unrestricted abortion that Democrats now champion.

I’ve asked this before, and, sadly, I have to keep asking it: How do these people look at themselves in the mirror without feeling disgusted and ashamed?


It’s long, but it deserves to be quoted in full. This is Greg Gutfeld on “The Five,” reacting to the news that murderous illegal alien and prison escapee Danelo Cavalcante had been captured:

In case you can’t play that video, here’s a transcript:

“…I do not get the outcry over this at all. True, he’s illegal, but America is a melting pot, and that includes killers, right? It’s not like he voted for Trump…And I get it, he’s a violent reoffender. But since when in the last three years did that really matter? Every major city has released a slew of violent reoffenders who went on to beat, to rape and kill under the Trojan Horse of ‘prison and bail reform.’ We were promised that that would only affect non-violent offenders, and we were lied to. And I’m disgusted…DISGUSTED, Dana!...that they sent the evil police after this guy when, clearly, social workers could have handled this. And remember, according to The Squad, prison is cruel and inhumane punishment. So in a way, that escape was just an accelerated version of early release. He took the initiative and beat the Soros D.A.’s to the punch, and we’re punishing him?”

“So to summarize: he escaped, so what? He’s not the criminal. He’s not the oppressor. The prison is, the police is, society is. He was clearly oppressed by the system. I only hope, in the next few months, when he declares his new identity as a woman, they’d better put him in the prison of his chosen gender. And if the female inmates complain about the assaults and the rapes, they’re just being transphobic.”

If he ever gets tired of hosting a TV show, he could get a job as a Democratic speech writer.

Sydney Powell 2, Fani Willis 0

Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis had wanted to try all 19 co-defendants in her monster “RICO” election interference case in the same courtroom at the same time, starting on October 23 (yes, of THIS YEAR).  Sydney Powell and Ken Chesebro had asked the court to sever their cases from the larger group, and Judge Scott McAfee did that on Thursday, saying this was “a procedural and logistical inevitability.”

He said “additional divisions” may be required.  After all, how can 17 co-defendants, plus all their attorneys, the court officials, a jury and (for Trump) Secret Service even FIT in one courtroom?  Imagine how it would’ve been if she’d tried all 39 on her grand jury’s list.  They’d have to rent Mercedes-Benz Stadium!

And score another point for Sydney Powell, whose attorneys accused prosecutors Thursday of withholding exculpatory evidence in violation of law.

DA Willis accuses Powell of breaking the law by breaching voting machines used in Coffee County while seeking evidence that the machines had been manipulated.  But Coffee County officials had invited her to examine them, and her attorney was able to confirm there had been a letter of invitation for her, sent not to Powell but to another attorney.  He has reason to believe Willis’ office has this letter, which would exonerate Powell, and Willis has not turned it over.  (This is the second such accusation of illegally withholding exculpatory evidence so far.)  Not a good look for the DA.

Weiss gets around to indicting Hunter Biden, on gun charges ONLY

In the most predictable story of the day, Hunter Biden was finally indicted by U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss, but only on gun charges, which should be called the “safe” charges because they have nothing to do with the financial case against Hunter that can be tied to the rest of his family, including dad.  This tactic is pretty easy to see through…

Of course, there has to be some sympathy for dad…

Specifically, here are the charges:

There are three counts.  Counts I and II allege that Hunter knowingly made and certified a false statement when he indicated he was not an unlawful user of or addicted to any stimulant, narcotic drug, or controlled substance in the process of obtaining a gun.  Count III alleges that he knowingly possessed the gun (a Colt Cobra revolver), knowing he was an unlawful user or addicted to a stimulant, narcotic drug or controlled substance.  These actions date from October 2018.

REDSTATE released an overview of the case yesterday.  An update last night included the unsealed indictment from Delaware state court.

The headline at AMERICAN GREATNESS reads, “Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges, Faces 25 Years in Prison.”  It really should read, “Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges, Technically Faces the Nonexistent Possibility of 25 Years In Prison.”  Hunter Biden, now 53, is not going to prison for 25 years.  He’s probably not going to prison for 25 minutes, at least not for this.

Though Hunter lied on Form 4473 to get the gun, he was much more forthcoming in his memoir, stating that he was “smoking crack every 15 minutes.”

Hunter’s attorneys are insisting that their “sweetheart” deal for Hunter, which not only kept him out of jail but also protected him from future charges stemming from more investigation of his past actions, is still in force.  As the NEW YORK POST reports, Cornell law professor Randy Zelin, who specializes in white-collar criminal defense, said he expects them to file a “Santebello motion,” arguing this.

One really has to wonder, with all the Democrats’ talk of “privilege,” especially “white privilege,” how they can stomach this.  The NY POST quotes an attorney for rapper Kodak Black, who was sentenced in 2019 to 46 months in prison after pleading guilty for giving a false Social Security number on a federal gun purchase form in order to buy three guns from a Miami-area shop.  “2 tiers of justice:’ the attorney wrote.  “Kodak was charged for the same crime.  Got over 3 years.  Mr. Biden will not serve a day.  Feels right?”

Kodak is just fortunate that he wasn’t wearing a MAGA hat when he was buying those guns.  He might  have gotten 20 years for domestic terrorism.

Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, told reporters outside the Capitol, “That’s one of about a dozen crimes that Hunter Biden’s committed, and ironically that’s the one crime that he committed that you cannot tie Joe Biden into.”

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said that “getting Hunter on the gun charge is like getting Jeffrey Dahmer on littering.”  (Okay, slight exaggeration, but one does have to wonder what any member of the First Family, with a supportive-enough media and ‘justice’ system, might be able to get away with.)

For those Democrats who keep repeating the mantra “there’s no evidence there’s no evidence,” here’s a compilation of the evidence.  You might want to save this for when you have time, as it’s long.

The charges against Hunter come one month after Attorney General Merrick Garland “promoted” Weiss to special counsel and gave him full authority --- which he may or may not have already had, depending on whom you talk to --- to charge Hunter.  You’ve no doubt heard the argument that since Weiss was a Trump appointee, Republicans shouldn’t complain about his possible bias.  As far as we know, Trump didn’t know him from Adam, and he was recommended for the job of U.S. attorney by Delaware’s two Democrat senators, both of them close Biden allies, and previously was acting U.S. attorney under President Obama.

Marjorie Taylor-Greene tweeted (X’d?), “BREAKING:  Hunter Biden has been indicted for three counts of federal gun charges.  But where are the indictments for tax fraud, FARA abuse, money laundering, and sex trafficking???”

Of course, absent incontrovertible, “without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt” proof --- and likely even then --- those charges are not going to come from the DOJ, because they can’t take the chance that any of them involving money will end up being tied to the enrichment of his family, including his dad.  Even so, Rep. Comer happened to answer her question yesterday, saying these charges would “absolutely not” cause House Republicans to change course on their impeachment inquiry.  He did urge Weiss to bring indictments for “money laundering, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act [FARA], tax evasion, the list goes on and on.”

In case you think Republicans in Congress are slacking off, the Judiciary Committee has been holding behind-closed-doors hearings, and on Monday, a second FBI official from the Baltimore field office testified that Weiss’ authority to charge Hunter was indeed blocked, by U.S. attorneys in California and DC who refused to let him bring charges against Hunter in their districts last year.

She told the committee that Weiss had to pursue other Department of Justice “processes” after those offices refused to “partner” with his investigation.  Her testimony was in line with that of Thomas Sobocinski last week.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio wrote on Thursday, “It’s obvious DOJ hasn’t been square with us.”

Hunter’s highly aggressive DC attorneys are still on the offensive, not just trying to force that outrageous “sweetheart” deal but also suing Garrett Zieglar, a former assistant to Trump’s trade adviser Peter Navarro, alleging that Zieglar violated laws against fraud and hacking with the material on the laptop and that his team “manipulated and altered some of the data,” as BUSINESS INSIDER reports.  (Translation:  they pixilated some of the images in which Hunter appears nude. Did he really want those unpixilated? I sure don’t!)

The suit seeks relief for alleged violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the California Data Access and Fraud Act, and demands a jury trial.

And, of course, it labels him a right-wing “extremist” (which seems to be the only real crime these days): “While Defendant Zieglar is entitled to his extremist and counterfactual opinions, he has no right to engage in illegal activities to advance his right-wing agenda...”

Note that Hunter, with essentially unlimited funds provided by friends, can use the system to bankrupt various “little people” caught up in this story.  His team has already sued John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of the computer shop where Hunter abandoned his laptop.  Never mind that for a long time, Hunter would not even claim the laptop or the material on it as his.  So now it belongs to him after all?  Well, legally, it doesn’t.

Zieglar said no hacking had occurred and also denied manipulating the images except for modifying their explicitness.  He told BUSINESS INSIDER that the lawsuit is “not worth the paper it’s printed on.”

RELATED COMMENTARY from Huckabee staff writer/researcher Laura Ainsworth:

Longtime readers of this newsletter will remember that over two years ago, I predicted that Biden and Harris would both be edged aside by the DNC --- that they definitely would not be the candidates in ‘24.  My prediction then was that Michelle Obama would be the late-in-the-game nominee, to continue the Obama Machine (which never really went away), and I still believe that’s what is being orchestrated now.  (Hope I’m wrong.)

Joe’s rapid decline, both in approval ratings and cognitive ability, now makes it a virtual certainty he won’t run again, whether he knows it or not.  This is why we’re suddenly seeing, in mainstream media, discussions of Biden’s age and even (within careful bounds) the Biden family business.  CNN even points out things Biden says that aren’t true.  Certain media influencers got the memo, it seems.  Nothing is accidental; it’s all deliberate.

In a way, everyone who circulates these newly unflattering stories about President Biden that we’re suddenly seeing is playing along with their master plan.  Not that we wouldn’t report them, of course, but keep this context in mind.  And to the Trump campaign:  you’d better be ready to run against a candidate who ISN’T Joe Biden and who will be immediately coronated by the media.

The Trump Interview

On Thursday, former President Trump sat down for a lengthy interview for Megyn Kelly’s podcast. You can see the entire interview here:

The subjects ranged from Trump’s famous response to a “nasty” question Kelly asked him during a 2016 debate to the classified documents case against him to his opinion of Biden’s mental capabilities (he wouldn’t say Biden is too old for the job because some people are very sharp in their 80s while some people lose acuity in their 40s, but he did say that Biden is incompetent. That seems like an uncontroversial choice of words.)

While Democrats are ripping Trump's answers, as expected, he’s also getting some criticism from the right for his response to Kelly’s questions about his handling of COVID and whether he regrets some of those decisions, like putting Dr. Fauci in charge and letting him have too much power. His denials suggested that he still doesn’t grasp the problem. It has some conservatives expressing concerns that he might make the same mistakes again if he gets back into office. Paula Bolyard at PJ Media sums up those concerns well.

I’m not as inclined as some to blame Trump for the wrongheaded, heavy-handed and freedom-crushing power grabs that the pandemic inspired, or for overreacting to the threat and making bad decisions early on. From the start, I understood that this was a new, potentially deadly disease, we didn’t know much about it, and I’m sure most medical experts were acting in good faith and trying to protect the public with very limited knowledge (remember when we were told to disinfect our groceries? I miss disinfectant-flavored oatmeal.)

But it soon became apparent that much of what we were being told was nonsense (churches shut down while liquor stores stayed open, people arrested for walking alone on the beach without a face mask, the government pressuring social media to silence any doctors who questioned their extremely questionable dictates.) Once it became obvious that people were exploiting pandemic fear to increase government power, then common sense criticism was fair game (even though it got a lot of our newsletter articles banned by Internet gatekeepers – and I stand by all of them.)

In short, it’s not a sin to say you did your best, but you got some things wrong. Mistakes can be positive, if you learn from them. But first, you have to admit they were mistakes. I think admitting he got some things wrong then, knows better now and will never let it happen again would help Trump much more than denial and braggadocio. And I think we’d all like to hear him say he’s very sorry he never said, “You’re fired” to Dr. Fauci.


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If anyone suggests to you that Republicans just want to impeach Biden to “get back” at Democrats for impeaching Trump, that person is demonstrating a deep ignorance of the legal process.

What Speaker McCarthy is talking about is an impeachment INQUIRY, which might or might not lead to an impeachment.  This, as Michael Goodwin at the NEW YORK POST explains, “is the only way the American public will ever get the full truth about the President’s role in his family’s corrupt schemes.”  Goodwin’s column is a great refresher on what we know and are looking for --- and a warning about how vicious the attacks from the Washington press corps will be as we fly over the target.

Jonathan Tobin, senior contributor to THE FEDERALIST, has a good piece about the reasons for the inquiry, acknowledging that Republicans are very, very angry at Democrats for what they did to Trump, and that revenge is certainly a factor, but making the point that “without an inquiry, hearings, and then an impeachment debate and trial, there’s simply no way to break through the liberal corporate media’s refusal to substantially cover the issue of Biden family corruption.”  And since federal prosecutors seem “suspiciously incurious” about Joe Biden’s role, “House Republicans aren’t wrong to think that the only way we’ll get anywhere close to the bottom of this is by launching an impeachment inquiry.”

Tobin’s piece appeared in NEWSWEEK, of all places.

Biden himself doesn’t seem to get it.  He said the Republicans want to impeach him “so they can shut down the government.”  Huh?

The latest example of Democrat spin is in response to a transcribed-and-leaked interview with FBI Agent Thomas Sobocinski, conducted behind closed doors by the House Judiciary Committee last week.  This agent strikes us as someone who wasn’t nearly as clued in on the investigation as the two IRS whistleblowers in the office (especially lead investigator Gary Shapley, who had documented the whole thing in notes).  When Sobocinski said it wasn’t his understanding that U.S. Attorney David Weiss lacked charging authority, the Dems (especially Rep. Jerry Nadler) played that up.  But when Sobocinski agreed with the whistleblowers that Weiss had dragged his feet in charging Hunter, they did not.

Here’s the NEW YORK POST’s report on the Sobocinski interview, refreshingly spin-free...

And here’s an analysis from THE BLAZE.  They point to something very interesting:  that Sobocinski was accompanied by lawyers from both the FBI and DOJ, and they were there to represent not him but the government.  It was reportedly after one of these lawyers spoke to him off the record that he started hedging on whether Weiss had full charging authority against Hunter.

The Heritage Foundation has looked at the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter’s ties with Patrick Ho and CEFC and released a detailed memo finding “significant irregularities,” including that “DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information (from) the public.”  The DOJ even redacted mentions of the Biden name in the evidence presented at Ho’s 2018 trial.

This memo even provides a handy list of questions for Congress to ask during the impeachment inquiry.  Mighty thoughtful.

Finally, here’s something fun from the laptop emails.  In 2010, Hunter Biden complained that Obama had plagiarized one of his father’s speeches.  We may never learn who his father plagiarized it from...



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee

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Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 289 to go.

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

AOC Ethics controversy

Here’s the latest ethical brouhaha that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is embroiled in. While her staff is trying to brush it off as a simple misunderstanding, you can rest assured that had anyone named Trump done the same thing, they’d be saying the potential $50,000 fine and five years in jail isn’t nearly enough.


Milt Harris at PJ Media on “The Bluster and Demise of Sanctuary Cities,” or what happens when empty virtue-signaling collides head-on with reality.

Brace yourself:

Warner Music has just signed an AI-generated pop singer who put out a video with a voice created by AI and images created by CGI.

The really scary part: I dare you to detect any difference between this recording and what’s been released by allegedly real pop stars over at least the past five years.

Republicans cleared of wrongdoing

Polls show that many Americans believe former President Trump must be guilty of some crimes. After all, there are so many indictments of him. Never mind that you can indict a ham sandwich, and the partisan indictments being thrown at him are so insubstantial that they’re more like vegan ham salad.

Well, as a reminder of the fact that partisan accusations don’t necessarily mean that someone actually did anything wrong, here are two news stories that hit on the same day:

After the DOJ finally dropped a groundless, three-year investigation of Rep. Matt Gaetz on alleged sex trafficking charges, the FEC has thrown out a complaint against him alleging campaign finance violations. It was filed by his Republican rival Cris Dosev. Gaetz said the claim was baseless, adding, "Cris Dosev has lost every FEC complaint he has filed as a gadfly — and every election he has run in as a candidate, including two to me. Here's hoping he finds less expensive, more productive hobbies for himself going forward."

Also, it was revealed that in August, the FEC cleared Sen. Ted Cruz of an accusation by a leftwing activist group that he personally benefited from using campaign funds for Facebook ads promoting his book “One Vote Away.” Turns out all the proceeds from the book went to charity and Cruz didn’t benefit from it at all.

Now, let’s see how many media outlets that breathlessly covered the allegations against Gaetz and Cruz will give the same attention to the fact that they were both completely cleared.

Awful story

This story is so distasteful, I don’t want to spend too much time on it. But surely by now, you’ve heard of Susanna Gibson, a Democrat running for the Virginia legislature. It was revealed that she had a side business making sex videos with her husband and posting them on an X-rated website, where she solicited tips in exchange for various unmentionable acts (which, incidentally, violated the site’s terms of service.)

This sort of thing, if it had ever happened at all in the past, would’ve spelled the end of anyone’s political career. But we live in post-morality 2023, so Gibson immediately began posturing as an outraged victim and voice for women’s rights. She accused Republicans of “leaking” the tapes (there’s no evidence of that, and her opponent said he only heard of this when it hit the news), and claims now that her privacy was violated and she’s a victim of revenge porn and a sex crime, a claim that she’s using to fire up support and donations from easily-deluded Democrat voters. She even wants law enforcement to prosecute whoever “leaked” the videos.

Sorry, but "revenge porn" is when someone releases private images without the other person's permission. When you voluntarily produce sex videos and post them on an Internet porn site for money, I think you lose the moral high ground to claim your privacy was violated if anyone sees them. Knowing that a Congressional candidate is also a porn star seems to be the very definition of a topic that’s in the public interest. The fact that we’re even talking about this is incredible, and the fact that she’s making these ludicrous arguments and some people are actually taking them seriously and sending her money (I don’t even want to think about what they expect in return) shows we are “through the Looking Glass, people.”

FYI, if you really want to know the details of what the candidate was doing online, this article describes them without showing them. I’ll warn you, it’s not for the easily offended or the squeamish, and no, I will not recap it here.

Romney out

Mitt Romney announced that he will not run for a second Senate term, proving that he can read the writing on the wall all the way back in Utah. In his announcement, he bashed both Trump and Biden for various things, like not doing enough about the climate. But he will still be in office through January 2025.

The good news for Republicans: they have an excellent chance to pick up that seat in 2024!

DACA is struck down by a federal judge again

For the second time, a federal judge has struck down President Obama’s DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program as unconstitutional. Biden had hoped to keep it alive by making it a “regulation” instead of an executive order, but the judge ruled that there was no difference between the two, and creating such a program was the job of the legislature.

This shouldn’t be a surprise since even Obama himself repeatedly told us he had no constitutional authority to rewrite US immigration law with an executive order. And then he went ahead and did it anyway. Now, it’s twice been ruled unconstitutional…and yet, it’s still here. In fact, this latest ruling specifically does not order the government to take any action such as deportation against DACA recipients. It leaves in place the current situation in which DACA remains in force, but it can’t accept any new recipients. It proves that Ronald Reagan was right: there's nothing more permanent than a temporary government program.

Personally, I’m not unsympathetic to the idea behind DACA. I’ve long thought that it was cruel and counterproductive to force young people who were brought to the US as small children and only know our language and culture to return to a country that’s totally alien to them, especially just as they’re starting to pay income taxes to repay all the public schooling we had to provide for them. I think there should be some accommodation for that small subset of illegal immigrants who had no say over their entry and grew up as Americans.

That said, any accommodation should be written and passed by Congress, not dictated by an illegal executive order. And I certainly condemn the judicial precedent of declaring a government program to be clearly unconstitutional and then letting it continue anyway. If that’s okay, then why do we even have federal courts? Just to host groundless Trump trials?



I told you about the Biden White House sending a letter to its lapdog media outlets, instructing them to attack Republicans for launching an impeachment inquiry and to push the narrative that there’s no evidence Joe Biden did anything wrong. As Athena Thorne at PJ Media reports, CNN surprisingly committed an actual act of journalism by reporting on this outrageous attempt to coerce the media into promoting self-serving, partisan political propaganda.

Except being CNN, they could only manage to act like journalists for two paragraphs. By the third paragraph, they started repeating the exact same propaganda points that the White House told them to say.

Well, baby steps. Maybe by the time the impeachment inquiry ends, they’ll have worked up enough integrity to report on it. I wouldn’t bet the farm on that, though.

Here’s how you can tell the Democrat establishment is panicking at the idea of having to “Weekend At Bernie’s” Joe Biden through another presidential campaign and four more years in office:

Several liberal columnists at regime mouthpiece outlets are suddenly opining that he shouldn’t run again.

Even Washington Post writer David Ignatius, said to be Biden’s favorite columnist, wrote an op-ed urging him not to run and to replace Kamala Harris, whose approval ratings are an even worse dumpster fire than Biden’s.

And if there’s any question that this push is coming from the Deep State, which is terrified of Trump getting back into power and exposing and reversing their power grab, journalist Glenn Greenwald told Jesse Watters on Fox News, “There is no member of the media more loyal to the CIA and its narratives than he. Pretty much if David Ignatius' mouth is moving, it means the CIA is talking. That's been his entire career.” His conclusion: the CIA thinks Joe has outlived his usefulness and has to go before he takes the whole corrupt, power-mad enterprise down with him.

For me, the most revealing part of Ignatius’ article was his admission that Biden risks "undoing his greatest achievement – which was stopping Trump." I would argue that it’s his only achievement, but it’s nice to finally see a leftist admitting that for all their high-flown applesauce about their great plans and visions, the only thing they really cared about was getting rid of Trump and putting themselves back in power.

Biden impeachment inquiry update

If anyone suggests to you that Republicans just want to impeach Biden to “get back” at Democrats for impeaching Trump, that person is demonstrating a deep ignorance of the legal process.

What Speaker McCarthy is talking about is an impeachment INQUIRY, which might or might not lead to an impeachment.  This, as Michael Goodwin at the NEW YORK POST explains, “is the only way the American public will ever get the full truth about the President’s role in his family’s corrupt schemes.”  Goodwin’s column is a great refresher on what we know and are looking for --- and a warning about how vicious the attacks from the Washington press corps will be as we fly over the target.

Jonathan Tobin, senior contributor to THE FEDERALIST, has a good piece about the reasons for the inquiry, acknowledging that Republicans are very, very angry at Democrats for what they did to Trump, and that revenge is certainly a factor, but making the point that “without an inquiry, hearings, and then an impeachment debate and trial, there’s simply no way to break through the liberal corporate media’s refusal to substantially cover the issue of Biden family corruption.”  And since federal prosecutors seem “suspiciously incurious” about Joe Biden’s role, “House Republicans aren’t wrong to think that the only way we’ll get anywhere close to the bottom of this is by launching an impeachment inquiry.”

Tobin’s piece appeared in NEWSWEEK, of all places.

Biden himself doesn’t seem to get it.  He said the Republicans want to impeach him “so they can shut down the government.”  Huh?

The latest example of Democrat spin is in response to a transcribed-and-leaked interview with FBI Agent Thomas Sobocinski, conducted behind closed doors by the House Judiciary Committee last week.  This agent strikes us as someone who wasn’t nearly as clued in on the investigation as the two IRS whistleblowers in the office (especially lead investigator Gary Shapley, who had documented the whole thing in notes).  When Sobocinski said it wasn’t his understanding that U.S. Attorney David Weiss lacked charging authority, the Dems (especially Rep. Jerry Nadler) played that up.  But when Sobocinski agreed with the whistleblowers that Weiss had dragged his feet in charging Hunter, they did not.

Here’s the NEW YORK POST’s report on the Sobocinski interview, refreshingly spin-free...

And here’s an analysis from THE BLAZE.  They point to something very interesting:  that Sobocinski was accompanied by lawyers from both the FBI and DOJ, and they were there to represent not him but the government.  It was reportedly after one of these lawyers spoke to him off the record that he started hedging on whether Weiss had full charging authority against Hunter.

The Heritage Foundation has looked at the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter’s ties with Patrick Ho and CEFC and released a detailed memo finding “significant irregularities,” including that “DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information (from) the public.”  The DOJ even redacted mentions of the Biden name in the evidence presented at Ho’s 2018 trial.

This memo even provides a handy list of questions for Congress to ask during the impeachment inquiry.  Mighty thoughtful.

Finally, here’s something fun from the laptop emails.  In 2010, Hunter Biden complained that Obama had plagiarized one of his father’s speeches.  We may never learn who his father plagiarized it from...

New Georgia law might stop out-of-control prosecutor

A few days ago, we asked the musical question, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Fani Willis?”

Willis is the Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney who, along with her “Trump” special grand jury, has gone completely out of control in citing and indicting Trump and his supporters.  Just one example:  an alternate slate of Georgia electors, the creation of which is absolutely constitutional and has legal precedent, now faces the possibility of decades in prison for simply doing their duty in case a razor-thin vote count were flipped.  The TDS-infected grand jury presented Willis with a list of 39 individuals whom they recommended for indictment, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham.  Willis at least knew well enough to pare that list down to half.

Here’s what Sen. Graham had to say about it on Tuesday’s HANNITY (after brief lead-in from Sean Hannity).  Very powerful.  The system is “truly off the rails,” he said, if officials aren’t even allowed to do their jobs without being dragged before a grand jury.  The left wants to use the law to intimidate anyone from asking questions.

This is an abuse of the legal system that, short of the treatment of January 6 political prisoners, is about the most serious we’ve ever seen.

So, what needs to happen now?  Author and persuasion expert Scott Adams wondered aloud if it’s time to arrest her.  Others say impeachment by the Georgia legislature is the way to go.  Still others are looking at new, existing state legislation, described by A. R. Hoffman in the NEW YORK SUN as “an avant garde law that grants power to remove prosecutors to lawmakers rather than to voters or governors.”

The NY SUN is subscription-only, but we’ll summarize the piece for you…

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has said he does not want an impeachment for Willis.  He made it clear at a press conference that he considered her impeachment to be “political theater that only inflames the emotions of the moment.”  To that we would say that if Gov.  Kemp doesn’t want to see emotions inflamed, he’d better do whatever is necessary to stop Willis’s own political theatre.  That’s already inflaming plenty of emotions.

Kemp added that having a special session for the purpose of removing Willis “would ignore existing Georgia law and directly interfere with the proceedings fo a separate but equal branch of government.”

He said the bottom line in his state is that, “as long as I’m governor, we’re going to follow the law and the Constitution, regardless of who it helps or harms politically.”  Never mind that impeachment is in the Constitution and that any prosecutor on the left or right who went this far off the rails should be subject to it.

But in May, at the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office, Gov. Kemp did sign into law S.B. 92, which creates an eight-member “Prosecuting Attorneys Oversight Commission” with the power to “discipline, remove, and cause involuntary retirement of appointed or elected district attorneys or solicitors-general.”  Grounds for removal include “willful misconduct in office” and “willful and persistent failure to carry out statutory duties.”

They also include “conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice which brings the office into disrepute.”  Ding-ding-ding!  That’s the one.

This is for egregious conduct.  Anyone disqualified under this law is forbidden from being appointed or elected to a similar office in Georgia for 10 years.

So, who gets to make this call?  The committee members are all appointed by the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, all of whom are currently Republicans.  But the three members they’ve appointed so far are all district attorneys, so they might be likely to side with the independence of another DA.

In fact, the district attorney of De Kalb County, Sherry Boston, took it as a slap in the face.  She called it “an assault on prosecutorial discretion and independence,” and a “direct attack on the nature of our democratic process.”  And four DAs have filed a lawsuit --- in Fulton County --- alleging that S. B. 92 is unconstitutional.  They say it violates the separation of powers and also the First Amendment, by “punishing prosecutors for articulating their prosecutorial philosophies.”  They also say it grants “vague and broad authority” to the commission.  Plus, it violates due process, they say, by “failing to give fair notice of conduct that is forbidden or required” before the state can deprive someone of elective office.

What constitute “fair notice”?  It would be nice to think any prosecutor would be able to recognize a blatant abuse of power on her part and not have to be given a tutorial on the definition of “crime,” but this one apparently needs to be told.  And the commission is only now being chosen.

According to the NY SUN, their case is being handled by Public Legal, a nonprofit whose legal director, Joshua Rosenthal, calls the law “an anti-democratic and unconstitutional intrusion into core powers of local prosecutors” that “must be halted.”  

So, to call the new law controversial would not be overstating it.  But Fani Willis is one particular local prosecutor who has clearly gone on a huge “core power” trip that really must be halted.  She’s charging a long list of people criminally with actions that are NOT CRIMES.  Ironically, it seems this law was passed not in response to an overzealous DA like Willis but to deal with just the opposite situation --- prosecutors failing to enforce laws.

RELATED:  In case you don’t quite get the level of Trump-hate that is powering prosecutions like Fani Willis’s in Georgia, check out Sirius XM radio host and MSNBC columnist Dean Obeidallah, who insisted on Friday that Trump “must die in prison” to set an example for the public and protect democracy.  Because Trump, as we all know courtesy of MSNBC, attempted a coup.

Likewise, Julie Kelly’s new column deals with what she calls the “bloodlust of the left” as still more J6 arrests are made.  She focuses on “Jord” Meacham, the young man who recently killed himself, the fourth known suicide of a January 6 defendant.  He took his life just hours after his arraignment was scheduled.  Some on social media coldly mocked him; others blamed Trump for his death.

Now, this is going to make you mad, but it’s important to know the state of derangement with which we’re dealing.  As Kelly writes, “...the sad, alarming truth is that millions of our countrymen will shed no tears for Jord and his family.  They won’t consider the ramifications of branding Americans with whom they disagree politically as ‘terrorists.’  They don’t care that this soulless ruling class is rapidly tearing away the boundaries of the law, the Constitution, fairness and human decency.”

And our ‘Justice’ Department marches on --- “undeterred, unfinished, and unrepentant.”


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For the second time, a federal judge has struck down President Obama’s DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program as unconstitutional. Biden had hoped to keep it alive by making it a “regulation” instead of an executive order, but the judge ruled that there was no difference between the two, and creating such a program was the job of the legislature.

This shouldn’t be a surprise since even Obama himself repeatedly told us he had no constitutional authority to rewrite US immigration law with an executive order. And then he went ahead and did it anyway. Now, it’s twice been ruled unconstitutional…and yet, it’s still here. In fact, this latest ruling specifically does not order the government to take any action such as deportation against DACA recipients. It leaves in place the current situation in which DACA remains in force, but it can’t accept any new recipients. It proves that Ronald Reagan was right: there's nothing more permanent than a temporary government program.

Personally, I’m not unsympathetic to the idea behind DACA. I’ve long thought that it was cruel and counterproductive to force young people who were brought to the US as small children and only know our language and culture to return to a country that’s totally alien to them, especially just as they’re starting to pay income taxes to repay all the public schooling we had to provide for them. I think there should be some accommodation for that small subset of illegal immigrants who had no say over their entry and grew up as Americans.

That said, any accommodation should be written and passed by Congress, not dictated by an illegal executive order. And I certainly condemn the judicial precedent of declaring a government program to be clearly unconstitutional and then letting it continue anyway. If that’s okay, then why do we even have federal courts? Just to host groundless Trump trials?

A few days ago, we asked the musical question, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Fani Willis?”

Willis is the Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney who, along with her “Trump” special grand jury, has gone completely out of control in citing and indicting Trump and his supporters.  Just one example:  an alternate slate of Georgia electors, the creation of which is absolutely constitutional and has legal precedent, now faces the possibility of decades in prison for simply doing their duty in case a razor-thin vote count were flipped.  The TDS-infected grand jury presented Willis with a list of 39 individuals whom they recommended for indictment, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham.  Willis at least knew well enough to pare that list down to half.

Here’s what Sen. Graham had to say about it on Tuesday’s HANNITY (after brief lead-in from Sean Hannity).  Very powerful.  The system is “truly off the rails,” he said, if officials aren’t even allowed to do their jobs without being dragged before a grand jury.  The left wants to use the law to intimidate anyone from asking questions.

This is an abuse of the legal system that, short of the treatment of January 6 political prisoners, is about the most serious we’ve ever seen.

So, what needs to happen now?  Author and persuasion expert Scott Adams wondered aloud if it’s time to arrest her.  Others say impeachment by the Georgia legislature is the way to go.  Still others are looking at new, existing state legislation, described by A. R. Hoffman in the NEW YORK SUN as “an avant garde law that grants power to remove prosecutors to lawmakers rather than to voters or governors.”

The NY SUN is subscription-only, but we’ll summarize the piece for you…

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has said he does not want an impeachment for Willis.  He made it clear at a press conference that he considered her impeachment to be “political theater that only inflames the emotions of the moment.”  To that we would say that if Gov.  Kemp doesn’t want to see emotions inflamed, he’d better do whatever is necessary to stop Willis’s own political theatre.  That’s already inflaming plenty of emotions.

Kemp added that having a special session for the purpose of removing Willis “would ignore existing Georgia law and directly interfere with the proceedings fo a separate but equal branch of government.”

He said the bottom line in his state is that, “as long as I’m governor, we’re going to follow the law and the Constitution, regardless of who it helps or harms politically.”  Never mind that impeachment is in the Constitution and that any prosecutor on the left or right who went this far off the rails should be subject to it.

But in May, at the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office, Gov. Kemp did sign into law S.B. 92, which creates an eight-member “Prosecuting Attorneys Oversight Commission” with the power to “discipline, remove, and cause involuntary retirement of appointed or elected district attorneys or solicitors-general.”  Grounds for removal include “willful misconduct in office” and “willful and persistent failure to carry out statutory duties.”

They also include “conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice which brings the office into disrepute.”  Ding-ding-ding!  That’s the one.

This is for egregious conduct.  Anyone disqualified under this law is forbidden from being appointed or elected to a similar office in Georgia for 10 years.

So, who gets to make this call?  The committee members are all appointed by the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, all of whom are currently Republicans.  But the three members they’ve appointed so far are all district attorneys, so they might be likely to side with the independence of another DA.

In fact, the district attorney of De Kalb County, Sherry Boston, took it as a slap in the face.  She called it “an assault on prosecutorial discretion and independence,” and a “direct attack on the nature of our democratic process.”  And four DAs have filed a lawsuit --- in Fulton County --- alleging that S. B. 92 is unconstitutional.  They say it violates the separation of powers and also the First Amendment, by “punishing prosecutors for articulating their prosecutorial philosophies.”  They also say it grants “vague and broad authority” to the commission.  Plus, it violates due process, they say, by “failing to give fair notice of conduct that is forbidden or required” before the state can deprive someone of elective office.

What constitute “fair notice”?  It would be nice to think any prosecutor would be able to recognize a blatant abuse of power on her part and not have to be given a tutorial on the definition of “crime,” but this one apparently needs to be told.  And the commission is only now being chosen.

According to the NY SUN, their case is being handled by Public Legal, a nonprofit whose legal director, Joshua Rosenthal, calls the law “an anti-democratic and unconstitutional intrusion into core powers of local prosecutors” that “must be halted.”  

So, to call the new law controversial would not be overstating it.  But Fani Willis is one particular local prosecutor who has clearly gone on a huge “core power” trip that really must be halted.  She’s charging a long list of people criminally with actions that are NOT CRIMES.  Ironically, it seems this law was passed not in response to an overzealous DA like Willis but to deal with just the opposite situation --- prosecutors failing to enforce laws.


RELATED:  In case you don’t quite get the level of Trump-hate that is powering prosecutions like Fani Willis’s in Georgia, check out Sirius XM radio host and MSNBC columnist Dean Obeidallah, who insisted on Friday that Trump “must die in prison” to set an example for the public and protect democracy.  Because Trump, as we all know courtesy of MSNBC, attempted a coup.

Likewise, Julie Kelly’s new column deals with what she calls the “bloodlust of the left” as still more J6 arrests are made.  She focuses on “Jord” Meacham, the young man who recently killed himself, the fourth known suicide of a January 6 defendant.  He took his life just hours after his arraignment was scheduled.  Some on social media coldly mocked him; others blamed Trump for his death.

Now, this is going to make you mad, but it’s important to know the state of derangement with which we’re dealing.  As Kelly writes, “...the sad, alarming truth is that millions of our countrymen will shed no tears for Jord and his family.  They won’t consider the ramifications of branding Americans with whom they disagree politically as ‘terrorists.’  They don’t care that this soulless ruling class is rapidly tearing away the boundaries of the law, the Constitution, fairness and human decency.”

And our ‘Justice’ Department marches on --- “undeterred, unfinished, and unrepentant.”




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Mike Huckabee


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew, 28:19


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Mike Huckabee

A CIA Whistleblower

A senior-level CIA officer turned whistleblower told House investigators that during the pandemic, the CIA paid six analysts to change their conclusion that COVID-19 originated in a lab and say instead that it jumped from animals to humans.

According to the whistleblower, there was a seven-member team of “experienced officers with significant scientific expertise” who analyzed the origins of COVID. Only one believed it came from animals, while the other six wanted to issue a “low confidence” assessment that it was created in a lab. The CIA allegedly gave the other six “a significant monetary incentive to change their position.”

Two House Republican committee chairmen are requesting all documents, communications and pay info related to the CIA’s COVID Discovery Team by September 26. I’m especially interested in seeing those pay stubs. I’m curious to know the price for someone selling out their integrity to lie to Americans about a deadly virus in order to help the CIA discredit and silence doctors who were telling the public the truth.

This sounds familiar

Another Democrat has been mugged by reality and is starting to sound like a Trump Republican. Today’s example: New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who has now realized that open borders are a bad thing for a lot of reasons, one of them being that they let terrorists walk right in.

Racism talk

Over the past few years, the term “systemic racism” has become a leftist cliché, tossed out to prove racism where it can’t otherwise be found. If there’s no evidence someone was a victim of racism, then just claim the entire system is racist, and you can’t see the racism because it’s baked into the system. It’s very convenient for people who make big bucks teaching diversity seminars and other DEI scams because, as one fed-up former DEI consultant told Jesse Watters, the job isn’t to find and combat real racism, it’s to look at every situation and find some way to inject racism into it.

Please note this caveat: I’m not saying there’s no such thing as racism, or that there haven’t been systems that were racist. All those Democrat-created Jim Crow laws are a perfect example. But are all of America’s government/legal/employment/policing and other systems rigged to be racist, even those that are forbidden by law to discriminate? Who came up with this idea?

The answer to that question is that it came from Eric Stewart, criminology professor at the University of Florida at Tallahassee, whose studies “proved” that US law enforcement is systemically racist. His studies have been cited over 8,500 times by other researchers.

But as the Post Millennial reports, he’s now that school’s FORMER professor because he’s been fired for “extreme negligence and incompetence” in his research, which has “been shown to contain numerous erroneous and false narratives.” The school said that “the details of problematic data management, false results, and the numerous publication retractions have negatively affected the discipline on a national level.” Stewart’s research is so slipshod that it undermined recruitment, harmed their faculty’s chances of getting published in ethical journals, and caused damage to the reputation of the criminology department that might be “catastrophic” and “unalterable.”

Among his studies that had to be retracted were ones claiming that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos, that white Americans perceive blacks and Latinos as “criminal threats,” and that whites want longer sentences for Latinos because they’re becoming more successful and their numbers are increasing. For divisive falsehoods such as these, Stewart has received over $3.5 million in grant money, including taxpayer money from government agencies such as the National Science Foundation.

Stewart’s response: he claims he’s the victim here and that the researcher who proved his studies were false “lynched me and my academic character.” I suspect this is why DEI proponents have declared logic and the scientific method to be “white supremacy.”

Good News Update:

A judge granted a temporary injunction blocking enforcement of Illinois’ new SB 1909 law that’s clearly an attempt to shut down pro-life pregnancy centers. The bill allows these centers to be sued for “deceptive acts or practices” for not providing information about how to get abortions. The judge called it “stupid and likely unconstitutional.”

But Attorney General Kwame Raoul said (forgive the baffling syntax), "This bill is intended to protect the individuals to access the full range of reproductive healthcare and make fully informed decisions including the right to use or refuse reproductive healthcare."

Actually, what it’s meant to do is force pro-life activists to promote abortion, a clear violation of the First Amendment, and to bankrupt them with lawsuits for expressing their personal views on abortion. As Wirepoints founder Mark Glennon notes, the law restricts pro-life pregnancy centers from passing out literature while placing no liability on pro-abortion people doing the same thing, which is “viewpoint discrimination,” a “clear red line that legislators cannot pass, and that really irritated the court.” He believes no judge would back this law as written.

As that article notes, the Attorney General has yet to decide whether he will even appeal the injunction. He might be afraid of what the Appeals Court would say about it. If it’s any comfort, instead of thinking of the law as being killed before it was even born, he could just consider it “reproductive legal care.”

Memo to Anti-Trump Republicans who think the Democrats’ lawfare will stop once they destroy Trump, then we’ll go back to business-as-usual:

No, if they succeed in perverting the legal system to destroy Trump, anyone else who stands in their way will become a target. Want proof? Check out this case:

Washington, DC, attorney general Brian Schwalb has launched an investigation into Leonard Leo. Leo is the co-chairman of the Federalist Society, a leading figure in the movement for conservative originalist judges, and he helped with the nominations of Trump’s three Supreme Court nominees, so that’s why the left has hung a target on his back. 

Schwalb is a former Clinton DOJ attorney, legal director for the leftwing Alliance for Justice and a longtime critic of the conservative legal movement. Schwalb’s investigation of Leo is based on a complaint by the misleadingly-named leftwing activist group “The Center for Accountability,” funded by the shady dark money alliance Arabella Advisors.

The complaint against Leo is that he violated some laws in connection with a non-profit charity he oversees, but the complaint included no direct evidence of the charges. Still, it was enough of a pretext for Schwalb to launch an investigation, even though – brace yourself – neither Leo nor any of his organizations are based in DC.

Imagine having to deal with groundless, partisan investigations launched by vengeful local prosecutors from all over the country, in places where you don’t even live, just because they hate your politics and want to destroy you. Well, welcome to Trump’s world. The cases against him are just the nose of the camel prying open the tent flap. Republicans had better realize that if they don’t kick the camel out of the tent, hard and fast, it will take over the tent.


Jailed in Finland for holding traditional Christian beliefs

Anyone who thinks that the left will stop at jailing people for holding traditional Christian beliefs needs to take a look at Finland, where they’re already trying to do it.

Former minister of the interior Dr. Päivi Räsänen is on trial for the SECOND time and could face up to two years in jail and a heavy fine for sharing Biblical teachings related to homosexuality. She was acquitted the first time, but the prosecutor appealed and made arguments in court that should send a chill up your spine. For instance:

Since many Protestant churches accept gay relationships and same-sex marriage, her own interpretation of what the Bible says is not legitimate…She was accused of “hate speech” and writing that some people are inferior to others, which she never wrote, but she said, “The prosecutor said that it is not important if it is true or not, but if the interpretation is insulting, then it is criminal” (that is, she could go to jail for what the state claims she said, even if she didn’t say any such thing)…The prosecutor also argued that she’s allowed to “believe in her mind whatever about the Bible, but it is illegal to express it outwardly.”

Räsänen called this “dangerous” and “like Medieval Times” and said if she’s convicted, “It would start the time of persecution of Christians in Finland” and have “ramifications to other European countries.” She urged fellow Christians to use the attack on her as inspiration, saying, “I pray that this would wake up Christians to be courageous, to be open about their faiths and worship. [I hope] it would also encourage people to read the Bible, and, so I, I pray for awakening of our society.”

And if you think that can’t happen here because we have the First Amendment, then try praying for her on the grounds of a public school.

Speaker McCarthy announces impeachment inquiry

Tuesday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he was launching an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. He laid out who would be in charge and listed some of the evidence, from the phone calls with Hunter Biden’s shady foreign business contacts that Biden denied knowing about to the $20 million in suspicious payments shuffled around through multiple bank accounts of shell companies before being paid to Biden family members.

It’s worth pointing out that this does not mean that Biden will be removed from office. It just gives the investigators more tools to demand evidence on which the Biden Administration is stonewalling them.  Even if the narrow GOP House majority votes to impeach him, the trial would happen in the Senate and require a two-thirds vote, and I doubt that any Democrat would vote for it. It’s astounding to me that Democrats claimed that Trump asking about the Bidens' Ukrainian corruption on a phone call was an impeachable offense, but the actual corruption isn’t. I also recall how horrified they were when Trump joked that "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters.” And their attitude toward Biden is different how?...

In fact, the most entertaining part of this story is watching Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) wail, spin and harumph about this impeachment being nothing but an attack on a political opponent and how outrageous and unprecedented that is (unless you count the two times they did it to Trump.) They’re also attacking McCarthy for not putting it to a vote, just like Nancy Pelosi didn’t put Trump’s first impeachment to a vote. Some are even accusing McCarthy of being a hypocrite because he criticized Pelosi for doing that.

Yes, he did, because he warned that it would set a terrible precedent. She did it anyway. And now, it’s no longer unprecedented. Funny how that works. I guess they’re counting on the media to rewrite history for them. Oh, and look: The New York Times obliged!

The Times is also trying to push the narrative that poor old Joe was deceived into taking those phone calls because he’s just such a great dad who cares more about his son than his political fortunes. And they say the Times doesn’t have a funny pages section!

Another Democrat/media talking point is that there’s “no evidence” of any wrongdoing by Biden. Rep. Scott Perry wasn’t in the mood to take that nonsense from a smug reporter, and he slam dunked her. When she replied that the American people don’t see any evidence, he shot back, “It’s because you don’t report on it.”

Katie Pavlich at traces how the Democrat narrative about this scandal has continually shifted since the early days of “Joe never even talked to Hunter about his business” to today (“There’s no actual video of a foreign oligarch handing Joe a big bag with a dollar sign on it!”)

The White House is relying on the media to cover for Biden and attack Republicans, and they’re not even trying to hide it anymore. They sent an open letter to media organizations, urging them to “ramp up their scrutiny” of House Republicans “for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies.” They are right about that: it’s based on Joe’s lies about having nothing to do with Hunter’s shady foreign business deals.

I’ll leave you with this from Kurt Schlichter, from all the way back in Obama’s final year in office in 2015. He was warning the Democrats who were shattering norms and breaking all the rules and traditions to get what they wanted that they wouldn’t be in power forever, and they weren’t going to like living under the new rules they were creating. But they have to now. Apparently, pain is the only way they can learn.


Manhunt ends for Danelo Cavalcante after police capture

Police in Pennsylvania recaptured convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante after a 14-day manhunt during which he stole a truck and a rifle. Cavalante escaped from prison one week after receiving a life sentence for stabbing his girlfriend to death. And despite virtual wall-to-wall coverage, see if you can figure out from this sentence what part of his background the major TV networks never mentioned (I’ll give you a hint):

“A former gang member wanted for murder in Brazil, Cavalcante was in the U.S. illegally when he brutally stabbed Brandao after she threatened to contact authorities when she learned about the Brazilian charges against him.”

The Miracle of Bidenomics 1:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in August, inflation as measured by the consumer price index jumped to 3.7% from one year before, compared to 3.2% in July (for those who might be a little slow, like the President's economic advisors, that's the wrong direction.) The hike was fueled by higher gas prices, which Biden can’t artificially lower again by releasing more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve because he already released so much that it’s at a 40-year low and with oil prices so high, he hasn’t been able to refill it.

The Miracle of Bidenomics 2:

The US Census Bureau reports that in 2022, median US household income fell by 2.3% (from $76,330 in 2021 to $74,580 in 2022), while inflation rose by 7.8% percent, the highest annual increase since 1981. It’s the third straight year in which incomes fell, and coincidentally, the third straight year of Biden’s presidency. Also in 2022, 65% of women were working full time, the highest percentage ever, which suggests that even women who want to stay home and raise their families are being forced into the workplace to make ends meet.

I’m sure the media headline will be “Biden policies bring more women into the workplace!”

A new attempt to ban Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot

First Colorado, now some Democrat activists in Minnesota have filed a lawsuit seeking to ban Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot on grounds that he’s ineligible due to the 14th Amendment ban on candidates who have committed insurrection against the US. FYI: That was passed during Reconstruction to ban Confederates who actually went to war against the United States.

This ploy is as desperate as it is stupid. Only in the fevered minds of TDS sufferers did Trump "commit insurrection.” He also didn’t call for it, he didn’t incite it, and even the people in the Capitol who actually did riot were not “insurrectionists.” If their intention was to overthrow and take over the US government, I assume they would have actually carried weapons. But it is a testament to just how afraid these people are of Trump being on the ballot (an odd reaction, since they claim he’s so unpopular and would be easy to beat.) It’s a funny way to protect “our democracy,” by trying to deny the people the right to vote for the candidate of their choice.

But I’m not a legal expert, so I don’t have the authority to tell you how groundless and stupid this tactic is. So I suggest you click the link to the story and let law professor Jonathan Turley and the Democrat Attorney General of Minnesota explain why it’s groundless and stupid. Turley also makes the great point that it sets a slippery slope precedent for purging from office every Democrat who ever protested an election. Ironically, that actually might help protect “our democracy.”

Too disturbing for adults, perfectly fine for children?!?

During a hearing in the Senate, Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy responded to Illinois passing a law against “banning books” in schools by reading into the record excerpts from “Gender Queer,” a sexually-explicit LGBTQ book that Democrats want to impose on elementary school children. There was the expected outrage from his Democrat colleagues, and the Illinois Secretary of State objected that “those words are disturbing.”

They always seem to object whenever anyone, whether in the Senate or at a school board meeting, exposes the gay pornography they want to put into schools. Odd how it’s too disturbing to publicly share with adults, but it’s perfectly fine to force it onto elementary school children in secret.

Personally, I suspect they’re just upset because for the rest of their lives, when they read that book, they’re going to hear John Kennedy’s voice in their heads.


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.

Acts, 13:38


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Mike Huckabee

Promise Kept

Virginia Gov. Glen Youngkin made good on the promise of protecting parents’ rights that got him elected by issuing an “absolute pardon” to Scott Smith. He’s the dad who came to a Loudon County School Board meeting to complain about his daughter being raped in the girls’ bathroom by a male in a dress who claimed to “identify” as transgender. School officials claimed to have no knowledge of this, but it turned out the “trans” student had been accused of a similar crime in another school months before and they’d hushed it up and transferred him to Smith’s daughter’s school to prey on a new victim.

When Smith understandably became enraged and started cursing after his complaint was dismissed and his business slandered, the cops tackled and handcuffed him. He was charged and convicted of disorderly conduct and the government’s new favorite way of jailing people it finds inconvenient, “obstruction of justice.” They should learn what “justice” means before they’re allowed to arrest people for obstructing it. He was also publicly and falsely accused of “hate crimes” and being a “domestic terrorist” (but then any parent who speaks up at school board meetings is one of those these days.)

After Youngkin was elected, an investigation was launched and the superintendent terminated. Youngkin called Smith’s treatment a “gross miscarriage of justice” and said he was just doing what any parent would do, standing up for his child. Some legal authorities criticized Youngkin, accusing him of acting as “judge and jury” (which is obviously the role of school boards.)

But Smith said, “I’m thankful that the Youngkin administration gave me an off-ramp to these charges that never should have happened. It’s kind of bittersweet, because I really looked forward to winning this in court. But unfortunately, our justice system is so screwed up right now that I didn’t feel that I could potentially get a fair shot in court.  That’s what should scare every American is that I had to take this, because I could not trust our justice system.”

This is why I’ve been warning for years that faith in the fairness and impartiality of our justice system was the glue that held our diverse society together, and allowing the system to be politicized would tear this nation apart. The left did it anyway, seeking short term political advantage, and that's destroyed trust in the system from the presidential race down to the school board level. 

Good job, guys. You couldn’t have done a better job of eroding the foundation of America if you’d been a swarm of termites.

In case you missed it…

On Friday, a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled that the Biden White House, federal health officials, and the FBI may have infringed on the First Amendment by pressuring social media platforms to suppress or remove content related to COVID-19 and the 2020 election by using “intimidating messages and threats of adverse consequences.” "MAY have?!" Read that sentence again. Sounds kinda fascist, doesn’t it?

The court wrote, “The officials have engaged in a broad pressure campaign designed to coerce social-media companies into suppressing speakers, viewpoints, and content disfavored by the government. The harms that radiate from such conduct extend far beyond just the Plaintiffs; it impacts every social media user.”

Unfortunately, they also narrowed the lower court judge’s ban on government agencies contacting tech companies about removing speech. The panel kept the ban on the White House, Surgeon General, CDC and FBI, but lifted it on the State Department, HHS and DHS. I guess because those agencies would NEVER abuse their power to silence their critics.

The Administration has ten days to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court. I hope they’ll concede defeat and drop it, but I admit I would love to hear Justices Thomas and Alito grilling them as they try to make the case for government censorship of free speech.

Time to consider what can be done to stop corrupt Georgia DA

“Now, at what point do you have a prosecutor arrested?”

That was the question from bestselling author and DILBERT creator Scott Adams on Saturday after learning that Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis had ignored evidence that the alternate GOP slate of electors had not been trying to fraudulently replace the original slate.  As we reported last week, the minutes of the December 14, 2020, meeting of these alternates clearly proves that they weren’t out to commit election fraud, only to be ready with GOP electors in the event that a recount in Georgia turned the election to Trump.  Willis disregarded this clear exoneration and indicted these individuals, anyway.

In Willis’ indictments, not to mention the countless media reports about the case, the alternates have been falsely branded “fake electors.”  We’ve even seen this in conservative media.

“Now, if somebody was going to pretend they were the legitimate electors, that would look pretty bad,” Adams said on “Coffee With Scott Adams,” his daily podcast.  “Wouldn’t it?  Turns out, that’s not the case.”  As you know, Willis had in her possession the minutes from the official vote-counting meeting in which members went on the record clarifying, very directly, what they were and were not doing with this alternate slate of electors.  “Their intentions clearly stated that they were not going to be fake electors,” Adams said.  “They were gonna be sort of like back-up...placeholders in case needed.”

Exactly:  they were placeholders, not a replacement.  “A replacement would look like an insurrection,” Adams said, and indeed it would.  “Alternates, while you sort out what’s real, just looks like being prepared for all outcomes.”  And that was the idea.  As you know, there’s even legal precedent for having a slate of alternates, set by the state of Hawaii during the razor-thin Kennedy-Nixon count.

“So they’re being charged with the thing that the documents clearly showed they were not trying to do,” Adams said.  “They were trying to do something legal, and not that thing they’re being charged with.”

It’s “super, super obvious” they’re innocent, he said, yet Willis apparently suppressed the evidence that would prove it.

(FYI, there have been a number of liberal media “fact-checks” about how Georgia is totally different from Hawaii in 1960, but I suspect none of them knew there was exculpatory evidence being hidden that shows it was actually not different. Or if they did know, they didn’t care.)

One might think that, oh, maybe she and her team of assistants weren’t aware of that one particular document in the file of thousands and thousands of pages when she criminally indicted these people in a “fake electors” scheme.  Gosh, maybe it was just an oversight on her part, an honest mistake.  But if that were the case, Willis should already have dropped the charges and apologized profusely to these innocent people.

Since that hasn’t happened, we may safely conclude that “honest” has got nothin’ to do with it --- that Willis is deliberately trying to railroad some innocent people who were just trying to do their duty as specified in the Constitution.  She’ll hold onto that case like a dog with a bone, no matter how obvious it is that she’s abusing the system in a way that would make Stalin proud.

So, if she suppressed the evidence that exonerates them, shouldn’t she be in jail already?  YES.

Adams tried putting the “fog of war” standard on what we’re seeing, suggesting she might have had a legitimate reason for what she did.  We see a reason, all right, but it’s not legitimate.  And Adams gets a similar sense of what she did, saying that “based on what we’ve seen so far, it would look like she’s just a criminal.”

And that brings us full circle, to the original question; namely, at what point do you have a prosecutor arrested?  By coincidence, Sunday’s episode of LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN was dedicated to the question of whether this DA is accountable to anyone as she interferes with a federal election, charges federal officials and coordinates with DC.  First, here’s criminal defense attorney David Schoen…

But Schoen doesn’t specify how to deal with a DA who is out of control.  We’re looking into that ourselves, but in the meantime, Levin also spoke with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio about the fact that without Congress, there would be no district attorney’s office, or special counsel, or DOJ.  (Reminds me of the old Bill Cosby line, “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.”)  We have to stick together as a party, he said, to stop them.

RELATED POINT:  Scott Adams spoke about his earlier tweeting (X-ing?) on Saturday that “when Republicans are wrong, that’s the whole story, but when Democrats are wrong, most of the time it’s because their own team ran a sophisticated op to brainwash them.”  He said, “I’ve never met a Democrat who’s aware of that.  Have you?”

What a fabulous observation: “I’ve never met a Democrat who was aware that their own team runs serial hoaxes on THEM.”

“They don’t work as well on Republicans because Republicans know what’s happening,” he said.

“But the Democrats seem to be completely unaware that their team is running ops on them.”  This seems to be happening on only one side, “and the reason would be that only one side controls enough of the media that you can come up with an op that the media will support.”

Adams observed that the Democrat Party is running ops on their supporters “all the time --- it’s nonstop.”  It’s constant brainwashing that they don’t know is happening at all.

“It’s impressive in its own way,” he said lightly before moving on to another subject.  It strikes us that a more appropriate word would be “OP-pressive,” as it’s the antithesis of a free country with an independent media.  But it certainly does explain a lot, such as every hoax that has been perpetrated against Trump (that’s a long list!) and now Fani Willis’ shocking abuse of power against him and his supporters.

This episode of “Coffee With Scott Adams” is particularly good.  The observations discussed above comes in at about the 20-minute point.  Afterwards, Adams talks about the “tells” people use when they’re experiencing cognitive dissonance and desperately need a comeback to protect themselves.  (Cognitive dissonance is when someone’s comfortable bubble gets poked by some truth.)  As you might have seen, people are amazingly skilled at deflection and straw man arguments.  Just mention something --- anything --- good about Trump, pop the popcorn and watch the fun begin.  Here’s the entire podcast…

Bill O’Reilly, in a great column this Sunday called “The Sting,” elaborated on this irrational hatred that’s been created towards Trump. First, he outlined Trump’s impressive resume for the first years of his presidency --- a strong economy, good border containment, no new wars, ISIS decimated, Xi and Putin relatively contained.

“But there is scant national reporting of it,” O’Reilly wrote. “Instead, salacious charges of corruption involving Russia dominated headlines for two years” before and during Trump’s term. The Russia Hoax. “A Special Counsel is appointed to investigate. His report says there is no corruption. The national media do not celebrate.”

Consequently, millions of people will disagree with O’Reilly’s positive analysis and continue to “hate” Trump. The only reason for this that O’Reilly would term as “valid” (and we would say its validity is debatable) is the “colossal Trump-driven fiasco after the 2020 election.” But as O’Reilly readily acknowledged, the “get-Trump” movement started long before that; in fact, it started at the very beginning of his first run for President, with the liberal media marching in lock-step to protect Hillary.

O’Reilly was conveying in different words what Scott Adams said about the psy-ops being run by Democrats on Democrats: that the “news agencies are openly currently supporting President Biden by hiding his deficiencies and alleged corruption. The leftist media is also cheerleading the legal cases against Trump without a shred of balance or skepticism.”

“Honest, balanced reporting and news analysis are on the endangered species list,” O’Reilly wrote. “The scorpions who control most media companies are more driven than ever to impose progressive policies and get pliable people like Biden and Kamala elected.”

The result: in O’Reilly’s words, “a lot of power and money is being used to prop up incompetence and corruption.” We see it now all around us, every day. Can the media really dress up this pig enough to sell it once again? It’s hard to imagine they can after witnessing Biden’s horrifying, near-incoherent struggle on his Vietnam trip…

...and growing evidence of his financial corruption and dishonesty, but we shall see.


I told you over the weekend about New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham doing a test-run of the liberal idea of branding shootings as a “health emergency” to suspend the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. In this case, she responded to a rise in violence in Albuquerque with a 30-day order suspending the rights of people with concealed carry permits. I predicted that she would face legal challenges.

Well, it didn’t take long, and “legal challenges” was an understatement! It’s only Monday, and already, the Albuquerque DA is refusing to enforce the order…

…The legislature is threatening to impeach Grisham, while she’s digging in her heels and refusing to back down…

…And four lawsuits have already been filed seeking immediate injunctive relief to block the order. Astoundingly, even famous gun grabbers Ted Lieu and David Hogg tweeted that while they support gun safety, there’s no such thing as a public health emergency exception to the US Constitution. I wonder if they’re trying to kill off defenders of Second Amendment rights by making us all die of shock.

Protests in DC

Monday, seven protesters occupied Speaker McCarthy’s office in the Capitol and refused to leave until their demands were met. Capitol Police arrested them and charged them with unlawful entry. So I guess they’ll also be upcharged with terrorism, insurrection and obstruction of an official proceeding and thrown into jail for months, awaiting sentencing to 20 years in prison, along with anyone who might have encouraged them to do it or expressed any support for them…

Oh, wait: they were leftwing protesters demanding AIDS funding? Well, never mind! Nothing to see here then…


Stop The Presses!

The Biden “Justice” Department actually dropped a case against someone who had a Kevin Bacon-level connection to Donald Trump!

Five years ago, they charged former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s former business partner, Bijan Rafiekian, with failing to register as a foreign agent for Turkey. Before everything done by anyone who's ever met Trump became a felony, that used to be handled with a warning phone call. They got a jury conviction in 2019, but the judge tossed it out for lack of evidence. Biden’s DOJ refused to accept their loss and kept appealing, wasting years of time and a ton of money for both the accused and the taxpayers.

Rafiekian’s attorney said he never should have been indicted and has “been the target of baseless federal prosecution for the past five years, only because he made the poor decision to be in business with Michael Flynn.” The Biden DOJ said, “After carefully considering the Fourth Circuit’s recent decision in this case and the principles of federal prosecution, the United States believes it is not in the public interest to pursue the case against defendant Bijan Rafiekian further.”

I'm pleasantly surprised to learn that federal prosecutions still have principles. But was it ever really in the public’s interest to pursue that case? Or did they finally just decide that five years of expensive legal persecution was enough process-as-punishment? On the bright side, maybe this means that after five years, they’ll finally decide it’s not in the public’s interest to keep trying to put Trump in prison for 700 years for possessing his own papers or making a phone call.

Just some questions

Why do we negotiate with Terrorists countries who threaten us daily and give them $6 billion to use to develop weapons that they will use against us?

Why do we give them the money before they give us what they are supposed to give us?

Are the protestors that barged in to McCarthy’s office and sat down screaming and yelling blocking the staffers from doing their jobs and were arrested going to be charged with sedition? What about other protestors that do this in the capitol going forward?

If not, what’s the difference between them and the Jan. 6th protestors who merely walked by the capitol or walked in but didn’t tear anything up or even yell and scream?

When Biden can’t remember where he is or rambles on incoherently or says he needs to go to bed, why aren’t people more concerned about who is in charge in this country?


September 11th Anniversary News Round-up

For those who might have missed it yesterday, here is the video of the full 9/11 Memorial ceremony in New York City…

And Breitbart News’ visual history of 9/11 images. Warning: some are very disturbing.

President Biden took criticism for being the first sitting American President not to attend the New York 9/11 ceremony since 2002. The official White House excuse was that 22 years after Pearl Harbor, Presidents still weren’t attending that ceremony. Well, maybe they should have. It was also a lot more difficult to travel 4800 miles from DC to Hawaii in 1964 than to travel 200 miles from DC to NYC in 2023. Biden, meanwhile, was in Alaska (about 4300 miles from DC), one of the few places not dealing with the consequences of his open border and so less likely to be filled with hecklers than Manhattan. Even so, he was blasted for starting his 9/11 comments with a joke and for falsely claiming he’d been at Ground Zero the day after the attack – which, to be fair, he might actually believe.

Speaking of jokes, Biden’s place in New York was taken by VP Kamala Harris, who, as always and under the most inappropriate circumstances, had a hard time not giggling.

On the anniversary of the date when 19 Islamic terrorists killed over 2700 people, it was reported that so far this year, 149 people who are on the Terrorist Watch List were intercepted trying to cross our southern or northern borders – 146 of them on the southern border.

Reader conducted Gmail test

From Substack reader Steve F:

I tested Pat Reeder's sentence fragment ("It was also reported that the same Georgia grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 other people...") in Proton Mail. There was no complaint at all (as I expected). The problem is almost certainly the GMail servers, not whatever browser you use to access GMail. This is sad but unsurprising -- and a good reason to get a Proton Mail account. :-)

White House agrees to Iran deal on September 11 Anniversary

In what many are calling an embarrassment and an insult to the memory of 9/11 victims, the White House announced on September 11th that they’d reached a deal to release $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets and to release five Iranians being held in the US in exchange for Iran releasing five Americans that they’ve been holding prisoner.

As noted at the link, the White House claims the $6 billion will be spent on “humanitarian purposes,” but nobody seriously believes that. And even if it were true, it would just free up $6 billion elsewhere in Iran’s budget to fund terrorism. The announcement set off a fierce debate over which was worse: the deal itself or the timing of its announcement?

Trump files motion for biased DC Judge Chutkan to recuse herself

On Monday, attorneys for President Trump did something they were absolutely bound to do: they filed a motion asking Judge Tanya Chutkan, the DC judge hearing his case about interference in the 2020 election, to recuse herself.

Judge Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is on record, from before being assigned Trump’s case, strongly implying that Trump needed to be behind bars.

Trump’s attorneys say this statement is “inherently disqualifying,” and they are right.  If she fails to disqualify herself over this and other statements she has made, and is allowed to continue presiding, we may assume that our legal system is down the toilet and we really are just “going through the motions of justice.”

Perhaps the worst problem with Trump Derangement Syndrome is that those infected by it do not realize this and still are convinced they’re objective.  As the motion states, “Although Judge Chutkin may genuinely intend to give President Trump a fair trial --- and may believe that she can do so --- her public statements unavoidably taint these proceedings, regardless of outcome.”

It was during the sentencing of January 6 defendant Christine Priola that she said the people at the Capitol that day were there out of “blind loyalty to one person who, by the way, remains free to this day.”

Trump’s lawyers argued that the meaning of this is “inescapable --- President Trump is free, but should not be.”

It’s not just words but actions.  Chutkan has already done one thing that suggests she’s --- consciously or not --- trying to damage President Trump’s ability to run for the GOP nomination in ‘24.  She set the trial date in his case for March 4 of next year.  The Super Tuesday primaries are March 5.

It’s up to the judge to recuse herself, but if she doesn’t (and she probably won’t), we’d think that would enter into any appeal down the road, if it comes to that.

Now, let’s go from DC to Fulton County, Georgia, and see how the deck has been stacked against President Trump there…

Attorney and election law expert Cleta Mitchell told legal analyst Margot Cleveland at THE FEDERALIST that being questioned for hours by the Fulton County grand jury was “a surreal experience.”  She said, “I knew coming out of there that the whole thing was a loose cannon...[that] they were going to recommend indicting basically all the Trump allies --- it was a completely political situation --- nothing to do with the law.  NOTHING.”

Mitchell was called to testify because she had represented Trump in his challenge to the 2020 election in Georgia.  (As you know, the concept of attorney-client privilege, at least for President Trump, has been tossed right out the window.  Executive privilege, too.)

Now that the grand jury report has been released, we know that “all the Trump allies” refers to 39 (!) people that they wanted to charge, not just the 19 who actually were indicted.  Some of those on the list but whom DA Fani Willis apparently knew better than to indict were South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham, and former GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, both of Georgia.  Mitchell herself was on the list but also not indicted.

Remember Emily Kohrs, the scary jury foreperson who made the mistake of doing a few interviews while the grand jury was still hearing testimony?  Her overzealousness apparently was no act; Mitchell told Cleveland that some notes she herself had carried into the grand jury room had been taken by Kohrs and completely misread.  “You say here,” Kohrs told her, “...that you are asking the court to award the electors to Donald Trump.”

As the notes said no such thing, a puzzled Mitchell said, “Where do you read that?”  Kohrs handed it back.  To quote Mitchell:

“Nowhere in the memorandum of law does it say that the election should be awarded to Trump. We argued that there is precedent under Georgia law for the court to vacate the results and order a new election IF we were able to establish that the evidence proved there were more illegal votes, cast in violation of state law but counted and included in the certified total, than the margin of difference between the two candidates — the remedy is a new election. Alternatively, we argued that the state legislature has plenary power under the U.S. Constitution to meet and determine the electors — and I told her that.”

In other words, she was explaining this the way we explained the alternate slate of electors (who now face criminal charges):  that it was only IN CASE the evidence showed the need for it.  What Mitchell had described in writing was not illegal.  But Kohrs is such a zealot, she automatically jumped to the worst possible interpretation --- something that Mitchell hadn’t even said.

The grand jury recommended indicting Mitchell on a variety of charges relating to the phone call in which Trump allegedly told Secretary of State Raffensperger to “find” a specified number of votes.  They did this in spite of the fact that they never asked her even one question about the phone call.  What Fulton County prosecutors asked her about, she said, was what they saw as “deficiencies” in the election challenge filed by Trump.

After hearing Mitchell’s account, Cleveland concluded that the questions they had asked her “further cement the reality that what Democrats are trying to do is criminalize election challenges brought by Republicans.”  (Democrats, knock yourself out with all the election challenges you want!)  If this DA in Georgia can get away with it, it’s bound to start happening all over the country, with Democrat-controlled courts picking the winners.


RELATED:  As long as we’re talking about contested elections, what on earth is going on with GOP Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, in his remarks about the J6 case?  He currently sits on the House Judiciary Committee, but, good heavens, is he looking for a permanent gig on MSNBC?  Investigative reporter Julie Kelly has picked apart Buck’s response to a letter signed by more than 200 in the Colorado Republican Party demanding that elected officials in their state address the plight of the J6 defendants.

Buck made light of their plight.

Kelly, who knows as much and possibly more than anyone about the J6 defendants and the treatment they’ve received by the legal system, says Buck’s “Pollyanna-ish view of the DC legal and judicial system is animated by ignorance.”  Her masterful response to Rep. Buck is a must-read…

And, yes, Buck actually did go on MSNBC to defend Joe Biden from claims he was involved in Hunter’s business.   As for talk of an impeachment inquiry, he says Speaker Kevin McCarthy is just using that as “a distraction.”

“The time for impeachment is the time when there’s evidence linking President Biden --- if there’s evidence linking President Biden to a high crime or misdemeanor.  That doesn’t exist now.”


It’s true that an impeachment shouldn’t be rushed, but there’s more than enough evidence to warrant the inquiry, NOW.  It’s all up to Congress, because the ‘Justice’ Department sure isn’t going to do it.


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On Monday, attorneys for President Trump did something they were absolutely bound to do: they filed a motion asking Judge Tanya Chutkan, the DC judge hearing his case about interference in the 2020 election, to recuse herself.

Judge Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is on record, from before being assigned Trump’s case, strongly implying that Trump needed to be behind bars.

Trump’s attorneys say this statement is “inherently disqualifying,” and they are right.  If she fails to disqualify herself over this and other statements she has made, and is allowed to continue presiding, we may assume that our legal system is down the toilet and we really are just “going through the motions of justice.”

Perhaps the worst problem with Trump Derangement Syndrome is that those infected by it do not realize this and still are convinced they’re objective.  As the motion states, “Although Judge Chutkin may genuinely intend to give President Trump a fair trial --- and may believe that she can do so --- her public statements unavoidably taint these proceedings, regardless of outcome.”

It was during the sentencing of January 6 defendant Christine Priola that she said the people at the Capitol that day were there out of “blind loyalty to one person who, by the way, remains free to this day.”

Trump’s lawyers argued that the meaning of this is “inescapable --- President Trump is free, but should not be.”

It’s not just words but actions.  Chutkan has already done one thing that suggests she’s --- consciously or not --- trying to damage President Trump’s ability to run for the GOP nomination in ‘24.  She set the trial date in his case for March 4 of next year.  The Super Tuesday primaries are March 5.

It’s up to the judge to recuse herself, but if she doesn’t (and she probably won’t), we’d think that would enter into any appeal down the road, if it comes to that.

Now, let’s go from DC to Fulton County, Georgia, and see how the deck has been stacked against President Trump there…

Attorney and election law expert Cleta Mitchell told legal analyst Margot Cleveland at THE FEDERALIST that being questioned for hours by the Fulton County grand jury was “a surreal experience.”  She said, “I knew coming out of there that the whole thing was a loose cannon...[that] they were going to recommend indicting basically all the Trump allies --- it was a completely political situation --- nothing to do with the law.  NOTHING.”

Mitchell was called to testify because she had represented Trump in his challenge to the 2020 election in Georgia.  (As you know, the concept of attorney-client privilege, at least for President Trump, has been tossed right out the window.  Executive privilege, too.)

Now that the grand jury report has been released, we know that “all the Trump allies” refers to 39 (!) people that they wanted to charge, not just the 19 who actually were indicted.  Some of those on the list but whom DA Fani Willis apparently knew better than to indict were South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham, and former GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, both of Georgia.  Mitchell herself was on the list but also not indicted.

Remember Emily Kohrs, the scary jury foreperson who made the mistake of doing a few interviews while the grand jury was still hearing testimony?  Her overzealousness apparently was no act; Mitchell told Cleveland that some notes she herself had carried into the grand jury room had been taken by Kohrs and completely misread.  “You say here,” Kohrs told her, “...that you are asking the court to award the electors to Donald Trump.”

As the notes said no such thing, a puzzled Mitchell said, “Where do you read that?”  Kohrs handed it back.  To quote Mitchell:

“Nowhere in the memorandum of law does it say that the election should be awarded to Trump. We argued that there is precedent under Georgia law for the court to vacate the results and order a new election IF we were able to establish that the evidence proved there were more illegal votes, cast in violation of state law but counted and included in the certified total, than the margin of difference between the two candidates — the remedy is a new election. Alternatively, we argued that the state legislature has plenary power under the U.S. Constitution to meet and determine the electors — and I told her that.”

In other words, she was explaining this the way we explained the alternate slate of electors (who now face criminal charges):  that it was only IN CASE the evidence showed the need for it.  What Mitchell had described in writing was not illegal.  But Kohrs is such a zealot, she automatically jumped to the worst possible interpretation --- something that Mitchell hadn’t even said.

The grand jury recommended indicting Mitchell on a variety of charges relating to the phone call in which Trump allegedly told Secretary of State Raffensperger to “find” a specified number of votes.  They did this in spite of the fact that they never asked her even one question about the phone call.  What Fulton County prosecutors asked her about, she said, was what they saw as “deficiencies” in the election challenge filed by Trump.

After hearing Mitchell’s account, Cleveland concluded that the questions they had asked her “further cement the reality that what Democrats are trying to do is criminalize election challenges brought by Republicans.”  (Democrats, knock yourself out with all the election challenges you want!)  If this DA in Georgia can get away with it, it’s bound to start happening all over the country, with Democrat-controlled courts picking the winners.


RELATED:  As long as we’re talking about contested elections, what on earth is going on with GOP Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, in his remarks about the J6 case?  He currently sits on the House Judiciary Committee, but, good heavens, is he looking for a permanent gig on MSNBC?  Investigative reporter Julie Kelly has picked apart Buck’s response to a letter signed by more than 200 in the Colorado Republican Party demanding that elected officials in their state address the plight of the J6 defendants.

Buck made light of their plight.

Kelly, who knows as much and possibly more than anyone about the J6 defendants and the treatment they’ve received by the legal system, says Buck’s “Pollyanna-ish view of the DC legal and judicial system is animated by ignorance.”  Her masterful response to Rep. Buck is a must-read…

And, yes, Buck actually did go on MSNBC to defend Joe Biden from claims he was involved in Hunter’s business.   As for talk of an impeachment inquiry, he says Speaker Kevin McCarthy is just using that as “a distraction.”

“The time for impeachment is the time when there’s evidence linking President Biden --- if there’s evidence linking President Biden to a high crime or misdemeanor.  That doesn’t exist now.”


It’s true that an impeachment shouldn’t be rushed, but there’s more than enough evidence to warrant the inquiry, NOW.  It’s all up to Congress, because the ‘Justice’ Department sure isn’t going to do it.

“Now, at what point do you have a prosecutor arrested?”

That was the question from bestselling author and DILBERT creator Scott Adams on Saturday after learning that Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis had ignored evidence that the alternate GOP slate of electors had not been trying to fraudulently replace the original slate.  As we reported last week, the minutes of the December 14, 2020, meeting of these alternates clearly proves that they weren’t out to commit election fraud, only to be ready with GOP electors in the event that a recount in Georgia turned the election to Trump.  Willis disregarded this clear exoneration and indicted these individuals, anyway.

In Willis’ indictments, not to mention the countless media reports about the case, the alternates have been falsely branded “fake electors.”  We’ve even seen this in conservative media.

“Now, if somebody was going to pretend they were the legitimate electors, that would look pretty bad,” Adams said on “Coffee With Scott Adams,” his daily podcast.  “Wouldn’t it?  Turns out, that’s not the case.”  As you know, Willis had in her possession the minutes from the official vote-counting meeting in which members went on the record clarifying, very directly, what they were and were not doing with this alternate slate of electors.  “Their intentions clearly stated that they were not going to be fake electors,” Adams said.  “They were gonna be sort of like back-up...placeholders in case needed.”

Exactly:  they were placeholders, not a replacement.  “A replacement would look like an insurrection,” Adams said, and indeed it would.  “Alternates, while you sort out what’s real, just looks like being prepared for all outcomes.”  And that was the idea.  As you know, there’s even legal precedent for having a slate of alternates, set by the state of Hawaii during the razor-thin Kennedy-Nixon count.

“So they’re being charged with the thing that the documents clearly showed they were not trying to do,” Adams said.  “They were trying to do something legal, and not that thing they’re being charged with.”

It’s “super, super obvious” they’re innocent, he said, yet Willis apparently suppressed the evidence that would prove it.

(FYI, there have been a number of liberal media “fact-checks” about how Georgia is totally different from Hawaii in 1960, but I suspect none of them knew there was exculpatory evidence being hidden that shows it was actually not different. Or if they did know, they didn’t care.)

One might think that, oh, maybe she and her team of assistants weren’t aware of that one particular document in the file of thousands and thousands of pages when she criminally indicted these people in a “fake electors” scheme.  Gosh, maybe it was just an oversight on her part, an honest mistake.  But if that were the case, Willis should already have dropped the charges and apologized profusely to these innocent people.

Since that hasn’t happened, we may safely conclude that “honest” has got nothin’ to do with it --- that Willis is deliberately trying to railroad some innocent people who were just trying to do their duty as specified in the Constitution.  She’ll hold onto that case like a dog with a bone, no matter how obvious it is that she’s abusing the system in a way that would make Stalin proud.

So, if she suppressed the evidence that exonerates them, shouldn’t she be in jail already?  YES.

Adams tried putting the “fog of war” standard on what we’re seeing, suggesting she might have had a legitimate reason for what she did.  We see a reason, all right, but it’s not legitimate.  And Adams gets a similar sense of what she did, saying that “based on what we’ve seen so far, it would look like she’s just a criminal.”

And that brings us full circle, to the original question; namely, at what point do you have a prosecutor arrested?  By coincidence, Sunday’s episode of LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN was dedicated to the question of whether this DA is accountable to anyone as she interferes with a federal election, charges federal officials and coordinates with DC.  First, here’s criminal defense attorney David Schoen…

But Schoen doesn’t specify how to deal with a DA who is out of control.  We’re looking into that ourselves, but in the meantime, Levin also spoke with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio about the fact that without Congress, there would be no district attorney’s office, or special counsel, or DOJ.  (Reminds me of the old Bill Cosby line, “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.”)  We have to stick together as a party, he said, to stop them.



RELATED POINT:  Scott Adams spoke about his earlier tweeting (X-ing?) on Saturday that “when Republicans are wrong, that’s the whole story, but when Democrats are wrong, most of the time it’s because their own team ran a sophisticated op to brainwash them.”  He said, “I’ve never met a Democrat who’s aware of that.  Have you?”

What a fabulous observation: “I’ve never met a Democrat who was aware that their own team runs serial hoaxes on THEM.”

“They don’t work as well on Republicans because Republicans know what’s happening,” he said.

“But the Democrats seem to be completely unaware that their team is running ops on them.”  This seems to be happening on only one side, “and the reason would be that only one side controls enough of the media that you can come up with an op that the media will support.”

Adams observed that the Democrat Party is running ops on their supporters “all the time --- it’s nonstop.”  It’s constant brainwashing that they don’t know is happening at all.

“It’s impressive in its own way,” he said lightly before moving on to another subject.  It strikes us that a more appropriate word would be “OP-pressive,” as it’s the antithesis of a free country with an independent media.  But it certainly does explain a lot, such as every hoax that has been perpetrated against Trump (that’s a long list!) and now Fani Willis’ shocking abuse of power against him and his supporters.

This episode of “Coffee With Scott Adams” is particularly good.  The observations discussed above comes in at about the 20-minute point.  Afterwards, Adams talks about the “tells” people use when they’re experiencing cognitive dissonance and desperately need a comeback to protect themselves.  (Cognitive dissonance is when someone’s comfortable bubble gets poked by some truth.)  As you might have seen, people are amazingly skilled at deflection and straw man arguments.  Just mention something --- anything --- good about Trump, pop the popcorn and watch the fun begin.  Here’s the entire podcast…

Bill O’Reilly, in a great column this Sunday called “The Sting,” elaborated on this irrational hatred that’s been created towards Trump.  First, he outlined Trump’s impressive resume for the first years of his presidency --- a strong economy, good border containment, no new wars, ISIS decimated, Xi and Putin relatively contained.

“But there is scant national reporting of it,” O’Reilly wrote.  “Instead, salacious charges of corruption involving Russia dominated headlines for two years” before and during Trump’s term.  The Russia Hoax.  “A Special Counsel is appointed to investigate.  His report says there is no corruption.  The national media do not celebrate.”

Consequently, millions of people will disagree with O’Reilly’s positive analysis and continue to “hate” Trump.  The only reason for this that O’Reilly would term as “valid” (and we would say its validity is debatable) is the “colossal Trump-driven fiasco after the 2020 election.”  But as O’Reilly readily acknowledged, the “get-Trump” movement started long before that; in fact, it started at the very beginning of his first run for President, with the liberal media marching in lock-step to protect Hillary.

O’Reilly was conveying in different words what Scott Adams said about the psy-ops being run by Democrats on Democrats:  that the “news agencies are openly currently supporting President Biden by hiding his deficiencies and alleged corruption.  The leftist media is also cheerleading the legal cases against Trump without a shred of balance or skepticism.”

“Honest, balanced reporting and news analysis are on the endangered species list,” O’Reilly wrote.  “The scorpions who control most media companies are more driven than ever to impose progressive policies and get pliable people like Biden and Kamala elected.”

The result:  in O’Reilly’s words, “a lot of power and money is being used to prop up incompetence and corruption.”  We see it now all around us, every day.  Can the media really dress up this pig enough to sell it once again?  It’s hard to imagine they can after witnessing Biden’s horrifying, near-incoherent struggle on his Vietnam trip…

...and growing evidence of his financial corruption and dishonesty, but we shall see.

Remembering 911

September 11, 2023

Today is the 22nd anniversary of the September 11th, 2001, attacks, the deadliest attacks on America in history. Those of us who were alive then will never forget that morning, when we woke up and felt we must still be asleep and having a nightmare. 

First, a passenger jet slammed into the World Trade Center, and there was some thought it might be a horrific aviation disaster. But when it happened again, there was no denying that America was under attack, and in a way that we had never seen before: by an enemy so ruthless and fanatical that they would destroy a skyscraper filled with innocent people, using a plane filled with innocent people as a weapon, and who were such zealots that they would sacrifice their own lives just to kill as many people as possible.

Those of us who were there will never forget the grief, horror and confusion. For months afterward, we felt a tinge of alarm whenever a plane flew overhead at a low altitude.

America learned a very hard lesson that day about the hollowness of the comforting delusion that all cultures were basically like us and held the same peaceful, tolerant values. We also learned hard lessons from some of the wrongheaded reactions to the attack, like the willingness to trade our freedom for a (false) sense of security. To this day, airline travel is still an intrusive, time-wasting ordeal, and has all that TSA groping and probing and throwing away of our shampoo ever stopped a single attempted terrorist hijacking?

Yet we also seem to have forgotten most of the lessons we learned from 9/11 and its aftermath. When COVID struck, many people were more than willing to hand over even more of their Constitutionally-protected freedoms to the government in exchange for false promises of safety.

In the aftermath of 9/11, we put aside our differences and united around our common heritage, humanity and values as Americans. For instance, people in Texas stood in long lines to donate blood to help victims in New York City. There was none of today’s red/blue animosity and division, some of which is organic due to differing beliefs, but much of which is ginned up by politicians, activists and media figures whose own power increases when they can divide us and pit us against each other.  This is why Darryl Worley wrote a new version of his 9/11 anthem, “Have You Forgotten?” It’s called “Have We Forgotten?”

Another forgotten lesson: even though it took just 19 hijackers to carry out 9/11 and kill nearly 3,000 people, our President has thrown open our border, allowing millions of unvetted people to come streaming in from all over the world, including many whom we know are on terror watch lists. That same President recently handed Afghanistan back to the same terrorists who gave sanctuary to the plotters of 9/11, and left them a huge trove of our military equipment in the bargain. And word is that his Administration is cutting a deal with the 9/11 architects to save them from the death penalty.

As hard as it is for those of us who lived through 9/11 to fathom how any Americans could tolerate this, we must remember that 9/11 was 22 years ago. That means there’s now an entire generation of young adults who have no personal memories of 9/11. They grew up in a virtual police state that focuses more on infringing on the rights of citizens than fighting terrorists, with schools teaching that America is the source of all evil, and with social media telling them that treasured Western values like privacy rights, free speech and personal freedom are obsolete.

That’s why, as hard as it may be to relive that darkest day in US history, it’s important to teach your children what happened and why, because it will be up to them to make sure it never happens again, and those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I urge you, if your children are old enough to understand it without being traumatized, that you take them to a 9/11 commemoration or watch one on TV with them. Or visit the 9/11 Memorial in New York, or the new 9/11 Remembered Traveling Memorial. On this weekend’s “Huckabee,” I interviewed its founder, Erick Robertson. You can watch that here, and find a link to the traveling memorial site where you can invite it to visit your town.

On this 9/11 anniversary, let’s remember that time when all Americans put aside our differences and came together to save America. Let’s mourn the dead, remember the heroes and reflect on what we all have in common and what makes America the greatest nation on Earth, the one that is still under relentless attack by the enemies of freedom but is strong, resolute and resilient enough to withstand any blow, come back and win.

Huckabee Post: Remembering 911

September 11, 2023



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, [and] easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

James, 3:17


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Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 389 to go.

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Mike Huckabee

Remembering 911

Today is the 22nd anniversary of the September 11th, 2001, attacks, the deadliest attacks on America in history. Those of us who were alive then will never forget that morning, when we woke up and felt we must still be asleep and having a nightmare. 

First, a passenger jet slammed into the World Trade Center, and there was some thought it might be a horrific aviation disaster. But when it happened again, there was no denying that America was under attack, and in a way that we had never seen before: by an enemy so ruthless and fanatical that they would destroy a skyscraper filled with innocent people, using a plane filled with innocent people as a weapon, and who were such zealots that they would sacrifice their own lives just to kill as many people as possible.

Those of us who were there will never forget the grief, horror and confusion. For months afterward, we felt a tinge of alarm whenever a plane flew overhead at a low altitude.

America learned a very hard lesson that day about the hollowness of the comforting delusion that all cultures were basically like us and held the same peaceful, tolerant values. We also learned hard lessons from some of the wrongheaded reactions to the attack, like the willingness to trade our freedom for a (false) sense of security. To this day, airline travel is still an intrusive, time-wasting ordeal, and has all that TSA groping and probing and throwing away of our shampoo ever stopped a single attempted terrorist hijacking?

Yet we also seem to have forgotten most of the lessons we learned from 9/11 and its aftermath. When COVID struck, many people were more than willing to hand over even more of their Constitutionally-protected freedoms to the government in exchange for false promises of safety.

In the aftermath of 9/11, we put aside our differences and united around our common heritage, humanity and values as Americans. For instance, people in Texas stood in long lines to donate blood to help victims in New York City. There was none of today’s red/blue animosity and division, some of which is organic due to differing beliefs, but much of which is ginned up by politicians, activists and media figures whose own power increases when they can divide us and pit us against each other.  This is why Darryl Worley wrote a new version of his 9/11 anthem, “Have You Forgotten?” It’s called “Have We Forgotten?”

Another forgotten lesson: even though it took just 19 hijackers to carry out 9/11 and kill nearly 3,000 people, our President has thrown open our border, allowing millions of unvetted people to come streaming in from all over the world, including many whom we know are on terror watch lists. That same President recently handed Afghanistan back to the same terrorists who gave sanctuary to the plotters of 9/11, and left them a huge trove of our military equipment in the bargain. And word is that his Administration is cutting a deal with the 9/11 architects to save them from the death penalty.

As hard as it is for those of us who lived through 9/11 to fathom how any Americans could tolerate this, we must remember that 9/11 was 22 years ago. That means there’s now an entire generation of young adults who have no personal memories of 9/11. They grew up in a virtual police state that focuses more on infringing on the rights of citizens than fighting terrorists, with schools teaching that America is the source of all evil, and with social media telling them that treasured Western values like privacy rights, free speech and personal freedom are obsolete.

That’s why, as hard as it may be to relive that darkest day in US history, it’s important to teach your children what happened and why, because it will be up to them to make sure it never happens again, and those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I urge you, if your children are old enough to understand it without being traumatized, that you take them to a 9/11 commemoration or watch one on TV with them. Or visit the 9/11 Memorial in New York, or the new 9/11 Remembered Traveling Memorial. On this weekend’s “Huckabee,” I interviewed its founder, Erick Robertson. You can watch that here, and find a link to the traveling memorial site where you can invite it to visit your town.

On this 9/11 anniversary, let’s remember that time when all Americans put aside our differences and came together to save America. Let’s mourn the dead, remember the heroes and reflect on what we all have in common and what makes America the greatest nation on Earth, the one that is still under relentless attack by the enemies of freedom but is strong, resolute and resilient enough to withstand any blow, come back and win.


By Ken Allard

Because they recall a time of great national unity, Monday’s commemorations of the 911 attacks may seem remote even for Americans who vividly recall those horrific tableaus. The 20-somethings now assuming adult responsibilities were first insulated from those grim realities by youth, then further sequestered by an educational establishment that considers American militarism, materialism and white privilege the only true evils worth opposing.

As a retired Army officer with a highly improbable second career as an on-air military analyst with NBC News, I was directly involved in the immediate reporting and aftermath of 911. After I rushed headlong into our northwest Washington studios, bureau chief Tim Russert briefly sat me down to stress repeatedly that our reporting needed to be limited to hard facts, however grim they might be. “Colonel, most of our audience has never seen a war, much less one hitting their own neighborhoods. So let’s try to help them get through this.”

That was good advice but, in the days and weeks that followed, my most serious error came when I relied on my own experience instead of reporting Tim Russert’s cold, hard facts. Quickly glossing over the last half-century, I confidently assured the national audience that attacking our homeland and producing over three thousand deaths would surely result in our first formal declaration of war since Pearl Harbor. It didn’t happen of course, a point on which the extensive memoirs of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice conclusively agree.

In fact, the most remarkable thing about such a fundamental point of national strategy was that the high-level councils of Bush ’43 never seem to have considered how they might mobilize the American people for what quickly became the War on Terror. Instead, ordinary citizens were asked to pray for peace while being dispatched to the shopping malls, favored vacation hideaways, university paper mills and, most tellingly, the airports (where newly-recruited TSA agents harassed ever-growing lines of long-suffering passengers.)

But rather than sending our precious offspring into combat, the wars of 911 would be fought principally by Other People’s Kids, i.e., the volunteer Army and the Reserves. Sadly, the tyranny of the numbers often meant deploying our grunts to those hellholes on multiple combat tours. Perhaps overcome by his own eloquence while promising retaliation at Ground Zero, the younger President Bush seemed to ignore one of the principal lessons of Vietnam and most strategy primers: that you don’t send in the troops before the Nation is firmly committed to war. But two of his principal advisors, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, had helped to create the all-volunteer force back during the Ford administration. Surely our superbly trained and equipped professional military could now meet the challenges of 911? Even if those wars endured for over 20 years while the children of the elites stayed home?

However, it wasn’t supposed to be that way. I witnessed that now forgotten bit of history while working directly for the Army senior leadership as the Berlin Wall fell and we trussed up the resulting “peace dividend” like a Thanksgiving turkey. We had won the Cold War with a standing Army of just over 780,000 active-duty soldiers; it would now be reduced to under 500,000 while the Reserves stood by as a cadre force and hedge against future wars. But since history had stopped, only peace was expected. Pointedly ignored was an ancient Roman axiom, “Si vis pacem, para Bellum,” (“If you would have peace, then prepare for war.”)

What no one noticed back then was that the legislation which in 1972 created the All-Volunteer Force was effectively coupled in 1973 with the momentous change in national policy that became infamous as Roe versus Wade. In just over 12 months: military service had been downgraded from the long-standing obligation of citizenship to just another career choice. Similarly, the Holocaust of the Unborn guaranteed that our future manpower requirements would inevitably be dwarfed and overrun by our most likely adversaries.

No wonder that our all-volunteer force has fallen on hard times, due to the scarcity of qualified volunteers capable of meeting recruiting standards already in permanent and precipitous decline. Today, fewer than half of one percent of Americans ever deign to wear their country’s uniform and who can blame them? We have effectively created a sealed and segregated military establishment that marches to the dubious rhythms of political correctness and the uncertain trumpets that systematically trash our most sacred values.

Colonel (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point professor, Dean of the National War College and NBC News on-air military analyst.

The “Freedom to Breathe” bill

Republican Sen. J.D. Vance proposed a bill banning the return of mask mandates. It’s called, appropriately enough, the “Freedom to Breathe” bill. But the Democrats blocked it, with uber-liberal Sen. Ed Markey hilariously arguing that it would infringe on the right of states and cities to decide what’s best for their local communities.

As that linked story reminds us, Markey introduced his own mask bill in 2020, except it would have forced a mask mandate on every American, regardless of what their local governments thought was best. It seems that respect for local governments can be switched on and office, depending on the issue.

Personally, I think the most telling thing about this story is that the Democrats actually blocked a bill that would protect our freedom to breathe. Why am I not surprised?

A “public health emergency” in New Mexico

We’ve been hearing for some time from Democrats about proclaiming shootings to be a “health emergency” as an excuse to suspend the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, when most shootings are actually the results of Democratic policies and are very seldom committed by legal, permitted gun owners. Well, now we have the first attempt at this novel work-around of the Constitution.

New Mexico’s Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declared shootings in Albuquerque to be a “public health emergency” and suspended the open and permitted carrying of concealed firearms there for 30 days.

Grisham said she expects there will be legal challenges, and I think that’s a no-brainer. The head of a state gun control group praised the order, saying, “If it saves one life, then it’s worth doing." And what if it costs lives by letting criminals know they’re the only ones who will be armed?

If you look at the shootings cited as justification, they include such incidents as four teenagers in two stolen cars who opened fire on a mobile home, and a 14-year-old boy who shot a 13-year-old girl with his father’s gun. How would those shootings have been prevented by taking away the right to self-defense from law-abiding, permitted, adult gun owners? If you think this is the solution to stopping shootings by young people who are being raised with no respect for the law or the sanctity of life, then I think you might have a mental health emergency.

Hurricane Lee

Another hurricane has formed in the Atlantic, and Hurricane Lee has intensified into a monster. It’s still hundreds of miles out at sea, and it’s impossible to predict yet where, when or if it will impact the US, but if you live on the east coast, keep a close watch on the weather news this week.

Not really news, but nice to read

This is being presented as news, but I’ve been hearing it for so long, it’s more like news only to people who get their news from “mainstream” news sources. But it’s nice to see it finally being confirmed out loud: a California scientist admitted that he left out the full truth from an article on climate change, blaming it primarily on human causes, because that was the only way to get published in a prestigious journal like Science or Nature.

He said he distorted the findings of his studies, focusing narrowly on the human influences on wildfires instead of other “obviously relevant factors” because “the editors of these journals have made it abundantly clear, both by what they publish and what they reject, that they want climate papers that support certain pre-approved narratives—even when those narratives come at the expense of broader knowledge for society."

I’ve long said that anyone who tells you “there’s now a consensus” or “the science is settled” is actually telling you, “I don’t know what science is.” The surest way to stop the growth of knowledge on any subject is to censor people who challenge the prevailing dogma or present different views and contrary evidence. That process of challenging and testing IS science. If you don’t allow it, then you shouldn’t call your publication “Science.”

As for the idea that if a majority of scientists agree on something, that means it’s correct and can’t be challenged, then I’d point out that at various times in history, the majority of scientists agreed on all sorts of ridiculous things, like the Sun revolving around the Earth or dark skin meaning you’re not fully human. It’s a good thing we didn’t declare that the “science is settled” then. But somehow, we now know precisely where to draw the line and say, “Okay, we know everything on this topic! No more conflicting evidence!”

A Taste of Texas’ plight

This week, parents, students and teachers in New York City schools got a taste of what their counterparts in states like Texas have to deal with after Biden opened up our border, and they’re calling it a “nightmare.”

All I can say is, “Hey, you elected Joe ‘Open Borders’ Biden, and all those New York City liberals who declared the Big Apple a ‘sanctuary city.’” The painful results should be no more of a surprise than if you dropped an anvil on your foot. 

The Who even warned us about this in their rock opera “Tommy,” way back in 1969. The false prophet urged everyone in the world to “come into this house, be one of us.” So they did, until there were “more at the more, there’s more at the door, there’s more…” until they were overwhelmed. And it all ended with his furious followers overthrowing him as they sang a song called “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

Let’s hope that happens to New York voters so they “Won’t Get Fooled Again.”


Least Surprising News Of The Day!

In a survey by the real estate site Home Bay, users ranked Washington, DC, as the least desirable place to live in America. Yet somehow, the people who live in it think they should be dictating the way you run your city.

New York City was ranked as the most overrated city, which I can see, certainly in recent years. But I have to question the wisdom of the respondents for ranking Seattle as both the most desirable and most underrated city. Do they just mean “compared to Portland?”

Gmail Spellcheck Convicts Trump

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

While proofreading a story yesterday in Gmail, I made a startling discovery. The email program’s spellcheck underlined the word “indicted” in this sentence:

"It was also reported that the same Georgia grand jury that indicted Trump and 18 other people..." 

I knew the spelling was correct, so I clicked on “indicted” to see what alternative Gmail suggested. It suggested changing it to “convicted.”

Well, that’s an entirely different thing, and grand juries don’t convict people, so it made no sense. As an experiment, I deleted the name “Trump” and replaced it with my last name. What do you know? The spell check underline on “indicted” disappeared and no alternative was suggested!

I tried this on two computers and three browsers (Chrome, Opera and Firefox) and it worked on every one. Try it yourself and see if it works on yours. I'm curious to know.

I wonder if the Gmail algorithm has just been taught to assume that Trump is already convicted, or if the well-connected Silicon Valley Democrat donors behind Google know something about these trials that the rest of us don’t?

Last Week’s Monologue

My monologue on my TBN show “Huckabee” last week got a LOT of attention from the loony left who missed the obvious point of my message, which is not surprising.  For people who often have Ivy League degrees, they aren’t that smart, and they typically see things from their myopic lens of elitist snobbery.  In this case, they totally failed to comprehend that under the Biden regime, America is becoming a police state where the “powers” of “justice” are used to destroy dissent and to influence and possibly steal elections.

Here is the monologue in full so you can hear it for yourself.  (Trigger warning!  Some from the left screamed that I was using “threatening language!”  I have to wonder if those saying such gibberish actually watched it or just took someone’s mischaracterization and served their whine without the cheese?

The obvious point is that if the current government continues to abuse power by arresting and criminalizing those who disagree or oppose the banana republic dictator-like tactics of Biden’s police state, that same government will only grow worse in its abuse of power until it won’t even pretend to have honest elections and will just perpetuate power at gunpoint.  It’s how dictatorships operate. 

If a sitting President can defeat or worse prevent his opponent from running by corrupt police powers, then those who refuse to bow their knee to the Baal of big government and tyranny will be disenfranchised from voting and told what to do from the barrel of a gun.  It’s already happening.  A pro-life Dad in Nashville taken at gunpoint and handcuffed in front of his children by gun-toting SWAT team because he protested at an abortion clinic.  A man in NW Arkansas was arrested at gunpoint at his home 2 ½ years AFTER he merely attended the January 6 Capitol protest and even had his personal Liberty safe opened by the FBI with cooperation with Liberty Safe company despite the fact that he did not break into any offices, assault anyone, or vandalize anything.  White House Economic Advisor Peter Navarro was arrested at gunpoint and put in handcuffs and leg shackles as he was boarding an airplane to travel to Nashville to be a guest on my TV show.  He just this week was “convicted” of “contempt of Congress” and threated with prison time.  (Remember when then Attorney General Eric “Wingman for Obama” Holder was charged with contempt of Congress?  NOTHING happened to him.  NOTHING.) 

Fortunately, not every journalist is brain-dead and saw my message accurately, like Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire:

Don’t be naïve.  Half of America is under assault for believing that we should have secure borders, safe cities and streets, protection of innocent human life, penalties for violent criminals, laws that treat Hunter and Hillary the same as any other criminals, and that we SHOULD put America first.  If you believe there are only 2 genders and that parents and not governments should have authority over your child, you are a threat to this regime.  If you believe we should worship the Creator instead of the Created by bowing to the “climate czars” like John Kerry and Al Gore, you have a target on your back. 

I stand by every word I said.  And I really do fear for the future of my beloved America.

9/11 Stories Worth Reading…

Here’s the video of this morning’s 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York City…

Breitbart News compiled a visual history of 9/11 images. Warning: these include disturbing photos and videos that will bring back very painful memories.


Navy SEAL and best-selling author Jack Carr reflects on all the people who didn’t see 9/11 coming and who’ve spent the past 20 years “failing upward” into positions of power and influence where they also failed to plan for the withdrawal from Afghanistan.



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September 10, 2023

Because they recall a time of great national unity, Monday’s commemorations of the 911 attacks may seem remote even for Americans who vividly recall those horrific tableaus. The 20-somethings now assuming adult responsibilities were first insulated from those grim realities by youth, then further sequestered by an educational establishment that considers American militarism, materialism and white privilege the only true evils worth opposing.

As a retired Army officer with a highly improbable second career as an on-air military analyst with NBC News, I was directly involved in the immediate reporting and aftermath of 911. After I rushed headlong into our northwest Washington studios, bureau chief Tim Russert briefly sat me down to stress repeatedly that our reporting needed to be limited to hard facts, however grim they might be. “Colonel, most of our audience has never seen a war, much less one hitting their own neighborhoods. So let’s try to help them get through this.”

That was good advice but, in the days and weeks that followed, my most serious error came when I relied on my own experience instead of reporting Tim Russert’s cold, hard facts. Quickly glossing over the last half-century, I confidently assured the national audience that attacking our homeland and producing over three thousand deaths would surely result in our first formal declaration of war since Pearl Harbor. It didn’t happen of course, a point on which the extensive memoirs of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice conclusively agree.

In fact, the most remarkable thing about such a fundamental point of national strategy was that the high-level councils of Bush ’43 never seem to have considered how they might mobilize the American people for what quickly became the War on Terror. Instead, ordinary citizens were asked to pray for peace while being dispatched to the shopping malls, favored vacation hideaways, university paper mills and, most tellingly, the airports (where newly-recruited TSA agents harassed ever-growing lines of long-suffering passengers.)

But rather than sending our precious offspring into combat, the wars of 911 would be fought principally by Other People’s Kids, i.e., the volunteer Army and the Reserves. Sadly, the tyranny of the numbers often meant deploying our grunts to those hellholes on multiple combat tours. Perhaps overcome by his own eloquence while promising retaliation at Ground Zero, the younger President Bush seemed to ignore one of the principal lessons of Vietnam and most strategy primers: that you don’t send in the troops before the Nation is firmly committed to war. But two of his principal advisors, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, had helped to create the all-volunteer force back during the Ford administration. Surely our superbly trained and equipped professional military could now meet the challenges of 911? Even if those wars endured for over 20 years while the children of the elites stayed home?

However, it wasn’t supposed to be that way. I witnessed that now forgotten bit of history while working directly for the Army senior leadership as the Berlin Wall fell and we trussed up the resulting “peace dividend” like a Thanksgiving turkey. We had won the Cold War with a standing Army of just over 780,000 active-duty soldiers; it would now be reduced to under 500,000 while the Reserves stood by as a cadre force and hedge against future wars. But since history had stopped, only peace was expected. Pointedly ignored was an ancient Roman axiom, “Si vis pacem, para Bellum,” (“If you would have peace, then prepare for war.”)

What no one noticed back then was that the legislation which in 1972 created the All-Volunteer Force was effectively coupled in 1973 with the momentous change in national policy that became infamous as Roe versus Wade. In just over 12 months: military service had been downgraded from the long-standing obligation of citizenship to just another career choice. Similarly, the Holocaust of the Unborn guaranteed that our future manpower requirements would inevitably be dwarfed and overrun by our most likely adversaries.

No wonder that our all-volunteer force has fallen on hard times, due to the scarcity of qualified volunteers capable of meeting recruiting standards already in permanent and precipitous decline. Today, fewer than half of one percent of Americans ever deign to wear their country’s uniform and who can blame them? We have effectively created a sealed and segregated military establishment that marches to the dubious rhythms of political correctness and the uncertain trumpets that systematically trash our most sacred values.

Colonel (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point professor, Dean of the National War College and NBC News on-air military analyst.


My Last Show Monologue

September 10, 2023

My monologue on my TBN show “Huckabee” last week got a LOT of attention from the loony left who missed the obvious point of my message, which is not surprising.  For people who often have Ivy League degrees, they aren’t that smart, and they typically see things from their myopic lens of elitist snobbery.  In this case, they totally failed to comprehend that under the Biden regime, America is becoming a police state where the “powers” of “justice” are used to destroy dissent and to influence and possibly steal elections.

Here is the monologue in full so you can hear it for yourself.  (Trigger warning!  Some from the left screamed that I was using “threatening language!”  I have to wonder if those saying such gibberish actually watched it or just took someone’s mischaracterization and served their whine without the cheese?

The obvious point is that if the current government continues to abuse power by arresting and criminalizing those who disagree or oppose the banana republic dictator-like tactics of Biden’s police state, that same government will only grow worse in its abuse of power until it won’t even pretend to have honest elections and will just perpetuate power at gunpoint.  It’s how dictatorships operate. 

If a sitting President can defeat or worse prevent his opponent from running by corrupt police powers, then those who refuse to bow their knee to the Baal of big government and tyranny will be disenfranchised from voting and told what to do from the barrel of a gun.  It’s already happening.  A pro-life Dad in Nashville taken at gunpoint and handcuffed in front of his children by gun-toting SWAT team because he protested at an abortion clinic.  A man in NW Arkansas was arrested at gunpoint at his home 2 ½ years AFTER he merely attended the January 6 Capitol protest and even had his personal Liberty safe opened by the FBI with cooperation with Liberty Safe company despite the fact that he did not break into any offices, assault anyone, or vandalize anything.  White House Economic Advisor Peter Navarro was arrested at gunpoint and put in handcuffs and leg shackles as he was boarding an airplane to travel to Nashville to be a guest on my TV show.  He just this week was “convicted” of “contempt of Congress” and threated with prison time.  (Remember when then Attorney General Eric “Wingman for Obama” Holder was charged with contempt of Congress?  NOTHING happened to him.  NOTHING.) 

Watch my monologue:

Fortunately, not every journalist is brain-dead and saw my message accurately, like Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire:

Don’t be naïve.  Half of America is under assault for believing that we should have secure borders, safe cities and streets, protection of innocent human life, penalties for violent criminals, laws that treat Hunter and Hillary the same as any other criminals, and that we SHOULD put America first.  If you believe there are only 2 genders and that parents and not governments should have authority over your child, you are a threat to this regime.  If you believe we should worship the Creator instead of the Created by bowing to the “climate czars” like John Kerry and Al Gore, you have a target on your back. 

I stand by every word I said.  And I really do fear for the future of my beloved America.

For the past few days, legal analyst Margot Cleveland has been focusing like a laser beam on breaking news in the Hunter Biden case and Biden family financial scandal.

On Tuesday, she had an exclusive story about emails showing the FBI leaked a fake story to THE NEW YORK TIMES, as one step in a plan to spoon-feed them to Delaware U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss.  Gosh, it’s just like old times, when corrupt Crossfire Hurricane agents leaked stories to the media about Trump and Russia.  Recall how, in a strategy called “circular reporting,” those stories in the media were used by the FBI as confirmation of their suspicions.  Here it is again.

In December 2020, they leaked to the NYT that Rudy Giuliani was the source of claims of corruption against the Bidens (as if that alone were enough to discredit such evidence).  The NYT story portrayed then-U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania Scott Brady, whom then-Attorney General Bill Barr had tasked with screening all new material relating to Ukraine, as a partisan hack out to get the Bidens, and falsely said Brady had pushed the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office to investigate them based on material provided by Giulani.

But the FBI had to know Giuliani was not the source, because the bribery allegations had come from their own very credible “confidential human source” (CHS), whose allegations about Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky saying he’d paid $10 million to two Bidens were immortalized in a now-public “1023.”  The FBI had leaked the story that Giuliani was behind the bribery claim right after news broke that Hunter was being investigated by the IRS.

It took Sen. Chuck Grassley releasing the unredacted parts of that “1023” this year to confirm that the Biden bribery story had come from a credible FBI source --- NOT Rudy Giuliani.

Doesn’t the NY TIMES ever get tired of reporting lies and furthering the cause of liars?  They seem to take great pride in that work, having won awards for it.  The reporters who won a Pulitzer for their false  reporting on Trump/Russia “collusion” probably take turns polishing and displaying it.

It wasn’t until this year that we learned, through IRS whistleblower testimony and statements from former Attorney General Bill Barr, that Giuliani had NOT been the source.  And we know even more now through a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.  The never-before-seen emails this lawsuit turned up were shared exclusively with THE FEDERALIST.  And one particular email thread shows how the fake Giuliani story was passed to David Weiss.

An email dated December 11, 2020, and sent from the FBI Office of Public Affairs’ National Press Office to the FBI’s Baltimore Office forwarded the NYT article, which, as Cleveland reports, “spun evidence obtained by the Pittsburgh office as originating from Giuliani disinformation.”  The FBI in Baltimore were providing support to the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office investigating Hunter.  Sure enough, the email thread shows that within two hours, the link to the fake NYT story had been forwarded to a number of Baltimore agents, and from there to Weiss’ top agents, including Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf.  (Wolf has been implicated in what we have no problem calling obstruction in the Hunter case.)  The story was sent on to Weiss, and from Weiss to another member of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office, name redacted.  Virtually everyone connected to the Hunter investigation ate up the fake Giuliani story with a spoon.

Cleveland suspects that some in the U.S. attorney’s office, such as Wolf, were well aware of the existence of the “1023” and the information in it but that the boss, Weiss, likely was in the dark.  Some in the Pennsylvania U.S. attorney’s office were apparently also kept ignorant of Hunter’s laptop by the Delaware office.

We don’t know whether Weiss knew these details or not, but the emails confirm he and other top officials were fed the fake NYT story about Giuliani being the source for the Hunter bribery allegations.  So, tracing it back, who at the FBI fed the fake story to willing scribes at the NYT?

Here’s another good write-up on her column…

In her piece the next day, Cleveland digs deeper, expanding on the idea that a few select DOJ and FBI agents buried the “1023” alleging Biden bribery.  When IRS lead investigator-turned-whistleblower Gary Shapley testified before the House Ways and Means Committee, he didn’t mention any “1023,” but in a later supplemental affidavit, he said that no one had provided it to him --- not the line IRS agents under his supervision, nor the FBI agents working with the IRS.  He also said that he and his team had requested that the team be included in the briefing (which would have included the “1023’) from the Pittsburgh office but were denied.  Weiss wasn’t present at that briefing, either.  Wolf apparently WAS there, and Cleveland strongly suggests she was trying to bury the Biden evidence.

In an update specifically on Hunter’s IRS case --- the gun and tax charges --- Cleveland suggests that Special Counsel Weiss is going to be just as soft on Hunter as U.S. Attorney Weiss was going to be.

Recall that Hunter’s hyper-aggressive legal team, led by Democrat powerhouse Abbe Lowell, was claiming the “sweetheart” deal (our word, not theirs) they’d tried to sneak past the judge in a pretrial diversion agreement had been agreed to and thus was in force, whether the judge liked it or not.  They continue to maintain this, in response to Judge Maryellen Norieka’s order last week for both parties to provide her with an update.

The government says the agreement was never executed.  (As Lucy of PEANUTS once said, “Peculiar thing about this signed document.  It was never notarized.”)  The defense says it was.  So the impasse remains; Cleveland has the details.

But I could save you some time and sum up this case as an inexcusable mess --- inexcusable because it’s taken five years to “investigate” and “prosecute (maybe)” Hunter on these few tax and gun charges (never mind bribery and money laundering), in what for you or me would be an open-and-shut case.

As Cleveland explains, there’s no case law on this, “as the federal government has never entered into an agreement remotely resembling the deal offered to Hunter Biden.”  Judge Noreika will be deciding this case as “an issue of first impression.”  But the next step is for Special Counsel Weiss to obtain a grand jury indictment on the gun charge.  Weiss seems to be taking his sweet time, which suggests to Cleveland that Hunter is still getting the kid-glove treatment from him.

But whatever happens, or does not happen, to Hunter, we can agree that the most important part of this case is determining the involvement of then-Vice President Biden in his family’s financial exploits.  To that end, the House Oversight Committee posted evidence on Wednesday that in 2015, then-VP Biden worked with Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin on White House talking points related to the Burisma corruption scandal before personally signing off on them.  It looks as though Schwerin conveyed to the White House the exact quotes they wanted put into these.  Just a little service Burisma appears to have received for putting the Vice President’s son on its board.  Smart investment!

Chairman James Comer of Kentucky is “calling on the National Archives to provide complete and unredacted documents related to the Office of the Vice President colluding with the Biden family…”  REDSTATE has details on specifically what he’s asking for.

Finally, let’s contrast Margot Cleveland’s lawyerly approach to the Biden scandal with the more emotional take in Victor Davis Hanson’s new piece for TOWNHALL.  With a variety of alleged felonies ranging from bribery to tax evasion, the frustrated Hanson says, the fact that Hunter hasn’t yet been prosecuted for anything is “scandalous.”  And he thinks Hunter, after years of trying to win love and respect from his family, is continuing his reckless behavior to send them a message:  that he will not be their fall guy.

“Biden is an embittered, angry son,” Hanson observes.  “As the Biden bagman for foreign shakedown cash, he did the dirty work and most risked the legal exposure that made all the Bidens rich.”  Hanson does not believe Hunter intends to go to prison “while the other exempt Bidens continue to enjoy their ill-gotten riches due to Hunter’s imaginative cons.”  He suspects this is the real reason why they moved Hunter into the White House and continue to keep him close.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Mark, 11:25


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Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 500 to go.

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Mike Huckabee

Outrageous verdict

In one of the most outrageous verdicts yet related to January 6th (and that’s really saying something), former Trump advisor Dr. Peter Navarro was found guilty of two criminal counts for refusing to comply with a subpoena to testify in front of Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Kangaroo Kommittee.  Navarro, who was arrested at the airport as he was about to fly to Nashville to be on my TV show, was put in leg irons to humiliate him in public, and thrown into jail. And now he’s facing potential heavy fines and 30 days to a year in jail on each charge.

Navarro eventually did make it to my show and explained what this was all about. You can see that interview here:

Bear in mind that Navarro refused to testify because President Trump told him to cite executive privilege. Also remember that this was an illegitimate committee, formed in violation of the requirements of its creation. It blocked questioning of witnesses by Republicans, allowed the airing of false evidence, and destroyed many hours of closed-door testimony. If anyone should be facing jail for actions involving that Kommittee, it’s the members themselves.

Navarro called the verdict “nuts,” but said he knew what it would be going in, and that he was another victim of the “weaponized Biden Justice Department.” One of his attorneys said, “This case is not over by a long shot.” They immediately moved for a mistrial, and failing that, will appeal. I with them the very best of luck.

If you think I’m just being a partisan Republican in calling this selective prosecution, then congratulations on being too young to remember Barack Obama’s Attorney General and “wing man,” Eric Holder, who cited executive privilege in refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents in the “Fast & Furious scandal” to Congress. He was charged with contempt of Congress, too. And what happened to him? Obama’s DOJ dismissed the threat to jail Holder as a “stunt,” and Judge Amy Berman Jackson (who later presided over trials of Trump associates Paul Manafort and Roger Stone) ruled the contempt motion against Holder to be “entirely unnecessary.”

In short, Holder really did show complete contempt for Congressional subpoenas, and skated away, thumbing his nose at Congress. Still want to lecture me about equal justice under the law?

Illegal immigration problems

I’ve written before about how the busing of a relative handful of the massive illegal immigrant invasion from red border states to blue “sanctuary” cities was dismissed as a joke, then denounced as “inhumane,” before finally being acknowledged as the most effective thing anyone has done so far to force leftists to face the dire consequences of their idiotic policies. Their hippy-dippy posturing about welcoming all, and how there “are no illegal human beings,” melted like an ice cream cone in the Texas heat once all those buses full of people started arriving to take them up on their insincere invitation.

Now, even the leaders of blue states and cities are screaming for federal aid and demanding to know what Biden is doing to stop the border invasion he caused (hint: not a darned thing – No border IS his border policy.) New York City Mayor Eric Adams just made headlines by warning that the 10,000 “migrants” a month that are arriving are going to “destroy New York City.” I’m sure Texas is thinking, “Try dealing with 100,000 a month and then we’ll talk.”

Adams also warned that with all these people arriving from all over the world, “the city we knew, we’re about to lose.” This inspired a MUST-READ Twitter thread by Breitbart News writer John Hayward that absolutely eviscerates the hollow virtue-signaling of Democrat politicians and points out how any Republican who said what Adams did would have been branded a racist and xenophobe by the Democrats.  

(Remember when they called Trump a xenophobe just for trying to keep terrorists from coming here from the Middle East or COVID carriers from coming in from China? Now, Biden wears a mask sporadically even as he allows everyone with who-knows-what diseases to come streaming across our border.)   

The Babylon Bee also has a perfect satirical commentary on Adams’ sudden awakening to reality:

The Border Patrol also doesn't approve of how Biden is forcing them not to do their job.

With blue states finally starting to suffer some of the consequences of their open border policies that they thought would be inflicted solely only on those bumpkin border states, and finding that it’s not so much fun, what is Biden’s solution? Not to restore Trump-era border security, Heaven forbid! No, this White House is reportedly considering imposing a “Remain in Texas” policy. Not “Remain in Mexico” (horrors!), but letting all the illegal aliens into Texas, then banning them from leaving and inconveniencing any blue states.

As Dave Barry says, I am not making this up:

Nice try, but I don’t think Gov. Abbott or any other border state Governor will abide by that. Besides, once they’re here, according to Democrat dogma, we have to treat them as if they’re US citizens, and US citizens have a traditional right to travel unimpeded between the states. The Democrats wouldn’t want to do anything to imply that there’s a legal difference between being a US citizen and being an illegal alien, would they?...

Bill Richardson passes

I don’t want to let this week pass without making mention of the death of former UN Ambassador, Energy Secretary and Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. He passed away at home in Massachusetts in his sleep at 75.

After leaving government, he founded the Richardson Center for Global Engagement, which worked to free hostages and political prisoners from foreign nations and supported their families. That work earned him several Nobel Peace Prize nominations. We offer our sincere condolences and prayers for Barbara Richardson, his wife of over 50 years, and his family.

Stories worth reading

I haven’t covered many of the stories raising objections to the COVID vaccines because (A.) I’m not a doctor or medical researcher, and (B.) it’s kind of pointless because if I link to them, this newsletter gets blocked and demonetized by gatekeepers like Google, so nobody will even see it (another good reason to subscribe to our Substack version.)

But since this story involves a major celebrity, maybe it will make it past the self-appointed censors. To minimize risk, I won’t describe it, I’ll just link to it and suggest you read it yourself.

I also hope we won’t get flagged for sharing this completely accurate hard news report that a New York State Supreme Court Justice ruled in favor of 10 employees fired by the New York City Department of Education for refusing to take the COVID 19 vaccine.

He found that there was “no rational basis” for the department’s denial of their request for religious accommodation, which was “arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable,” and that “each classroom teacher amongst the Panel Petitioners is entitled to a religious exemption from the Vaccine Mandate."  He ordered them all reinstated to their jobs with back pay.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t help the thousands of other New York teachers and education workers who lost their jobs for refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate. But it does set a precedent for future legal action, which must really needle the vaccine zealots.

Old saying

We’ve all heard the old saying that a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. Well, in this story, that’s exactly what happened…literally.

Far-left Minnesota Democratic Party vice chairwoman Shivanthi Sathanandan was a proponent of defunding the police. We all know how that’s worked out, but she discovered it the hard way when four armed young male carjackers viciously assaulted her in front of her home and her children in broad daylight.

It resulted in severe injuries and a complete attitude adjustment. She issued a statement thanking the Minneapolis Police for coming to her rescue and demanding that the city “catch these young people who are running wild creating chaos across our city and HOLD THEM IN CUSTODY AND PROSECUTE THEM. PERIOD." Along with a photo of her bloody face, she added, "Look at my face. REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.” That's the sure sign of someone who's experienced the results of leftist policies: a furious social media post in ALL CAPS.

I am genuinely sorry that she had to suffer this and pray that her injuries heal fully and quickly. I also thank her for being so honest about her change of views, and I hope that it will inspire other people who have fallen for leftist delusions to see the light. And I hope other Democrats will just be mugged by reality without having to be mugged by thugs first.

UPDATE on the Georgia RICO case against Donald Trump:

He’s also now considering requesting a move to federal court, which would destroy DA Fani Willis’ dream of having a circus-like, four-month mass trial of 19 people on charges that are connected only in her fevered imagination.

Kudos to Gov. DeSantis

Kudos to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for refusing to tolerate a heckler who tried to push the slanderous leftist lie that he or all Republicans somehow bear responsibility for one racist nutjob going on a shooting rampage against black people.

It’s been said that advertising is the art of disconnecting the brain long enough to sell people something. For Democrats, “politics” has become the art of disconnecting the brains of their voters long enough to sell them the lie that Republicans are racists so that they’ll keep voting for politicians who are ruining their lives. The sycophant media may echo this garbage without question, but there’s no reason why Republicans have to keep quiet and let it be repeated as if it had any legitimacy.  

Besides, if the Republican Governor is personally responsible for every murder of a black Florida resident, then let’s start filing mass murder charges against all the Democrat office holders in Illinois for the virtual genocide of black residents of Chicago.



Byron York in the Washington Examiner contrasts the way the Biden “Justice” Department made excuses and begged for leniency for violent BLM and Antifa rioters, claiming that they were frustrated and “a riot is the language of the unheard”…and the way they treat January 6th rioters (as well as protesters and even bystanders who didn’t riot at all) by painting them as terrorists and demanding decades of jail time.

Does anyone even wonder anymore why polls show so many Americans see the DOJ and the FBI as “Biden’s personal Gestapo”?


A jarring poll to Democrats

I always urge people to put no stock in any polls taken a looooong time before an election. But this particular poll must be so jarring to the Democrats – especially since it comes from their “see no evil” cheerleaders at CNN – that it could have major repercussions now. The poll found President Biden losing to every major GOP challenger (including Trump by 47-46%), except Ron DeSantis (tied 47-47%) and Vivek Ramaswamy (Biden leads 46-45%, but that’s well within the 3.6-point margin of error.) Nikki Haley does best, beating Biden by 49-43%.

In addition, 58% of respondents have an unfavorable impression of Biden, only 45% think he cares about people like them, 33% describe him as someone they’re proud to have as President, 28% say he inspires confidence, and 26% think has the stamina and mental sharpness to serve effectively. 61% believe he did have some involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings. Even among Democrats, two-thirds want a different candidate than Biden.

So while it is very early and polls are bound to change drastically, I'm wondering if this one might scare Democrats into changing the name of the Democrat candidate that will be appearing on future polls.

FBI fed David Weiss a fake Giuliani story they leaked to NY TIMES

For the past few days, legal analyst Margot Cleveland has been focusing like a laser beam on breaking news in the Hunter Biden case and Biden family financial scandal.

On Tuesday, she had an exclusive story about emails showing the FBI leaked a fake story to THE NEW YORK TIMES, as one step in a plan to spoon-feed them to Delaware U.S. Attorney/Special Counsel David Weiss.  Gosh, it’s just like old times, when corrupt Crossfire Hurricane agents leaked stories to the media about Trump and Russia.  Recall how, in a strategy called “circular reporting,” those stories in the media were used by the FBI as confirmation of their suspicions.  Here it is again.

In December 2020, they leaked to the NYT that Rudy Giuliani was the source of claims of corruption against the Bidens (as if that alone were enough to discredit such evidence).  The NYT story portrayed then-U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania Scott Brady, whom then-Attorney General Bill Barr had tasked with screening all new material relating to Ukraine, as a partisan hack out to get the Bidens, and falsely said Brady had pushed the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office to investigate them based on material provided by Giulani.

But the FBI had to know Giuliani was not the source, because the bribery allegations had come from their own very credible “confidential human source” (CHS), whose allegations about Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky saying he’d paid $10 million to two Bidens were immortalized in a now-public “1023.”  The FBI had leaked the story that Giuliani was behind the bribery claim right after news broke that Hunter was being investigated by the IRS.

It took Sen. Chuck Grassley releasing the unredacted parts of that “1023” this year to confirm that the Biden bribery story had come from a credible FBI source --- NOT Rudy Giuliani.

Doesn’t the NY TIMES ever get tired of reporting lies and furthering the cause of liars?  They seem to take great pride in that work, having won awards for it.  The reporters who won a Pulitzer for their false  reporting on Trump/Russia “collusion” probably take turns polishing and displaying it.

It wasn’t until this year that we learned, through IRS whistleblower testimony and statements from former Attorney General Bill Barr, that Giuliani had NOT been the source.  And we know even more now through a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.  The never-before-seen emails this lawsuit turned up were shared exclusively with THE FEDERALIST.  And one particular email thread shows how the fake Giuliani story was passed to David Weiss.

An email dated December 11, 2020, and sent from the FBI Office of Public Affairs’ National Press Office to the FBI’s Baltimore Office forwarded the NYT article, which, as Cleveland reports, “spun evidence obtained by the Pittsburgh office as originating from Giuliani disinformation.”  The FBI in Baltimore were providing support to the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office investigating Hunter.  Sure enough, the email thread shows that within two hours, the link to the fake NYT story had been forwarded to a number of Baltimore agents, and from there to Weiss’ top agents, including Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf.  (Wolf has been implicated in what we have no problem calling obstruction in the Hunter case.)  The story was sent on to Weiss, and from Weiss to another member of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office, name redacted.  Virtually everyone connected to the Hunter investigation ate up the fake Giuliani story with a spoon.

Cleveland suspects that some in the U.S. attorney’s office, such as Wolf, were well aware of the existence of the “1023” and the information in it but that the boss, Weiss, likely was in the dark.  Some in the Pennsylvania U.S. attorney’s office were apparently also kept ignorant of Hunter’s laptop by the Delaware office.

We don’t know whether Weiss knew these details or not, but the emails confirm he and other top officials were fed the fake NYT story about Giuliani being the source for the Hunter bribery allegations.  So, tracing it back, who at the FBI fed the fake story to willing scribes at the NYT?

Here’s another good write-up on her column…

In her piece the next day, Cleveland digs deeper, expanding on the idea that a few select DOJ and FBI agents buried the “1023” alleging Biden bribery.  When IRS lead investigator-turned-whistleblower Gary Shapley testified before the House Ways and Means Committee, he didn’t mention any “1023,” but in a later supplemental affidavit, he said that no one had provided it to him --- not the line IRS agents under his supervision, nor the FBI agents working with the IRS.  He also said that he and his team had requested that the team be included in the briefing (which would have included the “1023’) from the Pittsburgh office but were denied.  Weiss wasn’t present at that briefing, either.  Wolf apparently WAS there, and Cleveland strongly suggests she was trying to bury the Biden evidence.

In an update specifically on Hunter’s IRS case --- the gun and tax charges --- Cleveland suggests that Special Counsel Weiss is going to be just as soft on Hunter as U.S. Attorney Weiss was going to be.

Recall that Hunter’s hyper-aggressive legal team, led by Democrat powerhouse Abbe Lowell, was claiming the “sweetheart” deal (our word, not theirs) they’d tried to sneak past the judge in a pretrial diversion agreement had been agreed to and thus was in force, whether the judge liked it or not.  They continue to maintain this, in response to Judge Maryellen Norieka’s order last week for both parties to provide her with an update.

The government says the agreement was never executed.  (As Lucy of PEANUTS once said, “Peculiar thing about this signed document.  It was never notarized.”)  The defense says it was.  So the impasse remains; Cleveland has the details.

But I could save you some time and sum up this case as an inexcusable mess --- inexcusable because it’s taken five years to “investigate” and “prosecute (maybe)” Hunter on these few tax and gun charges (never mind bribery and money laundering), in what for you or me would be an open-and-shut case.

As Cleveland explains, there’s no case law on this, “as the federal government has never entered into an agreement remotely resembling the deal offered to Hunter Biden.”  Judge Noreika will be deciding this case as “an issue of first impression.”  But the next step is for Special Counsel Weiss to obtain a grand jury indictment on the gun charge.  Weiss seems to be taking his sweet time, which suggests to Cleveland that Hunter is still getting the kid-glove treatment from him.

But whatever happens, or does not happen, to Hunter, we can agree that the most important part of this case is determining the involvement of then-Vice President Biden in his family’s financial exploits.  To that end, the House Oversight Committee posted evidence on Wednesday that in 2015, then-VP Biden worked with Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin on White House talking points related to the Burisma corruption scandal before personally signing off on them.  It looks as though Schwerin conveyed to the White House the exact quotes they wanted put into these.  Just a little service Burisma appears to have received for putting the Vice President’s son on its board.  Smart investment!

Chairman James Comer of Kentucky is “calling on the National Archives to provide complete and unredacted documents related to the Office of the Vice President colluding with the Biden family…”  REDSTATE has details on specifically what he’s asking for.

Finally, let’s contrast Margot Cleveland’s lawyerly approach to the Biden scandal with the more emotional take in Victor Davis Hanson’s new piece for TOWNHALL.  With a variety of alleged felonies ranging from bribery to tax evasion, the frustrated Hanson says, the fact that Hunter hasn’t yet been prosecuted for anything is “scandalous.”  And he thinks Hunter, after years of trying to win love and respect from his family, is continuing his reckless behavior to send them a message:  that he will not be their fall guy.

“Biden is an embittered, angry son,” Hanson observes.  “As the Biden bagman for foreign shakedown cash, he did the dirty work and most risked the legal exposure that made all the Bidens rich.”  Hanson does not believe Hunter intends to go to prison “while the other exempt Bidens continue to enjoy their ill-gotten riches due to Hunter’s imaginative cons.”  He suspects this is the real reason why they moved Hunter into the White House and continue to keep him close.


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace:

Numbers, 25:12


URGENT: September drive to recruit Substack readers

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 516 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe now >>>

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Why 2024 Might be the LAST ELECTION Decided by BALLOTS

Do you know how political opponents to those in power are dealt with in 3rd World dictatorships, banana republics, and communist regimes?  Simple—the people in power use their police agencies to arrest their opponents for made up crimes in an attempt to discredit them, bankrupt them, imprison them or exile them, or all of the above.  And if you are paying attention, you may not realize that Joe Biden is usually exactly those tactics to make sure Donald Trump is not his opponent in 2024. 

This kind of thuggery at taxpayer expense is not supposed to happen in the United States.  We are supposed to be a nation of laws and not a nation of powerful people.  But the Biden administration is in full melt-down mode to hide the money-laundering, influence peddling, and outright bribery that Joe, his son Hunter, and their associates have been conducting for well over a decade that has enriched them to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. It has been exposed by numerous sources ranging from former business associates who knew first hand of the corruption as well as government whistleblowers who came forward after witnessing the so-called Justice Department, IRS, FBI, and the Attorney General himself all conspiring to hide the Biden family crimes while all the time being obsessed with charging Donald Trump with crimes that even liberal, Democrat, and Never Trumper constitutional scholars such as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley assert are not crimes at all.  In fact they and other objective legal scholars are appalled by the attempt to smear Trump at any cost while seeing members of the Biden team feverishly try to destroy Donald Trump in the courthouse rather than at the ballot box.

If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it will be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.  I know there are a dozen or so other Republican candidates wanting to be the GOP nominee next year, and most of them were on the stage last week to audition for the job, but if you watched what was more a game show than a substantive debate, you realized that none of them have the gravitas of Donald Trump and none could likely be as tough in staring down the enemy and moving this country forward with America First policies that will restore our energy independence, secure our borders, stop the runaway inflation that Joe Biden has inflicted upon us, and stand up forcefully and effectively to foreign enemies rather than making dirty money by taking their bribes and then not even paying taxes on it. 

YOU don’t get to make illegal money dealing with China, Russia and Ukraine and then hide that income from the government!  This is an administration that wants to hire 87,000 IRS agent to come after you, but ignore that the President and his crooked, drug addicted son are making millions off the worst and most dangerous countries on the planet and neither reporting it or paying their “fair share” of taxes on it. 

Here’s something that won’t surprise you—the media is in on it as well.  They are willing and complicit partners in crime by lying about Donald Trump and simultaneously hiding Joe Biden from any accountability for his using the office of Vice President as his personal business account and transportation company to jet him and his family members around the globe to collect checks from foreign government-tied businesses. 

We hope and pray that as the unmistakable facts continue to dribble out about the corruption, the equally corrupt media will finally grow a backbone and a brain, and that even some Democrat lawmakers will have all they can stomach of this disgusting abuse of power.

If these things didn’t affect you, maybe you could afford to keep quiet.  But it IS affecting you.  Due to the Bidenomics of high inflation and reduced wages, the average American is losing over $700 per month from what they had before Joe Biden entered the White House.  $700 a month in lost purchasing power!  That’s over $8400 per year that you’ve lost.  I’m pretty sure you could use $8400 this year that the government has taken from you in their incompetent mismanagement of the economy.  Next year, you can do something about it.  You can vote these people out and make noise about what they are doing to our country.  Or you can stay silent, sleep through it, and kiss your money and your country goodbye.  I prefer to stand up, speak up, and vote out every politician from either party who refuses to uphold the Constitution, serve the people fairly and evenly and who seek to profit from foreign dirty money!

The Miracle of Bidenomics 1!

One of the many things that President Biden inexplicably brags about is the notion that he personally reduced the deficit more than any President in history. That’s based on the fact that the deficit was jacked up to historically high levels during the pandemic to keep the economy afloat. It dropped from $2.8 trillion in 2021 to less than $1 trillion in 2022 because the pandemic relief spending ended, not because of anything Biden did. A more reasonable comparison would be to compare today’s deficits to those before the pandemic (Hint: a trillion-dollar deficit used to be considered heart-attack inducing, not a sign of fiscal restraint.)

But now, something strange is happening. Rick Moran of PJ Media reports (by way of the Washington Post, which is behind a paywall) that despite no more emergency spending, low unemployment and the economy growing, at least a little, the deficit is once again rising. It’s expected to double between 2022 and 2023.

A Harvard economics professor says this situation is “truly stunning,” there’s “never been anything like it,” and he called it “weird” and “freakish.” So what could possibly be causing it?

If you guessed that the deficit is rising because the government is spending money at an even faster rate than it’s coming in (16% higher spending than last year with a 7% drop in revenue), congratulations! You’re smarter than a Harvard economics professor!

The Miracle of Bidenomics 2!

Defaults on car loans and credit card debt is now at a 10-year high. Expect President Biden to take credit for creating lots of jobs for repo men.

That link also includes a list of five lies the Democrats are telling about the economy. One is about the deficit falling, as mentioned above. Another is the claim that under Biden, we’re on the path to record oil and gas production. No. But a new study by a University of Chicago economist found that if Biden had just left Trump’s energy policies in place, we’d be generating about 2 million more barrels of oil a day. As for the whopper about gas prices falling, well, they are down from the record highs of $5 a gallon, but as of today, Triple A reports that the average cost of a gallon of regular gas is $3.81. When Trump left office, it was $2.49.

Headline of the Day! From

“Elon Musk Declares War on Anti-Defamation League; Announces Defamation Lawsuit.”

You might wonder why the Anti-Defamation League would be accused of defamation, so these articles should bring you up to speed. It’s no longer your parents’ ADL.

At that link, law professor William A. Jacobson, a longtime fighter against anti-Semitism and now opponent of the ADL, explains how the group “betrayed its mission” since being taken over by CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. As he describes it, the ADL is exploiting anti-Semitism the same way the SPLC exploits racism, using false accusations to promote leftist political agendas and bully people.

And this article explains why it is not anti-Semitic to sue the Anti-Defamation League for defamation...

Fake News Round-up!

The leftist site The Daily Beast was forced to publish an embarrassing editor’s note after claiming that a Real America’s Voice interview with Donald Trump was actually with an AI impostor. Not only was it really Trump, but the Daily Beast admitted that quotes about the story attributed to the owner of Real America’s Voice were removed because the person they quoted was apparently an impostor.

Mike Rowe is warning fans that a TikTok account that claims to be his and has nearly 97,000 followers is fake. Worse, they’re altering real videos of his to include email addresses that can steal your private data or credit card info.

Finally, Rolling Stone had to issue a retraction for falsely claiming that a group of neo-Nazi protesters were Ron DeSatis supporters. Ironically, their leader is actually a Biden supporter.

I now eagerly await the retraction of everything else Rolling Stone has “reported” since 1968.


By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

While we and our parrots were still mourning the death of Jimmy Buffett, news came of the loss of two other prominent musicians.

Former Smashmouth lead singer Steve Harwell died in Boise Monday at 56 of liver failure after years of struggling with alcohol abuse. He left the band in 2021, but his very recognizable voice helped turn songs like “All Star” and “Walkin’ On The Sun” into huge hits.

Also, singer/songwriter/keyboardist Gary Wright died Monday at 80 after six years of fighting Parkinson’s Disease and Lewy body dementia.

Wright is best known for his pioneering synthesizer work on his ethereal ‘70s hits “Dream Weaver” and “Love Is Alive,” but his career spanned decades. He started as a child star and worked on Broadway in the musical “Fanny” with Florence Henderson. His music career stretched from his early rock group Spooky Tooth (my favorite album title: “You Broke My Heart, So I Busted Your Jaw”) to a series of New Age and World Music albums. He also played keyboards on classic recordings by countless artists from Harry Nilsson to B.B. King, including George Harrison’s landmark album “All Things Must Pass” and Ringo Starr’s hits “Back Off Boogaloo” and “It Don’t Come Easy.”

If you listened to music during the ‘70s, there was a good chance you heard Gary Wright and didn’t even know it. He is being remembered by fellow musicians as a consummate musician, a deeply spiritual man and one of the nicest people in the industry.

If you’d like to learn more, he wrote an interesting book called “Dream Weaver, a Memoir: Music, Meditation and My Friendship With George Harrison.”

ICYMI: Feel-Good Story of the Day:

On Friday, after seven years of fighting in court for the basic First Amendment right to pray to God and also keep his job, Washington high school football coach Joe Kennedy coached his first game since winning his Supreme Court victory for freedom of religion. And in keeping his pact with God, he ended the game the way he always did: by taking a knee on the 50-yard line for 10 seconds in a silent prayer of thanks. Only this time, the stadium wasn’t silent because fans on both sides were cheering.

Report: Prosecutors intend to indict Hunter Biden

It was reported Wednesday that special counsel David Weiss plans to indict Hunter Biden by the end of this month. It’s not yet known what the charge will be, but considering all the serious potential charges that have been allowed to fall beyond the statute of limitations while Hunter has been endlessly “investigated,” speculation is that it will center on the gun he obtained by lying on a background check.

While the media will likely frame this as proof that we do have equal justice, there’s no politicization of the justice system, move along, nothing to see here, la-la-la…that’s not true at all. First of all, I suspect this will be the least possible charge they think they can get away with, just for show. I also believe it can more accurately be read as evidence of how worried the Democrats are about the public’s growing awareness of and anger over their subversion of the justice system.

As outrageous and unprecedented as it is to try to imprison a political opponent for 700 years for things that not only aren’t illegal but that your own side has done routinely, at the same time having Hunter (and Joe) Biden in the spotlight, displaying stunning corruption while facing zero consequences, is just too glaring a contrast.

I think the Dem party powers sensed that voters who care about fair treatment under the law were becoming enraged to action, so they had to do something drastic fast, like make a sacrifice to the political gods. Hunter is hardly a virgin, but he is the lowest-hanging fruit and the most obvious choice for a fall guy to protect the Big Guy. I don’t expect this indictment to amount to much (if they treated him like Trump, he’d be facing a millennium in prison), but I think they hope it will help ease the pressure.

It won’t:

And we’ll have more on this very soon, I’m sure:

Related: Wednesday, the judge in the ridiculous Georgia RICO case against Donald Trump and everyone he ever shook hands with rejected requests by co-defendants Kenneth Chesebro and attorney Sydney Powell for separate trials. On the surface, this is a loss for the Trump side, but as this article explains, it’s actually not a good omen for DA Fani Willis’ Rube Goldberg-style legal case.

Despite his ruling, the judge said he remains “very skeptical” that Willis’ plan to try all 19 defendants in one trial would work, with some requesting speedy trials and others not, and some petitioning to move their trials to federal court. Chesebro and Powell claimed their defenses would get lost in a four-month trial that included a lot of other testimony irrelevant to the particular nonsense they’re accused of.

In fact, the accusations against each of them are completely unrelated, which makes it hard to understand how they’re both part of the same alleged “criminal conspiracy.” But then, I'm not an attorney. I also don’t have a bedroom wall covered with post-it notes, newspaper clippings and colored strings, the way I assume Ms Willis does.


Related MUST-SEE:

Georgia RICO defendant Harrison Floyd – the black Marine veteran who was the only one denied bail or a public defender – gave an exclusive interview to Sample quotes:

“What transpired in Georgia and what a lot of people are arguing about, they are chasing the wrong rabbit. When the truth comes out, things are going to be a lot more clear.  Things are going to make a lot more sense, and I think people will definitely be convinced by the truth.”

“I feel like God is using me as an instrument right now to bring about change in a place that doesn't want to change. Because of that, I wouldn't change anything that I did because God put me here for a reason…I know the truth. I know what's going to happen.” He added that he guarantees the DA is going to have a “very, very hard time” proving these charges.


I tried warning Democrats...

Well, I tried and tried to warn the Democrats away from smashing legal norms and historical precedents to “get Trump.” But it couldn’t penetrate their TDS-addled minds that the lawfare they unleashed against Trump would set a precedent that would boomerang back onto them, and they have done SO many more things actually worthy of indictments.

And so it begins: Georgia’s Republican Attorney General Chris Carr announced RICO charges against 61 leftist militants who were allegedly part of the violent riots and protests to obstruct the construction of an Atlanta police training center.  This is the same statute DA Fani Willis is using to try to imprison Trump and his associates for challenging the 2020 election, only in this case, it’s about actual crimes that really do fall under the RICO statute.  More than three dozen of the accused Antifa types have already been charged with domestic terrorism (actual terrorism, not shaking a fence), and three are accused of money laundering to fund their interstate network of radical violence.

Hilariously, a group supporting the rioters issued a statement accusing Carr of trying to advance his political fortunes by violating the defendants’ right to free speech, and declaring that this will not silence their commitment to standing up for what they believe. Funny, that would make a good opening statement for the Trump trial. Except, again, in his case, it would actually apply, since he and his followers were just challenging what they thought was a rigged election, not shooting cops, assaulting people and setting things on fire.  

Oh, and as long as Georgia is now launching multiple indictments against prominent politicians over any infraction, I have one for them…



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Some will no doubt look at this story from THE GATEWAY PUNDIT and dismiss it as election conspiracy-theory nonsense, the kind of label that got Mike Lindell’s products (wrongly) pulled from the shelves at Bed, Bath & Beyond.  It’s certainly the kind of story that will get an advertiser-supported newsletter demonetized by Google, which is why we hope you sign up for the Substack edition if you haven’t already.

According to this story, data analysts who’ve been looking into the 2020 election “have concluded that there had to be a two-way connection between local electronics (electronic poll pads, tabulators, election management systems, voter databases, etc.) and a centralized data collection system responsible for monitoring and manipulating the election.”  They suspect that an “incestuous collaboration” (details in the GP report) “allowed for the real-time monitoring of all election data, and, more importantly, THE ABILITY TO CHANGE RESULTS.”  (Emphasis ours.)

They report that a year-long project led by election integrity investigator Sophie Anderson and communications engineer Dr. Charles Bernardin has “uncovered the mechanism that is being used to connect our election equipment at polling places throughout the nation.”  The government, they say, uses a private tool for this called FirstNet, originally sold as a tool to “promote public safety” by connecting police, fire and EMT services.  The scope was then expanded to include “critical infrastructure,” such as transportation, energy and water supplies.

We don’t have the expertise in data analytics it would take to verify the details in their report, but we would be remiss if we didn’t pass the story on to you, particularly after reading an archival story linked to within it.  This is about Barack Obama’s move, just days before he left office (but after Trump was elected), to have the Department of Homeland Security declare ELECTION SYSTEMS to be a part of America’s “critical infrastructure,” just like bridges, waterways and hydroelectric plants.  This was purportedly to maintain election integrity after the Russians had supposedly interfered with the 2016 election (the unspoken part: to help Trump win).  Mustn’t let THAT happen again!

Here’s that story, from January (6th, by coincidence) 2017.  Obama would be leaving the White House on the 20th.  The idea, as reported in THE HILL, was “to bring federal protections to voting systems.”  Many state and local officials, including then-Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, “expressed strong opposition” to this plan, calling it federal overreach, which it most certainly was.  But DHS Director Jeh Johnson did it anyway.  Homeland Security ranking member Bennie Thompson of Mississippi thought it was a great idea, which should be a big red flag right there.

It can be so fascinating to look back at some of these archival stories in light of what we know today.

Here’s the full, updated story from GATEWAY PUNDIT.  Lots of detail about the network here.  Again, we’re not data analysts or computer network specialists and so can’t assess their work, but just the possibility of something like this should make every county in every state go offline immediately, moving from high-tech “electronic voting systems” to no-tech, old-school paper ballots that can’t possibly be messed with electronically with the flip of a switch.

And whoever wants to suppress our viewpoint needs to know: we’re not trying to destroy faith in our elections.  That’s already out the window, thanks in large part, ironically, to their suppression of information.  On the contrary, we want to help restore that faith, and this appears to be the only way.




Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Luke 6:31


Help needed: September drive to recruit Substack readers

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 527 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe now >>>

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Federal judge strikes down Texas law

A federal judge struck down Texas’ new law banning minors from accessing adult websites like Pornhub. The legal ruling is at this link, with the judge finding that the law wasn’t narrowly tailored enough toward blocking minors and infringed on the sites’ free speech by forcing them to repeat government-approved language that kids wouldn’t understand.

Let’s hope Texas – and other states – give it another try and write another law more carefully. In the meantime, at least we know somebody on the Internet still has free speech. You just have to be pushing porn and not questioning the government.

Today’s Huckabee Video Links

This is my monologue from last weekend’s “Huckabee” on TBN, on why 2024 could be our last election decided by ballots and not bullets.

And here is that full episode, featuring my guests, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Gen. Phillip Breedlove, Dr. Carol Swain, comedian Jeff Allen and singer/celebrity chef Rachel Hale.

SCOTUS takes the case

The Supreme Court will take up one of the attempts to keep Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot by claiming he is disqualified for committing insurrection under the 14th Amendment.

None of the people pushing this seem to be deterred by the petty details that Trump (A.) didn’t commit insurrection, (B.) was impeached over his actions on January 6th and acquitted, and (C.) has not only never been convicted of insurrection, he wasn’t even charged with insurrection by Jack Smith, who would charge Trump with murder for swatting a fly if he could get away with it.

Even if the Supreme Court swats this ridiculous case like a fly, don’t expect this gambit to go away. Trump’s enemies are so desperate to keep him off the ballot, they’ll find any excuse to do it, including, as this article notes, Democrat secretaries of state in blue states attempting it in hopes that they can stretch out the legal battle until just after the election.

I wonder why these people who claim to care so much about protecting “our democracy” are so frantic to prevent the American people from selecting their own President?

A new sentencing record

Yet another new sentencing record has been set for January 6th defendants, with Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio being sentenced to 22 years in federal prison on seditious conspiracy and terrorism charges. Tarrio wasn’t even in DC that day (he’d been ordered out of town for allegedly defacing a BLM banner – also a federal offense, I assume) and was in a hotel in Baltimore. But prosecutors accused him of being the organizer of an assault on the Capitol to prevent Biden from being certified President. I guess they didn’t believe at the time that Biden was certifiable, which we all now know to be true.

Tarrio’s attorney said he is no terrorist but a “misguided patriot,” and that he comes from a place (Cuba) that has no rights and mistakenly thought he was protecting America. Before being sentenced, Tarrio said, “To the men and women of law enforcement who answered the call that day, I’m sorry. I have always tried to hold myself to a higher standard, and I failed. I failed miserably. I thought of myself morally above others, and this trial has humbled me. I am not a political zealot. When I get back home, I want nothing to do with politics, groups, activism or rallies.”

Not to defend what Tarrio did, but Tristin Justice at the Federalist reminds us of the many unquestionable domestic terrorists on the left who attacked police, burned government buildings and businesses and tried to kill people, showed no remorse whatsoever, and were released with minor consequences or no charges filed at all. And Democrats wonder why so many Americans believe all those indictments against Trump are nothing but politics.

Congressional redistricting rulings will impact 2024 race for control of the House

In recent days, courts have ruled against Congressional district lines in both Florida and Alabama. These will have an impact on the 2024 elections and could help determine who controls the House. There will likely be appeals, so I won’t go into too much detail, but Jennifer Oliver O’Connell has a good explanation and analysis of it all at

Baffling behavior

President Biden left everyone baffled when he suddenly turned and walked out right in the middle of a Medal of Honor ceremony for a Vietnam War hero.

To put the most positive spin on it, maybe he just heard an ice cream truck.

A leaked Kaiser Permanente DEI training video makes news

A “horrified” hospital employee at Kaiser Permanente leaked a DEI training video for medical employees that included children talking about how they knew they were transgender when they were three or four years old.

It also includes a dad talking about how his very young son would write notes to Santa and the Easter Bunny, asking to be turned into a girl. And an adult trans male is shown saying, "When I was 3, I decided that I was going to be a father and marry Janet Jackson."

I think that last paragraph alone tells you just how firm a grasp on reality three-year-olds have. So why not let them make diagnostic decisions that will permanently alter their bodies?

Kaiser Permanente issued a statement saying that while the video does include this content, “the video does not speak to any adolescent transgender care or treatment plans. Kaiser Permanente does not provide hormone treatments or gender-affirming surgery to 3 and 4-year-olds."

Good. So why does the video include that content?

Progressives know best

To me, one of the most fascinating things about “progressives” like AOC or Bernie Sanders is their ironclad belief that, despite having zero experience at anything useful, they know how to do every job better than the people who actually do them. They can predict the weather better than meteorologists, write health policies better than doctors, run the energy industry better than oil companies, conduct every business better than the people who own them, and on and on. They think that guiding and predicting next-wave technology should be their job, not the job of actual experts in the field in a free market. And if you point out obvious ways in which their ignorance is showing, they try to silence you.

I suspect that Self-Esteem Class was the only class they actually made A’s in. For instance, their top climate science guru, Al Gore, made grades in college science classes that ranged from C+ down to F.

Here are a couple of fresh examples of leftists who should’ve let someone qualified do the thinking...

The Biden White House wants to spend more than $60 billion on its “Internet For All” program to bring high speed Internet to rural areas. I’ll let you argue whether that’s a legitimate function of government, but look at how they want to do it. They want to spend an average of $53,000 per household (more than some of the homes they’re servicing are worth) to install fiber optic Internet lines.

FYI: Elon Musk – whom they constantly target for harassment for defending the First Amendment – has a company that can provide satellite Internet for a tiny fraction of that cost. But obviously, they know more about the tech business than Elon Musk.

Problems with EVs Part II

And I’ve been telling you for quite a while about all the problems with electric cars that make them expensive, unreliable and impractical for the vast majority of Americans, but the Biden White House wants to force us to buy them anyway, because they know better than automakers, or you, what kind of car you should drive. Now, what I’ve been warning about is starting to happen already.

In Salisbury, England, a Tesla EV whose gauges said its battery still had several miles left, suddenly died in the middle of a busy road. It couldn’t be pushed or towed because the handbrake automatically engaged and couldn’t be released because it’s powered by the battery. It sat there blocking traffic for nine hours until the police found a way to clear it off the highway.

Imagine a typical Los Angeles traffic jam with cars sitting idling already. Now, imagine if even half of those cars were EV’s like that one with their batteries rapidly draining. Those drivers would die of old age before they ever got home.

Also, the floods from Hurricane Idalia have receded in Florida, but the danger isn’t over, if you own an electric car, golf cart or scooter. Even if your EV still runs after being flooded, that doesn’t mean it isn’t irreparably damaged. Even weeks later, the salt water that got in the battery can dry up, leaving salt residue that creates a connection between cells and causes short circuits. Already, two Teslas have reportedly burst into flames. And lithium ion battery fires create toxic smoke and are nearly impossible to put out.

In a famous political ad of the 1960s, Democrats mocked Richard Nixon by asking, “Would you buy a used car from this man?” Well, look at Joe Biden, who had 50 years of experience warming a chair in DC and no experience with auto engineering, and ask yourself, “Would you buy an electric car from this man?”

Yes, there’s an “election cybersecurity infrastructure” linking voting systems to the feds

Some will no doubt look at this story from THE GATEWAY PUNDIT and dismiss it as election conspiracy-theory nonsense, the kind of label that got Mike Lindell’s products (wrongly) pulled from the shelves at Bed, Bath & Beyond.  It’s certainly the kind of story that will get an advertiser-supported newsletter demonetized by Google, which is why we hope you sign up for the Substack edition if you haven’t already.

According to this story, data analysts who’ve been looking into the 2020 election “have concluded that there had to be a two-way connection between local electronics (electronic poll pads, tabulators, election management systems, voter databases, etc.) and a centralized data collection system responsible for monitoring and manipulating the election.”  They suspect that an “incestuous collaboration” (details in the GP report) “allowed for the real-time monitoring of all election data, and, more importantly, THE ABILITY TO CHANGE RESULTS.”  (Emphasis ours.)

They report that a year-long project led by election integrity investigator Sophie Anderson and communications engineer Dr. Charles Bernardin has “uncovered the mechanism that is being used to connect our election equipment at polling places throughout the nation.”  The government, they say, uses a private tool for this called FirstNet, originally sold as a tool to “promote public safety” by connecting police, fire and EMT services.  The scope was then expanded to include “critical infrastructure,” such as transportation, energy and water supplies.

We don’t have the expertise in data analytics it would take to verify the details in their report, but we would be remiss if we didn’t pass the story on to you, particularly after reading an archival story linked to within it.  This is about Barack Obama’s move, just days before he left office (but after Trump was elected), to have the Department of Homeland Security declare ELECTION SYSTEMS to be a part of America’s “critical infrastructure,” just like bridges, waterways and hydroelectric plants.  This was purportedly to maintain election integrity after the Russians had supposedly interfered with the 2016 election (the unspoken part: to help Trump win).  Mustn’t let THAT happen again!

Here’s that story, from January (6th, by coincidence) 2017.  Obama would be leaving the White House on the 20th.  The idea, as reported in THE HILL, was “to bring federal protections to voting systems.”  Many state and local officials, including then-Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, “expressed strong opposition” to this plan, calling it federal overreach, which it most certainly was.  But DHS Director Jeh Johnson did it anyway.  Homeland Security ranking member Bennie Thompson of Mississippi thought it was a great idea, which should be a big red flag right there.

It can be so fascinating to look back at some of these archival stories in light of what we know today.

Here’s the full, updated story from GATEWAY PUNDIT.  Lots of detail about the network here.  Again, we’re not data analysts or computer network specialists and so can’t assess their work, but just the possibility of something like this should make every county in every state go offline immediately, moving from high-tech “electronic voting systems” to no-tech, old-school paper ballots that can’t possibly be messed with electronically with the flip of a switch.

And whoever wants to suppress our viewpoint needs to know: we’re not trying to destroy faith in our elections.  That’s already out the window, thanks in large part, ironically, to their suppression of information.  On the contrary, we want to help restore that faith, and this appears to be the only way.



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Before getting into the interview with WASHINGTON POST writer Philip Bump that shows us what’s wrong with journalism today, I’d like to show you the kind of story that would be lost on him, at least the part he’s in denial about; namely, Joe Biden’s involvement in the Biden family scandal.  His mind simply will not permit him to “Bump” up against the evidence for that.

Matt Vespa, on the other hand, shows how easy it is for evidence and common sense to take us there in a new opinion piece for TOWNHALL.  Yes, we did say what he calls his “tipsheet” expresses his personal opinion, but it’s opinion based on inescapable facts.  (At least they’re inescapable for people whose minds don’t work like the minds of Bump and other mainstream “journalists.”)  Our readers will be familiar with most of what he says here about the reluctance --- EXTREME reluctance --- of the DOJ/FBI to investigate Hunter and, by extension, the Biden family, but his report provides a good summary of what we know.  Also, here’s something about the timeline that the Huckabee researchers did not know.  From Vespa:

“The Secret Service warning spoiled plans to interview Hunter and other witnesses as part of a proposed “Day of Action” set for Dec. 8, 2020, days after the first son received Secret Service protection following Joe Biden’s election to the presidency.” 

In other words, even though the FBI had months and months --- years, really --- to talk to Hunter, the timing of their proposed interview just happened to fall right AFTER Hunter had received Secret Service protection.  Reading between the lines, it looks as though they waited until he had this wall of security around him, and then used it as an excuse to tip off Hunter’s team.  After all, they couldn’t very well just go up to Hunter’s door and knock without notifying the Secret Service first, could they?  (Actually, they could, but this is the excuse they’ve been using.)

Now that you’ve read a piece that dares to “go there” --- to the doorstep of the White House --- it’s time to see the interview with a WAPO so-called journalist who demonstrates that journalism, if not dead, is barely registering a pulse thanks to a few real investigators.  He’s not so much a reporter of facts as he is an advocate for the President.  In fact, if he were a defense attorney for Joe Biden, he’d probably be saying a lot of the same things, albeit in a calmer and more measured way instead of frantic and desperate.

You’ll notice --- and, if you’re like us, be amused by this --- that as the interview goes on, the pitch of his voice slides from tenor to soprano.

Make time for this interview if you can; it’s about an hour and ten minutes long.  The write-up by Ian Schwartz at REALCLEAR POLITICS has this but also includes an edit with the best part, which is when Bump is confronted with EVIDENCE of Joe Biden’s involvement, in the form of a text Hunter wrote to his daughter about having to give half his income to their father.  Bump puts up incredible resistance; at this point, if his voice got any higher, only dogs would be able to hear it.

The interview is with Noam Dworman, the owner of the Comedy Cellar in New York City, who also is a very impressive podcast host.  We gather from this one interview that he won’t take any nonsense from anyone, left or right.  He’s looking for direct answers and can see right through evasiveness and spin.  If only we had more critical thinkers like him in media.

Bump is billed as the smartest and most knowledgeable person about the Hunter Biden investigation who believes Joe Biden was not involved at all. (Apparently when Dworman was looking for that person to interview, Bump’s name came up over and over, so he invited him on.)  But when Dworman presents him with the text from Hunter about giving his father all that money, Bump freaks out.  That’s not hyperbole on our part, but really the most accurate way to describe his reaction. 

The wall goes up when Bump is confronted with this, and he says, “I have no idea what that means.  I don’t.  I have no idea what that means.”  He calls it “circumstantial evidence.”  When asked if anyone has asked Biden’s daughter about this, he professes not to know.  When asked if someone SHOUILD ask her about it, he says he doesn’t know and has nothing to say about it.  He finally throws up his hands and quickly says, “Okay, that’s evidence.”

But at that point, Bump, cornered, stammers that it feels as though Dworman wanted him to leave, though the host has given no indication of that.  On the contrary, what Dworman wanted was answers from Bump to his questions about this evidence.  Bump actually does get up and leave, rather than discuss this text.  Quite a scene.

Dworman asks rhetorically, “Is this the standard, really?  This is the way that the WASHINGTON POST handles people that disagree with them?”!

Bump later tweeted (X’d?): “He cobbles together an interview, ‘splicing in new arguments after the fact.’  It gets little traction.  And then suddenly ends up in the NEW YORK POST, wildly and dishonestly cherry-picked.”

Actually, we didn’t find it in the NY POST, but thanks to comments about it from Scott Adams on his daily podcast, “Coffee With Scott Adams.”  The first thing we did was watch the full interview, so as to avoid judging it based on “cherry-picked” bits and pieces.  Now, here’s the article in the POST, from Miranda Devine, who one might say knows a little bit about the Hunter Biden story.  She uses Bump as an example of the “gaslighting from complicit media.”  She points to his long history of being wrong.

Devine also mentions a column by law professor Jonathan Turley about Bump in which he lays out a list of Bump’s errors.  For his trouble, Turley received an email from someone at WAPO saying the newspaper “stands by Philip Bump’s reporting and your characterization of his articles as ‘false’ is incorrect.”  Turley, in response, said, “Dworman’s podcast interview stands as one of the most revealing and vivid examples of how the media has changed in the age of rage.”

Here’s Turley’s full column, a must-read…

You’ll see in reading Miranda’s piece that we weren’t the only ones to notice Dworman’s voice climbing into the soprano range.  I swear we thought of this independently.

Dworman, in his conclusion, captures the current state of the media perfectly: “What we’re seeing is akin to an ocean full of sharks who have simultaneously lost their ability to smell blood in the water.  [Our aside: unless it’s Trump blood.]  The press seems to have lost its ability to alert itself to obvious facts that they need to follow up on.”

He just as easily could have quoted the character of Henry Drummond in INHERIT THE WIND, interrogating Matthew Harrison Brady (someone else who refuses to look at the other side) on the witness stand: “It frightens me to think of the state of learning in the world if everyone had your driving curiosity.”




Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans, 12:18


September drive to recruit Substack readers

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 533 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Motivated Republicans

Nancy Pelosi may have just motivated Republican voters even more with an arrogant, clueless "basket full of deplorables" moment of her own. Pelosi, who claims to be a devout Catholic yet backs the most radical forms of abortion, and who represents a district that tolerates and even encourages homelessness, drug addiction, unfettered crime and gross violations of basic public hygiene, accused Republicans of being morally inferior creatures who “do not respect the dignity and worth of every human being.”

We’ll have more to say about this later, but it’s a holiday weekend and I don’t want to ruin it by thinking about Nancy Pelosi or what her district is like when I’m trying to eat my Labor Day barbecue.

Fake News About Fake News:

The leftist media outlet The Daily Beast insinuated that John Soloman’s was duped by an AI chatbot masquerading as President Trump in an interview. But it not only isn’t true, DB’s alleged source for the claim says the quoted texts that DB attributed to the owner of their media outlet are not real and that’s not his contact number. Amid threats of legal action, Solomon tweeted, “How long before (The Daily Beast) retracts this false and defamatory story concocted from the theater of the absurd?”

At least, I think it was John Solomon who tweeted that. It might have been an AI bot. Or Cher in disguise. Welcome to 21st century "journalism."

“Huckabee Preview”

I hope you have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend! My staff and I will take a break from the news on Monday, but never fear: we’ve prepared some special Labor Day content for you, and we’ll be back hacking through the news with our truth machetes on Tuesday.

In the meantime, say goodbye to summer with a new episode of “Huckabee” tonight on TBN! I’ll talk about the precarious world and military situations with Gen. Philip Breedlove, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. I’ll also welcome back one of my favorite guests, author and political commentator Dr. Carol Swain. Hilarious stand-up comic Jeff Allen is back for another appearance. And rising country singer and “American Idol” finalist Rachel Hale will not only provide the music, she also has her own online cooking show called “Hale’s Kitchen,” so I will prevail upon her to try to teach me how to cook something tasty.

Catch it all tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

Feel-Good Story of the Day:

On Friday, after seven years of fighting in court for the basic First Amendment right to pray to God and also keep his job, Washington high school football coach Joe Kennedy coached his first game since winning his Supreme Court victory for freedom of religion. And in keeping his pact with God, he ended the game the way he always did: by taking a knee on the 50-yard line for 10 seconds in a silent prayer of thanks. Only this time, the stadium wasn’t silent because fans on both sides were cheering.

Kemp rejects special session request

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp rejected a request for an emergency special session to impeach Fulton County DA Fani Willis for her election interference in filing politicized charges against Donald Trump and his associates in the middle of a presidential campaign.

Kemp said his concerns with Willis’ actions are well-documented, but state law “clearly outlines the legal steps that can be taken if constituents believe their local prosecutors are violating their oath by engaging in unethical or illegal behavior. Up to this point, I have not seen any evidence that D.A. Willis’ actions or lack thereof, warrant action by the prosecuting attorney oversight commission.”

State Sen. Colton Moore, who launched the drive, replied that Kemp should “take a deep breath and read the Georgia Constitution,” which “outlines his clear power to call an emergency session.” But as a famous movie set in Georgia once taught us, “Askin’ ain’t gettin’,” and even if these garbage charges should never have been allowed into a courtroom, Gov. Kemp was likely never going to take any extraordinary measures to block them for Trump.

Here We Go Again:

The Biden ATF is trying to pull another Obama-style end-run around the Constitution with new regulations that infringe on the Second Amendment. Read this, and you’ll know what’s going on when you hear about the inevitable legal challenges to stop it.

Fani Willis treachery update:  She ignored exculpatory evidence

Yesterday, we reported that Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis, who has indicted 19 people, including President Trump, on various charges related to conspiracy to falsely overturn the 2020 election, might very well be embroiled in her own election scandal.  This one involves laundered campaign contributions from who-knows-where via the Democrat organization ActBlue and unwitting “donors” from around the country whose identity was apparently stolen for purposes of transferring funds in the form of credit card charges.  How ironic that someone who stretched RICO law as far as it can go (and maybe farther) to enable her to charge Trump is very likely the beneficiary of actual federal RICO violations herself.

Today, it gets much worse for Fani.  According to a new report in THE FEDERALIST, Willis has had documents in her possession that exonerate several of the people she is putting on trial, and other Republicans as well, for their lawful contesting of the 2020 election in Georgia.  She allegedly withheld it.

Surely you noticed that most of the stories about this case have referred to “fake electors”?  There were no “fake electors”; that was a term made up for the case by Democrats and spread around by the media (like “assault weapon.”) The documents Willis withheld make it clear that the Republican electors, the alternates, were not trying to fool anyone into thinking they were the “duly elected” slate.

From the story: “Specifically, Willis claimed [elector David] Shafer and the other alternate electors ‘unlawfully falsely held themselves out’ as Georgia’s ‘duly elected and qualified’ presidential electors.  She further insisted these electors --- with [Trump attorney Ray] Smith’s assistance --- intentionally attempted to ‘mislead’ figures such as then-Vice President Mike Pence and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ‘into believing that they actually were such officers.’”

But one of the documents Willis has obtained, a transcript of the December 14 meeting of the GOP alternate electors, refutes her allegations.  (December 14 is the day set by law for presidential electors to cast their votes.)  This transcript, a copy of which was obtained by THE FEDERALIST, makes it clear that these were not so-called “fake electors” but that they were nominated strictly to lawfully preserve Trump’s legal challenge to the state’s election results.

On December 14, there were lawsuits still pending that challenged the election.  So, just as Biden’s electors cast their votes for Biden that day, the alternate Trump electors cast their votes for Trump.  They weren’t pretending to be the “real” electors.  There was nothing misleading about what they were doing.

During the meeting, the reason for having an alternate slate cast their votes was made clear:

Elector (Shafer): “And so the only way for us to have any judge consider the merits of our complaint, the thousands of people we allege voted unlawfully, is for us to have this meeting and permit the contest to continue?”

Attorney (Smith): “That’s correct.”

As we’ve noted previously, slates of alternate electors are nothing new.  A slate of alternates was created in Hawaii during the razor-thin 1960 vote between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy.  A dispute over who had won the state’s electoral votes led to both slates casting their ballots.  Hawaii’s acting Republican governor (yes, Hawaii actually had a Republican governor) initially certified the election for Nixon, but a later decision on a legal challenge by the JFK team resulted in the state’s electoral votes being turned over to Kennedy.

For this to work, both slates had to have cast their votes on the appointed day of December 14.  And that’s just what was done by the Biden and Trump electors in the similarly close race of 2020.  Smith cited the Hawaii case as precedent, saying, “We’re conducting this because the contest of the election in Georgia is ongoing.”

Trump never had HIS legal challenges heard, but if he had, and had prevailed in court, the alternate electors would have already cast their votes on the proper day as provided by the Constitution, to ensure the will of the people of Georgia was carried out.

So, if Willis had this transcript, why did she charge Shafer and Smith with conspiracy to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results, when it clearly shows they were doing nothing of the kind?

In a July 18 letter requesting a meeting with Willis, Shafer’s team included an expert declaration by constitutional law specialist Prof. Todd Zywicki, in which he contended the actions undertaken by Trump’s legal team and the GOP electors in Georgia “followed the Hawaii precedent precisely” and used “materially identical forms and the same procedures as the contingent 1960 Hawaii Democratic Presidential Electors.”  It was all above-board, they publicly announced the votes they cast, and “related actions they took were expressly contingent on the outcome of the pending election contest and were cast only to protect and preserve the remedies for that contest…regardless of the ultimate outcome of that contest.”

The professor went even further, to point out that with the election contested, the Democratic slate was actually doing the same thing as the Republican slate!  It, too, was “acting contingently,” because Trump was at that time contesting the results in court and it conceivably could have gone his way.  (If only.)

Obviously, the transcript of the Republicans’ meeting would have resolved any doubt about the legitimacy of their “alternate elector” plan, but Willis apparently kept this under wraps and proceeded with indictments that she knew were a lie.  THE FEDERALIST piece has more details, including some of the reasons why the Georgia vote deserved to be challenged by Trump.

Now let’s head north to Michigan, where an election clerk-turned-whistleblower has come forward to tell about a private Facebook group where his or her fellow election clerks discussed the evidence they were finding of voter registration fraud in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election.  Judging from their comments, the election in Michigan was a stinking mess.

Recall that we wrote recently about a cover-up surrounding a so-called “investigation” of election fraud by the Michigan State Police that was initiated in October 2020.  The highly redacted police report had been obtained by a Muskegon resident through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and turned over to THE GATEWAY PUNDIT by the head of the Michigan GOP Director of Election Integrity.  (Now there’s a full-time job.)  This case had involved a huge shipment of over 10,000 suspicious and fraudulent voter registrations received by clerk Ann Meisch at her Muskegon office.  The story was first reported in THE GATEWAY PUNDIT, and they started receiving tips from those who wanted to help them “close the gap in the highly redacted police report.”

One person in particular who saw their report had an even bigger story to tell.  Evidently what had gone on was on a much grander scale than just a box of voter registrations.  It was so widespread, in fact, the election clerks had gotten together in a private Facebook group to discuss what they’d found and what to do.

This whistleblower said that “clerks across the state of Michigan received boxes and priority mail envelopes stuffed with registrations, many with the same signatures, the same last four numbers of their Social Security number, fake names and fake addresses.”  The boxes were dubbed “care packages,” and came from one of those “progressive” Democrat campaign organizations, GBI Strategies (also Empower Michigan, or EM).

EM has the same address as the Michigan Democrat Party.  Busted!

State Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson must have known about the police investigation --- which in 2022 was turned over to the FBI for burial --- when they called the 2020 election “the most secure election” in history.

To quote THE GATEWAY PUNDIT, “President Trump and his allies, including the entire slate of 2020 alternative electors in Michigan [note:  we would add Georgia], are facing multiple felonies and the threat of imprisonment for expressing the very same doubts publicly that these clerks were expressing privately.”

Be sure and read the full story, as it includes screenshots of the clerks’ actual Facebook posts. Sample: “I’m not much for conspiracy theories, but it sure seems like there’s been a lot of fishy stuff going on that puts this election in jeopardy.”

Oh, and this, from a clerk who’d asked the secretary of state’s office for advice: “Answer we got back from Secretary of Silliness was it wasn’t supposed to go to us.  Forward [problematic ballots] to them and they will handle it.  Wink wink...I sent the one we got redacted to our state rep...”


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team!  

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9


September drive to recruit Substack readers

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 563 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe now >>>

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

An explanation for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s latest brief “freeze-up”

Capitol physician Dr. Brian P. Monahan provided an explanation for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s latest brief “freeze-up” in front of reporters, his second in a month. Monahan said occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon when recovering from a concussion as McConnell is, and can also be caused by dehydration. He cleared McConnell to return to his regular schedule.

Discuss.  You know you want to.

Fake News Alert!

The Daily Mail reported that a $50 million super PAC called “Ron to the Rescue” closed and switched to Trump because of DeSantis’ badly-run campaign. But the DeSantis campaign called it a “scam PAC” that had been using his name and likeness without permission.

Rob Pyers, Research Director for the non-partisan California Target Book, reported that the PAC has actually raised less than $300 and has no money on hand. Also, its creators have been accused of scams before, including a bogus facemask supply deal with California.

Jobs update

The Labor Department reported Friday morning that the economy added 187,000 jobs in August. That’s within the range predicted by economists, which was a pretty wide berth: between 40,000 and 190,000 (that should give you an idea of how unpredictable things are.)  The unemployment rate jumped from 3.5 to 3.8%.

But I don’t know why I even bother to report these numbers because they seem to keep collapsing after a month, like rotting Jack-o-lanterns. Every month seems to bring an optimistic number along with a downward revision of the previous month’s optimistic number. We were told last month that 187,000 jobs were created in July, but that was revised downward to 157,000. Last month, June’s number of 185,000 was revised downward to 105,000.

Is this sort of thing due to bad data, or a deliberate attempt to create a false rosy picture, then quietly restore reality when nobody’s paying attention? There’s more on that suspicion, and a number of other economic numbers that keep mysteriously shrinking after they’re reported, here:

“Here’s what you voted for!”

Someone in top Democrat circles must really want to grease the stairs under President Biden (a cruel metaphor, I know.) Data was leaked to the Washington Post showing that a record-breaking 300,000 migrants crossed the U.S. border in August. And not only did WaPo actually report that, but they also pointed out that it was the second consecutive month in which border apprehensions rose more than 30 percent.

In a related story, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to order the city attorney to investigate Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to see if he’s violated any laws in sending some of the illegal immigrants Biden is letting stream into Texas on to blue cities like L.A. If so, they want to sue him and press criminal charges.

Only Democrats could play so fast, loose and partisan with the law as to think that it’s perfectly legal to let unvetted foreign nationals pour into the US illegally, but it’s a felony to offer them a free bus ride to L.A. Incidentally, In 2020, Los Angeles County voted for Biden over Trump by 80-18%, so they don’t have any room to complain about the results of Biden reversing Trump’s border security measures.

Also related: Some people said Joe Biden couldn’t do it, but as Barack Obama once said, never underestimate Joe’s ability to (BLEEP) things up. He's actually managed to fill up New York City beyond capacity with illegal aliens.

That’s right, even the Big Apple itself is out of room for all the illegal immigrants Joe has let in, but don’t worry, he has a solution: he’s going to start shipping them to New Jersey!  Well, that oughta make ‘em stop coming here!

Sorry, New Jersey, no offense, but that joke was just too easy to resist. Biden’s solution to his deliberately-created problem is not to seal the border and start expelling illegal entrants but to put them shuttle them off to other New York communities, as well as places in New Jersey, like the Atlantic City International Airport. From now, when I say I “live at the airport,” I’ll have to explain that I don’t mean that literally, like some people.

I’m sure Texans would feel a lot sorrier for them if New York hadn’t voted for Biden over Trump in 2020 by 23 points, and New Jersey voted for Biden by 14 points. Texas should put banners on their incoming buses of illegal aliens reading, “Here’s what you voted for!”

New website launched

The Defense Department announced that it is launching a website,, as a “one stop shop” to find all declassified reports on UFOs, or the latest official name, UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.)

Call me a skeptic, but I find the timing suspiciously convenient that just as we’re learning all these nefarious things the government has secretly been doing, suddenly they’re okay with a whistleblower publicly claiming there are all these secrets about space aliens for us to get worked up over, even though the whistleblower has never actually seen of them personally. Whistleblowers are meant to draw attention, but do you know what else they can do? Distract attention.

Good News For The Second Amendment

After nearly a decade in court, Washington, DC, has agreed to pay $5.1 million to settle a lawsuit over its arrests and jailings of legal gun owners for violating DC gun laws that were later struck down as blatantly unconstitutional.

Today’s “Life In A Blue City,” Part 1

Maybe San Francisco’s politicians will finally do something about crime now that’s so bad, it’s forcing vegan restaurants to close.

Today’s “Life In A Blue City,” Part 2

In the Oakland, California, suburb of Emoryville, Democratic city councilman Kalimah Priforce rode his bike to a local mall to talk to shop owners about the rampant theft plaguing the city. While he was talking about it, someone stole his wallet and keys from his bike bag.

That’s actually not bad. In most blue cities, they would’ve stolen his bike and whatever it was chained to.


The next election should hinge on priorities: which Party do the voters think has its priorities straight? For instance:

Republicans think we should put the needs of Americans first. President Biden wants to send $95 million to help Americans who were victims of the worst wildfire in a century in Maui. That’s one-tenth of one percent of what he’s given to Ukraine so far.

While China is engaged in an unprecedented military build-up for the express purpose of defeating the US, our current woke Pentagon leaders are focusing on things like lowering standards, diversity, equity and promoting tolerance for drag queens and transgender soldiers. Stephen Green of PJ Media has some sobering thoughts about how that’s going to end, and it wasn’t what he originally set out to write, but the more he researched it, the more obvious – and frightening – it became.

A Daily Wire investigation has uncovered emails showing that while the Biden Administration was tragically bungling the withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost the lives of 13 heroic Marines and who knows how many of our Afghan allies, top Pentagon officials were prioritizing getting the Secretary of Defense to sign a climate change initiative.

Republicans are being warned that if they don’t abandon abortion as an issue, they will lose big because so many women will vote on that issue alone. Is it really impossible to make a convincing case that with all these disasters happening all around us…and with the open border, drug deaths, homelessness, inflation, interest rates, most Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, and crime so out of control that people are afraid to leave their homes…that if you think the only issue that matters is protecting late term abortions, then maybe you should rethink your priorities?

Not Guilty

Former President Trump waived arraignment and filed a “not guilty” plea in the (Editor’s note: “ridiculous”) RICO charges against him in Georgia.

Trump also released a new video, telling Americans who he thinks is behind all these indictments. This is not a video that will leave you asking, “I wonder what he really thinks of them?...”

Finally, the judge in the Georgia trial ruled that it can be televised and live streamed. That would likely make it the only Trump trial that is televised, unless it’s moved to federal court. Well, you can’t have a show trial without a show, can you? This may be another one of those ill-advised liberal dreams like the Trump mugshot that leftists have dreamed about for years, only to have it blow up in their faces when Americans see what garbage this is. And did they forget, Trump is much better than his enemies on TV?

“Strike Force Five”

To raise money for their striking writers and staffs (and I suspect to remind Americans who no longer care that they still exist), five late night “comedy” show hosts are teaming up to do a low-rent podcast called “Strike Force Five.” I don’t advise you to watch the promo since it only demonstrates how desperately they need writers (not their regular writers, but good ones.) The “humor” involves Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon being cutesy with Stephen Colbert over which one he means when he says, “Jimmy,” and it ends with John Oliver calling fans the “F-word.” Seth Meyers is also present.

You can tell how much viewers miss “entertainment” like this from the fact that despite having national publicity and all five hosts, at this writing, the podcast has less than 8100 followers on Twitter. Obviously, they need to tell a lot more Trump jokes.

More good news for fans to reality

I told you the good news that Americans are finally waking up and pushing back against the unrealistic crusade to force everyone to drive electric cars, and automakers like Ford are reading the tea leaves and transitioning to hybrids. Well, here’s more good news for fans of reality: before the entire surface of the Earth is covered with spinning wind turbines that kill every bird in the sky, people are starting to realize that that, too, is an unrealistic, unscientific pipe dream. Their generating power is way overestimated, as is the lifespan of the equipment, not to mention the many other problems they’re having, from rust to beached whales.

Consequently, wind power companies are seeing big drops in value, as nations like Denmark are finally starting to tune out the scowling children and get serious about building new nuclear plants that can provide sufficient, reliable energy, whether the wind is blowing or not.

Related: Our favorite YouTube auto mechanic Scotty Kilmer has previously railed about the stupidity of wind turbines, and he has a new video up I think you’ll get a kick out of. It opens with him gutting useless electric pickups and ends with a rant on the “stupid” green idea of making highways out of recycled plastic (they fall apart and leach plastic into the water supply.) In between, he answers some car repair questions, and I think you’ll get a laugh out of how he illustrates his reader’s “idiot” mechanic.


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September 1, 2023

Ever wonder why so many “news” stories about subjects like the courts or “climate change” read more like pamphlets from leftwing activist groups and leave the impression that there is no other legitimate viewpoint on the subject? There’s an old computer term that explains it: “GIGO” or “Garbage In, Garbage Out.”

Most reporters are not experts on science, the law, or much of anything specific. So they repeat what they’re fed, and leftist groups have learned to exploit that by "feeding" them. The Washington Free Beacon reports that the Associated Press, the nation’s top wire service that supplies much of the “news” seen in media outlets across America, is now bankrolled in part by millions of dollars from leftwing foundations, including one started by Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the anti-American “1619 Project.”

There’s a lot more at the link. This is why one group that tracks media bias has moved the AP from “Center” to “Leans left” (I’d say, “Falling over left.”) It might also explain why the AP has started issuing so many “style guide” bulletins about what words reporters are no longer allowed to use and the hilarious PC euphemisms they’re supposed to substitute for them. Needless to say, this newsletter does not subscribe to the AP style guide. Around here, “A.P.” stands for “Always Propaganda.”

By the way, since many of the big funders of the AP are “climate change” activist groups who believe any objections to their views should be silenced as “disinformation” and the writers prosecuted, you will probably never see in AP stories that there are many scientists who do not buy into the climate apocalypse narrative. Here are a few reports about them for a change:

I especially like that last one on the study finding that half of all emissions of the greenhouse gas methane actually come from freshwater ecosystems, like flowing rivers and streams. The amounts are apparently affected by the condition of the waterways. That’s good news because it means more careful conservation of rivers could reduce methane emissions. Then these activists could stop blaming it all on the poor cows, who are probably emitting less manure than they are.

Either everyone’s been reading this newsletter, or they’ve actually tried taking a road trip in an electric vehicle, because it appears that, just like previous campaigns, the Biden Administration offensive to force all Americans into electric cars is failing.

Despite heavy pressure and government subsidies, carmakers like Ford that went all in on EVs are seeing consumer interest falling rather than rising, and are pulling back on EV production. Ford will instead concentrate on its more popular gas-electric hybrids. They have drawbacks, too (they’re complicated and expensive to repair), but at least they give you better mileage without all the mining pollution or battery fires, they don’t take hours to charge, and they always move when you press the accelerator.

For a more entertaining version of this same story, here’s a video from our favorite YouTube auto mechanic, Scotty Kilmer:

Governments have tried before to force Americans to buy electric cars, but the technology is just not adequate for most people’s needs and consumers have always said, “NO!” As Scotty says, if you want to impress your friends with something green to drive to the grocery store and back, “it’s your money,” but they’re not real cars, they’re “toys for rich people.” Most Americans don’t have cushy government jobs and need reliable transportation that can travel long distances, carry heavy loads and not waste hours to refuel.

The sheen is coming off the EV boom as Americans figure out that they were bamboozled. The virtues of EVs were so oversold that people forgot they were never very good. They can’t go far without pooping out, they cost you a lot more money than you expected, and you never know when they might blow up on you. It’s no wonder Joe Biden wants to force them on us. They’re the JOE BIDEN OF CARS!

Anyone who doubts the political motivations behind Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis’ lawfare against President Trump should set those doubts aside, thanks to an investigation started by Peter Bernegger at Election Watch, out of Wisconsin, and Chris Gleason in Florida.

Many months ago, we reported on an investigation centered around a Democrat get-out-the-vote organization called ActBlue, the largest fundraising Political Action Committee (PAC) in America.   “The investigation,” writes Chris Gleason, “which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.”  They say they’ve uncovered what may be the “largest illegal political campaign money laundering scheme in the history of America.”  Now, there’s your RICO.

This investigative team has documented what appears to be hundreds of millions of dollars being illegally laundered via ActBlue and other left-wing PACs, simply by way of publicly available records on the website (Federal Election Commission) and other state government campaign finance reporting websites.

ActBlue also has two nonprofits, a 501(c) 3 called ActBlue Charities and a 501(c) 4 called ActBlue Civics, and they reportedly can pass money through these without disclosing who benefits and by how much.  It’s a textbook “dark money” setup.  Money passes through ActBlue PAC to the recipient and ActBlue collects a fee as payment.  The identity of the ultimate recipient remains obscured.

What tipped off these investigators to something suspicious was that over half the donations came from “not employed” or “retired” people --- people who generally can’t afford to give a lot of money.  The investigation by Take Back Action Fund found that nearly half of all donations to ActBlue were made by people who were of modest means and unemployed.  That was $346 million supposedly from the pockets of unemployed people.  The “donations” were in small amounts, but they had been made over and over, many times, in a pattern no real donor would follow.  When the investigators started knocking on doors and getting in touch personally with some of these people, most weren’t even aware that they had given to ActBlue.  Hint:  it’s because they HADN’T.  Someone else had used their identity.

It so happens that ActBlue doesn’t verify up to 55 percent of their credit card transactions.

The investigation turned up a large number of unemployed “campaign finance mules” in Washington State, of all places, who “gave” lots of money to a U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, Raphael Warnock.  Perhaps it’s because of all that money that he’s in the Senate now.  Remarkably, out of the top Warnock “volume” donors, only one was actually from Georgia.

The story at the link tells about Election Watch teaming up with James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group to go door-to-door, documentary-style, interviewing these donors who turn out to be victims of a money laundering operation.  O’Keefe has helped enlist thousands of concerned citizen data analysts, journalists and other investigators from around the country.

Here’s an example of the video they’ve compiled since we did our first report.  When people are asked about the donations they’re listed as having made, they have no idea what the interviewer is talking about.  Records show one of them had given a total of $60,000; she is mystified when she hears about this.

The team found massive-scale money laundering of this type going on not just in Washington State, but in EVERY state, breaking both federal and state campaign laws.

So, where does Fani Willis fit in?  As Gleason reports, “Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises.  It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire election process.”

The GEORGIA RECORD posted Gleason’s report on the link between Willis and “a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.”  Her campaign donation information was obtained directly from the State of Georgia campaign finance database.  It showed 222 donors listed by name only, with no donor information at all.  Of those with donor information, many were from out of state, and these contributors fit the profile of the elderly, unemployed ActBlue “donors.”  These generally were people who had little discretionary income and didn’t even contribute to campaigns in their own areas.

One of the out-of-state contributors to Fani Willis’ campaign was listed as having made over 9,178 individual contributions since 2018.

When investigators started doing some in-person checking, they spoke to people who had never donated to Willis.  The did speak to someone who had given one time only, but her name was also used, with different addresses, for donations from Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois and New York.  This person was also listed as registered to vote --- and having voted --- in multiple states.

“Fani Willis,” Gleason says, “once seen as a rising star in the Georgia political arena, is now grappling with a full-blown scandal that threatens to irreparably tarnish her reputation and upend her career.  The implications of these revelations are far-reaching, serving as a stark reminder of the fragility of trust in public officials and the lengths some might go for power and wealth.”

But here is the problem that helps explain why so many leftist, Soros-approved candidates for district attorney, judge, etc., are winning local elections:  “What is being seen at an alarming rate is that the nationwide money laundering RICO enterprise is making more and more contributions to PACs and these PACS are financing local candidates...Many of these PACs have strong ties to the numerous Soros-connected organizations that are active participants in the nationwide election fraud, money laundering, terrorist network financing the massive ongoing RICO enterprise.”

(NOTE:  This is also why it’s so important to vote in local elections, especially off-year!  City council, county sheriff, county judge, DA, school board --- this is where the battle primarily is fought.  I digress.)

It should come as no surprise that these organizations share significant connections to big Democrat law firm Perkins Coie, of Hillary Clinton and fake-“dossier” fame.  Perkins Coie would have to be one of the largest beneficiaries of all that laundered money.  As Gleason explains, “The firm received vast sums of illicit money via legal fees paid by the PACs and committees who helped launder the campaign finance contributions made in the name of over a million individuals whose identities have been stolen and used to structure financial transactions and circumvent federal campaign finance limits.”

Gleason also raises questions about the financial institutions utilized by ActBlue and other PACS and nonprofits, citing JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Amalgamated Bank.  Would their fraud detection units not have found a suspicious pattern?  Were reports filed?  Who failed to act?

It also seems that the Federal Election Commission has been looking the other way.  Gleason’s communications to them about the interstate “money mules” have been ignored.  In this piece, he asks anyone who knows about such criminal activities taking place in their state to notify their member of Congress and also state officials.  We’d think the House Judiciary Committee would be a good idea, too.

For when you have time, the GEORGIA RECORD goes into detail about this story and also RICO and election law.  How fitting that after abusing RICO law to try to bring down political enemies, she might be revealed as the beneficiary of an actual RICO scheme.


RELATED READING:  Jonathan Turley looks at DA Willis’ attempt to try 19 people together (Trump + 18) to “give them a more sinister, conspiratorial patina.”

Huckabee Post: Not fair

September 1, 2023



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

James, 3:17-18


September drive to recruit Substack readers

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of September and we have 599 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

Subscribe now >>>

To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Not fair

If you still harbor hopes that a prominent Republican can get a fair trial these days, check out what just happened to Rudy Giuliani. A federal judge ruled him legally liable in default for defaming two election workers and ordered him to pay $133,000 in sanctions for failing to comply with discovery by not turning over documents to the defendants. Guiliani claims it’s been difficult to get those documents because they’re on devices seized by the FBI in a raid that resulted in no charges, and they still haven’t returned them.

The judge also showed her nonpartisanship by blasting Giuliani for “donning the cloak of victimhood” and calling her order to produce documents he has no access to “punishment by process.” I don’t know what else you’d call it. “Justice” certainly isn’t the right term.

RFK Jr request is rejected by a Federal judge

Wednesday, a federal judge rejected Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s request for a temporary restraining order to make YouTube parent company Google stop censoring videos of his criticism of the government’s COVID actions for violating their “medical misinformation” policies. The judge ruled that RJK Jr’s lawsuit against Google over this is unlikely to succeed because Google is a private company and not a “state actor” that has to abide by the First Amendment.

As Ben Bartee at PJ Media points out, this is a convenient dodge we’ve seen before: Google can conspire with the government when it wants to illegally censor Americans and sign lucrative government contracts that give it a ridiculous amount of power and control over web speech, but when someone tries to hold them to account, it’s “Oh, but we’re not the government! We’re a private company!”

The fact is that tech giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter (X), etc., have become the nation’s “town square,” where speech is supposed to flow freely. If they continue to take a side (the left side) and try to regulate speech while claiming not to be regulators, the government or wiser courts will have to define or redefine their roles. Unfortunately, that’s not likely to happen unless Republicans can regain Congress and the White House.  Today’s Democrats aren’t going to change the system on principle as long as it’s benefiting them politically. They’ve become openly hostile to free speech and will defend your right to speak only as long as they agree with what you're saying.

By the way, around here, we will defend free speech to the death, including that of people we disagree with. On that subject, here’s my recent TV interview with RFK Jr. on “Huckabee.”

Finally, some sanity from the courts:

A federal judge ruled that a new law passed by Democrats in New Jersey banning the detention of illegal aliens is unconstitutional because it blocks the federal government from carrying out its duty to enforce immigration laws.

Now, if we can just get the federal government to carry out its duty to enforce immigration laws!

And another positive legal result:

The Spreckels Union School District in Monterey County, California (the “transgender sanctuary state”) agreed to pay $100,000 to settle a lawsuit by a mother for trying to secretly “trans” her daughter. She found out the teachers were telling her 11-year-old daughter that her negative emotions might be because she didn’t know who she “truly was inside.” Without telling her mom, they pressed her to “socially transition” and start using male pronouns and the boys’ bathroom.

After the lawsuit forced the school to back off, her daughter decided to “re-identify” as a girl. It’s a miracle!

Meet Penny

During the GOP debate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis defended his pro-life views by talking about a woman he knows named Penny who survived multiple attempts to abort her, and was saved by her grandmother. Leftist commentators sneered at the story, calling it “ludicrous,” “impossible” and “obviously untrue.”

Well, someone begs to differ: the Governor’s friend Penny. She’s speaking out on behalf of all the other “miraculous” abortion survivors. You can read her full inspiring story and her message to those pro-abortion skeptics here. It begins with, “I did exist.” No thanks to them.

Four-alarm disasters

I’ve long said that the best argument against liberal policies is to put them into effect for a while and let people see and feel the horrific results. They always sound great in faculty lounges and MSNBC talk shows, but in reality, they’re four-alarm disasters. Here are a couple of examples of liberals who’ve had the blinders ripped off their eyes via experience:

Meet the Democratic San Mateo, County, California Supervisor who admits, “I made a mistake” in backing “progressive crime reform” measures that resulted in criminals taking over, assaulting people and robbing stores bare. He now says, "Enough is enough! All this retail theft. All this sort of crime. Enough is enough. We really need to look at state laws. What we have in place right now is not working. We can't go on like this." I won’t say, “I told you so,” but everyone with a brain has been thinking it for about three years now.

Now, meet the former “diversity trainer” who realized that corporate DEI training sessions are a “worthless” scam that’s harming minorities. But they’re very lucrative for DEI consultants who don’t really want to reduce racism because they make their money by finding racism in everything.

Perfect Example of a four-alarm disaster

Many Californians are fleeing to Texas to escape the filth, crime, police shortages and homelessness that’s run rampant thanks to "Progressive" rule. Unfortunately, a number of them have moved to Austin and kept voting the same way, turning Austin from a once goofily-liberal city into a deep blue island in the red sea of the Lone Star State. And what a surprise: Texans are getting fed up because filth, crime, police shortages and homelessness are now rampant there.

Moral: If your state is so bad you have to flee it, don’t vote to bring its problems with you to your new home.

Released on bail

After spending six days in jail, the only defendant in the Georgia RICO case against President Trump and his associates has finally been released on bail. As previously reported, the only one denied bond (and a public defender) is Harrison Floyd, who is also coincidentally a black man and the former director of the outreach group, Black Voices for Trump. Can’t have any of those!

As you might imagine, Mr. Floyd had some things to say to DA Fani Willis about being singled out for incarceration. You can watch the video here in which he thanks her for the “Negro wake-up call.”

Proud Boys leader is sentenced

Proud Boys leader Joseph Biggs was sentenced to 17 years in prison Thursday for his part in the January 6th riot. He’s already spent two years in prison awaiting trial. This is one of the longest J6 sentences of the hundreds handed out so far. I would compare it to the federal sentences of the Antifa rioters who attacked the Trump White House and burned St. John’s Church, but I can't seem to find any.

Biggs, an Army veteran and Purple Heart recipient, tearfully testified, "I know that I messed up that day, but I’m not a terrorist...I didn’t hurt anybody.” But the government added terrorism enhancements to the charge because Biggs facilitated the crowd’s surge by helping tear down a fence, you know, like terrorists do.

Believe it or not, prosecutors are upset at the 17-year sentence. They had requested a sentence of 33 years. They also wanted 25 years for Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, who ended up getting 18 years.

Peak Farce

There’s an old saying that history comes to us first as tragedy, then as farce. I think the “tearing down of Confederate monuments” era reached its farce phase when woke officials at Washington and Lee University actually spent time and money removing a plaque honoring Gen. Robert E. Lee’s horse, Traveller. I guess it was a very racist horse.

Now, the only reminders of horses on campus are the school’s administrators, who are living reminders of the back halves of horses.

Hardly news

It's hardly news when Keith Olbermann makes some condescending, belligerent comment on a subject he knows nothing about – that’s kind of his brand – but it’s worth reading this story just to see how deftly champion swimmer and defender of women’s sports Riley Gaines put him right back down in his place.

As Paul Harvey used to say, “It is not one world…”

Meet the champion Iranian weightlifter who set a new world record in Poland, and then was banned for life from his sport by Iran’s weightlifting association for committing the unforgivable crime of shaking hands and posing for a photo with the third-place finisher, who was from Israel.

Georgia DA Fani Willis caught up in election scandal of her own

Anyone who doubts the political motivations behind Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis’ lawfare against President Trump should set those doubts aside, thanks to an investigation started by Peter Bernegger at Election Watch, out of Wisconsin, and Chris Gleason in Florida.

Many months ago, we reported on an investigation centered around a Democrat get-out-the-vote organization called ActBlue, the largest fundraising Political Action Committee (PAC) in America.   “The investigation,” writes Chris Gleason, “which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.”  They say they’ve uncovered what may be the “largest illegal political campaign money laundering scheme in the history of America.”  Now, there’s your RICO.

This investigative team has documented what appears to be hundreds of millions of dollars being illegally laundered via ActBlue and other left-wing PACs, simply by way of publicly available records on the website (Federal Election Commission) and other state government campaign finance reporting websites.

ActBlue also has two nonprofits, a 501(c) 3 called ActBlue Charities and a 501(c) 4 called ActBlue Civics, and they reportedly can pass money through these without disclosing who benefits and by how much.  It’s a textbook “dark money” setup.  Money passes through ActBlue PAC to the recipient and ActBlue collects a fee as payment.  The identity of the ultimate recipient remains obscured.

What tipped off these investigators to something suspicious was that over half the donations came from “not employed” or “retired” people --- people who generally can’t afford to give a lot of money.  The investigation by Take Back Action Fund found that nearly half of all donations to ActBlue were made by people who were of modest means and unemployed.  That was $346 million supposedly from the pockets of unemployed people.  The “donations” were in small amounts, but they had been made over and over, many times, in a pattern no real donor would follow.  When the investigators started knocking on doors and getting in touch personally with some of these people, most weren’t even aware that they had given to ActBlue.  Hint:  it’s because they HADN’T.  Someone else had used their identity.

It so happens that ActBlue doesn’t verify up to 55 percent of their credit card transactions.

The investigation turned up a large number of unemployed “campaign finance mules” in Washington State, of all places, who “gave” lots of money to a U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, Raphael Warnock.  Perhaps it’s because of all that money that he’s in the Senate now.  Remarkably, out of the top Warnock “volume” donors, only one was actually from Georgia.

The story at the link tells about Election Watch teaming up with James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group to go door-to-door, documentary-style, interviewing these donors who turn out to be victims of a money laundering operation.  O’Keefe has helped enlist thousands of concerned citizen data analysts, journalists and other investigators from around the country.

Here’s an example of the video they’ve compiled since we did our first report.  When people are asked about the donations they’re listed as having made, they have no idea what the interviewer is talking about.  Records show one of them had given a total of $60,000; she is mystified when she hears about this.

The team found massive-scale money laundering of this type going on not just in Washington State, but in EVERY state, breaking both federal and state campaign laws.

So, where does Fani Willis fit in?  As Gleason reports, “Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises.  It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire election process.”

The GEORGIA RECORD posted Gleason’s report on the link between Willis and “a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.”  Her campaign donation information was obtained directly from the State of Georgia campaign finance database.  It showed 222 donors listed by name only, with no donor information at all.  Of those with donor information, many were from out of state, and these contributors fit the profile of the elderly, unemployed ActBlue “donors.”  These generally were people who had little discretionary income and didn’t even contribute to campaigns in their own areas.

One of the out-of-state contributors to Fani Willis’ campaign was listed as having made over 9,178 individual contributions since 2018.

When investigators started doing some in-person checking, they spoke to people who had never donated to Willis.  The did speak to someone who had given one time only, but her name was also used, with different addresses, for donations from Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois and New York.  This person was also listed as registered to vote --- and having voted --- in multiple states.

“Fani Willis,” Gleason says, “once seen as a rising star in the Georgia political arena, is now grappling with a full-blown scandal that threatens to irreparably tarnish her reputation and upend her career.  The implications of these revelations are far-reaching, serving as a stark reminder of the fragility of trust in public officials and the lengths some might go for power and wealth.”

But here is the problem that helps explain why so many leftist, Soros-approved candidates for district attorney, judge, etc., are winning local elections:  “What is being seen at an alarming rate is that the nationwide money laundering RICO enterprise is making more and more contributions to PACs and these PACS are financing local candidates...Many of these PACs have strong ties to the numerous Soros-connected organizations that are active participants in the nationwide election fraud, money laundering, terrorist network financing the massive ongoing RICO enterprise.”

(NOTE:  This is also why it’s so important to vote in local elections, especially off-year!  City council, county sheriff, county judge, DA, school board --- this is where the battle primarily is fought.  I digress.)

It should come as no surprise that these organizations share significant connections to big Democrat law firm Perkins Coie, of Hillary Clinton and fake-“dossier” fame.  Perkins Coie would have to be one of the largest beneficiaries of all that laundered money.  As Gleason explains, “The firm received vast sums of illicit money via legal fees paid by the PACs and committees who helped launder the campaign finance contributions made in the name of over a million individuals whose identities have been stolen and used to structure financial transactions and circumvent federal campaign finance limits.”

Gleason also raises questions about the financial institutions utilized by ActBlue and other PACS and nonprofits, citing JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Amalgamated Bank.  Would their fraud detection units not have found a suspicious pattern?  Were reports filed?  Who failed to act?

It also seems that the Federal Election Commission has been looking the other way.  Gleason’s communications to them about the interstate “money mules” have been ignored.  In this piece, he asks anyone who knows about such criminal activities taking place in their state to notify their member of Congress and also state officials.  We’d think the House Judiciary Committee would be a good idea, too.

For when you have time, the GEORGIA RECORD goes into detail about this story and also RICO and election law.  How fitting that after abusing RICO law to try to bring down political enemies, she might be revealed as the beneficiary of an actual RICO scheme.

RELATED READING:  Jonathan Turley looks at DA Willis’ attempt to try 19 people together (Trump + 18) to “give them a more sinister, conspiratorial patina.”


Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

For more news, visit my website.

The Biden DOJ and the DC court system set another new low Tuesday for political prosecutions as a jury found five pro-life activists guilty on all counts for violating the “FACE Act,” a federal law against obstructing entrance to abortion clinics. They were immediately incarcerated and could face up to 11 years in prison, $350,000 in fines and three years of supervised release.

Sarah Arnold at Townhall has more background information...

Their attorney from the Thomas More Society law firm called the judge’s order to jail them immediately “due to the alleged violence” of the crime “an outrage” since “the one thing the defendants had really agreed upon was to remain non-violent.” They say they didn’t obstruct or assault anyone entering the abortion clinic. That’s probably why no local authority prosecuted them for anything until the radical pro-abortion activists in the Biden DOJ decided to make an example of them.

To give you an idea of how “dangerous” they are, defendant William Goodman urged his supporters “to forgive the jury, the judge, and all those who witnessed against us, and to pray that they would see how God loves the gift of every human life.”

When the jury asked Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to define what the law meant by banning the “oppression” and “intimidation” of abortion seekers, she allowed them to broadly interpret the word “oppress” as any acts that “harm, frighten, punish, prevent, and obstruct.” So "frighten" could mean getting 11 years in the federal pen for saying “Boo” on a sidewalk, which is about as intimidating as what they allegedly did.

That was just one example of how the judge ran her courtroom in the tradition of Soviet show trials. She barred video of the event that reportedly shows the defendants were not violent from being shown to the jury. She also barred the attorneys from talking about their clients’ religious beliefs or motivations, effectively gagging their defense. She even admonished a nun in the gallery for praying in court.

And while I didn’t see the trial, I assume they weren’t allowed to point out that with the SCOTUS having overturned Roe v. Wade, there is no “federal right to an abortion,” which is what the FACE Act allegedly protects, so it should be scrapped as unconstitutional – which it should have been from day one anyway as a selective intrusion on First Amendment rights.

One hopeful note for the appeal is that an appellate court recently sided with pro-lifers in another case alleging selective enforcement of the law. That’s the biggest no-brainer of all. The Biden DOJ no longer even attempts to hide how it’s perverting the legal system to target political opponents. The only reply they even make is the occasional load of rancid mush from Merrick Garland about how dedicated he is to enforcing the laws equally. Which I assume means just as harshly and unjustly against any and all Biden political opponents.

I urge you to pray for their safety, their swift release, a quick reversal on appeal, and the restoration of civil liberties and respect for life in America. I would remind you again that this is the same DOJ that has ignored leftist protesters who responded to the overturn of Roe by holding threatening protests outside of Supreme Court Justices’ family homes in violation of both state and federal law, and that have firebombed pro-life pregnancy centers and threatened the lives of their staffers.

To this Administration, homes, churches, courts, police stations and businesses are fair game for leftist protesters to burn, loot and threaten. Meanwhile, the only sacred ground in America deserving of federal protection is abortion clinics.

A Chaser To That Last Story: To give you some hope that those who stand up for what’s right against leftist tyrants can eventually prevail, check out this story of the Colorado Springs boy named Jaiden who was sent home from school by his teacher for having a Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”) patch on his backpack.

The school spewed the usual woke nonsense for why this was “harmful” and might make other students feel “unsafe,” like that the flag had “origins in slavery and the slave trade” (no, it was designed in 1775 by Continental Army Brigadier General Christopher Gadsden during the American Revolution), and associations with white supremacy, “patriot groups” and “intolerance.” The only way that’s true is that it’s a historic symbol of Colonial Americans refusing to tolerate tyrannical autocrats taking away their rights, be it a British king or ignorant leftist school officials. This honor student was told he couldn’t return to class until he removed the flag patch (but I’ll bet they would’ve welcomed him with open arms if it were a rainbow Pride flag.)

Fortunately, Jaiden is being raised right. He did not back down, and the meeting between the teacher and his mom was caught on video and went viral. The mother pressed the teacher to explain what was wrong with the flag (she obviously didn’t know its real history) and what rule it allegedly violated (there is none.) Thanks to a swift public backlash, there was an “emergency meeting” of the school board, where they affirmed their respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and said Jaiden is free to return to class with his Gadsden Flag patch if he wants. They should let him teach history.

And THAT is what the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag REALLY means! That’s why it’s such a great symbol for all Americans, and I hope people will think of it when they vote in 2024.

McConnell freezes again

September 1, 2023

Wednesday, during a press conference in Kentucky, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, 81, again froze and stared silently for 30 seconds. He then seemed to have trouble understanding questions for another minute or so before shaking it off and finishing. Afterward, staffers attributed it to briefly feeling “lightheaded,” the same explanation they gave when it happened last month.

I’m sure we all wish Sen. McConnell the best and will pray for his good health, but these incidents, along with Sen. Diane Feinstein, 90, signing over her power of attorney and President Biden’s increasing incoherence, have fueled growing talk about the advanced age of our top leaders, and whether it's time for them to retire and pass power on to a younger generation, like people in their 60s and 70s.

This is a touchy subject for several reasons. First, of course, once people have that kind of power and prestige, it’s hard to give it up. Also, McConnell might be concerned about the future of the GOP with its slim Senate minority, an important election coming, and his state having a Democratic Governor to appoint his replacement. Then there are those office holders who simply aren’t able to see how badly they’re doing and seriously believe they can hang on for another, say, four years.

To be clear, this isn’t entirely about age. Piers Morgan noted that he recently talked to Mick Jagger, who is only a few months younger than Biden, but still runs around a stage for over two hours and never forgets a song lyric. He also mentioned that Queen Elizabeth II was sharp as a tack up until her death at 96. There are many such examples, but everyone ages differently, and some have accompanying health issues, like the fall Sen. McConnell took recently that put him in the hospital. Many wonder if these spells might be a lingering effect of that.

While I’ve long been a fan of term limits, I don’t think that should prevent someone who’s older from holding office (in fact, if you’re a 90-year-old Republican in good mental and physical health who would like to enter politics, and you can beat AOC, please run for Congress.) That’s more a matter of preventing career politicians. I don’t think older people shouldn’t hold office, but I don’t think they should stay in office until they’re incapable of holding office and then keep on holding office anyway, just to keep power in the Party. If nothing else, their families should love them too much to let that happen.

I also don’t like seeing how the left is trying to use this issue to push for mandatory retirement ages for Supreme Court Justices, which, like their endless, baseless ethics assaults on Clarence Thomas, is just a transparent attempt to force conservative Justices off the Court to be replaced with younger leftist activists. Thomas is 75, Samuel Alito is 73, and Ketanji Brown Jackson is only 52, but I know which ones I’d trust to have the best understanding of the law and the Constitution.

Speaking of the attacks on Justice Thomas, over 100 former law clerks of his have written an open letter refuting the recent “malicious” attacks on his character and integrity. They call him “a man of greatest intellect, of greatest faith, and of greatest patriotism," and say, "The picture (his critics) paint of the Court and the man for whom we worked bears no resemblance to reality."

To be fair, nothing that liberals say these days bears any resemblance to reality.

The border is not closed

August 31, 2023

The Biden Administration keeps claiming that the border is closed, even though it has literally welded the gates open to let illegal migrants pour in and is selling the border wall materials as scrap metal.

Biden’s Department of “Homeland Security” under Alejandro Mayorkas issued NTA’s (Notices to Appear in court) to more than 820,000 border crossers just between January 1st and July 31st of this year alone. As RFK Jr. pointed out in our interview, those court dates are now seven years in the future, even if they bother to show up (which most won't.)

And on the eve of September 11th, the FBI is scrambling to find more than a dozen Uzbek nationals who entered seeking asylum earlier this year, after the feds discovered that they traveled to our border with the help of a smuggler tied to ISIS. At least there’s no evidence yet that they are terrorists themselves, but that’s the type of thing we used to find out BEFORE we let them into the US.

When border state Governors began busing some of the flood of illegal entrants to northern blue cities and states who actually voted for this insanity, the leaders there and their media bootlicks dismissed the action as “petty” and “childish.” As the full buses kept coming, they whined that it was “cruel” and “inhumane.” And now that they’ve gotten a taste of the results of the policies they thought they'd only be inflicting on border states, and with their parks and hotels overrun with unvetted illegal immigrants and their social services facing bankruptcy, they’re learning that the term they were looking for all along was “effective.”

The New York Post reports that New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Gov. Kathy Hocul are demanding emergency aid from Biden to deal with the illegal border invasion that he created. What they got in return was a “stunningly arrogant” letter from DHS Secretary Majorkas, giving them advice on how to deal with it and bragging about what the Administration has already done for them, like “allowing” access to a JFK Airport hangar to house 800 migrants.

Antonio Majorkas giving advice to anyone on how to do their job is like Dylan Muvaney giving tips on how to sell beer.

VP Kamala Harris tried stumping for more abortion access by reminding people that "[m]ost Americans are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy." But all that did was remind people of how much Bidenomics is killing them financially. This article takes a closer look at that. Prepare to be shocked.

If you wonder why you can’t cover a $400 medical bill or are borrowing against your 401K or buying groceries with a credit card, you can thank Biden and the Democrats. When Biden took office, Americans had $2.3 trillion in personal savings. With the post-pandemic economy rebounding, that shot up to $5.7 trillion. But since the 2021 passage of Biden’s laughably-titled “American Rescue Plan,” personal savings have plummeted by nearly $5 trillion to only $862 billion. Just in the past year, the average US household has lost $33,000 in real wealth.

So what is Harris promising here? Reelect them and they’ll at least keep abortions cheap because you won’t be able to afford another child?

Related: If you’re one of the rare Americans who’s doing well enough to afford to put more money into your retirement account, the IRS is delaying a rule that would’ve prevented that. More info here:



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorry, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Revelation, 21:4


New Mayor: Even worse than the last

Chicago’s new Mayor Brandon “Even Worse Than The Last Mayor; Can You Believe It?” Johnson is suing Kia and Hyundai for making cars that are too easy for Chicagoans to steal.

I suspect that there is something that’s making life really easy for car thieves in Chicago, but I don’t think I’d blame it on the automakers.

Hurricane Idalia makes landfall

Hurricane Idalia crossed Florida on Wednesday after making landfall as a category 3 hurricane. At this writing, it’s affecting North Carolina as a weakened but still dangerous tropical storm. At least one person was killed by a falling tree and several injured in Georgia. I hope you will keep praying for those in its path and those who are dealing with the aftermath of flooding and widespread power outages. Here’s a link to a page of continually updated news stories about it.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he’s cautiously optimistic that the damage will not be as extensive as Hurricane Ian a few years ago. Idalia made landfall near remote Keaton Beach rather than a heavily populated area, and reports are that the storm surges receded faster than expected. DeSantis said some of the power lines were chopped up pretty badly and might take a while to repair, but the state was well-prepared for the storm. Fortunately, most people evacuated when told to, and they had lots of emergency workers and repair people standing ready to rush in and get things back up and running quickly.

To his credit, when a reporter tried to get DeSantis to comment on Trump not saying anything about the hurricane, DeSantis quickly shot down the attempt to politicize the storm, saying, “That’s not my concern. My concern is protecting the people of Florida, being ready to go and we've done that.”

I also don’t want to politicize the storm, but I can’t help thinking that many Americans will be watching Florida’s swift, efficient response and noting that it coincidentally happened right after the disastrous Maui wildfires and the anniversary of the tragically-botched Afghanistan withdrawal. They may draw their own conclusions about the importance of having someone in charge of emergencies who is competent.

DeSantis also reminded anyone thinking of exploiting the storm damage by looting that Florida is a Second Amendment state, and if “you loot, we shoot.” I can already imagine California liberals rushing to social media to feign shock and outrage while secretly wishing they had a Governor like that so they wouldn’t wake up to stories like this every day:

Finally, some of the storm repairs will directly affect DeSantis. A 100-year-old oak tree blew down and fell on the Governor’s Mansion in Tallahassee. His wife and children were inside, but thank God, nobody was injured. Until it’s repaired, I have a suggestion for temporary quarters for his family. It's a fine place to live, and it even got me my first major exposure on a national talk and variety show, and now, I host one!


Fox News personality and wrestling champion Tyrus announced that he is retiring from pro wrestling after 20 years. He said it’s the kind of vocation that you have to put 300 days a year into. He let his kids vote. It was unanimous, and he told them his recent match was “the last weekend Daddy’s gone.”

I have a feeling that life as a Fox News commentator and best-selling author will be a lot safer than wrestling, as long as he never accepts an invitation to go on “The View.”


Ever wonder why so many “news” stories about subjects like the courts or “climate change” read more like pamphlets from leftwing activist groups and leave the impression that there is no other legitimate viewpoint on the subject? There’s an old computer term that explains it: “GIGO” or “Garbage In, Garbage Out.”

Most reporters are not experts on science, the law, or much of anything specific. So they repeat what they’re fed, and leftist groups have learned to exploit that by "feeding" them. The Washington Free Beacon reports that the Associated Press, the nation’s top wire service that supplies much of the “news” seen in media outlets across America, is now bankrolled in part by millions of dollars from leftwing foundations, including one started by Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the anti-American “1619 Project.”

There’s a lot more at the link. This is why one group that tracks media bias has moved the AP from “Center” to “Leans left” (I’d say, “Falling over left.”) It might also explain why the AP has started issuing so many “style guide” bulletins about what words reporters are no longer allowed to use and the hilarious PC euphemisms they’re supposed to substitute for them. Needless to say, this newsletter does not subscribe to the AP style guide. Around here, “A.P.” stands for “Always Propaganda.”

By the way, since many of the big funders of the AP are “climate change” activist groups who believe any objections to their views should be silenced as “disinformation” and the writers prosecuted, you will probably never see in AP stories that there are many scientists who do not buy into the climate apocalypse narrative. Here are a few reports about them for a change:

I especially like that last one on the study finding that half of all emissions of the greenhouse gas methane actually come from freshwater ecosystems, like flowing rivers and streams. The amounts are apparently affected by the condition of the waterways. That’s good news because it means more careful conservation of rivers could reduce methane emissions. Then these activists could stop blaming it all on the poor cows, who are probably emitting less manure than they are.

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Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of August and we have 31 to go.

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Mike Huckabee

No choice for Trump

I tried to warn the left that smashing all norms to go after Trump would come back to bite them, but their Trump Derangement Syndrome has wiped out any ability they might have ever had to think beyond the moment. They threw open Pandora’s Box, and what came out may be coming for them next, if Trump has anything to say about it.

In an interview with Glenn Beck of The Blaze, Beck reminded Trump that when he took office, he told his supporters who chanted “Lock her up” that he would not prosecute his opponent Hillary Clinton because we don’t do that in America. Beck asked if he regrets that now, and “if you’re President again, will you lock people up?”

Click the link to read Trump’s full answer, but in short: he would have “no choice, because they’re doing it to us.”

Pro-life activists found guilty

The Biden DOJ and the DC court system set another new low Tuesday for political prosecutions as a jury found five pro-life activists guilty on all counts for violating the “FACE Act,” a federal law against obstructing entrance to abortion clinics. They were immediately incarcerated and could face up to 11 years in prison, $350,000 in fines and three years of supervised release.

Sarah Arnold at Townhall has more background information...

Their attorney from the Thomas More Society law firm called the judge’s order to jail them immediately “due to the alleged violence” of the crime “an outrage” since “the one thing the defendants had really agreed upon was to remain non-violent.” They say they didn’t obstruct or assault anyone entering the abortion clinic. That’s probably why no local authority prosecuted them for anything until the radical pro-abortion activists in the Biden DOJ decided to make an example of them.

To give you an idea of how “dangerous” they are, defendant William Goodman urged his supporters “to forgive the jury, the judge, and all those who witnessed against us, and to pray that they would see how God loves the gift of every human life.”

When the jury asked Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to define what the law meant by banning the “oppression” and “intimidation” of abortion seekers, she allowed them to broadly interpret the word “oppress” as any acts that “harm, frighten, punish, prevent, and obstruct.” So "frighten" could mean getting 11 years in the federal pen for saying “Boo” on a sidewalk, which is about as intimidating as what they allegedly did.

That was just one example of how the judge ran her courtroom in the tradition of Soviet show trials. She barred video of the event that reportedly shows the defendants were not violent from being shown to the jury. She also barred the attorneys from talking about their clients’ religious beliefs or motivations, effectively gagging their defense. She even admonished a nun in the gallery for praying in court.

And while I didn’t see the trial, I assume they weren’t allowed to point out that with the SCOTUS having overturned Roe v. Wade, there is no “federal right to an abortion,” which is what the FACE Act allegedly protects, so it should be scrapped as unconstitutional – which it should have been from day one anyway as a selective intrusion on First Amendment rights.

One hopeful note for the appeal is that an appellate court recently sided with pro-lifers in another case alleging selective enforcement of the law. That’s the biggest no-brainer of all. The Biden DOJ no longer even attempts to hide how it’s perverting the legal system to target political opponents. The only reply they even make is the occasional load of rancid mush from Merrick Garland about how dedicated he is to enforcing the laws equally. Which I assume means just as harshly and unjustly against any and all Biden political opponents.

I urge you to pray for their safety, their swift release, a quick reversal on appeal, and the restoration of civil liberties and respect for life in America. I would remind you again that this is the same DOJ that has ignored leftist protesters who responded to the overturn of Roe by holding threatening protests outside of Supreme Court Justices’ family homes in violation of both state and federal law, and that have firebombed pro-life pregnancy centers and threatened the lives of their staffers.

To this Administration, homes, churches, courts, police stations and businesses are fair game for leftist protesters to burn, loot and threaten. Meanwhile, the only sacred ground in America deserving of federal protection is abortion clinics.

A Chaser To That Last Story: To give you some hope that those who stand up for what’s right against leftist tyrants can eventually prevail, check out this story of the Colorado Springs boy named Jaiden who was sent home from school by his teacher for having a Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”) patch on his backpack.

The school spewed the usual woke nonsense for why this was “harmful” and might make other students feel “unsafe,” like that the flag had “origins in slavery and the slave trade” (no, it was designed in 1775 by Continental Army Brigadier General Christopher Gadsden during the American Revolution), and associations with white supremacy, “patriot groups” and “intolerance.” The only way that’s true is that it’s a historic symbol of Colonial Americans refusing to tolerate tyrannical autocrats taking away their rights, be it a British king or ignorant leftist school officials. This honor student was told he couldn’t return to class until he removed the flag patch (but I’ll bet they would’ve welcomed him with open arms if it were a rainbow Pride flag.)

Fortunately, Jaiden is being raised right. He did not back down, and the meeting between the teacher and his mom was caught on video and went viral. The mother pressed the teacher to explain what was wrong with the flag (she obviously didn’t know its real history) and what rule it allegedly violated (there is none.) Thanks to a swift public backlash, there was an “emergency meeting” of the school board, where they affirmed their respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and said Jaiden is free to return to class with his Gadsden Flag patch if he wants. They should let him teach history.

And THAT is what the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag REALLY means! That’s why it’s such a great symbol for all Americans, and I hope people will think of it when they vote in 2024.

You Can Lead A Horse To An EV, But You Can’t Make Him Buy It

Either everyone’s been reading this newsletter, or they’ve actually tried taking a road trip in an electric vehicle, because it appears that, just like previous campaigns, the Biden Administration offensive to force all Americans into electric cars is failing.

Despite heavy pressure and government subsidies, carmakers like Ford that went all in on EVs are seeing consumer interest falling rather than rising, and are pulling back on EV production. Ford will instead concentrate on its more popular gas-electric hybrids. They have drawbacks, too (they’re complicated and expensive to repair), but at least they give you better mileage without all the mining pollution or battery fires, they don’t take hours to charge, and they always move when you press the accelerator.

For a more entertaining version of this same story, here’s a video from our favorite YouTube auto mechanic, Scotty Kilmer:

Governments have tried before to force Americans to buy electric cars, but the technology is just not adequate for most people’s needs and consumers have always said, “NO!” As Scotty says, if you want to impress your friends with something green to drive to the grocery store and back, “it’s your money,” but they’re not real cars, they’re “toys for rich people.” Most Americans don’t have cushy government jobs and need reliable transportation that can travel long distances, carry heavy loads and not waste hours to refuel.

The sheen is coming off the EV boom as Americans figure out that they were bamboozled. The virtues of EVs were so oversold that people forgot they were never very good. They can’t go far without pooping out, they cost you a lot more money than you expected, and you never know when they might blow up on you. It’s no wonder Joe Biden wants to force them on us. They’re the JOE BIDEN OF CARS!

McConnell freezes again

Wednesday, during a press conference in Kentucky, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, 81, again froze and stared silently for 30 seconds. He then seemed to have trouble understanding questions for another minute or so before shaking it off and finishing. Afterward, staffers attributed it to briefly feeling “lightheaded,” the same explanation they gave when it happened last month.

I’m sure we all wish Sen. McConnell the best and will pray for his good health, but these incidents, along with Sen. Diane Feinstein, 90, signing over her power of attorney and President Biden’s increasing incoherence, have fueled growing talk about the advanced age of our top leaders, and whether it's time for them to retire and pass power on to a younger generation, like people in their 60s and 70s.

This is a touchy subject for several reasons. First, of course, once people have that kind of power and prestige, it’s hard to give it up. Also, McConnell might be concerned about the future of the GOP with its slim Senate minority, an important election coming, and his state having a Democratic Governor to appoint his replacement. Then there are those office holders who simply aren’t able to see how badly they’re doing and seriously believe they can hang on for another, say, four years.

To be clear, this isn’t entirely about age. Piers Morgan noted that he recently talked to Mick Jagger, who is only a few months younger than Biden, but still runs around a stage for over two hours and never forgets a song lyric. He also mentioned that Queen Elizabeth II was sharp as a tack up until her death at 96. There are many such examples, but everyone ages differently, and some have accompanying health issues, like the fall Sen. McConnell took recently that put him in the hospital. Many wonder if these spells might be a lingering effect of that.

While I’ve long been a fan of term limits, I don’t think that should prevent someone who’s older from holding office (in fact, if you’re a 90-year-old Republican in good mental and physical health who would like to enter politics, and you can beat AOC, please run for Congress.) That’s more a matter of preventing career politicians. I don’t think older people shouldn’t hold office, but I don’t think they should stay in office until they’re incapable of holding office and then keep on holding office anyway, just to keep power in the Party. If nothing else, their families should love them too much to let that happen.

I also don’t like seeing how the left is trying to use this issue to push for mandatory retirement ages for Supreme Court Justices, which, like their endless, baseless ethics assaults on Clarence Thomas, is just a transparent attempt to force conservative Justices off the Court to be replaced with younger leftist activists. Thomas is 75, Samuel Alito is 73, and Ketanji Brown Jackson is only 52, but I know which ones I’d trust to have the best understanding of the law and the Constitution.

Speaking of the attacks on Justice Thomas, over 100 former law clerks of his have written an open letter refuting the recent “malicious” attacks on his character and integrity. They call him “a man of greatest intellect, of greatest faith, and of greatest patriotism," and say, "The picture (his critics) paint of the Court and the man for whom we worked bears no resemblance to reality."

To be fair, nothing that liberals say these days bears any resemblance to reality.

Sleazy DOJ official sabotaged IRS investigation of Hunter; more Biden corruption

News is breaking on Biden family corruption and cover-ups on a variety of fronts.

First, remember the story about cocaine found in a locker in the White House West Wing visitor area, near the Situation Room?  That seems so long ago. The “investigation” was closed after only a couple of weeks, with (amazingly) no photographic, fingerprint, DNA or any other evidence found and no leads at all.  There was never any word on who had the key, which you’d think would’ve had to be assigned.  So, the message to anyone who wants to sneak some white powder --- cornstarch, baking soda, arsenic, fentanyl, any kind of white powder --- into the WHITE HOUSE is, hey, it’s really easy and you won’t get caught!  They’ll just assume any powder coming in is coke for Hunter and look the other way.

Ironically, this coke may not have been for Hunter, but was perhaps more likely for someone else in “the Biden family orbit,” according to talk show host Dan Bongino, who worked for a decade as a Secret Service agent. Note that this is unconfirmed, but he still has contacts there and has just heard more about that theory from a source at the White House, not necessarily in the Secret Service but described as an “insider” and “not very political at all.” The source told him the cocaine was probably a deliberate delivery, a drug drop intended for “a member of the Biden family” who is not necessarily Hunter.

I don’t like having to report this, but Bongino’s source also described the Biden family as “trash.” Apparently, the source did not elaborate, at least not in a way that Bongino felt he could pass along.

The source “can’t prove” it wasn’t intended for Hunter, but claimed to be “getting some traffic that it could be another family member.”  Another contact of Bongino’s also stressed the “other family member” theory.

Press spokesperson Andrew Bates used the Hatch Act as an excuse to avoid answering questions about this.  Editor’s Note: The Hatch Act has nothing whatsoever to do with being able to comment on this story.  Bates, along with Karine Jean-Pierre, are not exactly artful dodgers.  They’re just dodgers.

Maybe someday we’ll know the story behind this, but it will be no thanks to the Secret Service and FBI, who are still much too busy checking out every possible Trump supporter who came to Capitol Hill on January 6, and even some who never even got there.  Bongino says the current director of the Secret Service, Kim Cheatle, needs to either reopen this case or resign.

In an update to the story about Biden emails requested by America First Legal (AFL), the White House has claimed executive privilege in withholding hundreds of them from that release.

AFL, the group founded by Stephen Miller, did obtain over 1,000 emails from its request to the National Archives, the vast majority of which were communications between the Office of the Vice President and Hunter’s firm Rosemont Seneca.  But 200 additional emails were held back because they “would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors,” according to a letter from the National Archives.

Question:  since when does the government care about confidential advice between the President and his advisors?  I thought that concept was shot all to pieces when President Trump’s advisors were arrested and charged with conspiracy for giving Trump private and privileged legal advice. Recall that Biden rejected Trump’s claims of executive privilege over January 6th private communications, and liberal media outlets praised that decision, claiming a President can’t use executive privilege to cover up potential wrongdoing.

Topping that story, the WASHINGTON TIMES reported that the National Archives is withholding the 5,400 emails they have in which Joe Biden used aliases, pending APPROVAL FROM BIDEN AND ALSO PRESIDENT OBAMA (!) to make them public.  These had been requested by Kentucky Rep. James Comer of the House Oversight Committee.

We’re just wondering what Obama has to do with this.  The WT is behind a paywall, but we also found this, which quotes an Oversight Committee aide as saying, “President Joe Biden promised the most transparent administration in history and we fully expect him to approve the release of the records.”  I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Comer appeared on HANNITY Wednesday night to discuss the many trips Hunter made with his father on Air Force Two (generally sneaking off via the back stairs), and also the timeline his committee is assembling between communications Hunter had with Joe and the various money transfers.  “This influence peddling scheme continues to grow on a daily basis,” with the then-VP “front and center,” meeting with “every one of these people that he claimed he never met with and never spoke to.”

As for obtaining those “alias” emails being withheld by the National Archives, Comer said they’re going to have to open an impeachment inquiry.  It’s Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s call, he said, but “we’re there now.”  He also noted that Congress has legislative jurisdiction over the National Archives.

Hunter may be, as allegedly has been said, dumber than Zlochevsky’s dog, but this piece from the WESTERN JOURNAL shows how he used his various connections, at the White House and also the law firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner, including former members of the Clinton administration, to help bring about the “deliverables” for Burisma.

In an update on the Jay Bratt story, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is asking why Special Counsel’s Jack Smith’s top aide was repeatedly meeting at the White House with people from the White House Counsel’s Office in the months leading up to the raid on Mar-A-Lago and subsequent indictment of President Trump.  Jordan has written to Attorney General Merrick Garland and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, demanding answers.

“This new information raises serious concerns regarding the potential for a coordinated effort between the Department and the White House to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s political opponents,” Jordan wrote.

Recall that Bratt also has been accused by Stanley Woodward, who is defending Mar-A-Lago employee Walt Nauta, of mentioning Woodward’s impending judgeship when saying he didn’t think Woodward was “a Trump guy” and would “do the right thing” about getting his client to “flip” against Trump.  This is a very serious charge against the special counsel’s top aide, made by someone with an impeccable reputation.

And now we have allegations that in April, a top ‘Justice’ Department official, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer, approached attorneys for IRS investigator/whistleblower Gary Shapley, saying he wanted to investigate Shapley’s claims of slow-walking and obstruction in Hunter’s case.  After Shapley attorney Mark Lytle briefed Weinsheimer in an April phone call, Weinsheimer slithered away to meet with Hunter’s then-lead attorney Chris Clark (!) and Delaware U.S. Attorney (recently appointed Special Counsel) David Weiss.

Days later, Weiss and Hunter’s attorneys agreed to that “sweetheart” plea deal, and Shapley and his entire team of investigators were pulled off the Hunter case.

In an exclusive interview with the U.K. DAILY MAIL, Lytle said, “In just two short weeks, Weinsheimer went from expressing an interest in the claims of wrongdoing by the IRS whistleblower to dismissing the claims of retaliation when the IRS agents were pulled off the case.”  The strategy had been to feign interest in Shapley’s story and milk Lytle for information and then go behind his back to Hunter’s defense and the prosecutors (same thing).

These are dirty, dirty lawyers.  (I’m reminded of the FBI agents who stopped by to see Mike Flynn for a “casual conversation.”)  We learn from this that it is sadly just not possible anymore to trust a government attorney or FBI agent, ever.

There’s more background here on that joke of a plea deal, in this must-read story.


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First, in an update to our story yesterday about Jay Bratt, top aide to Trump Special Counsel Jack Smith, repeatedly visiting the White House, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio has written both the DOJ and White House chief of staff to provide records of these interactions, citing concerns about Smith’s “impartiality.”  I’m sure they’ll get right on that.

Meanwhile, investigative reporter John Solomon of JUST THE NEWS, probably the best longtime source of information on the Biden/Burisma scandal, offered his perspective yesterday on the growing story about Joe Biden’s use of pseudonyms in communications with son Hunter about Ukraine.

It was in 2021, he told Sean Hannity, Tuesday night, that his team found the first communications on Hunter’s laptop and from the State Department that showed Joe Biden using the pseudonyms.  “There was an indication that this was larger; that’s why we put the FOIA [Freedom Of Information Act request] in,” he said.  To do this, JUST THE NEWS was working with the Southeastern Legal Foundation, the group that is now suing to get the approximately 5,400 emails at issue.

So, why would a White House staffer be cc-ing Hunter Biden on a planned call with a foreign leader that Joe Biden was going to make, which happens to involve the company that had hired Hunter to be on its board? 

Solomon described an earlier episode in which Joe Biden forwarded some highly sensitive information to his private email account (“John L. Stevens?”) and copied to Hunter.  Received from a U.S. Embassy, it had concerned ongoing negotiations for the impending release of a U.S. hostage/prisoner in Turkey.  So, why was Hunter, a so-called “private citizen,” copied on this?

“I think we’re going to see more instances like this,” he said.  “I’ve talked to people around Joe Biden, who say, ‘Yeah, this happened from time to time.  Sometimes the boss would instruct this, sometimes his aides would do this, but we would do it…”

Solomon pointed out that these would have been classified emails.  “While the scope and size is similar to Hillary Clinton’s email problem, different types of email thus far, but...sending something that’s a sensitive communication from the embassy to your non-government, drug-addicted, global crusading, money-making son is probably not a good practice.”

“And I think these are some of the many issues that [Wisconsin Sen.] Ron Johnson and [Iowa Sen.] Chuck Grassley first brought to attention in 2020.  The Bidens were a national security risk.”

Another problem, he said, is Hunter’s many flights with his father on Air Force Two.  He apparently scored deals, as with Beijing, while on some of these trips.

“The Biden presidency is the place where all our conspiracy theories come true,” Solomon said.  “Each one of those things that were dismissed years ago are now true.  It’s a real problem for the President.  It really is a credibility problem for him.”

Reading Solomon’s latest news stories these days feels like deja vu, because he was covering them several years ago.  (We passed them along at the time, but precious few did.)  Here’s a new one that describes Biden’s trip to Ukraine, “where he planned to deliver a momentous shock to the U.S.-Ukraine relationship” by threatening then-President Petro Poroshenko that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless they fired lead prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

But the story is much more fleshed-out today.  For one thing, we see the involvement of then-assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.  “A U.S. intervention into the domestic affairs of an ally like Ukraine was rare and intrusive,” Solomon said, “and the meddling has had years of fallout.”

President Obama must have known about the shift in Ukraine policy, the plan to push for Shokin’s firing, before Biden left on his trip.  In testimony to Senate investigators, Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said there would’ve been a “deputies’ or principals’ level discussion” before Biden left on Air Force Two.  “I would imagine,” he said, “based on my conversations with him, that the Vice President also would have a discussion with the President, and saying, ‘Hey, boss, this is what I’m doing,’ and, you know, take it from there.”

Just changing the policy towards a foreign country, in itself, is not illegal.  But, as JUST THE NEWS has reported, career officials at State, Treasury and Justice actually had recommended that Ukraine get the $1 billion loan guarantee, because they saw Shokin’s office making progress in its investigation.  Why would Joe Biden not follow their recommendations (and adhere to our promise), other than the fact that his son was on Burisma’s board when they desperately needed Shokin gone?

As one embassy official, George Kent, said at the time in a classified email, Hunter’s association with Burisma directly “undercut” America’s anticorruption efforts in Ukraine.

For when you have time, a pair of detailed, MUST-READ stories from Solomon place then-VP Biden’s and Hunter Biden’s actions regarding Viktor Shokin’s investigation of Burisma Holdings and Mykola Zlochevsky (Hunter’s boss) on parallel tracks.  Many of the documents used to reconstruct this story “were not public during Donald Trump’s first impeachment and conflict with the Democrat narratives that have dominated since.”

Here’s the story in timeline form, leading up to Shokin’s firing, with dates, people and places...

Yesterday, we reported that the Nation Archives had admitted, in response to a FOIA request, that it had about 5,400 emails written under at least three Joe Biden pseudonyms and copied to Hunter.  Turns out, there might be as many as six accounts.  And, in an update, the Archives is now refusing to turn “certain emails” over.  They’re saying that some would require permission from not only President Biden but --- get this--- even President Obama.  (That’s the breaking news from the House Oversight Committee; more on it tomorrow.)  And sorting through the emails, they say, will take years --- never mind that they have about 3,000 employees who could prioritize this task and do it quickly.  This is one reason why we need an impeachment inquiry.

Some of the emails, of course, are on the laptop and have been reported by the U.K DAILY MAIL.  On May 26, 2016, Biden aide John Flynn wrote “Robert L. Peters” with a cc to Hunter Biden: “Boss --- 8:45AM prep for 9AM phone call with Pres Poroshenko…” followed by the rest of the day’s schedule.  (That was back when Joe didn’t “put a lid” on his day at noon.)

 Jonathan Turley sees a change in how the media are perceiving all this.  As he told FOX NEWS’ Jesse Watters, “Now the media’s willing to accept that indeed Hunter Biden was running an influence peddling operation.  But they insist he was just selling the ‘illusion’ of influence and access.”  This is when, as he says, “the emails could go a long way to determine what was a ‘deliverable’ and whether it went beyond an illusion.”  We would add that the Viktor Shokin firing, at that point, could hardly be seen as anything but a deliverable, and Biden delivered like UPS.

Over at NEWSMAX, Greg Kelly reports that there is “incontrovertible evidence” of President Biden’s corruption and it’s about to be made public.  His sources, whom he won’t identify as currently either in or out of government, tell him this “won’t happen before Labor Day,” but the evidence, in the form of a recording, will be made public before the end of October.

Kelly says that once this is revealed, Biden will not be able to be the nominee for President.  (Well, we always knew there would be something to take him out of contention.)  He might be able to remain as President, but “probably not.”  His sources say the White House is aware of the recording (or recordings, plural), and is worried about it.

Kelly didn’t suggest this, but perhaps someone located those recordings that Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly said he made of Hunter and his dad.

You’d think the recorded call between then-VP Biden and then-Ukrainian President Poroshenko (made by Poroshenko) about firing Shokin, in the context we have today, would be enough.  Kelly plays it during the segment…

Finally, Hungarian President Viktor Orbin, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, made some illuminating comments about our own country’s weaponization of the justice system.  “To do what’s going on now in your country,” he said, “to use the justice system against the political opponents, in Hungary I think it’s impossible to imagine.  That was done by the Communists.”

When asked what the next move should be to accomplish peace, he said, “Call back Trump.”  Yes, that’s what he said, and it sounds like a really good idea.  “Because, you know, you can criticize him for many reasons,” Orbin said, “I understand all the discussion, but, you know, the best foreign policy of the recent several decades belonged to him.”  And he expounded on that.

This fascinating interview is a must-see, not just for that, but for his insight specifically into the Ukraine-Russia conflict.  His own country is in a very precarious position.

News is breaking on Biden family corruption and cover-ups on a variety of fronts.

First, remember the story about cocaine found in a locker in the White House West Wing visitor area, near the Situation Room?  That seems so long ago. The “investigation” was closed after only a couple of weeks, with (amazingly) no photographic, fingerprint, DNA or any other evidence found and no leads at all.  There was never any word on who had the key, which you’d think would’ve had to be assigned.  So, the message to anyone who wants to sneak some white powder --- cornstarch, baking soda, arsenic, fentanyl, any kind of white powder --- into the WHITE HOUSE is, hey, it’s really easy and you won’t get caught!  They’ll just assume any powder coming in is coke for Hunter and look the other way.

Ironically, this coke may not have been for Hunter, but was perhaps more likely for someone else in “the Biden family orbit,” according to talk show host Dan Bongino, who worked for a decade as a Secret Service agent. Note that this is unconfirmed, but he still has contacts there and has just heard more about that theory from a source at the White House, not necessarily in the Secret Service but described as an “insider” and “not very political at all.” The source told him the cocaine was probably a deliberate delivery, a drug drop intended for “a member of the Biden family” who is not necessarily Hunter.

I don’t like having to report this, but Bongino’s source also described the Biden family as “trash.” Apparently, the source did not elaborate, at least not in a way that Bongino felt he could pass along.

The source “can’t prove” it wasn’t intended for Hunter, but claimed to be “getting some traffic that it could be another family member.”  Another contact of Bongino’s also stressed the “other family member” theory.

Press spokesperson Andrew Bates used the Hatch Act as an excuse to avoid answering questions about this.  Editor’s Note: The Hatch Act has nothing whatsoever to do with being able to comment on this story.  Bates, along with Karine Jean-Pierre, are not exactly artful dodgers.  They’re just dodgers.

Maybe someday we’ll know the story behind this, but it will be no thanks to the Secret Service and FBI, who are still much too busy checking out every possible Trump supporter who came to Capitol Hill on January 6, and even some who never even got there.  Bongino says the current director of the Secret Service, Kim Cheatle, needs to either reopen this case or resign.

In an update to the story about Biden emails requested by America First Legal (AFL), the White House has claimed executive privilege in withholding hundreds of them from that release.

AFL, the group founded by Stephen Miller, did obtain over 1,000 emails from its request to the National Archives, the vast majority of which were communications between the Office of the Vice President and Hunter’s firm Rosemont Seneca.  But 200 additional emails were held back because they “would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors,” according to a letter from the National Archives.

Question:  since when does the government care about confidential advice between the President and his advisors?  I thought that concept was shot all to pieces when President Trump’s advisors were arrested and charged with conspiracy for giving Trump private and privileged legal advice. Recall that Biden rejected Trump’s claims of executive privilege over January 6th private communications, and liberal media outlets praised that decision, claiming a President can’t use executive privilege to cover up potential wrongdoing.

Topping that story, the WASHINGTON TIMES reported that the National Archives is withholding the 5,400 emails they have in which Joe Biden used aliases, pending APPROVAL FROM BIDEN AND ALSO PRESIDENT OBAMA (!) to make them public.  These had been requested by Kentucky Rep. James Comer of the House Oversight Committee.

We’re just wondering what Obama has to do with this.  The WT is behind a paywall, but we also found this, which quotes an Oversight Committee aide as saying, “President Joe Biden promised the most transparent administration in history and we fully expect him to approve the release of the records.”  I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Comer appeared on HANNITY Wednesday night to discuss the many trips Hunter made with his father on Air Force Two (generally sneaking off via the back stairs), and also the timeline his committee is assembling between communications Hunter had with Joe and the various money transfers.  “This influence peddling scheme continues to grow on a daily basis,” with the then-VP “front and center,” meeting with “every one of these people that he claimed he never met with and never spoke to.”

As for obtaining those “alias” emails being withheld by the National Archives, Comer said they’re going to have to open an impeachment inquiry.  It’s Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s call, he said, but “we’re there now.”  He also noted that Congress has legislative jurisdiction over the National Archives.

Hunter may be, as allegedly has been said, dumber than Zlochevsky’s dog, but this piece from the WESTERN JOURNAL shows how he used his various connections, at the White House and also the law firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner, including former members of the Clinton administration, to help bring about the “deliverables” for Burisma.

In an update on the Jay Bratt story, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is asking why Special Counsel’s Jack Smith’s top aide was repeatedly meeting at the White House with people from the White House Counsel’s Office in the months leading up to the raid on Mar-A-Lago and subsequent indictment of President Trump.  Jordan has written to Attorney General Merrick Garland and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, demanding answers.

“This new information raises serious concerns regarding the potential for a coordinated effort between the Department and the White House to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s political opponents,” Jordan wrote.

Recall that Bratt also has been accused by Stanley Woodward, who is defending Mar-A-Lago employee Walt Nauta, of mentioning Woodward’s impending judgeship when saying he didn’t think Woodward was “a Trump guy” and would “do the right thing” about getting his client to “flip” against Trump.  This is a very serious charge against the special counsel’s top aide, made by someone with an impeccable reputation.

And now we have allegations that in April, a top ‘Justice’ Department official, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer, approached attorneys for IRS investigator/whistleblower Gary Shapley, saying he wanted to investigate Shapley’s claims of slow-walking and obstruction in Hunter’s case.  After Shapley attorney Mark Lytle briefed Weinsheimer in an April phone call, Weinsheimer slithered away to meet with Hunter’s then-lead attorney Chris Clark (!) and Delaware U.S. Attorney (recently appointed Special Counsel) David Weiss.

Days later, Weiss and Hunter’s attorneys agreed to that “sweetheart” plea deal, and Shapley and his entire team of investigators were pulled off the Hunter case.

In an exclusive interview with the U.K. DAILY MAIL, Lytle said, “In just two short weeks, Weinsheimer went from expressing an interest in the claims of wrongdoing by the IRS whistleblower to dismissing the claims of retaliation when the IRS agents were pulled off the case.”  The strategy had been to feign interest in Shapley’s story and milk Lytle for information and then go behind his back to Hunter’s defense and the prosecutors (same thing).

These are dirty, dirty lawyers.  (I’m reminded of the FBI agents who stopped by to see Mike Flynn for a “casual conversation.”)  We learn from this that it is sadly just not possible anymore to trust a government attorney or FBI agent, ever.

There’s more background here on that joke of a plea deal, in this must-read story.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

Eccelsiastes 3:1


Prayer Request

Please join me in offering prayers for House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who announced this morning that he’s been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. He called it a “very treatable” form of blood cancer, and said he has begun treatments. He said he expects to work through this period.

Rep. Scalise is no stranger to health struggles, having survived a near-fatal shooting by a deranged leftist. We wish him a full and swift recovery.

Hurricane Idalia

Please join me in praying for all those in the path of Hurricane Idalia, and if you are among them, please watch the news closely and take all precautions to keep yourself, your family and your pets safe.

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez drops out of presidential race

It seemed for a while as if every Republican in America except me was going to run for President, but now, the first one has already dropped out. Miami Mayor Fracis Suarez has suspended his campaign. I suspect this was never a serious run but just a trial to get his name known nationally. I’ll let you decide whether it worked.

Attention please

Before we let the second anniversary of the tragically botched Afghanistan pullout pass, give your attention to these enraged Gold Star families who testified to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday. They lost their loved ones in a terrorist bombing that never would have happened if anyone competent were in charge (the alleged bomber had been spotted earlier that day, but nobody could decide who had the power to give the order to take him out and he disappeared.)

You must read the statement of the father of Marine Cpl. Daegan W. Page, who is fed up with being lied to about everything: about why his child was killed, about our relationship with the Taliban, and about President Biden being such a caring “family man.” He said after the way Biden has treated these Gold Star families, that campaign slogan will never work again, adding, “There cannot be anything more cowardly and disgusting with how you treated us. You are a disgrace to the nation.”

No newsletter?

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of August and we have 72 to go.

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

The border is not closed

The Biden Administration keeps claiming that the border is closed, even though it has literally welded the gates open to let illegal migrants pour in and is selling the border wall materials as scrap metal.

Biden’s Department of “Homeland Security” under Alejandro Mayorkas issued NTA’s (Notices to Appear in court) to more than 820,000 border crossers just between January 1st and July 31st of this year alone. As RFK Jr. pointed out in our interview, those court dates are now seven years in the future, even if they bother to show up (which most won't.)

And on the eve of September 11th, the FBI is scrambling to find more than a dozen Uzbek nationals who entered seeking asylum earlier this year, after the feds discovered that they traveled to our border with the help of a smuggler tied to ISIS. At least there’s no evidence yet that they are terrorists themselves, but that’s the type of thing we used to find out BEFORE we let them into the US.

When border state Governors began busing some of the flood of illegal entrants to northern blue cities and states who actually voted for this insanity, the leaders there and their media bootlicks dismissed the action as “petty” and “childish.” As the full buses kept coming, they whined that it was “cruel” and “inhumane.” And now that they’ve gotten a taste of the results of the policies they thought they'd only be inflicting on border states, and with their parks and hotels overrun with unvetted illegal immigrants and their social services facing bankruptcy, they’re learning that the term they were looking for all along was “effective.”

The New York Post reports that New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Gov. Kathy Hocul are demanding emergency aid from Biden to deal with the illegal border invasion that he created. What they got in return was a “stunningly arrogant” letter from DHS Secretary Majorkas, giving them advice on how to deal with it and bragging about what the Administration has already done for them, like “allowing” access to a JFK Airport hangar to house 800 migrants.

Antonio Majorkas giving advice to anyone on how to do their job is like Dylan Muvaney giving tips on how to sell beer.

This is why people say that when students leave college, they finally enter the real world:

In an infuriating court ruling, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by some members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at the University of Wyoming. They sued the school for allowing “transgender” student Artemis Langford to join the sorority and live in their group house. They say Langford claims to “identify” as female, but has made little effort to resemble a female. He’s large and intimidating, and the women claim he frightens them by peeping and staring at them in intimate situations while visibly aroused.

The sorority, whose leaders are all-in on the “anybody is a woman who claims to feel like it” madness, asked for the suit to be dismissed. The judge ruled that since the national sorority and the UW chapter voted to admit Langford, the school didn’t violate any policies by letting him join. And it wasn’t within the court’s duties to define “woman” in this case: “The delegate of a private, voluntary organization interpreted ‘woman’, otherwise undefined in the nonprofit's bylaws, expansively; this Judge may not invade Kappa Kappa Gamma's freedom of expressive association and inject the circumscribed definition Plaintiffs urge."

So if you don’t want yourself (or your daughter) having some dangerous-looking male leering at her when she comes out of the shower, make sure she doesn’t go within 50 yards of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. With this ruling, I suspect it may soon look more like the Delta fraternity in “Animal House.”

How Bidenomics is hurting American families

VP Kamala Harris tried stumping for more abortion access by reminding people that "[m]ost Americans are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy." But all that did was remind people of how much Bidenomics is killing them financially. This article takes a closer look at that. Prepare to be shocked.

If you wonder why you can’t cover a $400 medical bill or are borrowing against your 401K or buying groceries with a credit card, you can thank Biden and the Democrats. When Biden took office, Americans had $2.3 trillion in personal savings. With the post-pandemic economy rebounding, that shot up to $5.7 trillion. But since the 2021 passage of Biden’s laughably-titled “American Rescue Plan,” personal savings have plummeted by nearly $5 trillion to only $862 billion. Just in the past year, the average US household has lost $33,000 in real wealth.

So what is Harris promising here? Reelect them and they’ll at least keep abortions cheap because you won’t be able to afford another child?

Related: If you’re one of the rare Americans who’s doing well enough to afford to put more money into your retirement account, the IRS is delaying a rule that would’ve prevented that. More info here:


I was saddened to hear that Joe Wurzelbacher, aka “Joe The Plumber,” has died at 49 of pancreatic cancer.

Joe became an inadvertent celebrity, political figure and lightning rod for the left during the 2008 presidential race when, during a campaign stop, he asked Barack Obama about his tax plan and whether small business people like himself would have to pay more. It was the kind of simple question that every candidate should be prepared to answer, but the media were aghast: you do not question the Lightbringer, you merely worship him! So they went after Joe the way Twitter cancel culture mobs these days go after anyone who voices common sense.

Joe, however, did not let them bully him into silence, and he became a well-known voice for working people during that race and beyond.

This story has more about Joe, plus a link to a fundraiser to help his widow and young children. Please check it out.

Also, my condolences and prayers for the family of New Hampshire Republican activist Alexander Talcott. He was found dead in his home in Durham with a stab wound in his neck. It’s been ruled a homicide, and the police are investigating.

Young Vivek

Remember that photo of a teenage Bill Clinton shaking hands with JFK that his campaign made such a big deal out of? Well, I like this even better.

A 20-year-old clip has surfaced from MSNBC of a teenaged Vivek Ramaswamy asking then-presidential candidate Al Sharpton, "Of all the Democratic candidates out there, why should I vote for the one with the least political experience?"

Sharpton replied that he had lots of political experience that just wasn’t in elected office and that Bush’s elected experience didn’t make him a good President. Ramaswamy says now, "I’ll give the 18-year-old version of myself a pat-on-the-back for eliciting the most sensible words ever to come from that man’s mouth."

Of course, I would’ve said it’s a trick question. The correct answer is, “You shouldn’t vote for any Democratic candidate.”

Huckabee Video Links

If you missed my interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who might be the last prominent Democrat politician with any sense at all, then you have to watch this. Among other important topics, we discussed border security and the disaster Biden has made of it. RFK did what our “border czar” Kamala Harris has never done: he actually went to the border and watched what’s happening there, as buses filled with 55 illegal entrants apiece, all paying the Mexican cartels to bring them, arrive over and over, all day long, day in and day out.

Sources say there ARE recordings that will end Biden’s campaign

First, in an update to our story yesterday about Jay Bratt, top aide to Trump Special Counsel Jack Smith, repeatedly visiting the White House, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio has written both the DOJ and White House chief of staff to provide records of these interactions, citing concerns about Smith’s “impartiality.”  I’m sure they’ll get right on that.

Meanwhile, investigative reporter John Solomon of JUST THE NEWS, probably the best longtime source of information on the Biden/Burisma scandal, offered his perspective yesterday on the growing story about Joe Biden’s use of pseudonyms in communications with son Hunter about Ukraine.

It was in 2021, he told Sean Hannity, Tuesday night, that his team found the first communications on Hunter’s laptop and from the State Department that showed Joe Biden using the pseudonyms.  “There was an indication that this was larger; that’s why we put the FOIA [Freedom Of Information Act request] in,” he said.  To do this, JUST THE NEWS was working with the Southeastern Legal Foundation, the group that is now suing to get the approximately 5,400 emails at issue.

So, why would a White House staffer be cc-ing Hunter Biden on a planned call with a foreign leader that Joe Biden was going to make, which happens to involve the company that had hired Hunter to be on its board? 

Solomon described an earlier episode in which Joe Biden forwarded some highly sensitive information to his private email account (“John L. Stevens?”) and copied to Hunter.  Received from a U.S. Embassy, it had concerned ongoing negotiations for the impending release of a U.S. hostage/prisoner in Turkey.  So, why was Hunter, a so-called “private citizen,” copied on this?

“I think we’re going to see more instances like this,” he said.  “I’ve talked to people around Joe Biden, who say, ‘Yeah, this happened from time to time.  Sometimes the boss would instruct this, sometimes his aides would do this, but we would do it…”

Solomon pointed out that these would have been classified emails.  “While the scope and size is similar to Hillary Clinton’s email problem, different types of email thus far, but...sending something that’s a sensitive communication from the embassy to your non-government, drug-addicted, global crusading, money-making son is probably not a good practice.”

“And I think these are some of the many issues that [Wisconsin Sen.] Ron Johnson and [Iowa Sen.] Chuck Grassley first brought to attention in 2020.  The Bidens were a national security risk.”

Another problem, he said, is Hunter’s many flights with his father on Air Force Two.  He apparently scored deals, as with Beijing, while on some of these trips.

“The Biden presidency is the place where all our conspiracy theories come true,” Solomon said.  “Each one of those things that were dismissed years ago are now true.  It’s a real problem for the President.  It really is a credibility problem for him.”

Reading Solomon’s latest news stories these days feels like deja vu, because he was covering them several years ago.  (We passed them along at the time, but precious few did.)  Here’s a new one that describes Biden’s trip to Ukraine, “where he planned to deliver a momentous shock to the U.S.-Ukraine relationship” by threatening then-President Petro Poroshenko that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless they fired lead prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

But the story is much more fleshed-out today.  For one thing, we see the involvement of then-assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.  “A U.S. intervention into the domestic affairs of an ally like Ukraine was rare and intrusive,” Solomon said, “and the meddling has had years of fallout.”

President Obama must have known about the shift in Ukraine policy, the plan to push for Shokin’s firing, before Biden left on his trip.  In testimony to Senate investigators, Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said there would’ve been a “deputies’ or principals’ level discussion” before Biden left on Air Force Two.  “I would imagine,” he said, “based on my conversations with him, that the Vice President also would have a discussion with the President, and saying, ‘Hey, boss, this is what I’m doing,’ and, you know, take it from there.”

Just changing the policy towards a foreign country, in itself, is not illegal.  But, as JUST THE NEWS has reported, career officials at State, Treasury and Justice actually had recommended that Ukraine get the $1 billion loan guarantee, because they saw Shokin’s office making progress in its investigation.  Why would Joe Biden not follow their recommendations (and adhere to our promise), other than the fact that his son was on Burisma’s board when they desperately needed Shokin gone?

As one embassy official, George Kent, said at the time in a classified email, Hunter’s association with Burisma directly “undercut” America’s anticorruption efforts in Ukraine.

For when you have time, a pair of detailed, MUST-READ stories from Solomon place then-VP Biden’s and Hunter Biden’s actions regarding Viktor Shokin’s investigation of Burisma Holdings and Mykola Zlochevsky (Hunter’s boss) on parallel tracks.  Many of the documents used to reconstruct this story “were not public during Donald Trump’s first impeachment and conflict with the Democrat narratives that have dominated since.”

Here’s the story in timeline form, leading up to Shokin’s firing, with dates, people and places...

Yesterday, we reported that the Nation Archives had admitted, in response to a FOIA request, that it had about 5,400 emails written under at least three Joe Biden pseudonyms and copied to Hunter.  Turns out, there might be as many as six accounts.  And, in an update, the Archives is now refusing to turn “certain emails” over.  They’re saying that some would require permission from not only President Biden but --- get this--- even President Obama.  (That’s the breaking news from the House Oversight Committee; more on it tomorrow.)  And sorting through the emails, they say, will take years --- never mind that they have about 3,000 employees who could prioritize this task and do it quickly.  This is one reason why we need an impeachment inquiry.

Some of the emails, of course, are on the laptop and have been reported by the U.K DAILY MAIL.  On May 26, 2016, Biden aide John Flynn wrote “Robert L. Peters” with a cc to Hunter Biden: “Boss --- 8:45AM prep for 9AM phone call with Pres Poroshenko…” followed by the rest of the day’s schedule.  (That was back when Joe didn’t “put a lid” on his day at noon.)

 Jonathan Turley sees a change in how the media are perceiving all this.  As he told FOX NEWS’ Jesse Watters, “Now the media’s willing to accept that indeed Hunter Biden was running an influence peddling operation.  But they insist he was just selling the ‘illusion’ of influence and access.”  This is when, as he says, “the emails could go a long way to determine what was a ‘deliverable’ and whether it went beyond an illusion.”  We would add that the Viktor Shokin firing, at that point, could hardly be seen as anything but a deliverable, and Biden delivered like UPS.

Over at NEWSMAX, Greg Kelly reports that there is “incontrovertible evidence” of President Biden’s corruption and it’s about to be made public.  His sources, whom he won’t identify as currently either in or out of government, tell him this “won’t happen before Labor Day,” but the evidence, in the form of a recording, will be made public before the end of October.

Kelly says that once this is revealed, Biden will not be able to be the nominee for President.  (Well, we always knew there would be something to take him out of contention.)  He might be able to remain as President, but “probably not.”  His sources say the White House is aware of the recording (or recordings, plural), and is worried about it.

Kelly didn’t suggest this, but perhaps someone located those recordings that Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly said he made of Hunter and his dad.

You’d think the recorded call between then-VP Biden and then-Ukrainian President Poroshenko (made by Poroshenko) about firing Shokin, in the context we have today, would be enough.  Kelly plays it during the segment…

Finally, Hungarian President Viktor Orbin, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, made some illuminating comments about our own country’s weaponization of the justice system.  “To do what’s going on now in your country,” he said, “to use the justice system against the political opponents, in Hungary I think it’s impossible to imagine.  That was done by the Communists.”

When asked what the next move should be to accomplish peace, he said, “Call back Trump.”  Yes, that’s what he said, and it sounds like a really good idea.  “Because, you know, you can criticize him for many reasons,” Orbin said, “I understand all the discussion, but, you know, the best foreign policy of the recent several decades belonged to him.”  And he expounded on that.

This fascinating interview is a must-see, not just for that, but for his insight specifically into the Ukraine-Russia conflict.  His own country is in a very precarious position.


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee


And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9

Great photo

Joe Biden standing next to a whiteboard that lists all the benefits and accomplishments of Bidenomics.

Thank you, Carolyn

I just want to thank you Mr. HUCKABEE for this newsletter. I learn more about what is going on in our country than in any other way. I sincerely hope that the people of our nation come to their senses and really see what those currently in power have in store for all of us. Stay informed and help return our country to its people.

Good news:

The RNC has passed a powerful resolution demanding a return to secure elections. The bad news: it’s going to take more than a powerful resolution when the other side is diametrically opposed to that goal.

Money laundering

A former mobster explained to Fox News’ Jesse Watters how his money-laundering operation that involved a series of bogus shell companies that were nothing but bank accounts looked exactly like the Biden family business model. As for the claim that there’s no evidence any funds were given directly to Joe Biden, he explains that that’s the whole point.

He also calls this “a slam-dunk RICO case” (you know: a REAL racketeering case) and says that if he or his mob associates had done the same thing, they’d “have been indicted a long time ago.”

96 in August

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

Because you are a free subscriber to my newsletter, I would like you to consider subscribing to the paid version on Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of August and we have 96 to go.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here:

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Another lesson

As if anyone needed another lesson by this point that you can’t ignore local elections and let local offices be taken over by radical leftists backed by outside dark money groups, check out what’s happening in Hennepin County, Minnesota. “Progressive” County Attorney Mary Moriarty, whose campaign was boosted by $231,000 in support from the leftist group TakeAction Minnesota, is following the lead of all such DAs by prosecuting police and releasing criminals. But the latest outrage may prove the last straw, with some residents demanding a recall election..

A man accused of armed robbery stole a vehicle and led police on a high-speed chase that resulted in a crash that killed 20-year-old Leneal Frazier. Moriarty prosecuted and convicted Brian Cummings, the cop who was driving, for criminal vehicular homicide, while dropping all charges against the alleged robber who started the chase, claiming it was “due to an inability to prove all of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt at this time.” At least he does remain in custody on other charges.

Cummings' attorney blasted Moriarty, saying his client “risked his life many times to protect people. He sits in jail, while “a gun toting thief, who bears responsibility for the death of Leneal Frazier, and stole from the innocent gets a break?  Minneapolis is a better place to be a criminal than a law enforcement officer.”

Sadly, that’s true of most Democrat-run cities these days. People don’t bother with local races, and the left has learned that that’s the way to sneak into power and destroy from within, like rats finding a hole in your siding. This is how “prosecutors” who only prosecute cops and citizens who try to stop criminals, get into power. A seemingly “small, local election” can make a huge difference in people’s lives. Voters in these cities had better start paying closer attention because the ballot box is about the only weapon of self-defense they still have.


Vampyre Cosmetics, which describes itself as "proudly women owned, disabled owned and LGBT+ owned," released a statement saying they have canceled a planned line of makeup endorsed by rocker Alice Cooper because of his (eminently reasonable) comments about “transing” kids being “a fad.” They posted on their website, "We believe gender is a construct and has no place in our business” and “believe everyone should have access to healthcare.” (Editor’s note: Disfiguring confused children with unnecessary, permanent, body-altering drugs and surgery is not “healthcare.” It’s barbarism.)

Does anyone else think it’s hilariously ironic that the “edgy” makeup company Vampyr Cosmetics dropped their endorsement deal with the king of shock rock because he said something too shocking: that if you have male genitalia, you’re male; and if you have female genitalia, you’re female. They’re about as edgy as a muffin!

I read something recently that I thought was a great point, and I’m sorry I can’t remember the source, but it was that the left wants to force everyone to say they believe that men can become women and women become men because if they can make you agree to that without protest, they can make you agree to anything without protest.

20-20 Leftist Hindsight Round-Up:

While a number of people are calling for a return to mask mandates, a study shared by the NIH found that N95 surgical masks (the only kind that might do any good against COVID) expose wearers to eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds that have been linked to headaches, nausea, and in prolonged expose (like we’re being pressured to experience), organ failure and cancer.

Residents of Oregon are increasingly supporting the repeal of their vote to decriminalize hard drugs. Who could've predicted that would have a down side?

And you know how we all had to switch to paper straws because plastic straws were destroying the environment, according to…a 9-year-old’s science project? Well, now we’re being warned that the paper straws may contain “forever chemicals” that harm human health. They also turn to mush after about three sucks.

Two Must-Reads:

Derek Hunter on the history of Democrats lying about Republicans being “the next Hitler” or worse than Hitler. Also, the history of real dictators, who are uniformly on the left, what they do when they get into power, and how it’s exactly what the Biden White House is starting to do.

And Alan Joseph Bauer, a writer from a family so deeply Democratic that his mother used to say “Better a dead Democrat than a live Republican,” lists the reasons why he is now urging everyone he knows, “Don’t vote Democratic.” It’s not your mom’s Democratic Party anymore.

The More You Know…

Since Jack Smith’s most recent round of charges against President Trump are based on the idea that he knew he legitimately lost the election because he was told that by “experts,” it seems reasonable to take a look at who these so-called “experts” were. Revolver News did that and dug up some jaw-dropping info. In addition to the expected round-up of Deep State intelligence spooks who’d spent his entire Administration lying to and about Trump and trying to frame and remove him, there was also an agency you might not have even heard of until recently called CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

This shadowy cabal came to public notice recently when the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government revealed that CISA illegally set up a social media censorship division during the run-up to the election to pressure social media platforms to silence users, and then tried to cover it up when it was exposed. But (surprise!) it gets worse.

The founding director of CISA is Chris Krebs. The Foundation for Freedom looked into his past statements and discovered that he makes Joseph Stalin look like a Libertarian. To cite just a few examples:

He thought the Hunter Biden laptop looked like Russian disinformation but didn’t care if it was or not; the important thing was that the media not cover it before the election. He believed that every lawyer who represented conservatives challenging election irregularities should be permanently disbarred and banned from ever practicing law again. He hoped conservative news outlets would be bankrupted by Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuits, and that the same should happen to anyone in the media who questioned voting machines in 2020 (which he helped administer.) He had the same totalitarian views of anyone who questioned the government’s COVID-19 protocols, even wanting to censor humorous T-shirts. He even canceled his own Direct TV subscription just because they carried the conservative network OANN.

And Trump claims he didn’t believe it when people like this guy told him the election was on the up-and-up and his loss was totally legitimate? Well, obviously, he should be imprisoned!

(Please note, Mr. Smith, that I said that last part, so you can’t indict me, too. And if you claim I was just being sarcastic, I’ll say, “NO! Why, that’s RIDICULOUS!!”)

"Kicked in the gut"

Between claiming the border is secure, backing the castration of children, and congratulating itself on the great “Bidenomics” economy, I didn’t think it was possible for this Administration to become any more tone deaf or divorced from reality. But as Obama once said, never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to (BLEEP) things up.

And so, as we approach the anniversary of possibly the darkest day in American history, September 11th (no, Joe, not January 6th), the Biden Administration is reportedly working on a plea deal to spare the planners of that incomprehensible terrorist mass murder from the death penalty.

Under the deal, the architect of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and four alleged co-conspirators would “accept criminal responsibility for their actions and plead guilty…in exchange for not receiving the death penalty,” according to CBS News. One man whose brother was killed in the assault on the World Trade Center said, “Here we are on the eve of the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, and we are getting kicked in the gut by our own government once again.”

Others called it embarrassing, a betrayal and negotiating with terrorists, and suggested that it’s meant to keep the terrorists from revealing information about any Saudi role in 9/11.

Many survivors of 9/11 victims are enraged over this, but they can forget about confronting Biden over it during the upcoming commemoration ceremonies. Instead of attending the traditional ceremonies in New York City, Virginia or Pennsylvania, Biden will be in Alaska on 9/11.

He’ll be returning from a G20 summit in India, where he’s reportedly thinking of privately meeting with Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss a US-Saudi mega-deal. You know, the Saudi leader whom candidate Biden attacked Trump for dealing with and said he was going to make him “pay the price” and make him a “pariah” over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Does Biden even remember that? Does he remember 9/11? All signs point to “no.”

Huckabee Video Links

If you missed my interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who might be the last prominent Democrat politician with any sense at all, then you have to watch this. Among other important topics, we discussed border security and the disaster Biden has made of it. RFK did what our “border czar” Kamala Harris has never done: he actually went to the border and watched what’s happening there, as buses filled with 55 illegal entrants apiece, all paying the Mexican cartels to bring them, arrive over and over, all day long, day in and day out.

Top aide to Trump Special Counsel was visiting Biden White House

So, how much contact has the office of so-called “independent” Trump special counsel Jack Smith had with the Biden White House?

(NOTE:  Just read through that question again in light of the fact that we’re in the middle of a presidential campaign between Trump and Biden.  We should not have to ask such a question.)

As Jesse Watters reported Monday evening, White House visitor logs suggest that a pretext for the Mar-A-Lago raid might have been determined in meetings there, and that the special counsel’s work is likely still being coordinated from there.

While Trump was in the process of negotiating with the National Archives about the materials he had moved to Mar-A-Lago, Jay Bratt of the DOJ, who is now top aide to Special Counsel Smith, visited the White House three times to meet first with deputy White House Counsel Chief of Staff Caroline Saba and, for the third meeting, White House Chief of Staff Adviser Katherine Reily.  An FBI agent from the DC field office, Danielle Ray, also attended one of the meetings.  It seems Bratt didn’t want to waste time negotiating with the Archives; he was itching to raid the place, and he encouraged the White House to go ahead with that plan.  Or maybe they were just as on board from the start; who knows?

Recall that Bratt was the one who visited Mar-A-Lago not long before the raid and advised security personnel to put an additional lock on the door to the basement where allegedly classified documents were held.  This was done, but President Biden later signed off on the raid anyway, and after the FBI got a warrant (from a local magistrate and Obama donor), armed agents went in by land, sea and air.  That was August 8 of last year, a day that will live in infamy.

After Trump had already been indicted by the Biden ‘Justice’ Department, Bratt was appointed top aide to Special Counsel Smith.  Then, in March of this year, Bratt returned to the White House for the third time.  Weeks after that, Trump received another indictment, this one over those so-called “classified” Mar-A-Lago documents.  Watters asks the big question:

“Why is the Biden White House conspiring with the Justice Department and the special counsel’s office to prosecute Donald Trump?”

Publicly, Biden has had no comment on the case --- not that he comments on much of anything --- and says he’s had nothing to do with it.  He said, “I have never, once, not one single time, suggested to the Justice Department what they should do or not do relative to bringing a charge or not bringing a charge.”  Well, maybe he actually is telling the truth and didn’t conspire with them one single time.  Maybe he conspired with them a number of times.   The visitor logs certainly suggest that.

(This might be a good place to mention that Biden also says he’s never, once, not one single time, spoken with any member of his family about their foreign business dealings.)

It’s sad to have to be so cynical these days.  But there’s a good reason:  the Biden White House’s utter lack of transparency about the “Biden family business” and also the administration’s blatant moves to commit massive “lawfare” against its #1 political opponent.  As noted yesterday, the government, as evidenced by what we already know, is “guilty until proven innocent.”  Consistent with that view, look at the rushed court dates that are lining up to coincide with critical times for the GOP primary and ‘24 election.

Trump immediately announced that he would appeal the latest court date of the day before Super Tuesday, which couldn’t scream “Election Interference” any louder if it were Stacey Abrams with a megaphone.

Even THE NEW YORK TIMES reported that Biden was a force behind the hurry-up timeline.  Thanks to Watters for highlighting this quote: “Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments.”  Also, “...while the president has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland, he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a PROSECUTOR [emphasis ours] who is willing to take decisive action.”

He didn’t have to speak directly to Garland to make his wishes known.  With his words, Biden was using the power of his office to go after a political rival.  Isn’t some pale version of that what Trump got impeached for?  Trump simply mentioned it, almost in passing, to a foreign leader in a phone call, while according to NYT sources, Biden personally pushed in behind-closed-doors White House meetings to mobilize the direct force of the American judicial system to prosecute Trump.

You know, the case could easily be made right here and now that if Biden directed his “inner circle” to do this, it was an impeachable offense.

Here’s a good write-up on that story, from the NEW YORK POST…

Of course, it’s impossible to tell from the visitor logs what was discussed during these meetings.  But given the timing and context, it seems pretty obvious.  As reported by the NY POST, “Critics and legal experts questioned why Bratt was taking meetings at all with the White House counsel’s office while part of an active investigation into President Biden’s likely 2024 Republican opponent.”

Former NYC mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, when asked if he believed the White House and special counsel were coordinating their prosecution of Trump, said, “You’re damn right I do.  What’s happening is, they have trashed every ethical rule that exists, and they have created a state police.  It is a Biden state prosecutor and a Biden state police.”  (Of course, you know that Giuliani himself has been indicted in Fulton County, Georgia, because a grand jury disagreed with the private [make that “private”] and personal legal advice he gave Trump.)

Recall that Bratt was in the news in June of this year, when the U.K. GUARDIAN reported that Stanley Woodward, the attorney for indicted Trump valet Walt Nauta, accused Bratt of bringing up his impending judgeship during a conversation about getting his client to “flip” and testify against Trump.  This is an extremely serious charge.  Woodward has an absolutely stellar reputation, and people who know him say it’s unthinkable that he would make it up.  Congress is looking into it.

Anyway, mark my word, with all the left’s lip service to “democracy,” this is about the opposite of democracy.  It’s ALL about keeping Trump off the ballot next year.  If the tactics they’ve tried don’t work, they’ll try others.  They are utterly deluded; they’ve so demonized Trump that they’re heroes in their own minds for doing everything they can to stop him.

And with the Fulton County arrest and Trump mugshot backfiring spectacularly, the next tactic will have to be to misuse the 14th Amendment to disqualify him for office.  Here’s how the mainstream news reports that, if you’re so inclined to see it…

A far better investment of your time would be the analysis of law Prof. Michael McConnell (who notes he is not a fan of Trump) about the “profoundly anti-democratic” abuse of the 14th Amendment.  If this precedent is set, partisan politicians at the state level will disqualify their opponents for public office.  Highly recommended reading...


RELATED READING:  I already wrote about this, but “in case you missed it,” it’s a must-read piece in REVOLVER NEWS from earlier this month, explaining how this most recent indictment of President Trump is, in effect, criminalizing what we might call “election denial.”  You’d think nobody had ever questioned an election before, when we know Democrats do it ALL the time.

This piece takes a look at the “experts” Trump was expected to believe about the validity of the election results, notably those at the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or “CISA.”  CISA was so concerned about controlling narratives that they even set up, without legal authorization, a social media censorship division that even tried to censor humor.  (Them’s fightin’ words!)  These were propagandists led by head propagandist Chris Krebs, a cybersecurity expert from Microsoft who wanted to make sure the Hunter laptop story stayed hidden till after the 2020 election and even to see conservative media shut down.

So, Trump was supposed to believe “experts” like HIM about the election?  Why should he have?  And why should he have believed the intel community, after they tried to frame him for being a Russian agent?  No, Trump had plenty of reason to question any narrative they put forth, including about the election.  And questioning election results is not a crime.

By the way, here’s something else that was hidden in 2020:  Did you know that fired prosecutor Viktor Shokin filed a complaint with Ukraine’s National Bureau of Investigation that year demanding an investigation of Joe Biden for “illegal influence on him as the prosecutor general of Ukraine” while he was investigating Burisma Holdings?  No?  Neither did anybody else.

Shokin claimed that Biden’s demand that he be fired violated Article 243 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code.  He said it was “interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine on the part of a foreign power in violation of one of the principles of international law.”

Finally, guess how many documents the National Archives has bearing Biden synonyms “Robert L. Peters,” “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware”?  If you guessed a whopping 5, win!  Many thanks to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which filed the FOIA request over a year ago.  On Monday, they sued for the release of the unredacted records...

National Archives has 5,400 Biden emails in which he uses fake names to dish government info to Hunter, others as VP: suit

Hurricane Idalia

At the time of this writing early on Tuesday morning, a state of emergency is in effect for much of Florida as Hurricane Idalia approaches the southwest coast as a category 1 hurricane. By the time it makes landfall, it’s expected to intensify to an even stronger storm with devastating winds and rain and potentially life-threatening storm surges.

If you live in its path, I hope you’ve evacuated, and if not, I hope you are prepared and that you and your animals will be safe. Please keep a close eye on the weather news and follow any emergency orders. Here's a link to a live stream of Fox News hurricane coverage.

The rest of us are praying for your safety and for Florida.


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For more news, visit my website.

The More You Know...

August 28, 2023

Since Jack Smith’s most recent round of charges against President Trump are based on the idea that he knew he legitimately lost the election because he was told that by “experts,” it seems reasonable to take a look at who these so-called “experts” were. Revolver News did that and dug up some jaw-dropping info. In addition to the expected round-up of Deep State intelligence spooks who’d spent his entire Administration lying to and about Trump and trying to frame and remove him, there was also an agency you might not have even heard of until recently called CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

This shadowy cabal came to public notice recently when the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government revealed that CISA illegally set up a social media censorship division during the run-up to the election to pressure social media platforms to silence users, and then tried to cover it up when it was exposed. But (surprise!) it gets worse.

The founding director of CISA is Chris Krebs. The Foundation for Freedom looked into his past statements and discovered that he makes Joseph Stalin look like a Libertarian. To cite just a few examples:

He thought the Hunter Biden laptop looked like Russian disinformation but didn’t care if it was or not; the important thing was that the media not cover it before the election. He believed that every lawyer who represented conservatives challenging election irregularities should be permanently disbarred and banned from ever practicing law again. He hoped conservative news outlets would be bankrupted by Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuits, and that the same should happen to anyone in the media who questioned voting machines in 2020 (which he helped administer.) He had the same totalitarian views of anyone who questioned the government’s COVID-19 protocols, even wanting to censor humorous T-shirts. He even canceled his own Direct TV subscription just because they carried the conservative network OANN.

And Trump claims he didn’t believe it when people like this guy told him the election was on the up-and-up and his loss was totally legitimate? Well, obviously, he should be imprisoned!

(Please note, Mr. Smith, that I said that last part, so you can’t indict me, too. And if you claim I was just being sarcastic, I’ll say, “NO! Why, that’s RIDICULOUS!!”)



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

What a surprise:

The Trump-hating judge in his election interference trial in DC rejected his attorneys' request to delay it to 2026 because of the mountain of alleged evidence Jack Smith dumped on them to go through, and instead decided it will start on the day before Super Tuesday primary elections.

If election interference is such a crime, why aren't all the people behind these trials facing trial themselves?

Close to home

Another day, another highly questionable and tragic FBI raid on an American’s home, this time in Hendersonville, Tennessee, where we film “Huckabee.”

At this writing, they’ve yet to release much information, but we do know that an FBI SWAT team showed up at Theodore Deschler’s home at 6 a.m. to stage an arrest raid, breaking out windows and firing flash grenades. Deschler was shot to death. His mother called it “a senseless act.” She said her son was a “100% disabled veteran” with severe PTSD, and “He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas.”

The FBI has yet to explain what allegedly justified this deadly assault. A GoFundMe account has been set up for the family to raise money to try to repair their smashed and bullet-riddled home. You’ll find that and what little more we know at the link.

Tragic event

Former Canadian Olympic figure skater Alexandra Paul, who won a number of awards for ice dancing with her future husband Mitchell Islam, was killed in a seven-car chain reaction crash north of Toronto. She was 31. Her 10-month-old son was strapped into the back seat and survived.

We extend our prayers and condolences to all who are affected by these tragic events.

Important Anniversary

August 28th marks the anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s. historic “I Have a Dream” speech before a crowd of 250,000 during the 1963 March on Washington. As a kid growing up in the South at that time of Jim Crow laws, I was deeply moved by the Rev. King’s words about justice and brotherhood, and have always regarded him as a great spiritual leader, role model and American. His moving words helped me understand that racism is not just evil, it is a sin against the God who made us all in His own image.

That’s why it’s so upsetting to see how certain self-appointed spokespeople for black Americans are betraying his legacy. They use his name and image, but their goal of separating and judging Americans by race is the very antithesis of his dream, an America where we could all share a place at the same table and people were judged not by the color or their skin but by the content of their character. To serve their selfish and destructive political goals, they are busily reversing decades of racial progress.

I sometimes wonder, if he were alive today, would he be attacked by the left for preaching (yes, he was also a preacher, and a great one, which would also make him a target of the left) that our goal should be a colorblind society, a phrase they now revile as somehow racist. To understand radical leftists, you must remember that they constantly redefine terms to call things the opposite of what they are because nobody would follow them if they told you straight out what they really believe. That’s how we got today’s “anti-racism” movement that’s based entirely on judging people by their skin color. Or as we used to call that: “racism.”

This is a link to the history of the Rev. King’s speech, with photos and a full transcript. I urge you not to listen to those who will use this day to try to usurp his legacy and twist his words, but to go to the original source and watch or read that speech for yourself. It’s just as inspiring now as it was then, and sadly, just as timely.

112 to go

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

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To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 600 new paying subscribers for the month of August and we have 127 to go.

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Mike Huckabee

Helicopter crash

Sunday morning in Australia, an Osprey military helicopter crashed during an exercise, killing three US Marines and injuring 20 others, some critically. This is still a breaking story, and I hope you will pray for the injured to make a full recovery.

Jacksonville shooting

There was a lot of tragic news over the weekend, and I hope you will keep these people and their families in your prayers…

Three black customers were killed in a Jacksonville, Florida, Dollar General Store Saturday when a 21-year-old white male entered and began shooting. He then turned the gun on himself. Police say it was a racially-motivated assault. The shooter had a history that involved domestic violence and mental illness. There is more at this link, but I warn you that it includes surveillance video that is very disturbing.


Too old

An AP-NORC poll released Monday morning found that a staggering 77% of Americans think Joe Biden is too old to be effective in a second term. That seems like a no-brainer to me, since he’s too old to be effective in his first term, and he ain’t getting any younger.

That view is held by 89% of Republicans and even 69% of Democrats, and it holds across all demographics. Even old people think Biden is too old to be President. Of course, this is not meant to imply that people become incompetent just because of their age. Each person is a separate case. I’m sure Joe would have been a lousy President at 50. And Mel Brooks is 97, but I’d trade Biden for him right now.

Denied bail

Democrats are shocked to learn that many black men are sympathetic to Donald Trump’s claims of being targeted for prosecution because of who he is rather than what he did. I wonder what rock they’ve been living under since the 1800s?

I can’t help wondering what black Americans will think when they hear that a white judge in Georgia released on bail all of the people charged under the ridiculous RICO case against Trump – except one. That was Harrison Floyd (what a coincidental last name!), who, also by sheer coincidence I’m sure, happened to be a Black outreach director for Trump’s 2020 campaign and the only non-white defendant.

She claimed that because of his prior record, the mixed martial artist and Marine veteran might be a flight risk and at risk of committing felonies. Which might explain why she denied him bail, but it doesn’t explain why she also denied him a public defender.

The magistrate judge ordered Floyd jailed until the superior court judge returns from vacation. Floyd’s attorney said there’s “no excuse” for this; superior court judges don’t hear bond matters, and state criminal law mandates that a defendant receive a bond amount within 24 hours. He called Floyd’s treatment “completely outside the regular course of order there.”

But then, you could say that about every indictment that’s been leveled against Trump, which might be why so many black people find it suspiciously familiar.

The More You Know…

Since Jack Smith’s most recent round of charges against President Trump are based on the idea that he knew he legitimately lost the election because he was told that by “experts,” it seems reasonable to take a look at who these so-called “experts” were. Revolver News did that and dug up some jaw-dropping info. In addition to the expected round-up of Deep State intelligence spooks who’d spent his entire Administration lying to and about Trump and trying to frame and remove him, there was also an agency you might not have even heard of until recently called CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

This shadowy cabal came to public notice recently when the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government revealed that CISA illegally set up a social media censorship division during the run-up to the election to pressure social media platforms to silence users, and then tried to cover it up when it was exposed. But (surprise!) it gets worse.

The founding director of CISA is Chris Krebs. The Foundation for Freedom looked into his past statements and discovered that he makes Joseph Stalin look like a Libertarian. To cite just a few examples:

He thought the Hunter Biden laptop looked like Russian disinformation but didn’t care if it was or not; the important thing was that the media not cover it before the election. He believed that every lawyer who represented conservatives challenging election irregularities should be permanently disbarred and banned from ever practicing law again. He hoped conservative news outlets would be bankrupted by Dominion Voting Systems’ lawsuits, and that the same should happen to anyone in the media who questioned voting machines in 2020 (which he helped administer.) He had the same totalitarian views of anyone who questioned the government’s COVID-19 protocols, even wanting to censor humorous T-shirts. He even canceled his own Direct TV subscription just because they carried the conservative network OANN.

And Trump claims he didn’t believe it when people like this guy told him the election was on the up-and-up and his loss was totally legitimate? Well, obviously, he should be imprisoned!

(Please note, Mr. Smith, that I said that last part, so you can’t indict me, too. And if you claim I was just being sarcastic, I’ll say, “NO! Why, that’s RIDICULOUS!!”)

Not what you think it is

The attempt to blame the devastating Maui wildfires on climate change may have suffered a fatal blow with a lawsuit filed by the county government against Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) and its subsidiaries that officially blames the fires on their negligence. The lawsuit accuses HECO of failing to power down electrical equipment during a red flag windstorm warning as required, which meant live power lines blew into dry grasslands that were known wildfire fuel and ignited them.

But as previously noted here, the fires were also fanned by so many power and government officials prioritizing the “climate change” agenda over fire prevention that there’s plenty of blame to go around, not only for the fires starting but for the failure to put them out. So you could say that “climate change” did contribute indirectly to the fires, but not in the way that green activists claim.


For younger readers who don’t know what a “Catch-22” is, this is a great example:

The Biden DOJ is suing Elon Musk’s company SpaceX for discriminatory hiring practices for not hiring refugees and asylum seekers. Musk called this more of the weaponization of government, saying that this same Administration told SpaceX “repeatedly that hiring anyone who was not a permanent resident of the United States would violate international arms trafficking law, which would be a criminal offense. We couldn’t even hire Canadian citizens, despite Canada being part of NORAD!"

So he’s damned if he does hire non-US residents, and damned if it doesn’t. That leaves only one way to avoid prosecution by the Biden DOJ: Hire Hunter at $83,000 a month.

We’re in a fight to defeat the ruling elites’ criminal enterprise

One thing we’re glad to see:  Critics of the administration who used to temper their words out of fear of getting canceled are getting rarer.  Of course, that’s because some of them have already been canceled!  Here are a few searing quotes from “Dilbert” cartoonist Scott Adams’ podcast “Coffee With Scott Adams,” on Friday morning (after Trump’s arraignment in Fulton County, Georgia, on Thursday):

“I have a hypothesis that I’m working on, and it goes like this…We would not be seeing the things we’re seeing if we had an actual President who was in charge.  In other words, my belief is that it’s now so obvious a criminal enterprise, and it’s so obviously a criminal prosecution, and it’s so far over the line, that no President would do that and turn his legacy to garbage.

“At this point, I would say Biden’s legacy is just criminal and garbage.”

“...It’s almost turning into a legal civil war, a ‘lawfare’ civil war.”

He compared the Democrat Party to a group of zombies, who seem to be acting in coordinated fashion but who have no discernable leader, and to winged monkeys who have taken over the palace.  He also said this:

“Citizens are innocent until proven guilty; the government is guilty until proven innocent, by transparency.  Transparency is the only thing that gets you a pass.  If you’ll let us inside, let us look around, audit when we need to, let people have access to whatever we need to, then I’m willing to say...carry on.”

“The moment transparency is not in full effect, the assumption has to be the worst case...the lack of transparency allows a reasonable person to say you have a criminal enterprise.”

And that’s where we are.  So, what do we do when we know, from the lack of transparency, that elections have been messed with?  As Mark Levin said Sunday night, when bureaucrats interfere in elections, “it is Congress, and only Congress, that has the final say in elections.  Not the Department of Justice, not a prosecutor, not a judge, not a grand jury.  The system is set up, Congress counts all the electors...We have constitutional illiterates and ignoramuses all over TV.  The election isn’t over until Congress says it’s over, and counts the electors.”

Levin was only too eager to speak of the criminal enterprise on his show, quoting from the official DOJ “Justice Manual”: “Federal prosecutors and agents may never select the timing of any action, including investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements, for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.”  (A look at the timeline for President Trump’s upcoming trial dates makes it unmistakably clear that this is all about election interference.)  The only time this may be done is when the U.S. Attorney General has approved it, so, of course, Merrick Garland is behind this.

Be sure and watch Levin’s opening monologue for much more on what the rule of law is SUPPOSED to be.  And in the following segment, he explains why the notion that a President can’t pardon himself at the state level is something somebody just made up.  The spirit of the law would be that he certainly could.

“If I’m wrong and the others are right,” he said, “the country is over.  There are thousands and thousands of DAs and assistant DAs and state prosecutors.  There are thousands of assistant U.S. attorneys; that’s bad enough.”

Levin also took a side trip into the archives for a look into Special Counsel Jack Smith’s background.  Did you know Smith was the one who first called the DOJ’s attention to the conservative “Tea Party” nonprofit groups --- not the many “progressive” ones, of course --- that Lois Lerner’s team ended up investigating when Obama was running for re-election?  This was back when he was leading the --- try not to laugh --- Public Integrity Section --- of the ‘Justice’ Department.

Ironically, Republicans at that time sought a special counsel to investigate THAT, with Smith’s actions cited as one reason.  Alas, the Public Integrity Unit (under Smith) decided not to open any investigation.  The only scrutiny was of the Tea Party groups, by the IRS...

Recall that the IRS later admitted their actions were wrong blah blah blah, and that Lois Lerner pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress and retired with her full pension.

Newt Gingrich, Levin’s guest, went into more detail about the ongoing criminal enterprise.  The real corruption, he said, lies with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (two ideological associates of Saul Alinsky), with Biden “the smallest of the three players.”  Their Alinsky grounding says “middle class rules don’t matter, the law doesn’t matter, honesty doesn’t matter, do whatever you can get away with.”  Obama and his people currently run the show; Biden “sort of floats along.”

“The depth of corruption is breathtaking.”  Most of us who have been “sleepwalking” don’t realize “the scale of the corruption taking over the system.”

For that reason, the investigation by the House Republicans needs to be “much broader and deeper,” he said, starting with subpoenaing all the financial records of the Clinton Foundation, “which is going to produce evidence of a level of wrongdoing, in terms of millions and millions of dollars, far beyond anything we’ve seen with Joe Biden.”

More generally, Gingrich stressed that the biggest challenge for the American people is to recognize that we are replacing the rule of law with the rule of power.  “What you saw in Atlanta was an arrogant, corrupt, dishonest, radical district attorney, who brings in, I think, an indictment that is insane, and makes no sense at all.  [That’s also] what you’re seeing with Jack Smith --- who, by the way, was repudiated unanimously by the Supreme Court when he tried to destroy Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia [by totally misstating the law and misleading the jury].

Gingrich believes this is precisely why Garland picked him --- he wanted a “rabid dog,” and he sure got one.  Garland would do “anything to get Trump,” in as biased a courtroom as it’s possible to get.

“When I watch lawyers try to explain all this,” he said, “I think they miss the point.  This isn’t about the law.  These people couldn’t care less about the law.  They are in a vendetta to destroy Donald Trump, because they’re terrified that if Trump becomes President again, having now had time to think through how corrupt, how dishonest, how outrageous they are, that he will tear apart their establishment.”

I would add that this is exactly why we need to re-elect him, and the American people increasingly understand this (including black men, many of whom identify with Trump as the victim of corrupt law enforcement policy).  As Gingrich said, Trump is no longer just a candidate; he’s the leader of a movement. That mugshot the Democrats coveted so much has already brought in over $7 million in campaign donations…to Trump.