
Roald Dahl is censored

February 20, 2023

Our pop culture guru Pat Reeder is always warning people that if there is a book, movie, record, etc. you love, you need a hard copy of it instead of relying on streaming because “if you can’t hold it in your hand, you don’t own it.”

Happy Presidents’ Day

February 20, 2023

Happy Presidents’ Day! Americans used to celebrate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as holidays, but they were lumped into this three-day weekend holiday, ostensibly to celebrate all US Presidents and give a little honor to some of the lesser lights.

Free Speech victory

February 17, 2023

In a welcome victory for free speech rights, Federal Judge Andrew Carter Jr. issued a preliminary injunction against New York’s new “Hateful Conduct Law,” finding it to be just the latest of a series of unconstitutional state laws passed in Albany.

“Good evening. I’m Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

“Being a mom to three young children taught me not to believe every story I hear. So forgive me for not believing much of anything I heard tonight from President Biden. From out-of-control inflation and violent crime to the dangerous border crisis and threat from China, Biden and the Democrats have failed you.

“They know it. And you know it.

“It’s time for a change.

“Tonight, let us reaffirm our commitment to a timeless American idea: that government exists not to rule the people, but to serve the people.?

“Democrats want to rule us with more government control, but that is not who we are. America is the greatest country the world has ever known because we are the freest country the world has ever known, with a people who are strong and resilient.

“Five months ago, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It was a hard time for our family, particularly for our kids - Scarlett, Huck, and George - but we kept our faith and persevered.

“Thanks to exceptional doctors here in Arkansas, a successful surgery, and the grace of God, I am cancer-free.

“Through it all, I couldn’t help but think about my mom.

“She was 20 years old and in her first year of marriage when she was diagnosed with spinal cancer. The doctors told her she might not live. If she did live, they said she’d never walk again, and if she did walk, she’d definitely never have children.

“The daughter she was told she’d never have was just sworn in as the new Governor of Arkansas and is speaking to you tonight.

“Adversity and fear of the unknown can paralyze us, but faith propels us to charge boldly ahead.

“We can’t stand still in the face of great challenges. You and I were put on this earth for such a time as this to charge boldly ahead.

“I’ll be the first to admit, President Biden and I don’t have a lot in common.

“I’m for freedom. He’s for government control.

“At 40, I’m the youngest governor in the country. At 80, he’s the oldest president in American history.?

“I’m the first woman to lead my state. He’s the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is.

“In the radical left’s America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire, but you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country.

“Whether Joe Biden believes this madness or is simply too weak to resist it, his administration has been completely hijacked by the radical left.

“The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left.?

“The choice is between normal or crazy.?

“It is time for a new generation of Republican leadership.

“Upon taking office just a few weeks ago I signed Executive Orders to ban CRT, racism, and indoctrination in our schools, eliminate the use of the derogatory term ‘Latinx’ in our government, repealed COVID orders and said never again to authoritarian mandates and shutdowns.

“Americans want common sense from their leaders, but in Washington, the Biden administration is doubling down on crazy.

“President Biden inherited the fastest economic recovery on record. The most secure border in history. Cheap abundant, home-grown energy. Fast-rising wages. A rebuilt military. And a world that was stable and at peace. But over the last two years, Democrats destroyed it all.

“Despite Democrats’ trillions in reckless spending and mountains of debt, we now have the worst border crisis in American history.

“As a mom, my heart breaks for every parent who has lost a son or daughter to addiction. 100,000 Americans a year are now killed from drug overdoses, largely from fentanyl pouring in across our southern border. Yet the Biden administration refuses to secure the border and save American lives.?

“And after years of Democrat attacks on law enforcement and calls to ‘defund the police, violent criminals roam free, while law-abiding families live in fear.?

“Beyond our border, from Afghanistan to Ukraine, from North Korea to Iran, President Biden’s weakness puts our nation and the world at risk.

“And the President’s refusal to stand up to China, our most formidable adversary, is dangerous and unacceptable.

“President Biden is unwilling to defend our border, defend our skies, and defend our people. He is unfit to serve as commander in chief.

“And while you reap the consequences of their failures, the Biden administration seems more interested in woke fantasies than the hard reality Americans face every day. Most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a left-wing culture war we didn’t start and never wanted to fight.

“Every day, we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols…all while big government colludes with Big Tech to strip away the most American thing there is—your Freedom of speech.

“That’s not normal. It’s crazy, and it’s wrong.

“Make no mistake: Republicans will not surrender this fight. We will lead with courage and do what’s right, not what’s politically correct or convenient.

“Republicans believe in an America where strong families thrive in safe communities. Where jobs are abundant, and paychecks are rising. Where the freedom our veterans shed their blood to defend is the birthright of every man, woman, and child.

“These are the principles Republican governors are fighting for. And in Washington under the leadership of Senate Republicans and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, we will hold the Biden administration accountable.

“Down the street from where I sit is my alma mater, Little Rock Central High. As a student there, I will never forget watching my dad, Governor Mike Huckabee, and President Bill Clinton hold the doors open to the Little Rock Nine, doors that forty years earlier had been closed to them because they were black. Today, those children once barred from the schoolhouse are now heroes memorialized in bronze at our statehouse.

“I’m proud of the progress our country has made.  And I believe giving every child access to a quality education - regardless of their race or income - is the civil rights issue of our day.

“Tomorrow, I will unveil an education package that will be the most far reaching, bold, conservative education reform in the country.

“My plan empowers parents with real choices, improves literacy and career readiness, and helps put a good teacher in every classroom by increasing their starting salary?from one of the lowest to one of the highest in the nation.

“Here in Arkansas and across America, Republicans are working to end the policy of trapping kids in failing schools and sentencing them to a lifetime of poverty.?

“We will educate, not indoctrinate our kids, and put students on a path to success.

“It’s time for a new generation to lead. This is our moment. This is our opportunity.

“A new generation born in the waning decades of the last century, shaped by economic booms and stock market busts, forged by the triumph of the Cold War and the tragedy of 9/11. A generation brimming with passion and new ideas to solve age-old problems. A generation moored to our deepest values and oldest traditions, yet unafraid to challenge the present order and find a better way forward. 

“If we seize this moment together, America can once again be the land of the free and home of the brave.

“During my two and a half years at the White House, I traveled on every foreign trip with the President.

“A trip I will never forget was on December 25, 2018.

“My husband Bryan and I had just cleaned up wrapping paper that had been shoved into every corner of our house thanks to our three kids, when I had to walk out on my own family’s Christmas, unable to tell them where I was going, because the place I’d be traveling to was so dangerous they didn’t want anybody to know that the President was going to be on the ground for even a few hours.

“We boarded Air Force One in total darkness—there were no lights on the plane, no lights on the runway, our phones and computers shut down and turned in. We were going completely off the grid.

“Nearly twelve hours later in the pitch-black of the night, we landed in the war-torn part of western Iraq. It was again a similar scene—no lights on the plane, no lights on the runway.

“The only light you could see was coming from about a mile away in a dining hall where hundreds of troops—who were in the fight against ISIS— had gathered, expecting to celebrate Christmas with senior military leadership from around the region.

“They had absolutely no idea that the President and First Lady were about to walk into that room.

“And when they did—it was a sight, and a scene, and a sound I hope I never forget.

“The room erupted. Men and women from every race, religion, and region, every political party, every demographic you can imagine started chanting in perfect unison over and over and over again, ‘USA, USA, USA.’

“It was a perfect picture of what makes our country great.

“One of the young soldiers yelled from the back, ‘Mr. President, I reenlisted in the military because of you.’ The President said, ‘and son, I am here because of you.’

“Shortly after, that young soldier came up to me and said, ‘Sarah, you have a tough job.’ I told him ‘What I do is nothing. You take bombs and bullets. That’s a tough job.’

“And in a moment that I know I’ll cherish for the rest of my life, that soldier reached up, and pulled the Brave Rifles Patch he wore on his shoulder and placed it into my hand, a sign of ultimate respect, and said, ‘Sarah, we are in this together.’

“Overwhelmed with emotion and speechless, I just hugged him, with tears in my eyes and a grateful heart for our heroes who keep us free.

“That young man and everyone who has served before him, all of those who serve alongside him, and the thousands we know who will be called upon to serve after him, deserve to know they have a country and community back home doing our part in the fight for freedom.

“America is great because we are free.

“But today, our freedom is under attack, and the America we love is in danger.

“President Biden and the Democrats have failed you.

“It’s time for a change.

“A New Generation of Republican leaders is stepping up… not to be caretakers of the status quo, but to be changemakers for the American people.

“We know not what the future holds, but we know who holds the future in His hands. And with God as our witness, we will show the world that America is still the place where freedom reins and liberty will never die.

“Thank you. God bless you. And God Bless America.”




Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter which includes my morning and evening editions.

With gratitude,



10 Be still, and know that I am God

Psalm 46:10

Here we go: GOP-led congressional hearings start this week

This week, Republican-led congressional oversight committees begin their hearings into a variety of issues, such as the Bidens’ handling of classified documents, with the White House reportedly getting ready to brief them.

Miranda Devine at the NEW YORK POST has a delightful preview of what is scheduled.

As you know, the DOJ and other government agencies have been stonewalling Congress.  It doesn’t matter to the Executive Branch that the Legislative Branch has demonstrated legitimate legislative purposes for their fact-finding.  It doesn’t matter that Congress has legitimate oversight responsibilities under the Constitution.  The ‘Justice’ Department says that giving information to these committees will jeopardize their own ongoing investigations, so, no dice.  The Treasury Department says the same about turning over bank records of Hunter Biden’s suspicious transactions.

“What do we do,” Mark Levin asks on Sunday’s LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN, “about a situation in which a President of the United States, his appointed attorney general, the director of the FBI, the U.S. attorney (also appointed by the President of the United States), and the special counsel (appointed by the attorney general of the United States) --- what do we do as a country if they stonewall the House of Representatives, the majority of whom are Republicans?  What do we do if the National Archives, also a part of the Executive Branch, is also stonewalling these Republicans?  In other words, what do we do if separation of powers is being violated by the Executive Branch, and the Executive Branch is the only body, we think, that can enforce the law?”

This is the situation we’re in, and, of course, it didn’t happen until the GOP gained control of Congress.  (For example, the Democrats’ J6 Kangaroo Kommittee did whatever it pleased.)  For the GOP, the rules changed.  Levin goes on to talk about how dangerous the FBI is today, more dangerous than ever before in its history (and that’s saying a lot, considering J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI).  Beyond that, “We have the most dangerous Department of Justice since it was founded by Ulysses S Grant in 1870.  We have the most dangerous attorney general since...well, since Grant founded the DOJ.  None of these government entities is in the Constitution; they were all created later.  Yet they can wield power over Congress.  Or at least they think they can.

Levin says they actually can’t.  But “the House of Representatives, the Republicans, need to preserve their authority under the Constitution,” he says.  “It’s called self-preservation.”  To preserve our system, they have to preserve the separation of powers.  The Executive Branch is corrupt, abusing the law against its political opponents, so the Legislative Branch has to act, to reclaim the power they’re supposed to have.

Congress has the inherent power to hold individuals or entities in contempt; this has been upheld by the Supreme Court as recently as the 1930s.  The Democrat Congress has done it over and over.   And when they’ve done this, it’s been enforced, even to the extreme (too extreme) point of making a President turn over his tax returns.  But the GOP Congress is left to twist in the wind.  “If [Congress] cannot enforce that power, then it has no power,” Levin says.

Congress wants to look at misconduct such as selective prosecution and abuse of power by the FBI.  Accordingly, “the FBI is not free to just blow off our elected representatives,” Levin says.  “And neither is the Attorney General of the United States, who has targeted legislators...[the] former President, and all the rest of it.”

So, what must Congress do in such a dangerous situation?  The relevant committee has to hold an individual or agency in contempt.  The House votes it up or down.  (This is where the GOP has got to be unified.)  If it passes Congress, it goes to the U.S. attorney’s office --- where it will likely be stopped.  As Levin points out, it’s what happened to the House with their “Fast and Furious” investigation when Eric Holder was AG.  This isn’t new.

So, then what?  Congress has the power TO SEND THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS TO SECURE THAT INDIVIDUAL --- to arrest and even jail the person.  “The Executive Branch plays no role,” according to Levin.  The person isn’t being charged with a crime, just being held in contempt of the House of Representatives.  He’ll have an open hearing before the Judiciary Committee, he can answer or not, and they can either release him or hold him over.

This is a stressful, unpleasant process, but if it comes to that, they’ll need to do it.  If the DOJ won’t enforce congressional subpoenas, they’ll have to do it themselves.  There will be vicious criticism from the media and academia, but, heck, the GOP gets that, anyway.  Don’t even bother trying to win their approval.  (In fact, I’d say that if you make them scream in rage, it means you’re on the right track.)

Levin cites the courage as a leader shown by Netanyahu and his new majority government in a similar power fight.  The returning prime minister is trying to reform the judiciary in Israel at a time when it constantly undermines the other branches of government.  It’s like that here.

As the committees start their hearings this week, it will be interesting to see how far Congress gets in its quest for facts.  It seems likely that the roadblocks will go up immediately, and they’ll have to grow a spine and enforce their own subpoenas.  It’ll be messy, but they’ll have to break a few eggs to make an eggs-ample of our corrupt ‘Justice’ Department.

Here’s Levin’s monologue, followed by an interview with the great Victor Davis Hanson that fills out the rest of the show.  For when you have time, don’t miss!

Here’s Hanson’s recent article at AMERICAN GREATNESS about the extent of the far left’s control.  This is a wake-up call in the form of a bucket of ice water.  He doesn’t really get into solutions here, but we’d say it has to start with Congress taking back its power, NOW.  If they don’t have that, we’re done.

In the wake of his warnings, you’ll be chilled even more by this report on the dramatically expanded FBI and their planned new headquarters.  This is something else the GOP could stop, with their power of the purse.  They don’t have to fund this monster.

One thing Congress will be looking into is what the Penn Biden Center was doing with classified documents.  What was (is?) “the Penn Biden Center for Global Diplomacy & Global Engagement,” PERIOD?  As with many of those so-called “think tanks,” it’s hard to say.  But they sure rake in a lot of money.  The PBC website seems to be mostly a tribute to Joe Biden.   But what does it DO?

We still haven’t had an answer for what Biden’s attorneys were doing rifling through documents at the Penn Biden Center.  I think we all have the same suspicion, but William Jacobson from LEGAL INSURRECTION voices it well.  This was almost certainly a “cleansing operation” by the lawyers ahead of the upcoming congressional oversight hearings.  Then suddenly it was, “Holy (bleep)!  There are classified documents here!”

Judging from their behavior, he thinks they’re hiding “something massive.”  (If you listen to the show, the part about this starts at 10:30.)


RELATED READING:  Towards the end of last week, there was so much in-depth news to cover that a few choice Margot Cleveland columns had to wait.  Scroll down on her page at THE FEDERALIST to February 1 and work back up, and you’ll find informative pieces on Hamilton 68 and its role in the Russia Hoax, the attack on former AG Bill Barr and Special Counsel John Durham in anticipation of the Durham Report, and the intimidation strategy being used on Hunter Biden’s behalf by attorney Abbe Lowell, which appears to be backfiring.  All great columns.

By the way, if you wonder why it’s backfiring, this might have something to do with it.

Let’s wrap up with some good news:  Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government is ending its “Technology and Social Change Project,” about dealing with so-called “misinformation.”  They say it’s because Joan Donovan, who has led this project since 2019, is not a full professor or full-time faculty member, but it SHOULD be because Donovan couldn’t tell real from fake.  She was skeptical that Hunter’s laptop was real, calling it a “straw man.”  Also, she wrote a book that broke down “how far-right operatives wage wars against mainstream America” online.  So, she has no business teaching university students about “misinformation.”  And now she’s not!

If she’s sending out resumes, she might try Facebook or Google.

Harvard To Disband Online Misinformation Project After Director Ousted

Pray for Turkey and Syria

Our prayers today for the people of Turkey and Syria, which were rocked yesterday by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake about 20 miles from the southern Turkish city of Gaiantep, about 60 miles from the Syrian border. It could be felt as far away as Cairo, Egypt, and the aftershocks reached as high as 6.7. At this writing, the death toll is over 1500 in Turkey and Syria, and it’s been rising quickly. Thousands more are injured, and over 2800 buildings have collapsed so far. The images look something like the bombed cities in Ukraine. It’s the worst disaster to strike Turkey since the Erzincan earthquake of 1939.

This is a developing story with more news coming in all the time, so keep an eye out for the latest bulletins, and please keep the victims in your prayers.



The Chinese "Weather Balloon" Story Pops

The Chinese “weather” balloon that was allowed to cover the entire US, drifting over various sensitive military and nuclear defense sites, was finally shot down off the coast of Florida. Watch the video of the immensely satisfying explosion here:

Aside from the fact that the balloon was actually allowed to cover the entire US before President Biden had it shot down, the other jaw-dropping aspect of this is China’s threatening tone about “reserving the right to respond” for shooting down their balloon. As this article makes clear, the US was well within its rights under international law.

And China is notorious for defending its own airspace, even to the point of once forcing a US military jet to land when it got too close to China’s shoreline. I can’t help thinking that they wouldn’t be acting so belligerent if they didn’t just get a strong sign from Biden that they can get away with it.  And I’m hardly the only one who suspects that.

Experts say China’s claim about the balloon drifting in the wind is dubious, since it had navigation abilities and drifted over sensitive areas that it would not have reached via wind currents. We might be able to find out, since it fell into the ocean largely intact, so we should be able to analyze and even reverse-engineer any technology it might have been carrying. Of course, that wouldn’t do anything about the data it might have already sent back to China, unless the new technology is a time machine.

Democrats were quick to seize on Biden’s order to shoot down the balloon, hailing him as a strong and decisive commander-in-chief who just had to wait until it was in a spot where the debris could fall safely. But that narrative quickly started to unravel after we learned that the government had been tracking the balloon for a week, well before it arrived over US territory, and was being watched as it floated over vast areas of uninhabited terrain. 

Also, Biden had already claimed that he ordered it shot down the instant he was briefed on it last week, but Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark MIlley overruled him. You’re not really the “commander-in-chief” if your subordinates can overrule your orders. All these attempts to rewrite Biden’s humiliating weakness in the face of China remind me of a guy who runs away from a fight, then spends the next month thinking up justifications and brave, snappy things he would’ve said if he’d only thought of them at the time.

Former President Trump said he would have shot the balloon down immediately, but China never would have tried this under his watch.

But an anonymous claim appeared that at least three such balloons got to America under Trump’s watch, and he didn’t shoot them down, either. Leftists and Biden media sycophants gleefully dived on that, but at least eight former top military and intelligence officials, some of whom aren’t even on good terms with Trump, came forward to say they never heard such a thing and that it never happened and is “blatantly untrue” and “100% lies.”

Even though China’s pretty balloon has been popped, that’s hardly the end of it. As Roger Simon of the Epoch Times noted, it will be drifting over Biden’s State of the Union Address tomorrow night.


On the Lighter (Than A Chinese Spy Balloon) Side

I believe we may be the first media outlet to have exclusive video footage of the balloon first being spotted above Montana:

Okay, that might be a clip from the ‘60s sitcom “F-Troop.” But the way this White House is run, “F-Troop” references suddenly seem topical again.

And just to prove that Americans can find the humor in anything…

Finally, the Best Balloon Quote: Rep.Thomas Massie tweeted that if Biden shoots down that balloon, it will be the first thing he’s ever done to combat inflation.



Just what we needed

Just what we needed: one more devastating consequence of President Biden’s open Southern border. It’s not just allowing unfettered illegal immigration, crime, gangs and drugs to enter the US, but now we have to worry about it causing an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease that could decimate our livestock industry, including cattle, pigs and sheep. Two New Mexico ranchers told Fox News that they fear it’s only a matter of time before the disease is tracked into the US on the bottom of someone’s boots.

Trump might have occasionally suffered from “foot-in-mouth” disease, but I’d happily take that and a secure border over what we have now and what might be coming if we don’t close it.

Encouraging sign

In an encouraging sign that society might be shaking off its woke self-hypnosis and that women are fed up with being erased from their own sports by the trans bully cancel culture mob, pro surfer Bethany Hamilton has taken a public stand against the World Surf League’s new rules allowing “trans women” to compete. Hamilton said the only way for competition to be fair for everyone is for the WSL to create a new division for trans surfers, and until they change this rule, she will not participate in any WSL events. This is how all women athletes should have reacted from day one, rather than being bullied into pretending that “Lia Thomas” is a stunning and brave woman despite “her” obvious muscular male physique and genitalia packed into a women’s swimsuit.

Saying such a thing used to get you stoned like a heretic on social media, but instead, Hamilton is garnering widespread support, including from prominent athletes who are also sick of seeing women’s hard-fought sports gains taken away by men on estrogen.

It’s about time we started seeing some backlash against the push by a very tiny but very vocal minority to bully everyone into pretending that basic biology isn’t a fact. You know the woke left has pushed their “remaking humanity and denying reality” jihad beyond the breaking point when even liberal atheist Bill Maher puts out a commentary that went viral, comparing them to the dangerous, deluded fanatics of Chairman Mao’s communist revolution (warning, some bad language – hey, I told you it was Bill Maher.)


Related: Just in case you thought we’d reached peak woke insanity, it’s not time to relax yet. A 36-year-old man who identifies as a woman is serving time in prison in Scotland after strangling “her” roommate to death with some shoelaces. But apparently, being a man-who-identifies-as-a-woman in prison has become so faddish that it doesn’t get the attention it used to (this inmate is described by prison insiders as “attention-seeking” and “manipulative.” What a surprise.)

So now, “she” claims to identify as an infant and is demanding that guards supply her with diapers, puree her food and hold her hand when she leaves her cell. And astoundingly, they’re going along with this.

The Daily Mirror reports that they’ve already supplied her with a dummy, which is the UK term for a pacifier. To be honest, I’d probably want to stick one of those things in her mouth, too, just to shut her up.

"The Proud Family"

Remember that animation executive producer at Disney who was caught on video boasting about the “not-so-secret gay agenda” and all the “queerness” that her team was packing into Disney’s shows for children? Well, she seems to have found a new crusade, but it’s not exactly an improvement.

Take a look at all the critical race theory, anti-American historical revisionism and divisive racist propaganda she’s managed to shoehorn into a reboot of the 20-year-old Disney kids’ series, “The Proud Family.”

Let your kids watch this, and depending on their race, they’ll either come out feeling like oppressors who are ashamed of their skin color or as resentful, paranoid, racist revolutionaries. Either way, it’s nothing to be proud of creating. Say, you know who’s making good animated films for families these days? Universal.


The Grammy Awards

I’m assuming that most of my readers found something to do last night other than watch the Grammy Awards. In the age when music sales are down, kids prefer social media to music, and streaming is bankrupting musicians, the music industry gets one shot each year at a three-hour, televised free commercial for music. And what do they do with it? They shove all the genres that millions of people love (jazz, classical, blues, bluegrass, Americana, New Age, etc.) off to an untelevised afternoon ceremony so they can fill that time with leftist virtue signaling, in-your-face offensive lyrical content and sex-drenched “songs” that mostly appeal to 15-year-olds on Tik-Tok. 

The fact that a good song called “Just Like That” by Bonnie Raitt that was inspired by John Prine won Song Of The Year (Bonnie seemed as shocked as the audience that she won) should be a signal to the Grammy producers that the actual musicians doing the award voting are not happy with the direction they’ve taken, but it will be ignored.

On the plus side, if they really hate more than half of America so much that they don't want them not to watch, I can’t think of a better way to accomplish it than to start off with host Trevor Noah taking a shot at Trump, going directly to having Brandi Carlisle’s wife introduce her with their two kids just to make an irrelevant and ham-handed point that she’s in a same-sex marriage. If that didn’t get millions of remotes changing the channel, the show later went all-out Satanist with “non-binary” singer Sam Smith and trans singer Kim Petras doing a BDSM-themed production number of a “song” called “Unholy” complete with red suits, writhing bodies, flames and devil horns.

It’s as if someone said, “What is the most over-the-top stereotype of hedonistic, sacrilegious, bound-for-Hell pop stars that a mid-Western Christian might imagine? Let’s put that on stage!”

As someone who loves music and thinks music education is extremely important, let me assure you that there is still a lot of great music being made today, in all sorts of genres. And the more music education kids get, the less likely they are to mistake that garbage for good music. Unfortunately, the people producing the Grammy Awards are giving Satan a run for his money in the “Father of Lies” department when they claim that show represents “the year’s best in music.”


RIP Melinda Dillon

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

We’re sad to have to report that actress Melinda Dillon died last month at 83.

Dillon earned a Golden Globe nomination for her debut in “Bound for Glory” (1976), and Oscar noms for best supporting actress in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “Absence of Malice.” She also appeared in many other films from “Harry and the Hendersons” to “Magnolia,” was a Tony-nominated stage actress, and played parts in TV shows from “Bonanza” to “Law & Order: SVU.”

But there’s no question that the role moviegoers will always remember her best for is as Ralphie’s mother in “A Christmas Story.” While that classic movie is told from a kid’s viewpoint, the mother has some of the most memorable moments, from tasting the soap she puts in her kid’s mouth to encouraging her younger son to eat by letting him play piggy, to keeping Ralphie’s fight with a bully their little secret from his dad to the immortal line, “You’ll shoot your eye out!” She reminded many of us of our own mothers and created one of the greatest, most loveable, loving and long-suffering maternal characters in film history.

By the way, I was surprised to learn that like Gov. Huckabee, she was born in Hope, Arkansas, but she grew up in Alabama. I did ask him if he knew her, but he did not. He remembers some Dillons who lived there, but we don’t know if they’re related. Still, I think we can assume that she, and they, were all good people.


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RIP Melinda Dillon

February 6, 2023

We’re sad to have to report that actress Melinda Dillon died last month at 83.

Dillon earned a Golden Globe nomination for her debut in “Bound for Glory” (1976), and Oscar noms for best supporting actress in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “Absence of Malice.” She also appeared in many other films from “Harry and the Hendersons” to “Magnolia,” was a Tony-nominated stage actress, and played parts in TV shows from “Bonanza” to “Law & Order: SVU.”

But there’s no question that the role moviegoers will always remember her best for is as Ralphie’s mother in “A Christmas Story.” While that classic movie is told from a kid’s viewpoint, the mother has some of the most memorable moments, from tasting the soap she puts in her kid’s mouth to encouraging her younger son to eat by letting him play piggy, to keeping Ralphie’s fight with a bully their little secret from his dad to the immortal line, “You’ll shoot your eye out!” She reminded many of us of our own mothers and created one of the greatest, most loveable, loving and long-suffering maternal characters in film history.

By the way, I was surprised to learn that like Gov. Huckabee, she was born in Hope, Arkansas, but she grew up in Alabama. I did ask him if he knew her, but he did not. He remembers some Dillons who lived there, but we don’t know if they’re related. Still, I think we can assume that she, and they, were all good people.

Do you remember the flurry of stories last spring about U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine?  That was when Putin was lining up his tanks at the Ukrainian border and preparing to invade, and questions abounded:  Did we really fund biolabs in Ukraine?  What were they doing?  Did they make bioweapons?  How long had that been going on?  How safe were the labs?  Did we run them?  Who else was involved?

Contradictory stories flooded the news.  “Fact”-checkers piled on.  John Kirby, Coordinator of Strategic Communications for the White House National Security Council, said the U.S. was working on “pandemic prevention” and did not operate biological weapons labs as part of its biological research in Ukraine.  But he also said the projects underway there had been “closed” and the labs thoroughly “deactivated” before the Russian invasion, casting doubt on the innocence of what they’d been doing there.

Russians took full advantage of that, saying the U.S. was scurrying to hide something.  And, sadly, our government has hidden so much --- lied to us so much --- that we can’t believe anything it says, any more than we can believe the Russians or Ukrainians.  After several months, the Ukrainian biolab story essentially went away, as stories so often do.

But a few days ago, GATEWAY PUNDIT ran a shocking story about Hunter Biden’s association with Ukrainian biolab company Metabiota, which apparently owned one of the 46 (!) biolabs the U.S. had reportedly partnered with in that country.  Jim Hoft reported that President Zelenskyy had sent out a government decree to destroy “ALL INFORMATION” on Metabiota on the very same day --- February 24, 2022 --- Russia invaded.  Witnesses saw fire outside Ukraine’s intel headquarters that day.

The story quotes one observer who tweeted:  “Did Zelensky keep some of the more incriminating documents against Hunter at Metabiota and Burisma to use as extortion against Joe Biden to get more money and weapons?  We all know the answer.”

Well, we don’t KNOW the answer, but we know it could easily be true and would explain a lot.

As GATEWAY PUNDIT reports, “Zelensky sent out a decree on February 24, 2022, for government officials to destroy all information on the Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Institute, Mechnikov Institute of Health of Ukraine, and the Zhytomyr Regional Laboratory Centers of the Ministry of Ukraine, who all worked with Metabiota Inc. (Metabiota) scientists.”  According to a photo of a statement about the document translated into English, it said this was done by “the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine with the participation of specialists of the Security Service of Ukraine in connection with the conduct of martial law in Ukraine...[who] organized the devastating destruction of personal files of servicemen, employees and staff...which worked together with scientists at Metabiota Inc., Battelle.” 

Some speculated that documents were being burned “to cover up their affiliation to U.S. biological malfeasance.”  We can’t verify the contents of burned-up documents, but video evidence does show that...something...was being burned that day as the Russians revved up their tanks.

It was hard to know at first what to make of this story, so we applied our “72-hour rule” before commenting.  There might be aspects of it that, as far as we ever learn, will remain speculative.  But upon reflection, it seems this might have something to do with the classified documents that Biden’s DOJ suddenly seems so desperate to keep under wraps.  Odd how crackhead Hunter, international man of mystery, so often ends up being connected to key global players who line their pockets while skirting the law.

In Scott Adams’ Friday podcast, Episode 2008 (starting at 29:21), he cautiously looked into what he called a “very complicated” story about “Ukraine and the Biden crime family,” drawing on posts from pundit “Kanekoa” on Twitter and Substack.  At this point, he doesn’t know if all of it’s true but is passing it along so we can assess for ourselves.

In 2012, he said, a Ukrainian news report said the U.S. Defense Department was “building biological weapons laboratories in cities across Ukraine as part of its biological threat reduction program.”  At the time, it wasn’t reported as a big deal, even though it should be obvious that the way to figure out how to reduce your risk is to CREATE the risk.  (Doesn’t that sound like Pfizer’s alleged ‘directed evolution’ of COVID variants, as reported by Project Veritas?)  In 2012, the labs were being upgraded by the U.S. to research control of anthrax, typhoid, cholera and much more. 

The story, though, actually goes back to 2005, when Sens. Dick Lugar and (yes) Barack Obama were instrumental in getting a $15 million agreement between the U.S. Department of Defense and Ukraine’s Health Ministry to support bioresearch in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa..

According to this report, details of the agreement were to be “withheld from public disclosure.”  But “state secrets of Ukraine” were to be shared with our Defense Department, it says cryptically.

Of course --- and Adams pointed this out --- one reason to have these labs in other countries is so you can do things you couldn’t legally do here.  Safety standards are lower.  Also, “if you pump money into a corrupt place, you could probably skim some off for yourself.”  Also, you’ve got the money laundering opportunities.  Ah, he knows how Ukraine works.

Kanekoa reports that Hunter Biden was financially involved with the Ukrainian biolabs long before we knew anything about him, through a company called --- and here’s that name again --- Metabiota, “a pandemic tracking and response firm.”  (Adams laughed at this and mused, “I wonder how well a company like that would do if a pandemic broke out.”)

Scott then moved to the part of the story we’ve been covering the past few days, that Hunter’s boss at Burisma was the Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky.  Hunter, recall, was getting paid big bucks for being the son of a U.S. Vice President who was also Obama’s “point man” on Ukraine.  Kolomoisky is also the financier who backed Zelenskyy when he was running for President --- paying for “security, lawyers and vehicles” --- and, before that, even provided money for a TV show when he was a rising comedian.  “So, essentially, Zelenskyy and Hunter Biden were controlled by the same Ukrainian billionaire,” Adams said.  “Interesting.”

He noted that Zelenskyy was also “the beneficiary of a web of offshore firms created around 2012.” 

That was the same year Zelenskyy’s media company received $41 million, paid out of “this billionaire’s private bank.”  Of course, we know this was PrivatBank, the same bank that paid Hunter.

Also in 2012, research on Burisma Holdings FUNDED BY GEORGE SOROS AND THE STATE DEPARTMENT (we thought we’d emphasize that) determined who the owner was; they found it was Kolomoisky.  Remember, 2012 was also when the U.S. was upgrading the biolabs over there.  It seems to have been a big year.

So we have Zelenskyy and Hunter Biden both working for the same Ukrainian billionaire at the same time.  It might also be noted that Kolomoisky funded three Ukrainian battalions that have been accused of war crimes against children in Eastern Ukraine.

In 2020, our ‘Justice’ Department accused Kolomoisky of laundering $4 billion from PrivatBank into American properties.  We’ve reported on his more recent travails, during which Zelenskyy turned against him, stripping him of his property and citizenship.  It’s here where motivations and details are still murky.  Biden has sent $100 million to Zelenskyy.

Scott admitted this story is getting to a place that it’s harder for him to go, but said it’s credible.  Going back to 2005, the WASHINGTON POST described those biolabs as “part of a Cold War network of anti-plague stations.”  They admitted that the research did, in effect, create bioweapons.  President Obama, according to the Twitter thread by “Clandestine,” “opened the floodgates to the Deep State and created biological weapons programs with the Ukrainian government, and established connections for U.S. oligarchs to build biolab companies in the lawless land of Ukraine.”  That’s his opinion, but it should offer good direction for researchers.

More from this thread:  When civil war erupted in Ukraine and Victoria Nuland was facilitating regime change (!), she reportedly said there was a risk of Russians getting their hands on biological weapons research.  According to Clandestine, the U.S. picked Zelenskyy as “puppet” leader and now has control over Ukraine.  Biden has visited there 13 times, securing U.S. funding to Ukrainian oligarchs.

Clandestine’s conclusion is, “The reason all of our tax dollars are in Ukraine:  because Ukraine is a deep-state proxy controlled by the ruling class, the DNC and George Soros.”

Again, these last few paragraphs are speculative.  But the pieces Adams presents do fit.  (And the other details about Ukraine we’ve brought you before today also fit.)  He says that even with just the part we KNOW is true, we can conclude that “the Biden family is a crime family.”

Bonchie at REDSTATE echoes what we’ve said about Hunter…

Project Veritas seldom releases just one hidden camera expose. They usually put out part one, wait for the subject to try to spin or deny it, then lower the boom by dropping the next one. Last week, they released undercover video of alleged Pfizer research director Jordon Trishton Walker saying some explosive things, like that the COVID vaccine was a cash cow for the company, that they weren’t subject to strict regulation because officials leave the FDA to work for Pfizer, and most shocking, that Pfizer was developing new strains of COVID to stay ahead of the vaccine needs.

After a couple of days, Pfizer issued a statement denying the claims, but it was confusing enough that it didn’t stop the questions.

Now, Project Veritas has dropped the other shoe, releasing more alleged undercover video of Walker. This time, he is shown admitting that “there is something irregular about the menstrual cycles” of some women who’ve gotten the vaccine, and it “shouldn’t be interfering with that. So we don’t really know.”  He later added, “I hope we don’t find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body and like -- because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles. I hope we don’t discover something really bad down the line…”

Bret Swanson of the Brownstone Institute responded to the latest video, explaining what that problem that Walker referred to of mRNA lingering in the body might mean, and what we might learn from studies that are getting little-to-no coverage in the mainstream media.

By the way, please note that this talk “something irregular about the menstrual cycles” refers to irregularities among women who’ve taken the COVID vaccine, and not the recent mysterious outbreak of people claiming that men menstruate, too.