
This will be sad news for Dolly Parton’s fans, of whom I am one of many millions. She’s not retiring (I can’t imagine her ever doing that), but she announced that she’s decided not to tour anymore.

She says she might do the occasional festival or special appearance, but she wants to stay home and spend more time with her husband Carl now that they’re getting older. Fortunately, she will continue to write songs and record new music. I wonder if they might consider getting a second home in Las Vegas so Dolly could perform regularly and just let her fans come to her? I know they would!

Whatever she decides to do, I wish the very best to one of the kindest, warmest, most talented and most generous women in show business or any other industry. Here’s just one example. Her Imagination Library charity just gave away its 130 millionth book to children.

She said, “If I’m remembered 100 years from now, I hope it will be not for looks but for books.” I don’t think Dolly has to worry about being remembered 100 years from now, and for a lot of things.


MSNBC “legal analyst” Barbara McQuade floated the idea of charging former President Trump with manslaughter for his responsibility for “the deaths that occurred” on January 6th.

Even had to admit that the only death that occurred on January 6th as part of the riot was the point-blank woman-slaughter of unarmed pro-Trump protester Ashli Babbitt by a Capitol cop. The Democrats not only didn’t investigate him or charge him with anything, they treated him like a hero and a celebrity. All the other deaths cited were from natural causes such as heart attacks or strokes, or suicides, with some occurring days or even weeks later.

I suggest that MSNBC be charged with murdering journalism.

Skin-deep politics

October 28, 2022

The leaders of the Democratic Party talk a LOT about “Diversity and Inclusion,” but their tolerance of diversity is literally skin-deep, and if you diverge in any way from their political dogma, you are not included. Just ask Republican Rep. Mayra Flores...

Fetterman follow-up

October 28, 2022

People are still talking about Tuesday’s extremely discomfiting debate performance by Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman, which exposed the fact that he is clearly not recovered enough from his recent stroke to serve in the Senate.

Across America, leftist “justice reforms” like doing away with cash bail and raising the bar on what crimes are actually prosecuted are turning blue cities into crime-plagued hellholes where gangs of thieves operate with impunity and businesses are moving out because they can’t deal with being robbed blind every day. Well, we’re about to find out what happens when insane laws like that go into effect statewide.

Last year, the Illinois legislature passed just such a bill, the ironically-titled SAFE-T Act, in just seven hours with no formal hearings, debate or public input. The mayor of Chicago suburb Orland Park called it “the most dangerous law I’ve ever seen.” Nevertheless, Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed it, knowing it wouldn't go into effect until January 1, 2023, after he assumed he would be safely reelected.

That doesn’t have to happen. Pritzker wants Illinois to be a haven for abortion, so let’s hope Illinois voters abort this approaching calamity by replacing him with Republican Darren Bailey two weeks from today.

Missouri v. Biden

October 25, 2022

Miranda Divine had a report in Sunday’s New York Post about the “little-noticed” federal lawsuit, Missouri v. Biden, which could be something very big She says it’s uncovering “astonishing evidence” of a censorship conspiracy between...