
With gas prices at record highs, a new Consumer Reports survey found that 36% of Americans say they are planning to buy or lease an EV, or considering it. I suspect this is the real reason why gas prices are at record highs.

But they might want to try renting one first, to make sure they know what they’re getting into. We’re seeing a growing number of stories lately about people who’ve put the electric vehicles that President Biden is trying to force us to drive to practical testing, with shockingly bad results. I told you about the trailer towing test, where the estimated range immediately started dropping until the driver had to turn around and come back before the electric pickup died.

Here’s someone else who tried that, with similar dire results.

We’ve also seen several stories of nightmare long distance trips in rented EVs that turned into days of panicked searches for charging stations. But there are too many stories to keep up with them all, so here’s just a quick round-up of a few of the more recent:

In the new JD Powers Initial Quality Study, the EV brand Polestar ranked last among 36 brands, with Tesla tied at #30.

It's reported that GM’s new HummerEV produces more CO2 per mile driven than some gas-powered sedans.

Not long after the president of Toyota said that EVs are over-hyped, Toyota issued a recall of its new electric bZ4X SUVs because the wheels are coming off. No, that’s not a metaphorical comment on the EV movement. The wheels are literally falling off.

And if your intent in buying an EV is to help the environment, Issues & Insights has some “everything you know is wrong” info you should see. For instance, when you factor in the carbon footprint of the manufacturing process and the need to dispose of spent batteries, electric cars can be worse for the environment than classic cars or even a new gas-powered car.

And none of this even addresses the mastodon in the room: how are we going to charge tens of millions of electric vehicles when power companies even in Texas are warning people to turn off their lights, raise their thermostats and don't use their appliances during daylight hours to avoid widespread blackouts and brownouts due to "green energy" sources being unable to meet current power demands? 

“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”

--- Mark Twain

We couldn’t help but think of dirty diapers while watching Tuesday’s January 6 committee hearing. These committee members, not even one real Republican among them, need to be changed as soon as possible for congressional representatives who really care about preserving our system and finding out the truth. What happened Tuesday might have been the most shameless political travesty ever televised, bringing us smack into banana republic territory.

Of course, you know –- because they’ve admitted it –- that this whole mess is about driving a stake through the heart of President Trump so he wouldn’t think of running again, can’t win if he does run, and is utterly destroyed in historical accounts. To do this, they have to choreograph their hearings, reading from teleprompters and cherry-picking previously recorded testimony. There is no defense allowed, no other viewpoint and no cross-examination, even of the few witnesses who do appear live and are led through their testimony. That renders these hearings essentially worthless.

The committee also takes it as a given that election fraud simply did not happen --- and that even an admission of the possibility is tantamount to insurrection itself. This requires us to believe that all allegations of fraud were thoroughly investigated and dismissed, when it's not true. So let me say this: Neither you nor I can conclude with certainty that the election was stolen, but we can’t say it wasn’t, either. NO ONE can. In states where the margin of victory was a mere sliver –- in Georgia, for example, or in Arizona, where it came down to about 11,000 votes statewide –- it might be easy to win by fraudulent means.  Given all the variables and the things we know took place, I’d be more surprised to learn that this didn’t happen than that it did.

President Trump was and is convinced that it did.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently ruled that the Mark Zuckerberg-funded, unmanned drop boxes broke state election law. How many ballots were affected? How many “mules” really were stuffing boxes? How many fake votes were harvested from nursing homes? We don’t know. We will never know. In very close battleground states, there is just no telling what the real count was. And we WILL lose “our democracy” if we don’t fix the system so it’s transparent and verifiable. We’ve got a midterm election coming up in a few months; we should be fixing the bugs in the system instead of wasting time with this shameful political theatre.

Mollie Hemingway authored an outstanding book called RIGGED, detailing the many ways in which the 2020 election was corrupted. On July 1, after Cassidy Hutchinson’s inaccurate testimony, she wrote about how the January 6 committee is furthering its election dogma, in a commentary called “The J6 Show Trial Is Lying About Election ‘Fraud.’” Her piece is well worth reviewing --- a must-read if you haven’t seen it --- because it especially applies to Tuesday’s hearing.

As Hemingway said, “Turning questions about the many problems with the 2020 election into a crime is the kind of thing that is done in third-world countries...It is horrific to see it happening here.”

News accounts of the hearings mostly present at face value what committee members say, as if that told us “what we learned.” Hemingway is right: committee members have been repeatedly lying and “assuming facts not in evidence.” This means you, Jamie Raskin, Liz Cheney and chairman Bennie Thompson.

Everyone who has come to the witness table since Day 1 needs a thorough cross-examination. Personally, I’d like to see them questioned by a “dream” panel consisting of Ted Cruz (for his interrogatory skills), Jim Jordan and Jim Banks (the two Republicans Speaker Nancy Pelosi kept off the committee), Mollie Hemingway (for her knowledge of actual election fraud) and Kash Patel (ditto, and also for his knowledge of FBI/DOJ activity). They should subpoena Pelosi and perhaps DC Mayor Muriel Bowser. Now THAT, I’d watch from beginning to end.

Perhaps the witnesses who most needed cross-examination were members of the Oath Keepers who testified Tuesday. Their testimony was so subjective that there was nothing to be learned about what Trump had actually done or intended to communicate to them, if anything. But it served the committee’s purposes. In fact, one Oath Keeper was apparently testifying as part of his plea agreement, and I’d love to have been a fly on the wall when they were working with him on his testimony.

Yesterday, we brought you the story of a leaked internal FBI document that showed their CHS (confidential human source) had told them the KC Proud Boys had no plan to enter the Capitol and/or subvert the election certification. If these were actual fact-finding hearings, we’d be hearing more about this aspect of January 6. REVOLVER NEWS has determined the government documents are authentic and is investigating as well, with “much more to come.” In the meantime, here’s what they say.

Here’s what founder and president of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, had to say from his prison cell when he saw the story...

At the end of Tuesday’s hearing, Liz Cheney announced that President Trump had attempted to contact an upcoming witness, saying that “this committee has supplied that information to the Department of Justice.” She simply accused him in the hearing room, with no evidence, no word about who the witness is, nothing. I think she might have graduated from the Adam Schiff School Of Law. Still, it might be enough for our current attorney general to indict the former President for witness tampering.

Committee member Jamie Raskin preferred to stay out of that after the hearing, saying he had no details about it and did not know which witness Cheney meant. (Wouldn’t he know if this had really happened?) He said the committee was trying to “send a message that witness tampering is a crime.” Oh, I see –- sending a message by accusing someone of witness tampering. What slimeballs.

Yes, I know, it’s a little out of character for me to call people names. If you think I’m going too far using that word, you obviously didn’t watch yesterday’s hearing.


CNN’s Jake Tapper hosted former UN Ambassador and Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton to discuss the hearings, no doubt expecting Bolton to beat up Trump on the air. And he did, sort of. But even though Bolton still referred to 2020 election fraud as “the lie,” he also said the committee is undermining its case by going too far with all its “opining.”

He also said Trump had not meant to overthrow the Constitution, but just “to buy more time to throw the matter back to the states to try and redo the issue.” The topper: He said he KNEW Trump hadn’t planned a coup, because he’d helped plan those himself a few times (“not here”) and knows what’s involved. Not kidding; he really said that.


Finally, Margot Cleveland has a MUST-READ commentary about the particularly egregious tactics being used by this committee.

They’re “asking inappropriate questions about their fellow Americans’ beliefs and associates,” she says, in a way that brings to mind Sen. Joe McCarthy’s infamous anti-Communist tactics, and they’re “publicly portraying witnesses who exercise their Fifth Amendment rights as guilty.” She wrote this on Tuesday before that day’s hearing --- I wonder what she'll say now.

The attorney for one of the groups questioned, 1st Amendment Praetorian, told Cleveland that the committee refused to let anyone in the room record the proceedings in any way. Leslie McAdoo Gordon said that while witnesses called before DC federal grand juries can obtain a transcript of their testimony, this committee refuses to allow their targets to obtain transcripts. Cleveland says McAdoo Gordon told her that “the committee’s hiding of their transcripts serves to cover their lies and to control the narrative of the show trial, but it also allows the Jan. 6 Committee to hide the wildly inappropriate questions it poses to witnesses.”

She means questions such as “Do you believe in QAnon?” “Do you believe that Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States?” And that’s just the beginning –- they want information about donors, financial status and activities that are not relevant to January 6 and not the business of the government.

This will never stop unless it’s exposed for what it is.


Dumbest Tweet of 2022

July 11, 2022

It’s only July, but I think we might already have a winner for the “Dumbest Tweet of 2022,” and that’s against some really stiff competition. It was from a self-proclaimed “Marxist-humanist” who tweeted, “Yeah, Anne Frank had white privilege. Bad things happen to people with white privilege also, but don’t tell the whites that.” (For the record, the “privileged” Miss Frank and was hiding in a concealed room at 13 to keep from being murdered by the Nazis, who captured her family and sent them to concentration camps, where Anne died at 15. So did all the rest of her family except her father, who published her diary.)

That stunning idiocy drew the condemnation it deserved and was quickly deleted. In fact, I would have just ignored it as another example of the brain drool that passes for discourse on Twitter, if it weren’t for the fact that it sparked some great responses that apply to a wide spectrum of current “critical race theory,” “white privilege,” “identity politics,” twisted history nonsense.

The best, obviously much-needed, history lesson came from writer Ashton Pittman:  "If you think 'Anne Frank had white privilege,' you don't know what 'white' means. Race isn't real. It's made up. What makes you 'white' is relative to your society's ideas. In Nazi Germany, she wasn't 'white:' the Nazis saw her as part of a 'Jewish race' & murdered her for it. If Anne Frank could've been transported into 21st century America, we'd consider her 'white.' But in Nazi Germany, she wasn't 'white;' she was Jewish and considered part of a separate race. That's why anti-Semitism is a form of racism even though most Jews appear 'white.'"

Exactly, but acknowledging that would open the door to judging historical figures in the context of their times rather than by ever-changing modern standards, which would destroy much of the “woke” left’s arguments.

Surprisingly, some good comments also came from the left. Liberal singer Clay Aiken tweeted, "I think it's time to shut the internet down. Completely." It was even a bridge too far for Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the bogus “1619 Project,” who replied, “Anne Frank did not have white privileged (sic) in Nazi Germany. Literally wasn't considered part of the white race."

But one of the most insightful replies came from Matt Walsh: "According to the Left's doctrine of white privilege, yes Anne Frank had it. If that makes the concept of 'white privilege' sound insane, well right exactly."

And that’s a great point. Set aside for a moment the offensive absurdity of claiming Anne Frank had white privilege and consider how easy it was under the current level of discourse for this moron to make such a claim. That alone should show you what a hollow, meaningless, intellectually bankrupt linguistic sledgehammer that accusation is.

And before anyone tries to claim that applying it to Anne Frank was a unique example of some anonymous nut on Twitter just going way too far, consider the last line of the linked article:

“In 2020, Time magazine claimed that disability rights advocate Hellen Keller was ‘just another privileged white person.’"

For those who’ve never seen “The Miracle Worker,” here’s the Wikipedia bio of Helen Keller and all the amazing things she accomplished, despite having been blind and deaf from the age of 19 months.


The costs of inflation

July 11, 2022

One of the reasons I think voters are so angry is that they’re not only paying so much more for everything, but they’re being told that the rate of inflation over the past year is 8.6%. That’s bad enough, the highest in 40 years, but it’s also not what most people are experiencing, and they feel lied to.

Is gas 8.6% higher than it was a year ago? How about your food bill? Do you like chicken wings? They’re up 38% since last year. Everyone has caught on to the scam that is the government formula for figuring inflation and how it deliberately understates what’s really coming out of our pockets.

Here are a couple of examples of the real costs of inflation that the Democrats hope you somehow won’t notice:

Even Costco is having to raise its food court prices, with its chicken bake now $3.99, up a full dollar since June (for the math-challenged, that’s more than 8.6%.)

The good news: they’re holding the line on their famous hot dog and soda for $1.50 deal, but I can’t imagine they’re making money on it. Certainly, most restaurants are suffering from skyrocketing prices. Surveys show that many Americans are being forced to cut back on restaurant visits, and this isn’t going to help:

Fox News reports that restaurants are struggling with higher costs of everything from utilities to food prices to labor to credit card fees. Over the past year, wholesale food prices have increased 15%, while restaurants have raised menu prices only about 7% on average. To make up the difference, some have started adding extra fees to the bill. If you look closely at your check, you might spot a 3% “inflation fee” or a 4% “kitchen appreciation fee.” This keeps the menu prices down, but do they really think customers aren’t going to notice it?

Obviously not, since a recent survey found that 72% of restaurant owners fear they’ll have to go out of business if inflation doesn’t come down soon. Our Washington “leaders” might accuse them of “wishing a recession into existence,” but I think that, as with the government’s calculation of the inflation rate, business owners are just more in touch with reality than they are.

And speaking of being “untethered from reality,” that’s precisely how gas station owners are describing President Biden after he blamed them (and Putin, of course!) for high gas prices.

Wait, stop the presses! President Biden has found someone new to blame for high prices! It’s no longer just Big Oil or Putin. Now, it’s the fault of Republicans for not going along with his latest policies to bring down the high prices caused by his previous policies.

Saturday, hackers at the wild and wooly website 4Chan claimed to have obtained about 450 gigabytes of data from Hunter Biden’s cell phone and iCloud account and began releasing bits of it. Needless to say, much of it is sex, drug and porn-related depravity that I’m not going to describe here. I think by this point, we all know enough about Hunter’s well-documented character. We also know that the media will do their best to smother any more revelations.

For instance, one of the leaked videos allegedly shows Hunter weighing some crack, prompting Donald Trump Jr. to question how the media would react if that were a video of him. It makes me question the Biden family's judgement that Hunter thinks he’s much smarter than Jill Biden, and Joe thinks Hunter is the smartest person he knows, yet he makes videos of himself weighing crack and stores them on his phone and/or iCloud account.

If you want to delve further into the bottomless pit of slime that is the life of our President’s progeny, Bonchie at has more, and some commentary and links.

The current big question is “Who is Hunter referring to in text messages when he talks about ‘Pedo Pete?’” Bonchie has some conjecture on that, too. And this is only the first bit of leakage. It’s going to be a loooong summer.

After our week of semi-vacation, I can’t think of a better way to bring you up to speed on the January 6 committee than with this monologue from Sunday’s LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN. Watch from the beginning, but he gets into specifics about ongoing problems with the committee at about the 2:30 mark.

As Levin points out, every last member of the committee voted to impeach President Trump; it’s even been called “the third impeachment.” At least five members “openly, publicly in the press, stated their purpose is to pressure the United States Department of Justice, under the attorney general appointed by Biden, and the U.S. attorney’s office, the U.S. attorney appointed by Biden, to indict former President Trump to ensure that he never gets close to the Oval Office again, that he can’t take over the Republican Party, that he can’t run for office again. That is a clearly unconstitutional process for the House of Representatives to be involved in.”

We’ve covered the various ways in which this committee is in flagrant disregard of the Constitution, but Levin goes on to list a number of them. He calls their Hollywood production, in which they read from scripts helpfully displayed on teleprompters, “a choreographed Stalinist show trial,” and it is.

They’re fishing –- netting secretly obtained emails, texts and phone records. (Since they do this secretly, targets can’t challenge it in court.) They're after the Republican National Committee, “scores of private and non-profit organizations,” Republican state officials, election attorneys (aside: not Marc Elias, of course), and conservative media and organizations.

Levin cites the numerous violations of attorney-client privilege and other issues of confidentiality. “This is a core fundamental principle in our system of justice,” he says. He also notes the committee is working with left-wing groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, which even bragged about it to POLITICO. Here’s more on that…

You know the SPLC from its insistence on labeling Christian and conservative organizations “hate groups” in order to censor them. They’re reportedly funneling information to the January 6 committee. “Our work has helped to document coordination between Trump, his allies and two extremist groups we’ve tracked for years,” SPLC Senior Policy Counsel on Hate and Extremism (yes, that’s his job title) Michael Lieberman told POLITICO.

In his monologue, Levin also mentions that testimony given behind closed doors remains secret. They cherry-pick what we see. One thing they don’t talk about is the 20,000 National Guard troops that Trump authorized ahead of the rally and that House Speaker Pelosi and Washington DC mayor Bowser refused.

Something new: Former Defense Department Chief of Staff Kash Patel, on Levin’s radio show, told the story of Trump authorizing the DoD, in NOVEMBER 2020, to prepare for the transition to a Biden administration. Does that sound like the behavior of an insurrectionist to you?

“You can challenge an election while at the same time allowing the government to go forward with a likely or possible transition,” Levin says. That appears to be exactly what Trump did. But never mind –-- Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland and his ‘Justice’ Department are coordinating with Pelosi’s committee, “attempting to criminalize challenges to the 2020 election, in ways we’ve never seen before in American history.”

This will do grave damage to our political system, Levin says. It’s constitutional for a candidate or his surrogates to challenge the vote in states --- through litigation (Al Gore) and in state legislatures. This has legal precedent. There was also a case (Hawaii, as we’ve reported) where two sets of electors were sent to Congress, just in case.

“It’s not a crime for a candidate to ask or to lobby state legislators to take a look at what’s taken place or to change the outcome,” Levin says. “You may not like it; you may not think it’s politically wise; you may not think it’s ethical. It’s certainly not illegal, and it’s certainly not criminal.”

He condemns the behavior of the U.S. attorney –- “with the approval of the attorney general, no doubt” –- who’s searching the homes and confiscating the electronic devices of attorneys. There’s federal grand jury hearing testimony about information taken from attorneys, he notes with disgust. “The effort to use...criminal statutes that have never been used in this way to try to manufacture a coup effort, or to try to claim some kind of obstruction or interference with the a horrific, unconscionable abuse of power by people who really are not interested in the Constitution.”

Levin also reminds us of something else reported here: that in Washington DC, 92 percent of the vote in 2020 went to Joe Biden. “Well, who do you think makes up the grand juries?” he asks (rhetorically). In grand jury proceedings, there’s no opposition. (Ha, in that respect, it’s just like the January 6 committee.) One can’t receive a fair trial. Can you say ‘change of venue’?

“This whole thing is rigged,” Levin says. “It’s a disgrace...” He suggested that they hold it in Utah or Idaho.

So, when reporters talk about “what we’ve learned,” here’s what we’ve learned: “...that we have a rogue committee, a rogue U.S. attorney, a rogue attorney general, where information is being censored, where contrary witnesses are not permitted to publicly testify because it destroys the narrative, and with the whole system set up to destroy the Republican Party generally, MAGA specifically, and Donald Trump overall.”

“That violates separation of power by this committee, and the abuse of these criminal statutes should not stand.”

After reading this, you won’t be surprised at POLITICO’s report that of the eight Jan. 6 defendants who’ve faced jurors so far, “all of them have been convicted of every charge to date...” No kidding.

I’ll link to POLITICO, but don’t bother unless you can stomach a report that has nothing to say about Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony except that it was “vivid.” Personally, I wouldn’t waste my time.

As a palate-cleanser after POLITICO, committee member Zoe Lofgren openly wondered why the ‘Justice’ Department hasn’t subpoenaed Hutchinson. Does the clueless Rep. Lofgren not realize how disastrous Hutchinson’s testimony was? Cue the laugh track...

“We’re not an arm of the Department of Justice,” she said on “Meet the Press.” “We’re a legislative committee. They have subpoena power. They could subpoena Ms. Hutchinson. I’m surprised they had not done so...What are they doing over there? They have a much greater opportunity to enforce their subpoenas than our legislative committee does.”

Finally, Margot Cleveland has an exclusive, MUST-READ piece about a letter concerning the January 6 committee written by a lawyer for 1st Amendment Praetorian, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting free speech rights, and subpoenas they apparently shared with her. She says it’s proof the committee is “McCarthyism on steroids.”

1st Amendment Praetorian has been targeted along with groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, and attorney Leslie McAdoo Gordon has plenty to say about it. Good for her and the organization she represents for not backing down! As Gordon says, “Every American should be outraged at the attack on our fellow citizens’ First Amendment rights of free association, speech and assembly.”

Ever felt “buyer’s remorse,” where you spend money for something and soon regret it? Well, that’s nothing compared to “Biden remorse,” which a lot of voters are feeling now.

Democrat moms, black voters, and even a transgender artist all complained to Fox News about how they had been misled by the media and social media into thinking they had to vote for Biden; that he was a “boring” centrist, that Republicans were racist, or they had to vote Democrat because they were part of a certain group. But now, they say given the chance, they wouldn’t vote for Biden again.

Even with all the terrible problems plaguing America because of just a short period of Democrat rule under Biden, at least my readers can take some cold comfort in saying, “We weren’t surprised. The Huckabee newsletter warned us what would happen for a year in advance.”

So if you know any of these people, please suggest that they subscribe so they won’t get fooled again.


Latest example of the violent unhinged left proving they are too mentally immature and emotionally unstable to be trusted with any power: the harassment of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh as he was trying to eat dinner at a DC restaurant.

This is something I can relate to, since something similar happened to my own daughter and her family. From the article, you can see that this wasn’t just a handful of unhinged protesters on the scene. There are organizers and sympathizers making it clear that they think this is a perfectly legitimate reaction to them not getting their way in a court ruling. And it’s easy to say, “Well, it’s just a small radical fringe group.” But President Biden, the head of the entire Democratic Party, has refused to condemn these illegal stalking tactics, defending them as long as it’s a “peaceful protest.”

I’m curious: does that mean peaceful protest where they just peacefully harass a Supreme Court Justice and an entire restaurant full of diners, or a CNN-style “mostly peaceful protest,” where they’re only burning down a few select buildings?  

As expected on Friday, President Biden issued his executive order to try to make it easier for women – sorry, “birthing people” – to get abortions. Here’s an explanation of what’s in it:

It appears that Democrats’ greatest fear is that the people of the individual states will actually have some say over abortion laws and not have it dictated to them by Washington. Biden’s statement included what we’ve come to expect from him, such as claims that Republicans have an “extreme agenda” on abortion. Or so says a man who claims to be a Catholic and who once opposed abortion himself, but who now thinks his party’s agenda is not extreme, even though 49 out of 50 of its Senators voted to allow the killing of babies in the womb right up to the moment of birth, a practice so barbaric, it’s mostly allowed only in nations such as North Korea.

The statement also included the expected fuzzy euphemisms for abortion, some blatant politicizing of the issue (elect more Democrats so they can ignore the Constitution and impose abortion by federal law), some likely fake news when Biden repeated a viral claim about a 10-year-old rape victim being denied an abortion that is looking more and more like propaganda from a pro-abortion activist…

And of course, numerous gaffes, including a moment when Biden read his stage directions off the Teleprompter out loud…

…followed by the White House and its sycophants insisting that we didn’t actually see and hear what we just saw and heard.

When is it okay and not at all racist to smear accomplished Latina women? Why, when they’re conservatives and you’re fatuous liberals from the New York Times who are obviously terrified of their success.

Also, check out this perfect illustration of the Times’ glaring double standard between the way it treats a socialist Latina who spouts nonsense 24/7 and conservative Latinas who are pro-life churchgoers.

Is it any surprise that Latino voters are turning Republican?

I never want to hear another word about how Donald Trump was a dictator who ignored the Constitutional limits of power and destroyed the “norms” of our institutions. Trump was repeatedly blocked from exercising powers he clearly held by activist judges, and every time, he followed the law and appealed to a higher court, which usually upheld his right to do what he was doing.

President Biden, on the other hand, Mr. “Return to Normalcy,” has repeatedly shown utter contempt for the limits of his powers, the separation of powers, and the rulings of the Supreme Court. If a ruling doesn’t go his way, he ignores it, tries to find ways around it, and in certain extreme cases, calls for destroying the SCOTUS by eliminating the Senate filibuster so he can pack the Court with leftwing activists, all while suggesting the Judges are illegitimate and doing nothing to protect them from illegal threats and protests at their homes. He’s been a wrecking ball aimed at our institutions and the Constitutional separation of powers. And now, he’s doing it again.

Apparently, the SCOTUS ruling that abortion is an intimate personal matter not mentioned in the Constitution and is therefore rightly the concern of elected state legislators means nothing to Biden. He plans to issue an executive order today, making it easier for women (sorry: “birthing people,” or in this case, “non-birthing people”) to get abortions in states that limit them.

Check out that link for the details, and while you’re there, take note of how many misleadingly positive euphemisms for “abortion” the White House manages to cram into this one statement. For instance, “reproductive health care services," “medical help,” “reproductive rights,” “access to the medication they need” (i.e., abortifacient drugs), and “the freedom to travel to seek the care they need" (crossing state lines to get an abortion, which they would be able to do anyway because all Americans have the right to cross state borders freely.)

This is a point I just keep hammering on: if liberals honestly believe that abortion is good and moral, why do they steadfastly refuse to say clearly what it is that they’re talking about?

Related: Sen. Elizabeth Warren has gone so far off the deep end that she’s not only defending the killing of babies in the womb (that’s what abortion is – see, our side has no problem telling you honestly what we’re talking about), she’s declared outright war on pro-life pregnancy centers and wants to shut them all down.

These centers offer a wide range of needed care to millions of struggling mothers and families, but Warren doesn’t care about all the good they’re done and are doing for so many people. She hates them with an insane, blind rage for the simple reason that they don’t offer abortion. That’s not a defensible political position, and it’s certainly not an expression of concern for women or their health care needs. It’s a mental illness.

Paula Bolyard at PJ Media has more, including an accounting of all the vital services these centers offer, from free ultrasounds to prenatal counseling to diapers, formula and even baby furniture. Warren wants to shut all that down just because they refuse to kill babies in the womb. That’s not “pro-choice,” because she recognizes only one choice. That’s “pro-death.” It’s sick and monstrous.

Some other important points from this article: Stacey Abrams has made shutting down pro-life pregnancy centers part of her platform for Governor of Georgia, so take note, Georgia voters. Also, the donations and volunteers that make these centers possible prove what a huge lie the leftists are telling when they claim conservatives and Christians don’t care about the mothers or about babies after they’re born.

And while I’m at it, let me blow up yet another leftist lie, that babies that aren’t aborted will grow up unwanted and unloved. At any given time in the US, there are between 1 and 2 million couples on waiting lists to adopt a baby. Even if there were a morally defensible justification for abortion, that fact alone would disintegrate it.

Biden press secretary Karine Jean Pierre is yet again under fire for saying something so ludicrous, reporters had to go to their optometrists to make their eyes stop rolling. Asked about new polls showing 85% of Americans think the nation is going in the wrong direction, she again blamed all the problems on Putin and the pandemic, and insisted that “we are stronger economically than we have been in history.”

You can imagine the reaction to that, or just click the link to read it. However, I will repeat something I said early on in her tenure. She gets a lot of criticism for seeming unprepared, having no answers or just blurting out things that are nonsensical. But I have some sympathy for her. Think about it: if your job was defending the policies of this Administration, what could you possibly say?

Nick Arama at has some amusing thoughts on this latest whopper, as well as her claim that Biden has a secret plan to fight inflation (that I guess hasn’t gone into effect yet), and the observation that polls show Americans were more optimistic during the pandemic, proving that they think a global plague was better than this Administration.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, apparently suffering from delusions of presidential ambitions, ran an ad in Florida accusing Republicans of crushing freedom (like the freedom to kill babies just before they’re born, or the freedom of teachers to tell small children about graphic sexual practices) and urging people to move to California, where “we still believe in freedom.”

Unless, of course, you want to be free to go to church or open your business without being arrested, or free from fear of violent criminals and crazy homeless people, or free from the highest gas prices in the America, or free to refuse a vaccine you don’t trust, or free to walk alone on a beach without getting arrested for not wearing a mask, or free to take your kids to a park without worrying that they’ll step on drug needles or human feces, or…well, I could go on and on. Which is why so many people are fleeing California for states like Florida.

Newsom’s ludicrous ad is being greeted with the raspberries it deserves. Critics are also pointing out the ways in which he flouts the freedom-crushing rules he imposes on others, whether it’s dining at a fancy restaurant while closing other restaurants, posing for photos sans mask in a crowded stadium with celebrity athletes, or vacationing in Montana, one of 22 states he’s banned state officials from traveling to because they don’t subscribe to his views on LGBTQ+++ issues.

In fact, about the only freedom Californians still enjoy is the freedom to move out. But liberals there are desperately trying to pass an “exit tax” to make them keep paying even after they leave.

I got a comment from a reader arguing that one reason young people fall prey to socialism (aside from being brainwashed by their teachers) is that they feel the capitalist system is failing them. They were told they had to get college degrees if they wanted good jobs, and encouraged to take out huge student loans. Now, they’re saddled with crippling debt, and those degrees aren’t opening the doors to jobs that pay enough to ever get out of the hole.

I admit that’s a serious problem, but electing people who will expand the very policies that raise taxes, kill jobs and wages, and make college ridiculously expensive and degrees useless (is anyone other than George Soros hiring people who studied how to overthrow the US government?) is not going to help.

And promises to pay off everyone’s student loans are just a bait-and-switch. Your student loan debt might disappear, but your tax bill will double or triple. Will that solve your problem? And talk about redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich! People who never attended college will pay higher taxes to pay off the college loan debts of lawyers and others at higher income levels.

We need action on a number of fronts for young people to be able to access the American dream. First, we do need to restructure student loans, so that rates are lowered and terms easier to handle. Government policies need to be aimed at helping grow the economy and encourage private sector expansion, so that jobs are plentiful and wages keep rising. And future generations need to be taught to be more judicious in choosing majors, or that maybe college isn’t the only alternative. There are many good-paying jobs in skilled trades that employers desperately need to fill (just ask Mike Rowe.) There’s dignity in all work, and it’s a heck of a lot better to be a busy, well-paid plumber or mechanic than an angry, unemployed poli-sci or gender studies major (they obviously have way too much free time on their hands these days.)

Besides, as many of our recent political leaders have proven beyond a doubt, having an Ivy League degree is no guarantee of superior intelligence, ability or even basic competence. It might just mean that your parents bought the school a gym. Academic credentials are fine, but they don’t mean as much to me as native intelligence, a strong work ethic and an eagerness to learn.

Before I entered politics, I worked with a fellow named Gary Underwood to build a community TV station on a shoestring budget. Gary had no formal education in television production, but he figured out things, like how to make work lights from Sam’s Club do as studio lights, and how to run lights and a camera off a car battery so we could do remotes. If he’d had formal training, he might’ve told me it was impossible on our budget and given up. But since he wasn’t a "trained expert," he found ways to do the impossible. Later on, he ran media operations for the Arkansas Governor’s Office for me.

There are people with more education than others, and who certainly think they’re smarter than the rest of us. But you’d be hard pressed to find people with more “smarts” than someone like Gary. Have you ever heard it said that someone was “educated beyond their intelligence”? We’ve got plenty of people like that. Washington is crawling with so many Harvard and Yale alums that if they could all get a tuition refund, they could probably pay off the national debt. And frankly, many of them should demand a refund.

As both a Governor and a business owner, I’ve hired a lot of employees over the years. Some would figure out how to get something done, while others would spend more time explaining why it couldn’t be done than it would’ve taken to do it! Give me a smart person with a can-do attitude any day over one with an expensive education who lacks the resourcefulness to solve problems with whatever is available.

Remember the story of the eminent scientist who proved through incontrovertible laws of physics, gravity and aerodynamics that it was impossible for a bumblebee to fly? The bumblebee ignored all his arguments about how flying was impossible and flew anyway. The moral: If you want to succeed, be like a bumblebee and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t fly.

When a lie gets repeated so often that everyone thinks it’s true, it’s called “conventional wisdom” – maybe because it happens so often at political conventions. These days, the conventional wisdom is that far-left ideas are the accepted, objective truth and anyone who questions them is an extremist or a believer in “disinformation.” Don’t buy it.

Throughout the Bush-Obama era, the media kept repeating “failed conservative policies” until even a lot of so-called conservatives believed it. So the voters put Democrats fully in power. It resulted in a sluggish economy, depressed job growth, rising income inequality, reduced wealth and opportunities for minorities, rising class and racial divisions, and abroad, a decline in US prestige and leadership and the advancement and emboldening of our enemies, including a terrorist “JV team” metastasizing into a worldwide threat. Not to mention big government schemes imposed against the will of the people. In Obama’s very first midterm election, voters gave the House back to the Republicans.

Polls began to show that most Americans wanted the government to do less and spend less. In France, where an actual Socialist was elected President, his huge tax hikes crashed the economy and made socialism as popular with the French as cheese in a can. The media were shocked when voters turned right in the next election. They should’ve known that nothing turns people off of socialism like actually experiencing it. Ask a Cuban or Venezuelan.

The elites responded by doubling down on the arrogance, condescension and name-calling of those who dared to challenge their divine right to rule. The people were forced to make their point even more clearly by shutting down large sections of the country with Tea Party protests, and demanding their culture and secure national borders back, and finally by shocking the elites with the election of Donald Trump. The media, who assumed that everyone would vote for Hillary because everything they talked to did, were shocked.

Trump reversed virtually every Obama policy. Result: ISIS was crushed, peace started breaking out in the Middle East, illegal immigration plummeted, the economy boomed, and unemployment for all groups fell to record lows while real wages rose for the first time in decades. It took the artificial shutdown of that economy due to COVID-19 to crush it. In 2020, a relentless, four-year media assault against Trump and…other factors…brought the Democrats back into full power. And just as the economy was starting to rebound, Biden brought back all the Obama policies and crushed it again.

If you ever wanted a laboratory demonstration of whose policies work and whose don’t, you could just look at the past three Administrations. It’s like watching someone turn off the lights, turn them back on, then turn them off again.

It is a shame that voters have to keep relearning the hard way that top-down, big government solutions and leftist utopian fantasies don’t work in reality. Young people can almost be excused for believing in socialism for the same reason they believe in the Tooth Fairy: they are empty vessels who get filled with whatever adults pour into them. The leftists certainly know that. Many parents have recently woken up to how dangerously remiss we’ve been in allowing leftists to take over our schools and fill those precious vessels with mental pollution.

But Republicans who promised small government and fiscal responsibility have let us down, too. Too many let deficits skyrocket, stuffed budgets with pork, and became cheerleaders for big government and disdainful toward the very Americans who put them in office. These so-called “conservatives” slammed me in 2007 for not being a “real conservative” because I pointed out problems in the economy that were hurting working people and criticized the lack of oversight of Wall Street’s excesses. Two years later, they wanted to spend $700 billion of our grandkids’ money to save Wall Street from its excesses. They abandoned government’s rightful role as a tough-but-impartial referee and wanted to use its power to pick winners and losers in the market. Is that “real conservatism?”

The truth is that voters didn’t turn their backs on conservatism, Republican politicians did. And despite the media’s claim that “We’re all socialists now,” Democrats didn’t sweep to power in 2008 by claiming to be government-bloating tax-and-spenders, but by swearing they’d changed and were now fiscally responsible. Of course, once they gave Obama, Pelosi and Reid unlimited power, voters quickly realized their terrible mistake and gave the House back to the GOP in the next election. But too many Republicans had already squandered their credibility, so when Democrats ballooned the deficit, they could deflect criticism by simply pointing at their opponents’ own record.

In 2020, the endless media assaults on Trump and the false messaging that Biden was a moderate centrist hoodwinked the voters yet again into putting the Democrats back into power. From his first day in power, Biden surrounded himself with leftists who couldn’t wait to bloat government, reverse all of Trump’s successful policies, raise taxes, spend money like water, regulate everything that moves, and turn the whole country into a coast-to-coast version of one of the failing cities Democrats have run for decades. It didn’t take long for buyers’ remorse to hit Americans harder than COVID-19.

For a localized example of this pendulum effect, look at New York City. It became a nightmare until voters finally replaced Democrat David Dinkins with Republican Rudy Giuliani. Under Rudy, the Big Apple staged a huge comeback that was kept going by faux Republican Mike Bloomberg. But by then, it had been a long time since the bad old day. New Yorkers forgot how bad it could get. So they turned over the keys to Dinkins protégé Bill DeBlasio, and they soon found out how bad things could quickly turn. They still haven’t learned their lesson: they elected another Democrat who promised to fix things, but hasn’t. We’ll see how bad things have to get before they finally yell for the Republicans to come save them again.

As George Santayana observed, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. No wonder Democrats hate teaching kids real American history.

From Jefferson’s belief that government closest to the people governs best to Reagan’s faith in free markets, from low taxes to letting markets instead of government make business decisions, conservative ideas work whenever they’re tried. Unfortunately, party leaders and the media are wildly out of touch with most Americans, and they are the ones with Hollywood, the media and social media acting as a 24-hour PR megaphone for bad leftist policies. This amplifies the liberal side and suppresses the conservative side so much that not only is the tail wagging the dog, but it’s like a Chihuahua’s tail wagging a St. Bernard. Too often, they succeed in hoodwinking the voters into giving them power again, despite decades of failure. But once in power, they quickly remind people why they should never be entrusted with it.

As that great Republican Abraham Lincoln observed, you can fool some of the people all of the time (they’re called “progressives”) and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Let’s pray that this November will be another of those “won’t get fooled again” elections.



My staffers will be off this week for a well-deserved break, but keep checking in daily. We’ve prepared lots of great material in advance, and we’ll have a daily round-up of the latest news. And as always, if anything major happens, everyone will drop their hot dogs and sparklers and rush back to their PCs to keep you informed. Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter. 

There is no Evening Edition for those subscribers.



I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Philippians 3:14 NLT

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

The Leaders We Need

We all knew a kid in school who just had to run everything. Remember the classmate who insisted on picking the games you’d all play at recess, where you’d go after school, even who was “in” or “out” of your group? In high school, that kid had a compulsive need to be the leader of every student organization. You just wanted to say, “Hey! You’re not the boss of me!” Whatever happened to those kids? I wouldn’t be surprised if most ended up in government. We certainly have no shortage of people there who think they know how to live your life and spend your paycheck better than you do.

I’m convinced the world is divided into people who just want to live their own lives and those who, for some reason, have an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone else how to live. Unfortunately, to that latter group, government seems like the ideal place to work, and at the moment, they are getting 99.9% of all the attention from the media. As more of them gravitated toward government, Congress abdicated much of its legislating authority to unelected bureaucrats. Their bureaus grew like kudzu, and so did their regulations with the force of law (but no input from the people.) Then one day, we looked up and discovered we had a crushing national debt and were paying huge salaries to an army of people who enforce how big your soda should be and who couldn’t be fired and who is allowed to come into your daughter’s locker room. That’s when sane people realized that government is the LAST place these out-of-control control freaks needed to be.

The temptation for government to overreach is hardly new. In fact, it stretches back to the beginning of recorded history, and I bet even earlier than that. There’s a story in the ninth chapter of the book of Judges in the Old Testament about Gideon’s son Abimelech, who craved leadership and stature - not to serve the people but to control them and make them serve him. He said, “Give me dominion over your lives, and I will simplify your existence.” Wow, does that sound familiar? It’s basically the entire Democratic platform. Our government has taken us pretty far down that same road, but does your life seem any simpler -- or just a lot less free?

Anyway, back to Abimelech. He had a very smart younger brother, Jotham, who came up with a clever tale about three trees: an olive tree, a fig tree, and a vine tree. All three were fine trees that produced lots of fruit. All were offered the exalted position of “King Of All Trees,” but all three turned it down. The plant that wanted to be “King Of All Trees” was the bramble bush, a weak plant that produces no fruit at all. Jotham’s point was that only the weak and nonproductive have the desire to rule everyone else. Does that lesson not resonate like a gong right now?

When anyone aspires to a position of power, take a long, hard look. If that person seemingly crawled out of the cradle with an ambition to be President, then beware! Anytime someone talks about “running the country,” alarm bells should sound. No one – not the President, not Congress, no one person – “runs the country” or should aspire to.

That’s why the Founders took such pains to divide and limit federal power, and why we need to reinstate those limits that have been trampled in recent years, whether by Presidents ruling via executive order or out-of-control judges legislating from the bench or unelected bureaucrats abusing their power to try to influence the results of elections. If we allow any one person or entity to ignore those limits and assume the power to run everything, we won’t be able to stop them when they run America into the ground.

We should pick leaders who resemble the trees in the Bible story that don’t need or crave power but that have shown they bear good fruit. As it is said, by their fruits ye shall know them. Government has more than enough nuts already.


More Farmers, Fewer Lawyers

I hope you’re having a great 4th of July week, but between the celebratory fireworks on one hand and the anti-American political fireworks on the other, let’s take just a moment to reflect on what Independence Day really means and how it led to the freedoms and blessings that far too many Americans fail to appreciate these days.

Most historians (not New York Times writers, but real historians) mark the beginning of America as the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. But in truth, there was still a long road to travel before America as we know it came to be. First, of course, there was the matter of fighting a bloody revolution against Great Britain, one where victory was an overwhelming longshot, and win or lose, the leaders risked their lives, honor and fortunes. Victory was followed by more heated battles over what kind of government we would have.

Our Forefathers finally agreed to a blueprint, the Constitution, that wasn’t even introduced until 1789 – over 13 years later. Today, many Americans take those hard-won freedoms very lightly and seem eager to trade them away for false promises of security. Many can’t even name the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Maybe they’d cherish them more if they knew how close they came to not having them at all.

Did you know that the Constitution very nearly got passed without the Bill of Rights? Even some of the wisest of our forefathers thought a Bill of Rights was a dangerous idea. Alexander Hamilton argued that it was risky to list the rights the government couldn’t take away because then, politicians might try to grab any and every power that wasn’t specifically prohibited to them (apparently, the ability to rap wasn’t the only way Hamilton predicted the 21st century). He and many others also felt that a Bill of Rights was unnecessary: since nobody was surrendering their God-given rights by agreeing to the Constitution, there was no need to list them, right? Hamilton wrote, “Why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do?”

It’s ironic that Hamilton made that argument. Later on, as the first Treasury Secretary, he cited powers that the Constitution merely implied that the government had in order to take on debt, create a federal bank and impose unpopular taxes. Over a century later, when the federal income tax was passed, some lawmakers wanted to include a 10% limit, but they were voted down. Opponents scoffed that it was absurd to think the government would ever steal as much as 10% of an American’s hard-earned wages. Flash forward just 30 years, and they were happily taxing away 94%. So just imagine how few freedoms we’d have today if they’d listened to Hamilton and decided it wasn’t necessary to put specific limits on government power.

Luckily for us all, Thomas Jefferson won the argument, and the Bill of Rights was added. They even included the 9th amendment, which I’ll bet most people can’t even describe. Here’s what it says:

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

It means that just because some God-given rights aren’t specifically listed, that doesn’t mean the people cede them to the government. Maybe because so many of the framers were also farmers, they understood that like weeds, government tends to grow and grow, choking out the productive crops -- and like a bull, it will trample you if you don’t corral it. (Also, it produces the same thing a bull does.)

So if we want to preserve our freedoms, and keep government limited, maybe we should send more farmers to Washington -- and fewer lawyers.


The True Story of Yankee Doodle

Usually around the Fourth of July, we hear a lot of songs about all the great things about America: “God Bless America,” “God Bless The USA,” “America the Beautiful” (although you might not have heard them this year because of some people whining that hearing God’s name or praise for America “triggers” them.) But before them all, even before “The Star-Spangled Banner,” there was the original American patriotic anthem, “Yankee Doodle.” However, it didn’t start out as a celebration of Americans, but as a mockery of them.

Since 1776, the song “Yankee Doodle” has been as much a symbol of America as the flag. Every child learns it from the cradle (or used to.) But many of us grew up without ever knowing what it really means. Like, why did he call his cap macaroni? Did he use cheese for hair mousse? (I’ll bet a lot of recent college graduates actually believe that and think he was a speciesist exploiter of cows.) Well, I’ll answer those questions and more.

“Yankee Doodle” dates back long before 1776. It most likely started as a German nursery rhyme, since “dudel” is an Old German word for “fool.” It first became associated with America when British soldiers made up their own lyrics to it to mock the ragtag American Revolutionaries. That baffling line – “stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni” – makes sense when you know that a macaroni wig was one of those ridiculously large powdered wigs that dandies of the time wore. The Brits were ridiculing Americans as a bunch of hayseeds, so dumb they’d think sticking a feather in their hat would make them look sophisticated. Imagine a Huffington Post article about Trump voters from Alabama, and you’ll have a pretty good idea of just how much arrogant condescension they intended to convey.

Unfortunately for the British, it turned out wars weren’t settled according to who had the spiffiest uniforms (in fact, red coats just made you an easier target.) Those unfashionable Americans were fighting for their homes, their families and their freedom. So they did what Americans have done ever since: they took the ridicule aimed at them, threw it back in the faces of those who mocked them, and got the last laugh. “Yankee Doodle” was the Babylon Bee of its time.

The Americans took the song that was meant to belittle them and adopted it as their anthem. They marched to it in the streets, sang it in bars, and made up their own new lyrics to promote the cause of freedom and glorify leaders like General Washington, “upon his strapping stallion.” It wasn’t long before the British learned to dread the sound of that tune, especially when it was played on a fife and drum, accompanied by American militiamen. A Boston newspaper reported that Minutemen who captured two British officers forced them to dance to “Yankee Doodle” until they collapsed. After that, the Brits admitted that that mocking little song didn’t sound so funny to them anymore.

Well, now you know how “Yankee Doodle” came to be the unofficial American battle anthem that later inspired another great patriotic song for this time of year, George M. Cohan’s “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” As Cohan proudly sang, “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy, a Yankee Doodle, do or die…A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam, Born on the Fourth of July!”

Of course, Cohan was actually born on the third of July. But that’s another story for another day.



There was a tragic mass shooting during a Fourth of July Parade Monday in Highland Park, Illinois, an upscale suburb of Chicago. Six people were killed and more than 30 injured by a shooter who opened fire sniper-like on the crowd from the top of a building. After a brief pursuit, police arrested 22-year-old Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III. A self-styled “hip-hop phenom” who has multiple face tattoos and goes by the name “Awake the Rapper,” Crimo has some pretty disturbing social media posts, but again, nobody seemed to pick up on the danger he posed. The gun he used was reportedly obtained legally. Here's a link to Fox News' continually updated reports.

Crimo had barely been arrested before some people were trying to score political points by claiming he was a Trump supporter (which seems unlikely, given that he followed Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton on Twitter) or to call for more gun control laws. But whatever his politics are, those issues can wait until after (A.) we actually know the facts, and (B.) we focus on the most important issue, which is praying for the victims and their families, and keeping up with the news to see if there’s anything we can do to help them.  



Whenever there’s a tragedy, some people will always try to exploit it to sow division or tear down America. That’s the kneejerk response for too many media outlets. But for a welcome antidote to those toxic narratives, read this by Sean Dietrich.

It’s about the deadly crash and derailment of an Amtrak train in Mendon, Missouri, but it tells a side of the story that hardly any news outlets mentioned. It’s the story of the hundreds of local people of all ages, ethnicities, beliefs and economic backgrounds who immediately rushed to the scene to do anything they could to try and help save and comfort the victims, all of whom were strangers to them. Remember this July 4th, that is the real America, not the false hateful, racist caricature that we’re constantly being fed.



Latest thing that’s racist, according to CNN: Economists who notice we’re entering a recession while Joe Biden is in office.




And what’s not only racist, but “white supremacist?” Acting with “urgency.”

It sounds as if the Oregon health official who came up with that has some notion that black people aren’t capable of acting with urgency, which sounds like an incredibly racist idea pulled from old Stepin Fetchit movies.



I hope you had a safe, fun and patriotic Fourth of July. Not wanting to ruin your good mood, I’ll just pass this along for you to read later. It’s a round-up of some of the overpaid media and Hollywood figures who spent the 4th cursing America and badmouthing the flag and other symbols of this great nation.

What do you want to bet that next July 4th, each and every one of them will still be cursing this nation, still claiming it’s so much better somewhere else, and yet still living here?



I think Mitt Romney had the right idea when he was tweeting under the pseudonym of “Pierre Delecto.” He should’ve given this interview to the Atlantic under a fake name.



NPR used to always read the Declaration of Independence on the air as a 4th of July tradition. But this year, they decided to “break with tradition” and show us how much better one of the greatest and most important documents in the history of the written word could have been if only it had been edited by a woke NPR wonk. Maybe it’s time we broke with the tradition of our tax dollars funding this.



Here’s yet another example of how today’s colleges are definitely not preparing students for real life:

Michael Lopez was a young production coordinator for Universal Music. His job required him every Friday to process reports on new music releases and email them to 275 people who needed them to do their jobs. But last Friday, he decided not to do it. Instead, he sent an email reading, "I didn't do them today. I'm in mourning due to the attack on people with uteruses in the US. Federally guaranteed access to abortion is gone. Vivendi and Universal Music Group must stop donating to anti-abortion, anti-queer and anti-trans politicians. Politicians like Marsha Blackburn, Ken Buck, Victoria Spartz, etc. Or expect more unproductive days. Yours in fury, Michael Lopez." 

Lopez is now slamming Universal Music for firing a “queer, brown person” like him during Pride Month, just for “Not doing your job, disrupting the day of 275 people and poor judgement.” He accused them of only caring about profits and of saying “F--- you to the working class.”

Um, Michael? I don’t know if you can comprehend this, but when you claim you’re just too triggered to do your job, you’re not doing “work.” You’re doing “woke.”  Keep up this attitude, and you’ll never be part of the working class again.




Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

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News Recap

July 5, 2022


There was a tragic mass shooting during a Fourth of July Parade Monday in Highland Park, Illinois, an upscale suburb of Chicago. Six people were killed and more than 30 injured by a shooter who opened fire sniper-like on the crowd from the top of a building. After a brief pursuit, police arrested 22-year-old Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III. A self-styled “hip-hop phenom” who has multiple face tattoos and goes by the name “Awake the Rapper,” Crimo has some pretty disturbing social media posts, but again, nobody seemed to pick up on the danger he posed. The gun he used was reportedly obtained legally. Here's a link to Fox News' continually updated reports.

Crimo had barely been arrested before some people were trying to score political points by claiming he was a Trump supporter (which seems unlikely, given that he followed Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton on Twitter) or to call for more gun control laws. But whatever his politics are, those issues can wait until after (A.) we actually know the facts, and (B.) we focus on the most important issue, which is praying for the victims and their families, and keeping up with the news to see if there’s anything we can do to help them.  



Whenever there’s a tragedy, some people will always try to exploit it to sow division or tear down America. That’s the kneejerk response for too many media outlets. But for a welcome antidote to those toxic narratives, read this by Sean Dietrich.

It’s about the deadly crash and derailment of an Amtrak train in Mendon, Missouri, but it tells a side of the story that hardly any news outlets mentioned. It’s the story of the hundreds of local people of all ages, ethnicities, beliefs and economic backgrounds who immediately rushed to the scene to do anything they could to try and help save and comfort the victims, all of whom were strangers to them. Remember this July 4th, that is the real America, not the false hateful, racist caricature that we’re constantly being fed.



Latest thing that’s racist, according to CNN: Economists who notice we’re entering a recession while Joe Biden is in office.




And what’s not only racist, but “white supremacist?” Acting with “urgency.”

It sounds as if the Oregon health official who came up with that has some notion that black people aren’t capable of acting with urgency, which sounds like an incredibly racist idea pulled from old Stepin Fetchit movies.



I hope you had a safe, fun and patriotic Fourth of July. Not wanting to ruin your good mood, I’ll just pass this along for you to read later. It’s a round-up of some of the overpaid media and Hollywood figures who spent the 4th cursing America and badmouthing the flag and other symbols of this great nation.

What do you want to bet that next July 4th, each and every one of them will still be cursing this nation, still claiming it’s so much better somewhere else, and yet still living here?



I think Mitt Romney had the right idea when he was tweeting under the pseudonym of “Pierre Delecto.” He should’ve given this interview to the Atlantic under a fake name.



NPR used to always read the Declaration of Independence on the air as a 4th of July tradition. But this year, they decided to “break with tradition” and show us how much better one of the greatest and most important documents in the history of the written word could have been if only it had been edited by a woke NPR wonk. Maybe it’s time we broke with the tradition of our tax dollars funding this.



Here’s yet another example of how today’s colleges are definitely not preparing students for real life:

Michael Lopez was a young production coordinator for Universal Music. His job required him every Friday to process reports on new music releases and email them to 275 people who needed them to do their jobs. But last Friday, he decided not to do it. Instead, he sent an email reading, "I didn't do them today. I'm in mourning due to the attack on people with uteruses in the US. Federally guaranteed access to abortion is gone. Vivendi and Universal Music Group must stop donating to anti-abortion, anti-queer and anti-trans politicians. Politicians like Marsha Blackburn, Ken Buck, Victoria Spartz, etc. Or expect more unproductive days. Yours in fury, Michael Lopez." 

Lopez is now slamming Universal Music for firing a “queer, brown person” like him during Pride Month, just for “Not doing your job, disrupting the day of 275 people and poor judgement.” He accused them of only caring about profits and of saying “F--- you to the working class.”

Um, Michael? I don’t know if you can comprehend this, but when you claim you’re just too triggered to do your job, you’re not doing “work.” You’re doing “woke.”  Keep up this attitude, and you’ll never be part of the working class again.


Fourth of July Jukebox

July 4, 2022

I know many of you will be playing patriotic songs this weekend, everything from “God Bless the USA” to “California Girls” to “Living In America.” But I thought you might like to expand your patriotic party playlist to include some songs that you don’t hear too often, or ever. Some were hits that don’t get played much anymore, others are obscure singles and album cuts, but all will make you proud to be an American. You can make a Spotify playlist or use the YouTube links below.

From our “Huckabee” musical guests:

Some of our “Huckabee” guests have blessed us with terrific new patriotic songs, and here are two examples. Country legend Clint Black performed a new song he wrote with Steve Wariner called “America (Still in Love With You),” and you can hear him perform it with Tre Corley and the Music City Connection right here:

We had the astonishing George W. Bush impressionist John C. Morgan on recently. He’s also a singer/musician, and he has a new song out to counter all the efforts to divide Americans on racial lines. It’s called “America…My Brother and Me,” and you can catch the video here:


Now on to some oldies but goodies…

“Johnny Freedom” – Johnny Horton

Johnny Horton’s career was cut short at age 35 in a tragic car crash. But he left behind a legacy of great songs, many inspired by historical events, such as “Sink the Bismarck” and the immortal “Battle of New Orleans” (which inspired the hilarious Homer & Jethro parody, “The Battle of Kookamonga.”) You can learn more about American history from Johnny Horton’s Greatest Hits than you can from a public high school these days. Here’s a patriotic Horton tune for the 4th that you might not know, “Johnny Freedom.”


“The Americans” – Gordon Sinclair

Gordon Sinclair was one of the most unlikely recording stars of all time. A Canadian writer/reporter, he was so annoyed in 1973 at hearing that the Red Cross was out of funds, he wrote an editorial about all that America does for the world. He didn’t think it was anything special, but public reaction was overwhelming. WWDC-AM in Washington, DC, started playing a reading of it with “Bridge Over Troubled Water” in the background, which inspired the release of Sinclair’s own recording, a 45 on Avco under the title, “The Americans (A Canadian's Opinion.)” All proceeds went to the Red Cross. It rose to #24 on the charts, making Sinclair, at 73, the second-oldest artist ever to make the Billboard Top 40, behind 75-year-old Moms Mabley’s “Abraham, Martin and John.” It was revived for a bit after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, but it needs to be heard again now.

By the way, you might be more familiar with this version by Byron MacGregor of CKLW radio, which got higher on the charts. It was an unauthorized version that Sinclair wasn’t happy about. Still, the sentiments can’t be repeated too many times.



“Back In The USA” – Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers

Everyone loves Chuck Berry’s classic original that lists all the cool things we've got here in the USA, but this low-fi version is one of my favorite records of all time. Linda Ronstadt had the hit, but I always thought hers was kinda stiff. This version captures the freedom of playing in a garage band with your friends on a sunny Saturday afternoon as hamburgers sizzle on the grill nearby. It’s so spontaneous, you can hear Jonathan turning off-mic and directing the band as he goes along. This is just over two minutes of the pure joys, large and small, of being an American. If you can listen to this without smiling, I don’t want to know you.

And for the purists, here’s Chuck Berry’s original. This actually had 10 thumbs-down on YouTube. I assume they’re all communists:



“Paul Revere” – Johnny Cash

How can we salute America in song without including the man who is known as the voice of America, Johnny Cash? So much to pick from (the obvious choice might be “Ragged Old Flag”), but here’s a cool obscurity from his 1970 LP, “America: A 200-Year Salute in Story and Song.”

The album covers everything from the Revolution to the Space Age, including songs about the Alamo (whose defenders were HEROES!!!), the Gettysburg Address and possibly the only song you’ll ever hear about the assassination of President James Garfield. It’s all great, but for this week, what could be more appropriate than Johnny Cash singing the story of Paul Revere?



“Rockin’ In The USA” – KISS

Typically for KISS, the lyrics aren’t very profound, but they make the indisputable though grammatically-puzzling point that there’s nowhere else you’d rather stay than rockin’ in the US. If you’re surprised that these shock rockers would do something so unabashedly patriotic, then you probably didn’t know that Gene Simmons is an Israeli immigrant, the son of a concentration camp survivor, and very grateful to America for his success as a music entrepreneur.



“America, Why I Love Her” by John Wayne and “Pledge of Allegiance” by Red Skelton

Since these are both patriotic recitations by beloved 20th century showbiz giants, I thought I’d make them a two-fer.

The iconic 1973 album “America, Why I Love Her” by John Wayne has its own chapter in my book about celebrity records, “Hollywood Hi-Fi.” There are other celebrity connections as well: the words were written by John Mitchum, the actor/writer brother of Robert Mitchum, and the idea of Wayne recording it came from Forrest Tucker ("F Troop.")

Mitchum had a role in Wayne’s 1970 movie “Chisum,” and during a break, he read his co-stars his tribute to the US military, “Why Are You Marching, Son?” Wayne was moved to manly tears, and Tucker said if he liked it that much, why didn’t he do something about it? So on a handshake deal (more binding than a contract when it’s the Duke’s mighty handshake), they agreed to make an album.

It took Wayne three years to finish the recording (he’d lost a lung due to his six-pack-a-day cigarette habit), but the results were worth it. The LP of patriotic recitations sold 100,000 copies in its first two weeks, scored a Grammy nomination, inspired a companion book, and became a hit all over again when it was reissued after Wayne’s death in 1979. It finally fell out of print, but a revival of interest after 9/11 helped Mitchum’s daughter finally get it rereleased on CD. The entire album is now available 24/7 on YouTube, Amazon and other digital platforms.

I particularly wanted to share this on the 4th of July because of the recent whining from the snowflake brigade about some non-PC things Wayne said in the early 1970s. The Duke is the only deceased star to rank in the Harris Poll of America's Top 10 most popular movie stars every year, even 40 years after his death. The crybullies think they can cancel John Wayne. That’ll be the day!

On January 14, 1969, Red Skelton performed a recitation that he wrote himself on his CBS variety show, “The Red Skelton Hour,” which you can now stream on Amazon Prime when the current TV offerings seem as funny as a root canal. It relates how a beloved teacher once explained the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to his class. Trivia: The backing music is titled “Red’s White and Blue March” and is one of Red’s many compositions.

After it aired, CBS was flooded with 200,000 requests for copies, and a month later, it was released on a Columbia 45. Red performed it for the rest of his life, including at the White House for the newly-inaugurated President Nixon. It has become an American classic and was used as a teaching tool for many years by schools that aren’t afraid of being sued for exposing students to the words “Under God” or, now, even saying the Pledge of Allegiance.



“What Is America To Me” – Frank Sinatra

In case you’ve never seen it, this is a link to "The House I Live In," the entire 10-minute short film that this song came from (it begins at the 6:45 mark, for those with Internet-shortened attention spans.) This film was produced at the end of World War II to help fight anti-Semitism, and perhaps should still be required viewing for certain Democratic Congress members.



“Bumper of My SUV” – Chely Wright

This song written and performed by country singer Chely Wright is about a snotty person's rude reaction to the Marines sticker she put on her SUV in honor of her brother who was serving in the Middle East. It was extremely personal to her, but it was universally embraced by the troops when she performed it during a series of shows in Iraq. This brings home how some people are intensely ungrateful for the safe, comfortable lives that they owe to the US military, as well as their freedom to be obnoxious, ungrateful jerks. I’m linking to a live clip where she tells the story of how the song came about before singing it. Any US Marine vets will especially appreciate this.



“Only in America” – Jay and The Americans

A moderate hit in 1963, this ode to the American Dream was originally intended for the Drifters but seems a better fit for a band called “Jay and The Americans.” This was from a time before the left made people think it was shameful to want to succeed and get rich. The singer informs us that only in America can a boy become a millionaire, get a classy girl and maybe grow up to be President – or if you’re Donald Trump, all three.




“American Faces” – John Conlee

Nashville has sadly forgotten what real country music sounds like, or else one of the most distinctive country voices of all time, John Conlee, would still be topping the charts. Known as the singing mortician for his pre-music career, Conlee landed 32 singles on the charts between 1978 and 2004. Fourteen made the top 10, including “Common Man,” “Backside of 30,” “Lady Lay Down,” “Miss Emily’s Picture,” “Busted,” and one of the greatest country songs of all time, “Rose Colored Glasses.”

Fans should know that he recently appeared on “Huckabee” and he’s still out there touring. You can find his tour dates, music and merchandise at http://www.johnconlee.comYou should also check out his latest CD, “Classics 3,” which includes a very powerful pro-life song called “Unborn Voice.”

For the 4th of July, here’s the moving title track from Conlee’s 1987 album, “American Faces,” a salute to some of the unsung people in “Flyover Country” who make America what it is.



“Red, White & Blue” – Lynyrd Skynyrd

There are a lot of seemingly patriotic rock songs that get played on the Fourth of July, like Springsteen’s “Born in the USA,” whose creators actually meant them as critical or sarcastic and who get bent out of shape when they are “misconstrued” as flag-wavers. To them, I say, “Get bent.” Here is a rock song that is unambiguously pro-American, by the ultimate working class band, Lynyrd Skynyrd. This is by the post-crash version of the band, from the 2003 album, “Vicious Cycle.”

"Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" - Toby Keith

One I left off last year because I figured it was too obvious, but the Fourth of July is no time for subtlety, nor are these times we live in. I also wanted something that really salutes the military. If the snowflakes ever get their way and convince Americans to change our National Anthem, then I propose we change it to this, Toby's boot-in-the-a** to the perpetrators of 9-11.

“Ask Not Waltz” – President John F. Kennedy

Finally, my writing partner and fellow musicologist George Gimarc and I were very pleased to be able to haul this record out of obscurity for both our celebrity records book “Hollywood Hi-Fi” and its companion CD on Brunswick. This record was historic on a number of levels.

Not only does it set one of the most inspiring and iconic speeches in American history to a tune you can really skate to, but it was also one of the earliest examples of what later became mainstays of pop music: sampling and rapping. The idea was hatched by “Bullwinkle” writer George Atkins and Nashville producer Hank Levine as they were sitting by the pool, trying to come up with an idea for a JFK comedy record. Levine told us that in those pre-digital days, setting JFK’s actual words to music required a massive, painstaking tape editing job.

The album (“Sing Along With JFK”) was released in summer, 1963, but radio resisted because it was disrespectful to the President (can you imagine such a thing?!) But college stations started playing it and it was climbing the charts until November when JFK jokes suddenly became verboten. Don’t feel guilty about enjoying it, though, because Kennedy family insider Peter Lawford said it was the only JFK comedy record that JFK actually liked.

Let’s see...where were we?

Megyn Kelly, in a video I hope you watched, had explained what’s wrong with the January 6 show trial: “This is not justice, it is not fair, and it is not to be trusted,” she said.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Megyn Kelly: "I know a sham trial when I see one."

We’d also discussed Trump Derangement Syndrome as a voracious brain-eating disease and examined what happens to the prefrontal cortex during “long TDS.” By coincidence, John Daniel Davidson has an article at THE FEDERALIST titled “The Jan. 6 Committee is Causing Never-Trumpers to Lose Their Minds.” By “never-Trumpers,” he’s talking not about mainstream media but the more right-of-center outlets.

We expect CNN, NEWSWEEK, THE NEW YORK TIMES, the WASHINGTON POST and many others on the left to run attacks on President Trump at every opportunity, but, sadly, Davidson is talking about NATIONAL REVIEW and WASHINGTON EXAMINER running what he rightly calls “delusional op-eds” about the hearings this week. The EXAMINER said Trump had been “proven unfit for power again,” because of the testimony given by (yes) Cassidy Hutchinson. They apparently took her unverified testimony at face value --- never mind that it has been contradicted by multiple firsthand witnesses and was never subject to any challenge whatsoever

These editorial writers were completely suckered. “Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s Tuesday testimony ought to ring the death knell for former President Donald Trump’s political career,” they intoned. “Trump is unfit to be anywhere near power ever again.”

You and I know that Hutchinson was put on the stand precisely to “ring the death knell” for Trump, and even though her testimony has been discredited, it apparently worked on these useful media idiots. To quote Davidson: “You have to wonder what’s wrong with these editors that they would publish such garbage. Do they not realize that one of the propaganda goals of the Jan. 6 committee is to elicit [this] kind of editorial? Mission accomplished, Liz Cheney!”

Read the whole EXAMINER editorial, look at the reasons they give for believing Hutchinson, and you’ll likely agree these board members are the ones who are unfit, to be anywhere near journalism. They went right along with the rest of corporate media. If they can’t be more discerning than this, with even a little ability to sniff out fake news, maybe they should move to MSNBC or CNN.

It seems Trump Derangement Syndrome has infected even them. Their brains have certainly been stripped of any analytical skills they might have had earlier in their careers. They appear to have gone right out of their heads.

They believe Hutchinson in part because she used to be a “conservative true believer” in Trump. At 25, she'd “already worked at the highest level of conservative Republican politics,” they say. And they speak of how precise she was with her choice of words, though I took that as a sign she’d been carefully coached. (Of course, viewers didn’t get to hear about that, because there was no cross-examination.)

These board members even took Hutchinson at her word about Trump attacking the Secret Service agents and grabbing the steering wheel to try to get to the Capitol, despite the fact that it has been strongly refuted by the people named in her stories.

It must not have occurred to them that there might be more backstory to Hutchinson’s apparent change of heart about Trump. We wanted to wait before speculating personally about someone we don’t know, but former Florida attorney general and very credible source Pam Bondi, in an interview with Sean Hannity on Wednesday, offered some insight.

Bondi said she’d had two conversations with Hutchinson, who (in the first conversation) “loved President Trump” but (in the later conversation) was “very upset” she’d been turned down for a job with him in Florida.

She’d apparently been turned down because some of her colleagues had told Trump she couldn’t be trusted. “She was a leaker when she was in the White House,” they said to him, according to Bondi.

“The woman I saw yesterday on the stand was not the same woman,” Bondi said. “Now I understand. She was well-rehearsed. And in a court of law she would have been cross-examined –- were you promised something for your testimony? Money? Did you receive immunity for getting on the witness stand?”

Bondi’s revelation that Trump had been told Hutchinson was a leaker is consistent with the statement he released after her testimony. His full statement is at the link above. He also did an exclusive interview for NEWSMAX that aired Thursday morning. “The woman is living in fantasy land,” he said. “She’s a total disaster, she’s a train wreck, but think of it. Nobody to cross-examine.”

Indeed, Hutchinson’s backstory with Trump and the Florida job would surely have been elicited during cross-examination in a REAL hearing. But outside the hearing, Hutchinson has been discredited as a witness and her testimony is essentially worthless. The Secret Service agents who were actually there will correct her lies for the record. But in the meantime, the January 6 committee can chalk up plenty of scathing anti-Trump editorials based on their deception.

Also, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert is asking the committee to release the full transcript of Hutchinson’s testimony. He flatly denies he asked Trump for a presidential pardon for himself, saying that he only made pardon requests for several U.S. service members whom he said had been wrongly convicted of crimes while deployed in war zones. He says either Hutchinson was mistaken, or else the committee had deceptively edited the video they played of her testimony.

“Not only have I never asked for a pardon for myself,” he said, I have not done anything for which I need a pardon.”

Finally, yet another piece of Hutchinson’s testimony has fallen apart. She claimed that on the morning of January 6, White House counsel Pat Cipollone had told her to tell her boss, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, that Trump should not go to the Capitol. She testified he’d told her, “We’re going to be charged with every crime imaginable” if he did that.

Cipollone has not agreed to testify before this committee, but according to HUMAN EVENTS Senior Editor Jack Posobiec, he was not even at the White House the morning of the 6th. Posobiec has heard this from “multiple sources,” he said. The January 6 committee is “aware of this discrepancy,” he tweeted, and “are ignoring media inquiries about it.”

Now that, I can believe.

Our arrogant complacency

June 30, 2022

Amidst all the insufferable virtue-claiming of the last week - including the ongoing morality play of the January 6th hearings - I've been pre-occupied by one thought: The Hullabaloo sounds awfully arrogant for a country with 60 million infant deaths on its much-abused conscience. Particularly nauseating examples of the self-deception orgy include the circumlocution of "reproductive freedom" and "women's health-care" to obscure the definitive act of the new Democratic sacrament: the surgical dismemberment of a live baby snatched from its mother 's womb.

How can a country with such a track record be so complacent, especially when our adversaries have directly threatened us over the last fortnight with nuclear war? Although such concerns are seldom raised in polite company, my military career included studying under Professor William Kaufman of MIT. He was the genius who authored, for SECDEF Robert McNamara, the Single Integrated Operations Plan by which American nuclear forces would attack the Soviet Union. The applied mathematics had a seductive logic: numbers of delivery vehicles and warheads, effective mega-tonnage, targets lists arrayed by Overall Probability of Kill (requiring two warheads per target). We tried to ignore the implications of over a thousand attacks by both Blue and Red forces. "We destroyed everything on our target list but would the world survive?" Sorry, but that was well beyond the scope of our classroom problem. Even more worrying, the Soviets engaged in similar war-games but with a critical difference. While Americans typically asked, "How much is enough?" our Soviet counter-parts had an entirely different approach: "How much is demonstrably too much?"

So why would today's Russian and Chinese adversaries be deterred from attacking the US to achieve those interests they consider vital - from Ukraine to Taiwan? Is there something in Joe Biden's halting demeanor that might make them hesitate? Or in the fearsome war-fighting mien of General Mark Milley, best known for suggesting that our armed forces should be imbued with an in-depth knowledge of critical race theory? National security practitioners in both Russia and China routinely point out that the United States is so far the only world power to use nuclear weapons in combat, relatively modest demonstration shots (by modern standards) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why should old white men in their dotage be the only ones to enjoy such a useful operational monopoly?

Naturally, those are inconvenient questions to pose with the virtue-claimants still in full cry. For me, one of the most appalling was a Supreme Court demonstrator carrying a hand-lettered sign: JEWS FOR ABORTION RIGHTS. Excuse me? Perhaps those rights were granted sometime after the conflicts in which Ancient Israel was specifically warned against tolerating Canaanite worship of their baby-killing god Molech. And how to reconcile abortion with King David's eloquent words in Psalm 139: "You made all the delicate parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb...You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.." (Ps 139, 15-16 NIV).

Instead of defiling the Supreme Court, those pro-abortion demonstrators might have considered our history, when Americans were forcibly confronted by the manifold evils of slavery, our long-running foundational sin. On the north wall of the Lincoln Memorial are engraved the immortal words of his Second Inaugural, delivered just 41 days prior to his assassination. "Fondly do we hope ~ fervently do we pray ~ that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.' "

I keep wondering if that same calculus could be applied again - this time to atone for the 60 million infants sacrificed on the unholy altar of Roe v Wade. Would it include prompt mega-deaths from a nuclear strike or the lingering effects of radiation spread downwind from the smoking remnants of America’s great cities? Should we fall to our knees to pray for grace and forgiveness or just shrug and carry on as before, hoping that Lincoln was exaggerating when he declared that the Lord's judgments are "true and righteous altogether?"

Colonel Kenneth Allard, United States Army (Ret.) is a Vietnam-era draftee who became a West Point professor and Dean of the National War College. He is also the author of Command, Control and the Common Defense, winner of the 1991 National Security Book Award. After leaving active duty, he served for nearly a decade as an on-air military analyst for the networks of NBC News.

Enough about COVID-19. Ever since Nancy Pelosi’s phony January 6 committee premiered its made-for-TV hearings, we’ve known that a much more serious health risk is posed by Trump Derangement Syndrome. We now have scientific proof that TDS is a brain-eating disease.

How do we know? Well, it turns out that when enough brain cells have been consumed by the fiery hatred of Donald Trump, it’s impossible to tell actual evidence from essentially worthless, uncorroborated hearsay and even outright lying. To the patient with this advanced level of brain damage, the only thing that gives such “evidence” value is its ability to put Trump in a bad light and damage his political viability as we careen towards 2024.

The testimony of a former aide to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about events she said took place on January 6 is perhaps the ultimate example of this. We’ve learned that this “emergency” meeting to quickly make public some fast-breaking testimony was nothing of the sort. It was a lie to create a sense of urgency around the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson. Why, it was so important, this kangaroo court had to change its plan for a two-week hiatus and hop to it! But by then, they’d already completed four video interviews with her.

So they’d had plenty of time to corroborate her hearsay testimony with the Secret Service but had never reached out. They still could’ve done it during their so-called hiatus. But perhaps they sensed it might spoil a good thing. Wouldn’t want to get in the way of a great anti-Trump story! (Like that fake “pee tape” yarn --- how long were they able to keep THAT going?)

The fact that the committee failed to reach out to the Secret Service has been reported by POLITICO, not exactly a bastion of support for Trump.

The leadership behind the J6 committee consists mostly of people with fancy law degrees and lots of experience with hearings and rules of evidence. The hypothesis that they’ve lost billions of brain cells due to TDS explains why they didn’t realize how quickly Hutchinson’s testimony would be demolished by people with firsthand knowledge, and how much that would discredit their entire operation.

No, they were so thrilled with her testimony that afterwards, Liz Cheney gave her a hug. 
Cheney appears to be suffering from the most serious case of TDS to date –- call it “long TDS” –- with most of her higher brain function destroyed.  Another symptom:

Sadly, many in the media are also infected with some form of “long TDS” and are unable to recognize and reject hearsay, either, if it appears to work against Donald Trump. They are so brain-damaged that they report this as actual evidence. They also ignore the complete lack of cross-examination.

As POLITICO reported, attorneys for Hutchinson said Wednesday she stands by “all of the testimony.” But the Secret Service said it would have been a simple matter for committee members to access any documents or witnesses they’d thought might be relevant. They just didn’t do it.

One especially puzzling part of Hutchinson’s testimony is that she claimed to have written a particular note herself, when White House attorney Eric Herschmann says he wrote it. POLITICO and other news outlets are downplaying the significance of this apparent lie, saying it doesn’t matter who wrote the note, as the important thing is that it shows Trump was being advised to immediately instruct supporters to leave the Capitol. They’re failing to ask why the committee chose to call Hutchinson as a witness and not Herschmann. None of the committee’s choices are accidental; there must be some reason why they wanted the note in evidence but not Herschmann as a witness. They preferred Hutchinson on-camera, even if she had to misrepresent the note as hers. We’d like to know why.

Also, Mark Meadows, Hutchinson’s boss at the time, denies that he requested a pardon from Trump over the events of January 6, as Hutchinson testified he did. Here’s an excellent take:

Megyn Kelly, no fan of Trump, thinks Trump “embarrassed himself” with his reaction to the outcome of the election, but even so, she says a “first-year law student” could drive a truck through the holes in Hutchinson’s testimony. Actually, we think any reasoned person should be able to do it, no law school necessary.

That touch of TDS Kelly experienced –- presumably when he made a less-than-gentlemanly remark about her during his presidential campaign –- was perhaps just enough to inoculate her against the more serious and incapacitating form. So even though she still has doubts about Trump’s “temperament,” she’s able to think coherently and objectively about the workings of this committee.

Her video is a must-watch, and reiterates quite bluntly what we’ve been saying. “This committee has one goal and only one goal,” she says. “Stop Donald Trump from running again in 2024. They’re worried he could win. They absolutely loathe him. And they will do what it takes to stop his political resurrection.”

She debunks these hearings in short order, particularly the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson. She notes all the paraphrases of stories Hutchinson heard secondhand and even features a montage of her using the frequent qualifier “something to the effect of.”

This deficiency obviously didn’t matter to the committee. It “cloaks itself in sanctimony,” Kelly said, “purporting to be a fair-minded, down-the-middle finder of fact, just looking to get to the truth of January 6. IT’S A LIE. And they prove every time they get together that it’s a lie.”

Note: Kelly personally has a view different from mine on Trump’s feelings about the violence at the Capitol; her take-away is that he approved of it. Perhaps some residual mild TDS infection is still lurking in some of her cells, as after chickenpox. She’s to be commended for functioning so well in spite of this.

Kelly also does not mention the denial from Tony Ornato that he had the conversation with Hutchinson described by her in testimony, about Trump attacking Secret Service agents and grabbing the steering wheel. That might have been reported after she made this video, but she doesn’t need it to debunk the hearing.

What she demonstrates in this video is how the testimony might have gone if there'd been any cross-examination. And let me tell you, Megyn would have been a great one to do it. She has got skills.

“I actually think I’m in a unique spot on this front,” she concludes. “I feel no need to defend Trump or his character, as this audience knows. But I know a sham trial when I see one. And this is not justice, it is not fair, and it is not to be trusted.”

Further reading:

Andrew C. McCarthy sees this as less of a problem with the witness’s hearsay testimony than it is with the committee’s failure to question and cross-examine.

“This committee has engaged in widespread manipulation of evidence. They’re refusing to provide the testimony of people who dispute the narrative that they’re trying to construct. They are running roughshod over our American ideals of what should happen when you accuse people of crimes, and whether there should be the ability to make a defense or have a cross-examination.”

That was Mollie Hemingway, speaking Tuesday night with Laura Ingraham on FOX News. “I mean,” she said, “those rights are enshrined in the Constitution, and our congressional committees are supposed to honor that in the way they conduct their hearings. That has not been the case since Day 1, and today, this was just absurd.”

“ABSURD” is the word. Hemingway was referring to the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Even before it was refuted --- and it quickly was --- it should’ve been seen as the wild hearsay it was, something that would never be allowed in a courtroom, for good reason.


This happened during Tuesday’s “emergency” hearing of the January 6 committee, which they called because they thought they had game-changing testimony that would rock the political world! It mostly showed they have rocks in their heads. Hutchinson testified she’d been told that President Trump was so upset and ready to wage insurrection at the Capitol that he assaulted two Secret Service agents in his car and tried to grab the steering wheel.

Very quickly, Peter Alexander of NBC News --- not a news outlet known for its defense of Trump --- refuted this story, tweeting, “A source close to the Secret Service tells me both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel.”

As Bonchie at REDSTATE reports (and I can attest), President Trump was known for the respect he always gave Secret Service agents. Of course they’d speak up right away to set the record straight. “The only thing I can take from this is that the January 6 committee is full of idiots,” he writes. “They actually thought they could have an aide spin fanciful, third-hand tales and that there’d be no pushback…We are supposed to believe that Trump fought his way into the front seat of the presidential limo (or a suburban depending on who you ask) as a 74-year-old, overweight man, overtaking two Secret Service agents to ‘grab the wheel’? I mean, if he wanted to go to the Capitol, he was the president. All he had to do was say, ‘Take me to the Capitol.’”

“Honestly, I can’t stop laughing,” he says. “I find this entire episode absolutely hilarious.”

Take it from someone who’s personally ridden in “The Beast” with the President –- there is NO WAY he could get to the driver. However, a picture of Trump leaving the rally shows that he was in the SUV. Either way, if this committee cared about the truth, they would’ve checked out this story out and traced it to whoever apparently made it up or grossly exaggerated it. (She testified that she'd heard it from then-White House deputy chief of operations Tony Ornato, who is denying that this happened or that he'd told her it happened.) This is why hearsay testimony is not allowed in courtrooms. It’s just embarrassing, or would be, if the committee had any sense of shame.

FOX News reports that he January 6 committee and the Secret Service are “in discussions” as to whether the two agents will testify on camera. My sense is that this won't be happening.

Here’s another take on the story, complete with Trump’s posts on Truth Social about Hutchinson’s claim, which he called “sick and fraudulent, very much like the Unselect Committee itself.”

“Wouldn’t even have been possible to do such a ridiculous thing,” he continued. (See?)  He went on to deny another of her claims, that he was throwing food. “And why would SHE have to clean it up, I hardly knew who she was?”

Chris Menahan at INFORMATION LIBERATION said, “Hutchinson’s story actually made Trump sound pretty awesome and I must say I’m rather disappointed to learn that it never happened.”

THE PALMIERI REPORT offers a bit more about Hutchinson herself. Their previous report revealed that she’d wanted to work for Trump in Florida after he left the White House but was turned down for the job.

For what it's worth, this report even has a diagram that proves my point that Trump would not have been able to make those aggressive moves in “The Beast.” (Now, there's some solid construction!)

DAILY WIRE also has a good summary. There was apparently some Secret Service testimony that would “seemingly corroborate or dispute” Hutchinson’s testimony, “but it wasn’t played,” WASHINGTON POST reporter Josh Dawsey tweeted. “Unclear why.”
 It is?

Let’s move on from this absurdity to something we really should be concerned about. Andrew C. McCarthy has brought up something odd about the FBI’s heavy-handed raids on Jeffrey Clark and John Eastman:  agents were working not on behalf of a U.S. district attorney’s office but for the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). The warrant on Eastman didn’t even mention any specific crime for which the evidence sought by the warrant might be relevant.

As my readers will know, the OIG has jurisdiction only with current federal government employees. They do not investigate crimes. They investigate “to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse and misconduct involving DOJ programs and personnel, and promote economy and efficiency in DOJ operations.”

McCarthy points out that John Eastman was not a government employee in 2020, much less a DOJ employee (and he certainly isn’t one now). He was Donald Trump’s private legal counsel. So how does the OIG have legitimate cause to be investigating him? Liz Cheney is trying to tie him to Jeffrey Clark, who was acting head of the DOJ Criminal Division in 2020 but has not worked at the DOJ for over a year. And if they’re alleging that Clark was part of a conspiracy to subvert the democratic process after the 2020 election, the OIG doesn’t have jurisdiction there, either. As McCarthy says, “It’s not the IG’s mission to investigate --- much less obtain search warrants to probe --- such felony federal violations as obstruction of Congress and seditious conspiracy.”

So what’s going on? McCarthy thinks Biden’s DOJ is doing it this way to hide the fact that they’re really conducting a criminal investigation of Trump. They’re PRETENDING to investigate only whether Clark engaged in waste, fraud or abuse of DOJ programs. He suspects they went “covertly” to federal judges –- and they’d be able to judge-shop for this –- to obtain warrants that enabled federal agents to “rifle through the belongings of these Trump associates, only after subjecting them to the humiliation of temporary arrest and frisk, without notifying their lawyers.” The prize: all those electronics they’re confiscating --- especially Eastman's, I would think --- with their thousands and thousands of messages to pick through, just to find something, anything, to use against Donald Trump.


In related news, Michael Stenger, the former Senate sergeant-at-arms who oversaw security during the January 6 rally, died Monday at his home in Falls Church, Virginia. He was 71, a Marine Corps veteran who spent 35 years with the Secret Service before joining the Senate sergeant-at-arms team in 2011, reaching the top post in 2018. He resigned the day after the January 6 security breach, after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell requested his resignation.

According to a Senate Rules Committee report, he’d had some “informal conversations” with Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund (who also resigned, along with the House sergeant-at-arms) about the level of need for National Guard troops on that day. Perhaps we’ll find out more about Mr. Stenger’s views at the time concerning that need.

Here he is, from February 2021, offering a brief prepared statement about January 6, as posted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

We have no additional detail about his death at this point, and no reason to think it was related to the current investigation. Please pray for his grieving family and loved ones, who surely don't wish for the media attention they're going to get.

Democrats are irresponsibly demagoging to fire up their far-left base that’s already violently unhinged, in hopes that abortion will save them from oblivion in the midterm elections. I think they’re making the same mistake that many liberals in the media make: thinking that Twitter is America.

A new CBS poll taken after the SCOTUS decision ending Roe found that Americans opposed overturning Roe by 52-31%. Also that 50% of Democrats said this will make them more likely to vote, up from 40% last month. That's obviously giving Democrats motivation to fan the flames.

But will that bump be enough to make a big difference? And will it hold once all the hysteria dies down and people start to figure out that they’ve been misled about what the ruling really means (the SCOTUS didn’t ban abortion, it just sent the issue back to the states)? Besides, most of the voters most likely to be motivated by this are in blue states, where abortion laws will remain unchanged and possibly get even more liberal.

More to the point, for all the 24/7 focus on abortion, it’s just not that big an issue for most people. CBS also reports that the highest priority issue with voters is inflation, followed by the economy and crime. None of that is good news for Democrats. Abortion came in 6th, with 42% calling it high priority, but of those, many are doubtless pro-life. By comparison, 82% named inflation as high priority. And as the RNC’s Tyler Bowyer points out at this link, the issues that got the least votes for “high priority” were January 6th, climate change, COVID and abortion, or as he puts it, “the entire Democratic platform for 2022.”

The January 6 committee is on an unlawful search-and-destroy mission.

This blatantly political committee, deliberately running afoul of the rules under which it was formed, exists not to find out what went wrong at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but to wield power over Trump supporters and crush them. Attorney General Merrick Garland and his ‘Justice’ Department are openly helping them do it. One of the latest to fall victim is former Trump attorney John Eastman, who, last Wednesday, had his phone confiscated by the FBI –- on the spot, before he had even been shown a warrant.

“I’d like to see the warrant,” he said repeatedly, hands over his head in obedience. “I’d like to see the warrant before you take my property.” They pulled his phone out of his pocket anyway. He noted to the person recording, “I want you to see that they took my property before providing me with a warrant.

“I’d like to read the warrant,” he continued after they finally showed it, though the FBI already had his phone.

Eastman appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Monday evening show, explaining that the warrant gave him no specifics about what he’s alleged to have done –- “no indication of any crime that this is connected to.” It said they could confiscate his phone, “and all the information contained in the phone.”

It said the allegation was “in an attached affidavit,” but the affidavit was NOT attached to the warrant. “The Fourth Amendment’s very clear here,” he said. “When they search and seize your property, they have to give a particular description of the things to be seized.” If the affidavit wasn’t attached, they didn’t fulfill that requirement.

“The courts have been very clear about that,” he said. “So this warrant is invalid on its face.”

But what he thought was even more important is this: With modern Smartphones, the ‘Justice’ Department now has full access to all his most private information –- financial records, etc. –- and those of his “nearly 100” legal clients. This is privileged information. Eastman likened this to what used to be called a “general warrant” when British kings would issue them, “to rummage through someone’s belongings to see if they could find evidence of some crime.”

So Eastman is another victim of Pelosi’s fishing expedition. “The very reason we have the Fourth Amendment is to prevent that kind of abuse,” he said, “and yet that’s what they’re doing.”

“As an attorney, I have ethical obligations,” he said, “to do everything I can to protect the privileged communications with my clients. So we will be filing a motion --- it’s called a Rule 41 motion --- to retrieve my phone, to retrieve any information they’ve taken off of that phone, that they have illegally seized from me.”

He said they’re forcing those who “don’t bow the knee to the Biden administration to rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees trying to protect our constitutional rights and those of our clients.”

(NOTE: Eastman has a GiveSendGo account set up for help with the cost of this legal fight.)

As if this weren’t bad enough, over the weekend, the committee once again showed its propensity for lying. Margot Cleveland reports in THE FEDERALIST that they blatantly lied to the public about former DOJ attorney Ken Klukowski to tie him into a plan to encourage the Georgia legislature to convene a special session to look into election irregularities and perhaps, based on its findings, select an alternate slate of electors. Liz Cheney, in particular, painted him in a suspicious light.

Klukowski has released a public statement of his own that says, “The January 6 Committee falsely accused me on Thursday of being a go-between in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. That accusation is false both in its broad outlines and its details. Since the Committee first contacted me, I have cooperated without hesitation, provided it with hundreds of documents, and sat for many hours of recorded depositions. The information produced from those efforts fully contradicts the Committee’s statements regarding my actions, yet the Committee has chosen to keep such information to itself rather than share it with the public.”

Cleveland has full details and says the evidence backs Klukowski up. And a key person she spoke with to ascertain this, Andrew Kloster, the White House official who coordinated senior DOJ appointments, offered Cleveland this insight: “The January 6 investigation is all about attacking mid-level and senior staff like Ken, so we don’t have a farm team in 2024, no matter who the President is. This isn’t about truth, but about making it impossible for conservatives to successfully enter and leave government.”

In fact, Klukowski told Cleveland he disagreed with John Eastman about what the Vice President was empowered to do regarding the election. He believed December 14 had been the deadline for appointing electors. He also never advised Vice President Pence or any member of his staff.

“I was concerned the committee might make cynical assumptions during its investigation of January 6, Klukowski told Cleveland, “but I was stunned that the committee would make claims about me for which it had a mountain of evidence establishing, for certain, those statements were false.”

He doesn’t have a transcript of his testimony to the committee, so he’s calling on them to release it. When Cleveland contacted Liz Cheney’s office to see about this, and also to ask if she disputed what Klukowski had said about the committee fraudulently implicating him in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, she received no reply.

She strongly advises Republican leaders to demand all transcripts of all depositions, because if they lied about Klukowski, it’s probable that they lied about other witnesses, too.

Another writer at THE FEDERALIST who gets what’s going on at the Department of ‘Justice’ is Beth Whitehead, who has an overview of the legal double standard at the DOJ. Just look at who gets raided...and who doesn’t.

The U.K. DAILY MAIL reports that a voicemail from future President Joe Biden to son Hunter Biden proves without a doubt that Joe was lying when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings with him.

The voicemail was from a password-protected backup of Hunter’s iPhone XS, retrieved from a copy of the hard drive from his abandoned laptop.

On December 12, 2018, the elder Biden called Hunter after reading a NEW YORK TIMES article about Hunter’s multi-million-dollar dealings with CCP oil giant CEFC. The NYT story had reported that CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his top officer Patrick Ho had been convicted in the United States over bribing African officials to help Iran evade oil sanctions. The NYT had also reported that when Ho had been arrested, he’d called Joe’s brother Jim, who told the NYT he thought the call had been meant for Hunter.

After seeing the story online in the TIMES, Joe called Hunter and left this message: “Hey, pal. It’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance, just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you. I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the TIMES, was good. I think you’re clear. And, anyway, if you get a chance, give me a call. I love you.”


The DAILY MAIL has all the details. As they report, this voicemail is is “the latest in an overwhelming body of evidence suggesting that he lied about not talking foreign business with his son.”

As Josh Boswell, senior reporter at the DAILY MAIL, told FOX News’ Jesse Watters Monday evening, “It’s almost more important what wasn’t said, right? It wasn’t a phone call from Joe Biden to his son saying, ‘What the hell are you doing? I’m reading about deals with corrupted criminal Chinese businessmen! What’s going on?’ It’s ‘You’re in the clear.’ He clearly knew what was going on.”

When he asked the White House to comment on this, they declined.

Jerry Dunleavy and Andrew Kerr, reporting on this for the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, offer a timeline, saying that this exchange took place about five months before Joe Biden started his presidential campaign. Biden later famously said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

Also, Joe made this call to Hunter five days after wiring $75,000 to Hunter’s account to help him pay for his monthly $37,000 alimony (editorial note: !!!) and his daughters’ rent, tuition, healthcare and other expenses. Between November 2018 and March 2019, Hunter also spent over $30,000 on escorts, many of whom were linked to “.ru” Russian email addresses. This was a period in which his dad committed to wiring him a total of $100,000 to help him with his bills. Thus, Hunter’s dad, as the EXAMINER reports, “unwittingly helped finance Hunter’s trysts with Russia-linked escorts.”

Actually, if Biden knew about his son’s proclivities, it’s hard to know for sure if this was done “unwittingly” or not. On the other hand, there’s no evidence on the laptop that he knew he was paying for that. And maybe he was as clueless then about that as he is now about...oh, I don't know, why we have inflation?

Hunter’s response to this story was to shoot the messenger, saying to the EXAMINER, “What’s wrong with you?”

Perhaps Hunter should take a few moments to ponder how the press would have exploded if this same story had involved, say, Donald Trump, Jr., instead of himself.

Legal expert Andrew C. McCarthy was sympathetic to Joe Biden as a father who loved his son, but at the same time recognized that he was “shoveling prodigious sums of money” to Hunter “when the neon lights were flashing that Hunter was compromised and using the money to become even more compromised --- and with Russia, of all places. Joe Biden is a textbook example of why applicants with family members who maintain shady ties with foreign actors, particularly those connected to authoritarian anti-American regimes with highly capable intelligence services, get rejected when applying for a security clearance.”

McCarthy also put this in context, noting the irony that Democrats put our country through two years of anxiety on the fabricated claim that Trump was an agent of the Kremlin. Then, when real information came out about the Bidens in the form of Hunter’s laptop, they dismissed that as “Russian disinformation” and suppressed it in the weeks before the 2020 election.

If you’d like to keep up with the Hunter Biden developments, the WASHINGTON EXAMINER has a page specifically for updates.

Miranda Devine, author of LAPTOP FROM HELL and reporter on all things “Hunter” at the NEW YORK POST, appeared Monday night on Tucker Carlson’s show to discuss the latest. She agreed that this “puts the lie” to Joe Biden’s repeated claim that he didn’t know anything about Hunter’s foreign business affairs.

Biden was “intimately involved,” she said. “...This is, at least, evidence of some sort of guilty knowledge,” referring to the huge family business scheme that the TIMES had been sniffing around. We’re not sure why the Bidens were so anxious about the TIMES finding out about this, when it was the POST doing the real reporting.

Big decision from the Supreme Court this week—they finally overturned Roe v. Wade on 6-3 vote because they actually read the Constitution. So we’re clear—this doesn’t end abortion, it simply returns the decision to the people elected representatives in the states. Despite the elation among those of us who are pro-life and the despair among the pro-abortionists, the fact is some states like New York and California will probably have MORE abortions, while pro-life states like my state of Arkansas will have no abortions. But it’s a reminder that elections really do have consequences, and if you wondered why it mattered that Donald Trump was elected instead of Hillary Clinton in 2016, just remember that if Hillary had been elected, this decision would have likely been 7-2 in FAVOR of abortion right up until the moment of birth. So if you are truly pro-life, then even if you didn’t like Donald Trump’s mean tweets, I hope you realize that Trump’s election is why we finally have a responsible court.

This week on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox, I told Sean something I’ve observed for a long time in government. There are some people in public office who don’t do anything but look like they ARE doing something. Then there are those who are doing some great things, but don’t look like they are doing ANYTHING. And then there’s Joe Biden who isn’t doing anything and by golly it LOOKS like he’s not doing anything.

He was on vacation…again…in Delaware last weekend and fell off his bicycle. He wasn’t injured and I’m genuinely grateful for that, but that seemed to be the perfect metaphor for his entire Presidency. Wanting to appear younger than he is—he’ll be 80 in November—the bike could be a good look for him since he acts every bit of 80 at the podium or when he shuffles in and out of the room. But if he keeps wrecking his bike or tripping on the stairs to Air Force One, he might want to trade in the bike for a walker, or at least get some training wheels for the bicycle.

And Joe’s messes seem to be rubbing off on others. If you are planning on flying anywhere this summer, you might want to reconsider it. The airlines are in meltdown. As someone who is on planes by necessity 2-4 days a week, it’s become a real frustrating mess as many flights are canceled, delayed, or changed at the last minute. And the prices for the privilege of being stuck in an airport and never making it to your destination is about twice what it was a year ago.

But thinking about driving? You might need to sell a kidney just to fill up your tank. And since you only have 2 kidneys, I hope you take somebody with you to sell a kidney to get back home.

Remember when we were told that we needed to get rid of Donald Trump and get Biden in the White House because he’d bring the adults back in charge? After all, Joe Biden has been in Washington since he was in his 20’s.

So according to the press and the DC swamp-rats, Joe Biden was bring the country together and heal us. Are we healed? Is the country together? Are our cities safer? Are your groceries cheaper? How about the gas in your car? Do you feel that unity we were promised? Or do you now remember when Joe Biden screamed at a citizen at a campaign rally? (Biden screams “I don’t work for you!” Or when he called another voter a “Lying, Dog-faced pony solider?”.

So spare me the nonsense about the adults taking over. I can’t think of one thing the so-called “adults” have made better. Nothing. Nada. If this is what adults do to us, I’m ready for the kids to come back. And if they tweet some stupid stuff, I’ll shake my head and frown as I fill up my tank with gas that costs half of what it does with these adults in control!

With investigative reporter John Solomon and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan both appearing this weekend on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES, Maria Bartiromo had the opportunity to ask about the January 6 committee’s focus on presidential pardons.

As I said last week, the Democrats’ overzealousness in raiding the home of another Trump official, former assistant AG Jeffrey Clark, undercuts their premise that no one would seek a pardon without being guilty of a crime. We’ve seen how the Democrats use the legal system to ruin the lives of people who’ve done nothing wrong, and why sometimes, as with Michael Flynn, a pardon is the only escape from their partisan clutches. And now, with their one-sided kangaroo court, they'll make virtually anyone look guilty.

“When you get to the January 6 commission,” Solomon said, “you see...time and again, the same tactic we saw in “Russia”: only put out certain pieces of information; leave the rest out. And so they create illusion that there’s reality there, and then when we dig in and we get the full body of evidence, you find out that what they claim was never true. They’ve used a lack of transparency to create false reality time and time again, going all the way back to Russia collusion.”

Why was the Capitol vulnerable in the first place? As for the warning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had received about potential violence on January 6, Jordan agreed that it was ample, reminding viewers that President Trump had offered up to 20,000 National Guard troops, which she still turned down. (Fortunately, Trump has solid documentation of this.) That's "something that needs to be answered,” Jordan said, “but I don’t think it’s gonna happen, certainly not with this committee.”

‘Streiff’ at REDSTATE has assessed what we’ve all seen so far, and it’s not pretty. The committee is so transparent, in fact, that we easily glimpsed the ugly, soulless center, as they, in “best Stalinist style,” intended to link “individual Republicans to the insurrection” and “keep Donald Trump on the ballot in November 2022 to run against him.” But the heavy-handed operations they’ve been pulling lately (see Jeffrey Clark and Peter Navarro) are “third world stuff.”

“These actions are obviously choreographed with the January 6 committee because the FBI would have done all this a year ago if it were real...While there is no evidence of any sort of a ‘conspiracy’ to ‘overthrow’ the government, the [DOJ] and the FBI, working at the behest of their political masters in the House Democrat Caucus, will try to create an illusion that the GOP politicians at every echelon of government were involved in this nonsense scheme.”

When Republicans return to power, what must happen is that everyone who participated to the slightest degree in in these “Stasi-like operations” must be “driven from government.” Hear, hear.

Another great weekend commentary came from former U.S. attorney from Utah Brett Tolman, a guest on FOX NEWS’ “Life, Liberty & Levin.” Levin remarked, as we have, that the committee’s process is “about the most anti-constitutional process I’ve ever seen, certainly in public. No opposition, no exculpatory evidence, no contrary witnesses, no Republicans on the committee who are actually Republicans, no ability for people to answer their accusers because they have potential criminal charges hanging over their heads.” This is happening while Democrats hilariously talk about defending the system.

Tolman said that looking at this “as a trial lawyer,” if this were a real court of law, “the judge would be holding them [Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger] in contempt for manipulating evidence, for refusing to hand over exculpatory evidence, for refusal to present a fair assessment of the evidence that they have, for the grandstand; we’d have sanctions, we’d have contempt of court, and the case would be thrown out.

“But not in the court of political ideology.”

The Democrats can’t give an argument that’s “based in fact, based in the they resort to media, they resort to distortion and manipulation, and we all have to sit back and watch as though there’s credibility to it.”

He says he finds no credibility “to any argument they currently are pursuing.” It doesn’t help that these so-called “pro-democracy” arguments are coming from people who ignored or even cheered on the violence in 2020 and are doing the same again with the vicious pro-choice protests.

As for the raid on Jeffrey Clark’s house last week –- not to mention even worse treatment of former Trump adviser Peter Navarro –- Tolman said Attorney General Merrick Garland is “either a puppet, or he’s a very at the helm of the Department of Justice.” For the first time in his long legal career, he said, he sees that “it is not the same Justice Department, it is not the same FBI that I worked with.” The driving force is their political agenda, and they’re blatant about that. “And I think they’re doing it that way,” he said, “because they’re having difficulty winning on any of the merits.

“And so they use DOJ as an arm of the executive agenda. So when you see the January 6 committee...gathering evidence and then manipulating that evidence --- and it’s very clear that they are --- not giving any credibility to evidence that would contradict the narrative that they want to push --- I fear for a Department of Justice who I think 15 years ago would have laughed at the [criminal] referral [becoming] a Department of Justice who will now take it seriously.”

And, as Levin said, “they seem to be investigating everything except January 6.” One witness they need testimony from is Pelosi herself, on what if anything she did to secure the Capitol.

But the committee’s goal is more encompassing, with a massive agenda that includes investigating and smearing the entire Republican Party and, ultimately, getting rid of the Electoral College. To get there, the’ve stretched the meaning of ‘obstruction of Congress,’ Tolman said, in ways we’ve never heard of before. And they’re “trying to lay a criminal predicate to indict the former President of the United States.”

Tolman compared this committee most unfavorably to the (really) bipartisan 9/11 Commission, which was willing to hand out criticism objectively to whichever administration warranted that. They assessed what had been done well or badly by the FBI. And the American people had “some confidence that we were at least going to get some answers.”

Not this time. In vivid contrast, the January 6 committee hasn’t looked into who Ray Epps is, or who put the pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC headquarters, or what orders Pelosi gave and “why it appears that she refused to build up security on the recommendations of the Capitol police.” We need to know what happened on January 6 and “why it was such a monumental failing.”

And they’ll never look at any of the things Democrats did ahead of the 2020 election that gave Trump ample reason to think the process was rigged in Biden’s favor. Trump didn’t just pull all that out of his hat, you know. They just want you to think he did.


Most of the news outlets are leading with outraged mobs of leftists throwing fits and screaming about the end of Roe v. Wade. As usual, their reporting reflects an incorrect view that aside from a handful of fringe crazies, everyone agrees with the left’s viewpoint. In fact, there are tens of millions of Americans, the majority of them women, who have worked for years to overturn Roe and who see the loss of over 60 million babies to abortion as an unspeakable national tragedy. For them, Friday wasn’t a “dark day for women,” it was a long-hoped and prayed-for miracle. Let’s take a look at their victory celebrations first before getting into the really ugly stuff.

Last night, pro-abortion activists (I’m not going to call them “pro-choice” because they have no interest in women having any choice other than abortion) held their threatened “Night of Rage.” This might have been more effective if the left didn’t react to every election, court decision or stand-up comedian’s joke that doesn’t go exactly the way they want by flying into a quivering rage. Fox News has a continually-updated roundup of stories about the giant national tantrum following the SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood.

Breitbart also has a running account of the left’s meltdown…

Protesters at the Arizona State Capitol gave January 6th Committee viewers a helpful demonstration of what a violent insurrection attempt looks like.

Great quote at that link from Arizona state legislator Warren Peterson: “Feeling safe at the Capitol as I sit by 3 of my fellow senators who are armed."

Of course, the Night of Rage was preceded by a Morning of Mindlessness, a Midday of Hypocrisy and an Afternoon of Incitement. To listen to the insane ranting, from unhinged Twitter warriors urging violence (and of course, not being suspended by Twitter)…

…to allegedly responsible Democratic Party office holders, you could safely assume that they didn’t even read the decision, or for that matter, know anything at all about the original Roe ruling. I wonder if they know that Roe originally legalized abortion fully only in the first trimester? If it still held, abortion laws in many blue states would be much stricter than they are now. 

The cluelessness wasn’t limited to American liberals. French President Macron took to Twitter to denounce the SCOTUS and declare abortion a “fundamental right of women.” The Mississippi law the Court upheld bars abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. In France, it’s barred after only 12 weeks.

I’ve also never seen so many hard leftists morph instantaneously into hardcore Libertarians. They’re now railing against unelected judges making decisions about something that should be determined by the people. They apparently don’t comprehend that that’s what Roe was, as the pro-life side has been pointing out for half a century. By overturning Roe, the Court voided the judicial overreach and sent decisions about abortion back to the people’s elected representatives in the states.

It’s mind-boggling to see so many leftists denouncing judicial activism when this is actually the opposite of that. Particularly since judicial activism has been the left’s favorite way of sidestepping legislatures and imposing their will on the people for decades. It’s how they forced abortion on America with Roe because they couldn't convince the voters. But what the Courts do, the Courts can undo. It’s tempting to tell them the same thing parents often say to children who are throwing tantrums: “You brought this on yourself.”


Sadly, the Democrats once again proved themselves unworthy of holding any position of responsibility, from the President on down. Biden could have reacted to the decision in a statesmanlike fashion and attempted to calm the fury and urge Americans to come together and respect our Constitutional system. He could have at least denounced the illegal protests at Justices’ homes and the threats against them and churches and pro-life pregnancy centers. Instead, he chose to demagogue, throw more gas on the fire (I’m amazed he could afford it), and exploit the rage to shill for votes for Democrats.

I don’t believe this will be the turning point issue they think it will be. Most Americans are at least somewhat pro-life. The number of abortions has been falling in recent years. And acting like violent lunatics, threatening people who disagree with you and calling for burning down the Supreme Court when you don't get your way is not a good way to convince voters to give you more power. Besides, a new McLaughlin poll found that only 5% of voters call abortion a “top concern” to them.

FYI: Joe Biden used to be pro-life himself. In fact, in 1982, he proposed a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the states. Sound familiar?

It was only as recently as 2019, when he had to pander to the far left to win the Democratic Presidential nomination, that he dropped his support for the Hyde Amendment barring federal funding of abortions.


Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has yet to do his duty and arrest people protesting at SCOTUS Justices’ homes, again proved that he either doesn’t grasp or doesn’t care that his job requires him to enforce laws objectively and not display political prejudice. He issued a statement condemning the Court ruling and declaring that the “Justice” Department will “work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom.” Not only was this wildly inappropriate (it’s described at the link as the “most overtly political moment in DOJ history"), it also contained elements that could easily be taken as racist. As if the incoming GOP Congress didn’t have enough reasons to impeach and remove Garland, this alone is more than enough.

Over in Congress, Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi took a break from accusing Republicans of violent insurrection against a branch of the government to rush into the streets and demand violent insurrection against a branch of the government.


Naturally, AOC joined in the irresponsible, insurrection-y rhetoric, with a side order of her specialty: clueless ignorance about the Constitution and how our government works. And just one day before, this woman was complaining about how underpaid she is at only $174,000 a year. 

You didn’t think Maxine Waters was going to act like a responsible adult, did you?

Far-left Rep. Cori Bush joined in the loon squad by telling a crowd that called abortion an “act of love” and was chanting, "Free abortion on demand, the people hate abortion bans!" that these “unelected” Justices (at least she knows that much) made a decision that will affect people “whose children and children’s children they will never know.” I doubt that’s going to be an issue to the people she was talking to.

Law professor Jonathan Turley tried to correct some of the Democrats’ spit-flecked hysteria, but it will probably be as effective as trying to reason with a bobcat.


In the meantime, leave it to the Babylon Bee to sum up the day’s news perfectly:



What Dobbs means

June 27, 2022

Now that I’ve covered all the screaming people who don’t understand what this ruling means in depth, here are some stories about what it actually does mean. First of all, it doesn’t mean that the Court is about to overturn same-sex marriage or legal contraceptives. The decision authored by Justice Alito makes it clear that this applies only to abortion and Roe and Casey. Here’s what it means and why even liberals like Ruth Bader Ginsburg always knew it was a badly-flawed ruling.

And if Democrats really think Republicans want to take away contraceptives, why have Democrats repeatedly blocked Republican efforts to make oral contraceptives available over-the-counter, so they’ll be easier to obtain and cheaper?

President Biden’s claim that the ruling makes the US an “outlier” among nations when it comes to allowing abortion is, like most things he says, nonsense. In fact, most nations have abortion laws more restrictive even than some red states. This actually moves us away from extremes like China and North Korea and more toward the abortion laws in Europe.

As I’ve been telling people for years, this doesn’t mean abortion is now illegal nationwide. It means it’s up to the states to decide. Some states already had laws restricting abortion ready to go that would be triggered if Roe was overturned, and the first to take effect was in Missouri.

But 12 other states had similar trigger laws, and up to 26 are considered “certain or likely” to ban abortion to at least some extent. Other states will no doubt legalize abortion up to the moment of birth. California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to make his state an “abortion destination,” surely the sickest appeal to tourism this side of package tours of Vlad the Impaler’s castle. I pray that once the hysteria calms down that people in those states will change their hearts and minds and realize what a horrific stand they’re chosen to take.

No wonder Nancy Pelosi didn’t want Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan on the January 6 committee. We see that he has been one of its intended targets. It has to do with seeking presidential pardons.

Recall that the committee subpoenaed him but that he refused to testify under oath, saying (correctly) that it had been set up in violation of the legislation that had made such a committee possible. But on Thursday, testimony from others pointed to him and other members of Congress who allegedly asked questions about presidential pardons in the wake of the Capitol breach. The committee is trying to make the point that they wouldn’t have been asking about pardons if they didn’t think they were involved in something illegal.

Democrats are trying to tie some in Trump’s circle to a scheme to pick alternate slates of “fake electors” for the Electoral College. But choosing alternate electors to have in reserve is nothing new. If a recount is underway or an election is being contested, it makes sense to have Plan B ready. Besides, we all know Democrats have challenged electors themselves and even pressured them to change their votes in 2016, to stop Trump from being elected President. And the POST MILLENNIAL recalls how Hawaii ended up with two slates of electors from Hawaii in 1960.

Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, said on Thursday that Jordan did not mention a pardon for himself but did ask for “an update on whether the White House was going to pardon members of Congress.”

Here’s what happened…

But late Thursday night, in an interview with FOX News’ Shannon Bream, Jordan said, “I didn’t request a pardon; I didn’t do anything wrong.” He pointed out that this isn’t the first lie being told about him; California Rep. Adam Schiff, several months ago, presented a text of Jordan’s, but only after eliminating the context and changing the punctuation in a way that altered the meaning. That dishonesty was so egregious that the committee actually released a statement saying, “We regret the error.” (Error? It was a deliberate deception. Still, Jordan got a semi-apology.)

But Jordan explained to Bream that they did the same sort of thing to him again in Thursday’s hearing, playing an edited clip of him, obviously intended to mislead. NOTE: if these were real hearings instead of a partisan kangaroo court, the other side could object to this and correct the record.

“That’s what you do [mislead],” he said, “when you have a partisan committee that doesn’t allow Republicans on it --- for the first time in American history --- and you can’t do the cross-examination that every other committee in the history of the Congress has had except this one.”

As for Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy trying harder to get some real Republicans on the committee (Cheney and Kinzinger don’t count), Jordan said, “I don’t think that Nancy Pelosi was EVER going to allow any Republicans who were going to do the kind of cross-examination that needs to be done...She’d have found a reason to always object to someone, ‘cause this is the outcome she wants.”

It’s “completely partisan, one-sided, just a presentation,” with “no due process, frankly, at all in this entire committee,” he said, adding that she might have accepted more Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, but that would have been it.

He said that, yes, of course, he’d love to be in that room, cross-examining the witnesses, pointing out the cherry-picking and the hearsay being presented “in this packaged form, where they read it off a teleprompter, for goodness sake.”

Kinzinger actually said, “I know the only reason to ask for a pardon is because you have committed a crime.” Now, I don’t know who sought a presidential pardon from Trump and who didn’t, but I do have a problem with the Democrats’ assumption that pardon-seeking shows consciousness of guilt. Every Republican involved in this story was well aware of what had been done to destroy the life of Michael Flynn, for example, an innocent man who needed a pardon from Trump to end his legal nightmare because the judge in his case would not LET IT GO. And in the days since January 6, we’ve seen how easy it would be for an innocent person to find himself held without bail in terrible conditions for over a year and denied due process. Seems to me it would’ve been a good idea for all these Republicans to have an idea of where they’d stand legally in case they were prosecuted –- and persecuted –- by a weaponized ‘Justice’ Department. That in itself wouldn’t mean they were guilty of anything.

Speaking of weaponizing the ‘Justice’ Department, on Thursday, the very day that Adam Kinzinger led the questioning of three Trump-era DOJ officials about the allegiances of another Trump DOJ official, Jeffrey Clark, Mr. Clark was subjected to one of those early-morning FBI raids. Gosh, what are the odds?

At 7AM, twelve FBI agents and two Fairfax County, Virginia, officers were at Clark’s door, banging loudly and demanding that he come outside. He asked if he could put on some pants first. They said no. They raided his home, confiscating all the electronics. They even had an electronics-sniffing dog, to make sure they didn’t miss anything.

Here are the details.

During Thursday’s afternoon hearing, former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen testified that Clark, head of the DOJ’s environmental division under Trump, had gone against a careful DOJ policy by meeting directly with Trump and discussing election theft theories. So I guess that’s what this is all about.

“I just think we’re living in an era that I don’t recognize, Clark said. “And increasingly I don’t recognize the country any more with these kinds of Stasi-like things happening.”

I think that in juxtaposing this hearing with yet more tactics reminiscent of the East German secret police, the Democrats have just undercut their own argument. Even if you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, why NOT check into the possibility of a pardon when you know what this ‘Justice’ Department is capable of?

In our brief, breaking account yesterday of the Supreme Court striking down New York’s restriction on law-abiding gun owners carrying weapons outside their homes, I said that the ruling seemed obvious based on the Constitution and previous SCOTUS rulings. If the right to bear arms shall not be infringed, and the Court has affirmed that personal right, then forcing people to prove to the state that they have a specific need to carry a firearm outside their homes seems clearly to be an infringement – especially when the reason for needing one for self-defense is so obvious in a place like New York, where other liberal policies have created a violent crime wave. It’s already so obvious to most people that the ruling will have no effect on existing laws in 43 states, as law professor and Instapundit blogmaster Glenn Reynolds explained.

Still, the ruling set off a predictable hair-on-fire reaction on the left. New York Mayor Eric Adams pulled out the tired “it will be like the Wild West” gun control trope. Critics responded that if he means people will be going around randomly shooting and robbing victims, that was already happening in New York under this law, which is precisely why New Yorkers want to carry guns in public for self-protection. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul also condemned the ruling and vowed to impose even more (unconstitutional?) restrictions on gun owners.

And once again showing his contempt for “our democracy” whenever the Courts don’t rule his way, President Biden condemned the ruling and his DOJ issued a statement disagreeing with it. They’re supposed to be an objective law enforcement agency, but this suggests, once again, that they will ignore Court rulings that go against their political beliefs.

As Prof. Reynolds observed, “When Democrats like what the Court does, it’s the supreme law of the land. When they don’t like it, it’s just, like, some court’s opinion, man.”

The most amusingly clueless reaction came from Keith Olbermann, who made news with a deranged Twitter rant calling for the Supreme Court to be dissolved and its ruling ignored (sounds like insurrection), claiming they were “forcing guns” onto states (by affirming the Constitutional rights of citizens to carry guns they already own?) and taking a sexist swipe at Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Even though he got deservedly roasted, it must have given him a nostalgic feeling to once again get a little attention with a deranged rant.

To give you an idea of how out of step with current Second Amendment trends the New York law was, here’s a map showing the states that allow concealed carry with those that put conditions on it colored blue. Notice the blue is all concentrated in the upper Northeast except for California, the only state in blue west of Pennsylvania.

Finally, it was illuminating to see how many of the left’s objections to the ruling completely ignored the Constitution and instead were based on emotional appeals and well-worn gun control tropes that were completely irrelevant to the case. Even the three liberal Justices' dissent was based on those arguments. It was so utterly beside-the-point that Justice Alito wrote a concurring opinion that’s well worth checking out, just to see how he systematically exposed the faulty logic in each of their objections.

Thursday night, the Senate passed the “Safer Communities Act,” the first major gun bill to pass since the Brady Bill in 1994. Fifteen Republicans joined all the Democrats in voting for it, with Texas Sen. John Cornyn taking the lead in promoting it.

Republican supporters claim that the bill, which includes bipartisan items like funding for enhanced school security, mental health programs and expanded background checks (but no bans on specific guns) will help prevent gun violence but not infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. However, critics say the funding for states to create red flag laws opens the door to abuse and confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens without due process.

The bill now moves to the House, where it’s virtually certain to pass, and of course, President Biden will sign it. Then will come years of expensive lawsuits and innocent people having their rights infringed before (hopefully) the Supreme Court finally throws out any unconstitutional parts that should have been removed or clarified during Senate debate.

It’s noted in the linked story that the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, “was the major driver behind the bipartisan effort.” While that horrific shooting was heartbreaking, I have to say that I am disturbed to see the Senate using it as a reason to rush through a controversial bill with almost no time for debate that will almost certainly result in abuses and legal challenges.

When the Founders created the Senate, they envisioned it as a “cooling off” stage, where bills passed in the heat of passion by the House would be scrupulously examined and debated before being advanced into laws. As understandable as the anguish over Uvalde is, it's still being investigated and the Senate has already rushed through the first major gun bill in nearly 30 years, so quickly that some Senators barely had time to read it, much less debate and amend it.

With all due respect, we already have an impulsive, emotion-driven House of Representatives pushing to “do something, even if it’s wrong.” We don’t need two of them.

Friday morning, just as we were about to go “to press,” the Supreme Court finally released its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, and just as the leaked draft suggested, it does overturn Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, sending the issue of abortion's legality back to the states.

Surprisingly, it was not as close as some believed, with even Justice Roberts concurring. However, Roberts wrote a separate opinion agreeing that Roe’s viability line “never made any sense,” but saying he would have taken a “more measured course.” Instead of overturning Roe, he would have continued recognizing a right to abortion that extends “far enough to ensure a reasonable opportunity to choose, but need not extend any further.” In short, he would have continued to micromanage an issue that the Court had no right to be involved in at all.

It’s a great day for the pro-life movement, which has worked tirelessly for nearly 50 years to not only save the lives of babies and help pregnant women choose life, but to win hearts and minds, and convince people what an obviously bad and unfounded ruling Roe has always been. While I don’t kid myself that radical pro-abortionists will bother to read what Justice Alito wrote, as he carefully explained why the original decision was wrongly decided, I hope that anyone on the fence will at least read it with an open mind.

And if they can’t bring themselves to agree with pro-life Christians, then agree with the radical pro-abortion activists who, upon reading the leaked document, screamed that a bunch of unelected judges shouldn’t have the power to make decisions for the entire public about such a personal issue as abortion. This Court completely agreed, which is why they overturned a ruling that did precisely that and sent the issue back to the elected representatives of the people.

"Jane's Revenge"

June 24, 2022

The radical pro-abortion group “Jane’s Revenge” warned that it would be “open season” on churches and pro-life pregnancy centers if Roe were overturned, and called for a “night of rage” with physical violence. Now, it’s past time to start treating that as the terroristic threat that it is.

The same TV networks that gave wall-to-wall prime time coverage to the Democrats’ insurrection kabuki theater have been noticeably quiet about this open attempt to intimidate the Supreme Court with acts of arson and vandalism and threats of terroristic violence.

The DHS issued a warning to Catholic churches and pro-life groups to prepare for attacks. I hope they will take this seriously and be ready. I have a feeling that if any of these people ever finally face serious consequences for their rotten behavior, and find themselves unmasked, handcuffed and thrown in jail for a few years, it might scare them into behaving like civilized adults for the first time in their lives.

Lila Rose of the pro-life group Live Action responded, "This is the most coordinated & aggressive domestic terrorism in our nation today. All because extremists are angry that they may not get to kill children in the womb, on demand, without limit." But she said they will not deter pro-life people from carrying on their mission.

Now that the DHS has been forced to issue that dire warning, I wonder if they will finally acknowledge that the real domestic terrorist threat is coming from the left – you know, all those black-clad, masked thugs threatening other people’s lives and firebombing their offices and churches – and not from Trump voters and disgruntled parents at school board meetings.

Ron DeSantis has been such a success as governor of Florida, it’s easy to forget that Democrat Andrew Gillum came within 38,000 votes statewide of winning that office. We should all thank our lucky stars, whether we live in Florida or not, that DeSantis made it and got the opportunity to show the nation how conservative principles translate into practical solutions. That's especially true now, when Gillum is once more in the news, this time for his indictment on numerous corruption charges.

We don’t want bury the lede, so let us just say: Gillum’s attorney is Hillary-connected former Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias. More on that later.

Recall that after losing in that election, Gillum –- once a rising star in the Democrat Party –- was caught in a drug-fueled sex orgy with a male escort who almost died from a drug overdose. Yes, Florida, this was almost your governor. Missed it by THAT MUCH.

Project Veritas captured video of one of Gillum’s employees saying he was very far-left, had to lie to win, and was “crazy, crazy, crazy.” Gillum himself remarked that Ron DeSantis supported slavery. He called DeSantis and Trump “pigs.” Lovely person. From 2018:

This guy was actually the mayor of Tallahassee, which might seem hard to believe until you hear that Tallahassee has the highest crime rate in the state. As reported by INDEPENDENT SENTINEL, anyone who brought this up was called (of course) a racist.

And, yes, Democrat “superlawyer” Marc Elias is defending Gillum against his 21-count indictment for conspiracy, fraud and making false statements. (What, Michael Avenatti wasn’t available?) He'll have his work cut out for him, as the indictment is reportedly accompanied by copious bank records and informant testimony.

As the WASHINGTON FREE BEACON reports, Elias is “a strange choice” for Gillum’s legal team. “Unless being friends with the Clintons counts, Elias has little apparent experience with federal criminal defense,” they say. As you know, in recent years his efforts have been concentrated mostly on election law at the state level, getting judges to eliminate safeguards that would have helped ensure the integrity of mail-in ballots. In the summer of 2020, he and his team of attorneys criss-crossed the country to use the legal system to pressure targeted “battleground” states to change the rules –- even if it meant going around state legislatures. These changes were ruthlessly exploited that November.

I would think it would be highly unusual to be friends with the Clintons without having at least a nodding acquaintance with criminal defense.

Gillum is accused of siphoning political contributions into his personal accounts after DeSantis won, accepting unreported gifts, and working with donors to conceal high-dollar contributions. One unintentionally humorous note in this story: Gillum might actually have defrauded GEORGE SOROS of up to $137,000. The way Soros throws his money around to leftists, I’m surprised he didn’t just GIVE Gillum the money for...well, whatever.

“That accusation is especially awkward for Elias,” the WFB continues, “because Soros is a longtime ally.” They were both major players on the Hillary team. After Trump beat Hillary, Elias even joined the board of a Soros-funded super-PAC. It might be no accident that Elias has these connections to both sides of the Gillum case; perhaps he has some way to leverage his unique position.

Elias released a statement that was the standard attorney blah-blah: “The government got it wrong today. The evidence in this case is clear and will show that Mr. Gillum is innocent of all charges. We look forward to putting this case to rest and giving Andrew and his family peace once and for all.”

See details of the indictment here.

According to the indictment, the FBI, looking into corruption in the city of Tallahassee in 2016, were “steered to” then-mayor Gillum and his mentor, Sharon Lettman-Hicks, who currently heads the National Black Justice Coalition and calls the investigation “racially motivated.” (And with DeSantis in the governor’s office, she sees “democracy in peril.”) So, the FBI must have been investigating Gillum while he was a candidate for governor. NBC News says Gillum “had been under federal investigation for years.”

Gillum was the kind of candidate Democrats sadly flock to: he checked a diversity box –- the first black candidate for governor in Florida –- and was a dynamic speaker, as if that alone could actually solve problems. His stated goal was to “turn Florida blue.” After he lost the governor’s race, he became (surprise!) a CNN commentator, Harvard University guest lecturer, and frequent guest on Bill Maher’s HBO show.

With elections this fall and Gillum’s upcoming trial, Marc Elias must be racking up the billable hours. NBC News has much more detail on the Gillum case..

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court has struck down New York’s requirement that citizens prove to the government that they have a specific need to carry a weapon for self-defense outside their homes.

Writing for the majority, Justice Thomas said the Second Amendment right to bear arms for self-defense is not a second class right subject to an entirely different body of rules than other rights. For instance, you don’t have to prove to the government that you have a need to voice unpopular speech or freely exercise your religious beliefs.

Justice Alito concurred, writing, "Today, unfortunately, many Americans have good reason to fear that they will be victimized if they are unable to protect themselves. And today, no less than in 1791, the Second Amendment guarantees their right to do so.”

This is a major victory for gun rights, but if you follow the Constitution, it’s hard to imagine it going any other way. The law was obviously unconstitutional from the start, and with each passing day, as New York’s liberal policies hampered police responses and allowed crime to flourish, the need for self-protection wherever you went became increasingly urgent. Personally, I don’t know how the Justices could keep a straight face listening to lawyers from New York argue that nobody needs to carry a weapon to feel safe…in NEW YORK.  

The media love to flatter themselves that “Trump’s LIES” are the reason people don’t trust them to be honest and objective. But before Trump ever came down the Trump Tower escalator to enter politics, I’d already published a book, “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy” (, warning media and political elites in NYC, L.A. and DC that they were completely out of touch with the rest of America. They spent so little time visiting or talking to 90% of the nation that they arrogantly referred to their own target audience as “flyover country.”

Their arrogance and ignorance sprang from their lack of interest in finding out what the people really thought. So no wonder it came as a shock when Trump won the presidency. They thought he had brainwashed all those voters when he was actually just saying the things they’d been saying for years, but the elites in the media and political capitals just weren’t listening.

Now, all these years later, and they’ve still learned nothing from Trump’s rise or my book. A new Rasmussen poll reveals yet again how hopelessly out of touch they are with the vast majority of Americans.

The pollster asked likely voters to rank the issues of most importance in the midterm elections, and asked members of the US legacy media the same question. Here’s what voters said was most important, in order from #1: Gas prices, inflation, the economy, violent crime, election integrity, school issues, election cheating and illegal immigration.

Here’s what the media members said were the most important issues, in order: Climate change, abortion rights, the January 6th Capitol riot investigation, COVID-19, LGBTQ issues and Ukraine.

As Monica Showalter at American Thinker points out, that’s a perfect score for the media: not a single issue that they think is most important appears on the list of the public’s concerns, nor do any of the public’s concerns appear on the media’s list. And they wonder why their ratings are in the outhouse? But as Ms Showalter writes, the media are undeterred by the public’s lack of interest in their obsessions and just keep hammering away, thinking they can force us to care about what they care about. In fact, all they’re doing is driving away viewers and readers and putting themselves out of business.

A new Pew Research Center has more proof of the disconnect between the major media outlets and the American public (as well as reality.)

That survey found that media members think they’re doing a great job in these five areas: covering the most important stories of the day, reporting the news accurately, serving as a watchdog over elected leaders, giving voice to the underrepresented and managing/correcting misinformation (i.e., the laughable “fact-checkers.”) The public, however, begs to differ. The biggest gap was in “Reporting the news accurately.” 65% of media members think they’re doing a very or somewhat good job of that. 35% of the public agrees.

Question: if you owned a restaurant and were convinced you served really good food, but only 35% of the public agreed, how long do you think you’d stay in business?

"Gender Transitions"

June 23, 2022

Republicans in the House and Senate have introduced bills that would allow people who undergo “gender transition” (there's no such thing, but that’s another issue) surgeries as minors to sue medical providers for damages if they later regret it. The bills would also bar federal laws that force doctors to provide such surgeries and prohibit federal funds from going to states that do so.

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton explained, "Gender-transition procedures aren’t safe or appropriate for children. Unfortunately, radical doctors in the United States perform dangerous, experimental, and even sterilizing gender-transition procedures on young kids, who cannot even provide informed consent. Our bill allows children who grow up to regret these procedures to sue for damages. Any doctor who performs these irresponsible procedures on kids should pay,"

Of course, the push by the Biden Administration and many school officials and trans activists to block parents from having any say over whether their kids undergo these surgeries deprives them of the traditional protection by the only people who are looking out for their interests without ulterior motives. They’ve swiftly “transitioned” from asking us to show tolerance and compassion for gender-confused minors to separating them from their parents and pressuring them to agree to dangerous, life-altering drugs and surgery, administered either by quack doctors playing God or reluctant doctors being forced to do it.

These bills have no chance of getting through the current House or Senate, since the Democrats have adopted unfettered abortion and mutilation of children as their two tent-pole issues. But maybe that will soon change.

In the meantime, for anyone who might be working up a furious tweet over this story or claim that gender transition surgery is a wonderful, helpful “best solution” in all cases, I’ll direct you to this very disturbing story from the New York Post. They talked to teenagers who felt extreme media, political and peer pressure to believe they needed these procedures and who are now trying to “detransition” after suffering a living nightmare and damage to their bodies that can never be undone. As one put it, “I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.”

By the way, it also quotes a clinical psychologist who is very concerned that kids are being pressured and rushed into irreversible medical procedures instead of first addressing personal or mental health factors. And before she gets branded as a transphobe, it should be noted that she’s a transgender woman herself.

The January 6 committee is scheduled for its Day 4 hearing today at 1PM Eastern Time. (Remember, if you’d prefer to spend your day in more worthwhile pursuits than sitting through a boatload of Democrat propaganda, “we watch the news, so you don’t have to.”) At least watching it won’t be quite so torturous after the fun of watching Tucker Carlson’s Monday night monologue, about the OTHER security breach at the Capitol building by alleged comic Stephen Colbert’s group of “white extremists.” It’s hilarious.

Attorney General Merrick Garland needs to demand an investigation immediately! Sean Hannity would no doubt agree.

But, all right, it’s time to get serious, because, let me assure you, the Democrats are deadly serious about this, as they always are about going after Trump and his supporters. As Michael Anton, research fellow at Hillsdale College, wrote yesterday in COMPACT magazine (by subscription only), “The Committee has brought to light no important new evidence, no smoking gun that points to, much less proves, “insurrection” or “overthrow.” All they can do is scream in America’s faces. That is, until Merrick Garland brings criminal charges against the former President and God knows how many of his associates. That’s the real plan.”

Anton appeared with Laura Ingraham on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE Monday night, saying he thinks that’s what they’re after. “That’s what they would like to do,” he said. “Whether they have the nerve to do it will depend on whether they think they’ve built enough of a case and have built up enough support in the general public, in the bureaucracy of the media...That’ll just be a calculation or a judgment. Many of them have already said –- and I’ve seen new articles every day, saying –- “slam-dunk case, open and shut, Trump is guilty of X or Y or Z; it’s time to try him. There’s a lot of mainstream, grassroots, Democratic pressure on Merrick Garland and the DOJ.”

He called Adam Schiff’s relentless teasing of what evidence he might have (EDITORIAL NOTE: as he did fraudulently with the Russia Hoax) “a desperate attempt to do something about their looming...disastrous, likely, defeat this fall in the House and, perhaps, in the Senate, too. And 2024 --- it’s a long way away but it’s not looking that great for them, either.” They’re trying to change the conversation, he said, when the most pressing problems in the country are issues such as inflation and the border.

“They’ve made it very plain that they’re don’t intend to do anything about any of those problems that would actually work.” Any practical solutions would “go against their ideology and would anger their base” he said. “They’ve got to come up with something, and this is what they’ve got.”

“Nobody LIKED the spectacle of January 6,” he said, “...but most people think it was a protest that went too far. It was regrettable; it shouldn’t have happened. But now that it happened, it wasn’t THAT big a deal; it’s not the second Civil War. It’s not another 9/11.” And it doesn’t outweigh the problems people have in their everyday lives. There’s a “cynical leadership that says, ‘We can use this to whip up our base and we don’t have anything else to do right now; we don’t have anything else to go on.”

He pointed out something we recently reported here: that the percentage of American voters who think Trump was largely responsible for January 6 has actually gone DOWN. A minority now believe he was mostly or largely responsible. We would add that this is one reason they're holding these hearings through the summer --- to try to get that statistic back up. But they are so obviously stacking the deck that it’s more off-putting than ever, particularly in swing states.

Here’s another, albeit minor, example of the two-tiered ‘justice’ system as relating to security at the Capitol. In March, Capitol Police asked federal prosecutors for an arrest warrant for Timothy Hysom, a longtime staffer for Adam Schiff before becoming top aide to Democrat Massachusetts Rep. Jake Auchincloss, who coincidentally is one of the congressmen responsible for letting Colbert’s “comedy” team into the Capitol. Hysom was captured on security cameras defacing posters outside Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s office. He declined to be interviewed by Capitol Police, their report says, and “retained counsel."

Defacing posters. In the congressional swamp, this is the level where Democrat staffers swim.

Anyway, federal prosecutors declined prosecution. Auchincloss’s spokesperson called the idea of prosecuting Hysom for that “ridiculous” but couldn’t resist adding that the real victims were people forced to read Greene’s posters that stated there are only two genders --- male and female --- calling Greene’s message “bullying.” I wonder if prosecutors would have gone after GOP staffers if they had defaced posters about, say, gun confiscation or abortion on demand. I have a feeling the cops would be at their doors with handcuffs and leg irons.

Saving the best for last, here’s David Harsanyi at THE FEDERALIST, saying, “The day Adam Schiff was named to the ‘Jan. 6’ committee was the day we knew the investigation was going to be a frivolous partisan side show.” That’s exactly what it has turned out to be.

Schiff went on TV this weekend to re-use his tired strategy of claiming he had evidence against Trump. When pressed to be more specific, he said he did not “want to get ahead of our hearing.” I’m not holding my breath, and, really, I don’t think anyone is, with the possible exception of a few deranged MSNBC hosts. And Laurence Tribe.

Even CNN wasn’t buying what he was selling.

Harsanyi’s must-read piece goes into a whole series of Schiff’s fabrications. “Schiff’s lying goes beyond the political norm,” he writes, “which, needless to say, is bad enough.” And, of course, when found out, he NEVER apologizes. Pelosi’s appointment of Schiff for this committee is just one more way of showing total disdain for the right. We all KNOW what a serial liar Schiff is, but it doesn’t even matter to the Democrat leadership. They know we know about his lies, and their attitude is “so. what are you gonna do about it?”

Harsanyi says it’s “become insufferable watching the same people who spent four years spinning conspiracies about 2016 lecture us about the importance of honoring the outcomes of presidential elections.” This means you, Hillary –- and, of course, Schiff. “The committee has spent most of its time conflating what looks like completely legal, if often destructive and dumb, actions with the violence of rioting.”  The reason they're able to do this is there are no lawyers allowed in the room who might defend Trump's attempts to stall the certification, or, goodness knows, dare to present a factual basis for at least some of his claims.

Hillary Clinton gave an interview to the Financial Times that a lot of people are probably reading too much into.

The big “news” is that Hillary was asked if she would run for President again in 2024, and she replied, “No, out of the question…First of all, I expect Biden to run. He certainly intends to run. It would be very disruptive to challenge that.”

But I’d remind everyone who’s gabbing about Hillary not running that she left loopholes big enough to sail the Titanic through (yes, I’m comparing her presidential runs to the Titanic.) Note that she only ruled it out because Biden said he intends to run. A lot of Democrats want him to bow out of running for reelection before his approval rating drops below that of COVID-19. And he doesn’t have far to go.

So if he doesn’t run, there goes her only excuse not to. Besides, this is the same woman who assured New York voters when she was running for reelection to the Senate that she had no intention of leaving them high and dry to run for President. Not long after, she resigned to run for President in response to a clamorous public outcry that only she heard.

Of more interest to me was her admission that she expects Trump to run again in 2024, and the things she unintentionally revealed in talking about the Democrats’ motivations. Like saying, “Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority.” (So "winning is all that matters." Not a surprise.)

She also said her priority is to ensure a Republican does not become President, declaring, “We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window.”

Okay, let’s break that down. What are the things that most people care about? Plentiful food, affordable fuel, being able to pay our bills, safety from criminals, secure borders, preventing foreign wars, keeping terrorists out of the country? The Democrats have been a Chicago Fire-level disaster on all those fronts.

She also suggested that Republicans are dangerous extremists who are a threat to “our democracy.” That can’t be just because some Republicans challenged the legitimacy of the 2020 election, since a number of Democrats did the same thing to the 2016 election, including Hillary Clinton, who repeatedly referred to Trump as an “illegitimate President.” Her recent comments suggesting that Republicans are cheating when they strategize to win the Electoral College rather than the popular vote also suggest that she doesn’t understand how the election works. And her own campaign helped concoct the biggest attempt to undermine a democratic election in history with the “Russian collusion” hoax.

As for Republican “extremists” who don’t represent American values, is it Republicans who are deliberately letting criminals take over our cities; who have thrown open our borders to illegal immigration and deadly drugs; who are forcing schools to let males invade girls’ lockers and bathrooms and let drag queens teach kindergarteners about gay sex; who have public meltdowns over nonsense like “preferred pronouns;” who are so brainwashed by transgender propaganda that they’re afraid to admit what a “woman” is; who see everything that ever happened in American history as motivated by nothing but racism and white supremacy; who have become so radical about abortion that 49 out of 50 of their Senators voted to allow it up to the moment of birth; who are so fixated on “green” energy that they’re destroying the US oil industry and driving gas to $7 a gallon; and who endlessly obsess over one riot while excusing hundreds of more violent riots? Sounds pretty “extreme” to me, and none of those are from our side.

Still, Hillary was smart enough to realize that the Democrats’ own fixation on radical niche issues like transgenderism is not helping their electoral prospects.

Her comments may seem baffling, but if you want to know what Hillary is really saying, I’ll make it easy for you. Whenever she, or most current Democratic leaders, use the phrase “our democracy,” just substitute the phrase “our grip on power.” As in, “Electing Republicans would be a disastr for (our grip on power.)”

That clears it right up, doesn’t it?