
Senators Marsha Blackburn and Richard Blumenthal are launching a bipartisan investigation of Facebook, following a blockbuster investigative piece by the Wall Street Journal. It found that Facebook was keeping secret from the public internal research that shows that Facebook’s photo social media platform Instagram was harmful to the mental health of users, particularly teenage girls. The research showed that teens blamed Instagram for increases in anxiety, depression and poor body image. This is especially worrisome since Facebook is planning a version of Instagram for children 13 and under.

The Senators said in a statement, “It is clear that Facebook is incapable of holding itself accountable. The Wall Street Journal’s reporting reveals Facebook’s leadership to be focused on a growth-at-all-costs mindset that valued profits over the health and lives of children and teens.”

While it’s a welcome development that someone is finally paying attention, I don’t know which is less of a surprise: that social media is harmful to the minds and bodies of young people (it isn’t doing many favors for the minds of some adults, either) or that the people running Facebook don’t really give a hoot. Senate hearings might drag some of this out into the light of day, but if they’re like most Senate hearings, nothing will come of them except providing a few days’ worth of TV footage of Facebook executives feigning shock that anyone would think they’re not acting with the purest of motives, and then it’s right back to being evil.

While I’d like to see a miracle, like the government reining in Big Tech or Big Tech oligarchs magically developing consciences, short of that, the only solutions are much harder: Self-control (breaking yourself of the social media habit) and parenting (not letting your kids fall into that rabbit hole.) Remember, like any parasite, social media platforms live off of what they suck out of you (in their case, personal data.) If you don’t want the parasite to make you sick, then shake it off and avoid it.

Politics and the Court

September 17, 2021

All the cries from the left to expand and pack the Supreme Court for not giving them what they want have led to a rare flurry of public responses by members of the Court from across the ideological spectrum. Over the past week, Justices Steven Breyer, Amy Coney Barrett and Clarence Thomas have all spoken up against politicians and the media pressuring the Court to be more political or reading political motives into their decisions.

Liberal Justice Breyer said judges are not “junior league politicians,” while Barrett said the Justices are not “partisan hacks,” and she sometimes doesn’t like the results of her own decisions, but it’s not her job to decide cases based on the outcome she wants. Last night, Justice Thomas voiced agreement to an audience at Notre Dame University.

Since this latest round of “Pack the court” screeching was sparked by the SCOTUS not blocking Texas’ new abortion law, Thomas said the media make it sound as if the Justices always go to their personal preference; for instance, if they’re personally pro-life, they’ll always rule that way and become like a politician. Thomas said, “We have lost the capacity" as leaders "to not allow others to manipulate our institutions when we don't get the outcomes that we like." Because of this politicization, he said, "The court was thought to be the least dangerous branch, and we may have become the most dangerous."

One of the main reasons leftists want to pack the SCOTUS is their fear that Roe v. Wade will be overturned, and for the record, Thomas has called on the Court to do just that. But it’s not because he’s personally pro-life. As he explained in 2007, the Roe v. Wade decision has "no basis in the Constitution." And last year, he said Roe is "grievously wrong for many reasons, but the most fundamental is that its core holding -- that the Constitution protects a woman's right to abort her unborn child -- finds no support in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment. "

It’s ironic that the very people who are accusing conservative Justices of acting politically are actually terrified that a conservative majority would overturn decisions that were based purely on the Justices’ liberal political views.

A couple of new polls show the public is about evenly split on President Biden’s recent vaccination mandates, although the mandate on companies with over 100 employees has approval of 53-46%. Larger percentages of Americans approve of other levels of government-enforced COVID measures, such as vaccine mandates for various groups such as health care workers and teachers, mask mandates and social distancing guidelines.

And, feeling their oats after the failed recall of Gavin Newsom, Los Angeles County officials plan to lead the way with the strictest “Show us your papers!” rule yet. They plan to require people to show proof of vaccination to enter indoor bars, wineries, breweries, nightclubs, and lounges and proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test for "outdoor mega-events" such as Dodgers, Rams, and Chargers games. They will also recommend, but not require (for now) customers at indoor restaurants to show proof of vaccination. As usual, there’s nothing about exceptions for people who’ve actually had the disease and may have natural immunity as good as or superior to vaccination. This is the government, after all, so one size fits all.

I continue to believe that it’s wise for most people to get vaccinated (I am), providing their own doctors okay it, but I don’t believe the government should be forcing people to do it, or denying you basic rights and freedoms until you submit to having something injected into your body that you object to. If vaccinations work, then how are the unvaccinated a danger to anyone but themselves?

My bigger concern is that even after COVID is under control, with authorities having tasted this unprecedented level of power over people’s lives – and the people having willingly given up their freedom for a false promise of security – there will be no end to future restrictions “for the public good.” In that sense, this could spell the end of America as we knew it.


Disclaimer: yes, this kind of severe reaction is extremely rare. But so is death by COVID in this person’s age group. It’s another reason why vaccination should be a personal decision of risk assessment between you and your doctor and not a government mandate.

Several days ago, I related a story about my personal experience with someone who exhibited blind, irrational fear of a non-vaccinated person (me), even though the non-vaccinated person had already had COVID-19 and as a result possessed natural immunity that studies increasingly suggest surpasses the protection provided by vaccines.

The reason for telling this story in the first place was to show that we really are living in a time of mass hysteria --- a time when facts don’t much matter because everyone believes he HAS the facts and “the science is settled” –- and that in many cases our fears are being exploited to achieve desired behavior. How does the government get everyone to do what it wants them to do? By scaring them half to death.

We received numerous reader comments, a few of which we highlighted. One we did not include but that I’d like to address now came from a reader named Chris who identifies himself/herself as a “pediatric technician.” Chris is about to become famous as “Exhibit A” in my case that logic flies right out the door when fear climbs in the window. Here’s the letter, with slight editing...


You and the Christian Broadcasting Network are totally immoral and irresponsible. You all claim to be "Pro-Life" and you are all miserable hypocrites in the eyes of the world. You don't follow scripture or read your own revised Bible.

Kids are dying daily by the thousands in America and the Pediatric wards are packed with kids who have COVID. YOU ARE KID - KILLERS AND THAT IS HOW YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED. Infants are dying. Toddlers are dying. Small children are dying. You are not pro-life. You are anti-science and anti-fact. You are ignorant and stupid! You can't fix stupid. Too much inbreeding in your own family.

COVID is preventable by a simple vaccine but because you want money from the Trump base, you keep quiet while many children are being killed by their parents and their miserable stupidity. Pure GREED. This is not your finest moment. Maybe your grandchildren will be waiting on a ventilator soon....possible, because of the stupidity that runs in your family.

By remaining quiet you are executing are kid - murderers and kid - killers. No different than serial killers and rapists but you all claim to speak the "truth" and follow Jesus. What a joke.

You are weak and cowardly and you will be judged on this by the big guy in the sky. BURN IN HELL.

You can take that banjo and Bible of yours and shove it up your a--.


Okay, where to start? Do you sense the terror that has transported this person to Crazy Town? First of all, in his (her?) rage, Chris directed this abuse at “all” of us “miserable hypocrites,” including Gov. Huckabee, when I’m the person who wrote the piece. I guess if anyone is going to be judged by “the big guy in the sky” and “burn in hell,” it is me. Though I’m tempted to say this person is not guilty by reason of insanity, I think he or she or xi owes the Gov. an apology. The individual who wrote this also owes the “Christian Broadcasting Network” --- does he mean Trinity Broadcasting Network? --- an apology. Gov. Huckabee, CBN/TBN, the pro-life movement, Christian believers in general, and the version of the Bible the Gov. prefers to read (I have no idea) have absolutely nothing to do with the commentary on vaccines and virus-fear, which I wrote, would write again, and proudly put my name on.

So, Chris, let’s talk about what has inflamed you so and how much truth there is to it. As you are an irrational person, this analysis will not change your mind at all --- probably just anger you more, if that’s possible --- but there are other, sane readers who might benefit from the discussion. Let’s look at a few things you claimed in your letter:

1. “Children are dying daily by the thousands in America and the pediatric wards are packed with children who have COVID.” This is wildly incorrect. Can you even imagine what it would be like in our country if this were actually happening to our children? The total number of children who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. since the pandemic began is just over 400. Of course, that’s a terrible tragedy, but it’s not thousands of deaths a day. A Johns Hopkins research team looked at records from 48,000 cases in young people under 18 from April to August of 2020. At that time, they found zero deaths that didn’t involve a serious comorbidity such as leukemia. More here…

So, who fed you that lie about thousands of children dying every day? Someone has an interest in making you believe this. And if you’re really a “pediatric technician,” it stands to reason that you would know it’s false. You certainly haven’t witnessed it on your job, because it isn’t happening.

2. “You are not pro-life. You are anti-science and anti-fact.” Chris, you are stating opinions that are not based in any fact at all. To say Gov. Huckabee is not pro-life is like saying Dr. Kevorkian was not pro-death. And nothing makes a real scientist cringe like the phrase “follow the science.” That is a talking point; you do not understand how science works. Instead of discussing the research, you stoop to crass personal insults.

3. “COVID is preventable by a simple vaccine but because you want money from the Trump base, you keep quiet while many children are being killed...” Chris, the vaccine can provide a lot of protection and lessen the severity of symptoms but it does not PREVENT infection. Gov. Huckabee has said numerous times that he personally has been vaccinated, and he advises everyone to seek their doctor's advice. He would never tell someone not to get vaccinated, and neither would I.

Again, though every death from this virus is tragic, it’s not true that “many children are being killed.” This is true though vaccines weren’t even approved for children until very recently, and then only for kids 12 and older.

Ah, and we see from your reference to “the Trump base” that it really does come down to politics. Chris, this has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump or his base. You are off-base. But I would say the current administration has worked hard to make you believe it does, so that you'll associate your fear with Trump, and they have succeeded.

4. “Maybe your grandchildren will be waiting on a ventilator soon.” Chris, I can tell from this remark that you are one of those compassionate liberals I’ve heard so much about.

Finally, what was that banjo remark? The Gov. plays bass. Facts matter!

Chris, your letter is so out-there that at first I thought it might even be an attempt at satire. Satire is very challenging to do well –- and even to recognize in this age when real stories can be as crazy as made-up ones. If you were just impersonating a crazy person, you succeeded. Be well.

Wednesday, four female Olympic gymnasts – Simone Biles, McKayla Maroney, Maggie Nichols and Aly Raisman – came out from behind official anonymity to testify to the Senate about the horrific sexual abuse they suffered from former USA Gymnastics team physician Larry Nassar (now serving a sentence of up to 360 years in prison - yes, you read that correctly.) Much of that was already known, but what also was revealed was the shocking way in which the FBI, then under our self-appointed national conscience James Comey, turned a blind eye to their accusations against Nassar and attempted to cover it all up so the public would never learn about it.

As Stephen Kruiser reminds us at the link, this was the same FBI leadership that busied itself with trying to manufacture accusations of Russian collusion against innocent political opponents while at the same time refusing to investigate “a serial predator who was attacking the most vulnerable among us.” He quite rightly calls for us to “start casting a wide net for people within the Bureau who need to be locked up.”

There’s a lot more at the link, including a video of Sen. Marsha Blackburn’s statement (sample quote: “Every single person in authority who turned a blind eye to these young athletes’ allegations is complicit in Nassar’s crime, and each one of them should be considered a predator.”) There’s also video of Ms Maroney’s testimony, which I warn you is disturbing and graphic.

Here’s more on this story from Matt Vespa at

Reeder: RIP Norm MacDonald

September 16, 2021

As the person who covers the entertainment world, it falls to me to write show biz obituaries. While it’s always a sad duty, this one hits especially hard for me and my wife/co-writer, Laura Ainsworth. Comedian Norm MacDonald has died at 61 of cancer, which he had reportedly been fighting for nine years. His producing partner Lori Jo Hoekstra said he kept it a secret because comedy came first and he never wanted that to color how people saw him.

For a comic who never became a major star, Norm’s death was met with a massive outpouring of grief and accolades from fellow comedians and hardcore fans like us. Seth Meyers called him the “gold standard” of comedy and admitted the hardest part of doing “Saturday Night Live’s” Weekend Update was not reading jokes the way Norm would say them.

He had a distinctive voice and delivery, a unique and unpredictable perspective, and most importantly of all in this cancel culture age, he was utterly fearless. If he thought a joke was funny (and to those of us who “got” his sense of humor, he was gutbustingly funny), no matter how bizarre the premise, he would pursue and expand on it, even if the audience greeted it with silence (you could usually hear a few fellow comedians in the back, howling with laughter.) One of the funniest things you’ll ever see on TV is Norm on Conan O’Brien’s show, using up his entire segment to tell an ancient, rambling, deadpan shaggy dog story with a groaner of a punchline that somehow was hilarious all the way through.

When Laura and I used to write our syndicated topical radio service, the Comedy Wire, nothing made me prouder than to write a joke that I could describe as “a Norm MacDonald line.”

These days, what passes for a “joke” on “SNL” is a smug two-minute political lecture. Norm could pack more laughs into two short sentences (“College radio reports that the #1 band this summer was Better Than Ezra. At #2: Ezra!”) He defied orders to stop doing O.J. Simpson jokes even when it got him fired. He didn’t care if he bombed, got fired, the audience didn’t get it or Twitter mobs cried about being offended: if he thought it was funny, he went with it. And to me, he was always right. He ruthlessly mocked leftist icons like Bill and Hillary Clinton at a time when other comics were giving them a free ride. He even dared to joke about COVID (“None of us know how we’re going to die… Well, we know NOW.”)

He was also surprisingly intelligent, once taking home $500,000 on a charity celebrity edition of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” (he also knew the answer to the million dollar question, but Regis talked him out of trying for it.) I still remember him lecturing a comic on a talent show for performing a lazy Christian-bashing bit that the other judges loved.

Norm was a “comedian’s comedian,” but to his cult fan base like us, he was one of the funniest men of all time. You never knew what might come out of his mouth, but you knew it would be hilarious and like nothing that anyone else would think of. And if someone didn’t like it and took offense, he couldn’t care less. Let’s hope more comedians take inspiration from him and reclaim comedy from the humorless woke mobs.

Here are a few of Norm’s more mainstream funny moments, courtesy of Fox News. You’ll find many, many more on YouTube.

Treason Update

September 16, 2021

The Pentagon seemed to confirm Bob Woodward’s claim that Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley attempted to usurp President Trump’s powers by calling his Chinese counterpart and assuring him he would give China advance warning if Trump launched an attack.

I’m not going to quote their statement verbatim (you can read it at the link), since it went on at length in the kind of gaseous government-speak that’s meant to make outrageous acts sound not merely defensible and reasonable but downright laudable. Indeed, a lot of liberal news outlets (those that aren’t ignoring this story entirely) are trying to present it that way and hail Milley as a heroic figure for protecting America from the “unhinged” duly-elected Commander-in-Chief that they hated. Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki called Milley a “patriot.” So chalk up “insurrection” and “undermining our democracy” as yet another area in which the Democrats’ sacred principles are highly situational.

Even Biden himself reportedly said he has “great confidence” in Milley.

Really? So Joe Biden wants to keep a guy around him who has a history of trying to overthrow Presidents whom he thinks are showing mental decline? REALLY?!

If Milley thought it was his duty to step in and take control away from a cognitively-challenged President who was about to commit a dangerous foreign policy blunder, then why didn’t he do that two months ago?

Finally, the line of the day is about this story, and it’s courtesy of former Rep. Trey Gowdy, who said you know who would have appreciated an advance call to warn him of an attack? The Afghan aid worker who was blown up by a drone while loading water cans into his car.

The Democrats' Tax Hike Plan

September 16, 2021

Congressional Democrats have put forward a massive tax hike plan that they claim will only soak the very wealthy. That may sound popular to people who think that refers to someone else, but as Grover Norquist explains at the link, it will affect everyone negatively.

It not only raises taxes on people making less than $400,000, in violation of Biden’s campaign promise, but it will raise business taxes higher than those in Europe and even communist China. That will impact hiring and expansion, and encourage the return of businesses moving overseas and taking their jobs with them. It will impact 401K retirement plans, inheritances, capital gains and the prices we pay for most products, especially our electric and gas bills. The only upside Norquist sees is that it will probably lead to a GOP Congress that will put the brakes on more socialist insanity.

He also makes a great observation that voters in swing states and districts should take to heart: there are no “moderate Democrats” in the House or Senate. There are Democrats from moderate districts and swing states. They might say they oppose runaway taxing and spending. But every last one of them voted over and over to keep advancing the $3.5 trillion spending orgy through Congress.

Here’s another analysis of the Democrats’ tax plan showing that wealthy residents of blue states like California, New York, New Jersey and Hawaii could end up paying a combined tax rate of nearly 60%.

Not that they actually would, of course. They’d probably move to Texas or Florida, and then start giving a lot of money to leftist politicians so they could ruin those states, too. But as bad as this tax plan is, thinking of all those wealthy liberals having to fork over 60% of their income to the wasteful, oppressive politicians they did so much to help elect would be heartwarming if the rest of us weren’t also having to pay for their dumb political decisions.

In breaking news Wednesday night, THE NEW YORK TIMES reports that Special Counsel John Durham has informed the Department of Justice that he will seek a grand jury indictment against Michael Sussmann of the law firm Perkins Coie for making a false statement to the FBI.

John Durham, remember him? Even President Trump has wondered from time to time what happened to him. Apparently, he’s just had his head down working, ever since he was assigned to the case by Bill 2019. His status was raised to Special Counsel in December of 2020.

The NYT is subscription-only, but Rebecca Downs at TOWNHALL has details.

No discussion of the “Russia Russia Russia!” hoax would complete without bringing in the huge role played by Perkins Coie, the Clinton-affiliated law firm that in 2016 paid opposition research company Fusion GPS to hire former MI-6 spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt and provide a report on then-candidate Donald Trump. That scheme produced the infamous “dossier” that contained outrageously fake stories like the one we all know involving Trump and some prostitutes in a Moscow hotel. We’ve covered the story of the phony “dossier” from the start and had always hoped the story of how it came to be would be completely exposed. Now, perhaps this is the first shoe dropping.

Incidentally, Perkins Coie was involved in shady activities in 2020 as well. For the year preceding the Trump/Biden race, it was Marc Elias, a partner at Perkins Coie, who coordinated the state-by-state effort to change election laws and procedures in ways that made it much easier to cheat almost undetectably. And never mind that these changes were supposed to be made by the state legislators, not judges and bureaucrats. All those millions of ballots being mailed out to every name on out-of-date voter rolls and stuffed into unmanned dropboxes? For destroying all trust in our election system, we have Marc Elias of Perkins Coie largely to thank.

Sussmann, a former federal prosecutor, is a partner at the firm as well. As reported by the NYT, he represented the Democratic National Committee “on issues related to Russia’s 2016 hacking of its servers.” As you can see, I’m quoting the TIMES there, as we do not actually have evidence that this “hacking” of the DNC servers was carried out by Russia. It’s part of their narrative that the mainstream media take as a given and keep repeating. We don’t.

But the fact that Sussmann was representing the DNC on this matter should tell you he is the Mother Lode of information on what really happened with that and where all the bodies are buried, so to speak. Not that we can pry it all out of him. There’s this little inconvenience called “attorney-client privilege” that limits what investigators can ask.

Anyway, the Special Counsel has been investigating Sussmann’s activities conveying “certain suspicions” about Trump and Russia –- related to what we have come to know as “the Russia Hoax” –- to James Baker at the FBI in September of 2016. Specifically, investigators want to know who his client was at the time. Investigators have been looking into whether he was secretly working for Hillary’s campaign. He denies that.

Sussmann’s reason for meeting with Baker was to further a long-since-debunked story about covert communication through suspicious “pings” between computer servers associated with the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Russian financial institution linked to the Kremlin. That story has been so thoroughly discredited that Special Counsel Robert Mueller didn’t even mention it in his final report. But there was Sussmann, apparently trying to hand the FBI a fake story. I would add that this was the James Comey FBI, which was eager to run with all the anti-Trump stories it could find.

Baker, now out of the FBI, reportedly told investigators he recalled Sussmann saying he was not meeting him on behalf of any client. Likewise, according to Sussmann’s lawyers, Sussmann simply wanted to give the FBI a “heads-up” because he thought the NEW YORK TIMES was about to publish a story about the Alfa Bank allegations. Wasn’t that nice of him? (The NYT didn’t mention Alfa Bank at all until six weeks later.)

One problem, though: in a 2017 deposition before Congress, Sussmann testified that he had sought the meeting on behalf of an unnamed client, a cybersecurity expert whom he said had helped analyze the Alfa Bank data.

Second, even bigger problem: Durham has obtained billing records from Perkins Coie that show some of Sussmann’s time working on the Alfa Bank matter was billed to...(drum roll, please)...the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.

By the way, just a month ago, Marc Elias left Perkins Coie to form a separate law firm, Elias Law Group LLP. The press release says this new spinoff firm “will represent candidates, party committees, political committees, nonprofit organizations, entities and voters. Elias Law Group will be mission-driven, focusing on electing Democrats, supporting voting rights, and helping progressives make change.” More details here.

This new separation “will provide Elias Law Group with the independence to broaden its advocacy and types of matters on which it works, including by engaging more directly in the political and electoral process.”

As if Elias and Perkins Coie haven’t been engaged enough in that already. Elias will have offices in both DC and Seattle, where they’ll be “focused on helping Democrats win, citizens vote, and progressives make change.” And anyone who thought Perkins Coie was some little boutique law firm should think again: Perkins Coie is a huge international operation with 1,200 lawyers in offices “across the United States and Asia.” Watch out –- they’ve made this move as part of their gearing-up for the 2022 elections and are looking ahead to 2024, and judging from their past behavior, I don’t think they’ll waste much time debating the ethics of what they’re doing.

For now, though, Michael Sussmann is a major player who finally appears to have been caught in Durham’s net. Colton Salaz at JUST THE NEWS also has a write-up, and we look forward to investigative reporter John Solomon’s take as well, as he’s been all over this story for years.

“Mr. Sussmann has committed no crime,” his attorneys told the NYT. “Any prosecution here would be baseless, unprecedented and an unwarranted deviation from the apolitical and principled way in which the Department of Justice is supposed to do its work.”

Are these really Sussmann’s attorneys or a comedy writing team? Because that line about the DOJ is pretty darn funny.

One reason why it’s so hard to get Americans to “trust the experts” on COVID-19 is because the “experts” and “authorities” have given us so many conflicting stories. I’ve always cut them slack for getting things wrong: I get that it was a new disease, and new data can require changing our assumptions. However, we seem to have settled on some official assumptions that are almost impervious to new data. And public trust is eroded further when the “experts” keep dodging basic questions.

One question people have been asking for over a year is whether the hospitalization rates used to justify mass lockdowns, school closures and mask and vaccine mandates are accurate. Are they counting only people who are actually hospitalized or killed due to COVID, or inflating the numbers by including people who tested positive regardless of the actual reason they were in the hospital? The answer may finally be at hand.

David Zweig at the Atlantic magazine (hardly a rightwing or anti-vaxxer outlet) reports that the VA office of Research and Development backed a study of nearly 48,000 admissions to over 100 VA hospitals nationwide. It found that from March 2020 to early January 2021, before the Delta variant or widespread vaccination, 36% of recorded COVID patients had mild or asymptomatic cases, which makes it questionable whether they were or needed to be hospitalized due to COVID. From mid-January to June, that number rose to 48%. That suggests that nearly half the recorded COVID hospitalizations were mild or asymptomatic cases or else people who tested positive but were hospitalized for something unrelated.

None of this is to downplay the dangers of the disease (that’s still a lot of people hospitalized due to severe COVID.) But the good news is that this suggests vaccination has created more mild or asymptomatic cases. The bad news is that it suggests authorities are relying on misleading data to impose draconian measures on the entire population. And when people know “the experts” are being misleading about the reasons for their policies, it makes it all the more likely that they will reject those policies.

In short, once you lose the public’s trust, it’s hard to get it back. Particularly if you do nothing to earn it back except to say, “I order you to trust me!”

Is the biggest story in the nation Tuesday a bombshell revelation of treasonous behavior by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? Or just one of the biggest examples yet of fake news? As the Magic 8-Ball tells us, “Unclear, ask again later.” Here’s the story:

According to an upcoming book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of the Washington Post, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley was so concerned that then-President Trump, who was daring to call out China over its coronavirus cover-up, would launch a military attack on China that he took action to subvert Trump’s command of the military.

The book claims that Milley met with senior military officers to tell them that Trump could not launch nuclear weapons unless Milley was involved to okay it…that he called his counterpart in the Chinese military to assure him that he would warn China in advance if the US was going to attack…and that he met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on January 8th (who, of course, agreed with him that Trump was mentally “unhinged” – the term leftists use for anyone who disagrees with their disastrous policies) to discuss ways to block him from using his Presidential powers.

The Pentagon claims this was just standard operating procedure, nothing to see here. And liberal media outlets are trying to paint Milley as a hero protecting our democracy from…democracy, apparently. Incidentally, there’s no need for Milley’s “heroic” usurpation of power because there’s already a constitutional way to deal with a President who is mentally incompetent for real. It’s called the 25th Amendment. Democrats might want to bone up on it.

Conservative commentators, however, say that if true, this is a stunning incident of out-and-out treason: an unelected official staging a clandestine coup to usurp the powers of the duly-elected Commander-in-Chief and conspiring with our enemies against the US President. It’s the most shocking example yet (and we’ve seen a mountain of them recently) of entrenched deep state elites completely disregarding the elected representatives of the people and acting as if they have a divine right to rule.

Here’s a hint as to how bad this is: even Alexander Vindman, who thought he should decide policy instead of Trump, says that if true, Milley “usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military” and he “must resign.” He called this a “dangerous precedent” that we can’t simply walk away from.

All this hinges, of course, on two key words: “If true.” Bob Woodward has a track record of making incendiary claims for which he offers no supporting evidence. Trump agrees that if it’s true, it would be treason, but he also doubts the story. He called Woodward a writer of fiction, but he still called on Milley to resign because he believes Milley made up the story to deflect attention from this Administration’s catastrophe in Afghanistan. Trump also made the excellent point that it’s ridiculous to think he would attack China, which never even occurred to him, noting that he’s the only President in decades who didn’t start a new war.

So where do we go from here? Obviously, we need a full investigation to determine whether this incredibly serious charge against the Joint Chiefs Chairman is credible. If he met with senior officers and Pelosi, then there should be plenty of witnesses and/or co-conspirators to call.

I suggest that Congress immediately convene a 9-11 style commission to investigate this allegation of what could be the most serious attempt at insurrection and the worst assault on our democracy since the Civil War! Since Nancy Pelosi has been accused of being a secret conspirator with Milley to overthrow the duly-elected President, she should probably be jailed (perhaps in solitary confinement) until such time as authorities decide whether to charge her with anything or not.

I know this sounds a tad harsh, but hey: Speaker Pelosi did establish the precedent.

Thanks to all who responded to my story about the government’s latest very successful fear campaign --- the one against the unvaccinated.

By the way, since then it’s become obvious that the same motivation was just used in California to help a failing governor survive a recall election. To keep his office when California is a disaster on so many fronts, Gov. Newsom needed people to be AFRAID of the alternative, Republican opponent Larry Elder. And how was that going to happen, given that Elder is a genial, self-made black man who wants to fix problems and make life better for everybody in California? That’s easy: liken him to the biggest object of fear to the left, former President Trump.

An aggressive fear campaign had already been waged against Trump for years, and so progressives are TERRIFIED of him. To them, he’s the COVID-19 of political leaders. If you know the George Orwell novel “1984,” Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein in the daily government-mandated “Two Minutes Hate.” I’m talking abject, screaming-at-the-sky fear and loathing, as satirized in this masterpiece must-see video that I wish I could take credit for...

You understand, of course, that these people aren’t terrified of the actual Trump, about whom they typically know little, but of the imaginary Trump that has been created out of the thin air in their heads. You know, the evil white supremacist who thinks the KKK are “fine people” and collaborated with Putin to become President. THAT Donald Trump. I’d be scared of him, too, if he existed. The real Trump, I like.

But the Democrats’ anti-Trump fear campaign wasn’t aimed at me.

And it laid the foundation for Newsom’s recall election. This time, it was pounded into California voters’ heads that Elder was, in effect, Trump. Newsom then ran against Trump. He'd say, “A vote for Elder is a vote for Trump.” Or even, “Larry Elder is a clone of Donald Trump.” (They wanted voters to forget Elder is black.)

So, in the end, Newsom beat Trump---I mean, Elder.

But back to my story. I received some great comments on my real-life tale of being leper-ized by someone out of his mind with irrational fear...

From Tyna:

My daughter works FROM HOME and is an HR generalist. She sees NO patients or co-workers. She was given an ultimatum to get vaccinated or she will be terminated. She already has had Covid, and she has a health condition that was supposed to kill her by age 14. She wants to see her kids and grands grow up and get married. What happened to FREEDOM?

From Laura:

Someone who works from home can’t transmit anything to patients or co-workers but a computer virus! This makes no sense. And your daughter likely has better immunity than someone who hasn’t had COVID but took the vaccine. The decision should be hers, with advice from her doctor. Good luck to her with her employer. Time is on her side if she can stall; I think personal choice in this matter will win in the courts.

From Kathleen:

I was helping a neighbor with her yard sale a few weeks ago. A young man drove up in a Tesla; I had never been close to one and asked if I could sit in it. He had a “VACCINATED” button on his shirt, and I said, “By the way, I am not vaccinated.” Upon hearing that, he said I could not sit in the car. Then he went on a ten-minute rant on why everyone should get vaccinated. All the friends at the sale were friends and were not vaccinated, and we all felt sorry for the fool.”

From Laura:

I can picture this guy finishing his rant; hearing the rest of you weren’t vaccinated, either; speeding off in a panic and driving his Tesla smack into a tree.

If he’s vaccinated, he must not have much confidence that it will protect him. Why would your vaccination keep him safe if his own is that iffy? Again, none of this is rational.

From Prudence (excerpt):

Hello, Laura -- Thank you for your spot-on article. You are not alone. I experienced a similar incident two weeks ago. My regular doctor is out with cancer and so I had to see her colleague to get a prescription refilled...This doctor's visit was almost surreal! He wanted to know why I wasn't vaccinated, and I explained that I've had adverse reactions to vaccines in the past, including the flu shot. He began to berate me, telling me I believed all the rot on the internet and bought into all the foolishness, continuing to give me his "expert" advice on why he felt I needed to just take the vaccine. I'd never seen this idiot doctor before and will never seen him again.

My doctor knows my circumstances and respects my wishes on why I won't take the shot. Unfortunately, not only are people divided on the vaccines, so is the medical community! I didn't mention to him about my conversations with my doctor for fear of her receiving retribution from her colleague if and when she returns.

From Laura:

Your concern for your own doctor was well-founded. Doctors are also running into problems within their profession for prescribing treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I hope your independent-minded regular doctor is soon able to return to her practice.

From Mike:

Very disappointed you have decided not to be vaccinated, I had Covid in February 2020 when doctors didn’t really know what it was. I was diagnosed with severe bronchitis. Haven’t smoked in 36 years, [am] a jogger, and I developed COPD and my antibodies were gone in 60 days. Please rethink you position.

From Laura:

I’m grateful for your concern, Mike, but am hesitant because of some vascular issues in my family that might be hereditary. If I hadn’t had the virus, I definitely would have gone ahead and been vaccinated, but my personal risk analysis is telling me to stick with natural immunity. Also, my understanding is that the antibody test after one is recovered is not necessarily an accurate measure of one’s immune response once the virus is re-introduced. Thanks and be well!

Finally, a reader with a wicked sense of fun left me this gem…

From Doug:

I was just reading your latest article, "The Latest Government Fear Campaign," when I got to the part where you said that YOU HAVEN'T BEEN VACCINATED!!! Needless to say, I IMMEDIATELY stopped reading your unvaccinated words, erased the article from my tablet, wiped down the tablet with an anti-bacterial wipe, then bleach, then ran an antivirus program on said tablet. Fortunately, it came up clean, so I am hopeful that I avoided exposure to the Delta Variant that you are most assuredly carrying and exposing everyone to, YOU HEARTLESS, SELFISH, EVIL, TRUMP-LOVING, PLAGUE-CARRYING RADICAL RIGHT FASCIST!!!!

By the way, I went to the public library to write this comment to you because I didn't want to expose my device to your plague. Pretty smart, huh?

From Laura:

You can’t be too careful! Uh-oh, you’re reading my unvaccinated words again.

You can always tell when the Democrats are either solidly in power or think they’re about to be kicked out of power – or, as is currently the case, both. That’s when they push for massive taxing and spending. The Democrats’ reputation for taxing and spending is so well-established, Will Rogers was telling jokes about it in the 1920s, although if he’d known it would end up in a $28 trillion debt, it might have been harder to laugh about it.

When the Dems are out of power, they do everything possible to convince voters that they’ve learned the error of their ways. They’re now the new pro-business, fiscally-responsible Democrats. And the voters, prodded by a leftwing media who convince them that whatever Republicans have the economy humming and the border secure are really Nazis, believe the Dems and reelect them. And then they go on a spree like a spoiled teenager with mom’s platinum card.

Right now, the Dems are in power and sense the foot of the voters itching to kick them out of office in 2022, so they’re not only pushing two spending bills that total nearly $5 trillion, but on Monday, the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled a massive tax hike proposal to pay for it. This is their definition of fiscal responsibility now: massive inflationary spending responsibly offset by economy-killing taxes.

Here’s an analysis from Fox Business News, explaining how these proposals will once again kill American jobs and drive US businesses overseas.

It’s really astounding the way voters have to keep learning the same basic economic lessons the hard way, over and over again. But at least they learn it, even if they forget after a few years. Democrat politicians haven’t learned anything since the ‘20s. Well, at least I know I’ll always be able to recycle Will Rogers’ jokes about them.

Newsom Wins, California Loses

September 15, 2021

In Tuesday’s election, Californians went for the “Thank you, sir, may I have another?” option, and Gov. Gavin Newsom easily escaped being replaced by about 67-33%. It was disappointing but hardly unexpected, as the recall was always a longshot. That’s why we have the saying, “You can’t fix…California.”

Newsom claimed that what the election was about was, "We said yes to science, yes to vaccines, yes to ending this pandemic." Funny, just one day before, he was claiming that the election was about protecting “racial justice” by not replacing the wealthy white guy with a black man who grew up poor.

Also, his policies of shutting down churches while allowing BLM protests, closing neighborhood restaurants while he dined in fancy French restaurants and let Hollywood productions set up big catering stations, and forcing other people’s kids to wear masks at summer camp while sending his son to one that didn’t require masking don’t exactly scream, “I care about science.”

Here’s a good analysis of the race and its likely aftermath from Joe Cunningham at Redstate. He expects Democrats to do what they always do: interpret this win as a mandate to inflict more disastrous, freedom-crushing policies that will eventually hurt them in the upcoming general election.

I expect that the immediate result will be that more people will decide California is beyond redemption and move out. But wherever you end up, please don’t forget what you came there to escape and vote for more Gavin Newsoms to ruin your new home. It’s bad enough that Texas has to deal with Austin now. They don’t need “Beto” O’Rourke actually getting elected to anything important.

Recall Gavin Newsom

September 14, 2021

Today is the recall election on California Gov. Gavin Newsom, but voting has already been underway for a while. And apparently, so has “voting.” While I’d love to report that Californians have come to their senses, some conservatives are concerned that the effort will fail, not because voters want to keep Newsom (“Thank you, sir, may I have another?!”) but because the heavily-entrenched Democrats have made election cheating so easy.

Wayne Allen Root is one of those people. He describes the many ways in which California Dems have made vote fraud simpler than ordering a pizza online.

To back him up, here are two reports from KTLA-TV, the first about multiple people in a Republican district in the San Fernando Valley showing up to vote and finding that someone had already cast ballots in their names.

They were allowed to cast provisional ballots, but I’m curious as to whether someone else had actually voted in their names, and if so, what happens to those ballots? Can they be identified and disqualified? If not, and the fraudulent vote is also counted and cancels out the real provisional vote, then fraud DISENFRANCHISED a legitimate voter. I thought the Dems were all about preventing voters from being disenfranchised.

The other story is about police in Torrance arresting a known felon who was found passed out in his car in a 7-11 parking lot. The car contained a loaded firearm, meth and other drugs, thousands of pieces of mail, multiple driver’s licenses and credit cards in various people’s names, and approximately 300 recall ballots. This story said that police “reminded community members to report any suspicious election activity.” I think this would qualify, even by California standards.

However, some conservative organizations are bracing to fight any attempts at fraud and asking people to report suspicious activity. You can find that information here:

I don’t think it’s impossible for the recall effort to succeed, but it will take all fed-up California voters turning out and making their voices heard. Please don’t sit on the couch and then complain on Wednesday that not enough people voted.

Meanwhile, the California campaigning is still going strong and taking some unusual twists. Actress Rose McGowan already risked her Hollywood career by daring to go public with her sexual assault allegations against movie mogul and Democrat mega-backer Harvey Weinstein. She once again proved that she refuses to bow to industry groupthink by appearing with GOP gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder over the weekend.

McGowan said she is no longer a Democrat and she rejects people who want us to micro-label each other by race and views. She said she may disagree with Elder on some policies, but he’s “the better candidate and the better man.” Her message to the state, the voters and the media was “Be human first, vote for humanity."

McGowan also cautioned those who attack Elder as not really being black because he disagrees with Black Lives Matter to "understand who it's coming from and that he might just know more than you, living in a different skin."

Of course, McGowan might also have another reason for not supporting Gov. Gavin Newsom or the Democrats in general: she claimed recently that his wife Jennifer Siebel Newsom called her when she was about to go public about Weinstein’s serial sex crimes and told her that Clinton fixer and Weinstein’s then-attorney David Boies wanted to know what it would take to “make her happy.” Fortunately, she refused to keep quiet and she got what she wanted anyway: Weinstein is currently in prison.

In other Elder campaign news, two Venice neighborhood council board members who were showing Elder around a homeless camp have filed hate crime charges with the LAPD against leftist protesters who showed up and threw things and yelled sexist and racist slurs. One woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg that narrowly missed Elder.

Elder and other conservatives have pointed out that if that had been a conservative activist attacking a black Democrat, it would make 24/7 news about systemic racism and racist Republicans, but instead, there’s been barely a peep from local liberal media outlets that would rather fill space with ridiculous articles about Elder being a black white supremacist.

If you think that sounds insane, congratulations, you’re sane. But it’s just the latest leftist insanity on race. Check out these CNN talking heads pushing the idea that even after America becomes a majority-minority nation, it will still be plagued by white supremacy because of all the black and brown white supremacists. I kid you not.

The racially-obsessed left has become like a Dave Chappelle sketch in real life. (Warning: Lots of “N-words” in this brutally satirical sketch that would never be allowed to air today.)

Finally, I’m going to wrap up this wrap-up of California recall stories with our Headline of the Day, from Fox News:

“Don’t Let California become Texas, Newsom says – as residents, businesses flee” (to Texas.)

In yesterday’s newsletter, we discussed the way fear has been used to make Americans do what their government wants them to do, most recently to get vaccinated (two or maybe even three times, whether they need it or not) for COVID-19. Staff writer Laura Ainsworth related how she had just witnessed firsthand the cold, irrational fear someone was experiencing just from being in the same room with an unvaccinated person. This was the case even though he knew the unvaccinated person had previously had COVID, which appears to provide far better immunity, especially against variants, than the vaccines do.

So, would it surprise you to know that according to a new Scott Rasmussen poll, a majority of Democrat voters believe that Trump supporters and unvaccinated Americans pose a bigger threat to the nation than either the Taliban or China? I am not kidding. That’s what it’s like on Planet Democrat, now that a relentless and apparently successful propaganda campaign has been waged against both of these groups. These days, who needs a terrorist attack aided and abetted by the Taliban when you can feel terror just from the presence of an unvaccinated neighbor or friend? Even when that neighbor or friend has already recovered from COVID and has virtually zero chance of giving it to anyone.

The poll is real. Breakdown at the link.

I’m reminded of that infamous video of Maxine Waters urging people to harass former Trump administration officials and “tell them they’re not welcome.” The unvaccinated, even those with natural immunity (which, for some reason, doesn’t count), are now in that category of deplorables as well. Socially aware people see the unvaccinated as ignorant, extremist, irresponsible, uncaring, and dangerous. Never mind that they might have a heart condition, clotting disorder, autoimmune disease or...pregnancy, or that about 40 percent of health care workers are vaccine-hesitant. If “those people” don’t worship at the altar of Dr. Fauci, they’re to be feared and marginalized, barred from as much of public life as possible.

Governments know: nothing motivates the populace to do what you want more than fear. And, at least among Democrats, this fear campaign is working. Ironically, that’s a little scary.

The report from the 2020 Maricopa County election canvass conducted by Liz Harris of the Voter Integrity Project and sponsored by Arizona Senate Republicans, which we brought to you last week, has drawn "fact"-checkers like a picnic draws ants, so let’s take a look.

Keep in mind that, as we pointed out in our original commentary, this two-month effort was NOT part of the official audit currently going on in Maricopa County. The huge, official one has no set deadline and keeps stretching into the future because, according to auditors, they haven’t been getting cooperation from either state officials or Dominion Voting Systems, who have withheld materials the auditors say they need. That’s something we know is true.

So, we just have to cool our heels, as the official report will take as long as it takes. In the meantime, the Voter Integrity Project did their own canvass of just mail-in votes. Something else we know is true: the sudden and widespread implementation of mail-in balloting, in itself, doesn’t prove cheating but sure does make it easier. And, the easier it is to cheat and the more difficult it is to detect, the more likely there is to BE cheating. The key question is, “How MUCH cheating?”

One story we linked to, from THE GATEWAY PUNDIT, had a headline we made clear was theirs, not ours, as it out-and-out said that “Election steal is now confirmed.” We advised readers to look at the story and come to their own conclusions, which I assume they did.

One thing we credited these canvassers with was transparency. It’s possible to go back and see their methodology. It was made clear that, unlike the enormous official audit, this was another one of those attempts to extrapolate from a limited sample. For example, from the 330 registered voters –- 34 percent of their total sample –- who claimed they had voted but whose votes couldn't be unaccounted for, they came up with an estimate, county-wide, of 173,104 votes that were cast but not counted.

Opinion writer Laurie Roberts at the ARIZONA REPUBLIC predictably made fun of the canvass for its process of statistical sampling and the “conspiracy crowd” that was “abuzz with excitement” about it.

Never mind that at least going from what 34 percent of voters told them, those people didn’t have their mail-in votes counted. That’s something to LOOK INTO, we would think, not dismiss as, in Roberts’ words, “laughably ridiculous.” Like a poll, this type of study has a margin of error, sometimes a pretty big one, but it’s invaluable to examine a process and help identify potential problems. The all-encompassing audit currently underway should eventually either confirm these findings or show them to be wrong. That’s why we wait.

As for “ghost” voting --- mail-in ballots cast by people that residents said they didn’t know or had moved away --- the same extrapolating was done. Canvassers looking at a sample of voters ended up talking with 164 people who told them this had happened. They extrapolated from that number to get their rough estimate of 96,389 “ghost” votes counted county-wide.

Even so, Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem is premature in saying the statewide election should be decertified. He’s running for secretary of state and wants to show how proactive he is, but we’re not there yet. Quite possibly we will be after the full audit is complete, but not now. They can’t decertify with only rough estimates based on statistical samples. Still, this does give us a pretty good idea of what probably happened.

“Our questions were really simple,” Harris said. What method did you use to vote? Did you receive extra ballots? What did you do with those extra ballots? How many registered voters are supposed to be here, and how many actually voted? Not once do we ask who the person voted for.”

See her interviewed by Steve Bannon here.

The canvassers did run into trouble identifying a couple of properties as vacant lots. One of these appears to be a mistake; there’s actually a house with a pool at that address. The other, which was unfortunately used in a cover photo for the report –- inviting ridicule –- is something we’re checking into. There’s data from 2019 showing that it was a mobile home park and from 2021 showing it to be vacant lot, under construction. So, was anyone at that address actually registered to vote at the time of the 2020 election? We’re not sure; it’s possible. But the issue with that one property is just a small part of the big picture this canvass paints, the one that “debunkers” desperately want to turn your attention from.

As Bannon says of Liz during the interview, “She never states here that this is definitive or final. But this is why you need a full canvass to be part of a full forensic audit.”

Exactly. But that doesn’t matter to agenda-driven “fact”-checkers determined to discredit any challenge to the 2020 election. They’re jumping all over this as if it WERE intended to be a definitive accounting. That’s what Lead Stories does --- they criticize Harris for using only “rough reckoning,” when, of course, that’s all it’s intended to be and, given realistic budget restraints, all it really CAN be.

“Has an Arizona Republican’s door-knocking campaign and back-of-the-envelope estimate proved there were “173,104 lost votes and 96,389 ‘ghost’ votes in Maricopa County’s 2020 election,” asks Dean Miller. “No, that’s not true.” The problem with his critique is that Harris doesn’t claim her canvass IS proof of those exact counts.

Lead Stories also points out that there are problems when people are just asked for their responses, because they don’t always answer accurately. And that is right; people might not want to tell the truth, or they might not remember correctly. This is the same problem pollsters have. But, again, Harris’ report is not intended to provide a perfect, definitive vote count, just an idea of how bad the problems were with all those mail-in ballots in 2020. In a state with a tiny margin of “victory” of just over 10,000 votes, these problems essentially render the real election outcome unknown. For this reason, the report proposes banning mail-in voting.

Harris did tweet that those who “knew the election was stolen” and had been ridiculed as conspiracy theorists should feel vindicated, and it would have been better for her to hold off on that until the official audit is done. Similarly, GATEWAY PUNDIT should not have oversold this as they did. As bad as the results look, it’s not time to decertify the Arizona election at this point, which is not to say that we won’t get there.

But to the “fact”-checkers: You dissected Harris’ study so you could say she didn’t “prove” those numbers when she wasn’t even claiming to –- and, of course, so you could get in some digs at the right. We think, though, that your main goal here was to pull focus from the real take-away, which is that there are massive problems with mail-in ballots and even more reasons to suspect the Biden win in razor-close Arizona.


Important follow-up: Maricopa County "discrepancies"

Maricopa County canvassing uncovers huge discrepancies

Question: What’s the most sure-fire strategy to get people to behave the way you want them to?

Answer: Scare them half to death.

And that’s really how the Democrats roll in the 21st century, citing so-called threats ranging from climate change to right-wing “insurrection,” though the strategy of cultivating fear certainly isn’t new. As H. L. Mencken said in the last century, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

There seems to be some discrepancy as to whether Mencken said “all of them imaginary” or “most of them imaginary.” Given the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, he would have been smarter to say “most.” This virus is certainly not imaginary; it’s all too real and can cause everything from mild, even unnoticeable symptoms to consignment to a ventilator and eventual death in an ICU. It seems almost everyone knows at least someone who has died of this disease, though most of those have been elderly or affected by underlying health problems such as obesity or diabetes. Some of us, including me, are grieving for friends and family and even beloved entertainers who have died. I don’t mean to make light of the impact of this virus.

But since the vaccines came along, the government has been working overtime to make sure everyone gets “the jab” (or, in most cases, two or more jabs). Radio ads produced by the CDC call “Delta” the “new, more dangerous variant,” essentially pointing to a new hobgoblin, even though we don’t have evidence that it’s more deadly, just more easily transmissible. (But, hey, if the Delta variant isn’t deadlier, the NEXT variant to come along surely will be.) The ads say vaccines offer us “our best chance to get back to normal." Right.

The President himself is doing everything he can –- ethical or not, constitutional or not –- to get everyone vaccinated. Yet the protection provided by vaccines is so sketchy that many vaccinated people are still going around in masks.

But stories about hospitals filling up with unvaccinated people in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” turned out to be fake news. As we reported a couple of weeks ago, there are 15 academic studies showing the superiority of natural immunity, including the latest out of Israel showing natural immunity to be far more effective than that produced by the vaccines. Details of that study are here.

But it doesn’t matter to apostles of Dr. Fauci terrified of the threat posed by the unvaccinated, who must now be fired from their jobs and generally treated as lepers, no matter what the reason for their personal choice not to get jabbed.

Think I’m exaggerating the fear? I saw it firsthand in an incident over the weekend and realized the emotional power of government propaganda. Here’s what happened, with some of the conversation condensed but, I swear, including these exact words. It got intense...

On Saturday, I went to the home of someone who had graciously allowed me to use his striking interiors for a photo shoot. (He’s probably in his 50s, not obese, with no underlying health problems that I’m aware of.) I had met him a couple of times before, but he didn’t know my politics and certainly didn’t know I’m a news writer/researcher for a conservative commentator. I think our conversation would have gone even more disastrously if he had.

His first question when I walked in was, “How are you feeling?,” as in, “Have any covid symptoms?”

Me: “I’m feeling great. And don’t be concerned --- I’ve already have covid.”

Him: “Okay, but you’ve been vaccinated, right?”

Me: “No...I’ve been doing a lot of study on this and choose to rely on my natural immunity.”

Him: (moving across the room) “What??? You mean, you’re NOT VACCINATED???

Me: No, in fact, it’s looking as though natural immunity might be way better than the vaccines---

Him: (horrified) But you didn’t get vaccinated TOO??? I just ASSUMED someone like YOU would be VACCINATED!! Are you an ANTI-VAXXER???

Me: No, not at all. I traveled to India just a few years back and had to get some shots, and that was fine with me. But with covid, there are some studies---

Him: That’s just your OPINION!

Me: Well, opinion based on what I’ve been able to find out---

Him: It seems like most of the people who don’t want the vaccines are evangelical Christians!

Me: Actually, the groups with the greatest percentage of unvaccinated are Ph.D.’s and health care workers.

Him: I BELIEVE Dr. Fauci!! And I don’t think I can have an unvaccinated person in my house!

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. This man was freaking out over the fact that I wasn’t vaccinated, even though I’d had the virus months ago and was perfectly fine. My photographer was already there to do the shoot and had been setting up. I’d spent hours getting ready for this and was on a deadline to get these pictures. And this homeowner was so fearful of the unvaxxed, he was about to kick us out of his house.

What he decided to do instead of banishing us was leave the house himself, with his wife, and they went out to a restaurant for dinner, where, presumably, there were people who hadn’t been vaccinated, taking off their masks to eat. They didn’t come home till after we had left. I never said fear was rational. Nothing about this makes sense.

This is really the first time I’ve personally witnessed such an irrational expression of fear. I’ve seen images on TV, of course: Democrats screaming at the sky when Trump got elected and leftist women donning “Handmaid’s Tale” garb out of genuine terror of what he was going to do to women’s rights. But of course, those women had nothing to fear but fear itself. Their fear was based on nothing. They had been brainwashed to be terrified of Trump.

So it is now with the campaign against the unvaccinated. They (we) are "those" people.

Whatever the reason for this one-size-fits-all insistence on everyone getting these vaccines --- I won’t speculate here, but it’s obviously not to “get back to normal” --- it is ruining some people’s lives. I’d like to leave you with this video made by an ethics professor at Ontario’s Huron University College, Dr. Julie Ponesse, just before she was fired after 20 years for not following their new COVID-19 vaccination mandate. In it, she explains that coercing someone (like her) into a medical procedure is...not ethical.

Thursday morning, the Labor Department reported that 310,000 Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week, the lowest number since the pandemic began.

Meanwhile, there is much wailing coming from the left over the fact that federal expanded unemployment benefits that were paying people more to stay home than to work have now expired. There are anguished cries of “What will people do to survive?!,” usually not followed by the suggestion that they take one of the 10 million job openings that are going unfilled.

To be clear: I don’t begrudge help to anyone who can’t work and really needs it. But it’s not the government’s job to keep paying able-bodied people to sit on their couches, which is driving small business owners out of business and saddling our grandchildren with unsustainable debt.

And while this won’t come as any surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention to economic numbers over the past few months, a new study confirms that states that ended the expanded unemployment benefits early enjoyed twice as much job growth as states that kept paying them.

The Mercatus Center researchers said these results are consistent with a long and extensive economic literature finding that higher unemployment benefits that essentially subsidize joblessness tend to discourage employment, whereas ending them “appears to motivate more workers to become employed.”

That conclusion would also be consistent with having at least two brain cells to rub together.

Showing the deep-seated love of “DEMOCRACY” for which the left has become famous lately, leftist agitators disrupted California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder’s public appearances Wednesday, shooting pellet guns at his security detail. And one “activist” (that’s the current leftst term for “thug”) in a gorilla mask rode by on a bicycle and tried to throw eggs at Elder, but missed.

Ed Driscoll at Instapundit noted that this is now the Los Angeles Times headlined that story: “Larry Elder cuts short Venice homeless encampment tour after hostile reception.” Notice how it’s obviously meant to imply that Elder is unpopular, not that he was targeted by a handful of violent radicals.

Now, try to imagine the L.A. Times headline if a conservative activist in a GORILLA (!!) mask had thrown eggs at a Democrat who was seeking to become the first black Governor of California. Think maybe the word “racist” would’ve been in that headline somewhere?

Conservative media seems to have noticed the glaring double standard and the deafening silence from “progressives”…

Biden's Poll Numbers Drop

September 11, 2021

The latest YouGov/Economist poll shows President Biden’s approval rating sinking so low, he’s almost reaching the approval levels of used car salesmen, cockroaches and Congress.

Biden’s approval rating is down to 39%, a 6-point drop just from last week. It’s only that high because he still has 77% approval of Democrats (many of whom I believe are lying to the pollsters), 65% approval of blacks and 53% approval of women with degrees (I can only imagine what those degrees are in and where they came from.)

That’s offset by an approval rating of 42% among women in general, 36% among men, 41% of Hispanics, 43% of registered voters, 28% of white men with no degree (no surprise, since this Administration thinks working class white males are a bigger threat than radical Islamic terrorists), 35% of Independents and a whopping 9% of Republicans.

Even worse for a guy whose only real campaign issue was that he was the anti-Trump and would unite the country in bipartisan unity, when asked, “Do you believe Biden will be able to bring the country together?,” only 17% said yes.

I think that’s unfair. At the rate his approval numbers are cratering, I think it won’t be long before almost all of the country will be united in their opinion of him.

Elsewhere today, we linked to a Fox News article about precisely what’s in the new Texas election integrity law that Democrats are howling about. But for those who have subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal, this is also worth a read.

The Journal editorial board talks about what’s in the law, but also explains why the hysterical attacks on it as “voter suppression” are ludicrous. For instance, while 24-hour voting is banned, since letting people drop off ballots at 3 a.m. makes fraud easier, in some cases, voting hours are actually expanded. 24-hour voting and drive-in voting are banned (except the latter is okay for disabled people), but they were only allowed for the first time last year due to the pandemic.

The editors also point out that in a previous case in Georgia, when the ACLU argued that expecting people to buy a stamp to mail in their ballots was an “unconstitutional poll tax,” the judges said that “bordered on the frivolous.” I’d say that like most leftists these days, it showed no respect for borders at all.

Just bear in mind that when everything Biden has touched, from the border to the economy, has turned into a blazing dumpster fire, and he’s just surrendered Afghanistan and $85 billion worth of weaponry to the Taliban on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, while leaving unknown numbers of Americans and allies behind in the process, it’s not surprising that the Democrats are desperate to distract the public with anything else.

I guess, “Look, Texas is securing elections and protecting babies’ lives! GET ‘EM!!” is the best they can come up with.

Biden's Vaccine Speech

September 10, 2021

Thursday, President Biden gave what many commentators are describing as the most disturbing, dictatorial speech ever given by an American President. I’m so angry about this speech that I’m glad I don’t have to describe it in detail, since the writer Bonchie at did it so well for me:

Stacey Lennox at PJ Media also has a good rundown…

And Lincoln Brown has some pointed questions about it…

The President who didn’t dare say “boo” to the Taliban attacked the “freedom and personal choice” of tens of millions of Americans who are hesitant to get vaccinated for COVID, darkly warning that his “patience is wearing thin” with them. The man who, as a candidate and as recently as six weeks ago, rejected vaccine mandates…

declared that he would impose a draconian mandate on both government and private sector employees, including every business with more than 100 workers, forcing them to force their workers to be vaccinated or be tested weekly. Considering businesses are already having trouble finding workers, what would it do to the economy if millions of workers simply refused to show up and comply? Particularly since that includes a large percentage of healthcare workers.

Biden also spat on the entire idea of federalism by warning that if any state Governors opposed him, he would use his powers to “get them out of the way.”

I know he’s been acting more and more like King Lear lately, but someone needs to tell him he’s not a king, and he doesn’t rule by Divine Right. He’s also not Tony Soprano. And of this writing, 14 Governors have already announced plans to sue the second he tries to impose this.

Bear in mind, I’m only talking about the parts that blatantly overstepped his powers, and not even the parts that defied logic, like saying, “We’re going to protect the vaccinated from unvaccinated co-workers” (if vaccines work, why would the vaccinated be threatened? It sounds as if he’s saying vaccination is useless while attacking anyone who thinks that.) Or claiming that GOP officials are actively working to undermine the fight against COVID and not encouraging people to get vaccinated. That’s not merely a lie, it’s a slanderous lie. The Governors he attacks most often, DeSantis in Florida and Abbott in Texas, are both vaccinated, both strongly encourage vaccination, and they’ve both done a far better job of distributing vaccines than just about any blue state.

I’m stunned by the openly authoritarian tone of this speech. For four years, the left railed that Trump was a dictator, he was “literally Hitler,” just for using his Constitutional authority to enact his agenda. And yet they’re cheering this insane power grab, with Biden angrily dictating to private businesses, state officials and individual citizens that they will do what he says and inject something into their bodies that they don’t want injected, or else.

If Afghanistan didn’t convince Americans, this should: he needs to resign, NOW. I’m sure a lot of Republicans would agree, as both GOP Governors and Congress members are already declaring Biden’s threats and mandates to be blatantly unconstitutional, calling him the wannabe dictator that the left falsely accused Trump of being, and prepping to fight him in court and Congress.

That rising spirit of resistance to government overreach may be the only silver lining to this toxic cloud. To be clear: I’ve been quite open that I’m vaccinated myself, and I think people should be vaccinated, but it’s not the government’s place to force it on anyone (the “My body, my choice” crowd thinks that only applies to abortion, which actually destroys someone else’s body.) And this is such an unprecedented abuse of power that there’s no way it will stand.

But Brandon Morse argues that it will serve the left’s political aims because when the Supreme Court inevitably throws it out, that will give Democrats the opening to fire up their crazy base by claiming the conservative court wants people to DIE and the only solution is to expand and pack the Court, and so we’re back to that end-run around the Constitution.

If Biden and his cohorts spent as much time and effort figuring out how to get around the Taliban as they do trying to get around the Constitution, all our people would be out of Afghanistan by now.

A reader of our newsletter, to be identified for our purpose here merely as Carl, left us a phone message after reading Thursday’s story, “Maricopa County canvassing uncovers huge discrepancies.” This reader had called with firsthand knowledge of the same type of ballot “discrepancies” in Maricopa County that canvassers had found.

To set the scene for what he told us, we’d first like to call attention to an interview on Stephen Colbert’s late-night “comedy” show –- not so much what Colbert had to say (no surprises there) as what guest Chris Wallace contributed to the discussion. The interview was part of the promotion for Chris’ new book on 9/11, which I’m sure is a great read. To be clear, I bring attention to this not to single out Chris Wallace specifically, but rather to highlight the dismissal with which legitimate concerns about the election are typically received.

Let's start with how Colbert phrases his question: “I’m wondering whether you and your fellow Sunday morning guys out there who are doin’ the Sunday shows, talkin’ about the week, if you ever feel like you shouldn’t have on people who have the irrational belief that the last election...” (Pause for predictable applause from Colbert’s audience.) “...the people who are cynically –- and I know you’ve held these guys’ feet to the fire; I don’t want to suggest that you haven’t pushed back; you have, quite famously –- but have you ever seen anything so cynical in Washington, DC, than...people saying things they know aren’t true, uh, that they KNOW has to have lasting damage on our democracy, coming on TV and saying these things with a straight face?”

This is where Perry Mason would rise and say “Objection, leading the witness.” But leading questions ARE asked in court, at least whenever opposing counsel is asleep and they can be gotten away with, because they work. The same holds true in TV studios, and this one worked here, setting the tone for the whole exchange. If you have a strong stomach, hear it all at the link.

I debated whether or not to provide a full transcript of the conversation, since the video is available, but I think it’s instructive to see at least a part of it in print. So here’s a condensed version, starting where Chris answers the above question from Colbert:

“I have never seen this...I’ve been in Washington 40 years, so I’ve seen a lot of bad stuff [chuckle], but nothing like this, where --- and, you know, someone would say to me, ‘Well, are they delusional?’ No --- well, maybe some of them are --- but what’s worse, I think some of them have cynically decided, because of the Trump base, because they don’t want to get crosswise with the former President, they’re gonna say something they know is not true. Now, I don’t believe you’re just gonna sit there and say, ‘I’m not gonna have them on. But if I’m gonna have them on, I’m gonna hold them to account, over and over, about, you know, ‘what about, you know, this election, what about --- I’ve said this to many of them, ‘Is Joe Biden the duly-elected President of the United States, and they’ll say ‘Well, he’s the President,’ and I’ll say ‘No, no, was he elected fair and square?’ So, we go back on this, and I don’t let it pass...”

More: “There are plenty of people who were the leaders in the Congress who were challenging [the election] that I just have not had on the show ever since then, and have purposefully not had on the show, because I frankly don’t wanna hear their crap. But having said that, there are some leaders that you have to ask them questions. There are people in leadership and the Senate and I won’t let them come on without putting them through the wringer.”

Colbert interjects at this point, referring to such concerns as ‘garbage.” Wallace segues into January 6, “one of the worst days,” as he watched “this mob coming to the cathedral of our democracy.” “I was sickened,” he says, to applause. Colbert goes on to say that anyone who isn’t “wiling to stand up for that truth” –- I guess he means the “truth” that Biden was duly elected –- should be “DISQUALIFIED to be in the public sphere.” (!!!) He says that appearing on those Sunday shows is of value to such people because it helps them “promulgate that lie.”

“Does it worry you,” he asks Chris, “that you have given legitimacy to people who have abdicated all public responsibility?” (Again, where's Perry Mason when you need him?)

Chris responds that there are members of Congress who have been the leaders on that argument whom he just has deliberately not had on the show, “ever since then.” He says it was because he “frankly, didn’t want to hear their crap.” (This is followed by predictable audience cheers and applause.)

He goes on to say there are certain ones you have to have on, “but I won’t let ‘em come on without putting ‘em through the wringer.” That was pretty much the end of the interview, except for a book plug, and then on to the commercial break, which should have been for Pepto-Bismol.

So, Chris Wallace said he essentially gives his guests a litmus test, and it’s not enough for them to say, “Biden is the President.” It SHOULD be enough, but no –- the guest has to say that, yes, Biden was elected “fair and square,” even though it’s not known for sure that he was. We do not have definitive proof that the election was “stolen,” either, but after known problems with mass mail-in balloting in 2020, we have good reason to call for audits, and this does not make us “cynical,” "irrational" or “delusional.” It certainly does not mean that we "lie." Likewise, fact-based observations that there were problems with the last election that need to be fixed or that elections need to be more transparent are not “garbage” or “crap,” and to suggest this is offensive and insulting to millions of intelligent and informed people.

Such observations are not made to stay in good with “Trump’s base.” They are made because there are valid reasons for concern. Concerned Americans want to make sure we can TRUST the system, and maintaining that trust is PRO-democracy --- much more pro-democracy than pulling the curtain over the election and saying, “You have to talk about this in a certain way or you can’t participate in public life.”

Indeed, though I strongly and repeatedly condemned the breach of the Capitol Building, it's easy to understand why it happened. People were fed up because no one, not even the courts, would take their concerns seriously, saying that whatever the truth, the issue was "moot."

So, back to Carl. (Remember Carl?) Our commentary on Maricopa County sparked him to call and tell us about his niece, who moved from Maricopa County to Florida ten years ago. She found out something very interesting this year when a jury summons from Maricopa County was forwarded to her. She received this because they still had her on the Maricopa County voter rolls.

And the records showed her as having “voted” in the 2020 election.

Thanks to Instapundit for directing readers to this article by George Korda of the Knoxville News Sentinel, who shows where much of the blame for vaccine hesitancy really lies. Maybe Biden doesn’t remember 2020 (and I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t), but he, his running mate, other top Democrats, their lackeys in the media from CNN to Newsweek, and even their godhead Dr. Fauci, all spent last year casting doubt on the safety and effectiveness of any vaccine developed under President Trump. Mr. Korda went through the archives and dug up some of their scare quotes about the unlikelihood of a vaccine being developed that quickly, and the safety risks if it were.

Biden seems to have forgotten that he was at the forefront of a Democratic Party/liberal media PR push to convince Americans that any vaccine that didn’t take years to test and wasn’t fully FDA-approved might be dangerous. Biden would like us to forget, too, since he and Harris got themselves jabbed with the Trump vaccine before they even took office, and then promptly started taking credit for it. Now, they’re demonizing anyone who might have the same doubts they were promoting less than a year ago.

Instead of attacking people who are skeptical of the vaccines, Biden might be more effective, and certainly more believable, if he’d come clean and say, “Look, I was just playing a cynical political game with the lives of 320 million Americans. So don’t distrust the vaccines. Just distrust anything I say.”

Biden Tries To Pivot

September 9, 2021

Did you ever see the classic episode of “Friends” where Ross bought a couch that he roped his friends into helping carry up a stairwell? Even after it was hopelessly stuck in place, he kept frantically yelling, “Pivot! Pivot!! PIV-OT!!!”

Well, that’s pretty much the Biden White House strategy for pivoting away from his Afghanistan catastrophe and getting us all to forget about the Americans and Afghan allies he left behind at the mercy of the Taliban.

As Mike Miller of reports at the link, Biden’s staffers are hoping to “turn the page” on this “unrelenting summer” (Yeah, all these disasters must be the summer’s fault! No wonder Biden thinks the weather is America’s #1 threat.) They want the media to direct Americans' attention away from Afghanistan, the border, and all of Biden’s other self-inflicted disasters and get us to focus on the shiny object of his “domestic agenda.” That is, the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill (only about 23% of which will go to actual infrastructure) and the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion “expansion of the social safety net,” or as we critics more accurately call it, their government-bloating, socialist spending orgy. (And Sen. Joe Manchin may have just scuttled that, or at least $2.5 trillion worth of it.)

Biden will also use try to distract us with an all-out battle against the new Texas abortion law protecting babies with a fetal heartbeat. He wouldn’t stand up and fight the Taliban when they were slaughtering post-born humans, but he will bravely go to battle to ensure the slaughter of pre-born humans.

In this, he’ll have the help of big tech companies like GoDaddy and others that are trying to punish Texas for protecting life.

Will this Penn & Teller-level feat of misdirection work? So far, it’s not going too well, even in deep blue New Jersey.

Nor is Biden reacting well to criticism. Or even coherently.

But as powerful and politically biased as the mass media are, it will undoubtedly work with some people, particularly those whose political prejudices make them predisposed toward wanting to be gaslighted. But I believe in Abe Lincoln's principle that you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

I especially don’t believe that Americans can be distracted into forgetting the horrific scenes in Afghanistan, not when I fear more horror stories will continue to come pouring out; or that they will ever forget the shame of an American President leaving Americans behind enemy lines and running away while he took orders from a group of terrorists who gave a safe haven to the people who plotted 9/11.

I’m not a doctor, so I won’t make any guesses about the state of Joe Biden’s memory, but I can assure you that’s something that most Americans will never be able to forget, no matter how much they wish they could.

Reeder: RIP Willard Scott

September 9, 2021

We’re saddened to report that longtime NBC “Today Show” weatherman and parade host Willard Scott died Saturday at 87. While he didn’t live long enough to wish himself a 100th birthday, he did pass away peacefully at home, surrounded by his family.

Scott got his start in radio in the 1950s, and his early TV work included entertaining kids as Bozo the Clown. He was also the first person ever to play Ronald McDonald in local commercials in Washington (the character looked very different than he does now.)

Scott brought his love of clowning and entertaining people to his weatherman gig at NBC, for instance, dressing up as a groundhog on Groundhog Day, or famously, as Carmen Miranda to earn a $1000 donation to the USO (warning: there’s a photo of that at the link.) He took flak for it, but he told the New York Times, “People said I was a buffoon to do it. Well, all my life I’ve been a buffoon. That’s my act.”

Scott was deeply hurt when in 1989, Bryant Gumbel, the poster child for arrogant elitist anchormen, wrote a memo to NBC blaming Scott for a slip in ratings, and claiming he was holding “the show hostage to his assortment of whims, wishes, birthdays and bad taste. This guy is killing us and no one’s even trying to rein him in.” But a USA Today call-in poll found that 27,300 people liked Scott’s weather segments and only 854 sided with Gumbel.

I like to think of that as one of the first examples of the divide between the media elites and normal Americans that Gov. Huckabee wrote about in “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy” and that eventually led to the rise of Trump (and the demonization of him and his voters by the pompous Bryant Gumbel types.) Scott once told Time, “If you watch, you’ll see that I am trying to weave a web of love. I want to make the whole country feel as if we are one. I may be a cornball, but I am me – not a sophisticated, slick New York wazoo act.” I wonder who he was referring to?

It reminds me of John Candy’s speech to the pompous Steve Martin character in “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”: “You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you...but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.”

That was Willard Scott: the real article in a business of self-important, image-obsessed phonies. I don’t think “Today” viewers miss Bryant Gumbel any more than they miss Matt Lauer, but it’s definitely a duller show without Willard Scott, one of the last true American everymen allowed on network TV. Or as Instapundit quoted him from his 1982 autobiography:

“If you were to look at my resume, you’d see that I’m bald, I’m overweight, I don’t make all the smooth moves, and I dress like a slob. I take tremendous pride in the fact that I beat the system.”

The Democrat Protection Industry (i.e., the media) has another explosive document to ignore aside from those obtained by the Intercept suggesting that Dr. Fauci lied to the Senate about funding gain-of-function virus research in China. Now, they also have to try to bury the original Trump plan for pulling out of Afghanistan. It lays out the conditions the Taliban was required to meet, and the sequence of events that were to take place. Needless to say, closing Bagram Air Base and removing our troops before we evacuated our people was NOT Trump’s plan. That was entirely Biden’s.

Speaking of the media as the Democrat Protection Industry, the Media Research Center notes that none of the big three network newscasts mentioned the bombshell documents revealing that Dr. Anthony Fauci apparently lied to the Senate about the NIH under his leadership funding gain-of-function research on viruses in China, and the possibility that experiments he funded resulted in COVID-19.

ABC and CBS had a more important story: attacking Texas for passing an election integrity law. ABC covered Fauci, but only to repeat his COVID scaremongering against attending Labor Day events and his touting of a third COVID booster shot (or is a fourth by now? It is in Israel.)

Meanwhile, CNN actually interviewed Fauci and didn’t even bring up the new revelations, instead using the segment to attack Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for refusing to impose draconian COVID measures.

Moral: When you rely on these sources for your news, you get all the news that fits the left’s agenda.

In a related story, the news networks might not be serious about holding Dr. Fauci accountable for lying to the Senate, but Sen. Rand Paul is.

Kevin D. Williamson has a thought-provoking article at National Review Online about why liberal media outlets like Rolling Stone that accuse conservatives of spreading “disinformation” are so quick to trumpet transparently fake stories, from Jussie Smollett to the Ivermectin overdose hoax.

They also give lots of attention to any dubious accusation against a Republican or a member of a class or group they don’t like, from fraternity members to Catholic school boys. Yet they ignore real offenses, such as rape and sexual abuse, if the accused is a Democrat or the victims aren’t in social classes they can relate to (poor urban blacks, say, instead of white college students), or the victims are in cities run by Democrats, so that reporting on the epidemic of that crime might reflect badly on their favored politicians.

Their “news coverage” isn’t about the facts, or what’s newsworthy. It’s about politics and social class and whether the story raises or lowers the status of their cultural enemies. For instance, the Ivermectin story made rural people (i.e., Trump voters who won’t take the COVID vaccine) sound like idiots, so they blasted it all over, and never mind that it was an easily-debunked hoax.

Another of many examples he cites: NPR will run countless stories on forgiving college loan debt, but nothing about school vouchers that would help poor, inner city blacks go to good schools and get out of poverty. And who works at NPR? Hint: it's not poor, inner city blacks.

A couple of quotes that will make you want to read more:

“These stories don’t get published because nobody knows how to prevent that from happening — these stories get published because nobody cares, because these stories serve the purposes of a particular narrow cultural agenda and flatter the prejudices of a particular narrow set of educated and generally affluent American professionals…A note to our progressive friends: This is your version of Q-Anon — falling for obvious, ridiculous lies because you want to believe the worst about people you hate.”

We interrupt this newsletter, of necessity focused recently on the international threat created by Biden’s tragically inept pull-out from Afghanistan, to bring you some long-awaited 2020 election news.

It’s been ages since we’ve heard anything about the audit that’s been taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona. That’s the Phoenix area, one of the largest counties in the United States. (Keep in mind that Biden “won” the ENTIRE STATE of Arizona with only a 10,457-vote margin.) We’re still waiting for results of the official audit –- as we’ve reported, the auditors have run into snags in getting material they say they need to complete their work –- but canvassing efforts by a separate group have apparently been completed and what they reveal is stunning.

Of course, few news outlets will report this at all; we’ve gone to Joe Hoft at THE GATEWAY PUNDIT for his story. The headline from Wednesday says ‘ELECTION STEAL IS NOW CONFIRMED.” Let me make it clear, that’s their headline, not ours, but we are eager to take a look at what the results of this canvass tell us, and then we can all make up our own minds.

Again, this is not the official Maricopa County audit report, which is still going on and has no hard-and-fast deadline. It’s an independent effort conducted by Liz Harris and a group of volunteers, a “separate exercise” sponsored by the Arizona State Senate Republicans. That alone will give the Democrats the excuse they desperately need to dismiss this canvassing as partisan. But the methodology is transparent; volunteers went door to door, verifying the registration and voting information of thousands of voters, who make up a large statistical sample. And Democrats who scream “Partisanship!” need to understand something: this, I’m sure, is documented right down the line and can be verified for you, every bit of it. (You, on the other hand, still work tirelessly to avoid election transparency.) So read it and weep

Liz Harris tweeted this morning, “For all of those who knew the election was stolen, those who were ridiculed or labeled conspiracy theorists, you have been vindicated.”

First, let’s look at “lost votes.” These are votes that were discarded and never counted even though people actually cast them. They were cast, primarily by mail, by American citizens living in Maricopa County, and yet there is no record of them at all. This canvass brought to light 173,104 lost votes.

Then, there are “ghost votes.” These are votes cast by someone other than the voter who was assigned that ballot. The example everyone knows is a vote cast for someone who is dead and should have been dropped off the voter rolls. Someone else had to cast that vote, but who? The number of ghost votes uncovered in this canvas was 96,389.

There were other irregularities as well, though not as many, including votes cast from addresses that turned out to be vacant lots and votes recorded from people who it turned out hadn’t actually voted. And when they went door to door to gather data on 2,897 mail-in voters, 98 of those people said they’d actually voted in person.

According to their Election Summary, “Two primary categories of ineligible ballots and election mishandling, encompassing hundreds of thousands of votes, render the 2020 General Election in Maricopa County UNCERTIFIABLE.”

The report talked as well about smaller, local elections that would have been impacted by this sort of inaccuracy. Ironically, those include the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (which oversees elections, haha), which, in District 1, was decided by a mere 403 votes. Their election for U.S. Senate was decided by 78,886 votes, still well within the margin here.

The Election Summary proposes a solution with which we wholeheartedly agree: BAN VOTE-BY-MAIL. “The U.S. Mail is not meant to be a secure transactional system,” they say. This is why we don’t send cash through the mail. How much is your vote worth to you? With that in mind, do you really want to send it through the mail, knowing all the things that can happen to it? They mention that “most first-world democracies, such as Germany, either ban Vote-by-Mail outright or place very heavy restrictions on its use.”

They also provide some historical perspective: “Until the late 1800s, all votes in all states were public information.” Our country went to secret ballot to stop a tremendous problem with voter fraud. (Before then, many people had been paid to vote a certain way, and it could be checked.) History is repeating itself now with mail-in balloting, “and again we have ridiculous and frivolous arguments being put forth against common-sense legislation to secure the rights of honest American citizens to vote and have their vote count.”

For more details on why and how this canvass was conducted, be sure and go to the link provided above and read “Canvass Overview.” All the issues they uncovered impacted an estimated 5.18 percent of mail-in votes, or about 88,215.

In a presidential election where statewide, the margin of “victory” was only a little over 10,000, it’s clear that reforms are necessary if we’re ever going to trust our system again. (In such a close race, with these discrepancies, I don’t think I need to tell you what the real outcome in Arizona likely was.) But, when Texas addresses the same issues with solid legislation, the bill is condemned by the left as racist and “anti-democracy.” It is nothing of the sort. (I would say that “anti-democracy” should apply to any policy that makes cheating easier or less detectable, because cheating causes real disenfranchisement.) Here's what is really in the new Texas law, just signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott…

This is all totally common sense, to make the voting process easier to monitor.

Of course, the new law will face legal challenges, but it should be looking pretty good when it gets to the Supreme Court. Let’s hope more states follow Texas’ lead and adopt election integrity legislation, not be bullied out of it.

The Great Ivermectin Hoax

September 8, 2021

The leaves must already be falling because last week, the establishment media and their coterie of biased “factcheckers” stepped on a whole yard full of rakes.

I already told you about the so-called ““factchecker”” (I think in this case, he deserves double quotation marks) who set out to “debunk” the claim that President Biden checked his watch during the body transfer ceremony for the troops killed by his incompetence in Kabul (fact-check that all you like.) He was taken to the woodshed after it turned out he got the story wrong, and in FACT, Biden checked his watch multiple times.

But that was nothing compared to the Sideshow Bob-level rake face-pounding that many, many media liberals took over the great Ivermectin hoax. After podcaster Joe Rogan said he’d successfully treated his COVID with a combination of drugs that included Ivermectin, the media went nuts trying to smear Ivermectin as a horse deworming drug. This despite the fact that the drug, in different formulations, is approved for use for both livestock and humans, and is even recommended by the CDC to rid Afghan refugees of parasites. That doesn’t mean it has any proven effectiveness against COVID, but painting it as nothing but a horse dewormer is total “DISINFORMATION.”

But wait, it gets much worse. Oklahoma TV station KFOR quoted local doctor Jason McElyea as saying that rural folks familiar with Ivermectin were buying it in feed stores, overdosing and backing up ERs. This was picked up by Rolling Stone (notorious for being sued over its fact-free reporting) and presented as the local hospital being so filled with Ivermectin OD’s that they were turning away people with gunshot wounds. That story was credulously tweeted worldwide by such avatars of journalism as Rachel Maddow, to illustrate what pig-ignorant morons those rural Trump voters are.

Yeah, here’s the thing: there’s not a word of truth to any of that. The local hospital had to put out word that they aren’t overwhelmed, they’re not turning away anybody, they’d treated no patients for problems with Ivermectin, overdoses or otherwise, and that doctor hadn’t worked there in two months. In an “update” (but not a “correction”), Rolling Stone admitted there had been only 459 Ivermectin overdoses in the entire US in August, so it’s hardly likely they are straining any hospital’s ER.

And another rake in the face: the A.P. reported that 70% of calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were from people who’d self-medicated with Ivermectin. Actually, only 2% of calls involved Ivermectin, and 70% of those (or only 1.4% of total calls) involved veterinary Ivermectin.

Thomas Lifson at American Thinker has a rundown of some of the Twitter Bluechecks (Maddow, The Hill newspaper, the Guardian, etc.) who trumpeted this fake story that a couple of phone calls could’ve easily disproved.

They’ve now given the American people even more reason to doubt what they read in the media about COVID treatments, so thanks for that. And note that not one of them has had a “Disinformation” label slapped on their false tweets or been banned by Twitter for promoting dangerous “disinformation,” the way any conservative would who simply tweeted a controversial opinion or unapproved fact. Glenn Greenwald has more to say about these people’s hypocrisy and shattered credibility, and about the new disinformation industry that’s trying to silence all of us for allegedly spreading disinformation.

In conclusion, I notice that my newsletter/website has recently run afoul of more of these self-proclaimed “fact-checkers,” even though I seldom think they have a legitimate reason for it. Usually, it’s something like, “your story lacks context,” which generally means that we included the opposing view, but didn’t make it the dominant/only view or present their particular version of that view. I take these “factchecks” as a compliment; proof that they know more people are reading and trusting us, so they have to attack us. It reminds me of a great quote from Joe Bob Briggs: “People complain, ‘You may be right, but you’re not very nice. Remember when it was enough just to be right?”

Well, we try to be nice, too, but we also strive to be right. When we do make a mistake, unlike Rolling Stone, we own up to it and clearly correct it. But let me just point out that this is the first time we’ve even mentioned the yarn about the tidal wave of Ivermectin overdoses. We did point out last week that the idea that it was only for horses and other livestock was false, but we never fell for the fake story all those liberal outlets did. That’s because those of us with rural backgrounds can recognize horse droppings when we smell them.

Yesterday, we brought you the story of Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin, who went on FOX NEWS’ SPECIAL REPORT in an interview with Bret Baier to talk about the effort he was involved in to help Americans still trapped in Afghanistan. Trapped, stranded, held hostage, use whatever words you prefer.

If you missed the original interview, here it is. Check out some of the recent comments, too, some of which will renew your faith in the American spirit.

If you don’t know the story, people had started calling the congressman wanting help getting out, he said, or getting out their loved ones or people who had helped them in Afghanistan as interpreters, etc. There were 20 who needed evacuation, but after he made some phone calls, he found out they needed some government entity, such as the State Department, to sponsor their flight. That’s the only way a plane could get in. But no such entity, he said, would sponsor them.

But then he was told a member of Congress can sponsor a flight. For example, if the State Department wanted to stay out of it, knowing not to touch it, this would give them cover. (Remember that useful old phrase, “plausible deniability”?)

Rep. Mullin explained that he was asked to go along when the “Tier One” operators –- Special Forces people experienced in this sort of thing –- were repeatedly denied a flight in. They felt he, as a congressman, could be an asset. He had no military background himself, he said, and “wasn’t trying to be a cowboy.”

When they got to the airport, all they could do was circle, for an hour, and he thinks this was the doing of the State Department, “100 percent.” Five requests to land were denied. And during this time, they lost contact with one American citizen, her father and her two-year-old son, who had been slated for rescue along with her father and two-year-old son.

But now that you’re caught up, here’s something that’s been escaping attention in the American press but that looks to us to be potentially quite significant. During this interview, Rep. Mullin happened to mention, seemingly in passing, that he’d been told of a “very sensitive” upcoming visit on September 5 by both “Putin and the Chinese government.” Wait a minute --- China, Russia and the Taliban all getting together? What was that about?

We found no news reports specifically about a meeting on September 5, but several reports in the foreign press do describe an upcoming “celebration” for the Taliban’s new government. We found little in the American press on this, but according to a story in THE GATEWAY PUNDIT --- taking information that first appeared in AL-JAZEERA and Russia’s TASS NEWS –- the Taliban have just announced that they invited Turkey, China, Pakistan, Iran, Russia and Qatar to participate in a ceremony announcing their new government in Afghanistan.

Apparently a representative for the Taliban gave the story to AL-JAZEERA on Monday, bragging that the Taliban would create “a regime that will be accepted by the global community and the Afghan people.” I suppose if the alternative is to be beheaded, you'll accept it, all right.

According to plan, the big international party to ring in the new official interim Taliban government will reportedly take place on...(drum roll, please)...September 11. (When else?) And if that weren’t in-your-face enough, four new ministers in this new government happen to be former Gitmo detainees who were traded for captured U.S. service member Bowe Bergdahl. The whole list of terrorists --- I mean government ministers and other officials --- is listed here.

Their statement reads, “The Islamic Emirate [NOTE: I think that’s what we’re supposed to call Afghanistan now if we want our Americans back] will take serious and effective steps towards protecting human rights, the rights of minorities as well as the rights of underprivileged groups within the framework of the demands of the sacred religion of Islam.” Never mind that the “framework” nullifies the entire first part of that sentence.

Here’s a write-up of the new government “inauguration” in ONE INDIA.

(Incidentally, we learned something while perusing ONE INDIA. We’ve all been hearing a lot from the administration lately about how the Taliban is not the same as the “real” terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and the Haqqani Network, but don’t believe it. They’re all the same.)

But back to our main story. This big celebratory “do” isn’t the only international meeting going on concerning Afghanistan. Here’s the write-up from Japanese news service ANI on the upcoming G7 foreign ministers’ meeting to discuss the crisis in Afghanistan, particularly as pertaining to human rights, although we can see from the above statement that the Taliban have that covered. Over 20 nations are expected to take part, including Russia and China, though they are not members of the G7. The extent of America’s participation in this meeting isn’t clear, although Secretary of State Tony Blinken said he would be traveling to Germany to co-host with the German foreign minister. Other foreign ministers will be joining online.

For what it’s worth, Russia is denying participation in the G7 meeting, according this report in REUTERS.

As there’s so little media coverage, my research staff and I are just feeling our way here. Putting the puzzle pieces together to get an idea of what’s really going on as alliances are forged in that part of the world, it's easy to feel like the blind men trying to describe an elephant. What we get in the media is just one tiny part. And the American press is strangely quiet about all this –- they want to move on and talk about vaccines and climate change, just as Biden does –- and we certainly can’t trust the administration to tell us, as we know they’ve been lying.

In fact, in an update to the Rep. Mullin rescue story, we’ve now learned that the White House actually blocked private rescue flights out of Afghanistan that would have landed in third countries. According to FOX NEWS, “the State Department explicitly stated that charter flights, even those containing American citizens, would not be allowed to land at Defense Department (DOD) airbases.” And as for who will be allowed to depart, including Americans, the Taliban are calling the shots.

Mullin isn’t the only one who’s been finding out about this.

Rep. Mullin returned for a must-see follow-up interview Tuesday evening on FOX NEWS PRIMETIME. He told host Rachel Campos-Duffy that embassies in that part of the world had been instructed by Washington DC not to assist his rescue party “in any way.” He said that the State Department’s assertion that the Taliban had been working with them to get people out is a lie.

He lays this all at the feet of President Biden, saying he never would have considered going over there if Biden hadn’t failed so spectacularly.

Right now, of course, there’s still one immediate concern, and it’s getting Americans evacuated. Six planes chartered by Glenn Beck’s charity, are still sitting on the tarmac in Mazar-i-Sharif. There are other planes as well, also grounded.

It’s been challenging, to say the least, to find out what’s really going on in Afghanistan concerning the evacuation of Americans and our friends.

Unlike President Trump, who used to enjoy hanging out on the White House lawn and speaking off the cuff to answer reporters’ questions --- not that he got the credit he deserved for that --- President Biden’s White House prefers to “put a lid” on their commentary. If Biden doesn’t have it on a teleprompter to read, he simply shuffles off, stage left, if he can remember which way is left.

When that happens, it’s up to the Pentagon and the State Department to speak for him. But they’ve abdicated their responsibility as well. As Kyle Becker reported on Sunday, the White House has implemented a virtual news blackout. Good luck finding out anything from them.

“There is zero chatter in the White House about getting American citizens out of Afghanistan,” tweeted Jack Posobiec, senior editor at HUMAN EVENTS. A White House official told him that “they’re acting like they’re not even there.”

Why would that be? Multiple Pentagon sources independently confirm that “the White House counsel (through the National Security Council’s legal department) told multiple federal agencies and departments NOT to respond to Afghanistan correspondence, with more guidance to follow.” In other words, “ghost” any media outlet seeking information.

Of course, the mainstream media are showing no curiosity. When White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain appeared Sunday on CNN, he was never asked one question about the planes on the ground, not even if Americans were among those being held on airplanes at Mazar-i-Sharif International Airport. He did say that “about 100” Americans remain in Afghanistan and the administration is working on getting them out.

On FOX NEWS SUNDAY, Texas Rep. Michael McCaul surprised host Chris Wallace by revealing that six planes, loaded with Americans and Afghan interpreters and other helpers, had been sitting for at least a couple of days on the tarmac at that airport, prevented by the Taliban from taking off. He said the Taliban wanted “something in exchange.”

Here’s the story from THE DAILY CALLER.

And here's the full interview with Rep. McCaul.

“The airplanes are there,” Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson had said Friday on NEWSMAX. “Everything is ready to go, They can’t get out...because the Taliban won’t release the flight until September 9 because they want to be recognized as an official government.” McCaul said it was guaranteed these hostages would be held until the U.S. recognized the Taliban as a government.

As for Ron Klain’s assertion that “about 100” Americans are being held, California Rep. Darrell Issa says it’s a vast understatement. He told the AP it’s likely that “about 500 Americans” remain stranded (yes, Jen Psaki, STRANDED) in Afghanistan. That’s not including their family members, which would bring the number up to as high as 1,000. By not including the families, Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon said, “they’re lowballing the numbers.”

Jack Phillips of THE EPOCH TIMES reports that according to Mike Jason, who runs a rescue operation called Allied Airlift 21, the figure quoted could be far higher.

Alex Plitsas, an Iraq War veteran and former intel officer who is part of a rescue mission called Digital Dunkirk, said that in just one day, he’d received six calls from Americans who weren’t registered with the U.S.Embassy (which is abandoned now, I might add). “Those names are starting to trickle out now,” he said. “I expect that number to rise significantly.”

Be sure and read Rebecca Downs’ account in TOWNHALL of Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin’s attempt to help Americans who were still trapped there, as told to FOX NEWS’ Bret Baier on Friday.

“A congressman can sponsor a flight going in,” Mullin explained, “and it gives one of these other departments cover because it’s kind of, no one wants to touch it because I personally believe it was because they knew it was a hot mess.”

Even though they had obtained a humanitarian flight plan from the FAA, he said, they had to keep circling the Kabul airport because requests to land were repeatedly denied. Mullin believes this was “100 percent directed from the State Department.”

As he would be coming in with a large amount of money, Mullin had sought help from the U.S. ambassador, who told him he’d have to go through 16 Afghan checkpoints and at each one “would be charged to get through.” (Good thinking to bring cash!) Tellingly, the ambassador also told him that he’d been instructed not to help.

Mullin said that when President Biden, the State Department and others said they’d get everyone out of there who wanted out, it was “a boldfaced, 100 percent lie.”

“...We’re not handling our mess,” he said. “...It’s our mess. The United States created this vacuum to allow the Taliban to come in. President Biden and his horrific withdrawal has caused this to happen.” He said that even if we got more Americans out, others would die “because of the failure of President Biden.” He said Biden would have blood on his hands.

Indeed, this so bad that some are speculating it was done on purpose to divert attention from something even worse. “What could be worse than this?” one might wonder. Tucker Carlson, on his show TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT, and guest Glenn Greenwald speculated about that on Friday.

Carlson said he didn’t want to enter “the realm of conspiracy” but thought it was “at least worth wondering.” Could it be that someone wants to maintain future engagement in Afghanistan, or might someone have some other reason? I have to say, that idea DOES sound a little out-there, but it tells us HOW BAD the situation in Afghanistan really is: bad enough to take our minds to some crazy possible explanations.

Even though Greenwald has seen no evidence of such a conspiracy, he said, it is “fully within the character of the deep state operatives” to deliberately engineer something like this. Sadly, he is correct. Certainly I’m not saying they did this, but who can trust them not to?

Another question: did the Taliban necessarily have to overrun Afghanistan at all? According to retired U.S. Army Brigadier Gen. Anthony Tata, the answer is NO. Details here.

“We have utterly abandoned this country,” he said. “We have abandoned Americans within this country. It is just shameful what has happened...They chose to let it happen, they facilitated it happening, and now what you’ve got is a terror superstore there in Afghanistan.”

Finally, Piers Morgan wrote searingly about the “bitter shame and humiliation” America is experiencing as we near the 20th anniversary of 9/11 “thanks to Biden’s appalling mishandling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and abject surrender to the very people who helped commit the attacks by harbouring the terrorists who carried them out.”

“America’s defeat to just 75,000 murderous medieval thugs is thus complete,” he wrote. He went on to talk about what is most certainly a hostage situation. Read it all, and get angry. Angry enough to reject whatever this government tells you. The turn we've taken is so bad --- and so unnecessary --- that it’s easy to speculate along with Glenn Greenwald that something even larger is afoot.

Labor Day

September 6, 2021

Today is Labor Day, which is sometimes jokingly described as the day when Americans honor work by taking the day off work. I hope you enjoy the holiday with your family, and enjoy this special Labor Day edition of my newsletter.

These days, it’s easy for free market conservatives to distrust labor unions because of their corrupt leaders or one-sided politics (more on that later.) But Labor Day reminds us of that era in history when unions were more interested in protecting workers than in protecting the jobs of union bosses and Democrat politicians. Labor Day observances unofficially began around the turn of the 20th century as a celebration of the union movement, which was fighting truly dangerous and exploitative working conditions, not to mention violent strike-busting tactics. Those kinds of conditions are not beneficial to labor or management.

Workers who get good pay, reasonable hours and a safe workplace are motivated to work harder and make their employers profitable. America’s prosperity and world leader status were the result of shared benefits between labor and management. Recruiting good employees, treating them well, and giving them a stake in the outcome is good business. When labor and management are partners, everyone wins: stockholders, management, workers, and most importantly, consumers.

Before the Chinese unleashed a virus that knocked the wind out of our economy, President Trump wasn't just helping to bring back jobs, but the strong job market and record low unemployment meant companies had to offer higher pay and more benefits to attract good workers. That's how getting government out of the way of job creation benefits everyone. Currently, businesses are offering higher wages and benefits to attract employees only because the government is paying them more not to work than to work, but that’s unsustainable, as our $28.7 trillion national debt proves.

Unfortunately, we are living through a dangerous period in which both the White House and Congress are in the hands of a party that doesn’t understand how businesses work and is mostly interested in using government to exercise raw power. One of the major reasons they are in power is because of the support, monetary and otherwise, of powerful union leaders. These leaders are supposed to be looking out for workers, but does anyone believe that the people they’ve helped install into power are making life better for workers?

A union is supposed to act as the voice of its workers, but too many unions today prioritize advancing the Democrats over that. For instance, many energy and pipeline industry workers supported Trump, but their bosses worked to elect Biden…who, upon taking office, promptly picked up his executive order pen and stabbed them in the back with it, killing the Keystone XL Pipeline project, going to war on domestic energy production, and destroying many good-paying union jobs. Likewise, his open border policy that’s flooding the nation with illegal immigrants will lower job opportunities and drive down wages for low-skilled American workers. This is particularly hard on minority workers, who were finally seeing real wage increases for the first time in decades under Trump.

I also hear these days from a lot of teachers who are horrified at the leftist indoctrination and racist “Critical Race Theory” their unions expect them to teach, but they’re terrified to speak up about it. Is that how today’s unions “give the workers a voice,” by making them afraid to speak up?

Maybe the union bosses think it’s worth it if the Democrats can shove through their PRO Act bill that would essentially unionize the entire economy. Union leaders and Democrats claim that the bill would empower workers and protect their rights, but it would actually force Americans to hand over billions of dollars in union dues to union bosses, along with much of their freedom. It would repeal all state right-to-work laws and destroy the modern freelance/gig/contract worker economy that many workers prefer.

It’s no wonder that when given a choice, many workers stop paying union dues because they believe their unions aren’t doing enough to deserve them and are actively working against their interests and personal beliefs.

I have nothing against unions in theory, and they did a lot of good in the early 20th century to give workers a voice, to protect their safety and to assure fair wages and reasonable working conditions. But like most things embroiled with Democrat politics, they forgot their original mission and became corrupt.

That’s why on Labor Day, we can reflect on the good that unions did a century ago, but mostly, I prefer to think of it as a day to celebrate American workers: the people who put in a hard day’s work, sweating through their clothes on farms and in factories…those who don cop and firefighter uniforms and rush toward danger when the rest of us are running away from it…and the ones who kept working through the pandemic, from the doctors and nurses to the truckers and grocery shelf stackers, to keep the rest of us supplied with the necessities of life. These are the people who deserve a holiday in their honor. So this Labor Day's for you!

For six decades, Labor Day meant an American tradition: the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. MDA ended its association with Lewis in 2010, and the telethon kept getting shorter until its final broadcast in 2014. But the association of Labor Day with the MDA continues. Some local areas still host telethons, and firefighters across America are out this weekend at intersections, collecting cash for their “Fill the Boot” drive. If you see them, I hope you’ll dig into your pocket and give generously.

MDA leaders say that a 21-hour telethon no longer fits into today’s short attention span world. But they’re adapting to changing times by turning to Internet fundraising, with online gaming competitions and entertainment by comedian Kevin Hart (stepping into Jerry’s old hosting role) and other celebrities, all streaming on major social media platforms. You can learn more about that or keep up your Labor Day tradition of donating at

Although Jerry Lewis passed away a few years ago at 91, active right up until the end, I’m sure that he would want you to continue giving generously and remember that it’s about helping the kids. In fact, while Jerry made the telethon the success that it became, he wasn’t the one who started it all rolling. He gave credit for sparking his six-decade mission to wipe out muscular dystrophy to another man -- a man you’ve probably never heard of. Jerry kept the story secret for many years, until the publication of his memoir, “Jerry Lewis in Person.”

Jerry recalled that it was in 1948. He was 22, and he and Dean Martin were the hottest comedy team in show business. His good friend and press agent, Jack Keller, had helped make them stars, but never requested a single thing for himself -- until one day, he came to Jerry and begged a favor. He had a friend who was in trouble and asked if Jerry would talk to him. His name was Paul Cohen. He’d had MD since childhood, and he’d started a group called the Muscular Dystrophy Association to fight it. They had a few patients, their parents and nothing much else.

By chance, Jerry knew someone whose nephew had had MD. He said he’d watched helplessly as that child had withered like a leaf in the winter, and the effect of seeing that would never leave his mind until a cure was found. So he agreed to meet with the handful of doctors who knew anything about MD at the time. They weren’t encouraging. They warned him that research was in the Dark Ages. Nobody even knew what caused MD, and no known medicines helped. It was like fighting an invisible killer. But that just made Jerry more determined to take it on.

He and Dean began hosting live fundraisers…until one night at the end of their TV show, Jerry jokingly ad-libbed that viewers should each send in two dollars. He was stunned when over $2,000 arrived in the mail. And that’s when it hit him: the power of television to raise money for charity. So in 1951, Jack Keller put together a special hosted by Dean and Jerry. It aired on just one station and raised $68,000 (over $714,000 in today’s dollars), and the MDA telethon was off and running.

Over the next six decades, Jerry Lewis’ tireless work on his Labor Day telethons helped raised well over a billion dollars to fight neuromuscular diseases and help the victims and their families. He also inspired millions of Americans to join in the effort. That’s why so many Americans will always associate him and the MDA with Labor Day.

But let’s also salute an unsung hero. If you think one person can’t make a difference, remember that the Labor Day tradition that raised over a billion dollars to help children with MD started because a man you’d never heard of, Jack Keller…for the first time in his life…asked someone for a favor. And as Jerry observed, it was no surprise to him that the favor was a request to help somebody else.

So when you see a firefighter out collecting for MDA, doing his or her bit to help the kids, please do your bit and toss something into the boot. You'd be amazed how all those little individual efforts add up.

Huckabee: The Value of Work

September 6, 2021

We hear a lot of talk from politicians about values…but do we truly value work and the people who do it?

Companies should pay employees as generously as they can, because good workers have worth. This is why you should always be skeptical of any politician who claims to “care” about workers, but also wants to raise taxes, both on workers and businesses. When taxes are high, it’s a sign that the government disrespects the worker by believing that what it will do with their salary is better than what the person who earned it will do. When we see employees as having worth, we see their work as valuable. That’s the value of work. I believe YOU are valuable and therefore what you DO has value.

I think a lot of politicians don’t understand that a job is more than just a way to put bread on the table. From man’s beginnings as recorded in the book of Genesis, we were hard-wired for labor. God told us to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow. It’s natural for us to want to prove our value by producing.

From the time we are children, we imitate our parents in their work. It’s part of our DNA to want to be grown up, and one sure way to feel grown up is to work. That’s why the loss of a job is far, far more than an economic setback. It’s de-humanizing to want to be productive and not be able. There is pride and dignity in sitting down to a meal that your work provided.

The CDC studied suicide rates since 1928 and found that they mirrored the economy. Suicides took a big uptick during the Great Depression. They plunged during World War II, and spiked again in the recessions of the mid-70’s and early 80’s. Suicides dropped to their lowest levels ever in the year 2000, when the tech boom dropped unemployment to just 4 percent. But after the dot-com bubble burst, America's suicide rate began steadily climbing. Recently, because of the endless shutdowns forcing people to stop working, we saw a new spike in suicides.

It’s a stark reminder that employment is more than an economic issue. Good jobs and rewarding labor save lives by making us feel that we're valued and needed. A government handout might provide bare sustenance, but it doesn’t feed the soul. It only demoralizes us.

We’ve reported several times on the controversy at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles. Female customers were protesting that a trans “woman” was being allowed by law to enter their private spaces and walk around with “her” male genitals on display in front of both women and young girls. There were counter protests from those champions of tolerance and rationality, Antifa, which turned violent (of course) when they assaulted the women who didn’t want to flashed constantly.

Well, now, there’s a sick new twist to this story. It’s been reported that the trans "woman," who was painted by the left as an innocent victim of discrimination, is being charged with indecent exposure after a police investigation of the complaints. It’s alleged that “she” is actually a tier-one registered sex offender with two convictions for indecent exposure and another for failing to register as a sex offender, as well as multiple pending felony indecent exposure charges for a separate incident. A 2018 sheriff’s department flyer described the suspect as “claiming to identify as female so he can access women’s locker rooms and showers.”

When the insane idea of allowing men who claim to be women to enter women’s most private spaces was first brought up, this possibility was immediately raised, only to be dismissed as nonsense and “transphobic discrimination.” Indeed, when questioned about these revelations, this person claimed to be an innocent victim of discrimination – although it sounds as if a lot of victims of sexual perversion might disagree with that.

This is a developing story, so we’ll (very carefully) keep an eye on it. Until then, I won't apologize for the quotation marks around “woman” and “she.” I refuse to molest either English grammar or biological reality.

There are some teachers who think their job is not to educate but to indoctrinate children into the leftist hivemind. Fortunately, though, the public is catching on, partly because of the pandemic exposing parents to what’s happening in classrooms. But also because, as with Harvey Weinstein, years of doing it in secret and getting away with it made them arrogantly think they were untouchable, so they got sloppy about exposing themselves. That was a bad idea. Today’s cases in point:

The Natomas, California, school district has fired an Inderkum High School social studies teacher after Project Veritas released an undercover video of him allegedly revealing how he works to radicalize his students “farther and farther left.” He said, “I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries.”

The school found Antifa and Mao Zedong posters in his classroom, and stickers of communist dictators such as Stalin and Castro that he used to mark papers. He gave students extra credit for attending protests and described Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” in China that killed up to 20 million people as “fixing a problem.” When a student said that the teacher's Antifa flag made him uncomfortable, he replied, "Well, this is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you.”

Ooh! Ooh! I know, teacher! What I’d tell the student is this:

“Antifa follows in a long tradition of duplicitous radical left groups that use misleading terms to trick you into supporting terrible ideas. Antifa claims it’s fighting fascism by using violence and intimidation to silence political opponents, which is a hallmark of fascism. So if their flag makes you uncomfortable, it means you can spot dangerous, lying fascists when you see them. You’re smarter than your teacher, so you get an A.”

Meanwhile, an Orange County, California, teacher who bragged on TikTok that she removed the American flag from her classroom because it made her “uncomfortable,” and suggested kids say the Pledge of Allegiance to her LGBTQ Pride flag instead, has been removed and placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

A group of parents rallied in protest outside her school, and a school district spokesperson said, “While we do not discuss employee related matters, we can tell you that showing respect and honor for our nation’s flag is a value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. We take matters like this seriously and will be taking action to address it."

I’m very relieved to hear that. I’d be more relieved if it didn’t require exposure on social media and public parental protests just to get teachers to teach instead of indoctrinate.

Time to resign Joe

September 3, 2021

Our “Good Catholic” President Joe Biden announced that he was launching a “whole of government” effort to fight the new Texas law banning abortions of babies after they have a heartbeat. So he’s literally enlisting all the powers of the federal government to go to war on babies with heartbeats. I’m so glad we have compassionate adults back in charge.

As previously noted, when they lost this round in the SCOTUS, Democrats quickly dropped their gaslighting nonsense about “birthing people” and men having babies, too, and starting couching the law not as a protection for unborn children, but as an attack on women’s health care or women’s rights (FYI: about half of all babies are girls, and they’re getting aborted, too. So I guess women only have rights if they’re lucky enough to make it out of the womb.)

All the talk about women’s rights is even more laughable when you consider it’s coming from a man who just consigned an entire nation full of women and girls to barbaric subjugation, rape, forced marriages, sex slavery and generally being treated worse than oxen.

And before you cut him any slack due to cognitive decline or the current chaotic conditions that he created, know that according to Richard Holbrooke, Obama’s former special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, way back in 2010, Biden was advocating bugging out of Afghanistan and never mind the consequences. When Holbrooke brought up America’s obligations to Afghans like the girl in the Kabul school, Biden replied, “F--- that, we don’t have to worry about that.” Referring to the tragic fall of Saigon in 1973, he continued, “We did it in Vietnam, Nixon and Kissinger got away with it.”

He had zero concern for the hideousness that might be inflicted on the women and girls of Afghanistan. All he cared about was how it would affect his political fortunes. If it didn't, then (BLEEP) them. Likewise, he doesn’t care about the rights of women to feel secure in intimate spaces or to win sports scholarships as long as he can pander to the deep pockets LGBTQ lobby.

So when I see him tossing his alleged sacred religious beliefs overboard to pander to the “no limits on abortion” lobby, pardon me if I don’t believe he’s doing it because he just cares so very, very deeply about the rights of females.

PS – He accused the Texas law of “unleashing unconstitutional chaos.” Again, if he really believes what he’s saying and opposes the unleashing of unconstitutional chaos, he should resign immediately.

Two good stories out of Texas

September 3, 2021

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media has an entertaining and informative write-up about two good stories out of Texas (the passage of the voter integrity bill and the Supreme Court allowing enforcement of the post-five-week abortion ban – FYI,, Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals in wanting to block that, but they were outvoted 5-4.)

Kruiser also talks about some of the apocalyptic hair-on-fire rhetoric dispensed by the Democrats in their anguish over the idea that Texans disapprove of election cheating and killing babies.

I fervently hope that this overheated verbiage is starting to lose its potency, like the boy who cried, “Wolf!” (or “Racist!”) It seems to me as if the left has a bag full of random red-hot words and phrases that they just throw wildly at anything that displeases them, in hopes it will stick even if it makes no sense. Like insulting black people by calling an ID requirement “voter suppression” or “Jim Crow on steroids” (most black Americans are perfectly capable of obtaining an ID and support having to show it to vote.)

But leave it to radical left Rep. Cori Bush to take this to new levels of incomprehensibility by tweeting, “I’m thinking about the Black, brown, low-income, queer, and young folks in Texas. The folks this abortion health care ban will disproportionately harm.”

Wow, applying logic to that is like trying to untangle the world’s biggest hairball. First of all, abortion isn’t “health care.” It’s the opposite: it’s killing a child in the womb. There is almost no circumstance in which abortion is considered a necessary procedure to protect a woman’s health.

Secondly, the way that black and brown people would be disproportionately affected by an abortion ban is that a lot more of them would be alive today. Since Roe v. Wade, more than 20 million black babies have been aborted. That’s more than the entire black US population in 1960. Also, 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located within walking distance of black or Latino neighborhoods. It should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist eugenicist.

Third, young folks probably are disproportionately affected by any abortion law, since old people don’t get pregnant that often.

Finally, “queer” people are certainly disproportionately affected by abortion laws, as in “not affected AT ALL!” Is unplanned pregnancy really a big concern for male-male or female-female couples? Maybe some hire surrogates or get artificially inseminated to have kids, but if so, I doubt they’ll be running to abortion clinics afterward.

This just goes to show that the left has no intelligent arguments in favor of killing children in the womb, so they just reach into their bag of buzzwords (“Black!” “Young!” “Queer!” “Disproportionate!”) and throw out whatever they can grab in hopes it will fly by so fast that you won’t have time to think about it.

Zero Time

September 3, 2021

The Media Research Center reports that CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC News devoted zero time to the revelation that President Biden pressured Afghanistan’s President on a phone call to help change the perception that the Taliban might take over, whether it's true or not. As noted here before, if an innocuous phone call from Trump to Ukraine’s President was grounds for impeachment, then this is, to use a phrase Biden should appreciate, impeachment grounds on steroids. Yet the media are doing their best to hide it and protect Biden.

Biden’s spokeswoman Jen Psaki is obviously counting on them to memory-hole Biden’s Afghanistan catastrophe and start acting like palace guards again. You can see here how she tried to spin it away and said she wouldn’t go into the details of a “private conservation.”

Unfortunately for her, the Internet is forever, and conservative commentator Jack Posobiec unearthed an old tweet from Psaki about Trump’s Ukraine phone call:

“It is not just the call transcript. The whistleblower complaint would likely have more details. And we need both. And not just the call.”

Sounds as if she thought that Presidential phone call was public business, and if the President did anything illegal on it, it should be exposed and the President held to account. Gee, I wonder what changed her attitude?...

In just over a week, we’ll mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on Manhattan’s Twin Towers and the Pentagon, as well as on United Airlines Flight 93, a plane that was crashed in a Pennsylvania field by its heroic passengers to protect its likely target, the White House. I wish people who aren’t old enough to remember all this or who chose to block it out could know what it was like and feel the raw emotion of that time. Other than the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan that took us into World War II 80 years ago, there’s been nothing remotely comparable to it in our history.

Almost 3,000 people were killed, most of them in the fall of the Twin Towers, and thousands more –- particularly first responders and clean-up crews –- have suffered lifelong disability resulting from conditions on the ground there.

When planes flew into both towers on that bright and beautiful fall morning, and the towers collapsed upon themselves, it was a demolition of indescribable magnitude. A huge portion of Manhattan, 14 million square feet of downtown –- was turned into rubble. And it was a massacre. Video that is seldom played today showed human beings jumping a thousand feet to their deaths rather than be burned alive. Virtually everyone in New York knew someone who had perished. Many thousands of people lost spouses, brothers, sisters, dear friends and colleagues. Children lost parents. Parents lost children.

Literally tons of debris filled the atmosphere. The air was thick with toxic substances that ravaged the lungs of those who managed to live through the day. For first responders, it was like a war zone.

Every year on September 11, except for a modified pre-recorded version last year because of COVID, a ceremony has been held at the memorial in which all the names of those lost were read aloud by family members to a wide audience that included the families, police, firefighters, other first responders and emergency workers. Then, throughout that night, the twin beams of the “Tribute In Light” blazed straight up into the sky, as a statement of power and resilience against our evil terrorist enemies.

So what about this year? Regarding the reading of the names, there’s been so much back-and-forth about it that it's hard to know what they’ve finally decided to do. On August 15, it was announced that the Tunnel 2 Towers Foundation would hold an “alternative” ceremony, just south of the memorial, for the names because the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, citing covid again, wouldn’t be having one this year. (It's not clear to us whether they've changed their mind and are doing it after all or if Tunnel 2 Towers is still the sponsor.) Masks will be required, and the podium will be sanitized after every speaker.

Apparently, only 9/11 family members are invited this year, as officials want to discourage large crowds. It's a shame to see this moving ceremony diminished in any way --- especially for covid, since this event takes place outdoors, everyone will be masked, and most will likely be vaccinated. If another concern is budget, that really shouldn’t be an issue, either. They might need extra security for the larger crowd, but I’ll bet a lot of New York’s Finest would proudly volunteer for that job.

Believe it or not, for the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the museum had decided not to have the “Tribute In Light.” They said they didn’t have the funds for it. They said that last year, too, but Gov. Cuomo contributed enough state resources to make it happen. Fortunately, the “Tribute In Light” is back on this year, too.

You can see how confusing this got when you add in this report from, which says a group called the Sergeants Benevolent Association has stepped up to provide the beams of light. We're not sure now if the museum (with or without state funds) is doing it or the SBA is, but at least SOMEBODY is. Those lights had better be blazing. They need to be seen from space, till dawn breaks on September 12.

Fortunately, New York Public Radio is doing quite a bit of special programming, which started September 1.

Here’s a list of the in-person events planned for that day.

For a time, it looked as though this year’s memorial would be scaled way down, and that would not have been acceptable. As Steve Cuozzo wrote in the NEW YORK POST on August 14 –- the day before it was announced the “Tribute In Light” would light up after all –- “Today, many younger and newly arrived New Yorkers have little idea what 9/11 meant. To treat the 20th anniversary as business as usual threatens to consign the memory to just another unpleasant hiccup of history such as the Dodgers leaving Brooklyn for Los Angeles or the 1965 power blackout.” Perhaps his commentary is what convinced officials to light up the night sky after all.

Yes, the museum has a budget crunch, he said, but “the catastrophe’s 20th anniversary should not be allowed to become a shadow of its past commemorations.”

What a disgrace it would be to play down 9/11 on the 20th anniversary of that carnage. It also occurs to me that such a disgrace would compound the epic national disgrace going on right now: our botched exit from Afghanistan and the abandoning of U.S. citizens, Afghan friends and cutting-edge military equipment to the terrorists who have overrun the place and made it once again a haven for themselves. How ironic it would be for us now to diminish the 9/11 ceremony on the 20th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in history. Look at us now, with our own President putting himself in the position of having to negotiate with the Taliban. Sadly, this time, as we memorialize our lost and honor our brave, the terrorists will be celebrating just as they did 20 years ago. Except now when they wave their guns in the air, they'll have much better guns. Thank you, Mr. President.


Michael Arad, the young architect (an Israeli citizen born in London who has since obtained dual citizenship here) whose design was chosen for the 9/11 memorial, was living in Manhattan at the time of the attack and said 9/11 had made him a New Yorker. He said he “would never forget how people poured into Union Square, Times Square, Washington Square, needing to be together, to stand side by side with strangers, bearing individual pain but sharing collective grief.”

“If the terrorists thought they’d sow fear and division,” he said, “they did not succeed.”

If you’ve never been to the memorial, stood at the edge of the waterfalls and looked at some of the names of all 2,983 who lost their lives that day, I urge you do make the trip and do it. (One of my writers said the moment during this experience that hit her the hardest was seeing a square simply carved with the words “Unborn Baby.”)

For when you have time, here’s a detailed article about Arad and the meaning behind the memorial he designed.

News Update

September 2, 2021


Our original story "Were U.S. working dogs left behind? Depends on who you ask,"  included a link to the Defense Department's denial of claims that any military service dogs were left behind, but Lead Stories now has more details to confirm that.

You may read the story, along with the update above here

President Biden’s professional apologists in the media are getting fewer in number as it becomes more difficult to defend the indefensible…not that some of them aren’t still giving it the ol’ college journalism degree try.

But this story is going to make it harder for even the most diehard Biden bootlickers at CNN and MSNBC to spin his Afghanistan catastrophe into an “extraordinary success.” We now know that Biden’s own White House staffers are horrified that he left Americans behind to the mercy of the Taliban.

Anonymous White House officials told Politico that the removal of all Americans was a hostage rescue under the guise of an evacuation, and they failed at that no-fail mission. One said, "I am absolutely appalled and literally horrified we left Americans there.”

There are also plenty of people in the military who feel the same way.

With a stunning new Rasmussen survey showing that a majority of Americans (52%) think Biden should resign (only 39% think he shouldn’t, with the rest unsure), it’s clear that our top “leader” is not only out of touch with most Americans but also with his own staff. And of course, with reality.

PS – That Rasmussen poll also found that even among Democrats, 32% say Biden should resign now, 40% say he should be impeached and 33% say Kamala Harris isn’t qualified to be President.

There are so many stories out of Afghanistan that are heartbreaking and infuriating that I hate to have to relate them, but sadly, this is the news under President Biden. So in the hopes that this message will actually penetrate his thick border wall of arrogant, defensive stubbornness, I will share these stories:

Among the people Biden left behind to fend for themselves are 24 Sacramento school children who were prevented by the Taliban from reaching the airport and who are now in hiding.

There’s also a report of a pregnant American woman who was trying to get past a checkpoint with her husband when she was kicked in the stomach by the Taliban. She’s now in hiding as well.

And then there’s the story of the Afghan interpreter who actually helped save Biden’s life in 2008 when he and two Senators were in a helicopter that was forced to land in a remote valley due to a snowstorm.

After years of service and helping our soldiers in over 100 firefights, he and his wife and four children are in hiding from the Taliban because their efforts to get out were blocked by bureaucracy. He has a message from his hiding place: “Hello, Mr. President. Save me and my family. Don’t forget me here.”

I hope you’ll join me in praying for the safety of everyone who's been left behind, and for our President to stop congratulating himself on his "extraordinary success" and do something to help all these people, if it’s not already too late.

I would also suggest that the motto of the Biden Administration be “Accountability? What’s that?” if it didn’t have so much competition from “Competence? What’s that?”

But to show just how desperate the Democrats are to doge accountability for the four-alarm dumpster fire that Biden created in Afghanistan, House Democrats blocked efforts by Republican members who are Afghan war vets to introduce a bill requiring the White House to present a plan to bring the Americans Biden left trapped in Afghanistan safely home. Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell, who was presiding over the chamber, gaveled them out of session, not only blocking the legislation but also their efforts to read the names of the 13 service members who were killed in last week’s suicide bombing at Kabul airport into the Congressional Record.

Dingell shut down House debate as some members shouted at her, “How can you not read the names?” and “Turn your back on your country!”

I will remind you that these are the same House Democrats who arranged the equivalent of a State Funeral for a Capitol Police officer who died after the January Capitol riot that they’re trying to gin up into an actual insurrection attempt, even though he really died of a stroke unrelated to the protest. Yet they won’t even allow the names to be read of military veterans who really did give their lives fighting genuine violent terrorists in the service of their country.

I could tell you what I think about this and the remedy for it, but Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media saved me the trouble by writing an article titled, “Banish Democrats From Office Until They Elect Some Non-Commie Adults.”

Kruiser traces the recent history of the Dem leadership and how it’s separated from regular working Democrats to become an insane, juvenile, far-left madhouse motivated almost entirely by spite against Trump and Republicans. He notes that their adult toddler tantrum has gone from tedious to disturbing to now having a body count, and that’s enough. What must be done? He answers:

“Should we make it to November 2022 relatively intact, it is imperative that American voters who don’t live in the coastal commie bubbles (or Chicago) rise up and make sure that this current crop of Democratic party rulers isn’t allowed anywhere near any kind of power again.


The 2021 Democratic elite are a metastasizing cancer that is rapidly killing a lot of the good in America. Cut that you-know-what out.”

By the way, he makes it clear that he’s not calling for one party rule, only that the voters rid the Democrats, and all of us, of their current insane, America-hating cult. Maybe then, moderate adults like Sen. Krysten Sinema can once again fill the leadership of the Party instead of being a rare outlier whom the leaders are trying to destroy for standing in the way of them destroying the country.

At this point, we’ve been all through the reasons President Biden is unfit to serve. Here’s some welcome news: after the debacle in Afghanistan (no matter how much lipstick Biden’s strategists try to put on that pig), a new Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows that 52 percent believe Biden should resign over his disastrous handling of the withdrawal. They see he’s simply not capable. And the world sees that, too.

There’s a song that gets played at weddings a lot; it goes, “The more I see you...the more I want you.” The “Biden” version is more appropriate for a divorce: “The more we see him...the less we want him.” One way his campaign experts got people to vote for the man was essentially to hide him until after those votes had been cast (well, counted). Why, he was “Mr. Moderate,” so much more measured and likable than Trump, they said. It’s much easier to like an unlikable person when you hardly ever see him.

And now that he has to take center stage occasionally, we can hardly believe what we see. I’ve always thought his political views were as wrongheaded as could be, but now something really is wrong with his head. Biden seems like the empty husk of a man, and perhaps that’s what he really is.

This is not a partisan thing, but a national tragedy. If we’re honest with ourselves, we all know. And the Afghanistan disaster has brought home to us all what a huge job it is to be President of the United States. It’s the biggest job there is, and mistakes and lapses in judgment get people killed. Mistakes also upset the critical balance of power around the world that since World War II has allowed us the assumption that we would always live in freedom. That sense of security is being shaken now.

A take-down can also come from within, which naturally makes us curious about some who support a clearly unfit President. We also wonder who all those Afghans were who got airlifted to America. Apparently, about 110,000 are NOT the ones who were helping our soldiers. Is our President as clueless about this as he seems to be about most things?

The Constitution provides a few ways to remove a President who isn’t fit to serve. There’s the 25th Amendment, which may be invoked by Cabinet members if and when the decision has been made to put Kamala Harris in the Oval Office. (Shudder. That’s the downside to unseating Biden.) There’s impeachment in the House, of course; we have more than enough familiarity with that process, though we’ve never witnessed conviction in the Senate, which would also be required. No matter how much Republicans in the House or Senate talk about it, it’s empty chatter unless the GOP takes control of the House in 2022 and then there are enough Republican members courageous enough to actually push it. And even IF the Senate were to flip to the GOP in 2022, it’s highly doubtful there would be 2/3 of the members willing to vote to convict. We do have guys like Romney there, who voted to impeach Trump, but would never likely vote a Democrat out. Heck, he might not be invited back on MSNBC if he did that!

Or, the President could be forced to resign. I’m sure there are powerful inducements. Make him an offer he can’t refuse.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to have a “do-over” --- even if fraud is proved --- or a recall election as they’re currently doing for the California governorship. The framers of our Constitution apparently didn’t think about what to do if a President who’s spectacularly unfit to serve is still supported as a political puppet by those who are charged with unseating him. I guess they figured that at that point, only another revolution would suffice. Truly, I can hear Thomas Jefferson saying that very thing.

Dan Bongino, in his Wednesday podcast, made the case that we simply must immediately impeach President Biden, period. He called the people keeping him in office “disgusting filth.” The final straw for him was the REUTERS story that broke Tuesday about Biden pressuring the Afghan president to lie about the situation on the ground there in exchange for continued air support. He wanted Americans and the rest of the world to hear a positive report, “whether it is true or not.”

This act on Biden’s part is just obscene in two ways: 1) it’s deeply dishonest, and 2) it’s a quid pro quo, the very thing Democrats impeached Trump for even though that allegation was false. In Biden’s case, the official transcript of the call proves he did it. As Bongino correctly noted, if Republican leaders discovered a Republican President had done this, they would push for impeachment themselves. (Or, I would add, they'd pressure him to resign, as the GOP did with Nixon.)

Watch how White House press secretary Jen Psaki deflects a question about this during her Wednesday briefing. She never addresses it, ignoring what Biden asked the Afghan president to do and talking instead about the “crisis of leadership” in Afghanistan. We need to be concerned about our own crisis of leadership.

Bongino warned that Democrats might assess Biden harshly right now, but it’s because they know his actions were so bad they have to say something critical now to protect their reputations later. They aren’t serious and will still cover for him. “Just give it a couple weeks,” Bongino said. “The Democrats’ story will change completely. They’ll focus on…‘the successful airlift.’”

Heck, they won’t even allow questions to Biden about Afghanistan. They’re VERY protective...

Mark Levin was unsparing towards Biden and his top generals on Wednesday’s HANNITY, invoking George Patton, Omar Bradley and George Marshall. “No Commander-in-Chief has ever ordered any general to leave citizens behind,” he said. The Taliban “have our equipment, they have our people, they have our allies, they are going to threaten us, they’re working with the Communist Chinese...Putin...the Iranians.”

“Listen to me America,” he implored. “Can you hear the screams of the people of Afghanistan tonight?...They’re begging for help!” This is going on, he said, while the administration is celebrating. “My God, I’ve never been more disgusted with the top brass and the government of the United States than I am right now!”

“...Joe Biden lied to us over and over, and over again. This is a humiliation for our country,” he said. “This is part of our history that can never be wiped away.”

“And most of all, Joe Biden, you’ll have blood on your hands for the rest of your life.”

I say Mark Levin sums up the need to impeach President Biden quite well, don’t you? In addition to the things we’ve already mentioned, Biden has certainly offered aid and comfort to the enemy. On the other hand, his administration is now hesitant to even CALL the Taliban the enemy. Not kidding…

Republicans must be resolute on this. I understand that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is considering political realities when he says no to impeachment, but we must express our thorough disgust and disapproval in every way available to us, including calls for resignation or impeachment, even if in the end we can’t pry an unfit President from office. Full articles of impeachment should be drawn up, kept and, if need be, added to, in the likely event that the House and Senate flip next year.

Then we’d have to accept the fact that IF we could get through an impeachment trial and articles of impeachment referred to the Senate, it will would not likely result in Biden being ousted. Only IF he (or whoever it is who “instructs” him) resigned for the good of the country (like Nixon), would he likely be shown the door. Which reminds us that on at least one thing, Barak Obama was right: “Elections have consequences.” So those Never-Trumpers who betrayed their own convictions about sanctity of life, taxes, regulations, energy independence, Israel, America as exceptional, and big government snooping to vote for Biden hopefully are now repentant of what they have done to America, the world, and specifically to those Americans STRANDED (yes, Jen Psaki—STRANDED) in Afghanistan and left to rot by the man the TDS-folks thought was so caring, compassionate, and competent.

This time it wouldn’t be a political show trial. This is for for real. We can’t go down in history as the party that just stood quietly by.

In a shocking report, Politico claims that a “majority” of special immigrant visa applicants – Afghans who worked with us for years as translators and in other positions, which would put them and their families into extreme danger from the Taliban – were left behind in Afghanistan. This was allegedly due to security threats at the airport, the Taliban checkpoints around the airport and the airport design.

An unnamed senior State Department official also said that any electronic credentials they tried to give out were immediately disseminated far and wide, making them unreliable for ID purposes.

As sad and infuriating as this is, it’s not surprising. It’s also horse apples to blame the airport design, or the attacks on the airport, or the Taliban surrounding the airport or the problems with last-minute electronic credentials for these allies being left behind in grave danger. That’s because all of those issues occurred at the last minute, after the Taliban moved in and took over. In fact, these people are stranded in Afghanistan and fearing for their lives because the White House failed to speed up the molasses-in-January paperwork processing to approve their SIVs.

I reported way back on May 19th, a good six weeks before Biden assured us that it was highly unlikely that the Taliban would take over, that Congress members sent the White House a bipartisan letter, complaining about their delay in processing these visas because leaving our allies behind would be a death sentence. That was from a report that was also in Politico:

In short: the White House knew about this issue months ago, but didn’t take it seriously enough. They should’ve moved heaven and earth to cut through the bureaucracy and get our allies out faster (you know Trump would have), or at least to some safe spot outside Afghanistan until the paperwork was completed, but that’s yet another thing they failed at. If it results in the deaths of those who helped us for years and their families, it will be even more blood on the incompetent hands of this Administration.


Our original story included a link to the Defense Department's denial of claims that any military service dogs were left behind, but Lead Stories now has more details to confirm that.

On Tuesday, we commented on a story from an organization called American Humane, which works to rescue military working dogs and place veterans with service dogs, about U.S. military dogs being left behind in Afghanistan. We didn’t know if it was true and said we’d try to find other sources confirming this. Tuesday evening on Tucker Carlson’s show, he said the SPCA had confirmed that the Biden administration has chosen to leave the dogs behind.

“In the end,” the SPCA said, “the dogs and their caretakers were explicitly NOT allowed to board military aircraft, and numerous private charter aircraft were not granted access to the airport, either.”

If this is true, about 200 of these very special dogs are presumably doomed by the decision to leave them behind. But the U.S. military is saying this claim is “erroneous.”

A spokesperson for U.S. Central Command, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Karen Roxberry, said in an email that the “priority mission was the evacuation of U.S. citizens, SIV [Special Immigrant Visas] and vulnerable Afghans,” but she also stated that reports about leaving dogs behind were in error. She said the photos circulating online (perhaps including those Tucker had on his show, showing dogs in carriers) were not of dogs under the care of the U.S. military but rather the Kabul Small Animal Rescue.

So what’s the story? And what dogs were in the custody of Kabul Small Animal Rescue, and what happens to them? Honestly, we can't say for sure. Those are probably shelter dogs and former pets of evacuees, and they likely face cruelty and extermination by the Taliban, who think of dogs as unclean and typically kill them. But the government insists all the military dogs were evacuated, that none were left behind.

Let's hope that’s true. I wish we could take our government at their word, but these are also the people who said no American would be left behind.

From Gary L. P-G:

Question: I've read we had about 2,500 troops left in Afghanistan, intelligence and logistical support. If this is the case, why was there over $85B of equipment there? Were we going to leave it regardless? It doesn't make sense to have that much equipment there for 2,500 non-front-line fighting troops. Please answer in either your morning or evening newsletters, I read both.

From the Gov:

Gary, that highly sophisticated equipment provided logistical and air support for the Afghan army. Now that it’s in the hands of the Taliban, our guess is that they will use captive Afghan soldiers who had been trained by us on the equipment to train THEM how to use it.

Also, that base was of huge strategic importance. We should not have relinquished it –- have you looked at it on a map? It’s right across the border with China, a good spot to keep as heavily armed as it was. Every bit of that equipment should have been evacuated. Hang the “expense,” which, believe it or not, was one reason given for leaving it there. Another reason was the time constraint, which was bogus, too.

From Nitha V:

I am disappointed in you, Mike Huckabee. I believe I looked at all the videos included in your morning edition (Aug 31). I did NOT see a human body hanging from his neck. What I saw was the helicopter preparing to land a person onto the roof of some building. the body was hanging from the helicopter with attached around the mid section. The body was moving around and landed on the building; the person certainly was not dead. Maybe you looked at different videos. Please do not inflame people like this. What the Taliban does is bad enough without adding fuel to the fire.

From the Gov:

Unlike numerous news/opinion sites, we were careful NOT to come to any conclusions about whether the person at the end of that rope was dead or alive. (As of this writing, some sources are still reporting that he was dead.) We made it clear that there were multiple possibilities. Whatever the explanation, we were still inflamed, simply because one of our Black Hawks had been flown over Kandahar, pressed into service by the Taliban. And, oh, yes, there will be many hangings and beheadings, whether this was one of those atrocities or not.

USA TODAY has reported that this man was a Taliban fighter (one of the possibilities we had mentioned) being lifted by a Black Hawk to the top of the tall building housing the former governor’s office in Kandahar to plant a Taliban flag. Again, still infuriating.

From Sanford W:

What Biden has done is beyond a disgrace. It’s TREASON. Besides betraying our armed forces and stranded American citizens he has provided “AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMY.”

From the Gov:

Sounds like an impeachable offense to me.

From David:

TALIB TIMES? For a moment there, I'd read TLAIB TIMES, and thought you were going to sneak a word in about how many times Rashida Tlaib has condemned America and praised foreign terrorists. Whew!

From the Gov:

David, you get to do it for me today.

From Lawrence F (excerpt):

It may be too soon to start listing the lessons of our 20 years in Afghanistan, but a couple are so obvious they need stating now.

First, we left the Afghan military unequipped to go on without us, knowing that every few years the American electorate chooses some buffoon who knows nothing about military operations or foreign policy and will end a military operation disastrously...Granted, none of the earlier surrenders –- even Iraq –- were as disastrously fouled up as this latest one.

In 20 years, we trained Afghan pilots, special operations soldiers and infantrymen, but i am unaware of one single truck or aircraft mechanic trained by us. So when Sleazy Joe, without consultation with any allies and ignoring the advice of his military advisors, decided to suddenly end the contract to maintain aircraft and vehicles for the Afghan security services, the Afghan military who we had re-created in our image, were immobilized. Then he had the gall to say they were unwilling to fight, in spite of the 77,000 Afghans who gave their lives in what should be our battle against terrorists.

Lesson Two is, don't let either the left or the right infiltrate and politicize our military. When Republicans...control the White House and both houses once again. we need to have a thorough housecleaning of our senior military ranks, and we need to teach cadets at West Point, Annapolis and Colorado Springs the tradition of a non-political military. The current crop of political hacks in the top ranks is disgusting.

Finally we need to inculcate in the Washington civil service the concept that foreign policy is not a tricycle for children to learn how to ride; it is not a toy that a new administration takes off the shelf and "re-designs" without consultation with everyone. One of the impeachable offenses Joe Biden has committed is ignoring our allies. Public law (yes, when the NATO treaty was ratified by Congress, it became part of public law) requires consultation with our allies, and Sleazy Joe ignored them and his military advisors and waltzed off into rainbow flag la-la land all by himself.

From Mike H (excerpt):

Mike, thank you again for your honest, forthcoming commentary, day in and day out. That said, there are not words that can be said here to tell you the inter RAGE I am feeling against this CLOWN Biden, who I will not call President...If I see him on television, I will shut it off. Why? ...Not only can I not stand the sight of him but I know that if his lips are moving, if he is breathing, he is lying, spinning or covering up whatever it is that he is thinking or alluding to. I am very sure from conversations I have had with many, many people that they are feeling the same way...Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi and their cohorts must be [out of power] ASAP. This is DEAD serious. These horrible Democrats are destroying this country!!!!!

From the Gov:

Thank you, Mike, for expressing what millions are feeling. I think you and all my readers would appreciate this passionately felt monologue from Tammy Bruce on Tuesday’s FOX NEWS PRIMETIME (sorry, there are a few seconds of Biden’s face in there). She speaks forcefully for all of us who love America and are disgusted by what is happening before our eyes.

From Anne T (excerpt):

Since the woke people are always comparing things to the Civil War or 9-11, as in worse than, etc., I would call this Afghanistan situation the saddest since those times. What can be sadder than people like me raised with pride in my country, raised by the “greatest generation” than to see this kind of ineptness, lack of leadership, cruelty, irresponsibility snd total incompetence from our government?

The idea that we left Americans in country when we knew we were going to leave, and also left many of those who helped us, is unbelievable. You folks who voted for this because you don’t like mean tweets and only watch mainstream media are guilty of gross negligence. You knew, as well as I knew, that Mr. Biden was failing mentally and that Kamala is grossly unqualified...Each of you bears some responsibility for what will happen to the women of Afghanistan and to the rape of little girls by disgusting men.

Dear Lord, please help me to forgive these people...I also blame Trump to a certain extent...It wouldn’t have taken him much to moderate his rhetoric to some extent and push him over the voting line. God bless America and please help us to get out of this pit.

From the Gov:

Before the election, one of our writers contributed a piece, “The speech I wish President Trump would give,” about that very thing. Sadly, Trump never gave a speech like that. Even so, support for him in key states that Biden “officially” won by a few thousand votes was enormously strong, and we still don’t know the real election story. I can never forgive those who knew what sort of person Biden really was and worked to get him into office anyway, by hook or by crook.

All right, this is JUST IT. The breaking point.

Whoever at the White House, State Department and/or Pentagon comes forward to try to put a good spin on "8/31" by saying we met “the deadline” and are “out of Afghanistan after 20 years” can just, pardon the expression, pound sand. We're NOT all out. Don’t even bother trotting somebody out to try to clean up for the mentally AWOL Commander-in-Chief in one of your increasingly ridiculous press briefings. You still have some partisan loyals in the media trying to cover for you, but in defending this President you are a pathetic joke. You know perfectly well that we ALL wanted to be out of Afghanistan, Trump included, and we were going to be, and he would've gotten us out in a way that at least made strategic sense. But this latest development is, pardon the expression again, the straw that broke the camel’s back.

What finally did it –- what irreparably broke the hearts of me and my staff –- is this image from yesterday, in which the Taliban are flying over Kandahar in one of the Black Hawk helicopters we used to own, which President Biden left for the terrorists along with $90 billion worth of other military prizes as if it were Christmas in August. Yes, we’d already seen them joyriding in a Black Hawk, but this is the first case we’ve seen of them taking one up and dangling what appears to be the body of a man hanged by the neck. Is the man dead? We don't know.

The WESTERN JOURNAL reports that it is indeed a dead body and describes this as “a giant middle finger to the Western world that has battled terrorism for the past two decades.”

The video was shared by the TALIB TIMES; it’s from a Twitter account claiming to share “official news” from “the Islamic Emirate Afghanistan.” (I assume that’s what we’re supposed to call it now.) The caption reads, “OUR AIR FORCE!”

And who was this man? WAS he dead, or being tortured, or what? Maybe he was one of our interpreters or guides. Maybe a young student at American University, after our State Department refused to admit them to the airport. Maybe just some poor schlub whose beard was too short or who was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe he was a happy Taliban fighter, very much alive, getting his kicks and celebrating the 8/31 defeat of the Americans.

Some have interpreted this video as appearing to show a member of the Taliban “on patrol” over Kandahar. We don’t know, but it would be the strangest patrol ever.

Here are more details on the massive array of equipment the Taliban now have, thanks to President Biden. Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who assembled the list, said the Taliban now has “more Black Hawk helicopters than 85 percent of the countries in the world.” Each helicopter cost the taxpayers $6 million, and there is so much more we bought them. We've armed our own enemy to the teeth!

The administration has been trying to fool us into thinking the Taliban are “negotiating,” working with us, fulfilling our interests by going after ISIS-K, the “real” terrorists who blew up 13 of our service members at the Kabul airport checkpoint. That, as I've said, is a distinction without a difference. They are all terrorists and all want Americans dead. If the Taliban and ISIS really were enemies, the Taliban wouldn’t have released the approximately 2,000 ISIS fighters we’d detained at Bagram Air Base.

Note to Biden administration: Just stop insulting our intelligence. Calling ISIS-K the “real” terrorists to take the heat off the Taliban reminds me of O.J. Simpson’s lawyers saying he would dedicate himself to finding the “real” killer of Nicole.

And who flew this helicopter? It’s not as if some 7th-century Taliban soldier climbed aboard this ultra-sophisticated piece of equipment and somehow knew how to take it up and circle it over Kabul, dead-or-alive person in tow. Are we sure EVERY American helicopter pilot got out? Or maybe the pilot is an Afghan trained by us and now held captive. We don’t know, and, even worse, we can’t trust the White House to tell us.

Western media have been mostly banned from Afghanistan.  

Well, they did allow some media people because they wanted the world to see them take over and declare victory over America.

There's no telling the horrors that will go on. Those particularly in danger include Americans left behind, Afghan women and girls, interpreters and others who helped American soldiers, and Christian missionaries. We don’t know how many thousands of people this might be.

President Biden, when asked about any of this, says he’s “not supposed to take any questions” on Afghanistan. (What??) Then he walks away. Can you IMAGINE what the reaction would be if Trump were in office and he did that? They’d use it to push their fake “Russia” narrative and say Vladimir Putin had instructed him not to answer.

Here’s something else we can’t forgive Biden for, if the allegations are true: leaving our service dogs behind in Afghanistan. I’m not comparing this to the loss of 13 service members, but these dogs mean so much to the soldiers who depended on them. Some owe their lives to these dogs. Here’s the press release from American Humane, an organization that brings home retired military working dogs and pairs service dogs with veterans.

American working dogs left there by our military face a grim future: certainly death and perhaps torture. We’re looking for additional verification that these dogs have indeed been left behind in the crush to evacuate. Our leaders like to talk about “who we are”; this certainly is not it.

Something else: the airlift out of Kabul was supposed to rescue those who helped us, but it turned into such a free-for-all that Afghans weren’t vetted before boarding the planes. Here’s just one unfortunate example.

Of the 2,000 rescued Afghans being held at Wisconsin’s Fort McCoy, not a single one had an SIV, or Special Immigrant Visa. And according to the WASHINGTON TIMES, only “a tiny fraction” of those evacuated have been Americans.

But here's a ray of hope: An organization of retired U.S. generals and admirals called “FLAG OFFICERS 4 AMERICA” has HAD IT every bit as much as we have and is demanding accountability in the form of the resignation of the two top generals, the highest military advisers to President Biden (who should have resigned in the first place rather than carry out his disastrous orders), Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley. Know what I call those resignations? A good start.

They’ve also written a spectacular letter expressing what they think of the modern “woke” military and weighing in on a number of national security issues, including Biden’s fitness to serve. If anything will make your day, it’s this letter and the long, long list of signatories. Here it is, in pdf form to share far and wide.

With Americans stranded in Afghanistan, the credibility of the United States is shredded by our inept exit there. And now we’ve suffered the worst loss of American military personnel in 11 years and the first casualty in Afghanistan since Feb of 2020. It is so bungled that the British Parliament did something it had never in its history done—it voted to censure the President of the United States. Think about that. Joe Biden has continued to pretend world leaders are standing with him, but not one world leader has said a public positive word. In fact, it’s been the opposite. The Germans have said that Biden has virtually destroyed NATO, the French—yes the FRENCH—have lectured us about “moral responsibility” to the people being held hostage there by the Taliban terrorists. Even the Belgians have condemned the way this mess has been handled.

And how has President Biden responded? By stepping to a microphone, screaming into the teleprompter words someone else wrote and he has trouble reading, boasting about Democrats going on a wild shopping spree with your tax dollars to spend 3.5 TRILLION dollars on give-a-ways to try and buy some more voters. It’s clear Joe Biden wants to talk about his domestic agenda so we won’t pay attention to the collapse in Afghanistan. We’re not about to forget about those Americans stranded in Kabul, but I’ll oblige him and talk about his equally disastrous domestic plan.

He insists that we keep paying people to not work and indefinitely extending unemployment benefits to people who refuse to take one of the jobs being offered by desperate employers who are having to close restaurants, lumber mills, and construction sites. As long as Uncle Joe will pay people more money to get up at the crack of noon and watch Netflix than to work, people will take the government hand-out. I think instead of giving non-workers an extra $300 to sit on their ample backsides and stay away from work, we ought to give that $300 as a bonus to the people who actually showed up for work! We tax the wages of the workers, but not the welfare of the lazy. I don’t begrudge people who can’t work, but I have no sympathy for those who simply won’t work and are willing to let others lift THEIR loads while the only thing they lift is their federally subsidized forks. Take the taxes off those who are sweating through hot summer days on the job, and if a person is capable of working and won’t take a job, cut the benefits to zero.

And Biden’s energy plan has resulted in your gas to get to work costing $1-2 dollars a gallon more than it did just a year ago. He killed an American pipeline and the thousands of jobs that died with it, but he turned around and approved the Russians’ pipeline which gave them great riches at our expense. He has turned our Southern Border into a free-flowing firehose of human beings rushing into America without us having a clue who they are, whether or not they are drug runners, human traffickers or criminals, and not seeming to care whether they have been vaccinated, wear a mask, or socially distance. While Democrats are shutting down churches for fear of Covid, they turn a blind eye to illegal immigration. Tell your pastor if you have an idiot for a governor or mayor who is forcing your church to close, have him announce that the church will “identify” as the Southern border, and tell the masses to come on in!

I’m not sure we’ll hold out until the 2022 elections, but if we miraculously do, please think about who you vote for in the next election. Because if you keep sending socialists and socio-paths to serve in Congress and on your school board, then you’ll deserve the mess. But frankly, I’ll never vote for people who hate this great country because I believe we ALL deserve better!

Of all the disturbing and heartbreaking stories coming out of Afghanistan this weekend, this might be the most infuriating of all.

Two highly trusted sources, investigative reporter Lara Logan and Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye in an IED explosion in Afghanistan, are independently reporting that over the past few days, Americans have been turned away from entering the Kabul airport. Logan tweeted this on Saturday: “Most Americans don’t understand what’s happening in Kabul – been on this all night with no end. US citizens are fighting through enemy lines to get to the airport. When they show their blue passport to 82nd [Airborne] soldiers at the gate, many are turned away and sent back to the Taliban.”

Later, she tweeted, “All that stands between these Americans and safety/home is the US govt and military.”

President Biden had supposedly sent the 82nd Airborne to Kabul to facilitate the mass evacuation. What in blazes is going on there?

Dan Crenshaw tweeted, “America, all you need to know is this: Biden is not letting US citizens through the airport gates. It has been impossible to get anyone through for the past 24 hours. This administration has been lying about their intent to save Americans. Unforgivable.”

Also unexplainable, in a sane world with a sane Commander-in-Chief. But that’s not what we have.

Weirdly, the Biden White House is also trying to say that ISIS-K is the enemy, not so much the Taliban. One Green Beret and others in a position to know report that they’re really one and the same. I was on the same track a few days ago when I called this “a distinction without a difference.”

Bryan Preston at PJ MEDIA wrote at greater length about this.

We don’t know how many Americans are stranded in Afghanistan. Some reports have said 350, but it could be thousands more. The Biden administration says it’s evacuated “thousands,” but it never says how many of these are Americans.

The State Department, officially in charge of the evacuation effort, apparently is not helping. If soldiers are turning away Americans, it is on their order, not the Pentagon’s. Texas Rep. Ronny Johnson tweeted this on Saturday: “I am furious!! My team has been on the phone all day trying to get AMERICAN CITIZENS out. They have been just outside the airport numerous times, but the State Department WILL NOT help them.”

Congress won’t be looking into this anytime soon. Speaker Pelosi has adjourned them.

American citizens aren’t the only ones being turned away at the airport gates. As reported in THE NEW YORK TIMES, students and alumni from the American University of Afghanistan were, too. This came after about 600 of them had gathered at a safe house and boarded buses to take them, they thought, to freedom. After waiting for several hours, they were told that evacuations had been called off. An email told them to return home. (“Home”?) Because the U.S. troop deadline for evacuation is August 31, it said, the U.S. military was turning from evacuating civilians to getting its own personnel out.

Think that’s bad? Oh, it’s much worse. They're terrified for their lives now, as they also also learned the U.S. military, “following protocol,” had shared a list of their names and passport information with the Taliban who were guarding the airport checkpoints. Their identities are now known, and there's no way to evacuate.

The Taliban have already taken over the American University campus. The staff got out in time and are now safely in Doha. The president of the school says they’re committed to “ensuring all students would finish their degrees remotely.”

Well, isn’t that nice. And how are these students going to be receiving their degrees? Posthumously?

Brad Slager at has an excellent commentary on the total incompetence surrounding the withdrawal.

Reading this, though, I have to wonder: Is this level of incompetence due to Biden’s lack of cognitive faculties, leading him to be fatally singleminded and stubborn about his arbitrary pull-out date, or is he actually an all-out traitor to his country? If he were the latter, what would he be doing differently? The one other possibility is that he is so monumentally stupid that...well, I have to wonder if even Joe Biden is THAT monumentally stupid.

It gets even crazier: As Nick Arama at RedState reports, at a time when military aircraft are at such a premium that commercial jets are being called into service, President Biden approved the use of a military plane by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to fly last Monday to a nonessential diplomatic summit in Ukraine. Why the frivolous waste of a military craft when it was so badly needed for the evacuation? This makes about as much sense as anything else going on right now.

Also, recall the Marine officer who was relived of duty within hours of criticizing military leaders for the deaths of 13 service members last week? Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller had tweeted: “I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all way to say to my senior leaders, I demand accountability.” In case you missed that story, here’s a review.

Scheller has given an interview with the NEW YORK POST. They also spoke to his dad, who proudly called him “a Marine’s Marine.” Here’s the link; highly recommended reading.

Although we praise Scheller to the skies for having the courage to do what even Biden’s generals couldn’t do but should have, we do have one small quibble with something he said, relating to the age of his superiors. “The baby boomer’s turn is over,” he told the POST. “I demand accountability, at all levels. If we don’t get it, I’m bringing it.”

Speaking as a baby boomer, I would say that most Americans my age are appalled at what is transpiring and want to “bring it,” too. Much of my readership, including many veterans, would be considered part of the “baby boomer” generation, and we are just as horrified as he is and also demand accountability. I would not be surprised if some of those officials, say, from the State Department, giving orders behind the scenes are closer to his age.

That said, Scheller, who received a Combat V for Valor and a Bronze Star, has exhibited perhaps an even rarer form of bravery by standing up to his superiors when such action was badly needed. He’s a hero for daring to say that the U.S. should never have abandoned the strategic Bagram Air Base. Some of his fellow officers, even though they were supportive, have urged him to take his video down. But over 30,000, some of whom served under him, have liked and commented on it.

Saturday, Michael Goodwin in THE NEW YORK POST asked the question, “What if Biden and his administration really are every bit as bad as they look?

Finally, in her grief, the mother of one of the Marines killed at the airport checkpoint has spoken out. We’ll just let her tell you in her own words what she thinks of the current Commander-in-Chief.

Our prediction that President Biden would come out in his late-day press briefing on Thursday and blame everyone but himself turned out to be, sadly, correct.

If you didn’t see it, imagine at the podium the weakest, most feeble, most pathetic excuse for a Commander-in-Chief you can dredge out of the recesses of your mind, and then somehow dial it back even weaker. The real thing was worse than that.

Think I’m exaggerating? The British news organization DAILY MAIL was merciless.

Yes, Biden did blame Trump, again: “I bear responsibility for, fundamentally, all that’s happened of late. But [editorial note: there’s always a “but”] here’s the deal: You know –- I wish that one day, you say these things –- you know as well as I do that [the] former President made a deal with the Taliban that we would get all American forces out of Afghanistan by May 1. In return, the commitment was made, and that was a year before.”

Biden keeps going back to that, when it’s clear to all of us watching that he didn’t have to follow that timetable at all. HE’S our Commander-in-Chief; it's not the head of the Taliban. WE’RE the superpower, not them. WE say when we leave. And President Trump certainly would not have conformed to some arbitrary deadline it if it meant leaving Americans and friends behind. Until now, I’ve always tried to conduct myself with enough class to avoid telling the President of the United States to shut his yap, but Biden is making that extremely difficult for me now.

Here’s the carefully-considered plan President Trump had for leaving Afghanistan that Biden scrapped, simply because it was a remnant of Trump’s administration. Kash Patel, Trump’s chief of staff at the Pentagon, wrote about it for the NEW YORK POST last week, and WESTERN JOURNAL summarizes it here. Highly recommended reading.

Biden acknowledged during Thursday’s briefing that Americans would be left behind after August 31. Jen Psaki said later that we would “need to coordinate with the Taliban to get those people to the airport and out of the airport.” That's like "coordinating" with an alligator to help you cross the river.

Katie Pavlich has a good commentary on how Biden & Co. are talking about getting those Americans out who are still there after the deadline.

Actually, Biden didn’t blame Trump for EVERYTHING. He blamed his generals for the (incredibly stupid) decision to leave Bagram Air Base before the evacuation. The generals gave him bad advice, so what could he do?

Perhaps most shockingly of all (and I would think criminal), Biden didn’t deny reports that the Taliban were given a helpful list of Americans stranded in the region. To, uh, help them get to the airport? Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Clearly, Joe Biden is not fit to lead. The problem is, those around him don’t seem fit to lead, either, and somebody has to. That vacuum of leadership at the top might be the main thing keeping Biden in the Oval Office right now. Last night on Shannon Bream’s FOX NEWS show, Democrat strategist Kevin Walling, when confronted by Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s call for Biden’s resignation, said that “this President absolutely has the will to lead,” pointing out that “this weighs heavily on the President’s heart” because he had a son who served in combat. He “has the will to finish this mission out in the next five days.”

Ah, so Biden is still planning to wrap this up in five days? Apparently so.

Walling continued: “Any calls for any kind of resignation or impeachment of him or his team, really, uh, are a distraction from this core mission that he is set to accomplish, uh, in these next couple of days. No one in the wake of 9/11 called for George W. resign. This is just party politics, when we need to focus on the mission, supporting the troops on the ground, paying tribute to those lives lost, and supporting this effort in the waning days in Afghanistan.”

Well, if anyone knows about party politics, it’s a Democrat strategist. Okay, Mr. Walling, let’s all focus on the mission now that it’s been botched, support the troops now that they face new and unnecessary dangers, pay tribute to the lives that Biden needlessly put in harm’s way and got killed, and support this effort to dig out of the deep quicksand we’re in, thanks to our feeble-brained Commander-in-Chief.

Also, it doesn’t exactly instill confidence in our President when he reveals he’s been “instructed” to call on reporters from a list his helpful aides have given him. Not kidding.

You might be able to tell that I and my research team have completely had it with the “leadership” of this administration –- on many fronts, not just this one –- and we have plenty of company. Thanks to Joe Biden and the people who put him in office, America has lost lives, experienced humiliation around the world, shocked and dismayed our allies, seriously risked our own national security, and now faces critical decisions on how to move forward from this.

Starting off our round-up is Spencer Brown, writing for TOWNHALL, who said, “[Biden’s] failure to successfully or safely bring the United States out of Afghanistan is squarely the fault of President Biden.”

Paula Bolyard at PJ MEDIA said he “stumbled badly...sounding more defeated and confused than resolute.” The quotes she included really show how incoherent he was at times. She noted the bizarre way in which he linked the loss of his son Beau (who did serve in Iraq but who died of brain cancer) to this situation. It WAS strange.

“Sadly,” she wrote, “we have a Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t seem fully able to grasp the gravity of the situation and the enormity of the disaster he’s wrought.”

Nick Arama at was unsparing in his description of this slow-motion train derailment.

Earlier in the afternoon, before Biden’s briefing, he had this excellent assessment.

Donald Trump, Jr.’s, tweet after the briefing shows what the world is seeing right now: profound weakness.

Finally, I might have saved the best for last. Stephen Kruiser at PJ MEDIA says it all with his headline: “America is now actually the mess Dems pretended it was under Trump.” He tells us that he started writing it a few weeks ago as just a general commentary, before the evacuation of Afghanistan went bad. This new horror took his original point to the tenth power.

You know, there aren’t many ideas from California that I give a thumbs-up, too, but in this situation, there’s one I dearly wish we could adopt (but we can’t): “recall election.” Do it over and get it right this time!