
We hear often these days that society shouldn’t have any absolute moral standards. Imposing standards is oppressive, judgmental and outdated. Like Linus and the Great Pumpkin, it doesn’t matter what we choose to believe, as long as we’re really sincere in believing it. Well, pardon me for pointing it out, but that’s…well, stupid (sorry, Linus!)

There are all sorts of absolute standards to which we adhere. A rock band might be filled with nonconformists, but they can’t each play in whatever key they feel like. You might concede Hannibal Lecter’s sincere belief in cannibalism, but you wouldn’t go to his house for dinner. It seems counter-intuitive, but freedom can’t work unless we all agree to abide by certain basic standards of right and wrong. When we step outside those boundaries, chaos ensues, as we’re seeing right now with blue city officials allowing leftwing extremists to ignore laws, seize public property or smash monuments and statues, just because they feel like it. That can leave a bad taste in your mouth, and I’m not still referring to Hannibal Lecter. I like to illustrate the concept with a story from the days when my own kids were young.

When my son John Mark was only 12, he decided one day to bake a cake. My wife Janet and I returned home and were greeted by our son, proudly offering ol’ dad the first taste. Well, it looked good, and I was already preparing some fatherly praise as I took that first bite. But what came out of my mouth wasn’t words. It was the cake. It was so awful, I had to spit it out. My first thought was that my son was trying to kill me for the insurance.

As soon as my tongue overcame its shock, I asked John Mark if he’d used a recipe. He said he had, and he’d followed it to the letter. Well, except that he didn’t know what a “dash” of salt meant, so he decided a cup of salt should be enough.

Now, my son worked hard on that cake…he had the best of intentions…and he sincerely believed he’d done a good job. But hard work, good intentions and sincere beliefs meant nothing once he decided he could make up his own measurement standards. That’s literally a recipe for disaster.

Freedom can’t exist in a moral vacuum. It makes some people uncomfortable to hear this, but without clear boundaries of right and wrong, the very concept of liberty breaks down. A person might argue that he should be free to look at pictures others find offensive. But if it’s pornography featuring a child who’s being exploited, then there’s more at stake than just the liberty of the viewer. There was a big controversy over separating children from parents who crossed the border illegally, but very few people brought up the facts that the parents chose to bring their children along as they knowingly violated federal immigration law – or that (as a pilot DNA test program proved) in many cases, those weren’t even their parents but people illegally exploiting children they weren’t related to.

Self-government can’t mean each of us lives by our own unique set of rules. If that’s how you define liberty, then you’re just going to get less of it. When people live outside the boundaries of a principled and agreed-upon moral code, it inevitably leads to government that’s bigger and more intrusive (and an avalanche of lawsuits), just to force people to do the right thing. And if it doesn’t, then society quickly spirals into anarchy. Neither prospect is acceptable.

If you think more lawyers and bigger government actually improve society, or that doing away with laws and police is a good idea, then I have a delicious cake recipe I’d like to sell you. Then again, no…selling people a recipe for disaster would definitely be morally wrong.

How can we all be so connected, and our government be so disconnected?

One of the benefits of living in the 21st century is that thanks to jet travel and the Internet, I constantly talk to Americans from every state and every walk of life. And believe me, they are not shy about sharing their opinions. It gives me a perspective that I wish more of our politicians and media people inside the Beltway Bubble could experience.

According to a recent Reuters Institute and University of Oxford survey, America ranked last among 46 nations in public trust in the news media. If I had to explain that subterranean approval rating in one word, it would be “disconnection.” I don’t think there’s ever been a time when the people in the media were so out of touch with the people they’re supposed to be serving (you’d think the shock they experienced on Election night 2016 would’ve caused them to reflect a bit and make some changes, but they only doubled down on the demonizing of people they never talk to.) They apparently really believed in 2016 that when voters asked for “change,” they wanted bigger deficits and a bloated, more powerful regulatory state. Trust me, based on what they told me, they did not. And they didn’t think they were getting that when they voted for Biden, either. They’re angry now because many believe they’re the victims of a bait-and-switch con.

If you ask most Americans what they want from government, it’s not to have every aspect of their lives regulated and “transformed,” including those that worked a lot better before the government “improved” them. They don’t want 2,000-page bills nobody’s read, or bureaucrats telling them which doctor they can see or how much money they’re allowed to make. The list of what most Americans say they want from government is actually pretty short: national defense, secure borders, safe streets; smooth highways; health care for veterans, seniors, children, the disabled (all those who genuinely can’t help themselves); good schools, firefighters and (yes) police – now more than ever - and it would be nice if the trash were picked up on time. That’s about it.

Yet somehow, the government finds so many ways to meddle in our lives that federal, state and local government spending combined now equals about 40 percent of America’s entire gross domestic product. And in some big cities, they don’t pick up the garbage at all. They just let people live in it.

In poll after poll, despite claims that socialism is on the rise, most Americans say they want less government and less spending. Even those who say they want government handouts like “Medicare For All” abruptly change their tunes when told what it will do to their tax bills and quality of services. They don’t give a hoot what the talking heads or the endlessly-surprised economists or the “too-big-to-fail” Wall Street failures say: they want government out of their lives, out of their wallets and out of their way.

Sadly, whenever political candidates support that philosophy, their opponents and the media paint them as cold-hearted and uncaring. Compassion has been redefined as the willingness to spend limitless amounts of other people’s money. The media also devote almost no time to examining political philosophies and a lot of time to gotcha games, gaffes, fake news and who’s ahead in the horse race.

But the horse is now out of the barn. For eight years, Americans experienced firsthand the results of so-called “progressive” policies. Government out of control, a health care boondoggle two-thirds of us didn’t want, and the economy still struggling long after it should’ve roared back.

The Election of 2016 was not a surprise to me. I predicted it months in advance because, unlike so many people who claim to represent or report on the American people, I actually talk to – and more importantly, listen to - people. Things were turning around quite well before a pandemic artificially shut down the economy and people let the media bamboozle them into blaming Trump and thinking they’d be bringing back moderation and “normality” if they elected Biden.

Now, they find themselves stuck with a combination of Obama and Jimmy Carter times 10. This isn’t what they voted for, but they’re getting it good and hard.

I predict that, despite the media’s best efforts to bamboozle us, politicians who try to sell Americans on socialistic, big government policies will eventually fail, for the same reason that a used car salesman has a hard time selling a lemon to the same customer twice. I think those politicians know it, too; hence their desperation to take over elections so they can control the results. I also predict that politicians who were elected on a promise not to “fundamentally transform” America will remain in office only as long as they remember that Americans did not elect them to turn the United States into Venezuela.

Some new polls bring a tsunami of bad news for Democrats. They show that even with the combined propaganda might of the government, the media and social media, you can’t pull the wool over the eyes of most Americans. You can bully some into not saying what they’re thinking, but you can’t keep them from thinking it. And eventually, they’ll get sick enough of being bullied and yell what they're thinking into your face.

First up, a new Trafalgar Group poll finds that 56.5% of Americans don’t believe that Joe Biden is fully executing the duties of his office. That even includes 31.7% of Democrats. Only 36.4% believe Biden is fully in control. These people are also known as “Americans who’ve never watched a Joe Biden press conference.”

Related: No, despite what Biden told the World Series champion Los Angeles Dodgers Friday, he did NOT hit a 368-foot home run off the right centerfield wall of RFK Stadium in his second Congressional baseball game in 1974. He actually singled out twice, and it wasn’t even played in RFK Stadium. The White House had no comment, and neither did the media. You can imagine the howls of “Lying liar!!!” if Trump had said that, but with Joe, they just assume he confused himself with Mark McGwire and move on.

On to the other polls: A Washington Post/ABC News poll (so I assume it’s heavily slanted left) still found that 51% of Americans disapprove of how Biden is handling the border, with only 33% thinking he’s doing a decent job.

Democrats may be shocked by a new Pew Research poll that shows how many black Americans identify as conservative, moderate or Christian (80%...hardly a shock to me); how many Republican ideas like charter schools and voter ID that they support; and how strongly opposed they are to crazy leftist ideas like defunding the police.

A poll by Forbes/Tate Partners finds overwhelming disapproval by Americans of the Democrats’ “PRO Act” that would kill contract and gig jobs, eliminate right-to-work laws and force workers to pay union dues.

A new poll by Heritage Action finds that 64% of Americans oppose defunding the police (I’m surprised it’s not higher), and only 31% believe the handling of crime is better under Biden. I’m assuming those 31% are criminals.

Finally, and most encouraging for the 4th of July, an Issues & Insights/TIPP poll found that most Americans aren’t ashamed of this nation. In fact, they’re rightly proud to be Americans. 44% say they are “extremely proud,” 23% are “very proud,” 15% are “moderately proud,” 8% are “slightly proud,” and the big voting bloc that the Democrats are aiming for, those who are “not at all proud to be Americans,” comprise 6%.

Despite all the assaults on America as irredeemably racist, 55% of blacks and 57% of Hispanics say they are either “very” or “extremely” proud to be Americans. Only 7% and 9%, respectively, are not proud. They are also known as “CNN commentators.”

Surprisingly, despite the far-left bent of universities and the media's dissing of “low information” patriotic Americans, 75% of college graduates are proud to be Americans compared to 62% of those with only a high school diploma.

It’s worrying that the only group where a majority are not very or extremely proud to be Americans (36% total) are young people aged 18 to 24. I assume this reflects the corrosive miseducation they’ve received from leftist schools, media and social media. Here’s video proof of how woefully ignorant they are about America's history and how incredibly blessed they are to be here:

That problem urgently needs to be corrected by reforming schools and reining in social media. Let’s hope that the current badly-educated generation will come to their senses once they’re far enough away from the campuses and get enough experience with real life to have some sense knocked into them.

The nation’s largest teachers’ union, the misleadingly named National Education Association (“Education” should more accurately be replaced with “Indoctrination”) came out against parents who are trying to get racist Critical Race Theory out of schools.

The NEA voted that it is “reasonable and appropriate” to use CRT in social studies classes (interestingly contradicting other leftists, who claim it’s too “complex” for lower grades and deny it’s being pushed in K-12 schools at all.) They also approved a plan to "publicize" CRT and dedicate a "team of staffers" to assist union members looking to "fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric" (i.e., they want to research the backgrounds of critics of CRT to try to smear and dox them.)

The resolution also calls for the NEA to "join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project to call for a rally this year on Oct. 14 — George Floyd’s birthday — as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression." FYI: Howard Zinn was the self-described anarchist/socialist who wrote “A People’s History of the United States,” the first major anti-American “revisionist” (false and propagandistic) history book which has infected America’s schools for years.

The NEA also voted to back the “1619 Project,” the latest false anti-American account of US history. It’s so bad that even the World Socialist Web Site dismissed it as a load of careless, cherry-picked, racialist garbage that evinces “no familiarity with the massive body of work produced by generations of historians.”

And this is what the largest teachers’ union in America endorses pouring into your kids’ noggins. That’s why many people say that sending your kids to a public school these days is a form of child abuse.

On the plus side, since this is the same union that’s fighting tooth and toenail to keep from reopening schools, maybe they’ll still be refusing to indoctrinate kids even by October. By then, you will have been able to find a good school for your kids, or be home-schooling them, or have replaced your school board or pressured local leaders to replace this racist, Marxist brainwashing with actual education.

I hope you’re having a great 4th of July week, but between the celebratory fireworks on one hand and the anti-American political fireworks on the other, let’s take just a moment to reflect on what Independence Day really means and how it led to the freedoms and blessings that far too many Americans fail to appreciate these days.

Most historians (not New York Times writers, but real historians) mark the beginning of America as the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. But in truth, there was still a long road to travel before America as we know it came to be. First, of course, there was the matter of fighting a bloody revolution against Great Britain, one where victory was an overwhelming longshot, and win or lose, the leaders risked their lives, honor and fortunes. Victory was followed by more heated battles over what kind of government we would have.

Our Forefathers finally agreed to a blueprint, the Constitution, that wasn’t even introduced until 1789 – over 13 years later. Today, many Americans take those hard-won freedoms very lightly and seem eager to trade them away for false promises of security. Many can’t even name the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Maybe they’d cherish them more if they knew how close they came to not having them at all.

Did you know that the Constitution very nearly got passed without the Bill of Rights? Even some of the wisest of our forefathers thought a Bill of Rights was a dangerous idea. Alexander Hamilton argued that it was risky to list the rights the government couldn’t take away because then, politicians might try to grab any and every power that wasn’t specifically prohibited to them (apparently, the ability to rap wasn’t the only way Hamilton predicted the 21st century). He and many others also felt that a Bill of Rights was unnecessary: since nobody was surrendering their God-given rights by agreeing to the Constitution, there was no need to list them, right? Hamilton wrote, “Why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do?”

It’s ironic that Hamilton made that argument. Later on, as the first Treasury Secretary, he cited powers that the Constitution merely implied that the government had in order to take on debt, create a federal bank and impose unpopular taxes. Over a century later, when the federal income tax was passed, some lawmakers wanted to include a 10% limit, but they were voted down. Opponents scoffed that it was absurd to think the government would ever steal as much as 10% of an American’s hard-earned wages. Flash forward just 30 years, and they were happily taxing away 94%. So just imagine how few freedoms we’d have today if they’d listened to Hamilton and decided it wasn’t necessary to put specific limits on government power.

Luckily for us all, Thomas Jefferson won the argument, and the Bill of Rights was added. They even included the 9th amendment, which I’ll bet most people can’t even describe. Here’s what it says:

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

It means that just because some God-given rights aren’t specifically listed, that doesn’t mean the people cede them to the government. Maybe because so many of the framers were also farmers, they understood that like weeds, government tends to grow and grow, choking out the productive crops -- and like a bull, it will trample you if you don’t corral it. (Also, it produces the same thing a bull does.)

So if we want to preserve our freedoms, and keep government limited, maybe we should send more farmers to Washington -- and fewer lawyers.

When a lie gets repeated so often that everyone thinks it’s true, it’s called “conventional wisdom” – maybe because it happens so often at political conventions. These days, the conventional wisdom is that Americans are clamoring for cradle-to-grave Socialism. Don’t buy it.

Throughout the Bush-Obama era, the media kept repeating “failed conservative policies” until even a lot of so-called conservatives believed it. Well, what a difference a few years make. We tried leftist policies. They resulted in a sluggish economy, depressed job growth, rising income inequality, reduced wealth and opportunities for minorities, rising class and racial divisions, and abroad, a decline in US prestige and leadership and the advancement and emboldening of our enemies, including a terrorist “JV team” metastasizing into a worldwide threat.

Polls began to show that most Americans wanted the government to do less and spend less. In France, where an actual Socialist was elected President, his huge tax hikes crashed the economy and made socialism as popular with the French as cheese in a can. The media were shocked when voters turned right in the next election. They should’ve known that nothing turns people off of socialism like actually experiencing it. Ask a Cuban or Venezuelan. The elites responded by doubling down on the arrogance, condescension and name-calling of those who dared to challenge their divine right to rule. The people were forced to make their point even more clearly by shutting down large sections of the country with Tea Party protests, and demanding their culture and secure national borders back, and finally by shocking the elites with the election of Donald Trump.

Trump reversed virtually every Obama policy. Result: ISIS was crushed, peace started breaking out in the Middle East, illegal immigration plummeted, the economy boomed, and unemployment for all groups fell to record lows while real wages rose for the first time in decades. It took the artificial shutdown of that economy due to COVID-19 to crush it. Now, as it’s starting to rush back, we have Biden crushing it and bringing back Middle East violence and illegal immigration, plus skyrocketing crime and inflation, simply by reversing all of Trump’s policies.

If you ever wanted a laboratory demonstration of whose policies work and whose don’t, you could just look at the past three Administrations prior to President Trump. It’s like watching someone turn off the lights, turn them back on, then turn them off again.

It is a shame that voters have to keep relearning the hard way that top-down, big government solutions and leftist utopian fantasies don’t work in reality. Young people can almost be excused for believing in socialism for the same reason they believe in the Tooth Fairy: they are empty vessels who get filled with whatever adults pour into them. As many parents have recently realized, we’ve been dangerously remiss in allowing leftists to take over our schools and fill those precious vessels with mental pollution.

But Republicans who promised small government and fiscal responsibility have let us down, too. Too many let deficits skyrocket, stuffed budgets with pork, and became cheerleaders for big government and disdainful toward the very Americans who put them in office. These so-called “conservatives” slammed me in 2007 for not being a “real conservative” because I pointed out problems in the economy that were hurting working people and criticized the lack of oversight of Wall Street’s excesses. Two years later, they wanted to spend $700 billion of our grandkids’ money to save Wall Street from its excesses. They abandoned government’s rightful role as a tough-but-impartial referee and wanted to use its power to pick winners and losers in the market. Is that “real conservatism?”

The truth is that voters didn’t turn their backs on conservatism, Republican politicians did. Democrats didn’t sweep to power in 2008 by claiming to be government-bloating tax-and-spenders, but by swearing they’d changed and were now fiscally responsible. Of course, once they gave Obama, Pelosi and Reid unlimited power, voters quickly realized their terrible mistake and gave the House back to the GOP in the next election. But too many Republicans had already squandered their credibility, so when Democrats ballooned the deficit, they could deflect criticism by simply pointing at their opponents’ own record.

In 2020, the endless media assaults on Trump and the false messaging that Biden was a moderate centrist hoodwinked the voters yet again into putting the Democrats back into power. From his first day in power, he surrounded himself with people who can’t wait to bloat government, reversed all of Trump’s successful policies, and started pushing to raise taxes, spend money like water, regulate everything that moves, and turn the whole country into a coast-to-coast version of one of the failing cities Democrats have run for decades. Only a few months in, buyers’ remorse has hit Americans harder than COVID-19.

Another example: New Yorkers lived through the nightmare of the Dinkins years, elected Republican Rudy Giuliani, who miraculously saved the city (ignoring Democrats who routinely called him a Nazi and a fascist) and then Bloomberg, who continued Rudy’s policies and kept it going. Then for some unfathomable reason, New Yorkers decided they were tired of a well-run, successful city, or had become so complacent that they thought NYC could run itself, so they elected Dinkins’ protégé, Bill DeBlasio. Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Look at NYC now, and look at how many voters are desperate to get rid of DeBlasio.

From Jefferson’s belief that government closest to the people governs best to Reagan’s faith in free markets, from low taxes to letting markets instead of government make business decisions, conservative ideas work whenever they’re tried. Unfortunately, party leaders and the media are wildly out of touch with most Americans, and they are the ones with Hollywood, the media and social media acting as a 24-hour PR apparatus for bad leftist policies. This amplifies the liberal side and suppresses the conservative side so much that not only is the tail wagging the dog, but it’s like a Chihuahua’s tail wagging a St. Bernard. Too often, they succeed in hookwinking the voters into giving them more power, despite decades of failure.

But as that great Republican Abraham Lincoln observed, you can fool some of the people all of the time (they’re called “progressives”) and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Let’s pray that 2022 will be one of those “won’t get fooled again” elections.

The leaders we need

July 5, 2021

We all knew a kid in school who just had to run everything. Remember the classmate who insisted on picking the games you’d all play at recess, where you’d go after school, even who was “in” or “out” of your group? In high school, that kid had a compulsive need to be the leader of every student organization. You just wanted to say, “Hey! You’re not the boss of me!” Whatever happened to those kids? I wouldn’t be surprised if most ended up in government. We certainly have no shortage of people there who think they know how to live your life and spend your paycheck better than you do.

I’m convinced the world is divided into people who just want to live their own lives and those who, for some reason, have an uncontrollable urge to tell everyone else how to live. Unfortunately, to that latter group, government seems like the ideal place to work, and at the moment, they are getting 99.9% of all the attention from the media. As more of them gravitated toward government, Congress abdicated much of its legislating authority to unelected bureaucrats. Their bureaus grew like kudzu, and so did their regulations with the force of law (but no input from the people.) Then one day, we looked up and discovered we had a crushing national debt and were paying huge salaries to an army of people who enforce how big your soda should be and who couldn’t be fired and who is allowed to come into your daughter’s locker room. That’s when sane people realized that government is the LAST place these out-of-control control freaks needed to be.

The temptation for government to overreach is hardly new. In fact, it stretches back to the beginning of recorded history, and I bet even earlier than that. There’s a story in the ninth chapter of the book of Judges in the Old Testament about Gideon’s son Abimelech, who craved leadership and stature - not to serve the people but to control them and make them serve him. He said, “Give me dominion over your lives, and I will simplify your existence.” Wow, does that sound familiar? It’s basically the entire 2020 Democratic platform. Our government has taken us pretty far down that same road, but does your life seem any simpler -- or just a lot less free?

Anyway, back to Abimelech. He had a very smart younger brother, Jotham, who came up with a clever tale about three trees: an olive tree, a fig tree, and a vine tree. All three were fine trees that produced lots of fruit. All were offered the exalted position of “King Of All Trees,” but all three turned it down. The plant that wanted to be “King Of All Trees” was the bramble bush, a weak plant that produces no fruit at all. Jotham’s point was that only the weak and nonproductive have the desire to rule everyone else. Does that lesson not resonate like a gong right now?

When anyone aspires to a position of power, take a long, hard look. If that person seemingly crawled out of the cradle with an ambition to be President, then beware! Anytime someone talks about “running the country,” alarm bells should sound. No one – not the President, not Congress, no one person – “runs the country” or should aspire to. That’s why the Founders took such pains to divide and limit federal power, and why we need to reinstate those limits that have been blurred in recent years, whether by Presidents ruling via executive order or out-of-control judges legislating from the bench or unelected bureaucrats abusing their power to try to influence the results of elections. If we allow any one person or entity to ignore those limits and assume the power to run everything, we won’t be able to stop them when they run America into the ground.

We should pick leaders who resemble the trees in the Bible story that don’t need or crave power but that have shown they bear good fruit. As it is said, by their fruits ye shall know them. Government has more than enough nuts already.

Leadership 101

July 5, 2021

Pundits on the left still puzzle and argue over how Donald Trump could have been elected and why he has such strong support. They would know if they’d read my book, “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy,” which was published shortly before Trump even entered politics. It explained how the elites of politics, academia and the media had sealed themselves into such an airtight echo chamber, they had no idea what the mysterious natives of that vast “flyover country” that they looked down on, literally and figuratively, were thinking.

What they were thinking was that they were fed up to the gills with a two-tiered system that gave the politically-connected a pass for things that would land them under the jail. They were sick of being ignored and insulted for voicing legitimate complaints about how their lives were being adversely affected by government policies, disregard for the Constitution and selective enforcement of laws. They were tired of being called racists or xenophobes or immigrant-haters if they thought the welfare of suffering Americans, such as homeless veterans or people put out of work by illegal immigrant labor, should take priority over solving the problems of everyone else in the world.

And on a visceral level, they were tired of the grating combination of ignorance and arrogance (a trait we’ve recently seen turned up to 11 since Democrats have retaken power.) It’s that condescending attitude of elitists (politicians, Hollywood stars, news media figures, Silicon Valley tech/social media denizens) who are convinced they are the smartest people in the room – so smart, in fact, that their ideas are the only ones that should be allowed to be expressed -- even though the results of their ideas throughout history prove that they don’t have the slightest idea what they’re talking about. They think they know how to run the entire planet, but have fewer practical skills than the average apprentice plumber.

The poster boy for arrogant ignorance was New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio, whose brief, doomed presidential bid was exemplified by his clueless claim that all it takes to be a farmer is to throw some seeds in the dirt, add water, and “up comes the corn.” Down went DeBlasio, and for good reason. He proved he knew even less about being a farmer than he does about being a mayor.

During the Obama years, a lot of young leftist wonks with massive egos sailed triumphantly into Washington only to go slinking back to academia after seeing their precious theories shatter on the rocks of reality. Yet since then, they’ve learned nothing and become even more cocksure of themselves and the inevitability of their failed socialist ideas. Now, they’re back in Washington and watching those ideas fail even faster and more spectacularly. So what can all those Ivy League hothouse flowers learn about problem-solving from a lowly former Arkansas governor and business owner?

Well, the most important tip I could offer is this: Very big problems are usually not solved with very big solutions. A 2000-page bill or a massive ten-year “plan” like the Green New Deal only creates a whole new set of problems. If you want to turn a problem into a catastrophe, the recipe is simple: just add lots and lots of bureaucrats and taxpayer money.

When you have a big problem, Step #1 is to break it down into little problems. Then put someone in charge of each problem who actually knows how to solve it. It takes an experienced, executive decision-maker just to decide which decisions to make and which ones can be safely left to someone else. (This is something that doesn’t require political experience; anyone who’s ever run a successful business knows it instinctively.)

Next comes the hardest part: prioritizing. We’ve all seen executives who are constantly bustling and shouting. They look busy – some people are even impressed by their constant bustling -- but they never really get anything done. That’s because they’re trying to do everything at once, instead of focusing on issues in their order of importance.

I’ll let you in on another secret: the importance of an issue is not determined by how important the people closest to it think it is. You might have to disappoint or even anger people by telling them their pet issue isn’t your top priority. Sorry, that’s part of the job.

I once had a professor of religion who said one of the wisest things I ever heard about management: “Don’t use all your water to put out too small a fire.” If you use up all your resources and credibility overreacting to a small crisis, then what do you do when a big crisis comes along and your fire extinguisher is empty? (We’re seeing this a lot in the media these days, when every little controversy becomes a hair-on-fire CRISIS, and every piece of fake news becomes a “BOMBSHELL SCANDAL,” and then gets dropped the second the next one comes along. All this has accomplished is to erode their own credibility.)

Another essential skill is choosing the right employees. If you have important jobs to fill, find people who’ve mastered every aspect of their current job and are happy there, but ready to move up. Someone who wants a promotion because he’s not comfortable where he is won’t be any more comfortable higher up.

You also don’t need an idealistic dreamer who leaps in from academia to reinvent the wheel. Advanced degrees and high grades in school are admirable, but often, real world experience and common sense are far more valuable. When you need to put out a fire, you call a firefighter, not a Ph.D. in combustion theory. When you’re dealing with violent rioters, you need cops, not sociology majors (as shocking as that might seem to certain blue city politicians.) And as we learned from the FBI and the Mueller team, you don’t put people in charge who let partisan zeal prejudice the way they do their jobs or deal with the public.

That’s what you should learn on day one of “Leadership 101.” So how come so many of our leaders, and those jockeying to become our leaders, still haven’t learned it?

I’ve been astounded recently by the way the left has been so successful at using the phrase “hate speech” and the fear of school shootings to convince young people to demand that their own First and Second Amendment rights be taken away.

Somehow, they have managed to bamboozle a large slice of the young generation into simultaneously believing that they are wise and mature enough to start voting and even writing laws at 16; yet they are so childish and irresponsible, they can’t be trusted to touch a firearm until they’re 21, or to hear an opposing opinion without rushing to a safe space to cuddle a puppy and schmoosh Play-Doh.

When young people don’t know their rights, where those rights came from, and how much was sacrificed to secure them, it’s easy to convince them to trade them away for empty promises of comfort and security. This is the basis of all those quotes warning not to sell your birthright for a mess of pottage, a bit of advice so ancient and universal that it dates back to Esau in Genesis 25: 29-34. But leftists are still counting on young people not knowing it (no wonder they want to ban the Bible from schools.)

These days, students are taught an ugly, twisted and totally negative perversion of American history. They’re taught to hate their own magnificent heritage, and they don’t learn the most basic facts (or even what the word “pottage” means), let alone all the great stories you discover when you dig into real American history. This seems like the perfect week for a lesson in how America came to be born. And I’ll try to put it into terms they can relate to.

Maybe – possibly – today’s students vaguely recognize the name Paul Revere (although they might believe he was a slave trader. I certainly doubt they had to memorize the poem, the way we did.) But how many know there was another heroic midnight rider who warned that the British were coming, only this one was a teenage girl from Duchess County, New York?

She’s just one of many American heroes that kids don’t learn about because modern textbooks scrub history of everything interesting or inspiring in favor of leftist social and political agendas that downgrade America. They depict it as a land of nothing but racism and oppression, not as a land where people of goodwill have struggled and sacrificed for generations, constantly working to improve things by establishing justice, securing the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity and creating a “more perfect union” (in the original foundational document, the writers made it clear that nothing’s perfect, but we would strive always to keep working together toward perfection.)

Kids, American history is not a list of personal grievances against people who’ve been dead for 200 years. It’s everything that ever happened to everyone before you came on the scene. Seek it out. Trust me: it can be pretty interesting, and you can actually learn things from it.

For instance: listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of…Sybil Ludington? As the oldest of 11 children, Sybil had to take on a lot of responsibility at a young age. She was barely 16 on the night of April 26, 1777. She had just tucked all her siblings into bed when, suddenly, there came an urgent knock at the door. It was a messenger, coming to warn her father, Col. Henry Ludington, that British troops were invading.

His troops weren’t expecting an attack and were scattered all over the countryside. Gathering them meant a dangerous ride over pitch-black roads, through enemy soldiers, wild animals, and hostile Indians (sorry: “Indigenous Peoples.”) Understandably, the messenger refused an order to go. But Sybil volunteered. Her father protested, but she pointed out that only she knew where all his men lived. As any father of a strong-willed daughter (especially one named Sybil!) will recognize, he’d long since learned that arguing with her was futile. So Sybil mounted up and rode off.

It was a rainy night. The British had already set nearby Danbury, Connecticut, on fire, and the flames cast an eerie, red glow on the fog. It spurred Sybil on as she galloped from house to house, banging on doors and shouting that the British were coming. According to legend, at one point, a highway robber tried to intercept Sybil, but she raised her father’s musket and sent him running. Yet another reason why teenagers should think twice before demanding that the Second Amendment be taken away from them.

By dawn, Sybil and her horse were cold, wet and exhausted. She’d roused over 400 troops, who joined the Battle of Ridgefield and helped drive the British all the way back to Long Island Sound. Gen. Washington personally honored Sybil for her heroism.

Today, there are historic markers all along her route, and statues of her in New York and Washington (if they haven’t been torn down by historical illiterates.) But I’ll bet most young people never even heard of Sybil Ludington, a teenager much like them, except she knew what really happened during the American Revolution. Maybe it’s because nobody wrote a famous poem about her midnight ride -- even though her ride was over twice as long as Paul Revere’s. Let’s hope someone turns her story into a hip-hop musical.

Fourth of July Jukebox

July 4, 2021

I know many of you will be playing patriotic songs this weekend, everything from “God Bless the USA” to “California Girls” to “Living In America.” But I thought you might like to expand your patriotic party playlist to include some songs that you don’t hear too often, or ever. Some were hits that don’t get played much anymore, others are obscure singles and album cuts, but all will make you proud to be an American. You can make a Spotify playlist or use the YouTube links below.



From our “Huckabee” musical guests:

Some of our “Huckabee” guests have blessed us with terrific new patriotic songs, and here are two recent examples. Country legend Clint Black performed a new song he wrote with Steve Wariner called “America (Still in Love With You),” and you can hear him perform it with Tre Corley and the Music City Connection right here:


We had the astonishing George W. Bush impressionist John C. Morgan on recently. He’s also a singer/musician, and he has a new song out to counter all the efforts to divide Americans on racial lines. It’s called “America…My Brother and Me,” and you can catch the video here:


Now on to some oldies but goodies…


“Johnny Freedom” – Johnny Horton

Johnny Horton’s career was cut short at age 35 in a tragic car crash. But he left behind a legacy of great songs, many inspired by historical events, such as “Sink the Bismarck” and the immortal “Battle of New Orleans” (which inspired the hilarious Homer & Jethro parody, “The Battle of Kookamonga.”) You can learn more about American history from Johnny Horton’s Greatest Hits than you can from a public high school these days. Here’s a patriotic Horton tune for the 4th that you might not know, “Johnny Freedom.”



“The Americans” – Gordon Sinclair

Gordon Sinclair was one of the most unlikely recording stars of all time. A Canadian writer/reporter, he was so annoyed in 1973 at hearing that the Red Cross was out of funds, he wrote an editorial about all that America does for the world. He didn’t think it was anything special, but public reaction was overwhelming. WWDC-AM in Washington, DC, started playing a reading of it with “Bridge Over Troubled Water” in the background, which inspired the release of Sinclair’s own recording, a 45 on Avco under the title, “The Americans (A Canadian's Opinion.)” All proceeds went to the Red Cross. It rose to #24 on the charts, making Sinclair, at 73, the second-oldest artist ever to make the Billboard Top 40, behind 75-year-old Moms Mabley’s “Abraham, Martin and John.” It was revived for a bit after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrinia, but it needs to be heard again now.

By the way, you might be more familiar with this version by Byron MacGregor of CKLW radio, which got higher on the charts. It was an unauthorized version that Sinclair wasn’t happy about. Still, the sentiments can’t be repeated too many times.



“Back In The USA” – Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers

Everyone loves Chuck Berry’s classic original that lists all the cool things we've got here in the USA, but this low-fi version is one of my favorite records of all time. Linda Ronstadt had the hit, but I always thought hers was kinda stiff. This version captures the freedom of playing in a garage band with your friends on a sunny Saturday afternoon as hamburgers sizzle on the grill nearby. It’s so spontaneous, you can hear Jonathan turning off-mic and directing the band as he goes along. This is just over two minutes of the pure joys, large and small, of being an American. If you can listen to this without smiling, I don’t want to know you.


And for the purists, here’s Chuck Berry’s original. This actually has 10 thumbs-down on YouTube. I assume they’re all communists:



“Paul Revere” – Johnny Cash

How can we salute America in song without including the man who is known as the voice of America, Johnny Cash? So much to pick from (the obvious choice might be “Ragged Old Flag”), but here’s a cool obscurity from his 1970 LP, “America: A 200-Year Salute in Story and Song.”

The album covers everything from the Revolution to the Space Age, including songs about the Alamo (whose defenders were HEROES!!!), the Gettysburg Address and possibly the only song you’ll ever hear about the assassination of President James Garfield. It’s all great, but for this week, what could be more appropriate than Johnny Cash singing the story of Paul Revere?



“Rockin’ In The USA” – KISS

Typically for KISS, the lyrics aren’t very profound, but they make the indisputable though grammatically-puzzling point that there’s nowhere else you’d rather stay than rockin’ in the US. If you’re surprised that these shock rockers would do something so unabashedly patriotic, then you probably didn’t know that Gene Simmons is an Israeli immigrant, the son of a concentration camp survivor, and very grateful to America for his success as a music entrepreneur.



“America, Why I Love Her” by John Wayne and “Pledge of Allegiance” by Red Skelton

Since these are both patriotic recitations by beloved 20th century showbiz giants, I thought I’d make them a two-fer.

The iconic 1973 album “America, Why I Love Her” by John Wayne has its own chapter in my book about celebrity records, “Hollywood Hi-Fi.” There are other celebrity connections as well: the words were written by John Mitchum, the actor/writer brother of Robert Mitchum, and the idea of Wayne recording it came from Forrest Tucker ("F Troop.")

Mitchum had a role in Wayne’s 1970 movie “Chisum,” and during a break, he read his co-stars his tribute to the US military, “Why Are You Marching, Son?” Wayne was moved to manly tears, and Tucker said if he liked it that much, why didn’t he do something about it? So on a handshake deal (more binding than a contract when it’s the Duke’s mighty handshake), they agreed to make an album.

It took Wayne three years to finish the recording (he’d lost a lung due to his six-pack-a-day cigarette habit), but the results were worth it. The LP of patriotic recitations sold 100,000 copies in its first two weeks, scored a Grammy nomination, inspired a companion book, and became a hit all over again when it was reissued after Wayne’s death in 1979. It finally fell out of print, but a revival of interest after 9/11 helped Mitchum’s daughter finally get it rereleased on CD. The entire album is now available 24/7 on YouTube, Amazon and other digital platforms.

I particularly wanted to share this on the 4th of July because of the recent whining from the snowflake brigade about some non-PC things Wayne said in the early 1970s. The Duke is the only deceased star to rank in the Harris Poll of America's Top 10 most popular movie stars every year, even 40 years after his death. The crybullies think they can cancel John Wayne. That’ll be the day!

On January 14, 1969, Red Skelton performed a recitation that he wrote himself on his CBS variety show, “The Red Skelton Hour,” which you can now stream on Amazon Prime when the current TV offerings seem as funny as a root canal. It relates how a beloved teacher once explained the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to his class. Trivia: The backing music is titled “Red’s White and Blue March” and is one of Red’s many compositions.

After it aired, CBS was flooded with 200,000 requests for copies, and a month later, it was released on a Columbia 45. Red performed it for the rest of his life, including at the White House for the newly-inaugurated President Nixon. It has become an American classic and been used as a teaching tool for many years by schools that aren’t afraid of being sued for exposing students to the words “Under God” or, now, even saying the Pledge of Allegiance.



“What Is America To Me” – Frank Sinatra

In case you’ve never seen it, this is a link to "The House I Live In," the entire 10-minute short film that this song came from (it begins at the 6:45 mark, for those with Internet-shortened attention spans.) This film was produced at the end of World War II to help fight anti-Semitism, and perhaps should still be required viewing for certain Democratic Congress members. The notes on YouTube have a lot of interesting history of the film and song, if you’d like to know more.



“Bumper of My SUV” – Chely Wright

This song written and performed by country singer Chely Wright is about a snotty person's rude reaction to the Marines sticker she put on her SUV in honor of her brother who was serving in the Middle East. It was extremely personal to her, but it was universally embraced by the troops when she performed it during a series of shows in Iraq. This brings home how some people are intensely ungrateful for the safe, comfortable lives that they owe to the US military, as well as their freedom to be obnoxious, ungrateful jerks. I’m linking to a live clip where she tells the story of how the song came about before singing it. Any US Marine vets will especially appreciate this.



“Only in America” – Jay and The Americans

A moderate hit in 1963, this ode to the American Dream was originally intended for the Drifters but seems a better fit for a band called “Jay and The Americans.” This was from a time before the left made people think it was shameful to want to succeed and get rich. The singer informs us that only in America can a boy become a millionaire, get a classy girl and maybe grow up to be President – or if you’re Donald Trump, all three.




“American Faces” – John Conlee

Nashville has sadly forgotten what real country music sounds like, or else one of the most distinctive country voices of all time, John Conlee, would still be topping the charts. Known as the singing mortician for his pre-music career, Conlee landed 32 singles on the charts between 1978 and 2004. Fourteen made the top 10, including “Common Man,” “Backside of 30,” “Lady Lay Down,” “Miss Emily’s Picture,” “Busted,” and one of the greatest country songs of all time, “Rose Colored Glasses.”

Fans should know that he recently appeared on “Huckabee” and he’s still out there touring (Laura and I have tickets to see him in September.) You can find his tour dates, music and merchandise at You should also check out his latest CD, “Classics 3,” which includes a very powerful pro-life song called “Unborn Voice.”

For the 4th of July, here’s the moving title track from Conlee’s 1987 album, “American Faces,” a salute to some of the unsung people in “Flyover Country” who make America what it is.



“Red, White & Blue” – Lynyrd Skynyrd

There are a lot of seemingly patriotic rock songs that get played on the Fourth of July, like Springsteen’s “Born in the USA,” whose creators actually meant them as critical or sarcastic and who get bent out of shape when they are “misconstrued” as flag-wavers. To them, I say, “Get bent.” Here is a rock song that is unambiguously pro-American, by the ultimate working class band, Lynyrd Skynyrd. This is by the post-crash version of the band, from the 2003 album, “Vicious Cycle.”


“Ask Not Waltz” – President John F. Kennedy

Finally, my writing partner and fellow musicologist George Gimarc and I were very pleased to be able to haul this record out of obscurity for both our celebrity records book “Hollywood Hi-Fi” and its companion CD on Brunswick. This record was historic on a number of levels.

Not only does it set one of the most inspiring and iconic speeches in American history to a tune you can really skate to, but it was also one of the earliest examples of what later became mainstays of pop music: sampling and rapping. The idea was hatched by “Bullwinkle” writer George Atkins and Nashville producer Hank Levine as they were sitting by the pool, trying to come up with an idea for a JFK comedy record. Levine told us that in those pre-digital days, setting JFK’s actual words to music required a massive, painstaking tape editing job.

The album (“Sing Along With JFK”) was released in summer, 1963, but radio resisted because it was disrespectful to the President (can you imagine such a thing?!) But college stations started playing it and it was climbing the charts until November when JFK jokes suddenly became verboten. Don’t feel guilty about enjoying it, though, because Kennedy family insider Peter Lawford said it was the only JFK comedy record that JFK actually liked.



Happy Independence Day and happy 245th birthday to the United States of America! No, this nation was not born in 1619 when slaves first arrived, no matter how many trinkets liberal “journalists” award themselves for creating bogus history. It was born on July 4th, 1776, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which officially kicked out the previous regime and kicked off history’s greatest experiment in freedom.

Today is when all Americans celebrate our freedoms. But sadly, too many young Americans have been miseducated to feel no gratitude for the titanic struggles and sacrifices made by those of previous generations to secure and preserve those freedoms. As the recent pandemic proved, even those who recognize how lucky they are to be Americans are often too willing to trade away their freedoms in exchange for hollow promises of security. As the great philosopher Joni Mitchell once said, “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone.”

That’s why the Founding Fathers took such care to lock our most important rights safely within the First Amendment to the Constitution. There are more freedoms guaranteed in that one short sentence than people in most nations can even dream of. That’s why for centuries now, people from around the world have risked their lives to come to America (by the way, why do the same people who think America is the worst nation on Earth also demand open borders to accommodate all the people who want to be Americans?) It’s also why legal immigrants are often more patriotic than natural-born Americans: they’re aware of how unique America is and truly grateful the freedoms too many of us take for granted.

The Founders understood how precious and rare such freedoms are. When the framers of the Constitution first met in 1787, many feared that if they created a strong federal government, it would trample the rights of the people, just like the British king they’d fought to break free of. So to make sure the people’s rights would always be protected, they added 10 amendments - although George Mason thought they were so important, they should come first, as the Preface to the Constitution!

Now, in case you’ve never heard it or have just forgotten (as too many federal judges and a few Supreme Court Justices I could name apparently have), here is the First Amendment, in its entirety. Don’t worry, this really won’t take long:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Yep, that’s it. This was before government needed a 2,000-page bill just to ruin your health insurance or put $2 trillion on your credit card. Only 45 simple words were needed to protect our rights…

* To speak freely without fear of government retribution...

* To publish those words so that other Americans can read and debate them (even if they disagree with the views of the people who own Facebook and Twitter)…

* To band together with like-thinking Americans and protest peacefully without fear of arrest (Note: protesting peacefully does not include rioting, arson and looting, but it should include simply stepping inside the Capitol when the door is open)…

* To petition our leaders to change their policies…

* And to be free from having an official state religion forced upon us, but also from government interference with the free expression of our personal religious beliefs (like telling us that going to church is nonessential and banned, but going to the liquor store is essential.) A lot of people celebrate the first half of that religious right (no state religion) but pretend the second half (no state interference in religion) doesn’t exist. The Supreme Court even seems to be reticent lately to make clear that it means what it says, even though it takes only six words to say it: “…or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Also, note that the phrase “separation of church and state” does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. In other words, trying to ban religious people from public office and expressions of faith on public property is not supported by the Constitution.

These are the rights that together create the free American culture that those of who know real history celebrate today. The Founders thought they were all so important that somehow, they found a way to list every single one of them first.

Then, just to be certain that no future government ever tried to take those rights away, they made the very next amendment the right to bear arms. And having just fought a bloody Revolution against the most powerful military force on Earth, they certainly never intended to limit gun ownership only to military members.

And perhaps most importantly, they emphasized that these rights are given by God, not government. So no matter how hard some people are trying to scratch some of them off of the parchment, it won’t make a lick of difference. You can’t edit God.

The latest conservative to be silenced by a Big Tech company is Andy Ngo, one of a dying breed of actual investigative journalists. Ngo has repeatedly put his own life at risk to report on the violent radical group Antifa, which has made him the target of death threats, physical assaults, and censorship and slander by left-friendly media outlets.

Now, Ngo has received word from the audio hosting site Soundcloud that his podcast, “Things You Should Ngo,” has been permanently removed for violating their terms of service. This was baffling to him, considering they (A.) didn’t explain what he’d done wrong, and (B.) he hadn’t posted a new podcast to Soundcloud in over a year.

Ngo, who at least is still on Twitter, tweeted, "Big Tech is not nonpartisan nor neutral. Being permanently suspended from Soundcloud without knowing why or even having an opportunity to appeal is how it is now."

And this is why I have my own website ( and built an email list to reach you directly with this newsletter.

And did you know that I have a regular podcast? I regularly post new episodes of “The People’s Podcast with Mike Huckabee,” featuring commentary and interviews with top newsmakers. And Soundcloud can’t censor me because I’m on Quake Media, along with exclusive podcasts by other great hosts like Laura Ingraham, Gretchen Carlson and Andrew Gillum for as little as $2.99 a month or $29.99 a year.

It’s at

Yesterday’s story about Tucker Carlson’s claim that, according to a whistleblower, his electronic communications are being intercepted is sending some shock waves, at least through conservative media. On Tuesday evening, the National Security Agency released a formal statement, which reads:

“On June 28, 2021, Tucker Carlson alleged that the National Security Agency has been ‘monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air.’ This allegation is untrue. Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has never had any plans to take his program off the air. NSA has a foreign intelligence mission. We target foreign powers to generate insights on foreign activities that could harm the United States. With limited exceptions (e.g., an emergency), NSA may not target a U.S. citizen without a court order that specifically authorizes the targeting.”

That statement appears in the updated story from the WASHINGTON EXAMINER.

Recall what we said yesterday about the responsibilities of the NSA as opposed to other intel agencies such as the FBI. If we're going to split hairs, the NSA’s statement might be said to be accurate, though very misleading. The NSA isn't necessarily “targeting” people or “monitoring” Tucker Carlson. That’s because what the NSA does, as far as we can tell, is scoop up communications indiscriminately. They have all the data: yours, mine, Tucker’s, everybody’s. And they just...hold on to it.

What their statement leaves out is that the FBI does the actual targeting. If we understand correctly, when FBI agents want to target you, an American citizen, and go before judges to get a warrant –- remember, we’ve seen with Carter Page how they can falsify the evidence –- that makes THEM the ones doing the targeting and the monitoring, not the NSA. The FBI can also get you by “hopping” from someone else who is targeted. The NSA gives them the data they’re looking for.

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the alleged targeting of Tucker Carlson by the NSA, and she stuttered quickly through a non-answer. Here is her entire response: “Uh, well, the NSA, as I think you’re well aware, I’m sure everyone’s aware, uh, everyone on this plane is aware, I should say is aware, is, uh, an entity that focuses on foreign threats and individuals, uh, who are tr-attempting to do us harm on foreign soil. So, uh, that is the, their, uh, purview, um, but, uh, beyond that, I would point you to the intelligence community.”

Um, well, uh, is that a, well, denial?

The story at TRENDING POLITICS also brings up something we mentioned on Tuesday, that Tucker has been looking boldly into the FBI’s possible involvement in the January 6 “insurrection.” It is our contention that all roads lead to THAT, and that the FBI wanted to know what Tucker knew about it. They also wanted to find out who was leaking information about it to him.

“We made a very straightforward claim,” Tucker said Tuesday night. “NSA has read my private emails without my permission...Tonight’s statement from the NSA does not deny that.” And he’s right; it doesn’t.

Again, given my understanding of the division of labor among departments within the intel community, let’s see what the FBI, not just the NSA, has to say about whether or not they’re monitoring Tucker’s communications. Will they, um, well, uh, deny it?

Tucker said he’d had a “very heated” conversation 20 minutes before Tuesday's show with officials at the NSA. He asked them the very specific question, “Did the Biden administration read my emails?” and “again and again” they refused to say. They couldn’t even tell him why they wouldn’t say.

“The message was clear,” Tucker said. “'We can do whatever we want. We can read your personal texts, we can read your personal emails, we can send veiled threats your way to brush you back if we don’t like your politics. We can do ANYTHING. We’re our own country! And there’s literally nothing you can do about it. We’re in charge; you’re not.'”

“Orwellian does not begin to describe the experience,” he said. “It was like living in China.”

I would stress that the Biden administration is trying to make this level of intrusion the “new normal,” something we all just need to get used to. But it’s NOT normal –- it’s un-American and something we should deeply resent and strongly resist. The only thing more chilling is imagining this “what-if”: What if this whistleblower had not contacted Tucker and the surveillance had simply continued with no one ever finding out?

Tucker said that as long as the Biden administration has classified tens of thousands of Americans as “domestic terrorists” and “white supremacist saboteurs,” there will be a lot more of this.

Tucker brought on civil rights attorney Harmeet Dhillion, who said she was not surprised by this. Ever since 9/11, she said, she and other civil libertarians had been “screaming about the Patriot Act.” Even so, since 1947, our laws have specified that the spying is supposed to be limited to people outside the United States who are not American citizens. Intelligence officials will say that your information is “incidental” to their spying on foreign individuals, she said, going on to bring up what was done to Carter Page to be able to spy on the Trump campaign.

She called that “a huge dragnet.” Under the current incarnation of this law, the phone companies gather this data, and THEY have to store it, but the NSA can “go shopping” there, “in a treasure trove of billions of pieces of data.” Anyone who might be considered “an enemy of the state” should expect that there’s some way in which the NSA can get hold of them, or somebody near them, get an order, “and then all of a sudden, they have all that information, and a bunch of unelected, faceless bureaucrats are going shopping in your data, and then talking to the guy next door [or] in the cubicle next door...”

Thus, the war on terror has been re-directed inwards, by corrupt partisan ideologues, and used against Americans who challenge the political narrative. The corrupt partisan media are helping.

According to Dhillon, no lawsuits against the NSA have been successful. If you think you’ve been spied on, they’ll say it’s a matter of national security, we can’t give you any information, you can’t prove your claims, and so you essentially have no recourse. These are self-policing agencies, she said. After what happened with “Crossfire Hurricane,” that seems obvious.

But Tucker demands answers. As big a podium as he has, this could get really interesting. I still say this all leads back to Tucker’s reporting about the FBI and January 6. That's coming out, no matter what they try to do.

A Growing Chorus

July 1, 2021

Sen. Tom Cotton has joined Rep. Dan Crenshaw in calling for hammer thrower Gwen Berry to be removed from the US Olympic team for her badmouthing of America and her demonstrations of disrespect to the National Anthem, such as turning her back and covering her head with a T-shirt during the Olympic trials in Eugene, Oregon.

Berry (who uses the words “I,” “me” and “my” a lot) fired back that “I never said that I didn’t want to go to the Olympic games…I never said that I hated the country.” And of course, she got support from the Biden White House and the Colin Kaepernick camp, who must appreciate any athlete’s ability to score publicity by insulting America when they can’t get it from their athletic abilities.

On that subject, Instapundit makes the excellent point that Berry made herself the big story, even though she came in third. Media attention should have gone to second place finisher Brooke Anderson and first place athlete DeAnna Price, who actually earned it and who both stood respectfully during the National Anthem.

While everyone was talking about Berry’s childish political posturing, it was seldom mentioned that Price not only won first place but broke her own American record on two of her six throws, and became only the second woman ever to throw over 80 meters (80.31 on her fifth throw.) Now, that’s something worthy of media attention. I think we’ll all be proud to have her and Ms Anderson represent America in Tokyo, and more to the point, I think they’ll be proud to represent America.

Worried About China

July 1, 2021

This is a premium article from the Epoch Times, but even if you’re not a paid subscriber, you should know the basics of what it says.

It details how Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts went from being a big proponent of international trade to working to reduce China’s influence on his state and America. His evolution started with a trade mission to China, where he was welcomed with open arms and puff pieces in the media. But he soon realized deception was baked into the alleged reforms he was told about. He said the CCP talks right, but goes left. He and his staff were also followed and monitored, and one had his hard drive stolen from his computer.

But what really opened his eyes was when China tried to retaliate against Trump’s tough trade policies by targeting Midwest farmers, which backfired when they stood by Trump. Also at that time, Ricketts began to learn of their horrific human rights abuses.

Now, Ricketts is not only trying to separate Nebraska from China’s influence (he’s even banned Chinese-owned TikTok from state government devices), he’s also warning other leaders to be wary of dealing with China’s communist government. He says they have a long-range plan of dominance while too many American politicians and corporations only care about short-term gains. He’s trying to warn Wall Street that anything American companies put into China will no longer belong to them, including trade secrets. He said, “So many publicly traded companies are driven quarter-to-quarter by earnings. And so that tends to make them more short-term oriented, rather than seeing the bigger, long-term picture.”

Sound like any company you can think of, or does that reference go “Swoosh” over your head?

So far this year alone, there are over 42,000 cases of serious crimes in New York City, including murder, rape, robbery, burglary, felony assault, grand larceny and grand larceny auto. Many of these remain unsolved, as do many of the thousands of backlogged cases from before 2021.

And yet, Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has squandered years of effort and public resources endlessly investigating former President Trump and his companies, without any evidence that he committed any crimes, other than beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 and not being a liberal Democrat. They even went all the way to the Supreme Court to get authorization to seize his tax records. And now, it appears that Vance’s Javert-like pursuit of his political nemesis is about to come to a stunning anti-climax.

Vance recently indicated that he was considering criminal charges against the Trump Organization, which got a LOT of headlines. So last week, Trump attorney Ronald Fischetti held a meeting with Vance’s team to find out what these alleged charges are. Do they involve the much-ballyhooed accusations made by Stormy Daniels or former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen?

No. Fischetti claims Vance’s team told him that the first indictments would not be against Trump, and they have no immediate plans to charge him. Instead, they plan to charge a small number of Trump company executives with failing to pay taxes on some perks and benefits, such as company cars. It’s such common small potatoes that tax attorneys told the New York Times that they couldn’t think of any company ever being charged over it.

Fischetti told Politico, “We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’ They said, ‘No.’ It’s crazy that that’s all they had…It’s like the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado About Nothing.’ This is so small that I can’t believe I’m going to have to try a case like this.”

It doesn’t surprise me that they got nothin’. They can abuse their office by harassing a citizen, but at the end of the day, they still have to come up with actual evidence of a crime (and by the way, you're supposed to have a solid reason to suspect a specific crime first; in America, investigations aren't supposed to be fishing trips.)

Vance’s team told Fischetti, “Our investigation is ongoing.” Which I’m sure it is: having wasted this much of the taxpayers’ money on a wild Trump hunt, they’re not giving up easily. Besides, they have to keep up the hopes of Trump haters and fans of politicized lawfare that if they hunt long enough, they’ll find something – anything! – to pin on Trump.

If those folks read my newsletter instead of the New York Times, they would have been better prepared for this. I’ve been saying for years that Trump must have massive tax returns filed by platoons of CPAs and tax attorneys and signed by a robo-pen. They have this fantasy of him staying up late on April 15th, sweating over his 1040 form and trying to hide criminal activity in it. The fact that the IRS examined those forms every year and never brought charges didn’t dissuade them from this delusion that his tax forms contain a smoking gun. Obviously, they know as little about how billionaires file their taxes as they do about the economy, policing, responsible public service, or just about anything you’d expect mature adults to grasp.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies just completed a two-year assessment of the cybercapabilities of 15 nations, and they believe that China has been exaggerating its power and is at least a decade behind the US.

The study ranked nations in three tiers, and the US was the only one that ranked in the top tier with “world-leading strength” in all categories. The second tier of nations with world-leading strength in some categories included China, Australia, Canada, France, Israel, Russia and the UK. The third tier of nations had strengths or potential strengths in some categories but significant weaknesses in others. It included India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, North Korea and Vietnam. For more details of those categories and which strengths and weaknesses different nations had, click the link above.

The study warned that since the early 2000s, China has been engaging in “industrial-scale espionage” to acquire cyber technology and is likely to catch up to the US by 2030. So this report offers no reasons to get complacent and every reason to shore up our cyber defenses and not trust China. We also have no reason to get complacent about the non-cyber capabilities of China when it’s engaged in an aggressive military build-up while our military leaders seem more concerned with promoting transgender rights, driving patriotic conservatives (who are traditionally the backbone of the military) out of the ranks, and planning how to defend America from its #1 threat: straight, white Trump voters.

Mark this day on your calendar: the media have finally started to realize that Democrats sometimes lie! The Washington Post fact-checker gave President Biden 4 Pinocchios for the string of blatant whoppers he came out with in promoting his latest gun control proposals.

Biden declared, “The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon.”

WaPo said the cannon claim had been debunked during the campaign and they have no idea why he’s still repeating it (maybe he just forgot, the way he keeps repeating the "very fine people" hoax about Trump.) There’s no evidence that the Founders ever banned Americans from owning cannons. In fact, the Constitution gives Congress the power to allow private citizens to act as pirates on behalf of the US against nations at war with it, and if they’re pirates, surely they can own cannons. Parrots, too.

Other experts told the Post that absolutely everything in Biden’s statement is incorrect: there were no federal or state limits on the kinds of guns that citizens could own. And certainly, the Second Amendment doesn’t limit gun rights; it protects them.

I guess they didn’t bother checking his claims that guns are to blame for skyrocketing crime in Democrat cities that have defunded the police, or that more gun control will solve that problem, or it would have been six Pinocchios.

I told you about the laughable claim by the White House that Republicans are to blame for defunding police. It’s more like an I.Q. test than a legitimate political statement. Nobody in his right mind could believe that Republicans slashed the police budgets in cities that, in some cases, haven’t been run by Republicans since Jean Harlow was America’s #1 sex symbol.

But more of them are picking up that hilarious claim, so just for the record, let me explain what it’s based on.

Since no Congressional Republican backed Biden’s “American Rescue Plan,” they claim that means Republicans voted against cities getting needed funds during the pandemic to keep their police departments running.

The facts: Republicans opposed that bill because it was a giant, deficit-fueled slush fund that forced taxpayers to bail out blue states and cities for the costs of decades of corrupt policies, like unsustainable pension benefits in exchange for unions helping reelect Democrats. There was nothing in that bill that said any portion of the money would specifically go to keep police departments funded. In fact, before it was even proposed, blue city leaders were already slashing police budgets, whether they needed to for budgetary reasons or not, and they’ve continued doing it ever since.

Breitbart News correspondent Charlie Spierling did a text search and found that in the entire 242-page bill, the words “police” and “law enforcement” never appeared once.

If that’s not enough to shatter the narrative, on the very day the Biden White House staff tried to blame Republicans for defunding police, the city council of Oakland, California, voted to slash the police budget by millions despite a surging crime wave.

News flash: Republicans do NOT run Oakland, California.

Name Change

June 29, 2021

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock kicked over a beehive by renaming an endowed professorship known as the Distinguished Professor of Law and Public Policy to the “William J. Clinton Professor of Constitutional Law and Public Service.” The change was made without consulting faculty members, some of whom are not happy at the idea of the school honoring a lawyer who was disbarred over giving false testimony.

Those seeking to defend him are arguing that he wasn’t disbarred, he was only suspended. Well, that certainly should quell any questions about honoring him! To respond to that, here’s a source that liberals always claim is reputable. Even says the claims of Clinton being disbarred and fined are “mostly true.”

Olympic hammer-thrower Gwen Berry is taking flak for once again showing her disdain and disrespect for the National Anthem during the US Olympic trials in Eugene, Oregon, by turning her back and putting a T-shirt over her head.

She’s attempting to deflect criticism by claiming she was “set up,” but in order to swallow that, you’d have to believe, as she apparently does, that the entire Olympic system revolves around her and her angry feelings toward her own nation that she believes is systemically racist, despite it giving her the opportunity to be an Olympian.

For instance, she claimed she was angry because they played the Anthem during the medal awards (she won bronze.) She said, “I feel like they did that on purpose,” and “The anthem don’t speak for me. It never has.” A spokesperson for the trials said the Anthem was scheduled to play at 5:20 p.m. and (gasp!) it had nothing to do with where Gwen Berry happened to be standing at the time.

Berry is also wrankled by the Tokyo Olympics’ ban on political demonstrations during medal ceremonies. She said, “It’s our sacrifice. It’s our podium. It’s our moment. So we should be able to protest whatever we want. It’s not for them to decide.”

Wow, that sure is a lot of me’s, we’s and our’s. Actually, it is their podium. She chose to participate in an organization that she doesn’t run. And she’s not just representing herself; like it or not, she’s representing the United States of America. If she finds that idea so repulsive that she’s incapable of behaving like an adult and following the rules, then nobody’s forcing her to compete for the privilege.

And by the way: it is a privilege. It’s not a right. Luckily for her, America provides her with an awful lot of rights she doesn’t seem to appreciate, but being able to go to Tokyo and compete in the Olympics while ignoring the rules is not one of them.

"Worse Than Trump"

June 29, 2021

I wrote last week about an online poll showing that more Republicans want Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for President in 2024 than want Donald Trump. And right on cue, the left begins its assault on DeSantis as being “worse than Trump!”

When you live as long as I have, you start to experience déjà vu every time a new Republican leader emerges and has to be tarred by the left as a racist/idiot/Nazi, etc. They go so over the top in doing this that it’s necessary for them to rehabilitate the last Republican they slandered just so they can say, “Well, he really wasn’t that bad, but this one definitely is!”

I’m old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan was depicted as a crazy, dimwitted, senile, bumbling warmonger who was going to start World War III. Then he became a revered statesman, compared to the moronic, fumble-mouthed “Chimpy McBushHitler,” George W. Bush. Bush became a respected elder statesman compared to the hateful, racist, white supremacist “worse than Hitler” Donald Trump.

And now, DeSantis is already “worse than Trump.” I don’t expect them to start rehabilitating Trump’s trashed reputation until they’re sure he won’t be the candidate, but at least Trump can look forward to it as soon as it’s expedient. They’ll need to stop depicting him as Satan incarnate so they can do it to DeSantis, and they’ll expect the media to carry that message and people to believe it. Democrats rely on their followers having the long-term memory of house cats.

If you have kids in school, you might want to bookmark this:

Schools pushing racist Critical Race Theory on students often rely on a book called “Stamped: Racism, Anti-racism and You, a Remix” by Jason Reynolds and Ibram Kendi, which is a simplified version of Kendi’s book, “Stamped from the Beginning.” Those who criticize it are accused of being ignorant and simply not understanding what CRT really is.

Well, if you think it’s a Marxist-derived school of dividing the races and pitting them against each other by teaching kids that they are either victims or oppressors based on their skin color, then you know what CRT is. But if school administrators start pulling out their academic credentials to claim that they know what’s true better than a bunch of ignorant parents, you can pull this article out and pelt them with quotes from it.

Prof. David Bernstein of George Mason University lists what I’m sure are just a small sample of the blatant historical errors and distortions that the book makes in attempting to convince us that America is and always has been irredeemably racist. They range from assertions unsupported by facts (a black women’s group was “racist” for opposing misogynistic gangsta rap lyrics) to easily-refuted factual errors (too many to list, but for instance, unemployment didn’t “skyrocket” during the Reagan years; Clarence Thomas didn’t get into fancy schools because he was a conservative activist; Mumia Abu Jamal was not a “political prisoner” but a convicted cop killer; and Charles Krauthammer did not coin the term “crack baby.”)

It’s one thing to claim your critics are just too dumb to comprehend your brilliant theory, but when that theory is based on a lot of easily-refuted historical falsehoods, then it has no business being taught in schools, even if it weren’t a toxic, divisive, racist, Marxist pile of horse droppings.

Dealing With Biden

June 29, 2021

Last week, I told you that a group of Senate Republicans had agreed with President Biden on a compromise infrastructure bill. It cut the $2.3 trillion that Biden wanted to spend down to a bare-bones $1.2 trillion. Well, I barely had time to send that story before Biden undid it all by announcing that he wouldn’t sign the bill unless it was part of a “reconciliation” package that included all the government-bloating, big spending schemes that he’d just agreed to cut to get the Republicans to sign on.

With the Republicans screaming that they’d been duped, Biden (or more likely, his panicked staffers) issued a statement on Saturday walking back Biden’s most recent statement. It said that in no way did his statement that if the other spending didn’t come along with the compromise bill, “I’m not signing. Real simple,” mean that he wouldn’t sign it. The statement read, “My comments also created the impression that I was issuing a veto threat on the very plan I had just agreed to, which was certainly not my intent.”

It’s not known whether that reassurance will be enough to lure Republicans back into the trap a second time. Will Biden’s current assurance that he’ll abide by the deal last longer than the 2-3 hours that his previous assurance lasted? According to my source, which is more reliable than the White House’s word, “Reply hazy, ask again later.”

Vice President Kamala Harris denied that pressure from Republicans or former President Trump’s visit to the border were the reasons why she finally went to El Paso after 90 long days. So maybe this is the reason why Democrats are finally trying to look as if they’re interested in doing something about the crisis created by Biden’s reversal of Trump’s border security policies. It’s the only thing that motivates some politicians: terrifying poll numbers.

A new Harvard/Harris poll (note: hardly a rightwing polling outfit) found that a staggering 80% of registered voters believe that illegal immigration is a serious issue that needs more attention than Biden and Harris are giving it. Further, 68% said the Biden White House is putting out signals encouraging more illegal immigration, and 55% believe that Trump’s border policies should have been left in place.

It’s no wonder they’re concerned: the latest disaster news is that so far this fiscal year, Border Patrol agents have arrested 353 illegal aliens with sex-related criminal convictions, many involving children. That’s an increase of 542% from fiscal 2019. And authorities have detected more than 250,000 illegal aliens who have evaded capture.

Incidentally, the poll also found that other issues are boiling up as concerns to voters, and those issues – inflation, taxes and teaching Critical Race Theory in schools – are all straight off the Democratic Party’s rancid buffet table.

It’s encouraging news for those who want to wrest power away from the Democrats who are abusing it in Congress in 2022, but remember what I always tell you: ignore polls, especially polls this far out. Don’t let them make you complacent. We need every Republican voter turning out in 2022. Remember that if Republicans in Georgia had shown up for the Senate runoff in the same numbers they did in the general election, Republicans would still be in charge of the Senate. So pray for the best, but work like dogs to help get out the vote and make it happen.

No Sense of Humor

June 29, 2021

The rise of cancel culture has been a curse for comedians, who are terrified that one joke that offends someone might end their careers, and these days, every joke, no matter how innocuous, offends somebody. This has also destroyed late night comedy shows, which have become smug recitations of DNC talking points, designed to elicit approving applause from the woke studio audience instead of actual laughter.

The only people who’ve remained immune to this toxicity are conservatives like me, who don’t care what a handful of humorless crybullies on Twitter say. Some others include Greg Gutfeld, Steven Crowder, and of course, the brilliant satire site, the Babylon Bee. They are bravely and hilariously doing the job that liberal comedians used to do back when they were funny: using exaggeration to point out the hypocrisy and absurdity of the humorless establishment in power (which is currently leftist Democrats.)

But one persistent trait of today’s leftists is that while they love to mock conservatives, they have ZERO sense of humor about themselves. They also have no self-awareness, and they’re utterly terrified of having anyone laugh at them, for the same reason that the Spanish Inquisition, the Soviet Union, the Iranian Mullahs and other tyrannical regimes down through history have always tried to quash humor.

That’s why Facebook and its “fact-checkers” have been trying so hard to convince us that the Babylon Bee is rightwing “misinformation” hiding behind satire, so they can censor it. Check out Facebook’s new “guidelines” on satire and tell me they weren’t crafted out of a slurry of bias and double-talk specifically to prevent anyone from sharing Babylon Bee stories that make fun of ridiculous leftist positions.

Let’s be clear: nobody with a functioning brain seriously believes that the Babylon Bee is trying to make you believe its stories are real. Just like the Onion, back in the days when liberals were funny, they take an inconvenient truth about the left (and sometimes the right) and spin it humorously to illustrate the absurdity of that position.

For instance, does anyone really believe the headline, “Nation starts stocking up on F-15s after Biden says you’ll need them to overthrow the government” is literally true? If so, get your head, or your sense of humor, examined.

And news flash, Facebook: this is NOT an actual documentary (it is hilarious, though):

I suppose the Bee should take the attempts to silence them as a compliment. When people who are that terrified of being laughed at are that desperate to censor your comedy, you know you are squarely over the target (I apologize if that phrase triggers anyone. Also if the word “trigger” triggers anyone. It’s impossible to write jokes these days faster than they become reality.)

Saturday in Wellington, Ohio, former President Trump drew a massive crowd for his return to live rallies, this time under the banner of “Save America.” He was in classic form. Sharyl Attkisson has a good roundup of quotes, photos, clips and stats about the size of the crowd and the online viewing audience (more than 2.2 million.)

Despite the mainstream media’s efforts to silence and censor Trump and his supporters, it appears that enthusiasm for his message has not diminished. And while some outlets refused to cover it, if you want to see the entire speech, it’s available on the YouTube alternative, Rumble. Move ahead to around the 46:00 mark for his arrival. columnist Kurt Schichter polled readers on who they want to see on the Republican Presidential ticket in 2024. He expected Donald Trump to easily win, but he was surprised at the results, which aren’t scientific, but they do reflect his conservative readers: 45.7% want Trump, 50.1% want Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Schlichter ponders the meaning of those results, and he doesn’t believe it’s due to rejection of Trump. He still has strong Republican support and tremendous gratitude for what he did and the way he fought to make America great again. So why wouldn’t they want him to run again in 2024?

Some possibilities: he would be 78 years old. The left has spent years attacking him and trying to tar his reputation, and even though Republicans see through that, they’d still have to constantly fight the personal attacks while mounting a winning campaign. Or maybe they're just suffering from Trump fatigue. Trump does bring a lot of drama, while DeSantis is just as conservative, but is younger, more focused, less of a lightning rod, and is racking up a lot of conservative achievements of his own.

Read Schlichter’s column, then feel free to give your opinion in the comments section on whether you want to see Trump run again in 2024, or do you think it’s time for someone new, and if so, who?

Politicized Justice

June 28, 2021

Attorney General Merrick Garland proved once again what a service Mitch McConnell did for America by keeping him off the Supreme Court. In a stunning display of politicized “justice,” Garland announced that the Biden DOJ will sue the state of Georgia for passing its recent election integrity laws. I can't think of a better metaphor for the Biden Administration than the news that it's going to war against election integrity. Here’s a good analysis of the case by

I’m not an attorney, but this lawsuit seems like a huge waste of taxpayer resources. The Redstate analysts points out that the Georgia law contains nothing that other states don’t already impose (some, like Biden’s home state of Delaware, have even stricter laws.) And the DOJ is trying to argue that returning to the election laws that prevailed before they were loosened (in some cases, unconstitutionally) for the pandemic is somehow racist, without making the case that the laws were ever racist in the first place.

As Redstate notes, the success of this case will likely depend on how good a job Garland does of shopping for a liberal judge. In the meantime, this article has more on the lawsuit from the Federalist’s Margot Cleveland, who calls it “surreal,” and Redstate writer Bonchie, who uses the colorful descriptive phrase, “mind-meltingly moronic.”

By Mike Huckabee

Over the weekend, President Biden ordered military strikes on facilities near the Iraq-Syria border that have been used by Iran-backed militia groups to stage attacks on US troops in Iraq. White House spokespeople and Speaker Pelosi described it as necessary and appropriate action to deal with a specific threat. It was also defended by liberals as Biden serving warning to Iran that just because he was trying to revive the Iran nuclear deal, he wasn’t going to ignore other problems.

Some Democrats were not on board, though, like Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, who protested that Biden didn’t consult Congress before launching the attacks.

And some conservatives were not impressed by what they saw as a half-hearted strike, with conciliatory messages sent to Iran through back channels.

Personally, I have no problem with Biden ordering those strikes, and not every military action taken by the President requires approval from Congress first. If it did, we’d end up losing wars before any agreement could be reached (imagine if Trump had needed Pelosi’s approval to do the exact same thing and imagine how she would have reacted.)

The most worrisome thing to me in this story comes toward the end when a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace said angering Iran now could be problematic to Biden’s hopes of reviving the Iran nuclear deal because the new “hardline” “conservative” (i.e., radical Islamic mass murderer) President Ebrahim Raisi takes office in August. He said, "I think the Administration now has a heightened sense of urgency to revise the deal before Raisi and a new hardline team is inaugurated.”

Yes, because whoever heard of a new President coming in and ripping up deals that the last President already agreed to? If Biden can’t imagine that happening, would someone please remind him of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the border wall construction? Or how Trump ripped up the Iran nuclear deal?

Last week, we took a look at the latest developments concerning China, including information reportedly provided by a high-level Chinese defector linking the Wuhan lab with the military bioweapons program, and also the crack-down by the CCP on academics and billionaire business moguls to keep them in line. Today, we see how they must have put the screws to Nike, as that corporation’s Chief Executive Officer John Donahoe said in a phone call to Wall Street analysts, “Nike is a brand that is of China and for China.”

That statement, part of a transcript released by Nasdaq, seems oddly inconsistent, considering that as recently as March, Nike expressed concern about “reports of forced labor in, and connected to, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.” In a statement, they said that “Nike is committed to ethical and responsible manufacturing and we uphold international labor standards...Nike does not source products from the XUAR and we have confirmed with our contract suppliers that they are not using textiles or spun yarn from the region.” Read the whole statement, and it sounds as though they were concerned and being quite diligent about this.

But the inconsistencies are stark. According to an article in THE FEDERALIST, there are believed to be over 1 million Uyghur Muslims being held in Xinjiang and used for forced labor to deliver 80 percent of Chinese cotton. And last November, when the Uyghur Forced Labor Protection Act was making its way through the House –- overwhelmingly passed 406 to 3 –- Nike joined with Coca-Cola and Apple to lobby against it. The bill prohibits “certain imports” from Xinjiang and imposes sanctions on those responsible for human rights violations in that region. Why would American corporations have been lobbying against THAT?

Nike is the biggest sports brand in all of China. Donahoe’s revealing phone call came as a new earnings release shows Nike’s sales in China for the past three months at $1.9 billion. This is 17 percent higher than the same time last year.

Incidentally, Nike gave over $604,000 in campaign donations in 2020, 80 percent of which went to Democrats, no doubt because they prefer the Democrats’ looser policy towards China.

“We’ve been in China over 40 years,” Donahoe said in the phone call, “and the biggest asset is consumer’s real; I saw it in my first week on the job.”

We did a little research to try to understand what Donahoe meant by “consumer equity" regarding their marketing plan in China. In general, this term translates to “the present value of the total revenues that the customer base will generate in its lifetime.” This value is driven by three factors: perceived value for the money, emotional connection to the brand, and loyalty to the brand. The greater the consumer equity, the more future revenue can be derived over the lifetime of its clients.

And apparently, in his first week on the job, Donahoe saw evidence that these measures of long-term profitability are strong in China. When it comes to China, Nike is playing the long game, and so they have to stay on the CCP’s good side.

In light of that, a story in the WASHINGTON EXAMINER made some sense out of Nike’s flip-flopping. Apparently, after Nike’s statement in March, they were hit with a backlash on China’s social media. Looks as though the CCP has pulled Nike back into line.

In March of 2020, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute reported that “the Chinese government has facilitated the mass transfer of Uyghur and other ethnic minority citizens from the far west region of Xinjiang to factories across the country. Under conditions that strongly suggest forced labor, Uyghurs are working in in factories that are in the supply chain for 82 well-known global brands in the technology, clothing and automotive sectors, including Apple, BMW, Gap, Huawei, Nike, Samsung, Sony and Volkswagen.”

According to this report, “Since 2017, more than a million Uyghurs and members of other Turkic Muslim minorities have disappeared into a vast network of ‘re-education camps’ in the far west region of Xinjiang, in what some experts call a systematic, government-led program of cultural genocide.” Inside these camps, detainees are forced to undergo political indoctrination, to renounce their culture and religion, and even in some instances to undergo torture. It’s a harsh, military-style life in which the workers are under constant surveillance and the threat of detention.

“There is mounting evidence that that many Uyghurs are being forced to work in factories within Xinjiang,” the report says. “...Some factories appear to be using Uyghur workers sent directly from re-education camps.”

This report is an eye-opener, a must-read. In addition to outlining exactly what China is doing to essentially enslave its ethnic minorities, it also contains a long list of companies, mostly American, “potentially directly or indirectly benefiting” from forced labor. Nike is just one, sharing the honor with many well-known brands. “Some brands are linked with multiple factories,” it says.

I would add that some of these corporations are going overboard right now trying to build an image of “woke-ness” in the United States. How “woke” are they to the idea that slave labor is a bad thing?

Don’t miss Case Study #1: UYGHUR WORKERS MAKING NIKE SNEAKERS IN QINGDAO. It even has pictures.

According to this report, these people who apparently make Nike shoes are not free, are not allowed to practice their faith, and must undergo political indoctrination in “night school” after work. They live and labor in a compound surrounded with barbed wire and watchtowers and are monitored everywhere they go.

Under Case Study #3, about workers making selfie cameras for Apple iPhones, the report says their work assignments were “highly politicized.” According to a local Xinjiang newspaper, the workers “were expected to ‘gradually alter their ideology’ and turn into ‘modern, capable youth’ who ‘understand the Party’s blessing, feel gratitude towards the Party, and contribute to stability.”

In its conclusions, the report says, “The tainted global supply chain that results from these practices means that it is not difficult to guarantee that products manufactured in China are free from forced labor.” Can you say, “MADE IN THE USA”?

This report is quite long and detailed, but I hope you’ll read the whole thing. As for Nike, I would say that hearing from their CEO that the Nike brand is “of China and for China” should be enough to tell us that it’s not for America. Nike's marketing plan seems to be based more in China, anyway. And if they’ve decided it’s worth humoring the CCP to maintain “consumer equity” in China, well, they can have it.

But I hope Americans will renounce any brand loyalty THEY might have had and go to the trouble of looking for shoes, sporting gear and clothing made here –- or at least not in China –- by people who choose the work they do, can think and worship as they please, and don’t exist behind barbed wire.

Finally, if you have access to THE EPOCH TIMES’ “premium” reporting, I recommend a related piece, about the CCP’s manipulation of American companies (like Nike) to shape public opinion, influence government decisions, and acquire U.S. technology.

Parents who are fighting Critical Race Theory in schools (and there are many of them, with their numbers rising) but who also do lots of business with might be interested to know that Amazon donated hundreds of copies of one of the most controversial “anti-racist” books to an Arlington, Virginia, high school and even paid the author, Ibram X. Kendi, to address the students.

If that name sounds familiar, yes, that’s the same Ibram X. Kendi who was recently pressed to define “racism” and couldn’t quite do it.

I usually don’t comment on celebrity news, but the testimony that came out of singer Britney Spears’ attempt to end her court-ordered conservatorship was so shocking that it even led serious newscasts. It was also newsworthy in ways far beyond typical celebrity voyeurism.

As Megan Fox at PJ Media reports, Spears testified that she has been stripped of virtually every basic human right. She claims she’s not only forced to perform and has no control over the money she earns, but she has zero privacy; her keepers watch her even when she’s changing clothes; and most outrageous of all, she said she wants to marry again and have children, but the “team” controlling her life has banned her from doing that and forced her to have an IUD implanted to prevent pregnancy.

Ms Fox asks, where is the “My body, my choice” crowd? Will they speak up for someone who’s being denied the choice to have a baby?

She also makes a second important point: this high profile case may shine a spotlight on much more widespread abuse of the conservatorship system by corrupt judges, greedy guardians and predatory lawyers. She reports on a couple of journalist investigations that suggest there may be thousands of similar cases of less wealthy, non-famous people, many in nursing homes, who have had their property and rights taken away by the scandalous abuse of the conservatorship system. Perhaps a public outcry over the Britney Spears case will spark more widespread reform.

After the story broke, Ms Spears made a statement to her fans about why she spoke out and why, she says, she’s hidden the painful truth for so long behind fake happy images on Instagram. I suspect that’s what many celebrities do, but hers is an extreme case.

The Biden Department of Justice is preparing to go after the cause of all the rampant violent crime in Democrat-run cities. No, they’re not planning to arrest the mayors, DA’s and city councils, unfortunately, even though those are the root causes. No, after all the releasing of criminals and rioters, decriminalizing crimes, protecting criminal illegal aliens, and defunding and prosecuting police, they’ve decided that the reason for the skyrocketing crime wave is… guns!

Yep, crime is caused by the hardware, not the criminal holding it. So they’re going after dealers of illegal guns and after “assault weapons.” I’m fine with them trying to get rid of illegal guns. In fact, it’s kind of nice to hear them admit that most criminals like gang members don’t buy guns legally and go through background checks (that’s for law-abiding citizens); they get them through illegal channels. But I doubt that the crackdown on “illegal gun dealers” won’t end up as harassment of legal gun dealers.

RELATED READING: Biden Fights Crime

As for “assault weapons,” I put that in quotes because it’s a silly, meaningless term made up by people who know nothing about guns. Any weapon can be an assault weapon if you assault someone with it. If you defend yourself from that assault with the exact same kind of weapon, then it’s a defensive weapon. This is the area that’s ripest for abuse, and for trampling on the rights of citizens to defend themselves.

When you have Democrat politicians releasing criminals and rioters while defunding their police, if you think the solution to ending the resulting crime waves is to disarm law-abiding citizens, then you can only be a liberal or a moron. Sorry if I’m repeating myself.

Infrastructure Details

June 27, 2021

Thursday, President Biden announced that he and a bipartisan group of Senators had agreed on a compromise infrastructure bill. Here’s a list of what’s in it.

Well, to be accurate, that’s a list of the things that are in it that address “core infrastructure,” a.k.a. anything that most people would actually consider to be infrastructure; things like roads, bridges, airports, ports, waterways and the power grid. That accounts for $578 billion worth of spending out of a $1.2 trillion bill.

Needless to say, many Republicans were not happy at the news, and Biden’s later announcement that he wouldn’t sign the bipartisan bill unless he also got all the massive partisan spending he wants in a reconciliation bill had the GOP compromisers looking as if they got played.

Now, brace yourself for some Washington math: The stripped-down, compromise “infrastructure” bill spends $578 billion on infrastructure, but it’s a $1.2 trillion bill. Even so, leftists like Bernie Sanders and AOC are already attacking it for not spending nearly enough money that we don’t have (AOC also thinks it's racist because not enough minorities were part of the bargaining, but that’s another story.) They also want to get it into “reconciliation” so they can add two other pet government-expanding, multi-trillion dollar bills to it, then pass it in the Senate with just 51 votes. Because, clearly, passing $6 trillion worth of largely new spending and government programs is what simple 51-vote “budget reconciliation” rules were intended to cover. Let's hope the Senate Parliamentarian is not in a coma.

Biden said he believes Congressional Democrats will eventually support the compromise. He said, “My party is divided. But my party’s also rational. If they can’t get every single thing they want, but all that they have in the bill before them is good, are they going to vote ‘no’? I don’t think so.”

I think they'll vote for it, then try to pass all the rest of it by hook or by crook. I also think that if he believes the Democrats in Congress are rational, then his brain may be compromised. The same may be true of any Republicans who think they can compromise with the current Democrat leaders. I believe in compromise to achieve what’s necessary for America, too. But it’s not unreasonable to limit your compromising on an “infrastructure bill” to demanding that it only spend money on actual infrastructure.

In banana republics, it’s usual for an incoming administration to put a target on the back of the outgoing President and his associates, to punish them and make sure they stay gone. That is clearly what is being done to former President Trump, and, by extension, to those who support or defend him. Today, I have a couple of examples of this that I never thought I’d see in America.

First, Rudy Giuliani, the distinguished former U.S. attorney and transformative New York mayor –- and currently the personal attorney for President Trump –- has had his law license temporarily suspended in New York State. Rudy has been practicing law in New York since 1969. The reason for the suspension: According to a five-judge panel of New York State Supreme Court’s Appellate Division, Giuliani “made false and misleading statements” related to voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Rudy has 20 days to request a post-suspension hearing.

Here’s the story as told by the NEW YORK POST.

The judges said Rudy had made false allegations of voter fraud while serving as Trump’s legal counsel after the election, on radio programs and in other public statements. They claimed there is “uncontroverted evidence” of this. According to the ruling, “These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client. We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law, pending further proceedings before the Attorney Grievance Committee.”

That the election was stolen from his client is exactly what his client contends.

Keep in mind, this ruling comes right at the time when a full audit of the election in Maricopa County, Arizona, is going on, with results expected in a few weeks. Tabulation procedures, the use of outside money, widespread mail-in and absentee voting, and fraud-facilitating changes in election law are under scrutiny in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan as well, with pressure building for similar audits and forensic analyses in those states. In key counties, we’ve seen huge statistical anomalies, highly suspicious vote-counting procedures, and affidavits from election workers that stacks of absentee ballots marked for Biden were unfolded and looked like copies. That’s without even getting into unresolved questions about the hack-ability of voting machines. We don’t have hard proof that the election was stolen, but we don’t know for a fact that it wasn’t, either. In some places that happen to have razor-thin margins, the election appears to have been an outright mess.

All five judges who gave Rudy the thumbs-down are Democrats, with three of them, if Giuliani’s son Andrew is correct, having been appointed by Andrew Cuomo. And the judges are wrong about this. It does not “threaten the public interest” to raise legitimate questions; in fact, it could be argued that doing so is very much IN the public interest. Long-term, it’s impossible to maintain trust in a system by ignoring obvious problems and preventing a transparent examination of results. But the new administration and its media minions have christened this sincere questioning “The Big Lie” and must severely punish any skeptic who dares cast even the slightest doubt on Biden’s legitimacy. That’s what they do in banana republics.

Just wondering, how many members of the New York State Bar Association have participated in the spread of the one really egregious lie –- the proven lie –- that dominated headlines for years: the Russia hoax, the lie that Donald Trump, before and after his election, was actually an agent of Vladimir Putin? How much did THAT “threaten the public interest”? And how many of those attorneys have had their licenses to practice law suspended?

These judges accused Giuliani of leveling false claims about the number of absentee ballots counted in Pennsylvania after Biden carried the state. (Trump had won Pennsylvania in 2016.) The forums were a radio show called “Uncovering the Truth” with Dr. Maria Ryan on November 8, 2020; a meeting of the Republican State Senate Majority Policy Committee in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on November 25; and an episode of “Steve Bannon’s The War Room” on December 24.

Andrew Giuliani, in a video he posted on Twitter, said he was “infuriated” and that this was a political ploy.

Rudy’s son is extremely well-spoken and passionate here about what was done to his dad. The left, however, had to try somehow to dismiss his rant and keep him from being taken seriously, so they mocked the framing of the video and the fact that he was standing in a parking lot. The hateful and stunningly unfunny comedian Kathy Griffin questioned whether or not he was wearing pants. This actually became the story, to take attention off the real issue.

Recall that in April, Giuliani was served with an FBI search warrant, and agents combed through his Manhattan apartment, taking all his electronic devices. (Except, of course, for his copies of Hunter Biden’s hard drives. How interesting that the FBI wouldn’t take those, even when they were offered.)

Trump released a statement about what was done to Rudy:

Our second example of “not in America” also involves the FBI. On Thursday, they showed up unannounced at the home of Casey Cusick and arrested and handcuffed him in front of his wife and 3-year-old daughter, who asked her mom at one point, “Why are they locking daddy’s hands?” Also arrested and handcuffed was his 73-year-old father, James, who is founder and pastor of a church in Melbourne, Florida.

What was their crime? They attended Trump’s January 6 rally, and they peaceably entered the Capitol Building. Yes, the feds are still tracking down people and arresting them for that. In fact, 32 more “criminals” have been arrested this month.

Oh, and the 73-year-old pastor is a veteran who volunteered to fight for his country in Vietnam. According to his daughter, Staci, he was “shocked” to find out why they were arresting him. He had told her he was friendly with officers inside the Capitol, who even directed him to a bathroom, and that they had never told him to leave. He apparently had no idea he had done anything wrong.

We’ll have more details on this story. In the meantime, you can read how this went down at THE GATEWAY PUNDIT. Be sure and read what Staci has to say about her patriotic, law-abiding, Constitution-loving father being taken away in handcuffs.

This is what we’re up against, folks. We’ve had some successes in recent days, with parents realizing they have to stop schools from indoctrinating their children in toxic Critical Race Theory (or, as I like to call it, Commie Racist Theory). But our fight is on other fronts as well, as the double standard of “justice” becomes more obvious every day. Good people are harassed and even jailed while rioters and attackers go free to commit more crimes.

None of this is acceptable in the United States of America.

School Board Meetings

June 27, 2021

While we’re on the subject of school board meetings, remember when those were considered boring, and you could get through one without anyone being arrested? But then, that was back when schools concerned themselves with things like reading, writing and arithmetic instead of far-left politics and social issues.

At another school board meeting, parents made so much noise, it sent a wake-up call to the woke board members, and they woke up, smelled the egg nog, and returned “Christmas” and other holidays to the calendar.

And speaking of schools being turned into racist leftist indoctrination centers, were you aware that if you want to Make America Great Again, it means you’re a white supremacist? That’s what a school district in Iowa is telling its teachers to impart to students.

This will come as quite a surprise to all the black people I saw wearing MAGA caps and T-shirts at Trump rallies.

Biden Fights Crime

June 25, 2021

Wednesday, President Biden announced his policy to reduce the big surge in violent crime that’s been caused by the policies of his fellow Democrats. Not surprisingly, it was a mixture of the obvious and the useless. The obvious: increase community policing. Wait, I thought the key to reducing violence was to defund the police? Well, that worked about as well as a cement life jacket. So now, Democrats can announce that they will solve the problem they caused by doing the opposite of what they’ve been doing for the past year and hope that voters have amnesia.

The useless proposals Biden announced were, of course, more gun control laws, like strengthening background checks and banning assault weapons (which liberals can’t even define) and high-capacity magazines (ditto.) These will inconvenience law-abiding gun owners and create a lot more paperwork while doing nothing to stop criminals from obtaining illegal weapons.

All this stuff was sadly predictable, but what got the most attention was Biden’s wandering comments (bizarre even by Joe Biden standards) about those who view the Second Amendment as protecting the citizens’ right to be armed to prevent government tyranny. Biden claimed “most responsible gun owners” agree there’s “no possible justification for having 100 rounds in a magazine…Those who say the blood of patriots*, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government. If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

That statement launched a thousand conservative commentaries and memes. Some pointed out that he’s the same President who’s also trying to convince us that a handful of unarmed nuts in the Capitol were actually a serious threat to topple the government. Others pointed out that Democrats call AR-15s a “weapon of war” (they’re not), but now claim you can’t win a war with them, you need F-15s and nukes. Others reminded Biden that guerillas with rifles and IEDs have fought the US to a standstill in the Middle East for decades. Some noted that the main driving force of gun sales isn’t insurrectionists but law-abiding residents of cities where idiot Democrat leaders have slashed police forces and started releasing criminals and prosecuting cops. And still others pointed out the ludicrousness of suggesting that if there ever was a revolt against the government that Washington would fight back by…what, nuking Oklahoma?

Kurt Schlicter, who is not only a hilarious columnist and an attorney but also a former military officer, was kind enough to give the media a lesson in doing their job as well. He gave them a list of follow-up questions they should have asked the President, if they knew anything at all about military tactics or the Second Amendment or the limits on government power. It’s worth reading all the way to the end.

* (I think he was referring to the Thomas Jefferson quote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” It’s telling that he remembered the part about patriots shedding blood but didn’t mention tyrants having to shed any blood. That would sort of explain his attitude toward Iran.)

The Supreme Court just struck down a California regulation that’s been around since 1975 and that the SCOTUS previously declined to consider.

The regulation allowed union organizers to come onto employers’ property during non-work hours to talk to agricultural workers. Proponents claimed it was necessary to allow unions to contact and organize farm workers. Opponents say it’s outdated, since that can now be done online.

But what’s most interesting, and has broader implications, is that the SCOTUS rejected it as a clear violation of the 5th and 14th Amendments and the employers’ property rights. I’m sure California’s uber-liberal, pro-union leaders will be shocked to hear this, but the Court ruled that “the Founders recognized that the protection of private property is indispensable to the promotion of individual freedom. This Court agrees, having noted that protection of property rights is ‘necessary to preserve freedom’ and ‘empowers persons to shape and to plan their own destiny in a world where governments are always eager to do so for them.'”

They’re correct: the right to private property is one of the most maligned and belittled of all American rights, but it is fundamental to all rights. If the government has control over your property, then you don’t really own it, any more than you “own” a movie if your streaming service can cut it off any time they want. When the government controls “private” property, that’s not a free country, it’s a socialist state.

In a separate ruling, the SCOTUS reversed the (again) California Supreme Court, which ruled that a police officer can enter a suspect’s home without a warrant if the cop is in pursuit of someone for whom there’s probable cause that he committed a misdemeanor. The Court ruled that cops don’t have to wait for a warrant if it’s an emergency, but they would not “print a new permission slip” to violate the sanctity of someone’s home without a warrant or a pressing reason.

Another major rebuke to the leftist “all property belongs to the government” crowd is that these rulings were not narrow partisan splits, but 6-3 decisions. Liberal Justice Elena Kagan even wrote the one on warrantless entry! Unless far-left Democrats achieve their dream of packing the Supreme Court, this is bad news for all radical plans that involve seizing people’s property or telling them what they’re allowed to do on it. And that’s very good news for Americans.

Taxpayers Will Pay

June 25, 2021

Despite President Biden’s campaign promise that nobody making less than $400,000 a year will pay a dime more in taxes under his plan, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that it would result in higher taxes for nearly 60% of Americans.

That’s because, as I keep trying to tell people, higher taxes on corporations are treated as an expense of doing business, just like supplies and labor. And those costs are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Corporations don’t pay taxes, they collect them…from you.

Simple example: if the government taxes the company that makes Snickers bars, your Snickers bar will cost you more. Democrats will claim they’re making the corporation pay, but they won’t eat the tax. You will.

And speaking of everyday Americans having to eat the cost of Biden’s policies: Prof. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit reports that a restaurant owner friend told him food costs have skyrocketed just this week, with the price of cooking oil more than doubling. Add this to the extra costs of trying to compete with enhanced unemployment to get workers plus the higher shipping costs due to rising gas prices, and we’ll all be forced to eat the high cost of bad Democrat policies.

House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries let the cat out of the bag by declaring that America can’t go back to pre-pandemic “normal” unless the government spends a Mount Everest-sized mountain of borrowed money on a raft of massive government social programs. Or as he calls it, “Investing in the caring economy.”

I hate to break it to him, but most of America is already returning to normal, thanks to Trump’s vaccines and Democrats finally taking their boots off their necks. And as always, “normal” includes ignoring Democrats who always claim that the only solution to any problem is to invent a massive new government program and shovel a ton of borrowed money into it.

Incidentally, Rep. Jeffries, this is what Americans are talking about when they say we need to fix our infrastructure, not spending trillions on new social programs.

This happened very close to you in DC, so maybe you should get a few of your colleagues together and drive by to take a look at it for future reference.

The Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in favor of a former high school cheerleader who was punished by her public school for posting a profanity-laced caption on Snapchat when she was off school grounds.

It seems like a somewhat frivolous case (and I don’t like being forced to defend profanity), but it has major implications. As Justice Breyer wrote:

"It might be tempting to dismiss (the student's) words as unworthy of the robust First Amendment protections discussed herein. But sometimes it is necessary to protect the superfluous in order to preserve the necessary.” He said that students "do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression even at the schoolhouse gate. But we have also made clear that courts must apply the First Amendment in light of the special characteristics of the school environment. The school itself has an interest in protecting a student's unpopular expression, especially when the expression takes place off campus. America's public schools are the nurseries of democracy.”

That’s an important ruling because lately, too many schools have just seemed like nurseries, with the most immature brats in charge. By protecting the right to frivolous speech off-campus, the SCOTUS is also protecting serious speech. Let this be a warning shot to leftist school officials who are trying to monitor social media to bully and silence students who express non-“approved” political opinions off-campus. It’s past time they learned that they have no more power to silence free speech off-campus than they do on-campus.

On Tuesday, a federal judge in Washington threw out lawsuits by BLM and the ACLU against former President Trump, former Attorney General Bill Barr and other officials over protesters being cleared out of Lafayette Park last year.

The judge ruled that Barr and the Park Police chief were acting within the scope of their duties and so were immune from lawsuits. Also, the BLM organization wasn’t directly harmed so it didn’t have standing to sue. And the claim that Trump and Barr conspired to remove the protesters so Trump could do a photo op was “too speculative” and relied on “conclusory allegations” (actually, it relied on a Washington Post story that was recently exposed as fake news.)

The judge also denied the protesters’ request for an injunction against further action on the part of the federal government – in other words, barring them from being arrested in the future. He said, “The plaintiffs’ claims of impending future harm are too speculative to confer standing to seek an injunction.”

So they lost in the past, present and future. I’d say that pretty well runs the table.

"Promoting Democracy"

June 25, 2021

One of the most positive side effects of the rising calls for investigations of the 2020 election is the spotlight that’s being shone on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s part in buying the White House for Joe Biden.

Under the guise of promoting “democracy,” Zuckerberg gave hundreds of millions of dollars to a group called the Center for Tech and Civic Life. It’s ostensible goal is to make voting easier and more common. But while a small amount of these “Zuck Bucks” went to GOP districts, the majority of the get-out-the-vote funds were poured into heavily-Democrat districts in swing states. In some cases, local election officials practically let Zuckerberg’s minions take over their election systems.

Now, some local officials are alarmed at what happened and how much influence one tech billionaire had on the election, and they’re trying to make sure that never happens again. For instance, a former county clerk in Green Bay, Wisconsin, is accusing the Zuckerberg group of making last-minute changes that may have violated state law.

And in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott just signed a new law aimed squarely at Zuck Bucks, limiting private funding of election administration.

That’s a bill that needs to be adopted nationwide, although that won’t happen with the beneficiaries of Zuck Bucks in charge in DC. That’s why citizens have to demand that their state and local leaders step up and stop it.

Ironically, for years, Democrats have railed against “billionaires buying elections.” Their principles seem to have shifted considerably since billionaires started buying elections for them.

The same Monmouth University poll that found that more minorities than whites want voter ID laws (but large majorities of both groups want them) also found that one-third of Americans believe Joe Biden won the presidency thanks to vote fraud. That includes 63% of Republicans and those leaning GOP.

Those numbers haven’t budged since November, despite the media’s insistence that it’s a false conspiracy theory, a “big lie” and an attack on democracy. You could draw a lot of conclusions from this. Maybe it’s a testament to just how divided on partisan lines we are. Or maybe these voters distrust the vote because the Dems and the media dost protest too much, with their all-out war on any attempts to examine the 2020 ballots and voting machines. Or maybe they just remember how the Dems spent four years claiming that Russia stole the 2016 election for Trump, and they just enjoy turning the tables.

RELATED READING: Election Integrity Laws Receive Biased Media Coverage

Or maybe, as this article points out, they know there’s more evidence of voter fraud (even if it’s not enough to have changed the election results) than there is of “voter suppression,” yet the media and the Democrats also insist that’s real and a genuine danger to democracy.

There’s only one thing I know for certain: all this never-ending turmoil, suspicion and divisiveness wouldn’t still be going on if Biden and Trump had joined together to call for a transparent, bipartisan investigation of the vote to get to the truth and settle all the questions and accusations before Biden took office. If only someone had suggested that! Oh, wait, I remember now: I did.

The head of Portland’s Police Association says morale among officers is “as bad as it’s ever been.”

Due to lack of available officers, Portland Police have been ordered not to make traffic stops for certain types of moving violations. This is being called part of an effort to “reimagine our public safety system.” Yes, try to imagine that the city is safe. You’ll need a very active imagination, since the city’s homicide rate is up 800% since the leftist city leaders slashed the police budget by $16 million.

It’s so bad for police that you might say there’s only one job in Portland that’s harder, and that’s running the tourism bureau and trying to convince people to visit. FYI: If I were trying to get people to overlook all the crime and rioters, I probably wouldn’t mention the phrase, “cutting edge.”

Tuesday’s school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, a wealthy suburb of Washington, DC, became chaotic and must have caused great discomfort among board members who support the teaching of Critical Race Theory. We know because they cut the meeting short, filed out of the room, and had it declared an “unlawful assembly” (!) by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Department. As we reported Wednesday morning, two attendees were arrested after the meeting hall was cleared simply for choosing to stick around, as they hadn’t had their opportunity to speak.

One of those arrested, retired Air Force veteran and small business owner Jon Tigges –- not the one who was tackled to the floor –- appeared on Wednesday’s TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT.

RELATED READING:  "WINNING!!" against CRT: Chris Rufo wakes up parents

In his lead-in, Tucker pointed out that kids in Loudoun County public schools aren’t allowed to read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD any more. (Note: this is one of the greatest books ever written about race, but leftists misinterpret and reject it as a sort of “white savior” story. Also, it was written by a white lady, Harper Lee.) “Instead,” he continued, “they’re assigned pornographic novels and told that America is an evil, racist place.”

What Loudoun County’s divisive curriculum is doing, paradoxically, is bringing together parents of differing political stripes. It seems most parents don’t WANT their kids to grow up racist –- who knew? So when the board agreed to solicit public comments, they got more than they bargained for. Speakers reminded the board that it works for them –- that Loudoun County residents are their bosses and will return them to the private sector at the earliest possible moment.

As Mr. Tigges explained to Tucker, he didn’t know why he was arrested, because he was in a place “where free speech has to happen.” Where else are you going to air your grievances about school than at a school board meeting? He noted that it was on public land, in a public auditorium, and they had specifically been invited to a public forum to give public comment.

“And at the end of all that,” he said, “every single person there, all 500 parents, had their First Amendment rights trampled on by the Loudoun County school board and its superintendent.”

The building was reserved until 7 p.m., and Tigges was arrested at around 5:45, he said. But “the school board heard something they didn’t like,” which he said was applause for former state Sen. Dick Black. That, apparently, is when they shut the meeting down.

According to Tigges (and there is video to back him up), there was no violence happening, nothing crazy. “People stayed there [after the adjournment], they actually started singing [“The Star-Spangled Banner], and then “if the school board didn’t want to hear it,” they thought they would continue sharing their thoughts with one another, in an orderly and peaceful way, just as if the board were there. So they lined up at the microphone as they would’ve done in front of the board. Tigges said that both sides were allowed to speak, and no one in line to speak was involved in any misbehavior.

But then, abruptly, their meeting was declared an unlawful assembly. He believes the threats of arrest and the rough take-down of that other man were, as far as he could tell, a “complete leftist diversionary tactic that was pre-planned.”

Tigges was released later after receiving a trespassing summons.

He called the First Amendment “the most sacred of all of our rights.” To shut down free speech requires an enormous amount of justification, he said. I get the impression he’s willing to get himself quietly arrested as many times as it takes for him to exercise that right.

The Loudoun County School Board is expected to vote on their new proposals on August 10. There has been no word on whether they will entertain public comments again before they vote, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Here’s another account of the meeting, from LEGAL INSURRECTION.

So that’s where we are with the Loudoun County schools. Let’s look at Iowa, where some news on Twitter (the censors missed it) tells us that, according to leaked documents, Iowa teachers are forced to classify “Make America Great Again” as “racism” and “white supremacy.” The teachers have to participate in CRT training, at taxpayers’ expense.

Since Trump won Iowa in 2016 by 9 points, I guess the idea is to tell Iowans how racist they are.

Scroll down at this link to see the “Racism Pyramid.” You’ll find attributes such as “colorblindness,” “celebrating Columbus Day” and “bootstrap theory” listed as signs of racism, right along with MAGA.

And here’s a good resource if you have kids or grandkids in college or soon to be. CRITICAL RACE THEORY IN HIGHER EDUCATION has stories from campuses around the country.

Finally, in an EPOCH TV interview, Dr. Carol Swain, who was co-chair of President Trump’s 1776 Commission, explains how teaching Critical Race Theory may violate the Constitution (1st and 14th Amendments) as well as federal civil rights legislation.

Much of what she says is summarized in print in this EPOCH TIME “premium” article.

If you don’t have “premium” access, I’ll summarize: Dr. Swain, a former professor of political science and law at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities, says the demonization of one group of people because of their skin color is discriminatory. She says white people being forced to apologize for their race and confess to racism because of their race are protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

She said something that will shock leftists; namely that “white people are protected in the same way that black people are by civil rights laws.” Bullying and shaming people because of their color creates a hostile environment and might do psychological harm to school kids. White children are being bullied and told to accept guilt over their ancestors’ oppression of black people.

Also, the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment is supposed to guarantee certain protections to EVERYONE.

Dr. Swain had some great ideas for dealing with this. One way is to go public, perhaps in publications such as THE COLLEGE FIX and CAMPUS REFORM. And at a time when so many are ripping down America and condemning her past, she offered some inspiring words about America’s history: “I think America has been so important to the world, that the true history of its founding, along with the mistakes that were made and just how we address those mistakes, are things that enrich people...The true story of America is a story of blacks and whites working together to overcome the tragic part of our history.”

By the way, Dr. Swain was born in the segregated South as 1 of 12 children, dropped out of high school to get married at 16, and had 3 small children before she was 21. She got back on the road to higher learning with a high school equivalency degree and community college, going on to earn five degrees.

Documentary filmmaker and conservative activist Chris Rufo has been effectively exposing Critical Race Theory for what it is, sounding the warning for the past year, and, naturally, the “woke” left can’t stand that. So the WASHINGTON POST did a long hit piece on him. The slant of it was that the teaching of Critical Race Theory was being used by Republicans not because it’s evil and racist (which it is) but because they see “political promise” in making it a wedge issue to use for taking back Congress in 2022. And they made Rufo out to seem manipulative when he’s simply running a public persuasion campaign –- not by lying about CRT but by telling the truth about it.

Rufo challenged what they'd said, and WAPO ended up having to retract or add six paragraphs from their story. They had to reverse one of their key accusations against him. They even had to admit to out-and-out fabricating a timeline of events that was central to their story. They also had to admit they didn’t have an audio recording or transcript of the (fake) quotes they had used.

Still, the “clarification” they printed at the end of their revised story really downplays the problems with their piece. All they said was this:

“This report has been changed to clarify the sequence of events that followed Rufo’s appearance on FOX NEWS last summer. In addition, the story adds a clarification from the Cupertino superintendent that a lesson was presented once before it was canceled.”

When Rufo also called out Joy Reid of MSNBC for denouncing him “by name multiple times” and suggested she lacked the courage to invite him on her show, Reid –- who is perhaps the most racist person on television if it can narrowed down to just one –- tweeted, “This is a weirdly aggressive way to get yourself on TV, Christopher...Why not just contact my booking producers like a normal person, rather than going with the White Man Demands option? I had never even heard of you until @oneunderscore_piece exposing your plot to rebrand CRT.”

“White Man Demands”? Told you, this person views everything from the lens of her own bigotry.

Rufo appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show Tuesday night. “I’m eating these hit pieces for breakfast,” he said. “It’s really not fazing me at all.” He’s focused like a laser on his mission.

He said WAPO had assigned three reporters and spent three weeks to try and undermine him but that this had “backfired spectacularly.”

So, “it doesn’t bother me one bit,” he said. “I think it really shows that we’re having an impact. We’ve woken up millions of parents to the dangers of Critical Race Theory. They’re now starting to take action in school boards across the country. And these neo-racist bigots are starting to get worried.”

He added that it’s important to recognize the difference between “equality” and “equity.” The former means equal protection under the law, while the latter, though it might sound good and soft and fuzzy, really means “something totally different” –- it means that they’re trying to divide and conquer by forcing groups to compete against each other.

“They’re using active racial discrimination,” he said, “which they call ‘anti-racist discrimination,’ to try to achieve equality of outcomes.” When regimes in the 20th century tried to set up this kind of society, “it left body counts in the tens of millions, and we shouldn’t try it here. There’s no chance that it will succeed. And we have to know exactly where it’s starting, which is in our schools."

Rufo is slightly off about one thing: historians will say, the body count was in the HUNDREDS of millions. And the slaughter continues to this day in some countries.

In related news, two parents were arrested Tuesday at a meeting of the Loudoun County, Virginia, school board. One who didn’t want to go quietly was roughed up and tackled to the floor. They had come “because they had been given space to speak,” Tucker Carlson reported, but so many angry parents had shown up to put the “loud” in “Loudoun” and protest the teaching of Critical Race Theory and also a proposed new transgender policy that the school board, after first calling for a five-minute recess to let things cool down, chose to adjourn the meeting and send everybody home. That didn’t sit well with some of the parents who had wanted to speak. Police were there to arrest for trespassing the ones who wouldn’t leave, and it got contentious.

More coverage on Laura Ingraham’s show and on FOX NEWS early Wednesday morning showed complete bedlam in the meeting hall, with parents demanding board members resign over their support of CRT. A total of 259 parents were signed up to make public comment, and only 51 got to speak. When board members filed out of the room after adjourning, parents chanted, “Shame on you! Shame on you!” and also sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

One after another, while they had the chance, parents took to the microphone. Demographically, it was a largely white crowd, but not all-white. Black parents are upset by this as well, as it teaches black children that they are victims and losers who need intervention to do as well as others. “My child is not oppressed,” said one mother who is black, “and don’t assume that. As long as you Marxists push your unconstitutional agenda, my child --- she will not be returning back to Loudon County schools.” The room erupted in cheers.

Video of the entire event is here.

This was a rowdy crowd, and it would have been better not to see fighting and booing. But this illustrates what happens when people get pushed too far, especially where their kids are concerned. Parents are realizing that when it comes to the education of their kids, school boards aren’t even giving them a seat at the table. But school boards are answerable to THEM. Policies they vehemently disagree with are being shoved down their throats by progressives who just keep moving the goal post further and further left, and parents, in particular, are sick of it.

FOX & FRIENDS on Wednesday morning interviewed one of the parents. “We do not want to co-parent with our government,” Rachel Pisani said, concerned that kids are being indoctrinated. This board, she says, is planning to fire any teacher who isn’t on board with their cultural message. And during Tuesday’s meeting, she said, they cut off speakers with whom they disagreed. But she vowed that the protests by this “army of moms” will not stop until they are heard. The goal of these parents now is to recall and replace six of the nine members of the school board.

It's great to see that pushing back against the radical left agenda is waking more people up. Parents need to stay pedal-to-the-metal on this and any other school issue they have a problem with. To borrow a word from President Trump, it seems that finally, on the issue of Critical Race Theory, we are...WINNING!

Since most of my readers aren’t feeling too warmly toward the NCAA lately, with its leftist virtue signaling and threats to pull championship games out of states that pass laws to ensure election integrity, you’ll probably be happy to hear that the Supreme Court just slamdunked the NCAA right in the face.

In a unanimous 9-0 decision, the SCOTUS found that the NCAA’s strict rules limiting compensation for student athletes violate antitrust law. The ruling written by Justice Gorsuch said this doesn’t open up the door to unlimited pay for college athletes, but the NCAA has to let colleges recruit them with compensation and benefits tied to education, such as internships, study abroad programs and limited pay for doing well in class.

Justice Kavanaugh went even further. You’ve got to click the link to read his opinion that sarcastically eviscerates the NCAA’s business model that he says would be “flatly illegal in almost any other industry in America.” For instance, imagine news organizations getting together to slash the pay of reporters and claim they’re preserving the spirit of public-minded journalism.

The fact is that the NCAA and pro football use colleges as minor leagues to develop talent. Star athletes risk their health to generate huge profits for colleges, but face a choice of having to work part time to survive or take help under the table and risk getting expelled. Nobody wants to see colleges openly acting like the junior NFL, but if they’re already doing it while hiding behind a veneer of NCAA-enforced rules, at least be honest and stop exploiting the athletes who make it possible.

Sen. Joe Manchin is proposing a compromise voting law bill in place of the Democrats’ “For The People Act” (aka, the Legalize Vote Fraud Act.) Republicans are unlikely to support it, and unless Manchin also reverses himself on killing the filibuster, we can all hope and pray that this naked power grab by Democrats to try to federalize elections and cement themselves into power forever will die the death it deserves.

And even if Manchin does reverse himself on the filibuster (which he insists he won’t), Sen. Kyrsten Sinema reiterated that she’s not willing to kill it, either. She pointed out that without the filibuster, laws could be reversed every time the majority switches sides.

One of the more amusing sideshows is watching Stacey Abrams reverse herself to back the Manchin plan (thinking it’s the best they’ll be able to get) and claiming that, why, she NEVER said that voter ID laws are racist! Where did anyone get that crazy idea? She told CNN (the only place where interviewers could hear something like this and not do a spit-take):

“That’s one of the fallacies of Republican talking points that have been deeply disturbing. No one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote. It’s been part of our nation’s history since the inception of voting.”

Wow. This is from the Democrats’ official face of denouncing voter ID and other election integrity laws as racist. It’s not surprising, though; as I said on Sean Hannity’s show last night, she’s had more flip-flops than a Jimmy Buffett concert. But why on this one, her core issue?

As this article at the HotAir blog suggests, it may be due to a new Monmouth University poll. Polls have long shown that the Democrats were on the wrong side of most Americans in opposing voter ID. But the new poll shows that more minorities support voter ID laws than whites (by 84-77%) and more people who make under $50,000 support them than people who make over $100,000 (81-76%.) Note that all those groups heavily support voter ID laws. Even 56% of self-identified liberals support them! Opposing voter ID laws is the lower of all loser issues. It’s like coming out against mom, apple pie and the flag, all of which Democrats have also done.

This article suggests that Abrams and the Democrats may have been looking for any excuse to leap off this losing horse, and Manchin’s compromise fit the bill. Now, they just have to see if their dominance of the news and social media is powerful enough to bamboozle Americans into believing that they actually never opposed the thing they’ve been loudly denouncing for the past year.

By the way, it’s always worth a reminder: Stacey Abrams lost the 2018 Georgia Governor’s election by 50,000 votes. Since then, she’s repeatedly cast doubt on the fairness of the election and spoken as if she were the cheated, rightful winner. Democrats have responded not by accusing her of attacking democracy or spreading a “big lie,” but by celebrating and elevating her to a position as their leading spokesperson for blocking election integrity laws and trying to nationalize elections.

Gordon Chang, expert on China and author of THE GREAT U.S. - CHINA TECH WAR, appeared on TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT Monday to speak further on the likelihood that Dong Jingwei, the 57-year-old head of counterintelligence for the Chinese Ministry of State Security, had flown from Hong Kong to California on February 10 and defected to the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, bringing with him a treasure trove of secret information.

Chang reiterated that he thinks the story is true.

China is denying that this happened, of course, and both BEIJING DAILY and the Hong Kong publication SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST have reported that Dong is in China doing whatever spooky things he normally does in the land of Chinese spooks, such as giving presentations at spy-catcher seminars.

Chang does not believe their reports, as “China has every reason in the world to parade this guy in front of the cameras. That would squelch all sorts of rumors that are damaging to the regime. Now, China hasn’t done that, and that to me says that we have him, and that he, in fact, defected.”

RELATED READING:  Info from Chinese defector might change the course of history

Incidentally, the SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST story makes reference to the “new anti-espionage regulation released in April” that applies to “not only Chinese government departments, but also social groups and businesses, supplemented with lists of Chinese entities that are assigned counter-espionage responsibilities.” This onerous new law has received very little press in the United States, so I'm taking the opportunity here to describe it. Under this law, once entities been designated by the government, they're required to watch for and prevent foreign espionage activity. They must “vet and train personnel, particularly ahead of foreign trips, after which they must be debriefed about any national security issues.” This law treats even universities and private businesses as if they’re “sensitive government agencies.”

More on this soon, but for now, back to the Chang interview. Tucker brought up the fact that the media are suddenly changing their tune on the origin of the virus, as if they knew...somehow...they could no longer get away with spouting their original fairy tale about bat soup. And Chang noted what seems to be a similar shift of opinion among officials of the Biden administration. This story out of Australia mentions that same shift as evidence that the defection probably happened.

Chang said this could be due to any of a number of things, perhaps political pressure, but he thinks it’s because they now have evidence of a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Even more important is the information that the Chinese military was working with that lab as part of its bioweapons program.

As for China intentionally releasing the virus, Chang believes this scenario is possible but unlikely, given that they didn’t yet have a vaccine. He thinks it was a mistake, and that China “wasn’t able to contain it.” On the other hand, he noted that while foreigners typically believe the leak was accidental, Chinese nationals are more likely to think it was released on purpose. They know their government all too well.

We came across another report from that same Australian news outlet that provides a lot of context for this alleged defection. It says that no “convincing” photo of Dong has been released since last September, and the one that's purported to be him isn't persuading anyone. This story also includes some intriguing background on Dong’s daughter.

All we’d seen in the press about Dong Yang was that she'd been studying at a California university, but now there’s more: She’s reportedly the ex-wife of Alibaba executive Jiang Fan. Alibaba, an international tech firm, has been in the crosshairs of the CCP in recent months. The company is being scrutinized for alleged “antitrust” and “corruption” issues. Jack Ma, Alibaba’s CEO, “disappeared” for several weeks earlier this year.

Since that time, Ma has reportedly “embraced supervision.” (Ah, there’s a euphemism for you.) And he rarely appears in public or makes public statements. The CCP appears to be cracking down in general on billionaires and academics. Interesting case in point: at the same time we were hearing denials of a nuclear accident of some kind at the China Taishan power plant, one of its leading nuclear scientists, Vice President of Harbin Engineering University Zhang Zhijian, reportedly “fell” from his building. No details were given.

Another billionaire, the chairman of a Chinese high-tech firm, got in hot water and was ordered to “keep a low profile” after publishing a historic poem as part of a media campaign. This poem was critical of an ancient emperor. In China, criticism of emperors is banned on social media, as it could be interpreted as criticism of their current leader-for-life, Xi Jinping.

(Wow, you thought censorship on American social media was bad! On the other hand, this story gives us a peek at just how bad it can get, and almost certainly WILL get if we don’t weaken the power of Big Tech.)

Another billionaire, this one in agriculture, lost control of his business after being arrested over a minor property dispute. He’s since been charged with “seeking quarrels and provoking trouble.”

So our speculation is that this kind of crackdown by the CCP might have had some impact on Dong’s daughter, considering her ties, and might even have something to do with the defection. Just a hypothesis. We’ll see if anyone else makes this connection.

I’ll leave you with the words being (falsely?) attributed to Dong from that seminar, as they relate to the way China is cracking down on business moguls and, ironically, might even describe what Dong himself has done by defecting: “In particular, some individuals are willing to be ‘internal traitors,’ secretly colluding with foreign spies and intelligence agencies and hostile forces to engage in anti-China activities. Individuals ‘act behind the scenes’ and send funds to hostile forces through illegal channels to support anti-China activities. These ‘traitors’ and behind-the-scenes gold masters’ have severely endangered the country’s political security. They will eventually be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.”

Translation: we need to keep this man, and his daughter, safe.

CNN is under fire for running the provocative and misleading headline “Georgia removes 100,000 names from voter rolls,” which prompted Robert Reich to declare on Twitter, “Our democracy is under attack.” But CNN omitted the important details that (A.) they were inactive voters, and (B.) all states routinely remove inactive voters from their voting rolls, as required by law.

The headline on this story could be “CNN promotes divisive, misleading partisan spin over journalistic accuracy,” but that wouldn't qualify as news.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger pointed out a few more details that CNN overlooked in trying to make it appear that Georgia is disenfranchising Democrat voters.

The number of voters purged is actually much smaller than in 2017 or 2019. Only 275 are on the list due to inactivity (five years or more with no contact with elections officials), but anyone who was removed mistakenly can re-register online in seconds. The vast majority are being removed because they filled out change-of-address forms or their election mail was returned as undeliverable. And 18,000 of them had died. Raffensperger said, “So they are not going to be voting anymore.”

On the other hand, you might take that as an admission that we’ve finally, at long last, found an actual example of Georgia disenfranchising a loyal Democrat constituency.

What Changed?!?

June 22, 2021

Seth Barrett Tillman, a law lecturer at the National University of Ireland, dug up an eye-opening Newsweek article from January 18, 2018. Currently, Trump supporters who think the election was rigged are being silenced and vilified as delusional for thinking that the results could be overturned and Trump become President again. I’m not saying that could happen, but this article reminds us that many Democrats had a very different attitude when they thought the Mueller probe might prove that Russia rigged the 2016 election for Trump.

The article quotes Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig as saying that if it was proven Trump conspired with Russia to steal the election (spoiler alert: it wasn’t, and he didn’t), both he and Mike Pence should resign or be impeached. That would make then-House Speaker Paul Ryan President, and he should nominate Hillary Clinton, "the person defeated by the treason of his own party, and then step aside, and let her become President.”

Lessig admitted that there is no “mechanism for correcting the criminal results of the previous election," and he wasn’t saying this should happen, just that it could.

The important point is that only three years ago, questioning the validity of the previous Presidential election wasn’t treason or insurrection, it was free speech. And fantasizing about the current President being forced to step down and replaced by his former opponent because the election was rigged wasn’t a conspiracy theory so crazy that anyone who even mentioned it had to be censored, monitored and investigated. It was something that Harvard professors openly discussed in mainstream media outlets.

Gee, I wonder what changed in so short a time?

If you wonder why so many of your fellow Americans don’t seem to understand why anyone would oppose something called the “For the People Act” or think that trying to make elections honest is “voter suppression,” you can partially thank the Democrat Party press agents known as the “news media.” analyzed the NBC, CBS and ABC evening news from March 1 to June 10th. They found that coverage of states’ attempts to increase election integrity received 96% negative coverage. They were routinely depicted as voting “restrictions,” even though none of them prevent any eligible person from voting, and many expand voting opportunities. Coverage was also couched in partisan terms, comparing these laws to Jim Crow and claiming that “many are calling them racist” and that “Black and brown voters are screaming that this is voter suppression” (ABC.)

On the other hand, from the networks’ coverage of the Democrats’ “For the People Act” (or as I more accurately call it, the “Legalize Vote Fraud Act”), you’d think there was no legitimate criticism of that at all. They depicted it as needed to prevent voter suppression, even though turnout in 2020 was the highest since 1900. Also, as noted by Rich Lowry at National Review, it’s backers claim it would increase confidence in the accuracy of elections even though it bans states from updating voter rolls and abolishes voter ID laws (which are favored by a majority of blacks, FYI.)

Even when Sen. Joe Manchin announced his opposition to the bill, a major story, the networks gave it no air time.

It shows that in an age when you can get practically anything delivered, the people who claim to be delivering the news are the only ones not delivering.

Animal Hate Speech

June 22, 2021

Many civil libertarians argued against passing “hate speech” laws because when you start saying that some speech isn’t protected by the First Amendment, that means someone gets to decide what that banned speech is, and that’s a slippery slope toward partisan censorship. For instance, here’s a story about a former Congressman and the President of the American Jewish Congress arguing that the government should use hate crimes laws to ban entire social media platforms or political campaigns that are determined (by whom? Them?) to be promoting “extremism.”

Ironically, that claim is so extreme that even Twitter’s lawyers slammed it, with other legal experts noting that there are plenty of court precedents that the First Amendment does protect so-called “hate speech.”

Well, we have hate speech laws anyway, and now, the slope for what’s “allowable speech” has become slipperier than a water slide. But I’ll bet you never saw this one coming: an “analytic philosopher” and a lecturer in political theory from Britain’s Sheffield University have written a paper in the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies called “Should We Protect Animals From Hate Speech?”

Utilizing an impressive barrage of both doubletalk and gobbledygook, the authors compare racist hate speech to “speciesist” hate speech and argue that if hate speech laws can ban hate speech that doesn’t actually hurt anyone, then why not apply the same ban on hateful words that don't wound to hateful words about animals that they can’t understand? Their summation:

“We thus conclude that, absent a compelling alternative argument, there is no in-principle reason to support the censure of racist hate speech but not the censure of speciesist hate speech.”

Granted, it’s not entirely clear whether they’re arguing that we need anti-animal hate speech or that all hate speech laws are as justifiable as banning phrases like “Beat a dead horse.” Another question: would animal hate speech laws also apply to animals? I’ve heard parrots say some pretty hurtful things. Personally, I just hope we never make it illegal to say bad things about cats or I’ll be facing a lot of lawsuits.

Leftwing Twitter

June 22, 2021

Courtesy of Instapundit and Brian Reidl of the Manhattan Institute, here’s some news that corporate CEOs should ponder long and hard before going “woke” to appease the Twitter mob.

According to Pew Research, Democrats outnumber Republicans on Twitter by 15 percentage points. If Twitter were a state, that would tie it with Hawaii and Vermont for most liberal state. But it gets worse: only 10% of Twitter users post 92% of all tweets. Among those active users, Democrats outnumber Republicans by 43 percentage points. If Twitter were a Congressional district, that would make it the second-most leftwing district in America.

And 3% of Twitter users post 90% of all tweets, so you can only imagine how far left of most Americans their tweets are.

If you’re a CEO who’s making business decisions based on what people say about you on Twitter, you might as well just run your company by asking yourself, “What would Ilhan Omar do?” And I think we know what she would do: she’d put you into bankruptcy.

Good evening! My Evening Edition for today contains the following:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Hypocrisy In Regatta
  • America Is Waking Up
  • Related
  • The Olympics Are Coming
  • Another Loss In Court For The Biden Administration


Mike Huckabee


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28


Hypocrisy In Regatta

By Mike Huckabee

Liberal Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse loves to expound on BLM and other people’s racism on Twitter, but when it comes to his longtime membership in an exclusive, all-white beach club in his home state of Rhode Island, he isn’t quite so woke.

When surprised by an interviewer who asked if Bailey’s Beach Club in Newport ever added any non-white members, Whitehouse said no, but “I think the people who are running the place are still working on that. I’m sorry it hasn’t happened yet. It’s a long tradition in Rhode Island, and there are many of them, and I think we just need to work our way through the issues, thank you.”

Whitehouse has been a member of the all-white club for decades, and his wife is even a major shareholder. He’s never quit or used his power and influence to change things. Yet he’s escaped the cancel culture apparently because he’s a prominent Democrat. If you’re one of those, and you say the “right” things (i.e., the left things), you get a pass on actually doing the right thing.

Guy Benson of had a great observation about this on Twitter:

“(Actress) Ellie Kemper had to issue a groveling apology because she won a pageant crown in 1999 from a group that was segregated decades prior. Sheldon Whitehouse belongs to a club that is *still all-white TODAY* (after promising to quit years ago) & his response is “it’s a tradition.”

Well, so was slavery, and it took Republicans to end that, too.

America Is Waking Up

By Mike Huckabee

It feels as if Americans are slowly awakening from a coma induced by too much CNN (trust me, that can happen), looking around at what the left is doing to their beloved nation, and finally rousing themselves to fight back. Like this black doctor, whose epic takedown of racist Critical Race Theory at an Illinois school board meeting went viral…

And as Americans shake off that coma, they’re starting to realize just how much of what they’ve been fed over the past few years by big government, big tech, big media and big business was a big load of bull droppings. Now, we have even more examples.

Remember how all last year, we were told (and some people are still pushing this) that it was necessary to shut down 95% of businesses to stop the spread of the deadly virus. If you objected, you were branded as anti-“science” or as caring more about capitalism than human life.

Many of us argued that the shutdown cure was worse than the disease: it was not only destroying our economy, but countless peoples’ lives and dreams; causing tragic side effects such as delays in needed medical treatment, drug abuse, depression, suicide and loss of schooling; and all for no good reason. Why in the world was it considered “safe” for big stores like Wal-Mart or supermarkets to stay open while small businesses that were willing to follow the exact same safety rules were forced to close?

Well, here’s more proof of just how tragically wrong those policies were:

A new study by USC and the RAND Corporation using data from 43 nations and all 50 states found that lockdown policies not only failed to save lives, they may have had lethal unintended consequences. Nations and states that implemented lockdowns earlier or longer had no lower excess death rates than those that didn’t. However, across all nations, a one-week increase in lockdowns corresponded to 2.7 more excess deaths per 100,000 people.

As for the notion that opponents of lockdowns care more about capitalism than people: first of all, those small businesses represented people, people who had poured their lives, work and all their resources into launching their dream, only to have it crushed by power-mad bureaucrats. We know now that up to 40% of American’s small businesses were destroyed by lockdowns, largely imposed by “progressive” Democrats who love to yammer on about “income inequality” and how it’s unfair that billionaires exist. But while their policies killed the middle class, who did they greatly enrich? The already rich.

The Democrats’ endless, heartless lockdown policies robbed American workers of $3.7 trillion in lost earnings, with women and Gen Z workers hardest hit. They also represented a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy, who became nearly $5 trillion richer. Nearly 500 people joined the billionaire class, thanks to the government forcibly shutting down competitors to mega-corporations like Walmart and Amazon.

So when you hear a “progressive” fulminating against a “rigged” system that transfers wealth from the middle class to well-connected billionaires, remind them that they put that system on steroids.

Be sure to read the linked Redstate article because it also includes a much-needed reality check for Republicans who still think that all big businesses should be protected in the name of free markets. Here’s an excerpt:

“…No longer should the GOP knee-jerk defend everyone with a yacht and a private jet as some next level of patriot. Rather, someone who promotes crony capitalism should be treated with the same skepticism and scorn as someone who promotes socialism. Free markets should actually be free, and that includes freedom from the government picking winners and losers at the behest of the mega-rich.

If Republicans want a working-class message that doesn’t actually violate conservative principles, it exists, and it’s just waiting to be embraced. Stop worrying about corporate tax rates for the umpteenth time and start worrying about making the system fair for the full spectrum of those involved, including those who aren’t privileged enough to have their senator’s private number saved in their phone.”

That’s pretty much what I was saying when I first ran for President in 2008. For that, some establishment Republicans accused me of being a socialist. I’m about as much of a socialist as I am a ballet dancer. Let’s hope they’re finally coming out of their comas and waking up to the reality that many of today’s billionaires are more likely to promote socialism than to contribute to the GOP.


By Mike Huckabee

I read a comment from a reader that saddened me, and I'm sure they aren't the only ones this has happened to. Her kids, who are liberals, have cut off communications with their mother and father because they hold conservative political views. I will pray for those kids to see the light, regain their priorities and honor their father and mother.

In the meantime, I hope that the signs of people coming out of their comas, and the truth at last breaking free despite all the barriers put up against it, will result in more people realizing they've been hoodwinked and panicked into unthinkingly embracing false, radical political positions. I hope that realization will lead to them reaching back out to family and friends whom they cut off simply for holding different views. And I pray that they will wake up to the wisdom expressed by Mark Twain, when he wrote:

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

The Olympics Are Coming

By Mike Huckabee

The Tokyo Olympics will allow fans into the arenas, but under severe limitations.

Still, they won’t be as severely limited as the born-female weightlifters, who can only hope to compete for the silver this year.

On the plus side, maybe this will be a good thing. It will shine an international spotlight on the outrageous, ludicrous unfairness of allowing biological males who “identify” as women to compete in women’s sports. This has been one of those stories that’s long circulated in conservative media, but the mainstream media have done a good job of smothering it under a barrage of propaganda about how anyone who believes in biological science is just a transphobe who hates “equality” and wants to prevent trans people from achieving their dreams.

Having the entire world watching as all those women are prevented from achieving the dream they’ve worked for all their lives by someone who obviously has no business being in that competition just might be the big ice bucket of reality that finally shatters the narrative.

And as always, leave it to the Babylon Bee to clarify the issue perfectly:

Another Loss In Court For The Biden Administration

By Mike Huckabee

The Biden Administration chalked up another loss in court, as a federal judge in Florida issued an injunction suspending the CDC’s “extensive, disabling, and exclusive” COVID-19 “sailing orders” that were crushing the cruise industry.

I say “another loss” because, while Biden slammed Trump as a “lawless” President, he’s racked up a bigger string of court losses in his first six months than Trump. And remember, liberals challenged everything Trump did and went shopping for the most activist leftwing judges to thwart him – the kind of judges who would rule that they had powers plainly granted to the President by the Constitution, like enforcing immigration laws.

But as Jonathan Turley points out at The Hill, many of Biden’s disruptive policies have been blocked by lower courts or already rejected by the Supreme Court.

Ironically, many of these court losses have been due to the Biden’s Administration actually doing what it falsely accused Trump of doing, like blatantly exceeding the President’s Constitutional powers, engaging in systemic racial discrimination (his programs to help minority-owned restaurants and farms, but not those owned by white people), and “acting arbitrarily and capriciously in carrying out federal policy.”

It’s a good reminder that even though it’s easy to get disheartened by the aggressive attempts to “transform” America through abuse of Presidential and Congressional power, there are three branches of government, and we can still “take the bums to court” and win.

Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the driver of a pickup truck drove into a crowd during a Pride Month parade, killing one person and injuring another. He narrowly missed a convertible that was carrying Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. We extend our sympathies and prayers for the victims and their families.

Sadly, even though the event was supposed to be promoting tolerance, Mayor Dean Trantalis immediately leapt to an intolerant conclusion, telling local media, “This is a terrorist attack against the LGBT community. This is exactly what it is. Hardly an accident. It was deliberate. It was premeditated, and it was targeted against a specific person. Luckily, they missed that person, but unfortunately, they hit two other people."

That false impression quickly spread, sparking denunciations of Gov. DeSantis and other conservatives. But Trantalis backed down after experiencing a swift backlash. It was reported that if he’d just waited 15 minutes before making his false accusation, he would have seen that the driver being arrested was wearing a Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus T-shirt. Both he and the victims were involved with the chorus. The driver was reportedly a 77-year-old man whose ailments prevented him from walking, so they let him drive the lead vehicle, and it suddenly accelerated. So it was not deliberate, premeditated or targeted. It was an accident.

It’s also a tragic reminder of the wise old saying, “Make sure your brain is in gear before engaging your mouth.”

President Biden and DC Democrats seem to want to keep subsidizing unemployment forever, or at least through September 6th, but many states are sick of it. Sunday, nine more states (Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming) will join Iowa, Mississippi and Missouri in cutting off the extra $300 a week in pandemic unemployment benefits.

With the pandemic ending and businesses reopening, 9.3 million jobs were created in April. But many employers say they can’t get people to apply because they’re currently paid more to stay home than to take an entry level job. The benefits are especially lavish in blue states. For instance, in Massachusetts, someone on unemployment can make up to $1,155 a week, or the equivalent of $60,060 a year for not working, plus state-paid food and medical support. Why accept a job and take a pay cut?

Biden insists that there’s no connection between these payments and continuing unemployment despite plenty of job openings, and Democrats claim there are still many people who can’t find a job and need the support. But we’ll soon know for sure, thanks to the laboratory of the states. By the end of July, more than half the nation (26 states) will have ended the bonus pay. Only one of those states has a Democrat Governor (Louisiana.)

By comparing the red and blue states, we’ll soon know whether unemployment remains higher in states that subsidize it. And if we see a sudden exodus of people moving from red to blue states, we can be pretty certain that’s the only reason.

Note to anyone seeking to extend unemployment: don’t move to California because even they’re tired of people taking money and not even looking for work.

It reads like a stunning political spy thriller, but what we’re learning after China’s head of intelligence apparently defected to the West is proving to be more of a true crime story. took the news about the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) working with defector Dong Jingwei of China’s Ministry of State Security beyond the “rumor” stage, but it was still so wild that the appropriate initial response was skepticism. RedState’s sources, however, appear to be sound. And if this story is true, it makes Dong the highest-level defector in the history of the People’s Republic of China.

RedState has doubled down on their story, saying they've confirmed the name of this official and the nature of the work he had been doing. Reportedly, he defected from China in mid-February after flying from Hong Kong to the United States to visit his daughter, Dong Yang, who was attending a university in California. Once his plane had landed, he contacted the DIA and told them of his plans to defect and also of the information he had with him. According to publicly available records, since April 2018 he has been the head of the Ministry of State Security’s counterintelligence activities in China. Translation: he was China's #1 spy-catcher. It makes sense to think that if anyone would know how to defect without getting caught, it's this guy.

According to RedState’s sources, Dong “hid in plain sight” for about two weeks while waiting to go safely into DIA custody. Presumably, his daughter was taken into custody as well.

CCP officials reportedly have demanded that Dong be returned. Sources say that Secretary of State Andrew Blinken was not aware at the time that Dong was in America, and so he told the Chinese what he thought was true: that we didn’t have Dong. In fact, it seems that until the last three or four weeks, NO ONE outside the DIA knew Dong had defected. Until then, they were vetting the information he had passed to them.

RedState reports that Dong has provided the following information to the DIA. If you haven’t seen this list, prepare to be blown away:

--- Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

--- Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the U.S. and the world. Perhaps this "Exhibit A" will be the most infuriating of all.

--- Financial records relating to the exact organizations and governments that funded research on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare.

–- Names of U.S. citizens who provide intel to China. Let's see 'em.

–- Names of Chinese spies working in the U.S. and/or attending American universities. This promises to be a long list.

–- Financial records showing U.S. business people and public officials who have received money from the Chinese government. I assume that means "besides Hunter Biden."

–- Details of meetings U.S. government officials had, perhaps unwittingly, with Chinese spies and members of Russia’s SVR (External Intelligence Service).

–- Details of how the Chinese gained access to a CIA communications system, which led to the deaths of dozens of Chinese people who had been working with the CIA.

Oh, wait –- there’s more! According to RedState, Dong has also provided the DIA with copies of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop, revealing all the scuzz the Chinese government has on Hunter, his nefarious personal habits and his business dealings with Chinese entities. His father’s, too. It was common sense to assume China had it all, and apparently they do.

In a revelation that should surprise no one, Dong reportedly told the DIA that at least a third of Chinese students attending American universities are intel assets, with many living under pseudonyms to hide the fact that they are children of high-ranking military and CCP leaders.

RedState says they have “high confidence” in their reporting because, in the days since their original report, others are starting to investigate some of the claims. Sources continue to tell RedState that “This defector has the rest of the intelligence community and the LEO [law enforcement officer] community scared sh**less.”

Here’s their full update.

Gordon Chang, FOX NEWS analyst and author of THE COMING COLLAPSE OF CHINA, takes this report very seriously indeed, telling NEWSMAX on Saturday that if the information Dong has about the Wuhan Institute of Virology is proven true, it could “even lead to the fall of the Communist Party.” There has been no official response from China, but according to Chang, Beijing appears to be in a panic.

“This is so explosive it could lead to a chain of events which would sever relations between China and the United States,” said Chang.

Some experts have denied the reports, however, and Chang said the SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST has reported that Dong is still in China and even gave a talk on Friday about catching foreign spies (Dong’s specialty). But Chang also said that those accounts do not seem credible.

And why did this Chinese defector deal exclusively with the Defense Intel Agency, rather than other agencies? Chang believes it’s because those other units of our government have been “penetrated by the Chinese Ministry of State” security agents (spies). He said it appears China “has penetrated most units of the U.S. government, indeed, state governments as well.”

This is consistent with what RedState has reported; namely, that “Dong has extremely embarrassing and damaging information about our intelligence community and government officials in the ‘terabytes of data’ he’s provided to the DIA.” Sure makes you wonder how many “Fang Fangs” are out there, and how many Eric Swalwells. Recall that Swalwell is a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

Chang also believes that Dong’s role as chief spy-catcher would put him close to Chinese leader Xi Jinping. “This is really important,” Chang said, “because what this does [is] blow open the Chinese political system.” Xi could be blamed and overthrown in the blink of an eye. “This could cause the Communist Party to lose the stability that apparently people think it has,” Chang said. That’s why the CCP leadership is so enraged.

The full story of Chang’s interview with NEWSMAX is here.

Finally, Dan Bongino’s Friday podcast led off with this story, stressing the extreme significance of what the DIA might be learning from the defector. You can see it on Rumble, here.

Bongino points out that what Dong is offering about the origin and spread of the virus confirms much of what Trump has said for many months. Not wanting to prove Trump right is probably the main reason why full reports on this story will be few and far between, not to mention twisted beyond recognition in order to pass muster with social media. But we’ll bring them hot and fresh and factual, as we look forward to telling the real story.

Addendum: Sunday night, reporter Jennifer Van Laar, who broke the story of the Chinese defector in, commented on the media strategy for dealing with it.

Van Laar offers a detailed, chronological and quite fascinating account in a “VIP” article on

I’ll summarize: Van Laar stands by her reporting and says that as the story has developed, “the reactions are an interesting and disturbing insight into how those with their own agendas attempt to shape the narrative and marginalize those who won’t go along with that narrative.” She says the “former spook community” (I love that characterization) “went from saying RedState’s reporting was completely untrue and used to attack Dr. Fauci, to admitting that parts of it could be true, to taking credit for the reporting.”

She describes the strategy: “First, ignore. Then, attack the source’s credibility. Then, leak information to take the story in a different direction. If none of that works, again attack the source’s credibility and attempt to introduce contradictory evidence. If that doesn’t work, claim ownership of the story and start shaping your own narrative.”

Van Laar will be appearing Tuesday on The Chris Salcedo Show on NEWSMAX to go over the latest developments, which, of course, we’ll bring to you here.

Among the many campaign promises made by President Biden that are falling like the leaves in autumn is his claim that he would restore ethics and integrity to the White House. That’s working out about as well as Obama’s laughable claim of having “the most transparent Administration in history.”

Of course, there’s Hunter Biden, the gift that keeps on giving to authors of novels about international financial chicanery who need new plots…

…And the continuing questions about his dad’s alleged involvement in Hunter’s schemes.

But even putting the prodigal son (and his uncle) aside, one of the top criteria for job placement in the White House appears to be nepotism.

Biden’s staff includes so many privileged recent graduates with no experience but relatives in high places that Walter Shaub, Obama’s former director of the Office of Government Ethics (yes, there is one of those!), called it “pathetic” and ranted, “I’m disgusted!” Shaub previously blasted Trump for giving important jobs to relatives, like tasking son-in-law Jared Cushner with crafting Middle East peace deals (I’d say he did a darn good job that Biden’s now destroying, but that’s another topic.) But Shaub actually believed that Biden was going to prioritize strict ethics.

He concluded, “Do I sound bitter? HELL, YEAH, I’M BITTER! I’m the stupid moron who fell for his false promises. I wasn’t naive enough to think he’d be a transformative president. He told us he’d be plain vanilla. But I thought there was momentum behind his ethics promises. Boy, was I stupid.”

Well, that’s something I think we can all agree on. And I hate to break it to you, but if you thought Biden was going to be “plain vanilla” and not try to “transform America,” then you fell for another false promise.

And speaking of falling for false campaign promises, you didn’t really believe Biden was going to spend trillions upon trillions of dollars and only raise taxes on the ultra-rich, did you? If so, I’ve got some prime real estate in Siberia that I’d like to sell you.

Thursday brought a mixed bag of decisions from the Supreme Court. On the plus side, in a surprising unanimous 9-0 decision, the SCOTUS ruled that Philadelphia cannot exclude a Catholic services organization from providing adoption services through its system because their religious beliefs bar them from arranging adoptions for same-sex couples. There are more details at the link. The decision was fairly narrow, and conservatives on the Court thought that there should have been more clarity to clean up the conflicts between previous related decisions and First Amendment rights.

However, for the third time, the SCOTUS rejected an attempt to get rid of Obamacare, this time filed by 18 states. In a 7-2 ruling, the Court said that the states “lack standing” to sue because they suffered no direct harm. “Lack of standing” seems to have become the Court’s go-to excuse for not examining controversial issues that need to be settled.

In a stinging dissent, Justice Alito scolded the Court for its creative efforts to keep pulling reasons out of the air to preserve Obamacare. He noted that if it costs the states $1, then they have standing to sue, but it costs them billions in Medicaid funds, yet they don’t have standing to sue? Alito wrote:

“No one can fail to be impressed by the lengths to which this Court has been willing to go to defend the ACA against all threats. A penalty is a tax. The United States is a State. And 18 States who bear costly burdens under the ACA cannot even get a foot in the door to raise a constitutional challenge. So a tax that does not tax is allowed to stand and support one of the biggest Government programs in our Nation’s history. Fans of judicial inventiveness will applaud once again. But I must respectfully dissent.”

I’ve decided that Obamacare is the Bill and Hillary Clinton of health care legislation. No matter how bad it is or how much trouble it causes, someone in a powerful position will always intervene to protect it, even if it requires twisting the law like a pretzel.

Who Is The Real Threat?

June 20, 2021

Watch former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi tell (of course) MSNBC that to fight “domestic terrorism,” the feds may have to go after people “around the former President” and even current members of Congress who supported Trump. He said federal law enforcement need to proactively “attack” Congress members who exhibit “cult-like leadership.” Apparently, if you criticize establishment politics and entrenched, corrupt, hyper-politicized, power-abusing bureaucrats, you are “recruiting people to violence.”

Well, I criticize those things daily, but I’ve never encouraged anyone to commit violence. Quite the opposite, in fact. Meanwhile, I see people on the other side who are committing violence and terrorizing our cities daily, while Democrats in Congress defend and excuse them. Should the feds attack them? Or does freedom of speech only apply to leftist speech? Guess we know where Mr. Figliuzzi comes down on that question.

This is an eye-opening look into the mindset of those who are trying desperately to criminalize any disagreement with leftist politics and massive, unaccountable federal power. Anyone who expresses such views should never be allowed within a thousand yards of federal power.

That’s why the only good thing about his title of “former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence” is the word “former.” Turn out in massive numbers to vote for Republicans so we can keep it that way.

Related: Stephen Kruiser of PJ Media has an excellent article on the Democrats’ attempts to convince everyone of their ludicrous fantasy that the biggest terrorist threat to America is patriotic, white Trump voters.

He also makes the very good point that what happened at the Capitol on January 6th wasn’t an “insurrection,” it was a riot. And if rioting is terrorism, then all the BLM and Antifa riots they’ve been excusing for the past year are also terrorism. Since both the number of leftwing riots and rioters vastly outnumber those of the Capitol riot, then aren’t Antifa and BLM a far bigger terrorist threat than Trump voters?

I love Kruiser’s summation: “The biggest threat to freedom right now is a government that’s being run by rabid, un-American ideologues who are using an isolated incident to wage a protracted war against anyone who disagrees with them. That drunk dude with the horns on his hat ain’t the one we need to be worrying about.”

This is something I hope to see happening a lot more often, and I hope it’s so successful that it inspires many more such actions: a group of Coca-Cola shareholders has sent a letter to the board, warning that their woke, racist “anti-racist” policies are putting the company and the shareholders at material risk of liability for unlawful racial discrimination.

The letter warns that if their concerns are not addressed within 30 business days, “the Stockholders will be forced to seek judicial relief to protect Coke and the Stockholders’ interests in the company from your continued breaches of your fiduciary duties.” Maybe that will remind the board of what their job really is.

And speaking of companies that risk bankruptcy for leftist virtue signaling, Victoria’s Secret has dived headfirst into the empty swimming pool of wokeness. Signaling guilt and shame for ever selling lingerie that was appealing to the “male gaze,” Victoria’s Secret has hired a new spokesperson – outspoken leftist, anti-Trump, lesbian soccer player Megan Rapinoe – who has a history of denouncing the company, everything it stands for and traditionally sexy feminine clothing in general. It’s also replacing its “Victoria’s Secret Angels” models with a group of woke icons, including a trans woman. That gives a new meaning to “Victoria’s Secret.”

The company’s execs claim this will help them “regain relevance” and rebrand for the future. If I had to predict what that new lingerie brand will be called, I’d guess “Chapter 11.”

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who were facing felony charges for brandishing rifles to warn off protesters who were trespassing on their property and threatening them, agreed to plead guilty to much-lesser misdemeanor charges of fourth-degree assault and second-degree harassment, respectively. They have to pay fines of $750 and $2,000, and relinquish the two rifles, but they will serve no jail time.

Mark McCloskey took it as a victory and remained defiant, saying, “The prosecutor dropped every charge except for alleging that I purposely placed other people in imminent risk of physical injury, right, and I sure as heck did… That’s what the guns were there for and I’d do it again any time the mob approaches me…In other words, I stood out on the porch with my rifle and made them back up. And that’s what I’d do again. If that’s a crime in Missouri, by G** I did it, and I’d do it again.”

As the story notes, many people, including Gov. Mike Parson, don’t think it’s a just settlement, and you can add me to that. The McCloskeys did nothing wrong, and they shouldn’t have to pay a cent in fines, give up their guns or have anything on their records. They merely showed weapons (didn’t fire them or even point them at anyone) to protect themselves from threatening trespassers. They were well within their Second Amendment rights to do so. If anyone should have faced charges, it was the trespassers. But in blue cities, up is now down, left is right, and criminals are let go while citizens and cops are prosecuted. It’s the New Abnormal.

The story says that Gov. Parson is “evaluating the situation.” I don’t know what he can do, since they agreed to take the deal to end the legal harassment. But a good start would be to immediately expunge their misdemeanor criminal records.

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day
  • Still Defiant In St. Louis
  • A Mixed Bag Of Decisions From The Supreme Court
  • Entire Police Team Quits In Disgust
  • Woke Policies Put This Company At Material Risk Of Liability For Unlawful Racial Discrimination
  • Who Is The Real Threat?
  • Arson Is Bad

Thank you again for subscribing!  To read this newsletter on my website, go here.


Mike Huckabee


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


Still Defiant In St. Louis

By Mike Huckabee

Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who were facing felony charges for brandishing rifles to warn off protesters who were trespassing on their property and threatening them, agreed to plead guilty to much-lesser misdemeanor charges of fourth-degree assault and second-degree harassment, respectively. They have to pay fines of $750 and $2,000, and relinquish the two rifles, but they will serve no jail time.

Mark McCloskey took it as a victory and remained defiant, saying, “The prosecutor dropped every charge except for alleging that I purposely placed other people in imminent risk of physical injury, right, and I sure as heck did… That’s what the guns were there for and I’d do it again any time the mob approaches me…In other words, I stood out on the porch with my rifle and made them back up. And that’s what I’d do again. If that’s a crime in Missouri, by G** I did it, and I’d do it again.”

As the story notes, many people, including Gov. Mike Parson, don’t think it’s a just settlement, and you can add me to that. The McCloskeys did nothing wrong, and they shouldn’t have to pay a cent in fines, give up their guns or have anything on their records. They merely showed weapons (didn’t fire them or even point them at anyone) to protect themselves from threatening trespassers. They were well within their Second Amendment rights to do so. If anyone should have faced charges, it was the trespassers. But in blue cities, up is now down, left is right, and criminals are let go while citizens and cops are prosecuted. It’s the New Abnormal.

The story says that Gov. Parson is “evaluating the situation.” I don’t know what he can do, since they agreed to take the deal to end the legal harassment. But a good start would be to immediately expunge their misdemeanor criminal records.

A Mixed Bag Of Decisions From The Supreme Court

By Mike Huckabee

Thursday brought a mixed bag of decisions from the Supreme Court. On the plus side, in a surprising unanimous 9-0 decision, the SCOTUS ruled that Philadelphia cannot exclude a Catholic services organization from providing adoption services through its system because their religious beliefs bar them from arranging adoptions for same-sex couples. There are more details at the link. The decision was fairly narrow, and conservatives on the Court thought that there should have been more clarity to clean up the conflicts between previous related decisions and First Amendment rights.

However, for the third time, the SCOTUS rejected an attempt to get rid of Obamacare, this time filed by 18 states. In a 7-2 ruling, the Court said that the states “lack standing” to sue because they suffered no direct harm. “Lack of standing” seems to have become the Court’s go-to excuse for not examining controversial issues that need to be settled.

In a stinging dissent, Justice Alito scolded the Court for its creative efforts to keep pulling reasons out of the air to preserve Obamacare. He noted that if it costs the states $1, then they have standing to sue, but it costs them billions in Medicaid funds, yet they don’t have standing to sue? Alito wrote:

“No one can fail to be impressed by the lengths to which this Court has been willing to go to defend the ACA against all threats. A penalty is a tax. The United States is a State. And 18 States who bear costly burdens under the ACA cannot even get a foot in the door to raise a constitutional challenge. So a tax that does not tax is allowed to stand and support one of the biggest Government programs in our Nation’s history. Fans of judicial inventiveness will applaud once again. But I must respectfully dissent.”

I’ve decided that Obamacare is the Bill and Hillary Clinton of health care legislation. No matter how bad it is or how much trouble it causes, someone in a powerful position will always intervene to protect it, even if it requires twisting the law like a pretzel.

Entire Police Team Quits In Disgust

By Mike Huckabee

You might want to keep the besieged, outnumbered, law-abiding citizens of Portland, Oregon, in your prayers, because the entire police rapid response team that deals with rioters has just quit in disgust.

The police are fed up with the leftist DA and other city officials letting violent rioters run wild or be released without consequences while they prosecute police officers for doing their job. So all 50 volunteer members of the team that deals with disasters both natural and manmade (like Portland’s city government) resigned. They say they will go back to doing their regular duties only, but I wonder how long even that will last. I can’t imagine there’s any cop in Portland who doesn’t have his or her resume out to at least a dozen other cities by now.

Woke Policies Put This Company At Material Risk Of Liability For Unlawful Racial Discrimination

By Mike Huckabee

This is something I hope to see happening a lot more often, and I hope it’s so successful that it inspires many more such actions: a group of Coca-Cola shareholders has sent a letter to the board, warning that their woke, racist “anti-racist” policies are putting the company and the shareholders at material risk of liability for unlawful racial discrimination.

The letter warns that if their concerns are not addressed within 30 business days, “the Stockholders will be forced to seek judicial relief to protect Coke and the Stockholders’ interests in the company from your continued breaches of your fiduciary duties.” Maybe that will remind the board of what their job really is.

And speaking of companies that risk bankruptcy for leftist virtue signaling, Victoria’s Secret has dived headfirst into the empty swimming pool of wokeness. Signaling guilt and shame for ever selling lingerie that was appealing to the “male gaze,” Victoria’s Secret has hired a new spokesperson – outspoken leftist, anti-Trump, lesbian soccer player Megan Rapinoe – who has a history of denouncing the company, everything it stands for and traditionally sexy feminine clothing in general. It’s also replacing its “Victoria’s Secret Angels” models with a group of woke icons, including a trans woman. That gives a new meaning to “Victoria’s Secret.”

The company’s execs claim this will help them “regain relevance” and rebrand for the future. If I had to predict what that new lingerie brand will be called, I’d guess “Chapter 11.”

Who Is The Real Threat?

By Mike Huckabee

Watch former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi tell (of course) MSNBC that to fight “domestic terrorism,” the feds may have to go after people “around the former President” and even current members of Congress who supported Trump. He said federal law enforcement need to proactively “attack” Congress members who exhibit “cult-like leadership.” Apparently, if you criticize establishment politics and entrenched, corrupt, hyper-politicized, power-abusing bureaucrats, you are “recruiting people to violence.”

Well, I criticize those things daily, but I’ve never encouraged anyone to commit violence. Quite the opposite, in fact. Meanwhile, I see people on the other side who are committing violence and terrorizing our cities daily, while Democrats in Congress defend and excuse them. Should the feds attack them? Or does freedom of speech only apply to leftist speech? Guess we know where Mr. Figliuzzi comes down on that question.

This is an eye-opening look into the mindset of those who are trying desperately to criminalize any disagreement with leftist politics and massive, unaccountable federal power. Anyone who expresses such views should never be allowed within a thousand yards of federal power.

That’s why the only good thing about his title of “former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence” is the word “former.” Turn out in massive numbers to vote for Republicans so we can keep it that way.

Related: Stephen Kruiser of PJ Media has an excellent article on the Democrats’ attempts to convince everyone of their ludicrous fantasy that the biggest terrorist threat to America is patriotic, white Trump voters.

He also makes the very good point that what happened at the Capitol on January 6th wasn’t an “insurrection,” it was a riot. And if rioting is terrorism, then all the BLM and Antifa riots they’ve been excusing for the past year are also terrorism. Since both the number of leftwing riots and rioters vastly outnumber those of the Capitol riot, then aren’t Antifa and BLM a far bigger terrorist threat than Trump voters?

I love Kruiser’s summation: “The biggest threat to freedom right now is a government that’s being run by rabid, un-American ideologues who are using an isolated incident to wage a protracted war against anyone who disagrees with them. That drunk dude with the horns on his hat ain’t the one we need to be worrying about.”

Arson Is Bad

By Mike Huckabee

The left always eats its own, and here’s a sad example. Read the Kafkaesque nightmare that befell a liberal composer of choir music in Nashville whose career was destroyed by the cancel culture mob because, after the George Floyd rioters started committing vandalism and setting fires, he wrote an Instagram post saying that (brace yourselves): Arson is bad.


June 19, 2021

Happy Juneteenth! You might think that was yesterday because President Biden signed a bill on Thursday declaring it a national holiday and federal workers took off work on Friday. But it’s actually commemorating June 19, 1865. That’s the date when Union Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, to inform them that the Civil War was over and to free the last slaves, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Texas was so far away from Washington that Lincoln’s order had yet to be enforced and slaves hadn’t been told about it.

Some of the bill’s critics argued that a holiday celebrating the end of slavery should have been on the date of the Proclamation, as Juneteenth is very specific to Texas, where it’s long been a holiday. You can read more about the history of Juneteenth at this link.

Naturally, after signing the bill, which had heavy bipartisan support, Biden immediately pivoted to a partisan attack on Republicans (who, it should be noted, actually freed the slaves held by Democrats), again accusing them of trying to suppress the black vote with election reform laws like voter ID, which is favored by a majority of black voters. It’s not often that you see a man of his age leap so nimbly, from pandering to blacks to insulting their intelligence.

Blogger Larry Correia had a very appropriate quote about the new holiday, given Biden’s exploitation of it to misrepresent GOP election integrity efforts: “I love Juneteenth being a national holiday, because it’s when we celebrate Republicans informing a bunch of black people that Democrats have been lying to and using them.”

At this link, J. Christian Adams has more on Juneteenth’s history and how only federal workers got Friday off for it.

This is added to 10 other federal worker holidays, plus Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas, all the time they took off during the pandemic, and the month of August when Washington practically shuts down.

Adams notes that one of the few months without a day off for federal workers is April. He suggests April 19th, the date in 1775 when “brave patriots at Lexington and Concord got sick and tired of a distant, far-off ruling class and decided to fight back.” That’s certainly worthy of a holiday, but he doubts the people in Washington today would want to remind Americans of it.