America Deserves Better Than This
August 30, 2021
Mike Huckabee
With Americans stranded in Afghanistan, the credibility of the United States is shredded by our inept exit there. And now we’ve suffered the worst loss of American military personnel in 11 years and the first casualty in Afghanistan since Feb of 2020. It is so bungled that the British Parliament did something it had never in its history done—it voted to censure the President of the United States. Think about that. Joe Biden has continued to pretend world leaders are standing with him, but not one world leader has said a public positive word. In fact, it’s been the opposite. The Germans have said that Biden has virtually destroyed NATO, the French—yes the FRENCH—have lectured us about “moral responsibility” to the people being held hostage there by the Taliban terrorists. Even the Belgians have condemned the way this mess has been handled.
And how has President Biden responded? By stepping to a microphone, screaming into the teleprompter words someone else wrote and he has trouble reading, boasting about Democrats going on a wild shopping spree with your tax dollars to spend 3.5 TRILLION dollars on give-a-ways to try and buy some more voters. It’s clear Joe Biden wants to talk about his domestic agenda so we won’t pay attention to the collapse in Afghanistan. We’re not about to forget about those Americans stranded in Kabul, but I’ll oblige him and talk about his equally disastrous domestic plan.
He insists that we keep paying people to not work and indefinitely extending unemployment benefits to people who refuse to take one of the jobs being offered by desperate employers who are having to close restaurants, lumber mills, and construction sites. As long as Uncle Joe will pay people more money to get up at the crack of noon and watch Netflix than to work, people will take the government hand-out. I think instead of giving non-workers an extra $300 to sit on their ample backsides and stay away from work, we ought to give that $300 as a bonus to the people who actually showed up for work! We tax the wages of the workers, but not the welfare of the lazy. I don’t begrudge people who can’t work, but I have no sympathy for those who simply won’t work and are willing to let others lift THEIR loads while the only thing they lift is their federally subsidized forks. Take the taxes off those who are sweating through hot summer days on the job, and if a person is capable of working and won’t take a job, cut the benefits to zero.
And Biden’s energy plan has resulted in your gas to get to work costing $1-2 dollars a gallon more than it did just a year ago. He killed an American pipeline and the thousands of jobs that died with it, but he turned around and approved the Russians’ pipeline which gave them great riches at our expense. He has turned our Southern Border into a free-flowing firehose of human beings rushing into America without us having a clue who they are, whether or not they are drug runners, human traffickers or criminals, and not seeming to care whether they have been vaccinated, wear a mask, or socially distance. While Democrats are shutting down churches for fear of Covid, they turn a blind eye to illegal immigration. Tell your pastor if you have an idiot for a governor or mayor who is forcing your church to close, have him announce that the church will “identify” as the Southern border, and tell the masses to come on in!
I’m not sure we’ll hold out until the 2022 elections, but if we miraculously do, please think about who you vote for in the next election. Because if you keep sending socialists and socio-paths to serve in Congress and on your school board, then you’ll deserve the mess. But frankly, I’ll never vote for people who hate this great country because I believe we ALL deserve better!