
I always personally liked Jon Stewart, even though we don’t agree on much politically. Whenever I was a guest on “The Daily Show,” I thought he treated me fairly, and we had a good time jousting and joking with each other. Of course, that was back in the days when liberal hosts could have friendly debates with conservatives without the woke Twitter mobs branding them as heretics.

Still, it’s hard to argue with Matt Purple at the Spectator when he makes the case that Jon Stewart “killed comedy.”

In his defense, I don’t think Jon meant to kill comedy. It was really more a result of too many people imitating him (badly), and audiences becoming too hyper-partisan to be able to laugh at anything other than vicious attacks on the “others” (i.e., Trump Derangement Syndrome.) Jon may have set the template, but EVERY late night comic on TV didn’t have to try to squeeze into it and then stretch it until they broke it.

Late night comedy used to mean Johnny Carson or Jay Leno poking fun at the foibles of both parties and giving all Americans something to laugh at together. Now it means someone sitting behind a desk like a pretend news anchor and lecturing us with DNC talking points, occasionally interrupted by a goofy metaphor, swear word or out-of-context video clip to remind us that it’s supposed to be “comedy.” You can tell where the “jokes” are (“joke” being redefined as “some political point I agree with”) because the studio audience cheers and claps instead of actually laughing.

Marketing experts explain that they do this because the viewing audience is so splintered that they don’t believe it’s possible to reach a mass audience anymore, so they’re pandering to the small leftwing slice they still have left in a desperate attempt to hang onto them. They don’t think conservatives or independents would watch a late night show anymore. Maybe they should try doing one that didn’t insult us constantly and find out. Greg Gutfeld seems to be doing all right with that strategy.

The NCAA threatened to remove championships from states that protected girls from having to compete with trans males who “identify” as girls. Many of those states’ leaders told the NCAA to pound sand and started talking about forming a new collegiate athletic association that puts sports ahead of enforcing insane leftist dogma. And guess what?

The NCAA backed down. Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee will host girls’ softball tournaments as planned.

Incidentally, it occurred to me recently that the “trans males are biologically the same as girls” argument isn’t the first time Democrats have adopted school sports policies that flew in the face of biological reality. Remember way back when they cared about women’s rights, and there was a big feminist, “grrrl power” move to force schools to allow girls to play on boys’ sports teams?

We don’t hear much about that anymore, maybe because it soon became obvious that it’s a bad idea to let girls be crushed under a pile of football players who are all three times their size. But in case there’s still any doubt, a recent University of Glasgow study of three years’ worth of injury data involving about 40,000 teenage female soccer players in Michigan found that – brace yourself! – girls and boys are different!

The study found that girls are nearly twice as likely to suffer concussions as male players. While male players are more likely to be injured from colliding with another player (maybe because of more aggressive play), girls are most often injured from contact with equipment, such as the goal or ball. They’re also more likely to suffer concussions just from butting the ball with their heads.

The professor who authored the study said the “mechanism of injury appears different between boys and girls,” and this raises “the question of whether sports should consider sex-specific approaches to both participation and concussion management.” Gee, you think?

Now, imagine really defying biological reality by putting girls who are more prone to concussions just from butting the ball into the same game with biological males who are twice their size and more prone to injuries from violent collisions with other players. That sounds like a harebrained recipe for disaster. It’s also the current Administration’s official policy.

A pipeline Biden likes

May 21, 2021

After killing US jobs and harming both the environment and America’s energy independence by killing the Keystone XL Pipeline project, President Biden has at last found an oil pipeline he can get behind. Axios reports that the Biden State Department plans to waive sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a pipeline that’s being built to transport Russian oil to Germany.

The CEO of Nord Stream 2 is a close friend of Vladimir Putin, and critics say this pipeline will allow Putin and his cronies to gain a stranglehold over Europe’s gas supply. Nikki Haley said Biden just gave Putin a huge gift.

Now, reread that story, replace the name “Biden” with “Trump,” and imagine how our media would go absolutely bonkers accusing the President of being a Russian puppet.

I get the feeling (and it’s a hopeful feeling) that I might have seen a future President of the United States enter the national consciousness when this video went viral.

It’s 10-year-old fourth grader John Provenzano, who gave an impressive speech before his school board in Marin County, Florida, pointing out the illogical mask mandate rules, the health problems they’re causing, and the hypocritical ways in which the mandate is being enforced, and pleading for an end to it. In a quote that would make the Founders proud, he declared, “Breathing freely doesn’t seem like something we should have to ask any other people for permission for.”

Unfortunately, the board didn’t have the wisdom of this 10-year-old and voted to keep the mandate in place until summer school starts.

For those who think John was just reading a statement written by his parents, check out his terrific appearance last night on Tucker Carlson’s show. I could name a few Congress members that I’d love to see him replace right now.

It won’t surprise readers of my newsletter, but there have been several studies recently proving that conservatives have a firmer grasp of facts about current events than liberals do, despite the left’s mockery of “Faux News” and claims that conservative beliefs are “misinformation.” Then again, when you claim to be the “Party of Science” and have to add “except biology,” you’re already on shaky ground.

To dig into the latest evidence:

A new poll by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports found that 53-54% of CNN and MSNBC viewers believe that climate change could doom mankind to extinction within 100 years.

Only 25% of Fox News viewers believe that. In fact, no credible scientific group has ever predicted mass extinction of humans due to climate change. The UN’s IPCC panel predicts that a hypothetical temperature increase of between 2.5 and 4 degrees C. by 2100 could reduce GDP by 2-5%, but since the global economy is expected to be 300-500% larger by then, humans will probably survive it.

CNN and MSNBC viewers are also more likely to overestimate the amount of warming that’s occurred since the late 1800s, but to be fair, they are exposed to an awful lot of hot gas.

Likewise, a new Franklin Templeton/Gallup survey found that Democrats are far more likely to overestimate the health risks of COVID-19. Forty-one percent of Democrats and only 28% of Republicans believe that more than half of coronavirus patients require hospitalization. Only 10% of Democrats chose the correct answer: 1-5% of patients.

The National Bureau of Economic Research blamed this on the relentlessly negative tone of US media reporting on the virus. Even with positive news all around, 91% of coronavirus coverage is negative. This also results in viewers overestimating the risk of the virus to children and believing we need to continue to keep businesses and schools shut down.

Finally, a national survey by Skeptic Magazine found that liberals are prone to wildly overestimating police shootings of black suspects.

The average liberal thought a majority of suspects killed by police in 2019 were black (only about a quarter were.) When asked to pick the number of unarmed black men killed by police in a typical year, the most common answers among self-identified liberal and very liberal voters were “about 100” and “about 1,000.” Nearly 15% of very liberal voters thought it was “about 10,000”! More than 45% of conservative and very conservative respondents picked the correct number: “about 10.”

I suspect this clinging to adamant belief in incorrect data is because, to the left, the “narrative,” or what they choose to believe, is paramount and must always be preserved, even if it obviously contradicts experience, statistics, history and evidence. As a conservative, I don’t see the point in believing in things that are verifiably false because that’s how you lose wars, money and your Constitutional rights.

It’s why conservatives can look at the unbroken record of misery wrought by socialism and wonder how anyone can possibly believe that it would ever work, while liberals can turn a blind eye and insist that it just hasn’t been tried by the right people yet. They probably also believe that the Hindenburg wouldn’t have blown up if only they’d been the zeppelin pilots.

The left in America is once again making it clear that for all their accusations of Republicans being bigots, they have long been reflexively anti-Israel, and the anti-Semitism behind that political stance has never been more obvious. So far this week, as Israel has defended itself against hundreds of missiles launched by Hamas terrorists at its civilian men, women and children, here’s how America’s Democrat leaders have responded:

President Biden is reportedly pressuring Israel to call a ceasefire, even while they’re still under attack. Even that’s not enough for far-left “Squad” members like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are criticizing Biden for not being harsh enough in condemning Israel for defending itself.

On a 217-209 party line vote, House Democrats blocked a Republican bill to apply sanctions on Hamas militants and on foreign entities that are supplying Hamas with funding that supports its terrorism. The same bill passed the House unanimously in 2019, but wasn’t taken up for a vote in the Senate

This kind of pro-Hamas propaganda from the top is filtering down to Democrat voters. In a new Trafalger poll, nearly twice as many Democrats blamed Israel for the violence in Gaza than blamed Hamas or the Palestinian Authority combined, despite the fact that Israel is acting in response to hundreds of missiles being launched by Hamas at its civilian population centers.

The most egregious of all is “Squad” leftist Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who claims Palestinian heritage and is openly siding with Hamas and spreading slanderous falsehoods about Israel. Rep. Dan Crenshaw shared a video from Arab journalist Yoseph Haddad, who lives in Israel and who ripped her claims to shreds. This is a MUST-READ:

Haddad said that while Tlaib accuses Israel of unprovoked violence against Arab Muslims, Hamas has fired over 1600 rockets (“each one a war crime”) into Israel, where Arab Muslims like him also live. He said she makes “no mention of the fact that Hamas murdered Israeli Arab Muslims in Lod, no mention of the fact that Palestinians started a violent riot…which is why police were forced to [be] involved in the first place. No mention of the fact that this terrorist organization is targeting 1.9 million Israeli Arabs or that they have already murdered 17 Palestinians in Gaza with rockets intended to hit Israel. Do those Palestinians’ lives not matter, Rashida?”

She even blamed Israel for a power failure in Gaza that Haddad points out was actually caused by an errant Hamas missile, and it’s hardly the first time that’s happened.

Haddad went on to blast Tlaib for trying to hijack the Palestinian cause the same way she tries to hijack the black struggle in America to make it about herself, concluding, “Rashida, I’m telling you, as an Arab-Israeli on the ground, your words contribute to division and violence in my country…you don’t have to live with the consequences. Represent your people — in Michigan. Because you sure as hell…don’t represent us.”

I have nothing to add other than to point out that she also uses her words to contribute to division and violence in this country and seems to have zero interest in representing the people of Michigan either. If she were really concerned about racism, she might acknowledge her own, since as Dennis Prager has pointed out, anti-Semitism is the worst form of racism because it seeks to exterminate an entire ethnicity.

Prager also has an excellent premium article in the Epoch Times in which he observes that the dispute Hamas and its backers in Iran have with Israel isn’t over anything Israel has done, it’s over Israel’s existence. And nothing will satisfy them short of Israel agreeing to destroy itself, which also seems to be what it would take to satisfy American leftists like Tlaib. As Prager writes:

“For most (not all) Muslims and for most (not all) Muslim states and for the left, there is room in the world for 22 Arab countries and for more than 50 Muslim countries, but there is no room for one Jewish state, even one the size of New Jersey and smaller than El Salvador.”

The New York Post posed a question that I addressed a couple of days ago, about the AP’s claims that it was unaware Hamas was sharing their building in Gaza that Israel leveled (the AP ridiculously called that a “war crime” to “silence the media,” even though Israel gave them advance warning to clear out of the building.) The Post asked, "If the A.P. didn't know it was sharing space with terrorists, how can we trust its reporting?”

I’ll point out that I already answered that question: we can’t trust its reporting, at least not from Gaza. That branch of the A.P. has a long history of covering up for Hamas, including not reporting when Hamas threatened them or that missiles were being fired from right outside their own building, and turning off their cameras at hospitals when wounded militant fighters arrived, to give the illusion that only civilians were being injured by IDF retaliatory strikes.

One of their own reporters slipped up and accidentally reported the truth in 2014, that Hamas regularly operated in and around the A.P.’s building.

So if it’s any conciliation, the answer to the Post’s question isn’t “No, we can’t trust them because they’re too stupid to be competent reporters." It’s “No, we can’t trust them because they’re lying propagandists for Hamas terrorists." Is that really any better?

Under Fire

May 19, 2021

The co-founder of BLM has been under fire recently for spending millions of dollars on expensive homes in largely white upscale areas. Her flabbergasting response was to imply that she’s standing up to racism in the housing market by using black homeownership to disrupt white supremacy.

This excuse ignores the fact that criticism of her lavish lifestyle is also coming from the left, with questions about how all those millions in donations from rich liberals and woke corporations that poured into BLM are being spent, since they’re not going to help local black communities.

In addition to the article, I’d also like to call attention to a lengthy comment on this story from a reader who claims to have been a Realtor licensed in two states. This person called “Bull(bleep)” on the claim that Realtors discourage black buyers from buying homes in white areas. He/she pointed out the ruinous fines Realtors can face for discrimination and pointed out that they work 100% on commission and none would turn down a paycheck just because they won’t sell a house to a minority.

Case in point: apparently, the co-founder of BLM had no trouble buying houses in very white areas. All she had to do was show a lot of green, and what do you know? She had it.

The leadership of the US Chamber of Commerce is becoming more “progressive.” So much so that in 2020, they endorsed the reelection of 23 freshmen Democrats. Now, they’re complaining that most of those very same Democrats are supporting far-left bills that would harm business, like the “PRO-Act” that would devastate small businesses and contract workers.

The US Chamber of Commerce still has a lingering reputation for being conservative and pro-business, but many small business owner supporters don’t realize how far left it’s drifted. It’s so far off course from its original mission that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he doesn’t even want the Chamber’s endorsement anymore, and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton accused them of acting as a “front service for ‘woke’ corporations.”

If you’re a business owner and a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, it might be time to reexamine whether they’re really representing your interests anymore. If not, let them know that if they don’t “get back to where they once belonged,” you’ll be heading for the Exit door.

Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that poses a challenge to a key aspect of the yanked-out-of-thin-air right to abortion that was created in Roe v. Wade.

The case centers on whether states have the power to limit abortions before the point of “viability” outside the womb, such as when the baby has a detectable heartbeat or can feel pain.

Here’s a key paragraph from Tyler O’Neil at PJ Media: “The vast majority of Americans (87 percent) have said that the question of when life begins is important to the abortion issue and 81 percent have said biologists should decide where to draw the line. Ninety-five percent of biologists have said that human life begins at conception.”

This is the kind of case that has some Democrats so desperate to expand and pack the Supreme Court with liberal activists before it starts taking too hard a look at inconvenient things like facts and science.

Misplaced concern

May 18, 2021

While actual terrorists like Antifa are allowed to ride roughshod over our cities, and the liberal media are defending Hamas terrorists who are firing missiles at Israeli civilians, our “leaders” in Washington seem obsessed with trying to paint their normal American conservative political opponents as the biggest threat to public safety.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to beat the expiring horse of the January 6th violence at the Capitol as being the biggest threat to the Republic since the Civil War. So she got her “9/11-style investigation” (frankly, it sickens me to hear the massive tragedy of 9/11 cheapened for such blatantly political purposes.) Only one person died as a result of violence on January 6th, and that was unarmed Trump protester Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death while she was threatening no one by a Capitol Police officer who was left off the hook with zero consequences.

Pelosi might be sorry she kept pushing this narrative, since some House Republicans are now demanding answers for their own investigations. They accuse the Democrats and the DOJ of “outright propaganda and lies” and of criminalizing political dissent. Like why, in a nation where real violent rioters on the left were released with no charges, Trump supporters who committed no violent acts were treated like terrorists and subjected to armed raids and jail pending charges.

There’s also a report that newly-released surveillance footage shows Capitol Police giving the protesters permission to enter the building, which is a real narrative-buster. I don’t recall anyone giving the 9/11 perpetrators permission to hijack planes and fly them into buildings, which is just one of the countless ways in which this is NOTHING like 9/11.

In other misplaced concern news, the Biden Administration just put up a $500,000 grant to fund research projects into rooting out “violent extremists” from police departments. Yeah, that's the biggest cause of violence in American today: conservative police officers.

Meanwhile, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his leadership position in the new US Space Force after he criticized Critical Race Theory training in the military, saying it was rooted in Marxism (spoiler alert: it is.) The Pentagon (which has also made as its priority rooting out alleged “extremism” among our troops) accused Lohmeier of engaging in “partisan political activity,” and we certainly can’t have that in government departments that are supposed to be non-partisan, now can we?

Lohmeier may have the last laugh, however. He recently self-published a book "Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military." It details how proponents of Marxism, BLM, Critical Race Theory and other leftist movements have infiltrated the US military and are using their power to brand mainstream conservatives as dangerous “extremists” and to silence political views that aren’t in line with leftist dogma.

His dismissal proved his point so perfectly and got so much publicity that his self-published book is now a #1 best-seller on Amazon:

IDF Trick

May 17, 2021

I reported Friday that Israel launched a ground operation in Gaza and had troops and tanks on the border, but I made it clear that they had not entered Gaza. Too bad for Hamas that they don’t get this newsletter and receive accurate information. A lot of other media outlets were so eager to condemn Israel that they ran stories accusing Israeli troops of entering (or “invading”) Gaza. That was wrong, but it was also exactly what the Israelis wanted Hamas to believe. To quote that great military leader Admiral Ackbar from “Star Wars,” “It’s a trap!”

Thinking Israeli troops were nearby, hundreds of Hamas fighters who had been hiding among the civilian population fled into the Hamas tunnel network to prepare for battle. But when they came charging out of the tunnel, there were no Israeli troops on the ground and no civilians around to use as human shields. Just 160 Israeli aircraft flying overhead that wiped out their clear, easy target from above.

It was an ingenious trick on behalf of the IDF, but it never would have worked without the media’s reliable habit of running any story that makes Israel sound bad without bothering to get the facts straight. So thanks, anti-Israel leftist media: they couldn’t have killed all those Hamas militants without you.

Here’s why I always warn people not to listen to polls taken a year in advance.

A year ago, the media were slamming Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for allegedly turning Florida into a killing field with his reluctance to shut down the whole state over COVID-19. Meanwhile, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as being hailed as a genius, handed an inexplicable Emmy Award, and writing a self-congratulatory book. Polls reflected this, with DeSantis dropping 11 points to 53%, while Cuomo skyrocketed to 72% approval.

One year later, Cuomo’s devastating bad decisions are finally being uncovered and he’s fighting efforts to impeach and remove him. Meanwhile, Florida is a COVID success story and DeSantis is at 55% approval, including 22% of Democrats, and holds double-digit leads over all his reelection challengers.

Then again, DeSantis’ race isn’t until next fall. I wish him well, but remind him: yesterday’s polls are like yesterday’s newspapers; only good for bird cage liner.

Is this news?

May 15, 2021

Not sure this is even news, but I try to be thorough, so I’ll mention that about 150 anti-Trump Republicans and former Republican leaders signed a letter demanding that the party return to its principles (as they apparently define them) or they might leave and form a new party.

Leftist fake news

May 15, 2021

Remember Florida state data technician Rebecca Jones? She was given a friendly forum on numerous occasions on CNN and MSNBC because she was making accusations that she was fired for exposing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ plot to manipulate the state’s coronavirus numbers to make them look better than they were. She was treated as a heroic whistleblower and a martyr to a corrupt Republican regime.The liberal outlets loved her because she allowed them to negatively compare DeSantis to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Problem: Cuomo actually did what she accused DeSantis of, and DeSantis did not.

Charles C.W. Cooke at National Review Online dug deep into this story, and he declared that Jones is not a whistleblower, a data analyst or an epidemiologist: she’s a fabulist with a history of making wild, retaliatory false claims. These include calling police who came to her home to seize computers “Gestapo” sent by DeSantis, and claiming they pointed guns at her and her children. Bodycam video shows that nobody pointed any guns at anyone.

Jones was heavily promoted by Democrats and liberal media outlets, which helped her raise a large amount of money through various GoFundMe accounts, but Cooke reports that her claims were all a giant pile of lies. She responded that Cooke’s investigative piece on her is a “smear campaign,” but she didn’t elaborate on what he might have gotten wrong. If you’d like to read more, click the link.

Or you could just go on believing what CNN and MSNBC told you about her because after all, only people who watch conservative news sites believe disinformation.

Israel Update

May 15, 2021

Here’s an update on the latest escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas and Palestinian militants. Israel has begun a ground operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, but it’s reportedly only tanks and artillery. Israel says no ground troops have entered Gaza, but 9,000 reservists have been called up and at least three brigades have massed on the border.

Since Hamas began firing missiles into Israel, the Iron Dome defense has blocked about 90% of the missiles, but even so, the rockets have killed one Israeli soldier and six civilians, including one child. Gaza reports at least 109 Palestinians killed, including 28 children, but Israel says many of those may be due to Hamas’ own missiles misfiring.

Also, for those trying to draw equivalencies or say that Israel is the aggressor/oppressor: please note that Hamas is deliberately shooting missiles at unarmed civilians. Israel is targeting known Hamas militant headquarters, which they deliberately place amid civilians to use them as human shields.

House Democrats have been thundering for months about how they want serious repercussions for their House colleagues over the January 6th violence in the Capitol. Well, they might get their wish:

The Daily Caller reports that a group of House Republicans has filed a formal complaint with the House Ethics Committee against more than two dozen Democrats who made unsubstantiated accusations that Republican members led suspicious groups on “reconnaissance” tours in preparation for the riot. The complaint mentions a letter from New Jersey Rep. Mikie Sherrill and 33 other Democrats to the Capitol Police, requesting an investigation of these allegations. The Democrats have never been able to provide any evidence to back up the claims, and the Capitol Police never responded to them.

I know what you’re thinking: asking a “House Ethics Committee” that’s run by Democrats to investigate an ethics complaint against Democrats will result in more layers of hilarious irony that you’d find in a rerun of “Seinfeld.” But at least the Democrats are finally getting what they asked for.

Georgia election case

May 15, 2021

While the media have been devoting so much of their energy to ignoring, mocking and suppressing the election audit in Arizona, there’s another legal challenge flying under the radar in Georgia that could flip control of the Senate back to the GOP.

Susan Hennessy will be taking a position in the National Security Division of Biden’s “Justice” Department:

As reports, Hennessy was a writer for the Law Fare blog who supported Obama’s expansion of surveillance powers over American citizens, including letting 16 other intelligence agencies access private communications that the NSA intercepted. She apparently thought this was so vitally important because she believed all the crackpot oppo “research” in Christopher Steele’s so-called “Russian dossier” used to justify spying on Trump and his people. In fact, Hennessy was such an adamant promoter of the phony “Russian collusion” yarn that liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald called her “one of the most deranged Russiagate conspiracists of the last four years.”

And now, she’ll actually be in a position of responsibility over your private information as part of the Biden DOJ’s National Security Division. But don’t worry: before she announced the appointment, she deleted all her deranged Russiagate tweets. That’s just like wiping the slate clean and starting over, right?

The fallout from President Biden’s first 100 days of insane policies is all hitting at once, from the stock market drop to gas lines to inflation fears to worker shortages to border chaos. But perhaps the most tragic is the flare-up of violence in the Middle East. Trump, who was assailed as a bumbling amateur by the Democrats, presided over the destruction of ISIS, the corralling of Hamas and Iran, and unprecedented peace agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Biden reversed all of Trump’s policies, including lifting sanctions on Iran and sending at least $90 million in US aid to the Palestinians (Trump had blocked US funds going to the Palestinian Authority.)

In announcing this last month, a Biden State Department spokesman declared, “We continue to believe that American support for the Palestinian people, including financial support, it is consistent with our values. It is consistent with our interests. Of course, it is consistent with the interests of the Palestinian people. It’s also consistent with the interests of our partner, Israel, and we’ll have more to say on that going forward.”

Speaking of putting leftwing ideologues in charge of national security, Biden intelligence agencies plan to monitor Americans’ social media posts to anticipate any future violent protests. But apparently, the only violent protest they think has happened in the past five years was the January 6th violence at the Capitol. So I assume this means “monitoring conservative free speech.”

If I could make a modest suggestion, it might be a more effective use of your time to monitor another group that’s far more likely to commit violent protests. You’ll find them all around blue cities, but especially in Portland. You should be able to recognize them by the fact that they’re wearing black masks, carrying AR-15s, setting government buildings on fire and beating innocent bystanders.

Sorry, but that’s all the “intelligence” I have for you now. You’ll have to figure out the rest by yourselves.

Cat out of the bag

May 11, 2021

An unnamed White House staffer told New York Magazine exactly how they’re bamboozling voters with the help of a compliant media:

“[A]t his hundred-day mark, Biden is the most liberal president we’ve had — and the public thinks he’s a moderate. That’s a winning strategy to me. They’re willing to accept that you’re gonna write this piece as long as they know that swing voters in Colorado aren’t gonna read it.”

In short, they’re counting on a biased media misinforming Americans that Biden is a moderate instead of the most far-left radical we’ve ever had in the White House, but they’ll only admit it to a liberal New York magazine because they assume you’re never going to see that. Apparently, they never counted on folks like us, who read the news so you don’t have to and pass along all the ugly truths that they really don’t want you to know.

Europe wises up

May 11, 2021

Sweden: "A leading Swedish hospital is banning giving dangerous, unpredictable hormones to minors with gender dysphoria. They're too young to make such a life-altering and risky decision. It's child abuse."

Leftists: "The Swedes are transphobes. Let's give dangerous, unpredictable hormones to minors with gender dysphoria."

"Say, the U.K. has been acting insanely 'woke' lately! Maybe we should transform America into Britain."

Britain: "To combat accusations of widespread fraud in the last election, the Queen will announce a package of new election integrity measures, including voter ID."

Leftists: "Rats!!...Okay, let's just admit we want to turn America into Venezuela."

Crude oil prices rose today after hackers broke into the computer system of Colonial Pipeline, forcing the company to shut down one of America’s major fuel delivery arteries. It’s not yet clear how bad the ransomware attack is or who’s behind it, but current suspicions point to a cybercriminal gang operating out of Russia.

This once again illustrates how dependent America is on the reliable flow of oil and how dangerous foreign hackers can be. Thank goodness we have a President who made us energy independent, okayed the building of a new major pipeline and banned Chinese, Russian and Iranian companies from providing hardware and software for America’s power grid.

Oh wait, I forgot: we replaced that President with Joe Biden, who reversed all those things! Well, at least someone at the White House finally realized how stupid one of them was. The suspended Trump executive order banning Chinese, Russian and Iranian involvement in our power grid has now been unsuspended. Is it possible that even liberal Democrats are capable of learning from experience? Or did someone with common sense just hack into their brains?

If you ever wonder how people could seriously believe that Obama had history’s only “scandal-free Administration,” then you don’t fully comprehend the lengths to which the media will go to smother any stories that reflect badly on their anointed politicians. Because they were so fanatical about replacing Trump, they’ve now put their shield of protection around Biden. If not, then we’d not only be hearing every day about the border crisis, looming inflation and the dismal jobs numbers, we’d also be seeing banner headlines about the brewing conflict of interest scandal involving his Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm.

The article at the link explains that Biden has been heavily promoting an electric vehicle company for which Granholm served as a board member, and she still owns millions of dollars’ worth of vested stock. She also has the power to make energy policies that could greatly boost her stock’s price. Yet the story has barely made a ripple in the same media that demanded an ethics investigation of Ivanka Trump just for saying on Twitter that she likes Goya brand black beans.