Mike Huckabee
The left in America is once again making it clear that for all their accusations of Republicans being bigots, they have long been reflexively anti-Israel, and the anti-Semitism behind that political stance has never been more obvious. So far this week, as Israel has defended itself against hundreds of missiles launched by Hamas terrorists at its civilian men, women and children, here’s how America’s Democrat leaders have responded:
President Biden is reportedly pressuring Israel to call a ceasefire, even while they’re still under attack. Even that’s not enough for far-left “Squad” members like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are criticizing Biden for not being harsh enough in condemning Israel for defending itself.
On a 217-209 party line vote, House Democrats blocked a Republican bill to apply sanctions on Hamas militants and on foreign entities that are supplying Hamas with funding that supports its terrorism. The same bill passed the House unanimously in 2019, but wasn’t taken up for a vote in the Senate
This kind of pro-Hamas propaganda from the top is filtering down to Democrat voters. In a new Trafalger poll, nearly twice as many Democrats blamed Israel for the violence in Gaza than blamed Hamas or the Palestinian Authority combined, despite the fact that Israel is acting in response to hundreds of missiles being launched by Hamas at its civilian population centers.
The most egregious of all is “Squad” leftist Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who claims Palestinian heritage and is openly siding with Hamas and spreading slanderous falsehoods about Israel. Rep. Dan Crenshaw shared a video from Arab journalist Yoseph Haddad, who lives in Israel and who ripped her claims to shreds. This is a MUST-READ:
Haddad said that while Tlaib accuses Israel of unprovoked violence against Arab Muslims, Hamas has fired over 1600 rockets (“each one a war crime”) into Israel, where Arab Muslims like him also live. He said she makes “no mention of the fact that Hamas murdered Israeli Arab Muslims in Lod, no mention of the fact that Palestinians started a violent riot…which is why police were forced to [be] involved in the first place. No mention of the fact that this terrorist organization is targeting 1.9 million Israeli Arabs or that they have already murdered 17 Palestinians in Gaza with rockets intended to hit Israel. Do those Palestinians’ lives not matter, Rashida?”
She even blamed Israel for a power failure in Gaza that Haddad points out was actually caused by an errant Hamas missile, and it’s hardly the first time that’s happened.
Haddad went on to blast Tlaib for trying to hijack the Palestinian cause the same way she tries to hijack the black struggle in America to make it about herself, concluding, “Rashida, I’m telling you, as an Arab-Israeli on the ground, your words contribute to division and violence in my country…you don’t have to live with the consequences. Represent your people — in Michigan. Because you sure as hell…don’t represent us.”
I have nothing to add other than to point out that she also uses her words to contribute to division and violence in this country and seems to have zero interest in representing the people of Michigan either. If she were really concerned about racism, she might acknowledge her own, since as Dennis Prager has pointed out, anti-Semitism is the worst form of racism because it seeks to exterminate an entire ethnicity.
Prager also has an excellent premium article in the Epoch Times in which he observes that the dispute Hamas and its backers in Iran have with Israel isn’t over anything Israel has done, it’s over Israel’s existence. And nothing will satisfy them short of Israel agreeing to destroy itself, which also seems to be what it would take to satisfy American leftists like Tlaib. As Prager writes:
“For most (not all) Muslims and for most (not all) Muslim states and for the left, there is room in the world for 22 Arab countries and for more than 50 Muslim countries, but there is no room for one Jewish state, even one the size of New Jersey and smaller than El Salvador.”