With a trained historian’s eye, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was right last night when he described Donald Trump's narrow escape from assassination as “providential.” The nation today should echo those sentiments because, by mere millimeters, America escaped the secondary explosions that certainly would have followed Trump’s murder.

Pray for President Trump

July 13, 2024

Shots were fired at a Trump rally Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania. Former President Trump grabbed his ear and dropped behind the podium. Secret Service agents rushed to cover him and helped him to his feet. He left clutching his right ear, which appeared bloodied, and fist-pumped to the crowd as he was taken to a waiting car to rush him to a hospital.
Not to spend a lot of time on the blow-by-blow account of Democrats coming together to, inevitably, take Biden out of the race (and maybe the Oval Office), but here’s one moment from Wednesday that’s oddly interesting: Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman’s expression of support for President Biden, as voiced on Jesse Watters’ FOX NEWS show.
While most media outlets are suddenly obsessed with talking about Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities (something we already figured out long ago), and the Democrats are engaging in public catfights, Donald Trump and his campaign have wisely remained, for the most part, pretty quiet on this issue.

The Overseas Elections

July 9, 2024

I know that most Americans don’t have much interest in elections in other nations, but when our longtime allies France and Great Britain take a nosedive into the deep end of an empty pool by electing far-left governments, that bodes very badly not only for all of Europe but the entire world.
Well, we’re back from our brief vacation from the daily news! Did anything happen while we were gone? No, I’m only joking. My writers and I were VINOs: Vacationers In Name Only. We were supposed to be relaxing on a much-needed break, but we couldn’t resist constantly checking the news, if for no other reason than to watch the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) having a volcanic meltdown
I don’t make predictions very often because in most situations there are just too many unknowns. But for at least three years, I have been absolutely convinced that Joe Biden wouldn’t be the nominee for President in 2024 and that the Democrats had a plan to replace him on the ticket with someone who is not Kamala Harris.
There is virtually no chance that Wednesday’s exclusive, hard-hitting story by Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations will make it past the CNN censors supervising Thursday night’s presidential debate. That is a shame because Sperry’s revelations suggest nothing less than that the American intelligence establishment helped Democrats to lie during the most critical periods during the presidential electoral campaigns of 2016 and 2020.

Losing Support

June 27, 2024

Biden is not only losing support among women and minorities, but also among one of their most reliable voting blocs: young voters whose brains haven’t fully matured and who haven’t gone out into the real world and started paying taxes yet.

Very Fine People

June 24, 2024

It’s very telling that one of the biggest news bombshells of the weekend was that a liberal “fact-checking” site actually told the truth about Trump, only seven years after the lie in question became one of the biggest stories in the media, and after seven long years of us repeatedly correcting it.

A new poll says a lot

June 19, 2024

If the recent news that Israeli forces rescued four Hamas hostages who were being held in the homes of a doctor and a “journalist” didn’t crack the bubble of delusion around American pro-Palestinian protesters, I doubt this will, either, but here goes:

Sanity is returning

June 18, 2024

Sanity is returning, just in time for the election. Last week, a federal judge in Louisiana blocked the Biden Administration’s attempt to rewrite the Title IX sex discrimination law to include “gender identity,” allowing men who claim to “identify” as women to enter women’s sports, locker rooms and restrooms.
We’ve just seen that the DOJ refuses to prosecute Merrick Garland on contempt of Congress charges for not turning over the audio of President Biden’s testimony in his “classified documents” case being investigated by Special Counsel Robert Hur. So it should come as no surprise that they demonstrate essentially no interest in the killing of Little Rock Airport executive Bryan Malinowski in March of this year...

D-Day: 80 years

June 6, 2024

Today commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the biggest seaborne invasion in history and likely the most complex military operation of all time. Somehow, a massive invasion involving over 300,000 troops was kept secret until the moment it began on the beaches of Normandy.
We haven’t reported much on the kerfuffle over what flag Justice Samuel Alito flew at his house nearly four years ago because we assumed it was a load of hysterical codswallop ginned up by Democrats desperate to remove a conservative from the Supreme Court by any means necessary.
Tuesday, Judge Juan Merchan’s court in the trial of President Trump for allegedly “falsifying records” for payments to Michael Cohen is back in session, after the judge gave the jury a week off to go home and hear non-stop from Manhattan friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and social media contacts how much they hate Trump and how great it would be if he were in jail.

Memorial Day

May 27, 2024

Once a year, on the last Monday in May, we set aside a day to honor our fellow Americans who made the greatest of all sacrifices so that the rest of us could continue to enjoy the blessings of liberty and security. Although we’ve seen a number of tragedies recently, with many innocent victims to mourn, we can’t let this day pass without paying our respects to those who gave their lives to preserve our freedom, both recently and long ago.

Memorial Day was born after the Civil War, when families would take a day to tend and decorate the graves of Confederate soldiers.  It soon spread to the North, and became known as Decoration Day.  Eventually, it became a national holiday to honor all American military veterans who gave up their homes, their families, their very lives -- everything they had, or ever dreamed of having – all in sacrifice for their country.  And just how many have made that ultimate sacrifice?  Brace yourself: 

From the Revolutionary War to the War of 1812, the Civil War and Spanish American war, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the other wars, police actions and rescue missions around the world since 1776, over one million, three hundred and eight thousand Americans have died in uniform.

Imagine if all those soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen could come back to life for a Memorial Day parade. Picture them marching past in rows of ten, each row taking just 10 seconds to pass.  That parade would stretch on and on, row after row, 360 rows per hour, for hour after hour, 24 hours a day, for over 15 straight days.  That is the enormity of the military casualties America has experienced since 1776.  That doesn’t even include the millions more who sacrificed their limbs, their sight, their peace of mind, and the best years of their lives, all for us.

Makes you realize just how ignorant and slanderous it is to claim America's history is built on slavery, racism, colonialism and selfishness instead of freedom, compassion and sacrifice. 

Today's military members, like those before them, risk their lives to protect the cherished American principles of liberty, equality, democracy, fighting tyranny and defending the weak.  Previous generations guarded these bedrock principles so that they could be passed down to us.  It is now our sacred duty to preserve them for future generations. Sadly, that job is getting harder with our “educational” institutions working so diligently to brainwash children into hating their own nation’s history and culture and having no gratitude for the sacrifices previous generations made to secure their right to open their mouths and make fools of themselves.

Every year, the American Legion sells poppy pins to support veterans and their families.  May 24th was National Poppy Day this year ( I hope you bought one and are wearing it proudly. If not, you can still go to their website to buy their merchandise and make a donation to support them.

The poppy became the symbol of Memorial Day, thanks to the famous poem, “In Flanders’ Fields,” by Canadian Lt. Col. John McCrae.  He wrote it in memory of his friend Alexis Helmer, whom he watched die in battle in World War I. 

The poem starts, “In Flanders’ fields, the poppies blow,

Between the crosses, row on row…” 

You can read the entire poem at the American Legion link above, and see a special video reading of it by actor James McEachin. It's very short, but it conveys a powerful message of the depth of those soldiers' sacrifice and the debt we owe them all. 

I hope you are able to join others in your community to show support for our veterans and gratitude to those who gave their lives to protect our freedom. But even if you’re unable to attend a public commemoration, you can still show your support by proudly flying the American flag today.  And we can all offer support to some of the many great veterans’ organizations, such as the VFW and the American Legion.

Another great organization with an especially timely mission is Code Of Vets, founded by Air Force veteran Gretchen Smith.  She and a staunch supporter, the late Charlie Daniels, once appeared on “Huckabee” on TBN to talk about the group’s efforts to provide support to veterans who have fallen through the cracks in the VA health care system and prevent them from becoming part of the shockingly high veteran suicide statistics. You can learn more and donate at

.  It’s tax-deductible, and with their 1% operating costs, you can rest easy knowing that 99 cents of every dollar given goes directly to help veterans in need.

I also strongly support the Gary Sinese Foundation, which does so much for veterans and first responders, as well as their families and survivors. Here’s a link to their website…

And to a recent interview with Gary Sinese from “Huckabee” on TBN:

And of course, one more thing we can all do from wherever we are is stop for a moment and think of all the rows and rows of crosses in veterans’ cemeteries…say a prayer of thanks to them…and remember that each and every cross represents a genuine American hero who made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. 

McCrae’s poem ends, “To you, from failing hands, we throw the torch.  Be yours, to hold it high.  If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders’ fields.” If you really want to memorialize these greatest of American heroes, then take up the torch they passed to us. Hold it high, and never let it drop.

Happy Anniversary

May 25, 2024

Today is a special day for me. Today, May 25 commemorates 50 years of marriage for my wife Janet and me. We were married May 25, 1974, after our first year of college. We were both 18—a couple of months shy of our 19th birthdays which would be in July and August.

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has just wrapped up an extensive publicity tour for FLYNN, the new documentary about his fight to defend himself from the Deep State and the legal system, starting about a decade ago.  His film could not be timelier, as its release coincides with President Trump’s confinement to a Manhattan courtroom as prosecutors appear to be conspiring with the judge to convict him on 34 felonies.

My HUCKABEE co-writer/spouse Pat Reeder and I were fortunate to be able to attend his next-to-last promotional screening of the film, here in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, and also to meet and speak with him briefly.  I’ll have more on our conversation later, but first, the film.

The film’s full title: “FLYNN --- Deliver the Truth.  No Matter the Cost.”  This truly is Flynn’s story, from his perspective, as he’s the executive producer and also the director.  If you’ve wondered what it’s like to endure the relentless onslaught of the government, with its unlimited resources, wonder no more.

The review at THE EPOCH TIMES does a great job (as does the film) of detailing Flynn’s background in military intelligence, in which he bucked the system by offering searing critiques and recommending sweeping changes.  As one might imagine, this earned him some serious detractors, including, eventually, President Obama.

Our newsletter has covered in detail Flynn’s legal nightmare over the past decade.  It kicked into high gear when Trump won in 2016 and named him the new National Security Adviser.  Political enemies saw him as one of those “red meat” MAGA conservatives --- he dared to speak at the 2016 GOP Convention --- even though for most of his life he’s been largely apolitical, describing himself and his family as “Kennedy Democrats.”  In the movie, Flynn tells the story of Obama warning Trump during the transition that there were two people he needed to be especially wary of:  Kim Jong-Un and Michael Flynn (!!!).

Flynn’s troubles had started building after Russia supposedly interfered in the 2016 election by hacking into the emails of the DNC and Hillary Clinton during that summer.  (Note:  there’s STILL no evidence that the Russians did this, but it was the start of the entire Russia Hoax.)  Flynn had a phone conversation with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak to try to head off any escalation of tensions.  But since this was technically before Trump was sworn in, Obama’s team wanted to get him on a Logan Act violation, though this was surely a misapplication of that law.

We then get to the part you know very well, about then-FBI Director Comey “sending a couple of guys over” (violating protocol, but what the heck) to “casually” question him and apparently try to catch him off-guard in a lie.  It later turned out that Flynn --- just as he’d told them --- had never mentioned sanctions to Kislyak, but this was the so-called “lie” that had led to perjury charges.

The movie details Flynn’s prosecution in the courtroom of Judge Emmet Sullivan, who wanted to pursue it (in the style of a rogue prosecutor, not a judge) even after the DOJ dropped the case.

The ET reviewer makes the point that this is definitely a one-sided story, from the point of view of Flynn and his family.  “It’s unfortunate,” he says, “that a more independent filmmaker --- and a more strident editor (the movie is about 20 or 30 minutes too long) --- has not taken up Mr. Flynn’s case to offer an unbiased narrative of his story.”  It’s kind of doubtful, though, that in Hollywood this would happen.

If you want to see Flynn’s story from the other side, FRONTLINE for PBS did a documentary on Flynn that’s a real hit piece.  It derides him as a Christian nationalist and a QAnon conspiracy theorist, a total wackjob.

Ironically, Flynn himself, in the movie, talks about how the left tries to tamp him down by using such terms.  It’s easy for them to label someone who is unabashedly Christian, as he is, and who puts America first, as he does, as a feared and dreaded “Christian nationalist.”  THE GUARDIAN calls Flynn “one of the scariest poster boys for the irrational, anti-logical hysteria that has gripped rightwing American during (and subsequent to) the presidency of Donald Trump...he’s now a full-on Christian nationalist who embraces election denial and QAnon conspiracies.”

Goodness, I just met the man, and I promise you, he didn’t have three heads.  I didn’t have time to ask about the “QAnon” allegations but will look into that.  Heck, regarding “election denial,” THE GUARDIAN wouldn’t like what I had to say about the 2020 election, either, so it’s hard for me to take them seriously about anything.  I think their real problem with Flynn is that he is 1) a Christian, 2) a strong patriot, and 3) signed on to work for Trump, with the goal of sweeping reform.  Triple threat!

Bestselling author, DILBERT creator and professional persuader Scott Adams says he normally doesn’t watch documentaries at all, as, they typically present one side.  But he did see this one and recommends it highly, as “REALLY eye-opening.”

He feels that the personal stuff about his family’s ordeal was necessary to the story.  “It was important for you to see that there was a real human being at the bottom of this madness,” he says in his video review.  The movie makes you think, “Really??  Did this really happen in America?”

As Scott points out, you can see in this documentary that the people who targeted Flynn “are the same people that went after Trump.”  He also relates that Flynn pleaded guilty because they were targeting his son, “probably over nothing,” (Note:  it would have been a FARA violation, for working with his dad) and “there really wasn’t any other choice.”  You might recall that his son had just become a father.

Flynn’s story, he says, was “exactly what you thought it was.”  And “Peter Navarro is still in prison.  A political prisoner.”

Scott’s eight-minute review of FLYNN is a must-see…

And I think I hit the Mother Lode, because after I watched Adams’ review, this came up:  Sebastian Gorka (another patriotic Christian Trump-supporter) speaking with Flynn about the Deep State.  This one’s longer, about 40 minutes, but also a must-see...

It was Gen. Flynn who told me about Scott Adams’ review, after I mentioned something else Scott had done, an on-camera experiment with ChatGPT to see what AI would say about election rigging.  Flynn himself has co-authored a book on AI, called HOW TO FIGHT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI).

In Adams’ must-see experiment (video link below), he explores with ChatGPT the question of whether the 2020 election might have been rigged and if it would be possible to find this out.  He leads “her” through questions, and as they banter, she gives him the kind of government-approved answers you’d expect, concluding that, yes, you could say it’s a “fact” that the 2020 election was not stolen.

But then, Adams completely shifts gears, asking her to help him write a fictional story --- purely hypothetical --- about upper-echelon people with government-level tech skills trying to rig an election to keep someone they sincerely view as Hitler’s equal from becoming President.  Freed from the constraints of what she’s been programmed to say about real elections, ChatGPT launches into a lengthy essay worthy of Marc Elias on all the ways this steal might be accomplished, using technical backdoors that would not be detected!  Scott repeatedly asks if her suggestions for his “screenplay” would seem plausible to people who know all the technical aspects of real-life elections, and she says that, yes, they are absolutely plausible.

ChatGPT, having moved on from the original questioning, never sees the contradiction between what she said about the 2020 election and this fictional scenario.  This is absolutely stunning --- extremely funny, too --- and yet scary, as I hadn’t known AI was this sophisticated.  After hearing “her” talk about how a hypothetical election can be rigged, I have no doubt that many if not all of these tactics were used in 2020 and will be again in 2024, if we don’t stop them.

Now that President Trump’s son Barron has had his high school graduation and Judge Juan Merchan’s Manhattan court is back in session, it looks as though things are only going to get worse for the prosecution. It’s really too bad for “our democracy” (using the term facetiously) that this embarrassing travesty of justice isn’t being televised for all to see.

Biden’s Betrayal

May 20, 2024

The shocking betrayal of our ally Israel by President Biden in announcing that the US would not deliver already agreed upon weapons to Israel in their fight for survival has caused even some responsible Democrats to finally break with Biden and his disastrous and double-dealing policies.

Alice Stewart RIP

May 18, 2024

Our entire family was shocked to hear of the untimely death of Alice Stewart, who worked as Communications Director in the Governor’s Office and went on to work for my Presidential campaign in 2008.  I got to know her well when she was working as an anchor for KARK-TV, Channel 4.  She was an avid runner and marathoner and encouraged me during my training for the 2005 Little Rock Marathon.  She did an ongoing feature about the training and my completing the marathon, the first of several for me.  When the Communications position opened later that year, she came aboard and was a great member of our team.  When I left office in 2007 and later started the campaign for President, she was one of my first hires.  The news of her death has been deeply sobering to me personally and to my family.


May 16, 2024

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is allegedly the “leading authority in the field of gender medicine” (I’m assuming that was a self-anointed title, like Michael Jackson declaring himself the “King of Pop.”) It was their “guidance” that was used by the radical trans movement to push barbaric quackery onto confused children over their parents' objections.

Primary Results

May 16, 2024

The presidential candidates may be chosen already, but primaries for state and local races are still going on. Tuesday, primary elections were held in Maryland, Nebraska, West Virginia and the 13th District of North Carolina. has regularly-updated news and vote totals on the major races.

Democrat ideas

May 16, 2024

I have often made reference to some of the things the Democratic Party rails against and tries to blame on Republicans or say that we want to bring back, when they were actually Democrat ideas that the Republicans fought against.

Debate Update

May 16, 2024

The Biden campaign turned down the Presidential Debates Commission’s plans for three debates and instead directly proposed two debates with Donald Trump, in June and September. Trump immediately accepted.

Happy Mother's Day

May 10, 2024

To submit your favorite Mother's Day memory or message for a Mom in your life, go here: Mother's Day - Mike Huckabee

Mother's Day Messages/Memories

My mother had to raise 5 children on her own. Our father passed away of cancer at a very young age. The year after my father passed 4 of us kids. Walked a few miles to a nursery and with our little money we each bought our mother a plant. On Mother's Day she looked at those plants with tears in her eyes. She in no longer with us but the memories of her, we each carry in our hearts. Love you Mom!

My Mom passed in 2007 at 93. She was a good Christian woman who lived by the rule: never say anything about anyone unless it is something good. She kept her opinions to herself for the most part. I think about her often.

A memory of my long departed Mom: Boys would challenge me: "My Dad could beat up your Dad!" My reply was so very true. -- That's nothing. My Mom could beat your Dad up! She was a Hannah type woman. Willing to give her son, Samuel, into ministry. I am the product of her sacrifice. I have served with joy for 51 years as a Pastor. Now we joyfully serve, preaching and teaching in Kenya, as well other places. Thanks Mom!

I love my mom. She is almost 90 years old now. I miss the younger years we had together but I thank God that I can still visit her and speak to her daily. She has been an exceptional mother. K

When I was lost in sin and debauchery a priest told my Mother that if she prayed for me everyday for 30 days that I would seek God. The 30th day was Easier 1988. The day I gave my heart to Jesus.

In 2021 i was very sick and my son lived far away from me in California and he surprised me on Mother’s Day and came to help me out and cooked for me which he had never done before. It was so special and thoughtful!

"My mother was full of important advice and much so that I wrote a song about it.....The Gardener. Mom is a gardener, she plants seeds in me.

Mom, you've been in heaven for 5 years now, and I miss you now more than ever! I'm a grandma (Nonnie) now, and I've wanted to share this part of my life with you so many times! I miss you so...Sarah

To my mother Elsa. I never got to know you but I wanted to thank you for my life. You could've easily just aborted me but you chose adoption. I deeply have missed you my whole life but thinking I will see you on the other side. Thank you my mother for my life.

My Mom is no longer with us on this earth, but her memories are so wonderful, funny, sad, loving, that she will always be with us in our hearts and in our thoughts. Happy Mother's Day from your eight kids down here and your ninth one who is with you. We love you and miss you and we will be seeing you you someday. That will really be heaven!

"My Mom is with the Lord. She ruled the roost! Did not appreciate that until I had children of my own. Also my daughter gave up a career to home school her three children that we have been blessed with. The Lord is #1 in her life! May God bless all Mothers that truly love their children!”

Sharon, my wife, and I went to Church on Mother’s Day in 1979. She was very pregnant and although we did not yet have a child, she was selected as a Mother’s Day recipient of a bouquet of flowers. We had our first child on Monday, the next day.

Unfortunately, campus administrators and liberal politicians and prosecutors in blue states are allowing these overprivileged cosplay Nazis to get away once again with virtually no consequences. We see some universities not only refusing to expel or prosecute them, but they’re even giving in to their demands.
Not only do a majority of voters say they believe these prosecutions are politically-motivated, but a new Quinnipiac Poll blows away their last remaining hope. They actually think that if they can just get a biased judge and biased jury in a Trump-hating district to find him guilty of something criminal, Trump’s voters will at last turn on him.