
Joe Biden

January 21, 2021

Wednesday, Joe Biden was Inaugurated President. You can watch the ceremony here, if you like.

And here is a transcript of his speech.

On the whole, I thought it was a good speech. He hit the right notes on unity, urging people to turn down the partisan heat and stop attacking people for holding different views, and saying he wanted to be a President of all Americans. He mentioned George Washington instead of canceling him, quoted the Bible and used the phrase “under God,” three things that might risk getting him canceled by some of his own supporters. I could have lived without some of the digs at his political opponent and America’s “systemic racism,” which were at odds with the unity and reconciliation theme of the speech. But then, I expected to get a lot more of that, so the overall tone was a pleasant surprise.

Still, talk is cheap. Let’s see if it’s backed up by policies that respect all Americans’ beliefs and rights to free speech and freedom of religion. I will pray for America, stay optimistic and hope for the best, but so far, I’m not encouraged that the Biden policies will live up to the rhetoric.


I don’t think there will be any arguments about whether Biden's Inaugural crowd was bigger than Trump’s or Obama’s. The ceremony attendance was eerily sparse, due to the coronavirus and the fear of some sort of attack. Fortunately, all the fences, razor wire and National Guard troops managed to hold back the invisible army of imaginary insurrectionist Trump supporters.

As I expected, there was no massive violent demonstration. The vast majority of Trump supporters are law-abiding, patriotic Americans. After a year of lecturing us not to blame the peaceful protesters for the actions of a small number of violent rioters, the Democrats spent the past two weeks hysterically blaming 75 million peaceful Trump supporters for the actions of a handful of violent idiots at the Capitol.

The massive show of security at the Inaugural was a gross overreaction born out of either paranoia or political theater. Either way, it proved unnecessary, as most Trump supporters found something better to do than cause trouble (like going to their jobs.) This went mostly unmentioned by the liberal press, but not by conservative media.


I’ve never been a fan of political boycotts of companies. I figure they mostly just harm innocent employees, and I think it’s un-American to refuse to do business with someone just because they hold different views from me. So even though I knew, say, Starbucks, was a liberal company, I liked their coffee, so I still bought it in airports.

But what we are currently seeing from corporate America isn’t just a liberal tilt among the management ranks. It’s an all-out war on conservative vendors and customers, in blatant disregard for civil rights or good business practices. They are doing what I always urged people to avoid: trying to harm people just for having a different viewpoint. That’s vicious intolerance and open bigotry, not to mention restraint of trade.

We’ve seen it happen to Parler and other companies and individuals, who are losing their jobs, businesses and access to necessary services, just because they speak their minds and don’t toe the leftist line. So it’s time for conservatives to stand up against that and force a stop to it by using the most potent weapon we have: the power of the purse.


One of the most outrageous examples of this I’ve seen so far is the targeting of Mike Lindell, founder of MyPillow, for his support of President Trump and for him daring to voice distrust in the recent election. This week, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Kohl’s, Wayfair and HEB all severed ties with MyPillow and will no longer carry its products.

MyPillow is a proudly US-based company that employs over 1600 Americans. These retailers who are banning their products don’t seem to care how they might harm those American workers. They are free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I haven’t heard of any of them banning products from China, a nation that oppresses its citizens; shuts down churches; denies free speech; uses social media to enforce strict behavior and speech limits; imprisons political dissidents and condones slave labor (aside from the slave labor, I suddenly see why US leftists seem to admire China so much.) Nor have I heard of them banning products from companies run by Democrats who’ve spent the past four years promoting proven false claims that the 2016 election was stolen by Russia.

So these stores will carry products from China, but not American-made products because they disapprove of the political beliefs of the company’s owner and want to punish him for exercising his right to free speech to express an opinion about the election that tens of millions of Americans agree with.

Mike Lindell has an amazing and inspiring life story. Having suffered the anguish of addiction and risen to great success through his faith in God, he has been quoted as saying, “My passion is to give back, it’s always been to help people. I had all kinds of adversity. I feel very blessed to get through — by the very grace of God — to where I’m at, and my heart is to help people.” And that he has done, in abundance.

MyPillow is famous for its charitable efforts, including giving thousands of pillows to charities, for homeless shelters, natural disaster relief, hospitals, the Salvation Army, the Wounded Warrior Project and others. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Lindell was among the first to voluntarily convert his factory to creating masks to alleviate the shortage. I thought Democrats were crazy about masks, but they certainly have zero gratitude for the man who provided those masks to them.

Have any of these morally-superior retailers done half as much to help their fellow humans as Mike Lindell has?

To cite just a few examples from the November election, in Texas, Trump got nearly 5.9 million votes. There are 20 Bed, Bath and Beyond stores in the state. With brick and mortar retailers struggling to stay afloat, can they really afford to infuriate 5.9 million potential customers? HEB is a Texas-based company. Do they think nearly 6 million of their fellow Texans are insurrectionists for supporting Trump and being suspicious of the election results?

Even in a state that Trump lost heavily, California, there are 19 Kohl's stores and over 6 million Trump voters. Is it good business to virtue-signal that you don’t want their dirty money? Because it is entirely within their power to withhold it and let these companies try to stay in business by selling fine linens and housewares to leftist Twitter trolls who live in vans, dorm rooms and their moms’ basements.

If you decide to do that, you might want to let them know through their websites and social media pages exactly why. If you are a stockholder in any of these companies, you should definitely let them know that you strongly disapprove of their executives prioritizing leftist groupthink and anti-America hostility to freedom of speech and thought over maximizing profits and carrying American-made products.

In the meantime, you can always order MyPillow’s many fine products (it’s not just pillows) direct from

And while it might be impossible to avoid all “woke” companies, this blogger has compiled a list of the 12 big corporations most openly hostile to conservatives, in case you don’t want to give them your money so they can use it to buy clubs to beat you with (at least one might surprise you.) It also offers some alternatives more deserving of your support.


From Carrie:

[The] Tlaib and the "Squad" letter is also endorsed by the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) and the leftist organizations Demand Progress, Free Press and Win Without War. Governor, you say you agree with these people, but I think that is a bit naive.

CAIR would not want the U.S. government knowing what they do, as CAIR is a front for funding Hamas and other terrorist groups of Arabs. The others are extreme progressives and harmful to sane governance. Those who oppose the surveillance have things to hide.

Tlaib, friend and defender of Farrahkan, has danced wearing the Palestinian flag. Omar is openly anti-Semitic, cheats and lies about everything to do with herself and her official and personal positions. Presley is a racist of the first order. AOC, whose mouth works before she understands what she's saying –- all of these despicable and ignorant women are backing this cause because it affects some of their own underhanded, perhaps scurrilous doings.

From the Gov:

Not naive, Carrie –- just curious about what it is specifically that they no doubt are hiding that gives them a reason to agree, just this once, with Constitution-loving conservatives. That’s the part we’ve “missed.” And it would explain why, in this case, "even a broken clock is right twice a day."

I featured your letter because it’s good to raise the points you do about these organizations and the far-left members of “The Squad.” Don’t think we’ve forgotten any of these. (I might disagree, however, with your observation that Ilhan Omar doesn’t understand what she's saying. It’s more likely that she understands perfectly well what she's saying and just assumes she can get away with her conniving –- which, so far, she has.)

People who oppose government surveillance do so for one of two reasons: 1) They stand, on principle, for civil liberties as outlined in the Constitution, or 2) they don't share those principles but, as you put it, “have things to hide.” The ones who are focused on reason #2 are using reason #1 for cover. That's surely what is happening here –- in this instance, making radical leftists appear, bizarrely, to side with constitutionalists. They will hide behind the Bill Of Rights while abusing the civil liberties of others if it suits their purposes and they think they can get away with it.

Applying that reasoning to this situation, perhaps they want to temper the coming crackdown on Trump supporters not because they care about the rights of Trump supporters but because they fear that they themselves might somehow get caught in that net.

Thanks for writing. But, no, our original observation was not made out of naivete.


In a parting statement as Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo issued an usually frank assessment of China’s communist government, calling it a “Marxist-Leninist regime that exerts power over the long-suffering Chinese people through brainwashing and brute force.” He also listed its serial human rights abuses, including “genocide and crimes against humanity,” particularly against religious minorities.

Pompeo went into some detail in describing the on-going atrocities, persecution and genocides being conducted by China. Some analysts wondered why he would do this on the day before Biden took office, but as the article points out, that was probably why: to serve as a stark reminder to Biden, who called the Chinese leaders good people and whose son enriched himself from Chinese deals, that the nation that gave the world COVID-19 (as long as we’re speaking unspeakable truths) is not to be trusted. Also that, as President, he will be in charge of enforcing the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020, an anti-Chinese genocide bill signed by Trump that passed unanimously in the Senate and with overwhelming support in the House.

So Biden and his China-mollifying staffers will either have to deal forcefully with China’s outrageous human rights abuses or explain to the American people why they’re not.


Excellent Article

January 21, 2021

This is an excellent article by Dennis Prager on why the left has to suppress free speech.

Short answer: because their beliefs can’t withstand open debate and public scrutiny. As Prager puts it, “Leftism is essentially a giant balloon filled with nothing but hot air,” and conservative free speech is the pin that bursts it. For instance, I challenged readers recently to name any big city that the Democrats have run exclusively for any appreciable length of time that isn’t an over-taxed, crime-ridden basket case that people are fleeing. They can’t, so they refuse to allow conservative free speech anywhere they control, including campuses, Hollywood, certain “news” channels and now, social media.

Prager mentions that he invites leftists onto his radio show and is unfailingly polite to those who accept, but very few do. I can relate: I have a standing offer to prominent leftists to come on my show for a civil discussion of issues. The few who have admitted they were treated with more hospitality backstage than they’ve ever experienced on any TV show. Yet hardly any take me up on it.

Right now, the leftists are feeling invincible, and they’re already acting too big for their britches in trying to bully 75 million Americans to shut up. That’s not going to work on Americans. When the inevitable backlash comes, it’s going to be louder than Ted Nugent.


The Democrats and the media (pardon my redundancy) labored mightily to tar President Trump as he left office, throwing everything at him from a second bogus impeachment to charges of treason and insurrection. But as Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said, “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Even amidst the attempted purge, a Rasmussen survey released Monday showed that Trump’s approval rating has actually risen slightly in the past few days. He left office at 51% approval.

Even in the Real Clear Politics aggregate of polls that always leans anti-Trump, he leaves office with 40% approval, 10 points higher than George W. Bush. And if think 40% is low, Ballotpedia's average of polls shows Congress' approval rating standing today at 13%.

That linked story also shows that while the Democrats may hold Congress, the GOP is in far better shape there than in 2009. Also, it notes that the alleged “white supremacist” Trump improved the Republican vote among virtually all minority groups, while only the Democrat vote got whiter.

The key to continuing that trend will be finding more Republican candidates who will keep fighting to make the lives of working Americans of all backgrounds better. That should be the party’s stance, stated loud and clear, and it’s what I’ve always promoted. Let’s hope the populist revolution for working people against the elites that Trump started can keep growing beyond Trump himself.


However, there were violent demonstrations against Biden, only they came from the far left. In Seattle, Portland and Denver, Antifa mobs staged demonstrations that included assaults, burning the American flag, vandalizing a Democratic Party headquarters and multiple arrests. You can see a lengthy round-up with photos here:

And here’s more

Note: not a MAGA cap in the bunch. Their profane banners included one reading, “We don’t want Biden, we want revenge” with a drawing of a semi-automatic rifle. (Note to Nancy Pelosi: Now, THAT’S violent insurrectionist rhetoric.) Others boldly declared, “We are ungovernable!” Somehow, I get the feeling that’s about to change.

All through the year, radical left anarchists like this were able to riot, loot, attack and burn to their hearts’ content, knowing that local Democrats would protect them, while national politicians and media would conveniently blame their violence on Trump, while also calling him Hitler if he did anything to stop their violence.

They don’t seem to realize that everything changed at 1pm EST, Wednesday. Those troops that Nancy Pelosi called “stormtroopers” when they were stopping the Antifa thugs from attacking federal buildings, businesses and police during the election campaign are now “defenders of democracy against violent insurrectionists,” and Pelosi poses for selfies with them. In fact, she thinks there aren’t enough of them – oh, and that they need machine guns.

I have a feeling that the Antifa punks are soon to discover that their free ride is over. They’ve outlived their usefulness. Now, they’re just a nuisance, a source of bad press that spoils the “unity/Kumbaya/We’re all overjoyed Joe is President” narrative. Republicans have no interest in saving them from the Democrats, and Democrats will no longer protect them from Republicans.

They may think they’re “ungovernable,” but they’re not. They just became expendable.


The brainless January 6 attack on the Capitol was a gift to the left, giving the incoming administration an excuse to treat all Trump supporters, going forward, as domestic terrorists. So it should come as no surprise that President Joseph Robinette Biden, in his inaugural address on Wednesday, declared war on domestic terror.

Will definitions be twisted to enable this war to be waged against all those who supported Trump? Will 75 million Americans now be opposed in the same ways we opposed al-Qaeda after 9/11? And what does that do for “unity”?


Former CIA Director and world-class dangerous person John Brennan gave his impression of this “war” on MSNBC, where he now works: “...The members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country, and they gain strength, and it brings together an ‘unholy alliance,’ frequently, of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. And unfortunately, I think there has been this momentum that has been generated as a result of, unfortunately, the demagogic rhetoric of people that have just departed government, but also those who continue in the halls of Congress.”

Let’s break that down. Brennan says the Biden team is now moving in “laser-like fashion” to uncover what “looks very similar” to overseas “insurgency” movements.

"Laser-like”: A laser is quick and focused. In other words, no time for judicial review and due process.

"Looks very similar”: It doesn’t have to BE an insurgency, just give the appearance of one to the people in charge.

"Insurgency”: This loose term may be applied at will. A peaceful protest held to question, say, the outcome of the election would be labeled by many –- including social media, which has the power to censor –- as an insurgency that must be held in check because it might “incite violence.”

"Unholy alliance”: This means groups that might not agree with each other on most things but happen to be on the same side about a particular issue. If no differentiation is made, an innocent group might be considered guilty by association. They wouldn’t even have to associate to be lumped together.

"Religious extremists”: Who are the extremists? Depending on who’s talking, socially-conservative Baptists and Catholics might be considered extremist, while far-left Muslims and militant atheists might not be, simply because their politics are approved by those in charge. Never mind the First Amendment; it’s the politics that will decide how various faiths are treated.

"Authoritarians”: Again, who are the real authoritarians? It seems to me we have people in control now who relish their new power and the idea of running everything way, way too much, and I’m talking about you, Nancy Pelosi and AOC. Among numerous others.

"Fascists”: At least here in America, this word applies most truthfully to those who claim to be “anti-fascist.” But who gets to decide where to slap that “fascist” label? And what if they’ve already dictated that Trump supporters will be the ones labeled fascists, even though the real fascists are the ones burning down buildings and trashing their enemies’ civil rights?

"Bigots/racists”: In the switched-around world of 2021, either of these terms can be used to refer to people who criticize the “anti-racist” movement, even to condemn those of us who think it’s best to be color-blind. If I’m the one talking, the “anti-racist” movement, so-called Critical Race Theory, is the most racist thing to come along since Jim Crow laws. But I’m not the one talking –- not in the halls of government, anyway. And not in public education and the universities. Also, it doesn't help that anyone who supported Trump is automatically labeled a racist.

"Nativists”: This word can be used to describe anyone who just wants to put America first. And –- aha –- all the people who wanted to build a wall and “Make America Great Again.” Anti-immigrant! Bad people!

"Libertarians”: These are people who want as limited a government as realistically possible and all the protections that the Constitution was intended to provide. To the current government, these might be the most dangerous people of all, especially when teamed with fed-up Republicans who lean that way. If they can be lumped in with extremists, fascists and bigots, so much the better.

I"ll translate the rest of what he said: These groups gained “momentum” from Trump-style rhetoric during the past four years, and unfortunately we still have some members of Congress who engage in that. His implication: We need to get those people out.

So, will the new administration be “moving in laser-like fashion” towards getting those people out of office? And will part of their new domestic “war” be to criminalize all of the above, with THEM writing the definitions?

Glenn Greenwald has a stunning and very important, must-read piece, available at, on this new war the left plans to wage on domestic terror.

By the way, Greenwald leans left politically, so does that make ours an “unholy alliance”? No, it does not! Read his piece, and it’s clear who the real authoritarians are. Hint: it’s not Trump supporters.


Spitting Mad

January 20, 2021

Since both of my writer/researchers are Texans, they are too spitting mad for them even to put it into words after a University of Texas “history” professor branded the Alamo as an “insignificant” battle that represents “whiteness.” So I’ll just link to this article that refutes this historical revisionist sacrilege in detail.

Incidentally, the person making that blasphemous claim is also the “Texas State Historical Association’s chief historian” and one of the drivers of a movement to stop calling the defenders of the Alamo “heroic” in Texas school textbooks.

How do you get to be a leading historian in Texas and not remember the Alamo?


Who started this?

January 20, 2021

This week, you will no doubt be hearing a lot of balloon juice from the media about how Donald Trump is to blame for all the partisan vitriol infecting society, and how things will return to “normal” now that Biden is coming in. In response to that, Michael Goodwin at the New York Post has an excellent article, reminding us that it was, in fact, the left that started this with its all-out war on Trump, from “celebrities” holding up a replica of his bloody severed head, to riots and fires set during his Inauguration in 2017, to protesters storming in and “occupying” a Senate office building, to an attempted “Russia collusion” coup and two groundless impeachment votes.

If you really think that the divide between the elites in media, politics and big business and the working people of America for whom they show condescension and contempt but zero understanding was all caused by Trump, I’ll remind you that I wrote a book warning the elites about it (“God, Guns, Grits and Gravy”) that was published six months before Trump came down the Trump Tower escalator and announced he was running for President.


How bad have things gotten in New York City under Mayor Bill DeBlasio? Here is a chilling account of what it’s like by one of many New Yorkers who is getting out.

You may be shocked to hear him describe what people are enduring there, as they’re overrun with crime and threatening, mentally-disturbed homeless people. The writer himself is shocked at how quickly New York spiraled downward from a great, safe, successful city into the return of crime, garbage, homelessness and rat infestations. And while the coronavirus may have accelerated the decline, it didn’t have to be this way. The rot had already started to set in well before the pandemic because of what he calls New York’s “feckless leaders,” who release criminals, punish police and business owners, tolerate homelessness and fail to provide even the most basic city services, such as sanitation, all while they openly flout the rules they impose on the people.

But before New Yorkers all move out to successful red states and start voting to ruin them, I’d like to offer them two words of advice that are the ONLY path back to saving the New York City they claim to love. I offer these words with no expectation that they’ll heed them, but with the warning that if they don’t, New York will never come back. Those two words:



Yesterday, we talked about what Washington, DC, looked like on “Inauguration Eve”; namely, an evacuated and secured war zone. Yes, Democrats are sending a message about their newly-established power by turning it into exactly that, but apparently House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had wanted to send it in even stronger terms.

According to Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, Pelosi had even wanted “crew-manned machine guns” (!!!). But her request was turned down, he said Tuesday evening to Martha MacCallum on FOX NEWS, “because there’s simply no use for that in a security arrangement for a civilian undertaking.”

In case you’re a leftist who pretends to know about guns but doesn’t know BBs about them, the term “machine guns” refers to fully automatic weapons, a giant step beyond the semiautomatic weapons used by many for hunting and self-defense that are so often condemned by the left. “Crew-manned machine guns” are probably best known by their associations with front-line warfare and also mass executions of Jews and other enemies by Nazi soldiers during the Holocaust. They mow people down. Personal, hand-held automatic weapons were used to commit shocking mob violence in America during Prohibition.

Just think of the image this would have projected, regardless of whether or not these guns were even loaded. I realize those on the left are trying to make a point about their new dominance, but this over-the-top show of power is shameful and dangerous and tells us a lot about their current state of mind. If anything would incite violence, it’s not Trump, who left quietly, but this symbolic boot-heel.

Pelosi had also requested, through the Capitol Police, the many thousands of extra troops, Cuccinelli said, adding, “Some of this has gone beyond any legitimate security need. But they’re disciplined, they’re professional, and the Secret Service has been choreographing this very effectively to maintain security and safety.”

When asked why there was a call for “such a tremendous force,” Cuccinelli said “all of it arose on January 6,” partially because Congress was the target.

"At the same time,” he wondered aloud, “where was this concern for the rest of America?”


Good question. He continued: “But when their own [Congress's] butt was on the line, all of a sudden they want every troop and soldier they can find to protect THEM.” He said they’re perfectly happy to do what it takes to keep members safe, but “not at the sacrifice of the rest of America.”

"Congressmen aren’t more important than any other American,” he said, and the DHS has been trying to keep everyone safe “through this entire difficult year.”

Pelosi’s requests were so out of proportion to any known threat that it actually prompted none other than Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib to join nine of her colleagues, including the other far-left members of “The Squad,” in writing to Pelosi and Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urging that national security powers not be expanded.

Consistent with the “even-a-broken-clock-is-right-twice-a-day” theory, they wrote, “We firmly believe that the national security and surveillance powers of the U.S. government are already too broad, undefined, and unaccountable to the people.” Though the letter makes some points I’d gladly debate –- including their description of the July 6th attackers simply as a “Trump mob,” as if Trump had sent them –- it must be snowing in Hades because I never thought I’d agree with Rep. Tlaib about anything, even a little.

The letter is also endorsed by the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), and the leftist organizations Demand Progress, Free Press and Win Without War. Could this be an issue on which at least some on both the left and right can find common ground?

"For our part,” the legislators wrote, “we pledge to oppose any attempts to expand the domestic national security or surveillance powers of the United States government at the expense of the rights of our people with every tool available to us as duly-elected members of Congress.” Is it too much to hope that when they say “our” people, they’re actually including Trump supporters? Most Democrat leaders hardly consider Trump supporters to be people at all, let alone “our people.” So pardon me if I can’t help thinking there’s something about this I’m missing.

MacCallum also reported Tuesday that pipe bombs were found at the entrances to both the RNC and the DNC headquarters. The unusually non-partisan bomber, as of this writing, is still at large.

In an update to the story on National Guard troops being “ideologically vetted,” Kevin Corke on FOX NEWS said Tuesday afternoon that the head of the Guard has confirmed that a dozen members have been removed from duty because of “suspected far-right extremist ties.” The decision to take them off inauguration duty was apparently based on “inappropriate texts or comments” these members had made. We're not told what they said that was considered inappropriate but would love to know.

Cuccinelli emphasized, “There is NO --- I repeat, NO --- identified threat from any of these people to the inauguration, or any suggestion that I’m aware of that any of them had any intention to do anything other than their duty in the National Guard.” The Secretary of Defense concurred, he said. This is what Cuccinelli called a function of the heightened anxiety in Washington.

"If only they’d been so anxious about the violence all across the country for the last year, we might not have gotten to a point where this seemed to some people to be an acceptable form of political expression,” he said. Agreed, though I'd stress that the vast majority on the right still find it totally unacceptable.

Check out the BABYLON BEE’s satirical PSA about how we learn to riot.

Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, said this level of vetting is “the same as the vetting that was done for most inaugurations.” That includes the involvement of the Secret Service and the FBI.

We respectfully disagree that this is normal, as they’re now apparently picking apart every last tweet and chance acquaintance, placing tens of thousands of troops –- American troops –- under the intense scrutiny of multiple bureaus. This deployment represents the largest military presence in Washington in American history during peacetime. Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who, as he puts it, “spent my life in the preparedness and security field,” DOES find the current steps deeply concerning, linking to this from Sara Carter.


The message it sends our troops: we don’t trust you.

Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott doesn’t think the vetting is normal at all and, in fact, is highly offended that the troops he sends would be subjected to this. He tweeted on Monday, “This is the most offensive thing I’ve ever heard. No one should ever question the loyalty or professionalism of the Texas National Guard.”

Texas sent more than 1,000 National Guardsmen to Washington for the inauguration, but Gov. Abbott said, “I’ll never do it again if they are disrespected like this.

As BREITBART editor and host Joel Pollack noted on Monday, DILBERT creator Scott Adams (who also hosts the enlightening daily podcast “Coffee with Scott Adams”) remarked that “once you start evaluating soldiers for political loyalty, you are on your way to creating something like a Revolutionary Guard that protects one party or leader. Democrats are becoming what they think Trump is.”

"Becoming”? The Democrats, as a party, are THERE.

Today, Joe Biden will become President, and he has promised to embark immediately on undoing every Trump policy that made America stronger, brought peace to the Middle East, protected religious freedom, stemmed illegal immigration, stood up for American workers, stopped China from robbing us blind, sparked record job creation and wage growth, brought fuel prices down and made America energy independent. I’m not going to describe all of his plans in detail because I’ve spent the past year trying to warn voters what was coming. So I’ll just refer you to this article that lists the coming calamities.

And don’t forget his plans to pander to the transgender lobby by reversing a Trump policy that protects the rights of women and girls. Hope all you women who voted for Biden enjoy a future of all-male women’s sports.

Speaking of Biden’s plans to restore unity, compassion and decency, Planned Parenthood is salivating at the idea of getting even more tax money and doing away with the Hyde Amendment so there will no longer even be any pretense that Americans aren’t having their forcibly-extracted tax money used to slaughter babies in the womb in violation of their beliefs.

I fail to see how this reflects compassion, decency or even unity, considering that a CBS poll in June found that 55% of Americans support either some restrictions on abortion or a complete ban. In fact, abortion is largely a Democrat obsession, with 79% of Republicans and 58% of Independents thinking it should be restricted or banned. A Marist poll from one year ago found that if the Supreme Court revisits Roe V. Wade, 62% of Americans think it should either turn the issue of abortion back to the states or ban it.

The only unity Biden is likely to create with these policies is an almost universal feeling of buyer’s remorse.


Must-See Video

January 20, 2021

Tuesday, on his last full day in office, President Trump gave a farewell address. Some “news” channels which are now in the full-time propaganda business didn’t even air it, but you can watch it at this link, and you should.

It’s a reminder of some of the many great things about the Trump Administration that his critics refused to give him credit for even as they benefited from them personally. (I’ve been especially annoyed recently to hear Joe Biden branding the coronavirus vaccine roll-out as a “disaster,” when (A.) it’s only been a disaster in Democrat-run states; (B.) he and his fellow Democrats mocked Trump for saying there would be a vaccine by the end of 2020, and for his efforts at creating one, which worked; and (C.) when Obama/Biden were in office, they were completely ineffective in dealing with pandemics such as swine flu.)

But Trump also warns us about the sudden, anti-American turn of the left; the blacklists and censorship and intolerance; the bigotry and class warfare; all the things they once claimed to oppose and are now rushing to impose. It’s going to be a hard two years until the 2022 elections, and there’s no guarantee that things will change even then if conservatives get demoralized instead of getting organized and fighting back, the way the (peaceful) Tea Party movement did in 2009. He also reminds us of the importance of engaging with hearts and minds, not with violence.

This is Trump at his best and most presidential. I wish he’d spoken like this sooner and more often. The partisan media may ignore this speech, but I predict it will become historic, as the American people begin to realize how badly they were gas-lighted by the media. While I hope and pray that President Biden will keep his word to be a unifier and that America will heal and prosper, I suspect that Americans will soon start to miss Trump's pro-American, pro-growth, pro-freedom policies, even if they don’t miss the tweets.

Also, the media treated First Lady Melania Trump shamefully for four years, and then they also ignored her farewell message. I think you will want to see that as well.


Graham Appeals To Schumer

January 19, 2021

Sen. Lindsay Graham is making what is likely a futile appeal to Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer to reject the House’s second politically-motivated impeachment of President Trump in the name of protecting the Constitution and healing the nation.

Graham calls the House’s latest impeachment vote, conducted without evidence, hearings or a defense as Trump was already preparing to leave office, unconstitutional, an act of political vengeance and “a disgraceful saga” that needs to come to an end. He warns Schumer that turning impeachment into a meaningless partisan political weapon will haunt all future Presidents. Impeachment had only come up twice in America's history until Pelosi wielded it twice in 13 months. Graham asks where it will end? If former Presidents can be impeached, could a future GOP Congress impeach Obama over Benghazi, or Democrats impeach George Washington because he owned slaves?

These are wise words, and serious adults in the Democratic leadership should heed them. The question is, are there any serious adults left in the Democratic Party leadership?


Big Tech Fascism Round-up

January 19, 2021

Kevin McCullough at expands on the question I asked: why aren’t the shareholders of Twitter and Facebook raising the roof over their CEOs tanking their stock prices and driving away customers by prioritizing their leftist politics over maximizing profits? His solution: sue ‘em. The government will never rein them in as long as Democrats are in power and benefiting from their illegal partisanship. But there are still civil courts, many with Trump-appointed judges, and there are hundreds of millions of shares of public stock owned by people with a legal vested interest in preventing these companies from destroying their investment.

McCullough lays out several legal areas in which Twitter and others may have opened themselves up to huge class action lawsuits, both from stockholders and from the people they unfairly deplatformed.

The latest victim of Silicon Valley leftist censorship is the conservative site, which was forced to shut down its comments section or lose its site entirely. American Thinker hardly draws a lot of violent rightwing extremists. But even more threatening to those on the extreme left is a site that encourages people to think.

Finally, Derek Hunter at explains the difference between Google and other search engines such as DuckDuck Go and Bing. As he illustrates with examples, Google no longer returns the best results for your searches. It now returns only the results that its leftist executives want you to see.


President Joe Biden

January 19, 2021

Tomorrow, Joe Biden will be sworn in as President after the most controversial, contested, and crooked election in our history. Just to make sure that none of the 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump forget how much they hate him and us, Democrats in Washington impeached the President for a historic 2nd time, using this time the phony excuse that he is responsible for the awful and inexcusable criminal assault on our Capitol by a group of anarchists who were a small number of the tens of thousands of people who attended a rally earlier in the day. Most were unaware that anything had even happened until they returned to their homes or hotels and saw it on the news. While President Trump could have and should have spoken sooner and more forcefully to denounce the riot, I’ve carefully read and listened to his entire speech that day. To say he caused is ludicrous. But don’t take MY word for it. The most distinguished constitutional scholars of our land who neither supported nor voted for Donald Trump have dismissed allegations of President Trump having incited a riot as nonsense. But Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the angry mob of Congressional Democrats decided that impeaching Donald Trump in the hours before he leaves office will be good for the country. These are the same Democrats who joined with the media all last summer in actually defending and supporting the rioting and looting of American cities and the deadly assaults on police officers across the land. 


Conservatives condemned the lawless anarchy in our streets then and equally and forcefully condemned it when it happened in DC on Jan 6. There should be no double standards. But the left in America has gone beyond a double standard-they have NO standards. Just emotional outrage, hate and blind bigotry toward everyone who won’t surrender to their iron-fist. The 2nd phony impeachment is being done without any evidence presented, hearing, witnesses, or due process. Serial killers like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer were given more due process than President Trump. And when a mob, whether it’s rioters or members of Congress and the media deny judicial process and rush straight to a verdict and sentencing, it’s not justice. This is one mob reacting to another mob and that is the logic of a lynching. I sure wish that members of Congress were as concerned about the destruction in the places of business owned by law-abiding citizens in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, New York, or Los Angeles as they were by the destruction of where THEY do business.

And while soon to be President Biden continues to claim he wants healing and unity, is that what he expects will result from the condescending rage directed toward the half of America who voted for President Trump? I’d love to see the country “come together” and act like America again, but I won’t march willingly behind those who truly believe voices like mine should be closed off from social media, or kept from employment and freely harassed in restaurants, shopping centers, or public places.

If Joe Biden wants to unify the country to respect the rule of law for all, stop Big Tech from crushing competitors and conservatives, and to move toward ending poverty, building roads, standing up to China, and taking care of our military, I’m all in. But if he keeps his pledge to push abortion even to the moment of birth, wants taxpayers to fund the folly of letting 7 year old kids surgically change their gender, opens the borders of our country with no controls, punishes work by taxing people who have jobs to redistribute their money to those who refuse to work, and forces churches and faith based colleges and organizations to surrender to views that violate the teachings of the Bible, then count me out. That’s not asking for my cooperation, but my surrender to an agenda that’s antithetical to my faith, my family, and my freedom. And that’s not a call for unity, but uniformity. It’s not asking me for tolerance, but obedience. And it’s not a call for healing, but more hurt and hate. And to that I’m pretty sure I speak for many of the 74 million Americans who will respectfully say, “No thanks.”


Phil Spector Dies In Prison

January 19, 2021

Saturday, renowned rock music songwriter/producer and convicted murderer Phil Spector died in prison of natural causes at 81. He’d been in a prison health facility since 2013 for undisclosed reasons. He was serving a sentence of 19 years-to-life and wasn’t eligible for parole until 2024.

Spector, with his patented “Wall of Sound,” created some of the greatest and most influential hits of the early rock era, starting in 1958 when he scored his first #1 hit as writer/lead singer of the Teddy Bears’ “To Know Him Is To Love Him” (certainly the opposite of how people felt about Spector.) He produced many artists and created a number of groups, often with Darlene Love singing uncredited lead. His sessions were the beginning of the Wrecking Crew, the great musicians who appeared on hundreds of hits in the ‘60s. His style influenced everyone from The Beach Boys to Bruce Springsteen to Meatloaf.

His groups included the Crystals and the Ronettes (led by his wife Ronnie Spector), and his many classic hits include “He’s A Rebel,” “Be My Baby,” “Da Doo Ron Ron,” “Then He Kissed Me” and the perennial Phil Spector Christmas Album (“A Christmas Gift For You From Philles Records.”) Later famous Spector productions include John Lennon’s “Imagine,” George Harrrison’s “My Sweet Lord” and the album “All Things Must Pass,” Ike and Tina Turner’s “River Deep, Mountain High” (Spector considered it his greatest record, but it wasn’t a hit at the time), the Beatles’ “Let It Be” album (his production of that is still controversial) and the Righteous Brothers’ “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling,” which was named radio’s most-played song of the 20th century.

Unfortunately, he was notorious for private behavior that ranged from controlling to sociopathic. It caused his career to be mostly over by the 1980s. His wife Ronnie wrote on Instagram that he was “a brilliant producer but a lousy husband” who was “not able to live and function outside of the recording studio. Darkness set in, many lives were damaged. I still smile whenever I hear the music we made together, and always will. The music will be forever.”

He was infamous for waving his pistol in the faces of artists, which came back to haunt him in 2003, when nobody believed his claim that actress Lana Clarkson decided for no apparent reason to use his pistol to commit suicide in his living room.

As Antony says in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” “The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” In Phil Spector’s case, there is no way for the evil of the murder he committed ever to go away with time, but thanks to the recording studio, the good he did will live on forever. And so, the controversies and debates about him will also go on forever, along with the great music he created.


On Wednesday, when Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, Washington, DC, will host nearly 30,000 armed troops, more than five times the number currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. For the first time, the entire week preceding the inauguration was declared a “National Special Security Event.”

As described by THE EPOCH TIMES, the city has been brought “to almost a complete halt. More than a dozen Metro stations around the National Mall and the U.S. Capitol Building were closed...the streets of Washington are eerily empty. Buses, streetcars and other forms of public transportation, even bicycles, have been shut down. Most stores are closed, and many have been boarded up.”


The area for blocks around the White House looks like a war zone.

Now, if the new administration really were afraid of some kind of armed insurrection, they could've simply announced that the oath of office would take place inside the White House with streaming video for all who cared to watch. Truly, many of us will be finding better things to do. Even Trump has kindly RSVP'd that he and his "plus-one" will not be attending, thank-you-very-much.

The pandemic would've given Biden the perfect reason to take it inside. But no, Democrats WANT the accompanying visuals of an occupied city, a militarized zone, the rows of National Guard troops bussed in from every state, the bomb detectors, the dogs, the block after block of high fencing topped by razor wire. Because it makes a statement the likes of which we have never seen.

A statement about conservatives.

All this theater is to convey the message that anyone who didn’t support Biden, who (gasp) might have voted for Trump and who (double gasp) might even slightly question one single vote is –- like Trump himself –- a “dangerous extremist" and WILL be kept in check.

The media have their role to play in making this connection, of course. Don’t click on this link unless you have a strong stomach, but...this is CNN.

So far, though, things have been calm, and Trump has told his supporters to remain peaceful. He said, "In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking, and NO violence of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”

I will never make light of what happened on January 6 or try to shift blame away from those on the right who participated as some have done. That said, it was a relative handful of brain-dead protesters (augmented, as we have learned, by some Antifa and BLM) who breached the Capitol and horrified most conservatives.

Never mind all the looting, burning and assorted violence during 2020 in “blue” cities that were turned into occupied zones for real. And never mind the pathetic lack of crowd control around the Capitol. The left is using the Capitol Hill breach as an excuse to treat all conservatives like members of ISIS.

Think I’m kidding? Oh, this is going to get much worse.

As Tucker Carlson reported Monday night, Democrats, to ramp-up the drama, demanded that all troops sent to Washington for Inauguration Week undergo a sort of “ideological vetting” (their words), to make sure every one of them professes loyalty to the new regime. “Not loyalty to our country, not loyalty to our Constitution, but loyalty to the aims of a specific political party,” was the way he put it.

The concern among leftists apparently was that the National Guard is mostly white, male and conservative-leaning, with only about 25 percent of them having voted for Biden. Memphis Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen (also white and male, incidentally) assumes that the other 75 percent “are in the large class of folks who might want to, uh, do something.”

"Do something”? If Rep. Cohen stands by this –- he said it on CNN, among friends –- it sure sounds as if he suspects the 75 percent of the National Guard that is white, male and conservative of wanting to assassinate the incoming President.

I wonder how the more conservative members of the Guard might think about this. What about all those Americans who join out of love of country and would never dream of “doing something” to government officials of either party? Now they’re automatically suspect?

Gen. William Walker said on GOOD MORNING, AMERICA that members of the Guard are being “screened before they leave their state. It’s a “credentialing process so they’re screened and they’re repeatedly screened until they are actually put out on the street.” Also, “it's layered so the FBI is part of it, the Secret Service is part of it, and once they are certain there’s no insider threat, then that soldier, guardsman or airman is given a credential. Gen. Walker did not elaborate on the nature of the “inside threat.”


In a statement, the Army said they’re working with the FBI to identify all who were part of the attack on the Capitol to see if any of those people have a connection to the Army. And that makes sense if those individuals were part of the violence. But if they just happened to be in the huge, overwhelmingly peaceful crowd of Trump supporters, we are heading into dangerous territory.

Here’s another report about the vetting of troops, but leading into that discussion are pictures of something we don’t quite know what to make of. Are “armed” soldiers patrolling the streets around the White House and Capitol with rifles that don’t have magazines? We’re not offering any speculation about what this means, just expressing bewilderment.

It does seem we might have an intra-military conflict brewing, with those who share the ideology of the incoming administration to be trusted and those who disagree with it to be suspected. If it’s true, this is a far cry from what the military used to be, with Republicans and Democrats proudly fighting alongside one another, as buddies, to defend their flag and their nation. This radical change is a prescription for disaster.

And how will the new administration know who is with them or against them? Why, they’ll have to spy on them, of course, with a new internal spy agency created just to deal with “domestic terrorism.” And that is already in the works, in the form of a bill with over 100 co-sponsors in the House.

Leftists will love this new power as a way to go after “pro-Trump fanatics.” Every word uttered by every conservative white male in America (especially if he owns guns and a MAGA hat) will likely be monitored if this becomes law, and not just by Facebook and Twitter. It's like another Patriot Act for these times --- what could go wrong?


Parler Update

January 19, 2021

Parler’s CEO John Matze said there have been significant positive developments and the free speech Twitter alternative is hopeful that it will be back online soon, after Amazon cut off its hosting service with no warning.

One negative development is that Matze and his family had to go into hiding because of death threats, ironically from leftists who accuse Parler (“without evidence”) of hosting the planning of the attack on the US Capitol (they want to kill anyone who promotes violence.) So far, it appears that any planning took place on other platforms – and incidentally, if it was planned in advance, doesn’t that prove that Trump’s speech did NOT incite it?

If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took her responsibilities seriously, she would call for a vote rescinding her latest bogus impeachment on those now-disproven grounds. But she’s too busy posing for photos with the same National Guard troops that she referred to as “stormtroopers” when they were protecting federal buildings that her office is not in from violent leftist rioters.

Until Parler returns, a number of other services are making it clear that they’ll be happy to accept the thousands if not millions of users who are abandoning Twitter and Facebook. Here’s an article about two more, Signal and Telegram, which you might find interesting.

Most telling detail: a tech expert who usually has to explain new services like this to his parents heard from his parents to tell him they had already signed up for Signal. So when Twitter and Facebook tell you that they’re just driving out dangerous rightwing extremists, remember: they’re talking about your parents.


A new international study of ten nations by a group of Stanford researchers found that the ruinous mandatory lockdowns early in the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus pandemic provided no clear, significant benefits over other voluntary measures, such as social distancing or travel reduction, in any country.

In a related story, with Joe Biden safely on his way to the White House (and although I’m sure it’s just a coincidence), Democrat Governors and Mayors are finally starting to question the wisdom of making their constituents continue suffering from endless business lockdowns.

I’m sure this also has nothing to do with the fact that Biden will be taking office amid a huge jump in unemployment benefit filings, due to the never-ending blue state business shutdowns.


At this writing, President Trump has yet to release all the promised declassified “Russia Collusion” investigation documents. But Washington reporter John Solomon claims that the revelations in them will include that Nancy Pelosi’s star impeachment witness, British "academic," Fiona Hill, was actually the operative who introduced Igor Danchenko to Christopher Steele, Danchenko being the source who provided a lot of unverified rumors about Trump that masqueraded as evidence. Also, that the entire phony scandal was created and leaked to the media to neutralize Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Again, that’s from Solomon, so we have to wait and see if that’s confirmed by the documents.


However, on Friday, the Senate Judiciary Committee did release transcripts from its investigation into the “investigation,” and we can see why Chairman Lindsay Graham called the “Crossfire Hurricane” probe of Trump "one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ." He said there was “no ‘there’ there,” so it should have been stopped, but the agents kept pushing forward anyway to achieve their desired outcome because of their own biases.

Among the revelations in the transcripts: One FBI agent requested validation of Christopher Steele’s reporting, which started but was stopped by Bill Priestap and (stop me if you’ve heard this name before) Peter Strzok. The agent was so disturbed by their refusal to vet the source of their alleged evidence that he quit the investigation.

The transcripts also show that the FBI was informed as early as January 2017 that the “Steele dossier” was a load of "second and third-hand information and rumors at best;” that it was "unsubstantiated and unreliable" political opposition research; but they continued using it as evidence to get FISA court warrants and as a basis to appoint a special prosecutor.

Sen. Graham said the leadership of the FBI under former Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was "either grossly incompetent" or that "they knowingly allowed tremendous misdeeds"…"There was a blind eye turned toward any explanation other than the Trump campaign was colluding with foreign powers. At every turn, the FBI and DOJ ran stop signs that were in abundance regarding exculpatory information." (And yet, we still have to endure moral lectures from James Comey.)

In summation, he said, "The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes. The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down. It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America."

Sadly, considering that the very people responsible are already being lined up for top jobs in a Biden Administration (and you could argue that one of the people most responsible was Joe Biden himself), I wouldn’t bet the farm on it not ever happening again.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, having twice impeached President Trump without evidence, now apparently wants to prosecute Republican House members for allegedly aiding the Capitol rioters, again without evidence.

Pelosi’s desire to expel elected Representatives just for supporting what they assumed would be a peaceful rally or using their Constitutional power to challenge a vote they considered suspect was so over the top that even a liberal columnist in the Washington Post condemned it. He pointed out that under such a House precedent, “any member who helps to organize a mass rally that is disliked by a super majority of Congress could be at risk of expulsion or censure. We cannot have a democracy where minorities are subject to sanction when they legally protest against an existing majority.”

And here’s more on the evidence-free jihad against GOP House members:

I must be getting old. I remember when Democrats thought that convicting people without evidence was a bad thing – except certain Southern Democrats, who specialized in it.


Excellent New Memoir

January 18, 2021

Matthew McConaughey has an excellent new memoir out, filled with wise essays about his life, marriage, fatherhood and Christian faith, and advice that you might be surprised would come from a Hollywood star. He’s also become one of the few voices of reason and moderation in Hollywood. And his willingness to reach out and listen to other viewpoints sets him apart in an ocean of lockstep leftist totalitarians.


But of course, in this toxic political climate, being reasonable is a thought crime, and the Twitter warriors are now after him, accusing him of “flirting with the alt-right” just for granting interviews to promote his book with mainstream conservative TV and radio hosts.

In that story, the Daily Beast writer who went after McConaughey insists it’s not a call to “cancel” him. She writes, "The issue with 'cancel culture,' to the extent that one even exists, is not that anyone is, to borrow McConaughey’s neologism, 'illegitimizing' what these guys are saying. The Jordan Petersons and Joe Rogans of the world are not, as they so often complain, being persecuted or, as McConaughey put it in his Russell Howard interview, erased. They’re simply peddling the losing ends of arguments that have already occurred countless times—perpetuating a culture war while simultaneously trying to frame themselves as its victims."

If she’s so sure that, say, Jordan Peterson’s views are “losing arguments,” why is she so terrified of allowing him to make them publicly? Does she fear his “losing arguments” will be more persuasive than her own, which they surely are?

It’s yet another example of what I always hear from the left: “There’s no such thing as ‘cancel culture!’ And anyone who says there is must be CANCELED IMMEDIATELY!!!”

PS – At the risk of drawing even more fire from the left at Matthew McConaughey, here’s a terrific interview that he was gracious enough to have with me recently on “Huckabee.”


I have said since the tragic and inexcusable violence that broke out last week in the US Capitol that everyone involved should be brought to justice. Some people tried to say it was Antifa people in Trump garb, but some of the participants have already been identified as Trump supporters. Some may be from far-right extremist groups who planned to start trouble (and Trump’s speech had nothing to do with it)…


Some others may have just been Trump supporters who followed along, not knowing what they were getting into. But if they participated in rioting, then they have to be held accountable. Our side can’t have the kind of double standard the left engages in, posturing as defenders of law and order over riots by their political opponents while excusing and even enabling riots by their own side. So I want it made clear that I will not cut any slack for Trump supporters who acted violently and broke the law. In fact, I expect them to act responsibly, which I can’t say of the leftists.

All that said, however, I still want the investigators to identify everyone responsible for that riot, and to make them publicly and legally accountable. And the more we’re learning about it, the more it appears that there might have been more leftist skullduggery than we were first led to believe.

Rather than try to summarize all this, I’ll direct you to this story, which has video from within the Capitol that day (warning: the images are disturbing and some of the language is raw.)

The video appears to show that John Sullivan, the alleged Utah BLM organizer who claims he was only there to record the event, was not only egging on the violence but at one point marvels that “we accomplished this,” (Sullivan claims he was just putting on an act to build rapport with the real rioters – yeah, that’s the ticket!) A blonde woman with him says, “You were right! We did it!” Sullivan replies, “Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much. Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?”

That woman appears to be Jade Sacker, a journalist who’s worked with NBC, NPR and CNN, and who later appeared on CNN with Sullivan to tell Anderson Cooper about what they’d innocently witnessed. Note the fact-check website has a different take on Sacker's credentials.

Also revealed was a series of Sullivan’s posts on a chat site called, on a channel associated with his radical leftist group, Insurgence USA. The posts reveal Sullivan posing in a Trump cap to show how he planned to blend in with Trump supporters and other anti-Trumpers discussing the same tactics and talking about how this is going to be a war and they were planning violent incidents masquerading as Trump rallies.

I know this all sounds like the kind of thing dismissed by the mainstream media as crazy conservative conspiracy theories, but if you go to this link, you can see all of Sullivan’s Discord posts and photos copied directly off the Internet.

Yet despite all these revelations and facing federal charges, Sullivan was released without bail by a federal judge. He was ordered to surrender his passport, be detained at and work from home, no longer use social media, have his internet and computer use monitored, be prohibited from possessing firearms, and stop working for Insurgence USA, although he doesn’t have to give up control of it.

Maybe now, we’re starting to understand why Nancy Pelosi had to rush through her Impeachment 2 sequel without waiting for the evidence to be gathered.

Also worth mentioning: if the violence at the Capitol was planned on Discord, why was Parler shut down?


During the 2020 campaign, we speculated that the main goal of the Democrats was to get the Obama machine back in power, to the extent that one of our researchers even predicted that Michelle Obama would be the last-minute Democrat nominee, as she seemed to have the best chance of fulfilling that goal.

As it turned out, the former First Lady gets to continue relaxing at the shore with her friends, sipping drinks with little umbrellas, since she didn’t have to give up the easy life after all and enter the political fray. This wasn’t because the goal had changed --- not at all --- but because the Obamas and their strategists had put together a plan for reaching it by other means. And in the end, that’s exactly what they did.

If former acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell is correct, the Obama/Biden “shadow President” will be none other than Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.


Biden was selected as a relatively moderate-seeming Presidential candidate, and California Sen. Kamala Harris was the Obama designee to be on the ticket with him, even though her own presidential campaign hadn’t gone anywhere and she had dropped out even before her home state’s primary, without receiving even one vote from any state. She was there to provide the requisite racial diversity and leftist credentials, and also to function as Obama’s anointed one and likely Biden’s quick successor.

Now that Biden is about to take office, we can see that the Executive Branch of government is going to look like “old home week,” with Obama’s people back in full force. First, as reported on PJ MEDIA by Robert Spencer of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Biden’s deputy secretary of state will be Wendy Sherman, whose main “accomplishment” was negotiating Obama’s Iran deal, which Obama still apparently views as the big star in his crown.

Next, Biden’s undersecretary for political affairs will be another Obama official whose name rings a bell: Victoria Nuland. Of these two, Biden said they “have secured some of the most defining national security and diplomatic achievements in recent memory. I am confident they will use their diplomatic experience and skill to restore America’s global and moral leadership. America is back.” being what? I suggest back to being the same chumps we were before President Trump assumed office. Read Spencer’s piece for details of what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said about the Iran deal two years ago. Iran was blatantly lying, he said, when they claimed to have no plans to construct nuclear weapons. The Iranians continued to work on expanding their nuclear weapons program, Project Amad, and to deny anything about this to US officials. So here we go again.

"We can now prove that Project Amad was a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said then. “We can also prove that Iran is secretly storing Project Amad material to use at a time of its choice to develop nuclear weapons.”

Spencer writes that “now Joe Biden is rewarding the chief architect of this mess with a promotion for her incompetence.” (Question: is it “incompetence” when an employee does exactly what her boss instructs her to do? Maybe that’s HIS incompetence.) “Nor is it Wendy Sherman alone,” Spencer continues. “The entire foreign policy arm of the Biden administration is set to be staffed by these failures, phonies and frauds. But with the establishment media doing everything it can to put the best possible face on the coming fiasco, most Americans will have no idea what is going on, or why.”

Grenell appeared on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the incoming administration.

About Susan Rice being appointed to head Biden’s White House Domestic Policy Counsel, he noted that she has no background whatsoever in domestic policy. She’d been on Biden’s short list for running mate, but this way of bringing her in was much less risky and doesn’t even require senate confirmation. “She is...somebody who is going to be incredibly influential,” Grenell said. As a former national security advisor, he said, “she knows that entire apparatus.”


They’d been making moves in the Obama administration towards making her secretary of state, but backed off because “she didn’t have the votes,” for senate confirmation, Grenell said. “I think the reality is, she’s going to be running foreign policy [and] domestic policy. She’s probably extremely happy that Kamala Harris is going to be preoccupied with the Senate, trying to manage 50-50, being the 101st senator there, and won’t have a lot of time to get into policy issues.”

"I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely,” Grenell said. “She will be the shadow President.”

He noted how far left Biden has drifted in even the past five years. “The progressives have clearly taken over him, and I think that that’s why he won. They wanted someone who had a name, that they could control, and Susan Rice being right there at the White House, to be the shadow President, is probably exactly where she wants to be --- behind the scenes, and unchecked.”

Again, here we have it: in effect, the third term of President Obama. Susan Rice will be in the White House, positioned to run essentially everything.

On the 10th of this month, David Marcus wrote an opinion piece for the NEW YORK POST that talked about her upcoming role.

For those who have sort memories, Susan Rice participated not only in the repeated, blatant lying about what led to the Benghazi attack, but also in the “unmasking” of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in phone calls that were appropriate for him to make as part of Trump's transition team. Marcus calls her “a veritable poster child of Obama-era corruption.”

She lied about her knowledge of the spying on Trump's team as well. When asked by Judy Woodruff of PBS if she was aware of it, she said, “I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see the reports.” We now know that she knew perfectly well about this and helped lead the effort. (The same could be said of Biden, of course, who even brought up the Logan Act on January 5, 2017, as a way to go after Flynn.) The new White House team is just counting on enough of us to move on from this.

Grenell hopes that in the last few days of the Trump administration, we’ll see a “treasure trove” of declassified documents that offer more details about the knowledge career officials had from the start that the “Russia” story was all phony and politically motivated. “Those voices are in the documents,” he said. Until now, bureaucrats have “classified them away."

Regardless of what is revealed, we can be sure of one thing: what we’re about to get, as of Wednesday, is Obama Administration 2.0. Like Obama 1.0, it will be so concerned with its own agenda that honesty will be its last consideration.


It was announced that on Wednesday, President Trump will leave the White House in the morning, arriving at his new home in Florida by noon, when Joe Biden will be inaugurated. Before anyone starts in on the “unprecedented” OUTRAGE of him not attending his successor’s Inauguration, it’s happened three times before. John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Johnson all skipped their successors’ Inaugurals.

Here are more details about the Inauguration and who will attend. Some of the names might surprise you.

I have a feeling Trump won’t be the only Republican who plans to find something better to do than watch Biden’s virtual Inauguration (what better way to follow a virtual campaign and a virtual election?) and the celebration of “unity” by celebrities who’ve spent the past four years calling Trump supporters white supremacist Nazis. Don’t get me wrong; I’d love to believe that we’re entering a new period of national healing and a cooling down of partisan rancor, but when I see the comments Biden made about Trump, I have a hard time swallowing it.

Kurt Schlichter offers his usual hilariously brutal assessment of how it will be viewed by all but Biden supporters and the media (but I repeat myself):

And he carries that theme forward on how Republicans must refuse to be silenced by government, media or social media, and how to go about countering that censorship and bullying to protect free speech, a free press and free thought.


Morning Edition - January 18

January 18, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Obama 2.0: Susan Rice as incoming "shadow President"
  • “Is This Really News” Dept
  • Biden's Coronavirus Relief Proposal
  • New Study Questions Mandatory Lockdowns
  • President Joe Biden
  • Advertisement: The Mediterranean Experience


Mike Huckabee

Obama 2.0: Susan Rice as incoming "shadow President"

By Mike Huckabee

During the 2020 campaign, we speculated that the main goal of the Democrats was to get the Obama machine back in power, to the extent that one of our researchers even predicted that Michelle Obama would be the last-minute Democrat nominee, as she seemed to have the best chance of fulfilling that goal.

As it turned out, the former First Lady gets to continue relaxing at the shore with her friends, sipping drinks with little umbrellas, since she didn’t have to give up the easy life after all and enter the political fray. This wasn’t because the goal had changed --- not at all --- but because the Obamas and their strategists had put together a plan for reaching it by other means. And in the end, that’s exactly what they did.

If former acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell is correct, the Obama/Biden “shadow President” will be none other than Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.

Biden was selected as a relatively moderate-seeming Presidential candidate, and California Sen. Kamala Harris was the Obama designee to be on the ticket with him, even though her own presidential campaign hadn’t gone anywhere and she had dropped out even before her home state’s primary, without receiving even one vote from any state. She was there to provide the requisite racial diversity and leftist credentials, and also to function as Obama’s anointed one and likely Biden’s quick successor.

Now that Biden is about to take office, we can see that the Executive Branch of government is going to look like “old home week,” with Obama’s people back in full force. First, as reported on PJ MEDIA by Robert Spencer of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Biden’s deputy secretary of state will be Wendy Sherman, whose main “accomplishment” was negotiating Obama’s Iran deal, which Obama still apparently views as the big star in his crown.

Next, Biden’s undersecretary for political affairs will be another Obama official whose name rings a bell: Victoria Nuland. Of these two, Biden said they “have secured some of the most defining national security and diplomatic achievements in recent memory. I am confident they will use their diplomatic experience and skill to restore America’s global and moral leadership. America is back.” being what? I suggest back to being the same chumps we were before President Trump assumed office. Read Spencer’s piece for details of what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said about the Iran deal two years ago. Iran was blatantly lying, he said, when they claimed to have no plans to construct nuclear weapons. The Iranians continued to work on expanding their nuclear weapons program, Project Amad, and to deny anything about this to US officials. So here we go again.

"We can now prove that Project Amad was a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said then. “We can also prove that Iran is secretly storing Project Amad material to use at a time of its choice to develop nuclear weapons.”

Spencer writes that “now Joe Biden is rewarding the chief architect of this mess with a promotion for her incompetence.” (Question: is it “incompetence” when an employee does exactly what her boss instructs her to do? Maybe that’s HIS incompetence.) “Nor is it Wendy Sherman alone,” Spencer continues. “The entire foreign policy arm of the Biden administration is set to be staffed by these failures, phonies and frauds. But with the establishment media doing everything it can to put the best possible face on the coming fiasco, most Americans will have no idea what is going on, or why.”

Grenell appeared on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the incoming administration.

About Susan Rice being appointed to head Biden’s White House Domestic Policy Counsel, he noted that she has no background whatsoever in domestic policy. She’d been on Biden’s short list for running mate, but this way of bringing her in was much less risky and doesn’t even require senate confirmation. “She is...somebody who is going to be incredibly influential,” Grenell said. As a former national security advisor, he said, “she knows that entire apparatus.”

They’d been making moves in the Obama administration towards making her secretary of state, but backed off because “she didn’t have the votes,” for senate confirmation, Grenell said. “I think the reality is, she’s going to be running foreign policy [and] domestic policy. She’s probably extremely happy that Kamala Harris is going to be preoccupied with the Senate, trying to manage 50-50, being the 101st senator there, and won’t have a lot of time to get into policy issues.”

"I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely,” Grenell said. “She will be the shadow President.”

He noted how far left Biden has drifted in even the past five years. “The progressives have clearly taken over him, and I think that that’s why he won. They wanted someone who had a name, that they could control, and Susan Rice being right there at the White House, to be the shadow President, is probably exactly where she wants to be --- behind the scenes, and unchecked.”

Again, here we have it: in effect, the third term of President Obama. Susan Rice will be in the White House, positioned to run essentially everything.

On the 10th of this month, David Marcus wrote an opinion piece for the NEW YORK POST that talked about her upcoming role.

For those who have sort memories, Susan Rice participated not only in the repeated, blatant lying about what led to the Benghazi attack, but also in the “unmasking” of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in phone calls that were appropriate for him to make as part of Trump's transition team. Marcus calls her “a veritable poster child of Obama-era corruption.”

She lied about her knowledge of the spying on Trump's team as well. When asked by Judy Woodruff of PBS if she was aware of it, she said, “I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see the reports.” We now know that she knew perfectly well about this and helped lead the effort. (The same could be said of Biden, of course, who even brought up the Logan Act on January 5, 2017, as a way to go after Flynn.) The new White House team is just counting on enough of us to move on from this.

Grenell hopes that in the last few days of the Trump administration, we’ll see a “treasure trove” of declassified documents that offer more details about the knowledge career officials had from the start that the “Russia” story was all phony and politically motivated. “Those voices are in the documents,” he said. Until now, bureaucrats have “classified them away."

Regardless of what is revealed, we can be sure of one thing: what we’re about to get, as of Wednesday, is Obama Administration 2.0. Like Obama 1.0, it will be so concerned with its own agenda that honesty will be its last consideration.



New "Is This Really News Dept"

By Mike Huckabee

The New York Times compared President Trump’s claims of election fraud to the “big lies” of Hitler and Stalin.

I don’t take that too seriously because I know the Times doesn’t really believe that Trump is Joseph Stalin. If they did, they would have written positive stories about him.

Biden's Coronavirus Relief Proposal

By Mike Huckabee

Last week, Joe Biden released a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief proposal. It would include another $1400 a person stimulus check, which added to the recent $600 payments would be a total of $2000.

There are more details at the link, but as usual, there’s not much point in getting too bogged down in the details. By the time it gets through the Congressional meat grinder (if it does), it will likely bear scant resemblance to what Biden proposed.


New Study Questions Mandatory Lockdowns

A new international study of ten nations by a group of Stanford researchers found that the ruinous mandatory lockdowns early in the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus pandemic provided no clear, significant benefits over other voluntary measures, such as social distancing or travel reduction, in any country.

In a related story, with Joe Biden safely on his way to the White House (and although I’m sure it’s just a coincidence), Democrat Governors and Mayors are finally starting to question the wisdom of making their constituents continue suffering from endless business lockdowns.

I’m sure this also has nothing to do with the fact that Biden will be taking office amid a huge jump in unemployment benefit filings, due to the never-ending blue state business shutdowns.

President Joe Biden

By Mike Huckabee

In just a few days, Joe Biden will be sworn in as President after the most controversial, contested, and crooked election in our history. Just to make sure that none of the 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump forget how much they hate him and us, Democrats in Washington impeached the President for a historic 2nd time, using this time the phony excuse that he is responsible for the awful and inexcusable criminal assault on our Capitol by a group of anarchists who were a small number of the tens of thousands of people who attended a rally earlier in the day. Most were unaware that anything had even happened until they returned to their homes or hotels and saw it on the news. While President Trump could have and should have spoken sooner and more forcefully to denounce the riot, I’ve carefully read and listened to his entire speech that day. To say he caused is ludicrous. But don’t take MY word for it. The most distinguished constitutional scholars of our land who neither supported nor voted for Donald Trump have dismissed allegations of President Trump having incited a riot as nonsense. But Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the angry mob of Congressional Democrats decided that impeaching Donald Trump in the hours before he leaves office will be good for the country. These are the same Democrats who joined with the media all last summer in actually defending and supporting the rioting and looting of American cities and the deadly assaults on police officers across the land. 

Conservatives condemned the lawless anarchy in our streets then and equally and forcefully condemned it when it happened in DC on Jan 6. There should be no double standards. But the left in America has gone beyond a double standard-they have NO standards. Just emotional outrage, hate and blind bigotry toward everyone who won’t surrender to their iron-fist. The 2nd phony impeachment is being done without any evidence presented, hearing, witnesses, or due process. Serial killers like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer were given more due process than President Trump. And when a mob, whether it’s rioters or members of Congress and the media deny judicial process and rush straight to a verdict and sentencing, it’s not justice. This is one mob reacting to another mob and that is the logic of a lynching. I sure wish that members of Congress were as concerned about the destruction in the places of business owned by law-abiding citizens in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, New York, or Los Angeles as they were by the destruction of where THEY do business.

And while soon to be President Biden continues to claim he wants healing and unity, is that what he expects will result from the condescending rage directed toward the half of America who voted for President Trump? I’d love to see the country “come together” and act like America again, but I won’t march willingly behind those who truly believe voices like mine should be closed off from social media, or kept from employment and freely harassed in restaurants, shopping centers, or public places.

If Joe Biden wants to unify the country to respect the rule of law for all, stop Big Tech from crushing competitors and conservatives, and to move toward ending poverty, building roads, standing up to China, and taking care of our military, I’m all in. But if he keeps his pledge to push abortion even to the moment of birth, wants taxpayers to fund the folly of letting 7 year old kids surgically change their gender, opens the borders of our country with no controls, punishes work by taxing people who have jobs to redistribute their money to those who refuse to work, and forces churches and faith based colleges and organizations to surrender to views that violate the teachings of the Bible, then count me out. That’s not asking for my cooperation, but my surrender to an agenda that’s antithetical to my faith, my family, and my freedom. And that’s not a call for unity, but uniformity. It’s not asking me for tolerance, but obedience. And it’s not a call for healing, but more hurt and hate. And to that I’m pretty sure I speak for many of the 74 million Americans who will respectfully say, “No thanks.”

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See you on the ship,

Mike Huckabee




After four years of hearing that Donald Trump is an authoritarian dictator and the biggest threat to freedom of the press ever – and hearing it from media outlets that attacked him publicly and relentlessly, with no fear of ever being censored, imprisoned or shot, like, you know, a dictator would have – there now is a serious threat to freedom of the press. And it’s coming from the media’s “progressive” darling and Vogue cover model, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


The fascist fashionista and her “progressive” acolytes are pushing for the creation of a government Ministry of Truth to help “rein in” the press and combat “misinformation.” She said, “It’s one thing to have differentiating opinions but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false. So that’s something that we’re looking into.”

Of course, that presumes that in the realm of political opinion, you can make an objective judgement of what is “false” (of course, it’s always the ideas that whoever is in power disagrees with) and that comments she thinks are "false" aren't protected by the First Amendment.

I think that I can make a far better case than she can that most of what she believes in is false. We actually have a century’s worth of evidence that socialism inevitably leads to corruption, oppression and starvation. We can also judge whether leftist or conservative policies work better by just comparing how many people are moving from California to Texas to how many are going the other way. Even so, I would never tell her she’s not allowed to go on Twitter and spout uninformed nonsense about socialism. But I would like to retain the freedom to respond to it.

Read this New York Post article about this real threat to freedom of the press. And the Post should know, since their accurate scoop about Hunter Biden’s foreign money scandals was branded as fake news and blocked by social media and other news outlets seeking to influence the election – and it worked, as a poll found that up to 17% of Biden voters wouldn’t have supported him if they’d known some of the stories about him that were suppressed.

In a related story, watch the staff of Politico go absolutely bonkers at the news that conservative Ben Shapiro would guest-edit just one edition of its morning Playbook feature. Just as at the New York Times, they completely melt down at the prospect that someone who has a different viewpoint might be allowed to express it even once. “Tolerance, diversity and inclusion!”


NYT Tech Writer Has Doubts

January 15, 2021

Even the tech writer for the New York Times is slowly, haltingly, hesitantly beginning to wake up to the Orwellian nightmare of Big Tech flexing its power to crush free speech.

Of course, she bends over backwards to excuse and justify it…she surely knows she can’t voice her worries too strongly, or she’ll be “cancelled” by her own paper…or maybe the scary truth is only beginning to seep through the thick cocoon of leftist groupthink in which all Times writers dwell…but the fact that she admits at all to starting to feel a touch of the willies over the ruthless power of unaccountable Silicon Valley billionaires should tell you how bad it is. This is like the moment in “Jurassic Park” when the people notice ripples in their glass of water that are their first clue that a T-Rex is stomping toward them and about to devour everyone in its path.


While other issues have been dominating the headlines, the Supreme Court has quietly been making some welcome news. In a case involving privacy, free speech and freedom of association, the SCOTUS has agreed to hear an appeal by two conservative nonprofits of a 2015 case involving then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Harris threatened the groups with hefty fines if they didn’t give their confidential IRS list of donors to her office, which has a history of leaking such information. They argue that in this atmosphere, that would expose their donors to threats and harassment, and that the state has no legitimate interest in demanding to know the donors of a nonprofit organization that has not been accused of doing anything illegal.

The most frightening thing about this: the person who launched the case is about to become Vice President, and the person who took it over from her is Biden’s pick to run the HHS and be in charge of all our health records.


The SCOTUS will also decide whether public universities can be held accountable for infringing students’ First Amendment free speech rights…

…and the SCOTUS has ordered Nevada’s Democrat Governor to respond to a lawsuit by a church that his restrictions on in-person worship violate their Constitutional rights.

Let’s hope that the Supreme Court will ensure that a little good news will occasionally be coming out of Washington over the next couple of years.


Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip DILBERT, has a subscriber-only service he calls “Coffee with Scott Adams,” featuring podcasts and posts from, you guessed it, Scott Adams. We recommend it as a way to challenge one’s confirmation bias and automatically boost IQ by several points, just by engaging every day. It’s on, which hosts independent "creators" (Greg Gutfeld is another) who prefer to be able to say what they want without getting black marks from the social justice warriors running Big Tech. That’s getting to be a challenge these days, in case you haven’t heard.

In Thursday’s podcast, Adams expresses a surprising lack of interest in what Congress has been doing with impeachment and the 25th Amendment to remove a President who is about to exit stage right anyway. He says: “If they want to do useless things in Congress, to me that just looks like another Tuesday. They’ve been doing useless things all year; why would this be the time they stopped doing useless things?”

He sees the people on the left as wanting to go beyond just enjoying the win. They want to “rub it in” and destroy Trump’s reputation, his family, his business, “everything about him.” And the only way that’s any fun for them, he says, “is if his supporters care.”

"I care about Trump as a person,” Adams says, “‘cause I like him,” noting that the real Trump, after you interact with him and get to know him a little, isn’t like his reputation at all. The left, he says, is also trying to grind the Trump SUPPORTERS down. It might really get to them to know that some of us don’t care more.

"If you care about this,” he says, “you’re caring about all the wrong stuff.”

Well………..let's think about that. It depends on what is meant by not caring. To not care in the sense of giving up and letting them continue to get away with what they’re doing --- that’s exactly what the left wants. To not care in the sense of staying strong –- getting stronger, even –- and pushing back against their agenda --- that’s what the left does NOT want.


Regarding impeachment, Adams asks a very good question; namely, why aren’t the Republicans impeaching Kamala Harris for the same thing Trump has been impeached for? The article of impeachment against Trump says that he “willfully made statements that encouraged and foreseeably resulted in imminent lawless action at the Capitol.” If you change “at the Capitol,” he says, to “in Portland” or “in cities across the United States,” the statements holds true for Harris as well.

"That is so completely, obviously true,” Adams says, “that how do you not put that into an impeachment?” On Day One.

He feels as if Republican politicians are letting their supporters down. Indeed. I would add that ten of them actively went over to the dark side. (And, yes, we’ve listed them.) "Can’t one Republican at least call the Democrats out on consistency?" he wonders. “Is that too much to ask for the standard to be similar for all sides; I don’t think that’s unreasonable.”

Ah, but to point out those inconsistencies –- that’s the brand new made-up sin of “whataboutism.” I’ll tell you something about whataboutism: It’s GREAT. Leftist hypocrisy is so rampant that we need to see a lot more whataboutism right now!

In fact, one Republican did have the guts to employ whataboutism to make the point about holding everyone to the same standard, but he used it on someone besides Kamala Harris. One of the best illustrations of the double standard we’ve seen in a day or two (there are so many) happened on Wednesday, when Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert stood at the podium on the House floor and said, “Here’s a quote: ‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more –- why there aren’t uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be.’ Or, 'Sadly, the domestic enemies of our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in Congress.’ We were called ‘enemies of the state.’

"Those are all quotes from our Speaker,” Gohmert continued. “Now, on our side, we didn’t take those quotes to be impeachable because we didn’t think she surely meant that. But by the Democrats taking this action [impeaching Trump], you’re telling me, ‘No, when WE [Republicans] say those, we actually MEAN to incite violence.’ That’s what this action is saying.”

The first quote Gohmert offered was said by Speaker Nancy Pelosi in June 2018 in regard to President Trump’s “child separation” policy at the border. The second was also uttered by her, in August 2020 when the GOP expressed opposition to universal mail-in voting. (We've since seen what happened with that. I digress.)

A number of Democrats who weren’t listening to Gohmert very closely apparently missed his point --- inadvertently proving it --- as Twitter went crazy with demands that he be sanctioned, arrested, and/or kicked out of Congress for inciting violence. This led one Twitter user to offer this hilarious deadpan tweet: “Gohmert said something that has those on the left demanding he be arrested or kicked out of Congress, but it turns out he was just quoting Nancy Pelosi.”

It won’t surprise you that even “journalists” mistakenly attributed the quotes not to Pelosi but to Gohmert. “Holy s---,” CNN analyst Asha Rangappa tweeted. “Is [Gohmert] encouraging MORE ‘uprisings’??!? Did I hear that right??????????”

"You did,” replied LAW & CRIME columnist Elura Nanos. “His testimony should be used to immediately expel him.”

Some reportedly have deleted their tweets and acknowledged their errors. But none, to our knowledge, have called for Pelosi’s expulsion from Congress for inciting violence.

Anyway, Gohmert was making the same point about Speaker Pelosi that Scott Adams made about VP-elect Harris. Whataboutism --- we love it.

As Adams says in his podcast, “If you impeach Trump for this exact behavior, you HAVE to impeach Kamala Harris, or at least attempt to...If it’s not even introduced as an article of doesn’t feel like trying. It looks like they’ve just given up.”

There’s one difference Adams doesn’t mention: Kamala Harris wasn’t Vice President yet when she incited violence. But that brings up another point: Democrats heard her incite violence, more than once, as a candidate, and voted for her, anyway. That shows their hypocrisy even more. If they can vote for a person whom they know incited violence, how can they impeach someone else for doing what they consider to be the same thing?

Maybe Adams doesn’t care much that Democrats in Congress are acting like the useless time- and money-wasters they are and impeaching Trump right before he leaves the White House. But he does seem to care quite a lot about holding people to the same standards regardless of political affiliation. And truly, that’s what will be the most important consideration, long after Trump leaves office.

And now, for your entertainment pleasure, here are more tweets from numb-headed leftists who went crazy thinking Gohmert, not Pelosi, was the one inciting violence.


Electoral College Update

January 14, 2021

True to their word, several House Democrats have introduced a resolution to pass a Constitutional Amendment to abolish the Electoral College and elect the President by national popular vote. Because unlike in previous times, New York, Montana, Minnesota, Alabama and Texas are all exactly the same now.


The chances of this passing are pretty slim, since it would require a two-thirds vote in both Houses of Congress, then ratification by three-fourths of the states (38 out of 50, or however many states there are after the Democrats get through transforming America.) I would hope that there aren’t that many states that would willingly give away their say over who becomes President to a handful of highly populated states like California, New York, Texas and Florida.

But I did want you to be aware of this, and also share their argument for why the Electoral College is obsolete. I think you’ll find it to be one of the funniest things you’ll hear all day:

“The development of mass media and the Internet has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around the world.”

I don’t think this is a very good time to claim that we can depend on the Internet to provide a free and nonpartisan flow of information about politics. Ask all the Biden voters who somehow never heard about Hunter’s laptop. Or the millions of former Parler users.


Wednesday, to nobody’s surprise, the House voted to impeach President Trump a second time, on grounds that he incited the violent protesters who stormed the Capitol. They were in such a rush to impeach him before he leaves office that they didn’t take time for the standard legal procedure of presenting evidence and letting him defend himself.

The vote was 232-197, with 10 Republicans joining the Democrats against Trump.

One Republican, Rep. Liz Cheney, was particularly outspoken, declaring, "The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing."

However, the FBI later announced that they had picked up evidence of plans for violence at the Capitol as early as January 5, the day before the attack, and they suspect some of the participants left the Trump rally early to pick up supplies and meet at the Capitol.


If so, that would mean that Trump’s speech, while it might have been irresponsible, did not incite the Capitol rioters, who planned their attack in advance and left before his speech to launch it.

This could mark the second time the Democrats rushed to judgement to impeach Trump, only to have their efforts collapse once they left the hyper-partisan House because they substituted partisan anger for solid legal evidence. This article explains how a Senate trial might not even happen.

Joe Biden seems to have cold feet about continuing this impeachment trial in the Senate, at least judging by his statement yesterday reminding Senators of “other urgent business” and his suggestion that they split their time between that and other things.

The fact is that by pulling this final rebuke of Trump, the House may have undercut Biden by handing the Senate a divisive, time-wasting responsibility (a trial to remove a President who’s already left office) just as Biden will be coming into office and wanting to fast-track his agenda. Mostly because they hope to ban Trump from running again, which it's doubtful the Senate has the power to do. It also tells us that for all their vilification of Trump, they still fear he might beat them in 2024.

Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats seem to think that they have put a real super-duper stain on Trump by impeaching him twice, but more so, they’ve stained themselves as rabid partisans and permanently devalued impeachment. Being “double-impeached” without proper procedure of evidence as he’s leaving office anyway is as hollow as Dean Wormer warning the frat boys in “Animal House” that they’re on “Double Secret Probation.”

Impeachment of a President is the most drastic of all remedies for the most serious of offenses. It’s a grave Constitutional crisis that should be undertaken with the utmost seriousness. By talking about impeaching Trump from the moment he was elected, then impeaching him over a phone call and having the Senate throw it out -- and then impeaching him again when he’s leaving office over a riot incitement charge that not only wouldn’t pass legal muster, but if it did, the people accusing him of it would be as guilty as he is -- they’ve reduced that most solemn of last-resort responsibilities to a nakedly partisan political ploy.

Want proof? A Georgia Republican Representative announced that she plans to introduce impeachment articles against Joe Biden the day after he takes office, over corruption related to China and Ukraine.

Of course, it won’t go anywhere in a Democrat House. But as satisfying as it might be for Republicans who’ve had to put up with Trump being attacked from day one – and now accused of attempting a coup by the same people who enabled the Russian Collusion attempted coup, and of inciting violent rioters by people who’ve spent the past year defending violent rioters – do we really want a banana republic-style nation where impeachment is just a meaningless political weapon that every President can expect to get hurled at him by the other party, like a mudball?



Just weeks after it was reported that Rep. Eric Swalwell was in bed with an alleged Chinese spy (possibly literally), he had the stunning hubris to accuse a Republican Congress member of siding with terrorists and committing a crime by disclosing the location of Speaker Pelosi to the Capitol rioters.

If it’s true that Rep. Lauren Boebert disobeyed orders not to make social media posts during the assault, then that was a serious lapse that deserves attention. But tweeting that “the Speaker has been removed from the Chambers” didn’t reveal where she was, just where she wasn’t. How is that useful to terrorists?

I’d be fine with an investigation into this issue, as long as there’s also a thorough investigation into what information Swalwell, with his place on the House Intelligence Committee, might have revealed to China. But then, he’ll be too busy to answer those questions, since Pelosi gave him a post on her committee to impeach Trump for allegedly betraying America.

Self-awareness is as rare in Washington these days as fiscal responsibility.


We’ve received a number of comments asking about an Internet rumor that Google bought the DuckDuckGo search engine that protects privacy. This is not true. A few years ago, Google bought a company that owned the domain, which led to the confusion. DuckDuckGo complained, and Google voluntarily relinquished the domain, which now automatically redirects users to

So it appears that DuckDuckGo is still so independent and dedicated to protecting privacy that they are justified in having a welcome mat at their headquarters that reads, “Come Back With A Warrant.” (I’m still disappointed that I didn’t get one of those for Christmas.)


There’s also some discussion online about Google thinking it’s in their best interests not to try to take over or crush DuckDuckGo or Bing because that gives them some nominal competition to point to when they’re accused of being a monopoly. We’ll see how long that lasts if DuckDuckGo gets so many users that it threatens their monopoly…oops, sorry: I mean, "their business."

Here’s an article about DuckDuckGo from 2019, explaining the differences between the two search engines and why you might prefer DuckDuckGo (aside from the obvious political and “not supporting evil” reasons.)

Another issue we’re getting questions on (and that helped fuel the Google rumor) is that people think they’re seeing more left-leaning results on DuckDuckGo lately. I searched for “impeachment” and got fairly mainstream news stories and definitions from Wikipedia and A search for “Mike Huckabee” turned up a Fox News article and other benign results. It’s possible that if you see more left-leaning results, it’s because DuckDuckGo sifts through about 400 sources, including the Bing search engine, and there are currently a lot more left-leaning stories so more might turn up on DuckDuckGo, but that’s just a guess. Compare it to Google’s news results and there’s no contest.

Finally, if you want a privacy-protecting browser alternative to DuckDuckGo for some reason, you might try, which is based in France. But DuckDuckGo is NOT owned by Google.


Your Tax Dollars At Work

January 14, 2021

The latest Project Veritas expose allegedly shows Michael Beller, principle counsel for PBS, saying that if Trump were to win the election, people should “go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails.” He also said that Trump supporters are bad parents who are “raising a generation of intolerant horrible people — horrible kids.” So “even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, Homeland Security will take their children away and we’ll put them into reeducation camps.”

Nothing screams “I’m pro-tolerance” like wanting to throw Molotov cocktails if you lose an election or take your political opponents’ children away and put them into reeducation camps.

In response, PBS downplayed Beller’s role and said he no longer worked there. They condemned violence and slammed Project Veritas as a “a far-right activist group that is known for producing deceptive videos,” although they didn’t specify what was “far-right” or “deceptive” about this video.

At least, I’m glad to hear that a leftist can actually lose a job over his hateful, violent, intolerant rhetoric, although I assume he’ll soon have a cushy new job as a commentator at CNN.


Perhaps the best source I can point to on what Big Broth—I mean, Big Tech, is doing to conservatives is, ironically, the non-conservative Glenn Greenwald, who has had to “go independent” because of his straightforwardness and is now on Substack,com.

Tuesday, he posted a commentary called “How Silicon Valley, In a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler,” which details the principles of privacy and free speech behind the social media platform and its growth after being set up in August 2018. That growth spiked dramatically after other social media censored the NEW YORK POST’s story about Hunter Biden and started deleting posts even by the President of the United States, labeling them “misinformation.” When Twitter finally terminated Trump’s access, that was enough for millions, and they started leaving in droves for Parler.


As Greenwald notes, the people behind Parler had done exactly what the social media giants had always said to do: If you don’t like the rules we impose, go start your own platform and make your own rules. But when Parler succeeded, they fought dirty to force it out of business. Just when it became the most downloaded app in the country, tech giants Apple, Amazon and Google worked seamlessly as one to abruptly remove it from the internet.

If Parler’s attorney’s are reading, Greenwald offers the perfect opening statement for when their HUGE LAWSUIT reaches court: “If one were looking for evidence to demonstrate that these tech behemoths are, in fact, monopolies that engage in anti-competitive behavior in violation of anti-trust laws, and will obliterate any attempt to compete with them in the marketplace, it would be difficult to imagine anything more compelling than how they just used their unconstrained power to utterly destroy a rising competitor.”

Greenwald tells how this unfolded, starting with a letter from Apple that said they’d received “numerous complaints” and “accusations that the Parler app was used to plan, coordinate, and facilitate the illegal activities in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, that loss of life, numerous injuries, and the destruction of property.” It warned that they must submit the requested "moderation improvement plan” within 24 hours or their app would be removed from the Apple app store.

Not surprisingly, the letter was immediately leaked to BUZZFEED, which, not surprisingly, published it in full. Parler tried to communicate with Apple without success. The next day, Apple told Parler that it wouldn’t distribute apps that represent “dangerous and harmful content” and removed them. An app that's not downloaded from the Apple store cannot be used with an iPhone. As Greenwald explains, even if the Parler app has already been downloaded, it won’t be updated, which will soon render the platform “both unmanageable and unsafe.”

Google struck Blow #2, “suspending” Parler from its Play Store, thus severely limiting users’ ability to download it onto Android phones.

The next day, Amazon delivered Blow #3, informing Parler that its web hosting service was terminating them. Parler was then, effectively, offline. Amazon said: “Because Parler cannot comply with our terms of service and poses a very real risk to public safety, we plan to suspend Parler’s account effective Sunday, January 10th...”


In a matter of just a few days, Parler went from being the most popular and fastest-growing app in the country to being banished from the internet.

Leftists, who used to be pro-free speech, are cheering the demise of Parler. Ding, dong, the First Amendment is dead!

But Parler wasn’t designed to be an echo chamber of MAGA-hatted Trump supporters. As Greenwald describes it, “The platform was created based in libertarian values of privacy, anti-surveillance, anti-data collection, and free speech.” It was for people who wanted privacy and didn’t like the idea of being “data-mined.” It was also for those who increasingly objected to the rules about what could or could not be said --- and no, that doesn't apply to calls for violence, which are against Parler’s terms of service anyway and are already illegal on any platform.

Explicit calls for violence are rampant on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube (owned by Google). The Capitol breach was planned largely on Facebook and Twitter, including by members of QAnon. No participants have been found to be active on Parler.

Yet it’s the threat of more Capitol Hill-style violence that is purportedly causing Big Tech’s crackdown on Parler. Obviously, that’s just pretense for censoring conservative opinion.

Greenwald’s article is very detailed and examines Big Tech’s close relationship with politicians and the intelligence bureaucracy. It’s a must-read.

On Tuesday, Greenwald, appearing with Tucker Carlson, said Big Tech companies are “acting like nation-states,” with Facebook even setting up “committees” to decide what speech is true, false, dangerous, not dangerous. Sounds as though Winston Smith of 1984 would be right home there.

Greenwald pointed out that even world leaders who are not fans of President Trump, such as Germany’s Angela Merkel, are now speaking out about how dangerous Silicon Valley has become by “anointing itself the world media that controls and is more powerful than their democracies, because they know that’s coming for their democracies as well.”

He elaborated on what he’d said in his commentary, noting that out of the first 13 arrested for Capitol Hill violence, “a total of zero” were active on Parler. Most of the advocacy and planning had been done on Facebook, YouTube (Google) and Twitter. Yet AOC and others with power in the Democrat Party were demanding that Google and Apple “kick Parler off.” If their concern really is to stop violence, why weren’t they calling for Facebook and YouTube to be de-platformed?


Here’s one clue: Biden reportedly got ten times more money from Big Tech than Trump did. The real menace is that they’re working hand in hand now to control all expression. This is blatantly illegal and unconstitutional, but unless you want to talk about how “woke” you are and how much you still hate Trump, the plan is to leave you with cute fuzzy puppies and pictures of food. Any political or societal point of view that doesn’t get the leftist gold star will have to go.

Tucker also hosted Glenn Beck, who said he'd built his own media company in anticipation of this coming. With the current political upheaval and the technological upheaval, he said, these two powers “need each other.”

As a caution, Beck compared what’s happening to what FDR did to Japanese-Americans during World War II, confiscating their wealth, shutting their businesses and, eventually, even isolating them in camps. “You can’t have freedom of speech,” Beck explained, “if you can’t express yourself in a meaningful place.”

“This is like the Germans with the Jews behind the wall,” he said. “...This is the digital ghetto.”

Beck is taking heat, of course, for making that comparison. But as he explained, he wasn’t literally comparing the current situation to Nazi Germany, just using it as an example to show the direction things can move without constitutional protection. He issued a warning: “If you don’t stand up for free speech, you will be the one that loses it as well.”



Here's an excellent blogpost, featuring the commentary of legal expert Jonathan Turley, that agrees completely.


Banned by Facebook

January 13, 2021

Facebook has permanently banned a clothing retailer called Patriotic Me for alleged violations of terms of service, but the company can’t get anyone from Facebook to explain what they did wrong.

The business was started by a wife and mother who sells non-partisan clothes with patriotic themes, such as the American flag. A portion of every sale goes to the Tunnels to Towers Foundation, a charity to help injured veterans and first responders (I’ve had the founder of that group on “Huckabee” as a Huck’s Hero:

Sales are down by 94% because Facebook has cut off their traffic, and the owner can’t get through to any live human to explain why so that they can correct it. Let’s hope the increased exposure forces Facebook to respond and relent. In the meantime, here’s the shop’s website, which at least is still allowed to be online.


With Big Tech companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon acting in concert to crush Parler and silence conservative political speech, the big question is, what to do about it? Rep. Devin Nunes has called for a RICO investigation, but with the DOJ under the control of the Democrats, who benefit from the collusion (ironically!), that’s not likely to happen. Conservatives tried going to other platforms, but the Silicon Valley leftists control so much of the digital infrastructure that they can cut off any competitors’ web hosting, email service, even digital payment systems.

A bill was just introduced to scale back Section 230 protections when social media companies violate free speech rights, but I have little hope of it passing under the Democrats.

This article in the New York Post calls for federal intervention, but admits that won’t happen until at least 2024, when Republicans could take back the White House and Congress. But will they be able to when their free speech and online presence have been purged for four years?


So what can be done right now? Well, there are two things, and they’re already happening. On Monday, Parler turned to the courts, where there are now a number of Trump-appointed judges who actually care about the Constitution. Parler filed a massive lawsuit against Amazon for antitrust violations, breach of contract and unlawful business interference, and demanded that their web hosting service be reinstated. Parler says their contract with Amazon requires 30 days’ notice of termination, and they got less than one day. In fact, they found out about it from the leftwing website Buzzfeed, which apparently was told an hour before Parler was informed (now we finally have an answer to the question, “Which travels faster: an email or a virtue signal?”)

Since Parler CEO John Matze says he’s getting death threats and is afraid even to go home, and I assume those were ginned up on Twitter, then under the same standard applied to Parler, Twitter is responsible for the people fomenting death threats and should be shut down.

Let’s hope this is only the first of many, many major lawsuits against the Big Tech companies. In the meantime, there is also another way to fight back, and it’s already starting. The tech giants think that they can “disappear” 75 million Americans who voted for Trump. But 75 million angry Americans can respond by refusing to do business with them. They can turn off Facebook and Twitter and actually talk to their real friends, or read a book, go outside, spend time with their families, or do something really productive, like restarting the Tea Party movement. They can shop in person at locally-owned stores instead of on Amazon.

This whole “We don’t need no stinkin’ deplorables as customers!” attitude proved its foolishness to the companies’ shareholders on Monday when Twitter’s stock value plummeted by $5 billion in one day, losing 12% of its value (that’s its stock value; I’m not sure what other value Twitter has.)

Also on Monday, other tech stocks took a beating, with Amazon losing 2.15% of its value, Google and Apple losing over 2.3%, and Facebook dropping by over 4%.

That article assumes that this is just temporary, and they’ll bounce back. Or it could be only the beginning. Show of hands: how many of you who have left Twitter plan to go back? How many plan to give money to any of these companies as long as they’re colluding to deprive you of your Constitutional rights? Wow, not seeing any hands out there.

Ultimately, the greatest power is the power of the purse. The leftist billionaires who control these tech companies are dependent on us giving them our time and money. Yet they are so arrogant and filled with hubris that they think it’s we who are dependent on them. For instance, they actually believe that if they deplatform the #WalkAway movement, it will prevent people from walking away from the left. They’re right: people are now running away.

As far as Facebook and Twitter thinking that they're here to stay and we’re permanently dependent on them: How much time have you spent on MySpace lately?


Tuesday, House Democrats passed a resolution calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Trump from office, which Pence promptly rejected.

Also, six House Republicans introduced a resolution to censure Trump, but Democrats are intent on impeaching him again, in a process that starts today.

At least five Republicans, including Rep. Liz Cheney, say they will vote to impeach. They blame his challenge of the vote and his rhetoric for inciting last week’s Capitol riot. I also disapproved of his rhetoric, but it’s not treason to challenge a vote (Nancy Pelosi herself spread distrust in the 2016 vote), and nothing Trump said in his speech or on Twitter was an incitement to violence. Of course, that’s a dispute that would normally be hashed out by attorneys in an impeachment proceeding, but this House has no time for trivialities like evidence or due process, so they’re just barreling ahead with a vote to impeach.

Some Republicans in the Senate are reportedly leaning toward voting to impeach (it’s rumored that even Mitch McConnell may be among them), but most other Republicans seem to think it’s just divisive political theater at a time when we need calm and unity. So the chances of a two-thirds vote are virtually nil, even if you could impeach someone who’s already left office. Nobody seems to agree on that point.

Legal analysts disagree, but all admit that the Constitution says nothing about it other than that a President is removed from office after being impeached. I’m not a legal scholar, but I assume the Founders didn’t put anything about impeaching departed Presidents into the Constitution because they never imagined that Americans would elect leaders who were dumb enough to come up with an idea like that.

But what do the American people think about all this late-stage impeachment deja vu? I’ve told you that before you believe any poll, take a look at the sample size and breakdown. Right now, the media are trumpeting a poll claiming that “Americans narrowly back Trump’s impeachment, resignation.” That poll claims that Americans back Congress starting impeachment proceedings by 48-44 percent.

Here’s the part they don’t talk about so much: the poll sample was 813 Democrats to 595 Republicans and 588 independents. Independents were split 50-50, so they had to oversample Democrats by about 30% to get a 4% lead, and the pro-impeachment vote was still less than 50%. That’s with the media giving us a 24/7 pro-impeachment drumbeat and social media and Big Tech trying to silence any opposition.

What I think is a more accurate poll by McLaughlin & Associates, with a sample reflective of the 2020 election, found that 60% of voters think impeachment is a waste of time and money, 74% think it’s politically motivated to keep Trump from running again, 73% think they should be dealing with the coronavirus instead, and 65% think Pelosi and Biden are keeping the country divided. Also, 70% believe Big Tech companies are too powerful and need to be regulated, and 74% agree that if they can take away the President’s free speech, they can take away any American’s right to free speech.

All this proves that despite what the propaganda press is telling us, most Americans are smart enough to know when they’re being bamboozled.

The FBI is sifting through more than 40,000 tips from the public to identify people involved in last week’s violence inside the Capitol. They say Americans will be “shocked” when they learn of the brutality that took place last week.

They also reportedly have warned Congress about further potential threats of violence up to and on the Biden Inauguration date of January 20th. There have been reports of plans for armed protests in Washington and all 50 state capitals on January 17th. While the source isn’t certain, it’s rumored to be promoted by far-right extremists called the Boogaloo movement.


Some on the right are claiming this is a false-flag designed to smear or trap law-abiding Trump supporters, but the movement is real, and its adherents are very bad news, although some seem to be more general anti-government anarchists than rightwing. They should be thoroughly condemned, and the FBI is right to take every precaution.

Here are a few recent stories about some of their members, to show why the threats must be taken seriously:

With the warnings out, the FBI and other federal authorities on high alert, and many Trump supporters who planned to attend peaceful rallies are now rethinking that. Pundit Roger Simon urged Republicans to respond by refusing to respond in any way. Not only don’t go to any rallies, don’t watch the Inauguration on TV, don’t stream it on any devices, just ignore it completely. He says that inaugurations are supposed to be a celebration of democracy, but there’s nothing to celebrate here, so let it be a ratings disaster and a cluster of Democrats surrounded by nothingness. As he puts it, “Suppose they gave an Inauguration and nobody came?”

He writes, “You must have something better to do, like fix that leaky faucet in the guest bathroom once and for all or finally to install that second peg board in the garage that’s still in its shrink wrap.” And think of how much fun it will be to hear Democrats and CNN trying to explain how fixing your leaky faucet is an act of white supremacy.


A Second Impeachment Vote

January 12, 2021

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to force the House to adopt by unanimous consent (meaning no debate) a resolution calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Trump from office. Surprise: it failed.

So now, House Democrats are expected to move on to their frankly idiotic second impeachment vote by Wednesday. It’s a move opposed by Republicans and even some moderate Democrats to impeach a President who’s leaving office in eight days and will already be gone by the time the Senate reconvenes, and where there’s no way a two-thirds vote would convict anyway.


I should also mention that the so-called “grounds” for impeachment are that Trump allegedly incited rioters, even though nothing he said urged violence (the opposite, in fact), it’s likely the Capitol rioters hadn’t even heard his speech, and the same people impeaching him just spent most of 2020 defending violent rioters (that includes Nancy Pelosi, whose previous dismissive response to violent protesters attacking buildings and monuments in DC was that people will do what they do.) If you were going to sit down and try to think up a more pointless, nakedly partisan, laughably hypocritical endeavor, I don’t think it would be possible.

Even Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin and former Democrat Senate Leader Tom Dashle see no point in it. This article notes that maybe House Democrats think it will put a special stain on Trump to be the only President to be impeached twice, but considering there was no real evidence for either impeachment, history is more likely to record it as Pelosi leaving a stain of rabid partisanship on the House.

Seven Republican Senators are calling on Joe Biden to intervene and tell Pelosi to reel it in, but so far, he hasn’t.

It not only will accomplish nothing but wasting the taxpayers’ time and money, but it will also tie up Congressional time that Biden hoped to use to start pushing through his agenda.

So come to think of it, so ahead, Nancy, impeach away! It's for the good of America and to protect the Constitution! And here’s another conservative who supports impeachment, just because of how foolish it will make the Democrats look.

Finally, leave it to the satirical site the Babylon Bee to write the perfect epitaph not for the Trump Administration but for the twilight of the Bizarro World straw manTrump that the Democrats and the media invented and obsessed over for the past four years, and apparently will keep doing so until the sun burns out.


Activists who caused mayhem trying to crash the joint session of Congress last week –- tragically leading to one shooting death and several other fatalities, including one policeman –- have been characterized in news reports as right-wing conspiracy theorists who identify with such groups as QAnon. It’s not the first time Trump supporters have been reportedly associated with QAnon, and when this came up once before, some readers wrote and asked us, “What is QAnon?”

Heck if I knew. Seriously, we had no idea. And those readers must not have known, either, or they wouldn’t have asked us. Judging from typical news accounts, though, Trump supporters are deep into this and other wild conspiracy theories, like the crazy belief that some people actually commit election fraud. Of course we know that’s nonsense, especially when applied to the 2020 election, which we’ve been assured was the most accurate and secure election in our nation’s history and that’s good enough for us. (Sarcasm alert.)


And since news accounts are known for giving such keen and insightful depictions of Trump supporters –- how we think, what motivates us, what we like to buy at Walmart and order at the Olive Garden –- we were frankly a little embarrassed at our ignorance about QAnon. What kind of self-respecting Trump supporters were we, not even knowing what it was, let alone not believing whatever it was they were putting out there? So we did a little very basic research and tackled the question briefly in a months-old newsletter.

After the Capitol Hill riot last week, the topic of QAnon came up again, in a particularly sad context: Ashli Babbitt, the woman who was killed by a Capitol Hill officer inside the building, reportedly at least looked into it herself.

Here’s how the AP put it: “Her Twitter account promoted mainstream conservative views but also included references to the QAnon conspiracy theory, which centers on the baseless belief that Trump had been secretly fighting deep state enemies and a cabal of Satan-worshiping cannibals operating a child sex trafficking ring.”

Well, they kind of had us at “deep state enemies” but lost us at “Satan-worshiping cannibals.”

Please understand, we strongly condemn the foolish and destructive actions at the Capitol. Everyone involved should be ashamed of what they did and those who disobeyed Capitol Police, vandalized the building and led to the death and destruction should be prosecuted as fully as we called for that to happen to the Antifa and BLM rioters last summer. Their actions helped Trump’s adversaries wrongly paint the President and ALL his supporters as insurrectionists and even seditionists, giving the left an excuse to crush our civil rights, which they are now doing. Still, the AP report about Babbitt reads mostly like a hit piece, especially jarring since the woman had been killed just the day before. It includes a couple of nice remarks from her ex-husband Aaron, but otherwise paints her as a nutty Trump supporter who believed all those crazy things about the election and tweeted about gun rights and illegal immigration.

According to the AP report, “Babbitt, an Air Force veteran who identified as a Libertarian and supporter of the 2nd Amendment, frequently posted unsubstantiated views about election fraud by the President and his most extreme supporters –- activists whose conspiracy theories and unflinching support for Trump have attracted large numbers of online followers.”


Babbitt was once charged with road rage, it says, but acquitted. She reportedly supported a recall drive against California Gov. Gavin Newsome, which is at least one testament to sanity and good judgment.

Again quoting from AP: “Brian Levin, Director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, said Babbitt will be remembered as a martyr by people with a wide range of grievances spanning from disbelief in the seriousness of the pandemic to beliefs in QAnon conspiracy theories.

“‘When you have people in an alternate universe, they will take a catalytic event and spin it in a way that is most appealing to their emotions and fears, irrespective of what the facts may end up showing,’ he said.”

Well, isn’t that special. I get the impression that to such a condescending person, gun rights and legal immigration –- and Trump support –- are right up there with a cannibalistic sex trafficking ring as crazy things to believe in. And many on the left eagerly lump us all into that same alternate universe.

I’d also say that anything called the “Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism” might want to focus just a little attention on the hate and extremism coming from the left, along with those wild conspiracy theories about Trump and Putin and Russian prostitutes. Bet they won’t, though. Because those examples are perfectly normal.

Another report, this from the AIR FORCE TIMES, refers to Babbitt as an “adherent" of QAnon.

Incidentally, this report tells us that Babbitt “was part of a mob that, after being incited by President Trump’s fraudulent claims of a stolen election, overran barricades and stormed Congress...” Hold on --- one timeline of events suggests the mob could not have been listening to Trump’s speech and get there in time to cause the chaos at the Capitol when it took place. We're checking into this, but It appears these people might not have even heard Trump speak, so I’m curious to know how he “incited” them.

Also, the event they were interrupting was an attempt by Republicans in Congress to present their evidence, which thanks to their idiocy, was not presented and never will be.

Apparently, Babbitt had posted a photo of herself in a “QAnon” shirt. We wish we could tell you more about this group, but we –- like most Trump supporters –- are just not into that. When President Trump was asked about it by incredibly rude town hall host Savannah Guthrie last year, he said he didn’t know anything about it. “I just don’t know about QAnon,” he said.

Guthrie argued with him (!), as she did repeatedly throughout the interview. “You do know,” she said.

He insisted he did not. Then he said they were against pedophilia, but it seems he was confused and really talking about Antifa. Apparently, even President Trump didn’t know what QAnon is, or had only a vague idea.

Here’s what the NEW YORK POST said about QAnon in a comprehensive report last October.

QAnon was supposedly named for “Q,” a shadowy figure who remains anonymous. But if some of those people who stormed the Capitol and dashed conservative hopes are members of QAnon, I say the “Q” should really stand for “Quixote,” as in Don Quixote, who famously tilted at windmills.

From this we get the word “quixotic,” which means “foolishly impractical, especially in the pursuit of lofty ideals.” Also, “Having or showing ideas that are different and unusual but not practical or likely to succeed.” That foolhardiness and its tragic end are all the “Q” represents to me.


It’s hard even to know where to start in addressing the atrocity that happened last week and the growing exploitation of it by the left. I’ve made my position clear on the use of violence, whether it comes from the left, as it usually does, or the right, as it did this time. It’s all bad, and we have condemned it totally, unlike those on the left who have selectively excused it in the fulfillment of their ideology.

First, I’d recommend you watch the monologue from Mark Levin on Sunday’s LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN. It treads some of the same ground we’ve gone over in the past several days, including much of what the left has been doing to change the culture and normalize violence from their side, but Levin expresses it very well.

As he reminds us, the media dismissed it when people who attended a Trump event were assaulted during their long walk from the White House grounds to their transportation home. Sen. Rand Paul, to name one, was attacked. (He’s actually been attacked twice, if you count the one earlier at his home.) There was also the rioting in Lafayette Park in which historic monuments were defaced and toppled and scores of Secret Service agents were injured. When Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked about the horrendous vandalism by unhinged leftists, she said that “people will do what they do.”


She and her cohorts casually dismissed an ATTACK ON WASHINGTON, but the media let it go. They were saving their venom for their preferred target, and last Wednesday they finally got their chance to bite.

We’ve showed over and over how the media ignored violence from the left. If you weren’t watching a conservative-leaning site, you didn’t see it, because most news outlets didn’t cover it. This went on for months as entire city blocks were occupied, looted and burned. Reporters defended the destruction and called it "largely peaceful." Then-candidate Joe Biden wouldn’t speak out against it; neither would then-running mate Kamala Harris. Only much later, when polls showed public sentiment turning against them, did Democrats say anything about it, and even then their comments were perfunctory. Meanwhile, the Democrat-controlled media had for years been mocking Trump supporters as an inferior species and condemning them as “neo-Nazis.” Actually it WAS the Nazis who spoke of other people such as Jews as “sub-human, rats, and vermin.” I find no instance of Trump supporters speaking of the opposition as “inferior people,” just people with inferior ideas.

"The media have played a huge, huge role in what’s going on in this country,” Levin said, “and they’re exploiting now what took place on Capitol Hill, trying to silence conservatives, silence Republicans, and, unfortunately, a lot of Republicans are buckling.” Democrats know good and well that we didn’t want this to happen and that we reject it totally. If anyone wanted it to happen, it’s likely the people who benefited from it; namely, the very ones on the left who are exploiting it now.

As Levin said, the headline in THE NEW YORK TIMES last Thursday was TRUMP INCITES MOB. Trump used some pretty strong language, and we are on record as having disagreed with that, but he absolutely did not act to “incite” the mob. (“Incite” is a specific legal term; I’ll get to that below.) If you don’t think the NYT folks were gleefully happy to print that headline, you are living in an alternate universe. They welcomed this story with open arms and will enjoy exploiting it in the weeks, months and years to come.

As Tammy Bruce said this weekend in an interview with Steve Hilton, the left are acting swiftly before more information can come out about what really might have happened last Wednesday, more reports on who might have showed up there specifically to initiate violence. Bruce calls them “parasitic opportunists.”

"It is not a representation of what Trump has stood for,” she said.


But the WASHINGTON POST headline was almost identical: TRUMP MOB STORMS CAPITOL. The DAILY NEWS headline was this: PREZ INCITES INSURRECTION. Again, he did not. USA TODAY put it similarly: PRO-TRUMP MOBS STORM US CAPITOL. These headlines were chosen quite deliberately to suggest Trump called for violence.

Levin contrasted these headlines with some that were more objective. The NEW YORK POST put it this way: CAPITOL INVASION. The WASHINGTON TIMES called it an ASSAULT ON DEMOCRACY. Yes, that’s better. It still strongly condemns the violence but refrains from falsely implying that Trump was behind this. It was the last thing he wanted.

On what the Democrats are doing now, Levin nailed it. “Out of one side of their mouth, they talk about unity,” he said. “Out of the other side of their mouth, they spit on people.”

Since they have only a slight majority in the House and Senate (where Kamala Harris will have to break the ties), they want to use what happened to ratchet up their extreme calls for expanding the Supreme Court to create a partisan rubber-stamp, ending the Electoral College system, adding four more Democrat states to cement power in the Senate, and completely eliminating the filibuster. To obtain these things, Democrat politicians, with coordinated help from the megalomaniacs who run social media, plan to use the Capitol Hill incident instead of the mandate from the electorate that they'd expected but DID NOT GET.

In the short term, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is using this little window of time by insisting the 25th Amendment is in play, as an alternative to the impeachment she says she’ll put forward --- nine days from Biden’s inauguration. Ah, yes, Democrats are all about healing and unity.

Here’s what legal expert Jonathan Turley had to say about the legal merits of impeaching Trump now. What Trump said certainly did not meet the standard of “inciting” violence. All this would do is further divide the nation and give one more big slap in the face to Trump supporters, which I assume is what Democrats want to do. They hope to fragment us --- that's also part of the coordinated attack on us by social media that we'll talk about --- but now is the time for us come together.


Two Sharp observations

January 10, 2021

Mark Steyn, speaking on Wednesday’s TUCKER CARLSON show, had a sharp observation: “It’s always interesting to me that people are surprised when a tactic that’s proved effective for one group of people is then suddenly taken up by other people of whom they don’t approve.”

"There’s been a complete collapse of equality before the law,” Steyn explained. “The more [people on the left] are not subject to any laws, the more onerous the burden that falls upon the law-abiding.” Those on the left can do anything, he said, while those law-abiding souls on the right are “micro-regulated.” (To quote Victor Davis Hanson, “Ideology trumps accountability.”)

"At some point, that has to give,” he said. “And whoever is behind this, to a certain degree, that ‘gave’ today in Washington.”

If that’s what we’re seeing, we conservatives will have to be careful not to become the thing we hate, as so often happens to people. (It’s certainly happened to the left, who used to be pro-free speech.) It may sound cliché to say it at this point, but we really are better than that.


Focus Group-Tested Word Alert

By Mike Huckabee

I’ve noticed that anyone who points out that the same Democrats who supported violent leftist protesters who attacked federal buildings are now condemning violent rightwing protesters who attack federal buildings is being accused of “whataboutism.” For those unfamiliar with this word, it’s a made-up term that means “Stop pointing out my hypocrisy.”


President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris demonstrated how they plan to practice “unity and healing” by accusing the Capitol Police of racism and claiming that had those protesters been black, the police would’ve used tear gas and shot them.

I don’t know if they’ve been keeping up with the news, but one of the unarmed Trump supporters WAS fatally shot by a police officer. And as Prof. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit pointed out, if the police had shot a black protester, it would have been major news, while the deadly shooting of a Trump supporter has barely been reported in mainstream media outlets. Also, they did use both tear gas and pepper spray. And Washington was heavily vandalized by BLM protesters over the summer, and the police mostly stood by and did nothing.

The cynical attempt to rewrite history to practice race-baiting did not go unnoticed by people who haven’t been in a coma for the past eight months.

And with House Democrats accusing Republicans of “insurrection” and demanding their expulsion while condemning the violent protesters as “domestic terrorists,” here’s a reminder courtesy of Instapundit that last June, House Republicans proposed a resolution condemning violence and rioting. House Democrats unanimously blocked it.

Tech alternatives

January 10, 2021

Yesterday, Google removed the Parler app from its Google Play store, and Apple is threatening to do it and might have by the time you read this. They’re demanding that Parler impose the same kind of monitoring of speech that Twitter, Facebook and Google’s YouTube do, to “protect” us from the tiny segment of far-right users who might be using the sites to incite violence and spread misinformation, as they define it. There are also countless legitimate users on Parler, including me:

A reminder: These tech giants have allowed leftist groups such as Antifa and BLM to use their sites to organize protests that turned into riots, they allow violent rhetoric and death threats aimed at conservatives, and they’ve even turned a blind eye to Iran posting “death to America” rhetoric. But they ban the US President and those who support him.

Congressional Republicans made a big mistake in not reining in their partisan monopolistic practices when they had the chance. That won’t happen now, but I expect to see a flood of lawsuits following this, along with product boycotts and a mass exodus of millions of users. But where will they go if these leftist corporations abuse their power to strangle or force censorship onto alternative sites?

I asked our pop culture expert, Pat Reeder, for some tips on that. Here’s what he wrote back…

“I’m far from a tech expert, but I’ve been working via computer since before there was an Internet, so I’ve picked up a few tips.

First of all, why are you still paying premium prices to Apple? It’s not as if Steve Jobs still runs the place. They appear to be putting far more thought, time and energy into censorship, leftist virtue-signaling and kissing China’s rump than into R&D and consumer satisfaction these days. Here’s an example of how they’re doing lately, and it’s only one of countless such videos on YouTube (just search for ‘Apple sucks.’)

Currently, Parler’s app for cell phones is available at only by clicking on icons that take you to the Google or Apple app stores. But there’s nothing stopping them from offering it for direct download, which I suspect is coming very soon. Here’s an article about how that works with apps that Apple decides you shouldn’t be allowed to have:

As for the Android version that’s been banned from the Google Play Store, if you don’t have it already, try here:

If you scroll down, you’ll also find the app for MeWe, a free speech alternative to Facebook. But I’d suggest you do it quickly. (Another is

If that doesn’t work, try here

And there are others, if you look hard. Remember, you can always subscribe to Parler and use it through your tablet, laptop or desktop by signing up at, which I hope you’ll be accessing through a browser that protects your privacy (NOT Google Chrome!) Here’s some information comparing some top choices. Firefox is rated #1, as long as you go into the Settings and disable the functions that send information back to its parent, Mozilla.

Worse comes to worse, conservatives can abandon these social media sites entirely and go back to independent blog sites and web pages, which prevailed before the big Facebook/Twitter takeover. Or just hang out at, where you get real news, brilliant writing and a comments section.

Remember, it’s called ‘free speech’ because no matter how hard some people try to cage it, it will always find a way to escape.

UPDATE! Well, Mozilla just went full-on social justice censorship warrior, so skip over Firefox and move down the browser list. Still laughing that their link on the words “amplify factual voices” goes to an article from the New York Times.

While we’re on the subject, were you aware that one reason Chromebook laptops are so cheap is that they don’t have internal memory? Everything you search for (on Google Chrome, of course), write or store is placed in a cloud memory owned by Google. Why not just send Google your tax forms, or go on vacation with your front door open?

And remember that is the free speech alternative to Google-owned YouTube.

UPDATE:  Amazon has said it is removing Parler from it's service effective today.

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The Left begins their purge

January 10, 2021

It should come as no surprise to students of history that when leftists gain power, their first impulse is to launch a purge of their perceived enemies and to criminalize any criticism of them. This is usually predicated on some convenient “emergency.” This time around, it was the violence in Congress by a handful of hotheaded Trump supporters, and, as is now coming to light, other agitators. Democrats usually overplay their hands and infuriate this mostly center-right nation (remember how they were voted out after shoving Obamacare down our throats), but never in history have the party and its enablers been so far to the left and so drunk on power, and never have they dived so quickly into their deepest totalitarian impulses.

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is hilariously demanding the expulsion from Congress of all Republicans who exercised their constitutional right to challenge the electoral vote until alleged irregularities were investigated. She and other Democrats are claiming that they allegedly “incited” the Capitol violence, even though they said nothing whatsoever to encourage it. Sen. Ted Cruz explained why that is utter nonsense (other than the fact that it came out of AOC’s mouth.)

It’s obvious that she doesn’t understand free speech any better than she understands economics, since there are very specific laws that define “incitement,” and nothing they or Trump said falls under that definition. You can’t hold someone else accountable for the actions of irrational people who misconstrue what they said, or else the Beatles would’ve been arrested for the Manson murders.

However, if AOC seriously thinks that egging on protesters on the sacred grounds of the Capitol is an offense worthy of expulsion from Congress, I would remind everyone that in 2018, she joined about 200 “youth activists” who stormed Nancy Pelosi’s office to demand action on climate change and refused to leave, an illegal incursion into the sacred temple of democracy that resulted in 51 of them being arrested by the Capitol Police. If she could tender her resignation by Monday, that would be great.

Oh, and it’s not just those protesters in Pelosi's office who had AOC’s approval. She also excused violent protesters across America, justifying their actions under the need to make people “uncomfortable.” And she did it on Twitter, where it’s now being dug up and retweeted, which is why she’s calling on Twitter to remove it. You see, conservatives are engaging in “misinformation” by quoting her directly. Anyone want to bet against Twitter accommodating her?

Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, she’s attempting to blame President Trump for inciting the violence and demanding that Congress impeach him. That would mark an appropriate bookend for the most recent do-nothing House term, which started with a pointless, groundless, time-wasting impeachment of Donald Trump and could actually end the same way, if they hurry up. They’ll have to hurry, since he’s leaving office anyway in 11 days, and the chances of a trial and a two-thirds vote by the Senate before then are absolutely zero. But why waste time on the people’s urgent business when you can continue attacking Trump with the single-minded hatred of Inspector Javert trying to send Jean Valjean back to prison for stealing a loaf of bread?

As for Trump “inciting” violence: I’ve already made it clear that I disapproved of Trump’s rhetoric and thoroughly condemn the assault on the Capitol, a stupid and counterproductive action that set back the conservative movement and handed the left a club to bash us with. But did he actually “incite” anyone to commit violence? Law professor Ann Althouse read through his entire speech and could find nothing of the sort. Here are the seven quotes that came closest to that, and none of them even come very close.

And it appears that with the Democrats so swiftly tipping their hand that they hypocritically flipped positions overnight on condemning violent protesters and immediately started abusing their power and demonizing 75 million Trump supporters, the backlash is starting with equal swiftness. Rasmussen reports that in just two days after the Wednesday violence and the Democrats’ attempts to exploit it by calling for Trump’s removal by impeachment or the 25th Amendment, his approval rating has soared.

Just before Christmas, Trump was at 45% approval. As of Thursday night, that had leaped to 51%. A source close to Rasmussen told Newsmax, “Americans are disgusted that cities burned for months and Washington and the media did nothing. But they still like Trump.”

Moral: Don’t let leftist politicians and the media gaslight you. They may try to silence what you say, but they can’t stop you from seeing what they are.

Washington is stained Nancy

January 10, 2021

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and immediately remove President Trump from office, blaming him for inciting the violent protesters who vandalized and broke into the Capitol. Pelosi said, “The gleeful desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of our American democracy, and the violence targeting Congress are horrors that will forever stain our nation’s history — instigated by the president of the United States — that’s why this is such a stain.”


She’s right, Washington is as stained as an old pair of farm overalls, but those mud stains didn’t all appear yesterday. Just as a reminder:

Throughout spring and summer of 2020, up until polls showed it was hurting Democrats, Pelosi and Schumer were publicly supportive of violent “protesters” who rioted, burned and looted America’s cities nationwide, including Washington, DC. They not only attacked and vandalized national monuments and federal buildings in the nation’s capital, they staged longterm assaults on local and federal officers, seized private property, threatened citizens, and laid siege to a federal courthouse in Portland, throwing Molotov cocktail-like fire bombs into it. That courthouse is just as much federal property and a temple of American democracy as the Capitol is.

Pelosi’s response to all that was to support the violent protesters, dismiss concerns about old buildings, and smear officers who were trying to protect federal property as Nazi “stormtroopers.” When called on it, she tried to split hairs by claiming she only said they were “acting like stormtroopers.” Well, that’s different!

I am upset with Trump’s rhetoric, too, and I’ve condemned the violent hotheads who set back the conservative cause with their illegal behavior. But I have zero interest in listening to Pelosi, Schumer or any other Democrat who spent much of 2020 egging on rioters and attacking police piously lecture me about the dangers of irresponsible rhetoric from public officials. Their “moral high ground” is a muddy sinkhole.


A tough week for America

January 10, 2021

This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.


The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.


I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!

President-elect Biden

January 8, 2021

While Democrats continue to express newfound outrage over violent riots and to vilify President Trump and all his supporters over the actions of a few idiots, Trump issued a statement calling for reconciliation and condemning what he called the “heinous” attack on the Capitol and saying, "Like all Americans, I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem."

He also signaled that with Congress confirming Biden’s electoral victory, his legal challenges over alleged voting irregularities are over and that a new Administration will take office on January 20th. He said, "Emotions are high now, but tempers must be cooled and calm restored. We must get on with the business of America. My campaign rigorously pursued every legal avenue to contest the election results. My only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition…This moment now calls for healing and reconciliation."

In accordance with that statement, we will now start referring to Joe Biden as the “President-elect,” a title incorrectly conferred on him by the media right after the election. Our decision not to fall in line was not made out of partisanship or resentment but a virtually obsolete respect for factual accuracy. As I stated two months ago, Trump had the right to legally challenge the vote, just as Gore did in 2000, and until the challenges were dropped or settled and the vote certified, nobody was “President-elect.” While the suspicions over the vote have unfortunately not been settled, and I fear will continue to fester for years to come, the legal challenge has now ended.

Some conservative sites are referring to Biden as “President Asterisk” or “His Fraudulency.” I heard that a compromise for those who think he’ll be living in the White House but not really be President would be the title “Resident Biden.” That’s all well and good as political satire, but I don’t want to be like the leftists who spent the past four years letting their anger over Trump being President lead them to show disrespect to the office and root for America to fail under his watch.

So out of respect for factual accuracy and the legal and Constitutional system, and for the sake of American unity, we will refer to Joe Biden as “President-elect,” and after his inauguration, as “President Biden.” But we will do everything within reason to ensure that we no longer have to type those words after 2024.

More than meets the eye

January 8, 2021

Video has emerged showing a number of Trump supporters trying to stop protesters from breaking into the Capitol Wednesday. The video shows one Trump supporter trying to physically restrain someone who was attempting to damage the door, and others booing the protesters and yelling “Stop them,” “Don’t break that window” and “No Antifa, no Antifa.”

Speaking of Antifa, the initial claim that there were no leftist agitators disguised as Trump supporters is coming under question. The New York Post quoted law enforcement authorities as saying they had identified two people known from Antifa demonstrations in New York among the rioters in the Capitol…

…and KUTV in Utah reports that a man who was standing next to Ashli Babbitt and who filmed her fatal shooting has been identified as a far-left protest organizer from Utah who founded a group called “Insurgence USA,” is associated with Black Lives Matter and was arrested last summer for organizing a riot that ended in a shooting. He also has a history of social media posts promoting Antifa and BLM, branding Trump a white nationalist and calling to “burn it all down.” You can see more, including some of those posts, at this link from Katie Pavlich at

And here's an interesting first-person account of Wednesday’s violence by someone who was on the scene as it was happening and who thinks we do not yet know the full story.

To be clear, this is not an attempt to shift blame. Most of the people involved do appear to have been Trump supporters, but a handful of violent fanatics are not representative of the vast majority of peaceful protesters. The media have lectured that to us for months before suddenly switching positions on Wednesday.

Finally, questions are being rightly raised about the deadly police shooting of unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt. Video from inside the building seems to show that the officer shot Babbitt as she was trying to bust down a door, even though there were other officers right behind her who not only could have peacefully arrested her, but who might have been killed themselves by their fellow officer.

As that article points out, it’s sickening to see leftists who’ve spent the past eight months protesting and rioting against police brutality suddenly turning on a dime and gleefully celebrating police murder because the unarmed protester who was shot was a Trump supporter. One tweeted, “Rightly deserved (to be shot and killed) for trespassing.” Maybe they should pass that message along to the DA in St. Louis who’s trying to imprison Mark and Patricia McCloskey just for showing guns to some leftist protesters who were threatening them while trespassing on their property.

Our initial condemnation of the Capitol Hill violence has, so far, drawn close to 600 responses. It’ll take a while to go through them all, but here are a few examples from across the opinion spectrum…

From Sherry:

You are so right! This election is so wrong, but this is what we have. The Republican Party is better than this; this is NOT how we behave. Even listening to our President was very disappointing. Somehow the Republicans need to be tough and stand up. We have got to be better than what we show and be stronger! I'm sorry our President lost but HE did NOT help our cause by much he has to say. Our elections need to be better.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Sherry. One important note: Even if elections are tainted by fraud, we HAVE to continue voting. If Georgia Republicans had voted in their senatorial run-offs at the same level they voted on Nov. 3, we'd still have the Senate. People who stayed home turned the whole government over to leftists. Remember: the closer the margin, the easier the fraud!

From David:

As an avid listener and reader of your material and a big fan of yours, I have to disagree. I don't condone violence but "We the People" are fed up with the hypocrisy of our government. Sometimes we need to take a stand and take our country back. As a Christian and a conservative, I will do what's necessary to protect my God given liberties. God bless you and your family!

From the Gov:

David, I appreciate that you wrote, but this action did not “take our country back.” It SET our country back and gave the left a gift tied with a big blue ribbon. With everything good that Trump should be remembered for, his legacy has been largely destroyed, at least for now, by a relatively small group of protesters. We have to find better ways to protect our liberties, ways that don’t backfire spectacularly as this one has.

From William:


From the Gov:

Thank you; I’m glad you like the show. William, we’re all angry and have a right to be. But just lashing out is not going to help the cause of conservatism, and this time, it did a tremendous amount of damage.

We’re in no position to condemn violence on the Angry Left if we’re going to use the same tactics. We can’t become the very thing we hate. The double standard exists, to be sure, as those on the left get away with violence, and as realists we have to be mindful of that when contemplating our actions, as they will be turned and used against us by the left whenever possible. The challenge will be how to channel this anger into responses that will do some good. If I CAN make a difference right now, I hope it will be in helping more people understand this.

From Nick:

I am saddened by the violence. If these people were Trump supporters, it makes us all look bad. Trump did rile up the crowd when stating there would be ‘fireworks’. The media will label all Trump supporters as overzealous conspiracy theorists. My brother says I look silly when I say the election was stolen. He tells me to be quiet. Indicative of the left’s view of us all!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Nick. Unfortunately, all true, except for the part about you looking silly. Don't let your brother intimidate you.

From Gennifer (excerpt):

Yes, January 6th events in Washington were unfortunate. This is an example of Conservatives being pushed to a breaking point. No person is strong enough to watch day after day, month after month cities being decimated AND nothing was/is done about it and, what’s worse, no one cared...I am one of the people who are outraged over the Presidential election. I might have been more accepting of the results had ANY of the profound evidence been examined by anyone of authority. One more example of adding kindling to the fire!

From Karen (excerpt):

I agree with you. Our Constitution should be followed to the letter. But where was the SCOTUS? They could have stopped all this...By not ruling on the States not following their own Constitution, the States brought forward illegitimate electoral votes. THIS FACT is what lit the powder keg. This is America, we are Americans and we get mad when our rights are infringed upon…All we asked for, or wanted, was an honest election. We would have tolerated a legitimate Biden win. It was not a legitimate win; we have been blocked from proving either way. And now, God worshipping, law abiding, Deplorables are ANGRY!

From the Gov:

Completely understandable. Even so, Karen, we cannot allow ourselves to be the powder keg. The left WANTED to ignite it. Just two days later, we’re already getting an idea of how they plan to use this turn of events. Plus, they’re blaming Trump –- Biden is grotesquely exaggerating on that point –- to the extent that they’re now talking about impeachment (again) or using the 25th Amendment to destroy any political future he might have. Maybe the rioters intended to “help” Trump, but they hurt him immeasurably. If they wanted to change the course of history, they certainly did, but in a very, very bad way.

The way to help Trump would have been to have all 200,000 people show up in peaceful support of him, while legislators offered words of wisdom and truth inside the chamber. Imagine how differently that would have played. How I wish we could get in the Way-Back Machine and go back two days to fix this, but we can’t.

Finally, this from Nancy:

I, too, am appalled at the violence and disrespect shown for our institutions. I share the belief that the election results were fraudulent, but they will not be overturned by behavior that echoes the despicable rioting of the anarchists. I am praying for America that God's mercy would heal our land. I am praying that He will foil the plans of the wicked and give wisdom and courage to His followers.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Nancy. Wisdom and courage are definitely what we need right now. Certainly we all must exercise that wisdom to see what you have pointed out –- that even a fraudulent election will not be overturned by violence. That just results in tragedy and compounds the problems we and our country face.

I’ll end by offering some stories told by people who were there in the crowd on Wednesday, describing what it was like for them that day and what they think of what happened.

Early this morning, Congress certified the Electoral College vote for Joe Biden for President. Afterward, President Trump issued a statement promising an orderly transition of power on January 20th, signaling to his supporters that his challenge to the vote is over.

Some Republicans still challenged the electoral vote certification, such as Rep. Matt Gaetz

But others who had planned to join the challenge, including Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Kelly Loeffler, changed their minds after the day’s tragic violence inside the Capitol building by a small group of “Trump supporters” (there are unconfirmed reports that some might have been false-flag Antifa agitators, but others were reportedly identified as part of far-right fringe movements that did not reflect the views of thousands of peaceful Trump supporters outside.) Nevertheless, after a year of telling us not to condemn all peaceful protesters because of the violent actions of a few, that’s precisely what Democrats and the media are doing.

Some on the right are comparing the people who broke into the Capitol to American Revolutionaries. But the Founders were not a mindless mob who committed violence with no longterm plan. They resorted to revolution only after exhausting every other alternative. They issued a statement of their rights and grievances and pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to defend it. They didn’t harm their own side by mindlessly smashing windows in the British Parliament. A later revolutionary protester, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., spoke his piece from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial; he didn’t vandalize it.

Let me be clear: I absolutely and unequivocally condemn the actions of the mob who smashed their way into the Capitol, just as I also call for an investigation of Capitol police who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, a female Air Force veteran of 14 years.

Here’s more background on Babbitt and the shooting.

In Twitter comments, some people expressed sadness and dismay, but others coldly dismissed her as a traitor and a terrorist and good riddance (I’m sure the same people who are outraged over police brutality against leftist protesters.) It’s true that no one should have breached the barricades Antifa-style, shattered a window, entered the building and confronted security officers. It was a terrible thing. But why were they met with gunfire? I remember Democrats reacting with outrage at a Trump suggestion that looters be shot. In a tragic update, the DC Police have said that four people are now dead, although they didn’t release the causes, which are reportedly medical.

I am gratified to see that, at long last, Democrats are finally condemning mob violence. Only a few months ago, Washington, DC, and many other cities were ablaze; there were riots, arson, looting and assaults on federal buildings and monuments; and their response was to defend the mob and prosecute anyone who stood up to them. Nancy Pelosi infamously said she didn’t care about some old buildings. It’s suddenly a very different matter when one of those “old buildings” is the one with her office in it.

I’ll stress that pointing out the other side’s hypocrisy and Johnny-come-lately outrage is not an excuse. There is no excuse for breaking-and-entering and disrupting the constitutionally-mandated joint session of the House and Senate that was to certify (or not) the state electors. This was perhaps the ONE CHANCE before January 20 that Republicans would have to present their evidence of election fraud, unconstitutionality and error that might have shown Trump to be the actual winner in certain contested states. It’s something that needed to happen, calmly, openly, rationally. More investigation will be needed to determine why these people felt oddly compelled to disrupt this process and undermine the cause of thousands of peaceful Trump supporters outside.

And about Trump supporters: again, NOT AN EXCUSE, but let's look at how many of us feel right now. We’ve been treated like second-class citizens going on five years. In some professions, we can’t even hint at our political leanings. The blacklist against conservatives is as pervasive and powerful as the one used against leftists in the McCarthy era. The Ivy League elite have consistently condescended to us. On college campuses, conservatives risk being “canceled,” even dropped from academic programs because of some "problematic" tweet. The media try to gaslight us at every turn, repeatedly and with no evidence telling us that our President cares only for himself and is a traitor, an agent of Russia. We're tired of being told that 2+2=5. All the while, they bury stories about Hillary, the Bidens, and the partisan federal bureaucracy out to get Trump and anyone on his side.

It’s gotten worse since the election. The deep concerns of millions have been dismissed. Even in the face of wild statistical anomalies and numerous unexplained election-night oddities, questioning the results in any way is forbidden. “Why, this election was PERFECT!” we’re told. “It was the most secure election we have ever had in our history!” Good grief, we don’t have to be crazy conspiracy theorists to recognize these grandiose remarks as overstatements at the very least. Shakespeare might say that election officials “doth protest too much.”

We’ve seen blatant misreporting in the mainstream media, who prefer the false narrative that “courts have dismissed every one of the Trump lawsuits because, as we all know, there is no evidence.” In truth, the courts find other reasons, such as the inexplicable “lack of standing,” to keep from HAVING to look at any evidence. When the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, does this, what is the recourse?

About 70 million Americans suspect that the results of this election are not to be trusted. But these people have been shut down, silenced, and banned from social media or flagged as “misinformation” or “disputed” for daring even to question it. Even the President himself has been treated this way. If we have to sweep this under the rug, as Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) insist we do, we will never trust another election again.

So when media pundits say that challenging these election results is “interfering with democracy,” I say they’re off by 180 degrees. Under current conditions, challenging the election results is SAVING democracy. Stand back, let the Constitution do its work, and let the chips fall where they may.

The violence on Wednesday wasn't just completely unacceptable, it was downright stupid. It was stupid because the worst consequence --- not counting, of course, the loss of four lives --- is that the visuals of the Capitol being stormed will be exploited forever, used as justification to go full pedal-to-the-metal in quashing the rights of conservatives. Take away their civil liberties, leftists will cry; those people shouldn’t have any say! Why, those right-wing racists/sexists/homophobes/traitors don’t deserve a voice, a place in society, or even a way to make a living. Shun them! Cancel them! (And forget all the video of leftists smashing and burning cities from coast-to-coast.)

All of that was coming anyway, incrementally, if they gained power, but this event by a relatively small number of people hastens it.

For all those who are upset at the way the election was handled, and worried about the future of America under Democrat rule, join the club. But we’ve known for two months that any challenges to the November election were the longest of longshots. I defended Trump’s right to make those challenges legally and constitutionally, but it was never likely that Congress would reject electors that the states had certified.

Probably the best that we could hope for was that the challenges might result in what Ted Cruz called for (basically, what I called for just days after the election): an open, bipartisan investigation of alleged voting irregularities, so that if there was anything illegal it would come to light, and if not, Americans could be assured that the vote was trustworthy and Biden wouldn’t govern under a cloud of suspicion.

Now, thanks to the unforgivable actions of hotheads, even that hope has been dashed. Democrats may think they’ve pulled out a hat trick here: they’ve escaped an audit of the vote, Biden’s victory is certified, and Trump and all his supporters are permanently tarnished. But millions of Americans who feel their concerns have been dismissed and their voices silenced will not go away simply because the media try to shame them into it. 

Our leaders had one chance to repair the tattered fabric of trust in elections that enables a nation of 320 million people of very different views to accept the results and move on, and they didn’t take it. I hope Joe Biden is sincere in his claim that he wants to be the President of all Americans, but sadly, that job just became far more difficult.

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


As many as 18 (at this writing, and possibly more) Republican Georgia state Senators have signed a letter to Vice President Pence, asking him to delay tomorrow’s scheduled counting and confirmation of electoral votes by Congress. They cite irregularities in the election that don’t “pass the smell test” and need to be investigated.

This probably won’t make any difference to tomorrow’s proceedings, but it’s one more in a growing pile of objections that Democrats and the media keep dismissing at their peril. Responding to all the suspicions of vote chicanery with “You’re wrong, you’re stupid, shut up!” is going to be as effective as trying to hide the smell of a dead fish by putting it under your sofa cushion.

As conservative talk show host Mark Davis writes, what is most likely to happen is that Joe Biden will become President. It doesn’t make me happy to repeat that, but it’s realistic.

And explains that much of what you’ve heard about the 12th Amendment is incorrect and the Vice President is extremely limited in what he can do.

However, if the vote is certified, it’s up to Biden and the Democrats whether or not he takes office under a cloud of suspicion that may never blow away.

What should happen, if the people who claim there’s “no evidence” of vote fraud really believe that, is that they should vote unanimously to comply with the request by Republicans in both Houses for a 10-day, transparent audit of the vote, to settle all questions once and for all. If the election was legitimate, then Biden can take office without an asterisk next to his name in the history books. It’s a solution that I suggested right after the election in an “open letter” to Biden, for which I got slammed in the media. But if he’d done it then, it would’ve saved a lot of time and trouble.

President Trump had to try to govern for four years with a large number of Democrats claiming he stole the 2016 election and was an “illegitimate President” (Hillary Clinton among them.)

They fought like cougars against everything he tried to do, using every resource in government, media and the courts to obstruct his agenda. If this is left to fester, Biden will face having to govern even more people with the same anger, only stronger, and they’ll actually have some reasons to believe it.

Decision Day in Georgia

January 5, 2021

Today is Decision Day, not just in Georgia, but for the future of America. Voters in two runoff races will decide whether the Senate stays in GOP hands, to operate as a brake on failed leftist policies, or the entire government is put under Democrat control, where (current-and-I-pray-future Minority Leader) Chuck Schumer has vowed to ram through a radical agenda from which the nation may never recover, from abolishing the filibuster and steamrolling opposition to stacking the Supreme Court.

At this link, Lt. Col. Allen West offers some reasons for why Christians need to turn out today and vote in Georgia.

Here’s a frightening statistic from his article: nationwide, 25 million Christians don’t vote in elections. I’ve written before about how there are enough people of faith that if we all voted, we could run the country, but too many don’t bother. Here’s an example of what happens when Christians sit out elections: Massachusetts just lowered the age to get abortions without parental consent to 16. You can’t give a 16-year-old an aspirin without parental consent, but you can give them a dangerous surgical procedure to slaughter their unborn child.

Yesterday, I heard the radical Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock declare that Democrats had to vote for him to turn Georgia and the federal government blue, and a thought occurred to me: why are so many Democrats so adamant about turning Republican states and the whole nation blue? Then where would residents of blue places flee to? How about first providing us with just one example of a blue city or state that’s actually successful?

Think about it: if you were going to hire someone to install plumbing in your home, wouldn’t you expect them to be able to point to at least one example of a house where they’d done it before that wasn’t knee-deep in water? Democrats want to turn Texas blue, Georgia blue, Florida blue, Washington blue; and if you ask why, they’ll tell you it's because they care about people and want to make their lives better.

Okay, tell me one state that’s under longtime Democrat rule where people’s lives are better than they are in red states. New York? California? People are fleeing those states so fast that each is on pace to lose a Congressional seat while red state Florida could gain two.

How about Democrat-run blue cities? They encompass such utopias as New York City, Los Angeles, Portland, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago and Seattle. These cities are like laboratory experiments that prove before your eyes the tragic failure of leftist policies that breed corruption, crime, homelessness, violence, drugs, unemployment, decay, business closures and failing schools.

Austin, Texas, is a blue island in a red state; you could actually watch its decline as its leaders moved further left. It now has major problems with homelessness and crime, and it led the nation in increase in homicides. The voters there may finally be wising up; they just replaced one of their far-left city council members with a candidate who ran on a platform of "restoring common sense."

New York was a filthy mess considered unsavable until New Yorkers finally elected a Republican, Rudy Giuliani, who performed a miracle turnaround. Then they forgot that cities don’t run on autopilot, and they elected Bill DeBlasio, protégé of New York’s last failed liberal mayor, David Dinkins. They’re now shocked at how rapidly the city spiraled back down to the bad old days of crime, rat infestations and urban flight. Why are they surprised? They voted for it…twice!

Perhaps the bluest of all cities is San Francisco. Their leftist “leaders” went from being so unconcerned about public health that they issued “poop maps” to help people avoid human feces rather than doing something about rampant filth and homelessness to enforcing draconian COVID-19 lockdowns that have now destroyed 54% of the city’s small businesses and up to 85% of its restaurants.

I sometimes suspect that the reason we call places run by Democrats “blue” is because everyone who lives there is singing the blues.

My challenge to Democrats: before you try to turn any more places “blue,” show us one…just ONE!...example of something that you already run competently.

My challenge to Georgia voters: before you vote to give any more power to Democrats, ask yourself why people who seem to have no earthly idea how to use government power to make your life better are asking you to give them even more of it. Here’s a hint: it’s not to benefit you.

As you know, Patrick Byrne, founder and former CEO of, acted on a tip last week and documented what he claims is the transport and shredding of ballots from the November 3 election, just hours after the Georgia Senate Subcommittee on Election Fraud unanimously agreed that ballots should be made available to Jovan Pulitzer, inventor and patent holder of the electronic barcode scanner, who says he can quickly detect counterfeit ballots and manufactured counting errors.

The Georgia secretary of state’s office denies that the ballots they shredded were used in the election, saying these were “extras” that were required by law in case they needed more. This makes no difference. What Pulitzer wanted to look at was whether or not any of these ballots, printed for use in different areas of Fulton County, had been made from a different kind of paper, perhaps with a different ink, perhaps with a different bar code or a slightly different alignment than the one required by the machines to read as a vote. Whether or not these particular “in reserve” ballots stored in this particular location were used is beside the point; they should have been preserved for examination.

But that’s how this “debunking” tends to go. Some peripheral, immaterial question is answered, and the main questions are left hanging, like a bunch of chads left on Florida ballots from the year 2000.

If these were just extra ballots left over from the election, and they knew there was going to be a court order that ballots be made available for examination, then why the all-fired hurry to shred them into tiny spitballs? It was 10 o’clock at night, for crying out loud, during the holidays leading into New Year's. Why not let the ballots remain in the warehouse for just a few more days, until the issue of ballot fraud could be resolved?

But no, they had to get those leftover ballots out of the warehouse and completely destroyed RIGHT AWAY. They sprang into action, used their superpowers and turned their department into a model of efficiency. I wonder if Fulton County officials hop-to this quickly when, say, a citizen has a property tax issue to resolve –- wouldn’t that be great? I’d also like to know exactly when the order was put in to rent those trucks.

These officials were so efficient and thorough, they didn’t just go for the regular shredding that would be acceptable at any landfill I’ve ever heard of. They apparently went above and beyond, as my understanding is that this was a special, military-grade shredding, rendering the ballots totally unretrievable, kind of like pounding Blackberrys with hammers, if you catch my drift.

Well, as intriguing as Patrick Byrne’s original story was, there’s even more to it. He’s not backing off his original claims; instead, he’s presenting some additional findings that might or might not surprise you.

NOTE: this story as reported in NOQ REPORT also provides a link to attorney Lin Wood’s latest claims, for which he has so far provided no evidence and on which I have no comment, at least for now. We’re dealing strictly with Patrick Byrne’s claims here.

First, let’s take “Narrative #2”: According to Byrne, the rental trucks were on their way from a warehouse in Fulton County, Georgia, to a shredding facility in nearby Cobb County. On New Year’s Eve (I gather this was in the early hours of Thursday, December 31), the facility was given “roughly 3,000 pounds” of paper –- hundreds of thousands of ballots –- to turn into subatomic particles.

"Authorities have come into the possession of those materials,” Byrne reports.

Apparently, they were able to retrieve a handful of papers that had stuck to the side of a shredding bin. According to Byrne, these included some non-shredded ballots that “two federally certified forensic examiners” have determined do not match the official ballots.

Byrne tells us that another piece of paper also escaped the shredder: a receipt from the Chinese firm that apparently printed the ballots. The tip-off: this receipt was printed IN CHINESE.

(Note: the NOQ page crashed over and over as we were retrieving this information, suggesting that this story might be getting at least some of the attention it deserves.)

J. D. Rucker at NOQ says he hears that the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security have been told to “stand down” –- no word on who might have issued such an order –- while President Trump himself has had to contact agents and personally ask them to continue investigating.

As if this weren’t enough, let’s take a quick look at “Narrative #1,” which has to do with a story we revisited yesterday, about a trucker who drove a load of ballots from Bethpage, New York, to a drop-off in Pennsylvania, where the truck he'd been driving literally disappeared. (He testified to this in a sworn affidavit.)

To possibly explain this, Byrne claims he now has this narrative completely documented (“texts, statements, affidavits, everything”): A Michigan print shop prints ballots for Delaware and Lancaster Counties in Pennsylvania; so far, nothing wrong. But along with those ballots, it prints hundreds of thousands more that get diverted to Bethpage, New York. (Since these came from the same print shop as the others, they would pass forensic muster.) In Bethpage, people working in a “boiler room” fill in the “Biden” circle, often not filling in any other circles. These ballots get trucked into Pennsylvania and mailed. Again, Byrne claims he has the goods on every stage of this.

Byrne also notes that this same printing company, and others in its same “family” of print shops, printed for Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia.

Finally, analysts for the Data Integrity Group have reportedly revealed incontrovertible proof that over 400,000 Trump votes in Pennsylvania were “disappeared” during the counting. THE EPOCH TIMES originally reported this in a subscription-only piece, but the NOQ REPORT has summarized it.

Recall that Jovan Pulitzer said that during a vote tally, a candidate’s count should NOT “decrement” (go down). According to data analysts, “time-series” election data show Trump’s votes “decrementing in various counties at numerous time points instead of increasing as would be expected under normal circumstances.” At least 432,116 votes –- 213,707 election-day votes and 218,409 absentee votes –- were removed from Trump’s vote count as the count was going on.

We hope this information from Georgia and Pennsylvania will be presented to the House and Senate on Wednesday during the vote challenges. Democrats (and some Republicans) should be ashamed of themselves for allowing the electoral vote to go forward towards final certification without these issues resolved. If they succeed in that, the damage will be incalculable.


In response to Byrnes’ charges, an official with the Fulton County, Georgia, elections department told the fact-checking site that the extra ballots seen in the warehouse were not counterfeits but emergency extra ballots required by law in case they had to go all-paper ballot. More on that here.


As promised over the weekend, here is our full report on Patrick Byrne’s account of secret nighttime ballot-shredding in Georgia.

Byrne, founder and former CEO of, has been working on behalf of President Trump to expose massive, targeted fraud in the 2020 election, and he appears to have hit some serious paydirt last week. Acting on a tip, he sent an operative to get what he claims are pictures, video and samples of fake ballots being transported last Wednesday night under cover of darkness from the Fulton County Warehouse to a shredding facility. A screen grab of everything he tweeted on New Year’s Day, complete with pictures, is included in this piece from AMERICAN THINKER.

Note that every tweet in the thread is labeled in bright red by the helpful folks at Twitter: “This claim about election fraud is disputed.” Twitter automatically sticks this warning on anything having to do with election fraud, even –- perhaps especially –- on tweets from President Trump. Ludicrously, they do this even if the tweet itself includes evidence that clearly shows wrongdoing.

The timing of this alleged shredding party is quite interesting. Last Wednesday, the Georgia senate subcommittee on election fraud held a meeting to hear evidence, during which Jovan Pulitzer, the inventor and patent holder of the electronic barcode scanner, testified that he could look at ballots and tell right away exactly what had been done to commit election fraud. He wanted just TWO HOURS with the ballots from two different areas of Fulton County, he said, and that would tell the tale. As if that weren’t enough, he stunned his audience by dropping the bomb that as he spoke, his team had hacked into the Dominion voting system that was used November 3, the same one that is now being used to vote in the Georgia run-offs for U.S. Senate. He said they WERE IN. Dominion claims that the machines are not connected to the internet and that this cannot happen.

Pulitzer said all they had to do was hack into one of the electronic poll pads and use that as a way in. It’s apparently easy as pie if you know how to do it. They can siphon information out of the machines, change it, and put it back in, essentially without detection, he said. In the days since he made the claim, we the public have not yet seen his proof, but everyone’s been really quiet about it, including, as far as I know, Dominion. Byrne did say in his tweets that he’s got to run everything past lawyers before he can reveal it to the public. So we’re waiting.

But Pultizer said it was the ballots themselves that would tell the tale. He can spot any counterfeits and tell the type of paper used, he said, and even where it came from –- China, perhaps? Likewise with the ink. He can tell if a person filled out the ballot by hand or if a machine marked it. Numerous election workers have already testified they saw ballots that looked as if they’d been printed on different paper and marked by machine, with one perfect little oval in the space for Joe Biden and the rest left blank.

It’s possible that ballots used in heavily Democrat district were the real thing, designed to be counted by the machines, but that the ones used in Republican districts were fakes, misaligned to generate errors, which then have to be “adjudicated” by election workers who did that job far, far away from the prying eyes of Republican poll watchers.

Anyway, at the end of Wednesday’s meeting, the subcommittee voted unanimously to recommend that Pulitzer and his team be given access to the ballots. This recommendation still had to go before a judge, so a hearing was set for 11AM Monday in Superior Court. Unless Chief Justice John Roberts is moonlighting on that Georgia court, Pulitzer might very well be given access to the ballots for a couple of hours on Monday and at that point, either put suspicions to rest --- wouldn’t that be nice, Democrats? --- or confirm them.

But it was on Wednesday night, just a few hours after that unanimous vote, that the rented Enterprise trucks allegedly pulled up to the warehouse where the ballots were stored. Here’s AMERICAN THINKER’S earlier report, written before anyone knew about Byrne’s tip and the documentation his operative was able to get that night.

Ballots were loaded up and, according to Byrne, driven to a specialized document shredding company, where they were shredded not just into little strips but military-style, into tiny “spitballs” roughly the size of individual molecules. I would imagine processing that much paper in that way would be extremely expensive, but probably worth it if you're trying to keep people out of jail.

In the photos, Byrne’s got boxes and boxes of ballots with close-up pictures of their labels. He’s got stacks and stacks of ballots sitting in the Fulton County Warehouse, presumably awaiting pickup. He’s got close-ups on individual ballots, which I would think could be blown up large enough for Pulitzer to find any problems with the printing on them. But that might not even be necessary, because Byrne says he also got sample ballots.

Oh, and one slightly hilarious "coincidence": the labels on these boxes show they were addressed to the attention of Dwight Brower at the Fulton County Department of Voter Registration and Election. Mr. Brower is one of the people who reported the burst water pipe at State Farm Arena as a reason for stopping the counting on election night.

There was no burst water pipe. No service call was even made. The only problem involving water was a leaky toilet or urinal, apparently in a bathroom on the floor above. Oh, no --- man the lifeboats! Abandon ship! Except for a crew of four who are going to stay behind and drown--- I mean, continue counting ballots that appear magically from under a table.

AMERICAN THINKER did a great job of fact-checking the “fact”-checkers who tried to debunk the claims of improper counting at State Farm Arena.

As for Wednesday night’s shredding party, Byrne even has a map tracing the route of the trucks. Video apparently exists as well; Byrne tweeted that the file was too big to load. I like to think that when Georgia’s vote is challenged during Wednesday's joint session of Congress –- as we know now it definitely will be –- and the House and Senate retire to their separate chambers for two hours to talk amongst themselves, this video, along with a complete report from Pulitzer on any problems with ballots or voting machines –- will be part of the evidence presented. Cross your fingers.

Historic Week

January 4, 2021

I hope you had a safe New Year’s weekend and didn’t get burned setting off fireworks while stuck at home on your couch. But it’s time to leap back into the fast-moving news, since this promises to be a historic week.

Tuesday will be the Georgia runoffs, where the balance of power in the Senate, and therefore, in the entire federal government, will be determined. The very next day, President Trump will attend a massive rally in Washington, DC, to protest alleged vote fraud, while Congress is voting on whether to accept the results of the electoral college vote for Biden – and we already know that there will be challenges to that from both House and Senate Republicans.

Sen. Josh Hawley is no longer the only Republican Senator who plans to join about 140 House Republicans in challenging the certification of Biden’s electoral vote victory. The momentum seems to be shifting toward fighting to hear the evidence, after a conference call Saturday between Trump and Congressional Republicans.

Sen. Ted Cruz has joined about a dozen Senators in saying they will call for a challenge that sparks an automatic debate. Here’s more information about that

And video of Cruz on Maria Bartiromo’s show, explaining it in person…

Cruz made some good points, such as that the Supreme Court should have done its job and taken the cases presented to it, and that claims that there’s no evidence of voter fraud mostly come from people who haven’t seen all the evidence gathered or have refused to look at it. He also said that Congress faces two “lousy” options: accept a vote that tens of millions of Americans have no faith in, or reject it and be accused of setting aside an election because their candidate didn’t prevail. So he said the Republicans will push for a third option: perform a 10-day, bipartisan and transparent audit of the vote, which will expose corruption if there was any or reassure Americans that Biden’s win was legitimate if there wasn’t any.

(This is not unprecedented: there was similar concern about fraud in three states in 1877, and Congress appointed an electoral commission to look into it.)

Tune out the howling from the media and ponder that, and I think you’ll see it’s not only in the best interests of America, but if the media and the Democrats (pardon my redundancy) are so certain of their adamant denials that there was any vote fraud (well, not enough to sway the election, at least; just an “acceptable” amount of vote fraud), then here’s a great way to prove that, show up their critics and remove any lingering suspicions that will surely dog a Biden Administration for as long as it lasts. If only some prominent person had suggested this solution right after the election! Oh, wait, someone did: me.

I would remind Democrats who would oppose a 10-day audit that when they claimed the 2016 election was rigged by Russia and Trump was an illegitimate President, they got to spend two years and 30 million of our tax dollars letting Trump’s worst enemies investigate him and everyone connected to him with virtually no restraints, legal or otherwise. If they prefer, we could go that route. But when you look at it like that, doesn’t a simple, 10-day audit of the vote sound a lot better?

2020 All Over Again

January 4, 2021

I know I’m supposed to be OUTRAGED over this leaked telephone call between President Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. The left is railing over Trump pressuring Kemp to find enough votes to show that Trump actually won. listened to the entire call and had a very different take from what we heard from the media.

Personally, I’m more depressed than outraged. Here I was, like most of us, thrilled that 2020 was finally over. Yet January of 2021 kicked off with Democrats and the media accusing Trump of multiple felonies and demanding that he be arrested/impeached for making a phone call in which Trump told another head of state that he needed to get a handle on corruption under his watch that involved someone named Biden. All I could think was, “Oh no! 2021 is just going to be 2020 all over again!”

Former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grennell had some interesting comments on Sen. Ted Cruz’s call for an audit of the vote, noting that the Democrats had shifted from “there’s not any fraud” to “there’s not widespread fraud” to “there wasn’t enough fraud to overturn the election.”

Speaking of former Intelligence agency members, there’s a report that a loose network of about 400 former investigators and operatives from several federal intelligence agencies have taken it upon themselves to look into the 2020 election. Former CIA agent Robert Caron says the group has existed since 2014, but it’s quickly grown as former agents have volunteered to investigate the election because “the fraud was so massive and so blatant, despite what the mainstream media said, that we need to get this information out to the public.”

Teach Your Children Well

January 2, 2021

Can you guess who wrote this tweet? “Who are Mitch McConnell’s neighbors? I’m just saying Rand Paul’s neighbor did what a true Kentucky hero should do. It’s your turn to step up.”

That’s right: it was the 2019 “National Teacher of the Year.

To refresh your memory, Sen. Paul was physically assaulted by a neighbor while working in his yard. He suffered six broken ribs and had part of his lung removed. The neighbor was sentenced to a total of nine months in jail, a $10,000 fine, community service and $580,000 in punitive damages. You know, like a hero.

When his tweet sparked the predictable outraged response, the “teacher of the year” deleted it, said he was only joking and the complaints were just “conservative bots,” and claimed that “no one said a thing until I promoted black medical awareness.” Right, promoting black medical awareness is what upset people. They're obviously just racists.

I know I’m not “the National Teacher of the Year,” but maybe I can impart a valuable lesson to him about telling jokes in public. I’ve had my share of gags that bombed, but usually, it was because the pun was too much of a groaner or something like that. So I’d say the #1 lesson of comedy is to recognize the difference between an actual, funny joke and advocating the violent assault of a public official.

Hope that helps.

Our report on Jovan Pulitzer’s testimony about hacking into voting machines and being able to recognize ballot fraud brought in a ton of reader responses, most expressing some combination of outrage, frustration and dismay. Here are just a few that made specific points:

From Michael:

If there's nothing to hide, then why so much resistance? If I thought I won legitimately, I would be the first to say: check under the hood boys, kick the tires, take her for a test run, you'll find nothing wrong with her!

From Kelley:

Our family really enjoys your articles and TV programs! Thank you!

I hadn't heard of Jovan Pulitzer until in your article on 31 Dec. Why hasn't he been involved from the beginning, when the frauds of this election first were testified? Where has this guy been?!!

From Jan:

Good article. Thank you. And not at all surprising this could be done, if one stops to think about it and be honest with themselves. I truly don't know why so many choose to be deceived. After everything we have seen, it is willing blindness. I am sick of trying to convince people. It isn't simply the man the left loves to hate that is being deprived of due process. It is 75 million Americans. I am one, and I am taking it personally.

From Akujobi:

Quite revealing; I never had the election report in quite a simple and interesting way like this.

From Lincoln:

President Trump won and we need transparency. My brother fought 20 years for my freedom. My uncles gave their lives for my freedom. America deserves the Truth!!!

From Irene (who says 2020 wasn’t the first time):

Like it or not, believe it or not, there was fraud in the 2016 election. I have photos of my ballot, and after I hit straight Republican ticket and then reviewed, it came up with Hillary checked in the President space and Eugene De Pasqualle in auditor general and he was also a Democrat. My machine had to be reset 3 times before it showed straight Republican. I do have photos to prove what happened. I believe that was their first attempt.

From Kathy:

Pulitzer’s testimony was fascinating, and I applaud him for coming forward. Why didn’t they just give him the ballots then? They are hiding something, obviously. I would encourage all to watch the testimony in Georgia. All the witnesses are worth hearing.

From David:

I'm an IT professional. I fabricated bar code labels once for backup tape cartridges. I read all the specs on the bar coding, as well as the size of the barcode. I also noted that the paper was a factor, too. The issue is related to the reflection of the laser off the white paper. If the shade of paper is off, or it's got a shiny finish instead of a matte finish, that messes it up. Dominion would know this. To mess with ballots, producing out-of-spec paper ballots to send to Republican-dominated districts, is a sophisticated level of dirty trickery, indeed.

From Daniel:

...Blocking thorough investigation, whether or not elections were rigged, tell us the Republic is already lost in [a] media conglomerate-controlled state of disunion. I'm ready for a Constitutional Convention.

From David:

I am quite a bit on the mistrusting side of things these days as a result of all the shenanigans that have gone on. I am gonna bet that this guy will prove his point and it will be buried or claimed to be in error. That is, of course, if they actually let him look at a good cross section of ballots.

From Pamela:

This man’s credibility is astounding if you just look at his background! He’s able to detect a problem within seconds. I am a former Democrat; voter fraud without a doubt occurred!

From Nola:

I listened to the hearings last Wed. and if anyone can sit there and deny the FRAUD, they are ANTI-America! My concern is that they are getting rid of the fraudulent ballots or hand picking what they want examined!

From Paul:

They're not going to give you the ballots that they cheated with; they’ve been hiding the rigged ballots since November 3rd..

From Rhonda:

Only problem is that the very next night, they were caught moving pallets of ballots out and taken to a shredding company...someone caught them, so hopefully it's all documented and justice is served.

NOTE to Rhonda and others who wrote about the shredding of fake ballots: Yes, Patrick Byrne, the founder of, reports that thanks to a tip, he was able to document the transport and shredding of fraudulent ballots in Georgia. He even has a map showing where the trucks allegedly went. He says this was done the very night of Wednesday’s meeting of the Georgia senate subcommittee on election fraud, which had recommended unanimously that Jovan Pulitzer be given ballots to examine. Here is that story in a commentary at THE SPECTATOR.

Byrne says he got samples of the ballots before the shredding, which he describes as military-grade shredding that turns paper not into strips but into tiny “spitballs.” On New Year's Day, he tweeted pictures of piles of boxes that he says are fake ballots, the labels on the boxes, and tall stacks of the ballots themselves. (Of course, the helpful folks at Twitter took it upon themselves to add the disclaimer [in red], “This claim about election fraud is disputed.”)

We are checking this out thoroughly and will have a detailed report for you no later than Monday.

Joe Clark RIP

January 2, 2021

Retired high school principal Joe Clark died Tuesday at 82 at his home in Florida after a long battle with an unspecified illness.

During the ‘80s, Clark became nationally famous for his tough love approach to education. He turned around one of the worst schools in New Jersey, expelling 300 students in one day to get crime and drugs under control. He painted over graffiti, chained the doors shut against criminals and required students to know and sing the school song on demand. He was also famous for patrolling the halls with a bullhorn and a baseball bat. In a statement, his family said, “Steadfast in his approach, Clark explained that the bat was not a weapon but a symbol of choice: a student could either strike out or hit a home run."

Liberals assailed him for instilling discipline in public school, but President Reagan offered him a White House policy adviser position. The public gave its verdict when “Lean On Me,” a movie of his story starring Morgan Freeman as Clark, became a major hit and audiences gave it a rare Cinemascore rating of A+.

Here are some remembrances of Clark from Morgan Freeman, who called him a father figure to the kids and “the best of the best in terms of education.”