
A couple of days ago, I wrote –- this was fairly tongue-in-cheek –- about Joe Biden deserving prosecution under the Logan Act, as he is a private citizen speaking under no authorization with world leaders to affect foreign policy. It seemed particularly fitting; after all, Biden is reportedly the one who brought up the Logan Act in the Oval Office as a way to target Michael Flynn. (Ironically, unlike Biden today, Flynn was justified in talking with foreign leaders, as he was incoming national security adviser during an OFFICIAL TRANSITION.)

Since raising the issue of the Logan Act, I’ve seen that others are wondering about this, too

Biden is “playing President.” The media are playing along. He addresses them in front of an official-looking cardboard backdrop that says he’s the President-elect, and the media take him seriously because they choose to. JOE BIDEN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT-ELECT.

He might, God forbid, actually become President-elect if he survives the careful examination of the vote that absolutely must occur. But with the myriad allegations of massive, deliberate fraud that might be confirmed and reverse the count enormously in key states, he might not get through that process. Democrats were the ones who pressed for massive mail-in balloting, which --- intentionally, I believe --- weakened the process and left it vulnerable to outside manipulation (especially by the dead, ha). So they’re just going to have to wait while we make sense of the crazy result, which statisticians say is mathematically impossible.

The vote has NOT been certified. I’m reminded of Lucy informing Charlie Brown, “Peculiar thing about this document. It was never notarized.” For once, it’s time for the Republicans to pull away the football and let the Democrats land helplessly on their backs.

As reported in the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, Biden is already play-acting the role of President-elect, accepting “congratulatory” calls from world leaders from France, Germany, Ireland and the U.K. and discussing issues such as climate change and COVID-19.

In her report, Haley Victory Smith refers to him as the “apparent President-elect.” Apparent to WHOM? Haley Victory Smith?

Smith says that despite Trump’s refusal to concede, “many world leaders have recognized Biden as the victor.” Well, that’s probably because they listen to our media, and also because Biden's already assuming the mantle of power, quite inappropriately, speaking with them about foreign policy when he’s not supposed to be doing it.

I would add that one leader who HASN'T yet congratulated Biden is the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador; he says he himself has been “robbed” of office before by a corrupt process and will wait until our count is certified. Of course, AMLO is catching a lot of grief in the press for doing the right thing.

Reports say he "refuses," but that's too harsh; he's just prudently waiting until our legal issues are resolved, as our own media should.

Anyway, Biden’s team has been quite open about these talks, as they add to the perception that he really is Prez-in-waiting. They say Biden spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron about Iran’s nuclear program (!). He spoke to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson about Ukraine (!) and the Western Balkans.

"I’m letting them know that America is back,” Biden told reporters. “We’re going to be back in the game. It’s not America alone.”

Now wait just a doggone minute. I realize the media are playing along with this “game” –- an unwittingly apt choice of words from Biden –- but the “game” has gone too far.

During the presidential debate hosted by Chris Wallace on September 29, Biden was asked, as the final question, “Will you urge your supporters to stay calm while the vote is counted, and will you pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently certified?”

Biden did not waver: “YES. And here’s the deal: We count the ballots, as you pointed out. Some of these ballots in some states can’t even be opened until Election Day, and if there’s thousands and thousands of ballots, [it’s] gonna take time to do it.”

And so it will. But Biden has PLEDGED not to declare victory until the election results are certified. The results have not been certified, so...does this mean he hasn't declared victory? And if he hasn’t, what in blazes is he doing “playing President” and talking with foreign leaders about Iran and Ukraine? Trump's the President; Biden's a private citizen. Say, isn’t that a violation of the LOGAN ACT??

I would really like to have an answer to this. And I want it from his own lips, not in some CYA statement put out by his legal team.

Last Saturday night, Megyn Kelly said on NEWSMAX that the legal fight over the election is not over, even if the margins make it a longshot. (I would add that since Saturday, hard evidence has been produced that makes it seem like less of a longshot.) She said the Trump campaign deserves its days in court and the election deserves to have “its tires kicked,” particularly in Pennsylvania, where judges had no business jumping into what the legislature constitutionally determines.

Kelly called Trump’s fight “an uphill battle.” But almost a week later, we’ve got sworn evidence of large-scale lawbreaking, and we don’t yet know the extent of the targeted election fraud that appears to have taken place. Kelly accused Biden of being worse than disingenuous with his calls for unity and healing. She called him hypocritical for alienating everyone who voted for Trump at the same time he’s claiming he can unite all Americans.

"[Biden’s speech] was written by a man in his basement for the past year,” she said. (I would add that it’s unlikely Biden himself wrote the speech.) “Because the nation’s extremely divided right now...And you need to look no further than Joe Biden’s own party.”

"Biden’s been saying this all along,” she said. “He’s the unifier, he’s the one who’s going to bring us together. It sounds delightful...and I want that...But let’s get real. It’s not connected to reality on the ground in this country right now. And the only reason you’re hearing Biden and all these Democrats calling for it is because they won.”

Megyn, just one tiny point of clarification: it’s because they want you to THINK they won. Again, they haven’t.

But, but...THE NEW YORK TIMES splashed a big headline on Wednesday’s paper: ELECTION OFFICIALS NATIONWIDE FIND NO FRAUD. This is just more "gaslighting" to make us believe voter fraud is a bogus conspiracy theory --- you know, like the one they've helped perpetrate against Trump for going-on five years. Ignore them.

Joe, stop “playing President,” or you might have to be indicted for violating the Logan Act. Wouldn’t that be something if you had the distinction of being the first American to be successfully prosecuted under it? I just love the idea.

Yesterday, we brought you the story of how Biden’s team is already pressuring the General Services Administration to anoint him as the “President-elect” –- well, heck, the media have –- and to immediately start the “transition” process for a Biden administration.

We said wait just a doggone minute. Nothing about this is official yet. The head of the General Services Administration, in charge of setting up the “transition,” agreed that the Biden team’s push for this was premature. And, as of Monday, something else IS official: Attorney General Bill Barr has sent a memo authorizing the Department of Justice (including all U.S. attorneys and FBI Director Christopher Wray) to investigate voting irregularities in the 2020 election.

Barr apparently reads his mail. On Friday, 39 Republican members of the House had written Barr, appealing to him to allow DOJ resources to look into the allegations and make sure the election and vote counting process are fully consistent with state and federal law. People who’ve been asking, “Where is Bill Barr?” should be glad to know he’s on the job.

The letter to Barr, authored by Rep. Michael Cloud of Texas, said, “While each state runs its own election process, the United States Department of Justice is ultimately responsible for the integrity of federal elections. The American people must have the utmost confidence that the outcome of the presidential election is legitimate.”

Here’s the memo from Barr authorizing the investigation. It makes great reading.

Barr says that to wait until after the vote is certified would not be advised, as “Such a passive and delayed enforcement approach can result in situations in which election misconduct cannot realistically be rectified.” No kidding.

Barr is minimally concerned that these actions will impact the vote, in that voting has already taken place. “...I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions, as I have already done in specific instances.” Also, he warns: “While it is imperative that credible allegations be addressed in a timely and effective manner, it is equally imperative that Department personnel exercise appropriate caution and maintain the Department’s absolute commitment to fairness, neutrality and non-partisanship.” Barr stresses that he isn’t saying voting irregularities have impacted the outcome of any election, just that he’s giving the authority to address those allegations.

This phrase jumps out: " I have already done in specific instances." No elaboration. Apparently, some investigation of specific allegations has already been going on.

Barr didn’t predict where this would eventually lead: “ would likely be prudent [for U.S. attorneys] to commence any election-related matters as a preliminary inquiry, so as to assess whether available evidence warrants further investigative steps.”

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, in a piece she wrote for FOX News, lays out the various GOP lawsuits examining a variety of irregularities at the polls in Michigan, Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania, explaining how they likely could have impacted the vote in those states.

As reported in the EPOCH TIMES, a 78-page lawsuit has been filed by David A. Kallman, senior counsel with the Great Lakes Justice Center, in Detroit (Wayne County) alleging “clear fraud” and numerous issues of misconduct.

In Pennsylvania, House Speaker Bryan Cutler has called for a “full audit” of the presidential election returns before the vote is certified. He cites “very serious equal protection rights issues” due to votes from different counties being treated differently.

Also, 10 attorneys general have filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of Pennsylvania Republicans who are asking that the ruling extending the deadline for mail-in ballots be overturned. As we’ve discussed, it’s the state legislature’s job to set the deadline, not the governor and the state supreme court.

Here’s the brief.

We reported yesterday on another serious allegation, this one about voting machine software deliberately flipping votes. There’s much more to be examined before we can be confident we've counted every legal vote but not the illegal ones.

My point: this is far from over. Biden may be deluded into thinking he’s officially the President-elect –- and I can understand this if he’s watching almost any news outlet --- but HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT-ELECT. It’s almost as if he, like the rest of America, were being “gaslighted” about this. So, it occurs to me that another question, only slightly tongue-in-cheek, needs to be asked: Since Biden is essentially a private citizen right now, with the race up in the air, is he already talking with foreign leaders as if he were President?

When he was Vice President, attending a January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting with outgoing President Obama and a handful of top-level bureaucrats, he reportedly (according to Sally Yates) brought up the Logan Act, an obscure law that said it was a crime for a private citizen to conduct foreign policy. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t care about this centuries-old law that has never been used to successfully prosecute anyone, but since Biden himself apparently thought it was a good law to use to go after then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, it might be fun to look at applying it here.

Is Joe Biden already talking with foreign leaders and trying to set foreign policy as a private citizen of the United States? If so, he’s certainly as subject to the Logan Act as Mike Flynn was --- arguably more so, since Flynn actually was serving the duly-elected President during an official transition period.

(Related: Biden’s team is rumored to have been working behind the scenes with Trump’s Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, even though election results have not been certified, votes are still being counted and alleged irregularities are being investigated. You will note that President Trump has just terminated Esper. Trump's being savaged by the media –- so what else is new? –- for firing Esper during the “transition” --- which is NOT officially underway --- but the two reportedly had a strained relationship, and if the rumors are true about Esper coordinating with the Biden team, one has to wonder what else has gone on behind Trump's back.)

Now, here's where the Logan Act comes in: We know Biden plans to take a far different approach to foreign policy, particularly with Iran and China, than Trump did (unfortunately), so I wonder if he's already been in touch with, say, Tehran or Beijing, undermining Trump's policy. Biden is not a member of the current administration, nor is he even officially cleared to be in the “transition.” Since calls between Americans and foreign leaders are surely picked up by our surveillance, if Biden is "playing President" on any of those calls, I assume his name will be unmasked, he will be investigated and interrogated by the FBI –- with the goal of catching him in a perjury trap and ensnaring him in litigation for years –- and he will possibly be prosecuted under the Logan Act for trying to affect U.S. foreign policy as a private citizen.

It wasn’t too harsh a punishment for Mike Flynn.

And now, here's a similar take, just found at I swear we thought of this completely independently.

Where to start on the situation we as a nation are now facing? First, let’s get one thing clear: Does anyone think for ONE SECOND that –- given all the anomalies of this election and the strange turnaround that completely changed the outcome –- if the situation were reversed and Trump were ahead, the Biden campaign would say, “Yes! The people have spoken! Donald Trump has won re-election! We’re leaving now.”? Anyone?

Of course they wouldn’t. They’d recount close states and find every bit of evidence of voter fraud that might have influenced the outcome –- which this year, I must point out, is all coming from the Democrat side. They’d NEVER go quietly. (Recall Gore in 2000 –- that took well over a month.) So anyone –- including the media –- saying it’s over and Trump should concede need to put a cork in it until we determine the actual vote count.

The left NEVER accepted Trump as the duly-elected President, even though he was. They concocted a story about Russians and STILL push it, though exhaustive investigation found no evidence. They undermined him –- and demeaned us –- at every turn. They tried to remove him with a sham impeachment. Now, they expect us to slump away defeated after a few days while they coronate his opponent? NO.

Biden is already pretending to be the President-elect, giving speeches saying “the people have spoken.” Actually, the media have spoken, but they don’t decide this. They DON’T certify the vote. Still, they just can’t wait, so this is the kind of headline we’re seeing everywhere.

When Democrats say “the people have spoken,” that’s not what they mean. They refer to the ballot count, which may or may not reflect the people’s will. They want to freeze it before it can be shown that “the people” might want something very different from what THEY want to give them.

My staff and I have been looking through almost countless reports about this to see what is partisan spin (from both sides) and what might actually reflect reality. Here’s some good sense from AMERICAN THINKER.

The author, Jay Valentine, is clear that he supported Trump and has tried hard to contain his confirmation bias, but he has a degree in statistics and sees plenty of reason to examine the result. Not only is this NOT OVER, he says, but it’s “scary for Biden.” That’s why the Biden campaign and the media (but I repeat myself) are in such a hurry to declare him the winner and get everybody used to the idea.

Valentine first looks at Philadelphia and the order from Justice Alito to keep late ballots separate. Remove those, and Trump wins Pennsylvania. (Of course, there are scores of eyewitness accounts that suggest outright fraud in Philadelphia, also in Pittsburgh.) Valentine thinks Trump will win the state.

Here’s a story we found about Pennsylvania accepting mail-in ballots for this election at almost 30 times the rate predicted by historical rejection numbers. Hmm...

Valentine also finds numerous anomalies in Nevada and Wisconsin. For example, Wisconsin election clerks were told to fill in ballots themselves where critical information had been left off. This information is supposed to be resolved before Election Day. Such ballots don’t count, at least according to retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who said on local radio that the statute is “very, very clear. If an absentee ballot does not have a witness address on it, it’s not valid.” The Wisconsin GOP “estimates that thousands of witness addresses may have been changed.” Here are more details concerning Wisconsin.

Michigan is a mess, too, especially Detroit, where many accounts have emerged about GOP observers being ejected or otherwise barred from seeing the process. Here’s just one.

By the way, don’t look for such reporting through a Google search. They’ve “fact-checked” it and found it all to be “false.” Not so.

Problems have also arisen on a smaller scale; example, Michigan.

"Voter fraud is kind of like larceny,” Valentine says. “A little is okay. It is even kind of entertaining...” (like all those jokes we’ve told about dead “Democrats” voting) “...But voter fraud on this scale is just not sustainable. It does not pass the common sense test...The overwhelming number now goes beyond humor and rubs our faces in it.”

Trump has, as he puts it, “gone to the mattresses.” We’ll just see what the “will of the people” is.

Also, Mark Levin had a MUST-SEE program this Sunday on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN. Here’s a great clip of him with guest Ken Starr; if you missed it Sunday night, the show in its entirety should be online soon.

As they discussed, it was a deliberate choice to have legislators direct the process for choosing electors for their states, to keep it as close to the people as possible. This “got lost in the Pennsylvania shuffle,” Starr said, calling what the governor did through the state supreme court to change the rules “a constitutional travesty.” Justice Alito has stepped in to say, in effect, that “the legislature is the boss.” That’s why he’s having late ballots counted and kept separately, pending a decision by the full Court about the power of the state legislature.

"To ‘count every vote’ may be a crime” under state law, Starr said, perhaps even under federal law. You don’t count every ILLEGAL vote. “It’s shameful,” he said, “that Vice President Biden’s people and the Vice President himself are saying ‘Count every vote’ and selling a lot of t-shirts.”

Levin observed, “The Democrats...want to vote earlier and earlier and count later and later.” Yes, to create unreliability and chaos. (I would add that it keeps early voters from being able to change their minds.) Starr cited two cities, Detroit and Philadelphia, for having “a sordid history of voter fraud,” involving “criminal convictions” that in Pennsylvania involved the sitting state senate majority leader, who went to jail.

Imagine someone actually going to jail over this!

As Levin said, there have been over 300 lawsuits this year in key states, to “stack the deck” with the methodology by which votes are cast and counted, setting us up for the current mess. (I should mention that we previously reported Clinton attorney Marc Elias of the firm Perkins Coie being particularly active in this process.)

Levin also hosted constitutional scholar and election law expert Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former commissioner for the Federal Election Commission. He was also counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights in the DOJ, in charge of enforcing voting rights law. He spoke about those 300+ lawsuits, which had “a common theme.”

"They all tried to get the security protocols that are in place for absentee or mail-in ballots eliminated,” he said. Signature requirements, signature comparisons, limits on ‘vote harvesting,’ voter ID –- they wanted it all out the window. Is that to ensure we “count every vote,” or that we “count every ballot, real or not”?

Be sure and watch the entire interview, as well as Levin’s closing statement --- you’ll see why the media and the Biden campaign (same thing) do NOT get to call this election; why it might very well turn out differently; and why it’s so important, whatever the outcome, that this be done right.

If you saw Maria Bartiromo’s SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES yesterday, you know that legal powerhouse Sidney Powell --- known for her determination in defending Michael Flynn --- has taken a leading role in Trump’s election challenge in a number of states. Lawsuits are expected to be filed Monday, including at least one in Pennsylvania.

Powell claimed that “there has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from ‘we the people of the United States of America,’ to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump, [and] to manufacture votes for Joe Biden. They have done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in massive numbers, to absolutely, fraudulently creating ballots that exist, only voting for Biden.”

As the WASHINGTON EXAMINER reports, Powell said on the show that at least 450,000 ballots –- this includes 98,000 in Pennsylvania, 80-90,000 in Georgia, 42,000 in Arizona, 69-115,000 in Michigan and 62,000 in Wisconsin –- have already been identified in key states that “miraculously” have just a mark for Biden in the presidential race but no other mark down the ballot, not even for big races such as for U.S. Senate. (That in itself is not proof of ballot box-stuffing, but it’s very unusual and highly suggestive of it.) She said that if you look at the ballots in Florida, “where things were done right,” you can see how the rest of the balloting should have gone.

She also said an “algorithm” was used to calculate the number of votes they’d need to flip and they used computers to do this. She suspects the same method was used to cause Doug Collins and John James to lose their races. “There were many people affected by this. We have got to fight tooth-and-nail in federal court to oppose this abject fraud and the conspiracy behind it.”

But the news that made headlines was her claim that the software used in voting machines manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems, a company in which top Democrats hold significant interest, flipped votes from Republican to Democrat or added votes that didn’t really exist. She said the “glitches” that happened never should have. (Maria also mentioned the “stop-downs” as returns came in as something she’d never seen.) For more details, the WASHINGTON EXAMINER has a report.

If Powell does have evidence of this, she didn’t present it on the show. She did say that some Democrats should be angry about this, too, naming Bernie Sanders as someone who may have lost primary elections through this same tactic.

This is something that absolutely must be checked out. Dominion machines are in use in 28 states and Puerto Rico, including ALL the battleground states where Trump’s team is contesting the vote count.

In answer to Maria’s question about investigation by the Department of Justice, Powell said she didn’t know where they were on it, but that they need to be investigating. (I realize they don’t announce when they are investigating, but in this case they need to be on it, fast.) Powell also noted that they now have an affidavit from a postal worker who swears he was told to back-date ballots. She also said there are “at least three major federal issues” for the Supreme Court to resolve.

She says that when the real votes are counted, “Trump will win. He is the President, and he is in charge of this country.”

Important Reminder

November 9, 2020

Let’s not get caught up in the left’s false narratives that there’s “no evidence” of vote fraud (people have already been arrested for it) or that Biden’s popular vote lead is beyond the “margin of fraud.” That’s due to states like California that aren’t in dispute; we’re talking about very slim margins in a handful of battleground states.

This isn’t an either/or situation. It’s entirely possible that there was widespread vote fraud but not enough to determine the winner. If it is proven that Biden won legitimately, then I will accept him as President, just as I did Obama, despite our policy differences. I won’t do what the other side did and spend however long Biden is President screaming that he's “illegitimate” or “not MY President!” I will show the respect due the office that many Democrats never showed to Trump.

But I also want all allegations of voting irregularities investigated; any incidences of fraud prosecuted to the full extent of the law, whether they determined the election or not; and laws changed and tightened to prevent it ever happening again. Democrats dispense a lot of balloon juice about all Americans having their voices heard in elections. They even declared Stacy Abrams a hero and a party leader for challenging her loss in Georgia. They've whined for four years about the legitimacy of the 2016 election ("without evidence," to use their favorite phrase.) So since every fraudulent vote negates the legal vote of a citizen, I assume they’ll join me in my demand for transparency, law changes, and investigations of claims like this, from a Nevada whistleblower who put it in a sworn affidavit to the Department of Justice.

I also assume that someday, pigs will fly.

Anyone surprised by the Democrats' no-holds-barred attempt to steal the Presidential election in broad daylight did not read Michael Anton’s pre-election article “The Coming Coup?”

We commented on this at length when it first appeared in AMERICAN MIND. Anton, a lecturer at Hillsdale College, is back now to say the coup is going according to plan.

In the earlier returns, Trump was defying the polls and outperforming his 2016 results in Florida, Texas, Iowa, Ohio and South Carolina. He was doing great in other key states as well, on his way to taking it. But then, ballot-counting STOPPED in the battleground states and things started to change. Trump not only stopped climbing, he started to go in reverse.

We’ve talked about how this is done --- about why the count has to be halted before fake ballots are counted --- but Anton describes it in detail in his segment “How It’s Done.” He points out that this is what they did to defeat Scott Walker in Wisconsin in 2018, Tom Foley in Connecticut in 2010, and Norm Coleman in Minnesota in 2008, in his Senate race against Al Franken.

This method, on a smaller scale, has a storied history within the Democrat Party. It has even dramatically CHANGED the course of history, as in 1960 when Sen. John F. Kennedy suddenly “won” Illinois after a last-minute influx of ballots from Cook County. Democrats waited until the downstate precincts (Republican) came in, and then they knew how many ballots from upstate precincts (Democrat) they'd need to win. They made up the difference so Kennedy would win by 8,000 votes, giving him Illinois’ 27 electoral votes.

How do we know this really happened? Kennedy later told a friend, journalist Ben Bradlee, that Mayor Daley had called him when the election was in doubt, saying, “With a little bit of luck and the help of a few close friends, you’re going to carry Illinois.” Sure enough...

And it sure seems to be happening again, because the results don’t make sense. As Anton says, “It’s hard to believe that an eight-point win in Ohio would be coupled with losses throughout the rest of the upper Midwest, or that historically deep-purple Florida would go strongly for Trump while Georgia and North Carolina would not.”

The problem we have now is that those in charge of running their state elections are also in charge of investigating them. Check out the viciously anti-Trump tweets from the person who oversees Pennsylvania elections.

And if Biden ends up controlling the DOJ, these abuses will never be touched at the federal level. The media are already saying that this is just Trump refusing to accept the election results. (I’ll pause while you fall to the floor, laughing helplessly.) Twitter is already “warning” against those who call this what it is or dare to question the result, while those who dismiss it as “conspiracy theory” will tweet to their hearts' content. And Hillary STILL maintains the lie that she "was the candidate that they basically stole an election from."

The challenges posed by the current scenario are immense. As for what needs to happen and what Trump should do, Anton offers these suggestions from REVOLVER NEWS.

1. Challenge every single ballot, if necessary. (I would add that a Georgia judge has already dismissed one of Giuliani’s lawsuits, so if it's time to go to the Supreme Court, so be it.)

2. Hold rallies in contested states. Every day! Express yourself, make a lot of noise, but be peaceful.

3. Urge GOP officials in close states to expose what’s going on, and in the event of a fake count, refuse to seat Biden electors. REVOLVER: “If there is clear evidence of electoral fraud in any of these states, then Republicans in the legislature have a moral duty to try to seat the correct slate of electors. There is clear precedent for this.” (It’s from 2000, Bush v. Gore.)

4. Mount an awareness campaign about the election being stolen and the need to ACT NOW. Anton would like to see the President on Tucker Carlson’s show explaining –- in a dignified way befitting his office –- what is happening. (He did do a press conference Thursday evening.) He and his best spokespeople need to be everywhere. Go around Big Tech, who will try to block you at every turn.

Here are more good suggestions from Andrew Busch, also in AMERICAN MIND.

I'd be remiss if I didn’t include their editors’ statement about the current situation, which they also foresaw.

The left, with all their blah-blah about “our democracy,” don’t care one bit about democracy, except as a means to an end (which, paradoxically, requires the end of democracy). As I’ve said, who needs Russia to interfere with our elections when we have these people to do it? If they're successful in getting Biden into the White House after so much blatant cheating, they will have succeeded in destroying our system, because we’ll no longer have any faith in it at all. America has no democratic foundation left if elections are going to be won this way.

The most frustrating thing right now is hearing election officials (and other partisans) say they don't see "any evidence" of election fraud. In a faraway place and time, they'd be the ones going on about how beautiful the emperor's new clothes are.

Finally, I’ll leave you with some stirring words from Newt Gingrich, as spoken to Sean Hannity on Thursday night (and please share this):

“I’ve been active in this since 1958; that’s 62 years. I’m the angriest I have been in that entire six decades. You have a group of corrupt people who have absolute contempt for the American people, who believe that we’re so spineless, so cowardly, so unwilling to stand up for ourselves that they can steal the presidency, and we’ll wring our hands, bring in a few lawyers, and do nothing.

"My hope is that President Trump will lead the millions of Americans who understand exactly what’s going on: [that] the Philadelphia machine is corrupt, that the Atlanta machine is corrupt, the machine in Detroit is corrupt, and they’re trying to steal the presidency, and we should not allow them to do that.

"First of all, we should lock up the people who are breaking the law. You stop someone from being an observer –- you just broke federal law. You hide and put up paper so nobody can see what you’re doing –- you just broke federal law. You bring in ballots that aren’t real –- you just broke federal law.

"I am sick and tired of corrupt left-wing Democrats who believe that we are too timid and too easy to imtimidate, and therefore they’ll just go out and steal it...You are watching an effort to steal the presidency of the United States, and this is not about Donald Trump. This is about the American people, [who] have the right, in an honest election, with honest, legitimate ballots, to pick their leader. Or are we now just sheep, to be dominated by the high-tech businesses, the news media, and the various political machines?...This is a crisis in the American system, comparable to Washington on Christmas Eve or...Lincoln at Gettysburg. This is a genuine, deep crisis of our survival.”

Gingrich said that in any precinct in which Republicans were not able to observe, the votes should be taken back –- “strip those votes out, do not count them, because they’re by definition corrupt.”



Late Thursday, the Nevada GOP sent a criminal referral to Attorney General Bill Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud, and they expect that number to "grow substantially." Thousands of people appear to have violated the law by casting their ballots after they no longer lived in Nevada. I call this criminal referral "a good start."

In Philadelphia, the Trump campaign obtained a court order to allow people, as the law allows, to watch the counting process. But they continue to DEFY THAT ORDER. A Philly prosecutor has reportedly threatened the President with jail if he shows up there. Another Pennsylvania prosecutor threatened to arrest the person who was hired to put video cameras above the ballot drop boxes, even though these are required by law.

As former Kansas Attorney General Phillip Kline told Laura Ingraham on Thursday, "We deserve transparent elections. You have admitted violations of the law involving tens of thousands of ballots by election officials. We CAN'T let an election stand where we have obvious and admitted violations of the law."

At this writing, we’re no closer to an outcome on the election count than we were late last night. I think President Trump will prevail, as some of the Biden-Harris vote in states like Pennsylvania is obviously fraudulent and, hopefully, will be revealed as such. But it has been clear to me for a long time that if Trump doesn’t win re-election, it’s mainly because of the relentless negative treatment he’s received in the media.

Never mind the brilliant economic turnaround (before a highly contagious virus spread from China) that benefited all demographic groups and the stunning foreign policy successes. Never mind his handling of the logistical nightmare of providing ventilators and other supplies around the country, and the amazing fast-tracking of a vaccine. Never mind that he was honest with us and did everything he could to keep his promises. Never mind that he was transparent with a rabidly hostile press corps, making himself available to them frequently on the White House lawn and answering question after question, knowing they would always find ways to twist what he said or attribute the “wrong” motives to him.

No, all those remarkable things didn’t matter, because Donald Trump was a Russian agent, a traitor to his country who collaborated with Vladimir Putin to get himself into the White House. He was a white supremacist, a misogynist, an all-around monster who put children in cages and drummed up stories about the pure and innocent Bidens for political purposes and tried to get his family investigated without any evidence at all! His tie was too long, his face too tan, and he ate too many scoops of ice cream. We knew that whatever he did in any given situation --- one thing or its exact opposite --- he would be trashed.

This is the totally made-up Donald Trump that the media presented to America over four-plus years. They never let up. They even hired disgraced members of the intelligence community to go on the air and lie about him some more.

Even now, social media is working to “cancel” him. In breaking news this afternoon (after all votes have presumably been cast), Twitter is still censoring Donald Trump’s tweets.

In a strange twist of logic, legal expert Jonathan Turley, a Democrat who is not a fan of Trump, is acknowledging the media’s constant negative attacks on Trump but using it to argue the opposite of what I just laid out above: namely, that their constant barrage of attacks actually HELPED Trump. Say, what?

On Wednesday morning, he said on “FOX and Friends” that the unrelenting negative coverage actually did Trump some good because “a lot of voters were turned off by it.” He said that if Trump wins, this will be why.

Anti-Trumpers will be quick to cast blame in creative ways if Trump wins. Ex-ESPN host Jemele Hill, sensing the possibility of a Trump victory, has already blamed white people.

Unlike Hill, who is just a racist idiot saying stupid things, Turley is a noted legal scholar who often makes great points. But I’m not buying this one. The voters who were seriously turned off by negativity in the media were the Trump supporters, who avoided it the way Biden tries to avoid the virus. But a lot of the negativity was subtle –- a derogatory line inserted here or there in a column about entertainment, fashion, or human interest. It was like a spice, flavoring the commentary on just about everything. People in the middle, the ones who didn’t live on a steady diet of CNN and MSNBC, might not have seen much of the really hateful stuff but were constantly exposed to subtle digs at Trump. Dig, dig, dig. This was inescapable. It would be hard not conclude that he must be a bad guy.

The anti-Trump media also helped Biden immensely by minimizing or downright ignoring stories about alleged corruption, and also the ones about violence in “blue” cities and the failure of law enforcement there. Antifa arsonists are still being released without bail –- think CNN will dwell on this?

Suspects released without bail after Antifa-supporters nearly burn down occupied apartment complex

As for the most hateful and disgusting (and phony) anti-Trump coverage, Democrats and never-Trumpers ate it up with a spoon. It energized them. I believe this atmosphere of intense hate is what drove many of them to go to the polls and stand in long lines. (It also might have driven them to manufacture thousands of fake mail-in ballots, or lose real ones, in key districts.) These people weren’t voting for feeble old Joe Biden –- they were voting AGAINST TRUMP. So, no, I don’t agree with Turley’s assessment at all.

If Trump wins, it will be no thanks to the media but because he and his team were able to overcome the chaos and ballot fraud encouraged and facilitated by massive nationwide mail-in balloting. The way the vote count has been evolving in key states run by Democrats convinces me that Trump must have won the real total.

No matter what the polls were telling us, we knew all along there'd be no Biden landslide –- far from it. The pollsters failed spectacularly to predict the voting behavior of our broken country, as we showed ourselves to be unresolvably split along ideological lines. And now that it’s obvious what's really happening --- all in line with the Democrats’ stated plan of “never” conceding and “counting every ballot” (whether or not it corresponds to an actual voter) --- Trump’s lawyers are fighting for the REAL votes to count, as opposed to the...well, the other ones.

I reported Wednesday that the Trump campaign is filing suit in Michigan to make them stop counting ballots until Republicans are allowed to see the process, which has been hidden from them.

According to the DAILY CALLER, Trump’s attorneys have also filed suit in Georgia, where the outcome remains up in the air and the support, as measured by the ballots, is virtually split down the middle.

Nevada is also still pending; as of Wednesday evening, there was only a difference of about 8,000 between Biden and Trump. The counting continues, and at noon Eastern Time Thursday, another “batch” of who-knows-how-many ballots is supposed to have been counted. It’s impossible to imagine that Nevadans WANT to elect a candidate who is more than ready to shut down their state, considering its huge dependence on tourism and entertainment. The first shutdown wrecked them, and President Trump understands what another one would mean.

Tucker Carlson spoke with Adam Laxalt, former attorney general of Nevada and state co-chair of the Trump campaign. As of late Wednesday, the ballot count showed Trump and Biden essentially tied in Nevada with 49 percent each. Laxalt said, “There is no question that Donald Trump would’ve won Nevada last night [Tuesday] convincingly if we did not move to mail-in ballots.”

He said Democrats in Nevada have “stacked the deck” (haha) against Trump. They changed the rules within 90 days of the count, and GOP poll watchers aren’t allowed to watch the all-important process of signature matching or flag any of the nearly 400,000 mail-in ballots being counted. When Republicans challenged this, saying they had a right to see the process, a judge sided with the Democrats.

So the GOP would just have to “trust” but not “verify,” he said. Never mind that an unknown number of these ballots would, of course, be from dead people, long-gone former residents, etc. “It’s just astounding,” he said, “that when you watch the news commentary...they keep acting like these systems are foolproof and there’s no way that any improper voter could get through, and it’s just simply not true.”

Moving on to Michigan, last night NEWSMAX called Michigan for Biden, with 50 percent to Trump’s 48 percent. But they reported the story we had earlier Wednesday, about the Trump campaign filing suit to be able to see the same process Mr. Laxalt of Nevada was talking about. According to Matt Sealy, a spokesman for the Michigan Conservative Coalition who himself was supposed to be able to watch the counting, “Right now, we’re watching a bizarre scene unfold down in Wayne County...where all the votes are being counted that were absentee and mail-in. They’re supposed to be able to have challengers wherever the counting takes place, and an observer, and on Wednesday, “basically, we were never able to have a full group of Republicans in the room. They locked the doors, they chained the doors...police presence was high, and every time we tried to challenge a ballot...we were told we were ‘obstructing the count’ and to ‘get out of the way.’”

"They are just doing everything they can to finish the count so that they can seal those boxes, and then we would have to go into recount mode.” At that point, he said, “you can never prove fraud.” A recount is just that, a COUNT, not any kind of verification.

NEWSMAX even had video of a Detroit counting location putting cardboard in the windows to keep onlookers from seeing inside. The Republicans locked out chanted “Stop the vote!”

"There’s a lot going on that we need explanations for,” Sealy said. Of course, as we reported yesterday, Rudy Giuliani was on his way to Michigan to assess the situation there, and he has filed a lawsuit to stop the counting. According to Sealy, though, as of Wednesday night the counting in Michigan was continuing, with Republicans still stuck outside.

Question: Say, why would they lock Republicans out and block the windows if they weren't trying to manipulate the mail-in ballot count? What other possible reason could they have?

And in a breaking story out of Michigan, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas was contacted by a whistleblower in the Barlow branch of the Traverse City Post Office who claims that his boss told postal workers on the day after the election to collect any ballots they found in outgoing mail, collection boxes or wherever, separate them, stamp them with the previous day’s postmark and put them through (that’s allowing voting after the election is over.) O’Keefe says he’s been contacted by a special agent of the USPS Inspector General about a possible investigation. It had better be more than “possible.”

As for Pennsylvania, Jeffrey Lord on NEWSMAX cited past stories from “distinguished news outlets in Philadelphia” such as the local ABC affiliate about people “voting in the grave,” with the names of people “who had been dead for 10 and 15 years but had managed mysteriously to vote in the last 5 elections,” and also a security lapse at a building that stored voting machines, with some equipment disappearing. Last but not least, a Philadelphia election judge was indicted for trying to steal elections using voting machines. We’ve heard (and told) all the jokes for years about dead Democrats voting and stealing elections, but this corruption has finally gone SO FAR that it’s no joke now.

On Wednesday, an additional 23,277 ballots were “found” in Philadelphia, all for –- you guessed it –- Joe Biden! Every last one. They weren’t even bothering to make it look good.

Giuliani says these ballots “could be from Mars.” (Insert your own Uranus joke here.) Watch him here at Wednesday’s press conference in Philly.

I’ll hold Arizona for now, as that situation is still developing --- just don’t believe what you hear and remember that it’s still very much in play. Only 93 percent of precincts had reported as of Wednesday evening, with a gap of less than 100,000 between the two candidates. Many Arizonans believe there’s been fraud there, too, and that will certainly be an issue.

As for Wisconsin, Wednesday evening Biden was ahead 50 percent to Trump’s 49, a difference of about 20,000 ballots, with about 99 percent of precincts reporting. Giuliani is calling for a recount, and also, according to NEWSMAX, filing “a slew of lawsuits” in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Kim Strassel of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL did the math for Wisconsin’s ballot count and found that it just doesn’t work with the number of registered voters. THE RIGHT SCOOP has passed along her explanation, which boils down to this: Wisconsin claims an 89 percent turnout. To get to that, Wisconsin would’ve had to have 900,000 same-day registrations! Yes, same-day registration is legal in Wisconsin, but what is the likelihood of that many? “I think it’s absolutely reasonable to ask what the heck’s going on with this,” she says.

We are NOT going to let this election be stolen. We’re doing this by the rules. This is not over by a long shot. We cannot allow the Democrats to use the kind of shady tactics they employ in local races, as revealed recently to the NEW YORK POST by a New Jersey fixer, to steal the White House:

If Americans can't trust their presidential elections to be fair and legal, then we will no longer have the United States of America. We'll be living in the world's largest Third World nation.

Some random observations on our nail-biting Election Day:

It’s important to stay positive, stay calm and keep praying for America. Despite all the pollsters’ smug predictions, and the relentless assaults by the media and social media, Trump still has a good chance to win (his unofficial electoral vote tally at this writing is 277), the Senate appears to have stayed in GOP hands, and the Democrats lost some House seats. Even if (Heaven forbid) Biden ekes out a win, Mitch McConnell can put the brakes on some of the more radical Democrat schemes, like packing the Supreme Court, doubling taxes and gutting the First and Second Amendments.

And without a packed SCOTUS, we as citizens can go to the courts to fight against overreaching government, before some of the many Trump-appointed judges who put the Constitution above their personal feelings, and all the way to the conservative majority Supreme Court. There might be no more desperately-needed progress, but at least we’d have some avenues to push back against encroaching socialism.

The predicted “blue wave” didn’t appear, even though there was record turnout. If anything, it showed how deeply divided America is, with an almost evenly-split popular vote and blue states voting overwhelmingly Democrat and red states overwhelmingly Republican. Oregon is so deep blue, voters reelected a Governor who shut down their economy and protected rioters and looters who are preying on them. It also became the first state to decriminalize possession of all drugs for personal use, including heroin, cocaine and meth. Just what they need, right? Looking at Portland, I assumed mind-altering drugs were already legal. Of course, those drugs are still illegal under federal law. We’ll see if the DEA turns a blind eye to open heroin, coke and meth use, the way they did when states legalized pot.

I’m very hopeful that John James can regain his lead to take Gary Peters’ seat in Michigan. And in a major win for pro-lifers in Alabama, Tommy Tuberville unseated pro-abortion Sen. Doug Jones.

Sadly, the Democrats held the House majority, so Nancy Pelosi will continue to provide rabid partisan obstructionism. But at the moment, it appears that Republicans have added at least six seats. A number of those winners are Republican women. Two of the sweeter victories were Nicole Malliotakis beating incumbent Rep. Max Rose in New York by nearly 58-42%, and Maria Elvira Salazar defeating Rep. Donna Shalala in Florida. In North Carolina, 25-year-old Republican Madison Cawthorn won and will take Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s title as youngest Congress member. Unfortunately, AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were reelected, as expected, considering their districts. Voting for Omar may be the only good-paying job available in her district.

I’m very disappointed that Kim Klacik lost her longshot bid for the House in Baltimore to Democratic machine incumbent Kweisi Mfume. Still, she’s a great new voice in the party, and I’m sure she’ll have a bright future. I’m even more sorry for the voters who chose Mfume over her and are now going to get more of what they’ve gotten for decades.

I get that a lot of people only voted for Biden because they just have a visceral hatred for Trump, having absorbed four years of relentlessly negative press and fake news. But I scratch my head over how people can be sitting in a filthy, crime-infested, riot-torn blue city or state, surrounded by homelessness, drug needles and human feces, their kids condemned to terrible public schools, barred from going to work even if they had a job, with no electricity and the only light provided by the uncontrolled wildfires outside, and vote for more of the same, year after year. Then they donate to Democrats in other states to try to make them the same way. That’s beyond Trump Derangement Syndrome; it’s Stockholm Syndrome. How can people cling to a habit that’s so clearly destroying their lives? We need to offer them a 12-step program, like Democrat Voters Anonymous.

Good news from Louisiana: voters overwhelmingly approved a state constitutional amendment declaring that “to protect human life, a right to abortion and the funding of abortion shall not be found in the Louisiana Constitution.”

Why should any state suddenly stop counting votes just because it’s late? Do you know why you’re able to read this right now? Because I worked late and woke up early while my staffers worked all night. Were there no poll workers in these states who were willing to work the night shift?

While it’s going to be hard to declare a winner, I think we can all agree on the biggest loser: the pollsters. Trump was down in the polls in every state he’s currently leading in. He won states that pollsters said Biden would win by double digits. The pollsters were changing their predictions even after the polls started closing. So what good were their predictions before that point? They’re as worthless as a milk bucket under a bull. Looking back, all the deadly serious media jabber about the polls seems like a complete waste. You could have better spent your time watching “Mr. Ed” reruns on MeTV. At least the horse knew what he was talking about.

Second biggest loser: the media. Over the past four years, they flushed away the last shards of their credibility and now stand revealed to the world as nothing but DNC sock puppets.

Social media, too, have proven that they are too big and too biased and are now a clear and present danger to America and a threat to free speech and the free flow of information. If the House refuses to do anything to stop them, then we can stop them through lawsuits and denying them our patronage. On that subject, may I recommend DuckDuckGo, the search engine that doesn’t track you, and, the free speech version of Twitter.

Keep positive, keep praying, and stay tuned!

Many of us have already voted. My wife and I stood for over an hour in the rain to vote a week ago. That way if a truck ran over me before election day, I could join the other dead people who would be voting that day. I actually spoke to the President last Sunday and told him there was nothing he could say or do now that would cost him my vote.

How you vote is entirely YOUR business, but the impact of your vote will affect MY business and MY life and more importantly, the lives of my grandchildren. But it’s not just the election of the President that matters. Your local school board, your state legislature, your Governor, and your Congressmen and Senator are likely on the line as well. That will impact what textbooks your children will study and whether they are taught that America is an awful, racist country that breeds poverty, or whether it’s the greatest experiment in freedom and the free market in history and that it’s provided an imperfect, but steady climb for women, people of color, and people with disabilities to the highest attainment of any country in history.

If you haven’t voted yet, what will make you vote a certain way? Is it the personality of the candidates? What the media says? Or do you actually try to find out what candidates have done? Not said, but done. If you vote only for the nice smile or nice speech, but you might be voting for a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I’d rather have a sheep in wolf’s clothing!

Please don’t think your vote is worthless or doesn’t matter. It does. And if you don’t vote, you lose your right to complain about how things go in the coming years.

Who controls the Senate matters a lot. If you want to restructure the Supreme Court so more liberal justices can make up law, then vote for Democrats. But remember that liberals on the courts took prayer and Bible reading out of schools, made abortion so easy that it protects the abortion doctor, but not the innocent baby. They said states had to accept same-sex marriage, even when the citizens of states said they wanted to protect Biblical marriage. If your elected representatives want to do these things, that’s one thing, but the judicial branch shouldn’t be making law by legislating in black robes.

So if you haven’t yet voted, please do, but follow this advice:

You should genuinely PRAY about your vote. Then THINK about it by doing your homework. And then go and VOTE. And as part of doing your homework, I hope you will use Huck PAC's Election Day Pro-Life Voter Guide here:


Huck PAC has endorsed an incredible 460+ pro-life candidates and donated $2.61 MILLION to candidates in 43 states.  That includes states you would expect like Florida, Georgia and Texas.  It also includes states you probably wouldn't expect, such as New Mexico, California, Connecticut, Maryland and New York.  We accomplished all of this with the help of over 90,000 donors who contributed what they could, when they could to a cause greater than each of us:  preserving the America we love. 

But regardless how the election turns out, God is bigger than any election, any person, any party, any policy, or even the press. Even if Christians get clobbered by politicians and we suffer for our stands, we should remember that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind.” And “greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world.” But let’s still PRAY, THINK, and VOTE!


Mike Huckabee

P.S. Please forward these email to everyone you know, and then encourage them to PRAY, THINK, and VOTE!

Paid for by Huck PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Huck PAC, Inc.
P.O. Box 2008
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203


Paid for by Huck PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Huck PAC, Inc.
P.O. Box 2008
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

A Well-Deserved Grilling

October 31, 2020

Wednesday, the Senate grilled the CEOs of Facebook, Twitter and Google about their deplatforming, banning and blocking of conservative voices and any news that might harm Joe Biden’s political fortunes (at least the Senate Republicans grilled them. The Democrats seemed fine with it, having adopted the belief that the fascistic crushing of free speech by big tech is just dandy as long the monster eats them last.)

We’ve seen this show before: the denials, the weasel words, and the feeble excuses, parsing of language and faux protestations of wide-eyed innocence (Mark Zuckerberg claimed to be unaware that Facebook’s “election integrity” official is a former Biden policy adviser), all to make us believe that these Silicon Valley billionaires are stunned at the very suggestion that their companies might harbor bias that affects their content.

Naturally, the leftist media tried to spin the hearings against the pro-free speech Republicans, with claiming that they were just trying to “influence them against cracking down on misinformation from Trump and other conservatives.” First of all, if they are a neutral platform, as required by law if they don’t want to lose their protection from lawsuits, then they have no business deciding that any particular viewpoint represents “misinformation.” If they were honest and even-handed and only banned real misinformation, CNN would be missing from Google searches instead of many conservative media sites.

Second, how many undercover videos have we now seen, and how many whistleblowers have come forth, that all reveal how far left these companies’ corporate cultures are, and how among themselves, they proudly boast of silencing conservatives while turning a blind eye to far worse infractions by the left? How many conservative posts have they banned for “inciting violence” that plainly weren’t, while allowing open threats by liberals against the President or his supporters to stand untouched? In short, who are you gonna believe, these microchip Mussolinis or your lying eyes?

In one case, it became patently obvious how phony their excuses were. When pressed about Twitter’s censorship of the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey claimed they were no longer being censored, and that “anyone can tweet these articles.” Sen. Ted Cruz responded, “What he told the Senate, under oath, is false. I just tried to tweet the [New York Post] story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption. Still blocked. 18 USC 1621 makes it a felony to lie under oath to the Senate.”

In addition to the outright lies and phony excuses, we also got an encore of their previous Congressional appearances that featured disingenuous pleas for us all to work together and find solutions for the problems they’re personally causing. Dorsey later tweeted, “Some of you don’t trust we’re acting in good faith. That’s the problem I want to focus on solving. How do services like Twitter earn your trust? How do we ensure more choice in the market if we don’t?”

GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy replied, “Here's a first step that Twitter can take to change that: STOP TARGETING CONSERVATIVES.” Others noted that if you claim to be baffled why people don’t think you’re acting in good faith when you ban the President’s tweets as hate speech and propaganda but allow Iran to tweet “Death to America,” then your claims of acting in good faith are not being spoken in good faith.

Stephen Kruiser has more about this at PJ Media, along with a prediction that nothing will change because they’re hoping to run out the clock, help Biden get elected and the Democrats take over the Senate, and then the “the very behavior that prompted yesterday’s hearing will be rewarded by the Dems.” So if you needed a 10,312th reason to get up and go vote Republican, there you go.

Never-Trumper News

October 31, 2020

This week, I reported on the latest undercover expose by Project Veritas of a political operative in San Antonio who boasted of harvesting thousands of ballots from seniors and recently-released criminals, often in exchange for gifts or free beer. She’s now claiming that she knew the undercover reporter was with Project Veritas and only said all those false and self-incriminating things as part of her own undercover counter-investigation. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

We’ll see if the Texas Attorney General, who’s already launched an investigation, finds that excuse believable. In the meantime, to clear up a question from the original report: yes, she is usually a Republican political operative, but this alleged operation was to harvest votes for Biden and other Democrats, reportedly sponsored by both Democrats and local never-Trump Republicans.

In other never-Trumper news, the bitter pills at the Lincoln Project aren’t too good at thinking things through (obviously), so it’s no surprise that their latest ad that tries to paint Trump as a dangerous dictator who will seize power in the future for a third term inadvertently implies that they expect he’ll win a second term.

The despoilers of Lincoln’s name are reportedly trying to parlay their TDS into a media company that will make them even more money than they’ve already bilked out of rich liberals. But with some liberal outlets are now branding them as “grifters” and with that ad representing the quality of their media content, it doesn’t sound like a venture I’d want to invest in.

In these days when one major party Presidential candidate only occasionally emerges from his basement to warn of a “dark winter” coming (and it will be, if he’s elected), we could really use a little optimistic light. So a salute to Al Perrotta of The Stream for writing this MUST-READ article.

He “senses” that in the past week or so, the mood in America has noticeably changed. The American people who know what a great and generous nation this is have had enough of being locked down, bullied and told that we’re sinful and racist and have to be “fundamentally transformed.” He senses an impending landslide for the candidate of growth, freedom, patriotism and optimism; an end to the politically-motivated virus lockdowns and cruel partisan delays in providing help to those who need it; the return of American pride and a truly happy Christmas, not because of what we plan to buy for our families but because we can finally be with them. And he reminds us that no matter what happens, God is in control.

Read it all. And to any cynical liberals who scoff that he's dreaming, I’ll quote your hero John Lennon: You may say he’s a dreamer, but he’s not the only one.

While I share his optimism about the election trends, I will also be realistic and remind you that such a dream doesn’t happen without everyone pitching in to make it happen. That means voting as if America’s future depended on it, because it does. You might want to take advantage of early voting (in person!) just to make sure you’re not stuck in a long line on Election Day when the polls close (I wouldn’t count on an activist judge ordering them to stay open late so Republicans can vote.)

As they say at Instapundit, “Don’t get cocky,” but there are growing signs of optimism despite the media trumpeting their fantasy polls that suggest voters are in the grip of Bidenmania. It’s not just the massive size of Trump’s rallies compared to the sparse handful who show up to sit inside a hula-hoop at Biden “rallies.” There’s also the fact that Trump, having conquered the dread COVID in a weekend, is already back giving hour-plus speeches in three different states per day and continuing to do his job while Biden barely shows up on TV screens, always double-masked and looking terrified of catching the virus that Trump ate up and spit out. Americans like strong, vital, energetic leaders, and Biden, with his gaunt, fragile look and cloth-wrapped face, looks as if he should be starring in a “Mummy” movie.

There’s also the little-remarked-upon makeup of Trump's rally crowds.

They are composed of a surprising number of Democrats, Independents and people who’ve never voted before (who aren’t included in polls of “likely voters.”) At his rallies in Michigan and Wisconsin this week, over 50% of the attendees were not Republicans. That could mean that for all the media hype about how many Democrats are voting early, a lot of them might not even be voting for Biden.

Finally, I’ll point out that at Trump’s rally in Michigan yesterday, thousands of people lined up for hours in advance in very cold, rainy weather, just to see and hear Trump. What other political figure could possibly draw a crowd like that? (No, don’t say me: I’m much too modest to believe that!)

Years ago, the conservative humorist P.J. O’Rourke wrote about how shocked the US media were when the Nicaraguans voted to throw out Daniel Ortega’s socialist Sandinista government. The polls showed them winning a landslide reelection, and there were long lines to vote. But O’Rourke said he wasn’t surprised at the results. People lied because they didn’t trust the pollsters not to tell the goon squads that they opposed Ortega. And O’Rourke stated one of his political rules of thumb: people don’t stand in long lines in the middle of nowhere to vote for the status quo.

In this election, Trump may be the incumbent, but there’s no question that Biden represents the status quo. That might as well be his campaign slogan: “Big government, high taxes, corrupt elitist leaders and foreign wars: Bring back the status quo!”

Think censorship by the media and Big Tech over the “Biden Inc.” story is bad? Oh, it’s even worse than that. Here’s another example...

Glenn Greenwald has resigned from THE INTERCEPT, the publication he co-founded in 2013, after the editors censored a piece he’d written that they deemed critical of the Bidens.

On Wednesday, he posted a resignation letter on Twitter, saying his editors had, in violation of his contract, refused to publish an article of his unless he deleted “all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New York-based INTERCEPT editors involved in this effort at suppression.”

Note that Greenwald is no right-winger; THE INTERCEPT has always leaned left.

Greenwald’s letter is now posted at an independent publishing site called SUBSTACK (the implication being that Twitter censored him too). He joins journalists Matt Taibbi and Andrew Sullivan in moving to that site.

Ironically, it was constraints on Greenwald’s reporting of the Edward Snowden story in 2013 that caused him to co-found a new site that would give him the ability to report more freely. “The reason it was created,” he said to Tucker Carlson Wednesday night, “was to ensure that journalists would always have complete journalistic independence and editorial freedom –- never have to pull punches journalistically or pay homage to pieties because of the...partisan or ideological preferences of editors or of anybody else. That was the core founding idea and vision.”

But now the outlet he created to avoid censorship is intervening to censor HIM, just a few days before an election. This was because he “wanted to publish reporting and analysis about the evidence that raises serious questions about the conduct of the candidate that all of the editors at that outlet vehemently and enthusiastically support.”Greenwald isn’t American, but after dealing with his New York editors, he said his choice to resign reflects a trend of “repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press.”

As he said in his resignation letter, those editors even demanded that he “refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.” Ah, so they really were pulling out all the stops to try to bury it.

Greenwald appears to be caught between the prevailing political forces of the day. As THE EPOCH TIMES put it, “Before President Donald Trump was elected in 2016, Greenwald’s reporting and commentary were influential among anti-war and civil liberties groups on the left. However, since the last election, he has drawn criticism for his appearances on FOX NEWS.”

Knowing Trump as I do, it doesn’t surprise me that Trump is being looked upon more kindly these days by some who are anti-war and pro-civil liberties. Those don’t seem to be leftist views any longer. In fact, Trump is the President who has brought long-antagonistic countries to the peace table and is bringing troops home. He’s also defending constitutional rights to free speech and free assembly, while the left is doing just the opposite in an attempt to clamp down on opposition.

Greenwald said in his statement that his right to journalistic independence was being “suppressed by an authoritarian, fear-driven, repressive editorial team in New York bent on imposing their own ideological and partisan preferences on all writers, while ensuring that nothing is published at THE INTERCEPT that contradicts their own narrow, homogenous ideological and partisan views, exactly what THE INTERCEPT, more than any other goal, was created to prevent.”

Greenwald has had trouble with his editors before by daring to assert that the conclusion Trump was “colluding” with Russia was not supported by evidence. For that, he said, he was branded as a “Trump supporter,” which, to these editors, must have been the worst thing you can call a person.

In 2019, in an interview with THE HILL about the Russia investigation, he said, “These kinds of scandals get conflated into tribalistic and ideological litmus tests, so that you’re required to say that you’re on the side of the anti-Trump forces and believe things that you don’t actually believe are true upon pain of being accused of being a Trump supporter.”

Ask any conservative in Hollywood if that's not true.

Greenwald explained that THE INTERCEPT was intended to be unique for another reason: its skepticism, particularly towards intelligence agencies. At the time it was founded, they were reporting on Ed Snowden and Wikileaks and were under heavy fire from the CIA, NSA, and “deep state.”

"We knew they were lying constantly,” he said, “and disseminating propaganda in a very powerful way. So we set out to say, ‘We’re going to investigate them, and we’re going to be skeptical of them; we’re going to subject their assertions to critical scrutiny.” Now, he’s embarrassed and angry that the very outlet he co-created published an article that snidely dismissed the Biden story as “Russian disinformation” that no one should pay attention to.

The topper: In support of that view, it cited a letter from John Brennan, James Clapper...and “the rest of the goons from the CIA and the intelligence community asserting it,” even though they admitted in the same letter that they had no evidence of “Russian disinformation." THE INTERCEPT conveniently left that last part out. I’m sure Brennan and Clapper and the rest of the goons would approve.

This is the opposite of what Greenwald created THE INTERCEPT to be. It now accepts as gospel whatever the intel community says, even though “there’s never been any evidence that [the “Russian disinformation” story has] been true and everything since has disproven it.”

"Nobody,” he said, “certainly not even Joe Biden, disputes that these emails and other text messages are completely real and authentic.”

He made the point that for years, the left had “a healthy skepticism of the CIA” that went along with their anti-war activism, but that in recent years, “that has all disappeared.” He says this is because the CIA devoted itself from the very first to “sabotaging Trump.” Greenwald dared to question just a few things they held sacred, and “whoever does that must be destroyed,” he said. The CIA and “deep state” became “heroes of the liberal left, the people who support the Democratic Party.”

This “union of power,” he said, is now the deep state --- especially the CIA ('who lie for a living') --- plus “the neo-cons, the Bush-Cheney operatives, Silicon Valley and Wall Street...along with mainstream media outlets that are fully behind the Democratic Party, which is likely to at least take over one branch of government if not all of them in the coming election.”

I’m much more optimistic about the outcome of the election than Greenwald is, but he’s right to say that the prospect is “a very alarming proposition, because they’re authoritarian, they believe in censorship, and they believe in suppression of information that exposes them in any kind of a critical light.”

The CIA was never supposed to be involved in our politics. As Greenwald pointed out, we now have ex-agents of the CIA, NSA, DOJ and FBI infiltrating the media and telling us what we ought to believe, utilizing lies, leaks and clandestine operations. I'll say it: if we don't clean house and find honest media alternatives, we truly will be living in a banana republic, forced to pass those "tribalistic and ideological litmus tests" imposed by the left.

Erasing Women

October 31, 2020

I keep hearing that women are more inclined to support the Democrats, but why would they support people whose agenda is literally erasing the very concept of women? Here are the latest bulletins from the loony bin of the “party of science”:

A transgender, self-proclaimed “lesbian warrior princess” has filed a human rights lawsuit against a women-only beauty pageant for not letting “her” compete, just because she still has male genitals. The pageant already changed its rules to allow fully surgically altered trans contestants, but that’s not good enough.

And pardon me for bringing this up, but it’s more about insanity than biology: Tampax is under fire from its actual female customers for a new “woke” twitter ad that reads, “Fact: Not all women have periods. Also a fact: Not all people with periods are women. Let's celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed!”

Fact: Only one of the two things above is a fact. If you’re baffled as to which one, you’re probably a member of the “party of science.”

I’ve always said that, in general, it’s best not to vote early because you never know what might come out that would make you want to change your vote. Voters should have as much to go on as possible before they cast a ballot. This, time, though, Janet and I were so sure nothing would change our minds that we went ahead, so we’ve already voted.

Heck, I figured that if I died between now and Election Day, I’d want my vote to count as much as those of all the dead Democrats who’ve already voted. (Rim shot!)

But seriously, folks...

According to the NEW YORK POST –- you know, that venerable paper suddenly being dismissed as a “tabloid” –- some people are sorry they cast their ballots early after seeing the Hunter Biden laptop stories about corrupt foreign businesses and even the Chinese Communist Party buying influence through the Biden name. That’s right: even though the mainstream news and social media have ignored the story and even shut down the POST’s reporting, damaging their own reputation in the process, voters are finding out anyway and getting a big case of buyer’s remorse.

Incredibly, over 58.5 million people have already voted. But according to Google Trends data, searches for “Can I change my vote?” have been trending over the past few days, linked to searches for “Hunter Biden.”

So, CAN you change your vote? It depends on what state you’re in. The most interest in vote-changing seems to be coming from Arizona, Tennessee and Virginia, but voters there are out of luck, as those states –- and most others –- give them just one shot at not screwing up. Hey, they should’ve realized they were supporting a habitually lying, feeble-minded, touchy-feely, hair-sniffing, sold-to-foreign-corporations-and-the-CCP, corrupt politician BEFORE they cast their ballots. Now, it’s too late. I sure wish they’d waited.

But good news for absentee voters in New York State: you actually can change your ballot. (That doesn’t hold true for just regular mail-in ballots, which is another problem with mail-in ballots as opposed to absentee.) The rules state, “Even if you request or cast and return an absentee ballot, you may still go to the polls and vote in person.” But that doesn’t mean you can game the system to vote twice, even if you’re a Democrat, ha. The rules continue: “The Board of Elections is required to check the poll book before canvassing any absentee ballot. If the voter comes to the poll site, on Election Day or during early voting, and votes in person, the absentee ballot is set aside and not counted.”

But if you voted early in person, forget about changing your vote. You cannot go back and vote by machine again.

Michigan, Minnesota, Washington and Wisconsin also allow absentee voters the chance to re-vote. For some reason, the voters of Wisconsin have THREE chances to get it right. Gee, maybe people who are that indecisive on candidates as different as Trump and Biden should just stay home, or enter a mental institution.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission says they’ve been contacted by “many voters” to see if they can revoke their original absentee ballots. By all means, yes, do it! You couldn’t possibly be wanting to change from Trump to Biden. After what we know now about “the real Joe Biden,” who on earth would do that? One thing about Trump, he’s always been just who he is. Plus, he’s been investigated six ways from Sunday and we know he hasn’t sold out to ANYONE.

If you live in one of those states and, by some chance, have just started reading the HUCKABEE newsletter or some other trustworthy source of news and opinion, and you’ve had that “Aha!” moment and know you need to change your vote to Trump, please get in touch with your state elections commission and see about doing it. (Sorry, Minnesota voters, you could have changed it earlier, but they won't let you now.)

In the vast majority of states, you’re stuck with your early-voting choice, and that’s why the DNC really has been pushing for Democrats to vote early (and often, ha!). Their strategy is just to get Biden across the finish line, which is hard enough for a man of his frailty even without all the baggage he’s carrying. There’s so much scandal weighing down those bags, he still might not make it. But Facebook and Twitter are doing all they can to help him.

As we’ve noted, the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter are scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in November –- but this won’t happen till AFTER Election Day. Between now and November 3, they apparently will be unencumbered in their efforts to shut down reporting on 1) election fraud, 2) anything they deem “disinformation” and 3) the very real, non-Russian-disinformation Biden family scandal. The best way to handle this situation for now: stop using Facebook and Twitter as sources of news! They’re not your gatekeeper. Leave them in the dust. If Twitter shuts you down, go to Parler and get your friends on it, too.

The Hunter Biden emails should make anyone but the most radical, beyond-hope, Trump-hating leftist want a fresh ballot. No one denies these are real. As Mollie Hemingway told Laura Ingraham on Monday night, “We have an eyewitness [former Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski] to Joe Biden talking about Hunter Biden’s business...he has evidence in support of the claim, and it matches with contemporaneous evidence about where Joe Biden was on a particular date back in 2017, and the media are pretending like there’s no need to cover this, even though Joe Biden is caught here in a lie about whether he ever discussed foreign business with Hunter Biden.”

Oh, and there’s so much more to this. My staff and I have been going through other emails and feel like sparing you some of the especially sad and sordid ones. They reflect not just sleazy and illegal behavior –- which Joe apparently was aware of –- but also a kind of desperation, as Hunter tried to peddle White House influence with other wealthy foreigners. The Biden name was really all he had, and it seems he was aware of that.

Though I’m not a family therapist, I did counsel troubled families when I was a pastor, and it seems this family has been in need for a long time. Hunter apparently has had some professional help, but this family’s ongoing story is still such a sad one. There seems to have been a lot of denial and covering up, from Hunter’s needs to his father’s slowly fading mind. We may never know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Hunter, in some part of himself, meant to leave that laptop behind. Joe Biden is a candidate with a lot of problems –- personal, ethical, and potentially legal –- and we are dangerously close to having these problems become America’s.

It’s too bad more of those early voters can’t change their votes.

NOTE: Because the following story relates to the Biden “family business” scandal, it should be mentioned once again that this is NOT Russian disinformation.

Tucker Carlson had an exclusive interview Tuesday night with former Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski, who was recruited by the Bidens to “do the math” and structure their deals. He said he has to come forward out of his patriotic duty, having nothing to gain except to salvage his own good name, as he’s being tarred, ridiculously, as an agent of “Russian disinformation.”

One might ask, “Well, why is he going on FOX NEWS to do this?” The answer: Virtually everyone else is ignoring this story. Where else is he going to go?

As Tucker said, “Never in American history have more power centers in this country aligned to kill a legitimate news story in the days before an election.” He hinted at “an extraordinary attempt” made Monday night to to interfere with FOX News’ reporting of the Biden story and said details would be coming.

The main point Tucker wanted to make with the Bobulinski interview is that this scandal is not about Hunter Biden, but about JOE Biden, the Democrat who might be elected President of the United States in a matter of days. “Joe Biden,” Tucker said, “had direct personal involvement with his family’s business dealings in Communist China, and likely in other countries as well.”

And it’s true. Joe Biden denies he ever even spoke to his son about those foreign deals, but we know without a doubt that he is lying. There’s plenty of evidence documenting this.

Tucker’s interview with Bobulinski took place in a Los Angeles hotel room on Tuesday afternoon.

As the story unfolds, Bobulinski received a proposal on Christmas Eve 2015 from English businessman James Gilliar in a text saying, “There will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from US and them constructed by me.” This was the deal involving Chinese energy company CEFC. A lot of work had apparently been done during 2015 to put this deal together, and it was moving forward. “One of the most prominent families” was the Biden family --- not Hunter or James, but the “entire family legacy,” meaning, OF COURSE, Vice President Joe Biden.

Moving forward to 2017, Bobulinski was asked by Rob Walker, who was a partner in the Biden-connected investment firm Rosemont Seneca and had been working to develop the CEFC deal, to “sit down with their father [Joe Biden], just to meet him and, at a high level, discuss the Biden family and how they approached things.” He added that Walker was involved in the family’s participation with the Chinese in Sinohawk and was a self-described “proxy” for the Biden family around the world.

Bobulinski and Joe Biden met very late on May 2, 2017, in Los Angeles in a dark bar (which struck him as surreptitious) at the Beverly Hilton during the Milken Conference, which he described as “one of the top three conferences in the world for anybody that’s a global investor or developing different humanitarian causes and a variety of things.” Hunter and James had carved out a time for them to talk not so much in detail about business, but just about his own background and what he could bring to the table. “...They were sort of wining and dining me,” he said, “and presenting the strength of the Biden family, to get me more engaged [to] take on the CEO role and develop Sinohawk, both in the United States and around the world, in partnership with CEFC.”

"There was no other reason for me to be in that bar,” he said, “meeting Joe Biden, than to discuss what I was doing with his family’s name in the Chinese CEFC.

This was direct involvement in the “family business” on the part of Joe Biden –- so it was a blatant lie that he never discussed it with Hunter.

Recall that Bobulinski attended the last debate between Biden and President Trump. He told Tucker that when Biden was still denying his involvement during the debate, he almost stood up and yelled, “Liar!” He stressed that he had just been “brought in to run this company,” was personally “irrelevant,” and had “been exposed to all of this fact” and believes “the American people should see this fact.” He’s got dates, times, meetings, and many emails generated not by him, but by others within the business. “The FBI can interview THEM,” he said.

"But I was shocked,” he continued, “that not only is the media [not] discussing this, but they’re going to the other extreme –- they’re dismissing it as ‘Russian disinformation’’s just absurd.”

He’d much prefer the Biden family present these facts, but they obviously won’t, and when he told Rob Walker he would do it, Walker told him, “Tony. You’re just gonna bury all of us man.”

As he described it to Tucker, his initial meeting with Joe Biden was mostly an introduction, more about themselves personally than about the business. Biden thanked him for his military service. It was sort of a get-to-know-you thing, and an inducement by Hunter and James for Bobulinski to get involved in the family business.

"They were putting their entire family legacy on the line,” he said. “They knew exactly what they were doing. They were dealing with a Chinese-owned enterprise run by Chairman Ye, CEFC, that had strong financial support and political support from the Chinese Communist Party...That’s not my own words; it’s how they presented it to me and read me in on it.”

He said Hunter Biden seemed quite proud that he had this relationship with Chairman Ye and could get deals like this done around the world.

Bobulinski also talked about the now-familiar email from James Gilliar to him about “how the equity from the enterprise would be divvied up.” It’s “crystal clear” to him that “the big guy” who was supposed to get 10 percent (held by “H,” Hunter) is Joe Biden. Importantly, the final document that was drawn up hides Joe Biden’s 10 percent participation within his brother James’ share.

He said he'd anticipated that Joe Biden might run for President in the future and thought this kind of foreign involvement –- especially with the Chinese –- might be a political risk. When he asked James something like, “How are you getting away with this?” or “Aren’t you concerned…?,” James just chuckled and said two words.

"Plausible deniability.”

There’s much more. Please watch the entire interview. Bobulinski has some choice words for Adam Schiff.

In related news, Hunter Biden served as the attorney defending an executive of CEFC (cozy) who was being investigated for spying for the CCP. There’s an audio recording from Hunter’s laptop in which he says, “I have another NEW YORK TIMES reporter calling about my representation of Patrick Ho --- the [bleeping] spy-chief of China.” So we know Hunter was well aware of how murky the water was in which he swam.

Oh, and it gets worse.

Evening Edition - October 28

October 28, 2020


The Biden campaign continues to make the false charge that President Trump has never condemned white supremacists, so the Trump campaign released a five-minute ad showing Trump publicly condemning white supremacists on 38 separate occasions.

The ad notes, "Joe Biden has never condemned the KKK but did praise a former KKK Exalted Cyclops as his 'mentor.’” Also, I’m still waiting for the Democrats to formally apologize for starting the Civil War to preserve slavery and for assassinating the Republican President who ended it.


When you type “How do” into the DuckDuckGo search engine, the autofill suggests the #1 most common question people are asking at the moment: “…I change my vote?”


“If Joe Biden thinks fossil fuels are so evil that the entire industry needs to be exterminated, why was he fine with his son being on the board of a Ukrainian oil and gas company?”


Perfect Political Headline of the Day! From the Washington Free Beacon: (North Carolina Senate Candidate) “Cal Cunningham Refuses to Take Position on Joe Biden’s Refusal to Take Position on Court Packing.”


The heroes who stopped two church shootings in Texas with their own weapons directly address Joe Biden and his “insane” gun control plans. Somehow, I get the feeling these guys are more representative of Texas than the person Biden wants to put in charge of gun laws: “Beto” O’Rourke.


Joe Biden and his surrogates in politics and the media continue to blame President Trump for every last one of the approximately 220,000 COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus deaths. They claim that he completely botched the response, but they would have handled it much better by “listening to the experts,” even though the experts themselves are still trying to figure out exactly how the virus works and how to deal with it.

So why don’t we let one of those experts that they trust assess how well Trump handled the virus? I’ve mentioned this before, but Matt Margolis at PJ Media goes into even more detail: Early on in the pandemic, Dr. Deborah Birx, one of the top medical experts coordinating the fight against the virus, warned, “If we do things together well, almost perfectly, we could get in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 fatalities.”

I guess they’re accusing Trump of horribly botching the response because it wouldn’t drive as many votes as accusing him of falling slightly short of “almost perfect.” Incidentally, to have reached the goal of perfection, he would have needed to prevent the largest share of deaths in any state by overstepping his powers and taking the virus response in New York away from Gov. Andrew Cuomo.


Sarah Hoyt of PJ Media is a naturalized US citizen who knows what it’s like to live somewhere else, which makes her love America all the more. She has a dire warning for voters: the left is weaponizing the inherent decency and empathy of Americans against us to destroy us.


When it comes to whether Joe Biden will ban fracking, who are you gonna believe: YouTube’s professional “fact-checkers” or your own lying ears?


“Listen To The Experts!” Scott Johnson at the Powerline blog noticed a discrepancy between what Minnesota’s Infectious Disease Director Kris Ehresmann said about the fatality rate of the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus in the state and the actual numbers.

Last week, Ehresmann said that the percentage of Minnesotans who had one of seven serious underlying conditions (chronic lung disease, severe obesity, diabetes, etc.) when they died of COVID-19 was now less than half, suggesting that it was killing younger, healthier people. But when the office got back to the reporter with the actual numbers as of October 21st, the percentage of fatalities with known underlying conditions was 94%. In another 4%, it was unknown. A whopping 2% definitely had only COVID-19.

Where I come from, 94-98% is not “less than half.” I can see why Democrats who want to keep their economies locked down and suffering until after the election listen to their own “health experts” but don’t seem to care much for mathematicians.


Your Wednesday Fake News: No, the Trump campaign hasn’t pulled all its ads from Florida, as claimed by Bloomberg News. They have massive ad buys in Florida through Election Day, but the payee on much of it is listed as the RNC. The Trump campaign called the story “horribly wrong” and “sloppy reporting at the highest level,” and said it should be retracted.

Just FYI: Bloomberg News was founded by failed Democratic Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, who vowed to pour $50 million of his own money into Florida ads to try to win it for Biden and the Democrats. Let's hope they're as effective as his "Mike can get it done" Presidential ads.

When you hear Democrats decrying how awful it is that “billionaires are buying elections,” remember that they think it’s okay when it’s their billionaires buying elections for them.


NOTE: The following commentary is not Russian disinformation, nor is it about a “debunked right-wing conspiracy theory,” as the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is currently characterized on Wikipedia.

Joe Biden denied the allegations during Thursday's debate, saying, “My son has NOT made money, in terms of this thing about...uh, what are you talking about?...China.” Interesting that he denied it before it was even quite formed in his mind what he was denying. He said “nobody else has made money from China” besides Donald Trump. Um, what?? Well, I guess that’s good enough for Wikipedia.

Unlike Wikipedia, I want hard evidence, and everything I’ve seen is on the side of this being true.

Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson continues to face roadblocks in his attempts to call attention to this very real scandal, as he said on this week’s SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES with Maria Bartiromo. On October 21, Sen. Johnson sent a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz to tell him the pubic has a right to know why the FBI sat on the evidence from the laptop after receiving it last December during Trump’s impeachment. (It sure would've come in handy for Trump’s defense then, as it shows why the Bidens needed to be investigated in Ukraine.)

According to Sen. Johnson, Biden’s denial is a lie. He referred to page 78 of the Homeland Security Committee’s report, which shows that the conglomerate CEFC Chinese Energy transferred approximately $5 million to businesses controlled by Hunter Biden. And, of course, we know from the emails that Joe was lying when he said he never spoke to his son about his foreign business dealings. We also know that Joe and Hunter flew together on Air Force Two to China, where the elder Biden had a nice warm handshake with a Chinese executive who ended up being Hunter's business partner in the $1 billion investment fund Bohai Harvest RST. There is more, outlined during his segment on the show.

Sen. Johnson said that Joe Biden has been caught in repeated lies about “Biden, Inc,” POLITICO’s name for the Biden family businesses as early as August, 2019. So, why weren’t the media trying to cover for Joe Biden back then? One logical explanation is they were likely all in the tank for either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, not Biden. In fact, they might have actively disliked Biden’s gaffes and inappropriate hair-sniffing and actually wanted to expose this scandal. That is, until he became the nominee and they no longer wanted to. It’s hard to believe they ever reported this.

POLITICO isn't the only one that used to be interested in this. BUZZFEED, which probably also leaned Bernie’s way, sent an email to the Office of the Vice President after the announcement that Hunter had joined the Burisma board, saying in effect that this was very odd and represented “a glaring conflict of interest” and did the VP have any comment?

Where is that kind of interest now? More recent stories from BUZZFEED call the original reports “old allegations.” The big difference now: Biden is currently facing off not against Sanders or Warren, but against President Trump. So one good way to learn about this scandal –-- and the only way to discover anything about it from the mainstream media –- is to go back to the reporting from before Biden was the nominee.

Of course, now there's emerging evidence to report, if anyone will. “What we’re really finding out,” Sen. Johnson said, “is Hunter really ‘cracked the code,’ somewhere around 2013-2014, in terms of how to really vacuum up these dollars and how to attract money from people that wanted to have influence...and utilize the Biden name.”

Investigative reporter Peter Schweizer, the author of SECRET EMPIRES who has long been looking into the Biden family’s businesses, obtained 26,000 emails from former Hunter business partner Bevan Cooney, who now languishes in prison –- to be joined soon by Devon Archer but NOT Hunter Biden –- for an Indian bond fraud scheme that dates to the magic-money period of 2013-14, and some messages show that Chinese partners wanted CFIUS approval for acquisitions in the U.S. (This is reminiscent of the influence that might've been used to gain Hillary Clinton’s CFIUS approval of Russia’s Uranium One Deal.) As Schweizer explained, some of these deals involve “dual-use technologies,” meaning they have both civilian and military applications. Uh-oh. This is, Schweizer told Bartiromo, “about the Biden family participating in the transfer of U.S. technologies to China and getting paid for participating in that.”

We hope Bevan Cooney is in protective custody, and it seems he might be.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL has released a comprehensive report by Kim Strassel, but when asked about it on the campaign trail, Biden reacted with anger, not anything of substance.

The NEW YORK POST ran Schweizer’s op-ed about the evidence supplied by Hunter’s emails, but don’t look for this on Twitter or Facebook!

Schweizer said the emails make very clear that Hunter brought absolutely nothing to the table but his connections to Joe Biden (“the big guy”) and, through him, the Obama administration. Hunter would be able to get them meetings to help with regulatory matters. They describe the Biden name as “a form of currency” –- the so-called “Biden Lift.” They describe this as “the direct avenue” to the Obama/Biden administration. It couldn’t be more clear.

Will we know more about this before the polls close? Will it matter? Can you imagine the outrage if anything like this were coming out about Eric, Don Jr. or Ivanka?

Sen. Johnson has sent two letters to Hunter’s attorney’s “inviting” Hunter to testify and has received what he characterized as “nasty” responses comparing him to Sen. Joe McCarthy and accusing him of participating in (yes) “Russian disinformation.”

Please, Sen. Johnson, as part of your oversight responsibility into conflicts of interest, subpoena Hunter Biden immediately. (This should’ve happened long ago, even back in 2019, before Biden was the nominee, raising the question, who has been protecting the Bidens?) If this really were just “Russian disinformation,” Hunter and his attorneys would be eager to set the record straight and exonerate ol’ dad.

The media must be held accountable for lying, “shaping” the narrative and censoring facts. Even some Republican campaign ads have been taken down. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg are set to testify before Lindsay Graham’s Senate Judiciary Committee in November, and topics are sure to include their censorship of the NEW YORK POST, but that’s not till AFTER the election. The House has introduced legislation overhauling Section 230 to create some liability and provide disincentives for the kind of censorship Big Tech is up to.

I hope these efforts don’t turn out to be too little, too late. JOE BIDEN ABSOLUTELY MUST NOT BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. If he does, the Biden scandal --- in combination with the 25th Amendment, if needed --- will be used to take him down and install Kamala Harris in the Oval Office. And you won't see that on Wikipedia.

Election Day Is Coming

My Show Monologue From October 24

October 25, 2020

In 10 days, voters will determine who will be President and who will control the US Senate and the House of Representatives. I think all of us will be glad for this long brutal campaign season to be over, but the consequences of this election are not minor. Each party has staked out diametrically opposed positions on pretty much everything. This is not like any election ever.

President Trump is admittedly abrasive, combative, at times vain and vulgar. He became President having never held or even run for any political office. He has been disruptive to the political establishment and the genteel ways of Washington. He acted without regard to whose feelings he stepped on. He’s been like the doctor whose bedside manner was gruff, impatient, and even rude, but it’s hard to objectively deny the positive results.

Joe Biden has been painted as the kindly old Uncle Joe, a bit rattled and unsure of where he was, what he was even running for, and utterly confused about issues, since he’s taken both sides of many of them just in this campaign, like taxes, fracking for gas and oil, foreign policy, shutting down travel from China in the early days of the China Virus, and even whether your tax dollars ought to fund abortions. But he’s not Mr. Rogers! He challenged a veteran to a fistfight, called a voter a lyin, dog-faced pony soldier, and uttered an unspeakable expletive into a microphone he didn’t know was live when he told President Obama how great Obamacare was. In his 47 years in Washington can you name something he has done that made your family safer, your business more prosperous, or the world more secure? He wants us to believe that year 48 will be the one when he’ll show up with great ideas that he’s kept in his basement for the past 47. The only job he’s ever had since he was in his 20’s was a government job and he’s 77 years old. Yet somehow in the 2 years after leaving the office of Vice President, he made $16 million dollars. Too bad he didn’t tell the rest of us how to do that.

But it’s not personalities we elect—it’s policies. Do you own guns? Joe Biden has said he wants the government to take a bunch of them from you. Do you believe that every human life including unborn babies, have worth and value and should be protected? Joe Biden, despite being a Catholic, supports abortion at every stage of pregnancy up to the moment of birth, and after 40 years of saying taxpayers shouldn’t fund abortions, this year, he changed his mind and wants us all to pay for them. He pushed for same-sex marriage long before the Extreme Court illegally decided we ought to have despite the will of voters. He favors the trade policies like NAFTA and China policies that robbed millions of Americans of their jobs so big global companies could rake in billions. In one of the rare times when President Obama did something universally praised in ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Joe Biden actually opposed the operation-the only one in the situation room to do so. Former Defense Sec Robert Gates publicly said that Joe Biden was wrong on every single foreign policy for the past 40 years. He WILL raise your taxes and if he pushes his promised energy policies, America will go back to dependence on energy from foreign sources and the cost of driving your car or heating or cooling your home will soar.

President Trump lowered your taxes and put money in your pocket-an estimated $6500 for the average family before the Chinese Virus hit. He stood up to China, stopped the nutty Iran deal, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, passed criminal justice reform that brought mercy and equity to the over-incarceration of black people, funded the largest amount ever for Historically Black Colleges, secured our borders, appointed great justices to the Supreme Court, protected religious liberty and has made the most efforts to protect unborn babies. He believes in the 2nd amendment and your right to protect yourself and your family.

You have a choice and it’s not about the personality of candidates. It’s about the principles of America, free enterprise, law and order, and your family’s future.

Time For Congress To Act

October 25, 2020

For 4 years you’ve heard the left and the very partisan press tell you how the Russians interfered in the 2016 elections. Recent documents released reveal the true meddling happened at the hands of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, aided and abetted by high level officials at the FBI, CIA, and yes, the White House under President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

But this year, a different attempt to rig the election by lies, disinformation, and censorship is happening under deceit from Big Tech social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Google and Instagram. In a move so brazen that it’s earned it’s founder Jack Dorsey an invitation to come testify to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Twitter locked out the Trump campaign twitter account and that of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for daring to mention a front page article in the NY Post, the 4th largest circulated newspaper in America, because it painted Joe Biden and his wayward son, Hunter, in a negative light. My own Twitter account was blocked from posting a link to the story. Twitter lied and said it refused to allow the story because not all of it was verified. The same Twitter censors who allows vicious and unverified comments not just about the President, but even about me and my family.

To assist a campaign with something of value is to be subject to the campaign finance laws and Twitter and Face Book’s actions are thinly-disguised campaign contributions to Joe Biden and the Democrat National Committee.

It’s past time for Congress to act and pursue anti-trust regulation against these companies who have long ceased to be market driven social media platforms and have become monopolistic utilities. The damage they are inflicting on free speech and a fair political debate are worse than anything the Russians have ever done. If you haven’t seen the documentary “The Social Dilemma” you should. I promise you will not be allowing your young teenager to be on social media without heavy restrictions if at all.

Silicon Valley billionaires now decide what you can and can’t see, and they have decided you can’t see negative information about how then Vice President Joe Biden used his position to obtain his son Hunter lucrative contracts with Ukraine, Russia, and Communist China. Not little contracts, but multi-million dollar deals that Hunter Biden wasn’t qualified to obtain other than the fact his father was the Vice-President. You know how much time the major networks gave to this story the day it broke? Not one second. Nothing. What would have been the coverage if the politician’s son had been named Eric Trump?

The election this year is a test of whether our elections can be stolen by Big Tech billionaires who only allow you to get information THEY want you to have.

If we allow this kind of heavy-handed influence peddling and the overt censorship of news unfavorable to the left and full-throttle fake news to destroy President Trump, VP Pence, Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, or for that matter to YOU, we will end up with a government we won’t recognize. I have friends who will vote for Joe Biden because they don’t like Donald Trump’s personality. There are parts of it I can’t personally identify with, but I’m not voting for him to be room mother and bring cupcakes to school. I want someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to China rather than get his son a cushy cash deal with China; someone who will fight the DC Swamp rats rather than feed them cheese, and someone who won’t use the power of the federal fiefdom to fill his pockets and cover the tracks of corrupt creatures of the swamp.

Thank you, Mr. President, for your insistence during the last debate that we open the country back up as soon as possible. Thanks for your positive vision, for saying we have to learn to LIVE with the virus, while Joe Biden talked morbidly about dying with it. Thanks for pointing out the progress that has been made in treatment and the declining mortality rates, signs that the virus is weakening over time and that this WILL be over. And, especially, thank you for expressing concern about the collateral damage not just from the virus itself but from locking people, schools and businesses down for months --- the depression, financial ruin, associated health problems, even suicide.

Nowhere has the response to this virus hurt people harder than in the music business. I know, because I’m in that business myself; I grew up in it and have many musician friends. Fortunately, I have a “day job” --- writing and researching --- that I can do from home and that hasn’t been impacted at all by the virus. But many of my friends are full-time musicians, or at least they USED TO BE, and their lives have been decimated.

Two things made me think even more about this as I was watching the debate. First, it was held in Nashville --- literally, Music City USA --- which has just about been killed by the response to the virus. Second, I’d received a phone call the day before from a musician friend who gave me some especially dire news.

"There are NO GIGS,” he said, going on to detail the work that had been lost by him and his wife, who is also a musician. December is traditionally the biggest month for booking live music, and this year there is NOTHING. “The depression I’m seeing is unbelievable,” he said. He went on to tell me that several musicians he knew had committed suicide, including one friend who already suffered from depression, as many musicians do. This person was increasingly desperate for work, didn’t have the money for his medicine or the inclination to take it, and just couldn’t deal emotionally with the stress any longer, and he hanged himself from a tree in a vacant lot.

I had hoped to work with him in just a few months, as I have plans to do a studio album early next year. But he apparently got to the point where he couldn’t see as far as the next day, and now that won’t be happening.

My own feelings of depression are mild, thank God. But I’ve definitely got “virus fatigue.” I’m tired of the virus being used for political ends. (This means you, Joe Biden and the people trying to make you President.) Tired of being corrected when I call it what it is: THE CHINESE VIRUS. Tired of the media “playing doctor” and censoring even credentialed physicians and researchers, treating them as heretics when they disagree with the noted health experts at, say, Twitter. And most of all, I’m tired of the endless, ruinous lockdowns that are more political theater and darkly gleeful expressions of governmental control than real protection. (My husband and I were careful, worked at home and wore masks when we went out, and we still both got the virus.) “Never let a crisis go to waste,” says the left, and they really, really mean that.

Ironically, the music industry is populated largely by Trump-hating radical leftists. They’re supporting Biden only because they can’t have Bernie and think Kamala is an acceptably radical future President. When I “came out” as conservative after the disgraceful Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, it was a big deal, as I knew that many in my industry would designate me a “nonperson,” to borrow a term from George Orwell, if they knew I even slightly leaned right.

"Laura, you would just not believe how much they hate conservatives,” my musician friend (a closet conservative) told me on the phone. He went on to say that he and his small circle of friends who are conservatives have to monitor their speech constantly, lest they be blacklisted. He told me that one friend in the business who knew of his conservative leanings had recently told him that he can no longer be friends with him, or with anyone who supports Trump.

"Can’t we just agree to disagree and still be on good terms?” my friend asked him. “I know you think differently from me, but I can still associate with YOU.” No, the Trump hate was too strong.

Yet it’s the left that calls for more devastating lockdowns –- in the name of “science,” as if all scientists agreed on this. It’s Biden who's willing to continue indefinitely the very policies that will destroy what is left of the music business, and a lot of other businesses, while Trump’s goal is to get America back to work as soon as possible. Yet musicians who are desperate to regain their livelihoods have been brainwashed into hating Trump, blaming him as much as if he’d personally sat in a lab with some test tubes and slides and created the virus himself. They’re living in a bubble of irrational, like-minded friends who watch CNN and believe the lie that Trump is some kind of white supremacist monster.

But they have it wrong. It’s Trump who cares about them, who wants to end this nightmare and let them get back to their lives, back to the work that is their heart and soul. The left has shown it cares only about politics and power.

I'll say it again: Who needs Russia to interfere in our elections when we have our own media to do it?

Wednesday evening, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and FBI Director Chris Wray held a sudden press briefing about findings that Russia and Iran –- wait, not China? –- have been interfering on social media to influence American voters.

It seems Russia and Iran have been obtaining information about our voter rolls and sending fake emails pretending to be from groups such as the Proud Boys (which is NOT a white supremacist group), doing things that are nothing to be proud of such as threatening people to vote for Trump or else. They've determined that these were sent to damage Trump, and that makes sense, because why on earth would Iran be trying to help Trump when they hate him maybe even more than the American left does, if that's possible?

Ratcliffe and Wray were on and off the stage quickly without taking questions.

Yes, we need to get to the bottom of the foreign influence we find. But have our intelligence agencies considered the threats to the election right here at home? For example, have they looked into what our own media are doing to try to intimidate and suppress Trump voters?

On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson featured a story about Brandy Zadrozny, an NBC reporter who describes her job as seeking out “personal identifying information” about anonymous online Trump supporters and revealing their identities. She calls it “social media learn about a subject’s real life –- their family, friends, jobs, personal politics and associations.” As Tucker reported, such information might include “phone records, property records, even their Amazon Wish Lists.” This apparently is her job description.

The must-read story comes from REVOLVER NEWS, which deserves special commendation for being on top of some important stories lately. Darren Beattie of REVOLVER said of Zadrozny, “She’s up to no good.” Here’s how he described her “job”: “...She uses state-of-the-art proprietary technical tools to dig up personal information about anonymous Trump supporters online...She’ll do anything she can to unearth anonymous Trump supporters, basically so she can ruin their lives.”

"It’s disgusting and disgraceful,” he said, “even by modern journalism standards.” (I didn’t know modern journalism had standards.) These people “are not even acting as meaningful journalists [but as] as commissars and neo-Stasi, effectively, in order to crush the rebellion of the American people [associated with the victory of Donald Trump] against their corrupt ruling class.”

Beattie said that Zadrozny uses the term “disinformation” as a pretext to target and shut down Trump supporters. As he explained it, the use of this term “invites the force of our own national security apparatus to silence Trump supporters domestically.”

Again, who needs Russia and Iran to “meddle”?

Beattie sees “broader swaths of our own national security apparatus being repurposed and redeployed domestically to silence, suppress and destroy the energies associated with Donald Trump’s victory in 2016.” That’s not surprising –- they're desperate to avoid a repeat of 2016!

This “journalist” was a major contributor to a doxxing manual for her media colleagues called the VERIFICATION HANDBOOK, telling them how to target Trump supporters and what to do to ruin them. Just one example: she calls the Amazon Wish List “a gold mine for learning about what a person reads, wants, buys.” She’s teaching agenda-driven “journalists” HOW TO SPY ON PEOPLE in ways Big Brother never dreamed. Here’s a telling quote:

"My favorite kind of stories are those that reveal the real people behind influential, anonymous social media accounts. These secret accounts are less reliant on the algorithm, and more carefully crafted to be an escape from public life. They allow someone to keep tabs on and communicate with family and friends apart from their public account, or to communicate the ideas and opinions that for personal or political reasons, they dare not say out loud.”

In other words, you can run, but you can't hide. If this isn't SPYING, I don’t know what is. This is dirty stuff, dangerous territory.

Good news for Zadrozny: there’s plenty of demand and job security for dedicated, highly motivated anti-Trump employees in the media. If she somehow loses this job, she might want to study artificial intelligence and go to work for Facebook in Hate Speech Engineering. They have the same goals.

And since we love research, look at the garbage we dug up that Zadrozny is into. Gosh, we’re hard-core Trump supporters and didn’t even know what “QAnon” is –-Trump didn’t, either –- but she apparently does and explained it in a podcast for (yes) Lawfare. Here it is on the website for the (yes) Brookings Institution. Zadrozny and fellow NBC reporter Ben Collins must have enjoyed going on this so-called “Arbiters of Truth” podcast series on (get ready) “disinformation” on August 6 of this year to talk about what crazy far-right conspiracy theorists we Trump supporters are and how the “disinformation” we post needs to be taken off social media. They say QAnon is becoming “increasingly mainstream” (!) and even that the Trump campaign has been “courting” its followers.

We got through about the first 10 minutes of this idiocy before having to turn it off. Thanks, NBC News, for being such dedicated arbiters of truth! What’s your next Trump-related expose –- the growing white supremacy movement? We don't imagine you work very hard to get social media to take down the REAL disinformation coming from the left, such as their insistence that the Hunter Biden laptop story is most likely a Russian plot, their claim that there's proof the Russians hacked the DNC, and well, just about everything they say about Rudy Giuliani.

Ironically, the REVOLVER site is probably one that agenda-driven NBC News would LOVE to get shut down, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were doing everything possible to limit its reach. They would, of course, label this reporting “disinformation.” But REVOLVER is doing a great job of revealing what in their words is “the true nature of the presidential election,” and I sure wouldn’t trust NBC News to tell me anything about that.

Today’s Must-Read article is from the New Neo blog, where the anonymous female blogger (a former Democrat-turned-conservative surrounded by liberals in NYC) examines how liberals have become so blinded by groundless Trump hatred that they can no longer see dangerous realities, such as the rising anti-Semitism in their own party.

In particular, she cites a column in the Jewish magazine Tablet by Bari Weiss, whom you’d think might understand where the real danger is, since she was driven out of the New York Times for daring to express non-leftist groupthink-approved thoughts. She recognizes the dangers of the fascistic, anti-Semitic radical left, and that Biden will allow it to gain more power, but she can’t even bring herself to consider the possibility of doing the only thing to stop it: voting for Trump. She describes him in purple prose as an “obscenity” who has “normalized bigotry and cruelty in ways that have crippled American society.” As the blogger notes, she offers no specifics as to how he’s allegedly done that.

She then quotes Weiss describing the attributes of the classic liberal that she fears are being lost in the Democratic Party: “…the belief that everyone is equal because everyone is created in the image of God. The belief in the sacredness of the individual over the group or the tribe. The belief that the rule of law—and equality under that law—is the foundation of a free society. The belief that due process and the presumption of innocence are good and that mob violence is bad. The belief that pluralism is a source of our strength; that tolerance is a reason for pride; and that liberty of thought, faith, and speech are the bedrocks of democracy…”

As the blogger points out, those things aren’t under assault in the Democratic Party; they’ve been dead there for years. What Weiss is describing is a conservative Trump voter, but her visceral hatred for “Orange Man Bad” has blinded her to seeing it.

It’s well worth reading and sharing the whole piece. But if your Trump-hating relatives refuse to read it, you can get the basic idea across by coming to dinner in one of those T-shirts that has Trump’s picture on it with the caption, “In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

In last week’s ABC Townhall, Joe Biden said, “The Boilermakers overwhelmingly endorse me, OK? So the Boilermakers Union has endorsed me because I sat down with them, went into great detail with leadership, exactly what I would do, number one.”

Ruling: Pants on fire, Pinocchio-nose FALSE!

The International Boilermakers Union has not endorsed any candidate in the 2020 race, although Local 154 in Pittsburgh has “overwhelmingly” endorsed President Trump. They called him a “true friend to the Boilermakers” and said it’s “imperative that we continue to battle over-regulations in the fossil fuel industries and fight for American energy production.”

The good news is that Joe finally came up with a creative new lie. I’m getting tired of hearing him repeat the same old discredited lies, like the “very fine people” garbage or the “coronavirus is a hoax” hoax. I was beginning to fear that advancing age had robbed him of his famous ability to spin out one outrageous whopper after another into entire paragraphs of jaw-dropping plagiarisms and falsehoods. For a moment there, it was almost like the young Joe Biden was back.

Don’t believe me? Here’s just one example from an article by Derek Hunter at that obliterates the argument that we need to elect Biden because he’s a nice, affable, regular guy who will restore honor, integrity, and honesty.

During Biden’s first Presidential run waaaay back in 1987, a voter asked about his academic record. Biden angrily snapped back, "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school, I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class. Then, I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school, and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition. I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly."

As Hunter notes, not one of those statements is true. His scholarship was based on need, not academics; he won no awards; he didn’t earn multiple degrees, and he graduated 76th out of 85 students.

Those looking for evidence of any mental decline on Joe’s part should stop analyzing his debate performances and consider instead the sad erosion of his ability to spin fresh, new lies with every breath he exhales.

Facebook and Twitter should’ve thought twice before they censored the NEW YORK POST’s big story about the revelations on Hunter Biden’s laptop. The POST isn’t taking this lying down.

Editor Sohrab Ahmari is working on an expose about the censorship-related work going on at Facebook right now involving at least half a dozen Chinese nationals –- “machine learning” specialists working in America on H-1B visas –- on a team called (I am not kidding) Hate Speech Engineering.

Ahmari learned from a Facebook insider, a former employee who came forward last week, that this is where those mysterious algorithms are created that automatically suppress speech. Ahmari said on Tucker Carlson’s Tuesday night show that this person was “alarmed” at what Facebook had done to censor the POST and wanted to “shed light on the people who are actually behind the mechanics of how stories get censored on Facebook.”

The Hate Speech team is based mostly in Seattle, he said. Ahmari’s source provided him with a complete directory of those working on this, and that’s when he saw the number of Chinese nationals on the team. The concern, of course, is not that they’re Chinese, but that they’re here on loan from a nation ruled by the Chinese Communist Party, one of the most censorious governments on the planet. What skills did they bring with them to apply at Facebook, and what technology did they learn at Facebook to take back to their own repressive leaders?

Something interesting about the Biden story that Facebook and Twitter worked so hard to suppress: IT INVOLVES CHINA. Specifically, Chinese billionaires and the CCP were allegedly using Hunter Biden’s high-level U.S. government connections to make inroads. Facebook said in a statement that any allegations that these Chinese nationals “have an outsized influence on our broader policies is absurd.”

Okay, but it seems to me that the issue isn’t whether or not they’re influencing Facebook’s “broader policies” or if that influence might be “outsized,” however we might define that. Facebook surely shapes its own policy. The issue is whether Facebook’s policy involves censorship, especially of political speech, and whether the CCP shares those same ends enough to form a kind of partnership. I think in business the word is “synergy.”

The insider told Ahmari that Facebook is looking specifically to snag what they call “borderline content.” That’s not a reference to the dangerous content that needs to be dealt with responsibly, like nutzoid calls for violence and how-to’s for making bombs, but to opinions they don’t share. When you’re searching, they’ll give you the content THEY want you to see and put the “borderline content” way, way down at the very end. And if the engineers can get you to interact with what THEY want you to see, they receive “discretionary bonuses,” according to this insider.

This is not fiction; it’s life in 2020. Here’s another story on the Hate Speech Engineering team.

It’s not just Facebook doing this, of course. Twitter and Google don’t hide their efforts to shape the narrative and suppress speech they don’t like, either. Some good news: it’s taken a while, but as of Tuesday the Department of Justice is suing Google over its use of “anticompetitive tactics.” According to Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, “This is the biggest anti-trust case in a generation, maybe in a century.” He said that after we’ve seen them try to buy the election with all the money they’ve spent on the Biden campaign, this is about standing up to Big Tech and saying they don’t get to run this country. When he saw the title of the case, United States v. Google, he said, “God bless America!”

Can I hear an amen!

Michael Goodwin at the POST has a spectacular editorial on Big Tech and all the anti-Trump media working to pave the way for Biden.

As long as Michael Goodwin is on a roll, I also recommend his editorial from a few days ago on the allegations against the Bidens.

The way we try to tell the story here, and the way Goodwin and the folks at the POST are telling it, is simple, really. This is so transparent –- we see quite plainly what the Bidens have been doing for years, and it’s totally corrupt. That’s why those who are invested in a Biden win –- not to have him as President, of course, just to have him WIN –- have only one hope: that they can keep enough people out of reach of this information until after the election, or at least to lie and spin it enough to delay the inevitable. And that’s where Facebook, Twitter, Google and the rest of Big Tech and Big Media come in.

If you want to see how reporters are expected to slant their questions, Miranda Devine, also from the NEW YORK POST, tells how CBS reporter Bo Erickson was criticized by “journalism” instructor and news editor Steve Holzer after Erickson dared to ask Joe Biden about the emails on Hunter’s laptop. (That was the question that Joe responded to angrily, dismissing the story as a “smear.”) Holzer tweeted: “Bo, this is your News Director. The right question is, ‘What do you think of the report that Rudy Giuliani used Russian disinformation to try to smear your family 19 days before an election?”

Do you see what he did there? He took the emphasis off the real story –- the revelations on Hunter Biden’s laptop –- and turned it to tar Giuliani instead. He also “assumes facts not in evidence” by calling this Russian disinformation. Extra credit for making Biden the victim. If you see how this works and possess this level of skill, you get an A+ and are ready to go to work for CNN.

But...THIS IS NOT here’s more on the real story: the emails and what they tell. It doesn’t look good. In these emails (not those on Hunter’s laptop but those obtained by Peter Schweizer), Hunter’s business associate Jason Galanis apparently refers to Joe Biden as the “other currency” they were bringing to the table. Reading between the lines, it seems Hunter’s business associates were simply using him as a “direct pipeline” to his father. Hunter’s own emails suggest that Joe “the big guy” Biden was getting a big cut.

It’s a fascinating read, one that many in the media would like to keep you from seeing. We apologize for all the hate speech.


October 21, 2020

Meet the unbiased moderator of this Thursday’s final Presidential debate.

She’s an NBC reporter with long ties to the Democratic Party, who once asked President Trump if he had ever worked for Russia, who quickly deleted her Twitter tweets after being chosen, and who is known for being caught on camera tipping off Hillary Clinton’s spokeswoman about a question she was going to ask. The New York Post quoted a senior White House official as saying that they consider her an activist, not a reporter, and that the press corps views her the same way they would if Nancy Pelosi or AOC walked into the room.

So, pretty much your stand Presidential Debate Commission choice for moderator. The Wall Street Journal has a good diagnosis of what went wrong with the Commission: like so many things, it started out with good intentions, then became a “creature of Washington’s political class,” and now, it’s hopelessly partisan. Their suggestion:

“This year should be its last as the arbiter of debates. If it won’t go away on its own, the next GOP nominee should refuse to cooperate and negotiate the rules and timing of the debates in 2024 with the Democratic nominee.”

I second that. To let them continue picking the moderators would be like a football team letting all the referees for the big game be chosen from the other team’s cheerleading squad.

While Project Veritas is exposing the worst-kept secret on the Internet (that Google skews search results left and anti-Trump), the second-worst-kept secret (the leftist, anti-Christian bias at Wikipedia) is also getting an airing.

Wikipedia has decided Christians who support traditional marriage will be banned from serving as volunteer editors or writers of articles. Breitbart reports that this started after leftist editors complained that having a badge on your profile page that says you believe marriage is between a man and woman is “discriminatory.”

Interestingly, this is precisely the response the Supreme Court acknowledged could happen (redefining traditional religious beliefs as "homophobia") and then ignored when they somehow “found” a right to same-sex marriage in the Constitution. They naively assumed that nobody would try to force people to give up their First Amendment right to practice their religious beliefs. Not since they waded into the question of when life begins in Roe v. Wade has the SCOTUS shown such staggering hubris and foolish lack of foresight.

In banning Christians from writing and editing articles (as the linked article shows, even the entry on Jesus is riddled with negativity and skepticism with no countervailing views), Wikipedia has not only proven, as its own disgusted co-founder recently stated, that its neutrality policy is dead, it’s now allowed the intolerant left to take over. In its quest to avoid “discrimination,” Wikipedia is openly discriminating against Christians. Discriminating Christians should therefore think twice before relying on or financially supporting it.

Just three days before the final Trump/Biden debate, the Commission on Presidential Debates changed the topics and rules, no doubt to repress questions about Biden’s involvement in lucrative family business ties with foreign adversaries. And these are BIG questions. It appears Biden sold his high office through a family intermediary for boatloads of money.

And no, CNN, there’s no evidence that this story is “Russian disinformation” or that Rudy Giuliani is a “Russian asset.”

No one denies the authenticity of the Hunter Biden emails. Adam Schiff, you are lying AGAIN about "Russia." As Glenn Greenwald says, you lie “the way other people change underwear.”

Nobody invested in a Biden win wants to hear about any of this, and they don’t want anyone else to, either. This rules change was obviously done to shut down the conversation –- just as Twitter and Facebook shut down the NEW YORK POST.

This is important because the debate might be the only chance many will have to hear of these serious allegations against Biden. They sure won’t get it from mainstream news, or from Twitter or Facebook, or late night TV, or their college friends, or any other non-conservative source of news you can name. There's a “lockdown” in place on it, just as surely as if it were a virus, and the truth is feared as much as COVID-19, maybe more.

Even liberal commentators in Britain see this for what it is. Here’s Piers Morgan’s take:

"Just hours after the POST story appeared, Facebook announced it would be limiting its spread on the social media platform while it used independent fact-checkers to verify the paper’s allegations. By taking these unprecedented actions, the tech firms were effectively abandoning any pretense at protecting free speech or the First Amendment.”

"U.S. mainstream and social media companies have reacted to this story in an outrageously partisan and deeply sinister manner that is diametrically opposed to how they would have reacted if the name ‘Biden’ were swapped for ‘Trump,’” Morgan said. “Shame on all of them.” He told the American media to “start doing your job.” He’s right --- if this were Trump, his political career would be DOA.

Until the debate Thursday, Biden’s campaign has “called a lid” on his appearances, purportedly to give him time to prepare. But, as I’ve said, someone who’s spent as much time as Biden has in politics does not need four-plus days to prepare for a debate. He's just hiding so he doesn’t have to answer questions.

Not Trump, though --- ask him anything.

According to the Trump campaign, the so-called “non-partisan” commission had originally decided to make foreign policy the “central focus” of the debate. That would’ve given Trump plenty of opportunity to confront Biden on the seriously corrupt relationships being discovered between the Bidens and Communist China, the Bidens and Ukraine, and more. But the commission rescued Biden; foreign policy is no longer a focus. (Note: the economy isn’t either! Topics include covid, climate change and race. Ugh.)

A Trump spokesperson said, “The commission’s pro-Biden antics have turned the entire debate season into a fiasco, and it is little wonder why the public has lost its faith in objectivity.”

The moderator, of course, was never expected to ask Biden anything about the material on his son’s laptop, which was abandoned at a Delaware computer store in 2019. The change of topics is just extra insurance to discourage it from coming up.

The moderator for the proposed second debate –- which fizzled because the commission rejected Trump’s condition to do it live onstage –- was Democrat and former Biden intern (!) Steve Scully, who was just suspended from C-SPAN after lying about being “hacked” to cover for a tweet he sent about handling debate questions for Biden. We now know that the NBC news moderator for the upcoming debate, Kristen Welker, is partisan, too. On Monday, Sean Hannity showed a Christmas photo of Welker and her father posing with President Obama and the First Lady in 2012. According to the NEW YORK POST, her parents have “deep Democratic ties” and have donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democrat candidates, including Biden.

Welker deactivated her Twitter account earlier this month after Steve Scully’s unfortunate Twitter escapade.

Can the commission not find ANYBODY to moderate their “debates” who isn’t taking a side (always the Democrat side)? Even Chris Wallace, who moderated the first Trump/Biden debate, had previously demonstrated a marked tendency to interrupt the President constantly while interviewing him, and he did this during the debate as well. Still, he wasn’t nearly as bad as Savannah Guthrie, who set a new record for badness at Trump’s recent townhall.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said this about Big Tech on Monday’s INGRAHAM ANGLE: “Last week marked a major threshold --- it’s the first time they’ve directly stepped in and said to the media, ‘We are going to censor you, and if we don’t like what you’re saying, the American people don’t get to hear it, and you don’t get to say it.” And now, by limiting the topics for Thursday’s debate, the Debate Commission is doing the same thing.

Finally, I know I’ve been referencing George Orwell a lot lately, but that’s only because it seems that based on current events, a more prophetic title than “1984” might have been “2020.” (Orwell was so right, just off by a few decades.) Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich tweeted Saturday that a post-Trump commission, similar to South Africa’s “Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” would “erase Trump lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

Is he serious? If anything should make your blood run cold, this idea of a“post-Trump” administration is it.

Author J. D. Vance told Tucker Carlson on Monday that this would be less about reconciliation than revenge. “This is torn from a page in a George Orwell novel, he said, “because who can protest ‘truth and reconciliation’?” It’s a “really dark threat” that you’ll be punished for trying to implement your ideals and principles.

Twitter, Facebook, Google, mainstream news and culture, the Debate Commission, and untold numbers of political hacks such as Robert Reich assume there’s only one permissible view. Watch the moderator try to mute Trump’s microphone during the debate if he tries to correct a lie or venture off-topic.

Candidate Ronald Reagan, in a 1980 primary debate he’d financed himself, famously said when his mic was cut off by the moderator, “I am PAYING for this microphone!” Though Trump didn’t literally pay for his mic, as in writing a check, I say he’s entitled to the same reaction if they try to cut him off. As the victim of numerous lies and “false narratives” during his presidency, Trump has paid and paid in ways large and small. He has this one chance to set the record straight and ask his opponent whatever he darn well pleases, and I hope he does.

Google's extreme bias

October 20, 2020

There’s a new Project Veritas undercover expose video that really doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know, it just confirms it. In it, a senior manager for Google, Ritesh Lakhkar, says he felt “suffocated” there by the extreme leftist culture, and admits that the search giant exercises God-like, politically partisan control over the information users see. He said if Trump says something you can call misinformation, you delete it; if a Democrat leader does that, you leave it; because “you are just plain and simple trying to play God…You’re like playing selective God.” He says they do the same at Google-owned YouTube.

He admits that if you search for “Donald Trump,” you get all negative stories; and if you search for “Joe Biden,” you get all positive stories, because the results are “skewed by the owners and the drivers of the algorithm.” Those Google workers who create the algorithm are so far-left and anti-Trump that when Trump won in 2016, they were crying in the corridors. HR arranged therapy sessions and they were given time off to deal with their grief. Now, he thinks that if Trump wins again, they’ll riot. He said he’d never seen anything like it: “When I worked for Caterpillar or Corning, politics didn’t really matter. You just do your job and, ‘Let’s make tractors, let’s make glass.’”

See more and the video at the link. As I said, it’s proof of what anyone who spends much time on the Internet looking up news already knows, but it’s good to have plenty of proof when you’re holding Senate hearings and writing new regulations and declaring out of control monopolies to be public utilities.

In the meantime, here are a couple of handy tips for you to get around Google’s extreme bias: is an excellent search engine that doesn’t skew results or track your web browsing to invade your privacy like some I could name.

If you must search for a news story on Google, add a trusted sources’ name to your search terms. For instance, type in “Trump income taxes Foxnews.” That way, you’ll see the write-up of that story. Goodness knows, if you don’t include a conservative source in your search, Google will never show it to you.

Sen. Ted Cruz has proposed a new Constitutional Amendment to prevent Democrats from trying to seize permanent power by packing the Supreme Court with additional liberal political appointees and turning it into a super-legislature. He calls it the “Keep Nine” Amendment. It simply reads: “The Supreme Court of the United States shall be composed of nine justices.”

Cruz said if Democrats win the election, they will kill the filibuster and expand and pack the SCOTUS with radical liberal activists to entrench their power for generations and destroy the foundations of our democratic system. Supporter Sen. Martha McSally agreed, calling their refusal to confirm or deny that they plan to pack the court “frightening.”

Unfortunately, the Amendment isn’t likely to go anywhere, since it would take a two-thirds majority vote of both the House and Senate and then have to be ratified by 38 of the 50 state legislatures. There are too many Democrats in power to allow that. But ironically, if the Amendment were put to a national vote, chances are it would win by a two-thirds majority. A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll found that only 32% of Americans (just under one third) favor packing the Supreme Court.

But then, if Democrats believed in letting the people have control over their own government, they wouldn’t be so keen to have us ruled by unelected judges who write laws from the bench that they can’t get passed through legislatures.

There are a lot of misleading ads running right now, but one in particular irks me for the artful way in which it misleads viewers into thinking Republicans want to take away their health care. It’s also a great example of a certain genre of reprehensible campaign ads that try to win votes by frightening the vulnerable through slandering the innocent. So I thought I’d examine it more closely to show you the techniques used so you’ll understand how you’re being played, not only by this ad but by the many, many others that are similarly sneaky.

This TV spot is sponsored by a leftwing PAC called Future Forward USA. To play on the viewers’ emotions, it pairs dramatic music with images of worried-looking Americans of various backgrounds. It starts with a narrator telling us that 133 million Americans have pre-existing medical conditions. That’s likely true, but it doesn’t mention that the vast majority do have coverage for them, such as employer-provided policies, Medicare and Medicaid.

The narrator then says, “This Administration and Senate Republicans want to overturn laws requiring insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions.” That’s only technically true. They want to overturn one specific bad law (the ACA, or “Obamacare”) that increased consumer costs while providing inferior coverage due to its one-size-fits-all government-mandated nature. It’s mostly gone now, but we need to remove the remaining shards so it can be replaced with something better that helps those who really can’t take care of themselves while using market forces to improve quality and lower prices for everyone else.

I’ve been in Republican politics for decades and can honestly say I’ve never met a single fellow Republican who dreams of taking away health care from people with preexisting conditions. We used to say that the parties mostly agreed on what needed to be done, we just differed on how to accomplish it. Now, if you disagree with the liberal approach (a giant government takeover), it means you want people to get sick and die. No.

Incidentally, I also know zero Republicans who want to take away your grandparents’ Medicare or slash their Social Security and make them eat cat food. I’ve been seeing campaign ads that make those claims since I was a small child. I’m now old enough for Medicare myself, yet after all that time, Medicare is still here and Social Security payments have only increased.

Next, the narrator says, “They’re rushing a lifetime appointment through the Supreme Court to change the law through the courts.” Conservatives don’t believe in “changing laws through the courts.” But they do believe it’s the duty of courts to strike down laws that are unconstitutional. Even so, Judge Amy Coney Barrett and President Trump both insist that they have not discussed how she would rule on any future case, including Obamacare. And her appointment is not being “rushed.” The timeline is entirely in keeping with historical precedent.

Next, the narrator tells us, “70% of Americans want to keep protections for pre-existing conditions in place.” I’m surprised it’s not 100%. Again, I know of no one who wants to take health care away from sick people or seize Tiny Tim’s crutch and sell it on eBay. The argument is over how to do it effectively, cost-efficiently and constitutionally, in a way that helps those in need without destroying the system for everyone else.

It ends with an entreaty to call the White House and Senate and tell them to “stop playing games with our health care.” Nobody thinks it’s a game (see above.) It’s a serious issue that is being taken seriously by Republicans. Far more seriously, I might add, than Obamacare was when it was rammed through in the middle of the night and Nancy Pelosi told us they had to pass it first to find out what was in it.

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that the PAC that created this ad is supported by deep-pockets leftwing donors, including about $3 million from the leftist dark money group, the Sixteen Thirty Fund and a million dollars from super-rich former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

This ad particularly incensed me because of its subject matter and misleading nature, but it’s hardly unique. Sadly, it’s one of far too many political ads that are based on the old cynic’s definition of advertising: it’s the art of disconnecting people’s brains long enough to sell them something. Or in this case, of poisoning people’s brains long enough to get them to vote a certain way.

Saturday in San Francisco, a small group of Trump supporters tried to hold a rally for free speech outside Twitter headquarters. But hundreds of what the media called “counter-protesters” (but which more accurately should be described as “fascist goons”) physically assaulted them. They punched Philip Anderson, the organizer of the event, in the face, breaking his front teeth as they taunted him and called him racist names (he’s African-American.)

There’s a photo of one of the hate-filled thugs in the act at that link. He has a bandana over his lower face, but would it really be that difficult for the police to identify and arrest him? Even in San Francisco?

Anderson will need extensive dental work to fix his teeth. Fortunately, a GoFundMe account quickly raised more than enough to cover the bill. His response to the assault on Twitter: “Joe Biden, do you still think Antifa is ‘just an idea?’”

A check of Antifa social media communications showed that this was organized in advance with the intention of attacking what they called racists, fascists, Q-Anons, and other negative epithets that they attach to anyone who disagrees with their radical leftism to justify their violence.

How much longer will innocent American citizens be expected to tolerate being assaulted by these thugs until they are finally, officially branded as what they are: an anti-American domestic terrorist group? How much longer will people be expected to give up their First Amendment rights and not resort to using their Second Amendment rights when the government and the police refuse to protect them from physical assaults?

Using violence and threats to deprive Americans of exercising their civil rights is a federal crime.

The creation of those laws was inspired by the KKK. The fact that the people breaking the teeth of a black man while calling him racist names claim to be fighting racism doesn’t make them any better, or any different, from Klansmen.

Where are the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to condemn this atrocity? Where are all the Hollywood liberal celebrities? Well, we all know the answers to those questions. The more important question is, where are the federal authorities to round up, arrest and prosecute to the full extent of the law these thugs and terrorists who are using violence to deprive people of their civil rights? Local authorities refused to act. Now, they’re committing a federal crime, and it’s time for the useless local authorities to step aside and let the feds move in and stop it.

This weekend, in an appearance on JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE, I made it clear that there are people right here in America deliberately trying to manipulate the 2020 election. This was in the context of Big Tech’s effort to shut down free speech and censor the very real story of Joe Biden and his son, and I said I’m much more worried about Silicon Valley than I am the Russians. Silicon Valley has done much more than Russia have. I said the Russians might’ve put their thumb on the scale in the elections, but Silicon Valley takes the fat woman and sits her right in the middle of the scale and tells her not to get up.

That’s not intended as a jab to any woman --- or man, Lord help me --- who’d like to lose some pounds. It’s just to make the point of what the anti-Trump forces are doing. I also said that if it weren’t for former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell and current DNI John Ratcliffe, we wouldn’t be finding out much about it.

Thanks largely to them, we’re learning that it’s not just Big Tech trying to silence the Hunter Biden story. It’s actually people within our own government, particularly the FBI, who were putting all their weight on the scale to protect the Bidens and damage Trump. Much of this has to do with the laptop of Hunter Biden’s that curiously ended up being hoarded by the FBI in late 2019 (impeachment time!) and for months afterwards.

As usual, it’s left to the Senate and Republicans in the House to take this information and find out what they can. Sen. Ron Johnson, who chairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, sent a letter this weekend to Pete Kadrik of Blue Star Strategies –- a Democrat-led firm that lobbied for corrupt energy company Burisma –- saying that the company hadn’t been completely responsive to a subpoena issued last May for all records relating to their work for Burisma Holdings since January of 2013. (As you know, Burisma paid the inexperienced Hunter Biden big bucks to be on their board of directors.) Sen. Johnson told Mr. Kadrik that one document in particular had been withheld, one that they became aware of on October 15.

This missing document is an email providing an account of a December 2, 2015, conference call that was hosted by the White House to discuss Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to Ukraine. As Sen. Johnson told Maria Bartiromo on FOX NEWS SUNDAY, that was the trip during which they believe Biden must’ve given the Ukrainian president and prime minister the ultimatum he later bragged about: Fire head prosecutor Viktor Shokin (who was looking into Burisma) or lose $1 billion of aid. Johnson’s committee never got this document, and they want to know why.

The reason they became aware of the conference call is that there’s a reference to it and to a memo about it from the Blue Star Strategies team on the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and they want to be able to verify this.

The email on the hard drive says, “This morning the White House hosted a conference call regarding the Vice President’s upcoming trip to Ukraine. Attached is a memo from the Blue Star Strategies team with the minutes of that call, which outlined the trip’s agenda and addressed several questions regarding U.S. policy toward Ukraine.”

Of course, Maria brought up what we’ve all been wondering ever since the NEW YORK POST broke their the laptop story: Why, if the FBI had this laptop in December of 2019, during the impeachment of President Trump, did they sit on it, when it contained evidence that showed Trump was justified in asking President Zelensky to investigate?

The computer store owner said he tried to give the laptop to the FBI but they initially didn’tt seem interested. (According to Devin Nunes, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, this man wanted to give it to them SPECIFICALLY because it was relevant to the impeachment of Trump.) But in December, he was served by FBI agent Joshua Wilson (who, perhaps tellingly, has specialized for five years in child pornography cases) with a grand jury subpoena to turn it over, which he did. The store owner, as you know, had the presence of mind to copy the hard drive first and, after hearing nothing back from the FBI, took a copy to the Senate. Sen. Johnson’s committee contacted the FBI to ask if they could verify anything about the laptop and its contents. After hearing nothing back in a couple of days, Sen. Johnson wrote to the FBI.

"The FBI has a duty,” he told Maria, “to inform us if they believe this is, maybe, Russian disinformation. They should give us a defensive briefing. They should tell us about that.” And if the store owner is trying to pass off something that isn’t real –- which is a crime –- the FBI should tell them that as well.

But here’s the key: No one, even Biden’s campaign, has said these emails are fake. If they were, you know they’d proclaim that. Considering, then, that these are genuine and that they would've been extremely relevant to the impeachment case against Trump, why did the FBI sit on them? Were they covering up to protect the Biden family, or were they withholding exculpatory evidence against the President during his sham impeachment?

Given the way the FBI has been operating for at least the past several years, my guess is that it’s both. It’s like that old commercial, “Certs is a candy mint, AND a breath mint!”

Sen. Johnson also brought up the totally separate email evidence uncovered by investigative reporter Peter Schweizer that we reported on last week. “This requires serious investigation,” he said, “and the fact that the mainstream media is suppressing this information from the American public is a scandal in and of itself.”

Agreed. So what’s it gonna take to get all that weight off the scales of justice? President Trump must put all the power he has into play. He can start inside the government, at the very top, with FBI Director Chris Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel, who both should be sent packing.

Much more will come out over the next couple of weeks. (This is why early voting is such a bad idea.) There are reportedly three laptops in the FBI’s possession: Hunter Biden’s, another from his business partner Devon Archer, and the third from...Hunter’s psychiatrist. Does the FBI really have THAT? It’s not likely they would unless they’re looking at charges for child pornography/sexual abuse.

Steve Bannon has apparently been in charge of the “roll-out plan” for the evidence, so he must already know what's coming and when. Here’s what he says we can expect.

And here’s Rudy Giuliani’s preview of coming attractions.

Finally, here's the computer repair shop owner's story, as told by Rudy Giuliani to Mark Levin on Sunday.

The Democrats are running lots of ads claiming that Joe Biden’s economic policies will create 7 million new jobs and put more money in workers’ pockets. If you’re like me, you’re asking yourself, “If he knows how to do that, why didn’t he do it during the 47 previous years he spent in office?”

But the Hoover Institution think tank did more than just wonder: they dug deep into Biden’s plan to estimate what would actually be the economic results of his proposals for massive new taxes, regulations and government micro-management.

Here’s the full study.

And if you’re in a hurry, here’s an excerpt from the summary that puts it in a nutshell:

“We conclude that in the long run, Biden’s agenda would reduce full-time equivalent employment per person by about 3 percent, the capital stock per person by about 15 percent, real GDP per capita by more than 8 percent, and real consumption per household by about 7 percent. Relative to the CBO’s 2030 projections for these variables, this suggests there will be 4.9 million fewer employed individuals, $2.6 trillion less in GDP, and $1.5 trillion less consumption in that year alone. Median household income in 2030 would be $6,500 less.

While these effects may seem large, they are actually conservative estimates of the negative impact of the full Biden agenda.”

I’m not an economist, but that sure sounds to me like more unemployment and lower pay. If you lived through the Obama/Biden years, this may sound eerily familiar to you. But if your memory has been short-circuited by four years of media propaganda, maybe this will help refresh it.

"Joe Biden still has not been forced to explain why he fired Ukraine’s top prosecutor at precisely the moment his son was being paid to get him to fire Ukraine’s top prosecutor.”

That was Tucker Carlson on his Thursday show, which aired live before Biden’s televised town hall was over. Sure enough, that observation was still true afterward, because Biden wasn’t asked ONE QUESTION about this. And no wonder; anyone invested in a Biden win 2-1/2 weeks from now must know how damaging the story would be if it got the attention it deserves.

Biden also has never said whether or not he personally benefited from son Hunter’s foreign business dealings. He still insists he’s never talked with his son about them, not once. But according to one of the more telling emails on what is almost certainly Hunter’s discarded laptop, “Pop” benefited quite a lot. “I love you all,” it reads. “But I don’t receive any respect and thats fine I guess – works for you apparently. I Hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

What? Joe Biden was pocketing half of what Hunter made?

No doubt Hunter wouldn’t have made the big bucks without his father’s last name, and he has acknowledged as much. So in a way, it might seem fitting that his father would take a generous cut. That is, if his father weren’t VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Rudy Giuliani describes this as “a racketeering case.”

Tucker went on to talk about Thursday's update in the NEW YORK POST (don’t look for it on Twitter, as they’ve deemed the whole story “unsafe”), which explores Hunter’s dealings in China. Here, we’re talking about tens of millions of dollars, even hundreds of millions and more. Another email on the laptop reads, “At the moment, there’s a provisional agreement the equity will be distributed as follows: Ten held by Hunter for the big guy...” The “big guy” surely was Joe Biden. So, can this money destined for him be traced back to the CCP?

According to Miranda Devine, a columnist for the NY POST, one deal with a Chinese energy company netted Hunter Biden $10 million a year for “introductions alone.”

He was also on a $1 million retainer from another company for “legal services.” Devine poses the question that, since the gravy train continued when Biden was no longer Vice President, what exactly were the Chinese paying for? I assume she’s wondering what we all are: were they anticipating the day when Biden would be running for President and likely becoming Commander-in-Chief in, say, January of 2021? They clearly want him to win.

This brings to mind the Clinton Global Foundation, whose billions in donations dried up soon after Hillary lost in 2016.

Ironically, by blocking a story that involves the the CCP, Twitter and Facebook are acting JUST LIKE the CCP. (Really, who needs Russia to “meddle” in our elections when we have Twitter and FB to do it?) And now Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are using Big Tech’s rejection of the Biden story as evidence that it’s not true. They’re saying it’s “debunked” when it’s not at all.

As Tucker pointed out, Twitter and FB aren’t claiming it's a hoax but are simply cutting off communication about it. I hope it’s not getting tiresome for me to bring up George Orwell, but these people really are acting like the Ministry Of Truth. They want censorship if it works in their favor. And they don’t mean just to shut down some obscure blog, though that would be wrong as well, but even to censor major publications to silence a story they don't want. Likewise, they’ll pass along an easily-debunked lie if the lie is what they DO want. They’ve crossed a big red line.

This should scare the pants off you.

According to Ms. Devine, the Biden campaign is backing off its original response, which was that his official calendar had no record of his meeting with the Burisma official who’d emailed Hunter a thank-you for their meeting. Now they’re saying they “would not rule out the possibility” of a meeting, but it would’ve just been “informal” and “cursory.” Okay, but the official had referred to “spending some time” with the Vice President. How much time?

She concluded by saying, “Maybe he will answer it tonight when he does a town hall. I doubt whether he’ll be asked any really tough questions, though.” (Wow, she must be psychic!)

Fortunately, outside the mainstream, there’s still some real journalism going on, such as this update from THE EPOCH TIMES.

Yesterday, I expressed curiosity about the “backstory” of the abandoned MacBook Pro, notably how it came to be subpoenaed by the FBI –- where it seems to have been deep-sixed around the time of the Trump impeachment (hmm). Seems I was not alone.

Giuliani says he received a copy of the hard drive three weeks ago from his attorney, Robert Costello, who got it from John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware. (Isaac had had the laptop for 90 days and was unable to contact the owner.) Steve Bannon negotiated a deal and passed it to the NY POST, which also did its own authentication. This deal allowed Giuliani to later disclose the material to other media as he is now doing. (This begs the question: Can Twitter shut them ALL down?)

What I’m most curious about is the FBI subpoena --- what was that about? Mac Isaac gave Costello a copy of what he said was the subpoena, dated Dec. 9, 2019, used to seize the laptop. (Fortunately, he copied the hard drive before he turned it over.) Sen. Ron Johnson said Thursday that he wants the FBI to "come clean." What were they doing with this? Why did they sit on it?

The FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware declined to confirm the authenticity of the subpoena. As in the old song, “They didn’t say yes, they didn’t say no.”

There are some inconsistencies with Mac Isaacs as a witness; the EPOCH TIMES piece mentions these. Still, they have little to do with whether or not this laptop is the real deal or a hoax. These emails are either real or they’re not, regardless of Mac Isaac’s motivations or the fact that Giuliani is Trump’s attorney. It’s understandable that Giuliani and other Trump advocates are working overtime to get the truth out, because “journalists” have utterly failed to do their job and don’t even care if Biden and his family are corrupt.

The Hunter Biden Email Story

October 15, 2020


The New York Post obtained a 2015 email reportedly recovered from a computer Hunter Biden left for repairs and never picked up. It’s from Ukrainian businessman Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the infamous Ukrainian energy company Burisma that paid Hunter $50,000 a month for his invaluable contributions as a board member. The email reads, ‘Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving me an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.” In another email from May, 2014, Pozharskyi asks Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on Burisma's behalf.

This was less than eight months before Joe Biden threatened to withhold foreign aid money to Ukraine if they didn’t fire a prosecutor who was looking into Burisma. It’s a big deal – or should be – because Biden has angrily denied having any ulterior motives or ever speaking to his son about his foreign business deals.

If you don’t hear about this, it could be because other outlets, from Facebook to the Washington Post, are doing everything possible not to report it and to keep others from sharing it. Not because they're biased and are treating any stories about Hunter as gingerly as radioactive waste. Perish the thought.

No, it's just that media outlets that have run countless anti-Trump fake news articles based on anonymous sources and “leaked” documents have suddenly become extremely concerned about repeating a story based on leaked documents. Facebook is limiting sharing of the story until its fact-checkers have time to verify it as genuine (I’m guessing that job will take until, oh…November 4th.) No bias, just standard operating procedure, you understand.


For your convenience. If this is a hoax, someone went to a lot of effort to make it a good one, even creating a deep fake Hunter Biden sex tape, complete with crack smoking for added authenticity.


Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana nails it again, this time on the Joe/Hunter Biden story and, in particular, the social media reaction:

"These accusations are as serious as four heart attacks and a stroke."

He went to praise the NEW YORK POST as a responsible, reputable news organization, subject to libel and defamation laws. Social media are trying to pick winners and losers, and that is wrong.

He said this story about then-VP Biden and his son suggests to the world that "the foreign policy of the United States can be bought and sold like a sack of potatoes." Because of its importance, every news organization around the world needs to be investigating the veracity of this story. We need to get this right, "and that's why we have the First Amendment, and why we have a free and fair --- supposedly fair --- media."

Emphasis on the word "supposedly."

Let’s set aside for the moment the blatant censorship of the Joe/Hunter Biden story by the Ministry of Truth –- I mean, Twitter, Facebook and the rest of the anti-Trump media. That issue looms large, to be sure, but as the election nears, we can’t let it detract from what it is they’re trying so hard to bury: evidence of what Joe Biden DID while Vice President to help his son peddle influence in foreign countries. (Ironically, by trying so hard to hide it, Twitter and Facebook have succeeded in calling more attention to it. This is an example of the “Streisand Effect,” to be discussed separately.)

By now you know the story about the laptop, first reported in the NEW YORK POST. A computer repair technician in Delaware was left with a MacBook Pro that no one had ever come back to his shop to claim; it apparently belonged to Hunter Biden. As reported by the POST, it had a sticker on it from the Beau Biden Foundation and contained video of Hunter having sex with an unidentified woman and also smoking crack. It’s hard to even imagine this could have been created as part of a hoax, and the Biden campaign has not disputed the authenticity of the emails.

This discovery is important in light of what we already knew about Hunter Biden, who, with no relevant experience, was paid $50,000 a month starting in April, 2014, to sit on the board of Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas company. At the time, his dad, Joe Biden, was Vice President of the United States and had been appointed by Obama for some reason to be “point man” on U.S. policy in Ukraine. So the question naturally arises, what did Burisma plan to get for its investment? And did it get that? These emails suggest that it did.

According to the messages, on May 12, 2014 –- mere weeks after Hunter was asked to join the board –- a top executive at Burisma emailed him to ask him to use his “influence” to quell Ukrainian officials whom he claimed were trying to extort the company. This was the very day that Burisma publicly announced that Hunter Biden had joined its board and would be running its “legal unit and...provide support for the Company among international organizations.” But according to the POST story, Hunter Biden’s attorney says he’s never been in charge of Burisma’s legal affairs.

On April 17, 2015, the same executive emailed Hunter to thank him for the meeting he’d had with the Vice President and for getting to “spend some time” with him. Joe Biden’s campaign spokesperson disputes that the meeting took place, saying it wasn’t on his official calendar, as if that proved they didn’t meet.

We know (because he bragged about it in 2018 in front of a live audience of the Council on Foreign Relations) that just a few months later, in December of 2015, Joe Biden threatened the Ukrainian president and the prime minister that $1 billion in aid would be withheld unless their prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, was fired. Apparently, that was what it took to put Shokin in the unemployment line.

Legal analyst Andrew C. McCarthy outlines in more detail what we know and can piece together about the various meetings and communications. These also involve Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer, who used to work as a senior adviser to Joe Biden’s close friend John Kerry and was convicted in 2018 of fraud and conspiracy. (Evidence in the case also implicated Hunter, but he was not charged.) McCarthy touches on how the laptop came to be in the possession of the FBI and how a copy of the hard drive got to Trump attorney Rudy Guiliani, who passed it on to the POST on Sunday. The POST had been told about it by Steve Bannon.

McCarthy says it’s “unclear” why these emails are just now coming to light. Seems like the typical “October surprise” to me, though instinct tells me there's much more backstory to be learned.

For example, how did the computer technician come to be subpoenaed by the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware to produce the laptop for a grand jury? Yes, grand jury proceedings are secret, but what was that about? This is when the FBI apparently took custody of the laptop. As McCarthy points out, this was December, 2019, when the Democrats were just wrapping up their (phony) impeachment proceedings. It sure would have been fun for Trump to use this back in January during his Senate trial. Just imagine Trump’s attorneys putting those emails up on a big screen and saying, “HEY! You wanna talk about corruption??”

Of course, Joe Biden has maintained that he pressed for Shokin’s firing only because of claims by European leaders that Shokin was corrupt. No, no, it had nothing to do with any personal agenda that involved Biden's own son. That doesn't cut it. An honest, ethical VP would have said, "Look, son, with me in charge of our policy towards Ukraine, you can't be on the Burisma board."

The huge irony here: President Trump was impeached over a phone call in which Democrats claimed he was threatening to withhold aid if Ukrainians didn’t act to further his own personal agenda. Trump did NOT do that –- Biden DID. Trump got impeached. Biden became the Democrat nominee for President. Talk about a two-tier justice system.

And again, as we’ve said for years, what Democrats accuse Republicans of doing is always what they themselves have done (or are doing, or plan to do).

Joe Biden has insisted over and over that he “never, ever, ever, ever” (yes, that’s a quote) talked with his son about his foreign business dealings. If these emails reflect actual events, he is either thoroughly corrupt and lying his head off or else is having even more serious memory lapses than we knew. Or both.

ANTIFA Helps Trump Campaign

October 15, 2020

Sunday in Portland, Oregon, the “idea” of Antifa (it’s not a movement, just an “idea,” according to Joe Biden) held a “Day of Rage” (pretty much like every other day to them) and vandalized “non-friendly” businesses. One was a downtown café called the Heroes American Café (the name alone triggered them painfully, I’m sure.) The owner has photos of first responders on the walls and shares profits with police charities.

So the vague "idea” of Antifa hit one window with what was likely a baseball bat and shot out two others. Ironically, the restaurant owner, John Jackson, is black. He’s also an Army and Marine veteran, and if the radicals thought they’d intimidate him into mouthing their idiotic politics, they were wrong.

Jackson said, “When I first came here about 10 years ago, it was one of the most accepting cities that I knew of…We’re for all heroes and we don’t support zeroes. So if you’re a bad cop, we don’t really have time for you. If you’re walking your beat and you’re taking care of your people or you’re saving lives, we love you.”

And if the “idea” of Antifa can read (and that’s a big “if”), then they should learn how badly their bullying attempt failed. Jackson told Fox News that not only are good people supporting his restaurant as never before but the attack “solidified my Trump vote. I’m done with this weakness and we need some real strong leadership.”

On a side note, to all those “suburban moms” who are allegedly supporting Biden because they think this violent garbage will never come to the suburbs: they’re planning to bring it to your suburbs and already starting it in some places. Which party – both on the local and national levels - do you think will actually do anything to stop them?

“How Dare You Question Your Queen, Peasant?!” Wolf Blitzer of CNN committed the ultimate media sin by actually asking a top Democrat a tough question. He learned one reason why reporters never do that (you know the other reason.) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went into full-on huff mode when Wolf dared to ask her why she refuses to negotiate with Republicans to pass a coronavirus relief bill and keeps holding out for her far larger version, even as businesses are going bankrupt and Americans are losing their jobs and standing in food lines.

At the link, you can read quotes or watch on video as Pelosi haughtily lectures Blitzer that he’s wrong and should “respect the committees” and that the paltry $1.8 trillion offered by the Republicans is not even close to good. As for the people standing on corners begging for change, she claimed that “we see them,” although it might be hard through the smoked glass windows of her limo. Maybe $1.8 trillion just doesn’t seem like that much when you have $120 million and eat artisan ice cream out of two high-end freezers in your mansion.

Pelosi became so outraged at the effrontery of one of her house lackeys daring to question her that at one point, she said, "I don’t know why you’re always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position." Yes, she’s actually so far left that she thinks CNN anchors are spokespeople for the GOP!

This article also lists some of the vitally important demands that she’s holding up the virus relief bill over. They include $1 trillion for (blue) cities and states with no restrictions on how they use it, other than it can’t be spent on policing (as if it would be!); lots of climate change pork; revoking voter ID laws and legalizing ballot harvesting; funding pot shops and public broadcasting; racial quota enforcement on corporate boards; and taxpayer-funded free healthcare for illegal immigrants.

All obviously necessary actions to fight the virus and help Americans survive the endless lockdowns that Democrat politicians are enforcing, even though the WHO has now said they’re doing more harm than good and shouldn’t be the primary way of fighting the coronavirus. Ladies and gentlemen, the Party of “SCIENCE!” I assume that means “the science of picking the taxpayers’ pockets to increase your own power.”

If you think about it, when you hear Democrats complain about all the horrible things wrong with America, how many of those problems are largely caused by the same people complaining about them? We had a booming economy that was knocked for a loop by a virus from China (for whom they are boosters and apologists) and that continues to suffer due to lockdowns they enforced and refuse to lift. Racial divisiveness that was on the decline before they did everything possible to promote more of it. We have riots, crime and street violence in cities they run. They claim the riots are sparked by racist brutality by police forces they’ve controlled for, in some cases, up to 70 years. And after years of endless wars and growing terrorism, peace is breaking out all over the Middle East and they seem downright upset by it because Trump arranged it.

That’s why, when Chuck Schumer threatened for all the Senate Democrats to refuse to come to work, my first thought was, “Can you get the House Democrats to do that, too?” Imagine how many problems could be fixed in a week if they weren’t there to “help!”

U.S. Attorney John Bash of Texas, who was tasked by Attorney General Bill Barr with looking into the repeated unmaskings of associates of Donald Trump, resigned his office and left the Justice Department last week, without even issuing a report.

So far, the Department has declined to release any of Bash’s work.

News media are reacting as one might imagine, affirming that unmasking the names of American citizens caught up in surveillance of foreign targets was “a common and appropriate” practice exploited by conservatives to create a political conspiracy. (In reality, it used to be relatively uncommon.) According to the predictably predictable WASHINGTON POST, “Legal analysts feared that Bash’s review was yet another attempt by Trump’s Justice Department to target political opponents of the President. Even if it ultimately produced no results of consequence, legal analysts said, it allowed President Trump and other conservatives to say Obama-era officials were under scrutiny, as long as the case stayed active.” Here’s their take in full, if you really want to subject yourself.

Bash and his team were looking not only at the unmasking but also at the leaking of information to reporters, which we know was done. But the AG’s office chose not to release any findings publicly. According to WAPO, “the WASHINGTON POST was unable to review the full results of what Bash found.”

According to the WAPO story, Bash accepted a job offer in the private sector and told Barr of this about a month ago. He surprised many at the DOJ when he announced his departure last week, making no reference to the unmasking investigation he’d been working on.

The U.S. attorney replacing him in the San Antonio office will be Gregg Sofer, and it’s hard to tell if any leftovers from the investigation will be transferred to him, or if it will just be closed.

Bash had no comment. A spokesman for the DOJ’s San Antonio office had no comment. So far, Barr has had no comment. It’s not clear why the Department is holding back Bash’s findings --- even WAPO acknowledged that.

But Bash’s probe is just one part of this look into unmasking. Reportedly, U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation includes unmasking as well, and it’s hard to know how the two investigations overlapped. Barr has said that no report of Durham’s findings will be released before the election. But he’s also said he wouldn’t delay Durham’s findings over concerns about the election being so close. Well, that’s confusing; I guess he’s saying he won’t delay the findings but knows they won't be ready, anyway. So the question is, why the heck won't they?

We know, thanks to the efforts of then-acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell, that unmasking requests skyrocketed under Obama, with more than three dozen former Obama administration officials on the list of those who made those requests. These include presidential candidate and then-Vice President Joe Biden, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.

But Bash will be providing details on none of this. As Trump said of a similar review conducted by U.S. Attorney John Huber in Utah, “He was a garbage disposal for important documents & then tap, tap, tap, just drag it along and run out of time.”

Since there's no report, it’s not known if Bash collected evidence that supported the allegations of Michael Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell, but on Monday, Powell appeared on FOX Business News with Maria Bartiromo to allege that the Obama administration participated in the smear campaign against her client.

Democrats are braying that, absent the indictments (well, there's been one), all of this is a big “nothingburger.” But we already know enough about it to say they're as wrong about this as they are about most things, which is saying a lot.

One thing noted by THE CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE last June is extremely pertinent to this perplexing new development: that Flynn’s conversation with Russian Ambassador Kislyak was NOT obtained by unmasking his name. Flynn himself had already been put under surveillance. The targeting of Flynn is something Durham should definitely be looking at. For when you have time, this detailed piece explains it all.

We know this is true from the Mueller report, which says that before Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak, “the FBI had opened an investigation OF FLYNN [emphasis mine] based on his relationship with the Russia government.” This is why there’s no paper trail of an unmasking request on this phone call with Michael Flynn. No unmasking necessary! They were getting that information anyway.

One piece of evidence that finally did come out on Tuesday was the FBI’s Steele dossier “spread sheet,” showing what was included vs. what was actually verified. Virtually nothing was verified. Finally declassified, this 94-page document supports –- one might say “verifies” –- just about everything we already knew about the phony Trump/dossier. It was a big pile of nothing. The “verification” was hearsay and circular reporting.

CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE also has an excellent, very detailed report for when you have time, including a link to a pdf of the spreadsheet.

Finally, Drew Holden at THE FEDERALIST said it well: “In hindsight, the allegations range from overeager to merely comical. But it’s important to remember that they have had a real, lasting impact on American politics, and that those chiefly responsible have yet to be held accountable.”

We're long past time to see accountability. It's now or never.

All I can say that's good about Day Two of the Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett is that it allowed Americans to learn even more about why Barrett is such an incredibly gifted and qualified nominee. The Kodak Moment came when she was asked what she had in front of her, and she held up a blank notepad. All the Senators required copious notes to grill her, but she was calmly and expertly answering their questions, quoting cases and deflecting attacks, all without even looking at notes.

Meanwhile, Senate Democrats, realizing they had no substantive, or even fictitious, charges to level at her, chose simply to waste everyone’s time. Instead of asking Judge Barrett questions, which was the alleged reason for the hearings, Democrats like Kamala Harris droned on and on, making partisan campaign speeches and accusing Republicans of wanting to take health care away from families or make their payments skyrocket by getting rid of Obamacare (which actually made health care more expensive for most people.) If this is what her campaign speeches are like, I can see why nobody is showing up.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar was among several Senate Democrats who pulled the neat trick of wasting precious time by bemoaning that the hearings were wasting precious time that should be used to pass a coronavirus relief bill. Except that Republicans tried to pass such a bill three weeks ago and she and her fellow Democrats blocked it from even being debated. I did love when Judge Barrett told Klobuchar, “I don’t attack people, just ideas.” In that case, Sen. Klobuchar is safe on both counts.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse went off on a “dark money” conspiracy rant that looked like something out of “A Brilliant Mind,” minus the brilliance (note: Democrats are being greatly advantaged by dark money from a variety of sources, from Soros to Silicon Valley.)

But you can always count on Sen. Mazie Hirono to lower the bar of discourse to subterranean levels, which she did by asking Barrett (in front of her children), "Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?" To keep you off the edge of your seat, the answer was “no.” There was also a suggestion that she’s a racist, when her two adopted black children were sitting in the gallery behind her. Her only "score" was browbeating Barrett for causing pain and suffering to the LGBTQ community by using the "offensive" phrase "sexual preference" instead of "sexual orientation," for which Barrett apologized.

Judge Barrett was forced to explain over and over that she could not speculate how she would rule on future cases because she didn’t know the facts of the particular case and it would prejudice her ruling. Democrats assailed this as shifty and evasive, even though it’s exactly the philosophy Ruth Bader Ginsburg expressed during her hearing. It’s even called “the Ginsburg Rule.”

Luckily, as the mother of seven kids, she’s used to having to patiently answer the same obvious questions repeatedly for a series of different children.

Overall, I’d say that day two convinced me even more that Judge Barrett is incredibly qualified for the Supreme Court, but there are a lot of Senators who aren’t qualified to be dog catcher.


A Democratic PAC wanted to promote the idea that voting by mail is trustworthy. So they hired “Seinfeld” star Wayne Knight to revive his role as the villainous, lazy, incompetent, scheming, dishonest postal worker “Newman” to deliver that message while eating cookies out of a package he opens illegally. “NEWMAN!!”


On the first day of early voting, Georgia saw such big crowds that there were technical problems and waits in line of up to six hours.

This story mentions that there were big crowds in an area that supports Trump heavily, but most of these long lines it covers were in heavily Democratic DeKalb County. Unless those are Democratic Trump voters (a possibility), that tells us two things: (1) Democrats can’t run anything efficiently, and (2) there is a heavy anti-Trump vote (I’m not going to call it a pro-Biden vote because…well, you know.)

So to everyone who wants to see Trump reelected, take this as a warning that you need to vote and take every like-minded person to the polls with you. Bring along a book, an iPad and a beach chair if you have to, but get in line and vote!


Philadelphia politicians voted to remove a statue of Christopher Columbus because he’s too politically incorrect to deserve to be honored. But when Columbus Day rolled around, they all took a paid day off work.

A New Reason To Hate Nike

October 14, 2020

If you’re looking for a new reason to hate Nike, try this: the ultra-woke sporting apparel giant just severed relations with Frank’s Sports Shop, which has been in The Bronx since the big star of the Yankees was Babe Ruth. After five decades, Nike sent a terse email saying the venerable family-owned store “no longer aligns with our distribution policy…This notice reflects a definitive final decision by the company.”

Moe Stein, the 92-year-old owner of Frank’s, said, “This is plain chutzpah. Let me tell you about Nike. We knew them when they had nothing. How do you like that? They’re putting down the Bronx. The Bronx! It’s not an elite place to them.”

Well, certainly not as elite as Beijing, which seems to be the place Nike is most concerned with these days. But it’s pretty obvious that neither Nike nor the sports leagues they’re in partnership with care much about Americans and their opinions these days, and the feeling is increasingly mutual. Sunday, the Lakers won the Finals over the Miami Heat, and a record low 5.6 million people tuned in. Last year’s game six, between the Warriors and the Raptors, drew 18.34 million viewers.

Liberal outlets like Yahoo Sports are trying to blame many other factors besides all the racial and political messages for the ratings collapse, like the coronavirus forcing multiple sports into competition. For instance, Sunday’s NBA game was opposite an NFL game that drew over 11 million viewers. But by comparison, in 1998, 36.9 million Americans watched the Bulls-Jazz game six alone.

Dallas Mavericks’ owner Mark Cuban also tried to deflect the claim that sports fans are sick of in-your-face racial grievance politics, disrespect to America and kowtowing to BLM and China. His view on China: they’re “a customer” and they’re “not the only country with human rights violations.” To his credit, I haven’t seen anyone in basketball spin anything that fast since the Harlem Globetrotters’ Curly Neal spun a basketball on his index finger.

We’re one day closer to Election Day --- now just three weeks out --- and most voters are still wearing blindfolds, clueless on a variety of issues. To a large extent, it’s because information is being hidden from them.

As reported yesterday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won’t even answer questions about what they plan to do in office, notably whether they’ll pack the Supreme Court –- a prospect that used to horrify even the most diehard Democrats. Attorney General Barr has told us not to expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s report before the election is over, and it seems voters won’t even see an interim report. My patience has certainly worn thin. Lawmakers, even some Republicans, are dragging out the search for evidence that implicates Biden and his cohorts in potentially criminal behavior.

Voters tend to make their choices based on economic issues and other things that directly affect them, so why are the results of these investigations important now? Because if Trump loses, those same people will be right back in place, ending the investigations and cementing their power in a variety of ways. Voters deserve to know if their candidates are criminals. Heck, some in the middle who are currently leaning left might even care.

As we’ve reported, social media also play a huge role in hiding information. The Tweet Police at Twitter are blocking tweets that provide evidence of ongoing voter fraud with mail-in ballots. They even “play doctor,” critiquing and blocking President Trump’s tweets about coronavirus, comments that might be pretty darned informative considering what he’s personally been through. The mainstream media enforce the Democrat narrative as well, in part by hiding violence infecting those “peaceful protests” in leftist-run cities.

These are just a few examples. Their strategy is to HIDE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION.

Speaking of hiding, we have an update on what I reported yesterday, about CIA Director Gina Haspel working to protect her agency from oversight at all costs. She received a letter last Wednesday from Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, ordering her to comply with a number of oversight requests regarding “Crossfire Hurricane” that they’d sent her in July. (July!) But she’s blown it off.

An excerpt from their letter to Haspel reads, “The American people have a right to know the full extent of official action taken by federal officials during the 2016 campaign, the presidential transition, and into the Trump administration...Unfortunately, many of the puzzle pieces remain hidden, and some of the information rests within your agency.”

Haspel was given until October 9 to comply with their requests. It’s now October 13. As reported earlier in THE FEDERALIST, Haspel is personally setting up the roadblocks. To protect her position, she’s pulling for Biden to win and all the Old Guard to resume their places in The Swamp.

As then-CIA Director John Brennan’s hand-picked station chief in London, Haspel was in the perfect spot to know what was going on with former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele and whatever was being choreographed across-the-pond to create the phony “Trump/Russia” narrative. But she’s still hiding it.

Ironically, Haspel said this during her confirmation hearing for CIA director in 2018: “As both a career intelligence officer and as an American citizen, I am a strong believer in the importance of oversight [and accountability]...I will uphold the Agency’s obligations to Congress and ensure that oversight works on behalf of the American people.”

What a hoot. The President should order her to respond fully to all inquiries immediately or else collect her things and be escorted out of the building. And how long does it take to prepare a subpoena?

So, why is all this important right now? Haven’t most people already decided which candidate to vote for? Yes, they have. In fact, many have voted already, as the DNC has been pushing them to VOTE EARLY! (The old saying “vote early and vote often” might not be much of a joke this year.) But Biden’s support is not what you’d call enthusiastic; many might swing away if they knew more: his rapidly deteriorating mental condition, his repeated and demonstrable lies, the radical leftists pulling his strings, his disrespect for voters, and, yes, his scandals, including alleged criminal conduct. The Democrat leadership knows that the sooner voters cast their ballots, the less likely they are to be operating on any of this information when they do.

Another investigation that hasn’t seen resolution before the election (and absolutely will end if the Democrats get back in power) is that of the DNC “hacks” that were supposedly done by the Russians. This was the start of the whole @#$% “Russia Russia Russia!” obsession we were subjected to for four years. Incredibly, some Biden supporters STILL believe that Trump was and is an agent of Vladimir Putin, and their votes will reflect that lie.

It would come as a surprise to most voters that there isn’t even any evidence that Russia hacked the DNC. You and I now know this was a story concocted by Hillary Clinton, apparently with help from one of her foreign policy advisers, to distract from her own email scandal. Recall that the cybersecurity company that DNC/Hillary law firm Perkins Coie hired to examine its servers and that launched the hacking allegation against Russia in 2016 was a firm called CrowdStrike, which is no little mom-and-pop.

CrowdStrike never transferred custody of the servers to the FBI but gave them reports, which were later cited by both the FBI and the special counsel. As RealClear Investigations writes, “During that fateful July 2019 phone call that would later trigger impeachment proceedings, Trump asked Ukraine’s [president] to scrutinize CrowdStrike’s role in the DNC server breach, suggesting that the company may have been involved in hiding the real perpetrators.” And why shouldn’t the President suspect them? After all, IT WAS HILLARY WHO HIRED THEM.

If you've been following the details, here’s the latest on CrowdStrike. By the way, the reason CrowdStrike is in the news today is that according to recent financial disclosure filings, Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul have just invested up to $1 million in CrowdStrike Holdings.

Just a few weeks before the election, transparency should be the most important consideration of all. I’ve said numerous times that voters should, if they can, wait till Election Day to vote (in person) so they have as much information as possible. But this time, it seems that even those who wait till the last day to vote will lack information they should have. Why would anyone want to vote for a candidate who deliberately keeps them in the dark?

One thing Trump supporters love about him is that he respects them enough to tell them honestly what he wants to do, and then he actually does it. But in Washington, among all the politicians and bureaucrats, it seems he is just about alone in that. I’m talking about the bureaucracy and both political parties, which reflexively play everything close to the vest.

The Democrats have always run to the right of who they really are, but this time, they’re counting on voters hating Trump so much that they won’t care even if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don’t bother to answer questions about what they plan to do. Their evasion is downright cringe-inducing and, in effect, gives us our answer.

When asked directly by a reporter if voters didn’t deserve to know if he wanted to pack the Supreme Court, Biden actually said flat-out, “NO, THEY DON’T.” I’m sure many Democrats don’t even know what “packing the Court” is, and his media buddies will give him a pass, so he thinks he can get away with treating voters this way. How little regard his campaign has for the voters.

See, Democrats DO believe in walls, the kind that protect them from scrutiny. They’re still very much the party of the smoke-filled room --- or at least the modern smoke-free equivalent of that room --- with its secret deals and power brokers. Exhibit A: the placement of Kamala Harris on the ticket, which had nothing to do with the wishes of most Democrats, who had understandably rejected her early on. Reportedly, Bernie Sanders is calling the shots behind the scenes, as Hillary used to.

But Biden and the Democrats aren’t the only ones lacking in transparency. Some Republicans, even those who yammer incessantly about transparency, have been taking for freaking ever to reveal evidence about the intel community’s “meddling” in the 2016 election that President Trump has now FULLY DECLASSIFIED WITHOUT REDACTIONS. Some still tease us on FOX News with that cat-that-ate-the-canary grin and a cryptic, “Stay tuned.” Well, we can’t stay tuned much longer, as the election (the voting part, anyway) will be over in just a few weeks, and voters, especially those in the middle who might not have paid attention as diligently as we have, deserve to know what Biden and other Democrats did or did not do –- BEFORE casting their ballots.

For example, guess who is reportedly on Biden’s “shortlist” for attorney general if he is President? SALLY YATES. It sure would be nice to know what involvement both Biden and Yates had in the Russia hoax –- including the Michael Flynn case –- before Election Day.

I'm aware that the Senate Intel and Judiciary Committees are not involved in criminal prosecution, but for crying out loud, some of them have the security clearance to have seen every last classified document --- at least the ones the FBI and CIA have turned over so far; I’ll get to that in a minute --- and they should now be able to speak freely and openly about all of it. Just spill it. Don’t drag it out another week or even another day.

Sen. Lindsay Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, had set up a hearing for former FBI official Andrew McCabe, but McCabe dropped out; we’ve discussed his flimsy excuses. Sen. Graham said on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES that he’s still “trying to get him to come in voluntarily.” Why didn’t he just subpoena the guy? Now the committee will be tied up with the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings and McCabe gets to skate for who knows how long?

Who cares about “voluntarily” at this point? This has gone on too long. Senators, for crying out loud, get tough.

Sen. Graham disappointed on Sunday when he said this of Obama’s condoning of Hillary’s plot to smear Trump: “Now, is that a crime? I doubt it. Is it a crime to try to smear your opponent? Probably not. But what Obama did is one the saddest chapters in the history of the presidency. He knew that his party’s nominee was out to try to link President Trump to Russia unfairly, and without evidence, and he didn’t do a damn thing about it.”

Wow, that mealymouthed criticism is just not strong enough, Sen. Graham. What Obama and his team did was far worse than that. With no evidence at all, President Obama --- and apparently Biden as well --- were at the very least complicit in the misuse of the FBI and a special counsel, using the full force of the American government to target the President-elect of the United States. That is much more serious than simply “smearing your opponent.” It is criminal. Americans need to see that it is criminal.

At least Graham outlined some possible crimes, noting that’s where U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation comes in. All right, but at this point, we've got to see the wheels turning at the Department of Justice, and so far there is nothing to see. Voters deserve transparency here, too. It’s Lady Justice who’s supposed to be wearing a blindfold, not the voters!

Devin Nunes appeared with Bartiromo on October 4 to talk about “smoking guns” and “information [that] needs to be made available to the American public.” Indeed. “And from what I understand,” he said, “there’s even more underlying evidence that backs up what Director Ratcliffe put out.” He noted that it’s been difficult to get to the bottom of this because of “corrupt officials.”

But now, another week has passed. CIA Director Gina Haspel is reportedly still holding on with her fingernails to documents unflattering to the CIA. AG Barr has said not to look for Durham’s report before the election. (Two words, Mr. Barr: INTERIM REPORT.) Ric Grenell, former acting Director of National Intelligence, was interviewed by Maria this Sunday, saying, “Somebody needs to go to jail, and be prosecuted first, obviously, and this is a slam-dunk...This can never happen again. We cannot allow our government to weaponize information, to hold it back.”

Recall that, ironically, Grenell was shut down by Twitter last Thursday for his tweet with pictures showing ballot fraud. Twitter is getting more adept all the time at withholding information.

This is what I mean about the importance of transparency, of ripping off the blindfold. Holding information back, in the context of an election, is just as bad as weaponizing it.