Mike Huckabee
A couple of days ago, I wrote –- this was fairly tongue-in-cheek –- about Joe Biden deserving prosecution under the Logan Act, as he is a private citizen speaking under no authorization with world leaders to affect foreign policy. It seemed particularly fitting; after all, Biden is reportedly the one who brought up the Logan Act in the Oval Office as a way to target Michael Flynn. (Ironically, unlike Biden today, Flynn was justified in talking with foreign leaders, as he was incoming national security adviser during an OFFICIAL TRANSITION.)
Since raising the issue of the Logan Act, I’ve seen that others are wondering about this, too
Biden is “playing President.” The media are playing along. He addresses them in front of an official-looking cardboard backdrop that says he’s the President-elect, and the media take him seriously because they choose to. JOE BIDEN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT-ELECT.
He might, God forbid, actually become President-elect if he survives the careful examination of the vote that absolutely must occur. But with the myriad allegations of massive, deliberate fraud that might be confirmed and reverse the count enormously in key states, he might not get through that process. Democrats were the ones who pressed for massive mail-in balloting, which --- intentionally, I believe --- weakened the process and left it vulnerable to outside manipulation (especially by the dead, ha). So they’re just going to have to wait while we make sense of the crazy result, which statisticians say is mathematically impossible.
The vote has NOT been certified. I’m reminded of Lucy informing Charlie Brown, “Peculiar thing about this document. It was never notarized.” For once, it’s time for the Republicans to pull away the football and let the Democrats land helplessly on their backs.
As reported in the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, Biden is already play-acting the role of President-elect, accepting “congratulatory” calls from world leaders from France, Germany, Ireland and the U.K. and discussing issues such as climate change and COVID-19.
In her report, Haley Victory Smith refers to him as the “apparent President-elect.” Apparent to WHOM? Haley Victory Smith?
Smith says that despite Trump’s refusal to concede, “many world leaders have recognized Biden as the victor.” Well, that’s probably because they listen to our media, and also because Biden's already assuming the mantle of power, quite inappropriately, speaking with them about foreign policy when he’s not supposed to be doing it.
I would add that one leader who HASN'T yet congratulated Biden is the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador; he says he himself has been “robbed” of office before by a corrupt process and will wait until our count is certified. Of course, AMLO is catching a lot of grief in the press for doing the right thing.
Reports say he "refuses," but that's too harsh; he's just prudently waiting until our legal issues are resolved, as our own media should.
Anyway, Biden’s team has been quite open about these talks, as they add to the perception that he really is Prez-in-waiting. They say Biden spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron about Iran’s nuclear program (!). He spoke to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson about Ukraine (!) and the Western Balkans.
"I’m letting them know that America is back,” Biden told reporters. “We’re going to be back in the game. It’s not America alone.”
Now wait just a doggone minute. I realize the media are playing along with this “game” –- an unwittingly apt choice of words from Biden –- but the “game” has gone too far.
During the presidential debate hosted by Chris Wallace on September 29, Biden was asked, as the final question, “Will you urge your supporters to stay calm while the vote is counted, and will you pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently certified?”
Biden did not waver: “YES. And here’s the deal: We count the ballots, as you pointed out. Some of these ballots in some states can’t even be opened until Election Day, and if there’s thousands and thousands of ballots, [it’s] gonna take time to do it.”
And so it will. But Biden has PLEDGED not to declare victory until the election results are certified. The results have not been certified, so...does this mean he hasn't declared victory? And if he hasn’t, what in blazes is he doing “playing President” and talking with foreign leaders about Iran and Ukraine? Trump's the President; Biden's a private citizen. Say, isn’t that a violation of the LOGAN ACT??
I would really like to have an answer to this. And I want it from his own lips, not in some CYA statement put out by his legal team.
Last Saturday night, Megyn Kelly said on NEWSMAX that the legal fight over the election is not over, even if the margins make it a longshot. (I would add that since Saturday, hard evidence has been produced that makes it seem like less of a longshot.) She said the Trump campaign deserves its days in court and the election deserves to have “its tires kicked,” particularly in Pennsylvania, where judges had no business jumping into what the legislature constitutionally determines.
Kelly called Trump’s fight “an uphill battle.” But almost a week later, we’ve got sworn evidence of large-scale lawbreaking, and we don’t yet know the extent of the targeted election fraud that appears to have taken place. Kelly accused Biden of being worse than disingenuous with his calls for unity and healing. She called him hypocritical for alienating everyone who voted for Trump at the same time he’s claiming he can unite all Americans.
"[Biden’s speech] was written by a man in his basement for the past year,” she said. (I would add that it’s unlikely Biden himself wrote the speech.) “Because the nation’s extremely divided right now...And you need to look no further than Joe Biden’s own party.”
"Biden’s been saying this all along,” she said. “He’s the unifier, he’s the one who’s going to bring us together. It sounds delightful...and I want that...But let’s get real. It’s not connected to reality on the ground in this country right now. And the only reason you’re hearing Biden and all these Democrats calling for it is because they won.”
Megyn, just one tiny point of clarification: it’s because they want you to THINK they won. Again, they haven’t.
But, but...THE NEW YORK TIMES splashed a big headline on Wednesday’s paper: ELECTION OFFICIALS NATIONWIDE FIND NO FRAUD. This is just more "gaslighting" to make us believe voter fraud is a bogus conspiracy theory --- you know, like the one they've helped perpetrate against Trump for going-on five years. Ignore them.
Joe, stop “playing President,” or you might have to be indicted for violating the Logan Act. Wouldn’t that be something if you had the distinction of being the first American to be successfully prosecuted under it? I just love the idea.