
Remember when we learned Hillary and her aides had erased their hard drives with BleachBit software and literally hit phones with hammers to destroy the information on them? James Comey said on July 5, 2016, that “no reasonable prosecutor” would charge Hillary after the “Mid-Year Exam” investigation because it wasn’t her INTENT to skirt the law.

We all laughed until we cried at that one, but now we’ve learned, thanks to a release of documents from the Department of Justice, that a large number of high-level people who SURELY knew better destroyed their communications, too. Coincidentally, these were all members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team.

What are the odds that the devices of over 20 of Mueller’s team members would have been “wiped” in a variety of creative ways before they were to be handed over to the DOJ for review?

There are numerous methods for achieving this: by just “accidentally" wiping, by inputting an incorrect password too many times, or by leaving a device in “airplane” mode with either incorrect or no passwords provided.

Or, as with Lisa Page’s phone, the device could simply be reset to factory settings (no reason given, as far as we know), in effect wiping the device clean of all Information before it was handed over to the Office of the Inspector General.

Gosh, it happened with lead prosecutor Andrew Weissmann’s phone, too, after he entered his password too many times in doing so. You’d think someone smart enough to be the lead prosecutor on a case of this magnitude would know how to open his own phone without wiping off all the data. On the other hand, he surely would be smart enough to know how TO wipe the data, if he so desired.

Some of the phones apparently just “wiped themselves.”

Over a dozen Mueller team members lost their data by putting their phones into “airplane” mode, locking them and then forgetting their passwords or otherwise “accidentally” wiping them.

It is yet to be seen if anyone has been able to recover the data, but at the very least, we learn from this that the people investigating President Trump were not keen on going by the book and didn’t care about the requirements for documenting their activities. Given what we know, it seems much more likely that they were actively hiding those activities.

Sean Davis at THE FEDERALIST posted 87 pages of documents relating to the lost phone content (be glad you don’t have to slog through that), leading to this comment.

Actually, Weissmann had THREE phones that went down. One was wiped “accidentally.” The other two were wiped by entering the wrong password too many times. Maybe someday his phone records will turn up; if so, they’ll probably be in the same place as the rest of Mike Flynn’s exculpatory evidence. (In case leftists are reading this, I’m joking.)

As often as these high-level government officials must have traveled by air, it seems unlikely they’d have been thrown for a loop by the prospect of turning their phones off and on. Hillary could at least try to pass for a ninny when it came to electronic devices (“You mean, like, with a cloth?”), but these people just can’t, not credibly.

But, as Davis tweeted, “The newly released DOJ records from the OIG investigation of corruption during the Mueller probe shows that a key tactic used by the Mueller team was to put the phones in airplane mode, lock them, and then claim they didn’t have the password.”

Lindsay Graham said on Thursday’s HANNITY, “If you can’t manage your own phone, why should we trust you to investigate a crime?...I guess they just ran out of hammers and ‘bleaching’ material. So the question is, did they obstruct justice? Did they INTENTIONALLY [emphasis mine] delete information from their phones because Horowitz was on the case?”

This is a developing story. Graham’s committee is not involved with criminal prosecution, but regarding that, he said, “I would be shocked if the only person prosecuted is [Kevin] Clinesmith.” Clinesmith, you’ll recall, has been indicted for falsifying evidence against Carter Page, changing a document to say he was not an asset for the CIA when he actually had been.

Graham said Thursday that he has “made an invitation” to James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok to come before the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions raised by the Horowitz report. “None of them have testified since Horowitz issued his report,” Graham said. “I’m working with their lawyers to try to get them into the committee...They may have good answers, but they need to be asked the questions.” I should add that, unlike Graham, Durham has subpoena power.

So, did the special counsel team deliberately erase their devices before turning them over to the IG? Judging by the circumstantial evidence we know, yes, they did. Can this be proved? That’s up to investigators, and we don’t know everything they know. But we do know this, in Graham’s words: “We cannot live in a country where this is tolerated. ‘Trump/Russia’ –- look how much money they spent, how many agents were involved many subpoenas issued, how many lives turned upside down. The question for me –- was there a double standard here? –- it’s pretty obvious to me there was.”

His Cheshire-cat expression also suggested he knows more than he’s telling now. “You think you’re mad about the phones being wiped? Stay tuned. We’ll talk in about ten or twelve days and we’ll see if there’s something else you could get mad about. Just stay tuned.”

Well, Senator, we're not exactly going anywhere. I can’t imagine being much madder, given what we already know. But, sure, we’ll be waiting.

UPDATE late Thursday --- Apparently, the way some of those phones were set up, it took entering an invalid password TEN TIMES before the information would be wiped. But they still managed to do it!

Remembering September 11

September 11, 2020

Today marks the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the deadliest attacks ever on US soil. Despite coronavirus precautions, there will still be memorial ceremonies today in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington. President Trump will speak and lay a wreath at the memorial to the heroes of Flight 93. Fox News has created a continually-updated live blog page where streaming video will appear, as well as updated news and links to other memorial events.

As I wrote last year, today is a date that will live in infamy, but also in the annals of heroism.

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, our nation awoke to the shocking news that we were under savage attack by Islamic jihadists who, before the day was over, would kill nearly 3,000 people in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington. The attack was aimed at America, but because it focused on the World Trade Center, the victims were from many nations. But as much as that day displayed the cowardice and animalistic behavior of the terrorists, it also showcased the heroism and selflessness of so many Americans, from the NYPD cops and firefighters rushing toward danger to save others to citizens in cities across America standing in line for blocks to donate blood. Petty differences like race or politics were swept aside as we all came together like family, because our nation was under attack.

Those of us who lived through it can scarcely believe it was 19 years ago, as the painful memories are forever seared into our memories. But we now have colleges turning out students who have no personal memories of 9/11. Thanks to the passage of time and a media and schools that quickly buried the images lest they be too “disturbing” (or too inconvenient to PC narratives), young people have little understanding of what was felt by all Americans in the wake of that horrendous attack. This explains why we now have a crop of young people under the BLM/Antifa banners, attacking police and chanting “Death to America,” just like the people who hijacked those planes, oblivious to the evil they’re aligning themselves with.

Here are some of those 9/11 images that need to be seen and thought about a lot more often.

Young Americans’ naiveté makes them easy prey for those who seek to rewrite history so they can divide and conquer. They lull our youth into blaming the USA for every sin, letting their guards down, and being misled into handing over their hard-fought, God-given rights to those who couldn’t defeat us by force so are now working to defeat us from within.

If you have kids, I suggest a visit to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York, which finally reopens to the public tomorrow. Those of you who are concerned about the safety of traveling to New York and would prefer to wait until Bill DeBlasio is removed from office can take a virtual visit here.

Make sure your children are taught the truth about 9/11. It was one of America’s worst days, yet in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and on United Flight 93, we also saw Americans at their very best, coming together and heroically laying down their lives for others, whether they were police and firefighters climbing up into the doomed Towers to search for survivors or simply American citizens standing up against the hijackers and saying, “Let’s roll!,” knowing it meant their own plane would crash but they would save countless lives.

As we reflect on and remember 9/11, let’s not dwell on the murderous monsters who don’t deserve to have their names remembered. Let’s focus on honoring the victims and the many true heroes, both on that awful day and in the days and even years afterward. Let us resolve to end the miseducation of our children and start teaching them the truth about 9/11 and about America’s real history and our people’s true heroic character. And let’s never let our guard down again.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry has just come out with a “developing” story about investigators learning that Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan set up a task force to target then-candidate Donald Trump. Such a task force would certainly explain a lot of what happened with the “Russia Russia Russia!” story, and we’ve been hypothesizing something similar for quite some time, as it's obvious that Brennan’s in deep. Former CIA analyst Larry C. Johnson reported on the task force about a year ago. Here’s what Johnson has to say about it now, in light of Sperry’s latest revelation.

A retired CIA colleague told Johnson in October of 2019 that Brennan had set up a task force, hand-picking the group himself instead of going through the usual posting. Apparently not everyone accepted the invitation, which “could be a problem for John Brennan,” Johnson wrote.

"I am not talking about an informal group of disgruntled Democrats working at the CIA who got together like a book club to grouse and complained about the brash real estate guy from New York,” Johnson said, though I imagine they did that sort of thing, too. “It was a specially designed covert action to try to destroy Donald Trump.”

The way Johnson explains it, a CIA task force, as designed and first used in 1947, can be “expanded” to include personnel from other intel agencies such as the FBI, DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and NSA (National Security Agency). It operates outside the CIA organizational chart. A typical and appropriate use for it might be to go after foreign terrorists or drug traffickers; it would certainly NOT be used to go after a U.S. presidential candidate! But Johnson was told that’s exactly what Brennan did, with the blessings of then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. (The director of national intelligence coordinates the various intel agencies.)

Johnson’s friends in the CIA have told him that the task force was operating in early 2016 and possibly even in summer 2015. (This would explain a lot of what we’ve already learned from the reporting of Lee Smith and others.)

According to Johnson, the anti-Trump task force included CIA case officers (“handlers” for overseas spies), intel analysts and administrators. Importantly, personnel from the FBI might also have been invited, including Michael Gaeta, the FBI’s “handler” for “confidential human source” (SPY) Christopher Steele, a former member of British spy organization MI-6.

CIA case officers on the task force would have been able to work with foreign intelligence, such as Steele in MI-6 and diplomat Alexander Downer from Australia. They could have used someone like Joseph Mifsud to target George Papadopoulos. They could also have used the NSA to do “targeted collections”; that is to say, to intercept their communications. Let me again stress, all of these activities are legal when used against foreign terrorists or drug traffickers; they are NOT legal when used against a U.S. citizen, and most especially against a major party nominee for President.

Johnson hopes there’s also been an investigation into the so-called impeachment “whistleblower,” ERIC CIARAMELLA (yes, we still dare to use his name around here), to see if he was a part of the task force or perhaps reporting to them.

If this is the way Brennan were using a CIA task force, it was illegal. But even with all he was trying to do to tie Trump to the Russians, he was never able to do it. And no one ever will –- because (say it with me) Trump wasn’t conspiring with the Russians.

Moving ahead to Paul Sperry’s tweet, it makes news because he says not only that Brennan did this, but that “investigators “HAVE LEARNED” he did this.

I assume he’s referring to John Durham’s investigators. Here’s what Sperry tweeted:

"DEVELOPING: Investigators have learned that Obama CIA Director John Brennan ran a secret task force out of Langley with its own separate budget to investigate Trump campaign and alleged ties to Russia. Taskforce set up before FBI officially launched its own probe on 7/31/16.”

Ah, it had its own separate budget. Your tax dollars at work.

Another journalist, Adam Housley, responded, “He’d been doing this well before Trump. As I have reported. Remember I’ve been saying John Brennan ran his own op and had been doing that. I’ve reported/said this for 3 years...”

According to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, Brennan was questioned by Durham’s team at Langley, his old stomping ground, but Brennan’s spokesperson has said he was told he’s not “a subject or a target” of Durham’s investigation. At the same time, according to ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes, Brennan is NOT in the clear, as he lied under oath to Congress about not including the Steele “dossier” in the Intel Community Assessment of Trump/Russia collusion in January of 2017. (Recall that he laughably said it was not in the “corpus” of information they used.)

If investigators have suddenly found evidence of Brennan’s task force, he can become a subject or target with the snap of a finger. Brennan, who loathes President Trump and has even called him a traitor, is up to his eyeballs in this. And it seems these off-the-book task forces were his M.O., even before he cranked one up against the future President. It’s almost inevitable that some participants are going to skate in this, but let’s hope that justice will finally be served to the one who led the whole thing.


As reported in the DAILY WIRE, Attorney General Bill Barr gives us reason to anticipate more criminal indictments in the Durham investigation.

Phony Bombshell Alert

September 10, 2020

I almost hate to get out of bed these days because apparently, each new sunrise between now and the election is going to bring yet another phony, anonymously-sourced anti-Trump “BOMBSHELL!” fable that some Democratic Party mouthpiece with a byline has been sitting on for two or three years, waiting to launch it within two months of the election. And the rest of the media will dutifully rush to jawbone over it, as if it were the most important story of the day, thinking it’s somehow going to convince Trump voters to violate every principle they hold and go vote for Biden, despite having had four years to watch how Trump actually governs while fielding endless daily attacks of fake news and made-up quotes.

Wednesday’s came to us courtesy of Bob Woodward, who used to be a journalist in the Watergate days of 45 years ago, but has since given us widely-denounced potboilers like the John Belushi hatchet job “Wired;” “Veil,” the CIA expose in which he claimed to hear former CIA Director William Casey’s deathbed confession, even though he was barred from the room and Casey could no longer talk; and now, two anti-Trump books. The controversy du Wednesday came from Woodward’s claim that in a March 19th phone call, Trump told him about the coronavirus, “I wanted to always play it down.” He conveniently didn’t play up the rest of the quote: “I still like playing it down because I don't want to create a panic."

Woodward concludes his book with this quote: “Trump is the wrong man for the job.” You know, like reliable, objective journalists do.

At this link, Matt Vespa covers the latest hair-on-fire “controversy”….

…and also points out that no matter what Trump did, the media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) would have said he was wrong. If he had played up the dangers, they would’ve accused him of inciting panic. If he didn’t, he would be accused of not taking it seriously. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci responded to Woodward’s claims by saying that there was never a time that Trump contradicted what the top doctors were telling him. It was a new disease and it took awhile for people to learn what we were dealing with. At least Trump’s instincts, like shutting off travel from China immediately, were correct, even while Biden and other Democrats were calling him a racist and a xenophobe for doing it.

Of course, Biden immediately cited the book to slam Trump because if there’s one thing we’ve learned about Joe Biden, it’s that he never waits to find out whether an accusation is true or not before he condemns someone for it. Exactly what you want in a guy who has his finger on the nuclear button.

But Woodward himself is also facing backlash, with questions like, “If you had evidence that Trump was downplaying a deadly airborne disease months ago, why did you wait until close the election and the release of your book to tell anyone?” I guess for the same reason that Democrats who now claim they would have taken it more seriously than Trump were denouncing him for overreacting while telling everyone to ignore it and come on down to Chinatown. Or as late as this summer, telling people that it was fine to ignore safety procedures and go to BLM protests.

As long as we’re playing 20/20 hindsight and blaming political opponents for deaths, here’s a MUST-READ article by Matt Margolis that blows away the laughable claim that if only Biden had been in charge, the pandemic wouldn’t have been so bad. No, it’s not about the H1N1 pandemic that happened under Obama/Biden and that only good luck and the grace of God kept from killing millions of Americans because of their lack of action. This is about the VA scandal. Remember that?

Did you know that more than 300,000 veterans died because of the long waiting lists for care at VA clinics under Obama/Biden, which is 120,000 more Americans than have died of the coronavirus nationwide? Did you know that the problem was improving until they took over, and then it got worse (processing times increased 40% from 2011 to 2013)? Did you know that people who caused the problem and falsified records to cover it up were not investigated and even got promoted while there were complaints of retaliation against whistleblowers who exposed it in 28 states? And this problem was definitely fixable, because when Donald Trump was elected, he FIXED IT!

I hope I don’t have to deal with fresh garbage deliveries by the media every day between now and the election. I think most people have figured out this game by now. At this late date, we’ve lived through this so many times already that nobody’s going to vote for the donkeys because their sheep in the media keep crying wolf.

Biden is a weak appeaser in dealing with China — Trump stands up to China with strength

Politicians like Biden have left cookies and warm milk out for the Chinese as if they were Santa Claus

September 9, 2020


The liberal media want you to believe that former Vice President Joe Biden would challenge Beijing if he is elected as president — but no amount of media spin can transform a serial China appeaser into a bold American leader.

According to a New York Times article published last week, Biden has taken a “journey” with respect to his position on China, adjusting his view of the communist regime over the course of his lengthy political career in Washington.

“As a United States senator, he spoke of transforming China through trade,” the Times article states. “As a presidential candidate two decades later, he denounces it as a ‘dictatorship.’” The article attempts to convince the reader that Biden has matured on foreign policy, and that he now has what it takes to stand up to Beijing after decades of rolling over for our rival.

Biden’s so-called “journey,” however, is more of a lengthy jog on a political treadmill — lots of motion, but going nowhere.

As the American people have learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, Biden couldn’t even bring himself to condemn the Chinese regime for its mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak. And Biden has even echoed Beijing’s propaganda criticizing President Trump’s emergency travel restrictions, which have helped save countless American lives, as being “xenophobic.”

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science,” Biden said Jan. 31.

Moreover, the Democratic presidential nominee has vowed to reverse President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the corrupt World Health Organization, ignoring the fact that the institution has played a key role in facilitating China’s coronavirus cover-up campaign.

In fact, the WHO publicly disseminated a Chinese study about the pathology of COVID-19 that falsely claimed the virus can’t be transmitted between humans. Why would America trade President Trump’s courage for Joe Biden’s capitulation to the communist dictatorship?

“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the health organization tweeted Jan. 14.

To make matters worse, Biden recently pledged to “reevaluate” President Trump’s strategic counter-tariffs on Chinese goods if he gets elected this November. The Trump policy is designed to correct Beijing’s years of dishonest trade practices that have stolen millions of jobs from American workers.

Biden doesn’t even comprehend the geopolitical threat China poses to the U.S. Just a year ago, the former vice president passionately insisted that the world’s second-largest economy is not “going to eat our lunch,” airily dismissing widely held concerns about the rise of the communist nation.

“They’re not bad folks, folks,” Biden said at the time. “They’re not competition for us."

Of course, The New York Times went out of its way to point out that Biden has labeled China a “dictatorship,” as though this obvious statement of fact proves that the Democratic presidential nominee has no illusions about the regime’s brutality. But pointing out China’s tyrannical tendencies and recognizing the foreign policy threat it poses are two very different things.

There are around 200 sovereign states in the world. Many of them are dictatorships that pose no challenge to the United States.

China, on the other hand, is determined to undermine America’s hegemony and fundamentally change the world order — and it’s well-positioned to achieve those aims if American leaders don’t assert our country’s interests.

Donald Trump has done just that since taking office, securing a historic Phase One trade deal with China that went a long way toward restoring parity to our trade relationship. We need to keep the pressure on until we finish the job. After years of being played as chumps by China under past administrations, President Trump has put America — and American workers — first.

The liberal media are desperately trying to redefine Biden as a leader who can challenge China — but erasing history is no easy feat. Beijing Biden does not have what it takes to stand up to our biggest geopolitical adversary, and his own actions during this election season show it.

President Trump has put a stop to the long-time swamp policy pushed by politicians like Joe Biden, who have left cookies and warm milk out for the Chinese as if they were Santa Claus when they were actually acting like burglars in the homes of America’s middle class.

Yesterday, I brought you what I consider to be THE MOST important story you’ll hear between now and the election: the plan to create election chaos and do whatever it takes –- riots, looting, military intervention –- to get Joe Biden inaugurated, regardless of the will of the voters. The plan is to organize a coup to take down the President and twist the scenario to make it look as though it’s actually the President trying to play “dictator” and bringing it about.

Last night, I went on Sean Hannity’s TV show, along with former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, to talk about one key element of the plan: the ease of voter fraud.

Ari noted some of the problems we’re going to have with mail-in ballots, even with absentee ballots. “Ballot harvesting is really the biggest problem out there,” he said, “because what it means is, it’s licensing people from the parties, and in particular the Democrat Party that does this, to go out and subject voters to possible intimidation.” They can collect votes from Republican areas and not turn them in, he explained, while turning in the ballots from Democrat areas. And that’s just one way to mess up the count. “There’s no accountability,” he said, “no tracing or tracking on these ballots once they’re collected.”

He noted another problem: states whose deadlines are much too close to Election Day to apply for an absentee ballot. “They won’t get it in time,” he said. “And then all the lawyers are going to be empowered to demand to count every vote, even the ones that came in after Election Day.”

I would add that even the Associated Press is now pointing out problems with absentee ballots. I doubt seriously they'd be doing this unless they thought it helped the Biden campaign.

"If ballots are rejected at the same rate as during this year’s primaries,” the AP story said, “up to three times as many voters in November could be disenfranchised in key battleground states when compared to the last Presidential election, according to an AP analysis of rejected ballots. It could be even more pronounced in some urban areas where Democratic votes are concentrated and ballot rejection rates trended higher during this year’s primaries.”

Ah, and there it is: “some urban areas where Democratic votes are concentrated.” The AP is referring to non-white areas, helping to set the stage for race-based disenfranchisement to be used as a pretext to mess with election results. The AP story places this squarely on the agenda. At the same time, TRUMP is being criticized for casting doubt on the accuracy of absentee and, especially, mail-in voting this fall. HE has to be the one blamed for the election chaos, especially if he wins the initial vote count.

This is going to be a mess, and that’s precisely what the Biden campaign wants, as they almost certainly have internal polling that shows better-than-expected results for Trump. The irony is, Trump is absolutely correct about the inaccuracy about mail-in vote counts and the ease with which the system can be gamed. He doesn’t want mail-in voting. He's old-school; he wants all the votes to count, you know, like in AMERICA.

That’s why he (like me) is encouraging voters to cast their ballots in person, not to mail them. He doesn’t want post-election chaos. It’s the Democrats who want it, and they'll make it happen no matter what they have to do. Heck, they’ve got people writing the checks who will PAY rioters to burn down cities.

By the way, Democrats have found something else to be outraged at President Trump about: his recent tongue-in-cheek comment to supporters about voting for him twice. They seriously accuse him of having broken the law for encouraging voters to cast more than one ballot. I think the main problem the left has might be that they just don’t have a sense of humor. They don’t “get” when he's kidding. Heck, they still think he was seriously telling Russia to find Hillary's emails.

That’s why it actually might be a good idea for the Left Coast to secede and take all those leftists with no sense of humor with them. They can burn their own cities down and listen to their unfunny late-night talk shows in their safe spaces while we get back to work and laugh at their stupidity.

Along those lines, I pointed out on HANNITY that the desire for chaos is being driven not by enthusiasm for Joe Biden, goodness knows, but just by hatred for Donald Trump. “They don’t care who gets elected,” I said, “as long as it isn’t Donald Trump.” And this time, it’s even worse than in past years, when maybe we were just worried about who was going to get the “cemetery” vote. Now, we have to worry about people getting more than one ballot and all the other problems.

As I’ve been saying, President Trump has to have an army of people to go vote, IN PERSON. “If the river is flooding, swim the river at flood stage,” I told Hannity.

He brought up another good point: we need poll watchers everywhere! And we’ll also need an army of LAWYERS. It’s sad that we need this, but we do. (Ari recalled the scenario in which Al Franken finally “won” the Senate race in Minnesota after Norm Coleman actually won the vote count on Election Day. As the recount progressed, 26 precincts ended up with more ballots cast than there were registered voters.)

Normally, I think that when it comes to lawyers, the fewer the better. But this time, bring on the lawyers! Reportedly, the Democrats have brought on board over 600 of them. So, CALLING ALL LAWYERS who are fair-minded and want to work for an accurate (as opposed to a partisan) vote count. We are going to need you. If I were a lawyer, I would be on board right now.

Left-wing groups such as are already organizing a day of “mass public unrest” after Election Day, just in case they don’t like the results (and I don’t think they’re going to). As we’ve said, they want to tie the election in knots and then BLAME TRUMP for it, even as they’re doing it themselves. Look at how they’re already trying to twist the narrative, including their threat of the West Coast seceding unless their demands are met. I say again, let ‘em go.

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it.”

--- H. L. Mencken

About a week ago, I wrote to warn about what Democrats plan to do to go around the will of the voters should Trump win, even if his win is decisive. VOTE IN PERSON, I said, to make as sure as you possibly can that your vote will count, and be ready for anything after the votes start coming in. That’s especially true if your state is considered to be, even possibly, a “swing” state.

Democrats aren’t even bothering to be secretive about their plans; Madame Defarge herself (Hillary) says that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should Biden concede. And the WASHINGTON POST ran an op-ed saying that only if Biden won in a landslide would there be no rioting and looting afterwards. It was like saying, “Vote for us, the looters and rioters, so your life won’t be destroyed by looting and rioting.”

Since I brought you that story, the threat has been clarified even more. What the left is trying to do right now is straight out of a George Orwell novel. Recall that in “1984,” the “Ministry of Truth” is actually in charge of just the opposite: maintaining a fiction.

An excellent piece by Michael Anton in THE AMERICAN MIND (thanks to Dan Bongino for calling attention to this) explains just how Democrats have been setting the stage for a coup in the case of Trump winning the Electoral College. This is a must-read.

Over the summer, Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) began laying the groundwork by suggesting Trump wouldn’t go quietly if he lost. Why, the military might have to save us from him. Pieces like Zachary Cohen’s for CNN first tried to cast doubt on Trump’s fitness for office, asking “Can military commanders refuse an order from Trump?” Cohen reassured his frightened readers that with the “layers of safeguards” we have, the President can’t unilaterally deploy a disproportionate nuclear attack. I’ll provide the link to this ridiculous commentary, but read it only if you’re absolutely sure you can keep your head from exploding.

Here’s another completely crazy one, by a couple of retired Army officers wanting to further the scenario of Trump playing “dictator” and refusing to leave the White House if he loses. This is based on nothing other than Trump warning about mail-in ballots and election fraud. (News flash: Trump is absolutely right about mail-in ballots and election fraud. Why do you think Democrats are pushing so hard for mail-in voting? It’s so they can discredit the results if Trump wins, and also to set the stage for chaos.) People actually read this piece of drivel, and I’m sure some took it very seriously.

Then there was the WAPO story we talked about last week: John Podesta’s George Soros-funded “war games” seminar at which about 100 Democrat leaders and some anti-Trump Republicans –- so they could use the word “bipartisan” –- looked at all the possible election scenarios. (Here’s the Orwellian part: this was called “the Transition Integrity Project.”) In the scenario of Trump clearly winning, Podesta, playing the role of Biden, refused to concede (just as Hillary has advised), pressured even states won by Trump to send a Democrat slate of electors to the Electoral College, and “trusted the military to take care of the rest.” In other words, vote for Trump and bring on the coup.

What would follow a Trump win, they said, would be “a street fight, not a legal battle.” Recall that we GOT a legal battle in the aftermath of the George W. Bush/Al Gore “hanging chad” election, with Democrats using the legal dispute forever after to claim that Bush wasn’t a legitimate President. That mess will look like a picnic in the park compared to 2020 if Trump wins, they’re warning. This time, it’s gonna get rough.

And, of course, it will be all Trump’s fault.

So the second part of the plan is to make sure we think it IS all Trump’s fault. The AMERICAN MIND piece goes on to explain why the Democrats have chosen to speak so freely for months about the likely need for an anti-Trump coup. That one’s easy: they’ve got to get the idea of a coup out there –- A COUP CAUSED BY TRUMP –- with the threat that we’ll have “a repeat of this summer, only much, much bigger.” Then, when the time comes, “crank the propaganda to eardrum-shattering decibels and fill the streets of every major city with ‘protesters.’ Shut down the country and allow only one message to be heard: ‘Trump must go.’” And you know the media will do it, blaming Trump for the whole mess.

So, how does the Trump administration prepare for a clear electoral win in which Biden won't concede, when Democrats are already busy twisting the story into the opposite of that? Maybe the Republicans need to play out their own “war game” scenario. In case there is a coup, they also need a clear idea of who is on their side. And the President needs ways to communicate with the American people that can go around most of the major media. (Tweets won’t do it; he’ll be banned, of course.)

Trump had better be ready, and we need to be warning about this from now till Election Day. I believe, just as I did in 2016, that Trump will win. It’ll have to be a landslide to overcome the inevitable mail-in ballot fraud, but he will win. I just don’t believe that THAT many Americans have utterly lost their minds. Democrats will insist Biden really won and that any “coup” is Trump’s fault, but it’s a lie they’ve been setting up for months.

I’ll leave you with an opinion piece about this that is guaranteed not to make your head explode, by Jonathan Tobin in the NEW YORK POST. But take heed: it is very much a warning.

We hear a lot of talk from politicians about values…but do we truly value work and the people who do it?

Companies should pay employees as generously as they can, because good workers have worth. This is why you should always be skeptical of any politician who claims to “care” about workers, but also wants to raise taxes, both on workers and businesses. When taxes are high, it’s a sign that the government disrespects the worker by believing that what it will do with their salary is better than what the person who earned it will do. When we see employees as having worth, we see their work as valuable. That’s the value of work. I believe YOU are valuable and therefore what you DO has value.

I think a lot of politicians don’t understand that a job is more than just a way to put bread on the table. From man’s beginnings as recorded in the book of Genesis, we were hard-wired for labor. God told us to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow. It’s natural for us to want to prove our value by producing.

From the time we are children, we imitate our parents in their work. It’s part of our DNA to want to be grown up, and one sure way to feel grown up is to work. That’s why the loss of a job is far, far more than an economic setback. It’s de-humanizing to want to be productive and not be able. There is pride and dignity in sitting down to a meal that your work provided.

The CDC studied suicide rates since 1928 and found that they mirrored the economy. Suicides took a big uptick during the Great Depression. They plunged during World War II, and spiked again in the recessions of the mid-70’s and early 80’s. Suicides dropped to their lowest levels ever in the year 2000, when the tech boom dropped unemployment to just 4 percent. But after the dot-com bubble burst, America's suicide rate began steadily climbing. Recently, because of the endless shutdowns forcing people not to be able to go back to work, we’re seeing a new spike in suicides.

It’s a stark reminder that employment is more than an economic issue. Good jobs and rewarding labor save lives by making us feel that we're valued and needed. A government handout might provide bare sustenance, but it doesn’t feed the soul. It only demoralizes us.

For six decades, Labor Day meant an American tradition: the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. MDA ended its association with Lewis in 2010, although the telethon continued in ever-shorter form until its final broadcast in 2014. But the association of Labor Day with helping the MDA continues. Some local areas still host telethons, and firefighters across America are out this holiday weekend at intersections, collecting cash for their “Fill the Boot” drive. If you see them, I hope you’ll dig into your pocket and give generously.

And the national organization this year is bringing back the Telethon in a new “COVID-19/Zoom”-friendly way. You can learn more and donate directly at their website:

Although Jerry Lewis passed away a few years ago at 91, active right up until the end, I’m sure that he would want you to continue giving generously and remember that it’s about helping the kids. In fact, while Jerry made the telethon the success that it became, he wasn’t the one who started it all rolling. He gave credit for sparking his six-decade mission to wipe out muscular dystrophy to another man -- a man you’ve probably never heard of. Jerry kept the story secret for many years, until the publication of his memoir, “Jerry Lewis in Person.”

Jerry recalled that it was in 1948. He was 22, and he and Dean Martin were the hottest comedy team in show business. His good friend and press agent, Jack Keller, had helped make them stars, but never requested a single thing for himself -- until one day, he came to Jerry and begged a favor. He had a friend who was in trouble and asked if Jerry would talk to him. His name was Paul Cohen. He’d had MD since childhood, and he’d started a group called the Muscular Dystrophy Association to fight it. They had a few patients, their parents and nothing much else.

By chance, Jerry knew someone whose nephew had had MD. He said he’d watched helplessly as that child had withered like a leaf in the winter, and the effect of seeing that would never leave his mind until a cure was found. So he agreed to meet with the handful of doctors who knew anything about MD at the time. They weren’t encouraging. They warned him that research was in the Dark Ages. Nobody even knew what caused MD, and no known medicines helped. It was like fighting an invisible killer. But that just made Jerry more determined to take it on.

He and Dean began hosting fundraisers…until one night, Jerry jokingly ad-libbed at the end of their TV show that viewers should each send in two dollars. He was stunned when over $2,000 arrived in the mail. And that’s when it hit him: the power of television to raise money for charity. So in 1951, Jack Keller put together a special hosted by Dean and Jerry. It aired on just one station and raised $68,000 (over $671,000 in today’s dollars), and the MDA telethon was off and running.

Over the next six decades, Jerry Lewis’ tireless work on his Labor Day telethons helped raised well over a billion dollars to fight neuromuscular diseases and help the victims and their families. He also inspired millions of Americans to join in the effort. That’s why so many Americans will always associate him with Labor Day.

But let’s also salute an unsung hero. If you think one person can’t make a difference, remember that the Labor Day tradition that raised over a billion dollars to help children with MD started because a man you’d never heard of, Jack Keller…for the first time in his life…asked someone for a favor. And as Jerry observed, it was no surprise to him that the favor was a request to help someone else.

So when you see a firefighter out collecting for MDA, doing his or her bit to help the kids, please do your bit and toss something into the boot. You'd be amazed how all those individual efforts add up.

Labor Day

September 7, 2020

Today is Labor Day, which is sometimes jokingly described as the day when Americans honor workers by taking the day off work. I hope you enjoy the holiday with your family, and enjoy this special Labor Day edition of my newsletter.

These days, it’s easy for free-market conservatives to distrust labor unions because of their corrupt leaders or one-sided politics. For instance, Joe Biden wants to take the much-hated AB-5 law that was destroying California’s gig economy nationwide because that would greatly empower labor unions while harming individual workers who have benefited from the freedoms offered by new innovative technologies to create their own jobs and pick their working hours.

But Labor Day reminds us of that historic era when unions were more interested in protecting workers than in protecting the jobs of union bosses and Democrats. Labor Day observances unofficially began around the turn of the 20th century as a celebration of the union movement, which was fighting truly dangerous and exploitative working conditions, not to mention violent strike-busting tactics. Those kinds of conditions are not beneficial to labor or management.

Workers who get good pay, reasonable hours and a safe workplace are motivated to work harder and make their employers profitable. America’s prosperity and world leader status were the result of shared benefits between labor and management. Recruiting good employees, treating them well, and giving them a stake in the outcome is good business. When labor and management are partners, everyone wins: stockholders, management, workers, and most importantly, consumers.

Before the Chinese unleashed a virus that knocked the wind out of our economy, President Trump wasn't just helping to bring back jobs, but the strong job market and record low unemployment meant companies had to offer higher pay and more benefits to attract good workers. That's how getting government out of the way of job creation benefits everyone. It can come back just as quickly, if the voters don't fall for lies from the proponents of big government and vote against their best interests.

So business owners, value your workers. Workers, treat management as your partner in success. And slackers, goldbricks and goof-offs, please go work for a company that’s already on the decline, so you can just go down together.

Democrat Intentions

September 3, 2020


It was awfully sporting of a Democratic data and analytics firm to tell us in advance how the Democrats plan to steal the Presidential election.

According to them, Trump may “appear” to have won on Election night, even by a landslide. But that will just be a “red mirage,” because so many Democrats will vote by mail that days later, the race will shift to Biden.

That’s the innocent-sounding version. Those of a more suspicious nature might read it as “We’ll find out on Election night how many bogus mail-in ballots we’ll need to manufacture to overcome Trump’s lead. Then if anyone questions those ballots, we’ll accuse the Republicans of trying to ‘suppress the minority vote” and send our BLM/Antifa shock troops out to burn down cities unless Trump concedes and hands over the White House.”

Again, if you think this can’t happen, I’ll refer to you this article that just appeared in the New York Post, in which a Dem operative described how easy it is to steal elections and how he’s been rigging them in the New Jersey area for years.

I hope the RNC is making plans to fight this, since it’s been reported that the Democrats have already lined up at least 600 lawyers to challenge the vote. This could be an open war, so our side had better be prepared.

Of course, the best way to insure this doesn’t happen is to vote in massive numbers, far beyond the potential “margin of fraud.” Go vote in person (not by mail-in ballots that can be intercepted) and take everyone who would vote GOP with you.

I must be getting old: I remember when people won elections by espousing policies that the majority of people agreed with. I even recall when one Democratic Presidential candidate called it appalling and un-American to refuse to accept the results of a Presidential election – before she went on to spend the next four years refusing to accept the results of the Presidential election.


According to Joe Biden, or whoever is putting words on his prompter these days, President Trump is to blame for fomenting all the violence in cities that have been run 100% by Democrats since Joe Biden was in knee pants. This statement isn’t so much a political argument as it is an IQ test. After all, as this column reminds us, the Democrats completely ignored all the riots (sorry: “peaceful protests”) throughout their convention. If they really believed Trump was responsible for them, wouldn’t they have hammered him for that every night? They certainly blamed him for everything else, from the Chinese virus to the heartbreak of psoriasis.

So just to remind us who has really been “resisting” the peaceful transfer of power since 2016, here’s a compilation video of top leftwing politicians and media figures urging political violence and civil unrest in the streets. (Warning: contains disturbing violent imagery that even CNN would have a hard time describing as “mostly peaceful.)

And just to hammer home what’s actually happening and who’s behind it, here’s Sen. Rand Paul making it crystal clear.

Remember how President Trump took so much heat for saying that if you remove all the Confederate monuments, the “protesters” would just move on to demanding that monuments to Washington, Jefferson and other Founders be torn down? That crazy bad orange man! Well, he was right, of course, and he might not even have realized how right he was.

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser appointed a committee to look into “problematic” monuments in DC, and that confederacy of dunces has issued its report. Surprise! They recommend removing, relocating or “contextualizing” the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, statues of Ben Franklin, Andrew Jackson and other figures, and more.

These are the same people who went ballistic at Melania Trump for disrespecting American history by allegedly removing a couple of cherry trees from the Rose Garden that were never there to begin with. But they want to tear down the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial because Washington should “only honor those individuals who exemplified those values such as equity, opportunity and diversity that DC residents hold dear.” Yep, none of those DC residents got anything from the people who won the American Revolution and wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Remember this the next time Democrats argue that DC should be made a state and granted two Senators. The place seems incapable even of electing a mayor who isn’t a complete embarrassment.

Biden Gets On The Trump Train

September 3, 2020

I was on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show last night, talking about how, at his advanced age, Joe Biden has only now realized that protesting and rioting are not the same thing. And no, people weren’t looting the Louis Vuitton store because they needed a loaf of bread. You can see the video here.

The question put before us on the show was, “Is Joe Biden plagiarizing the Trump campaign?” Well, you go with your strengths, and plagiarism was always Joe’s chief strength. After months of making excuses for rioters and looters, and hosting an entire convention where they weren’t even mentioned, suddenly, the Democrats noticed the polls were cratering (Don Lemon let the cat out of the bag: they didn’t care at all about the victims of the riots; it only became a serious problem when it started hurting their election chances.) And suddenly, Joe Biden denounced the violence, just as Trump has been doing all along because it was obviously the right thing to do.

But this is hardly the first or only example of Biden following Trump (since the Democrats have jettisoned the “Me, Too” movement, maybe this will give “me, too” a new meaning.) Biden’s entire plan for dealing with COVID-19 is mostly a lot of stuff that Trump’s already done, back when it was timely enough to actually help. Biden wasn’t going to campaign until after Labor Day until Trump mocked him for hiding (“Ten days is an eternity in Trumpville!”), and suddenly, Joe comes out and makes a speech. Biden wasn’t going to go to Kenosha, but Trump went, and now Biden is going.

It’s an interesting new definition of “leadership”: doing whatever Trump does first.

Biden will be in Kenosha today, but I think that may prove to be a strategic blunder. We all saw the photos of Trump talking to devastated business owners in the rubble of their former businesses. How is it going to look for Joe to stand in the same setting and try to ooze “empathy” when everyone knows he and his Party have spent the past weeks standing by, letting it happen and denying it even existed? If I were one of those business owners, I would definitely ask him why he employs 13 campaign staffers who donated to a fund to bail out the people who burned down and looted my business.

One reason why the upcoming election is so critically important is that Trump is still the only one who has both the will and the power to drain the swamp. And new evidence shows that the swamp, particularly the vestiges of Hillary Clinton’s State Department, is deeper and more fetid than we knew. Here’s John Solomon’s latest report.

Do you remember that cast of characters from the State Department –-- specifically, the U.S. Embassy in Kiev –- who came in to testify during those laughable fake impeachment hearings last winter, based on a falsified “whistleblower” complaint about Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine? Remember Fiona Hill, Marie Yovanovich and that group? If so, then you won’t be surprised at all to hear from Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton that newly-uncovered documents show that embassy officials set up what appears to have been an “enemies list” to help illegally monitor and report on the social media postings of President Trump’s family, his lawyer, and journalists perceived as Trump-friendly.

"The State Department hid these smoking-gun documents for months,” Fitton said.

Thanks again to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from Judicial Watch, we know that Solomon himself was one of the ones targeted; along with Fitton; Donald Trump, Jr.; the President’s personal attorney and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani; FOX News personalities Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Sara Carter, Dan Bongino and Lou Dobbs; One America News personality Jack Posobiec; radio host and former Trump White House adviser Sebastian Gorka; and more for a total of 13 Americans.

We learn from the documents that they were using search terms to find out specifically what was being written about Ambassador Yovanovich, George Soros (!!!), and Joe Biden and Burisma Holdings, the corrupt Ukrainian gas company that had put Biden’s son Hunter on its board and paid him handsomely for doing nothing but allowing the use of his name “Biden” on corporate documents.

Here’s a sample communication from former deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent, this one sent on March 27, 2019: “Key thing is to get up to ramming speed from the get-go.” His enthusiastic discussion of the social media monitoring effort seems to have been prompted by John Solomon’s early stories about the embassy’s activities concerning Biden and Ukrainian prosecutors. (This was back when Solomon was reporting for THE HILL; he’d also been on FOX News with these stories. We commented on many such reports at the time.)

Some of the names are still redacted. It would be nice to know who wrote this to Yovanovich, as it seems pretty sneaky: “...I just wanted you to be aware as we are really trying to help them and recognize how hard everyone is working in this especially trying time. The good news is our social media team back here is now helping to provide them with the reports they want when Kyiv is asleep/offline –- through existing PD tools –- so this should greatly help.”

Help WHOM? Who is "them"? The Bidens? And what “existing PD tools” are they using, apparently surreptitiously?

On May 15, 2019, another name in the conversation was redacted, a Digital Media associate for EUR/PD Keniya-Trusant Group apparently offering legal advice, letting them know they had run afoul of the Privacy Act of 1974: “Going to chime in here,” REDACTED said. “So regarding the influencers [Hannity, etc], there are some legal implications of making a list of Facebook influencers or Twitter influencers since they are technically private citizens (even though they’re publicly on the internet) and we cannot compile them into a list and monitor what they are saying using a third-party application without their knowledge. To see what they’re saying, you unfortunately need to use the old school way and manually go to their feeds and view that way. Cumbersome but it’s in compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974.”

I can hear them whining now (no need to “monitor” them): Ah, so our targets are TECHNICALLY private citizens. What an inconvenience –- who knew? Gosh, it’s SO much less cumbersome for us to monitor what they’re saying when we can put them on a list and search for key words. That way, we can be sure and see every word they say about George Soros.

Solomon has talked with some officials who have seen the unredacted memos, and they say some of the redactions offer “additional analysis of the legal issues surrounding the monitoring that occurred.”

I’ll bet they do. One official told Solomon that “Congress may be entitled to see more about the nature of the concerns than was publicly released.” Not to worry about that, of course, as long as Congress is controlled by Democrats, who will bury all of it. That’s one reason why it’s so important for Republicans to gain control of the House again.

Communications employees knew good and well that they weren’t supposed to do things like this. They wouldn’t need some outside legal adviser to tell them about the Privacy Act of 1974. But this is just one of the ways the anti-Trump swamp dwellers were getting their jollies at the State Department outpost in Ukraine in 2019.

If you have some time to go through the 300 pages of still-partially redacted communications, here is the pdf. If anything, it’ll tell you these swamp rats at the State Department had WAY too much time on their hands and that the last thing they cared about was anybody’s rights, particularly if their "enemies" were sympathetic to President Trump. Trump needs four more years to do the serious swamp-draining you know he intends to do, at the State Department and elsewhere.

Biden Emerges

September 1, 2020

Monday was like Groundhog Day in summer, as Punxsutawney Joe emerged from his burrow 10 days ahead of schedule, saw his Teleprompter in Pittsburgh, and signaled that there will be two more months of campaigning after all.

Not that it went that well. Having been goaded by President Trump into not hiding out for another 10 days (Trump called that "an eternity in Trumpville"), Biden did prove once again that he’s still capable of reading words off of a screen, but he seemed to get tired and confused toward the end, resulting in some indecipherable tossed word salad.

The “press conference” then ended with him turning and exiting the stage, ignoring the questions called out by the handful of reporters who were allowed to be in the huge room with him (each one corralled far back, inside “social distancing” circles that reminded me of the "Cone of Silence" from "Get Smart"...)

The thrust of the speech was partly for Biden to finally…FINALLY…suggest that riots, looting and murder of cops and Trump supporters aren’t cool, but mostly to float the idea that it’s all Trump’s fault. Trump is to blame for creating the atmosphere of divisiveness because he refused to accept the results of the 2016 election…oh, wait, that was them. Well, because he encourages his supporters to physically assault people who don’t agree with them. No, that’s them again...Okay, his supporters are to blame because a small handful of them (so far) have armed themselves to fight back against mobs attacking them and destroying their homes and businesses instead of just standing there like sitting ducks and taking it. How dare they?!

I don’t know about you, but when I think of “Trump’s America,” I think of Manhattan, Chicago, Portland, Seattle (cue grunge guitar riff), Minneapolis and other cities that have been under solid Democratic control since before Trump bought his first monogrammed hankie -- the kind of GOP hotbeds where people share unfunny Stephen Colbert video clips every day, think that Rachel Maddow is an actual journalist, and drive Priuses with “Not My President!” bumper stickers on them.

If that’s “Trump’s America,” then what’s “Biden’s America”? Fantasyland at Disney World?

Anyone who’s been paying any attention at all over the past few years knows that this level of mindless partisan vitriol was not caused by a few rude Trump tweets. It’s the poison fruit of the “Resistence” movement and leftist politicians like Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley, Nancy Pelosi and others, demonizing Trump and his supporters and urging civil unrest in the streets (or worse – ask Rep. Steve Scalise how Bernie Bros demonstrate their political opposition with rifles.) Only a few brainwashed potheads online could possibly believe that all the BLM/Antifa looting, arson and assaults on cops are secretly the doing of Trump supporters.

Tucker Carlson at Fox News summed up Biden’s speech well, calling it possibly “the most thoroughly dishonest speech ever given by a major presidential candidate," one in which “virtually every word of it was the opposite of the truth. It was literally beyond belief."

I couldn’t agree more, but what else are the Dems going to do? I can only imagine how awful their internal polls must look to scare them into taking on this emergency rescue mission. Especially after last week’s conventions, where the Dems spent all their time badmouthing Trump and America and paying homage to the “peaceful protesters” who are destroying our cities while Trump offered days’ worth of traditional, pro-American messaging about restoring law and order, putting aside racial differences and working together to make America great again.

(Here’s Rush Limbaugh’s commentary on how Trump is running to save us from a race war. It contains some really eye-opening poll data.)

(And a new Zogby poll showing that Biden’s support among blacks has dropped by 15 points and Trump’s support is up to 20 percent, or 9 points more than campaign officials believe he would need to win reelection.)

Biden’s handlers faced a Hobson’s choice: They could condemn the violent, racist radical rioters and risk alienating their far-left, pro-violence base…or they could embrace them and alienate all the sane people. They can’t win with no votes from sane people, and they need their insane base, so they’re trying to split the difference with a “Hail Mary” pass: finally acknowledge that the violence exists (now that it’s devolved into murdering a Trump supporter and celebrating that), but somehow blame it on Trump and his supporters. As if they somehow had it coming, what with thinking they had a First Amendment right to express their opinions in public without fear of being shot.

Trump has, in fact, made it clear that he doesn’t want his supporters to confront these people. He wants to send in the professionals to restore order, but the Democrat Mayors and Governors would rather put their TDS first and put on a public display of snuffing Trump than let him help stop the destruction of their own cities and the violence against their own people. That’s why the “D” in TDS stands for “Derangement.”

Buck Sexton summed up the latest excuse to spin away reality quite well:

The Democrats obviously think the big winning message of Biden’s speech is this, which they sent out in a tweet under his name: “Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?” Mollie Hemingway quite rightly replied, “The ‘blackmail Americans into voting for me by threatening more violence unless I win’ strategy is so impossibly evil and strategically unwise.”

Offhand, I can think of three “Cs” that are really bad for America: communism, corruption, and crime, all three of which are currently being excused and even promoted by the left. In fact, we talk a lot about those three “Cs” often, right here. But Gov. Huckabee has a great new book –- just out –- that’s written from the positive perspective we need more than ever now. Co-authored by Steve Feazel, it’s about the three “Cs” that made America GREAT and must be protected at all costs.

Do you know what they are? Here’s a clue: the title of the book is THE THREE Cs THAT MADE AMERICA GREAT: CHRISTIANITY, CAPITALISM, AND THE CONSTITUTION.

This is the right book at the right time, because America really is in a fight for its soul right now. All three “Cs” are under relentless attack. The book was written as a call to action for Christians and conservatives who look around and can’t believe what they see. This is not a time to be shocked into paralysis but to take an active role in the political arena, to push back against the forces that are trying to tear America away from its founding principles and its heritage. Our nation has been the brightest light of freedom the world has ever known, and it’s time to make that light shine again.

On his weekend TBN show, Gov. Huckabee was freshly inspired about what makes America great after watching Trump’s convention speech from the White House lawn. In his monologue, he talked about the new book as “a fact-filled reminder of the underpinnings of America and its origins,” saying the “leftist loons” who are educating our kids are responsible for their lack of knowledge, as these people are clueless about the role played by Judeo-Christian values in our launch as a new nation. This monologue focused on the first “C,” Christianity.

The Gov. said he’s aware that not all the founders were devout Christians, but stressed that even the less pious were aware “that liberty only lives when people self-govern, and that’s because of the moral code written onto the tablets of our hearts by our Creator.”

People who follow the word of God don’t need to look to an authoritarian government to worship, he explained, “because then you’re free from the bonds of self-centered behavior.”

The Gov. also offered some surprising history I wasn’t aware of, saying that today's secular Ivy League universities generally have their origins in schools devoted to religious instruction. For example, Harvard University was named for a young minister, John Harvard, who died at only 31. So far, a statue of him, seated and holding a Bible, still graces the campus, unless some numb-skulled anarchist has pulled it down.

And did you know Harvard students were once required to read Scripture twice daily and be ready to “give evidence of proficiency of their knowledge of the Bible”? Me, neither. An early school motto was “Truth for Christ and the Church.” Yale students, as well, were required “to live according to the rules of God’s word.” Princeton has a similar religious legacy; I wonder how many students can translate its Latin slogan, “Under the protection of God she flourishes.” How is THAT still on their flag? (I also wonder why they necessarily assume an institution of higher learning would use the pronoun “she” –- maybe it would prefer “xi.”)

Did you know that in 1782, the Continental Congress actually printed Bibles to give to inhabitants of the United States? They thought the values taught in the Bible were essential to the emerging nation. I thought I knew my American history pretty darn well, but this was news to me.

John Jay, our nation’s first Supreme Court justice and obviously one of the founders who WERE very devout, referred to America as “a Christian nation” and said we should “select and prefer Christians” as our leaders. Didn’t know that, either! (Of course, that didn’t and shouldn’t carry force of law; it was just his view.) Gov. Huckabee did say this book would make liberals’ heads explode; I think the part about John Jay might be where that happens.

Later in the Gov.’s show, co-author Steve Feazel sat for an interview. (He joked that Sarah Sanders wasn’t available to co-author his book with him, so he’d had to call Huckabee. He and the Gov. did have a mutual friend but had not met prior to this project.)

This is going to be the book to give your liberal friends --- especially the ones with kids in school --- who just have no clue about the founding of our nation, the “underpinnings,” as the Gov. put it.

Not one to just be “preaching to the choir,” I’d like to add something for the agnostics and even atheists who might be seeing this. You should read this book, too. Even those of us who aren’t as devout as John Jay and some of the other founders should not allow ourselves to be in denial about the role Judeo-Christian values played in the formation of America. That understanding of right and wrong is basic –- it’s written into our law and forms the basis of a society being able to live together, whether or not everyone goes to church or even believes in God. (Obviously, people are not able to live together peaceably in our cities right now, and this is because the traditional moral code is out the window.) Whether or not one believes that God literally gave us natural law or handed Moses the Ten Commandments on stone tablets, we have to treat the Constitution and our system of justice with that same level of reverence if our nation is to endure. The republic itself, our freedom, and the system on which it rests must be treated as sacred. We seem to be far away from that as a nation right now.

Forces on the Left seeks to fundamentally change our nation by disregarding the principles upon which it was founded. Members of the media and liberal politicians seek to damage our economic, political, and educational systems for their gain. The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism, and the Constitution: Huckabee exposes the Left's plan to undermine the Christian values on which the nation was built

  • reveals how attacks on Christianity are part of the political agenda of Liberals
  • provides a clear understanding of capitalism and how free markets benefit all people
  • reveals how Liberals undermine capitalism with their socialistic policies
  • shows how the Constitution’s purpose to restrain government and protect individual liberty
  • unmask the efforts of the liberal Left to subvert the power and relevance of the Constitution
  • exposes the current corruption in government and culture
  • which undermines the principles on which the nation was founded

America faces a war of values that will determine its future and likely decide if it will continue as a great nation on the world stage. Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel sounds a needed alarm to Christians and conservatives to answer the call to action and push back against the forces that desire to move America from its heritage and founding principles. It is time for God's people to take an active role in the political arena, not with violence, but with votes and voices that proclaim and defend the values that made our nation the brightest light of freedom the world has ever known.


This is a thought-provoking piece on what “Black Lives Matter” (the radical organization, not the inarguable sentiment) really is. It also offers evidence that many problems in the black community don’t stem from “systemic racism” but from the chronic lack of two-parent households, which has been encouraged and subsidized by liberal policies.

On this subject, one of my guests on “Huckabee” this weekend was Dr. Rick Rigsby, creator of the speech and now book, “Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout.” It’s about his father, a black man with no higher education but with a phenomenal amount of common sense, wisdom and strength of character that he insured he passed on to his sons. His parents didn’t raise boys or black men, he raised Godly men.

Here is that interview:

Here’s Dr. Rigsby’s speech:

And if you seriously think that BLM is going to help improve the lives of African-Americans, note that not only are they setting back race relations by at least 50 years, but one of their stated goals is the destruction of the nuclear family. In that regard, supporting BLM because you want to help black Americans have better lives is like hiring Jack the Ripper as your barber.

My wife Janet and I were very lucky that we were able to exit the White House grounds safely Thursday night as part of a large crowd. Sen. Rand Paul and his wife Kelley left on their own and were soon surrounded by a hostile mob. The police officers who saw what was happening and stepped in to protect them deserve a medal, as President Trump said.

At this link, Mrs. Paul describes what she calls the most harrowing night of her life, inflicted on her and Sen. Paul for no other reason than that they publicly expressed their support of the President.

The mayor of DC who allowed this should resign in disgrace. And so should the writer at the Associated Press who wrote that the Pauls claimed they were attacked “without evidence.” Okay, how about this for “evidence” that the violent, threatening mob was a violent, threatening mob?

If anyone asked me for evidence that that A.P. writer is an idiot, I would simply have to produce his own article.

Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway movement, was sitting just two rows in front of me at President Trump’s speech Thursday night. I’m sickened to have to report that he was also among those attacked by leftist thugs when he and a friend returned to their hotel. He said it was almost identical to what Jussie Smollett reported, except this attack really happened.

Straka noted that he hadn't endured an anti-gay attack like that in 10 years, and worse, they couldn’t even fight back because the media would accuse them of being racists. He wrote, “At least back in the day when gay-bashing was common, the media didn’t blame the gay people.”

Sadly, that’s because the media, like much of the Democratic Party leadership, have thrown in their lot with a group of radical leftists who don’t care about gay rights, women’s rights, black rights or even human rights. The only right they care about is their own delusion that they have the right to exert power over everyone else. If you disagree or challenge them in any way, they will attack you with anything from vile racist, sexist or homophobic slurs and profanity to physical violence. And if you fight back, as Brandon says, you’re a “racist,” even if you’re black and the person you’re fighting is a white punk calling you the n-word.

I hate to see this for a number of reasons, but one of them is that I consider real racism to be a terrible sin that’s an insult to God, who created us all in His image. That’s why exploiting the condemnatory power of the word by falsely affixing to people who simply disagree with your politics is also a sin and an insult to God.

And if you’re surprised that a conservative Christian would be defending a gay man against homophobic attacks on him by alleged “social justice workers,” then you need to stop watching fake news sources.

Honor Rev. King This Way

August 31, 2020

Ordinarily, I would have written extensively about Friday’s 57th anniversary of the March on Washington led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. He was a huge inspiration to me as a kid growing up in the South, and his dream of a land in which all the races live together in peace, judged by the content of their characters and not the color of their skin, was an inspiration to my life and those of countless others.

Unfortunately, this year’s observance of that anniversary in Washington, organized by Al Sharpton, in many ways betrayed the spirit of the Rev. King’s message with gratuitous racial slanders for political purposes (i.e., Sharpton calling the President “Bull Trump” – Bull Connor was a Democrat, it needs to be noted again and again) and divisive, anti-American rhetoric. Some speakers couldn’t have perverted the Rev. King’s message more if they’d literally declared that we must judge people by their skin color, not their character.

One praiseworthy exception worth mentioning is the Rev. King’s 10-year-old granddaughter, Yolanda Renee King, who said, “My generation has already taken to the streets – peacefully and with masks and social distancing – to protest racism.” I wish some of the adults there had her wisdom and sense of responsibility.

Before anyone starts accusing me of only saying this because I’m white, read the words of this longtime Democratic Tennessee state Representative and veteran of the civil rights movement who calls it “appalling” and “heartbreaking” to associate the non-violent protests of the Rev. King with “burning and looting and stealing.” He said, "It's like we're trying to live up to the worst of stereotypes, the worst of behavior, the worst of perceptions.”

As I often like to remind people, especially those who forget or try to obscure this fact, the Rev. King was, first and foremost, a great preacher of the Gospel. Some of his most inspiring words came in the form of sermons. I urge you to honor his legacy by reading those, not listening to people who would distort his message for their personal political motives. You can start with this, the final sermon he ever gave on April 3, 1968 in Memphis. You will search in vain to find any encouragement of violence or incitements of race hatred in it.

Your Tax Dollars At Work

August 31, 2020

NPR gave a respectful hearing to the author of “In Defense of Looting,” a new crackpot book claiming that looting is good because “it gets people what they need for free immediately, which means that they are capable of living and reproducing their lives without having to rely on jobs or a wage…”

As Dave Barry would say, “I am not making this up.” I only scratched the surface of the insanity. Go to the link and read more excerpts, but brace yourself. It’s the perfect illustration of George Orwell’s rule that some ideas are so absurd that only intellectuals could believe them.

As another example of that, at, the book has a number of positive reviews from media outlets, but among regular Amazon customers, it has a one-star average and uniformly scathing reviews about how it’s just a feeble attempt to use academic and identity politics hooey to justify thievery. I think the best review of all came from a reader who said it might be useful as a backup in case there’s a toilet paper crisis “and you have literally nothing else,” but “beware the potential for Osmosis of Stupidity through mucous membranes...”

If you want to read more, steal a copy of the book. I'm sure the author won't mind. Hey, it's just property!

One thing I loved about this year’s Republican National Convention that was missing from the Democrats’ glumfest the previous week was its generous display of WIT, life and humor.

For example, at my house, we were laughing and cheering when the fireworks after Trump’s speech spelled out “TRUMP 2020.” Oh, not just once --- it had to happen twice in case anybody missed it the first time! I had no idea this was even possible, but Trump’s fireworks show somehow had it.

Makes me think he really might reach his goal of putting a woman on Mars. (I’ve heard the joke that the woman will be Hillary. My money’s on Nancy Pelosi.)

Also, there was the soaring operatic aria that closed the event. Thanks to the popularization of this piece by Luciano Pavarotti, we’ve all heard it many times. But why this particular aria for this occasion?

I doubt the choice of this music to end the convention was arbitrary. Either Trump or some clever person with the campaign chose it at least partially for the little inside joke. The aria is “Nessun Dorma,” from the opera “TURNADOT” by Puccini, sung by the character Calaf. It’s a tribute to resilience, to boldness, to surviving great risk to meet a challenge and obtain a goal, and those last three notes that go up and Italian “Vincero...vincero...vincero….” are, translated into English, “I will win...I will win...I will WIN…!”

Nice touch. I wonder if most leftists, who wouldn’t recognize subtlety if it hit them in the head with a two-by-four, get this.

I understand Pavarotti’s widow has complained about Trump using the Pavarotti version of this aria on the soundtrack for his campaign events. She has even said Trump’s “values” are not compatible with those of her late husband. Nicoletta Mantovani, in a letter co-signed by three of Pavarotti’s daughters, said, “We remind you that the values of brotherhood and solidarity that Luciano Pavarotti upheld throughout his artistic career are incompatible with the world vision of the candidate Donald Trump.”

Wow. Judging from the assumptions they make about Trump’s values, I think these women must have been watching WAY too much MSNBC.

This version, of course, was sung by the tenor Christopher Macchio. And he did such a beautiful job, perhaps his version is the one that should be on Trump’s campaign soundtrack, as that might resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction. The reference to victory can be taken as a reference to America winning at a time of great challenge and conflict, and also to Trump winning the election, because at this point in our history, those two “wins” can easily be seen as intertwined.

After all the President has been through --- a fake impeachment and endless lies and personal attacks, the unleashing of a pandemic and the resulting economic catastrophe, and the deliberate fanning of racial fires by those in “blue” cities who would just as soon see them burned down if they could blame him for it --- Trump has shown that he still has the boundless energy and strength to endure and overcome them all. Little touches like the ones on display at the convention tell me that if anyone can bounce back from all this and bring the country right along with him, it will be President Trump.

He will win, he will win, he will win. Trump 2020.

A postscript: At Trump’s first rally after the convention, he carried on with that same sharp humor and verve, by noting that Joe Biden had announced he’d be coming out of the basement and making some campaign appearances “in ten days.” “TEN DAYS?!” Trump exclaimed hilariously. “TEN DAYS?! That’s like an eternity in Trumpville!” And so it is.

I’m not going to have a detailed write-up of night four of the Republican Convention because I was out late last night. My wife Janet and I were on the White House lawn, watching history be made as President Trump accepted the nomination for reelection. And we got home late for three reasons:

1. Trump spoke for 72 minutes (the Dems considered it a miracle that Biden spoke for 20 minutes, and Trump did something Biden could never do: he ad-libbed.)

2. That magnificent fireworks show that seemed to go on and on. One commentator said that Trump was giving Americans the July 4th fireworks display that the Chinese virus denied them. When the sparks actually spelled out “TRUMP 2020” in the sky over Washington, I swear the booming noise was the sound of liberal heads exploding.

3. We had to wait to get past the mob of threatening protesters who’d shown up (with prop guillotines) to make Trump’s point that they are the violent enemies of free speech and freedom of thought. Rand Paul said he was attacked by a crazed mob of over 100 people and credited the DC Police with saving him.

This was one time when I was glad we had our face masks since Janet and I were able to don ours and leave with the crowd without being recognized. (Yes, Twitter scolds, we had masks, even though it was outside in the wind, the least likely place to transmit a virus.)

Incidentally, it was reported that even the “protesters” shut up for a while and watched the fireworks show. Maybe it came as a surprise to them that you could shoot fireworks into the air rather than just at cops or into occupied buildings.

Steven Kruiser at PJ Media had a great observation on how we know that the Dems realize how good this speech and the convention overall were: by the way they’re running around barking, “Hatch Act!,” like scared Chihuahuas.

The theme of the final night was “Land of Greatness.” Even though Trump loves to use the word “great” bombastically, this night seemed completely sincere in its message that Republicans see America not as an irredeemably racist, imperialist colonizer with a shameful history that must be torn down, but as the greatest nation ever created…one that may never have been perfect, but that has constantly pursued perfection, even at great struggle and cost. Americans aren’t bound by a single race or culture, but by the fact that we are all the descendants of the people in foreign lands who looked around and said, “There’s got to be someplace better than this,” and who had the guts to risk everything to find it.

Whereas the Democrats want to dismantle America and scare everyone into lowering their expectations, Republicans see America as a big nation of big ideas, big dreams and big, seemingly impossible accomplishments. This is the nation that decided not only to put a man on the moon, and to do it within the decade, but accomplished it with five months to spare. I wonder what JFK would think of his Party now, led by a group of tunnel-visioned bunglers who can’t even keep the lights on in California.

One of the most moving speeches on Wednesday night of the Republican Convention was given by a man named Sam Vigil. Sam who? This soft-spoken gentleman is not famous and certainly never thought he’d be speaking to the nation, but he came to speak about being touched by crime, as his wife Jackie was killed in their own garage during what was apparently an attempted carjacking.

They lived in Albuquerque, which he said is “one of the most violent cities in the country.” Most homicides go unsolved. In a sad irony, Jackie had immigrated from Colombia, known for violence, to seek a better life in America.

For eight months, the overwhelmed local police made no arrest in Jackie’s murder. But after President Trump launched Operation Legend this July, the FBI took over the case and in just days, they arrested four people, with the fifth arrested later in Texas on unrelated charges. Mr. Vigil thanked Trump for delivering justice for his wife and “for all the other innocent victims of violent crime.”

"I know he will never stop fighting for justice,” Mr. Vigil said, “for law and order, and for peace, security and our communities.”

Watching this in context of all the violence happening around the country, I thought that, more than anything, this election comes down to order and freedom vs. chaos and the resulting loss of freedom. The President wants us to be able to go about our lives in safety, whether it’s from a carjacking in Albuquerque or a vicious assault on the streets of Seattle.

The other side WANTS chaos, as they think that, one way or another, it will keep Trump from another term. But notice that they’re suddenly becoming more subversive about this, saying publicly that they are against violence. This is because polling shows that violence by BLM and other groups appears to be backfiring. Their plan to blame Trump isn’t working.

Even their friends in the media are trying to help, but they blew their own cover, right on the air.

Democrats don’t care how the violence is hurting people, just that it might be hurting then in the POLLS. The practice of going into restaurants and bullying diners is especially not playing well. So even Biden has (finally) come out and said he’s against violence. Even though nobody even brought it up during their convention, he and Kamala Harris will say whatever they need to now.

There are other ways the left thinks chaos can help them ultimately get what they want. For example, they can send the message that the riots we see in major cities will spread to all of America if their side loses.

They even blame Trump for their own acting out. One of my staffers said she was reminded of her niece having a tantrum when she was in her “terrible two’s,” screaming at her mother, suddenly shrieking wildly, “YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!” Imagine a two-year-old (!) with that kind of instinctive understanding of how to make her mother feel guilty for what she herself was doing. We are dealing with emotional two-year-olds, trying to manipulate in just the same way.

Give in to them, and that’s how they'll get their way with EVERYTHING –- by creating chaos and threatening escalation if we don’t appease them. They’re using race as the pretext for this, and they’ll take the conflict as far as they think they have to.

Prof. Glenn Reynolds at PJ Media came to a similar conclusion: “The left wants it to be about black vs. white, immigrant vs. native, etc. Trump’s making it clear that it’s about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race. This is a huge, underappreciated –- and very traditionally American –- message. By promoting it at this crucial time, Trump may very well be saving America.”

Amen. That’s what it will come down to. Americans can’t go about their lives and be productive and happy under the constant threat of chaos.

Hillary Clinton recently brought up another way that chaos can help her side get what they want. Remember at the 2016 debates when she was “horrified” that Trump wouldn’t promise to accept the upcoming election results (when he had no way to anticipate how they might conceivably be messed with)? Here’s what this ghoulishly hypocritical woman says now.

So, Biden should not concede “under any circumstances.” Putting Biden in the White House is simply “an organizational challenge,” even if America has clearly elected Trump. Imagine the chaos THIS creates. It shows she cares nothing for “democracy” and what Americans want, only power.

A commentary in Wednesday’s WALL STREET JOURNAL called “Mail-in Voting Could Deliver Chaos” describes the mess that could happen with mail-in balloting and one candidate simply refusing to concede. The WSJ has a paywall; but one of the authors has posted it.

Also, check out Dan Bongino’s podcast from Wednesday, Episode 1331, starting at 34:15.

The WSJ article greatly worries Bongino; he says to “get ready for the idea” that we won’t have a result even by December. But by FEDERAL LAW, the dates for the election and Electoral College voting are set in stone, and THE CONSTITUTION sets Inauguration Day as January 20. Period.

Mail-in ballots do not change this, but they must be postmarked no later than Election Day, in this case November 3, to count. Of course, the “mailbox” hoax is already being used ahead of time to discredit mail-in results, even as Democrats have pushed for mail-in voting.

State electors are supposed to resolve disputes six days before the Electoral College meets (this year, December 14), and if they can’t, the STATE LEGISLATURE has those six days to resolve the matter. If it can't, THE STATE FORFEITS ALL ITS ELECTORAL VOTES.

It’s easy to see how, at the state level, Democrats might mess with this system in key swing states to affect the electoral vote count. And even if Trump is inaugurated, they’ll say they “really” won, using the electoral chaos they created to delegitimize his second term, just as they used the “Russia” hoax they created to delegitimize his first term.

RealClear Politics goes into even more detail on what could go wrong with mail-in voting.

No wonder Democrats have pushed so hard for this. Anyway, get ready for anything. These people will sit by while violence destroys cities and gets people killed as long as they can blame it on Trump --- the very one who (unlike them) is genuinely interested in making life better and more productive for Americans.

Wednesday was night three of the GOP virtual convention, and while it’s hard to compare, this might have been the best night yet. Michael Goodwin of the New York Post said that Trump is producing the greatest reality show on Earth, and I would second that. If you aren’t watching it (and if you’re watching on a liberal network where they yak over 90% of the speeches, you aren’t really watching it), then be sure to watch the final night tonight, and go to YouTube to catch up on the previous nights uninterrupted from CSPAN. It makes the Democrats’ Convention look like a Zoom meeting set up by 14-year-olds, not that that would be too hard.

Funny, everyone was talking about all the severe limitations put on the convention, yet Trump has delivered possibly the best convention ever. But then, over-delivering despite having severe limitations put on him could describe his entire Administration.

Here’s a link to the full live-stream of night three that starts after CSPAN's opening with a WaPo reporter repeating Democrat talking points – disappointing, since CSPAN had been simply airing the event with no editorializing up until now to let viewers make up their own minds.

And here are last night’s live blogs by PJ Media


Plus a good article on five important parts of night three, although the author correctly admits that there were so many inspiring stories and great speeches that it was hard to narrow it down to only five.

Night three’s theme was a salute to heroes, and they weren’t make-believe movie superheroes but regular Americans who’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty. There were more great speeches and stories than I have room to recount, here are just a few highlights:

Ohio mom Tera Myers, who refused to be pressured into aborting her Down Syndrome son or letting him go without an education. She fought for school choice reform and helped create a program that gives parents of special needs kids the freedom to choose education that fits them best…

Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese dissident (reading his speech by Braille), describing the heartless tyranny of the Chinese communist government and its mandatory one-child policy that he exposed. FYI, while visiting China in 2011, Joe Biden told his hosts, “Your policy has been one which I fully understand — I'm not second-guessing — of one child per family”…

Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who lost an eye and nearly died from an IED explosion during his third tour of duty in Afghanistan…

Madison Cawthorn, who will be the youngest House member if elected in North Carolina in November, is paralyzed from a car crash when he was 18. In a stunning moment, he ended his speech by using a walker to rise from his wheelchair and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance…

Sister Deirdre Byrne, who is not only Mother Superior of the Washington Little Workers sisters but also a doctor and a colonel and reservist in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, praised Trump for his defense of the unborn, whom she called “the most marginalized group in the world.” She branded Biden/Harris as "the most anti-life presidential ticket in history" and warned, "While what I have to say may be difficult for some to hear, I am saying it because I’m not just pro-life, I’m pro-eternal life, and I want all of us to end up in Heaven someday."

And what a fantastic speech by civil rights icon Clarence Henderson, who risked his life by defying Jim Crow laws and ordering food at a segregated Southern lunch counter in the ‘60s. Pointing out that that’s what “peaceful protest” really looks like, he recounted the history of the Republican Party’s leadership on civil rights issues, and ended by referencing Joe Biden’s claim that if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t black.” Henderson said if you think it’s strange that he’s a Republican, then “you don’t know history.”

And there were many more moving and inspiring real life stories and terrific speakers, including Kayleigh McEnany (who discussed her double mastectomy, and how Donald and Melania Trump were among the first to call her afterwards)…Kellyanne Conway, who was the first woman to manage a winning Presidential campaign, talked about how Trump has put more women into major positions of power than any other President…Former DNI Richard Grennell, who said he was sickened when he finally got to see the pathetic “evidence” that the Democrats had for their Russian collusion charges …Rep. Elise Stefanik, who defended Trump so well during the ludicrous impeachment trial, called that "not just an attack on the President. This was an attack on you." Also, like all the blue city violence, impeachment was never mentioned even once at the DNC Convention. They’re hoping we’ll forget about their giant partisan waste of time and money…

Plus more great speeches by South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (who is sparking Presidential buzz), Burgess Owens

…both Mike and Karen Pence, Joni Ernst, and a must-see speech by former NFL player and lifelong Democrat Jack Brewer, who took a rhetorical flamethrower to the idea that blacks have to believe false narratives and vote for Biden/Harris because they don’t like Trump’s “tone.”

I think Sen. Marsha Blackburn had the funniest line of the night: “Nancy Pelosi says China would prefer Joe Biden…Yep!...I BET they WOULD!”

And how great was it to see Mike Pence speak from Fort McHenry, where the Star-Spangled Banner that inspired Francis Scott Key to write our National Anthem once flew? At this convention, even disabled people stand to salute the flag. On the other side, they kneel to the Anthem, burn the flag, try to “cancel” Francis Scott Key and want to change the National Anthem to John Lennon’s “Imagine.”

I could go on and on, but go to YouTube and watch it yourself if you haven’t already. Trump and his people are doing the impossible: they’re making a political convention a binge-watchable series. Tonight is the final night, and Trump himself will be speaking. It's "Must-See TV!"

From Karen B:

Just a note for my right-leaning family and friends from my left-leaning self as we near voting day:

They say we want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police): we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.

They say we want to release all prisoners: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and ensure the punishments match the crimes and to deprivatize prisons.

They say we want open borders: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want asylum seekers to be given their chance to seek asylum. We want to help people who are cg from unimaginable terror and poverty help to give them the chances we have. We want to ensure children aren’t separated from their parents and that nobody is kept in cages. But we do want proper vetting.

They say we want to take away your guns: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want logical gun control to help prevent mass shootings.

They say we want to wage a war on Christianity and Christian values: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all religions to be able to practice and worship freely.

They say we want to get everything for free: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all.

They say we want a war against traditional marriage: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all sexual orientations to be able to love freely, no matter who you love.

They say we want to destroy or rewrite history: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say “that’s not okay, let’s not honor those aggressors, let’s not let those things happen again”.

They say we want to take away your constitutional rights: we don’t, that’s a lie. We choose to believe science and wear masks and try to prevent the spread of this disease.

They say we hate America: we don’t, that’s a lie. We just recognize our faults and want us to do better, be better.

Stop with the us vs. them. Stop with the straw man arguments. Stop with the fake news. Stop with Fox News. Our position is one of empathy, compassion, and logic. Stop believing the hype. Stop with the division. Just because we want equality for all doesn’t mean we want to take anything away from you.

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Karen. You are a very thoughtful and idealistic person. But who is this "we"? When you say “we,” I don’t think you can include the leftists with power in the Democrat Party in your description of what “we” do and do not want. You are a moderate, and today's Democrat Party is NOT moderate.

For example, it’s certainly not a “lie” to say that many who fund and support the Democrat Party and various leftist organizations want to defund the police. YOU don’t, but many of them do. Some in Congress openly call for it. Trump wants bad cops out, of course, but law and order and the safety of Americans is a must.

It’s not a “lie” to say that many who fund and support the Democrat Party want to open up prisons. YOU don’t, but many of them do. Brace yourself, but I’d say that your goals of rooting out racism in the prison system sound downright “Trumpian.”

It’s absolutely not a “lie” to say that many on the left want a “borderless” world. YOU don’t, but many leftists with a lot more influence than you want exactly that. I’m sure you know that the left is continuing to lie (REALLY lie) about Trump and the “children in cages.”

It’s not a “lie” to say that many on the left want to confiscate all guns. YOU might not, but it’s the dream of many in your party. With a handful of Supreme Court justices bent on reinterpreting the Second Amendment, they could do it.

It’s not a “lie” to say that many in your party want to wage a war on Christianity or Christian values. YOU don’t want to, but activists on the left are waging that war, mostly in courtrooms.

It’s not a “lie” to say that some people want everything for free. YOU don’t, but many do. Democrats are seriously considering how they’re going to do reparations. Rioters justify their looting. I’m glad to hear you have a sense of responsibility. Did you know that, by improving the economy so much, Trump had made it much easier for people to get jobs and work hard?

It’s not a “lie” to say that many want a war on traditional marriage. YOU don’t, but some do. (See “Christianity,” above.) The next step is abolishing even the idea of marriage as a partnership; why not polyamory? And over the past several decades, Democrat policies have helped destroy the traditional family –- especially black families, where 70 percent are born out of wedlock and male role models are largely absent.

It’s not a “lie” to say that many on the left want to tear down or rewrite history. Oh, yes, they do. YOU might see it as “recognizing the ugly parts” and learning from our past, but they see it not as a chance to learn, but to exercise mob rule, pulling down statues of...abolitionists, suffragettes, saints, whatever. Many don’t know what they’re doing. And a concerted effort to rewrite history is going on right now.

It’s not a “lie” to say that many on the left want to take away our constitutional rights. YOU apparently don’t, but many in your party do. I’ve touched on a few of these above. Another right that many would love to take away –- and they’re working on it –- is freedom of speech. As for masks, effective treatments, etc., there's a LOT of dispute within the scientific community about all that, and, unfortunately, it got politicized.

It is absolutely not a “lie” to say that many on the left hate America. YOU don’t, but many do, from the rioters on Seattle streets to billionaires who fund your party and leftist causes. Some are calling for the outright destruction of our country. Thanks to them, America is far from “being better.”

I’d love it if you would show this letter to your family and friends, both left and right-leaning. It would be great to hear their reaction. I fear your idealism causes you to look at your party through rose-tinted glasses, ironically at a time when the left is finally showing its true colors. It might surprise you to hear that you sound in a lot of ways like today’s Republican Party. You really are too smart and thoughtful to be led around by the far-leftists of the Democrat Party. Maybe they’re not who you think they are. And I haven’t “lied” about them at all.

Rachel Maddow's New Gig

August 26, 2020

Please sit down before reading this. If you’re standing up, you might laugh so hard, you’ll fall down and hurt yourself. Ready? Good…

Guess who’s decided to become a “fact-checker.” Rachel Maddow of MSNBC! That’s right: the woman who spent three years spinning ever wackier Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theories has decided that the Republicans at the convention are such “LYING LIARS WHO LIE” (trademark registered) that she just has to “correct the record” for her extremely undemanding viewers.

And what is her first subject on her maiden voyage into the uncharted territory of actually checking a fact? She claims that Cissy Graham Lynch misled viewers by calling Trump a champion of religious freedom rights because if he cared about religious freedom, he wouldn’t have instituted the “Muslim ban.”

I have to thank her because I’d almost forgotten about that hoax. That was one of the earliest examples of the media deliberately distorting what Trump said or did, and it set the template for all their "reporting" since (whatever Trump says or does, ascribe the worst possible motives to it.) If you don’t remember, thanks to Obama/Biden letting ISIS spread across the Middle East, there was a threat of terrorist attacks on our homeland. When Trump first came into office, he wanted to restrict travel from a handful of nations that had active anti-American terrorist cells and no structure for vetting emigrants. Liberals immediately misrepresented this as a “Muslim ban,” even though not all the nations on the list were majority Muslim and there were many other majority Muslim nations that were not on the list. It was really about keeping out terrorists, but the media spun it as "Trump hates Muslims."

This was the earliest example of Democrats and the media being willing to trade the safety and security of their fellow Americans for bad publicity for Trump. It would soon be followed by many more.

How appropriate is it that Rachel Maddow based her first “fact-check” of Republicans on a known partisan lie? But then, anyone who would rely on her to give them the “facts” about Trump would also probably take advice about proper Oval Office decorum from Bill Clinton. Oh, wait: that was actually part of the Democratic Convention.

She pressed on in her "fact-check" to talk about Trump’s executive order exempting the Little Sisters of the Poor from having to provide contraceptives and abortifacient drugs to employees under Obamacare. Maddow condescendingly “explained,” “The anti-abortion right has decided to say in recent years that contraception including things like the birth control pill, they've decided to call that abortion. So if you take birth control pills you're, like, constantly having abortions all the time. That's what that reference is to. And that may be very familiar rhetoric in the anti-abortion right.”

Umm, we’re not talking about the “anti-abortion right.” We’re talking about an order of Catholic nuns, who understandably don’t want to be forced to pay for contraceptives. That’s why this is a religious freedom issue.

Maybe she should just go back to the Russia collusion fairy tale and leave discussions of religious freedom rights to people who know anything at all about religion. Or facts.

It’s actually good that U.S. Attorney John Durham is still putting the finishing touches on his report on FISA abuse, as we’re going to need some focused post-convention time to take a look at it. There’s a story to be told, a very important story, and we should soon know a lot more about how the "Russia" hoax came together. In fact, one can get a “sneak peek” right now by looking at Kevin Clinesmith’s plea agreement and seeing how it relates to parts of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s internal report.

Thanks to Margot Cleveland at THE FEDERALIST for connecting more dots. She's done the tedious part; now we get to talk about it.

As you know, Kevin Clinesmith, who worked in the FBI’s Office of General Counsel, pleaded guilty to one count of falsifying evidence; the plea agreement was released last Wednesday. He admitted that he had added four critical words --- “was not a source” --- to an email from an “unidentified government agency” (let’s just say the CIA because we know it was) concerning Carter Page’s “operation contact” with that agency. One of the agents involved in Crossfire Hurricane had told him they wanted “something in writing” about it, so he altered the email and forwarded it to that agent. (While pleading guilty, he still claims it was not his “intent” to mislead. Trying to have it both ways.) This revised email cleared the way for the fourth FISA.

But wait --- there had already been an original FISA application and two renewals, and they hadn’t mentioned this. What’s the story there? Well, according to Clinesmith’s plea agreement, the CIA had provided “certain members of the Crossfire Hurricane team” with a memo indicating that Page had been approved as an “operation contact” for them from 2008 to 2013 and detailing information that Page had provided them about “his prior contacts with certain Russian officers.” But we know this information was not included in the first three FISAs. (The Horowitz report says so, and Clinesmith makes a point of it in his plea agreement.)

If I understand correctly, THIS is the “suspicious” contact with Russians that gave the Crossfire Hurricane team their reason (excuse) to accuse Page of being a Russian agent. But in truth, there was no reason to spy on him over this; he had already been debriefed by the CIA about it, and the CIA had informed "certain members" of the team of his relationship with them before the initial FISA application was made. The FBI just left it out of the applications.

To accomplish this, the Crossfire Hurricane team even left it out of the information given to the division that HELPS with FISA applications, and one member of the team, Stephen Somma –- more on him coming up –- gave them incorrect information when explicitly ASKED about Page’s relationship with the CIA. This key information about Page is one of the “17 substantial errors or omissions” in the FISAs that Horowitz attributed to the FBI.

So, now we need to know the identities of the “certain members of the Crossfire Hurricane team” who received the memo about Page from the CIA, because they are the ones who kept the information out of the application and first two renewals. In the IG report, one is identified as “Case Agent 1,” and that person was identified by THE NEW YORK TIMES as the aforementioned Stephen Somma, who happens to have been Stefan Halper’s FBI “handler” as well! So we’re likely to be hearing more about Mr. Somma.

Cleveland’s article has more detail on how Somma mischaracterized Page’s work in Russia, moving the dates of it years earlier so it became “beyond the scope” of the FISA application. Clever, these FBI agents.

The Horowitz report says Somma claimed “not to recall his state of knowledge” about Page’s history with the CIA. One has to wonder if his memory might improve while under questioning in Durham’s criminal investigation, under threat of perjury.

Cleveland –- who has a FANTASTIC memory –- remembers that Somma, as Case Agent #1, had expressed great interest early on in surveilling Carter Page. But according to the IG report, the Crossfire Hurricane team didn’t become aware of the “dossier” till September. Before then, only Steele’s “handler” and a few agents in the New York Field Office knew about it, starting in early July.

But guess where Somma was working in early July, before joining the Crossfire Hurricane team in August? The New York Field Office, where he was a special agent for counterintelligence with a focus on...Russia.

Cleveland goes into more detail on who else among the team might have known about Page’s CIA involvement and kept it out of the application. Joe Pientka is certainly a possibility.

But the big stinky cheese at the FBI at that time was Director Comey, and this is one slick dude when it comes to protecting himself. As you might recall, Comey slithered his way out of having to talk about classified material with IG Horowitz by refusing to have his security clearance reinstated. Smooth, huh? The memo sent to the FBI about Page’s CIA activities would have been classified, for sure, and without a security clearance, Comey couldn’t have been shown the memo or asked anything about it.

A criminal investigation is different, though. Maybe Durham can put the squeeze on the big cheese. And maybe we’ll finally learn the whole sordid story.

I expected the Republican virtual convention to be better than the Democrats for several reasons: President Trump is a better showman; the mission is to emphasize patriotism and optimism, not sow gloom and division; etc. I just didn’t expect that the GOP convention would be so much better right out of the gate that it was almost like comparing “Citizen Kane” to “Plan Nine from Outer Space.”

Day one of the Democrat infomercial mostly featured politicians talking directly into the camera like a national version of a bedroom vlogger’s YouTube stream, telling us over their iPhones how awful everything is because of the bad Orange Man. The most memorable things about it were Michelle Obama repeating the debunked “children in cages” lie (that actually started under her husband) and the giant wall of firewood behind Bernie Sanders. I’ll bet whoever cut that wood wasn’t the only one who was sawing logs last week.

By contrast, the Republicans offered an inspiring and well-produced (the opening film narrated by Jon Voight was superb) showcase of both political figures and private citizens from a wide range of backgrounds. They talked about positive things Trump has done for them and America, promises kept, and their optimism for the future, as long as Democrats are kept out of power. (BTW, you can add “Internet live productions” to cities, states and the Congress on the ever-lengthening list of “Things Democrats Cannot Be Trusted to Run.”) When Republicans did talk about negatives, like the riots, looting and assaults on police officers in blue cities that are the #1 news story in America right now, that was also a glaring contrast because the Democrats went for three days without ever mentioning that giant donkey in the room.

Maybe it’s not fair to compare the two. The GOP Convention could focus on Trump’s accomplishments because he actually has so many. The Democrats concentrated on Trump hate, division and name-calling because, hey, you go with what you’ve got.

There were so many powerful moments just on night one that I don’t have time or space to list them all. If you missed it, I suggest, believe it or not, that you actually watch the entire stream. It’s on YouTube here.

And here are the liveblogs from PJ Media


As well as a separate article I wrote for Fox News

Here are just a few of the highlights, but incredibly, there were no lowlights (maybe the Democrats had so many lowlights because they were experiencing rolling brownouts):

Black Georgia Democratic Rep. Vernon Jones, who was viciously attacked for praising Trump, talked of how Trump has created opportunity zones and good jobs for blacks, and criminal justice reform of the law Biden co-wrote. He reminded us that Democrats are defunding cops who protect black children while providing security for themselves, and blasted Pelosi and Schumer for “pandering” to blacks by wearing African kente cloths. He said, “The Democratic Party has become infected with the pandemic of intolerance, bigotry, socialism, anti-law enforcement bias, and a dangerous tolerance for people who attack others, destroy their property and terrorize their own communities.” He warned that black people are becoming louder and more “woke” (I love the new, more accurate spin he put on that term) and in a line that is sure to be quoted and remembered for a long time: "The Democratic Party does not want black people to leave their mental plantation.” As one commenter put it, he left a smoking crater where the DNA used to be.

Cuban immigrant Maximo Alvarez choked back tears as he recalled his family’s escape from communism in Cuba, and how he’s hearing ominous echoes of their same tactics and rhetoric from blue cities like Seattle, Chicago and Portland. He said, “If I gave away everything that I have today, it would not equal 1 percent of what I was given when I came to this great country of ours: the gift of freedom. Right now, it is up to us to decide our fate and to choose freedom over oppression.”

NFL great Herschel Walker spoke movingly of his 38-year friendship with Trump and testified that the claim Trump is a racist is a slanderous lie (and will anyone ever forget the image of Trump joining Walker’s family at Disney World to ride “It’s A Small World” in a business suit?) By the way, I’ve also seen Trump enter one of his hotels and greet the desk clerks and other workers by name and ask about their families. Can you even imagine Hillary Clinton doing something like that?

Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow was murdered in the Parkland school shooting, credited President Trump with reversing the Obama “restorative justice” policy that he blames for the killer not being stopped sooner, and warned that Joe Biden wants to bring it back…

Mark and Patricia McCloskey probably never imagined they’d be speaking at a GOP Convention (Mark is a lawyer who’s defended a BLM activist.) But after they were charged with a felony by St. Louis’ far-left DA for brandishing guns to protect their home from a threatening mob – but none of the mob members were charged – their blinders fell off pretty quickly.

After hearing Sen. Tim Scott’s closing speech, I have to second what some conservative bloggers said: I want to vote for him for President in 2024. It was personal and moving, but also substantive. And I loved this line about his early struggles in school: "Trust me, after spending seven years in the Senate, I know I’m not the only one in Congress who failed civics."

I was thrilled that for the Pledge of Allegiance, the speaker made a point of reminding people that the words include “under God,” which was left out of two recitations of it at the Democratic Convention. (I also appreciated that they told attendees to stand for the National Anthem, not stand or kneel, whatever your preference.) The embrace of God may have already turned at least one vote

Natalie Harp, who would have been relegated to death by cancer by government regulations if it weren’t for Trump’s “right to try” reform that let her try an experimental drug, reminded viewers of all the people who have been saved by Trump’s ending of VA hospital waiting lists, reduction of drug prices and other health initiatives. She also reminded us of Charlie Gard, the British infant who was sentenced to die by British government health care bureaucrats.

There was also a powerful film and speech by a Louisiana doctor who both treated and contracted COVID-19, on the false narrative that President Trump did nothing about or botched the disease response. It reminded viewers of how the pandemic took the world unawares and unprepared, and Trump quickly built an unprecedented public-private effort that prevented equipment shortages, removed FDA red tape and fast-tracked new treatments. Bonus: footage of Democratic Governors such as Andrew Cuomo praising Trump’s efforts (this was before word came down that they were supposed to trash and blame him)

Charlie Kirk appealed to young people by defending “the American way of life,” including freedom of speech and religion, against the cancel culture, self-righteous Silicon Valley censors, and a mob of “bitter, deceitful, vengeful activists who have never built anything in their lives.” He called Trump “the bodyguard of Western Civilization”…

Rebecca Friedrichs, the California kindergarten teacher who took on the teachers’ unions in court and won (she noted that the Obama/Biden Administration and Kamala Harris fiercely opposed her in that lawsuit), spoke about school choice (a recurring theme of the evening) and how teachers’ unions are trapping poor and minority children in failing schools. It’s a subject that’s become red hot now that stuck-at-home parents are discovering what their kids were being “taught” all these years…

All this, and I still haven’t touched on Nikki Haley’s excellent speech, Trump’s moving visits with coronavirus essential workers and Americans who’d been held hostage abroad whom he brought home (he rescues people from the other side of the world while Democrats fight having to give medical care to a newborn baby in the same room), Maryland House candidate Kim Klacik’s powerfull message, and so much more.

It was also a stunning contrast just to see Trump popping up everywhere, seemingly working around the clock with limitless energy. At the Democratic Convention, we waited three days for Joe Biden to emerge from his basement like we were waiting for Punxsutawney Phil to rouse himself from his burrow on Groundhog Day. It definitely bolsters Trump’s “Sleepy Joe” moniker and puts pressure on the Dems to let Biden debate to prove he’s up to the job.

You really should watch it all if you can. It will lift your spirits and renew your hope. As I said in my article for Fox News, the Dems gave a funeral for America, and the Republicans threw a celebration. Never has an electoral choice been so stark – or so obvious.

But I can’t end without quoting the funniest line of the night, from Donald Trump Jr: Joe Biden is the “Loch Ness Monster of the swamp.” He sticks his head up every 20 years or so to run for President, then disappears into the swamp again.

In breaking news Sunday, South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, told Maria Bartiromo on FOX News’ SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES that a newly declassified document proves the FBI used different standards in investigating Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Pardon me while I recover from the shock. Does anybody have some smelling salts?

The way Graham explained it, in March of 2015, one month before Hillary officially announced she was running for President, the FBI discovered a plot by “a foreign government” (not specified) to lobby her campaign and funnel millions of dollars illegally into her campaign. (Shock; need more smelling salts!) So they opened an investigation and applied for a FISA warrant against “a Clinton operative who was connected to the foreign government.”

The 7th floor at the FBI (the same 7th floor that later wanted the Flynn investigation kept open even though there was no evidence he’d broken the law) told investigators they couldn’t get a warrant unless they first defensively briefed the Clinton campaign. So the FBI actually did that –- they TOLD the Clinton campaign about what they had found. And they never did get the FISA warrant to do surveillance on the Clinton campaign. This is exactly how they should have handled any information they’d received about Russia trying to “meddle” and infiltrate the Trump campaign. It's simple: you go to the Trump campaign!

But note how differently Trump’s campaign was handled. The FBI opened multiple counterintelligence investigations against associates of the Trump campaign –- including George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and Michael Flynn –- and chose not to tell Trump about their suspicions, even though that would normally be the thing to do and they could have done it during his intelligence briefing.

No, the briefing they gave candidate Trump was just about general threats, the same kind of intelligence they would have provided to anyone running for President. In fact, they even used that briefing as pretense to send an additional agent in, specifically to monitor the behavior of (translation: SPY ON) Flynn and Trump.

Graham said the comparison between these two situations showed “the ultimate double standard.”

According to this newly-released document, a special agent on the Clinton case wondered why they “had not received a clear answer as to why we are not being allowed to use one of the only tools available against a target (REDACTED) FISA collection –- in spite of clear justification.” Of course, we know the answer; they weren’t allowed to use “FISA collection” because, Hillary. And maybe in Hillary's case they really HAD clear justification. I don't think I'd need my smelling salts if I heard that.

Anyway, a year later, the FBI should have treated the Trump campaign with equal care, but we now know in great detail how they did handle it. Then, in January of 2017, after he was elected, the FBI field office investigating Flynn wanted to close that investigation, but Peter Strzok told them the “7th floor” wanted to keep it open. (That was the day before the big January 5 Oval Office meeting.) This couldn’t have been more different from the way the FBI had treated Hillary a year earlier.

We’re not even talking about the kid-glove treatment Hillary got during the “Mid-year Exam,” the FBI’s investigation of her use of a private email server for official State Department business. It shows that the FBI can do things by the book –- but that they threw the rules out the window when Trump entered the race.

America set the bar so low for Joe Biden’s speech Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention, he ended up getting raves simply for standing on his mark and reading off a prompter for a mere 20 minutes. For Democrats, he also got raves for not being Trump, which is the greatest accomplishment of all.

As author James Lileks put it, Biden benefited from “the soft bigotry of Joe expectations.”

Since there was only one noteworthy flub –- he skipped over the word “not,” but everybody knew what he meant –- the conversation inevitably turned to whether or not Biden was actually speaking live. On Friday, even Rush Limbaugh discussed this, including whether or not the speech could have been edited, given that Biden was essentially motionless throughout, and Rush said he knew of a number of people “looking at it.”

Before getting into that discussion, let me say that just the fact we’re even speculating about it should tell us what’s “off” about this crazy year and the Biden ticket in particular. When Trump hits it out of the park (as he will, guaranteed) this week at the Republican Convention --- in the middle of a no-doubt grueling schedule --- no one is going to wonder if HE spoke live and in the moment, not for one second. Because that’s just him; what you see is what you get. His party is not going to be deceiving you about that. That is so refreshing in the world of politics. Anyway...

Though my background is not in computers –- far from it! –- I know technology exists to “fix” much of what might have needed to be fixed, but probably not in such a way that it wouldn’t be detected by experts who know what to look for. (Aside: we’re not far away from the horrifying day when this CAN be done undetectably.) So it’s very unlikely that this was done. No, if Biden’s campaign didn’t have total confidence in his ability to do the speech live, the best way around that would have been much simpler.

I do have a background in writing speeches for corporate executives and even coaching them on delivery and how to appear on camera. What they would have done: get Biden rested and ready, and then run through the whole speech a comfortable number of times with Biden in rehearsal, hitting “Record” on all the run-throughs. (Don’t tire him; at some point, the law of diminishing returns will apply.) Typically in a rehearsal, you'd record the run-throughs anyway, to be able to review the performance and give the “talent” (I use the term loosely) some notes before doing another take. Once you have a full take you like --- especially if you sense he’s getting tired --- just stop. Don’t wait for perfection; a minor flub or two makes this more believable, and in this case, that’s the most important thing. Use the take that best conveys the personal qualities you want to get across, as Democrats think the election turns on this.

After that, as long as you’re down to a TINY group of people who can be implicitly trusted not to leak, it’s only a matter of hitting the right button at the right time to send out the recording instead of going live. Then, while the video played, Biden and Jill would just be “bidin’” their time in that room until it was time to walk out with Kamala and her husband to wave at the cheering crowd. Or, Biden could even do it "for real," unaware that the speech going out was really a take from earlier in the day.

That’s what Lt. Columbo would suspect. Do NOT call me a conspiracy theorist; I am not saying they did this. I’m saying this is how it could have been done if they had serious concerns about Biden "going live." It’s tempting to think of this as their “insurance policy”; we know Democrats are fond of those.

Biden probably just read it live, as it wouldn’t take much for that, given that he had the words right in front of him. But, again, the fact that we’re even speculating tells us all we need to know about what is wrong with the 2020 Democratic ticket. Given the high stakes, we have no doubt that if they were sure they could get away with this without anyone being the wiser, they'd do it.

So the bigger issue is whether the speech itself met expectations. To preface that discussion, I’d say that even without the questions concerning his mind, much of Biden’s past political life would do much to set the bar for content just as low (unless, of course, it were to be plagiarized from other sources). This opinion piece from JUST THE NEWS offers a quick background.

Gov. Huckabee has a commentary of his own today on the glaring lack of any specificity in Biden’s speech. He’s right --- this was vapid campaign talk, nothing but typical election-year platitudes. I have little to add, except that it occurs to me his speechwriter might have taken inspiration from a commercial currently being run in America by Italian coffee company Lavazza (which calls their ad a “global communication campaign”), featuring the voice of Charlie Chaplin from 1940.

The visuals are impossibly artistic and edgy, showing humanity at its most open, loving and --- importantly for leftists --- stylish. The words laud a borderless planet in which everyone gets along (as in the insipid John Lennon song “Imagine”). There's no word on how we’re going to create this beautiful world, except to “Unite!” Leftists just love flowery, uplifting speeches about mankind with no specifics.

The words Lavazza used are from Charlie Chaplin's 1940 film THE GREAT DICTATOR, a movie that rightfully savages Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

To his credit, Biden at least didn't plagiarize this.

It would be fun to create new visuals for the Lavazza ad that included shot after shot of leftist violence in Seattle, Portland and other American cities (which Biden never mentioned, incidentally). You know the images I mean: buildings burning and people being kicked in the head by radical leftist thugs demanding "justice." Oh, the humanity.

Now, I am a huge fan of Chaplin’s movies, but it should be noted that he was a far-leftist --- he grew up in dire, horrific poverty in England --- who became fabulously wealthy in capitalist America and eventually exited the U.S. to live in Switzerland. He claimed not to be a Communist, but here's an interesting piece on his Stalinist leanings.

We mustn’t forget that Russian Communist ruler Stalin was quite the dictator and mass-murderer himself. Clearly, one would have to be a dictator to have anywhere near the level of control it takes to remake society. Prospective Democrat voters might want to consider that.

Ridiculous Claim

August 21, 2020

Since “Russian collusion” finally imploded, the Democrats’ new “Trump is rigging the election” hoax is a ridiculous claim that he’s gathering up all the mailboxes so Democrats won’t be able to mail in their ballots. If you’re dumb enough to believe that – or not to know that you can always mail a ballot at the post office, or just leave it in your own mailbox and the carrier will pick it up – then maybe you shouldn’t be voting at all.

Nancy Pelosi is trying hard to make a federal case out of it, but it’s so mind-bendingly stupid that not even the reliably liberal “fact-checking” sites can bring themselves to go along with it. For instance, here’s Politifact ruling that, no, a photo of a stack of mailboxes is NOT proof of “massive voter suppression.” It’s a photo of a company that refinishes old mailboxes for the Postal Service.

Politifact is so in the bag for the Dems that they had to stick into this story a line about Trump making a “false” claim that mail-in voting is rife with fraud (Okay, it’s rife with errors that give it a tremendous potential for fraud, is that precise enough? And of course, we all know voter fraud never happens. Oh, wait…)

But that still can’t balance out the sheer willful idiocy of this story. What’s next? “Hey, I found three stacks of crackers inside my Ritz box! It’s massive proof that Trump is trying to hide food from the poor!”

Probably shouldn’t even say that. Nancy will convene impeachment hearings.

A few good random observations on the Democratic convention from around the Internet:

From Thomas Sowell: “Barack Obama's political genius is his ability to say things that will sound good to people who have not followed the issues in any detail — regardless of how obviously fraudulent what he says may be to those who have.”

From’s Brad Slager: “This will be fun - long segments to come about the need to get people back to work, from the party that is arresting people for going back to work.”

From Matt Margolis: Barack Obama, who slams Trump’s character and lack of judgement, gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a sex predator who preyed on underage boys.

From Steve Guest: “Biden: ‘When I think about climate change, I think about jobs.’ Biden’s ban on fracking alone would eliminate 19 MILLION jobs between 2021-2025 all while reducing our GDP by $7.1 TRILLION.”

From the Washington Post: "While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three years, the number of deportations has been a little under 800,000 so far under Trump." And "DNC misleads by implying Trump called all immigrants 'animals.' He was talking about the animalistic MS-13 gang.” (Surprised that WaPo actually committed journalism.)

Elle Bufkin commented: “Democrats love to say no one is above the law when torching Trump. Meanwhile, they defund the police, advocate for the abolition of jails, and allow rioters and looters to go unpunished. Also, they reward illegal immigrants with sanctuary cities and hide them from the law while advocating for free health care for them.”

The GOP tweeted: “The ‘anemic’ economic recovery under the Obama/Biden Admin was the slowest since World War II. Under the Obama/Biden Admin, homeownership plummeted. In their final year, just 62.9% of homes were occupied by their owner, the lowest level in more than 50 years.”

From Julio Rosas: "Obama said the president shouldn't use troops as political props, right after the DNC did just that yesterday."

And after a DNC rep said you can see that women virtually run the Democratic Party, GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted, “A WOMAN ACTUALLY RUNS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren gave pretty much the convention speech that everyone expected, but there were two unusual side notes…

1. The subliminal messaging of arranging three children’s letter blocks in the elementary classroom background to spell out “BLM,” which not only tells us where the Dems are coming from but also why so many parents don’t want to put their kids back into public schools run by them…

2. In pushing for government child care, she recalled how her family was only saved because her Aunt Bee brought her suitcase and came to provide child care for her. This prompted some pundits to question if she’s stopped appropriating Native American heritage and started appropriating the plotline of “The Andy Griffith Show.” I won’t doubt her, since maybe she really does have an Aunt Bee. Just in case, I won’t ask her for her pickle recipe. But I will suggest that she stop letting Otis the town drunk write her economic proposals.

DNC Day 3 Recap...

August 21, 2020

When I promised that we’d watch the news so you don’t have to, I wasn’t thinking about having to sit through four nights of the virtual Democratic convention. It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it, so we’ll hold our noses, prop open our eyes and press on.

If you’re interested, here’s the live stream of the entire 3-1/4 hours. I notice that it took them until night three to figure out to turn off the comments on YouTube. Too bad, that might have offered some entertainment value.

For the more entertaining recaps, check out the liveblogs by PJ Media and

Last night was when the convention was supposed to hit its stride, with speeches by superstars Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech. Instead, we got the same small ideas, just mouthed by bigger names.

Conventions are supposed to fire up the base and get them enthused about backing the ticket and the Party. But have you seen any positive messages or fresh policy proposals AT ALL? All we hear about Joe Biden is that he’s a nice guy (which might be true if he’s not yelling at you that you’re a dog-faced pony soldier.) But I’m nicer, and none of these people endorsed me for President. I don’t really want a President who’ll be really nice to China. I think the mean tone is because they know what a new NBC poll found: that only 36% of Biden supporters support him because they want Biden. 58% percent do it because they hate Trump. It says “Love, Tolerance, Compassion” on the label, but the ingredients are hatred, frustration and resentment.

It’s no wonder Americans are tuning out in droves. Night two of the convention was slaughtered in the ratings by “America’s Got Talent,” which featured some yo-yo artists. Understandable: at least their yo-yo’s have some pizzazz. I wonder how many people on night one turned on Penn & Teller’s show because they saw “Fool Us” in the TV listings and assumed that was the Democratic Convention?

This is coming across as a convention of angry, bitter cranks, furious that they were voted out of power by all you dumb racist deplorables and even more enraged that Donald Trump is in the seat of power that should be theirs by divine right. I don’t even recognize America, the way they describe it: a dark, dystopian, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic wasteland where there may be “liberty and justice for all…someday,” as they rewrote the Pledge of Allegiance. I was reminded of Sally Field’s famous Oscar speech: “They hate us! They REALLY hate us!”

Not only is the dour negativity relentless, it’s also incredibly boring and predictable. I’m not even going to bother to recount Obama, Clinton or Harris’ speeches in detail. Just imagine what you think they were like.

You’re right.

Harris mostly dispensed unmemorable platitudes to make sure she didn’t tick off the moderates or the crazy leftists. Hillary did what she’s done for over three years now: snipe at the guy who beat her, remind us that she won the meaningless popular vote (by 3 million votes!), and hint darkly that some foreign influence was going to rig the election for Trump. She’s the Miss Havisham of politics, forever frozen in time on the day she was jilted at the altar.

And Obama was…Obama. Haughty, condescending, defensive, making vicious and underhanded political attacks on his successor while posing as if he were taking the high road. You know the routine. And just as predictably, the media wet their Depends over it.

Obama also implied that Trump, who has lost billions in net worth since entering politics and donates his entire salary, is only interested in enriching himself and his supporters. FYI: since leaving office, Obama has cashed in more than any other ex-President, including a $65 million book deal and a $50 million Netflix deal. Not that you could tell that by any generous donations made to his brother Joe’s campaign.

Republicans always say that you can tell what the Democrats are doing by what they accuse their opponents of doing, but never have they been so transparent about it. So far, we’ve had John Kerry telling us Trump has made a mess of foreign policy, Bill Clinton telling us Trump’s not behaving properly in the Oval Office, Andrew Cuomo telling us Trump botched the handling of COVID-19, Hillary Clinton telling us that Trump dehumanizes his political opponents (I’m sure she’s also worried that HE won’t accept the results of the election), and Barack (Operation Crossfire/rule by executive order/weaponize the IRS against the Tea Party) Obama telling us that Trump abuses Presidential power and doesn't observe the polite protocols of office (like not badmouthing your sitting successor?)

On the very same day Obama spoke, one of his former FBI employees pleaded guilty to falsifying evidence to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on a Trump campaign aide.

I did appreciate that Obama appeared from Philadelphia’s Museum of the American Revolution and talked about the Constitution. But it would have been more persuasive if he’d ever shown any regard for the Constitution, and if the Democrats would say one word about their own followers who are currently ripping down and burning every monument to the American Revolution. They’ve also never mentioned China. Apparently, Donald Trump and climate change are the only threats they recognize.

That would include the threat of being shot in one of the cities they’ve run for decades. Last night’s show also included a lot of talk about gun control. They want to empty the prisons, open the borders, defund the police and take away law-abiding citizens' guns. There’s a winning combination! They also talked about the Parkland shooting while demanding that police be removed from schools. Do you know why so many children died there? Because it took the police so long to show up at the school.

I also wonder how well all the gun-grabbing talk is going over with their voters, considering that thanks to the rampant street violence they refuse to do anything about other than condone it, gun sales are up 95% over this time last year. And guess what’s driving those sales: first-time gun purchases by blacks and women who realize they can no longer count on the police to protect them in blue cities.

And if they’re going to tell constant lies, can’t they at least go to the trouble of thinking up some new ones instead of repeating the same dusty, debunked lies, like “children in cages,” “very fine people among the white supremacists” and “Trump called all Mexican immigrants animals”? I’m not even going to bother refuting those again; by now, anyone who hasn’t been in a coma since 2016 should know those are all bogus and why. But they just keep rolling them out, like a faded pop star sleepwalking through his greatest hits for the 10,000th time. Their only new song is the “Trump is responsible for the Chinese virus and the job losses caused by blue states shutting down businesses” shuffle, but the audience goes to the bathroom during that one.

In a nutshell (emphasis on “nut”), here’s what I’ve gotten out of this convention so far: We HATE Trump! Trump is the cause of all bad things in the universe! We hate people who voted for Trump! America is a really bad country, but maybe there’s hope for it someday if you let us run it. We see countless problems, but our only solution is “Put us back in power!” For instance, if we only had Congress and the White House, we could give everyone affordable health care.

Yeah, they had that from 2008-2010, and they gave us the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare.) It cost people their family doctors and doubled and tripled their premiums. It was so unpopular, it cost them the House in the next election.

It’s ironic that Obama accused Trump of “not growing in the job,” when Trump came in as a complete outsider and political amateur, won the Presidency, and has racked up an impressive array of achievements, some by simply doing the opposite of what Obama did. It’s these people who seem to have learned nothing since they were thrown out of office. They’re long on resentment, but short on self-reflection. They’re like the cool kids who peaked in high school, still acting like Big Shots on Campus at the reunion when the rest of us have outgrown being impressed by them. All this convention is doing is reminding us of what a smart move we made when we moved on to something new. They’re forever stuck back in 2015, and demanding we make them prom king and queen again.

It’s funny that Bruce Springsteen appeared on night one of the convention, since he wrote a song that would be the perfect theme for this week, “Glory Days”:

“…Well, time slips away and leaves you with nothing, mister, but

Boring stories of…

Glory days, yeah, they'll pass you by,

Glory days, in the wink of a young girl's eye,

Glory days, glory days, glory days…”

The Democrats’ virtual convention ended Thursday at nearly midnight, and never has the phrase, “Thank God it’s Friday,” held so much meaning. If you want to see the whole thing, you masochist, you, it’s here.

Here are the far more entertaining liveblogs of the highlights from PJ Media

And from

And here are five important takeaways from the final night:

I’m too burned out (and frankly, after four days of this dour, angry, bitter convention, just too weary and relieved it’s over) to go into detail about all of night four (although I will say they needed better joke writers.)

If you saw any of the first three nights, it was mostly more the same. Lots of Trump-bashing and gloom and doom about America, with hardly a word about China or the shocking violence in the streets of Democrat-run cities. So I’ll concentrate on the “big reveal”: Biden’s acceptance speech. There was a lot of buzz beforehand, not so much about what he would say but how he would say it, or if he would get through it at all. So here are the two most important points:

1. He did a surprisingly good job of presenting the speech. It was a long speech (maybe too long), but he presented it well with no major gaffes and without wandering off-topic or the stage. He was emotional, at times angry (maybe too angry), but controlled and professional. He definitely allayed any fears that he might not be able to perform at least the Presidential function of reading a speech off a Teleprompter. That sounds like a low bar to clear (although it was Obama's chief skill), but it’s not meant as an insult: a lot of people were genuinely concerned that he couldn’t clear it, and he obviously did. I’m sure a big sigh of relief could be heard in the control room and in every Democratic household in America.

2. The substance of the speech is where the many problems lay. It was a mess of contradictions of things we all have lived through and of everything his fellow Democrats have said over the past three nights. Probably the most stunning “What the...?!!” moment was Biden’s claim that when he heard Donald Trump say there were “very fine people” among the violent neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, “at that moment, I knew I had to run.” Problem: Trump never said that.

Trump said he was sure there were fine people on both sides of the debate about removing a statue of Robert E. Lee, but as for neo-Nazis and white nationalists, they should be “condemned totally.” The quote Biden cited as the motivating factor for his run has long been verified even by liberal “fact-checkers” as fake news. So does this mean he’ll pull an Emily Litella; say, “Never mind!”; and quit the race?

This was especially stunning, considering much of Biden’s speech was an attack on Trump for allegedly not caring about “facts.” Biden’s speech was also rife with other claims that are wildly at odds with known facts. For instance, he claimed that Trump’s tax cut only benefited the rich (most of the benefits went to the middle class)…that he will ensure equal pay for women (we already have laws requiring equal pay for women)…that he will create a good-paying job through government investment in rebuilding our infrastructure and creating green energy (we heard that from Obama; it cost us hundreds of billions of dollars and even Obama admitted there were no “shovel-ready” jobs)…and that he will help workers by strengthening unions (that’s code for passing a national version of the widely-hated California law that’s destroying the state’s gig economy, putting musicians out of work, and killing Uber and Lyft in the state.) He also backs doubling the minimum wage, which has cost jobs and shuttered small businesses everywhere it’s been instituted. Real facts: under Trump, wages were rising for the first time in years, and the gains were greater among the bottom half of earners than the top half. That is, until a Chinese virus and Democrat Governors shut down the economy.

Perhaps Biden’s most stunning claim was that he will be a fighter to end the outsourcing of American jobs. This was the major issue that got Trump elected. Trump is actually bringing back jobs after years of outsourcing under Obama/Biden and previous Administrations. Fact: Biden was one of the biggest boosters of job-exporting legislation. He supported and promoted NAFTA, which cost us at least 5 million jobs and 50,000 manufacturing plants, including a Chrysler plant in Delaware that he’d promised would increase hiring. He supported normalizing trade with China, which cost us 3.4 million jobs. And he was pushing Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership that would have sent even more of our jobs to Asia if Trump hadn’t killed it.

He claimed that Trump has done nothing about the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus except hope for some miracle to make it end (first time I’ve ever heard standard herd immunity described as a “miracle,” but okay.) Reminder: Biden criticized Trump for shutting off travel from China quickly, which was the most important factor in slowing the infection spread until we could prepare for it. Democrats predicted deadly shortages of ventilators and hospital rooms, which didn’t happen because of Trump’s actions; and a death toll of 2.2 million. Yes, there have been 170,000 deaths, which is horrible, but that’s the fault of China (and in large part, certain blue state Governors – two of whom were featured convention speakers - who insisted on putting coronavirus patients into nursing homes.) The US does not have the worst death toll in the world per capita, and we only have the largest number of deaths because we have a population of 320 million, and China is plainly lying about their death toll.

Biden claimed Trump does not listen to science. From Dr. Anthony Fauci: "The President has listened to what I have said... When I've made recommendations he's taken them. He's never countered or overridden me."

As for Biden’s bold plan to stop the virus – developing a test and forcing everyone to wear masks – there are already such tests (I drive down the street and see “Free COVID-19 tests” signs in front of every medical clinic), and he has no Constitutional authority to order everyone to wear masks. Also, five million people have NOT lost their health insurance. But a lot of people lost their policies when the Democrats passed Obamacare.

Biden claimed that kids suffer a “daily fear of being gunned down in school.” Putting aside that most kids aren’t even in school at the moment, thanks to teachers’ unions, school shootings are actually extremely rare. Although they might become less rare if Democrats defund the police and remove officers from schools. Right now, it’s far less dangerous to be in school than it is to venture into certain areas of any city that’s been run by Democrats for decades.

Biden claimed that he would not put up with foreign interference in our voting. Fact: Russia interfered in the 2016 election, and Obama and Biden did practically nothing. Well, they apparently did collude with some Russians to try to undermine the results of the election, but that’s another story.

Biden claimed that Trump will do away with the payroll tax, which will lead to cuts in Social Security. Fact: Trump has only called for a temporary suspension of the tax to help people get through the virus shutdowns. That would not affect Social Security, which has a $2.9 trillion surplus. Trump does want to do away with the tax permanently, but Congress would have to do that and arrange alternate funding.

Biden blamed Trump for this dark atmosphere of hate and negativity, even though it was the Democrats who started the “resistance” rhetoric the second Trump was elected, who have refused to accept his election, who attack him and his family 24/7/365, and who had just spent three and three-quarter nights relentlessly and hatefully bashing Trump, putting down America and its history, and painting anyone who opposes them as an angry, misinformed, racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic xenophobe. It was a pleasant surprise to hear Biden say he wants to reach out and be the President of all Americans, considering how many of us are the white supremacist spawn of an oppressive, unjust nation that’s responsible for all the evils of the past 400 years. And I’m glad he says he wants to help even those who didn’t vote for him. However, he’s running on a platform that will absolutely devastate most of those people.

One thing I learned when debating Trump myself in 2016 is that he doesn’t attack people who don’t attack him first. I followed Reagan’s 11th commandment and didn’t attack my fellow Republicans, and Trump didn’t attack me. Even though I’ve had occasion to criticize some of his comments and policies, we remain on good terms (I just taped an interview with him at the White House that will air this weekend on “Huckabee” on TBN.) It seems to me that Democrats hate him with the searing heat of a thousand suns for two real reasons: they can’t get over that Hillary lost, and Trump refuses to be a “typical Republican” and just stand there and take their unfair attacks. They would have us believe that he’s another Hitler, but they’ve compared every Republican President or nominee to Hitler or the Nazis since Truman did it to Thomas E. Dewey (only Eisenhower escaped it, but that was because he actually defeated Hitler, so even the Democrats didn’t dare try it.)

Trump actually punches back when he’s attacked, and Republicans aren’t supposed to do that. They’re supposed to be docile punching bags. That’s not Trump’s style, and frankly, it’s a big part of why the base supports him. They’re sick of being slandered as racists and fascists by people who really do act like racists and fascists. That’s where we got the term “crybullies.” Leftists love to attack others, but they cry “Bully” when anyone punches them back.

If today’s Democratic leaders really do care about all Americans and are willing to work across the aisle, then why is Nancy Pelosi citing ridiculous nonsense like the “Disappearing Mailbox Conspiracy” as a feeble excuse not to get back to work and pass extended coronavirus relief?

Speaking of Trump fighting back, here’s his response to Biden’s speech: "In 47 years, Joe did none of the things of which he now speaks. He will never change, just words!"

It is telling that, as several commentators pointed out, Biden has been in national politics for nearly half a century, but the Convention was all about the huge things he’s going to do, with almost nothing said about what he’s actually accomplished in all the years before.

79 Percent Say...

August 21, 2020

“But, the Narrative!...” The more Americans of all colors see the “peaceful protesters” burning, looting, rioting and assaulting, the more they’re supporting the police. A new survey by Heritage Action For America found that opposition to defunding the police has risen to 79 percent, with only 16 percent supporting it.

Even when presented with the soft-soap version of the issue that the Democrats are pushing (Do you agree that we need the police to enforce the rule of law or that we need to rethink policing and spend more of that money on social services, welfare programs and schools instead?), the pro-law-and-order side still came out ahead by 62-29%. And despite all the talk of early, overwhelming support for Black Lives Matter, the latest survey found that by 49-42%, Americans believe that the protests “have stopped being about racial injustice and have become violent riots by people who hate America and want to tear down our government and radically change American culture.”

Proving once again, as a great Republican President once observed, that you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

"’There's no use trying,’ she said: ‘one can't believe impossible things.’ ‘I daresay you haven't had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’” – Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

As I watch the nightly news from urban liberal warzones like Portland or force my eyeballs to stay open through the Democrats’ virtual convention, I keep thinking, “We’re through the looking glass, people!” And that’s not just an expression. I mean that, like Carroll's mad Red Queen, in order to be a Democrat in 2020, you are required to believe an unlimited number of impossible things. The Party’s embrace of "Alice In Wonderland" level madness inspired me to start making a list of these impossible things. To be a Democrat today, you have to believe…

1. That a pre-born human baby is not a human being deserving of protection from killing, and neither is a baby that was born 10 minutes ago if the mother decides she doesn’t want to keep it.

2. That capitalism, which has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and despair worldwide, is evil; but socialism, which has caused the oppression, impoverishment, starvation, and death of hundreds of millions of people over the past century, is the only hope of the future.

3. That the best solution for rioting, looting, arson, and violence in the streets is to defund the police.

4. That all the gains in the economy under Trump were really caused by Obama, but the worldwide economic crash following China’s unleashing of a pandemic was caused by Trump.

5. That Trump has a plan to rig the next election that involves making the Obama Administration remove thousands of mailboxes several years ago. Also, that the Post Office is removing little-used mailboxes in Oregon because the key to Trump’s reelection is for him to win Oregon.

6. And on that subject, that nobody ever complained about the US Post Office being slow, inefficient, and unreliable until Trump was elected.

7. That America is an oppressive, racist, white supremacist nation that’s the root of all evil in the world and its culture is inferior to that of other nations, including the many nations where people are willing to risk their lives just for the chance to come to America.

8. That Trump built “cages for children” on the border during the Obama Administration.

9. That viruses spread like wildfire at church services, but not at crowded protest rallies for leftwing causes. Also, viruses spread at bars that serve chips, but not at bars that serve sandwiches. Because “science!”

10. That people with male genitals are women just because they say they are, but people who say that actually having female genitals makes them women are intolerant, transphobic bigots.

11. Also, hospitals must be forced to give gynecological exams to “women” with male genitals, and taxpayers forced to pay for abortions for them.

12. Again on that subject, that someone born male who developed a muscular masculine physique before deciding he was a girl has no unfair physical advantage in sports over the much smaller teenage girl whose face (s)he is crushing into the wrestling mat.

13. That Trump botched the response to COVID-19 by xenophobically shutting down travel from China and crashing the economy with a shutdown, but Democrats would have prevented both the pandemic and the crash by not stopping travel from China and shutting down the economy sooner, harder and longer. Also, it’s absolutely impossible for Trump to keep people from crossing our border, but he could have kept a virus from crossing our border.

14. That an acceptable way to express how much you care about black lives is to burn black neighborhoods, loot black-owned businesses, and tear down statues of abolitionist leaders. Also, that all black lives matter except those of black cops, black Republicans, and black pre-born babies.

15. That free healthcare is a right, free college is a right, free food is a right, a guaranteed paycheck is a right, and citizenship for illegal immigrants is a right, but free speech and freedom of religion are not rights.

16. That the people who presided over the rise of ISIS, the Iraq and Afghan wars, a nuclear Iran and North Korea, and even Iran falling to the Mullahs in the first place, are trusted diplomatic professionals, while the man who crushed ISIS, dealt with Iran and North Korea, and crafted a historic Middle East peace agreement is a dangerous amateur who’s destroying our foreign policy.

17. That disproven rumors are evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to undermine a presidential election, but Democrats paying Russians for disproven rumors and using them as “evidence” to launch a Deep State coup is NOT collusion with Russia to undermine a presidential election.

18. That 2 + 2 only equals 4 because of white supremacy.

19. That there are 57 genders but only one acceptable political viewpoint.

20. That burning a flag is protected free speech, but objecting to someone burning a flag is not.

Okay, this could go on forever, so I’m going to stop at 20 and let you add to the list in the comments. Have fun, if that's not impossible these days...

Operation Legend

August 21, 2020

Attorney General Bill Barr announced that over 1,000 arrests have been made, 400 weapons seized and over 217 people charged with federal crimes in a crackdown on violent crime in major cities.

It’s part of Operation Legend, named after a four-year-old African-American child, LeGend Taliferro, who was shot and killed while he was sleeping in Kansas City, Missouri. Barr said, “LeGend is a symbol of the many hundreds of innocent lives that have been taken in the recent upsurge of crime in many of our urban areas. His life mattered and the lives of all of those victims matter. His name should be remembered and his senseless death, like those of all the other innocent victims in this recent surge, should be unacceptable to all Americans.”

It's not at all surprising to me that President Trump’s DOJ is doing more to uphold the principle that black lives matter – indeed, that all innocent lives matter and deserve protection – than all the violent agitators who are destroying black neighborhoods in the name of Black Lives Matter.

This “mailbox” conspiracy theory is getting so crazy, and so many people actually believe the lies in the media, that we’re going to talk about it again today. It’s so ridiculous that Tucker Carlson, on Monday night, introduced his segment on it by saying, “Like cows taken by UFOs, or crop circles, mailboxes are disappearing mysteriously across this country. This is a big story, it may be more serious even than ‘Russia collusion,’ says Nancy Pelosi. No mailbox is safe tonight.”

It’s ridiculous, but extremely serious at the same time because, tragically, a lot of people do swallow it, and many in the media, major media and social media combined, are working overtime to make SURE those people and all their friends believe it. Facebook and Twitter are fine with this garbage. So, what is this insane story? It’s that the President of the United States is actually working to prevent the mail from delivering completed ballots by plotting to have official U.S. mailboxes in “blue” areas STOLEN.

During a “virtual” fundraiser from his basement on Friday, Joe Biden said that “they’re going around, literally, with tractor-trailers, picking up mailboxes! You ought to go online and check out what they’re doing in Oregon! I mean, it’s bizarre.”

It’s bizarre, all right. The whole made-up story. It’s been thoroughly debunked; in fact, we pretty much tore it to shreds in yesterday’s edition, so I don’t think we need go through the whole thing again.

The Post Office moves mailboxes all the time. As Tucker reported, the USPS inspector general reported in 2017 that the postal service had removed 14,000 mailboxes over the preceding 5 years (when Obama was President).

Last week, Trump didn’t give Democrats the $3.5 billion they wanted for the USPS to help process mail-in voting; in fact, that’s why the next “stimulus” bill is on hold. Democrats are furious; they crave universal mail-in voting, unlike sane and honest people who see the potential for rampant fraud and seismic mistakes. We’ve showed you numerous examples of huge voter fraud, such as one in Nevada that involved 200,000 mail-in votes.

Tucker wondered the same thing we did: in a “blue” state like Oregon, which Biden is going to win anyway, how does Trump gain by going around pulling up mailboxes there? But this doesn’t have to make any sense; logic is so old-school.

So House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is actually bringing Congress back from summer vacation to deal with this fake emergency, saying the President is trying to “sabotage the election by manipulating the postal service.” She also tried to scare the elderly by claiming they may not get their Social Security checks in the mail. (Hasn’t she ever heard of Direct Deposit? That’s how it’s been done since 2013.)

A crowd of angry demonstrators got so worked up, they showed up at the Postmaster General’s HOUSE. And now, if (when!) Trump wins, many people will be pre-set to believe that he cheated to get re-elected --- by stealing mailboxes.

Yes, Trump is against widespread mail-in voting. That’s because he’s trying to SAVE the integrity of elections. To illustrate, let’s look at why, even under ideal circumstances (which we’ll never have), mail-in voting is just a bad idea.

"We already have absentee voting,” you might be thinking, “and that’s by mail. So why can’t we all just mail in our votes?” In case you don’t know (or have friends who could use a simple explanation), absentee voting and mail-in voting are very different. In mail-in voting, ballots are just mailed out to voters on the rolls, to whatever address they have for you, which means you may not even GET your ballot. Somebody else may get it and fill it out. Maybe they fill it out for someone who’s died. (Makes you wonder why the Democrats are so all-fired enthusiastic about it. Or maybe not.) With absentee voting, you apply for the ballot and it’s sent to you, registered to YOU. That is YOUR VOTE. Voting absentee is kind of like using registered mail as compared to just regular mail, which may or may not get to you and, even if it does and you reply, may not get to where it needs to go.

Now, which way of voting is more secure? Let’s say you won the Powerball Lottery and were going to receive $100 million (well, $60 million after taxes, ha). How would you claim your winnings? Would you just sign your ticket, put it in an envelope, mail it and cross your fingers? Or would you send it registered mail? Given just those two choices, I’d certainly opt for registered mail!

On the other hand, if at all possible, I’d go IN PERSON to deliver that ticket, show I.D. and claim my winnings (even if I had to wear a mask, keep my distance and use hand sanitizer). Likewise, going in person to cast your vote is still the best choice of all. It’s time to think of your vote as THAT valuable.

Bottom line: 1) Good gracious, Trump is not taking the mailboxes. 2) Mail-in voting BAD; absentee voting BETTER; in-person voting BEST.

Tuesday’s virtual Democratic convention was set to focus on how Trump has totally messed up the brilliantly successful foreign policies crafted by Democrats like Hillary “Benghazi” Clinton and John “Logan Act” Kerry. Before you listen to them try to convince you that standing up to China, crushing ISIS, defending Israel, making our allies pay more for their own defense, dealing directly with North Korea's threats, renegotiating trade deals in America’s favor, arming Ukraine against Russia, cutting off funding for Iran’s terrorism and nuclear ambitions, and crafting a landmark Middle East peace agreement are all horrible blunders by the Bad Orange Man, take a look at this chart.

It tracks the death toll and the amount of territory controlled by ISIS between 2013 and 2018. Note the trends under Obama and under Trump. It’s called “The Rise and Fall of ISIS,” so you can sort of guess the trends. Of course, it doesn’t include all the people tortured, wounded, disabled, enslaved and raped by terrorism’s “J.V. team,” as Obama famously called them. Those numbers are so large, I don’t know if they’ve ever been tabulated, but they would take a much bigger chart.

To sum up: No, I don’t want to return to the “good ol’ days” of Democrat-run foreign policy, thanks. I believe the blundering amateur is doing a far better job than the striped-pants diplomatic “professionals.”

California Blackouts

August 19, 2020

Instapundit gives us a roundup of news and background on the state officials' warning in California that rolling blackouts could cut power to as many as 3.3 million homes.

This is the worst possible time, since many people are still working out of their houses and can’t return to an office with back-up generators, so businesses will not only be locked down, but shut down completely. A Reuters story on this blames the power shortage on an intense heatwave.

They’d like us to think that “climate change” is the reason, but much of Southern California was reclaimed from the desert and has always been hot in the summer (note that the last time blackouts were this bad was 19 years ago.) An intelligent state government would have taken into account the warm climate and the rising population and made plans to provide enough energy for everyone’s future needs.

Unfortunately, California hasn’t had an intelligent state government for decades. Instead, it’s had a one-party, leftist Utopian government with no regard for future consequences of their actions. They listened to radical environmentalists who considered it a victory to impose poorly thought-out eco-policies that made wildfires bigger and harder to put out and resulted in severe shortages of water and electricity. They celebrated when they shut down a power plant or blocked a new one, but did nothing to make up for the loss of energy, other than hoping that it would be magically offset by sunshine, windmills, rainbows and unicorn flatulence. These are the same “progressives” who inherited the Golden State and, even before COVID-19, managed to regress it to the Dark Ages of feudalism, homelessness, lawlessness, dangerous unsanitary conditions and ancient diseases like typhus. Sweltering in the dark with no electricity just seems like the next logical step in their long game plan to dismantle Western Civilization.

As the linked post points out, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom led the crusade against California’s last nuclear power plant, the cleanest and most effective form of non-CO2-producing energy. Now, Gov. Gavin Newsom is calling for an investigation into why the state is facing massive power blackouts. Might I suggest that he start by looking into the nearest mirror?

At least he’s finally admitting that “the transition away from fossil fuels has left California with a gap in the reliability of its energy system” and the state must reexamine its reliance on solar power and how that fits into its broader energy portfolio. Gee, who could have predicted that doing away with the only reliable sources of energy and replacing them with sources that couldn’t possibly meet the demand might result in shortages?

They say that trends start in California and spread east all across America. Let’s all hope and pray that’s not true! Because Californians are about to get a nasty preview of what America will be like if Joe Biden is elected, shuts down the fossil fuel industry and passes the “Green New Deal.”

The new Franklin Templeton–Gallup Economics of Recovery Study found that many Americans are shockingly misinformed about the actual dangers of the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus. While it’s certainly a serious and potentially deadly disease that we should all take reasonable precautions to avoid, most people believe it’s much more deadly than it really is, and to the wrong people.

Here are the three main findings, direct from the report:

1. "On average, Americans believe that people aged 55 and older account for just over half of total COVID-19 deaths; the actual figure is 92%.

2. Americans believe that people aged 44 and younger account for about 30% of total deaths; the actual figure is 2.7%.

3. Americans overestimate the risk of death from COVID-19 for people aged 24 and younger by a factor of 50; and they think the risk for people aged 65 and older is half of what it actually is (40% vs 80%)."

As the study points out, we’ve known since this started six months ago that by far the greatest danger is to older people and those with comorbidities like obesity or diabetes. So what’s to blame for this stunningly high level of incorrect beliefs? Partly, it’s just paranoia over our own health, but the two most common factors among those who believe false information are…brace yourselves for a shock…political partisanship (i.e., identifying as a Democrat) and getting your information from social media. I know, you could knock me over with a feather!

If you are a Democrat who gets your information mostly from other Democrats on social media, then COVID-19 may be terrifying you -- but it's probably not your biggest problem. To see some of the many ways in which believing this false information is hurting people personally and the nation in general, check out the rest of the study at the link.

One step forward, two steps back. In other words, Hillary skates again.

Just when we start to see progress on the Durham investigation, with FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith pleading guilty to falsifying a document about Carter Page (though he still ludicrously insists he didn’t “intend” to mislead), we learn that three judges on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals have unanimously reversed a lower court decision that Hillary Clinton would have to sit for a deposition over her use of a private email server for government work while she was Secretary of State.

Judicial Watch, as part of a FOIA lawsuit that dates from 2014 (!), had requested depositions from both Hillary and her then-attorney Cheryl Mills over the emails, and this request had been granted by Washington D.C. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth. The suit was initiated when Judicial Watch was trying to look into what happened during the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, but expanded when they discovered in that investigation that then-Secretary of State Clinton was using her own private email server at that time. Surprise! In fact, if it hadn't been for that investigation, we might never have learned about her private server.

As it was, the questioning of Hillary would have been limited in scope, but now it won’t be happening at all. The decision didn’t change the lower court’s ruling on Mills, however.

The three-judge panel was made up of two Obama appointees and one appointed by George W. Bush. Judge Robert Wilkins (an Obama pick) wrote, “The mere suspicion of bad faith on the part of the government cannot be used as a dragnet to authorize voluminous discovery that is irrelevant to the remaining issues in a case.” Make of that what you will, but be sure and compare it to other situations, such as the use of a “dragnet” for the past four years to try to get Trump on something, anything, long after the original issue in the “Trump/Russia” investigation had been resolved.

Wilkins also said that Clinton shouldn’t have to sit for a deposition because she had already provided written answers in a separate case. At that time, she wrote that the reason she had used a private server was “for convenience.” Ah, well, that’s good enough for me! Why doesn't everyone in government just use their own servers? It would be so much easier.

As THE EPOCH TIMES reports, “Wilkins further noted that Congress, the FBI, and the State Department have also investigated Clinton’s email situation.” Ah, yes, we all know how thoroughly James Comey’s FBI investigated Hillary during her “Mid-Year Exam.” The State Department covered for their former Secretary; they said that even though they'd found nearly 600 security violations (!), they couldn’t find “persuasive evidence” of “systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” As for Congress, that ship sailed in 2018; try getting Jerrold Nadler’s Judiciary Committee (or any other Democrat-led congressional committee) to do anything about Hillary Clinton’s emails and her blatant obstruction of justice and see how far you get.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said he is "disappointed" and called the decision “political.” He said it’s “contrary to longstanding precedent and undermines the Freedom of Information Act.” Indeed.

So it looks as though just because Hillary gave some lame written answers in another case, she doesn’t ever have to sit for questioning about her email server, not at all. And even though the court's decision didn’t include Cheryl Mills, whom they say has “other ways to appeal her deposition that were not available to Clinton,” my guess is that they’re referring to Mills’ ability to cite attorney-client privilege, which she will, of course, do. Gosh, Hillary, it’s so conveeeeenient to have an aide who is also your attorney (or at least was at the time) and can’t be questioned about anything you communicated to her.

So, if someone spews propaganda for two hours and nobody hears it, did they make a sound?

Last night, the Democrats officially kicked off their “virtual convention,” and the results were…underwhelming. I don’t think that’s a partisan reaction. If you’re a true masochist, here’s the entire thing that you can watch on YouTube (incidentally, it was a bad idea to allow people to post comments):

That live stream went on for over two hours. Michelle Obama alone talked for over 18 minutes. But even the Party’s lapdog media at NBC could only scrape up 5-1/2 minutes of “highlights.” (It was a bad idea to allow comments on this video, too.)

And if you want the most entertaining recap of the evening, go to PJ Media’s live-blog, scroll all the way to the bottom, and read back up toward the top.

Stephen Green of PJ Media nailed the problem, writing, “What the Dems are selling requires exuberant crowds of people who aren't thinking too clearly about the longterm. That's a very difficult sell to make when staring into a webcam, sitting in front of a green screen.” There’s also only so much entertainment value you can inject when your Hollywood leftist celebrities are beaming in to lecture us on our privilege from their $20 million gated mansions. Green also described it aptly as the "'Star Wars' Prequels of conventions: Badly-directed big-name actors shoved in front of green screens to recite horrible lines they aren't invested in at all."

Steve Guest caught a hilarious clip that perfectly summed up the audience reaction: CNN cut to a family representing “viewers at home,” and they all looked as if they were about to doze off and tumble off the couch until they obviously got an off-screen cue and snapped awake and started clapping.

Granted, it was always going to be hard to rev up the base when everyone was literally phoning it in (note to “Beto” O’Rourke: that’s what “literally” means. Trump is not “literally” tearing apart the fabric of America, unless he’s going around ripping the pockets off of everyone’s shirts.) I doubt that the GOP Convention will be as exciting as it normally would be, either, although I imagine Donald Trump will muster a lot more showmanship than this stink burger. Our resident pop culture historian Pat Reeder said it reminded him of midcentury movie director Sam Woods, who told his actors before every take, “Go out there and sell ‘em a load of clams.” He said he could not only see the intense sales effort but practically smell the clams through his computer monitor. He also wondered who would actually watch this, noting that he is paid to watch it, then adding, “But not enough.”

I wonder how many people did watch it, considering the platforms showing it were so split up. Bryan Preston, one of bloggers for PJ Media, noticed that 1250 people were viewing it on the game stream platform Twitch, while “a stream of a guy playing (the three-year-old game) Horizon Zero Dawn has more than 23,000 viewers.”

Some of the lowlights for me, in no particular order: At least they did start off by playing the National Anthem, but they had to tell viewers that they may stand or kneel, whichever is their preference… They also had a prayer, which is odd considering their long-running war on prayers at all other public gatherings, even to the point of booing an attempt to reinsert God’s name into their platform at the 2012 convention…Paying lip service to Black Lives Matter and defending all those “peaceful protesters” who are burning down Democrat-run cities, but showing no respect to the police who are being killed and injured when they try to stop the riots (then again, Biden learned how it goes over with the far-left wing when he says anything even mildly complimentary about police:

…Repeating with great passion several long-debunked lies, like claiming that Trump called the coronavirus a “hoax”…And all the crazy conspiracy nuttery about how Trump is “dismantling” the Post Office (nobody ever complained about the Post Office before Trump was elected, and he’s obviously responsible for the 12,000+ mailboxes that were removed in the last five years of the Obama Administration)…

Here are a few moments worthy of more detail…

* Claiming that Joe Biden knows how to handle a pandemic because we all didn’t die of Ebola: Ebola was nothing like the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus. It was deadlier but much less contagious. H1N1 (swine flu), which hit during Obama’s term, was contagious, but not nearly as deadly. Good thing, since even one of Biden’s top health advisors admitted that Obama's response was so lacking that it was only by sheer luck that millions of Americans didn’t die. You know, like they predicted would happen under Trump, and when it didn’t, they blamed him for every death anyway.

We also know how Joe would have handled this pandemic, since he attacked Trump as a xenophobe after he shut off travel from China and Europe early on. He also blames Trump for the economic damage caused by the lockdowns, yet he and other Democrats think we should have locked down harder and sooner and stayed locked down longer. So judging by his own words, if Joe had been in charge, we would have had a lot more cases a lot sooner, and the economy would have suffered more and longer. If I’m wrong, then tell me what he would have done differently that would have made things better…Is that crickets I hear?

* Bringing in New York Gov. Mario Cuomo to talk about the coronavirus (which he called – and I am not making this up – the “European virus”) was not good strategery. Maybe they’re still living a few months in the past, when Cuomo’s handling of the virus was being hailed by the media as brilliant, back before people realized what actually happened. Another big lie told last night was that America has the highest per capita COVID-19 death rate in the world. But if New York State were a separate country, it would be #1 by a mile (1688 per million, nearly twice the per capita death rate as #2 Belgium.)

The only possible worse choice during the time of the coronavirus would have been the vastly unpopular and irrationally dictatorial Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer…Oh, wait, she was a speaker. She claimed that “science” will drive Biden’s fight against the coronavirus. You know, like science tells us that the virus spreads in churches, but not at protest rallies. And it only spreads at bars if they serve food less substantial than sandwiches. Science!!

* Presenting John Kasich as an example of a Republican who opposes Trump is like trying to convince us that someone is a bad guy because the bitter former co-worker he beat out for the top job says so. Bonus: Here’s Kasich in 2012 telling us that Biden is a big liar.

* My writers said of Michelle Obama’s speech that it was infuriating for its dishonesty, but they had to give whoever wrote it props for persuasive ability. They found it to be the best-crafted pack of lies, distortions, historical revisionism, and scaremongering of the entire evening, and that’s not meant as faint praise just because all the rest were so clumsy and obvious. Making the theme “going high” while repeatedly going low was quite ingenious speechcraft. However, they did notice that while she mentioned Joe Biden by name 14 times, two words never crossed her lips: “Kamala Harris.”

Of course, the mainstream media figures are in full-out worship mode. Rachel Maddow declared that at MSNBC, once Michelle started talking, “none of us breathed for 18 minutes." That would explain the brain death.

You know a political convention isn’t a hit when the most talked-about and memed moment was the astonishingly large wall of fireplace logs behind Bernie Sanders, which drew far more interest than his speech (and was less wooden). People were asking if it was fair that one man should have so much firewood? Shouldn’t it be redistributed to people who aren’t privileged to have so much firewood?!

Personally, my theory is that he’s hoarding firewood. He knows that if these people actually get elected, that will be the only fuel available to heat your house.

Update: It's been revealed that the reason Michelle Obama didn't mention Kamala Harris in her speech is that it was recorded before Biden picked Harris as his running mate. Does anyone else wonder if she would have endorsed Joe so heartily if she'd known it wasn't going to be her?

More Fake News

August 18, 2020

No, President Trump did NOT vow to “terminate Social Security.” He wants to help people struggling with the coronavirus lockdowns by not collecting the Social Security payroll tax for the rest of 2020, and he said he’d like to terminate that tax permanently. That would mean finding other funding sources, but he didn’t say he wanted to terminate people’s Social Security checks. And since the fund currently has a $2.9 trillion surplus, it can go for a while without collecting the tax.

The claim that Trump wants to terminate Social Security is being promoted by a partisan group called Social Security Works, but there is zero truth to it. Even USA Today sided with Trump on this.

This phony claim is as reliable an indicator that an election is nearing as falling leaves are a harbinger of autumn. I’ve been on this planet for six-and-a-half decades, and not an election has gone by in all that time that Democrats haven’t claimed Republicans want to take away grandma’s Social Security check. Yet over my entire lifetime, Social Security checks have never failed to go out, even during government shutdowns, or been reduced, and now I’m old enough to collect one myself.

Do you wonder how a bunch of young Americans who not that long ago were bright-eyed children eager to learn have become a mob of angry, violent leftist radicals who hate their own nation, history and culture? They were taught to be that way in our schools when parents weren’t paying attention. Here’s an article by a former schoolteacher who explains precisely how it happens:

You can add this anti-American indoctrination to a growing list of reasons why many parents are coming up with creative alternatives to putting their kids back in public school -- and the teachers’ unions, with their threats of strikes and ridiculous political demands that have nothing to do with virus safety are just accelerating that process. It's no wonder that some teachers are reportedly worried about giving online classes for fear parents will listen in and discover what their kids are being told.

At this link, the National Review takes a look at some of the proliferating alternatives to public school, from “hybrid homeschooling” to “pandemic pods.”

And here’s another chilling incentive for parents: a 2015 survey by the Nehemiah Institute found that 90 percent of church-going Christian teens who attended public schools abandoned their faith to embrace a secular worldview. That’s no surprise when you read what the former teacher said about how he was encouraged to read kids stories from all different cultures around the world, until he tried to read them a story from the Bible and was shut down immediately.

Perhaps the best piece of advice in this article is that “every church should start a school.”

75th Anniversary of V-J Day

August 18, 2020

Saturday was a landmark anniversary: the 75th anniversary of V-J Day (Victory over Japan.) There’s some dispute about the actual date: Japan surrendered on August 15th, but because of the time difference, that was August 14th in the US. And September 2nd is officially referred to as V-J day because that’s when Japan signed the surrender document, ending World War II. But whichever day you prefer, it must be remembered and commemorated, especially this year. The number of living veterans of the war in the Pacific is dwindling; and this year, because of the coronavirus, public events were not as large or widespread as these heroes deserved, and their advanced ages meant that most couldn’t leave their homes to be honored.

We must remember V-J Day not only for the sacrifices and heroism of our military, but also to ensure that the conditions and actions that led to the horrors of World War II never happen again. Today, there is a vast coordinated effort to erase and rewrite the history of the United States, and to cast this great nation’s heritage as nothing but racism, oppression, and colonialism. That is a scurrilous lie. Yes, there are dark passages, but no other nation in history has ever strived so hard, or sacrificed more blood and treasure, to advance justice and free people from bondage, both here and around the world. In the 1940s, the United States and the Allied coalition literally saved the world. And having defeated the most dangerous foe of all time, we didn’t act as conquerors or colonizers. We left only enough troops to oversee the rebuilding and keep the peace, while most of our military came home, shed their uniforms, and went on with their lives.

At that link is a story about some of the veterans of the Pacific campaign who are still with us 75 years later. But I noticed that the writer has also internalized, perhaps unwittingly, some of the attempts to rewrite history to cast America in a negative light. The article describes the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the point where “nuclear weapons were first -- and so far, solely -- used in anger…”

There’s no question that those bombings were horrific in their destruction and loss of life, and they certainly carried a sobering lesson that we should avoid ever using those weapons again. But it’s flat wrong to assert that they were “used in anger.” They were used in war, which is a very different thing.

It was a war we didn’t start or seek; Japan thrust it on us with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Even after Germany surrendered, Japan’s military leaders refused to stop fighting, and they still had a 2-million-man military to defend their homeland. A D-Day-like invasion of Japan was predicted to cost at least a million casualties. Truman faced one of the most difficult choices of any President in history: use the awesome power of a nuclear weapon – which wasn’t even fully understood at the time – or keep fighting island by island, door to door, for who knows how long or at what cost of lives on both sides. Here’s some more background on what he was facing.

Far from being made in anger, that was one of the most agonizing and carefully considered Presidential decisions ever made. Historians can argue forever about whether it was the right decision, but they don’t have the lives of millions of people hanging on the outcome of their debate, as Truman did.

Finally, as we salute American heroes of World War II on the 75th anniversary of V-J Day, here are some photos from commemorative events that were held in Great Britain and Japan.

Pew Polls Hispanic Voters

August 18, 2020

A new Pew Research Center survey proves that those white liberal arts majors who are burning down black neighborhoods while claiming to be championing black lives aren’t the only white liberals who presume to speak for minorities. There’s been a lot of pressure lately from the left, especially in the media, to use the term “Latinx” (or to be even more pretentious, “LatinX”) as a PC, gender-neutral term for all Hispanics. If you don’t use it, white liberals accuse you of being a bigot and disrespecting Latinx (sorry: “LatinX”) culture. But did anyone ask Hispanics what they think about this?

Well, the Pew Research Center finally did, and here are the results.

44% prefer the term “Hispanic.” 24% prefer Latino/Latina (did the people pushing the gender-neutral “LatinX” even consider that Spanish is a romance language, which means every noun has a gender?) 11% prefer to be identified by their specific native country. 5% prefer Chicano/Chicana. As for “Latinx,” less than 3% prefer that, and 23% have never heard of it.

In attempting to defend this neutering of one of our great romance languages, an immigration attorney writing in The Hill argued that the survey talked to too many older immigrants, when it’s young, American-born Hispanics who prefer “Latinx.” Which sounds like yet another example of a small group of “woke” liberals trying to impose their preferences on a large group of minority citizens. Sounds kind of racist, doesn't it? He also argued that since the survey had a margin of error of 5%, “Latinx” might be preferred by as many as 8%.

Three observations: 8% is still pretty darn few. Since 6% of Hispanic-Americans (God bless them) just prefer to be called “American,” with the margin of error, that could be as many as 11%, meaning that far more Hispanics prefer to be called “American” than “Latinx.” Finally, with 3% support and a margin of error of 5%, that could also mean that zero percent prefer “Latinx.” The fact that the left wants to impose an awkward, arbitrary term on an entire minority population, when it’s possible none of them actually want it, is a perfect example of the condescending sense of privilege our current class of “liberal activists” exhibit.

From Diane H:

Please don't get too political!!! You have stood out as a commentator because of your fairness and honesty. I am so sick of politics driving everything in this country. Please just present the facts. I'm tired of seeing Democrats just involved in painting the Republicans black. And I'm getting just as tired of Republicans bending over backwards to paint the Democrats in as bad a light as possible. PLEASE don't make this your game too. This is being written in response to many of your columns recently not particularly this one. I know it's a war but Republicans are doing their part in escalating it.

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Diane, and I'm sorry to hear you feel I've been less than completely fair and honest in recent days. I think the best way to counter false arguments is with as much fairness and honesty as there can possibly be. Right now, the voting public is being deluged with false arguments and wrong information –- even the so-called “fact-checkers” are tainted by politics. And, yes, that does get wearying.

Let me assure you, I am still trying my best to be fair in my comments and 100 percent honest and accurate when presenting the facts. Unlike just about every major media outlet, which typically gets fooled by jumping on every anti-Trump story out there, I haven’t had to retract stories in my newsletter as “fake news.” We try to make sure that every story we bring you is the real deal.

If my tone seems more strident lately, and if politics appears to be “driving everything in this country,” it can’t be helped right now. This is happening because we’re in the last few months of one of the most significant fights for power that our country has ever seen, possibly even more so than when Hillary was running in 2016 (and that’s saying a lot). It’s perfectly fair and honest for me to say that the Democrat Party is now openly controlled by far-left socialists who seek to destroy everything America was built on. Just look at their list of demands. Or ask their leadership to denounce even violent pro-communist groups such as Antifa and BLM; they won’t do it. This really is so serious that it’s impossible not to be political, and, yes, even partisan. When I say Democrats absolutely cannot be allowed to win this one, I am not playing a “game” or merely “painting” them as villains.

Just turning on the news and seeing what is going on in our major cities, and in government from Congress all the way down to some city councils, is disgusting and horrifying. To observe that is not to “paint the Democrats in a bad light.” Why should I “bend over backwards,” as you put it, to paint them in a bad light when they are doing a spectacular job of it all by themselves? I’m not bending any which way at all, just being honest about what I see and what I think it means for the country if it comes to pass.

Diana, this is not "my game." So much is at stake, it’s impossible not to be political now. And what’s happening is real. For some, especially those centered in Washington, DC, and paid handsomely to play it, politics IS a game –- some see it as a blood sport –- but, trust me, this is all real. What’s happening in New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco and coming soon to a city near you...IT’S REAL. It affects people’s lives; sometimes it ends people’s lives. What I say about it is opinion, of course, but my opinion is based on fact, which I give you as well.

My staff and I are working hard, swimming through this toxic environment to give you the information you need. Much of it isn’t being widely reported but is true nonetheless. We are dismayed by how utterly misinformed many Americans are going to be when they cast their vote. The media have worked overtime to present one side, and, given what we know to be true on a variety of issues, we usually have to turn them off before our heads explode. No, we don’t want to be the “Republican” counterpart to what we see on the Democrat side. We do take the higher ground, in that we want you to know what's really going on.

You say you know this is a war. Please understand that we are not the aggressors in this war; it is being waged against us and America as a nation. FIGHTING BACK IS NOT THE SAME AS ESCALATION. The left will not stop; if we don’t fight back and end up losing this, we'll essentially be run over, along with our values and our cherished rights. We will lose such basic rights as freedom of speech, self-defense (along with defunded police departments), worship, property, and equal justice under the law, which is already pretty shaky as it is. We will have open borders and packed courts. History will continue to be torn down and rewritten. We will have essentially one-party rule and no compromise. “Equality of opportunity” will be twisted into “equality of outcome” for racial groups. There will be little we can do to stop full-term and even just-born infants from being killed or allowed to die untended. And the bureaucracy that abused its power to spy on Americans and create the fake “Russia” story will go unpunished and be free to continue violating the rights of those they don't like.

This is all extremely important, and politics will decide it. It’s not a game –- we have to fight back. If you don’t like politics, you’ll just have to wait it out. And that, Diane, is my fair and honest assessment!

Our prayers and condolences to President Trump and the Trump family on the death of the President’s younger brother, Robert Trump. He died Saturday night at the age of 71 in a New York hospital after becoming seriously ill.

President Trump released a statement calling Robert not only his brother but his best friend, adding, “He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live on in my heart forever. Robert, I love you. Rest in peace.”

This would be the point in most conservative news sources where they would tell you of the horrible comments made by leftists, both in the real media and on social media. They want attention and trending hashtags. I’m not going to reward them with any of that. What they need instead is a long timeout in their rooms, staring at themselves in the mirror and wondering how they ever allowed an obsession with politics to wither their souls and erase their human decency.