Mike Huckabee
From Robin:
On the [Wuhan] BSL-4 lab. I have a little experience with bio and chemical stuff in the military.
Based on the photos I've seen from China, the researchers were not properly attired with protective gear for this environment. They should be completely covered with all seams sealed. No openings to the body at all. Second problem is you cannot take off the protective gear without first decontaminating the gear, then secondly yourself. I did not see anything for decontamination. There should also be available emergency decontamination stations for accidental incidents.
Without the above you're just a human guinea pig. Go home to your family and friends after that and there you go! An epidemic because of poor training, fear of questioning your supervisors, politicians and government. And everything done in closed secrecy so you can't get knowledge or advice from any scientists in the outside world.
Welcome to Socialism!
From the Gov:
You bring up some very interesting points. I’m reminded of Chernobyl; in the aftermath, we we were shocked about the poor safety standards. Again, welcome to socialism; I’ve always been mystified by those who say a socialist/authoritarian form of government would be better for the environment. We have only to look at the lung-clogging pollution in (yes) China to see the reality. There are no studies we can cite on this --- how could there be? --- but it stands to reason that Chinese urban dwellers already have enough lung damage to make them vulnerable to a respiratory virus.
Jennifer Griffin for FOX NEWS had an outstanding report on Bret Baier’s SPECIAL REPORT Monday night from the U.S. Army base at Fort Detrick, Maryland, which houses one of the nation’s Level 4 biolabs, to show what they’re doing to create a COVID-19 vaccine. She says these are the same Army scientists who found vaccines for anthrax, plague and Ebola viruses. They’ve got special equipment that allows them to assess results of the “fast-track” drug testing that’s currently underway.
Safety protocols are rigid. There’s an airlock into a decontamination area that’s kind of like a car wash, where researchers shower in their protective gear after their shifts to decontaminate it before taking if off. The gear has its own oxygen supply.
"These men and women have been here before,” said U.S. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, “and they prevailed. And we’re going to find this vaccine, and we’re gonna win in the end.”
Much more at the link:
Abbott Labs, after getting emergency FDA approval, has announced it’s launching a 5-minute COVID-19 virus test that can be used just about anywhere. Every state will get at least 15 of these testing machines, which can perform up to 50,000 tests per day.
Also, GREAT NEWS (and thanks to Sean Hannity for this story): the drug hydroxychloroquine has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA after the promising results we’ve reported. The pharmaceutical company Novartis has committed to donating –- repeat, donating –- up to 130 million doses of the drug. Likewise, the Israeli company Teva Pharmaceuticals has supplied U.S. hospitals with 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets,with another 4 million on the way. Also, the Phase 1 testing of a vaccine has commenced; the speed of this truly is miraculous.
By the way, I'm sure you'd agree with me, Robin, that we should discount anything we hear from the World Health Organization. It appears to be Chinese propaganda, one step removed. Check out Tucker Carlson’s Monday interview with Gordon Chang, author of THE COMING COLLAPSE OF CHINA, about the World Health Organization’s denial to address anything concerning the nation of Taiwan. Why, it’s just as if Taiwan didn’t even exist! (Steve Mosher, author of the book BULLY OF ASIA, calls them “the China Health Organization.”)
As reported by Chang, the director general of the World Health Organization gave an interview in late January to China’s state media saying that Beijing’s response was “admirable, should be emulated by the rest of the world,” and that “it all showed the superiority of China’s socialist system.” (I am not kidding.)
Chang commented, “Well, China has a totalitarian system, and, really, what he was doing was attacking democracy on behalf of Beijing. So this is really despicable across the board.” He went on: “...This is dangerous, because for the last 10 days of January, and for the first 10-15 days of February, the World Health Organization was parroting Beijing’s line that no country should enact travel restrictions on China. And that’s –- because there were no travel restrictions, or very few of them, the United States being an exception, what happened was, this virus spread even farther...around China’s borders, and so, what’s the WHO has done, it’s actually helped spread the coronavirus around the world, and it did it on behalf of Beijing.”
Democrat Congressman Seth Molton of Massachusetts has also submitted to the power of Beijing, by withdrawing his support for a resolution condemning the Chinese Communist government. He talked about this on (where else?) MSNBC, and apparently chose to speak up to counter the implication that the Chinese government might be worse than the danger of the “racist” Trump administration. I think we can tell this idiot he needs to quarantine his mouth.
Thanks for writing, Robin, and for your perspective on China’s role in the spread of this virus.
RELATED READING: The challenge of getting truth on origin of Chinese virus
From Dobbin:
Good article, Governor, but I don't think there is a level 5. Pretty sure level 4 (BSL 4) is as high as it goes, and if BSL 4 protocol were followed, this wouldn't have happened. If!
From the Gov:
Hi, Dobbin. Um, that line about “Level 5”? As the great ol’ cartoon rooster Foghorn Leghorn used to say, “That’s a joke, ah say, that’s a joke, son.”
From Julianne:
I recall some information coming out of China in late December about mass graves. The links I had to those are gone, missing, removed....something. Since this virus hit the elderly and sickly, those people were just considered collateral damage and expendable. We will never know how many died in China from this virus. The truth will not be told by those in power, and all those that know are dead or missing.
From the Gov:
Thanks for writing, Julianne. My researchers have encountered similar online brick walls. Also, they find that certain well-documented, credible stories from here in America are avoided by the mainstream media like –- pardon the expression –- the plague. (Always ask yourself about a story that seems to just go away, “Why am I not hearing more about this?”)
But to your point, you are correct about the value of life in that country being essentially on par with that of an 8-month-old fetus in the eyes of Planned Parenthood. As far as those in power are concerned, lives are expendable and certainly considered collateral damage if there is a larger goal to be achieved. Unfortunately, some in our own media, particularly social media, have been quite cooperative in their effort to –- again, pardon the expression –- “bury” stories and commentary. We’ll continue to look into the mass-graves story, but you’re right: many details about this will likely never be known.
From Jeanine (excerpt):
I listened to NPR and OPB the other day after the Task Force had given their faithful, intelligent update on the coronavirus and could not believe what I was hearing. Everything that was said on NPR and OPB was the opposite of what was reported by the Task Force. It was lying. And then hateful commentary.
From the Gov:
It’s as I said, Jeanine. One might as well be listening to Nancy Pelosi...or the Chinese Communist Party. And if Congress is looking for places in the budget to cut so they can more easily help shuttered businesses and Americans out of work...they might start with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.