
There’s so much breaking news on the FBI/DOJ/State Department legal mess that instead of concentrating on any one revelation, we're just going to do a “Scandal Round-Up.” And even then, we won't get to it all today.

In case there’s anyone out there with half a brain who actually believes Hillary didn’t break the law by mishandling classified materials, Judicial Watch has finally obtained a trove of emails that should set them straight. Yes, she deleted (or attempted to delete) 33,000 of them, but JW has 281 pages, many of which relate to conversations with then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair. At least 10 of them contain classified information that has been redacted to protect national security, though they once passed right through her unsecure server. According to Judicial Watch, many deal with sensitive negotiations about the Israeli-Arab conflict.

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Other topics include Huma Abedin, the Clinton Foundation, and how Bill Clinton tried to conduct Clinton Foundation and State Department business simultaneously. That might make for an interesting read.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton summed it up: “It is clear that the Clintons were using the State Department to run an extensive influence peddling scheme. Americans should be concerned that while untold resources are devoted to the abusive Mueller special counsel investigation of President Trump, the Justice Department seems uninterested in prosecuting the Clintons.”

Here are more specific details from Judicial Watch on the emails they found. One document, labeled “plan,” has to be totally redacted, yet anyone could have hacked it from Hillary’s personal server. So, no reasonable prosecutor would take that case? Wrong, James Comey; they’d be lining up.


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The emails were recovered by the FBI and “appear to be among those that Clinton had attempted to delete or had otherwise failed to disclose.” So add destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice to the list of charges.


And while so-called journalists weren’t paying attention –- distracted by shiny objects labeled “RUSSIA” –- a federal court filing last week exposed an $84 million money laundering conspiracy executed by the DNC and the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign in blatant violation of federal campaign finance law. Stunning (but not surprising) details at the link. READ MORE

The legal complaint about this was filed with the Federal Election Commission back in December. For grins, here’s what FOX News wrote about it at the time. Leave it to them to be ahead of the curve.


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Throughout Hillary’s political life, scandal has clung to her like a badly-tailored polyester pantsuit, but here’s something for our “Scandal Round-Up” that doesn’t directly involve her, though it’s the sort of thing that could have been sprung from her sneaky legal mind. It concerns fired Attorney General James Comey, who didn’t just leak the memos of his Trump meetings to “a friend,” as he has said in sworn Congressional testimony. The Columbia law professor referred to by Comey, Daniel Richman, has confirmed that he was a “special government employee,” working for the FBI for no pay, coming and going at will, with security clearance and access to the building. He was tasked by Comey with carrying out “special projects” (your guess is as good as mine) and was issued talking points for describing how the FBI was conducting its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

To complicate matters, Comey has said that Richman is now on his legal team. So what happens if Comey is prosecuted for trafficking in government property (the memos), and prosecutors want to call Richman as a witness? That’s a problem. (Well, come to think of it, Cheryl Mills was a witness in the Hillary case and also her attorney! She got immunity and didn’t have to reveal anything.) It’s also reported that Patrick Fitzgerald has been hired as a lawyer by Comey --- and that Comey may have leaked the memos to him as well. Gosh, it’s the same problem, times two. What are the odds?

Comey wrote in one of those memos that he never did sneaky things. Boy, if he could tell that whopper, I find it hard to believe anything else he says.




A new poll of likely voters by Dick Morris and McLaughlin & Associates found that they are inclined to agree with President Trump’s low opinion of Robert Mueller’s endless and endlessly expanding investigation. By a consistent, roughly 10-point margin (largely fueled by Independents), respondents agree that the probe has overstepped its designated purpose, that it’s found no real evidence of corruption by Trump, and no evidence of collusion with Russia to influence the election. On the charge that it’s gone on too long and cost too much, Americans agree by a whopping 20% margin: 52-32%.

One intriguing detail of the results caught my eye: 33% of respondents apparently believe that the investigation has uncovered evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to influence the election. I’d love to be able to ask them a follow-up question:

“What evidence is that, and would you like to share it with Robert Mueller, because he can’t seem to find it”?


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Free Andrew Brunson

April 22, 2018

I know President Trump has his plate full, what with trying to denuclearize North Korea and being sued by the DNC over the pain and suffering of having lost the election, but I hope he can devote some attention to this desperate situation.

Mueller goes fishing

April 15, 2018

It’s been reported that among the minnows hauled up in the government’s outrageous fishing expedition that seized President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen’s privileged communications with his legal clients was the revelation that the National Enquirer paid for a salacious story about an alleged Trump love child and didn't run it.