The White House press secretary (full disclosure: I know her pretty well) explained the discrepancy between claims that the FBI informed the White House of allegations of domestic abuse against former aide Rob Porter earlier than reported and the White House’s claim that they accepted his resignation just 24 hours after learning about them.

Olympic gold medalist Shaun White acquitted himself pretty well after allowing the American flag to drag behind him on the snow as he walked from the medal ceremony.

Wow, we didn’t want to see that. At the same time, it’s certainly understandable that with the thrill of the win and the need to juggle heavy gloves and more –- he didn’t win the gold for juggling, after all –- he might have accidentally let the flag slip from his grasp and drag on the snow without realizing it. Still, it would have been nice for him to remember at his moment of glory that he had just won for the USA and to take pride in holding that flag as high as he could. Some took to Twitter to ream him out six ways from Sunday for disrespecting the flag, but others sympathized. And his apology did seem genuine.

“I remember being handed the flag,” he said, “but I was trying to put on my gloves and hold the flag and get the board. Honestly, if there was anything, I definitely didn’t mean any disrespect." He added, “The flag that’s flying on my house right now is way up there.”

I’ll bet somebody went over there right away to check.

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I’d like to think that this isn’t one more example of Americans taking for granted the freedoms symbolized by the Stars & Stripes. We’ve seen way too much disrespect, and it's getting worse in some corners of our land. But in this case, it doesn’t really seem to be that. I hope Shaun --- and every one of us --- realizes that if he’d been part of the North Korean team and had disrespected his nation’s flag on the world stage like that, he would have been summarily stood up against a wall and shot. His family, too. After brutal torture. Yay, USA!


The Democrat Memo

February 12, 2018

President Trump had said he was inclined to okay the release of a response from the Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee to a memo outlining FBI abuse of FISA warrants to spy on his campaign, but after seeing it, he decided against it.
When the New York Times published its expose on “American spies” handing over a cash down payment of $100,000 for stolen NSA cyberweapons (otherwise known as “hacking tools”), along with a promise of dirt on President Trump that the spies claimed not to want, its look into the shadowy world of international espionage provided a look –- perhaps inadvertent –- into the shady and questionable nature of information given to the FBI by Christopher Steele.
At last, Nancy Pelosi has a reason to chant, “We’re Number One!” The number one place in America for “out-migration,” with the biggest negative gap between people moving in and moving out, is her congressional district, the San Francisco Bay area. One driving factor for the mass exodus is stratospheric housing costs due to all the Silicon Valley tech money.

Ah, polls. They certainly have their limitations. They can’t reliably forecast very far ahead, and they’ve been known to fail spectacularly in their predictions, especially since Donald Trump entered the political fray. But among the relatively well-respected polls, Rasumssen has some interesting results about President Trump’s popularity related to some of the events in the news.

The Rasmussen Presidential Tracking Poll from Friday shows that likely U.S. voters are split almost 50-50 on Trump’s performance in office. What you won’t hear from mainstream news is that since his State Of The Union Address last week, his job approval numbers have been running ahead of Obama’s for the same period in his presidency.

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It’s also interesting that half of Americans now believe senior law enforcement officials probably broke the law in an effort to keep Trump out of the Oval Office. That is stunning. And 34 percent believe that the FBI is more likely to have meddled in our election than the Russians are. Among Republicans, that number is 55 percent.

This is with the mainstream media steadfastly refusing to cover the Hillary/FBI morass for what it is: perhaps the most serious political scandal we’ve ever had in this country. We know that if a Republican administration had been using the same lowdown tactics to sabotage a Democratic candidate for President, there wouldn’t be a typeface big enough for the front page of the New York Times and the Washington Post. Because it stems from the Obama administration and Hillary’s campaign, we get crickets instead. But thanks to Judicial Watch and dedicated Congressional investigators, plus a small minority of stellar reporters and commentators, the facts are making an impact and voters are gradually catching on. Various investigations percolate under the radar for now, but with the Inspector General’s report on the FBI coming out soon, expect those poll numbers to grow.


After days of very serious revelations concerning the behind-the-scenes machinations going on among high-level FBI and DOJ officials –- a few of the texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page being open to interpretation, but overall, pretty doggone obvious –- it’s time for some comic relief!

We know who conspired

February 5, 2018

President Trump tweeted over the weekend that the economy is booming, wages are going up, Americans are getting bonuses and jobs are being created like crazy, but all the media want to talk about is “Russia, Russia, Russia” – and you can carp that his tweets aren’t “presidential,” but please don’t argue that he got that one wrong.
Originally I planned to open the show with a review of the President’s State of the Union address this past week, in which he recited a litany of accomplishments of the first year, such as the lowest unemployment levels ever of black and Hispanic workers, and the increase in pay, bonuses, and 401K retirement plans resulting from a rapidly rebounding economy.

There are many on the left who constantly argue that America needs to be more like the Scandinavian socialist paradises of Europe, and one of the things they most admire is government health care that allows assisted suicide and “death with dignity” for the terminally ill. They poo-poo objections that it’s a slippery slope to let the government determine who can live or die because when the budget gets tight (as it inevitably will with government health care), decisions about who lives or dies might start trending more toward who’s costing more money to keep alive than who’s really suffering.

(Of course, liberals often argue that “slippery slope” arguments are never valid, even as they fight tooth-and-nail against even the most reasonable restrictions on late-term abortion for fear they’ll lead to Roe v. Wade being overturned).

But the latest case of assisted suicide to hit the news should give pause to anyone who wants to import the Scandinavian medical morality to the US like an IKEA sofa. Friday in the Netherlands, doctors helped a 29-year-old woman commit suicide who had no physical illness at all. She did suffer from lifelong psychological problems, and she said the demons in her head made every second “torture.” She argued, "I think that after such a rotten life I am entitled to a dignified death…People who have a serious illness get a chance for a worthy ending, so why is it so difficult for people who are psychologically out?"

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Not to diminish her suffering, for which we all should feel sympathy, but the compulsion to commit suicide is by definition a psychological disorder. Should the government help everyone who suffers from it kill themselves instead of treating the disorder?

For the government to okay helping her kill herself because of psychological issues should send a chill through any reasonable observer. But if that doesn’t chill you, try this: In the Netherlands, approximately 9 percent of patients who ask to be killed because they have psychological problems already have their request granted. What made this one newsworthy is that the applicant was unusually young. But now that they’ve crossed that barrier, don’t expect it to remain unusual much longer.

American-based ethicists are pointing out the way that assisted suicide laws, enacted with the noblest of intentions, tend to start expanding the definition of what’s allowed (for instance, “progressives” in the Netherlands are also arguing for helping people over 75 kill themselves, even if they’re completely healthy). This is an issue that’s already taking root in the US: in the first year of California’s assisted suicide law, 111 people were helped to die. Want to lay odds that the number will only grow larger and the reasons looser?

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At the link are more details and responses from medical ethicists, one of whom described the latest incident in the Netherlands perfectly. He said some may call slippery slope arguments a fallacy, but this case shows that "the slope is covered in a sheet of ice."


We can be Republican or Democrat or Independent, but above all, we should simply be Americans. What binds us together is not specific policies or political candidates, but a commitment to a Constitution that limits the power of government over our lives and protects our fundamental liberties.

The State of the Union

January 31, 2018

Last night, President Trump gave his first State of the Union Address. Trump touted the greatness of the American people, listed some accomplishments of his first year (a booming economy and job growth, the GOP tax cut, deregulation, the crushing of ISIS, the end of the Obamacare mandate, etc.) and some things still to be done that he hopes can involve bipartisan cooperation.

Air BnB BS

January 31, 2018

Airing Hypocrisy: AirBnB, the website that matches up travelers with people who want to rent out rooms in their homes, is doing some expensive virtue-signaling by running a TV ad during President Trump’s State of the Union Address.

Nancy's "crumbs"

January 29, 2018

Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are continuing to do the RNC’s work for them by doubling-down on their scorn for those “pathetic” “crumbs” of raises, bonuses and benefits that workers at many companies are receiving, thanks to the GOP tax cut.
Today's Commentary: Criticizing Conservative Women -- Today's Must Read-- New California bill treats waiters serving straws more harshly than... -- Why Trump should take the interview with Mueller -- Stop the presses Trump...DIDN'T fire Mueller -- More texting and another reason why "the fix was in" -- Additional Mike Huckabee commentaries

The Cuckoo clock

January 26, 2018

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the hands of its “Doomsday Clock” forward 30 seconds, putting it at 2 minutes to midnight, the nearest to nuclear Armageddon that it’s been since its creation in 1947. There can be only one response to such an alarming development: “What a load of hooey!”
What do you know? The dog that ate the FBI’s homework coughed it up! Just days after the FBI claimed it couldn’t turn over text messages between rabidly anti-Trump paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page due to a “tech glitch” that had eaten all the records, they’ve already been recovered.
Today, President Trump will give a major speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The linked article gives some interesting background on the event (Forum membership alone costs over $52,000; event tickets can add another $19,000; and I bet that doesn’t even include your nachos and Dr. Pepper).

The use of hormone drugs

January 25, 2018

It’s always baffled me how politics can override medical common sense. For instance, giving a minor a Tylenol without parental permission can get a school nurse fired, but it’s okay to arrange an abortion for that same minor without even telling her parents.

Generation Z goes adrift

January 24, 2018

The Barna Group just released a new study of Generation Z (current teenagers) that found they are the least-Christian generation in US history. Nearly twice as many claim to be atheists as Millennials (13% to 7%), and 35% of current teens say they are either atheist, agnostic or unaffiliated with any religion. Just 59% say they are Catholic or Christian (a six-point drop from the Millennial generation), and only 4% hold what is considered a true Biblical worldview.
The Supreme Court has granted the Trump Administration’s request to bypass the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (and save the SCOTUS the trouble of overruling them again) and hear a direct appeal of a lower court judge who ruled that the government has to keep processing DACA applications, even though Trump has rescinded that program.

The Women's March

January 22, 2018

Saturday marked the second annual Women’s March, complete with profanity-laced, anti-Trump posters and anatomically-correct headgear and costumes, but aside from hating on Trump and expressing rage that Hillary lost, it’s still not exactly clear what is being protested.

As Texas Sen. John Cornyn put it, the Democrats have “shot themselves in the foot, reloaded, and shot themselves in the other foot…They shut down the government, and now they're hurting the very people that they shut down the government to help because there are no negotiations going on for a solution that we would all like to try to achieve. So this is really surreal.”

Trump obviously senses that his opponents are the ones making a loser move, so he’s dug in his heels and announced that he won’t sign any funding bill that includes a DACA deal.


Manning for Senate?

January 22, 2018

One of the most outlandish stories of last week was the news that Chelsea Manning – the transgender former Army private who spent seven years of a 35-year sentence in prison for leaking over 700,000 military documents to WikiLeaks before President Obama pardoned her – announced that she’s running for Senate in Maryland.

Obama shutdown comments

January 22, 2018

Today is the first weekday since Friday night’s government shutdown, and pundits claim this is when it will start hurting (it was also shut just last Monday for Martin Luther King Day, and I don’t recall feeling any pain, but never mind.)