
California is not only ordering police not to cooperate with federal immigration authorities under the new “sanctuary state” for illegal immigrants law, but last week, state Attorney General Xavier Becerra threatened employers with fines of up to $10,000 if they cooperate with federal authorities on reviewing employee citizenship records without a warrant. That takes the defiance of federal law beyond government actions and into coercing private citizens to defy federal authority. Between this and the “secede” movement, California’s leaders really seem to be following the blueprint that worked out so well for the Confederacy.

At the link is an excellent article by George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley, pointing out how Becerra and other California officials are practically teeing up a case for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take to the Supreme Court against them. Most interesting tidbit: just five years ago, when Arizona was trying to enforce federal immigration laws that Obama was refusing to enforce, and the Obama Administration took them to court, California filed a brief in support of Obama’s position, arguing that federal law solely dictates immigration policy, not state laws. I guess that only applies when you disagree with the state laws.

And here’s the real capper: can you guess who wrote that brief, arguing that states have no right to defy federal immigration laws? Then-state Attorney General, now-Senator and great liberal presidential hope, Kamala Harris.



January 20, 2018

Democrats are holding up funding because they want to include legalizing the children of illegal immigrants who are on the DACA program without including the border security measures President Trump is demanding.

"California Man"

January 19, 2018

The Daily Caller reports that a California man suspected of being caught on video stabbing another man in the neck seven times at a supermarket is an illegal immigrant from Mexico with multiple criminal convictions including felony drug and weapons charges, and that he has been deported back to Mexico seven times since 2007.
With his petulant tweetstorms and seemingly capricious changes of mind, President Trump makes his political foes suspect that he’s crazy. Even his political allies are kept perpetually off-balance by a leader who can seem not just mercurial but perplexingly incapable of maintaining a “presidential” approach to the most important job in the world.

Writer makes a prediction

January 19, 2018

To listen to the media, we might as well just save money by calling off the November elections and handing Congress to the Democrats, because they’ve already got it won (if they’ve forgotten how badly they misread the last election, YouTube is filling with compilations of their Election Night shock and grief that Republicans love to rewatch over and over.)
With the economy finally igniting after eight years of slow-to-no growth, Democrats are trying to give credit to Barack Obama’s policies (just as in the case of Jimmy Carter, the wonderful effects of Democrats’ policies only kick in a year or so after they are voted out of office, forever denying them the credit they deserve.)
Congratulations to HGTV stars Chip and Joanna Gaines of “Fixer Upper,” who recently announced that they’re expecting their fifth child. Of course, being Christians and celebrities, this blessed event can’t just be celebrated, it also must be criticized by a bunch of leftist busybodies with Twitter accounts.

Senate showboating

January 17, 2018

Under intense questioning by Democratic Senators Patrick Leahy and Richard Blumenthal, a frustrated Secretary of Homeland Defense Kirstjen Nielsen testified under oath that she never heard President Trump use that offensive term...

New California

January 17, 2018

A movement is gaining steam in non-coastal counties of California to break away from the ultra-liberal strip that’s dominating (some say ruining) the Golden State and form a 51st state called New California.

Jeff Flake's flaky speech

January 16, 2018

Sen. Jeff Flake is reportedly preparing a speech to the Senate that will compare President Trump’s “attacks” on the press, such as calling them an “enemy of the people,” to the actions of bloody Russian communist dictator Joseph Stalin. So I thought I’d pitch in and give him a little help with his research.

Bleep storm

January 16, 2018

Over the weekend, the media continued their “bleep-storm” of outrage over what President Trump allegedly said about some nations from which we accept a lot of immigrants not exactly being paradises on Earth.
America started out with 24 non-profit Obamacare co-op boards that were supposed to provide affordable insurance to the poor. But they’ve gradually gone bankrupt because it turned out the program cost a lot more than anyone (other than me and a lot of other Republicans) predicted. And now, there are only three still standing.
Say what you like about President Trump, but he doesn’t let anyone get too comfortable in their assumptions. For instance, just as his critics were settling into a nice liberal-bubble bath to read that ludicrous new book that confirms all their cherished fantasies about him being a dementia-stricken, moronic grandpa who can’t understand simple concepts or remember his friends’ names, he dumped a big load of freezing cognitive dissonance in their bath water.
I don’t want to waste too much time on the nonsensical TDS fantasy novel “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff (or as writer Judi McLeod dubbed him, “Wolfman Hack.”) But the media can’t stop talking about it. For instance, George Stephanopoulos kept asking our UN Ambassador Nikki Haley about that book instead of Iran, even after she said she hadn’t read it and had no intention of doing so and called it a “new low” for lying to obtain money and power.

Oprah for President

January 9, 2018

NBC, Hollywood and some liberals already have Oprah Winfrey elected President in their heads, but Oprah might already be feeling some reservations after getting a taste of what it’s like to stick your neck out in the political arena. Like the photos at this link that were already circulating before the final credits even ran at the Golden Globes.
President Trump has the knack for packing a lot of commentary into just a few words, and his use of nicknames is one preferred tactic. “Crooked Hillary” is right on the money to anyone who’s been paying attention to her exploits over the years; the word “crooked” pretty much says it all. And now, Steve Bannon has the distinct honor of being renamed “Sloppy Steve.”
If you wanted to write a book that, because of the subject matter, was guaranteed to be published and even to be a best-seller if it were salacious enough, but you were too lazy or irresponsible or agenda-driven to check facts and determine the reliability of every story, what would you do to just let yourself off the hook for that?

End times?

January 5, 2018

Tuesday was the first day back after a much-needed holiday break, the first work day of the New Year, and because the media had to take Monday off, Tuesday brought us a double dose of hair-on-fire freak-outs over President Trump.
Do “smart diplomats” ever get tired of saying stupid things? Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice did it twice this week alone. She claimed that if President Trump, who voiced strong support for Iranian pro-democracy protestors, wants to help them, he should “be quiet.”
I haven’t read Michael Wolffe’s new book on the 2016 Trump Presidential campaign (it's not officially out yet), but one look at the long excerpt printed in NEW YORK magazine tells me it’s quite an imaginative work of fiction. A number of people closely associated with the campaign and in the best position to know have already said as much, strongly denying statements they’re quoted as saying.

A little Churchill quiz

January 3, 2018

Over the holidays, I saw the new film, “Darkest Hour,” about Winston Churchill’s early days as British Prime Minister, when he was trying to warn his countrymen of the rising danger from Germany and battling liberal leaders whom he thought were too weak in the face of Hitler’s aggression.

Oh Christmas Tree

December 30, 2017

This week, I’m recounting “Simple Christmas” stories shared with me a few years ago by my radio listeners. One thing we all learned from “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is that it’s not how fancy your tree is that matters, it’s the love it represents. A radio listener of mine named Vicky from California sent me a beautiful story that illustrates that as well as Charles M. Schulz did.
A few years ago, inspired by my book “A Simple Christmas,” I asked listeners of my radio show to share their favorite family Christmas memories. Today’s story shows us that Dr. Seuss was right: Christmas is not something that comes from a store. Christmas means a whole lot more.

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas! I hope this holiday and the coming year bring happiness and good health to you and your loved ones. I also hope you’re enjoying these “Simple Christmas” stories shared a few years ago by my radio listeners.

A special Christmas story...

December 24, 2017

First, a reminder: while we work a little less this coming week, I have some very special holiday newsletters prepared for you, and I will have brand new shows on TBN, both this weekend and next! Join me tonight for our Christmas special, featuring Larry Gatlin, Irlene Mandrell, comedian Bone Hampton, the music of Streetcorner Symphony and a whole stocking full of holiday surprises!

Fantasy worlds

December 21, 2017

A recent poll found that due to the media credulously repeating the left’s hyperbolic attacks on the new tax reform bill (which even some honest liberal outlets have admitted aren’t true), only 17% of Americans believe they will pay less or get bigger refunds, even though nearly 80% actually will.

A diet of poison

December 19, 2017

Have you been so busy with last minute work before the Christmas break, holiday shopping, putting up the tree and decorating the house, and all the other end-of-year activities that you missed the latest hair-on-fire OUTRAGE by the anti-Trump left? If so, then thank God: it means you have a life.

Project Cassandra

December 18, 2017

For those wild-eyed conspiracy mongers who think that Obama holdovers are desperate to destroy President Trump because he might uncover some shocking and nefarious abuses of power that they were counting on Hillary to keep buried…well, you’re probably right.
Democrats hoped that the Robert Mueller investigation of “Russian collusion” in the election would be like a stick that they could use to whack President Trump. Instead, it’s turned into a piñata that keeps dropping surprises every time you poke at it, and most of them are not harming Trump.

Net Neutrality is history

December 15, 2017

The FCC voted along party lines to roll back “net neutrality,” the set of Internet regulations imposed under Obama that requires service providers to treat all traffic equally without slowing or blocking content, and not providing faster lanes for sites that are willing to pay more.

Trump accusers & Lisa Bloom

December 15, 2017

The Hill newspaper has uncovered documents, emails and text messages showing that lawyer Lisa Bloom (daughter of Gloria Allred) sought to arrange donor cash for women willing to make public sexual harassment allegations against Donald Trump.  The deals also included offers of paying off one woman’s mortgage, a six-figure payment for another, and an offer to sell the alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in exchange for a commission. 

Bloom acknowledged the documents were real, but claimed she wasn’t trying to pressure or entice women to make false claims, just to help them move or hire security if they felt unsafe.  Also, the commission deal is just a standard thing lawyers do to help cover office expenses.

Maybe you don’t buy that and suspect you smell a rat, perhaps a politically-motivated one chasing an ambulance.  Or maybe you started to get that feeling in the first paragraph, when I mentioned Gloria Allred.  But if you want to read all the details, they’re at the link.  One very interesting quote is saved for the second to last paragraph.