
Veterans Day

November 11, 2017

Memorial Day is reserved for those veterans who died in the line of duty, but Veterans Day is a time to show appreciation for everyone who ever wore the uniform of the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard, past and present.

As information drips out of the investigation into the cold-blooded slaughter at a small-town Texas church, we’re getting a more detailed look at the sickness and hatefulness of this shooter. It seems clearer with each drip that this was the LAST person who should have had a firearm, even under existing law.

New information from police reports shows that Devin Kelley escaped from a New Mexico mental facility in 2012 and was arrested by El Paso police while attempting to board a bus and leave the state. This was at the time when he was facing charges of domestic abuse against his wife and little stepson. According to a stunning report by an ABC affiliate, he also brought guns onto Holloman Air Force Base with the purpose of carrying out death threats he had made on his military chain of command.

Proper procedure for the Air Force was to notify the FBI of his criminal record, and apparently they failed to carry that out. Under current law, someone with Kelley’s record would NOT be allowed to purchase a gun --- in fact, this very sick person should be the poster boy for those who legally can’t buy firearms. So please, let’s leave the talk of new gun laws that would only restrict the law-abiding (like those sitting in church pews) from defending themselves, and focus instead on what needs to happen to enforce existing law.



Media Bias 101

November 5, 2017

Energy Secretary Rick Perry is currently being widely ridiculed in liberal outlets for allegedly saying that cheap fossil fuels prevent sexual assault. Boy, what an oil-loving, Texas nutjob he must be, amiright?!

The GOP Tax Plan

November 3, 2017

Yesterday, Congressional Republicans unveiled their new tax plan, the first major tax reform since the 1980s. And in response, Congressional Democrats hauled out the same greatest hits they’ve been replaying since at least the 1980s.

The GPS Fusion backstory

October 30, 2017

Friday, we finally learned who first hired Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm, which eventually led to the scummy “dossier” on Trump that’s filled with Russian-sourced claims that fail the smell test but is suspected to have been used to justify wiretapping Trump’s associates and launching the Russian collusion investigation. Along with the JFK document release, it was the biggest anti-climax since “Lost” went off the air.

It had long been rumored that the dossier originated with a Republican, likely one of Trump’s campaign rivals such as Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio. Well…no. Turns out it was the Washington Free Beacon, the right-leaning news website. The Free Beacon admitted that it uses outside research firms to dig up info on all sorts of persons of interest, including Hillary Clinton and all the GOP candidates (hey, guys: if you wanted to know anything about me, it would’ve been cheaper just to call me and ask.)

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But in a statement, the Free Beacon insisted that all the info on Trump that Fusion GPS produced for them came from public sources, and that they ended their relationship with the firm before it ever hired Christopher Steele, the British ex-spy who came up with the scurrilous Russian dossier. By that time, the funding had apparently been taken over by the DNC and a lawyer for the Clinton campaign.

So the hopes of many in the media that they could once again deflect responsibility away from Hillary and onto some Republican presidential candidate were dashed. Too bad for them. Although I am relieved to discover that I was not the one behind it. Whew!


David Harsanyi is posing the uncomfortable questions that the Hillary cheerleader media are trying desperately to avoid. Such as:

If it was “treason,” as some Democrats claimed, for Donald Trump Jr. to have a 20-minute, go-nowhere meeting with a Russian lawyer because she hinted at having damaging information on Hillary (she didn’t), then why is it not “treason” to pay a firm millions to purchase dubious dirt on Trump from Kremlin-linked sources, disseminate it to the media to tamper with the election, and lie about your involvement for a year?

And how can the Democrats be pushing the “Honest Ads Act,” a bill stuffed with fines and regulations on websites that convey “fake news,” when they were secretly behind what may be the worst “fake news” scandal in US history? It was a piece of fake news that wasn’t just aimed at tampering with a democratic election, but may have been used as justification for the government to spy on American citizens.

It just goes to prove the wisdom of the old political rule of thumb: Be very skeptical whenever a politician uses the word “Honest.”