It’s been quite a while since we talked at length about the targeting of political adversaries by the IRS. The FBI, DHS, and DOJ, sure --- happens all the time --- but we associate IRS abuse specifically with Lois Lerner and conservative Tea Party groups.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s grand jury did reconvene Monday afternoon. They heard from one witness and adjourned without issuing an indictment against President Trump.
Donald Trump was my 2nd choice for President in 2016. My first choice was ME! When I didn’t make it, I endorsed, supported, and campaigned for Donald Trump. As President, he exceeded my expectations...
I recently wrote about the nearly $83 billion (yes, with a “b”) that woke corporations showered on Black Lives Matter and other leftist groups to keep from being called racist (not that it helped them.)
You’re probably wondering how a New York grand jury could still vote to indict Donald Trump after the bombshell testimony on Monday from Michael Cohen’s former legal adviser Robert Costello.
We don’t hear much these days about the sin of hubris, since its definition (“overbearing pride, presumption or arrogance”) is now such a popular lifestyle.
I attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and I can assure you, it took a lot of work and study.
Tuesday, President Biden used his veto power for the first time, and I think history will record it as one of the worst vetoes of all time, and his justification for it as one of the most shameless lies on record.
A new theory has arisen as to why the Democrats want to arrest Trump...
I always caution that when “blockbuster” stories hit, it’s best to wait at least 72 hours to react, just to make sure they aren’t a load of applesauce.
On Friday, Matt Taibbi, one of several independent journalists tasked by Elon Musk with combing through internal communications at Twitter, dropped another file, this one dealing with censoring the truth about COVID-19 and vaccines
It appears that Barack Obama’s threatened “fundamental transformation” of America is about to be complete next week, as we will reportedly turn full-on banana republic with the unprecedented arrest of a former President and leading presidential candidate on clearly partisan charges.
A CNN crew was shooting a report about street crime in San Francisco, and even though they’d hired security to watch their cars, someone still smashed their car window and stole their property out of it in less than four seconds.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is taking a lot of heat from the GOP Establishment for saying that the war between Russia and Ukraine is a territorial dispute that’s not a vital US interest.
Donald Trump has had success in business, politics, books and TV, and now you can add “recording star” to his resume.
Next month, former President Trump is releasing a book called “Letters to Trump” that’s filled with private letters to him over the years.