
New records along the border

Supreme Court News

No time for complacency

Biden's big gamble

True The Vote leaders jailed for not revealing source

“Let the Women Speak”

A Cat 5 electoral hurricane is coming

With nothing to sell voters, Biden is flat-out lying

Fetterman follow-up

Skin-deep politics

Georgia Senate race update

Overselling “Green Energy” News Roundup

Candy prices impacted by Bidenflation

The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

Everyone’s Fed Up With Leftists, Parts I & II

Politics Archives

July 2020

Date Title
7/22/20 "Politically-Motivated Prosecution" in Missouri
7/20/20 The state of the presidential race
7/17/20 Less gas from our politicians, please
7/17/20 Anti-Trump "Lincoln Project" short on principles
7/17/20 Voting for Biden will cost you
7/17/20 Update: Nick Cannon to keep job
7/15/20 AOC’s ludicrous assertions
7/15/20 Vote by mail
7/14/20 Digging deeper on presidential pardons
7/14/20 Federal executions return under President Trump
7/13/20 Are American companies profiting from forced labor in China?
7/10/20 Ford Motor Company doesn't cave
7/10/20 Biden unveils economic plan
7/10/20 Ainsworth: On the brainwashing of white women
7/10/20 Judge refuses to drop Flynn case
7/9/20 DEFEATING the enemy we face
7/8/20 Second SCOTUS 7-2 Ruling
7/8/20 Supreme Court rules on abortion-health care fight
7/8/20 Omar calls for dismantling the American way of life
7/8/20 The U.S. to withdraw from the W.H.O
7/8/20 Understanding the enemy we face
7/7/20 The June Jobs Report
7/7/20 Biden's Radicalism
7/2/20 CHOP has been chopped
7/1/20 First Amendment still in effect
7/1/20 Americans LOVE their pickup trucks
7/1/20 BET Founder has a message for the virtue-signaling white liberals
7/1/20 Chief Justice John Roberts goes rogue

June 2020

Date Title
6/30/20 The Silent Majority fights back
6/30/20 Did the President know about Russian Bounties for US Troop Deaths?
6/29/20 Watch Democrats try to take down AG Barr
6/27/20 "A party of stark-raving lunatics"
6/25/20 Worst Democratic Quote of the Day
6/20/20 Supreme Court shock
6/20/20 Roberts sides with liberals on DACA
6/20/20 More on the Supreme Court shocker
6/20/20 Supreme Court rules on sex disrimination
6/20/20 This Week: The Supreme Court lights the Constitution on fire
6/11/20 NFL Guilt
6/11/20 Digital Biden
6/11/20 Behind Closed Doors
6/9/20 Not Even Joe Biden Agrees
6/9/20 They Hurt Themselves
6/9/20 What A Spectacle
6/3/20 Tired of it
6/2/20 Left-wing extremists come above ground
6/2/20 President Trump orders Governors to do more to stop violence or else...
6/2/20 The hypocrisy of some
6/1/20 America burns at the hands of extremist thugs

May 2020

Date Title
5/28/20 Pray for Minneapolis
5/22/20 What next? FBI offered Steele money to spy on Flynn
5/21/20 Biden does face allegations of UKRAINE
5/14/20 Disgusting coward gets rewarded
5/12/20 Leaving California
5/11/20 With "Russia Hoax" exposed, it's time to look at CrowdStrike (UPDATED)
5/8/20 Reap the whirlwind
5/5/20 Blatant assault on freedom of the press
5/4/20 President Trump holds a Townhall
5/2/20 Guilty by his own standards

April 2020

Date Title
4/29/20 Steele was connected to EVERYBODY, by way of this lawyer
4/29/20 Quick Mike Flynn update, plus a great article
4/28/20 Deny, Deny
4/27/20 A Contrarian Comment
4/24/20 "Party of Tolerance," is not so tolerant
4/24/20 Former President Barack Obama breaks tradition
4/24/20 Liberal trolls show their true colors
4/23/20 Georgia Democrat steps down from office after endorsing Trump
4/22/20 UPDATE on Paycheck Protection Program abuse
4/20/20 Just stop with the class warfare rhetoric on "CARES" Act and PPP

March 2020

Date Title
3/27/20 Going Rogue
3/26/20 Joe Biden is struggling
3/26/20 Senate passes $2 trillion stimulus bill
3/25/20 Senate reaches deal
3/25/20 "Reopening America"
3/23/20 Joe Biden recedes into the background
3/20/20 Sham "Russia" investigation sputters to a stop, a complete fiasco
3/16/20 Last night's Democrat debate
3/13/20 Democrats criticize the President no matter what
3/12/20 Hidin' Biden, Part II: The role of coronavirus
3/11/20 Democrats have to hide Biden till convention, get Bernie out
3/10/20 Democrat Race Update
3/8/20 Bloomberg tries to buy the White House and fails
3/7/20 Crime is up in New York
3/6/20 Elizabeth Warren drops out
3/5/20 Schumer goes too far
3/5/20 Super Thursday
3/5/20 Another Democrat goes too far...
3/4/20 Joe Biden's gaffes
3/4/20 Super Tuesday results
3/4/20 Super Tuesday notes
3/4/20 Bloomberg out
3/3/20 Stopping Twitter's political bias
3/3/20 Super Tuesday - Go Vote
3/3/20 Benjamin Netanyahu wins
3/2/20 Tom Steyer drops out of presidential race
3/2/20 Bernie and authoritarianism
3/2/20 Trump appoints Ratcliffe
3/2/20 Biden's big South Carolina win

February 2020

Date Title
2/27/20 NYC floods Trump's fault
2/27/20 All about Mike Bloomberg