
Politics Archives

August 2018

Date Title
8/8/18 Comment of the day
8/7/18 Shocking new poll
8/6/18 "Must Read" and "Must See" stories
8/6/18 Who, exactly, is “destroying democracy” again?
8/5/18 Headline of the Day!
8/5/18 From "The Jokes Write Themselves" Desk
8/3/18 About that Tennessee Primary
8/3/18 July Job Growth
8/3/18 Tangling with the press
8/3/18 Columbia University sociologist sets the record straight about Trump supporters
8/2/18 Hawaii Senators are a train-wreck
8/2/18 Coming Home
8/2/18 Infuriating report released
8/2/18 Two "In Case You Missed It" stories

July 2018

Date Title
7/31/18 A good time to clarify
7/31/18 Correcting the record
7/31/18 FIRST STEP legislation will help people go from prison to paycheck
7/31/18 "Medicare for all" UPDATED
7/31/18 Leaning into a bad idea
7/30/18 About that failed socialist utopia
7/27/18 Socialism leads to misery and destitution
7/26/18 DC: A city of glass houses
7/26/18 More San Francisco problems
7/25/18 Clueless in the Bronx
7/25/18 No, President Trump is not another Hitler
7/25/18 A clarification on the Manafort cases
7/25/18 Something in the water?!?
7/25/18 Wilkie confirmed
7/25/18 "Death to America"
7/25/18 The latest fake news roundup
7/25/18 The Michael Cohen tapes
7/24/18 So, what was so wrong with these FISA applications? Everything!
7/24/18 What, do top-security clearances continue for liars and leakers?
7/24/18 Andrew Cuomo shows his true colors
7/23/18 The Mark Levin Show
7/20/18 Paul Manafort and Tony Podesta: Lady Justice wears no blindfold
7/20/18 FUN WITH SOCIALISM: a song parody tribute to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
7/20/18 Four headlines from San Francisco
7/18/18 Liberal star falling apart
7/16/18 Trump and Putin meet
7/16/18 The Strzok hearing: responses to two reader comments
7/16/18 Drop everything and read this article...
7/14/18 President Trump in Europe
7/13/18 President Trump speaks his mind (UPDATED)
7/12/18 Strzok hearing becomes shocking procedural mess; answers still hidden
7/12/18 The Emmy Nominations
7/10/18 Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice
7/10/18 A more positive take on the Awan plea deal
7/10/18 Following up on that Marquette Professor story
7/9/18 The Imran Awan Story, or How to Bury A Scandal
7/9/18 "Elections have consequences"
7/7/18 A timely reminder
7/7/18 Democrat insanity is coming
7/6/18 Americans are fed up
7/6/18 My Fox Business appearance
7/6/18 Martha Cothren's Lesson
7/6/18 Hucktown
7/5/18 Remind me again why we haven't replaced the IRS with the Fair Tax
7/5/18 Time to replace the income tax with a Fair Tax
7/5/18 The Left melts down
7/5/18 Don't buy the "conventional wisdom"
7/5/18 We should celebrate the mutual values of the United States and Israel
7/4/18 My Appearance on America's Newsroom
7/3/18 The impact of low moral standards
7/3/18 More leaders who resemble trees
7/3/18 What Americans don't want
7/3/18 Some more Supreme Court decisions
7/2/18 My Fox News appearance
7/2/18 The Democrats' 2020 problem
7/2/18 Moral standards are necessary
7/2/18 Keep government limited
7/1/18 Leadership 101

June 2018

Date Title
6/29/18 Maryland tragedy
6/28/18 In his closed-door testimony, Peter Strzok is "full of it"
6/28/18 Radical protests spreading
6/28/18 June 28
6/28/18 End of the world for Democrats
6/28/18 Nancy Pelosi's delusion
6/28/18 Today's Newsletter June 28 Edition
6/27/18 Supreme Court Double Whammy
6/27/18 Election Round-up
6/27/18 Elaine Chao stands up to protestors
6/27/18 20 Questions for Peter Strzok
6/26/18 Election polls tighten
6/26/18 Supreme Court upholds Trump Travel Ban
6/25/18 Strzok to testify: what if he pulls a "Bill Clinton"?
6/25/18 Immigration Poll
6/25/18 What happened at the Red Hen was nothing like the Christian baker case
6/21/18 McCabe invokes his Fifth Amendment right
6/21/18 Being "passionate" doesn't excuse bad behavior
6/21/18 60 organizations considering lawsuits against SPLC
6/21/18 Hillary intended to break law, FBI intended to absolve her
6/20/18 Immigration tensions boil over
6/20/18 Horowitz hearing was Tuesday's REAL news story
6/20/18 US withdraws from Human Rights Council
6/19/18 A response to Laura Bush
6/19/18 Safaris to the Heartland of America
6/19/18 SPLC forced to apologize and pay fine
6/19/18 Judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit against Twitter
6/18/18 My Questions for IG Horowitz and Robert Mueller