
Politics Archives

November 2017

Date Title
11/18/17 Supreme Court picks revealed
11/18/17 Banning abortions because of a fetal diagnosis of Down syndrome
11/17/17 Al Franken Scandal Day 2
11/17/17 Senator Bob Menendez isn't headed for prison
11/17/17 No more "special" treatment for Hillary
11/17/17 Articles of impeachment filed
11/16/17 Federal judge dismisses an atheist group’s lawsuit
11/16/17 Senator Johnson says he is a "NO"
11/16/17 Clinton crimes "20 times bigger than Watergate"
11/16/17 Judicial activism in Hawaii hits brick wall
11/16/17 Sexual harassment claims reach Congress
11/15/17 Trumpism on the merits...
11/15/17 Who is mentally unstable?
11/15/17 Reconsidering the Clintons
11/14/17 "Citizen of the Year"
11/9/17 Republicans: you can't make them like you
11/9/17 Assault Weapons Ban reintroduced
11/9/17 Republicans need to wakeup
11/8/17 Dismal Failure wins in NYC
11/8/17 Evaluating Election Day Results
11/8/17 Cruz gun law filibustered by Democrats
11/8/17 Donna Brazile: she crossed the streams!
11/8/17 Bill Clinton says rural folks more gullible
11/6/17 Pray for Senator Rand Paul
11/6/17 Donna Brazile hits back at Clinton campaign
11/3/17 Hillary bought nomination. Anybody surprised?
11/3/17 Planned Parenthood sparks outrage
11/3/17 The GOP Tax Plan
11/1/17 Senate confirms "controversial" Catholic judge
11/1/17 Trump Derangement Syndrome may be curable

October 2017

Date Title
10/31/17 Menendez trial update
10/30/17 Growth sky-rockets under Trump
10/28/17 The IRS actually apologizes for something
10/27/17 In tax reform, don't lose this important tax credit
10/25/17 Jeff Flake retires
10/24/17 Your tax dollars at work...
10/23/17 Raqqa falls - ISIS city liberated
10/23/17 President Carter's candid comments
10/23/17 Black leadership group runs the numbers on Trump economy
10/21/17 The Federal Deficit for 2017
10/21/17 All Hat and No Cattle politics
10/20/17 John Kelly's emotional speech
10/20/17 Gold star families vouch for Trump
10/18/17 Travel restrictions: three strikes, not out
10/13/17 Three words causing a stir...
10/12/17 Chief of Staff Kelly: wow, he's good.
10/11/17 Laura Ingraham's fascinating new book
10/9/17 Paving the way for Trump's tax reform
10/9/17 Cutting a deal on DACA
10/8/17 Red letter day
10/4/17 House passes the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act