
February 1, 2024

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you again for subscribing to the daily Prayer Tree email! Your Morning Edition, my politics newsletter, will deliver later this morning.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.”

Matthew 19:21

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Please pray for our niece Alyssa, her husband Nathan, their 3 children, and her Mom & Dad. She has been diagnosed with malignant metastatic melanoma - she is 31 years old and the oncologist told her and her family that at the most she has 5-7 years. Her Mom and Dad lost their son Derek to severe heart problems when he was 21, so Alyssa is their only child. She will begin treatments soon, as well as continuing physical therapy to regain the use of her left arm and leg that were paralyzed when the cancer spread to her brain the week before Christmas. We as a family truly appreciate all prayers on her behalf.

"Prayers for W. To make solid decisions on moving based on God will. That God will have his will in his life and bring a life partner of his choice, into W’s life. Thank you.

Prayers for Louise has many health issues. Thank you.

Prayers for the USA, May God heal its people. "

Please pray fir the gift of s godly wife fjr my son as he pursues his falling in Christian counseling to help others. He is waiting for God’s best that csn mutual encourage each other in their walks with the Lord, biblically… so many young women have been affected by woke lies even in church.. may God have mercy. May God honor his desire in His timing.

Please pray for my Dad, Fred Lingner, need to get him back to rehab so we can get mobile again; he's been in hospital for over a week, and they are moving slowly and my Dad is so tired. He needs hope to build his strength. Please pray he can get released from hospital and go back to the acute rehab center ASAP.

"I recently asked for prayer for Cassie, who has MG. Fell on cement and hit head. C scan showed she is ok and was sent home. PTL

Please continue to pray for her healing and peace for her and her family.

Also pray for daughter J for healing from pancreatic cancer. Thank you so much."

Grandson Jack has developed ear infection in addition to the other surgery. Has tubes in ears and doesn’t hear or speak regular. Please continue to pray for healing.

Asking for continued prayers for Kayla and Stephanie. Thank you all and may God bless us all.

Please pray for Arlene. Unknown issue with her toe.

Please pray for my situation and for the guidance and help I need.

Please pray for Lisa S to be healed of bile duct cancer .Please pray for Pastor Jesse to be healed in his throat & larynx. Please pray for favor, fruitfulness, & safety for Rev Lance, KimAhn & Daniel as they minister to the people of Vietnam for one month. Please pray that missionary Ted M makes it home in time from Lebanon to see his father before he goes home to be with Jesus. Please pray for the salvation of my family. God bless you & thank you !

Thank you for prayers for Paul who was in the final days of cancer in the hospice. He died at 4 am Monday please pray for his wife and family as they grieve his death. Thanks

Thank you for praying for my friend Sara. She has recovered from all the sickness in her lungs. Her transplant team is pleased with her progress.

Actually, I posted the prayer for Paul in hospice on Monday, it was online on Tuesday but Paul had died Tuesday at 4 am not Monday. But God knew the details!

"Please pray for me. My wife of 16 years got Covid in Feb. 2021. She died twice and was revived well enough to be flown to U of Michigan Medical Center. She survived but after being hospitalized for 6 months she disappeared. She was kidnapped by her only son and taken out of State. 2 months later she filed for divorce. Only words she said to me is move on. I still love this woman to this day. I have no friends. Family lives out of state and I rarely have any contact. I am deeply depressed and am just waiting to die. Mike"

"Thank you everyone for your previous prayers for our friend Adam recovering from lung transplant surgery. Pray for the healing of all of his body and the strength to endure and overcome all of the complications he has had to face.

My prayers go out to everyone mentioned in this prayer tree as so many need prayers to help them get through their health, financial and family struggles.

Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers."

"Prayers for Lisa F, who is now in hospice, Tim D, and Brooks W. All battling pancreatic cancer. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for K, still struggling after 1.5 years after a breakup, its had a domino effect on everyday life. She has a racing mind and cant let go of things easily. She was born this way. She can’t change her brain to work another way. She feels stuck and I am fearful of how much more she can actually take. I know God can’t change someone’s will. I pray for peace for her, Gods will and someway for her to move forward. She’s a Christian, goes to church, prays, and tithes. She needs at least 1 prayer to be answered to get some peace. Join us in praying for her. Thank you."

"Prayers for W. To make solid decisions on moving based on God will. That God will have his will in his life and bring a life partner of his choice, into W’s life. Thank you.

Prayers for Louise has many health issues. Thank you.

Prayers for the USA, May God heal its people. "

"Prayers for Lisa F, who is now in hospice, Tim D, and Brooks W. All battling pancreatic cancer. Thank you!

Prayers for a family member who’s been struggling for a while. A mind can only take so much. Thank you "

Prayers for W. To make solid decisions on moving based on God will. That God will have his will in his life and bring a life partner of his choice, into W’s life. Thank you.

Prayers for Louise has many health issues. Thank you.

Prayers for our country and current border crisis.

"My name is Mick and last week my wife and I had to say goodbye to our dear and precious cat, Rusty. Rusty. ,like our Heavenly Father, showed us his unconditional love each day. As we both grieve for Rusty, we now have gotten smacked by Covid, and as seniors. its really been a tough go of it. We ask for peace over the loss of our precious Rusty and for healing for both my wife Sue and myself. Thank you. God bless you."

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HYMNAL: O How He Loves Me

Author: Johnson Oatman


1 I have a Friend, a precious Friend,
Oh, how he loves me;
He says his love will never end,
Oh, how he loves me;


Oh, how he loves me,
Oh, how he loves me;
I know not why, I only cry,
“Oh, how he loves me.”


2 Why he should come I cannot tell,
Oh, how he loves me;
In my poor broken heart to dwell,
Oh, how he loves me; [Refrain]


3 He died to save my soul from death,
Oh, how he loves me;
I’ll praise him while he gives me breath,
Oh, how he loves me; [Refrain]


4 He walks with me along life’s road,
Oh, how he loves me;
He carries every heavy load,
Oh, how he loves me; [Refrain]


5 He has a home prepared for me,
Oh, how he loves me;
With him I’ll spend eternity,
Oh, how he loves me; [Refrain]

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading the Prayer Tree and singing along!

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