
December 7, 2022

Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Craig coworker with a pinched nerve in his neck/shoulder area. And I will be a witness to him.

Im John. Please pray for my inner healing. For His continued Grace to endure the unbareable. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to the place of my trauma.. thank you ...

Please pray for my dear friend Denise who is the hospital with bacteria pneumonia and the flu. She is on a ventilator. She is a believer and strong in her faith. I know there is power in prayer. Thank you for your prayers.

Through Christ Jesus, our Heavenly Father, bless Hershel Walker. Through strength we must be "thankful in all circumstances".

Dear Mom of James and John: prayers are continuing for James

Please pray for my 94 year old grandma. she is staying with me and my mom through Christmas. Pray she stays healthy with so much sickness going around. I have to work and don't want to bring anything home to her. I am so Blessed to have her and my mother this year for Christmas. Thank you

Please pray for my friend Dave who has a tumor on his brain. He is going through radiation. Pray for Gods strength and healing. Dave is such a faithful believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.

Dear Mom of James and John: Prayers are continuing for James healing in rehab and John's continuing successfully with the medication program that he is on. Prayers are also going up for you because I understand your anxiety and worry, having experienced it myself for several years with my own two sons. I always try to remember the words of Jesus when he said "whatever you ask of the Father in My name he will give it to you." There is nothing stronger than the words of Jesus, therefore we have every hope in the world that our prayers will be answered. God bless you and your children always. (also, when I started this message, I accidentally hit "send" after the first line, so it also may appear here. Sorry.

Please pray for my dear friend Sandra who is being admitted to the hospital with heart problems. Please pray for healing for her health issues and for strength and comfort for her and her family. Also, she is still in the ER waiting for a room. Please pray that a room will soon be available for her.

I pray that I can find a church that puts God first rather than church politics.

Praying that my heart stand Man c and I hav safe travels from Indiana to Florida this Friday 12-9. Also that my husband's sciatica does not flair to as we travel. God bless you all.

Asking prayer for the salvation of an ex brother in law of mine who was divorced by my sister around 10 years ago after 35 years in an abusive marriage and had tried to rape me when I was a teenager. I have forgiven him. He is dying and has been in the hospital for the past 5 days. My hope is that he will give His life to Christ before he takes his final breath. That God will send faith based medical caregivers to tell him and his family about Jesus before he dies. Please pray!

Prayers for Nathan to be shown Gods, healing from past trauma, God knows all things about him, may God lead him to the man he wants him to be, and may Gods will be done. We ask in Jesus name amen

Prayers for God to have his will in my son Warren's life, that he will learn to be more patient, for God to slow down his mind, while waiting on God to show him the path He wants him to take. Also that God will bring him a Christian woman to be his life partner. All the glory and thanks to Him, in Jesus name. Amen

Please pray for Pastor Dan who was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer and is taking chemo and for my 3 grown sons to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

My brother George, peace from his mental illness.

"Please pray for Leslie. . . I am in dire need of fairness and financial aid, as my apartment complex gave me two weeks notice that they were raising my rent 20%! I told them that my budget was very tight and that I would work more hours ;but wouldn't receive the increase until the 16th. I have been a tenant here for 9 years and have NEVER been late with a payment. I paid my regular rent for the online amount due. Well, they charged a late fee on top of the amount that was 20% more. Now they are threatening to evict me in 3 days if I don't pay $1,630 ; after they wouldn't accept my check for the regular rent. I handed them a check and they refused to take it! I am a retired 76 year old teacher in poor health and cannot afford to move and have no other place to live. The Lord has blessed me with a job tutoring students and I enjoy it, but I am taking on more. Also, please continue praying for my son Chris for his salvation and physical healing for a massive stroke. God bless you!"

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